Tables Turned - Rod Becomes Roxanne free porn video

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Tables Turned - Rod becomes Roxanne Rod came home after his visit to Rosalie's and sat down to think about what just happened to him there. There was something that was extremely exciting to him and at first he could not figure out why. Once he started to think about his past, there were some things that were buried in his memory that he had not thought about for ages. He started to remember how his older sisters had got him to dress up in their clothes and make-up when they were taking care of him while his mom and dad were working. They had wanted to practice on him to work on putting on make-up and for styling hair. At first he was happy for the attention since he was a little shy around people and he really adored both of them. They got him to put on all of their lingerie and stuff the bra with rolled up sox to give him the appearance of breasts. They had him try on skirts, blouses, dresses and bathing suits. When they started to call him by female names and making him walk around in heels he decided that was all he could take. Even though he was really starting to become comfortable in their clothes he made them quit dressing him up. Even with the threat of them showing their mom pictures they had taken of him in various stages of dress did not dissuade him. After a little while they just gave up trying to blackmail him and even gave him the pictures to do whatever he wanted to do with them. He did destroy them but now wishes that he still had them to see. He also did not know exactly how Lucille got him to want to put on her clothes, but she had a way with her that made him want to put them on then and to do it again. The sex was extremely satisfying all the way around. He felt that after he left there he started to look at women and men it a totally different light. He paid attention more to what women had on fashion wise and how a man took care of his body. After thinking about it for a few days he decided that he needed to go back to Rosalie's and try to discover exactly why things happened the way they did the first time and why he seemed to enjoy it so. On the day that Lucille told him to come back he woke up a little earlier than he normally did on his day off. Before he stepped into the shower he took out the bottle of Nair that he purchased, remembering Lucille's instructions to remove as much body hair as he could. Luckily his hair was rather fine and not many people would notice if he had any or not. After applying it everywhere except around his pubic area he waited 10 minutes before he stepped into the shower and washed the lotion off. He was amazed at how smooth his skin looked and even though his skin took on a pink hue he was satisfied at the way it looked. He got dressed in his normal casual wear and, after making sure everything was in place, got in the car and made the hour drive back to Rosalie's. When he got there he found Rosalie sitting by her desk. She looked up and clapped her hands and said, "Hello Rod. I am so glad to see you. Lucille is waiting for you upstairs so just go on up and knock on her door. I hope you enjoy your day here today." He went upstairs and knocked on her door. Lucille came out wearing a gorgeous pink satin blouse and a black pencil shirt that made you at once stare at her very shapely legs. "Hello Rod dear, I am so glad to see you this morning. Please come in and sit down on the couch while I get a few things ready for us." Rod went over to the couch and sat down, putting his hands on his lap and looking around the now familiar room. He began to remember what went on the last time he was here and for some reason he began to get excited once again. He started to think about how those clothes felt on him and how their sexual escapades made him feel utterly fulfilled. He was also a little frightened as he did not know what was in store for him, but he was soon to find out as Lucille came out of the side room carrying some clothes with her. "The first thing I want to do is to make sure that you took care of cleaning all the unwanted hair this morning, so please take off all of your clothes and fold them in a nice pile on the bed." Rod shook his head, stood up, and began to remove everything he had on. He had some reservations about being there and he mentioned them as he took off his shirt. "I am not really sure just why I am here Lucille. What happened when I was here last time was definitely not planned on my part, but you did bring out some thoughts that I buried a long time ago." She smiled and said, "Are you referring to the fact that you wanted to and I could tell that you enjoyed putting on my clothes and being treated like a real woman? I should tell you that I have known about your dressing up for quite some time. Your older sister and I have known each other for a long time and she suggested to me that this was something deep down you really wanted. She was the one who had us send you the invitation to come and visit us and I have to tell you that she was right. I don't think that you would have come back here if you hadn't enjoyed your last visit. Now I want you to put this silk gaff on so we can cover up your manliness, since you will not need it for now. Once you are done with that I want you to lie down on your back." Rod did as he was told, because he knew that she was right. There was something magical about his last visit and he needed to explore more of the same. So e put on the gaff, loving the way that the silk felt on his body. He then lay on the bed as Lucille brought out two boxes and set them next to him. As she opened them up he became a little excited as she pulled out 2 very lovely breast forms. She then got out some glue and, after putting some on his chest and on the forms, attached them to his skin. "I want you to take your hands and hold these in place for a few minutes." The feeling that he had as he put his hands on the pair and raised his head to look at them was both shock and amazement. He knew they were not real but that didn't stop him from letting his imagination run a little wild. Lucille looked on and smiled as she knew then that she had him hooked and that Rod would be perfect for what she was preparing him for. As he held on to the forms to make sure they adhered to his chest she began to sort out the clothes picked out specifically for him to make him feel very feminine. "All right Roxanne, and that will be your name here from this day forward, I want you to stand up so we can start to get you into your new wardrobe." As Rod stood up she handed him a red silk gaff. "This will help you to obtain that flat front look that all of us girls have. Pull it up and make sure to tuck everything in place." Rod had an electrifying feeling as the silk drew up his leg. He made sure that the gaff fit perfectly and that there was no evidence that there is a penis hiding behind that silk. Lucille then handed him a very sheer red lace bra with a cute little black bow in the center. "Now remember Roxanne dear, as you are putting on your bra to slip your arms through the straps and lean over to make sure that your breasts fall into the cups. That's wonderful dear. Now reach behind you and hook the back." She laughed as Rod had a bit of a struggle at first trying to hook it, but managed to get it on correctly. "I want to make sure that you are able to hook and unhook that by yourself since I will only be here to instruct you once." She was very impressed at how Rod picked up the intricacy of attaching her bra and knew that he had practice at the hands of his sister a while ago. She then brought out a red and black corset and had Rod hold up his arms as she slipped it around his waist and attached the latches in the front. She then made him turn around so she could adjust the laces to give him a more fuller bust line and enhance his waist to give him the desired hour glass figure. As she tightened the laces she could hear him gasp as the material became more and more restrictive. "Just a little more sweetie and we will be done with this today. As time goes on we will be able to tighten it a little more until you will have that figure girls strive for." Since the corset had garter attachments to them Lucille handed Rod two stockings to put on. "When you put these on Roxanne remember to roll them up so that you put your toes in first and then gently roll them up your leg. The best way to put them on is to cross your legs and then roll them up. Once you get to the top, take the garter attachments and put the stockings tops on the tab and snap them into place." Rod began to get a bit concerned as to why Lucille was taking all of this time to get him dressed in women's clothes and helping his body to look more feminine. "Lucille, tell me what is to be expected of me being dressed the way I am?" "Well, my dear, I thought you would already have known that. After the way that you performed the last time you were here we were all convinced that you are the person that we have been looking to bring in here. We have quite a few clients that are looking to be with someone with your special talents, so now you will be able to work here and make all of your dreams and fantasies real. And if you would not want to stay with us I am sure that the pictures and videos that we have available from our last session would attract a lot of attention. So enjoy the special opportunity that awaits you because I know that you are going to become very popular. Now take this camisole and put it on." Rod knew that he was trapped and there was no way out for the foreseeable future, but he was also wondering why he was not as scared about it as most people would be. He took the lacy cami off of Lucille and, as he pulled it over his head and let it slide down over his new bra and breasts, he began to think about what his new life was going to be like. Lucille walked over to the closet and after sorting through a few things came out with a black pencil skirt and a very pretty pink blouse. She handed Rod the blouse and after putting it on had a little bit of trouble remembering that it buttoned up the opposite side of what he was used to. After fumbling through the first two buttons he caught on and finished with them. He then took the skirt off of the hangar and, after taking the zipper down, pulled it up his legs. He marveled at how it fit his very snuggly. He reached behind and after tucking the blouse in zipped up the zipper. Somewhat instinctively he took his hands and smoothed out the skirt so there were no wrinkles and that the blouse was not bunched up. "Very nice Roxanne, I see that you are a little familiar with the way we pay close attention to how our clothes are to fit. Always remember that when you are seated with a skirt on you should either put your legs together and leave you hands in your lap or cross your legs at the knee. We don't want any guys to have a free showing of your panties do we? Now I want you to put these heels on since we need to get you to practice walking in them." As he stood in front of Lucille he took the heels and lifted one leg at a time behind him to put these 3" black peep toe pumps on. He stood and wobbled a little as he tried to take his first steps. Lucille instructed him to take smaller steps and to walk with one foot in front of the other, and to let his hips sway naturally with his stride. As he walked around the room, Lucille noticed that he was getting better at keeping his balance. He kept his shoulders straight and thrust his chest out as he learned to balance his new shift in body weight. She clapped her hands and congratulated him on his ability to make his body flow naturally. "Now that you are comfortable walking in those shoes we have to go downstairs because you have an appointment in the beauty salon. Take this purse with you and put it over your shoulder so you can get used to carrying it. Are you ready for your beauty treatment?" Rod thought about it for a few seconds and, knowing that he really didn't have much of a choice, told her to "Lead the way." * * * * * * * * As Lucille and Rod walked down to the salon, he heard the sound of his heels clicking on the floor. He concentrated more on what Lucille had said, taking smaller steps and putting one foot in front of the other. He could feel his hips moving a little differently as he felt the skirt helping to restrict the length of his stride. He noticed a few women who looked and smiled at him and he wondered if they knew that he was not who he appeared to be. Without any make-up on and his hair obviously not styled it would seem likely that anyone could figure it out. The beauty salon was a part of Rosalie's business enterprise. They had a huge cliental of not only girls that worked for her but it was one of the most popular shops in the area. As they entered the shop Rod noticed that the place was extremely busy. A very cute receptionist greeted Lucille and, looking at Rod said, "And this must be Roxanne. We are so happy to see you here and are very eager to get started. Megan is in the back waiting for you so let's get you ready. Follow me and we will get you a smock and then head back. Are you going to wait around Lucille or should we just give you a call?" Lucille said, "I have another appointment to take care of and I know that you will be here for a few hours so just give me a call and I will be back to pick her up." Even though being dressed the way he was, Rod was a little taken by surprise when Lucille referred to him as a "Her." He followed Tammy back into the changing area where she told him to take off her blouse and put the brown smock on she was holding out. Feeling a little sheepish at the fact of being in a beauty salon in full female attire, Rod stepped out of the changing area to find Megan waiting for him. "Very good Roxanne, now let's get you shampooed and we can get started. Walk over to the sink please." As Rod walked over to the sink, he didn't even think about the way he was walking in the heels. Lucille had instructed him well as to how to maintain your balance while showing a little hip movement in the heels he now had on. Megan watched as he came over to the sink and told him that he looks like he had been walking in those shoes all his life. She had him sit back as she lathered up his hair and told him how she was planning on styling his hair. "Since your hair is not shoulder length yet we are going to cut it in a bob style while giving you some highlights to bring out those gorgeous eyes you have. Oh Roxanne we are going to have so much fun here today and by the time we are done you are going to be amazed at the new you. I hope that you are as excited about this as all of us are. We are going to love having you as a client." Once Megan was done shampooing Rod's hair she had him sit at her station while she began to cut his hair. As she did this she began to explain how she was cutting his hair and what he would need to do to maintain his new style. After feeling satisfied at how his new style turned out she began to put the highlights in. She brushed the lighter color in and then wrapped that part in aluminum foil. When she was done treating his hair she had him sit under the hair dryer and handed him a Glamour and Cosmo magazine to peruse while the highlights set in. At first Rod did not know what to do with the magazines since he had never looked at them. But after looking at both covers he became interested in a few topics and began to read them. When Megan came over to tell him that it was time to take the foil out of his hair he was surprised at how much time had passed. As he looked at himself in the mirrors while he was walking back to Megan's station he started to notice that he was feeling more and more like a girl going through her day at her hairdressers. He was getting used to everyone referring to him as a "she" and smiled as Megan started to take out the foil and marveled at how well the highlights took. "A girl's favorite appliance in styling her hair is this little thing," Megan said as she showed the new Roxanne a curling iron. "It will take a bit of time to get comfortable using this so you don't burn yourself but once you get the hang of it you'll want to keep it on your vanity in arms reach." While Megan was curling Roxanne's hair another young lady came over with a cart. She took her hands and put them in a solution that was on top of the cart. "Leave your hands in here for a few minutes to let the solution clean your nails." Roxanne realized then that she was going to get her first real manicure. She then thought they will probably have to remove her hose if they planned on giving her a pedicure also. Megan stepped back after using the curling iron and, feeling satisfied at the look, pulled out another tray table. On this table was a wide variety of make-up items. Roxanne (she even began to referring to herself that way) could see eye make-up, blush, powder and lipstick in a variety of shades and applicators. As Megan brought the tray over she looked at the progress on Roxanne's nails. The nail tech had taken her hands out of the softening solution and, after drying them off, took out an emery board and began to file and shape her nails in rounded tips. Once she was satisfied with this she pulled out a kit that was labeled "Nail Extensions." Taking out the glue she attached the extender s to all of Roxanne's fingers and then cut them back to ? inch. Once again she took out the emery board and filed these down until the perfect tips were displayed. She then took out a bright pink polish and began to apply the first coat on to them. Megan said she was pleased with the way the color matched her appearance and started to select colors from her cart to go with her nail polish. She decided on a light pink shade of eye shadow to start off with, just to give a little color to her eyes. Then she brought out an eye liner pencil and, again very gently, starting from the middle of the eye lid drew a line right above her lashes to the bridge of her nose. She then finished off the lid by going out to the end of her eye. That same process was done underneath her eyes. Deciding that her lashes needed some volume Megan selected Maybelline super volume mascara. Once she finished with her eyes she asked Roxanne to open her eyes so she could see the results. Pleased with what she saw Megan looked straight at Roxanne. "I want you to make sure that you pay close attention to everything that Tammy and I do today because most of the time you will have to do this by yourself, and we know that Rosalie wants all of her girls to look their best. That means no overabundance of make-up and just enough perfume to entice whoever is with you to stay. Can you do that Roxanne?" Roxanne said, "Yes I understand. I will do my very best to keep up my appearance." As she was saying this she began to wonder just why her sister had got her involved with this. But although she was very reluctant to come here and to go through with this, she realized that maybe this is what she really wanted all along. Maybe somewhere deep in Rod's mind he really did want to be female. At least this way he will find out for sure. "I'm glad to hear that you are so willing, sweetie. Who knows, this might be the best thing that has ever happened to you. Now I am not going to let you see your new appearance until we are all finished. Before I continue though I need you to stand up so we can take off your stockings so that Tammy can give you a pedicure. We are going to treat your toe nails to the same treatment your finger nails got. Don't worry though. You are not getting extensions on those nails. But they will also be a very pretty pink color." So Roxanne stood and unclasped the hose from the garters and rolled them down her leg, remembering that is how they were put on in the first place. She then sat back down as Tammy started to file and paint her toe nails. While that was going on, Megan brought out a compact and opened it to get out a pad so she could apply powder to Roxanne's face to take away and shine that was showing up. She then picked out a soft coral blush to put on her cheek bones. Megan marveled at just how perfect Roxanne's bones were and that she was going to be the envy of a lot of the woman who will see her. Tammy had just finished putting on a second coat of nail polish on her hands while the first coat was drying on her toes. She told Roxanne to hold the spacers in place so that the nails will dry without touching and in a few minutes she will be able to put the second coat on them. After the second coat on her hands and toes were dry they had Roxanne put her stockings back on. She rolled them up, slid them on her feet and then gently pulled them up her legs, making sure to re-attach both of them to the garters. She then smoothed down her skirt and sat back down in the chair. "Well Roxanne," said Megan, "I think it's time for your reveal. Are you ready?" Rod, now feeling fully engulfed in being Roxanne, told her that she was a little nervous but ready as she'll ever be. So Megan had her put her heels back on and then stand up. She then guided her over to the mirror at the end of the counter. If Megan could have been a mind reader she probably would have heard Rod scream, "Oh my God. I can't believe that is me!" She just stood there with her mouth open as she gazed on, what was for all intent and purposes, a very stunning young lady. She tilted her head from one side to the other and then looked at the whole package. "I can't believe that this is really me. If my sister's saw me now they would think that one of them has a twin. Thank you, thank you, thank you Megan and you also Tammy." She could feel herself starting to well up inside as the excitement of this makeover started to play on her emotions. "No need to thank us. We just took the raw material we had and brought out the natural beauty that was always there. You may not want to hear this but you were born to be a woman. You just needed a little helping hand to bring that out. So you had a few people in your corner pushing you in this direction. Now you need to go back up to see Lucille so she can get you started on your new path. I know that we will be seeing quite a lot of you now my dear. Just keep practicing on applying your own make-up and coordinating your outfits and you will be happy to be one of us in no time." So Roxanne gave them both a kiss on the cheek and, with her heels clicking away on the tile floor, headed toward the stairs and up to see her new mentor. * * * * * * * "I told you that once you saw yourself in your true skin that you would feel wonderful. You just look stunning Roxie my dear. You are going to be the latest hit here at Rosalie's. There are going to be men and women falling over themselves to get to you. So are you ready to become the hot woman you were meant to be?" Roxanne did not even have to think about it. After seeing her reflection in the mirror and having all of that silk and satin encompassing her body there was no other place she wanted to be. "I am all yours Lucille." That was all that she needed to hear. As she took her dress off and then her panties, she sat down on the bed and motioned for Roxanne to come towards her. "The first lesson that we are going to have is how to make a female achieve a successful and very fulfilling orgasm by using only your tongue. Now I want you to come and kneel down in front of me." As Roxanne knelt down in front of her she could not help but marvel at the way that Lucille's pussy hair was trimmed and shaped in the form of a heart. Deep down she knew that she wished that she could have something that looked as inviting as that. "Now, with only your tongue I want you to slide my lips open and maneuver yourself to find my "G-Spot." Roxanne quickly spread Lucille's legs apart and started to kiss her upper thighs and work her way up to that inviting hole. Lucille was very impressed at the way she took to wanting to please her even before she dove into the task at hand (or tongue). When she reached her destination she glanced up at Lucille's face and saw a smile of satisfaction come over her. She took her tongue and very adeptly maneuvered it in and quickly found the famous spot. Lucille gave a little moan of pleasure as she moved that tongue in and out and from side to side. Without ever doing this before Roxanne was taking to it like a pro. Lucille shifted a little to give her even more access as that instrument went to work. She could feel herself becoming extremely aroused as that tongue kept hitting dead center on that spot. Lucille's breathing started to become heavier and more pronounced as she shook her head back and arched her back as wave after wave overcame her as she grabbed Roxanne's head and held her tight. As she screamed in utter delight a little bit of juice squirted on Roxanne's face as she lapped up all she could take. "My god girl, you were magnificent. I wasn't sure if you were ready for this or not but there is doubt now. You and I are going to make a lot of people happy around here. Go clean yourself up while I get myself dressed and we are going to go out and announce you to the world. I think a little shopping trip is in order to get you used to wearing and buying your very own clothes." Roxanne really felt like she belonged somewhere now as she went into the bathroom to wash herself off, and was really looking forward to going out and showing the world that there was a new girl in town and she was ready for anything.

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P8

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

2 years ago
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Taking Kelvins 10 in Black Rod

Yo this ya boy Kelvin hit me up stayin in a hotel 10 in black dik here for ya........The top was a reply to my ad last month and I replied back and sent him my number give me a call I saidRing Ring a short while later and I answered.....Yo this Kelvin you sent me yo number......Yeah hey how's it going I asked......Nu much right now just trying to get in some ass that was your pic on the ad he asked....Yeah that's me in some girly stuff you like it ? I asked......Yeah so what you bouts ?...

4 years ago
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Sabah and Rod

This was inspired by "From Whose Borne No Traveler Returns/Lilith" by Trey Galant and myself It imagines what might happen as the aftermath of a situation portrayed in the former story. Slowly, like an artic dawn, consciousness seeped back into Rod's addled but contented brain. He attempted to open his eyes, but soon gave up the effort. He felt weak, as if suffering from a high fever. That would explain the wild delusions he half remembered. He tried to recall them, but all he could...

3 years ago
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 12 Hot Rod Lincoln

Mike’s Barracuda, Outside Labatt Guest House 9:51pm, Saturday, November 17, 1979 “Where to Z-2?” I asked after I showed Zupena how to move the passenger seat back for her ‘From Here to Eternity’ length legs. “Z, two?” my Latvian beauty softly asked with a crinkled up face. “Zupena Zupanzic ... Z-Z or ‘Z-2’,” I said with a smile. “Hum. Maybe should be ‘Z-3’ with last ‘Z-I-C’, yes?” Zupena lightly laughed. “I like that, Z-3 or maybe... ‘3-Z’,” I said with a head nod as my Barracuda...

1 year ago
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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P7

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

3 years ago
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Brody Michelle Ch 04

Author’s Note: Hey, ya’ll! Sorry for the gap between chapters, yet again. I guess I could’ve made this into two shorter chapters, but I ended up just doing one long one. Also! There’s a little sexy time in this one, so yay. Thanks for reading! ***** Two days after the hot phone snuggling session Brody and Michelle had, Brody was at home watching ‘Firefly’ (again), when his phone went off. He looked at the screen to see it was his new favorite person. ‘Hey, Sugar Baby,’ he said after...

3 years ago
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Brody Michelle Ch 02

Author’s Note: Thanks for those who read and favorited! Hope you keep on enjoying it! Happy reading! Also… this a slow burn story. No sex for a few chapters. ___________________________ The next Wednesday Brody picked Michelle up at her house for their trip to the mall. She got into the car and said, ‘Thanks for picking me up. It wasn’t necessary, though.’ ‘You were on my way,’ Brody replied. ‘Besides aren’t we all supposed to be reducing our carbon footprint or whatever?’ ‘I guess so. Do...

3 years ago
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Brody Michelle Ch 05

Author’s Note: Holy cow. It’s been a long time since I updated, and for that I apologize greatly. I honestly can’t say when the next chapter will be up, but I will sure try for there not to be such a big gap again. I want to thank all you who have voted, commented, and/or favorited! (Also this chapter is the longest yet, by about ten Microsoft word pages, if that is any consolation). Happy reading! ************ Sunday evening Brody was on the internet just dicking around as young people...

2 years ago
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THE MOTORCYCLE COP AND THE HOT ROD By Jim DiamondI sat quietly in the car, wondering what in hell to do — I couldn't afford a ticket, but he had me dead to rights; my '32 Ford street rod was doing 65 in a 45 mph zone. I couldn't help it. When I hear that blower whine and the dual pipes roaring, I can't keep my foot off the gas. Next thing I knew, I had a cycle cop on my tail, lights flashing, and when I pulled over, I knew he wasn't going to ask me to buy tickets to the policemen's ball.I...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P6

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

1 year ago
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Black Rod Part 2

She stepped off the bed and brought the glass of wine with her. She took a large gulp of it and then, without swallowing, she took my cock back into her mouth and swirled the wine around my mushroom-head which made loud slurping sounds around the room. She sucked and then took another swig of wine from the glass and did the same again. Monica repeated this till all the wine was finished from her glass. Monica looked up and said, “How was that lover? Did you like it?” I looked up and nodded....

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Education of Slave Jim Brodie

Chapter 1: Introduction Friday I agreed to be a sex slave. I thought I would make a good one since I have a big cock that is hard most of the time. But after only an hour my mistress became very exasperated with me because I was unable to please her as a good slave should. "You don't even know how to lap a cunt properly," she complained. "You're probably even more useless at advanced tasks." I was devastated. "But Mistress, I'll do anything you want, just teach me." She dismissed...

1 year ago
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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P5

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

3 years ago
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Jan Peggy Sue and Rodger

I would often go the sandwich shop after dinner and sit and visit with Peggy when it wasn’t busy, and a new boy, Rodger, started hanging out with us. He was from up north someplace. The rumor was, he had some girl pregnant, and was down here visiting his relatives while things cooled off back home. Rodger was a 20 year old dream with smoldering brown eyes and a quick white smile, muscular build, and like the song says, he could have had me at “hello”. I could feel my panties get wet just...

4 years ago
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Connecting Rod Ch 0304

Chapter 3: The New Owner August 30, 1968 My first act as the new owner was to call a meeting with Shelly, Jurgen and my mother. We met for supper at the house. Mom had prepared a typical Sunday dinner of roast beef with plenty of potatoes, beans and corn. Shelly devoured her portion as if she hadn’t eaten in a week. I wondered if perhaps she hadn’t. Jurgen was more refined with old-fashioned table manners, much like my mother. We talked during the meal with my telling them a little bit about...

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Connecting Rod Ch 0506

Chapter 5: A New Year December 31, 1968 I was invited to a New Year’s Eve celebration sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. At first I declined, stating that I had my employees to entertain. When they were welcomed along with my mother, I quickly accepted the invitation. It seemed that I was a welcome new face in the downtown, and I was starting to be recognized among many of the businessmen of Bellingham. The party caused some brief consternation for Shelly. She didn’t have a dress and...

2 years ago
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Femdom Fantasies Becomes an Unpleasant Reality

Femdom Fantasies Becomes an Unpleasant Reality By: Ken Bristol want2b Chapter 1 (Discovery) Ed came walked into the kitchen Saturday morning and saw his wife Diane glaring at him while sitting at the kitchen table with her knees tucked up under her and holding a cup of coffee.  Diane, in an ominously quiet voice said:  ?Sit down, we need to talk.? Ed poured himself a cup and said:  ?what’s your problem?. ?You are.? She replied. ?I don’t understand.? He said. Diane continued:  ?I feel like I...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P4

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

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Lauras Hunger Fantasy Becomes Reality

It starts off as a wonderful day, it’s the first day of Laura’s new job as stay at home mom and Lydia has already left to pick up Ray Jr. at the airport so he can spend the summer at home. It would be a perfect day if Ray had been able to put off the business trip he had planned, but as usual, business comes first. As long as she can quit her job and relax at home for a while its worth Ray’s frequent out of town trips. Maybe with her added free time she can begin fixing herself up and try to...

4 years ago
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Rodger me and that Bikini

As a born Adventurer, I was wondering if my pink metallic bikini would have the same effect at home (re:One very small bikini One very big cock)So I waited till Rodger my neighbour was home, perfect weather not to hot, out came the make up and the extreme heeled sandals, strutting round my boudoir in my thong Bikini, I was feeling very naughty,should I tease the neighbour, poor man his wife had gone to Preston to her sick Mother, leaving him at my mercy... all alone!I waited till he was in the...

1 year ago
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Bunny and Rod1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Had it not been for the quarter million dollar paycheck, Jake wouldn't have accepted the remote assignment. But, knowing how his curvaceous wife liked to fuck, he decided to give her permission to meet her bodily needs. Perhaps that might mean she would drink less. Instead of staying home to drink, she could go out now and then and let a man quench her womanly fires with bodily fluids. She readily agreed to this suggestion. "But don't overdo it, Bunny....

2 years ago
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Jan Peggy Rodger 2

Peggy lifted her pussy off of him, his cock made a sexy, wet, sucking sound as it came out of her. She got out of the car, went to the back and peed, and called to me to bring tissues for her. She wiped her pussy, and then asked me for her panties. I had forgotten I had them in my pocket. The panties were almost dry they had been fucking so long. She balanced against me to put them back on, and then got in the front next to Rodger again. The ride to her house was very quiet; she was...

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Saturday night dinner with Jen and Rodger

My husband and I invited Jenna and her new boyfriend Rodger over for supper one Saturday evening. Rodger was a very well built guy with big arms and chest. Very likely that he used steroids back in the day when gyming. After braaiing and having a nice supper the 4 of us sat outside having a few drinks while my daughter sat watching tv in the lounge. After a while of chatting and looking at Rodger I started imagining how he could man handle me in the room as he really did look strong and I was...

1 year ago
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HotMovies Parodies

Are you fucking horny as hell and ready to get off to the kind of content that speaks to you? Well, mother fucker? What the hell are you in the mood for? Midgets? Lactating midgets? Midgets that are put on a spinning pedestal and suck dick while zooming around in circles?Oh, you are horny for parody adult films, eh? You may think that there is not a place you can go to get your parody XXX films fix, but I want you to know that you’re fucking wrong! Because once you head over to Hot...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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Rods Rules

ROD'S RULES by Throne "Now Lenny," my wife Claire said, sounding perfectly reasonable, "you know this is how it has to be." "B... but..." I began, upset and losing control of my speech. "It's just... You're not being fair if... I mean..." "Darling," she soothed, "this is the way Rod wants it. You're a complete dud in bed. He's a sex monster, to put it mildly. And I'm not prepared to give up what he has to offer. So if he makes some new rules, well, those are what we're...

2 years ago
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Rough Rodney

When I was sixteen, I officially met Rodney. He would never have been the kind of guy I would befriend. Although we had been in school together for a couple of years, we had never interacted.Our friendship came about when I got bullied at school one day. Bullying had always been part of my life because, being as timid and small as I was, it was as though I had a sign on my forehead inviting potential bullies to pick on me. As the bullying occurred on that day, Rodney interceded on my behalf and...

Gay Male
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Brody Part One

The holiday was not far off and I was excited because that meant that my daughter Jess would be coming home from college for a few weeks. Her long-time friend Brody was coming with her and staying for a couple of days before continuing on to visit her father who had moved away from our home town since his wife had walked out on him with another woman. We were so proud of Jess when she was accepted to college to follow her dream but neither my wife nor I had imagined how we would miss our only...

3 years ago
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My Friend Becomes My Mistress

"MY FRIEND BECOMES MY MISTRESS" Sonali is my friend over three years. I (Pooja) and Sonali are in third yearin Degree College. She is my best friend but now she is dominating me and keeps me as her Slave.I do all her class work and personal works like washing her cloths and makingfood. She has a large circle of friends. It's all started when we were in second year of college. One day she sawme doing sex with one of my boy friend Vishal. But she didn't tell me any thingat that time. One day she...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P3

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: woke up early the next morning, the sun was shining brightly...

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Connecting Rod Ch 10

Chapter 10: Unexpected Events September 5, 1970 My head was still swimming from all the events that had happened since Shelly had her accident and we got engaged. I was still having trouble coming to grips with it. The previous four months saw us open a new shop not far from the service station. Duke was running it, and almost right away I could tell he was going to be a success. Shannon was right there beside him, helping him in every way she could, answering the phone, ordering parts,...

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Connecting Rod Ch 0708

Chapter 7: Commitment and Crisis May 19, 1969 The conversation with my mother stuck with me. I knew she was right. It was time to tell Shelly how I felt about her. It was the next morning when I hung back to talk to Mom. Shelly and Jurgen had already left for the garage. ‘Mom, I need some advice.’ She turned and looked at me with a knowing smile. ‘Go ahead.’ ‘I … I want to ask Shelly to … marry me.’ ‘I guessed that,’ she said, continuing to smile. ‘You did?’ ‘I think you’ve picked a...

1 year ago
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Hot Rod Ch 0607

Part VI The next morning, I get smacked between the eyes with the consequences of making love with Alyssa. We didn’t talk about it afterwards. We simply dressed and came home. She went straight to her bedroom and I escaped to mine. And was thoroughly miserable all night. Tension doesn’t even come close to describing the air in the apartment and I hated it. Trouble was that I didn’t know what to say or do to make it better. Now, on any given morning, she is awake before me, already brewing...

3 years ago
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Gotta Break Em All 6 His hard Golden rod ready for massacre

At least those who had seen a Machoke kill people before might not recognize the Machamp with an unusual coloration. The plan involved taking down the guardhouses. Here, Machamp would act as a mentor regarding a useful move. It involved observing the target for weaknesses, before landing a devastating punch. The group went to the nothern gate leading to Route 35. Their leader stood still to the side of the gate, paying no attention to the conflicts of Team Rocket grunts and trainers out in...

2 years ago
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Spare the Rod

“Miss Compton!” I was a grade 12 math teacher in an upscale charter school. The school was set up for parents who were concerned about giving religious training to their children. In addition, the board and the parents felt it important to retain some of the traditional discipline. Thankfully math was not one of the subjects that required adherence to any quirks of the Charter curriculum; and it had the added bonus that most of the students assumed I was out of it and so usually didn’t engage...

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Connecting RodChapter 6 The Duke Arrives and Shelly Celebrates

January 2, 1969 The station reopened on Friday, January 2, 1969, at the normal time. Mike was out of school until the following Monday, so I gave Shelly the day off while Jurgen would have Saturday off. Mike would work from ten am to nine pm, Friday, with an hour for breaks. On Sunday, Mom and I huddled to discuss the manning and expenses for the station. We had added some costs with the car and hiring Mike. My concern was over how much staffing we could take on and stay profitable. It was...

1 year ago
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The Prodigy and Me

The Prodigy and Me: an Altered Fates story The Prodigy Mother and I talked a lot about the pros and cons of what she and gran were about to do. In the end it came down to Don's behavior. He was already on the track to nowhere and he was just starting high school. I didn't mention some of the other things he'd done to me. I'd get my revenge later. I was a child prodigy, a five year old girl reading on a college level absorbing anything and everything. I was certain to be quickly...

3 years ago
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Office Rodents

"This place is like Hooters!" a co-worker once remarked.He was right. The women at my job did pay very little to the dress code. Although not quite at the bikini stage, they often came to the office in tops with plunging necklines and tight little leggings that left little to the imagination. Even though sometimes the top parts of their outfits seemed somewhat... conservative , it was all party down below. Tights, tight jeans, capris, management was probably lucky they wore pants at all. Some...

Office Sex
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Meeting Online Friend Neha From Baroda Gujarat 8211 Part 1

Telling about me this is Nirav from Baroda city (STATE: Gujarat) 39 year age height 5 feet 10 inch weight 64 with good physical appearance strong personality with dick of 7 inch.I am Pharmacist being pharmacist I have Hobby of reading book on sex education .I have lots of knowledge of Kama sutra sex ,Know many techniques of Foreplay , Oral, Kissing & many type of hugs. Friends Many people who have problem used come with me & I use to solve problem.Eg: How to delay orgasm, How to make woman...

3 years ago
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Brody Part Two

I actually wrote this months ago but for some reason never submitted it, I have only just realised so here it is... We eventually got up from the sofa and Brody turned to me, "I better go and see how Jess is doing. Thanks Mr. S, that was wonderful." She grabbed her clothes and left the room. My mind was in turmoil as I made my way unsteadily to my bedroom. What had just happened? Did we really fuck on the sofa? My god, what was I thinking? I climbed into bed and turned out the light but my mind...

1 year ago
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Aphrodite wakes part 4

Thin strands of crystal lattices floated from her body to join with it, completing it further. A shape could be made out already, it was definitely human and most certainly female. The shape was more demure than the last she had but these times were different and this shape would please her Avatar. Soon she would know the pleasure first hand again and walk among men, if only for a while. For now, the feeding would continue as her Avatar and Oracle were about to generate some more energy....

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Her turn an Erotic Story by Rod Houston

It’s no surprise that she awoke from a wet dream. He had been away on a business trip for over a week and she was horny. In the dream, she was Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. Her lover had been Apollo. As with all of her erotic dreams, she woke just before they could reach climax together and it left her with a wanting feeling between her legs. Oh, her pussy was soaking wet, to be sure. She had been sitting astride her dream lover fucking hard, and loving it. But she was awake now, and the...

2 years ago
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Aphrodite Arrives

Her eyes were open but she could see no light she could feel her entire body coming to. Andrea Lencroft could feel her own face, but the body attached to it wasn't her own. She could feel overweight body. Well, it wasn't that insane, and it was shapely, but it was a far cry from the oh so pretty skin suits she'd normally wear. It was most definitely female, her nipples excessively large. And of course there was the fact that she was restrained to a pole in an uncomfortable...

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Devotion to Aphrodite

The legionnaire was very hairy. The hair on his broad back was long enough for Diana to get her fingers tangled right inside. But at least he spoke Greek. Of a sort. Not like the Roman centurion who’d fucked Diana for so long just a couple of hours ago. He’d spoken Vulgar Latin and some words of Aramaic from where he’d been stationed before being relocated to Smyrna. But even though she could hardly understand half what he said, he’d been a pretty good fuck. The sort that reminded Diana of why...

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