SPuT9 Pt 20 free porn video

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Saturday, December 23. Late Afternoon/Early Evening
Dave was still in the family room when the girls started coming down. The first ones to appear were Olivia and Jennifer. They were holding hands when they entered the living room. Both were freshly showered and both had glowing smiles on their faces. Dave muted the rerun of Andy Griffith he'd been watching and smiled at the two women.

"You two look... relaxed."

It was the only word Dave could find to describe them.

"Thank you," Jennifer said as the two women released their hold on each other and sat down on either side of him. "I very much enjoyed playing with your toy."

"That's nice." Dave turned to Olivia. "Toy, did you enjoy being played with?"

"Oh, yes, master. The mistress is wonderful."

"I'm glad to hear it." Dave kissed Olivia on the forehead. "So what are you two gonna do now?"

"Well, Olivia has agreed to make dinner for everyone tonight and while she's doing that I'm going to go through the kitchen and see if we need anything for the party tomorrow. Once I know what I need, I'll make a trip to the grocery store. I'll probably do that after dinner."

"Do any of the girls know of your plans yet?"

"Nope. I haven't seen 'em. Have you?"

"Nope. I heard someone come down and go into the kitchen quite a while ago but nothing since then."

"Hmmm? Wonder what they're up to."

"Don't worry, Jenn. Emily will tell me and I'll tell you."

"What makes you think she'll tell you?"

"Simple. The girl enjoys this too much. She's proud of it. She's going to want to brag. It's one of Emily's few shortcomings."

All three laughed. Shortly thereafter, Olivia and Jennifer headed upstairs to make dinner and start preparations for the party.

Not fifteen minutes later, Molly and Emily appeared. They too were glowing and their arms were around each other's waist.

"Where have you two been? And what have you been up to?"

"We've been up in my room," Emily stated. "Just doing stuff."

"Just stuff, huh?"

Emily flopped down on the couch beside Dave. Molly moved right in front of Dave and then kneeled down between his knees. For a moment, Dave thought she was going to unzip his jeans, pull out his cock and suck him off. Instead, she put her elbows on his knees, brought her hands together under her chin as if she was about to pray and smiled at him.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Uncle David, the four hours is up."

Dave looked at his watch and noted it had been about three and a half hours since Molly had received her dose of SLuT10.

"Not quite but close enough."

"Can I have some more please?"

"I take it you enjoy being submissive?"

Molly blushed furiously.

"Can I please, Uncle David? You said if I wanted, I could have some more."

"Yes, I did," Dave agreed. "However, your mother and Olivia are upstairs right now cooking dinner and I think your mother wants to discuss something with you, your sister and your cousins, and I think she'd rather you not be under someone else's control when the discussion happens. "However, I did promise, so, if you're willing to wait until after dinner, and if you still want it then, and your mother agrees, I'll give you another dose then. Is that acceptable?"

"Yes, Uncle David. Thank you."

"What does Aunt Jennifer want to discuss with us?"

"That's a surprise and you will have to wait until dinner to find out. Now, where are your sisters?"he asked, looking from Emily to Molly and back.

Emily shrugged.

"Last time we saw them they were in Meg's room together. We've been... occupied for a while." Strangely, this caused Molly to blush again.

Dave nodded his understanding.

"Molly, would you please go up and find the pair of them and let them know it's time to stop whatever they're doing and get themselves cleaned up and ready for dinner."

"Yes, Uncle David."

Molly rose from where she was kneeling and headed for the stairs. When Emily tried to go with her, Dave grabbed her arm and held her in her seat.

Dave waited until he heard the door at the top of the steps close before he started speaking.

"What happened upstairs?"

"Nosy today, are we Daddy?"

"Emily!" Dave said with a scowl.

"Oh, okay. First, we played a game of truth or dare. I asked all the questions and told them they weren't allowed to lie. I told them that they could refuse to answer a question, but if they did, they had to do the dare. Anyway, I got all kinds of info about the three of them. Did you know Hayley got felt up in a closet a few weeks ago?"

"No, I didn't. Tell me all about it."

And Emily did. She told him all about Hayley's Seven Minutes in Heaven with Peter Kowalski. She also told him all the dirt she had found out about her cousins. About that time Molly reappeared.

"Uncle David, I found them. Megan was in her room alone and looked as though she'd been crying and Hayley was in her room, with the door locked. I knocked but she just told me to go away. It sounded like she'd been crying too. She wouldn't open the door so..."

"It's okay, Moll." Dave turned to Emily. "Any idea what's going on with them?"

"No, Daddy. When Molly and I left them, Hayley was shaving Megan and they were talking and laughing."

"Curiouser and curiouser. Why don't you two go help Olivia make dinner. I'll go see what's going on with your sisters."

"Okay, Daddy,"

Emily leaned over, kissed Dave on the cheek quickly, stood up, took Molly's hand, and the two of them took off up the stairs.

Dave sat there for another minute thinking about what he had learned from Emily and wondering what had happened between Meg and Hayley. Then he turned off the TV and headed up the stairs. He went to Meg's room first. The door was open so he just stepped in and looked around. Meg wasn't there. He turned back to the hallway and noticed the bathroom door was closed and light was coming from under it. Guessing Meg was in the bathroom, Dave moved on to Hayley's room. He knocked and then tried the door but found it still locked.

"Go away!" Hayley shouted from inside.

"Hayley, open the door now or I'll have it removed."

It wasn't an idle threat. A few years earlier, Emily had locked herself in her bedroom after a particularly nasty fight with her mother and refused to open it that whole day. When Dave came home from work that night, he had gone to the room, told Emily to open the door or else. She refused and kept herself locked in her bedroom the rest of that night. The next day when she got home from school, she was shocked to find her bedroom door had been removed. Dave told her if she ever locked him out of a room of his house again, the door would stay and she would go. The door stayed off for a full week and nearly drove Emily to conniptions as she constantly forgot she didn't have a door and would start dressing or undressing where anyone could see.

A moment later, Dave heard the lock click on the bedroom door. He turned the doorknob, pushed open the door and stepped inside. Hayley had already retreated back to the bed. She was wrapped up in a light blue terrycloth robe. Dave closed the door, went to the bed, and sat down.

"Both you and Meg are in tears. Why?"

Hayley didn't answer immediately. She grabbed her father's arm and hugged it to her chest tightly. She wiped her tears on his sleeve and sniffled a few times.

"She said the most horrible thing to me."

"What did she say?"

"She said... I can't tell you."

"Why can't you tell me?"

"It's embarrassing."

Dave nodded.

"Would it be better if I sent Emily or your Aunt Jennifer up to talk to you?"

Hayley nodded.

"Okay, but I want this settled," Dave told her.

He kissed her forehead, pried his arm loose from her grip, and left the bedroom, pulling the door shut but not allowing it to latch behind him.

As he was heading to the steps, the bathroom door opened and Meg stepped out. Obviously she had washed and dressed while in the bathroom. Dave stepped up in front of her.

"Do you want to tell me why you and Hayley are both crying?"

Meg's chin dropped to her chest and she kept her eyes to the floor.

"I tried to tell her I was sorry, Uncle David. I didn't mean it. Not that way anyway."

Dave, realizing he had found someone who was willing to talk to him about what happened got down on one knee, used a finger to lift Meg's chin.

"What did you say?"

"I... I told her that..." Meg took a deep breath and then said it as quickly as she could. "I said her pussy stank."

Dave's eyebrows instantly arched into his forehead as about seven different questions flew through his mind. Then he burst out laughing. Luckily, his laughter wasn't loud enough to draw Hayley's attention.

"It's not funny!" Meg shouted, pushed Dave away, turned and retreated back into the bathroom, slamming the door in Dave's face.

"Okay then," Dave said once he'd stopped laughing. With a smile on his face, Dave stood up and headed downstairs.

"Jenn," Dave said, stopping in the kitchen doorway and leaning a shoulder against the door frame. "I think this requires your own unique perspective."

"What?" Jenn asked, certain she was about to be smiling.

"Hay and Meg are fighting. Hayley won't say what happened. Meg gave me a most interesting answer though."

"What did she say?"

The entire kitchen, including Olivia, Molly and Emily were now listening to the conversation.

"When I asked her why they were both crying, which had been reported to me by Molly, she told me that she said that Hayley's pussy stank."

Jennifer snorted as she fought not to laugh. She tried to wipe the smile off her face. Then she tried to keep from laughing but had very little success. When she finally got herself under control she nodded.

"Yeah, I think that's definitely my department."

Somehow, Jenn managed to keep a straight face as she left the kitchen and headed for the stairs.

Dave looked at Olivia who was standing beside the stove and also trying hard not to laugh.

"Why do people tell me shit like this?"

Dave shook his head, turned and walked away. A moment later, he heard both Olivia and Emily burst out laughing.

It would be weeks before Dave could bring himself to ask for the story on what happened in Meg's room that day but he never asked what it was that Jennifer had said to the two girls when she went upstairs. Whatever she said, though, it worked because when Dave sat down before a heaping plate of Olivia's Yankee Pot Roast, Hayley and Megan were both happy, smiling and talking to each other.

Over dinner, Jennifer told the girls her idea for a small Christmas party. All four of the girls seemed thrilled with the idea and immediately started in discussing what they would need. Jenn's shopping list grew significantly during that discussion. Then they started in on who to invite. Dave didn't involve himself in the conversation but did listen to see if certain names came up.

After dinner was over, Dave retired to the living room while Hayley and Megan cleaned the kitchen. Almost immediately, Molly was there, with her mother in tow.

"Uncle Dave?"

"Yes, Molly."

"About what we discussed earlier," Molly said trying to make him remember their earlier conversation.

Dave nodded.

"I told you, you have to get your mother's permission."

Molly immediately turned to Jenn which wasn't hard since she had a firm grip on Jenn's hand.

"Mom, Uncle David said I could have some more of that stuff if you said it was okay."

"Do you want some more?"

Molly nodded her head.


Dave shrugged.

"It's up to you, Jenn. I told her I'd give her four hours and if she wanted more after that, we'd discuss it. Apparently, she wants more."

"Molly," Jenn said and dragged her daughter to the couch where they both sat down. "Why do you want more?"

"I don't know, Mom. It just... I like it. Is that so bad?"

"No, Molly, it isn't bad. I'm just trying to understand why you like it so much?"

Molly looked as though she were about to cry. Dave shooed Emily and Olivia away when they started to come in. They turned around and left without a word.

"I don't know, Mom. I guess it's... it's relaxing."

"Relaxing? In what way? Because you don't have to make any decisions?"

"I guess. Kinda. Yeah. There's always so much going on in my head. The stuff shuts all the voices off. Makes it feel like I'm alone in my head."

Jenn and Dave shared a concerned look for a second. Jenn sat there quietly for a moment and then made her decision.

"Molly, we're going to talk more about this later, okay?"

Molly nodded.

"I'm pretty sure there are other ways for you to relax than by being someone's submissive slave. Now, if that's what you want, then I'll be fine with that. If you want to do what Olivia's done and become some guy's slave, that's your choice once you're an adult. But, what worries me is that you're doing this, not because you enjoy it but because you feel it's the only way you can relax."

Molly nodded again.

"For now, can I have some more?" Molly asked quietly.

Jenn just nodded. Molly launched herself forward and threw her arms around her mother's neck.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mommy."

Molly and Jenn hugged each other tight. When they separated, Molly looked to be just about the happiest girl in the world at that moment.

"I've gotta go to the grocery store," Jenn said, giving her daughter a kiss on the cheek. She gave Dave a smile and then left the living room.

"Molly, before your Uncle gives you anymore of that stuff, I want you to call whoever you're inviting tomorrow."

"Yes, Mom," Molly said. She stood up and took off upstairs to get her cell phone. "I'll be back in a little bit, Uncle Dave. Don't go anywhere."

Dave chuckled. "Wouldn't dream of it."

Dave sat there and thought for a few minutes. It was just about ten days, to the hour, since he had received the package from Dr. Jan Casey that had contained the note and the formula. In that time, Dave had used the formula to rape his ex-wife, twice, had been forced into sexual relations with both his oldest daughter and his sister, had screwed a complete stranger, had slept with two of Emily's friends, and come very close to using it on a very sweet young girl.

Thoughts of the sweet young girl made Dave lean over and pull his wallet from his back pocket. He pulled the folded three by five card from it's place, unfolded it and looked it over. On the card were three numbers. The first was Elizabeth's. He had considered calling and inviting her to the party the next day but he just didn't think she would be very popular at the party. She was much too... worldly, in Dave's opinion to enjoy hanging out for a day with twenty teens. The second number was Mandy's. Dave reached over and picked up the phone and dialed Mandy's number. The third number on the list was Mishy's. He had gotten that number from Emily the day after the Mishy incident. He had planned to call her and find out how she was doing. Dave had considered calling Mishy as well, to invite her but he was pretty confident she would be on Emily's short list and would be there. That left only Mandy.

Dave dialed the cell phone number. "Hello," he recognized Mandy's voice immediately.

"Mandy, this is Dave Bernard. Do you remember me?"

"Of course I do. I actually considered calling you."

"Oh well, then I guess it's good I called you. I was wondering, my family is holding a small Christmas party tomorrow, and I thought it might be an excellent..."

"Umm Dave," Mandy said and let out a loud sigh. "I'm out of town. I'm home with my family for the holidays."

"Oh!" Dave said and felt like kicking himself for not realizing that she wouldn't be in her dorms. "I'm sorry. I should have realized."

"It's okay," Mandy said with a giggle. "I hope you'll call me again after the first of the year."

"I will. I'll let you go."

"Bye Dave."

After that, Dave drifted upstairs to the door to Emily's bedroom. He knocked twice, then opened the door, slipped inside and closed the door behind him. Emily was laying on her bed with the phone to her right ear.

"Hold on a minute," Emily told the person at the other end and then covered the mouthpiece. "What do you need, Daddy?"

"Who you talking to?"

"Brian," Emily said with a shy smile.

"Is he coming tomorrow?"

"He's gonna try. His parents are little worried about it though."

"Tell him to tell his parents that if they're worried, they are welcome to call me or your Aunt Jenn and we will reassure them that the party will be supervised at all times. That should ease their worries."

Emily gave her father a huge smile, uncovered the mouthpiece, and passed along the message. A moment later, she covered the mouthpiece again.

"He's talking to his parents. Did you want something?"

"Yeah, are you inviting Mishy?"

"Of course. Should I call her back and tell her to wear her sexy underwear?" Emily asked, smiling devilishly.

"No, it's fine. I just wanted to make sure she was gonna be here. I wanna find out how she's doing."

"Sure you do, Daddy. I believe you." She uncovered the mouthpiece to the phone. "Yeah, I'm here... Okay, hold on." Emily once again covered the mouthpiece. "They want to talk to you now."

Emily held the phone out to him. Dave nodded, stepped forward and took the phone from her. "What's his name again?"

"Brian Hartwell."

Dave nodded. "Hello Brian, this is Mr. Bernard. How have you been?"

Dave spent just a moment talking to Brian before Brian passed the phone off to his mother. Dave talked to Mrs. Hartwell, who he remembered only vaguely from their years of being neighbors. He assured her with one hundred percent confidence that the kids would be watched at all times and that there would be no drugs and no drinking of alcohol. This seemed to comfort Mrs. Hartwell. She even mentioned how much more polite he was to talk to than Rebbecca was. Dave thanked her and then handed the phone back to Emily.

Emily took the phone, jumped up off her bed and wrapped her arms around her father's neck and gave him a sloppy wet kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you, Daddy. You're the best father I've ever had."

Dave rolled his eyes, then quickly escaped out of the bedroom and back downstairs. Olivia was waiting for him when he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"I was just looking for you, master."

"Well, my sexy little toy, you seem to have found me."

"Is that going to be my slave name, master? Toy?"

Dave shrugged as he put his arm around her waist and led her towards the living room where he was supposed to be waiting for Molly.

"It's as good a name as any other, I'd guess. Do you really need a slave name?"

"No master, I don't. But I think it might help you."

"In what way?"

"Those who have little or no experience with domination often have trouble separating real life from play time. It's often helpful to give the slave a slave name so that both parties will know when it's playtime and when it's time to be adult and real."

"Okay, that makes sense," Dave said as they entered the living room. Molly hadn't returned yet. "So, if I use the name Toy it means I want to play but if I call you Olivia, it means I'm being an adult or whatever?"

"Yes, master, that's the general idea. It also allows you to think of Olivia and your slave, Toy, as two separate people so you don't feel guilty about the way you treat your slave and end up begging Olivia for forgiveness. You never need to apologize to your slave for anything you do to her, or have her do for you. And since Olivia and Toy are separate entities, you should feel no compunction to apologize to Olivia for what you have done to Toy or worry that if Olivia is mad or upset with you for whatever reason, that you can't still play with, hopefully, your favorite toy."

"Makes sense," Dave said as they both sat down on the couch. "So how do I know when you're being a slave and when you're just being Olivia?"

"You'll find, master, that most of the time I will stay in my role as Toy. Only on rare occasions will I revert back to Olivia now that you have accepted me as your slave."

Dave nodded, reassuring her that he had, in fact, accepted her.

"As for how to tell, that's easy, when I'm being a good slave, I will call you master, as I am now. When I need to talk to you as just two people who care for each other, then I will call you by your given name."

"I see," Dave said as the light dawned on him. "I think I can live with that."

He gave her a quick kiss and then the two sat back and snuggled.

"I did wish to speak to you though, David."

Dave had to chuckle at her sudden change from Toy to Olivia. He was pretty sure that would take some time to get used to.

"What's up?"

"I was wondering if it would be possible to return to your apartment?"


"My laptop is there. It was in my bags. All of the information that Dr. Casey sent me is stored on my laptop. I didn't think to pack it when we came here. I was hoping to get it so I could begin reading over the information. Tomorrow seems like an ideal time since all the girls, plus you and Jennifer, will all be busy with the party."

Dave turned to Olivia. "You're not going to attend the party?"

"It doesn't seem right for me to be there," Olivia said quietly.

"Well, Toy, you are mistaken. I am ordering you to be there. Not only to help the mistress and I serve the goodies that she's making but also to play with the girls and keep an extra eye on their friends. However, if you wish to return to the apartment, I will be more than happy to do so. I need to go pick up the mail and make sure every thing's okay anyway."

"Thank you, master," Olivia said and snuggled back up against Dave.

"We'll go as soon as I finish my business with Molly."

"What business do you have with Molly, master?"

"Molly wants another dose of SLuT10. She says it relaxes her. Looks like you were right in your psycho-analysis of her."

"I understand her, master" There was a moment of silence. "Master?"


Olivia sat up and turned to face Dave. "Can I have some fun with Molly?"

"What kind of fun?"

"I would prefer it be a surprise, master, but if you order me to tell you..."

"No, no," Dave said, holding up his hands. "As long as you don't hurt her or put her in danger, do what you want. You have my permission. Does this mean you don't wanna go to the apartment?"

"No master, it means no such thing. We will simply take her with us."

"Can you give me a broad idea of what you have in mind?"

Olivia smiled, turned her back to Dave and leaned back against him once more. Dave's arm went around her, briefly copped a feel of her left tit and then held her close.

"I'm going to... open her up to new experiences, master. Experiences common to those such as me, and maybe her."

Dave just nodded. They sat there in silence until Molly returned. Dave could almost hear the wheels grinding inside Olivia's head.

When Molly did return she skidded to a halt in front of them.

"I'm ready."

"Go get yourself a drink of something," Dave told her as he unwound himself from Olivia and sat up.

He reached into his pants pocket where the small container of SLuT10 waited and set it on the coffee table in front of him.

"Master," Olivia said quietly once Molly was gone, "I would ask that you not call me by my slave name while we are out. I will continue to do as you say and I will stop what I'm doing with, and to, Molly if you say to, but it will be difficult to be both Molly's master and your slave at the same time."

"Understood and agreed," Dave said with a nod.

"Thank you, David." Olivia leaned over and kissed Dave's cheek.

A moment later Molly was back with a small glass of water.

"So, how long do you wanna be out this time?" Dave asked, looking up at Molly, anxiousness apparent on her face.

"I don't want to be drugged during the party. As long I'm okay before that, I don't care."

Dave nodded and looked at his watch.

"It's now not quite six o'clock. The party starts at eleven tomorrow morning, that gives us seventeen hours. Five drops will put you under for sixteen hours. Are you sure you wanna go that long?"

"Yes, Uncle David, I'm sure."

"Okay then. Do you wish to put any limits on what people can make you do? Anything at all?"

Molly didn't even hesitate.

"No, Uncle David," she said with a huge smile.

Dave doubted she had any idea of what she was in for.

Dave unscrewed the top, filled the dropper with formula and carefully put five drops into the small glass of water. He then put the stopper back in the bottle, screwed on the top and slipped the bottle back into his pants pocket. He then picked up the glass, swirled the water around, careful not to spill any and handed it to Molly once all of the blue liquid had been diluted into the water. He then handed the glass to Molly. Molly took a deep breath, put the glass to her lips and chugged the whole glass. She smiled, relief now showing on her face.

"Thank you, Uncle David."

"Take your glass to the kitchen and rinse it out. Then go get your shoes and your coat. You, me and Olivia are going out."

Dave could see Molly wanted to question the order but she chose not to. She turned and headed for the kitchen.

Olivia kissed Dave's cheek once more.

"Thank you, master." She rose from the couch. "I have to go get ready to go as well."

She headed for the doorway out to the stairs.

"My shoes are in my room, would you get them for me, as well?"

"Of course, master," Olivia said over her shoulder.

"And tell Em we're going out."

"Yes master.."

Dave smiled.

"Could be nice having a devoted slave around," he said as he sat back, relaxed and waited for Olivia and Molly to return.


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Hi! Mera Naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot01 (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto (hot gals ) see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. My hot and horny readers see ek appeal haa- padnee see pahlee ladke apnaa lund pakad lee aur ladkeeya apne chut mee unglee dal lee takee story padne mee zyadaa maza aayegaa...

1 year ago
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First Time Ever Having an Orgasm

My name is Alex, at the time I was a 16 year old teen with crazy emotions. I was tall, 6'1", I was very athletic and was on the football team in high school. You can say I was one of the few nerdy popular kids. I got straight 'A's and was just handsome enough for the girls to like me.One hot June afternoon, my parents went away to go shopping and I was all alone. I went on Youtube to see if I could get a good laugh at some videos. As I'm watching my favorite video, I notice that there is a...

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Me the porn star and my first DP part one

1985 was what I always call my 'glittering year'. In January I broke up with my fiance, and by the end of that year I had had some of the most memorable sexual experiences I could possibly have wished for. But one - with a girl from Essex who I will call Nikki, was by far and away the best - and most enlightening..At that time, I used to help out a guy who ran an adult education class in Studio Photography. I had been involved in photography since the age of 11, and by 1985 had already been...

2 years ago
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Stories of the students teachers and parents who attend a school dance

Mike smiled at the girl on the couch. She returned an inviting smile and he took a seat at her side, touching her from shoulder to thigh. He had always thought that Susan was the prettiest girl in his class, but he had never worked up the courage to tell her. He turned his face sideways and her face was right there, waiting to be kissed. So he did. He kissed her softly at first and then he moved his lips on hers and then he slipped his tongue in her mouth. He slid his hand across her flat...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 630

...”Very well. Helm, bring us about,” the First said matter-of-factly. “We will go back and check out that canyon for other pirates, but we will be slow about it to give our repair teams time to get as much armament and shields online as they can.” That is twice that I have fired before the pirates had time to react to my warning, but they were firing at us. Procedure says I should have waited, but the ones who made that rule must never have been shot at, or he/she certainly would not have...

1 year ago
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Just Do What Youre Told Part Three

Susan woke up as the morning light came shining through her window. Bill’s now limp cock was still in her mouth. As directed, she immediately started licking and stroking his dick back to life. She loved the idea of sucking him off for breakfast, but a part of her would not have minded being fucked. She couldn’t believe herself, one quickie with her husband, and she’s set for a week. This bastard had her in a constant state of either waiting to be fucked, or actually fucking. As Bill opened...

2 years ago
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A tourist in a local bar

My wife, Linda, and I were just finishing a one week vacation where she did not wear any underwear.  I plan to write about the start of the trip and how it came about but this happened on our last night and was the best so I thought I would start with it.  My wife had dressed in several strap less blouses and dresses during the week and I had been warned by one of the hotel employees, Bill, that I had become friendly with not to go to any local bars with her dressed like that.  It seems the...

1 year ago
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My older sister blackmailed

Introduction: I blackmail my older sister into getting anything, and everything I want Im Andrew, I just turned 15 a month ago, I do OK in school, but make up for that in athletics. I play many different sports, and excel in most of them. I dont consider myself a popular person, but I fit in with that crowd, and good looking enough to get my fair share of girls. My mom and dad are both very catholic, and my mom is completely against drugs. She constantly tells us that we should never drink,...

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A Dog Orgy

It was a night much the same as many others. I was sitting home, lonely, horny, and wondering what to do about it. There was no one to call and nowhere to really go, so I decided maybe a nice long walk might help. It was a quite hot night so I just threw on a tee shirt and some loose shorts. There is a park fairly close by me that I decided to go to and walk around for a while. I made it to the park in about 15 minutes and began walking around there. The park had a track which went around the...

3 years ago
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Brandons Fuckslut Family Ch 07

Brandon walked into the bedroom where his nieces were all having some tea and cake – totally nude. The girls had become so comfortable being naked in front of their uncle and each other, the clothes had started flying the moment they’d walked through the door hours earlier. They had set about cleaning his house from top to bottom, wearing only their birthday suits, knowing the effect their nudity and teasing was having on their Uncle. They were supposed to have lunch once they’d finished...

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Sexy Didi Meri Girlfriend Bani Aur Lund Ko Sehelaya

Hello dosto, aapko iss naye writer ka pranam. Aaj mai aapko kuch aise story batane jaane wala hu jisko sunkar aapke lode aur chut me se paani nikal aayega. To chaliye kahani ke taraf. Mera naam Divine hai. Hamare ghar me 3 log rehte he. Mai, mummy aur didi. Mai ghar me sbse chota hu, aur sabse shararti hu. Meri age 19 years hai aur meri didi ki age 21 years hai. Hum chote ghar me rehte hai. Aur meri mummy job karti hai to wo din bhar bhar rehti. Mai abhi college me jane laga hu, aur meri didi...

2 years ago
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Nurse Gives Me 3 Enemas in Preparation for My Bari

A year ago I went to the emergency room with extreme pain in my lower abdomen. The x-rays showed no signs of k**ney stones. I had no fever, so appendicitis was not the cause. Finally the doctor told me that I had to have a barium enema. Before the barium enema could be administered, I had to have a series of enemas to clean out my colon.An orderly rolled me into an examination room. I was already wearing a hospital gown so all I had to do was remove my underpants. I hoped the nurse would be...

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Carlas Fantasy Fulfilled

Introduction: This story was written for my wife to enhance our sex life. This story fulfills her fantasys. I walked into the store a saw Richard looking really down and asked him what was wrong. Richard told me that he just found out his wife was cheating on him and didnt know what to do. I told him how sorry I was and invited him over for some drinks and a movie so my wife Carla and I could take his mind of everything. I told him the kids were at their aunts so he would not have to worry...

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My girlfriend initial story

I’ve been intrigued by the world of swinging for a few years after watching some documentaries on TV. I suppose it all started when I separated from my husband, then hit the singles scene. I met a guy who immediately clicked with each other sexually, since then our relationship over the next few months got stronger in all ways. We love having sex together and sharing fantasy’s, hopefully some of those fantasy’s will come true, we will certainly both work to fulfill them in every way.We...

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SKIN DEEP Urban Legend Chapter Twelve Epilogue

SKIN DEEP - Urban Legend - Chapter Twelve: Epilogue by Mark McDonald The day Michelle went to the bar to hear the band was the last day of the auditions. The band had hit rock bottom. They had spent two weeks looking for a replacement for Mike and it was a complete wash. The night before the last day Marcus had set that the band could use the bar for the tryout period, the guys had decided that there was no way they would ever find a perfect replacement for Mike. Instead,...

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Office Sex

My boy friend has an uptown office with a sexy leather couch. Every now and then I stop by and bring lunch (great girlfriend, right?) We're hanging out alone in the office, and of course, pretty soon we start kissing and stripping off our clothes.So we start having sex--first, I'm on top, then he moves around and we're having sex with him behind me. All of a sudden, the phone rings. He looks on the caller ID and it's an important client! He has to answer the phone, but we don't want to stop...

1 year ago
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First time

Continuing with my life stories, this recounts my very first man. I was still a teenager and still at school. Those were mere technicalities and certainly had no bearing on my libido and overwhelming desire to experience a man for the first time. I had heard through various sources and local papers that there was an increasing issue with gay men cruising in a certain park in my town. I had to find out more. One day I told my parents that I was staying late at school to catch up on some...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected Delivery Part 1

My son Jake doesn't like getting up in the morning. In fact, he'd stay in bed most of the day if he could. When he's back from university he spends a lot of time in his room and stays up until the early hours, glued to his computer screen. I'm not sure what he's doing, playing online games, chatting to friends and no doubt watching porn. he keeps his door shut and doesn't really appreciate interruptions. Although he's in his early 20's when he's home he behaves more like a teenager. I have to...

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Poker Night

The guys were over for the monthly poker game and this month was my turn to host.   De and Karen were in back bedroom watching some movie while I lost nickels and dimes in the kitchen.   Sometimes I think we traded the same change around every month, but this way no one really minded loosing, as even the “big” winner was likely to only get 7 or 8 dollars.   We did it for the chance to talk, eat snacks and bullshit about our wives.   Fred was dealing, I was to his left, then Dennis, Gary,...

1 year ago
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Fertile FlockChapter 11 Arrested

The arrests were carefully coordinated. When Deacon Robert Ramsay arrived at his plant at eight on Monday morning two detectives were waiting. "Please come with us, Sir," the plainclothes policeman said, "so we don't have to handcuff you while people are watching." "What do you mean?" Ramsay said indignantly as soon as they were outside beside the police car. "Don't do that!" he added when they handcuffed him but he didn't fight. "We're arresting you for pandering and for...

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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 23

Marcie was having her nails done when she realized that Aniah had apparently lost interest in men—sexually. It was true that when pressed the girl said emphatically that she liked a cock in her; but thinking back, Marcie recalled having spotted good-looking males Aniah’s age or slightly older, and calling her attention to them while pointing out their obvious attributes on several occasions. Marcie had even gone so far as to draw the teen’s attention to which side the young men had slung...

2 years ago
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The Log of the Retvizan TwylightChapter 8

"Retvizan to Diana. Status?" the radio called. Fedyunsky picked up the handset for the TBS and reported. "Ready to go, Retvizan. Boilers are fired and we have pressure up. All bridge controls are functional except the compass, it's jammed. We've replaced it. This vessel was once a high speed DMS type minsweeper. However, it's had an extensive refit and what looks like destroyer turbines fitted. I'd guess it's so they can keep up with fast warships." "So what would your best speed...

1 year ago
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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 28 Epilogue

One month later " ... So you can see gentlemen, with this business model, we anticipate that construction will be delayed a few months on your resort, but the tourism potential and the revenues from your share of the software sales, plus being a launching point and home base for future college-based expeditions in your region will far outweigh the temporary losses." The conference room table was surrounded by well-dressed business men, recently arrived from Tunisia. Not one dared to even...

2 years ago
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Dream MasterChapter 22 Steps

Tuesday night Christine and I dressed up to hand out Halloween candy with Doreen. We had been invited to join Tony and Tina at a costume party they were attending, but I didn't think Christine was quite ready for that show yet. Now if Amber had been there... Later, after the candy and kids were all gone and we called it a night, I went to see a young boy named Bobby. He had indeed come a long way in the last year and didn't need Walter to look after him any longer. The first thing I...

3 years ago
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Rear Window

George Whitman was grateful for the window in his bedroom that looked out into a small green space between the rows of buildings. If he looked upwards, over the buildings on the other side, he could see in the distance the very top of the British Museum. Down below there was a small patch of mossy grass fringed with ferns, then tall shrubs and an old, blackened brick wall. It wasn’t clear to which building the little plot belonged, but someone must cut the grass from time to time. Most of all...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 376

The Presbyterian Church called a meeting to decide what to do about their squirrel infestation. After much prayer and consideration, they concluded that the squirrels were predestined to be there, and they shouldn’t interfere with God’s divine will. At the Baptist church the squirrels had taken an interest in the baptistery. The deacons met and decided to put a water-slide on the baptistery and let the squirrels drown themselves. The squirrels liked the slide and unfortunately, knew...

1 year ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 192 Rose

"I wasn't scared until I saw it." "I'm getting that a lot lately," I sighed. Sam was cuddled in bed with me early Friday morning. I had to get up soon and head to work, picking up Cassie on the way. We were making another fair favorite on the show today: grilled corn on the cob. I'd served it every night this week at home and I was getting pretty good at it. But last night, Sam had asked if she could have a night alone in bed with me. She was getting a little nervous about showing...

3 years ago
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The Education And Corruption Of Joseph Potter Chapter 2

The weeks that followed Mrs Conway’s birthday party were a blur. Mandy hadn’t been slow at voicing her appraisal of me; the reviews were out and favourable. Soon it seemed that everyone wanted a piece of young Joey Potter.This brought new challenges. As much as I enjoyed the attentions of the female half of the school, to the male side, I became a target as they were jealous of my newfound fame.It was a few months later, that I was to realise that not only did I really have something different...

Wife Lovers
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Dont Let A Friend Impregnate Your Wife

{if gamemode=true}You, just got back from deployment today. You cannot wait to see your beautiful wife, Veronica. But most importantly you can't wait to fuck her and hopefully start your family with her by getting her pregnant soon. It's been many months since you have seen her and had sex with her. While you have fucked a few woman while deployed that your wife doesn't know about, it has been a couple weeks since you had any sex at all and you are as horny as ever. You are very much looking...

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The Drive

The Drive The party had been an exciting event as they drove back to their usual meeting place. There had been food, dancing, and the annual midnight toast. Champagne was flowing, along with a mix of other beverages for all the guests to sample. I stayed away as a responsible driver and because I just don't like the stuff. Chloe has been responsible as well but did have a nose for good wine and a taste for the bubbly. I had a sip of the Champagne at midnight before a long passionate kiss with...

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Rani my Aunt

My college was closed for summer holidays, my father asked me to went to his native place which is far away from mysore town to see his sister i.e my aunt. My aunt is a young widow residing in the villege looking the affairs of her agricultural lands and also my father. I reached to the village to see my aunt. Her name is Rani. she is very beautyful women. she is aged about 28 years with nice body. she is having good breast always trying to come out from her blouse and her blouse is not control...

2 years ago
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Tied In Knots

Her body protested, fists clenching as she fought against the restraints that held her still. She was tied to the bed, arms locked above her head, her ankles spread and bound to opposite bed posts by silken ropes. She was also blindfolded, and her hair was mussed from being tossed around as she shifted to pull at the bindings. You stood and watched her, silently, her struggles arousing you. She didn’t know you were there, would have only been able to tell from your breathing but she was too...

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Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark and Rebecca Part One Ms Rebecca Initiates a Discussion

Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part One: Ms. Rebecca Initiates a Candid Discussion "I'm so glad you came over tonight Stevie," Rebecca said as she sat opposite me on another couch, a large glass of white wine in her hand. She was wearing a long, tight skirt and a pair of black, four-inch pumps. The back of her skirt had a long slit that revealed her amazing legs and the black pumps she was wearing revealed just the hint of her toes which were painted with dark red nail...

1 year ago
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Shattered Hero

Its been a long time since I’ve contributed a post, but for years, unfortunately, there have not been any escapades in my life worth writing about. Since my last story, I’ve gone to law school and, until a few days ago, I worked at a large firm in New York. Law school was bad, but working as a first year Associate was worse – far worse. A good week was 70 hours. A bad week was 100. I was on the road almost constantly researching cases and meeting with clients. I spent four or more nights a...

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Fucking just for fun

As it turns out, Jackson’s stepdad had a sawmill and worked hauling logs. Over that summer, he had put Jackson to work for him and it really made a difference. When he came back to school at the beginning of eleventh grade, well, he was hot. Thick black hair, broad shoulders, tan, and tall. He wasn’t from the richest family, but then again, neither was I. It was only natural that I would be immediately attracted to this formerly chubby hunk. But sometime during the end of the last year, he...

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Alfresco Orgy II What the Guys Did Next

Hi. My name’s Sam. You may have heard about me, if you’ve read my friend Annie Harrison’s story about a crazy outdoor sex session we had while on holiday in the Lake District, which ended with me fucking our friend Chris up the arse while she (Annie) and our other friend Mandy watched. It wasn’t the last sex the four of us had that week, and Annie may be writing about that too, but there are a few bits she didn’t see, and I thought you might like to hear about one of them. The first thing you...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Holiday Fun

Summer of 2011 and it was a family vacation. I was away abroad with my parents and my sister. We had a two bedroom apartment with my parents taking one room and my sister and I taking the other. There were two seperate single beds but they were easy to move together. It was a scorching day and my sister and I went to the beach. She was in a ridiculously tiny shocking pink bikini set. She was barely covered up and was getting alot of attention down at the beach, especially when teh water hit it...

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Stevens Fetish

It was a dark and stormy night... Ok OK, so it wasn't really. I just wanted to get your attention. Actually it had been a beautiful day made more so after I received the purple invitation to a party. It had been a rough day at work despite the warm sunny weather. I'd been working hard on a huge merger. We're talking about millions of dollars. That type of money can get to a guy, even if it isn't his. Hmmm probably more so since it isn't his. Anyway... it went well with only the few minute...

2 years ago
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The Inches Between UsChapter 17

It was Halloween evening. Lisa and I were hanging out in her apartment. We had just finished dinner and were snuggling in front of the television, in between the intermittent parade of costumed neighborhood kids taking advantage of the fact that our management team opened the building to them for trick-or-treating. Just after Batman and Iron Man took their leave of us, Lisa’s phone rang. “Hi Mom!” “Oh, nothing much, just hanging out feeding a bunch of sugar addicts.” “Oh, no. Is she all...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 132 Dirty Mother Nature

Even though I don’t remember doing it, I sure did a great job making myself look like I survived a tornado by lying in the lowest place I could find in a pinch. My goggles popped up a message that 911 had already been called and there were lots of emergency responders heading this way. No one was killed thanks to me getting the family behind Trudy’s house into their bomb shelter. In fact, I was the only one with even minor injuries. The family behind Trudy didn’t even yet know that all they...

3 years ago
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Starting OverChapter 2

Clean, changed into loose cloths and carrying my empty glass, I wandered back to the main room deciding the best thing to do was just act like nothing happened. Abby sat on a low couch sipping a clear bubbling drink with a wedge of lime from a tall glass. She had changed while I was occupied. Now her ebony hair was pulled back in a loose bun with a couple of decorative chop sticks shoved in it. A loose baby blue crop top shirt that somehow revealed as much as it hid, left her smooth brown...

3 years ago
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Miless Conundrums

Gretchen smiled as she moved her long nails across my purplish, throbbing shaft. ? ?She looked so cute...A pale beauty with short, slightly spiky hair. ? Gretchen is a little on the chubby side, but in a sexy T&A kind of a way. ? She was wearing a tight top and snug courdoroys as she leaned across the bed toying with my tortured Willy. "What's wrong, Miles? Having a bad time?" Gretch asked me bemusedly, as she stroked my quivering shaft with a sharp thumbnail. ? "I guess you're having a hard...

4 years ago
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Red Orchids Ch 02

‘Breaking the Lock’ EDITED BY: Miriam Belle CREATIVE CONSULTANT: Simply_Cyn Author’s Note: ‘Again, Mark Gordian is such a bastard…’ *** No matter how many she called, it seemed every single daycare and babysitting service in the phone book just wasn’t going to cut the mustard. Ellen had made thirty calls, methodically searching the yellow pages for a babysitter and so far made little progress. Maddie needed the best, and the best had yet to be discovered in her opinion. Ellen watched...

4 years ago
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The Tides of WarChapter 24

A week later, the patrol reported that, although the cleft was still blocked, the buttress camp was now accessible. Turin’s men began loading the heavy wagons, while he and Hagar checked off the items on their lists. Later that night he reported to David that he and the Tigers would be leaving at first light. David told him he would be report to the Prince in Putan, and then join him at the Pass the following day. He stood on the wall of the Fort as the first rays of the sun rose above the...

2 years ago
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Tennis Aunty Liked My Fucking

Hello to all the Indian Sex Stories readers and editors and of course to the authors who are going to read my story. If there are any mistakes committed by me in writing this story please forgive me. About myself, I’m Vikram Sploosh Machine, from Andhra Pradesh, Tirupati. Coming to the story. This story happened last year when I went to Hyderabad for coaching. As I am a bachelor, I had to find rooms. I got one rented room near Masab tank. And there is a tennis a court near my place. I used to...

3 years ago
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Kate Draffen Chapters 20 21

Kate Draffen (Chapters 20 + 21) By Swishy CHAPTER 20 The material was lodged firmly in my bum. Alana didn't want me showing any 'panty lines' while I wore these white, tight pants so she prescribed a tiny white thong. Her mum drove us down the shops specifically to buy one that matched my pants. It was absolutely tiny, I couldn't believe something that small could cost almost $20. The woman at the cash register couldn't believe who she was serving. Even though there was four...

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CrunchChapter 7

The outings into the evening air became a daily event. Ronni rolled me out into the shade of the big tree in my front yard and left me there talking with my old next door neighbor. Yeah, the one that asked "Are you one a'those GAY people?" My broken leg gave him avenue to recount his trials with a hip and knee replacement, a story familiar to me, told to me previously in bits and pieces, but he was a nice old guy and his wife was also a nice person, so I listened patiently. His missus...

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