L'?ducation De Dominique 4 free porn video

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Le dimanche, ? 14 heures, je sonnais ? la porte de la demeure de Marie. Quelques secondes plus tard, ce f?t sa maman qui m'ouvrit, troubl? voire g?n?, je bredouillai un bonjour et je p?n?trai dans la maison. Elle m'invita ? me d?barrasser et elle constata que je ne portais pas d'entraves. Contrari?e en me voyant ainsi, elle m'indiqua que Marie arrivait, elle finissait de se pr?parer, je la suivis au salon et elle se dirigea vers un secr?taire, ouvrit un tiroir et revint vers moi avec une paire de menottes. N'osant rien dire, je me retournai et mit mes mains dans mon dos, elle me passa les menottes et ensuite, me montra le canap? afin que je m'y assoie. Estelle s'installa dans un fauteuil en face de moi et reprit sa lecture. Que les minutes me parurent longues, je n'osai pas dire un mot et ce n'est qu'au bout de 10 minutes que Marie arriva. Enjou?e, elle me donna un bisou furtif, je vois que Maman t'a mis ? l'aise pour patienter. Elle m'enjoignit de la suivre, je me levai donc et nous nous sommes rendus dans sa chambre. Arriv?s dans celle-ci, elle m'embrasse langoureusement et me jette sur le lit, me prodigue des caresses et des baisers qui me mette dans un ?tat ou ? nouveau bonheur et frustration se m?lange. Ces moments rares sont privil?gi?s et ? chaque fois, plus profond, et finalement habilement, me mettent en ?tat de d?pendance vis- ?-vis d'elle. Au bout d'un long moment, apr?s un long baiser, elle s'arr?te et vient se lover dans le creux de mon ?paule, nous profitons de ces instants de bonheur en silence. Finalement, elle rompt le silence en me disant qu'elle m'aime. Elle se redresse, me regarde dans les yeux et me demande si je souhaite que son bonheur soit complet. Evidemment, lui r?pondis-je. Alors dit-elle, sure de son fait, tu ne verras aucuns inconv?nients ? suivre mes diff?rentes recommandations. Comme convenu avec ta famille, tu vas porter un corset plus souvent, des longs ou des courts, en fonction de tes activit?s. Je me suis d'ailleurs permise de t'acheter un corset victorien que j'aimerais que tu essaies. Joignant le geste ? la parole, elle m'aide ? me relever, m'?te mes menottes, me demande d'?ter mon chemisier et ma jupe pendant qu'elle sort de sa garde robe, ledit corset. Celui-ci est noir, long et elle s'empresse de me l'enfiler, elle commence le la?age et elle me demande de rentrer mon petit ventre et plus le serrage continue, plus je sens la rigidit? du corset qui m'oblige ? avoir le tronc droit. Elle termine enfin et elle me demande mon opinion, je lui avoue que je trouve cela tr?s contraignant. Elle prend alors une mine d?faite pour me dire que comme tous les hommes, je ne suis jamais satisfait alors que l'on s'occupe de leurs personnes. Elle me regarde alors en me demandant si je ne voulais pas faire un effort pour elle. Je n'osai, ?videmment, pas dire non. Je me rhabille et elle vient alors avec un corset de nuque m?dical et, en me le passant, me dit, cela t'aidera ? avoir une tenue droite, alti?re. J'en ai command? de plus ?l?gant sur internet, ils doivent arriver tr?s bient?t. Cela fait, elle me replace mes menottes aux poignets et en profite, pour m'en placer aux chevilles et la cha?ne qui les relient n'exc?de pas 20 cm. Elle termine en pla?ant un ba?llon boule blanc et la boule de celui-ci est la plus imposante que j'ai eu ? porter jusqu'? maintenant, elle le place d'ailleurs avec une certaine difficult? et ferme la sangle de mani?re tr?s ?troite. Voil? dit-elle, comme je souhaite ?voquer certaines choses avec et que je ne souhaite pas que tu m'interrompes, je pense que c'est mieux ainsi. Elle me demanda si je me rendais compte du mal que je lui faisais quand je m'int?ressais ? d'autres filles qu'elle. J'hochais la t?te n?gativement, elle continua en disant qu'elle s'en doutait et que donc, dor?navant, je ne devais plus parler ? une autre fille que pour une n?cessit? scolaire et que donc, le ba?llon journal est toujours d'application et qu'elle veillerait ? ne plus avoir d'?cart de ma part sinon elle prendrait d'autres mesures. Par ailleurs, pour les repas et autres boissons, vu que je n'aurai plus d'argent du tout, cela s'effectuera avec elle sous sa supervision car elle souhaitait que je retrouve une ligne. Pour tes arriv?es et tes d?parts de l'?cole, tu dois les effectuer avec moi, ta maman et tes s?urs y tiennent aussi. Me suis-je bien faite comprendre?? J'hochais positivement la t?te. Son visage s'illumina et elle me fit un bisou sur la joue. Bien maintenant, dit-elle, nous allons rejoindre Maman au salon pour parler du stage que nous devons effectuer en soci?t? durant le dernier trimestre de l'ann?e. Je te prie de l'?couter sans l'interrompre car elle n'aime pas l'?tre quand elle parle travail. Je la suivis donc au salon tant bien que mal car mon corset et mes entraves ne me facilitaient pas la t?che pour descendre les escaliers. A notre arriv?e, elle leva la t?te, interrompit sa lecture et f?licita sa fille tant pour ma tenue que pour mon allure. Je ne pus m'emp?cher de rougir. Nous nous install?mes dans le canap? face ? elle. Estelle reprit, Marie m'a appris que vous deviez effectuer un stage de 15 jours en entreprise cette ann?e. Tu n'es pas sans savoir que je suis la directrice d'une soci?t? et que, donc ne pouvant prendre ma fille comme stagiaire, j'accepte de te prendre pour ce stage. Tu l'effectueras dans mon secr?tariat direct ce qui signifie que tu travailleras pour moi et tu effectueras les t?ches que ma collaboratrice t'assignera. C'est elle qui te supervisera et tu devras lui ob?ir comme si c'?tait moi qui te donnais ton travail. Je l'ai mise au courant de certaines particularit?s quant ? la mani?re de te g?rer. La connaissant depuis plus de vingt ans, elle m'a assur? qu'elle veillerait sur toi et qu'elle ferait le n?cessaire pour suivre mes recommandations et celles de Marie comme de ta maman pour ton suivi. Mais afin de respecter un certain protocole, tu feras parvenir au si?ge de la soci?t? ta lettre de candidature dans les plus brefs d?lais. Maintenant que nous en avons finis avec ceci, nous allons prendre une collation. Marie m'?ta mon ba?llon et mes menottes mais les refixa imm?diatement avec mes mains devant. Le temps de faire travailler mes m?choires douloureuses, je remerciai Estelle de me prendre dans sa soci?t? pour le stage et que je m'efforcerai de faire du mieux possible. Elle m'interrompit s?chement en me disant s'efforcer pour elle, n'?tait pas suffisant. Voyant sa r?action, je ne dis plus un mot. Nous sommes alors pass?s dans la salle ? manger pour prendre le th? ainsi qu'un petit g?teau. Marie dit alors, tu as de la chance que nous sommes dimanche car pour ton r?gime, le g?teau est ? proscrire mais bon, pour une fois, ce n'?tait pas trop grave. Il allait ?tre temps de prendre cong?, Marie me retira mes menottes aux chevilles. Je me levai, saluai Estelle et dans le hall Marie m'embrassa longuement. Elle me mit ma cape et, juste apr?s, m'enfourna trois double feuille du journal qui m'attendait dans le hall. A peine avait- elle finit que la sonnerie retentit. Marie et Anne ?chang?rent quelques mots et nous rentr?mes ? la maison. Le lendemain, ? l'?cole, plus que jamais Marie ne me laissait aucun r?pit hors des cours. Rien ne lui ?chappait et finalement, au lieu d'en ?tre accabl?, je ressentais de la fiert? car elle faisait tout cela pour moi. La semaine qui suivit, le vendredi, il devait y avoir un travail de groupe. Le professeur, au lieu de laisser les groupes se former naturellement, les imposa. Je me retrouvai donc dans un groupe sans Marie et cela ne lui plaisait pas du tout. Libre d'elle, je m'amusai donc avec les autres filles de mon groupe et, nous avons beaucoup rit. A la fin de la journ?e, au lieu de m'embrasser, elle me mit quatre feuilles de journal, cela distendait mes joues et elle me raccompagna ? la voiture de Beth. Quand je fus assis, elle retira son foulard, fit un n?ud en son milieu et s'en servit pour me baillonner tr?s s?v?rement par-dessus la boule de journal. Elle dit ? Beth, il a trop parl? aujourd'hui et j'aimerais qu'il le garde jusqu'au souper si possible. Pas de probl?mes, r?pondit-elle et si tu le souhaites, je peux le baillonner ? nouveau apr?s. Oui, ce serait gentil, merci et de toute fa?on, dimanche, je mettrai d?finitivement les choses au point. Elle partit sans m?me se retourner sur moi. Beth se contenta de dire, tu as d? certainement passer les bornes pour qu'elle soit aussi en col?re. Le dimanche, ? peine entr?, Marie me menotta s?v?rement, me pla?a le gros b?illon boule blanc et c'est avec difficult? que je la suivis jusqu'? sa chambre. Elle s'assit sur sa chaise de bureau et comme, il n'y avait pas d'autres si?ges, je restai debout en face d'elle. Elle me demanda si je le faisais expr?s pour l'?nerver car vendredi, j'avais r?ellement outrepass? le code de bonne conduite que je m'?tais engag? ? respecter. Ne sachant r?pondre, je ne pouvais que fuir son regard, ce qu'elle ne manqua de me dire. Elle se leva, me pla?a le corset de nuque ainsi que des ?ill?res. Voil?, dit-elle et je t'interdis de baisser les paupi?res. Elle continua en disant que je ne changerais jamais et que donc, elle allait ?tre encore plus s?v?re maintenant car finalement, c'est ce que je cherche. La prochaine fois, que je transgresserais les r?gles, elle me placerait, une journ?e compl?te en isolation sensorielle afin que je puisse m?diter. La regardant d'un air interrogateur, pour que tu comprennes mieux, priv? de tous tes sens. J'ai commenc? a bien me documenter et ? commander les accessoires pour y arriver donc, mena?a-t-elle, ne me mets pas au d?fi car tu pourrais le regretter. J'en ai parl? longuement hier au t?l?phone avec ta maman et ensuite, avec ma maman, car on envisage pour les prochains cong?s que tu suives un stage avec une pr?ceptrice th?rapeute afin de t'inculquer correctement tout cela. Cela se passerait ? une centaine de kilom?tre d'ici dans sa r?sidence afin de t'immerger compl?tement dans ce stage et, elle aurait, toute latitude afin d'arriver ? des r?sultats concrets. Le stage devrait durer une dizaine de jours. Etant initiatrice du projet et par amour, maman le financera int?gralement. J'en ai assez que l'on se dispute pour les b?tises que tu fais, j'aimerais que nous soyons heureux et que tu ?coutes. Tu n'es pas d'accord?? Un peu abasourdi par ce que je venais d'entendre, mais dans l'incapacit? de r?pondre ou de me rebeller et dans, je dois l'admettre, l'envie de ne pas la perdre, j'acquies?ai de la t?te. Elle en profita pour resserrer d'un cran le corset de nuque. Vu que cela se d?roulera durant les cong?s de P?ques et donc, proche des examens. Nous allons nous atteler, avant ceux-ci que tu aies revu tes cours car, il faut que tu r?ussisses ton ann?e. Elle m'enleva enfin mon ba?llon, m'assit sur le lit et m'embrassa goulument. A chaque fois, ces baisers me chamboulaient et j'oubliais tout le reste car l'amour est plus fort que tout. Pour une fois, elle m'enleva mes menottes aux poignets et je pus la caresser mais, quand je devins trop entreprenant, elle me stoppa net. Elle se leva, alla ? sa garde robe, et me dit, j'aimerais que tu essaies ceci. C'?tait une camisole de force, je n'en avais jamais vue qu'en photos. Je suis persuad?e que ce serait plus confortable pour toi que de mettre tout le temps des menottes et t'?viterait de faire n'importe quoi. Elle me l'enfila, pla?a les lani?res et serra fortement les manches. Quand elle eut fini de la placer, je ne pus que constater son efficacit? mais le confort de la position rendait celle-ci agr?able. Par ailleurs, le mod?le choisit ?tait ?l?gant malgr? le fait qu'il ?tait en cuir noir. Elle me demanda mon avis sur elle et je lui restituai mon opinion et je la vis sourire de contentement, si bien qu'elle me sauta au cou pour m'embrasser. Elle me dit alors qu'elle m'aimait et qu'elle voudrait vivre avec moi. J'?tais heureux d'entendre de si gentilles choses m?me si je me rendais compte que j'avais de moins en moins de libert?. Je lui dis alors que j'avais peur. Surprise, elle fit un pas en arri?re et me regarda interloqu?e. Je repris en lui disant mes inqui?tudes sur le stage, sur la diminution de mes libert?s. L?, sa r?action me prit au d?pourvu, elle se mit ? pleurer ? chaudes larmes car elle ne comprenait pas pourquoi, j'avais toutes ces inqui?tudes car tout ce qu'elle faisait, c'?tait par amour. Je ne savais que dire car ces larmes ?tant si spontan?es et si sinc?res, que je lui demandai alors de m'excuser. Elle continua en me disant que le stage n'?tait l? que pour m'aider ? vaincre les derni?res barri?res psychologiques, m?me inconscientes, qui pouvaient subsister dans l'acceptation de tout cela et donc, que je puisse vivre heureux sans arri?re-pens?es. Devant toutes ces explications, ?motions, je r?it?rai mes excuses et lui demandai d'oublier ce que je venais de dire et que j'acceptai tout car tout ?tait fait par amour. Sur ce, elle me donna un bisou pris le ba?llon boule blanc, me le pla?a et serra plus fort que d'habitude les lani?res. Elle me dit, je dois passer un coup de t?l?phone important d'ordre priv? et donc, je vais te placer un casque qui va te priver de l'ou?e pendant celui-ci, la seule chose que j'ignore c'est son efficacit? donc avant, je vais te placer des boules quies. Elle prit un casque qui ressemblait ? un casque d'?coute st?r?o et me le pla?a sur les oreilles. Les deux ?l?ments mis ensemble, j'?tais devenu totalement sourd, plus aucun son ne me parvenait. Je me rendis compte alors oh comment j'?tais r?duit ? l'impuissance. Si je faisais l'inventaire, je portais?: un corset, un corset de nuque, une camisole de force, des ?ill?res, un ba?llon, des boules quies et des menottes aux chevilles. En somme, ? part l'odorat et la vue (partiellement), je n'avais plus le contr?le de rien. Pendant ce temps, Marie ?tait en grande conversation et j'essayai d'imaginer avec qui elle pouvait avoir cette conversation si anim?e. Au bout d'une demi-heure, elle raccrocha et me sembla bien pensive, assise derri?re son bureau. Elle fut sortie de ses pens?es par l'arriv?e de sa maman. Elles discut?rent un peu, sans jamais se soucier de ma pr?sence. Ce n'est qu'apr?s la sortie de sa maman, qu'elle vint m'?ter mon casque, les boules quies et le ba?llon. Elle me dit, tu dois comprendre que pour certaines choses, je doive faire cela car cela reste priv? mais c'est aussi pour ton bien car je g?re aussi notre avenir. Je n'osai pas poser de questions et elle m'emmena au salon pour retrouver Estelle, sa maman. Je la saluai et celle-ci me complimenta pour ma tenue qu'elle trouvait ?l?gante m?me avec une camisole. Nous avons bien re?u ta candidature pour le stage et, vu que tu travailleras directement avec elle, ma secr?taire te recevra pour une entrevue d'ici une quinzaine de jours. Tout ceci rel?ve de la proc?dure normale pour les stages. Je veux que tu donnes le meilleur de toi ce jour l?. Tu recevras un courrier en temps utile. Nous nous retir?mes ensuite dans la chambre de Marie pour r?viser le cours de fran?ais car le lendemain, il y avait une importante ?preuve. Le temps passa si vite que nous en avions oubli? le go?ter et, maintenant, qu'il ?tait temps de partir, Marie m'?ta la camisole, les ?ill?res et les menottes. Apr?s m'avoir rattach? solidement les mains et les coudes dans le dos, elle me dit que je lui avais fait beaucoup de peine aujourd'hui. Elle me donna un doux baiser et m'enfourna trois feuilles de journal dans la bouche et elle scella mes l?vres avec une bande de tape transparent. Elle me reconduisit ? la voiture d'Anne et c'est le c?ur gros que je repartis ce jour l?. Durant la semaine, je fis le maximum pour ne pas d?roger au code Marie et, j'esp?rais ainsi pouvoir ?chapper au stage de P?ques. Je ne la vis du week-end et le lundi, Marie ?tait absente de l'?cole. J'?tais inquiet mais durant la journ?e, apr?s avoir ?t? ? l'?cart des autres, je ne pus m'emp?cher durant la pause de midi de me joindre ? un groupe. Le soir, Anne m'attendait ? la sortie, elle constata que je ne portais pas le ba?llon habituel et elle s'empressa de m'en placer un. Arriv? ? la maison, je demandai si quelqu'un avait des nouvelles de Marie. Ma maman me r?pondit oui et, tu devrais lui t?l?phoner de suite. Apr?s tu viendras m'en parler. Intrigu?, le c?ur serr?, je t?l?phonai donc ? Marie qui, je le compris directement au ton de sa voix, ?tait furieuse. En effet, elle me dit que l'on ne pouvait me faire confiance car d?s qu'elle n'?tait pas pr?sente, je reprenais mes travers et que donc, j'avais ??fanfaronn頻 avec d'autres filles une bonne partie de la journ?e. Je voulus protester, ouvre la messagerie de ton ordinateur, je m'ex?cutai et elle m'avait envoy? des photos de moi tout au long de la journ?e. Elle continua en me disant que je n'?tais qu'un menteur et que ma fausse attitude de la semaine derni?re ne l'avait pas tromp?e. Elle m'avait mis ? l'?preuve et j'avais ?chou?. Sa d?termination a m'envoy? au stage ?tait maintenant primordiale et elle en faisait une condition ? la suite de notre relation. Evidemment, je ne pouvais nier l'?vidence et je mettais fait pi?ger en beaut?, je n'avais plus qu'en assumer les cons?quences.

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Fifteen minutes later, Cassy was getting tired of waiting. She wondered what was up. Puzzled. Then Daddy came in, followed by Mommy. Cassy suddenly remembered that yesterday was the day she was the Boss, not today. But, she thought to herself, I’m gonna get a hundred bucks every time they want to fuck me. Cassy didn’t really need the money, or even especially wanted the money since she was happy to get fucked by Mommy or Daddy whenever they wanted, it was so fun. But… she just...

3 years ago
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Turn of the Counter

Turn of the Counter Sometimes we make our own fate The 2 large goons tossed me out of the back of the casino after a few kidney punches and relieving me of my winnings. "An ifs ya comes back agin we'll smash your kneecaps," the black goon said. When it comes to blackjack, and counting cards, I'm the best. I'm blacklisted from every casino, I thought that coloring my hair and hiding my scar with a Beard, would let me sneak into one of the smaller Atlantic...

3 years ago
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I moonlight as a gigolo pleasuring women in that age group so connecting with that group of women was very appealing to me. I kept asking my female clientele and network about the group but always drew a blank response. However, in due course a lady who introduced herself as Nancy over the phone asked me if I would like to be the ‘featured man’ (her words) for their next meeting. She explained that the women were all high profile people in business and government, all were single, all were...

2 years ago
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Sent For A Spanking III

The wife continues the tale.“How is your bottom after your punishment yesterday?” I asked my husband after breakfast on Saturday morning.“It is very sore,” he complained.“Oh well, you only have yourself to blame. If you behave this week your next punishment will not be so bad. Could you also lend me your credit card as I want to order some punishment implements. Mistress sent me a great link to a website. I think we will also need a gag for you. You do get noisy under punishment, and we have to...

1 year ago
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Alura Jenson 6100 536000

Some countries exude a sexiness that others can't. There are many factors that determine a nation's ambient sexiness. Such things as language, music, dance, and, of course, genetics.FuckabilityIt would appear that Italy has all the ingredients, so it's no wonder they are known the world over as beautiful and passionate lovers. It's also no wonder that plenty of Italians are in adult entertainment.Can we take a second to talk about the accent? Fucking hell, it's sexy. There is nothing like...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Garbage Dump Gang Rape Part 3

It was 7 AM and Jessica had been abused with at least one of her holes filled for 12 hours straight. The men ready for the new day formed two lines one behind Jessica and the other towards her mouth. Jack stepped up to the bound beauty and pulled the two protruding objects from the holes. Both were mixed with cum from the night before and blood. He then removed her gag at which time she started screaming "someone help me please, please have mercy I won't tell anyone". As she continued...

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Across Eternity The Infinite Book 3 Chapter 12

After his bloody evening, Noah was in no rush to get out of the baths, and the fact that he had the room all to himself was a welcome serenity. Besides, he would soon be back to living on the road, where hot baths were few and far between. It was good to savor it while he could, as well as the feeling of a fresh uniform. He stopped by the mess hall and grabbed some bread and an apple, then returned to his dorm, having spent the last several hours lusting for the softness of his bed like an old...

4 years ago
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Dangerous Affairs Ch 04

Michael was gripping his cell phone so tight he could have snapped the damn thing in two. He was furious. He’d been waiting for two hours for them to go. First, that blond bitch had gotten there before him and now, these guys. ‘Who the hell were they?’ One thing he knew for sure, he didn’t like it one bit. He didn’t want anyone sniffing around what was his. Michael was getting restless, since he had done away with William, Leigh had distanced herself from him even more. However, He’d made sure...

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Revenge on Katelyn

Me: 18 years old. Hig school student. Short, spiky Black hair. Hard muscled body. Large pecs, biceps, and broad shoulders. 6 pack. 8 in long dick. 2 in around. 6'1" tall. I looked down at her sleeping form. Never before had I laid eyes on such a lust inspiring creature. She stole my breath away. It helped that she was completely naked. Katelyn. The girl of my dreams. The bitch who dumped me. Lay nude before me on her bed. I was going to teach her a lesson. That if you fucked with the...

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Doctor and Domina

April, 1982 ?Oh, Eldred! You are so clumsy!? The raven haired woman, sitting by the wall, shrieked at her son, as he fumbled a dessous, and his ballet partner fell back. As the woman scolded, all the other students in the class, mostly girls, and a few snickering boys, watched. Madame Fontaine looked irritatedly at young Eldred’s mother, who showed up at all of his lessons. True, the boy didn’t have a natural grace, but it was so annoying having her criticize him from the sidelines. ?Mrs....

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Hawaiian Retreat 8

As we approached the others, Marie saw my glass and said, "Ohh, that looks good. Can I try it?" Before I could answer, she snatched the glass from me and took a sip. She looked at me confused, then took another, bigger sip. "Is this a Shirley Temple?" I laughed and nodded. "Lord, you really are a good girl, aren't you?" She laughed as she passed my glass back to me. "Excuse me," a young woman in Hawaiian garb interrupted us. "Would you like a group picture taken?" "Yes!"...

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Life With sis Pt 8

With school and work, we didn't hardly have time to sleep. Mon through Fri we had school from 0800 until 1630. Then we worked at the restaurant Wed through Fri from 1730 until 2330. On Sat and Sun we worked from 1100 until 1800. In between all of that we had anywhere from two to three hours of study or homework and, oh yes, sleep time. We didn't have much of a social life, it was mostly just the two of us for 18 months.This is a typical day:I woke up first, I usually do, and went over to...

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Genetic Influences Final Installment

This is the final installment of Jack/Jaclyn's story. I'd like to thank those of you who have read it and given feedback. I hope that you enjoy these final two chapters. Chapter Six: Family Reunion So much had changed. So much had changed and yet so much had stayed the same. In almost any arena you cared to choose, I beat out 99.9 percent of the population. I was as attractive as a super model; I had sufficient athletic ability to rank internationally in almost any sport;...

4 years ago
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Too Lovely not to Fuck

It was a beautiful Sunday.It was Lovely’s day off.We had planned this “mission” for about 2 weeks.I waited for Lovely at the void deck where I parked my car.She had brought a new dress and I was waiting for her to show me.Few minutes later, she appeared in a white dress with black strips.Man~ the dress cladded on her body so nicely and revivied her nice cleavage and round ass.I was thinking to myself, I’m so going to bang this lady hard.She caught me staring and knew the thoughts in my mind.She...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 81 Husband and Wife and Wife

December, 15, 1985, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday morning, Jessica, Kara, and I had a quiet breakfast together just after 9:30am. All of us had slept in, and were feeling well rested, but excited not only for the day, but also for the night to come. We ate lightly - fruit, toast, juice, and tea. It was a cold day, but not bitterly so, with the temperature predicted to be in the mid-to-upper 20’s during the late afternoon. “Are either of you nervous?” Jessica asked. Kara and I both shook our...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Kenzie Reeves November 2022 Fantasy Of The Month

The November fantasy of the month is Kenzie Reeves, who looks hot as hell in her corset getup with high heels and stockings. Her pearl jewelry is the perfect compliment to her hot girl getup. Strutting into the dining room, Kenzie makes it clear that she’s happy to be on the table for Thanksgiving. She has created the perfect scene for seduction for Will Pounder when he gets home. Sitting him down at the table, Kenzie climbs into his lap. Grinding her hips back and forth, she makes sure...

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Aunt Peg 8211 Pulling a train

I was sitting in my living room one day in late April with three of my girlfriends; Janet, Diane, and Karen. It was late in the evening, and while it might not seem all that unusual for four girls to be spending an evening of talk together, it might seem so if I were to tell you that we were all completely nude. Our little group gets together like this at one of our homes about once a month, and it might tell you a bit more about it if I were to tell you that we were all Bisexual as well. Our...

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The Inn of the Perpetual HardOn

I couldn’t believe I won the drawing! I am one of those people who can honestly say that I never win anything. Well, I can’t say that anymore because last month I won an all expense paid weekend to a spa, that’s all I can tell you right now because I don’t want to spoil the story for you. Let me just tell you this, I had never been to a “spa” before and, well, if all spas are like this one, let me go every weekend! The best thing was that this place was way out of town, in fact it was a two and...

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Too Much LoveChapter 53

As glad as Kiki was to be done with her week in Tokyo, she found herself dreading the flight home. With dozens of commercial flights behind her and only one on Nick’s private jet, business class wasn’t much of a shock, but the difference between hanging out with a billionaire and just being a working model was clearly highlighted when she stepped into the metal tube full of strangers she would be spending the next half day with. By some cruel joke of technology and geography, she would leave...

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Tara 3 DogsChapter 7

Darcy and Blaze no sooner joined the others and they were under attack. Rollover seemed the main instigator of the rebellion. “This isn’t who we are, you are abominations. You are trying to change who we are as a people. The Gods designed us to be the way we are, but no, you were not happy with this, so you align yourself with an outsider. He cares not for our way of life.” “He doesn’t even wish to live amongst us. He deems himself better than us because he can access the ancestors home and...

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Pure Lust 8211 We Lost Our Age And Had An Affair 8211 Part 2

First of all, I wish to thank all the readers who took an extra step in coming forward and expressing your thoughts on mail. To get a look at my first sex story, “Pure Lust – We Lost our age and had an Affair Part 1” You can comment or if you want any sexual casual encounter or discrete phone relationship which some of my viewers currently having you can contact me on This is the continuation of the first part so do please have a look at it, after our first encounter I started developing a...

4 years ago
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Nimmi Aunty My First Fuck

Sisfucker brings you a great fuck story. My brothers and sisters will love it. Send your views at My mother Parvati’s best friend Nirmala lives in a huge farmhouse adjoining ours. I am Mahesh, 18 years old student and my mother Parvati is a 39 year old widow. Mom is very sexy. Her tits are big but firm, her legs are long and thighs are nice, her ass is round and firm. It is a pity mom has lost the much needed supply of dad’s cock. I know my mother is a healthy lady. There is garden with high...

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Fucked My Mom By Saving Her From Horny Grandpa

Hello all ISS readers, my name is vikram(changed).I am 18 yrs old currently in fybcom.I am not an athletic type in fact i am quite fat but my charm and attractive face woos all.I have 1 girlfriend but lets not get into all these things. Coming 2 the story and my mom,her name is geeta.She is 40 yrs old and a perfect housewife.Her assets are 34-32-36.She is not too beautiful but say can turn 6 out of 10 heads.My dad is working in an mnc and hes perfect husband no smoke drink and girlfriends. My...

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New Order of the AgesChapter 6

When Rachel was released from the hospital, to her surprise, she didn’t have to be taken to Dan’s house by the authorities. Dan went and collected her personally, though hospital regulations required her gown to be removed as soon as Dan signed her release papers. She was completely naked, collared, and leashed as Dan led her out of the hospital to his truck. She was also very quiet for a bit as Dan turned on some very old music that bored her to tears, but she was also relieved: while she...

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Sorority Sex Olympics Concentration

Sorority Sex Olympics – Concentrationby R.E. LavaqueMy name is not Cherry but everybody has called me that since I was 13. I tell people the name comes from my always bright red lips, but in fact my boyfriend at the time named me that after he sucked my areolae to a cherry red. I joined Alpha Alpha Alpha when I came to this University three years ago and it has been the best thing I've ever done. I have made so many friends that I will have forever. My best friend's name is Donna. Everyone...

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Bengen Ka Khel

Mummy ki death k bad papa ne ek dusri jagah ghar le liye jisme sirf teen rooms the.Papa k liye me ek room select kar chuki thi aur bhai bhi khud k liye uske just opposite wala room select kar liya.Ek room ko hum dono behno k liye de diya gya jo kafi chhoti thi.Lekin kisi tarah hum logo ko adjust karna tha. Us din papa job me ja chuke the aur varun tv dekh rha tha.Me aur roma ghar k pichhe aangan me doctor doctor khel rahe the.Me doctor thi esliye me roma ki elaaz kar rhi thi.Me sabse pahle roma...

2 years ago
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Poonam Ko Choda Office Ki Parking Mein

Hi ISS Readers. Mera naam Gaurav hai, aap mujhe to jaante hi ho to main mera introduction fir se nahi de raha. Main Panvel me rehta hu aur Andheri me job karta hu. Is incident ko 6 months ho gaye hai. Jab main Matunga rehta tha aur job Andheri me hi tha. January chal raha tha, aur kaam ka pressure badhta hi jaa raha tha. Main subah 5.30 ko gym jata. 7 am ko ghar aata aur 8.30 ko tayaar hoke office ke liye nikal jata. Yeh tha mera routine. Kaam ka pressure din ba din badhta jaa raha tha. Main...

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Sisters at the Shore

I'd always been shy with girls. I was a later developer and never gained the confidence some of my friends had as teens. Now twenty I was 6' tall and about 175, in good shape from playing sports and now developing adult muscles. Not a kid anymore, I still was quiet around girls my age. I was determined to have a fresh start this weekend with people who didn't know me. Having to wait until after work Friday night we didn't get to their place until it was almost dark. There was a note on...

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A Friends Mom

A couple of months ago I went to visit the parents of one of my old school friends to see how he was doing as I haven't spoken to him for a long time and neither have our other friends from the school. When I got round his dad answered the door and invited me in so we sat down and talked for a little while. After about 10 minutes my friends mother came back home from doing some errands and we all continued to sit talking in the living room. This brought back a lot of memories as I used to go...

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SisSwap Braylin Bailey Aria Carson Only The Tip For Stepbro

Stepsiblings Anthony Pierce and Braylin Bailey visit their best friends Aria Carson and Tyler Cruise. When the girls go to hang out in Aria’s room, they guys discuss how they’ve been hearing rumors about their stepsisters being lesbians, so they decide to spy on them a little. When Anthony and Tyler peek through the door, they see Aria and Braylin eating each other out! Tyler comes up with a plan, and they convince the girls to prove they’re not lesbians by swapping them and fucking each...

2 years ago
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fantasies of my friends for my sexy mother

well, u know these days when you are out of luck? but let me begin some days before that day. your mom won a trip to the east usa because she was the 1.000.000 customer in her local store. she was quite happy because she wanted so hard to take a trip to the beautiful country. she had some problems at home with her work (got fired) her house (got sold because of outstanding depts) and she paned tothink about her future while taking her vacationtrip. she sold nearly everything she got at home....

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Rooming with my sister

I was in a bind. My roommate had just dropped out of school and was leaving. He had lasted only one month in college. Now I would be stuck with all that rent, which was an expense I couldn't afford. I also knew I couldn't turn to my parents for help. They were struggling to make ends meet as it was. They lived on a farm back home. Dad did the farming, but he also fixed cars and did a little welding on the side. Mom was the typical farmers wife. She cooked. She cleaned. She basically did what...

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SequelChapter 14 Virginia and Melissa

"You no good fucking cunt! How dare you?" I'm rarely that loud. I had rung Melissa's bell, perhaps a little too insistently, but I didn't think so. After the Venetian blinds rustled at the window alongside the door, it had opened to reveal Melissa Johnson, with her grandmother standing near her. Her eyebrows went up and her mouth opened when she heard my opening tirade but she said nothing. Emily reacted in similar fashion. Melissa looked past me to note that I was alone, then spoke...

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Dear JohnChapter 10

Her tears ran riot for the entire hundred miles back to Phoenix. Her husband would be out of town for the next two days—a sudden business something or other—but he was on the cell and ready to join her on a moment’s notice if she needed him. He’d promised her that. She would wait to talk to him. She very much needed to talk to her parents first anyway, and Sam’s dad too. When she talked to her husband she wanted all of what she had to say, all that she now knew, to be vetted and clear in her...

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Doctor affair

Hello to all ISS readers, i am reader of this site since long times. I really enjoy the stories here. I also like to share my story with all u peoples. Well my name is ahmed and i m from karachi Pakistan. It all happened by a net chat when i met her a lady doctor aged 27 married with no kids and her hubby used to work as marketing manager in a good organization. Well with our chat we had normal conversations daily and we were in contacts of each other in msn ( ) and soon started to exchange...

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My slut wife

She was trapped in her own trap. She seduced our servant Raj and in tern got raped by sex crazed raj. I found the video in the security camera of our bed room which was secretly installed. It started like this It shows my young wife in the bed wearing a flimsy buttoned up front opening half sleeve nightie calling out for our servant raj.As he arrived she asked him for a foot massage.she pulled the nightie slightly and lied sideways. Raj startred to massage her foot .he started at her toe, her...

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For Blood or MoneyChapter 23 My Broken Heart

I KNEW I WAS IN TROUBLE. I’d missed my doctor’s appointment last week. In fact, I missed two since yesterday was Monday. I also knew Doc Roberts was not going to be happy about it, no matter what my excuse. The sniffling cold that I’d acquired after my dowsing in the Chicago River was still hanging on and I had no doubts that it had to do with the immunosuppressant I was taking. I didn’t count on the vehemence of Doc’s reaction to me, though, or the other news he had. “I told you to stay...

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Geeks and Freaks Part 1Chapter 3

Ginger watched them go into the bathroom and started organising his next mischief. He slid his legs over the side of the bed and sat up. The air-conditioning cooled his spine as the thin cotton gown opened down his back. He reached around and undid the ties -- fortunately an act easily accomplished with his one good hand -- then he leaned across the bed and pressed the call button. "If it's the male nurse I'll just ask for a drink and wait until later." He was in luck however. "Hello...

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Crossdress swaps clothes and gets assfucked in pub

A few years ago I was on a weekend trip to Brussels and Amsterdam with some friends, and found out a girl I knew from Ukraine was now living in Lille, not so far away, so I decided to make a quick trip to see her the evening before we were due to fly home. I caught the train from Brussels to Lille and she and her boyfriend picked me up at the station. She was a short, curvy blonde, with equally large breasts and ass. She loved wearing sexy outfits which showed them off. This evening she was...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Sofi Ryan Oil And Orgasms

Tony is a lucky man to have the attention of Sofi Ryan. With her big tits and huge ass, she’s one hell of a stunner. She also delivers on the promise of her sexy body. After an initial striptease, she spends plenty of time bouncing up and down so Tony can admire the ways her jugs jiggle. Then she covers herself in oil to make every inch of her busty body glisten. Beckoning Tony close, Sofi invites him to join her in the bedroom. He gets a handful of each of those boobies, then the chance...

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Every SummerChapter 6

Posted: July 16, 2007 - 09:45:22 am Updated: June 25, 2008 - 04:55:17 pm The Vancouver Aquarium is definitely world class. The indoor area features just about every type of aquatic creature there is. From strange looking deep-sea fish to many types of starfish. The Jellyfish had a special meaning. The large round ones would flex and elongate and resembled, "Yes, I enjoy your breasts." Wondering through a museum with seventeen kids is something. All of a sudden I had assumed a protective...

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