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...a dry martini of a Fetishy clich?, a good dollop of raw home made spirit with a dash of insouciance and a twist of lime... Symbiotic; a mutually supportive relationship... at least that's how I choose to see it. Dependence and inter-dependence, give and take. One side or the other, but are we always on one side of the line? Does it shift, or perhaps the question is, what would make you cross? This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright KLS 2009. Symbiotic By Kristina.L.S. He was waiting there, as she had known he would be. A gentle request that they should meet and discuss their... relationship. To be fair that was too grand a word for what they shared, at least thus far, but she did hope that would change. How he responded to what she said would decide that. Leaving such a thing to another's whim was not something she did easily, but this time there was no choice. Her eyes wandered up and down as she gazed appreciatively at him from a small distance before he became aware of her and adjusted. He sat at the outside table partly shielded from the soft morning sun. He was beautiful, slender, delicate almost, a feminine man in age but seemingly more the boy. And he loved her as he had repeatedly said. Even lounging as he was in the padded aluminium chair he had a grace that belied maleness and yet he was male and wanted her. But she... wanted something else. She slipped unnoticed for a moment into the chair opposite. "Hello Paul, I'm glad you're here, we need to decide if we have a possibility of making something together. I hope so, but I need to lay out what I... require. You must decide if you wish to... or can." He had straightened noticeably as soon as he was aware of her, his posture perfect and his attention focused on her, his soft brown eyes gazing adoringly but with some puzzlement as she spoke. "You know I will do anything for you Diane, I love you and wish to be with you always." His eyes lowered and he clenched his hands slightly before taking a breath and looking her in the eyes again. "I love you, though I know I am not the most manly of men. You are taller, probably stronger, older, more experienced and worldly so I am hardly a catch in one sense. " He paused and flicked his gaze from one of her dark blue eyes to the other trying to read her thoughts. The sun sparkled on her flowing honey blonde hair and he sighed at how lovely she was. She smiled at his innocence, this gentle almost girlish boy man. A small flutter of fear warred with the desire. She wanted him, but not in any way he had ever considered, of that she had little doubt. "Do you recall Paul, the day we first met here some months ago?" She paused waiting for him to nod. "Yes of course I do. I fell instantly in love and have been hoping to win you ever since." "Ah yes, such a gentle and polite pursuit. You really are a lovely person." She smiled warmly. "You asked what I was drawing on my pad and I closed it before you could see. I said I would show you when I thought you might understand it. You shrugged slightly and replied that you would love to see when I was ready to show it." "Yes that sounds about right. I did wonder if you were some sort of abstract artist and were used to people frowning, not recognising what they were seeing." She laughed delightedly and watched with a grin as he blushed and sat back brushing his long wavy brown hair behind his right ear. A movement so unconsciously girlish that her heart beat quickened and she licked her lips. "This is the drawing I did that day, I would be interested in your impression." She slid the parchment like A4 sheet across the table and watched his reaction as a hawk watches for a foraging mouse to pause. His eyes widened and he swallowed as a light blush lit his face once again. Then he straightened in his chair and shuffled in his seat obviously slightly uncomfortable all of a sudden. Her smile widened as his breathing quickened slightly and she knew what caused his mild discomfort. Sliding her chair around the table she stopped beside him and leant in so she could feel his reactions and almost taste his sweat. He could smell her soft scent and his nostrils flared as his eyes flicked to her, he swallowed and looked again at the drawing he held. "So my dear Paul, what do you see? How does it make you feel?" There was husky edge to her voice now that made him nervously shift in his seat and then he deliberately straightened so they were almost touching shoulders again. "Umm, I... ah, it's not abstract. I..." "Does it excite you Paul? Do you fear what you see? Who is she Paul?" She languidly dropped her left hand to rest softly in his lap the cause of his discomfort pulsing under the palm of her hand. Twitching in indecision and animal longing. Her right hand grasped the edge of the drawing and lifted it slightly so it was more upright in front of them. He turned and gazed deeply into her eyes and again tried to read her thoughts. All he saw was the intense blue heat of an oxy torch and he shivered and again as the small movement made the hand resting where it was much more prominent in his mind. She smiled as he gulped a few times and slowly turned back to look. "She is, I guess a captive perhaps some conquest, but... I don't know. She is not afraid, looks almost proud and maybe even aroused." "Hmmm, yes, what else? Describe her to me." "Umm, height I would guess average for a girl, maybe a pinch above. Long dark hair pulled into a single plait and tied with a ribbon. Hoop earrings... and um, full but not big, ah and other smaller hoops in her... um..." "Yes Paul, her nipples. And what else?" "Ah, she has other rings down... and a sort of pin or rod running down and pressing..." "Yes, she has what might be a chastity device fitted to her pubis." His gaze flicked to her and back again as she felt him twitch, doubting he could be more aroused. "Keep going Paul." "There is a small disk dangling at the bottom of the... ah, pin. She is cuffed hands above her head a chain going off above. Her ankles are likewise chained to rings in the floor. Her, black probably, ankle boots have spike heels, maybe three inches, black stockings and suspender straps from a, black again I would guess, corset tightly trimming her waist. This pushes up her breasts and makes the rings there more prominent. " She pulled the drawing toward them as a waitress approached and coffees were ordered. With a brief glance at where Diane's hand sat the waitress smiled and winked as Paul blushed once more. Nothing was said until the coffees arrived and they sipped, Diane's hand idly brushing back and forth, to keep the edge on. "So Paul what else? How does she look? How does she make you feel?" "She has a lovely figure, helped of course by the corset. She seems proud almost happy to be chained as someone looks at her. I... well you can tell I am aroused, she's beautiful and enticing and captive to whoever is there." "Yes she is, you have not described her face." "She's um... pretty. A slightly long but delicate featured face. Full lips and open expressive eyes with a hint of longing in them. She is ready and willing for... I don't know. Full brows slightly shaped, a little makeup I guess but that's not obvious with the pencil shading." "Does she remind you of anyone?" "N... no, I don't think so. But, maybe, just..." He frowned and blushed once more as her hand pressed gently. "Look at her Paul." She leant in close and whispered in his right ear. " You my dear Paul are everything I seek." She licked his ear lobe and felt him shiver as he twitched under her palm. "I need a certain type of lover. You are that type, but you need to listen and then decide if you can be what I need and I think what you need too. " Her right hand rested on his right knee and her head leant on his shoulder as she whispered on. "You my dear are a classic submissive. I am a dominant, together we make a whole that lacks one without the other, neither complete. Yet I have no desire at all for a man. I like them as friends or associates but never as a lover. So... I ask again do you recognise the girl in the drawing?" "I... no, I don't." He gulped again and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. She smiled though he couldn't see it he could hear it her voice. " Yes you do, don't you? I saw you sitting there and I drew what I felt. The last few months I have been trying to get to know you and decide if what I saw then was real and how to approach you. This is I am sure something you have no knowledge of. But that is what I saw in you, a glimpse of a future that might be." "What. But that's... I'm a man, I..." He fell silent again as her hand pressed gently and he straightened involuntarily. "You are a beautiful feminine man and that is what makes this possible. We can be together, lovers, partners a tighter bond than most marriages. Mistress and slave, not an abuse but a mutual bond based on trust and love." His whole body twitched as she had spoken. "I know a lady, a friend that runs a beauty spa. I have an appointment for you. I will be with you I assure you, there's no way I would not be. You would enter the cubicle and strip. She will wash and then slightly trim your hair, tying it back in the single plait with a black silk ribbon." She nibbled his ear lobe and felt the shiver and another twitch. "Then a full body wax everything below the neck, followed by some lovely creams and lotions to smooth and soften. Then a complete facial, your brows shaped slightly and ears pierced, silver hoops. While you sit back with the cleansing mask on she will strap your arms down and then your legs into the stirrups and work on your little boy. A few uncomfortable minutes as she presses to split the muscle fibres below your scrotum, opening an internal passage into the pelvic cavity without cutting. Then your little balls will be pushed up into this opening, I believe this is a little painful but only momentarily. Then she will pull your little peeny inside itself and push it into your belly holding it there with some medical adhesive. The next few minutes will be strange as she tugs and shapes your loose skin into the semblance of a girls vulva again using the glue. Now... a small steel catheter will be pushed into your now hidden little boys head, leaving a small nub protruding. A template will be pressed over this guide point and the points for piercing marked." She paused to judge his reactions at this point. Breathing was rapid and his heart was racing, she could feel it through his neck and her left hand was moving as he twitched and shifted. The heat rose from him as he panted. "Then eight small polished steel rings, top and bottom and two, two and two. She will pull them together in pairs and slide the curved pin through, bottom two pair first, pressing the small opening for the catheter nub and then through the top pair. This is a tight fit to keep everything close and enhance the look. Finally the single top point will be fixed with a small smooth polished lock nut and the same at the base with the small silver disk dangling. On that disk is two initials, a capital D for Diane a diagonal slash and a smaller below the slash capital P for Paula." She squeezed her hand slightly at this and felt his whole body stiffen and a gasped indrawn breath. "Yes, that's right and you can picture the image as I drew it. I don't need or want a man and you will not be, nor will it be an issue for long. Next as you recover from this she will finish cleansing your face and make you up. A light feminine look lips a little plumped to enhance your pout." She kissed his neck and throat and felt the pulse under the skin, smelt the light earthy musk rising from him. "A manicure with small extensions and a pedicure with a soft red polish on all your neatly shaped nails. Your hands will be lovely, much more feminine. Toes, so cute." She chuckled as he shivered visibly and twitched some more beneath her hand. "Now, at this point you will be released from the bonds and sheer black stockings rolled up your legs and the stiletto heeled ankle boots laced onto your feet. I will help you stand as she slips the black silk corset around your torso and settles it at your hips, fastens the front busk and while I hold you upright your arms outstretched she will tighten the laces. Once done she will slide her hand into the cups pulling up the bunched flesh and slipping some enhancers into the base of each to further the illusion of breasts." She again nibbled his throat and ear and felt him twitch and shiver, he had not said a word for minutes as she spoke, the only sounds he made were small gasps and gulped breaths. "Then my dear Paula while I keep hold of your hands she will fasten slender cuffs to your wrists and ankles, again a lightly polished steel. Fine; more like jewellery than potential restraints, but certainly strong enough. Lastly I will place a similar collar around your lovely slender neck. I will lean in and kiss you softly on your glistening lips as I hold your gentle slim hands with the shaped and painted tips our fingers clasping in shared passion. " She lifted her hand and turned his head to her and kissed him softly, paused as he shuddered and grunted and she thought was going to come as the pulsing increased beneath her hand, but his breath slowed after a moment and he relaxed slightly, his eyes closed. Her hand lowered again to its resting place in his lap. "Still with me lover?" She felt him nod ever so slightly. "Right... at this point I will push your hands together behind your back and the cuffs will lock together. I'll clip a plaited leather leash to your collar and lead you gently to the full-length mirror to view the new you for the first time. I expect you will be somewhat mixed emotionally with what you see." " I... said... anything. " His voice was strained and tense. "I mean what I say, I always do... I love you." He had surprised her with this gentle outburst and it seemed he was going to say more but he stopped and stilled himself with an obvious effort. "Ah, my lovely girl, I'm impressed. I knew you had strength, I love that you show it to me, here and now." She pressed her forehead against his... no enough of that... her cheek and took a deep breath of his fear and arousal. "Oh my Paula what a pairing we will make. So there you are looking at yourself for the first time; the pupae of that drawing, the inspiration, the bud of the flower within. Once you have stopped shaking and the realisation of just how sensual a female you make takes hold, well there is another small detail. So I lead you back to the bench and get you to lean forward while she steps close and brushes across your hips with an alcohol wipe. A small cut on the left, some pressure as something is pressed in and then a spray to hold it closed. This is the anti androgen implant, to stop your body absorbing male hormones. The action is repeated on the right this time a mixed progesterone and oestrogen implant to begin the feminisation of your body. Lastly an injection of primogyn to kick start the process." She paused to gather her thoughts as the whole situation was driving her up the wall with desire. She nuzzled 'her' neck and pressed her hand against the twitching animal under the cotton trousers. "Oooh, you have no idea how hot this is making me my beauty. You see here we are on the cusp of a new life together and you... fighting with yourself at the base attraction for the image you give. The fear of who she is and what being her costs you and the pure almost beyond yourself desire to give all that you are and will ever be to me... your Mistress. To submit body and soul to my desire and know that binds me as much as you. Trust is the key, to know I will take and push and demand but never too far. Never what you really cannot give and that is my burden, one I take willingly." She paused once more, moving her left arm to hug 'her' gently as she kissed the silken cheek. Her right hand moved from knee to groin and pressed the advantage. "So my sweet devoted slave." She felt the twitch at that word. "Yes I know... this is all new to you, but it is who you are, I assure you and I think in part you know that already. To give yourself... to kneel at my feet and pleasure me with your sweet and willing mouth. To take my masculine add on, to lick and suck and show your Mistress how feminine you are, how accepting of that most girl to boy action, leaving a lipstick ring low down. Finally to be taken, penetrated and revel in the explosive feelings of complete submission. You know, it will be weeks and your nipples will be super sensitive then become more normal in the womanly sense. A sort of puberty I suppose. Over months your body will soften and with constant corseting and effort you will be perfect. I expect no less, hair and makeup, immaculate. The tension between your remaining masculinity will fade both emotionally and physically. You will wear a corset at all times, heels and skirts or dresses. I will decide what and when but once that is established you may choose." She licked 'her' cheek and felt again that now familiar shiver, something she knew she would never tire of. "Oh my beauty, you test my will, but no not yet, the reality is not yet, you need to hear and then bow to it with pride and joy in the giving. And my heart will swell with lust and love and power and pride that you are mine. I will slip a close fitting silken halter dress on your new shape and lead you out and home, to our home from that moment on. It will take time and effort but you will be mine and willingly... lovingly. You will dress as I desire, from the black satin maids uniform to serve my guests at dinner, the silken fluid shift that reveals as much as it covers as we walk into a club and arouse the envy and passion of all who see, who and what we are to each other and later, whatever else I and then you desire. Over time, yes you will have those small yet firm breasts and I will take you back to have the rings you have seen placed there. And we will love them won't we. " Ah almost there she thought, a few more little details. She gently chewed 'her' ear lobe once more. She enjoyed the closeness and the resultant shiver. "One further thing my lovely. That drawing where is it that she stands do you suppose? I know you have no idea but I'll tell you. It's a stage, a half circle in a club I attend now and then. You are there, centre of attention of perhaps fifty... perhaps more. Plus the focus of your desire and pride is that I am circling just there, not quite in view, tapping a riding crop against my thigh as I work the moment before striking." She smiled a dreamy ever so slightly lustful smile. "Your pride is that I am there and have chosen to show you like this. And so I strike and you squeal slightly and smile and straighten and await... and it is not long before another and many. You gasp and squirm but of course cannot escape and truthfully you do not want to. Yes there are tears but there are soft moans of pleasure too and finally with a quick flurry you come, there for me, in front of the crowd and you are proud and rightfully so." She paused for a moment to still herself, her desire evident in her eyes and voice. "I will hug you close and kiss your tears as I move to release your bonds, a stage hand could, but I choose to and will always do so for you. Then I will lead you to a room upstairs and you will love me and then I you, until we lie together at peace and together almost as one. We will talk of what this is and where it might go your fears and perhaps mine. Would I share you? Ah no my precious, though perhaps in some minor way with a few close friends. No we have a bond and that is a precious thing. All this is in the future, perhaps a year from now, perhaps a little less." She shrugged at that and stroked his... 'her' cheek, her right giving a small squeeze. "So my sweet love, we come to it. Can you feel this? Does it cry to you with truth beyond the surface confusion? Take a moment and give me your thoughts." With that she sat back and looked calm and composed as she sipped her still slightly warm coffee. But her stomach churned and her heart beat a rapid tattoo. Was she right? Had she truly divined the future for Paula and herself? With an effort she gazed languidly almost indifferently at 'her' profile as 'she' sat beside her. There was a small almost imperceptible movement as Paula straightened in her chair and turned to gaze deeply into Diane's eyes. Staring deeply and shifting from left to right and back as though to see what she chose to keep hidden. With a small almost cheeky smile she spoke. "Diane, I love you."

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The rain continued to poor down in an endless veil over the window pane. It was hard to pay attention to anything on her desk while the wonderful melody of raindrops continued outside. Slowly she took her eyes away from the window, only to see her boss walking towards her. She took a deep breath and waited for the onslaught of cruelty to begin. "Why are you still here?" demanded her employer of more than two years. Keeping the urge to cringe away from him hiden, Jena replied, "I was waiting for...

4 years ago
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Three guys by the pool

Three guys by the pool We had been at that nice Cuban resort for three days, enjoying nice weather, sunny afternoons, nice beaches, rum shots and the other usual tourist things for most of the vacation. Victor and I did really need that vacation, after had been all year long focused in our jobs. Our sexual tension was pretty enough; we had not fucked during the last week; not even had exchanged a single love kiss. Now we were relaxing good, but still we both were not in the mood for a good...

2 years ago
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Turning PointsChapter 15

Kerri wasn't sure whether prostitutes were supposed to be on time or fashionably late. She glanced at the clock in the lobby: 7:05 pm. Resignedly, she walked across the lobby and entered the elevator. As the doors closed, she checked the slip of paper in her purse again and pushed the correct floor. She rode in silence, there being no enthusiasm in either her posture or expression. She wore a simple floral print dress which showed lots of leg without being tasteless. Exiting, she forced one...

2 years ago
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332 AM

My hand is on your belly – feeling the slight move of it with the rhythms of your breathing — the gentle sounds of the steady inhale and exhale of a woman at peace is so relaxing to my ear. The sun has not even awaken, but my eyes are open and peering in the darkness. I raise my head a little to see the red digital light of the clock on your side of the bed – and it says 3:32am – it is still so early — I move my hands to your hip that holds the sheet as a canopy over your body and mine. I fell...

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A BJ for the ages

I was truly helpless. My hands bound behind my back, my ankles tied to the legs of the chair. I could do nothing but watch her as she did her magic. She started slow. She wrapped one hand around the base of my cock and gently feather touched her tongue on the head. She made an appreciative noise when her efforts were rewarded with a drop of pre-cum. She kept her left hand tight around the bottom but was soon running her right hand up and down on my shaft. Slowly she stroked being careful to not...

1 year ago
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Mummy Ke Saath Yaadgaar Orgy 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, mera naam Raghav hai aur mein agra, U.P. Ka rehne vaala ek 23 saal ka ladka hu. Mere parivaar mein sirf mein aur meri maa hain. Pitaji ka kuch saalon pehle nidhan ho chuka hai. Meri mummy ka naam savita hai or vo ek 45 saal ki mahila hain. Naam ke anusaar hi mummy bilkul savita bhabhi ki tarah hi hai. U.P ki auraton ki tarah meri mummy ka shareer bhi gatheela or bohot hi sexy hai.Vo ek lecturer hain.Unka figure 36-32-40 hai. Kam height, bade bade papeete jaise boobs jo iss umar...

3 years ago
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Mom fucks pregnat daughter

Introduction: THIS IS NOT MY STORY THIS IS MAFIA BITCHS STORY HERE ON XNXX A wave of dizziness, and nausea overcame the young girl, and she had made it to the bathroom just in time. Tears fell from her eyes, down her cheeks, and dropped onto the toilet seat and threw up once more. Her pale hand reached over, and flushed the toilet. She closed the lid, and collapsed on the cool tiled floor. Tears streamed freely and carelessly down her pretty face. Not a sound was made. Not a sound. Are you ok...

2 years ago
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Kishen8217s lifechanging discovery 8211 Part 52

Hello, my dear readers of ISS. This is the immediate continuation of the previous part. “It doesn’t seem to go as expected. But he is a lovely young man. After I’ve satisfied Manoj, let me give him my all in the way he is most comfortable,” Deepti thought. A good half hour entailed spanking, intense flogging, insults, spitting, kicking, pinching, and slapping. Deepti dragged the doggo by the leash while pulling Kishen by his dick. She brought them to the bedroom where Kishen’s shorts lay in...

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Johns Dream Girl chapters 16 through 20

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Author's Note: This novel deals with extremely taboo situations and events in a very graphic, no-holds-barred manner. It covers a myriad of...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Kira Perez Latina Honey Kira Perez Gets Picked Up By Jules In Miami

One good way to make your vacation a success is to bump into stellar Kira Perez on Miami Beach! The sexy girl with the sweeping hind-quarters is walking down the bunny trail to wash off her sandy tootsies. Jules notices her lanyard has his logo, so he asks what’s up with the free advert. Kira reveals she obtained it at AVN and she knows all about Jules Jordan Video. Perez has a lively personality to match her buttery frame. She shows off her amazing flexibility by raising a single leg and...

1 year ago
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Roadside EncounterChapter 4

Jessica Yeomans was tall, slim, elegant and greying. I found out later that she was in her early seventies, having married late. Alison, her daughter, was an unexpected, though welcome, gift after she married David Yeomans, who was about ten years older. When they arrived at Jenni’s house they were welcomed with warm hugs before being introduced to Clara and myself. Davey was asleep for his afternoon nap. “So ... Rob. How are you liking Eirene?” “A lovely boat and perfect for my current...

2 years ago
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Ski Trip

I waited until Hannah was fast asleep, and slipped out from underneath the duvet. My heart was racing and my stomach was in knots. I went into the bathroom and turned on the light, hoping the brightness wouldn’t escape underneath the door and wake her up. I slipped out of my comfy panda pyjamas, and pulled on the sexiest underwear I’d brought with me. Considering I was on a school skiing trip in Italy, the choice wasn’t vast. I managed to find lacy French knickers and matching black bra. I took...

2 years ago
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Wife on the phone Secretary on the bone

It was barely a month ago that I discovered my husband was having an affair again. I appreciate to many women that revelation would be heart-breaking, but to me, hailing from France as I do, it wasn’t a huge deal anymore. As a young and impressionable teenager I once witnessed my own father making love to our maid one summer’s afternoon in his study (while my mother tended to the roses in their garden outside), so I tend to take these things in my stride.As it happens, it’s almost accepted in...

3 years ago
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(These poems have all been posted elsewhere on the internet, years ago, but I decided to string some together to partly tell a story.) I had dated Jackie David perhaps a half-dozen times before we went dancing. I had found her more and more attractive each time, but had gone slow with her in the hope of building something solid in the way of a relationship - since she seemed to have more substance than any woman I had dated for some time. But the night that we danced I...

1 year ago
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DreamweaverChapter 75 Good News

A quick call to information located a Hilton Hotel just off the airport property. It was a damn good thing that my little trip through dreamspace to heal myself had come with dry cleaning or I probably would have been spending the night somewhere decidedly less comfortable; just one more item on my 'WTF' list of things to worry about later. Looking back I probably should have called first. After all, it was late and I didn't have a reservation. Naturally, the only room they had available...

2 years ago
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A trip to remember

This story is about a trip I took with a good friend of mine, Barbra, who was moving to a small town in Iowa where most of her family still lived. Barbra moved to New York with her husband when she was just 24 ,we became neighbors and eventually good friends. She was quite the young lady,attractive, hard working and would do anything you wanted. I guess that is why I am now helping her move.Her and I saw eye to eye on everything and had a lot of the same Ideas, she was also just as tall...

3 years ago
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Sushils Wife Shares Him

Author’s note: There are other stories with the main characters of this story and precede this one chronologically and give some additional background. The titles all begin with “Sushil’s Wife”. Nisha very much appreciated her husband’s support as she had explored her sexuality, even taking it to the commercial level. She had been looking for a way to balance the books when she was contacted by her sister Mohana. Three years younger, she was still in India with a husband who worked way too...

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Vigilante Brock McLoud3Chapter 3

Two questions remained to be resolved: What could they do with the freed slaves and what could they do with the 47 soldiers who might be convertible? There were not enough hotel rooms in Dothan to accommodate all of the ex-slaves, so they would have to stay at Camp Rucker (the original name was restored) and live in the barracks until they could be sorted out. This should be good for a week or so, if not longer. On the other hand, the soldiers had to be dealt with immediately. As the most...

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Like mother Like Daughter Part 1 2

My family was rich, I had lots of money and didn’t need to work. The stocks my parents owned paid so much dividends to us, we lived off the dividends. My dad owned a successful business, my mom was just a housewife. Jess and I already owned our own home, I drove a nice car. Life was good. Jess had the hottest petite body, her tits were not huge but nice. She had a tight ass and pussy. We did yoga together sometimes and she would wear tight yoga pants. I had a nice body, thin and toned with a...

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The Joy of Life

On your 18th birthday, you wake up and begin to get ready for school. You decide to wear a dark long sleeve button-up shirt with white stripes and blue jeans. Once you finish, you instantly turn on your cell phone. An email notification appears with an unfamiliar email address. You read the email. It articulates, "Enjoy your 18th birthday cousin!" The email comes with an attach app. You download the app and read its description. The app is a private journal that lets you records of women that...

3 years ago
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Adventurers Unity Academy

"Gods' Blessing! The president was HOT, wasn't she??", a young halfling shouts at you uncomfortably loud. As it seems, the brunette, slender halfling with curly hair was assigned your room mate. Before even telling you his name he is rambling about the president who had just greeted you in front of the academy in the course of a welcoming ceremony. Truth be told, he isn't wrong. The president, a Dark elf called Professor Sylynore, has impressive looks: long dazzling white hair, smooth pitch...

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The Seduction

I'm a twenty-six year old free lance writer and have been doing extremely well in my profession, so I decided to buy a house. I found the perfect house for me,built in swimming pool, almost a full acre of ground surrounded by trees and hedges, giving me a back yard that had total privacy. I was living in a furnished apartment, naturally purchased all new furniture, and was waiting for the delivery trucks, when I first saw her. My initial reaction was, holy fuck, look at this fucking cunt, she...

First Time
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An Amazing Vacation 2

Alan Bryant woke up the next morning alone. Had the previous day been all just a wonderful dream? Did he actually enjoy the best sex of his life with a gorgeous, young blond woman half his age? Although it felt like a dream, the evidence of strewn bedding and clothing suggested that it was no dream. It was definitely real. He shouldn’t have expected to see Casey by him when he woke up. Surely, the young woman had come to her senses and realized that she could do much better than a forty...

2 years ago
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Hollys StoryChapter 3

I just wasn't feeling the shops we were going in, the outfits on the racks were all too young for me, they'd be fine if I was still thirteen, but not now I'm a sixteen year old. I sensed daddy was getting frustrated too, but what could I do, the clothes were just not right, then daddy really surprised me by suggesting we go to a shop called 'Young Elegance', which I'd seen before, but because they don't put prices on the clothes, I'd never set foot in the door; plus the assistants...

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Revenge of the NerdChapter 15

Monday we studied together. He made sure we actually studied. I don't think he did any studying before he came because he brought such a big stack of books in his book bag that it looked like he was carrying them to build up his muscles rather than to prepare for his courses. "Why all the books? That's gotta be at least twice as many books as I have for all my courses." "I'm taking a heavy load." "How heavy?" "I'd say about fifty pounds." I rolled my eyes. I was waiting for...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Lana Smalls My Stepbrother Still Has Wet Dreams

Lana Smalls sneaks up on her stepbrother Juan Loco to see what he’s doing on his phone. Once he gets over being startled, Juan tells Lana he’s not going to help her fulfill her stepfamily sex fantasies. She crawls into his lap and tries to seduce him. It almost works, but at the last minute Juan pushes Lana away and tells her that they both know how this is going to end. Later, Lana sees Juan doing laundry and asks him why. After a bit of coaxing, Juan confesses that he keeps waking...

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Jakes Story Chapter 1

Our marriage had been deteriorating for some time. I had been obsessed with my career and I had gained some weight and not kept up with myself either. At 40, Jill was far sexier than she was at 25 when I married her – of course, the money I made paid for her clothes and personal trainer, but she had still taken it upon herself to maintain her appearance and I had not. Everything changed the day she left for a run and left her lap top open. I had long suspected she was cheating on me. I would...

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My Second Time

My Second TimeLike my 1st time I was cruising craigslist. I came across an ad for a black guy looking for a bj after the gym. It was a couple hours after it was posted so I thought I might have missed it but took a chance anyways. Sent the email with the stats and pic, letting him know I was currently in chastity and hoped it wasn't a problem. I got a reply back. He wasn't available for today but tomorrow he had time and he didn't mind me being in chastity as he just wanted to be sucked off. He...

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We’d all had a long but enjoyable day on the beach. It would be difficult not to take pleasure in the amenities that the isolated hotel offered. It was based on the southern tip of the Island and, for its heavy price, ensured privacy, great food and five star services. “We” was my wife and I and my step-sister-in-law. We are all in our fifties and, thankfully, the Gods had been kind to us and kept our figures reasonably trim and our minds alert.Shy, my wife, was trim and boasted a well shaped...

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A Rare Weekend

CHAPTER 1. HIS STORY     I was putting the breakfast dishes away when she walked into the kitchen. I still thank God for her every time I see her, even though we have been married for two years now. I am a realist enough to know that the honeymoon feeling should have ended after six months and I am amazed at each day that passes without that first major fight. Don’t get me wrong, there are times I wonder why a sane man would move into a house with a woman and her two daughters, the estrogen...

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Ms Jean My FrenchTutor Chapter 2

Ms. Jean grabbed her dildo and sat in a chair with her legs spread as Mr. Rick laid me on the bed. I looked to my left watching Ms. Jean as she worked her flesh colored toy into her smooth shaved pussy. Mr. Rick’s mouth was kissing down my belly to my wet hairy mound making my pussy quiver. I was still in a bit of disbelief that a 50 year old man was licking my 16 year old pussy while his wife watched on as she masturbated. I whimpered as Mr. Rick’s tongue circled my swollen clitoris. I felt...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Experience

Hi readers, Im Ahmed from Chennai and like everyone else I have amazing experience to share with. I’m 5’8 28 years slim, fit and should and can call myself good looking too. I have this ability to make friends easy yet choosy to get close. I used to work for MNC before and eventually I have a lot friends at work. Do mail me your comments or contact me on Earlier last year we had a inter department cultural and it was happening the first time since I joined this company. I was not that...

4 years ago
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My Best Friends Wife

I looked good as he came to open the door of the cab for me, I knew I did and I also knew that he thought so too."Hello, darling," I said as he smiled down at me and held out his hand."Hi, gorgeous" he said, and just the briefest of glances between my legs when I got out, betrayed the relationship between us."You look stunning.""Thank you, darling."I took his arm and together we walked into the interior of the hotel, where he'd booked a table in the restaurant as well as reserving a room for...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 26

Having forsaken his morning run for more than a week, a little after four thirty, Jeff started at an easy pace down the driveway. He had never run on a mountain prior to moving to Colorado. He had assumed, that generally, the run down the mountain would be easy, then the trip up would be much harder. Going back up was harder of course, but going down had surprised him. Holding back on the steep slopes of the driveway had challenged new muscles. One morning, shortly after the move, he had...

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Matts Crazy Corner of the WorldChapter 13 Moving Day

Monday June 10 Matt woke Lydia early in the morning. He made love to her and showered with her. After a lingering, parting kiss, Vickie drove her home. Matt hoped the orders he had given Lydia helped to reduce her anxiety due to a lack of sex until she was able to come back over. He didn’t know much about the sex life of young teenage girls, but she seemed driven by her hormones, just like teenage boys. Her mother had allowed her to visit, even during her last week of classes this school...

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