Tables Turned - Rod Becomes Roxanne Part 2 free porn video

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The sun was shining and the cool breeze felt very strange on Roxanne's silk encased legs as her and Lucille stepped out of the car and started to walk into the shopping mall. She could hear the clicking of her heels on the pavement as they made their way to the entrance. This was something that a few weeks ago she would have never imagined would be happening to the newly christened Roxanne. But with Lucille's help she was now stepping into the mecca for women everywhere as so many shops awaited them to explore. As they walked into the mall, Roxanne began to think about everything that had transpired over the last week and wondered how it all happened. Only a week or so ago she was a guy that was looking to get laid with a present that someone, who turned out to be her older sister, got for him. That sexual encounter turned out to be the beginning of training for Roxanne to come to the fore and start her on the path that she now found herself on. Upon reaching the entrance Lucille and Roxanne saw a young man get to the door before them. As he opened the door he stood to the side and, looking at both of them, said, "After you ladies. You both are looking very nice today." Roxanne blushed as Lucille turned to the young man and said, "Why thank you. Don't you just love it when a handsome young man gives you a compliment like that Roxanne?" She didn't know what to say so she just turned to him, smiled and said in as soft of a voice she could muster, "Yes I do. You're very kind." He just laughed and said, "It's easy to say when it's true. You girls have a nice day. Hope you find everything you're looking for." Lucille turned to Roxanne and, winking, said, "We sure hope that we do." Turning to Roxanne, Lucille said, "Well, if you were worried about people thinking that you are not what you appear to be, I think that nice young man should have put your mind at ease. You are one foxy looking girl and I think you are going to be surprised at all the extra glances you are going to get. "You're right. I was thinking about that." As she put her mind at ease she looked at all of the stores in the mall and wondered where they were headed. Lucille saw what she was doing and, taking her arm, said, "I think our first stop needs to be at the kiosk where we can get your ears pierced. No woman wants to wear clip-ons any more so let go and get a seat." Roxanne walked over to the earring display where a cute young lady greeted them. "How can I help you two today?" she said. Lucille had Roxanne sit down in the chair and, pointing to her ears, said, "My friend has never had her ears pierced so I think it's about time to get them done." "Great," she said. "My name is Paula and we can get her taken care of right away. Do you want to just get the one clip put in or do you want to be adventurous and have two done in each ear?" In her most feminine voice Roxanne said, "I think I'll go for just the one now." Lucille started to laugh and said, "I think we'll let her take baby steps for now but I think you will probably want to get another set put in sweetie after you see how nice they look." So Paula took out her piercing tool and, after swabbing her ear lobe, took her tool and clipped the first hole. Roxanne flinched a little, not expecting the sharp prick that poked at her ear. After she did the other ear she held up a mirror and showed Roxanne the studs that were now implanted in her lobes. "You will want to leave them in for a few days to make the openings easier to put your earrings in. Make sure to take some alcohol and clean them off. Would you like to look at a pair of earrings now? I have a few here that I think will look fabulous on you." "I think that would be a great idea," said Lucille. "Show us what you recommend. I think the more petite the better. We want her to get used to the new feeling before she decided to get some real dangling ones." So after looking for a few minutes they decided on a pair of short hoop earrings that were a little wider to let her have the feeling of knowing something was on her ears. After paying Lucille looked around at all the stores and decided that "we are going to start from the inside out so let's go look at some lingerie. Next stop, Victoria's Secret!" As Roxanne walked into the store she was immediately hit with the bright pastel colors in the store, the smell of all the intoxicating perfumes and, of course, the rows and rows of the finest lingerie that you could imagine. She just stared at all of the choices that she would be looking at, wondering if she would have to try any of these on. Lucille said something to her but she was in another world. "Hello, earth to Roxanne. Are you in there?" Roxanne suddenly realized that she was standing in the middle of the store just looking at everything and that Lucille and another sales associate were talking to her. "Sorry, I think I must have drifted off somewhere." Lucille started to laugh and said, "You just looked like you were in another world there. But I can see why." She then turned to the sales girl and said, "My friend was interested in picking up a few new pieces of lingerie and I knew that this was the store for her. We're going to look around for a little bit let her decide on what she needs. I'm sure that we will need some help in a while so please look for us in a few minutes." After the girl said she would come back to them in about 15 minutes Lucille and Roxanne started to wander through the rows and rows of some of the most gorgeous things that she had ever seen. "We need to find out what style suits you the best so we'll pick out a few things and let you try them on to see how you like them." So they walked around the store, stopping to look at more styles of bras than Roxanne would have ever imagined existed. Strapless, front clipped, push-up, demi, full and more in a wide variety of colors to choose. Roxanne started to gravitate to the soft demi bras that had some lace around the cups. As she pulled one off the rack Lucille stood back and watched and observed as Roxanne felt the material and actually put it to her chest to see how the cups looked. "Let's pick out a few colors of those and what do you think about these angel designs? I just think they are very sexy and the feel of the material against your skin is just heavenly. "They chose a few in yellow, pink, satiny green and beige. While Roxanne gathered up those Lucille went over to the panties and matched up the colors to give her a coordinated feel and make them a set. Roxanne stepped into the dressing room and started to get a little nervous, seeing as this was one area that she didn't think she belonged in. But after she took off her blouse and removed the bra she came in with, the mirror told her something different. She tried on quite a few bras and began to move her body from one side to the other, noticing how the bra fit and how it enhanced her fake breasts. She made the choice to take 4 of them and walked back out to see Lucille waiting there with a few pair of panties in her hand. Surprisingly almost all of the panties and thongs in her hands matched the bras that Roxanne had selected. In her other hand was a very cute pale yellow baby doll nightie. "A girl definitely needs at least one of these for those special occasions when there is a special someone staying over and you want to get him really excited before even making it to the bedroom. They both giggled at that statement as Roxanne took everything that was in her hand and started walking towards the checkout area. But before she got there the perfume counter caught her attention. They both sampled two of the bottles there and each decided on buying one of them. As Roxanne was going up to the checkout, the sales girl that had approached them earlier came up to her and made sure that she found everything she was looking for. "Yes we did, thank you," said Roxanne. "It was actually hard to decide on just what to buy." "Well I see that you did very well for yourself," the sales girl said. "You have made some great selections there. I hope that you will be happy with all of them." She then leaned into Roxanne and whispered, "If you ever decide to go all in and get some real breasts please come in and see me. I would love to give you a personal fitting. I think that you make a stunning girl and hope that you come back and see us anytime." Roxanne was stunned that she knew, but the girl just smiled and said, "When you walked into the store with those deer in the headlight eyes I knew that this was your first time shopping for yourself. Please don't be embarrassed. We do have many like yourself come in and we treat them as the women they would like to be treated as." Roxanne very shyly said, "Thank you so much. I will definitely come back in here and I will look for you." After paying for all of their purchases Lucille thought it might be time for a little lunch before moving on. "We'll go in and have a nice salad and plan out the rest of your shopping trip." While they sat down to enjoy a salad and water break, Lucille began to clue Roxanne in on all of the little things to look for on a shopping trip. She told her to try a lot of things on so that she will find out which style of clothing she prefers. "Make sure that you take advantage of any sales going on. We all love a sale but it's only good if it's something we are going to wear. You will also probably experiment with different cosmetics. Your best bet is to talk with the beautician at the shop back at Rosie's. She will be able to help you match skin tones and give you some very useful advice. When buying perfume try not to go with anything overpowering. A little dab on your wrist, behind your ears and right in between your cleavage will be plenty." "So let's go and finish up and head back to Rosie's to see what she has in store for you and I." As the two of them walked through the mall, Roxanne couldn't help but notice that there were many men walking by both of them looking them over. As she observed the men she couldn't help but notice that their eyes were not making contact with hers but they seem to be looking down a little further. She almost started to laugh as she thought about girls that she knew when she was just a guy and she could hear them say, ?Hey, my eyes are up here.? They walked into the department store and headed straight for the woman?s clothes. There was a huge sale going on so Lucille made sure that Roxanne was going to try on a few different things to see what she liked. Roxanne was amazed that there were racks and racks of everything that a girl could possibly look for. She had started to go through a rack of dresses while Lucille was busy trying to find a blouse to go with a flowing skirt that she found for Roxanne. She was concentrating on a rack of summer dresses and did not notice that someone had walked up behind her. ?I think that red one would just be perfect for you sis!? With that she turned around to see her sister, Rhonda, smiling at her and pointing to the dress she was talking about. All embarrassed, she didn?t know what to day. The only thing that came out was a ?W-w-w-w-what are you doing here?? ?Silly, I am doing the same thing you are. I came in because I knew they were having a big sale and we girls love to take advantage of any sale we can find. I can see that you are trying to take advantage of it just like I am. So, are you here with Lucille? Isn?t she just adorable? I knew that you would get along with her and I suspect that she has taken you under her wings to teach you everything about being a girl that I never had the chance to.? Roxanne looked at her sister with questioning eyes and asked, ?What made you think that I would want to become a girl?? Rhonda just smiled and said, ?I could just tell that once I had you in dresses and lingerie that you were not going to be able to resist the feel of it. I know that you protested at first but the protests slowly died down and, if you remember correctly, you started to actually look forward to our little dressing up games. You don?t know how much I have been looking forward to this day. When we could go shopping together and be able to trade outfits with each other. And now that you have started to build your own wardrobe I think that day is coming up soon. Well, I gotta run sis, but you have fun getting some nice outfits and I will be talking with you very soon. Oh mom is going to be so happy to hear that she now has the other daughter she was hoping for. Love you sweetie.? With that Rhonda picked up her purchases and headed out the door. Roxanne just stood there in shock. She never even thought about what her mother would say if she ever saw her dressed this way. And now thoughts ran through her mind as to whether or not mom saw the original pictures that were taken during her sister?s games. Another chill ran through her as Lucille came back with a very cute cr?me colored blouse. ?I see that your sister found you. She is so happy that you have found your way to express your true self and I know that she looks forward to spending time with you in your new identity.? Roxanne, still a little stunned at what just occurred, asked Lucille, ?So how is it that you got to talk with my sister and discussed all of this with her?? As they walked to the checkout and paid for their purchases Lucille told the story of how she and her sister, who have known each other for years, started to talk about people they knew and what they were like. She explained that when family came up, Rhonda told her about her brother and that she was convinced that he was truly not happy who he was and that after she saw the way that he reacted to being dressed up in her clothes she was certain that he was meant to be a girl. They just tried to figure out the best way to convince him that he would be much happier being the girl that he was meant to be. ?And that is how we came up with the plan for you to visit me and let me use my convincing ways to show you how you would be much happier as a girl instead of the boy you were trying to be. And now I am sure that you are becoming who you were meant to be. You?ll never be able to convince me after what you have been through these few times together that you are not happier now. Tell me that I am right.? Roxanne put her head down and moved it back and forth in the affirmative. There was a feeling that came over her of finally releasing all of the anxiety and frustration that she had been feeling for a long time, never really being able to figure out exactly why. But now, talking with Lucille girl to girl, she felt like she truly belonged somewhere and nothing was going to change her mind. She was now on a new path. One that might prove to be both scary and exciting but now knowing in her heart that it is the one she was meant to be on. * * * * * * * * As Lucille drove back to Rosalie?s, Roxanne sat in the passenger seat with her hands folded very demurely on her lap. She glanced at her perfectly styled and painted nails and started to think about all of the things that she probably missed out on being the boy she used to be. She also began to wonder what she will need to do if she decides to make all of her changes permanent. While those thoughts ran through her mind she also began to think about her sister and her mom, whether they were going to accept her now that she was no longer their brother and son. Sis will be happy, but not knowing how mom will react made her pause. After dropping off everything from the shopping trip at her apartment, Lucille and Roxanne headed back to Rosalie?s. When they arrived they saw Rosalie standing in the front area. She spotted both of them coming in the door and immediately walked over. ?So, how was the shopping trip? Did you pick up a few new things Roxanne?? Roxanne suddenly felt so girlish. She began to act a little giddy as she told Rosalie about all the things that her and Lucille saw and did while shopping. She showed her the piercing in her ears and told her how the sales girls treated her like one of their own. Rosalie began to smile, as she now figured that this was going to be one new girl who was not about to go back to being the guy she used to be. It is such a wonderful feeling to release the inner girl that a lot of guys don?t realize are trapped inside, and make them blossom into who they were truly meant to be. ?I am so glad that the two of you had fun out there today. I know Roxanne that this will be the first of many excursions you will be on. We girls just love to shop. Guys just don?t understand, do they?? With that she winked at Roxanne who blushed and nodded her head. As things started to settle down, Rosalie had Roxanne sit down on the couch as she wanted to talk with her, while Lucille excused herself as she needed to take care of a few things. ?I must tell you Roxanne dear that you have become a real stunner. There is still some work to do and we must get you started on your vitamins and other medications to help you on your path. You have only been here a few days but there are already 2 people who would love to meet you sometime. I have told them that you can meet with them soon, but I want you to feel comfortable here and discover who you really are before that. Are you ok with that?? Looking a little bewildered at the attention she receives while dressed as feminine as possible, Roxanne tells Rosalie that she is ok with everything and that she will trust whatever decisions need to be made to her. Rosalie said that she was happy Roxanne was ready to join the ranks of women who want to enjoy themselves and to explore their sexuality. She told her that there was someone coming in who was looking for a little companionship with her special attributes and was she willing to dive right in to her new found femininity. The look in her eyes told Rosalie that she was more than ready. Roxanne began to remember just how she felt the first day when Lucille began to show her just how fully satisfying sex as a woman can be. ?What we will do now is to take you back to the beauty shop and get your make-up touched up a little. The girls there will next week start to work with you to show you how to apply your own make-up and how to start to style your hair. But for now, since you have already gone shopping and from what Lucille has told me you do have some great taste in clothes, we will have them get you ready to go. This young man wants to take you out to dinner and a drink afterwards. Whatever happens after that is up to the two of you. He was just looking for some company and good conversation so this date will be all up to how you feel. Are you ready to tackle this?? ?I think I am ready. I just hope I don?t disappoint anyone.? Rosalie just smiled at her and, acting almost like a mother to her daughter on her first date with a boy, said, ?Don?t you worry about anything. Lucille will give you a little more instructions on how to handle yourself before you go, and I can tell that you are going to be just fine. Now run off now to the beauty parlor and let them make you feel even more comfortable with your obvious good looks.? * * * * * * * * Roxanne got her make-up touched up and had Lucille talk with her about the finer points about being a woman on a date. She showed her the proper way to sit, how to let the man take care of everything on the date and what to expect at the end of the date. When they discussed sex Roxanne got that scared look in her eyes but Lucille told her that everything would be up to her and that this outing was not a precursor to sex at the end. ?Your date is looking for some companionship and conversation tonight. He specifically asked for someone of your nature and Rosalie felt that you were the perfect one to handle this. It will be good experience for you to take everything in as the woman that you really are and to learn what it feels like to be the object of someone?s affection. When you get a chance when you are out to dinner just look around and see how other women are reacting and how the hold themselves up. You are probably going to surprise yourself how you react. After watching you today shopping and interacting with others today I know that you are going to be fine. Just enjoy the attention and let me know tomorrow how things went.? So Roxanne said good-bye to Lucille for the evening and went into the lobby to wait for her companion for the evening. She didn?t have to wait too long as she noticed a young man walk in and immediately walk up to her. ?Are you Roxanne?? he asked. She gave him a surprised look and answered that indeed she was. ?I am so happy to meet you. My name is Andrew Price. Rosalie has already told me so much about you that I feel that I know you already. Pardon me for being so bold but you are quite stunning.? At that moment Roxanne started to blush as she was not ready for any kind of compliment like that. ?I have reservations for dinner tonight for us at The Grotto, so if you are ready we can make our way there.? Roxanne said that she was looking forward to it, so they made their way out of the lobby and onto the sidewalk where his car was waiting. She was not used to being treated this way as he was the perfect gentlemen, opening the door for her as she sat down with legs together and slid into the seat. Obviously she was paying attention to the lessons that Lucille had showed her. As her date walked around to the other side she put her clutch purse in her lap and put her hands together and set them on her lap also. It was a short drive to the restaurant, and as Andrew pulled up to the front she noticed that there was a valet waiting to take the car. He opened her door and took her hand as she once again slid out of the seat, being conscious of moving her legs together and not stepping out of the car awkwardly. As she was getting out with the valet holding her hand she noticed that he was staring at her legs. She never realized just how shapely they were and, with a smile on her face, thanked him for helping her out of the car. As they walked into the restaurant Roxanne could feel eyes staring at her. She imagined the men looking at her with a bit of lust in their eyes and the woman were examining how she was dressed and just how shapely she was. As they were directed to their table she felt herself walking with a little more swing in her hips. She was also impressed with how Andrew treated her, knowing full well who she really was. He was such a gentlemen that he pulled her chair out for her and as she smoothed out her dress to sit down he pushed her chair back in. They had a lovely dinner with some very interesting and positively enlightening conversation. Andrew told her that he was always looking for new experiences and companionship, and that Rosalie had told him about Roxanne and that she thought they might get along very well. ?I think that she was right on in that regard,? said Andrew, drawing a smile and blushed cheeks from Roxanne. ?I have to tell you that I have never done anything like this in my life. I never dreamed that I would be out anywhere with anyone dressed the way I am. It was something that up until a few weeks ago I had no thoughts about. Maybe deep down somewhere I felt this way but it wasn?t until my sister and Rosalie had somehow took me out of my sheltered world and opened a new life for me. I don?t want to sound like I am babbling on and on but I am so glad that this night was set up and that I got to meet someone like you who treated me like I think a girl would like to be treated.? Andrew looked at her and, with a smile on his face, said, ?You make it so easy for anyone to treat you like the woman you are. And let there be no mistake about it, you are definitely all woman to me tonight. I know that Rosalie had told you this was dinner and conversation tonight, and that is what I promised, but I would really love to see you again. Would you be agreeable to going out again?? Roxanne looked a little stunned. She never expected that this night would turn out the way it has so far. She only did this because everyone wanted to see if she could go out on her own as a woman. She figured that it would be a one-time outing and then she would go back and work for Rosalie and try to become the woman that is starting to come out of her. But she started really liking Andrew?s company and how people seem to pay more attention to her. ?I would like that Andrew. There are a few things I need to do at Rosalie?s, but if it?s ok with her then yes, I would love to see you again.? When they pulled up to Roxanne?s house Andrew got out and opened up her door once again. He took her hand as they walked up to the door. ?Thank you again for a wonderful evening and hope to be talking with you again real soon?, Andrew said as he then leaned in to give her a kiss. Roxanne was a little shocked about that but she willingly took his kiss as she felt her whole body start to tingle. She had almost forgot about the fact that she was still a guy in woman?s clothes, but something in the back of her mind made her feel that everything was all right. She watched as he got back into his car and drove away, giving a little sigh as she relived the night. * * * * * * * * Roxanne felt rejuvenated as she woke up from a very restful sleep and jumped into the shower to get ready to go to Rosalie?s and see what today will bring. As the water splashed over her body and cascaded down her false but feeling very real breasts her thoughts drifted back to last night and how much she enjoyed the company of Andrew. She remembered how Lucille had told her what she might begin to feel and she thought that most of them came true. Stepping out of the shower, Roxanne wrapped the large towel around her body and tucked it together beside her breasts. She also wrapped another towel around her hair, doing exactly everything that she had seen her sister do and also following instructions from Lucille and the girls in the beauty salon. She sat down in front of the mirror by her sink and pulled out all of her newly purchased make-up. She was thinking that maybe a vanity might be purchased in her near future. After setting up the make-up mirror that Lucille got for her she began to sort out all of the make-up she would need for the day. Since she felt that this was going to be a pink day she began by applying a light foundation, perfectly matching her skin tone. Satisfied that it was evenly distributed she took a little powder and applied it to take care of any shiny spots. A little rose blush was applied to her upper cheeks and then blended in so as to not look like it was carelessly put on. She then started to work on her eyes. Taking out a black eyeliner pencil she started in the middle of her eyelid and drew a thin line to the outer part of her eyelid. She then finished the eyelid and did the same to underneath her eyes. Since it was going to be a pink day she took out her eye shadow and selected a light and darker pink tints and, after applying the darker color to the inside of the eyelid and the lighter color to the outside, blended them together using a light brush stroke. Feeling satisfied at the outcome Roxanne took out her mascara brush and gave her lashes a bit more volume. She was told that her lashes were the perfect length and that she did not need any extensions after combing them out. For the finishing touch she used a lip brush to outline her now plumper lips. Using a lighter shade on the outline she then started to fill in the lips with a dazzling pink shade. To give them a wet look she then used some gloss and lightly applied some to her lips. Dabbing them with a tissue she looked in the mirror and surprised herself at the nice job she had done. After drying and curling her hair she started to get her clothes ready for whatever was in store for her today. She took out a matching Wonderbra bra and panty set, naturally in the shade of pink. She was becoming more of an expert at leaning over and attaching the bra from behind and adjusting the cups to accentuate those breast forms. She pulled up her panties and adjusted herself to give the appearance of a flat front. Since today was going to be a skirt and blouse day she slipped over her a white cami and pulled up a very lacy slip. Before she finished getting dressed she needed to decide on either pantyhose or the garter belt that Lucille had snuck in on her. ?I think it?s going to be pantyhose today,? Roxanne said to herself as she slid the nylon hose up her very smooth legs. After admiring how they made her legs look it was time to finish. Looking into her closet Roxanne decided that today was the day she would wear the skirt that Lucille had recommended her to buy. It was a calf length flowered cream colored summer skirt with a wide black belt. To match that she had a satin white blouse that accented her now slimmer figure. She buttoned the blouse, getting used to the fact that the buttons were on the opposite side of her old male shirts. She then pulled up the skirt and zipped it up the back after smoothing out the blouse and putting in inside the skirt. After buckling the belt she stepped in front of her floor length mirror and began to twirl as the skirt flowed from side to side. It made her feel so much more feminine. The finishing touch was to slip on the red pumps that she bought just for this outfit. Feeling satisfied that she looked her best she got her car keys, grabbed her purse and after putting her compact and lipstick in, made her way out the door and started on her way to Rosalie?s to see what today was going to bring. * * * * * * * * As she walked in to Rosalie?s Roxanne couldn?t help but listen to her heels clicking as she walked into the lobby. Rosalie looked up from her desk and , smiling at how well her latest student was taking to her new found femininity, stood up to admire the change. ?You look absolutely stunning Roxanne. I knew that once you found out how more of a female you were inside there was no way that was going to be bottled up. Turn around and let me look at you.? Roxanne did another one of her twirls that she had been practicing in front of the mirror and she loved the way that the skirt flew around from side to side as she did it. The hand claps that Rosalie was giving her just encouraged her on more. She even let out a giggle as she enjoyed showing off a little. ?I had some questions at first as to why I was so comfortable doing this and if I could really feel natural dressing the way I am, but you and Lucille have shown me that my sisters were right in that I should have been their sister instead of their brother. Thank you for letting me be free to explore what my true inner feelings and thoughts are leading me to.? ?Well my dear I have a something special for you right off the bat. I had another client come in who requested someone specifically like you and I know you are really going to enjoy this one. By the looks of things you are ready to see what the world has to offer you. Are you ready to strut your stuff?? Roxanne hesitated for a moment and then told Rosalie that she was ready and hoped that she would not disappoint. ?Oh I don?t think you will. First off make sure to take your special pills and then go up to room number 9.? So, deciding that this was only going to be temporary until she found out what was really in store for her, Roxanne went upstairs to room number nine. She knocked and heard a voice tell her to come in. The lilting voice was not what she was expecting to hear and when she entered the room a very voluptuous woman stood up and smiled at her. ?Well, Rosalie said that you were something to see but I was not expecting to see how gorgeous you are. My name is Angelique. You must be Roxanne, and by the looks of things I really need to ask you. Are you sure that you are really not a natural woman?? Roxanne was a little surprised at what she saw when she entered the room and was not ready for the compliments that followed. In her most feminine voice, after practicing with some tapes given to her, she answered ?I might not be in total body but I am feeling more and more natural every day.? Angelique stood up and, walking over to Roxanne, grabbed her by her waist and gave her a hug. Looking in to her eyes she moved closer and gave her a kiss that would make any girl just melt. Roxanne opened her mouth as Angelique slid her tongue into mouth and returned the kiss with equal ardor. ?My young lady, you sure know how to make someone feel right at home,? Angelique said. She began to unbutton Roxanne?s blouse as she stared into her eyes. Roxanne very gently reached behind her and after finding the zipper began to slide it down her back. The dress fell off her shoulders as Angelique looked at the bra Roxanne had on and told her that she admired her taste in lingerie. ?If I would not have known better I would swear that those breasts are very real.? Roxanne laughed and said, ?Well they feel very real to me. I know that the sensations are not part of it but I do let my imagination run a little wild. Maybe someday they will be replaced by the real thing. I just love your choice in lingerie also. I think we must shop at the same store because I wanted to get this set.? As she talked about it she reached behind Angelique and, after grasping the clasp, unhooked her bra to admire those very well rounded what had to be close to her own size 36C breasts. As Roxanne began to kiss her way down to those exquisite mounds Angelique reached behind her and unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to the floor. She stepped out of the skirt as her blouse fell from her shoulders. ?I do love your taste in lingerie. Did you pick these out yourself or did you have help?? Roxanne said, ?My mentor Lucille went with me but I can honestly say that I chose these myself. I just loved the way they felt on me.? With that she guided Angelique over to the bed and had her lay on her back. She immediately went for her panties and slowly lowered them down her very soft and tanned legs. Angelique then slid up on to the bed so her whole body was resting on it. Roxanne never stopped kissing down her body and very soon arrived at her very neatly shaved mound. She looked into her eyes and then spread her legs and maneuvered her head so that her tongue was ready to stimulate her clit. Before she could get started Angelique grabbed her shoulders and said, ?I don?t want to have all the fun. Let?s me have a taste of what is in your panties.? With that Roxanne lowered her own satin panties and let her still manhood spring free. ?Wow, you?re clit is even bigger than mine.? With that she made her lay on the bed so that both would be able to indulge in a little licking and fondling. Both were getting very excited at what was transpiring as the moans began to fill the room. As Angelique felt she was ready to cum she stopped sucking on Roxanne and told her, ?I want you to enter me, now.? Without any further words Roxanne swung around and, with little motion, entered Angelique to an even louder moan. She felt so strange making love to a woman and feeling their breasts touching. Angelique noticed this and began to buck a little harder. It didn?t take much longer before both of them began to have some very intense orgasms, as the moaning began to die down. They held each other very tightly for a few minutes before Angelique whispered in Roxanne?s ear. ?That was without a doubt the most intense orgasm I have ever had. I want to thank you for all this pleasure, and now I have a special surprise for you.? With that she got out of bed and walked over to her purse. Opening it up, Roxanne was stunned by what she saw. Angelique had pulled out a two headed dildo and was walking back over to the bed. ?I figured that since you made me feel like a woman that I wanted to return the favor. Now I want you to get up and lean over the bed.? Roxanne got up and just stared at that plaything that she brought up to the room. Without any more prompting she got the KY jelly out and handed it to Angelique. Squeezing some on her fingers, she rubbed some on the one end of the dildo after she strapped it on to her own body, inserting the other half into her now pulsating pussy. She then took one finger and inserted into Roxanne who let out a moan and pushed back. After gently using one finger she inserted another, making sure that she was wide enough to accommodate the toy. After being satisfied, she asked Roxanne if she was ready. With a girlish cry she said, ?OH YES, please make me a woman.? With that she slowly moved the dildo in and out until she was completely buried in her. The sensation on her own clit was making her a little weak in the knees but she was determined to give Roxanne all the pleasure she gave her. As Angelique started to move forward Roxanne could feel herself thrust back, wanting to enjoy the feeling of being filled with her lover. She glanced down and saw that her false breasts were starting to bounce and sway, just as if they were the real thing. This made her even more excited as she began to think of herself as a true woman. She did not know it yet but part of that feeling was because of the pills that Rosalie and Lucille had been giving her to take. As Roxanne began to feel another explosive orgasm coming on Angelique was having the same feeling, since that second head was giving her clit a true workout. Both of them came at the same time once again, exhausted as wave after wave of intense pleasure sapped their remaining energy. ?Oh my god Roxanne. If you ever truly become all woman you are going to wear your man out. I don?t think I have ever felt so exhausted but so fulfilled after some intense lovemaking. You are definitely one special person.? She then leaned into her and gave her one more very passionate kiss and squeezed her now very worked over member. She had a sudden urge and bent down to lick whatever remained of cum that was still leaking. Roxanne laid there with the biggest smile on her face. She had never known that sex with a woman like a woman could be so intense and so satisfying. As Angelique finished licking her she bent down and gave her another kiss, tasting what was remaining of all that love juice. They both gathered up all the clothes that were scattered around the room, laughing at the fact that they were strewn all over the place. Angelique went into the powder room to freshen up and make sure that all of her clothes were there, while Roxanne began to get herself dressed again. Still in a little disbelief as to what has happened to her over the last few weeks but feeling like a whole new person inside and out, she waited until Angelique left and went into the powder room herself to touch up her make-up and readjust everything else. As she walked back down stairs, Rosalie pulled her aside and asked, ?So sweetie, how are you feeling now?? ?This has been something that I never thought I wanted but obviously it has always been there. Thanks to you and Lucille it has all been brought out. I have a lot to think about but I can?t say that I have never been any happier than I am now.? ?Well, it has not been just us. You have to thank your sister for nudging you along to find your true self. I never got a chance to tell you, but she called and said that she was coming over to take you out to lunch. And here she is coming through the door now.? Roxanne looked up to see Rhonda smiling as she walked up to her and gave her a big sisterly hug. ?Hi little sis, you look absolutely stunning. I think that all of this is agreeing with you. I thought that we might be able to go out and have lunch and get reacquainted again.? As Roxanne was about to say ok she heard a voice from behind her. ?So this is my newest daughter?? She turned around and got the surprise of her life. ?MOM??

Same as Tables Turned - Rod becomes Roxanne Part 2 Videos

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Ch 4 Roxanne And The Hotel Rendezvous

Tom's world had been drastically altered.  His sex life at home with his wife of thirty years had dwindled to a point of non-existence.  She never initiated sex and when he asked for it, she routinely turned him down.  She was too tired, busy playing spades online or watching a show on her tablet.  The very rare occasion she did relent and agree to sex, it consisted of her turning on her side, pulling down her bottoms and telling him to be quick.  It was like she was doing a chore that no one...

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Teresa Scalia Barbara and Roxanne Get Acquainted

Preface: In this story there are a couple references to earlier encounters between Teresa and Barbara. For a full accounting of those incidents, I refer you to the stories The Tale of Mrs. Teresa Scalia (uncovered) and Teresa Scalia Gets Her Revenge. An electronic version of the William Tell Overture's opening clarion call rang out from Barbara Anderson's purse indicating a call on her cell phone. "Hello this is Barbara" "Barbara, Rhonda here. Have I got some news for you. Have you...

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She took my hand in hers as we walked. "You are gonna love my mom. She is just like me, but twenty-two years older. She still has dirty blonde hair, nice melons, and can be sweet when she wants to be.""Really, are her hooters bigger?" I pondered, getting front of her."Yes, smartass," she replied, taking my other hand and looking into my green eyes. "She is just the most important person in the world to me. I just really want both of you to like each other, that's all. We've been seeing each...

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Heather Peace and Roxanne McKee lesbian sex

After her successful role as Louise Summers in the UK soap Hollyoaks she was offered a major role in the BBC drama called “Lip Service” which is set in Scotland and is about lesbian relationships.Although Roxanne has always been a sex symbol she’s never really shied away from, not-only playing, raunchy roles but also stripping off for glamour mags as well. All very tasteful but she had been approached many times with cash to go further but she’s always said no.Now just turned 30, she’s a 5ft...

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Roxanne McKee cums hard thanks to Heather Peace

Roxanne McKee gets some first-hand training!After her successful role as Louise Summers in the UK soap Hollyoaks she was offered a major role in the BBC drama called “Lip Service” which is set in Scotland and is about lesbian relationships.Although Roxanne has always been a sex symbol she’s never really shied away from, not-only playing, raunchy roles but also stripping off for glamour mags as well. All very tasteful but she had been approached many times with cash to go further but she’s...

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Roxanne McKee fucked by Heather Peace

After her successful role as Louise Summers in the UK soap Hollyoaks she was offered a major role in the BBC drama called “Lip Service” which is set in Scotland and is about lesbian relationships.Although Roxanne has always been a sex symbol she’s never really shied away from, not-only playing, raunchy roles but also stripping off for glamour mags as well. All very tasteful but she had been approached many times with cash to go further but she’s always said no.Now just turned 30, she’s a 5ft...

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Roxanne Is Interested In Her Mothers Boyfriend

Roxanne was very depressed because she didn’t have a boyfriend.  Her mother had a hot new boyfriend and seemed always to be having sex with her new toy.  Roxanne was jealous that her mother was receiving all the attention.It was the start of spring break, and Roxanne didn’t have the money to go away.  She spent most of her days between her pool and the beach.  The nights were long, hearing her mother screaming in pleasure while the headboard banged loudly against the wall.Her mother moaning and...

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Rachel And Roxanne Ch1

Day 1, Sunday, April 21. Dear diary, Alice is a bitch. She's a cunt, a dick, a heel, and a shitty friend. And I'm talking Judas Iscariot level bad friend. Here's what happened: Since we live in different parts of the country, we agreed to meet on board. After all the hassle of travel and the security screening, I made my way down to our cabin. It's small, with twin beds and a tiny, cramped, bathroom, although with a shower. There's no window since we booked as cheaply as possible. After all, we...

Straight Sex
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A Golfers Dream Book II Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 14 Roxanne Revealed

Dave could feel the mysterious soft hands traveling all over his body. He finished cleaning his hair then rinsed out the shampoo so he could be sure whose soft hands they really were. He finally turned to look into Sarah's smiling face. As he took her into his arms and kissed her passionately, he felt her soft flesh press again his with her round mounds pushing against his stomach. As their lips parted he spoke softly, "I'm glad you decided to join me." She replied, "I tried to convince...

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Roxanne from my Engendered Species

Roxanne (transexual/bisexual story)It was a normal Saturday night apart from the fact that the world cup was on and England where playing their opening match against Italy. I had visions of most of the pubs being very busy for the 10 o'clock kick-off. Now I have nothing against football but I am not a fan, my parents where never into it and my friends often only passive supporters. I enjoyed playing football, but I wasn't good at it, I was very small and my exposure to sports at primary school...

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“You still with the rug-muncher,” he said, putting his empty beer bottle down. “If you mean Kirstie,” she replied. “Then yes.” “Well, like I said Rox,” said Bumfelt. “It's been a long day. And as hot as you are, I'm not here for an angry I'm fucked off with my lesbian partner and what some dick fuck.” “You think that's what this is?” replied Ballsakey. “Fuck you, Eddie.” “Fuck me?” “Yes. Fuck. You,” said Ballsakey. “You don't have to be a complete asshole.” “I don't?” shrugged...

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Rachel and Roxanne Ch2

Tuesday, April 23rd, Day 3. Dear Diary, Nothing exciting today. Roxanne bought some really nice underwear, but it mostly was a Rachel day. I had a really long swim, then had my ass kicked at tennis by a seventy-year-old man. That was pretty humiliating until he confided that he'd once reached the second round at Wimbledon. In the evening I watched a couple of really good stand-up acts. All clean, cruise-ship approved material, but still funny. A couple of guys tried to chat me up, but didn't...

3 years ago
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Roxanne the Rednosed Reindoe

Roxanne was miffed. That asshole Rudolph kept getting the lead position every year simply because he was a male and had that stupid red nose. Hell, anyone who drank as much wassail as Rudolph did would have a red nose. More than that, male reindeer don’t have antlers at Christmas. They had to cut off his antlers before molting and strap them on his head with duct tape so he would look like what everybody thought reindeer should look like. In fact, they did that for all the reindeer. As a...

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The LottoChapter 22 Roxanne redux

While Martha and Sandi became evermore fast friends, somewhat the same was going on with Roxanne and Lisa ... Lisa told Sandi privately that Roxanne had been good after she'd been chastised and not been a problem. She referred to Lisa as Mistress Lisa when they were alone at work, but had never made any other reference to her 'correction'. But one day, Roxanne asked Lisa to go to lunch with her and, on 'neutral territory' as it were, poured out her heart. She said she'd been waiting...

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Roxanne the Librarian Chapter 02

Roxanne walked back to me from locking the doors, took my hand and began leading me, holding my pants up with the other I followed. She took me to a reading nook in the building's corner with a beige sofa and two tables on either side. I dropped my slacks and leaned in behind her, cock pressing against her tight ass through her little black skirt. I breathed on her ear and growled. “I need to bury my cock in your sweet ass!”She gave a gasp of excitement as I pushed her on the couch. She sat her...

3 years ago
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Rachel and Roxanne Ch2

Tuesday, April 23rd, Day 3. Dear Diary, Nothing exciting today. Roxanne bought some really nice underwear, but it mostly was a Rachel day. I had a really long swim, then had my ass kicked at tennis by a seventy-year-old man. That was pretty humiliating until he confided that he’d once reached the second round at Wimbledon. In the evening I watched a couple of really good stand-up acts. All clean, cruise-ship approved material, but still funny. A couple of guys tried to chat me up, but...

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Roxanne the Librarian Chapter 01

I frequented the campus library and not just for books. I always came in about an hour before close for an opportunity to chat up with librarian that worked evening shifts. The librarian here was a beaut, 5’9, long hazelnut hair that she kept in a ponytail, deep, gorgeous brown eyes behind her glasses, and a stunning smile. This evening she was wearing a red blouse, buttoned down low enough to show generous amounts of cleavage, a short black skirt that showed off beautiful sculpted legs, and...

1 year ago
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Rachel and Roxanne Ch3

Dear Diary, Well, today I learned about a practice I thought had died along with the middle ages, and a lot more about my own desires... I was sitting at the bar in that cosy little place up on the top deck. A couple of guys had tried approaching me, but they didn't do anything for me, so I politely turned them away, saying I was waiting for someone. A woman sat down next to me, and gave me a brief nod. As she looked down the bar to see where the bartender was, I took a quick look at her. She...

1 year ago
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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 27

Saturday was fast approaching, we all had spent the early afternoon getting ready. We (the Deltas) had two wrestlers in the finals, and the Sigs had two, very tough wrestlers in the finals also. We had seven wrestlers that had gotten their pussies shaved bare at the event this last weekend. Seven of them had the names of the winner on their breasts, because they were defeated in under five minutes. Six of them also wore the same name along each side of her butt crack, because they had been...

1 year ago
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Roxanne and Jerikka Chapter One

J:L, R:J. [ J&R ] The Prelude: Jerikka and Roxi met for the first time on their first day of Freshman Orientation at Cornell University. The ladies pledging to Sigma Sigma Sigma, or the "Tri-Sigs", were assigned roommates, based on a survey. Roxi is about 5'7", all legs. Skinny, with a big round butt. Size 34C boobs, super tan skin, and no acne. She has rib-length, pin-straight, black hair. Big, ice blue almond shaped eyes that she always has blue smokey eye makeup on. Long, thick black...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 2

Part 1: Board Meeting DELTA ALPHA DELTA Alpha Chapter Minutes of the House Board Special Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2002 Board members present: Ms. Allen, N. (President) Ms. Hunter, G. (Vice-President) Ms. Miller, B. (Secretary) Ms. Lee (Treasurer) Ms. Green, R. (Senior Class Representative) Ms. Smith, J. (Junior Class Representative) Ms. Hunt, W. (Sophomore Class Representative) Ms. Tucker Ms. Wilson Board members absent: None Alumni Representative: Absent Guests: Ms....

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 3 The Great American Incentive Plan

Based on the copyrighted work of Gail, titled Fund Raiser. Her original ideas, and some of her characters and situations, are used with her permission. A personal archival copy is permitted, any other use, including reposting, is prohibited. All rights reserved. Brandy and I got together late that same afternoon, to talk about the Kaps' idea. The money sounded good, but their ideas were way over the line. We agreed to talk briefly with a few of our sorority sisters that evening, and we'd...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 4 Im Coming for Your Panties

"Tell you what; let's wrestle first. Just wearing our underwear. The first to lose a piece of underwear has to walk to lunch in just her blouse and shorts." I was shocked at the proposal. I didn't want Brandy to know I could wrestle. This seemed to be a good opportunity for her to discover how bad I really was. I could let her win. "OK, but with two conditions." "Which are?" "First, we wrestle in the underwear we are currently wearing, and we go to lunch in the clothing we are...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 5 Commando Lunch

Based on the copyrighted work of Gail, titled Fund Raiser. Her original ideas, and some of her characters and situations, are used with her permission. A personal archival copy is permitted, any other use, including reposting, is prohibited. All rights reserved. I pulled my shorts on, slipped my T-shirt over my head, and tucked it in. I'd never worn shorts this tight, with a front zipper, commando. It felt different. Brandy's nipples were bold peaks erupting through her shirt. I looked...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 6 Second Meeting With the Kaps

Brandy and I made arrangements to meet with the two Kaps negotiators the following Saturday afternoon at the fraternity house. The guys were excited about our raffle ideas. They accepted them all. We agreed to work on more ideas, and agreed that no changes or additions would be made without unanimous agreement. At that meeting, they accepted our ideas on most ticket prices, and on raffle prices; food and drink sizes; sales prices; hats and shirts; and sponsorships and advertising. We felt...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 7 Showing Brandy That I Can

Brandy and I met on Tuesday, after classes. We worked up the agreement, as we understood it. Thursday night, she and I had dinner with the presidents of our sororities. They gave us their blessing to go for it, provided there were no major changes from what we wrote. That night, Brandy e-mailed the agreement to our contacts at the Kaps. We went over to the Kaps house at 2 P.M. Saturday. They took us into their study, and presented us with the finished agreement. They had already signed...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 8 Wont Make the Same Mistakes Again

We walked back to Brandy's apartment. Along the way, Brandy told me if we wrestled again, I shouldn't expect to win. She said she wouldn't make the same mistakes again. My only reply was "neither will I." I wondered, silently, if she thought I was good, or just got lucky? I knew the answer was yes, to both choices. We spent an hour in her hot tub. Then we went inside, and shared a hot shower. Then we went to bed, but we didn't sleep. I was exhausted when I finally left that evening,...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 9 Cat Fight and Side Bet

On March 24th, four days before the first night, Brandy phoned me, all excited. "Big news, Gabby!" "Oh?" "Yeah, remember when we were freshmen and sophomores, how much unpleasantness there were between our houses?" "I think there was some kind of big feud between the presidents a year or two before, wasn't there?" "It was the year before we joined. Both girls were dating the starting quarterback. Neither knew the other was sleeping with him. When they discovered it, they had a...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 10 Lets Get This Show on the Road

The last week before the first wrestling night was a busy one at the Delta Alpha Delta house. We ranked our wrestlers, and with the assistance of my brother, Mark, a high school wrestling coach, we selected the six girls we could pre-select. Gabby Hunter, that's me, was our number one wrestler. I'm a 21-year-old junior, an art history major, and a starter on the volleyball team. Rox Green was our number two, a 22-year-old senior, a business major. She was a three-sport high school...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 11 Setting Up the First Match

It was probably just about 7 o'clock when a man's voice came out of the speakers. "Good evening, my name is Jim Tracker. I am the chairman of this Spring Strip Wrestling Extravaganza." That was the first time I'd heard that name. The tickets just called it a Fund Raiser, and listed the names of the fraternity and two sororities. Most of the girls, all of us still wearing our bikinis -- a condition which would end for some very shortly gathered on the corners of the stage. The speaker...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 12 The First Match

Linda took a running start, charging at Rox. Rox just stood there and watched her coming. Linda held her arm out chest high, hit Rox just above her breasts, and Rox was flat on her back. Linda grabbed at Rox's bra, pulled it up and over her head and removed it. Dahman held the microphone to his mouth. "Stop wrestling. First round over. Total time for round and match, 16 seconds. One minute interval between rounds." Linda helped Rox up. Rox was covered in mud from the back, but there...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 13 Labeling and Shaving or Clamps Clip and Cuffs

"Rox, I have to thank you for making my job easy. I have to explain all the rules, and I can explain most of the ones I haven't already because of your quick exit." "In the first eight matches, the four women who lose the fastest pay a big penalty. Chances are Rox will be one of the unlucky four. The woman who defeated each of the four fastest losers gets to shave the off the loser's pubic hair. Then she gets to write her name in indelible laundry marker, in one-inch letters, anywhere...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 14 Tears Tears and More Tears

Jim repeated, "Leslie Nazario, panties; Leslie, please meet the lucky raffle winner at spot number 2 on the deck." When Leslie got there, she looked like she had been crying. She stood there, in front of the raffle winner. He knelt down so her bikini bottoms were at eye level, grasped the waistband, and pulled them down. Leslie just stood there, with her suit down around her ankles. The guy pulled on her suit and she put her hands on his shoulders to support herself, then she lifted one...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 15 Playing Rough

Dottie got the same running start that Linda and Janey too, charged Barb the same way the two Sigs did, and hit Barb right where Linda hit Rox. Barb went down flat on her back, like she'd been hit by a truck. Dottie grabbed Barb's bra by the cups, and ripped it off. She was waving it in the air at 20 seconds. I was really worried, as our third girl was now half-naked. Only one of the Sig's garments had even been touched. We had lost seven garments in 2 minutes and a few seconds. Barb had...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 16 Double Naked

Ashley Law was our next wrestler. The Sig's card was blank, so the girl who just lost her bra had to pick a card from the Sig's box. Gigi Ross was the girl drawn. I didn't know Gigi. Like the three girls before her, Gigi started out fast and rough, charging Ashley and trying to clothesline her. Ashley had seen this move three times already, so she sidestepped Gigi's charge, and shoved her in the back as Gigi skidded past. Ashley turned to go after Gigi, who was face down in the mud. She...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 17 More Than Five Naked Girls More Than Fifteen Half Naked Ones

Jim continued, "After this match, we'll have at least five naked girls, and about fifteen half naked ones. How good is that?" A loud cheer answered him, from hundreds of happy guys. As one of the half naked girls, I wasn't quite as excited. I was doing this for the good of the house, and to some extent, Jim continued, "After this match, we'll have at least five naked girls, and about fifteen half naked ones. How good is that?" A loud cheer answered him, from hundreds of happy guys. As...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 18 Directly From the Pit to the Table

I wasn't paying much attention to Maria and Nan. I was getting more and more nervous as each match began, with me still a spectator. There were only two matches left. Ann Kelty and I were our two yet to wrestle. Ann was our fifth wrestler; I was our best. But I wasn't feeling like the best. I knew Brandy was one Sig yet to wrestle, and while we were close and I could give her a good match, she was likely to beat me most of the time. I had no clue who the Sig's other wrestler would be. The...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 19 Brandy Doesnt Waste Any Time

Brandy didn't waste any time. The command to wrestle was still reverberating from the speakers when she was airborne. Unfortunately for Brandy, Ann wasn't standing where Brandy landed. Brandy didn't miss her by more than a few inches, but that was enough. Brandy landed face down in the mud. Before she could recover, Ann reached down, unhooked Brandy's bra, rolled her over, and eleven seconds after it began, the first round was over. Ann began on top of Brandy. She was slowing moving when...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 20 I Have to Wrestle Her

I finally got to claim garments from two Sig girls, and put them on. Jim got on the microphone and said there was no need for a drawing. There were only two cards left. He told me to get into the mud pit. I still didn't know who I was going to be wrestling, less than a minute later, but she knew I was going to be her opponent since the seventh match began, almost half an hour ago. Jim was playing the suspense for all it was worth, when he finally said, "Will the last Sig wrestler get into...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 21 I Understand Why

Seventeen minutes and thirteen seconds. Holy shit, I understand why I'm so exhausted. We wrestled more than three times longer than any of the other girls. Marie and I were sitting, naked, on hay bales on the side of the ring. I was exhilarated at my victory. I didn't deserve it, but I'll take it. Right now, I'm not hurting, but when the high wears off, I'll have a hard time moving. Best of all, I just won $225! I'll have to buy a bottle of Advil tomorrow, and a new bikini, but that was...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 22 Now I Know What Else Can Go Wrong

Half an hour after I got stripped naked while winning a mud wrestling match, I asked myself what else could go wrong, when I drew my brother's raffle ticket, and he came up and leered at my naked body. About ten minutes later, I knew the answer. The eight surviving wrestlers had our names put into a hat, and two of us were drawn to wrestle first in the quarterfinals. The first name read was Janey Lewis, a Sig. The next name was mine. At least I didn't have to wrestle Macy. I hadn't...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 23 The Shaving Isnt Over Yet

The next two wrestlers drawn were Barb Miller and Ashley Law. They were both Delts, so I knew we'd have two girls in the semi-finals, because the four remaining girls were Sigs. Barb and Ashley were not what one would call friends. Their history went back to the beginning of their freshmen year. The story I'd heard was at a fraternity party, one of them had gone upstairs with the other's date, the aggrieved party followed, and there was some hair pulling and a blouse ripped off. Both...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 24 My Side Bet With Brandy

I hoped the next match would be Brandy and Macy. Brandy knew how to wrestle, from the summer practicing with her neighbor. Besides, if Brandy lost now, I'd win our side bet. Unfortunately, the names drawn were Nan Corser and Brandy Scott. Nan was the girl chosen at random to wrestle. She beat Maria Cuban our number 3 -- fast enough to shave and label her without losing a garment of her own. Brandy beat our number 5, needing a few seconds longer, and losing one of her garments, but fast...

2 years ago
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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 25 After Midnight

All the girls were required to stay and party until at least 2 A.M., when liquor sales had to end according to state law. If the program lasted until after 1 A.M., we had to stay at least an hour. The program ended late, just after midnight. Our biggest fear was that when the wrestling ended, the guys would be all over the gals. Surprisingly, it didn't happen. Part of it was security, which was really real. People who were impaired but awake were actually being driven home before the party...

1 year ago
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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 26 Dancing and drinking cut short by the 2 AM curfew

There were so many naked and half-naked girls around that it wasn't a rarity, so the guys didn't act as much like assholes as they often do when there are only one or two. Luckily, it was a warm spring night. Escorts Barb Miller was the only member of Delta Alpha Delta who walked back to the sorority house wearing both pieces of a suit. This walk was in the dark. Next week, only Barb and I would walk back wearing two pieces; that walk would be in broad daylight. Hosing off. Gabby...

3 years ago
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Tiny Tits Tight Twat Prodding her with a different rod

I was in her driveway by 5:15 on Wednesday afternoon. My red-haired fuck-bunny had insisted on two days off between our sessions. I had her phone number now, but she had turned me down firmly when I called to beg for a mid-day hook-up, saying she had a lot of work to do. My cock was hot to trot, so I had come straight from work with a quick stop for take-out food.I wondered if I should call her from the driveway, but I could see the inside front door was open, so I trotted up the steps. It took...

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"Are you ready for me to make love to you, Aubery?" she asked, getting on top of me."Yes, Erin," I muttered, failing to make eye contact."I love you," she stated, sticking the dildo into my twat."I love you too," I groaned, placing my hands on her lower back. 'Just fuck me, and get it over with, woman.'I didn't look at her, but I was sure she glared right at me as she let the dildo thrust in and out of my slit. She stayed close enough, so our boobs stayed in contact, but it didn't...

1 year ago
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Roxannes New Neighbor

Roxanne Tate slid behind the wheel of her new, white, Cadillac Seville. That was one nice thing about living with Ted. He was not stingy. And he liked to not only fuck, but to please her as well. He didn't mind the games she liked to play. She didn't have to work now, but she enjoyed being a nurse. Besides, working for a gynecologist gave her the opportunity of meeting interesting women. She started the car and turned the air-conditioner on, full blast. She paused before driving off. She...

1 year ago
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The dishonorable misadventures of Roderick the Crow Ch 1

It was a good thing for Roderick to smell again the smell of battle. The sweat of men tinged by the touch of steel armour, the strong smell of horse and of leather. Sounds of men cussing and praying, swords being sharpened one last time, all under a dawn which to a warrior is, possibly, his last. And that would make it beautiful. Upon a large wooden field-table was a map, more worthy to be called a sketch, of the surroundings. “Walter and Frederick will hold the middle with Infantry. I...

1 year ago
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Bunny and Rod4

Note : This story is completely fictional! Rod tried to get over his anger and embarrassment while Bunny was out partying. Instead of answering the door when his mother’s escorts had arrived, Rod had hidden in his bedroom while his mother opened the door on 3 Black men and with expressions of enthusiasm, conducted them into the living room. Now, fishing out his cock again, he wondered if she would fuck them downstairs, but no, he heard her return to her bedroom. Cracking the door, he noticed...

1 year ago
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Black Rod

Part 1. Hi my name is, well, Rod. I am of afro-Caribbean origin. I am six foot seven inches tall, an ex-basketball player, now retired and living in London. My weight is around eighty six kilos. I am fifty four years old. Not married, but have had a few female ‘friends,’ no one regular and no one in particular at the moment. As I mentioned, I live in London, actually, in the suburbs of London, in a sleepy village and my house is located in a small cul-de-sac with just six houses in it. I am...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Connecting Rod Ch 09

Chapter 9: Michelle’s Story February 22, 1961 My name is Michelle Dawson and up until recently, I had no hope of living a perfect life. According to my driver’s license, I’m five foot six and weight one hundred and forty pounds. I am the daughter of Florence Toews and Walter Dawson, and I was an accident. My parents married when Florence discovered she was pregnant at age seventeen. Walter, a handyman with some useful skills, made a scrape-by living. We lived in a small rented house on the...

2 years ago
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Meri KahaniBhai Ka Rod

Meri Kahani-Bhai ka Rod Hello evry1, my name is Pooja 21 from howrah n my stats are 36,30,34, m doing my graduation, ye kahani mere aur mere bhai ki hai, mera cousin bhai mere best frnd hai n ab mera fuck buddy v ban gya hai, uska nam Raj hai jo mujhse ek saal bara hai, 5’11 height hai with avg body. Ab main kahani pe ati hun, hua ye ki wo mujhse milne aya to hmlog ek dusre ko normally jb v mauka milta ache se tightly hold krte the, use hold krte tym mujhe uska lund fyl hota tha n main v gili...

2 years ago
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From Rhoda To Rod

FROM RHODA TO ROD by Throne Rhoda was spending a lazy Saturday morning in her apartment, wearing a tank top and cut-off jeans, her feet in a pair of sweat socks. She took a sip of her coffee, snuggled back into the easy chair, and used the remote to change the channel on the TV several more times. She saw some science fiction movie where a humanoid alien was leaning over a scantily clad Earth woman (click) a comedy in which a hunky guy was hitting on a busty waitress (click) and an...

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Bunny and Rod3

Note : This story is completely fictional! Although partially drunk himself, Rod nevertheless became disgusted by his mother's slobbering-drunk condition on her returns home, her rounded hips gyrating in that way women have of savoring their recent lovers' entrapped acquisition. Twice in the last four days, Bunny began to plead for her son to come to help her to bed and keep her company for a while. The previous week of boundary-crossing had been proceeded by her having interrupted the boy...

1 year ago
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Victoria Rodger enemates

Wirepaladin ******************************************************************************************************************** I’m depressed. Sitting here with just my kitty cat for company, I’m in a blue mood. I guess I should introduce myself. I’m Victoria Barnett, a single 26 year old woman. I’m a junior loan officer with a local bank. I’m 5’4” tall and weigh 109 pounds and have strawberry blonde hair. My looks, I suppose, would be rated only a little above average, although...

1 year ago
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Bunny and Rod2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Jake was right about the "now" part of it. As soon as her husband left, the super-stacked mother picked up the phone. After a very husky-voiced conversation, the scintillating beauty opened a bottle and went upstairs to masturbate and dress for the night's happenings. Rod heard the bed bouncing, and it made him horny. Every so often there would be an interlude where he would hear glass clink. He had to wait for his mother to leave before he could break...

2 years ago
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Maggie Rodger

It was fall, but I think autumn is a much more descriptive word. There was a chill in the air that required a jacket, or a sweater. I had decided to go out for the day as Danielle and let whatever might happen, happen. I cleaned myself out thoroughly, shaved, showered, and applied my makeup, and perfume. I spent a little while considering various outfits and then decided. I slipped into opaque forest green thigh highs, and a thong, front closing bra, and a waist cincher all in black. I added a...

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