L'?ducation De Dominique 4 free porn video

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Le dimanche, ? 14 heures, je sonnais ? la porte de la demeure de Marie. Quelques secondes plus tard, ce f?t sa maman qui m'ouvrit, troubl? voire g?n?, je bredouillai un bonjour et je p?n?trai dans la maison. Elle m'invita ? me d?barrasser et elle constata que je ne portais pas d'entraves. Contrari?e en me voyant ainsi, elle m'indiqua que Marie arrivait, elle finissait de se pr?parer, je la suivis au salon et elle se dirigea vers un secr?taire, ouvrit un tiroir et revint vers moi avec une paire de menottes. N'osant rien dire, je me retournai et mit mes mains dans mon dos, elle me passa les menottes et ensuite, me montra le canap? afin que je m'y assoie. Estelle s'installa dans un fauteuil en face de moi et reprit sa lecture. Que les minutes me parurent longues, je n'osai pas dire un mot et ce n'est qu'au bout de 10 minutes que Marie arriva. Enjou?e, elle me donna un bisou furtif, je vois que Maman t'a mis ? l'aise pour patienter. Elle m'enjoignit de la suivre, je me levai donc et nous nous sommes rendus dans sa chambre. Arriv?s dans celle-ci, elle m'embrasse langoureusement et me jette sur le lit, me prodigue des caresses et des baisers qui me mette dans un ?tat ou ? nouveau bonheur et frustration se m?lange. Ces moments rares sont privil?gi?s et ? chaque fois, plus profond, et finalement habilement, me mettent en ?tat de d?pendance vis- ?-vis d'elle. Au bout d'un long moment, apr?s un long baiser, elle s'arr?te et vient se lover dans le creux de mon ?paule, nous profitons de ces instants de bonheur en silence. Finalement, elle rompt le silence en me disant qu'elle m'aime. Elle se redresse, me regarde dans les yeux et me demande si je souhaite que son bonheur soit complet. Evidemment, lui r?pondis-je. Alors dit-elle, sure de son fait, tu ne verras aucuns inconv?nients ? suivre mes diff?rentes recommandations. Comme convenu avec ta famille, tu vas porter un corset plus souvent, des longs ou des courts, en fonction de tes activit?s. Je me suis d'ailleurs permise de t'acheter un corset victorien que j'aimerais que tu essaies. Joignant le geste ? la parole, elle m'aide ? me relever, m'?te mes menottes, me demande d'?ter mon chemisier et ma jupe pendant qu'elle sort de sa garde robe, ledit corset. Celui-ci est noir, long et elle s'empresse de me l'enfiler, elle commence le la?age et elle me demande de rentrer mon petit ventre et plus le serrage continue, plus je sens la rigidit? du corset qui m'oblige ? avoir le tronc droit. Elle termine enfin et elle me demande mon opinion, je lui avoue que je trouve cela tr?s contraignant. Elle prend alors une mine d?faite pour me dire que comme tous les hommes, je ne suis jamais satisfait alors que l'on s'occupe de leurs personnes. Elle me regarde alors en me demandant si je ne voulais pas faire un effort pour elle. Je n'osai, ?videmment, pas dire non. Je me rhabille et elle vient alors avec un corset de nuque m?dical et, en me le passant, me dit, cela t'aidera ? avoir une tenue droite, alti?re. J'en ai command? de plus ?l?gant sur internet, ils doivent arriver tr?s bient?t. Cela fait, elle me replace mes menottes aux poignets et en profite, pour m'en placer aux chevilles et la cha?ne qui les relient n'exc?de pas 20 cm. Elle termine en pla?ant un ba?llon boule blanc et la boule de celui-ci est la plus imposante que j'ai eu ? porter jusqu'? maintenant, elle le place d'ailleurs avec une certaine difficult? et ferme la sangle de mani?re tr?s ?troite. Voil? dit-elle, comme je souhaite ?voquer certaines choses avec et que je ne souhaite pas que tu m'interrompes, je pense que c'est mieux ainsi. Elle me demanda si je me rendais compte du mal que je lui faisais quand je m'int?ressais ? d'autres filles qu'elle. J'hochais la t?te n?gativement, elle continua en disant qu'elle s'en doutait et que donc, dor?navant, je ne devais plus parler ? une autre fille que pour une n?cessit? scolaire et que donc, le ba?llon journal est toujours d'application et qu'elle veillerait ? ne plus avoir d'?cart de ma part sinon elle prendrait d'autres mesures. Par ailleurs, pour les repas et autres boissons, vu que je n'aurai plus d'argent du tout, cela s'effectuera avec elle sous sa supervision car elle souhaitait que je retrouve une ligne. Pour tes arriv?es et tes d?parts de l'?cole, tu dois les effectuer avec moi, ta maman et tes s?urs y tiennent aussi. Me suis-je bien faite comprendre?? J'hochais positivement la t?te. Son visage s'illumina et elle me fit un bisou sur la joue. Bien maintenant, dit-elle, nous allons rejoindre Maman au salon pour parler du stage que nous devons effectuer en soci?t? durant le dernier trimestre de l'ann?e. Je te prie de l'?couter sans l'interrompre car elle n'aime pas l'?tre quand elle parle travail. Je la suivis donc au salon tant bien que mal car mon corset et mes entraves ne me facilitaient pas la t?che pour descendre les escaliers. A notre arriv?e, elle leva la t?te, interrompit sa lecture et f?licita sa fille tant pour ma tenue que pour mon allure. Je ne pus m'emp?cher de rougir. Nous nous install?mes dans le canap? face ? elle. Estelle reprit, Marie m'a appris que vous deviez effectuer un stage de 15 jours en entreprise cette ann?e. Tu n'es pas sans savoir que je suis la directrice d'une soci?t? et que, donc ne pouvant prendre ma fille comme stagiaire, j'accepte de te prendre pour ce stage. Tu l'effectueras dans mon secr?tariat direct ce qui signifie que tu travailleras pour moi et tu effectueras les t?ches que ma collaboratrice t'assignera. C'est elle qui te supervisera et tu devras lui ob?ir comme si c'?tait moi qui te donnais ton travail. Je l'ai mise au courant de certaines particularit?s quant ? la mani?re de te g?rer. La connaissant depuis plus de vingt ans, elle m'a assur? qu'elle veillerait sur toi et qu'elle ferait le n?cessaire pour suivre mes recommandations et celles de Marie comme de ta maman pour ton suivi. Mais afin de respecter un certain protocole, tu feras parvenir au si?ge de la soci?t? ta lettre de candidature dans les plus brefs d?lais. Maintenant que nous en avons finis avec ceci, nous allons prendre une collation. Marie m'?ta mon ba?llon et mes menottes mais les refixa imm?diatement avec mes mains devant. Le temps de faire travailler mes m?choires douloureuses, je remerciai Estelle de me prendre dans sa soci?t? pour le stage et que je m'efforcerai de faire du mieux possible. Elle m'interrompit s?chement en me disant s'efforcer pour elle, n'?tait pas suffisant. Voyant sa r?action, je ne dis plus un mot. Nous sommes alors pass?s dans la salle ? manger pour prendre le th? ainsi qu'un petit g?teau. Marie dit alors, tu as de la chance que nous sommes dimanche car pour ton r?gime, le g?teau est ? proscrire mais bon, pour une fois, ce n'?tait pas trop grave. Il allait ?tre temps de prendre cong?, Marie me retira mes menottes aux chevilles. Je me levai, saluai Estelle et dans le hall Marie m'embrassa longuement. Elle me mit ma cape et, juste apr?s, m'enfourna trois double feuille du journal qui m'attendait dans le hall. A peine avait- elle finit que la sonnerie retentit. Marie et Anne ?chang?rent quelques mots et nous rentr?mes ? la maison. Le lendemain, ? l'?cole, plus que jamais Marie ne me laissait aucun r?pit hors des cours. Rien ne lui ?chappait et finalement, au lieu d'en ?tre accabl?, je ressentais de la fiert? car elle faisait tout cela pour moi. La semaine qui suivit, le vendredi, il devait y avoir un travail de groupe. Le professeur, au lieu de laisser les groupes se former naturellement, les imposa. Je me retrouvai donc dans un groupe sans Marie et cela ne lui plaisait pas du tout. Libre d'elle, je m'amusai donc avec les autres filles de mon groupe et, nous avons beaucoup rit. A la fin de la journ?e, au lieu de m'embrasser, elle me mit quatre feuilles de journal, cela distendait mes joues et elle me raccompagna ? la voiture de Beth. Quand je fus assis, elle retira son foulard, fit un n?ud en son milieu et s'en servit pour me baillonner tr?s s?v?rement par-dessus la boule de journal. Elle dit ? Beth, il a trop parl? aujourd'hui et j'aimerais qu'il le garde jusqu'au souper si possible. Pas de probl?mes, r?pondit-elle et si tu le souhaites, je peux le baillonner ? nouveau apr?s. Oui, ce serait gentil, merci et de toute fa?on, dimanche, je mettrai d?finitivement les choses au point. Elle partit sans m?me se retourner sur moi. Beth se contenta de dire, tu as d? certainement passer les bornes pour qu'elle soit aussi en col?re. Le dimanche, ? peine entr?, Marie me menotta s?v?rement, me pla?a le gros b?illon boule blanc et c'est avec difficult? que je la suivis jusqu'? sa chambre. Elle s'assit sur sa chaise de bureau et comme, il n'y avait pas d'autres si?ges, je restai debout en face d'elle. Elle me demanda si je le faisais expr?s pour l'?nerver car vendredi, j'avais r?ellement outrepass? le code de bonne conduite que je m'?tais engag? ? respecter. Ne sachant r?pondre, je ne pouvais que fuir son regard, ce qu'elle ne manqua de me dire. Elle se leva, me pla?a le corset de nuque ainsi que des ?ill?res. Voil?, dit-elle et je t'interdis de baisser les paupi?res. Elle continua en disant que je ne changerais jamais et que donc, elle allait ?tre encore plus s?v?re maintenant car finalement, c'est ce que je cherche. La prochaine fois, que je transgresserais les r?gles, elle me placerait, une journ?e compl?te en isolation sensorielle afin que je puisse m?diter. La regardant d'un air interrogateur, pour que tu comprennes mieux, priv? de tous tes sens. J'ai commenc? a bien me documenter et ? commander les accessoires pour y arriver donc, mena?a-t-elle, ne me mets pas au d?fi car tu pourrais le regretter. J'en ai parl? longuement hier au t?l?phone avec ta maman et ensuite, avec ma maman, car on envisage pour les prochains cong?s que tu suives un stage avec une pr?ceptrice th?rapeute afin de t'inculquer correctement tout cela. Cela se passerait ? une centaine de kilom?tre d'ici dans sa r?sidence afin de t'immerger compl?tement dans ce stage et, elle aurait, toute latitude afin d'arriver ? des r?sultats concrets. Le stage devrait durer une dizaine de jours. Etant initiatrice du projet et par amour, maman le financera int?gralement. J'en ai assez que l'on se dispute pour les b?tises que tu fais, j'aimerais que nous soyons heureux et que tu ?coutes. Tu n'es pas d'accord?? Un peu abasourdi par ce que je venais d'entendre, mais dans l'incapacit? de r?pondre ou de me rebeller et dans, je dois l'admettre, l'envie de ne pas la perdre, j'acquies?ai de la t?te. Elle en profita pour resserrer d'un cran le corset de nuque. Vu que cela se d?roulera durant les cong?s de P?ques et donc, proche des examens. Nous allons nous atteler, avant ceux-ci que tu aies revu tes cours car, il faut que tu r?ussisses ton ann?e. Elle m'enleva enfin mon ba?llon, m'assit sur le lit et m'embrassa goulument. A chaque fois, ces baisers me chamboulaient et j'oubliais tout le reste car l'amour est plus fort que tout. Pour une fois, elle m'enleva mes menottes aux poignets et je pus la caresser mais, quand je devins trop entreprenant, elle me stoppa net. Elle se leva, alla ? sa garde robe, et me dit, j'aimerais que tu essaies ceci. C'?tait une camisole de force, je n'en avais jamais vue qu'en photos. Je suis persuad?e que ce serait plus confortable pour toi que de mettre tout le temps des menottes et t'?viterait de faire n'importe quoi. Elle me l'enfila, pla?a les lani?res et serra fortement les manches. Quand elle eut fini de la placer, je ne pus que constater son efficacit? mais le confort de la position rendait celle-ci agr?able. Par ailleurs, le mod?le choisit ?tait ?l?gant malgr? le fait qu'il ?tait en cuir noir. Elle me demanda mon avis sur elle et je lui restituai mon opinion et je la vis sourire de contentement, si bien qu'elle me sauta au cou pour m'embrasser. Elle me dit alors qu'elle m'aimait et qu'elle voudrait vivre avec moi. J'?tais heureux d'entendre de si gentilles choses m?me si je me rendais compte que j'avais de moins en moins de libert?. Je lui dis alors que j'avais peur. Surprise, elle fit un pas en arri?re et me regarda interloqu?e. Je repris en lui disant mes inqui?tudes sur le stage, sur la diminution de mes libert?s. L?, sa r?action me prit au d?pourvu, elle se mit ? pleurer ? chaudes larmes car elle ne comprenait pas pourquoi, j'avais toutes ces inqui?tudes car tout ce qu'elle faisait, c'?tait par amour. Je ne savais que dire car ces larmes ?tant si spontan?es et si sinc?res, que je lui demandai alors de m'excuser. Elle continua en me disant que le stage n'?tait l? que pour m'aider ? vaincre les derni?res barri?res psychologiques, m?me inconscientes, qui pouvaient subsister dans l'acceptation de tout cela et donc, que je puisse vivre heureux sans arri?re-pens?es. Devant toutes ces explications, ?motions, je r?it?rai mes excuses et lui demandai d'oublier ce que je venais de dire et que j'acceptai tout car tout ?tait fait par amour. Sur ce, elle me donna un bisou pris le ba?llon boule blanc, me le pla?a et serra plus fort que d'habitude les lani?res. Elle me dit, je dois passer un coup de t?l?phone important d'ordre priv? et donc, je vais te placer un casque qui va te priver de l'ou?e pendant celui-ci, la seule chose que j'ignore c'est son efficacit? donc avant, je vais te placer des boules quies. Elle prit un casque qui ressemblait ? un casque d'?coute st?r?o et me le pla?a sur les oreilles. Les deux ?l?ments mis ensemble, j'?tais devenu totalement sourd, plus aucun son ne me parvenait. Je me rendis compte alors oh comment j'?tais r?duit ? l'impuissance. Si je faisais l'inventaire, je portais?: un corset, un corset de nuque, une camisole de force, des ?ill?res, un ba?llon, des boules quies et des menottes aux chevilles. En somme, ? part l'odorat et la vue (partiellement), je n'avais plus le contr?le de rien. Pendant ce temps, Marie ?tait en grande conversation et j'essayai d'imaginer avec qui elle pouvait avoir cette conversation si anim?e. Au bout d'une demi-heure, elle raccrocha et me sembla bien pensive, assise derri?re son bureau. Elle fut sortie de ses pens?es par l'arriv?e de sa maman. Elles discut?rent un peu, sans jamais se soucier de ma pr?sence. Ce n'est qu'apr?s la sortie de sa maman, qu'elle vint m'?ter mon casque, les boules quies et le ba?llon. Elle me dit, tu dois comprendre que pour certaines choses, je doive faire cela car cela reste priv? mais c'est aussi pour ton bien car je g?re aussi notre avenir. Je n'osai pas poser de questions et elle m'emmena au salon pour retrouver Estelle, sa maman. Je la saluai et celle-ci me complimenta pour ma tenue qu'elle trouvait ?l?gante m?me avec une camisole. Nous avons bien re?u ta candidature pour le stage et, vu que tu travailleras directement avec elle, ma secr?taire te recevra pour une entrevue d'ici une quinzaine de jours. Tout ceci rel?ve de la proc?dure normale pour les stages. Je veux que tu donnes le meilleur de toi ce jour l?. Tu recevras un courrier en temps utile. Nous nous retir?mes ensuite dans la chambre de Marie pour r?viser le cours de fran?ais car le lendemain, il y avait une importante ?preuve. Le temps passa si vite que nous en avions oubli? le go?ter et, maintenant, qu'il ?tait temps de partir, Marie m'?ta la camisole, les ?ill?res et les menottes. Apr?s m'avoir rattach? solidement les mains et les coudes dans le dos, elle me dit que je lui avais fait beaucoup de peine aujourd'hui. Elle me donna un doux baiser et m'enfourna trois feuilles de journal dans la bouche et elle scella mes l?vres avec une bande de tape transparent. Elle me reconduisit ? la voiture d'Anne et c'est le c?ur gros que je repartis ce jour l?. Durant la semaine, je fis le maximum pour ne pas d?roger au code Marie et, j'esp?rais ainsi pouvoir ?chapper au stage de P?ques. Je ne la vis du week-end et le lundi, Marie ?tait absente de l'?cole. J'?tais inquiet mais durant la journ?e, apr?s avoir ?t? ? l'?cart des autres, je ne pus m'emp?cher durant la pause de midi de me joindre ? un groupe. Le soir, Anne m'attendait ? la sortie, elle constata que je ne portais pas le ba?llon habituel et elle s'empressa de m'en placer un. Arriv? ? la maison, je demandai si quelqu'un avait des nouvelles de Marie. Ma maman me r?pondit oui et, tu devrais lui t?l?phoner de suite. Apr?s tu viendras m'en parler. Intrigu?, le c?ur serr?, je t?l?phonai donc ? Marie qui, je le compris directement au ton de sa voix, ?tait furieuse. En effet, elle me dit que l'on ne pouvait me faire confiance car d?s qu'elle n'?tait pas pr?sente, je reprenais mes travers et que donc, j'avais ??fanfaronn頻 avec d'autres filles une bonne partie de la journ?e. Je voulus protester, ouvre la messagerie de ton ordinateur, je m'ex?cutai et elle m'avait envoy? des photos de moi tout au long de la journ?e. Elle continua en me disant que je n'?tais qu'un menteur et que ma fausse attitude de la semaine derni?re ne l'avait pas tromp?e. Elle m'avait mis ? l'?preuve et j'avais ?chou?. Sa d?termination a m'envoy? au stage ?tait maintenant primordiale et elle en faisait une condition ? la suite de notre relation. Evidemment, je ne pouvais nier l'?vidence et je mettais fait pi?ger en beaut?, je n'avais plus qu'en assumer les cons?quences.

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Very Hot Wife. This story is true, it took place over an 18 month period, only his name has been changed the rest is the way the encounter occurred, and I have the tapes to refer to for accuracy. This is the recount of her first affair. My wife is 35 years old, five foot, long blond hair, 38dd breasts and a great ass. Here ass is virgin and which she has denied me but love to suck cock and swallow cum. I figures it was a fair trade off. I was a summer afternoon and I was sitting in my...

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White Wife New Tattoo

My wife has just gotten a tattoo. It is an angel and is on her back/neck, just under her hairline. It's pretty cute and looks good on her.Why is this noteworthy? Well, in all the time I've known her she's never even intimated that she wanted one. Three of our c***dren have tattoos, one doesn't. I don't and probably never will. I am 40 years old and getting a tattoo smacks of mid-life crisis to me.Mary is the same age as me and we have been married for almost twenty years. We have four c***dren,...

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SisLovesMe Emily Willis The Sweet Sins Of My Stepsister

Emily Willis is a sexy brunette with a bad habit of sinning. At least, according to her bible thumping step brother. Shes enjoying the sunshine by the pool when she notices her stepbro, practicing his ridiculous Jesus Loves You bit. She doesnt believe in any of that crap, so she decides to have some fun with her stepbro, flashing her perky little tits and grinding her godless ass against him. Thats when she notices his boner, pressed hard against her. She is so sexy, he cant control himself....

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My Neighbors son Neil

A fictional product of my imagination. Maybe a few facts thrown in here and there. After I lost my wife to cancer after 38 years of wonderful marriage I pretty much withdrew into a shell. I sold my business, resigned from a couple of clubs I had been active in and didn’t go out or see anyone except my kids and that didn’t happen very often. During the first few years of our marriage my wife and I found we were both very bisexual and enjoyed weekends with two other couples. But since she had...

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Degrees of FreedomChapter 20

Zoe "She won't ever know." Bella's voice was barely a whisper as she looked at me, her eyes pleading. My eyes were fixed on hers over the rim of the cup and I couldn't suppress a smile as I replied. "True. But I do." "Aww, please. You know Dee will leave me here until she closes the shop." "Uh huh." I emptied the cup, rinsed it in the sink and picked up Dee's sketchbook, Bella's eyes following me all the time. "But we both know you'll enjoy every minute. And then you'll...

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A Year In My Life Part II 4

A Year In My Life Part II - 4 Thursday, May 15 We'd just moved our things into Kate's parent's house for the summer and were taking a break. Her mom had joined us and said, "I was doing some spring cleaning and getting your room ready for you and I found something." Kate looked at me, then at her mother, and asked, "What was that mom?" "I was rearranging the things on the shelf in your closet and I knocked a box off." "So?" "When it landed on the...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 43 Defining Dual Relationships

December 26, 1996, Minneapolis, Minnesota When we got to the room, I got two of the complimentary bottles of water from the fridge, and handed one to Mary. We sat down on the couch, and put our stocking feet up on the coffee table. “So what’s bugging you?” I asked. “As I said, work is great. I’m really enjoying the research and I get to participate in a lot of interesting cases, such as yours.” “But...” “My social life sucks. And I’m not just talking dating, but friends, too. When I...

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WednesdaysChapter 8 Wednesday Dana

I was crammed into a corner of the booth with Toni, Ned and Fran, when Toni asked, "What do you do for them?" She meant at work. "I'm International Sales Manager. We have a lot of retail customers overseas, mostly in Europe. They're my job. There's not much travel, but some." "You study Marketing in college?" she asked. "What I do is really logistics — distribution, not really Sales. No, I was good old English Lit. When I went to work for them, I was just an assistant in Sales....

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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 38

After the day Barbie was forced to give her stepfather a blowjob, things settled down. He never bothered her during the week or on Sunday. However, on Saturday it was certainly different as Sid would force the young teen to satisfy his sexual lust and desires. He now was regularly fucking Barbie and keeping her nude most of the day. Also, she was now frequently required to perform oral sex. The once innocent young teen could now suck her stepfather’s cock without gagging and swallow his cum...

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Sinful CyndiChapter 2

I'd watched Cyndi take plenty of showers, but for some reason this one turned me on even more. I knew quite well that the bathroom we shared was easy to peek into. There was a very wide gap between the sliding door and the jamb, and that made it easy for me to spy on Cyndi as she rubbed herself down and got all soapy in the shower. The shower was just that--the bathtub of the house was in Mom and Dad's bathroom. The shower stall didn't have smoked glass like most of them but only vaguely...

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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 2 Music and LyricsChapter 13

"Ladies!" The gymnasts who had been milling around quickly took seats on the bench, Cheyenne sitting last. "I am very disappointed. In fact, I'm down right disgusted." The girls looked at each other in surprise. In the bleachers I saw parents who were mostly used to my after-meet tirades looking surprised, too. I waited a beat. "I hate ties. Next time, win or lose, but no more ties." Kelly stood. "On behalf of the team..." and blew me a loud raspberry before sitting back...

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My wife and I had been married for 19 months when our first encounter of the worst kind happened. Before the incident, we were the typical newlyweds who made love in such places that are always the most available but not the most comfortable. (M+/F, nc, rp, intr, wife)***Like other couples we knew, our thirst for spontaneous sex was never quenched. I should explain that both of us were raised catholic, especially her. Being half Irish and German, with 7 brothers and 4 sisters, she was still a...

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Ass gangbang

I had been at a bar in Buckhead yesterday afternoon after lunch and after a few drinks it was time to return to my apartment. My car was in the shopping center and I walked slowly to it. As I unlocked my door a tall thin white young man in his late twenties came up to me. He introduced himself to me as Jim. Jim was a clean shaven nice looking man. He was dressed in shorts, flip-flops, and a t-shirt with a rock and roll band on the front. Jim explained to me that he had been here with friends...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 119

We moved everything to the kitchen. The Angels put their outfits back on and Juicy adjusted all his straps. "Juicy, you're plugged, right?" I confirmed. "Yeah, Papa." "Good. You tape this. Nosey, come here." He hesitated. "But I only wanted to..." "I want you, Nosey. Come here." I pat the counter beside the sink. "I want a snack." "Ja, is good to watch Nosey." "He watches everything else. Das voyeur." The Angels had the handhelds again and were helping to coax Nosey...

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TommyChapter 12

Secret societies, fraternities and the like, were illegal in the state’s public schools. Five sub-rosa clubs for boys and three sororities for girls flourished when Tommy was in high school. He was tapped by a group called the Golden Dragons, a club most non-members called “lizards.” After meeting the current members, most of them athletes he already knew, and taking part in a keg party that featured four drunk junior high girls and a bit of good-natured hazing, Tommy was sworn in and given a...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 67

The morning walks had become drudgery. I continued with them only to keep my body working at 75% percent or more. I couldn’t avoid all the pain, but I refused to take the drugs derived from opium. The alternative was a very aggressive surgical solution, which did not come with guarantees. It wasn’t likely to take away the pain. The doctor’s would say only that without the surgery it would only continue to get worse. The surgery was likely to take me back to the day after the original hip...

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"The 40 VIRGINS of SHANGHAI" by markfayerDick and junior woke up the next morning, hung-over from their night-long bout with "JOhn Barleycorn"You know, Junior", says Dick, he says: "I had a vivid Dream last night wherein I floated out of our Cave hide-out and over West past the Coast and into the Pacific Ocean-- and It was you and I aboard a Steamliner heading towards the Far East; to The Orient. And the Catch is, that we find ourselves thrown in a Cargo-hold of Forty Vestal Virgins --petite...

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Revenge of the PotheadChapter 26

Three hours later... I lay next to a sleeping, snoring Juliette Charbonneau, her sweaty skin caressing mine every single time that I stretched or turned. I gazed upon her beauty more than once, stealing glances as if taboo, mostly because I wanted to take in the full scope of her allure and log it in my memory. We weren’t just naked. We were intimate, vulnerable, locked into each other’s embrace as we snuggled in her bed in her sleeping compartment of our passenger train. “Oh, God, lover,...

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It was late in the night being that i love watching movies through the night and sleeping in the morning. The night was lovely and quiet. only the sound of the movie from my laptop was around not forgetting sound of hungry mosquitoes looking for blood to feed them selves. I had my room mate being that we are college students. was tired and was feeling sleepy so i dozed off to slumber land leaving my room mate enjoying his animations from his own laptop. it had been almost three months since her...

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Face to Face

Joey was his name. He lived across the country from her, but they had carried on a regular online friendship for sometime now. He was older than Shay, but she didn’t care…he was great to chat with and he had a great imagination. They had done some pretty intense online chats which eventually led to talking on the phone. There were times after talking on the phone with him that left her breathless and better satisfied than most lovers she’d had. They had exchanged pictures after getting to...

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What My Flowers Said Ch 12

Part 1 - Roses Are RedYes. A sunny balcony would be nice, I thought, circling another listing in crimson ink. Or maybe a roof garden. I could plant rosemary, and violets. I could paint. I bit the top of my pen and skimmed down the column to another number that didn’t threaten to ruin me.‘Sur la rue Villeray. 3 1/2 chauffé. 1 chambre, style ouvert. Plancher bois franc. Disponible immédiatement. 500 $’It was more than a little humiliating that after two years in a francophone province, my ability...

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My Fantasy encounter with SlutwifeLaura Day 1

The ride from the airport was pleasant. Chatting, getting to know one another better in person as opposed to online. It was very nice getting to know Laura and Joe. I spoke of some of my hobbies of collecting diecast cars, my sports card collection's and of my amateur photography. We stopped for a bite to eat on our way from the airport. I didn't eat much there or on the flight, keeping in mind what may be coming. (The main reason for my trip). Of course during the meal the conversation turned...

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Outsourcing Industry Rocks 8211 Part III

By : Karanwantstofck It was a Saturday evening and both of us had our share of satisfaction we decided to go to the market. I bought her new pair of jeans went into the trial room several times and took the liberty of pressing her delicate ass. Also bought her a matching top well all the eyes seemed to be glued onto her which made me super proud and contented. I had always wished to have this kind of girl friend. I had always liked plump girls who are very fair and have beautiful features. We...

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The Pacifier

It's an amateur CGI film, running time 39 minutes. It has everything---Story, sex, emotion. The uploader, thesandman01, clearly put countless hours of work into it.I dedicate this post to him. What follows is an adaption of his movie in a prose format. I have kept it as faithful to his film as possible, although I have condensed several scenes for editorial reasons."Just ten months ago, my life was in shatters."Overly indulgent and depressing music playing, fade-out to dresser with shattered...

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The New NeighborsChapter 10

Jeremy and Emily slept in until about 8:30 and decided that since they intended to tell their parents what they had been up to all night, that it didn’t matter that they both smelled like they had just been having sex when they went down to breakfast. So they just put on robes and went down to the back patio where they found a lovely brunch set out. Tom, Sally, Lydia, and I were just enjoying Bloody Marys before having something to eat when the youngsters came down. Sally looked at Lydia...

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Across the BorderChapter 25

Beth lived in the same house she grew up in. Her mom was killed by a drunk driver when she was twelve and her dad passed away from cancer when she was twenty. She moved back in shortly after the funeral. Selling the house was never an option. Beth was never choosy about the men she dated, but when it came to a father for her future kids, no one seemed to measure up. Hard to compete with the ghost of the perfect dad. As a result of wanting but not ever having kids, Beth found herself twice...

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The Panty Thief

The Panty Thief By Cal Y. Pygia "Pablo!" a shrill voice called. "Pablo Rodriguez!" It was his mother. She was calling--for the second or third time, judging by her tone, a mixture of impatience and annoyance bordering upon anger-- which meant that he'd better waste no time--or no more time--in responding to her summons. He'd been so caught up in the moment, examining his treasures, that, apparently, he had not heard her initial calls. "I'll be right there, Momma!" he...

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The start of being a naughty slut Chapter 2

So what happened next? (Part 1). I decided I needed to keep this a secret from my Husband alittle longer. There is no way he was going to let me go back and pose naked for these guys if he found out I was doing Life Modeling Classes, so that night over dinner I made up a story that I did nothing all day and just sat around with a Headache, took the kids to school and picked them up again. All the while my mind was racing, thinking over the mornings events of me surrounded by guys trying their...

Cheating Wifes
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Aliya ki chudai

Doston meri daastan wahan sey shroo hoti hai jab mujhe yeh khaber milli keh hamaarey mohalley main jo makaan kaafi arsey sey khaali paraa hua tha wahan per aik nai family shift hui hai . Khair main ney is khabar per ziada tawajjah nahin di lekin next day jab main apney kaam per jaa raha tha to main ney deekha keh aik larki ghar key sammney farsh dhoo raho hai . Woh jhoki hui thi aur uskey boobs nazar aa rahey the .wow . Main woh manzer nahin bhool sakta hoon .doston aap yaqeen karo keh itney...

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The Passionate Dollar The Dr Is back

The passionate dollar(The beginning give me honest feedback alittle long but its worth it!!!!)This book is made up of stories of events that happened in the life of a male escort...Enjoy -Dr.D(Last resort becomes the best option)As i spent another saturday alone in my apartment off of work i was glued to my computer. After about a good hour or so of internet porn and self love i began job hunting. I was willing to take anything. Because anything was...

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Maa Ke Saath Hanimoon 8211 Part I

Ye. Ek bahoot pahele ki kahani hai.. ek din mere Maa ne mughe bulaya our kha ke “hame gaon jana hai kisi cort- kam ke silsile me”. Maine kha “kyo papa nahi aarehe hai? To maa ne kha ke “wo unki sharab me bussy hai. Our wo hamre property ka kam hai.” Maine kha “Thik Hai-mai college me chutty leta hu” to maa ne kha ke hame khali guruwar (Thursday) nikalna hai, shukravar (Friday) ko kaam kar ke shaniwar (Saturday) ko wapas yaha aana hai.our thghe to shiniwar ko chutti hoti hai to thuhe...

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Sex Is Different From Love Making

My name is wazeer, I am 23 year old indian male. This incident happened when I was in 2nd year of my college, 20 years old. I was in a relationship with a beautiful girl, she had an elder sister who was even more beautiful and very attractive, and the three of us used to go out together, but I should tell you that I always wanted to tell my gf’s sister my feelings for her, but couldn’t because of obvious reasons. After I brokeup with my gf I felt the urge to reach out to her sister ,let’s call...

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Ten Years

I was nervous when he took my hand from behind and whispered into my ear, "Come with me." I turned my head to look at him and saw that mysterious, Mooney smile on his face. The noise of the party faded away into the background of that moment and that smile. I remember thinking that a woman could lose herself to the charm of such a grin. So, I curled my fingers in his and allowed him to lead me out the door into the chilly darkness of the autumn night. We had been playing a game for weeks...

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Grudge Fuck

My wife and I have been divorced for a few months and we divide our c***ds custody every other week. This weekend my ex was going out with some of her girlfriends to a local bar that was only a few blocks from my apartment. It was the middle of the night when I was woken up by a loud pounding on the door. Checking through the peep hole I could see my ex dressed like the slut I knew her to be weaving back and forth drunk off her ass. I opened the door quickly before she could pound on the...

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Hazels Great Idea

She always seemed to get me tied up in her crazy plans. I swear, I was supposed to be home and in bed, watching Say Yes To The Dress. As depressing as it may sound to some, for me, it was a perfect Friday night. A little Ben and Jerry’s would make it even better. Hazel’s giggle caused me turn around, and there she is, my best friend, dancing on the bar, with no blouse on. I shook my head and started to get up to grab her, but her boyfriend, Kirkland got to her first. He wrapped a blanket...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Chapter 6 A Fathers Lusts

Book One: Rogue's Sultry Women Part Six: A Father's Lusts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Chapter Sixteen: Patrol Zanyia – The Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My tail swished back and forth as I rubbed my cheek into Master's leather jerkin. I loved the smell of leather, the feel of the smooth yet rough material on my skin. I shivered, squirming on the saddle, the harder leather rubbing on my juicy pussy—it always was juicy—while my little nipples tingled...

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Beyond Endings

Beyond Endings — Part 2 of Terminal Love * One week after scattering Mandy’s ashes, Ed and Sandy returned to their jobs. Work had piled up while they were on leave, and they were both glad to be too busy to think. The last thing either of them wanted was to think. After work, they went to their homes and crashed from exhaustion. Ed didn’t relax before falling asleep, so his sleep was very fitful. He found himself having recurring nightmares, and he’d wake up sweating, with a pounding...

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The Innocent Cuckold

My wife and I have been married for 25 years and we seem to have hit a bit of a stale spot in the bedroom. We have never been very active sexually, due in large part to my own inadequacies in both size and stamina. I’m not very big at all and I’ve never really been able to last very long when having sex but now that I’m nearing fifty years old, I’m much worse off than ever. I’ve had some medical issues which make it nearly impossible to get hard at all. Even enhancement drugs don’t help and I’m...

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Panty Fetish

Now im 23. I dont know exactly when i started to get turned on by the sight of women panties probably right around the 7th grade. The sight of a girl leaning forward and exposing the waistband of her panties give me hard on. I remember one time a girl in my class wore a blue shirt and jeans, she leaned forward and i could get a perfect view of her brand of panties on the waistband. It was jockey panties and i would see a bit of her panties which was white cotton. The trim on the waist band was...

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Lindas Scene

I made it home around 1:00 am to find the lights on in the living room. I could hear music, cries of pain, and loud cracking sounds coming from behind the door as I used my key to enter the house. I tried to be as quite as I could. removed my shoes at the door, (we do it Japanese style in my house.) and tip toed into the living room. I found Linda tied firmly to a work horse double 'A' frame and her Mistress's expert hands working her ass with a long whip. Careful not to interrupt the...

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Connie The Junior Maid 34

Connie The Junior Maid By Monica Graz PART 3 - Connie falls in love Was I in love with Miss Emily? This is how it feels when boy, even one in skirts, meets girl? I had never felt like this before. All day long I was daydreaming thinking of Emily, her bright eyes and her clever and cunning smile. Miss Marina, our ex Filipino housekeeper and now formal companion and occasional lover of Mrs. Allen had noticed it and confronted me as I was in the middle of mopping the floors in the...

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PornWorld Lika Star Blonde Babe Lika Star Invites Monster Cock Lover Over For Sensual Sex Session

Cute blonde Lika Star is arguing on the phone with her paranoid boyfriend when she hangs up on him and throws her phone across the room. After feeling sorry for herself, this little minx starts to text Vince, her well-hung lover, and invites him over. She gets dressed up in sexy lingerie and waits for Vince to arrive while laying on her bed. Once he joins her, this hot couple can’t keep their hands off each other and Vince licks her pussy before Lika sucks on his massive cock! She lays on...


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