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Georgina By Samantha Jay © October 2008 Part 2 Chapter 12 Chris had just collected her change when she heard the shots. She looked at where she thought they came from and saw Sam on the floor. She ran over to her, saw the blood and screamed. In the security control room, the shooting was seen on a CCTV monitor. The controller pressed a button and spoke into a microphone, "All units, shooting outside M & S east entrance. I repeat shooting outside M & S east entrance. Instigate plan delta." He then pressed another button and dialled triple nine. In a British Telecom operator centre an alarm went off, an operator stopped what she was doing, pressed a button and said, "Emergency, which service do you require?" "Ambulance and police." "Putting you through." The controller heard ring tone followed by, "Ambulance." "This is Westbourne shopping centre, we have had a shooting outside the east entrance of M & S. Security is attending and one person appears injured. We are using rendezvous point 2." "Ambulance is on the way." The ambulance controller looked at her board, pressed the 'press to talk' switch and said, "Units eight one one and two three, shooting at Westbourne shopping centre. Rendezvous point 2 is to be used. We have one casualty." "Eight one one attending." "Two three on route." Back in the security control room the operator had put the call through to the police where the same message had been passed. In the police control room the radio operator spoke into her mike, "All units, all units, shooting at Westbourne shopping centre outside M & S. ARU three and six, Inspector five eta please?" "ARU three, two minutes." "Thank you ARU three." "Inspector five, four minutes." "Thank you Inspector five." "ARU six, three minutes." "Thank you ARU six." "All units, RVP2 will be used and Inspector five will assume operational control when on site." ARU's were the armed response units and were dispatched to any shooting. Back at the shopping centre Chris took her phone out of her bag and hit a speed dial number. The security guards had assured her that the emergency services were on the way and one was working on Sam trying to keep her alive. "Steve Broadfield." "Steve, Chris. Sam's been shot and Gina is missing." "Shit, how's Sam?" "Bad. She's losing a lot of blood." "Where are you?" "Westbourne shopping centre." "Well the only hospital with an emergency department is the General so I'll meet you there and Chris; Sam will make it." Steve pressed the red button on his mobile and then hit one of his speed dial numbers. "Wilkinson." "Clive, Steve." "Hi Steve." "Sam has been shot at Westbourne shopping centre, Chris sounds almost hysterical and Gina is missing." "Bugger. Make sure Sam gets the best. I'll light a fire and Steve, keep me informed." Clive then consulted the phone book on his mobile and hit the dial button. "Cunningham" "Charles, Clive Wilkinson. How are you? Looking forward to Sunday?" "Clive, I'm fine and yes, I'm looking forward to beating you at golf." "That will be the day. Charles, I have a problem and I need your help. A very, very close friend of mine has just been shot at Westbourne shopping centre and a child in her care is missing. I'd like you to assign one of your best people to oversee the case." "Just been shot you say. You don't waste time. Okay, I'll make sure the case gets the best person available." "Thanks Charles and Clive hung up. Charles Cunningham, Chief Constable, pressed the intercom button and said, "Jean, get me DCI Waters on the phone immediately." Two minutes later the phone on his desk rung. "Cunningham." "DCI Waters, Sir." "Waters, there's just been a shooting at Westbourne and a child is missing. I want you to handle the case." "Yes sir." "Keep me informed and Waters, the victim is a very, very close friend of a very, very important person." "I understand, sir." Detective Chief Inspector Josephine Waters depressed the switchooks on the phone and dialled a number. "Come on, come on...Gene, Jo. We've just been handed a special by the Chief." "A special?" "A shooting and a disappearance." "What's special about those?" "Someone who knows the victim knows the Chief and we've been handed the case. Get the team together and get someone over to meet me at the General. I want you and the team to go to the Westbourne shopping centre. I'll contact ops to get the info." "Will do." DCI Waters repeated the action on the phone and dialled the operations room. "This is DCI Waters; there's been a shooting at Westbourne. I've been handed the case by the Chief and I'd like to know what's happening?" "We have two ARU's, an inspector and seven other units on scene, ma'am." "Has the ambulance left yet?" "No, ma'am. They are still stabilising the victim." "This is to be treated as a level four incident and I want that ambulance escorted and nothing allowed to get in its way." "Yes ma'am." "Do we know anything about the missing child?" "Missing child?" "There is also a missing child. I want Soco down there and I have a team on route." "Yes ma'am." The ops controller spoke into his radio, "Control to Inspector five, urgent over." "Inspector five, go ahead control." "Inspector five, this has been elevated to a level four incident, DCI Waters has taken charge and her team are on route. There appears to be a missing child and the ambulance is to be escorted to hospital with a rolling block preceding it, over." "Control, understood. I'll need at least four solos for the rolling road block and I'll instigate a search for the missing child. Over." "Inspector five all understood. Control out." "Control to all solo units in sectors three, five and six. All available solo units in those sectors to contact Inspector five for ambulance escort duties." Meanwhile back at Westbourne, Sam was being stabilised so that she would survive the ten minute journey to the General. "Two three to control," the paramedic said. "Control go ahead two three." "Control, patient has three gunshot wounds, two in the chest and one in the groin. We are still trying to stabilise her and will be transporting her to the General as soon as we can. Please advise the General that she will need immediate surgery and has lost a lot of blood." "Two three, General has been notified and they advise that theatre is on standby. Do you require helilift?" "Negative control, casualty is too unstable for helilift." "Understood two three. What is your eta?" "Control, about ten minutes when we leave, but it'll take us at least another five or ten minutes to make sure she will survive the journey. We've managed to stop the main blood loss, but it's only temporary. Two three out." "Acknowledged. Control out." Ten minutes later Sam was placed in the back of an ambulance and, with sirens screaming and motorcycles providing the rolling road block, it left the Westbourne preceded by a police car. A second police car carrying a sobbing Chris closely followed the ambulance. Along the route police officers and cars had blocked major intersections making the job of the solo units that much easier. The leading police car kept the control room informed of their progress. At the hospital, Sam was rushed straight into theatre and Chris was met by Steve. "You alright?" Steve asked. "Oh Steve, it was horrible. I'm sure Sam's going to die." "No she's not. I've got the best surgeon around here doing the operation. She's tough, she'll pull through." "I hope so, Steve. I just don't know what I'd do without her." "Excuse me miss, sir. DCI Waters. Can I have a word?" "How can we help you?" Steve answered. We've pulled the surveillance tapes from the shopping centre and it seems that once the shooter had shot Miss Wright, he took the child with him. I'm having the face of the shooter checked so that we can identify him. Now what is your relationship with the victim?" "Steve Broadfield, Sam's business partner," Steve answered. "And I am Sam's wife Chris," Chris added. "Ah, and what about the missing child?" "His name is George Mead and he is on the at risk register. We are looking after him," Chris answered "At risk register?" DCI Waters asked. "He was abused by his step father," Steve added. DCI Waters phone rang and she answered the call. "Waters... Good. The missing child is George Mead and he's on the at risk register and with what you've just told me then we have a serious problem. Issue a Red Alert, step up the search, use all resources and alert all ports and agencies, finding that boy is top priority." "I don't like the sound of that," Steve said once DCI Waters had ended the call. "Call me Jo. It appears that Sam's attacker was the boys step father, Jeffry Foakes." "Oh my god," Chris exclaimed. "Jo, do you mind if I get some help in the search?" Steve asked. "As long as they stay out of our way," Jo answered. Steve called Two Jays. "Juliet, Sam's been shot and George is missing." "Dear god, is Sam alright?" "She's in theatre at present, but it looks like George has been abducted by his step father, one Jeffry Foakes. I want you to coordinate a search alongside the police. Make it your number one priority." "Will do Steve and let us know how Sam's getting on." DCI Waters left to coordinate the search for George whilst Steve and Chris settled down to a long wait. A couple of hours later a doctor came looking for them. "How's Sam doing, Doctor?" Chris asked. "Holding her own at present. However, we have a problem. One of the bullets has damaged one of her testicles and penis. We have had to remove the testicle and we now need to decide what to do now." "How bad is the penis damaged?" Chris asked. "Very bad. It's been almost severed near the base and is only attached by a small portion of skin and a lot of it is missing. It was fortunate that she was wearing that device as it restricted blood loss. We are unable to reattach the penis and that means that normal function would be impossible. The only real solution is to complete her reassignment surgery." "Sam never really wanted to do that, but if that is the only solution?" Chris questioned. "Realistically, it is. As I've said, the bullet has destroyed some of her penis and that means that it would be impossible to perform as a male. Although, given her appearance, that may not have been her main priority." "It wasn't, but she wasn't truly transgendered." "Well I would recommend that we complete the surgery as it would be easier to live as a full woman than have a mutilated genital." "Okay go ahead and give Sam a vagina," Chris said after a few minutes thought. "But make sure the surgery is performed by the best. Cost is no problem," Steve added. The surgeon headed back to the theatre and Chris started to cry. Steve comforted her as best he could. Steve excused himself and went to update Clive. "The bastard's shot Sam's penis off and has got Gina. Two Jays and the police are looking for both of them." "Poor Sam, how is she doing?" "Don't know, she's still in surgery." "Let me know the minute she's out." "Will do." Steve hung up and went back to Chris. Chapter 13 It was a further six hours before a nurse came over to them. "Miss Wright is out of surgery and is on her way to ICU." "How is she?" Chris asked. "Touch and go. The next twenty four to forty eight hours will be critical." "But she's going to make it?" Chris asked. "Hopefully." "Hopefully," Chris repeated and started to cry. "Follow me and I'll take you to ICU." They followed the nurse. Besides Sam there were two other patients. All the tubes and wires coming out of Sam frightened Chris. There were two nurses fusing over Sam. In the room where Chris and Steve were waiting were chairs and a table and had a window looking into the unit. Chris had collapsed into a chair and was quietly sobbing. One of the nurses came into the room and was talking with Steve. She was talking for about two minutes when an alarm went off. She dashed back into the unit. "Crash team to ICU code blue," a nurse shouted into an intercom. The monitor connected to Sam was showing that she was flat lining. One nurse was administering CPR. The crash team burst into the room and grabbed the defibrillator. "Charging to one hundred joules," a technician called. The machine beeped. "Clear," called the doctor as he placed the pads on Sam's chest and pressed the trigger. Sam's body convulsed, but she continued to flat line. "Charging." Another beep. "Clear." Another jolt and another convulsion. Flat line. "Two hundred joules," the doctored said. "Charging to two hundred joules." Beep said the machine. "Clear." Another jolt and another convulsion. Flat line. "Come on Sam, I'm not going to let you go again," a nurse said. "Go to four hundred joules," the doctor said. "Charging to four hundred joules." Beep. "Clear." A bigger jolt and a bigger convulsion. "We've got a pulse." "Come on Sam." "Pulse is getting stronger." "Don't you dare do that to me again young man or I will be very pissed. You and me are going to have a long talk when you come round," the nurse said. "Sister, I've never seen you get so involved before. What's different with this one?" the doctor asked. "Sam's my long lost brother," Sister Wright answered. "I'm sorry," the doctor said. "Thanks." Sister Wright turned to a nurse. "Stella, look after this one, he's special. I'm going to talk to his friends." The Sister entered the viewing room. "What happened?" Chris asked. "His heart stopped, we got it going again. What is your relationship with the patient?" "I'm her wife," Chris answered. "Wife?" "Yes, we've been married for over ten years and I don't want to lose her," Chris added. "Neither do I," Sister Wright said. "Sorry?" Chris asked. "I don't want to lose Sam again. You see I'm his sister." "But didn't you reject her all those years ago?" Chris asked. "No, I was at medical school and when I got home I found that Sam had left home and disappeared. It was mainly our father who rejected him." "But what about all the publicity over Peter five years ago?" "I was working in Edinburgh at the time; I only recently came back here. Our father has died and I wanted to be near mother." "I'm sorry about your father," Chris said. "Don't be, I never forgave him for throwing my brother out, that's why I went to Edinburgh. Well I can't call Sam my brother any more. How did you meet him, what's he been doing all these years?" "Look, call me Chris; since we're sisters in law, and that's Steve Broadfield, he works with us." "Charlotte." "Well Charlotte, it's a long story." "If it's a long story I'd better hear it after my shift finishes. I need to get back to Sam and the other patients. You staying here?" "I'm not leaving Sam until I know she's okay," Chris answered. "Okay Chris and don't worry, he's...sorry she's in good hands." "Still doesn't stop me worrying though," Chris said as Charlotte left the room. "Chris, do you mind if I get back, I need to make sure Gina is found," Steve asked. "No Steve, I'll be okay." Steve leaves Chris alone and heads back home. Charlotte goes to the nurses station, picks up a phone and dials a number from memory. After a few rings it is answered. "Mom, I've found Sam...No mom, he's not okay, he's in ICU. He's been shot... No you stay there, I'll be home in an hour and I'll be bringing someone. See you later." The next thirty minutes until Charlotte's shift ends passes uneventfully and she hands over to her relief. "Debbie, the patient in bed four is a special case. He's my brother. He's had one heart failure during surgery and another on the ward. Keep a very close eye on him and call me if anything changes," Charlotte said. "Your brother. Okay, we'll keep a close eye on him." Debbie looks at bed four, "I thought you said the patient in bed four is your brother?" "He is." "But she's a woman." "He is now." "Ah. Anyway, see you tomorrow." Charlotte enters the waiting room and goes over to Chris. "Chris, I've finished for the night and I've made sure that Sam will be looked after. Now I want you to come home with me." "No, I'm staying here," Chris answered. "Chris, there is nothing you can do and I live five minutes away and there is someone I want you to meet." "I'm staying here." "No you are not. You will not be helping Sam and all you will do is make yourself ill. Now be sensible and come with me. The team are under strict instructions to call me if anything changes. I understand that you want to be near him, I would, but you have to be realistic." "Sod realistic, that's my husband in there. She could die, she's already died once, I'm not leaving her." "Chris, he's my long lost brother and I've found him again after twelve years. I don't want to leave him in the state he's in, but I'm also a nurse and I know that if I stay here then my health could deteriorate because I know I will probably not get enough sleep or nourishment. I will not allow you to become a patient as well." "Chris, how's Sam?" Tracey asked as she entered the room. "Oh Trace, she's in a bad way, she's going to die, I know it." "He is not going to die, I've already told you that," Charlotte said. "What's the prognosis, sister?" Tracey asked. "And you are?" Charlotte asked. "Dr. Tracey Neuman. I'm Chris and Sam's doctor." "Well doctor, he was shot three times, two ended up in the chest cavity and the third destroyed a testicle and his penis. One of the chest bullets nicked a major artery and lodged very close to the heart. He has suffered severe blood loss, one lung was hit and his genitalia were damaged beyond repair, but other than that no other major organs were severely damaged. They have completed his SRS. During his surgery his heart stopped. It stopped again on the ward. If he gets through the next forty eight hours then the prognosis is good." Charlotte said. "Thank you sister," Tracey replied. "Now can you convince Chris to accompany me home?" Tracey looked at Chris and said, "I'll stay here tonight, you go and have a rest. Grab a bath, if anything happens, I'll call you." "You promise?" "I promise Chris." "Who do you want me to meet, Charlotte?" "Our mother." "Didn't she throw Sam out?" "She was upset and didn't understand what was going on with Sam, but it was Dad that threw Sam out. Dad was a military man and had a very narrow range of normality. Now are you going to come quietly or do I have to drag you." "I don't want to leave..." "Chris!" "Okay, okay. As long as we can get back if anything happens." "We will." "Don't worry, I'll be here looking after Sam." Chapter 14 Chris followed Charlotte to her car and collapsed into the front passenger seat. True to her word, the drive was only five minutes. Charlotte led Chris into the house. "Mom, we're home," Charlotte called. Kettle's on and I'm in the living room," a soft voice called. Chris followed Charlotte into the living room. "How's Sam?" "In a bad way, he was shot three times, has undergone eight hours of surgery and had two heart failures. He's holding his own, just, and is being cared for by the best. Debbie is under strict instructions to call me anything happens. If he gets through the night then his chances of survival get better." "Take me back." "Sorry?" Charlotte asked. "I said take me back. You make it sound like Sam's going to die tonight and I don't want to be separated from her." "Sam is not going to die tonight." "You said 'if she gets through the night' that sounds to me like you expect her to die," Chris was close to hysteria. "Chris, I'm being realistic. Sam may die, there is a small chance of that, but it's small and Debbie knows that I will be very upset with her if that happens on her watch. Also, Sam wouldn't dare do that to me." "Charlotte?" "Oh sorry mom. Mom, this is Chris, Sam's wife. Chris, this is Angela, our mother." "Sam's married and I never knew. Tell me, are there any children?" "No, we haven't got kids. Sam is unable to have any. Her testes don't produce sperm or testosterone." "I'm so sorry, but you keep referring to Sam as she." "That's because she is a she. Even more so now. We've been living as lesbian lovers for ten years, ever since we got married. She is the sweetest, most beautiful, most caring person I have ever met and now I'm going to lose her." "Chris, listen to me. Sam is not going to die. I have told him that if he does, he is in big trouble. And he doesn't get me angry anymore. Not since the first time he did and I swacked him," Charlotte stated forcefully. "Now, mom, the kettle's whistling and I want to hear Chris's story over a nice cup of tea." Ten minutes later, after taking a sip of her tea, Chris began her story. "You have to remember that this is how I remember it and it is only Sam's side. I worked for the Samaritans and I took a call from a person who was threatening to kill himself. It was Sam." Angela gasped and had a look of horror on her face. "I managed to talk her out of it, met her and took her to our office where she told me her tale. She told me of her need to dress in female clothes and that she had been doing so from the age of ten. How she use to model himself on you Charlotte and how she saved your cast offs from being thrown away." Charlotte was nodding. "She told me of being discovered and that her father called her a faggot and that she disgusted him and that you, Angela, looked like you had just been told of her son's death in a road accident." "Gerald was always the moral one. He was of Scottish decent and had a Presbyterian upbringing which made him intolerant of anything out of the norm. I was shocked to see Sam wearing women's clothes and I suppose that I did feel that part of what I loved about Sam had died," Angela injected. "Anyway, Sam said that she left the next morning and that was the last she saw of any of you. She also said that she lost her job and her friends and ended up living in her car." "That would have been Gerald's doing. He must have told people of what he'd seen." "Sam lasted about six or eight months before she reached rock bottom and decided to end it all. Just before she committed the act, she called us and that's where I came onto the scene. I don't know what it was about her, I mean she looked a real mess with her unkempt hair, dirty face and torn clothes, but I really liked her and after I took her home and cleaned her up, well..." Chris paused, took another sip of tea and continued. "She stayed at my place and I got her checked out the next morning. It seems she was incapable of testosterone production and, although we didn't find out till later, was sterile. Her brain sex was biassed more female than male, but she wasn't transgendered. She just liked looking like a woman. We fell in love and were married. Sam began hormone replacement therapy and lived and worked as a woman. You know, she has the most gorgeous blonde hair..." Chris began to cry at this point. After a few minutes, Chris pulled herself together and continued, "I'm sorry. We worked together at the Samaritans and, about five or so years ago she took a call from a fourteen year old boy who, like Sam had years before, was threatening to kill himself. It seems that Peter, the boy, had a twin sister and that they used to dress up as sisters. His sister died suddenly and he took over her personality. Sam and I got him calmed down, but we had to hand him over to Social Services where he was forgotten and later found dead. Sam lost it when she found out. She had a breakdown and was in therapy for months. You know she still visits his grave." Angela was quietly sobbing and Charlotte was only just holding back the tears. "We found that Sam needed to help people and so we planned to run a foster home for problem kids like Peter. We both have had some training and were just about to open the home when we met Clive Wilkinson, the multi-billionaire. He told us about his brother and that he wanted to back us. It was whilst we were at the meeting with Clive that we found out about George. Clive took us to our workplace where we found that George had been the subject of physical and sexual abuse." "Dear God," Angela said. "George became the first member of our foster home and everything was going well until today when Sam was shot by George's abuser. That is a potted history of the last ten years." "Chris, you probably believe that I should have disobeyed my husband and kept in touch with Sam, but the truth is that Gerald moved us abroad almost immediately. He was in the armed forces and arranged a posting overseas. Charlotte told him in no uncertain terms what she thought of him and that she would never speak to him again." "And I didn't. I kept in touch with mum though." "A year ago Gerald died and I returned here and asked Charlotte to keep me company and see if we could find Sam. I was overjoyed when she called to say she had found him, but then she told me he had been shot and I became concerned. I hope I have a chance to speak with him." "I think both of you had better start using the correct pronoun. Sam is a woman. She's your sister Charlotte and your daughter Angela. She used to be my husband, but I don't know what she is now." Charlotte disappeared and Chris finished off her tea, Angela seemed wrapped up in her own thoughts. "Sam is still okay and has improved slightly. Now I suggest we all go to bed and I'll take both of you to visit Sam tomorrow. Chris, I've got a few things that may fit you." Charlotte said, re-entering the room. Chapter 15 Chris had an awful night, not getting any refreshment from her sleep. Charlotte woke her up and, after finding some clothes that fitted and breakfast, a relieved Chris arrived back at the hospital. "Tracey, how is she?" Chris asked. "Better. She's a lot more stable than yesterday." "Thanks for being here. This is Angela, Sam's mother," Chris said. "Hello Angela, nice to meet you. I'm Tracey, Chris and Sam's doctor and friend." "I'm glad Sam has good friends," Angela replied. "Both Chris and Sam are well liked by everyone that know them," Tracey said. Charlotte walked into the room and said, "Sam has had a comfortable night and her condition has improved. "If you don't mind, I'd like to get some sleep. I'll see you later Chris," Tracey said as she left the room. Charlotte went about her duties and Angela kept Chris company. Around midday Clive and Steve came in, both of them hugged Chris. "Steve, Clive nice to see you. This is Angela, Sam's mother," Chris said. "Angela. Chris any change in Sam?" Clive asks. "She's improving slowly. Any news on George?" "Nothing as yet, but everyone's looking," Steve said. "I take it you ladies haven't eaten yet?" Clive asked. Both Chris and Angela shook their heads. "Angela, how about you and me getting some food. I'd really like to know where Sam gets her caring side from," Clive said and then added. "Sandwiches okay?" It wasn't long after Clive and Angela had left that Steve's pager went off. He looked at the message. "Chris, I've got to make a phone call." After five minutes Steve came back into the room and knocked on the window. Once Charlotte looked at him, he motioned her to come in. "Sam is improving, Steve," Charlotte said when she entered. "Charlotte that's not what I wanted to ask you. There's a patient in Ward 2C name of Linda Foakes. She's George's mother and I wonder if I could ask you for a couple of favours?" "If it's in my power." "Can you find out why she's in hospital and if you could arrange for me to have a quick word. It's important, she may know where George is being hidden." Charlotte went back into ICU and checked on a computer terminal. She was back in very quick time. "She's been severely beaten up and if you want I will take to the ward and introduce you." They left Chris alone for half an hour, by which time Clive and Angela had returned. "I've gotten a couple of addresses where George may be hidden. I've told Two Jays and they will keep the places under surveillance and they will let the police know if they find anything," Steve said. "That's good news," Clive said. "Also George's mother is here. I think we ought to do something for her, she's been hard done by," Steve added. "Get her back to the hall when she's ready to be released," Clive said. "Thanks Clive," Chris said. "What for?" "Being nice." "Grab a sandwich everyone," Angela interrupted. The rest of the day passed without incident. Sam's condition improved and Clive took Angela home. Charlotte took Chris to get some clothes and then they went home. Chapter 16 Over the next two days Sam's condition slowly improved. Chris was happier at the news and was getting close to both Angela and Charlotte. Both of them kept Chris occupied at night and during the day either Angela, when she wasn't with Clive, or Steve kept Chris company. It was on the third day when Steve burst into the room. He'd just called Two Jays in answer to a page he had received. "Chris, We may have found George," Steve said. "Really?" "Yes, the police are going to do a dawn raid tomorrow." "Why tomorrow?" "Foakes used a gun and the police want to be careful." Back at Police headquarters DCI Waters was meeting with the Chief Constable. "Jeffry Foakes has been found, but we don't know whether the child is there. I would like the firearms team to do a dig out tomorrow." "Good idea," the chief picked up a phone, dialled a number then spoke, "Warren, my office now please." Assistant Chief Constable Warren Jones entered the room a few minutes later. "Warren, DCI Waters needs the firearms team tomorrow morning. I'll let her brief you, but this is a very high profile case and nothing must be allowed to go wrong," the Chief Constable said. "Yes sir." Meanwhile Clive was on the phone. "Gerald, I'd like you to have your best paediatric team on standby tomorrow morning. Also I'd like a surgical team ready. I would like them to be at the hospital from two in the morning." "Any reason why?" "This is to go no farther. A child in our care was kidnapped recently. That may change soon and as he was abused and may have been again I would like to have a team ready in case he needs it." "No problems Clive, I've have a team ready for you." "Thanks Gerald, just send me the bill." "Will do." Clive was a little happier, Tracey and Sally would be on hand if George was found and a hospital would be ready. He hoped that George wasn't too badly injured. By midday DCI Waters was briefing the firearms team. "As far as we know there are two adults at the property and one of them may be armed. A weapon has been used by one of the adults. There is also an abused child that may also be in the house. The first priority is to take the adults into custody and make the site safe, the second is to locate the child. Drs Neuman and Stone will be accompanying us and if the child is found then he is to be handed to the doctors who will take him to the Alexandria. Gene you are responsible for the location and transportation of the child." "I'll have a traffic car standing by," Gene answered. ACC Jones added, "Gentlemen, this is a very high profile job. There is a very important person involved so I'd like to reiterate that no shots are to be fired unless absolutely necessary. Do I make myself clear?" The team all answered, "Yes sir." "We will all arrive here at midnight for a final briefing and the dig out will be at zero two hundred," Jo Waters added. "Any questions?... See you at midnight." All through the afternoon preparations continued to be made for the dig out. Staff at the Alexandria were told about being required on site. Tracey and Sally grabbed some sleep whilst Two Jays kept the address under surveillance. Chapter 17 Midnight arrived and Tracey and Sally were at the briefing. "The firearms team will go in first, when they are happy that the site is secure the search team goes in. Drs Neuman and Stone will stay in the car until the child is found and will accompany him to the hospital. Oscar two three will be used to get them to the Alexandria." DCI Waters turned to the traffic cops and added, "Make it quick and safe." She then continued, "ACC Jones has already spoken to the firearms team and my team know how high profile this is. I will reiterate that there can be no mistakes and the doctors are here to help and to ensure that the child sees someone he knows and trusts. Any questions?" There were none. "Everyone check their gear, we leave at one thirty." At the appointed time the convoy left the police station and arrived at the address. With a final equipment check and everyone in position, the firearms team effected entrance to the property. The front door crashed open and an officer shouted "Armed police." The premises were quickly secured with two suspects taken into custody. The search team went about their task and George was found tethered in a garden shed. Tracey was quickly fetched and was horrified to see fresh bruises. George was barely conscious and she asked an officer to get him to the car. She pulled out her mobile and called Clive. "We've found him, but he needs urgent attention. Tell the team we are on our way and get them ready." "No problem Tracey. Everything is ready." Oscar two three followed the DCI's instructions in getting to the Alexandria as fast and as safely as possible and Tracey thanked the driver for his efforts. The car was met at the hospital entrance and George rushed inside. "Girls, I've arranged a room for you to get some sleep. Thank you for tonight," Clive said to them in the hospital lobby. "Anything for George and thanks for the room. Nice to see you again Angela," Tracey said. "As my daughter cannot be here, I see it as my duty to both her and her obligations to be here in her place," Angela said. "I can see where Sam gets her caring side from," Sally added. "They are both remarkable women," Clive said. Tracey looked at Sally and they both smiled. The news about George wasn't good, but the he was being cared for and had begun the healing process. It was agreed that Sally would continue as his shrink and Tracey would oversee the physical healing. Chapter 18 The ringing awoke Charlotte with a start. "What's up? That's great, we'll be there in fifteen." Charlotte jumped out of bed and ran to Chris's room shouting as she ran. "Chris, Chris, wake up. Sam's regained consciousness. We've got to go." Chris sat bolt upright, pulled herself together and also jumped out of bed. She dressed in record time and was at the front door waiting for Charlotte. "Come on Charlotte, where are you?" "Keep your knickers on dear, you ring mom and let her know." Chris rang Angela whilst Charlotte drove and gave her the news.

Same as Georgina 2 Videos

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The House of Pleasure

INTRODUCTION You are about to participate in a story that will involve you in intrigue while at the same time offer you an opportunity to experience, if you so desire, a variety of erotic encounters. The narrative takes place in Paris, France. It is during the late 1800's, a time which will come to be known as "La Belle Epoque"---an era when Paris overflowed with artists and writers, actors and singers, bourgeoise and nobility, financiers and landowners. Although the characters at the maison...

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Need a waifu sex simulator? Nothing can beat the thrill of finding your favorite waifu. Not when it means you are an apple of the eye to each and every sexy babe in a whole group of waifus. There are playful 2D girls counting on you to entertain, feed, clean, and put them to bed. In addition, use your gaming prowess to satisfy their unending sexual drive. The game is published by Super Hippo and pays homage to the iconic Tamagotchi, meaning it brings nostalgic feelings while also adding an...

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My wife Jude and I had recently celebrated our twentieth wedding anniversary. At the time, we had one kid in college and another set to graduate high school soon. I was contemplating retirement and Jude was bored. She had been a stay-at-home mom for the past ten years and, with the kids all but gone, she was looking for something to do with her time. It should have been an occasion for us to think about our future together. Instead, It became all about Jude. It was around that time that Jude...

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An Old College Buddy Visits

“Who was that on the phone Tim?” his wife Amanda asked.“Omg! You wouldn’t believe it! It was my old college roommate Dave!” Tim responded back.“What did he want?” a nervous Amanda asked.“He is town next week and wanted to get together. I told him he could stay with us. I hadn’t talked to Dave since we graduated 6 years ago. We both went our different ways when we graduated. Boy, the memories we had in college.” Tim said.“He is staying with us?” Amanda asked.“Yah! It will be great! You remember...

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My working friend

My name is Kate, I’m 22 and I have long brown hair. I have decent B-cup rack, so I like to think I’m sexy. At least enough to make a woman think about switching teams. Although, I never thought I might actually do that. I had been working at a video store for two years by then, and there I had a casual friend, named Elizabeth. She was 23 and a brunette too. I never saw her outside of work, but we got along great during working hours. We had become a little closer, because we frequently teamed...

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Up mom's dress was somewhere for her son to cum! Based on art from Pandora's Box - email me if you want the drawing. Zelda Stein sat alone on the red leather sofa in her living room of a posh Park Avenue apartment. 'All dressed up, with nowhere to go!' she thought to herself. As her aunt Sophie would say, “A fine kettle of gifilte fish!” But it couldn't be helped. Her date for the society bash at the Metropolitan Museum, philanthropist Martin Eisenberg was delayed in London. ...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 38

Eddie, Brad, Kathy and I sat in the cockpit and tried to decide if we wanted to go watch the sunset. "I guess we could go see the sunset, or we could go for a swim," Brad said. "What do you want to do, Little-bit?" I giggled, winked at Brad and lifted my skirt so he, and Eddie and Kathy, could see my panties. Kathy laughed, lifted her skirt and said, "That's what I want to do too." We put the chairs away, went into the saloon and sat on one of the settees. Eddie turned on the stereo...

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Raji 8211 The Lust Queen Of Rajiv 8211 Part 1

Hi guys! This is Rajiv(name changed for privacy). This is my first story in Indian sex stories, so please do comment or mail me your feedback which will be helpful for me in near future updates. This story is all about how my aunt turned to be my lust queen. I am basically from south of Tamil Nadu and currently staying in Chennai doing my final year PG. The incident I am about narrate happened 3 years back when I was doing my 2nd year in UG. To say about myself I’m quite good looking and was...

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Horny Honeymoon Part 2

Normally Ann and I don't get this wild as we did on the island, but when you are on your honeymoon, a long way from home, you can do as you feel, and we were relaxed and HORNY! Wanting a baby too. So we decided to just do as we feel. After being with another couple and having simultaneous orgasms in the ocean in front of the beach bums, we weren't embarassed at the idea anymore and found that our exitement can turn others on in their sex too. Its really when we opened up to just fucking each...

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The Absent HeroChapter 6 Carl

Damn, I thought I was home free. There had been nothing mentioned about the accident for the first few days after we got back from Florida, nothing in the papers, radio or the newscasts that I saw. That is until today. The Westfield Sentinel had a front page story about the accident along with a mention of a reward being offered to the person who saved the Westfield Academy's Girl's Basketball team. The reward was about $25,000.00 which the school, the insurance company and even some of the...

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Bon Appetit Ch1

I sat outside the office with the internet ad in my hand. I was thinking about how I found myself here today and what would happen next. The ad read “ Looking for lactating women or those that want to lactate. Good pay and flexible hours.” I had found the ad while searching for information about lactation. First off I am not married and I don't have kids, but I have this burning desire to have my breasts filled with milk and then emptied. I'm 24 and fresh out of college. My...

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Shadowsblade Some things should not beTaken

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...

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Pic Swap Ch2

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F slaves 100 fiction

Hi everyone!! I’m PRINCE serving in Indian Army, 36yrs old and happily married for 6yrs. I had sexual relationships with some women before marriage and a few after marriages. But I’ll write about them later, now let’s go back in time when it all started. It all started when I was about 21 and returned home in Hyderabad after completing my engineering from Bangalore. My family consisted of my parents and me. But an year ago my mother got transferred to Guntur and was promoted to chief manager of...

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PART – 36 HE, ME AND NEETA We had been out at a party, where we met Neeta (My lesbian sex fuck partner about whom my husband knows everything because I told him everything) I does not hide anything from my husband and I strongly believe that truth makes life very very happy and enjoyable. The host of the party was one of my husband's friends and indecently he was a client of Neeta's boss and Neeta was instructed by her boss to attend the party on his behalf. It was late when party...

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My Girlfriend

I started dating my girlfriend in Junior year and she came from a very respectful family.She told me she wouldn't have sex with me until we are married if it gets that far.We are both 18 now and have graduated, she is taking 6 months to travel across Asia and Africa while I am working to save up so we could get our own place.My girlfriend is a petite girl and I am a small guy so we match very well together. She is one of those perfect picturesque angelic white girls, 4''11 tall, 90lbs, a nose...

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How i made my daughter my lover

My name is Anthony and I’m 33 years old. I have a heavy build but a rather large cock. Never had any problems getting the girls I wanted, the only issue was managing to keep them, My daughter Sage, she has just turned 12 and is a spitting image of her mother whem she was that age. Slim build with nice curves. First signs of tits slowly starting to show through and still having that baby fat on her face, Long brown hair and green eyes. This is the story of how my daughter and I ended up as...

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The Academy Part 6 All This Time

I spent 3 months blending in. The advanced part of the Academy was nonstop work. I thought it would be a heavy dose of feminimity and teaching you to accept this self they created for you but once you walked through that door they had a completely different agenda. It became apparent that Noone was supposed to get into this part without completely accepting this new persona. And here I was doing just that. The slightest slip could spell disaster so I had to bide my time and just fit in....

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On the Edge of Forever Part 1

Once know as the best city in the world. San Marcye had it all. A great beach, 2-time World Series Champions, held the Olympics and the World’s Fair. Barely no murders, suicides, or even petty car thefts and no fires. So there was need to have over 200 officers on the police and fire department. On June, Friday the 9th, 2000, the day all of it changed. That day a child was born. At the same time of his birth, a total eclipse happened. The city went into a solar darkness. And it’s been twenty...

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Thailand part 3

I woke up sitting on the couch, feeling like shit, my arse ring was sore and my cock was stuck to my belly with dried cum. (read part 2 to find out why). I looked around and saw the carnage from the night before. Sitting opposite in a chair was my mates wife, naked legs open and her cunt lips open and red from the pounding it had from the lady boi cocks. my mate was snoring next to me (a complaint his wife sited in the divorce papers) also naked.The room was as hot as hell and I was sweating...

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Saras Awakening Part 4

This first paragraph starts with Sara still in her bed remembering the last few weeks. After that it jumps back to her in their present timeThe next few weeks brought much of the same. During the week she went to school but on the weekends she waited for daddy to go to work so she could continue learning about sex. She studied the videos and read forums. She was learning fast how to make a man cum and was desperate to try it out for real but the only man she wanted was her father. *Sara opened...

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Finding BathshebaChapter 18

A quiet knock on the door woke Brianna from her fitful slumber. She opened her eyes as her mother opened the door. Light streamed in through her blinds, so she knew it was morning. "Brianna, there's a man on the phone for you," she said. Brianna just looked at her. "Jack?" Brianna jumped out of bed and ran across the hall to her parent's room to grab the phone. In the background she could hear her dad in the shower. He was singing some weird freedom rock song, as usual. "Hold on,...

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My Brothers Porn Addiction 5 Part 2 Daring Siblings

"Oh, Joe, no, don't be mad," Tricia fretted, moving around.I got off her, and she rushed to him. "This is exactly what it looks like, but please don't be mad," she said, taking his hands in hers. "I just thought you might like to see me with your sister, that's all.""What, why?" he asked, looking at me.I just gave him a 'Sorry' like face, but then she came to me and yanked me up on my feet with her, but he played it right and covered his face.She immediately brought it down, though. "You don't...

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Musings From

I remember when I first woke up and saw him – my Master. Awkward hands rubbed me. I was not sure what to do with these new feelings awakened by Master, but I quickly learned. I am not going to lie; he was a little rough at first, and rarely let me sleep.Now, I love his long strokes up and down me, and that mind-blowing release at the end is second to none. We have grown very close. He knows when I need his touches and when I need to rest for a while.Master becomes pretty demanding as the years...

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Hot Nymph Next DoorChapter 10

The following Saturday morning, when Adrian met Alex at the motel, she suggested that they go back to her house to fuck. Her husband had mentioned something about going boating with some friends, and Adrian thought how much fun it would be to spend the whole day in bed with Alex while Ray was gone. Alone in the house, she could serve snacks in bed between fuck sessions. "Are you sure he won't be home?" asked Alex. "I'm positive," she answered. "And with your wife gone with Dee and...

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From Japan to San Fran

I am wondering if a few of my readers are Anime fans. If so, they might see a nod & a wink towards the names of some popular characters from a few series. It is purely intentional and a great big ‘Chi’ to all of you who enjoy this work. For those who aren’t fans, don’t worry – you’re not missing anything that will detract from your enjoyment of the story. ~~BrettJ For the first time in 2 years, Hideki Motosuwa woke up in a room that was not his private room in ‘the facility’ or a room he...

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Cold Cocked

It has become so much more complex. She didn’t expect the process of transformation to be so difficult. No, she is not a she anymore. No longer does the name Victoria hold any meaning. She is now a he, a colbold named Victor. The transformation is one of the latest crazes to take the world by storm. It is a long, almost grueling process that requires an expensive lawyer. That lawyer now lays comatose on the bed across the room. Victor owes it all to the man. He catches sight of his naked body...

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2 It Is Not Cheating if You WatchChapter 3

“Pubezilla! Pubezilla!” Betty and her daughters began to chant. I was wholly mortified because they clearly meant my hairy bush. A thick patch of my brown curly pubic hair was sticking out of the triangle in my punishment panties. The chatroom had seen me run out of the room and wondered who I was. The regulars in the room had named me Pubezilla because I clearly had a hairy pussy, and that was all they knew about me. “I don’t want to be known as that,” I said with a frown. “Then you’ll...

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ExxxtraSmall Berlyn Toy Tiny Black Thottie With A Body

Berlyn Toy has a lot of energy. Its like somebody put a battery in her back and flipped the on switch. She hops around in fishnets and kitty ears as she strips down, showing us her cute petite titties and bouncy black ass. As soon as she gets naked, she starts yelling that she is ready to fuck right now. Who could deny this cutie? Our stud shows up and is ready to fulfill her every desire. She takes his pipe down to the source, demonstrating that black girl head always has been and always will...

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Dear Diary Today I Caught My Son Spanking His MonkeyChapter 2

I was satisfied once my son’s bottom was a bright and rosy pink, and he was quaking and shivering after the spanking I gave him. My daughter stood next to him. Her panties and shorts were around her ankles, and her well-padded behind was offered up to me submissively. I couldn’t see between her slightly parted butt cheeks the way I could Michael’s pert little ass. Courtney had a perfect bubble butt just like mine. She has curly blonde hair, but in many ways, we look very similar in the...

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Bradly Sibling Love

"And send," I said, before setting my phone down. "Sis, what are you doing?" "Just texting mom and dad, now we're going to be alone all night long," I replied, before opening my top dresser drawer. "Do you think this box will be enough?" I pondered, grabbing it. "Holy shit, is that a box of fifty?" "Well, minus one now," I answered, bringing one out. I made my way to him, but then I lowered myself to my knees. "Lean up to me." He quickly followed me and kissed me. Then I blindly...

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Free Use part 1 rewritten

Danny was a junior researcher for an organization that studied the strange and unnatural things in the world. Danny was assigned to help study a rift in reality located in a cave in the Appalachian Mountains in the United States. The rift led to different worlds, but which world someone was sent to was random chance. One was a world that looked very steampunk. Another was one where aliens had visited earth long ago and advanced human technology. Still another was one where humans had more...

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A Peril at IshtarChapter 17 A Bit of Play

Bethany looked every bit the teacher, even down to a pair of completely unnecessary glasses and as I entered started berating Meiko. "I can't believe students these days," she began. "You show no respect for the rules and conditions of this school. And that outfit! It's indecent. Skirts are supposed to touch the floor when you are on your knees. Does your skirt touch the floor?" "No, Miss Bethany," Meiko said quietly. I might have rushed in, but Bethany winked at me before...

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SRU Ultimate Nightmare

Note: As always, The SRU universe and related Intellectual Property are copyrighted to Bill Hart. Thanks to Bill for creating this wide and grand universe. This story may be Archived on any free site. Further Note: This tale is the continuation of 'SRU: Ultimate Sacrifice'. It takes many twists and bends. This Story is Extremely Twisted. So be forewarned! I'd like to hear your reactions. Thanks again for reading and feel free to comment. I'm just a beginning writer, so please take...

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Pooja Ko College Mein Choda

Hi girls and boys. I am Jimmy. Main Delhi mein rehta hu. Ye story real hai aur meri college girlfriend ki hai, jiska naam Pooja hai. Pooja ek hot ladki hai. Class mein sab usko chodna chahte the. Par bas main hi ye kar paaya. Pooja age mein mujhse ek saal badi hai. Uska rang gora Pooja ki chuchiya (boobs) aur gand dono hi mast hai. Kisi ka bhi dekh kar khada ho jaaye. Let me come on the story. Ye start hoti hai mere birthday se. Us din class mein main aur Pooja jaldi aa gaye the. Pooja :- Happy...

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NubileFilms Kiara Cole This Beautiful Passion

Backing Kiara Cole into a wall, Zachary Wild puts his big hand around her small neck to let her know without a doubt who’s in charge. Kiara is fully willing as she stares into Zachary’s eyes and bites her lip in an enticing invitation. Hefting Kiara’s small body into his arms, Zachary relocates them to the bedroom where he peppers Kiara’s face and upper body with kisses as she removes her bra. Laying Kiara down on the bed with pure reverence, Zachary continues to put his...

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Second That EmotionChapter 11

Lt. Bakr talked for over an hour, explaining where our Intel people figured would be the best place to make the SnG, what time would be best to take him, how many and what kinds of Iraqi units would be in the area, how we were going to get there and get back out, what we should pack, our radio call signs and frequencies, and the emergency pick up points if we were forced to deviate from the schedule. I listened and made suggestions if I had any, took an occasional note, but otherwise let him...

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Hotel Main Mili Dream Girl

Hi I am sameer. It been 1 month I was away from sex. My wife is pregnant and I don’t want to disturb her. But i am so bore now. Want to fuck woman so eagarly.But unfortunately I can’t. Instead of going for call girl I would like for new hungry woman. A week ago my new woman desire come true. I was waiting in 3 star hotel of “western” for dinner. I was bore. Suddenly a couple came. A man of 30 year and his wife or girlfriend I don’t know. A man was looking business man. 5 feet 6″ and in suit....

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Paradise spa 2

He answered me by saying ," If you will follow me I'll show you to your room, unless you require something now?" Oh yeah buddy I definetly require something now, you naked on my bed or the floor, hell just naked is good, I was thinking but said" no, not yet" He smiled and walked ahead of us to our room. When Tony opened the door to our room I was literally speechless, I've lived in smaller houses. The room was really a big apartment, with two master bedrooms and bathrooms plus...

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making moms pussy mine

"Ladies and Gentlemen this is your pilot speaking, please remain in your seat and keep your seat belt on."Hearing these words made my cock swell so fast my head began to throb. My breathing turned to a soft pant as she buried her face under my arm. My left hand held the back of her neck so she remained blinded from the bulging cock less then a foot from her gasping mouth. If all goes as planned she will be in dreamland strapped down in her seat." please remain buckeled in your seats as we will...

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Technical Virgin

Nancy described herself as a virgin. When pressed or called on it by her friends who knew better, she’d admit that she was a ‘technical virgin.’ When pressed further for a definition of the term, she’d admit that she’d never had vaginal intercourse. ‘You know, I’ve only done oral and anal,’ she’d say. ‘I’m saving my cherry for my husband. Because that’s what it says in the Bible.’ Nancy was a devout Christian, raised from childhood as a Lutheran by her devout, God-Fearing parents in...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 54 Hustled

December 21, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” I said. “Afraid you’ll lose?” Violet asked. No, I thought, I wasn’t afraid of losing at all. In fact, I was sure that win or lose, I’d win, from a certain perspective. “No, that’s not it...” I started. “Then let’s play!” “Are you sure?” She nodded, “I can’t think of a more fun way to celebrate my birthday!” I could, and I was sure that what I was thinking was exactly what she was thinking, and she was just...

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Bill was one of eighteen c***dren and he also wanted a big f****y. He met the right girl and she would give him all the c***dren he wanted. He kept her knocked up as it seemed every time he poked his cock in she was knocked up. She had her babies close together and now in the sixth month she had to quit having sex which was hard for Bill as he was used to fucking her every night. But luck was on his side and as he sat in a coffee shop a young sexy big titted girl walked in and sat down across...

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A Hair Raising Story

A Hair Raising Story A drabble by Jezzi Belle Stewart A boy with hair Way down to there Involved in sibling rivalry, Bets his sister the jock She can have his long locks If she beats him at indian wrestling. He takes up her wager Not realizing his danger For she's stronger and ever so cunning. Hair swept up in curls Combs of rhinestones and perals She's sure "He'll look cute and so stunning." She wins. She grins. Like a cat that's seen a canary. He...

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B7 Chapter 12 Epilog The Island

Chapter 12: Epilog - The IslandDee Dee was in her quarters, placing an on-line order for a replacement door for her lab, when the phone rang. It was Jordan, and she was with Summer. Either one of them had finally checked a computer and gotten the message, or someone had seen it, and relayed it to her and Summer. Dee Dee tried not to berate them too much over the phone, and had them promise to come to her quarters right away. Dee Dee was still attending to details on her computer, when...

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Story of a bored poet and a fed up medico

Well, the story I’m narrating happened a couple of years back in the chilly winters of November 2018. Bored out of nowhere, I was trying my best to get a girlfriend or any decent girl to be friends with. So I matched with this beauty one better evening with specs on a dating app. Soon after matching, we started chatting. She was bored, too, living the hostel life. After two weeks of continuous chatting and calls, we finally decided to meet. We had to get free from our busy schedule. To mention...

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The Island Part One

Please guys. This is not a erotic one YET and would be boring to those who want a quick jerk. Please rate and comment on the story if you liked it. Also... English is not my first language. The Island Part One Chapter One It was a cool windless night on the Moricana cruise ship. I was sitting on the deck at the back looking at the stars, thousands of them, twinkling back at me like millions of diamonds. I could barely believe I have been on this ship for over a week now...

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Mom Helped Son with his Imaginary Sexual Problem

"Come on. Arnie. What is really bothering you? Tell me. I'm sure mom can help." "Not this time, mom. It's really ambarassing" "It is sexual, isn't it? Remember? I am the one who gave you your first lesson in sex" "I think I am suffering from pre-mature ejaculation." "Really? How did you know?" "I found out during my masturbations." "When did you start masturbating? You should have told me about it. A mother would love to know about such thing." "I watched porn with...

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As Day Follows Night Pt 01

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The Coffeehouse Quintet Book 30 Mother Knows Best

Lilly sat in her seat and ignored everything around her. She ignored her cold, untouched cup of coffee. She ignored background chatter as well as the arguing couple by the windows. She ignored the fake titted slut masturbating in her seat. She even ignored it when some guy with a giant penis started fucking the slut on the table. The text that she received from her daughter dominated Lilly's world. You're too old. You don't understand. You couldn't even face the decisions I have to make...

3 years ago
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Tales Of Janmabhoomi Express

Hello readers, this is BOBBY from vizag. I’m 24, working in a private firm in Vizag itself. Aunties & Gals around vizag can mail me here Let me start the story. Before happened to me I thought that making sex with a stranger who met in train is jus a dream.. But it happened in real to me.. It was the month of December 2013, completed my graduation. Then our classmates planned to attend the marriage of my Friends brother. The venue is near Kakinada, we all gathered & attended the marriage...

2 years ago
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Accidents Will Happen The Rehearsal

Accidents Will Happen, The RehearsalBy Maximillian Excaliber""What are you doing?" I asked Jenny, who was now moving her body back and forth against my naked body as I knelt behind her, with my hands holding onto her hips. "Rehearsing Tom, just rehearsing!" she replied.PreludeEarlier that day Jenny, my best friend, and I had been on the set of a movie we were to act in, for one of those cable premium subscription channels. It was one of those "NA" rated movies that they show only at night. In...

Straight Sex
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Becoming Sarah Part 12

I tried to write this a while ago, but I just wasn't in the right "sissy mind" so apologies for the delay!----------------------------------------Downstairs in the dungeon Adam prepared some outfits for me to try on, and the next hours were spent posing for photos in them. Some were quite tame, the sort you could get away with wearing in public, and others were tight fitting latex or bondage restraints. Some seductive, some just pure fetishwear. Just as we were wrapping up our photo shoot...

3 years ago
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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 44

8PHE0044 word count 3732 ******** Day 44, Wednesday The morning passed as many others. Feed the baby. Run to the gym. Run back. Feed the baby. Pump milk for the baby. Get dressed as a Debbie. At least Joi fixed breakfast and coffee today. And - Nine-Dot be praised! - Joi cleaned up after herself in the kitchen. Marion came down from her room long enough to eat breakfast. She dropped a basket of laundry in the kitchen and asked Chastity how much she charged to do...

2 years ago
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Candy is always good when you share her

Introduction: Another threesome with Candy, per request of a friend. As you tilt your head back to finish the rest of your beer, you notice the dark sky above is scattered with stars. They are kind-of hard to see through the rising steam coming from the hot water bubbling around you. Candys giggle brings your head back down and you notice she is holding a fresh opened beer out to you. Smiling at her, you take the cold bottle, with beads of water dripping down the sides, and hand her the empty...

1 year ago
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my mothers lovers

My mom and I had just moved in with Greg, my soon to be stepfather. He was a rich lawyer and his house was huge and luxurious. I was happy that my mother was marrying Greg because I really liked the guy. He was a very handsome man who really took care of himself. At age forty he looked at least ten years younger and had a very muscular and well-trimmed body. Unlike the majority of my mother's previous love interests Greg was down to earth and genuinely nice to me. My mother was an extremely...

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