Christie's Tale Or The Third Leg Of The Triangle Pt.1 free porn video

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This series really got away from me. I had originally intended Chris and Christie to be a stand alone story about the two of them. However, Hailey wound up taking on a greater significance in their saga than I had originally intended, and I found myself wanting to delve into her perspective.
Once I had done that, I realized that although she features largely in both stories, Christie’s role, while easily apparent, is never really explained and her motivations never fully explored. So I decided to finish off the series by telling the same story AGAIN, but this time from her point of view. (It also saves me from having to come up with something completely new :D)
The order to read them so that they make some sense is:
1. Chris and Christie
2. Hailey’s Story
3. Christie’s Story
This is the longest of the three stories, so I’ve broken it up into several parts. Even though you know by now how it will end, I hope you enjoy it.

Christie entered the front door as quietly as she could. She did not want to face her parents right now.
She stealthily tiptoed down the hallway and into her bathroom, locking the door behind her, and sighing with relief.
She looked into the mirror and saw her lips trembling.
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. It was supposed to be romantic and special, this was just … awful.
She undressed and pulled off her special panties, bought in secret, just for tonight. She looked down at the crotch and saw the bloodstain.
Shit. These are ruined. And now I have to get rid of them where my parents won’t find them.
She rolled them up and put them in a plastic bag, she’d ditch them later.
She climbed into the shower and ran the water.
She heard a knock at the door.
“Christie? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah mom, I’m just really tired. I’m taking a shower and going to bed.”
“Okay. Good night.”
Once Christie stood under the nozzle for a few minutes, she poured some shower gel into the loofa and began scrubbing herself.
When she started washing between her legs, she couldn’t hold it in anymore, and she began to cry.

Mike was supposed to be the answer to her problems.
A precocious 10th grader, Christie was the lone Sophomore on the Varsity Cheer squad. Her gymnastics background was a real asset when it came to tumbling, and she could do stunts that most of the girls couldn’t dream of.
When she first made the squad, she thought that she would ascend to the pinnacle of the high school hierarchy.
After all, she was smart, pretty, athletic, a cheerleader, and she had big boobs.
The total package, right? Everyone would love her.

Well, she was half right.
The Seniors on the squad hated her. It turned out that in order to make room for her, a junior wasn’t promoted from the jv squad.
This particular junior was the younger sister of one of the most popular girls in school, who was the captain of the varsity squad.
She and her minions shunned Christie, and the rest of the varsity cheerleaders followed their lead. She was still friends with the other Sophomore cheerleaders, but since they were on different squads, she barely saw them.
And since cheerleading took up so much time, Christie found herself forced to be around girls who didn’t like her for a majority of the time.
Christie was convinced that they had purposely dropped her on one of their stunts, and she flat out refused to do any more flying, earning her the further wrath of the squad, who claimed that she thought that she was better than the rest of them.
Well even if the girls didn’t like her, at least the boys did.
Which was a further source of problems for her.
Yeah, guys were lining up to date her, but she discovered right away that they only had one thing on their minds.
Going to the movies became an ordeal for her; under the cover of darkness they would grab her boobs and squeeze them.
Several guys had earned her enmity, and one had wound up with Coke all over his pants after he got too grabby with her.

She had gotten to the point that the only guy she trusted was her next door neighbor.
Chris was two years younger than her, and worshipped the ground that she walked on.
He was such a sweetheart, but just so …. nerdy.
Christie felt sorry for him, he didn’t really have any friends, and none of the girls even knew he existed.
Skinny and klutzy, he spent most of his time on his computer.
Christie couldn’t remember a time when she didn’t know him, and one of her favorite pictures was taken not long after he was born.
Her mom had dressed her up in a frilly white dress, and walked her next door. She sat her on the couch and gave her strict instructions on how to hold the baby, and then placed the infant in her arms before Chris’s mom took the picture.
It was framed on the dresser in her bedroom.
Chris hated that photo, claiming that he looked like a space alien, but Christie thought that it was absolutely adorable.
She called Chris her baby, and he had certainly acted like it, following her wherever she went, so she had always felt protective of him.
Although they had grown apart as they grew older, Christie always felt a special bond with him.
On the weekends, Chris would be doing yard work, and she would sunbathe outside just so she could have a real conversation with a guy whose end goal wasn’t to feel her up.
Christie knew that Chris would steal a peek at her in her bathing suit when he thought she wasn’t looking, but she didn’t mind. It was harmless, and would never lead anywhere.

Christie was wondering where all the high school fun she had seen in movies was supposed to be at.
Those stupid movies got everything all wrong. The good girl never got the guy, and the bitch never got what was coming to her. Not in real life.
But one Monday in the middle of the year, that all changed.
Standing by her locker, she saw the varsity quarterback walking her way.
She briefly wondered what he was doing down this hall, since it was mostly sophomore classrooms. Then he walked right up to her.
“Hey.” He greeted her.
“Ummm, hey.” She replied.
Was this really happening? Was he really talking to her?
“I’ve seen you around, noticed you at the games, you’re Christina, right?”
“Christie.” He had noticed her?
“You saw me at the games? Really?”
“Shit yeah, you’re fuckin’ hawt. I’d be sittin’ on the bench, supposed to be listening to coach, but I was really scoping you out.”
Christie blushed and tucked a stray hair behind her ear, a nervous habit she had since she was a kid.
She glanced around, aware that they were attracting quite a bit of attention.
The girls were all in awe of him, and the guys were aware that Christie was now out of their reach.
He leaned against the locker and folded his arms across his chest, subtly pushing his biceps out to make them seem bigger.
“So listen, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?”
“Me???? You want to go out with me????” Christie practically squealed.
He grinned at her.
“Shit yeah, my boy Josh is having a party this Saturday. Want to come with me?”
Christie thought that she was going to start hyperventilating any second.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
He nodded. “Cool. Where’s your phone?”
She handed it to him, and he programmed his number into it, before calling it. His phone beeped at him.
“Now we have each other’s numbers. I’ll call you later.”
And he walked off down the hall.
As soon as he was out of sight, several of Christie’s friends rushed up to her, chirping with delight.
“Omigawd, did he just ask you out? Girl you are soooooo lucky!! He’s so dreamy!!!!”
As they fussed around her, discussing how this would impact Christie’s life, she smiled to herself.
Maybe all those movies weren’t so wrong after all….
Christie spent the rest of the day on Cloud 9. Not even those cheer bitches would ruin her day.
When she arrived at practice, she was aware that she was the subject of everyone’s attention.
She went to a far corner of the mat to begin stretching by herself, as she normally did.
It wasn’t long before she had company. Several of the juniors came and gathered around her.
“Hey, is it true that Mike Walker asked you out?”
Christie smiled a bit.
“Yeah. But it’s not a big deal, we haven’t even made plans or anything.”
“No big deal?!?!?” They looked around at each other in shock and awe.
“No big deal?!?!? The star quarterback asked you out. You. A sophomore. Girl, that is a huuuuge deal.”
As they were chatting with her, Christie was aware that the group around her now included several Seniors. In fact, the only girls not around her were the squad captain and her clique.
The rest of practice, Christie could sense a change in the atmosphere.
No longer was she a shunned outsider, but now a part of the group. The captain’s clique may have been ignoring her, but they were only 5 girls out of 20.
Funny how something as small as a date with the right guy could change everything.
At one point, the squad captain barked an order at her, and Mandy, one of the other seniors told her to fuck off.
“Don’t pick on her just because Mike dumped you for her.”
Muttering curses, the captain walked away.
Christie’s eyes grew wide.
“Holy shit. He really dumped her for me????”
Mandy waved her hand dismissively.
“Not really. They hooked up at a party, and he never called her. She was going around claiming that they were dating, but he didn’t even remember her name. Ignore her, she’s a fucking bitch.”
Christie silently wondered why no one had bothered to stick up for her before, but she knew that if it hadn’t been for Mike asking her out, she would still be treated like shit by the rest of the squad.
While she thought that was a bunch of bullshit, she also wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth, so she kept quiet.

That Saturday, Mike took her to a senior party.
Christie felt a little out of place, as Mike was the only guy there that she knew, but Mandy and some of the other cheerleaders were also there, so she gravitated towards them.
They hooted and hollered as they saw her, and pulled her down beside them.
“Hey girl, ever play asshole?”
“No, how do you do it?”
They dealt the cards and explained the rules, putting a drink in front of her.
Christie had never really drank before, but wanted to fit in, so she didn’t protest.
A little while later, Mike stumbled across their game.
“There you are, I was wondering where you had disappeared to. Are you girls corrupting this sweet young thing?”
“Fuck yeah!!! We’re showing her how to drink like a cheerleader!!!”
Mike chuckled. “Christie, no matter what they tell you, wine coolers are not a real drink.”
“Fuck off! Go do whatever football boys do and leave us to our fun!!”
Mike laughed and took Christie by the hand.
“Sorry girls, she’s coming with me.”
“Boo!!! Booooo!!!!”
Christie stumbled to her feet, giggling.
These girls are all right. She thought to herself.
She spent the rest of the evening with Mike, and he kept a close eye on her alcohol intake.
“Can’t take you home drunk.” He explained to her.
How sweet. She thought to herself.
Christie unfortunately had a midnight curfew. She had told her parents that Mike was taking her to a movie, but he graciously left the party early, getting razzed by his friends about dating a kindergartner. He was even cool about that.
As he walked her to her door, he thanked for the evening.
At this point, Christie was stuck. She wanted to kiss him, but couldn’t be the one to initiate it.
She was also a little nervous about whether or not he would want anything else.
He leaned in and planted a light kiss on her lips that left her wanting more, before he turned and walked back to his car.
“Mike?” she called after him.
“Yeah?” He turned back to her.
“Call me.” She said, and floated inside.

The next day, Mike called her to come hang out at the lake with him and his family.
As the day went on, the two of them would steal little kisses when no one was looking their way.
At one point, Mike put his hand on her side and begin rubbing up and down, coming close to her breast.
As he drew closer, Christie tensed a bit, anticipating a clumsy grope, but he reversed direction, and moved his hand back down towards her hip, leaving with a huge sense of relief.

After three weeks, Mike and Christie had progressed to making out, and while Mike’s hands had been roaming, he still hadn’t felt her up.
Christie wasn’t quite sure if she was ready for that, but her school life was much better, and she was amazed at how dating him had affected her social status.
That weekend was a big party, and Christie had told her parents that the cheerleaders were having a special practice night to prepare for an upcoming performance.
That had managed to get her out of her midnight curfew.
Some of the older girls had encouraged her to buy sexy underwear.
Christie had balked at that, she hadn’t planned on Mike seeing her in her underwear any time soon.
“No girl,” Mandy laughed. “It’s not for him, it’s for you. When you want to feel good all over, you put on sexy underwear. Can’t dress cute when you’re wearing granny panties.”
So she had gone to Victoria’s Secret and purchased a sexy thong and bra set.
It was so skimpy that she wound up shaving her pubic area bald for the first time.
Dating Mike had really made her feel good about herself, and she wanted to feel extra cute at the party.

That Saturday night, Mike had seemed extra attentive to her, rarely leaving her side.
He was either holding her hand, or had his arm draped around her. Whenever he sat down, he’d pull her down into his lap.
Christie was a little bit nervous, the varsity cheer captain and her clique were there as well, and they were giving her evil looks.
Especially her younger sister, who was convinced that Christie had cheated her out of her spot on the varsity squad.
Finally, the girl marched right up to Christie and cursed her out.
“You fucking bitch, who did you fuck to get my spot?”
“Excuse me?” Christie was mortified. Of all the times for Mike not to be here….
“You heard her, slut.” Her sister had joined her. “Who did you fuck to steal my sister’s spot?”
“I didn’t do anything…” Christie mumbled, looking down.
“Bullshit. Did you fuck the Principal? Or did you dyke out with the cheerleading coach?”
Christie had heard enough, and she rose to leave, but the younger of the two sisters pushed her back down.
“You aren’t going anywhere, you fucking whore.”
At this point, Mike walked up and stood between Christie and the sisters.
“You two need to back the fuck up.”
The younger sister glared at him and hissed. “Oh, the noble protector, here to save his little slut. What’s wrong Mike, can’t get a girl your own age, so you have to rob the cradle?”
Mike glared at her.
“No, I already had your sister, and it took me a week to wash the stench off.”
He turned to the older girl, waving his hand in front of his nose as if he had caught the scent of something terrible.
“Jeeezzzuusss, close your legs Erin.”
Erin turned bright red and flung a fist at him, which Mike easily caught. Her sister began screaming at Mike to let her go, and started punching him.
At this point, several of the guys stepped in and pulled the two screaming girls away from Mike.
As they screamed threats at Mike and Christie, one of the girls’ volleyball players stepped up and hit Erin right in the face, dropping her with a single punch.
She turned to her sister and caught her with a hook that put her lights out.
At first there was complete silence, then everyone broke out cheering.
Erin’s friends ran up and grabbed her and her sister, hauling them to their feet, and hustling them out of the party, while the volleyball player exchanged high fives with her friends.
She turned to Mike. “I figured I’d help you out, seeing as how you refused to punch the bitches’ lights out.”
Mike chuckled. “Thanks, Sylvia.”
“Anytime.” She turned to Christie. “They give you any more trouble, you let me know. I can’t stand those fucking cunts.”
As the crowd dispersed, Mike turned to Christie and took her hand.
“Let’s go.”
He led her away from everyone, down a darkened hallway and into a bedroom.
As soon as they were inside, he began kissing her, insistently pushing his tongue into her mouth.
Christie was aware that this make out session was a little different than their previous ones, Mike seemed so … aggressive.
He led her to the bed and as they lay there kissing, Christie was aware that she was starting to get hot.
The way that he had stood up for her in front of everyone was so sexy, she thought that she’d go a little bit farther tonight, maybe stroke his dick, or let him feel her boobs.
She placed her hand down between his legs, and lightly rubbed, and Mike rolled her over onto her back.
As he planted a fierce kiss on her lips, he pulled her miniskirt up, and pushed his hand down the front of her panties, directly on top of her pussy.
Christie’s eyes flew open at that, this was a lot farther than she had planned on going.
She tried to protest, but with his tongue in her mouth, all she could do was make weird sounds.
“Hmmmm!!! Hmmmmmm!!!”
Mike must have taken those as signs of approval, because the next thing she knew, he had pushed a finger up into her.
Christie was horrified. This was a lot more than she had bargained for.
When he started working his finger in and out, her resolve weakened a bit.
While at first it felt a little painful, it soon started to feel good.
Christie was aware of a growing warmth between her legs, and realized that her pussy was starting to get wet, and her nipples were getting hard under her bra.
But still, she wasn’t ready for this. Not yet.
Mike broke their kiss and whispered in her ear.
“You’re getting wet. Is this your first time?”
Christie nodded.
“Yes. But Mike, listen…”
He cut her off. “God, that’s hot.” And began kissing her again, silencing her protests.
Christie couldn’t deny the feelings that he was stirring in her, and her body started responding, her hips bucking up into him as her virgin pussy was explored by his fingers.
But it was too much. She wasn’t ready for this, not yet.
Mike seemed to sense her discomfort, and removed his hand.
Christie settled down a bit, and concentrated on kissing him, trying to please him that way.
He shifted around a little bit on top of her, and briefly broke their kiss as he leaned back and started wiggling around.
“Mike, what…” Christie started to ask.
“Shhh, it’s okay.” He told her, and lay back on top of her, resuming their kiss.
Christie was aware that somehow he felt different, and suddenly realized that she was feeling his bare skin against her legs.
Holy shit, had he taken his pants off? What was he doing?
Christie’s unspoken question was immediately answered as Mike reached to her waist, and pushed her panties down, before using his foot to tug them all the way off.
Christie was too shocked to react, and Mike pushed her legs wide apart and plunged his erect cock into her virgin pussy.
Christie squealed into his mouth at the searing pain as he tore past her hymen, and buried his cock in her pussy.
Christie could feel the tears well in the corners of her eyes as she kept them squeezed shut, trying to endure the pain, and wondering what the hell had just happened.
After a brief moment, Mike started pumping in and out of her.
Christie couldn’t believe how badly it hurt.
Why do girls do this???? She wondered to herself.
Mike still had his mouth on top of hers, practically smothering her, jabbing his tongue in and out, just like his dick was doing to her pussy.
Suddenly, he pulled his face away from hers, grimaced, and convulsed three times.
Christie could feel his dick twitch inside of her, and he rolled off of her and collapsed.
“Holy fuck. That was awesome.” He heaved.
Christie wiped the tears from her face.
At least one of us enjoyed it. She thought to herself.
“Was it good for you?” He asked her.
“It hurt so bad.” Christie replied.
He smiled at her.
“I’m sorry. That’s normal for your first time. It’ll get better.”
He leaned over and kissed her.
“Thank you for giving your virginity to me. That’s really special, I’ll always remember it.”
I don’t remember giving you anything. Did you even ask me if I wanted to do this? Holy shit, what just fucking happened????
He sat up and started pulling his clothes back on.
“Come on, let’s get back to the party.”
Christie pulled her panties back on and straightened her clothing.
Mike peered at her.
“Are you okay? You’re moving kind of slow.”
Christie gave him a wan smile.
“Yeah, it still hurts down there.”

As they returned to the party, Christie felt like everyone knew what they had been doing.
She could feel their stares, their judgment, every time someone glanced her way.
Mike wandered off to get a beer, and she saw him talking to his buddies and high fiving. His friends looked over at her with knowing smirks.
Oh God. This is so embarrassing. She thought to herself.
After a little while, Mike made his way back to her and handed her a beer.
“Listen Mike, can you take me home?”
“What? Why?”
“I’m just not feeling really good, I need to get home.”
Mike seemed annoyed.
“Do you need an aspirin or something? I don’t really want to leave.”
“Mike, please?”
“Fine.” He huffed.
He drove her home complaining about missing the party, while Christie meekly apologized.
When he dropped her off, Christie had him do it a couple of houses down, just in case her parents spotted his car and saw through her cover story.
He gave her a deep kiss, and told her he’d call her.

As Christie finished showering, her tears had finally run dry.
She had always dreamed of her wedding day: The white dress, which would now be a total lie, and her wedding night with her husband. He would tenderly kiss and caress her, slowly undressing her like he was unwrapping a special present on Christmas morning before gently entering her, taking her virginity
All of that was gone now, replaced by a fumbling few minutes that she wasn’t prepared for, or had even wanted.
Does sex start to feel better? She wondered.

Unfortunately, the answer was no.
At least, it never got better with Mike.
The next week they had sex again at another party.
While it didn’t hurt this time, it also didn’t really bring her any pleasure.
Maybe I’m doing it wrong. She thought to herself. Or maybe there’s something wrong with me.
Mike certainly seemed to enjoy himself, thrusting into her again, and cumming in a few minutes.
After several weeks of this, Christie finally came to a conclusion:
Mike was a lousy lay.
Listening to the older cheerleaders talk, she realized that they were enjoying sex with their boyfriends.
They talked about the different ways they tried to please them, some successful, some not.
Mandy had them all rolling on the floor laughing as she described her boyfriends’ attempt to get her off using only has tongue.
“Swear to God, he was just lapping at me like a dog. I almost started laughing at him, I finally had to start giving him directions. ‘Slow down, change the stroke, don’t do that.’ I felt like a traffic cop.”
For God’s sakes Mike wasn’t even trying to please her.
“Wham, Bam, Thank you Ma’am” seemed to be his motto.
Christie found herself on the horns of a dilemma.
She couldn’t break up with him, not after he had taken her virginity.
And besides, her social life was so much better now that they were together.
What would happen if she broke up with him? Would she go back to being shunned? The first part of the year had been so miserable; she didn’t want to return to that state of affairs.
Who could she talk to about this?
She didn’t feel comfortable discussing it with any of the older girls, and as far as she knew, none of her girlfriends her age had ever had sex.
She started going online, and reading issues of Cosmopolitan, looking for tips to improve the sex. The problem was, she didn’t know how to bring it up with Mike without embarrassing him or making him angry. So she kept quiet, and started experimenting on herself.
Masturbation had been a life saver for her, and she started rubbing her clit while Mike was pumping away on top of her.
Unfortunately, Mike was done so quick, she couldn’t get herself off before he finished.
So she started developing certain tricks to make sure that she got off before he came.
She would insist on lots of kissing, and she would suck his dick, playing with herself the entire time so that she could climax before he was done.
The problem with that was that now Mike was convinced that she couldn’t wait to go down on him, and he tried to get blowjobs from her all the time.

The first blow job was as bad as the first time they had sex.
He was driving her to school, when he proudly pointed to his crotch.
“Check it out. Morning wood.”
Christie just stared at it for a second before looking up at him.
“Yeah. So?”
“So don’t you want to know why I have it?”
Christie sighed. “Okay. Why do you have it?”
“Because I was thinking of you.”
“Ummm. Okay.”
Christie had no idea what else to say, and she looked out the window.
“So anyways,” Mike continued. “I figure that since you’re the cause of it, it’s only fair that you should take care of it.”
And with that, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick.
Christie stared at him.
Was he serious? In the car? On the way to school? No way!
Mike reached over and grabbed the back of her head, and forced her down towards his cock.
Christie couldn’t believe this, but she took it in her mouth, and started to suck on it.
Mike kept forcing her head down on him, gasping with pleasure.
As they drew up to the school, Christie tried to stop, but Mike kept his hand on the back of her head.
“Hurry up.” He instructed her.
As he pulled into his parking spot, he shut the engine off and leaned back, then came in her mouth with no warning, still pressing her head into his crotch.
Christie had no choice but to swallow, praying that no one looked in the car and saw what was going on.

Christie was getting to the point where she would avoid situations in which the two of them would be alone together, lest he try and get a blowjob from her.
Sex was okay, thanks to her own efforts on her behalf, but it wasn’t really something that she looked forward to.
This was especially frustrating for her, she really wanted to enjoy sex with her boyfriend.
In the meantime, everyone else’s love life seemed to be proceeding just fine.
Hell, even Chris had a girlfriend!
Christie had noticed a girl leaving his house on a couple of occasions, and had put two and two together.
Well good for him, he needed a girl.
Granted, she wasn’t very pretty, but at the same time, Chris couldn’t really afford to be choosy.
One day, Christie showed him how to kiss her, more as a lark than anything else, but apparently it hadn’t worked out too well for him.
She told him that he wasn’t her type.
While Christie thought that was pretty rude, she could also see the girls point.
And even though she felt bad for him, it also made her feel a little better that there was someone who had an even more unsatisfying love life than she did.

The good news was that her social standing was steadily increasing.
Just a Sophomore, she was already a fixture at senior parties, and was being invited to the traditional Senior activities, including the Prom and the after party.

Somehow, she had expected that Prom would be different.
The dance was held at the Country Club, with a large group of them staying at a fancy hotel afterwards.
Christie had to beg and plead with her parents, but they finally agreed to let her stay overnight, after she told them that there would be adult chaperones.
Of course, what she didn’t tell them was that the adults in question tried to act like their children’s best friends, and let them do whatever they wanted.
They were so cool, they were even providing champagne.
A group of them rented a limo, and Mike looked amazing in his tuxedo.
She had gone with the other Senior girls to get her hair and nails done, and she felt so grown up.
She looked absolutely ravishing in her gown, and as she and her friends posed for pictures outside her house, she noticed Chris watching from next door.
I hope you get to do this too, someday. She thought to herself.

As they rode to dinner, Christie was taking it all in, how beautiful the girls were, how handsome the guys looked, and the ride in the limo.
Dinner was at an expensive restaurant, and she couldn’t get over the atmosphere provided there, so elegant and refined.
The patrons beamed at them, toasting their evening, and encouraging them to enjoy themselves.
The waiters fussed over them, making sure that everything was just right.
The dance was great, and she excitedly lined up to have her picture taken with Mike, clasping his hand in hers, and leaning on his shoulder.
The ride to the hotel was a blast.
Champagne bottles were on ice inside, and they all began drinking.
When they got to the hotel, their chaperones pointed them to the floor that they would be staying on. A block of rooms had been reserved, and Mike quickly claimed one for the two of them.

While the evening itself was special, the sex afterwards was anything but.
Once again, Mike lasted just a couple of minutes before he came. And he had been so impatient tonight that she wasn’t able to slow him down so that she was able to come at the same time.
To make matters worse, he rolled right over and was soon asleep, knocked out by the champagne.
Well that was certainly underwhelming. She thought to herself, before wandering out of the room.
She headed downstairs to the pool, where she found one of the senior girls who was sitting alone, drinking from a bottle of champagne.
“Mind if I join you?” Christie asked.
The girl smiled at her and patted the chaise she was sitting on, and Christie sat down next to her.
The girl wordlessly passed her the bottle, and Christie took a large drink.
“I figured you’d be with Mike.”
“I was, but I guess he drank too much.”
The girl laughed mirthlessly.
“What, he couldn’t give you his patented ‘60 seconds of pleasure’?”
Christie gaped at her, too stunned to speak.
Noting her expression, the older girl chuckled and took the bottle from her.
“We call him ‘the inchworm’, and I don’t have to tell you why.” She took a long pull from the bottle.
“How …. What ….” Christie was too confused to figure things out.
The girl laughed at her. “Sweetie, he’s the star quarterback in a football mad town. He has his pick of girls. Hell, I bet he’s slept with half the senior girls.”
“He’s been cheating on me?????” Christie was floored.
“Hell if I know. He may not have been. But he slept with enough of us before he hooked up with you for most girls to know that he’s a two-pump chump.”
“Then why did everyone make such a big deal when he asked me out?”
“Because that’s how it is here. It wouldn’t matter if he was the ugliest guy in school, because he’s a football player, he’s a god.” She sighed. “But girls have to be supermodel hot. That’s so fuckin’ unfair.”
She drained the last contents of the bottle and stood up, swaying slightly.
Christie looked up at her.
“Why did he ask me out?”
The girl regarded her briefly.
“You’re hot, and you don’t know any better. Sorry sweetie, but it’s the truth. The real question is: why do you stay with him?”
“Because we’re in love.” Christie replied.
“Well okay then, if you say so.”
“We are.” Christie replied, a little too forcefully.
The girl grinned at her. “Tell yourself that enough, and you start to believe it.”
And with that, she tottered back inside, leaving Christie grappling with the question.

Were they really in love?
He wasn’t satisfying her in bed, but love was more than just sex.
They had fun together, and he had introduced her to a whole new world in high school, one that she was enjoying immensely.
He told her all the time that he loved her, and she knew that her feelings for him were love. After all, he had been her first.
She shook her head and headed back to the room.
Of course they were in love.

Three weeks later, Mike broke up with her.
Looking back, she should have seen it coming. He wasn’t returning her calls or texts, and made it seem like it was a major hassle to spend time with her. He was even avoiding her at school, not walking her to her classes, but instead hanging out with his friends.
The incident that was the bellwether sign was the last time they had sex.
Brief as always, Mike didn’t even bother waiting for her to get dressed before he left the room. Christie went to use the restroom, and discovered when she came out that Mike had actually left the party with a group of friends, leaving her to find her own ride.
When she called him, he didn’t even answer, she had to call one of his friends, and even then, Mike refused to talk to her, claiming her wasn’t able to come to the phone.
That asshole didn’t even apologize for his behavior.
The next Monday, she tried to talk to him in school, but he blew her off.
Oh hell no. Christie thought. You aren’t skipping out on me.
She snuck out of practice early, and caught up to him at his car as he was about to leave.
“Mike, we need to talk. You can’t keep avoiding me.”
He snorted in exasperation.
“Fine. Let’s go.”
He drove them to a nearby park, where Christie began begging him to work things out with her.
After several minutes of her tearful entreaties, he cut her off.
“Look, this is hard to say, but I don’t want to date you anymore.”
“What?????” Christie was dumbstruck. This can’t be happening. He’s dumping me?!?!??!
“I don’t understand, what did I do? What did I say? Tell me what’s wrong so I can fix it!!” She pleaded tearfully.
“It’s not like that,” he waved his hand dismissively. “I’m getting close to graduation, getting ready to go play college ball, I’ve got a lot going on, and I just don’t want to be tied down, ya’ know?”
Christie was flummoxed at this. “How do I tie you down? Do you need more space??? I’ll give you more space!!! We can take some time apart, that can help us work this out….”
“It isn’t about time or space.” Mike was starting to get annoyed.
“Is it about the sex? Am I not doing it right? Is that why you’re done so quick? I can do better, I swear!!”
Mike had turned bright red at her comment.
“I was hoping that you could be mature about this, but obviously I was wrong.”
He glanced at his watch and leaned across Christie to open her door.
“I have to get going. Can you get someone to give you a ride? I’ve got things to do.”

As he drove off, Christie watched him through her tears in disbelief.
How could he do this to her after what they had shared? What had she done wrong?
She called Mandy.
“Mike dumped me.” Was all she was able to get out before she broke into sobs.

Christie spent the rest of the week coming to terms with their break up. Her friends offered support and shoulders to cry on, as well as advice on how to move on.
But no matter how many times they told her it wasn’t, she couldn’t stop thinking that this was somehow her fault.
What had she done to make him stop loving her?
She managed to feel better as the week went on, although she would still have her moments when a song or random memory would choke her up.
She had just had another crying spell when Chris came across her in front of her house.
“Mike broke up with me.” She told him. “He said that he wanted to spend more time with his friends now that his Senior year was ending, and he didn’t want to be tied down.”
She started crying again.
“Gee, I’m sorry …. I guess he’s a jerk.”
How dare you?!?!? You don’t know what we shared!!! You don’t him like I do!!! Mike is not a jerk!!!!
“Don’t say that.” She hissed at him. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t understand love, you’re just a stupid little kid.”
As she stormed into the house, she was fuming.
Who does he think he is, talking about Mike that way? I did not lose my virginity to a jerk!!!!

There was a party the next night, and Christie thought about not going.
After all, now that she and Mike weren’t together any more, did she really belong with that crowd?
But Mandy convinced her to go.
“What better way to show that you’re over him than to get out there?”
Fuck Mike. Christie thought to herself. I’m going to the party anyways. My life doesn’t depend on him.
She selected her outfit with care. Eschewing underwear, she pulled on a pair of white cutoffs and cowboy boots. A loose flowing top draped naturally on her breasts.
She checked her reflection in the mirror.
She’d make him eat his heart out.
Mandy picked her up, and they headed out.
“If you want to leave early, just let me know. Mike will be there, and it may be awkward.”
Christie waved her hand.
“Thanks, but it’s whatever. If he’d rather hang with his friends than with me, it’s his loss.”
“Fuck yeah, girl! Check you out in your little outfit!! You look soooo cute! You’re gonna have the guys eating out of your hand tonight!”
Christie smiled to herself. She’d show him what he was missing out on.
As she arrived, Christie made sure to interact with lots of people and be seen having a good time. She’d show him.
About halfway through the night, Mike approached her.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” He asked her.
“I’m hanging out with my friends.” She replied coldly.
He peered at her for a moment.
“These are my friends. You only know them because of me.”
“And now I’m friends with them, too. Look Mike, we broke up. Why do you care what I do or where I go?”
“Ok. Whatever.” He replied dismissively and walked off.
God, what a jerk. I hate him.
She spent the rest of the evening making sure that she was in close enough proximity to him that he could see her having a good time, laughing loudly to prove that she wasn’t distraught, and flirting outrageously.
Much to her annoyance, he completely ignored her.
After a while, she noticed a girl hanging on him, wrapping her arms around him, whispering in his ear, and generally acting very possessive of him.
Mandy rubbed her arm as she watched the spectacle unfolding in front of her.
“Are you okay? Come on, let’s go outside.”
Before she could reply, Mike caught her eye and leaned in and kissed the girl on the lips, before taking her by the hand and leading her back towards one of the bedrooms, walking right past Christie as she stood there in stunned silence.
Oh. My. God.
Mandy grabbed her by the arm and led her outside, along with a couple of her friends.
Christie felt like she couldn’t breathe.
How could he???? Right in front of her?????
She was handed a red Solo cup.
“Drink.” She was instructed.
As she gulped down the sickly-sweet concoction, she could feel the tears starting to flow.
We haven’t even been broken up for a week and he’s already getting together with someone else?!?!?
She was choking back tears of rage.
“That ……. asshole mother fucker!!!!”
Straight vodka was poured into her cup and she slammed it down.
“And that slut!!!”
She glared at the house, and started heading back inside.
Mandy and the rest of the girls intercepted her.
“No, no, not a good idea. Let’s stay here.”
Christie dissolved in tears while they hugged her tight.
They silently refilled her cup and had her take another drink.
Mandy took her by the hand and led her to the car.
“You aren’t staying here. Come on.”
As they hopped into the car, Mandy handed her a small bottle of vodka.
“Where do you want to go?
“Just take me home. What a shitty week.”
Mandy reached over and grabbed her hand.
“I’m sorry I talked you into coming out tonight. Things didn’t work out how I planned.”
Christie laughed weakly. “Not your fault. This wasn’t how I saw the party going, either.” They both laughed bitterly at that.
Christie remained silent on the way home, getting angrier and angrier as they drove.
She was furious by the time she got home. She still had some vodka left, and knew that she couldn’t bring it in the house.
She checked her phone.
11:00. I still have an hour before curfew.
She glanced around, wondering what to do next. She couldn’t very well sit out in the street drinking.
She looked over at Chris’s house.
His bedroom was on the side of the house, and his window faced her own, separated by a privacy hedge.
Perfect. She could drink in privacy, and vent for a little bit longer.
She stumbled towards Chris’s window, and started knocking on it.
Wake up, Goddammit!!!
She heard him stirring inside, and he opened his curtains with a surprised look on his face.
Christie blurted out the first thing that came to her mind.
“Mike is a jerk!”
Chris just stood there inside his room with a puzzled expression on his face.
“Ummmmm. What happened?” He asked.
“’Spend more time with my friends’, my ass!!!! That fucker was hooking up with Lisa Meyers tonight at the party!!! That slut!!! I hate them both!!!!”
Christie took another swig from the bottle and leaned against his window frame to steady herself.
And now I’m standing outside in the yard. Get a clue, dumbass!!
“Let me in!” She snapped.
God, guys are so stupid!
Chris obediently opened his window for her, and she fumbled her way inside. He turned on his light and sat back, watching her.
Christie leaned back against his wall and began venting.
She was barely aware that Chris was still there as she kept muttering and drinking.
“That little dicked mother fucker!! “Inchworm” was right!!! Enjoy the shitty sex Lisa, you deserve it!!! I hope she has an STD, and his dick falls off!! Of course, it’s so tiny to begin with, who would know it was missing!!!”
She was distracted from her stream of consciousness rant by Chris moving around on his bed.
Pausing mid-invective, she focused her angry attention on him.
What the fuck is he doing???
Then she noticed his hands conspicuously crossed in his lap.
You. Little. Shit.
Christie could feel all her anger at Mike being directed at Chris.
I come to you for help, and you get a fucking erection?!?!? Awwww hell no, you fucked with the wrong girl tonight!!!
“Are you hard? Do you have a boner right now? You little perv, checking me out and getting wood!” She said furiously.
God, he‘s so skinny, I bet his dick is even smaller than Mikes.
She stormed towards him and grabbed his hands, ready to heap scorn on him, but as soon as she uncovered what he was hiding, she was stopped short.
Chris’s shorts were tented with what looked to be a massive erection.
Oh. My. God.
Baby, what have you got down there?
That can’t be him. Can it? I have to see it.
Then another thought crossed her mind.
If Mike had moved on, why shouldn’t she? Her sexual relationship with Mike hadn’t been satisfying, but this, THIS, was something worth trying out.
Fuck yeah, you inch-dick motherfucker, I’m gettin’ me some real dick tonight. Take that!!
“Lay back.” She instructed, and Chris dutifully did as he was told.
She grabbed his underwear and yanked it down, and his dick bounced up off his stomach.
Oh my.
She reached towards it and began to feel it, examining the heft and girth. She couldn’t believe how it filled up her hand.
It was easily 8 inches long, and nice and thick.
Will it even fit inside me? She wondered. Only one way to find out.
She pulled off her shorts and straddled Chris.
She knew that she had to be careful. She and Mike had never had unprotected sex, but he was the one who had always supplied the condoms.
“You can’t cum in me, ok?”
Chris just stared up at her with a bewildered expression.
“Ummm, how will I know….?”
Christie smiled down at him indulgently.
“You’re so cute. You’ll start to feel something in your balls. I’ll probably know before you do.”
Now stop talking, it’s time for me to have some fun.
She carefully guided him to her pussy lips, and began rubbing his cockhead up and down their length, she brushed the tip of his dick up against her clit several times, getting herself nice and wet.
Even though she had been having sex with Mike for several months, she didn’t think that it had prepared her for Chris’s dick, so she wanted to be really wet.
When she felt that she was ready, she inhaled and began to carefully lower herself onto him.
“Oh my God.” She gasped, and stopped almost immediately. This was like her first time, all over again, except much, much better.
She spent a few minutes adjusting to his size, and letting his cock widen her out a bit. When she felt relaxed enough, she lowered herself another couple of inches until she had to stop again. She kept working her way down, rotating on him, letting him stretch her out.
God he’s so ….. thick. She thought to herself.
She was almost to the base when Chris started babbling that he loved her.
She covered his mouth and shushed him.
Don’t talk baby, you’ll ruin this for me. And I don’t want your parents to hear.
He closed his eyes and moaned, and his dick started twitching inside of her.
Christie could read the signs, and leapt off of him, just as he started shooting streams of pearly white semen up into the air.
It almost hit the ceiling, his orgasm was so powerful.
Christie realized that this was the first time she had actually seen a guy cum, Mike was either inside her pussy or her mouth when he did it.
Christie glanced at the mess all over his sheets.
“Yuck.” God, that’s gross. And he didn’t last very long, either.
But looking at his dick, she saw that while it wasn’t quite as large as it had been, it was still standing up. She grabbed it, still slick with her juices, and began running her hand up and down its’ length.
Yeah, this will still work. And now that he’s cum already, he should last a good long time.
Chris started to apologize, but Christie shushed him. She was on a mission.
Once again, she lowered herself onto him. It was a little bit easier this time, and once she bottomed out, she started grinding her hips on him.
God, this was amazing.
“Jesus Christ, you’re huge.” She groaned.
“Really?” He asked.
Christie had to laugh to herself at that.
Baby, what you’ve got in your pants would make you the most popular boy in the school, if the girls only knew.
“Oh yeah.” She replied. “Now be quiet, and let me concentrate.”
Christie closed her eyes and began utilizing all the things that she had read about, but never got the chance to try.
She rolled her hips in circles, stirring his cock inside of her, and then rocked them back and forth, lightly brushing her clit against his body.
Yeeeeesssssssss. This is how it should feel. No one-minute wonder, pumping away on top of her like she was a rag doll, this was how sex was meant to be.
This was what her older friends were talking about, this was why Mandy couldn’t go more than a couple of days without her boyfriend fucking her.
Christie could feel her rock hard nipples poking into the cups of her bra, screaming for release.
She rolled her shirt and bra down to her waist, letting her breasts out.
She began teasing her nipples while she rode Chris.
The triple sensation of pinching her nipples, and grinding her clit against Chris’s pelvis while his massive dick filled her pussy had her seeing stars.
God, why couldn’t it have been this way with Mike? We would probably still be together if it was.
Forget Mike. She admonished herself. He’s history.
She was awakened from her reverie by the feel of Chris’s hands on her breasts, slowly pinching her nipples.
This wasn’t like the other boys who had groped at her, grasping or squeezing, or even like Mike, roughly manhandling them.
He was tentative, almost asking for permission with each fumbling touch.
Christie opened her eyes and smiled down at him.
The look on his face told her everything she needed to know; he worshiped her.
He would never hurt her, or force himself on her, or try to do anything without her permission.
She was safe with him.
She put her hands on top of his and started guiding him, showing him how to caress her.
Why can guys not figure out these things are tender?
“Be gentle, baby.” She told him. “They’re sensitive. Caress, don’t squeeze.”
Chris obediently followed her directions, gently running his hands along her large breasts while she guided him with her hands atop his, the entire time grinding her hips into him.
It wasn’t long before she could feel her approaching orgasm. It occurred to her that this was the first time that she hadn’t had to use her hand to get off; she was using Chris’s dick to do it instead.
“Ohohoh, here it comes” she moaned. “Oh, yeeeeessssss…..”
This is so much better than it was with Mike.
She fell forward, completely spent, and feeling truly satisfied for the first time after sex.
“Thanks Chris, I really needed that.”
Once she had adequately recovered, she rolled off of Chris and began pulling her clothes back on.
She looked at his sheets, with the large cum stains on them.
Uh oh….
“You better clean that up, it would be hard to explain.”
Chris had an embarrassed look on his face.
“I’ve had wet dreams before, my mom knows it.”
Oh baby, you have no idea, do you?
The room reeked of sex, she was surprised that he didn’t notice it.
“Take a shower anyway, you smell like sex. And air the room out, too. Your mom may be used to stains on your sheets, but she’ll recognize this is a little bit more.”
It suddenly occurred to her that this wasn’t something she wanted anyone to know about.
“You can’t tell anyone about this, you know that right?”
He nodded to her, just like a trained seal.
“See you later baby.”

She climbed out his window, and checked the time.
11:50. still time to spare.
She let herself into her own house and raced to her shower. She was pretty sure that she also reeked with the telltale scent of sex.
She dried herself off and fell into bed, getting the first really good night’s sleep she had had all week.


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Tales From the Netherworlds

The Netherworlds. There are a countless number of them in the universe, all with their own societies and customs. Why, nearly anything you could think of could be represented in the form of one of these demonic worlds. A world that has been converted into a gigantic spa resort run by slimes that poison their customers instead of detoxifying them? Why not? A planet-sized brothel that contains only prinny sex workers? Go for it. How about a world that is made entirely of pastries, populated by...

3 years ago
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Mother turned me into a cum slut PT1

I was bored. I don't know why but I went to look around my mothers room. I found a box. I looked inside & I couldn't believe what I saw.Sex toys and pics. I first thought eww. I took a look at the pics. They were of my mom. All different pics of her. Cum flowing from her mouth, her pussy, cum on her hair. I put them back and thought WTF what is she up to? When did this all happen? Why?After the weekend I thought I'd take another look. There were new pictures of her. These had cum coming out...

1 year ago
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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

3 years ago
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Thevidiya Thangaiyai Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en sontha thangaiyai epadi oothen endra kudumba tamil kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar prathap vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangi irukiraal aval peyar mala vayathu 26 aagugirathu, avaluku innum thirumanam seiya vilai Avaluku thirumanam seithu vaikum alavirku engal idam ipozhuthu panam ilai, loan apply seithu atharkaaga kathukondu irukirom. Naan oru kama veriyan eppozhuthu pen kidaikum avargalai...

2 years ago
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Kanavanuku Theriyamal Kala Kathal Seithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kanavanuku theriyamal ilamaiyaana kaal kathalanai eppadi love seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar jaya vayathu 36 agugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan pinbu en kanavanuku vayathu 42 agugirathu. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vaazhnthu vanthukondu irunthen, naan oru teacheraaga velai paarthu varugiren. Naan velai seiyum classku arugil oru veedu irukirathu, antha veetil oru...

4 years ago
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Theateril Auntyai Kaai Adithen

Hi friends, indru sex kathaiyil auntyai usar seithu eppadi matter adithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Seenu. Vayathu 21 aagugirathu. Naan ithu naal varai entha penaiyum sex seithathu kidaiyaathu. Naan engineering padithu varugiren, enathu nanbargal oru naal theaterku ennai azhaithaargal. Naangal neraga bar seithu saraku adithom, appozhuthu bagubali padam oodi kondu irunthathu. Naangal oru gramathil irukum theaterku sendru irunthom. Angu pothuvaga pengal athigam vara matargal,...

3 years ago
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Nicholas promise A Christmas tale the third

Nicholas's promise (A Christmas tale the third) Chapter 1 Tyler Tyler Monroe was what could easily be described by the casual observer as a thug, a vandal and, at present, a borderline criminal. He was the scourge of the neighbourhood and had been throughout his teen years. His neighbours were nervous of him, and his friends, as he terrorised the local estate with his gang. Tyler, who would be twenty on his next birthday, it seemed was now destined for a life of petty crime and...

2 years ago
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Sandyanother hot slut pt1

I was in the middle of a great fuck, Marcia was on her back, legs widely spread as I was pounding her pussy with all the energy I had while we were passionately kissing. I had my tongue in her mouth and my cock in her pussy. She was moaning with pleasure as she experienced another wild orgasm. Just as I began to erupt inside her with a big load of semen, the doorbell rang. It startled me and I lost my erection. Marcia did not seem to change her mood at all and once she calmed down from her...

3 years ago
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The Blue Unicorn An Allegorical Tale

The Blue Unicorn: An Allegorical Tale By Lynn LeFey Once upon a time (as is often the beginning of such tales), there was born to a mare a beautiful young foal. Like the other foals, it climbed on wobbly legs, and eventually ran through the green pastures where it lived. This young horse was unremarkable, except for its blue mane. Often the others would comment about this unusual trait, sometimes playfully, sometimes in a mean way. As the young colt grew, the blue coloring slowly...

4 years ago
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A Tale of Brothers1

We were told to stay indoors, and Dad’s busted up Chevy was definitely off-limits. But this guy I’ve been fucking had some really good shit and my lungs savored its taste. Turned out the smoke was bad but his dick was so good. We’ve joked so many times that he was made for me, but truth is he’s the only boy I’ve ever been with. He’s sixteen, a year younger than I. Skin light as creamed coffee but darker than mine, eyes the color of, well, the color of the midnight that surrounds me. Truth...

4 years ago
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A Winters Tale A Seasonal Dental Anaesthet

So it was going to be a White Christmas after all. Snow had started to fall through the dwindling twilight of that crisp afternoon in late December, covering the rooftops and pavements with a light powdery dusting. Wrapped up well against the chill in my duffel coat, woolly hat and gloves, I trudged on in silence leaving a trail of footprints in the freshly fallen snow. "Perhaps we could make a snowman in the garden?" said my mother. I nodded. My mother kept up a flow of jolly and distracting...

3 years ago
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A tale of A Hindu mother1

Maa choker jol muchlen.Akhon er firabar upay ney.Buro purohit maa er samne darie. Maa er sorire kebol blouse abong pettycoat.Purohit maa ke jorie dhorlo.Maa fupie uthlen ghrina er lojjay.Janen aj tar sob harate hobe prothagoto achar sorbossotar kace,bastobotar kace.Purohit maa er thote chumu dite suru korlo.Abare maa take sorie dilo.Dhakka kheye bridho purohit(about 65) floor e pore gelo.Ete buro gelo khepe. Purohit: tui amake opoman korsis.Janis ami ki korte pari?Ami chaile tor meyer kokhono...

3 years ago
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The Tale of the Sweetheart

"I'm coming... I'm coming..." "Come in my mouth... I want to taste that big black cock... mmmmm..." She sucked deeper, then picked up speed while jerking me off. She began to deep-throat. It was then when I shot my juices... "Ughhhhhhhhhhh..." I said, relieved. She seductively started to suck off my leftover juices. She took my still-erect penis out of her mouth. "Mmm..." She said, licking her pink, plump lips of semen. "You like that?" "Damn, girl. I missed that mouth of...

4 years ago
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A Grim Northern Fairy Tale

"What?" Cinders asked of her step sister as she she raked out the fourteenth fireplace that morning, "Coming to Saddleworth?" "Yes coming to Saddleworth," Gertie said, "He's coming to open our new Town Hall" "Oh!" said Cinders. "He'll be coming up our road our Cinders," said her step sister Anna,"You'll have to chuck ashes in canal or road will be dusty."me." "Dusty?" Cinders asked, "In Yorkshire, get real!" "It were dry on our Harry's birthday," Gertie...

1 year ago
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my 1st time with another guy pt1

it was the summer just a week or 2 after I had taken my 3 A level exams, I was just enjoying myself before I had to think of university/getting a job. I was 18yo 5'6 tall short dark hair with a slim toned and hairless body and looking at old photos I guess I looked at least 3yrs younger than I was and quite a bit like the Olympic diver tom daley.I was still a virgin it seemed like all my friends were getting some while I just wanked off to porn mags about twice a day(no internet back then!!!),...

2 years ago
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Periya Suuthu Vaithu Irukum Thevidiyavai Oothen

Ippozhuthu naan kalluriyil iruthi aandu padithu varugiren, enathu peyar kamal vayathu 23. Naan niraiya vibachaarigalai panam koduthu oothu irukiren. Aanal en vaazhvile sexyaaga thevidiyaavai eppadi oothen enbathai intha il ungalidam solla aasai padugiren. Naan chennaiyil oru thaniyaar kalluriyil padithu varugiren. Vibachaara pathumaigal endraal enaku miga pidikum, athilum sexyaaga irukum pathumaigalai ooka manam kenjum. En veetil konjam pana vasathi irupathaal maathathirku 4 muraiyaavathu...

3 years ago
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Ilam Aanai Kanavanuku Theriyamal Oothen

Hi friends, en peyar Meenachi, vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Enaku iru pasangal irukiraargal, avargal schoolku sendru kondu irukiraargal. En kanavanuku 45 vayathu aagugirathu. Ippozhuthu ellam en kanavan ennai sex seivathe ilai naan eppozhuthum iravil en kanavna udan sex seiyalam endru ninaikum pozhuthu avar asanthu poi thungi vidugiraar. Intha vayathil thaan enaku athigamaaga moodu erugirathu, pengal 35 vayathil irunthu 40 vayathu varai thanga mudiyaatha kuthi aripu ear padum. Avargal athai...

2 years ago
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Ilam Aanai Kanavanuku Theriyamal Oothen

Hi friends, en peyar Meenachi, vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Enaku iru pasangal irukiraargal, avargal schoolku sendru kondu irukiraargal. En kanavanuku 45 vayathu aagugirathu. Ippozhuthu ellam en kanavan ennai sex seivathe ilai naan eppozhuthum iravil en kanavna udan sex seiyalam endru ninaikum pozhuthu avar asanthu poi thungi vidugiraar. Intha vayathil thaan enaku athigamaaga moodu erugirathu, pengal 35 vayathil irunthu 40 vayathu varai thanga mudiyaatha kuthi aripu ear padum. Avargal athai...

4 years ago
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Luke Has them Both PT1

My wife, Chastity, has a sister, Bella, several years her junior, who has always been on the wild side. My prim and proper wife was usually aghast at the latest information concerning her little sister's sexual exploits. It wasn't that she condemned her, she just didn't understand her. I, on the other hand was always fascinated, and frequently aroused by her actions and her appearance. She looked spectacular in a mini-skirt, and I loved hearing from my wife what Bella had told her about her...

2 years ago
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The naughty family pt1

It was past midnight, Saturday over and Sunday beginning when I was heading up the stairs to go to bed when I'd heard noise coming from my son's room. I paused at the head of the staircase, my hand still on the railing as I considered the sound of something being bumped into or maybe dropped. I had just made my rounds, checking that the doors were all locked and the downstairs lights were out and I knew that since Scotty was four hundred miles away, finishing up graduate school and my wife was...

3 years ago
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The Club Pt1

# The Club Part 1 ## Foreword Fucking piece of shit. It's been years! Years of no sex. Most of the time we ignore the unsolvable problem, but every few months we fight over it. Last night was one such time. And here I am, waking up on the couch after a restless night, again. We've been to church, counseling, and sex therapy. We've read books together and separately. I've seen my doctor about possible testosterone issues. I've taken Viagra. I've quit porn and masturbation for...

3 years ago
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Gina The Loving Naive Wife Pt1

It was 20:00 on Friday night, Gina was just returning home from another long shift at the hospital. “I hope he’s done something today.” She thought to herself as she approached the front door. Gina was referring to her husband Alex, he’d been signed off work for the best part of the last 6 months with depression. Gina had done everything she could think of to help. She had helped him find a good counsellor, tried to keep him active where possible and always made herself available should he...

3 years ago
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The Hostess Pt1

I examined my makeup and hair in the full-length mirror, then turned and checked that my black stockings were straight. I didn't need to lift my skirt for this, since I wasn't wearing one. In fact, apart from the stockings, I was naked. I slipped on my black patent leather heels, then walked through to the mansion's large kitchen, my heels clicking on the wooden floor. I picked up the small white 'French Maid' style apron that was folded on the counter, and tied it around my slender waist,...

Group Sex
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Fun at the beach pt1

The cab pulled up to the small apartment building on South Beach. The passenger started to open the door but stopped as the driver put her hand out. ‘Hey Angel, you’ve been promising me something for weeks now and I think today is the day that you settle up,’ the driver said. ‘I ain’t been giving you all these discount rides for nothing.’ The driver was a rather haggard looking woman who’s name is Betty. She was nothing to look at, driving a cab for 30 years and smoking for 35 had left her...

4 years ago
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Fun at the beach pt1

The cab pulled up to the small apartment building on South Beach. The passenger started to open the door but stopped as the driver put her hand out."Hey Angel, you've been promising me something for weeks now and I think today is the day that you settle up," the driver said. "I ain't been giving you all these discount rides for nothing." The driver was a rather haggard looking woman who's name is Betty. She was nothing to look at, driving a cab for 30 years and smoking for 35 had left her dried...

2 years ago
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The airpalne ride home pt1

Our flight home was delayed because of the thunderstorm that clattered and shook the small terminal. I glanced around at the few people waiting for this last flight out. They were a bedraggled group , tossed together by the vicissitudes of Mother Nature. Some tried to sleep, twisting and turning uncomfortably in the "airport chic" chairs. Others made idle chit chat with their fellow castaways on this modern desert island. Behind the check in counter a buxom blond did desultory things to kill...

4 years ago
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Emma and the Master Pt1

I have long golden hair that almost reaches my waist, and a trim neat figure with firm pert breasts above a taut midriff, long slender legs and a cute tight pair of firm muscular buttocks. I think my button nose and heart shaped lips give me an enticing look, and I like the way men look at me, with an undercurrent of admiration and desire. But when my story starts, I am troubled. Perhaps because of my slightly haughty nature and upbringing, because I had always attended girls’ schools...

3 years ago
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Dante Abbracciavento PI Find the man with the buckles on his shoes pt1

My name is Dante Abbracciavento. I’m a PI. Scratch that. I’m a Personal Security and Investigative Specialist. My secretary, or as she demands to be called Office Manager, decided on my new job title. More about Viv later. I’m forty-five years old, divorced with no children. I train at my Cousin Lou’s boxing club four times a week. In my line of work it pays to stay in shape. Bad guys don’t always cooperate; sometimes they need a little convincing to play nice. Nothing like a few loose teeth...

2 years ago
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The Holiday Pt1

The searing heat was too much for Jon to take. He was on holiday in this tropical climate and he couldn't stop the sweating, or the constant threat of sunburn. Anne, his wife, was something of a sun worshipper. She revelled in the heat of the suns rays; loved the smell of the lotion, the feel of the heat, the lapping of the water. Jon did not understand this. He retreated to the bar.Sitting down with his book, and an ice cold brew, he finally relaxed. The hum of the air conditioner settled his...

2 years ago
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Over the River and Through the Woods Pt1

Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... Part 16, Things get freaky at Christmas timePam was so excited she was shaking. Todd would be there! Todd would be there! She kept repeating the words over and over in her head. It was too incredible to believe. She had not seen him since her last visit to the country more than two years ago, the summer he took her virginity. She was so anxious to see him again. They had so much to talk about. Plus, she had the hope in the back of her mind that they might...

4 years ago
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One With the Tribe pt1

Beyond the expansive forest was a range of mountains where clouds dusted the lands with heavy snow. On the other side, rocky beaches remained untouched for several years. Every now and then, a boat would crash to the shore, but survivors never made it to any of the native human lands. On this cool winter morning, on this same beach, cold waves brushed along the sides of a body that lay among the rocks. Next to the pale figure were planks of wood- evidence of a ship that had been dashed...

4 years ago
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The Loves of Sophie Pt1

Sophie, standing in the clear light of day, viewed her naked body critically in the long mirror. Having waved goodbye to her thirtieth year a couple of years earlier, she was just a little concerned with what age would do to her body.Others still commented on how beautiful she was. She was slender, youthful in appearance, and retained plenty of vigour for the life she led. Yes, it was easy to deceive others, but in her own eyes, her flesh was losing some firmness and the smoothness of the skin...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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My wife and the hot tub Pt1

I had been married to my second wife Sonja for about six months when we were invited to a Saturday barbecue at the house of one of her married friends. Katie was a girlfriend she had known since college and her husband Fernando whom she had known for almost as long. Her friends live in Coral Gables, Miami and since we live in Fort Lauderdale, which is more than an hour's drive, we decided to take an extra change of clothes just in case we had to spend the night from drinking too much, which has...

3 years ago
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Camping with the Johnsons PT1

I jumped out of bed and crept downstairs, while still adjusting my glossy brown eyes to the brighter hallway. "Mornin', Noah." mumbled Dad, who also had just rolled out of bed. "Are you ready for the big day? The Johnson's are on there way over, and in just a few hours we'll hit the road for camp." I cursed in my head, remembering that we were going camping today. I still hadn't packed yet and we were leaving in about 3 hours to go camping on Finigan Lake. "I still have to...

1 year ago
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The sassy young BBW pt1

My divorce was finalized nearly 2 years ago, but I had no luck getting back into the dating scene. Friends would occasionally set me up with someone, saying 'you two would make the perfect couple!' LOL, those never worked out. The well-to-do divorced women my age expected a lot more than I had to offer, both financially and in the bedroom.I tried online dating sites without much success either. The one time I finally clicked with someone, it turned out to be a guy catfishing me. I wasn't...

3 years ago
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The Bike Fall That Started It All pt1

DADDY! Daddy! Dont let go!! I was panting and laughing as I jogged closely behind Cassady. At my ripe 32 years of age, I had to admit all this running was really starting to tire me out! I had a light hold on the back of her bike seat, but I could tell she had finally gotten the hang of riding her new bike on her own and didnt need me to help guide her much. I decided on her 6th birthday to surprise her with the pink bike she had fell in love with while shopping one day. The moment she laid...

4 years ago
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The Ski Weekend Pt1

I must start by saying I am not a skier. I tried it once and determined that I do much better when it's warm and the mountainside is green. But, after all that, when my neighbor Lisa invited me to spend the weekend at her family's condo at a ski resort I couldn't pass it up the opportunity to ski again.There hadn't been much snow in the city, but as we made our way up north into New Hampshire and Vermont, the countryside was brilliant white with fresh snowfall. After three hours we made it to...

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