Fred's Psyche Transference Device free porn video

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Hi, my name is Fred Stone. But most people call me Dr. Stone or even Melinda Johnson, well they used to, this is a story about the beginning of the device, and also how I became the 'creator' of said device. I am the creator of the Psyche Transference Device. The name is exactly as it sounds. It can transfer the psyche either in part or whole. Currently the device is used by many as a recreational tool and also as a means to save lives by doctors. For example, someone with an incurable cancer having their life saved simply by transfering their entire psyche into a perfectly healthy but brain dead body. And as for a lesser example, someone who is afraid of taking risks and someone who loves taking risks. The person who is afraid has been invited to go on a skydiving vacation, they can simply trade preferences in regards to risk taking. Usually those transfers are temporary and the person that becomes afraid is an employee of mine. It comes with the job you know. Other people sell appealing parts of their personality. It's really a good way of doing business, you see two people agree on a transfer and any money transactions between the two of them, and then set up an appointment at one of our locations. Each complete transfer costs $10,000. Partial transfers are $3,000. You can also switch experiences, memories, knowledge and even IQ between people. I've had some lady that was dumb as a rock switch IQs with a harvard graduate. The graduate made 1 million dollars for the switch. The former bimbo's rich husband paid for the switch. There's another time, when a transexual that was just starting hormone therapy did a complete switch with a genetic female. The former woman is now struggling in the alien body, keeping up the hormone therapy of the previous owner, but she did make a hefty 3 million. She told me deep down she regrets it, she did not realize money cannot buy happiness and replace the happiness being in the right body brings. She is suffering the very same way that transexuals do, technically she is a transexual. She can't just switch gender identities with a woman who wants to be a man, because her new body is so far along the hormone therapy, it would still cause frustration. For recreational temporary transfer, the government helps. Due to recent upgrades in our system, the government can regulate the transfer. Before a transfer is allowed to take place between two people, they must first get a chip installed deep into their brains. This chip allows the government to determine who's psyche is inside the brain and allows the device to do it's magic. So, say the chip is registered under Madeline Richards and she does a complete switch with Thomas Andrews. The chips in each brain will keep track of the switch. It also keeps track of the date the switch occured. So say prior to the switch Thomas Andrews commits a murder and then the switch occurs and Madeline gets arrested for the murder. They can determine that Madeline was swithed into the body after the crime had been commited, thus cannot be falsely accused. This is the technology I made very shortly after I finished my first complete transfer. Soon you will know why. We have many offices in North America. I am trying to get more offices setup globally, but so far the governments in other countries have prevent this, saying it open for abuse. I think the advantages in its use outweight the potential disadvantages, but maybe I have a biased point of view due to the fact that it would make me so much more money. Let me tell you of how it all began. It was inside a small lab, barely any room at all, it was fairly dirty. I had spent the last 5 years inventing this device, having started when I was 20. I had pitched the idea to my dad's friend Rupert McDonald. He had a large income. When I told him of the possibilities, he jumped on board. I had to promise him one thing. You see, he was old fashioned and extremely religious and conservative. When he found out his 18 year old son was gay, he was devastated. I had to promise him I would switch his son's sexual orientation with that of a straight man. I agreed to this requirement, because it would help my experiments along, and also I needed the funding. It was only two years later that I completed my first prototype, it wasn't capable of switching the mind so completely that people would switch bodies at this point, but it could do partial transfers no problem. My first experiment would include his son and a volunteer. I quickly put out an ad in the paper. 'Looking for a straight male for a scientific experiment, will pay $5,000' It was two weeks later that I had both the device ready and both my test subjects. The volunteer and Christopher McDonald. Both subjects had signed an agreement, releasing me of any responsibility. In other words, they cannot sue. This was way before the time of any sort of chip being involved. I don't think anyone would have even believed them at this point. Oh how I wish people would have believed at this point. "Hey doc, how long will this experiment take? I have a date tonight," asked Anthony, the volunteer. He was a buff 23 year old man. I held back a laugh. 'If my experiment is a success, you won't care about your date tonight,' I thought. "It shouldn't take more than fifteen minutes," I told him. I felt a little guilty, not telling either of the subjects the exact nature of the experiment. Chris had a loving boyfriend, and from the sound of it Anthony had a date tonight. But I could not let that stop me, due to Chris' father providing me with basicly all my funding, with no strings attached, other than make his gay son, straight. "OK, would you please both step into the your respective pod," I instructed them both. They both stepped into their pod, barely big enough for them. I think input what parts of the brain I wanted switched. The machine powered up after I completed the instructions and began the process. After fifteen minutes, the machine turned off. The two subjects stepped out of their respective pods. It wasn't until 2 days later that I saw Anthony again. He burst into my lab in a fit of rage. "Doc, what did you do to me?!" he screamed at me. "Well, I did advise the device was the Psyche Transference Device," I responded. "But man, Mary dumped me! During our date, I couldn't keep interested in her, I didn't know what was going on. Then we were watching a movie and snuggling, and I got a hard-on for Brad Pitt! She thought it was due to being so close to her, so we had sex right then and there... except we didn't, I immediately went limp the moment we started! Then I thought outloud to myself that I wished Brad Pitt was there, and she flipped out on me, accusing me of 'lying to myself and her about being straight.' She thinks I am gay!" Anthony yelled at me. "Well, Anthony, she is correct, you ARE gay. You see, Christopher was gay. I've talked to his father and he has dumped his boyfriend and has started seeing some girl he knows, to the both of you, your sexual orientation has been switched 100% with the other. He told his ex- boyfriend it was just a phase he was going through," I replied. "Wait, you mean to tell me..." Anthony responsed. "Yes, you now, uh, how should I say this? Love the cock," I interjected. Once the word 'cock' was said, the expression on Anthony's face went from despair... to lust. I took this moment to show him a picture of Brad Pitt and another picture of Megan Fox. I noticed he only glanced at Megan Fox's picture with almost no expression, if there was any, it was of slight disgust. Then is gaze turned upon the picture of Brad. A look of lust on his face. "Uh, is this temporary? Or permanent?" Anthony asked. "Well, let's just say that you should go find yourself a boyfriend, someone you want to spend the rest of your life with," I replied. When I said that he looked like he was about to flip out, but then he calmed down. "It's so strange, I know I should not be gay. I should not have these desires. But... it's like I don't want to go back, you know? It's almost to the point I would be equally angry and equally pissed if you made me the way I was before," Anthony replied. Anthony looked deeply into my eyes for a few moment before he said, "Hey, Doc, uh, Fred. You don't happen to be.. uh ga.." I knew where this was going, so I quickly said, "No, I am not. I am engaged to my high school sweetheart. Her name is Linda." As soon as I finished the sentence, he looked extremely depressed. I had originally gotten my scholarship to university by being on the football team, and I had retained a lot of my physical condition from back then. I knew he lusted after me. "Damn, you are one hot hunk! This is so weird, I am still trying to be the way I was. But I can't, now I know for a fact, sexual orientation is NOT a choice, it is part of who you are. The device you have made is extremely powerful and dangerous, I don't know if I want to go back or not, I mean it really sucks. I had a great thing going with a girlfriend, but from now on I am a social outcast, guess I'm going to have to cruise the gay bars," Anthony replied. "Yes, well. I have a lot of work I must do. My next experiment is to complete a body swap by switching enough of the psyche that your entire mind is literally in a different body," I told Anthony. I worked hard for the next three months, I heard very little from Chris or Anthony. But I did hear from Chris' father Rupert that his girlfriend is the ex of a former bully of his. The bully used to bully Chris mercilessly about his sexual orientation. Let me tell you, when the school's gay kid steals your girlfriend you never hear the end of it. During this time, I hired an assistant, Melinda Johnson. Now this is where it gets confusing. You see, I used to be Melinda Johnson. But now I am Fred. It's all very confusing to tell this story from the first person point of view. But I will try. You see me being Melinda Johnson at the time, I was a 15 year old girl. I was still in high school and took the job as Fred's assistant after school. I needed the money. Over the span of three months, I was shown how the device worked. I needed to be the one to make sure nothing went wrong during the test. You see, the doctor and his girlfriend were going to be the test subjects for the body transfer. It was the night before the test was to take place. "Alright, everything is ready to go. After school tomorrow good for you, Melinda?" Fred asked, his back was turned to mine, he was just doing some minor tweaks to the device. After finding out exactly what he was doing here, and being shown how to operate the device. Now he had everything ready.. for me to do my own little 'test' "Sounds... good," I replied. I grabbed a beer bottle from my backpack, and swung it was the back of his head. He feel to the ground, unconcious. 'Now to get him in the pods...' I slowly dragged his body over to the pod and locked him in. He was beginning to come to. He looked frightend and scared and asked, "What's going on Melinda?" "Well, soon YOU will be Melinda, the 15 year old girl. You'll be part of a poor uneducated family, and I will be Fred Stone, genius inventor and soon to be multi-billionaire from MY technology," I replied, changing the settings for the transfer. I looked over to him and saw a look of absolute horror on his face as he realized what I was going to do, what was going to happen to him. He tried to get out, but was locked from the inside. "I figured, why work my way to the top? I can just steal it!" I laughed at him. "I'm going to make sure you remember enough of your old self so you realize the hell you're trapped in. I would be too nice to make you think you have been Melinda your whole life. You will know that you are supposed to be Fred. I am going to make sure you live the rest of your life with penis envy. But you will have no knowledge on how you made this device. I will also be upgrading the way it works so you can't try and switch back, and barely anyone knows of this device, no one will believe you are Fred, especially since you will have no knowledge of your personal life, as they will become my memories." Fred looked at me. His face was a mix of both extreme anger and fear. "My girlfriend will stop you! She knows of this device! I will tell her everything!" he yelled. "Really? Actually, when she comes here for the switch tomorrow, I will try my first human to animal psyche transfer. I wonder if her human mind can properly store itself in a dog's brain? She will literally become the bitch she is!" I said in reply. "You wouldn't? Would you?" he replied in even more fear, he cared more about his girlfirend's fate than his own. "I would, and I will!" I replied. "The settings are now complete. Soon I will be Fred. I will have all knowledge of the complete workings of your device, and all your personal memories. I will function completely as you. I will still know that I used to be Melinda, as I do not want to completely lose my identity. I've always identified as a male, so in that regard I will feel complete, but you on the other hand, will live in agony wishing you still were a man. I don't think I will switch our sexual orientation though as I like men too much, I will become a gay man. Soon you will have memories of being a little girl instead of your boyhood memories, you will remember your first period, I will completely forget the experience," I continued on. I looked at him one last time before setting the transfer to occur in 15 seconds. I quickly walked over to the free pod and got inside. The pod I was in locked itself aswell to prevent me from leaving mid transfer and destroying both our psyches completly. About 25 minutes later the transfer was completely done. It was a success, I was in the other pod now. Both the pods then unlocked themselves. "It worked... YES! IT WORKED!" I yelled in victory. "Damn my new voice is sexy," I said again. I looked over at Melinda. She was crying. It was a literal rainstorm coming from her eyes. "Oh shut up, you little baby," I laughed at her. I looked at her for a few seconds. "Oh, I forgot to mention before you came in today Melinda, you're being let go, I can't afford an assistant at this point," I said. "What.. has happend? I know I had a girlfriend... I know her name is Linda," Melinda started. "You mean, my girlfiend. Who I will be dumping soon. Women are ugly creatures. All they do is complain," I laughed. I dug into my new memories and thought of MY first test subject, Anthony. Man was he a hunk. Buff as hell. I saw a mental picture of him from my new memories and knew I had to have this man. "Melinda... please... you can't do this..," Melinda said still in shock, she hasn't moved from the pod. I looked at her in annoyance. "My name is Fred, Melinda. You're delusional. You can't be Fred. You are Melinda," I told her. I just thought of another way I could mess her up even more! Melinda was still bawling her eyes out. I was going to switch her sexual orientation and sexual drive with that of a nymphomaniac. Soon she will have no control, she will desire to both have her own cock and also desire to have be filled up with other's cock. This will be great! She will be a 15 year old slut! "This will be awesome! Melinda, I have had a change of heart. I will give you back your body tomorrow," I said. "Why.. not now?" she inquired. "The device needs 12 hours to recharge after a complete switch," I told her. I knew it was a lie, but with the knowledge of how the device worked firmly in my mind, she had no idea anymore I was lying. "Oh... OK," Melinda replied. "First thing in the morning....?" she asked. "Yes, you'll have to skip school," I said. ------ Epilogue - 3 years later. The new Fred's plan went off without a hitch. Linda was dumped prior to being switched into a dog. The new dog with Linda's psyche soon lost a lot of mental capacity due to the dog's smaller brain. But the dog's psyche in Linda's brain soon developed further. It was developing at the rate of a human's psyche develops from being that of a new born to that of an adult. Within a few years it might just gain self awareness. Another test being done, in secret of course. The other plan also was successful. The new Melinda is now 18 years old, and she cannot get enough cock. She longs for her own, when she is stroking a man's cock or sucking on one, she cries as she knows she should have her own, but she cannot help but suck and lick them, as her sexual desires basicly force her to. She is considering becoming a prostitute, she would make a considerable amount of money, but she knows it's a dangerous profession. She has also thought of suicide, but has not went through with it. As for the girl that was the former 'slut' she is now a lesbian. At first she was confused, but eventually she acted on her new desires. As for Fred and Anthony's personal life, at first Anthony declined Fred's advances, wondering why the straight man would go for him. Fred did not tell him the entire truth, but let him know he was now gay, due to being a test subject in one of his own experiments. Anthony bought it and welcomed Fred to the life of being a gay man. They have been together for the past 2 and a half years.

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The Stolen Device

This is a public thread designed to be expanded on, so there aren't a bunch a rules. However there are 3 pretty simple guidelines. 1- Someone needs to create mind control, and be messed with in the story (They don't need to be fucked, just fucked with.) 2- The user needs to receive or steal the device somehow, and obviously, abuse it. 3- The inventor cannot be the user. Besides that go nuts! It can be in any universe, original or established, it can be extremely effective, or need to take...

Mind Control
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The Dickson Device

Note : This story is completely fictional! Prologue He looked deep into the eyes of the two women, searching for sympathy or even empathy – anything at all that would spare him from his humiliation. Instead, there was the mocking smile on the lips of his wife, almost a sneer. It was expression he had grown to know so well over the previous eighteen months. There was no sympathy to be found in her cruel eyes. The housekeeper watched him carefully. Her face was expressionless but her cheeks had...

2 years ago
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The SmithChapter 19 Devices

May 5th, at 5:52:05 am, a hundred-meter beige sphere with the black Lady Strife personal insignia rose from the Sonoran Desert, accelerating as it passed through first the lower, then upper atmosphere steadily accelerating while keeping its course as it left Earth’s orbit heading into deep space. ‘Proper Notification’ had been delivered to NASA, FAA and ATC, making sure that no flights were affected by its takeoff. Meanwhile a thousand miles to the east, at the same time the SEC and IRS...

1 year ago
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“Honey, look at this email. I was about to purge it as spam when I saw it mentions Tom and Tara too. Very odd! It says we were chosen to participate in a college psych experiment. They are offering $5000 each if we complete the one experiment or $1000 if we opt out early. We just have to stay in a small room with some others for 24-hours with no food or outside communication. Let’s check with Tom.” My inner voices screamed bloody murder, but I ignored them for a chance at ten grand. Minutes...

3 years ago
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alfreds wife

I sit in the van just down the street from your house. Watching as your husband loads the car with luggage and what appears to be a business briefcase. You stand in the door way wearing a house coat and your hair wrapped with a towel, waving good by. I hop out of the van in my jogging outfit and start jogging towards your residence and as he pulls off I dart to e front door. With a friendly knock I hear you saying "don't tell me, you forgot your would loose your head if it wasn't...

1 year ago
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Psychetron A parody by Alec Stevens Attacking your mind Which will become thine Doing soul no damage Computer on board Engaged in war Non-stop combatant Maybe not successful, maybe you've changed It will wipe out All your life In an instant Call it Psychetron Changing inside Your mind has died Your life is over A living machine Just downright mean And forever changing Maybe not successful, maybe you've changed It will wipe out All your life In an...

4 years ago
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You don't know where you are or how you got here. Am I dreaming? It doesn't feel like a dream. You felt wide awake. The air around you seemed to buzz with energy. You looked around and found yourself in what could be best described as a large open-air pavilion. There were no walls, only tall, thick columns around the perimeter. Mounted on each column were dimly burning torches. A slight breeze blew through the pavilion, but the torches did not flicker. Looking out past the columns, you saw...

2 years ago
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THE PSYCHEDELIC SCIENCE OF ‘GOONING’ — OR MASTURBATING INTO A TRANCEWhy get high when you could edge yourself for hours until you’ve merged souls with your own dick?TwitterFacebookFlipboardPocketCopy LinkInstagramMost of Reddit will tell you that edging is fantastic, but the real hardcore ’baters level up from there. The ones who travel furthest for self-pleasure say that, if they edge long enough, they fall into a mind-numbing trance where nothing matters but nutting. Only then can an edger...

4 years ago
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I am not the original author.Fred takes JessicaIt took me a long moment to remember exactly where I was, looking at my watch I noticed that it was nearly three in the morning. “Jesus” I thought “Jess is gonna kill me.”I slowly gathered myself and arose from Fred’s couch. I was alone. I guess the party was over, and I couldn’t help but feel a touch of anger over the thought of no one waking me to let me know.My name is Timothy Grant, I’m 35 and I’m a Regional Sales Rep for a national supplier of...

2 years ago
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Fred Baby Doll Bob Too First Time Digita

I'm married to Baby Doll. This story is what happened when I first bought a digital camera. I always told her she had a bammin ass, and after this she started to agree with me. Now we have come so far that just about anything goes with picture taking. But this was the first time. I got her to type this up and save in it a word document. I just wanted to share it. Enjoy. Fred Brown, my husband, and this guy who just sold him a fancy camera, were over the house watching a football game....

2 years ago
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Fred Submits

It has been more than a few Saturdays since "Fred" went shopping with Mary Pat. If you haven't read the first three "stories" about how "Fred" became my cock sucker you might understand this one a little better if you do; but if you don't that won't matter too much! After all, reading about a formerly straight married man who learns to love being a sissy cock sucker is what it is!Mary Pat is my ex-wife, she visits town four times a year and we always get together. She's bi-sexual and loves to...

3 years ago
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Stacy and the Wired Devices

From the moment the plane took off till the moment it touched down, I had only one thought in mind: I wanted to see the look on Stacy's face at the restaurant. I opened the overhead bin and took out my carry-on. The woman who had been sitting in the window seat asked me if I would hand her her backpack. "The red one with the black stripe," she said. She got up and smoothed her skirt over her legs. I unzipped the bag and opened it, hoping to find some fascinating contraband. A vibrator or some...

1 year ago
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Fictional Body Possession Device

You (RJ Zang) was sitting in the living room of your house watching TV and doing your math homework. You just got off the phone with your friend Danny who lives near by who says he and some of your friends will come over to play video games for the night, when you heard the doorbell ring. "Well Danny sure got here fast" you say as you got up to open the door. "All right Dan.." you say as you look outside to see a red and black box on the doormat. What's this? you say as you picked it up and...

4 years ago
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An Alien Device

Ralph sat on the hood of his car and looked up at the night sky. "Lots of stars out tonight," he said to himself. It really was clear, and as he looked up, he saw a plane flying over. Suddenly, the plane seemed to be getting bigger, and he noticed that the lights looked odd. Ralph suddenly realized that the plane was going down, and not far from him! He watched it come down about a mile away--no explosion, just a big thump sound. He hopped in his car, and headed down a dirt road towards the...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Death Ode to an Electronic Device

Poor little iPod. Faithful servant; you finally died.No tunes to jam by or any music for the ride.Sixty gigs of memory, you had a lot of stuff.You traveled the world with me to places generally rough.You kept me company in ole' Douchebagistan,as I charged you with solar cells and cooled you down with fans.Or hooked you up to the laptop in Iraq,or the time I left you during that fucking mortar attack.I've had you in shitholes where things weren't so nice.Or when we partied in Dubai with women,...

2 years ago
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My mom is a true hottie. She had me when she was sixteen, the result of a wild drunken weekend with her friends. She was never sure who the father is. Anyway she is now thirty two, long blonde hair down to her dynamite ass, nice "D" cup tits, big blue eyes and a banging body. And when she has a couple of drinks she will spread her legs wide. Don't get me wrong, she is a great mother but she does like to have sex. So I spent many nights listening to her fuck threw the wall. Every so often I...

1 year ago
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Fred 79

Sarah wanted to go out and keep local so we went to the pub down the road, were we used to go a lot when we were first caughtin. To our amazement some of the same regulars were in and in particular Fred a 79 year old widower who we used to stand and talk to on many an evening.When we made our long time greetings, Fred always used to sit on a bar stool at the end of the bar that backed into a small room that housed the fruit machine it had no light as it was really just a box room, so no one...

3 years ago
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FredChapter 10

CALIFORNIA PERMITS ONLY one spouse although it does not specify what genders the spouses must be. There was never a possibility Sarah and I could marry Fred, so we decided to have a party and declare our love but not bore the guests with endless sermonizing. We were careful about the guest list. We live in a permissive culture but we saw no reason to rub anyone’s nose in something he or she would prefer not to notice. Many of our guests at Sarah’s and my wedding also came to our “Fred” party....

1 year ago
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Fred goes to Town

Jillian had just finished high school. She was a white blonde girl, not very tall nor very short, not fat nor very thin, with a pair of tits you wanted to squeeze and an ass to rival. Thanks to intervention of her mother, she'd gotten a job as a saleswoman in some chic clothing store, and so was very, very frustrated by having a summer job. Helping people out of tailored suits and evening gowns just wasn't what a girl her age wanted to do on vacation! But the worst part was not having a...

2 years ago
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Fred and Marthas Cruise Adventure

It is early July when Fred and Martha begin their cruise. He always told Martha that if the opportunity to have a sexual adventure even if it meant some touching with nothing more happening or it involved more then she should consider it. It was not as though Fred did not love Martha as he deeply did love her and trusted her like no other person. However George wanted to give Martha the opportunity to explore her sexuality and George sensed that Martha needed that temporary release from the...

Group Sex
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Fred to Frieda

Fred to Frieda By Tami Lynne Benevento One of the comments that I received when I wrote Max to Maxie was if I could expand on Fred/Frieda's character. This is very much a standalone story but if you have read Max to Maxie yet, I would encourage you to do so. I hope you enjoy this and please leave me some feedback. Hi, my name is Frieda Johnston. It used to be Fred Thomas and this is my story. My Grandfather used to have a saying, "You turn a corner and it changes your life forever."...

1 year ago
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Fred and Bernice A Love Story

63-year-old Fred Edmonds stood outside his farmhouse looking at the impending storm clouds with concern. He was a slender but muscular man from years of hard labor of tending to the soil. 60-year-old Bernice standing on the steps of the cellar said, "Fred, I know you are worried but I don't want to lose you in this storm." Fred looked at Bernice with a haggard look and went down into the cellar with Bernice. Inside the cellar, Fred stood there in his faded Wranglers and Wranglers...

2 years ago
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FredChapter 12

PROGRESS HAD COME to our island. The hotel had been brought up-to-date after a hurricane several years earlier. Wisely the architects and hotel owners had preserved the look and feel of the veranda where breakfast was served. The bougainvillea remained, and the wicker tables and chairs as well. Best of all, on our first morning we discovered the coffee and croissants and omelettes were as good or better than I remembered. We had a three-bedroom suite. One bedroom for Sarah and Fred and me,...

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FredChapter 9

IT FELT LIKE I’d been stabbed. A sharp pain in my gut, my heart rate somewhere over a hundred. I’d come home at the usual time to find the house apparently empty. Unusual. The ladies should have been home. Our Amy was six months old by then. Fred’s Julian was three months. Both women nursed and they hated pumping. Our temporary nanny, a luxury but a necessary one in this first year while we were still sorting out who would do what in the house, was reading in the nursery. The babies were...

2 years ago
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The one thing Fred liked was young girls and the taste of young pussy. He was fifty two and had no trouble finding all the the young girls he needed to satisfy his hunger. Today he was driving down the road and a hot young gall was hitch hiking. She had nice big tits in a tight short and she was sexy and pretty. He pulled over and she hopped in his truck. They drove a few miles and she said that she had just turned eighteen and was running away from home and then he put his hand on her leg and...

4 years ago
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Psych Ward Secrets0

"How long are you going to pretend to be insane? We both know you pleaded insane to avoid federal prison." Maggie spat in distaste, staring at her sister as though she was some sort of fiend. A small grin, brief and inconspicuous as it might, tugged Molly's lips. Nevertheless, that was the only reaction Maggie had gotten out of her in fifteen minutes time. "Mom is worried. She wants to talk to you, Molly." Maggie hands clenched into tight fists. The only thing that was stopping her...

2 years ago
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Power Chapter Ten Psych Subject

We were paid twenty-five dollars an hour for each session. One Saturday we were told that we would be paid two hundred dollars to take a day-long battery of tests. The results would go into a database where we were identified only by a code number. Only Dr. Wagoner, the head of the Psych Department, had the key to the code. She would give us our results if we wanted them. My first actual job was in some advanced class that was studying motivations. It was all over my head. They were talking in...


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