- 4 years ago
- 37
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The sound of the car pulling out of the driveway with Peter and the kids in it confirmed I was in the house alone. I immediately burst into tears.
The tears slowed only when I realized I had an hour or so before they would be back in the house.
In a vain attempt to comfort myself I ran a hot bath with oils and scented powders. As the musky scents of sandalwood and cinnamon climbed up into my brain and wrapped themselves around me, I almost did feel better. I tried to stop my mind running in circles. A strength tickled at the periphery of my consciousness, trying to wake me up to some sort of possibility.
But it was short lived.
My mind, like my husband turned on me, making the hell I created worse than the hell I had witnessed. As I took off my clothes, I turned to see myself in the mirror. My body was not what it used to be, and I was not in the mood to be kind. I felt so low I was ready to wallow in my own self-hatred. All I wanted to do was discover reasons why the perfect man for me didn’t want me any more. I looked at the extra ring of fat that I had around my belly. My inner thighs had started to sag a little. The lose skin at the top of my arms. My sagging breasts. I knew intuitively that I was doing this to myself, but I wanted it. I wanted to feed off self-loathing. In my mind, it made my husband a better man.
Plus, this way I can control fixing it all. I can somehow make this about me, instead of the reality, which was it had nothing to do with me. By making it somehow my fault that my husband didn’t want me, I could avoid the truth. The truth I couldn’t bare. I had been shut out of the romance in my husband’s life.
Somehow I had to get myself out of that dark place.
I hopped in the bath and shook my head to knock some common sense into me. It was entirely unacceptable for me to go there. If my husband did not want me any more because I was no longer young, and my body showed the transformation baring our children had forced, then I didn’t want him.
And it didn’t make any sense. Peter wasn’t like that.
But then I didn’t think it was like him to take a lover either. And a younger lover!
I was glad to be in the hot bath. The water floating about me was sensual and soothing. My mind started to clear. With a Socratic precision I decided to go through the facts. I had not actually seen Peter sleep with this woman. But, I had seen him kiss her, and kiss her like a lover. And I had seen him nuzzle her neck. And I saw him receive advances from her. I left them before they left the pub. Who knows where they went after they had been there? No. That sort of thinking will take me from my purpose. It was very important to focus on what I actually knew and not muddle it all with different ideas about what he gets up to when I am not looking. I had to stick to what’s so.
What I knew for sure was that Peter was having some sort of a relationship with a younger woman that had an intimate sexual content and that he was keeping it from me.
That was it. Nothing more, nothing less.
I started to feel angry again, and I glanced at the clock worried I was running out of time. I realized they had been gone for about forty minutes and that it would not be too long and they would be back.
I got out of the bath and let the water run out. I toweled myself off and put my silk pajamas on, all the time trying to keep it straight in my head about what I knew was so. Letting myself move into any other area while this was fresh would be destructive to my ability to remain lucid. And that felt like the most important thing in the world at the moment.
The next crucial question here was how did I feel about all of this? Did I still love my husband? Had he wiped out years of marriage in just one afternoon? Could I ever come back from this place?
I didn’t know much that night, but I did know that I wouldn’t be logical enough to make that decision. The desire to inflict pain on him was the strongest feeling I had at the moment. I wanted him to be hurt as I was. I wanted him to feel what it was like to love and then lose in one swift moment, just as I had to endure that day. I wanted it to hurt him deeply.
Something in me clicked over. I took comfort in that thought. It was like a smooth balm on my aching soul. I hurt so much, I had loved Peter so terribly much. And now I couldn’t be sure of it anymore.
The only person who could actually take it away had stolen it from me.
And I wanted him to suffer for it. I wanted him to know what it was like to lose me. To be sure of me one minute and unexpectedly wrong about me the next.
I hung up my towel again and I snuggled back down into my bed. I was so warm and I should have felt so comfortable where I was. It was one of my favorite things to hop out of a hot bath and snuggle into a cool bed. But not tonight. Tonight I had a sickness in the pit of my stomach that wouldn’t go away. And if I let it, it would spread over my whole body. There was no comfort and no escape from what I knew.
I closed my eyes, and felt the beginnings of a headache coming on. I would probably get a migraine out of this, and then I would be telling the truth.
At least one of us would.
After that first night together, when Peter had proposed to me, we were almost never apart. At my insistence I didn’t move in with him right away. I was still marginally sensible and I feared drowning in him. Never before had I felt such a connection, such an intuitive, intimate way of being known. And a piece of me was afraid. It was not a fear of losing Peter, it was a fear of finding myself. He spoke to a dark place in me that I knew existed but felt I was keeping successfully under control.
Besides the immediacy and the unusualness of our connection there was no evidence for this except what was happening to me. I seemed to be opening up like a flower. Ripe fruit. Our lovemaking had stayed fairly tame. None of the commanding presence that I had experienced on the first night came up again for quite a few weeks.
We separated out one of the spare rooms and Peter decorated it in gold and maroon, with lush carpeting and patterned wallpaper. There were magnificent indoor trees and a corner green house with thriving orchids. It was the most beautiful room I had ever seen, and it was given to me with love and respect.
Immediately, most of Peter’s clients took me on as their accountant. I was terribly busy all the time, and organized another accountant to come in to help me a few days a week. Peter had a paralegal and we arranged for them both to come in on the same day, so that the days when they were not there we were both alone. I was making more money than I had ever made in my life before, with my own practice. The work was challenging, but I was up to it, and soon developed a reputation as an excellent accountant.
Word spread fast that Peter had taken me on. At first it was gossip but Peter taught me how to handle that. It didn’t take me long to realize why he lived such a reclusive lifestyle. It wasn’t that he was in the public eye, it was just that he was very heavily sought after in his own profession. Not just by clients. Law firms and other professional institutions trolled him constantly. As well as professionals, women and men who wanted him to be their lover pursued him. I had no idea that a life like that existed. But it soon came my way, when I came out of my home one day to find a person I did not know going through my letterbox. I was appalled and threatened to call the police, but Peter taught me how to understand these things, and manage them so that they didn’t interfere with our life.
Peter taught me, as we went along, how to handle all of it. Life for him was like being a non-famous celebrity. I soon found that if I got anything at work wrong there was someone somewhere to come down on me in an industry jour
nal or an e-mail circulation. Peter taught me how to make sure that errors didn’t happen anymore, and how to account for the way people would be. We worked on our intuition, and he taught me how to trust it, how to feel it, and how to let things flow through me. This helped me make excellent judgments in my work, but it also helped me work out whom I could trust.
Then, one Friday, I hadn’t seen Peter for the first few hours of the morning. It was not like him to not be at the office, although he had no clients that day in the morning. I stopped by at the cottage, but it was characteristically pristine and the bed looked like he hadn’t slept in it, which was how Peter left his bed every morning. I called his mobile but it was off. It was hard to know what was going on.
He turned up at work at about eleven in the morning, and came directly to my office. I was alone, and he came over to me behind my desk, and leaned down to where I sat and kissed me hard on the mouth.
‘Do you love me?’ He asked?
‘Yes darling. Of course. More than anything.’ I was puzzled about where he had been all morning, but I wanted to hear what he had to say before I asked him what was going on.
‘I have a surprise for you tonight. It will be the beginning of an important part of our new life together. But I want to know that you trust me and that you will go through this with me, so that I can take you to the place I want to take you.’
I was puzzled, this strange crawling feeling started up in the pit of my stomach. I looked up from my chair into his beautiful eyes. Fear mingled with anxiety spread through me, but I was wet between my legs. Something in him was waking that part of me up again. I think it was what he was asking of me, but it was hard to be sure. He wanted to go to that place inside of me, but I needed to trust him. Did I trust him? I had no idea what he was going to. What if it was something I feared? Did I trust him?
‘Yes Peter. I trust you. You can take me anywhere that you want.’
The look in his eye at that moment surprised me greatly. I expected pride, or triumph, or even a cheeky wicked grin, but he looked at me with such overwhelming love that tears sprang into my eyes. He knelt before me, and buried his face into my lap. Into my lap he mumbled, ‘I won’t let you down. I promise you, I won’t let you down.’
He stayed there for another minute then stood up in front of me. The look in his eye had gone and it was replaced with the cheeky one I had expected.
‘Anna, I will come and get you at five this afternoon, and I want us to have a drink together at the cottage. Friday night you sleep with me, so I expect you have your belongings with you. At four I want you to get them from the boot of your car and take them to the cottage so that there is no reason for you to be distracted from five. Do you understand everything that I have told you?’
‘Yes Peter.’ I replied which was not exactly the truth because there were things I still didn’t understand. However, in terms of the instruction, it was clear enough.
He smiled at me warmly, then turned around and left the room.
I looked down at my work, but it was swimming in front of me. I was terribly excited, but it was sort of appalling. Filled with all kinds of questions and I was wondering how in earth I was going to be able to get successfully all the way through to 4pm without completely falling apart.
What did Peter have planned for me?
I walked to the kitchenette to get coffee. Peter was in his office with the door shut, because he had a client with him. I walked past our secretary and smiled vaguely at her. In the kitchen, I poured myself a coffee from the percolator and added milk methodically. Putting the coffee down on the bench, I smoothed my skirt. ‘Two can play this game.’ I thought. ‘The idea is that I am not going to be able to concentrate. I’m supposed to fall apart with anticipation. Well, I won’t. I will prove to him that I am just as disciplined and creative as him, and I will use my time wisely to get my work done.’
I picked up my coffee and headed back to my little office, walking taller and straighter than I had before. In my office, the Chalmers file was glaring at me from the desk, the figures of their annual investments floating around the page like little dancing voodoo dolls, giggling and pointing at my futile efforts of control. My vagina was aching. With each throb I remembered that at five this afternoon something terribly exciting was going to happen to me, and I had no idea what it was. Then I would banish the thought and look down again at the figures, which seemed to know more about what was going on than I did.
I knew better than to run to the bathroom for some light relief. That would never work. I looked over at my yawning laptop and decided it would be suicide to get on to the net. I would end up looking at something I was not supposed to and lose almost all the day. I should really go for a walk, I could hardly charge a client for this state of mind, but just the thought of the look on his face as he heard me sneak out the door was enough to keep me where I sat. No! I was going to beat this… somehow.
Giving my head a good shake, I took a deep breath, glanced at the clock on the wall that screamed mid day, and got to the work in front of me.
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It was 7:30 on a Monday evening in May. I had just finished my last class of the semester at the community college. At 42, I was going back to school to learn a new career being unemployed during this economic downturn. I had to stop at Wal-Mart to pick up a couple of things for my supper that evening. I don’t know why I decided to stop at this particular Wal-Mart instead of the one in my hometown twenty miles away, but I did. I felt a sense of dread pulling into the parking lot: I...
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Hi, I’m Tommy Granthem, and trust me when I say it, I am a very bad man, and you do NOT want to get to know me. It’s not that I’m the kind of person who goes out of his way to be a bad guy, it’s just something that comes far too naturally to me. Growing up, even my mother Kathy, used to say, “There’s the devil in you Tommy”. I mean shit, my own mother thought I was a lost cause. She got knocked up with me at fourteen, and somehow managed to actually finish high school, even though she had a...
I had heard about Sharon Kingston long before I met her. My sister had a party and the guys separated from the girls, talking about their inability to score with them tonight. My sister and her friends were not about to engage in the public make out session that the guys had expected. Don't get me wrong, these girls were not teases or prudes, but they weren't sluts either. I knew, because I bedded a couple of them, even got one of their cherries. Well, the conversation got around to all of...
Monday, Kelly told me that she was going with me to the lawyer’s office, and the way she said it indicated I had better not argue. I still wasn’t sure what Brockport could do for me that Stillwell couldn’t. Everything I had heard from the guys the other day showed that no matter how I got out of this, the County Attorney and the County Council would still demand they get rid of a killer, and I was still probationary. “Grim, just listen to what he has to say. Daddy says the guy is a magician....
Willow couldn't believe how quickly she began to relax in the spring. While the air temperature was quite cold, and she'd shivered tremendously as she shed her layers of clothing at the pool's edge, once she was inside, her body warmed quickly and felt soft and calm. Even old aches started to melt in the spring's magical waters. Kieu-Linh was working soap through her hair, and Willow watched her a moment. The young woman was very beautiful, and though many of the people she'd known in...
November 12, 1982 Every so often, I felt a need to step back and take inventory. Evaluate my life, look at my goals and values, and see how they changed over time. I was tired of thinking about questionable decisions, friendships lost, bands of the past, and the dubious possibility of bands to come. I wanted to contemplate the larger picture. Given what had occurred in the past year or so, what did I want to accomplish in this new life? How had my goals changed? When I was first sent back...
Before we went to bed I stepped outside with Wilbur and Alfred for a quiet smoke, a final drink and an exchange of thoughts. Wilbur insisted on turning on his heaters. It had stopped snowing and the temperature was quite mild in any case. "Many thanks to both of you, my friends. This was as pleasant a Christmas as anybody could have wished for. It will be most interesting to see what comes out of it. We don't have to wonder about Sabreena, though. A very special woman, Wilbur. You have...
The night everything came to a head was not planned in advance. Just a set of circumstances that finally aligned themselves in the right way. Ursa's boobs had ached all day long. Terrell had no qualms about extracting every last precious drop from them, even after she'd told him several times that pumping out that final bit really hurt her. "Do you have to take every last drop?" she'd plaintively wailed. "If you'd quit trying to hunt down and destroy it all I wouldn't need so...
November – Year 2 We walked into the house, Erin took Lynn to the family room while I went to the kitchen and loaded a pitcher with ice water. When I returned to the family room with it and three glasses, I filled each glass and we sat with Lynn between us. “I am sorry. I have a long story to tell you and I am afraid that when I am done, our marriage might end.” “I can’t believe that. I really cannot imagine that you would do something so bad that it would make us walk away.” “I lied to...
The morning was filled with chaos and energy. People seemed to understand that something had happened even without knowing what that something was. When Ghost came riding in at a gallop to report that Reverend Marshand and the Denied churchmen were eight to ten hours away, Sam knew it was time to take a walk. "Carlos, see to it that the Cayuse are called in. I should be back shortly, but if I'm not back by lunch, don't worry." He nodded his agreement, but this time even Carlos was...
A CHAEMARIAN SPACESHIP NEAR GROMORIKIAN SPACE Charlie POV: “So Lars, how... exactly ... are we going to intercept our evil Gromorik space kidnappers?” I asked, “Ibera told me the story about how you ‘telekinetically’ or ‘psychokinetically’ pulled a Gromorik and a Greyzarian mothership towards a planet to stop some kind of a skirmish?” His eyes lit up in laughter, “WOW, I’d forgotten about that! Well, to be honest, I may have told a bit of a ‘fable’, embellishing what I actually did.” I...
Eventually it became more uncomfortable staying in bed than getting up, and anyway I desperately needed to pee. I showered and shaved then went to get dressed. That’s when I discovered the clothes I had worn the night before were still sopping wet. Even my shoes were soaked through. And when I looked in my pocket, I found a soggy supermarket receipt showing I’d bought five bottles of Irish whiskey late the previous night. And I didn’t even have a hangover to show for it. I had a very late...
Bitsy sat at her desk, she gave a sigh and rubbed her temples. It was good to be back at oak house. The afternoon meeting at Marluxion's lair had not gone well. Brand had spent the whole time glowering at Marluxion and Marti'en, Thank heavens Trink had left Keebler back at the fairy village. Not that Trink had been all that much help, making outrageous suggestions, like if he got ahold of the witch with his superior parts, she wouldn't want WindWhispers anymore. Virlane and Trink had...
It had only been a couple days since my wild photo session with Bob and his beautiful wife Krystal. It had started out as a glamour photo session (even though I've mostly only done nature stuff as a hobby) and ended up with a three-way. Krystal, shy as I've always known her, really let loose when she had her husband in front of her and me behind, servicing her at both ends, so to speak. Anyway, my phone rang, and I went to answer it. I was surprised to hear her voice on the line since she...
The last time the water bandits had hit Frank Kabrosky and Jose Ferrera's claim, they were unprepared. Five anonymous figures with shiny faceplates, three wicked looking clubs with sharp spikes on the ends, and they had to flee in awkward hopping bounds, to preserve suit integrity, leaving the bandits to transfer six-thousand gallons of water they had toiled the past four months to refine from the unforgiving hard rock extraction mine. There are no guns on the moon. Just five months earlier,...
Steve's alarm went off at 7:00 on Saturday. It was unusual for him to get up earlier than 9:00 on the weekend, but he had signed up to teach English to immigrants at the library once a month and today was his first day. He rolled out of bed, checked his email. Nothing yet. A shower and breakfast and he was on the road. Thirty minutes later and he was helping a group of three elderly Indian ladies learn the days of the week in English. "Sunday," they repeated after him, "Monday, Tuesday,...
ExhibitionismSteve came home from a sociology class to a general uproar Friday afternoon. "Have you heard about it?" Justin said as Steve put down his backpack. "What? Did someone run us out of milk again?" Steve joked. "Just read this," Anthony ordered. "Read it off my screen." The email had been sent anonymously, but specifically to the guys that shared the house- Steve, Anthony, Gabe, Justin, and Dieter. Steve read with mounting astonishment. ---- You guys have really gotten our attention. We're a...
ExhibitionismI have often wondered how Lisa, my wife, will react if a black man approaches her sexually when I'm not around. I know how aroused she gets and the intensity of the orgasms she has when we talk of her being with a huge dicked black man while she's in the throes of love-making. Just the sight of a thick long black cock is enough to cause her to become wet immediately. For some reason, I have never fully understood why, but just knowing how hot it makes her thinking of fucking a...
This is a continuing story that begins with ‘Darkroom – Monday.’ —- Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn’t told him what time to be there, and he didn’t feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...
This is a continuing story that begins with "Darkroom - Monday."----Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn't told him what time to be there, and he didn't feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...
ExhibitionismDarkFyre Chapter Seventeen The bear pelt was heavy and warm. Strange, to think that the pelt and meat were keeping them alive and comfortable after the bear had nearly killed him. There was a sort of grim irony in that, he supposed, but it was lost in the relief of being alive, the exhaustion of his ordeal, and the wonder of the woman in his arms. Rael stared down at Silmaria. She slept for now, a deep, peaceful sleep with her face pressed to his solid chest, one small hand resting on his...
The fight in Silithus was going badly for us. Two more mobs (monsters) had spawned while we were already fighting another two. DarkKitten was in ‘cat’ form (she was a Druid and could morph into different forms). Cat form was the best for dealing damage, and she was lashing out at the two mobs effectively, bringing their health bars down quite quickly. But the extra two mobs were a worry. I was MoonFlower, a priest (or priestess, if you like). My main role was as a healer, and to a somewhat...
“Is my Beast resting, dreaming of dark desires for his prey? Are your dreams: taunting, teasing, mocking you?” Anna walks through the darkness, barefoot on soft earth. “I whisper your name ‘Allan’, from a distance. The faint smell of Anna’s heat drifts through the air. The scent stirs and hunger, that can’t be sated. “you feel me. My breath on your skin. You can’t find me. You know I’m here. You’re searching. Your body is cold, it aches” Alone in the darkness stands Allan the Beast....
a slave I still feel like a queen. I sense your eyes on my naked breasts, especially those areas that seem to be painted in the darker chocolate hue that accentuates my areolas. You love to try and get your mouth around it all. From there your eyes travel down my voluptuous chocolate body, over my flat stomach with the butterfly tattoo, to the kinky blackness of my sex; and further on to my softly sculpted things and long legs. I have been waiting for hours. You woke me this morning by sticking...
Silmaria’s heart beat violently, thudding unpleasantly in her breast. As the men stepped into their small camp she swallowed and fought to ignore the rising tide of panic threatening to drown her entirely. There were half a dozen of them, all armed and stepping with the confident, easy swagger of men who were comfortably acquainted with a great many kinds of violence. Dark eyes roved over her. She saw a flare of desire here, a glint of lewd interest there. Mostly, they looked curious, and...
Her eyes slowly opened, brilliant green wide eyes the color of emeralds or the green, green grass that grew in the gardens during the all too brief months of spring and summer. They were slitted. Like a cats, people would always say. Even after all this time, she couldn’t help roll her eyes when someone said that. It was so… cliché. Obvious. Obvious or not, it was still pretty accurate. Like a cats, Silmaria’s eyes were slitted, sure. They also saw incredibly well in the dark. The room was...
The mild weather snuck away in the night, setting the stage for their departure, to be a much more bitterly cold and uncomfortable affair. After sundown the temperature dropped until snow fell in a scintillating curtain of white, crystal-soft flakes. They danced along the wind, dazzling and fleeting in the moonlight as they did somersaults and dizzying spiral dives before collecting in a graceless mass grave all along the docks, their frantic, joyful celebration of cold and movement and life...
Silmaria was on her hands and knees in the drawing room on the west side of the Manor, scrubbing at the wooden floor with a soapy rag. She was not particularly in the best of moods, some idiot had tracked dirt into the room, which was made all the worse by the fact that no one ought to really have been in here in the first place. Of course, given how downhill the upkeep of IronWing Manor was these days, it wasn’t even noticed or addressed until several days later, when she got to be the lucky...
Master Edwin IronWing’s study smelled of oak and wood polish, and leather and old vellum. It was a spacious, open room. A huge window took up the north-facing wall, staring out over the planting fields to the north. In the distance the DrakeSpine Mountains set a breathtaking backdrop, with the crags stretching higher and higher, huge and ancient and enduring. Sitting at the foot of the window was a large lacquered desk of solid oak. The surface was cleaned and lovingly polished until it...