Naomi's Redemption - Chapter 1 free porn video

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Naomi's Redemption Foreword from the author... Wow, it's been a while. So, I was hanging out with my pretty kitten of a girlfriend when I happened to recall I once used to post these sleazy stories to this TG fiction site. I try to keep coming up with little surprises for her, it makes it seem less like I spent the last decade *JUST* drinking too much and screwing around. I'd like to thank her for proof reading it before I posted, and correcting some obvious mistakes. I kind of had more patience this time around and paced myself for subsequent chapters, so be prepared for a continuation of the story in not too long. With all that said I hope y'all enjoy it... Nathan tumbled out of a black fog of nightmares to an equally disturbing reality. He was in a small room lying on an unfamiliar bed, his wrists, waist, ankles and neck were bound to the bed with buckled restraints. His senses started to search for further clues, as it tangled with the distinct possibility maybe this was just another nightmare? He was naked, his body smelt like he had been recently bathed. It was dark except for a single lamp on a cabinet to one side of the bed, he couldn't turn his head far either way due to the collar around his throat, there didn't appear to be much else in the room. He could feel an IV tube snaking into his arm. His instincts directed him to at this point scream, but nothing but a silent throaty gasp emerged. He was pretty sure he was awake now. The glass window in the upper half of the door at the end of the bed revealed nothing but a corridor wall. He tried to scream again, but met with similar success, his mouth felt utterly dry. His perception and thoughts seemed dull and cloudy, maybe he had been drugged in some manner. What seemed like an eternity passed, he was impotent to either effect or learn more about his situation. A memory began to unveil itself like a car approaching out of the night, tiny beams of light becoming blinding as they grew near. Flashes of an argument with someone. It was his girlfriend Susan, they were in an apartment, her apartment. She was screaming at him and her eyes were filled with rage, he had done something bad. He remembered feeling amused, amused and a little guilty maybe, but about what? He fought with his brain but nothing else of note came to him. Had he cheated on his girlfriend? Why was he strapped down on some hospital bed? Suddenly the door swung open and a well coiffed blonde nurse strode strode in, heels clicking rhythmically. She didn't even look at him and went straight to the IV. She took a hypodermic out of her pocket, removed the cap and administered it to his drip. He heaved on the bed to get her attention, even in his immobile and silent state she had to be aware of his efforts, clearly she just didn't care. Upon completing her work she spun on her heel and strode out the door again. Soon sleep began to take hold of him again. Given the storm of unanswered questions tormenting him, this felt like a blessing. Consciousness hit Nathan with a wave of nausea, it felt like his face had been crushed in a vice and his eyes were covered. Where the fuck was he and what was happening? Oh yes, he had no idea, that was right. Someone was in the room, and they were talking to him. "Good morning Nathan! You have been a naughty boy haven't you, your behaviour has left Susan a wreck. When she told me what you'd done I felt obliged to help repair this breach in your relationship. She loves you you know, that's why she's decided to do this for you, to help you become a better person, it's costing her a lot of money, you should really be ashamed with yourself..." The man's voice trailed off for a second, seemingly to allow Nathan to attempt to respond. Nathan could feel eyes studying him, the voice seemed familiar, it made sense that it was someone close to Susan. Nathan tried to speak again but the same inaudible little breath was all that came out. "No, you can't speak at the moment dear, we've made a lot of changes, and we'll be making a lot more over the next few months." Footsteps moved around to the side of the bed. "I'm actually quite looking forward to getting to know the new you, I think it's going to be a big improvement. I don't think you ever really reached any potential, you were just a pig really weren't you. Just because you can get away with fucking so many different women doesn't mean you have to, you've broken a lot of hearts. I suppose you think it was clever, that there would never be any repercussions, that you were just having fun. I bet you don't feel so clever now!" The man continued to chastise Nathan, but never really elaborated on what was actually happening. Nathan concluded from this he must have fucked someone other than Susan. He couldn't remember who, but the fact hearing he'd cheated on his girlfriend didn't stir any surprise probably meant it was something he did fairly often. Nathan was torn from his thoughts and back to the drone of his captors voice by a sharp slap across his face. "Listen to me when I'm speaking to you you nasty little slut!" the man bellowed. Nathan started crying, he felt so vulnerable and scared. "Oh did I hit you a little bit too hard love, or are those just sissy tears, I think that's maybe the problem here. Well, I have other things to attend to. Behave, and this will be easier on you." Nathan heard the man leave the room, he sounded so terribly familiar. Days passed, and the only company Nathan had was the sound of the door and the nurse's heels every few hours. The pain in his face had subsided to a dull throb, what had they done to him? On around day five, the nurse came in announcing he needed to eat. Even though he still couldn't see he assumed it was the same nurse as when he had arrived. Studying the sound of those heels had become somewhat of a fixation to break up the day. Her voice was incredibly sexy, yet fiercely commanding. He hadn't realised how hungry he was till the first spoonful of food passed his lips. After a dozen or so mouthfuls he heard the spoon being placed back on the plate. "I'm glad you're behaving, I really can't tolerate disobedience, it makes my job so much harder. Speaking of which, let's see how we're doing down here..." As she spoke her hand snaked under the sheets and firmly took hold of his cock. She squeezed it with a giggle and proclaimed, "Oh my it has gotten rather minuscule hasn't it!" The more she caressed his penis the more aware he became he wasn't feeling the faintest glimmer of arousal, fear snaked up through him like an electric shock. "Oh don't be distressed, it's not the size that matters they say!" What had they done to his fucking cock, was all he could silently and blindly consider as she withdrew her hand and resumed spoon feeding him like a baby. He needed to fight back, to show he wasn't a victim! He clamped his teeth down on the spoon as it entered his mouth, tore it from the nurse's grasp and threw it sideways with a twist of his head. "You silly little cunt!" the nurse shouted in rage. He heard some commotion near the IV. "I think it's time you went to sleep again, you'll regret angering me." Within minutes darkness descended on him. He came to with an expansive pain between his legs, but the revelation his eyes were now uncovered distracted him from lingering solely on this. Without thinking he opened his mouth to moan, something came out this time, unfamiliar in pitch. His tongue felt thick and dry, it searched for saliva but only discovered impossibly bloated lips, he started to cry again. So, he'd cheated on Susan, he could have made it up to her, this was insane, what were these people doing to him? The door to the room opened, and Susan's boss Trevor entered, that was why the man's voice had been so familiar. Susan worked at an expensive beauty parlour owned by Trevor, the business also offered specialist services to... Nathan's mind imploded as the nature of his predicament became clear in his head. He screamed, a terribly girlish whine of horror, Trevor looked on grinning. "I see you've put the pieces together! Well, we could have just removed the offending organ, but that wouldn't have solved all the problems between you and Susan. In fact we were considering leaving you with a little memento, but nurse Jenny persuaded us chopping it off was required to ensure your progress. You see, the thing is, Susan wants someone she can really bond with, spend time with doing things she wants to do, a best friend as it were. I think after what you've done to her you owe her that much." "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" Nathan responded desperately, his voice sounded completely alien, It was hard to get his head around, but it sounded kind of hot. "Oh listen to you, you sound quite the little slut! It was really important to Susan you felt like a whore, you've been one for so long now think of it as a poetic way to ease your transition. You only have to open your mouth, that musical little cock loving voice is now yours for good!" Trevor pointed out with amusement. Tears streamed down Nathan's face again, this increasingly available emotional release was starting to feel like his only escape from the torment, but he was also conscious that it represented the last of his dignity pouring away. The pain had subsided from his face somewhat, his features felt distorted and strange. "What have you done to me?" Nathan asked, attempting to sound demanding, but only managing bewildered and frightened. "We've got rid of your principle problem, the one between your legs. With your new equipment you can really learn how to please Susan, without being distracted running around pleasing yourself. We've given you a new face, think of it as a new identity, a chance to make a new start, a chance to make it up to Susan," Trevor reasoned. Gasps of fury escaped Nathan as he fought with his restraints. "You fucker! I'm going to fucking kill you!" Nathan screamed in his pretty little voice, still crying uncontrollably. "This is disappointing Nathan. I can see we're going to have to go a little further till you accept this is for the best. Next time we speak, I'm going to call you Naomi, and if I don't see some gratitude, the consequences will be severe." Nurse Jenny entered the room, her beautiful blonde locks framing a models face. "I'm actually glad you're continuing to misbehave you little cunt, you're in for a big surprise when you next wake, maybe even two," she added with a vicious smile. Trevor waved his finger at Nathan to further indicate the trouble he was in, nurse Jenny attended to the drip again. As he'd come to expect, sleep soon followed. Bright lights and the rhythmic bleeps of medical machinery surrounded Nathan. A muddle of voices shared medical terms he didn't fully understand. His whole body was numb. Time seemed to stretch and contract in an irregular fashion, like it was a piece of elastic being toyed with. Skin was pulled and cold instruments did their work. So he was going to be a woman, such a simple fact, but such an unimaginable change to be inflicted upon someone unwilling. Would he be pretty? Why was that even an issue, what did he care if he was fucking pretty, what was he thinking! These people were carving him up as he lay here helpless. His mind reeled, trying to find some sort of anchor. He was helpless, maybe that was his anchor, maybe it would be better to be an attractive woman than an ugly one, regardless if it was against his will. He'd always wondered what it would be like to have on demand tits and cunt to play with without having to sweet talk the ladies, maybe it wouldn't be so bad? No, and no, he had to stop this, where were these thoughts coming from? They were messing with his body, maybe they'd been filling him with female hormones, he had been crying all the time. But so what, it was good to cry, it made him feel better, where was the crime in that? But he still needed to escape, didn't he? His mind continued to race and rebound off the inside of his skull. There had to be a way of stopping this, of getting back his penis, could they reattach such things? What shade of lipstick was he going to wear on his firs date. He wanted his penis back, maybe having another man's cock in him would be okay. No, no, stop it. Eventually everything faded out again, and strange dreams embraced him. Nathan was woken up by two nurses, released from his bindings, and transported outside the room in a wheel chair. He had been aware of a huge weight pressing against his chest during all of this, but a frilled collar blocked his view, he could only assume he now had tits, what was he going to do about it? Scream, shout, what was the point. Fighting this now seemed so futile, his gaze followed the lights on the ceiling as he was wheeled down various corridors. Eventually they arrived in a neatly decorated sitting room, on one wall was a large mirror. He wasn't able to see his reflection yet, but he knew the moment was approaching. Less than a minute later Trevor entered the room, but during this short time the idea of finally seeing himself had left him painfully anxious. "Oh it's so good to see you out of bed Naomi, and before you say that's not my name..." he examined Nathan's face for a reaction. "Oh my, it appears all the fight has left our darling Nathan. So, Naomi it is then?" "Yes," Nathan replied, sounding like a little girl who'd just promised she was going to be good from now on. "Oh excellent!" Trevor responded with pleasure. "It really was growing a little tiresome hearing you beg and cry all the time. Well that's a lie, I loved every second, but things have to move on, you're a woman now after all!" Trevor clasped his hands together and leaned in close to Nathan's ear. "So, I think it's time you saw what all this fuss was about, we really are very proud of the end result!" Nathan was wheeled close to the mirror, and for the first time he saw his new face, well her new face. She had alluring blue eyes with spidery eyelashes, sweeping arcs of eyebrows, a tiny curved doll's nose, and volumous pouting lips. He didn't even look like a woman, he looked like what a man wanted a woman to look like in a dirty dream. His gaze fell slightly to his chest, he stared trance like at his swollen looking breasts, the permanence of these monstrous attachments tore at any belief he could regain control of the situation. His grossly inflated lips began to tremble, and a squeaky sob left his barbie like mouth. He watched her eyes move as he moved his, opened and closed his perfect cock-sucker mouth, and watched the one in the reflection do the same. A burst of panic filled his stomach, a final pathetic failure to deal with the irreversible changes he had undergone. "Please! I'll do anything you say!" he cried, the pitch of his voice sounded ridiculous, like a cartoon heroine in the clutches of the evil mastermind. "I look like a fucking freak, change me back, please!" His desperation kept the words tumbling out, knowing in his heart there was no being changed back from this, his performance was merely feeding the amusement of his captors. "Oh don't say that! I really don't think you mean it. You know what I think, I think you love you're new look, and I think we can prove it." Trevor explained with a grin. Nurse Jenny knelt next to his chair and reached her hand between Nathan's well rounded thighs. He parted them to accommodate her action, fearful of further punishment. In doing this he saw his cunt, it was dripping wet. With a slender finger she flicked his swollen clitoris. He watched his mouth open in the mirror, and a high pitched utterance of sheer pleasure leaked out. He did love what he saw in the mirror, he loved what they'd done to him. It was true. He was trembling all over as nurse Jenny continued to tease his slippery womanhood. He slowly turned to Trevor, struggling to find the strength to speak as his senses were assailed by waves of pleasure. "Yes Naomi, is there something you want to tell me?" Trevor asked with a knowing smile. "Thank you, for everything. I've been a very... I've been a very bad girl, I'll behave now I promise. I owe you so much, I realise this now!" Naomi exclaimed, this time accepting the inescapable nature of her new identity completely. "I'm so glad you finally came to your senses my dear!" Trevor said and hugged her with well faked sincerity. He clearly enjoyed the pantomime of this, and it was time Naomi started playing her part like a good girl. Days passed quickly from then on. Since she had stopped resisting Naomi was encouraged to wander the building freely, wearing a glamourous pink dressing gown with a feathery trim and coordinating platform sandals. At first she struggled walking in these, but the exercise felt good, and she practiced until it became second nature. After having her ears pierced she had taken to wearing long dangling earrings too, the kind that glittered and swayed as she walked. She could feel them stroke her cheeks in time with the roll of her hips as she moved. She was forced to confront her new face and proportions everyday in front of a vanity mirror, a flock of beauticians would spend hours testing what looked best on her. She listened eagerly as they explained what they were doing, she would need to know how to apply her makeup herself eventually. Some nights she cried, and longed to wake up, for it all not to be happening, but her fingers would find there way to her wanton cunt, and being Naomi, nightmare or not, didn't seem so bad at all. Through this entire ordeal her hair had grown long and thick. One day she announced to her team of enthusiastic beauticians she wanted lots of big blonde curls, they seemed delighted by this plan. She sat for hours with a head full of tightly packed rollers, she smiled throughout and talked only about beauty and fashion, fishing for compliments, longing for their attention. She loved being fussed over and worked upon. A girl named Gail attached huge fake nails to her hands, carefully coating each in glittering pink varnish once they were securely in place. Gail started to talk about the numerous delights of her current man, Naomi's mouth opened and words came out, just joining in with the girls. Everything fell silent as she let loose an unexpected announcement, she stammered and glanced around, she hadn't been unable to stop herself! All the girls then burst into uncontrollable giggles. Trevor strolled up behind them all and enquired what the commotion was about. Gail managed to control her glee enough to explain. "Our little Naomi here just asked what it feels like to be fucked by a man!" The room erupted in amusement and laughter once more. Naomi's cheeks had gone very red, she found herself staring in the mirror to avoid eye contact with anyone. She zoned out, examined her new glossy blonde hair trapped tightly in neatly arranged rollers, framing her perfect whore face. She did want to know what it felt like to be fucked by a man, and though she was embarrassed by sharing this, she somehow felt such crude words from her glossy pink lips seemed a perfect match. Trevor finally grabbed her attention with a name she had almost forgotten about. "Well, before our Naomi sees to attending to men I think Susan should be consulted!" Susan, his girlfriend, her girlfriend even! Was Susan still her girlfriend? Susan had wanted all of this, she had been instrumental in making this happen. What was their arrangement to be, what was going to happen next? Naomi turned back to the soothing image of her own face, the girls returned to work. She just needed to concentrate on looking beautiful, it was as simple as that. She would be told what she had to do when the time came, and she intended to do exactly as she was told, an unfailing barbie, a perfect little slut.

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Redemption of a Sex Offender

August When he walked into the faculty lounge, everybody froze. He was obviously trouble, from the leather vest that passed for a shirt all they way down the tight button-fly 501s to the black motorcycle boots. And the long, tawny hair that drifted over his shoulders and down his back, held out of his face by a small braid to one side tipped with a leather thong covered in glass beads and feathers. Erica could almost smell the testosterone. Helen Crawford, head of the English department,...

2 years ago
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Last Chance for Redemption

Well, it’s the big day of the prom, and almost no one that is attending the prom is attending school today. So, it’s pretty much a free day to cut class, go out to lunch, or whatever people do when they have a free moment to screw around. Today, I was one of the unlucky suckers that made it to school. I was not going to the prom, for I did not make many friends at this school. I’m not a really social person, and that, I guess, kept me from being someone. I could have done some of the other...

1 year ago
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From Obsession to Redemption Ch 01

Callie O’Donnell was not a beautiful woman, in fact, she could no longer be considered even pretty. Twenty years of marriage and parenting and life had taken its toll on her, so that when she faced her reflection now, she saw an overweight, middle aged woman who always looked tired. She began avoiding mirrors as much as possible and packed away the photo albums from younger years, the ones with the photographs of a vivacious girl who had not lacked for admirers. Every day was much like the one...

3 years ago
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From Obsession to Redemption Ch 02

Steve entered the dimly light lounge, scanning the room looking for his old college buddy. At this time of day, it was packed with bored businessmen and neglected housewives, each trying hard to outdo the stories of their companions. Suddenly a tall, well built and well dressed man rose from a barstool and approached him. ‘Steve? Steve O’Donnell?’ ‘Klaus, is that you? Good lord, man, I hardly recognized you!’ Gone was the scruffy shy young student, in his place stood a man exuding...

2 years ago
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Dark Redemption Ch 01

Chapter One Thanks god it is raining. The rain is an appropriate response to my state of mind. And because of the rain I am able to stay undetected. If the sun was shinning I would be obvious from the other side of the street. But now I am hidden. I am hidden and humiliated. The rain pours down my face, down my soaked clothes and forms puddles around my feet. But I can only be glad for the rain. It’s a kind of shield. The rain is so heavy, maybe I am not really seeing what I am seeing? Maybe...

1 year ago
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Dark Redemption Ch 15

After we’d cum, I sat on his penis for a little while then when it started to slacken and fall out of me, I lifted myself up and hopped off. Time was really moving on and we had to eat a little before we packed ourselves up and started to head back to the boat. Peter was playful all the way back. Our marvelous unfettered sex had put him in the best possible mood and, I loved the way that he was mischievously flirtatious. On the boat however, I chided him. ‘Darling, you will have to get...

2 years ago
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Dark Redemption Ch 03

The next morning I resigned. When my boss questioned my decision, I told him I had been offered a job at Peter’s firm. They were opening up an accounting section. It was the truth. I guess my boss was disappointed because he had lost an accountant as well as a client, but I didn’t care. Some weird magic was at work inside me. I had given myself over to Peter. What I did not tell my boss was that I was going to marry Peter. That first night was without any doubt, the greatest night of my...

2 years ago
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Dark Redemption Ch 14

I woke the next morning to sunshine pouring in through the window in my bedroom. And I was alone. Peter was up. With the kids I hoped. I actually felt good for the first time in a week. The worst week of my life. I did not know what the future was going to bring yet, but this morning I felt good and it was so great to have that feeling, I did not want any planning or theories or ideas to interrupt it. I heard the children in the kitchen, with Peter making them food and hushing them to keep...

3 years ago
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Dark Redemption Ch 07

I woke realizing I’d overslept. Peter’s side of the bed remained in tact. He’d stayed in the other room all night. The grinding in my belly told me I was right. The truth loves me. It finds me and whispers in my ears. A glance at the clock told me it was ten thirty. Shit! Work, kids to school… I bolted only to see a note next to me on Peter’s side of the bed. ‘Darling, I thought you needed the sleep in. I’m taking the kids to school and have rung downstairs to tell them you are sick and I’ve...

3 years ago
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Dark Redemption Ch 10

Heading out of the driveway, I only got as far as four blocks before tears flowed. Pulling over in a side street, it took a while before I could see my way to calming myself and getting my thoughts together. It was only eleven-thirty in the morning. Walking around looking as though I’d been crying all morning didn’t appeal to me. However the thought of Peter, my Peter, with that woman was driving me mad. Composing myself enough to drive, I decided I had to find a way to survive the next few...

2 years ago
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Dark Redemption Ch 12

I knew we only had an hour and I wanted something exciting to happen in front of Peter and I. It was thrilling to cause the direction and to insist these two women make love to each other. But I wanted this to be very female. This was not just pornography. This was eroticism. I wanted to seem, and for Peter to see, how women excite each other. The women were aroused now. The small room was getting hot and there was the intense smell of fertile female genitals in the air. The women were moaning...

1 year ago
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Emmas Redemption Ch 01

Emma raced down the dark street, rain and wind whipping around her. She gasped desperately under her voice as she heard the footsteps behind her pick up pace. ‘No!’ The word was a moan. Not daring to look behind her for fear of falling on the wet ground, she darted down a back ally, hoping to lose her follower. Her heart jumped in her throat as she heard the footsteps continue down the alley behind her and she frantically raced around a corner–only to find a brick wall blocking her way. With...

4 years ago
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Dark Redemption Ch 02

Peter and I met at my first job. He’s a lawyer and I was tax accountant appointed to his case by my firm. His office back in those days was huge and sophisticated, unusually but tastefully decorated. Peter was an enigma. Everyone knew about him. Young Brilliant no want for clients. Everone clamoured to get hold of him. He was successful,. Ruthless divorce lawyer. ‘Getting rich of others peoples misery’ I used to chide him. ‘Setting them free’ he used to counter argue. He was a loner, isolated...

2 years ago
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From Obsession to Redemption Ch 04

Callie clicked on a lamp and checked her watch. Midnight and she was still wide awake. She’d been kept captive in her own basement for four days now and still had trouble believing it. Rolling over onto her back, she stared unseeing at the ceiling and thought back over the events of the last few days. Every morning Jack awakened her for exercise and a well-balanced breakfast, followed by writing assignments. Somehow she had come to enjoy the tasks, remembering how much the mental stretch of...

3 years ago
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From Obsession to Redemption Ch 05

Callie gasped, suddenly enveloped in complete blackness. Reflexively, she clutched Jack’s hand more tightly. ‘It’s okay, Callie, ‘ he soothed, ‘we’ve just lost power.’ ‘I know, I know,’ she replied breathlessly, ‘You must think I’m a total idiot.’ ‘No… would you like to know what I think of you?’ He began stroking her hand gently with his thumb. ‘Ummm.. no… maybe…. yes?’ Taking a deep breath, Klaus plunged forward. ‘I think you’re the most intelligent woman I’ve ever known. I think you...

3 years ago
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Dark Redemption Ch 04

The sound of the car pulling out of the driveway with Peter and the kids in it confirmed I was in the house alone. I immediately burst into tears. The tears slowed only when I realized I had an hour or so before they would be back in the house. In a vain attempt to comfort myself I ran a hot bath with oils and scented powders. As the musky scents of sandalwood and cinnamon climbed up into my brain and wrapped themselves around me, I almost did feel better. I tried to stop my mind running in...

2 years ago
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Dark Redemption Ch 13

I vaguely felt Peter leave my arms in the morning, but I was so filled with contentment, I barely stirred. I had dreamed in the night, and they were still strange dreams, but more along the lines of Peter and I reaching out for each other across deep chasms and raging rivers. Always in my various dreams, we touched our hands, but we were still left with the dilemma of how to get to each other. And that was what I woke to, about half an hour after Peter had gotten out of bed. Somehow, we’d...

3 years ago
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From Obsession to Redemption Ch 03

Callie was dreaming, she was lying on a sun drenched beach, dozing in a chaise lounge, attended by a muscular bronzed cabana boy. The waiter from the pool bar had brought her a lovely daiquiri and was calling her name, waking her. ‘How the hell does the waiter know my name?’ she thought. ‘Callie… Callie.. Time to wake up, sleepyhead.’ Slowly, as if rising up through deep water, she became aware of her surroundings. Blinking groggily, she focused on the figure standing beside the bed....

2 years ago
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It was 7:30 on a Monday evening in May. I had just finished my last class of the semester at the community college. At 42, I was going back to school to learn a new career being unemployed during this economic downturn. I had to stop at Wal-Mart to pick up a couple of things for my supper that evening. I don’t know why I decided to stop at this particular Wal-Mart instead of the one in my hometown twenty miles away, but I did. I felt a sense of dread pulling into the parking lot: I used to...

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The Angels Redemption Ch1

Prince Mikhail spurred the black mare faster. He had to make it to the castle and find out what the hell was going on. It was not in his nature to abandon his own quests, and in all truth if he was not honour bound, he would be riding in the opposite direction. The journey to Kryta was long and tiring, and as he reached the outskirts of the kingdom, darkness was already upon him. He brought the horse to a trot. Although it was night the village was alive and bustling. Many of the...

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Jonah Wills was the type of man that any lady could appreciate. He was sweet, considerate, gentlemanly and polite. Plus it did not hurt that he had the looks of an A-List actor. He was a successful man who owned a real estate business which he had built up by himself. Through the good and the bad, he kept it alive and he was reaping the rewards.  He had everything that a person could want and need. So when he met Celine, he thought he had it all. Celine was a melting sexpot. She was half...

4 years ago
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NYC Club Slut Redemption

She looked at herself in the mirror as the bass beat thumped loudly. Her dark straight hair framed her face. She noticed she went a little too dark in her eyes, but it matched her mood. Everyone called her gorgeous, or beautiful, but she didn’t see it. She just thought she was regular, maybe slightly above average. Her body, though, well she knew that was hot. Other girls jostled her as they all tried to touch up their makeup.Cheater! You cheated on him and he left you. You deserve what he did...

Love Stories
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ResurrectionThe Redemption

I don't want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me. God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and let them into heaven. I cant live with that. People trust me with their secrets. But who do I trust with mine.? You, and only you. Who am I? You sure you want to know.The phone rings, I look at it and grumbled, “Fuck me,” as I rubbed the dull throbbing ache in my temples.The night before last...It was clear, the smell of the city sharp. The cold bit through...

4 years ago
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Mistress Redemption

She turned at the sound of the engine.  She had a huge smile on her face as she stuck out her thumb.  There was never much traffic on this little back road, but I was pretty sure I knew why she turned down a ride from the car that was disappearing up the road as I drove up.The smile faded as she realized there were only two wheels rolling toward her.Her fading smile turned to a frown as she saw the hungry smile on my face.  How could I not smile?  She looked enticingly edible in her short...

Quickie Sex
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Redemption Ch7

Alluna refused to accompany her to Earth, claiming her master, Zak, would be very angry for real—whatever that meant. Rayne roamed aimlessly through the space station and discovered a level guarded by four reapers. They wouldn’t let her explore it and refused to tell her why no one was allowed on level 523. Frustrated, she went back to her quarters and tried to tap into Alpha 7’s mainframe. In a matter of minutes, information filled her mind, as well as images. Alpha 7 had been home to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Survivor ch 4 Redemption

There was only a hint of a breeze that evening. It was a cold, fresh smelling movement in the air that carried away the growing fatigue Myra felt since that night at the quarry lake. It wasn't that she was physically tired, far from it actually.The room she shared with Bo at the militia's compound was almost as comfortable as a barrack as it was a suite when the building was still a five-star hotel. With almost a full week of inactivity in its comparative luxury, Myra's aching body was quite...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Redemption Ch6

Lucien.Get up. Time to go— Seth growled in his mind. His eyes flew open. It was still dark since he had his lights set to activate only on command. Hot breath fanned his chest and his legs were tangled with… Oh, God. He teleported himself in a surge of power into the hygiene room. His legs almost gave out beneath him making him need to clutch the entrance to the hygiene unit to steady himself. Everything around him seemed to swirl and distort. He closed his eyes with a groan and muttered...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Redemption Ch5

He trained again. Trained until his body ached and muscles screamed from agony. Lucien worked through levels of demons and devils the holo-traing unit provided for him. He even trained with Devon and Ashriel; long, bloody, drawn out sessions that seemed to never end. Seth watched over what he ate, and Zak gave him a grueling workout routine. So far Lucien had gained fifty much needed pounds of pure brawn. Today he faced Natanael, Abdiel, and Eriel, who, he soon learned were probably the best...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Redemption Ch4

Boy Rayne’s taste was still in hermouth, the thick, surprisingly sweet warmth sliding down her throat as she stared wide-eyed at Master Lucien. Boy Rayne had slipped from her grasp, dived to the floor, and had fled… again. She had no time to feel disappointed at his continued fear of her. Master Lucien rolled over, his legs entangling within the satin sheets as he tried to leave the bed. He fell to the floor with a grunt. Rayne watched, her mouth gaping, as he gripped a chest of drawers near...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Redemption Ch3

Things had certainly changed since he’d been gone, that’s for sure. Looking back down the corridor, Boy still remained peering around the wall. His hair was still in his face, but he’d stopped snarling. Lucien frowned. “I’m going back inside. I’ll leave the door open if you feel like coming in. I’m not about to stoop to coaxing you. Do whatever the hell you want.” With that, he spun on his heel and stalked to his circular seating area, snagging a bottle of Black Death whiskey from the top of...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Redemption Ch2

He was eating now. Project 30YR4YNwatched the beautiful blond man take a bite out of a deep-red, gold-flecked fruit. The sweet scent it gave off made its way beneath Project 30YR4YN’s mask. The man swiped some of the juice off his cheeks with his fingers, but most of it dribbled down his chin before he swiped it with his pink tongue. Such a beautiful face. Reaching up, Project 30YR4YN touched the cool silver surface of his mask with the three fingers he had left on his right hand. Project...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Redemption Prologue and Ch1

The lights blinded her, so she kept her focus on the silver pole in the middle of the stage. Her hands gripped it loosely as she swayed and moved her body in a slow erotic wave to the rhythm of the music. Her small feet were perched atop a pair of sky-high glass heels that blinked psychedelic colors within, and reflected prettily off the glossy black floor of the stage. Rayne let her head fall back, her long black ponytail brushing against her ass. She wore a tiny crystal covered thong that...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Sisterhood of Sin 24 The Underground Railroad To Redemption

I wear the thong panties to please Celine, and I seem to stay perpetually aroused as my ass only slowly becomes accustomed to the ever-present thin strap in my crack and the rougher fabrics of her bush clothing. The warmth of the sun on the aluminum boat benches adds to the pleasure of the residual sting from the spanking. The fishing is excellent as we spend the first half of the day catching enough for the evening's dinner. Marta and Margaret try to keep up with us in another boat, but...


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