Hanky Panky free porn video

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Hanky Panky By Cal Y. Pygia Like many women, Daphne Cole admired men's asses. Not just any man's ass, of course. She was discriminating in regard to which butts she found admirable as opposed to appalling. She liked firm, compact buttocks, and they had to be sleek. Any hair eliminated them from her consideration, as did a pimple or any other blemish. She also wanted buoyancy in her man's bottom, but not at the cost of firmness. A small, tight pair of ass cheeks that were shapely without being feminine were what she looked for in a man, as she discretely ogled their rear ends through their jeans. When she spied a likely bottom, she'd drop the proverbial hanky, and when her Prince Charming retrieved it for her, she'd thank him with a smile and a pat on the butt. The latter gesture was more than a little forward, she knew, but no man had ever complained, and no real man, she felt confident, ever would do so. The pat was a means of displaying her fetish for men's asses, but it was also a way to further assess the density, smoothness, and firmness of his bottom. If she liked what she'd seen (and felt), Daphne would take matters a step further. "I'm a photographer," she'd tell her quarry, "and I'm doing a series for Bottoms Up, a soft porn magazine devoted to a man's best asset--his ass. Would you be interested in posing?" Invariably, the men were interested, even after she made it clear that "the magazine offers no remuneration; payment is in copies only, upon publication." Her statement was only half true: she was a professional photographer, all right, but Bottoms Up didn't exist and, therefore, there would be no remuneration, even in the form of future free copies of the publication. By the time her mark realized her deceit, however, she'd have moved on-- to find her next mark. She lied by way of omission, too, refraining from mentioning that her imaginary photo shoot was to feature both her spanking of his ass and her pegging of him with a strap-on dildo. A girl, she told herself, had to have a few secrets. A man might readily agree to be photographed in the nude, but some men would draw the line at being spanked, and even more would refuse to take an artificial cock up his ass. A man had to be persuaded gradually, one step at a time. In Daphne's experience, though, which was extensive, most men eventually did surrender their asses, both to be spanked and to be fucked. Indeed, just as some men contended all women liked to be ravished, she believed that most (maybe all) men, regardless of how masculine or macho they might be, enjoyed submitting to a woman, liked being spanked, and enjoyed being fucked in the ass by a woman who wore a latex prick that was thicker, longer, and firmer by far than many of its fleshly counterparts would prove to be. Occasionally, Daphne shot her subjects outdoors, in a forest, in a meadow, beside a river, or under a highway overpass. Most of the time, though, she photographed them indoors, in a hotel suite's bedroom, living room, or kitchen. Sometimes, she made a man wear a frilly pink or lavender apron, adding a feather duster (handheld or inserted into his ass) as a prop. A feminized man was a handsome man, she thought. She found gender bending erotic, especially when it was she who played the mistress and her subject had an especially superb ass. Other times, she strove simply to capture the highly charged juxtaposition of empowered femininity, represented by herself, and subjugated masculinity, represented by her male model and his spanked or impaled bottom. The first thing she did was to get her session's subject to sign a contract. It looked all proper and legal, of course, but it was fraudulent, because Daphne, who signed the papers with an assumed name, had no intention of executing the terms set forth by the agreement. The papers were simply a prop, designed to make the photo shoot seem authentic. It was a nice touch, she thought, and helped to set her mark's mind at rest concerning the legitimacy and even the respectability, perhaps, of what he was doing. Signing the papers also had the effect of putting him in the frame of mind of a professional model, which made him more willing to follow her directions without questions and with enthusiasm. "Although this session is unpaid," Daphne would often tell the men, "your appearance in Bottoms Up could lead to a modeling career or even to a career in television or the movies, as it has for some of the men who've appeared in the magazine." After asking her "model" whether he had any questions (most did not), Daphne invited him to remove his clothing. After he'd done so, she would shoot a hundred or so pictures of him, in various poses. She made sure that she took some photos of him on his elbows and knees, legs spread, with his balls dangling between his sinewy thighs. The sight of a man's testicles suspended between his legs always got her pussy wet. She found such a sight one of the most erotic she'd ever seen, and, as she took picture after picture of him in this position, to keep as souvenirs, she imagined herself, kneeling between his muscular calves, a dildo strapped to her groin, ready to penetrate him anally. Her cunt would usually flood at such visions, her juices pouring, rather than merely trickling, down her thighs. Down, girl! she would reprimand herself, adding the assurance that the act she'd just imagined would happen, because she'd make it happen, but all in good time. After she had taken pictures of him on his tummy, ass flat or elevated; pictures from behind, of him squatting; pictures of his ass in profile; pictures of his buttocks foreshortened by her photographing them from the floor, as she lay upon her back; and as many other pictures of his glorious backside, from as many other angles and in as many other positions as she could envision, Daphne would advise him that the set of photos she was shooting was to include pictures of him being spanked--by her. Sometimes, this announcement would be met with questions or mild protests; in the end, though, the "model" invariably complied with the requirement, and Daphne would enter the frame, having already set up a tripod-mounted camera across the room that she could operate by remote control. In addition, she filmed the spanking session with a video camera that she'd set up in secret. She usually started with the man over her knee, his firm, but buoyant, smooth bottom facing the camera as she delivered twelve quick, hard slaps to either buttock to redden the pale flesh, putting blossoms in his cheeks. She loved to watch the flattened palm of her hand collide with the firm-soft cushions of his buttocks, flattening one and then the other cheek as her hand fell hard across his backside, leaving its pink imprint upon his astonished flesh. She loved the sharp report, loud in the otherwise silent environment. She loved the way he would lurch forward, but to no avail, the front of his thighs trapped against the side of her own upper leg. She also enjoyed, tremendously, the soft groan he would emit on occasion as she fanned his fanny. Most of all, though, she was delighted by the spectacle of his helplessness and of her dominance. Spanking a man who was taller and stronger than she made her feel bigger and more powerful, not only than she actually was, but also bigger and more powerful than the male whom she'd forced to submit to her authority. Each pink or red discoloration of his pale buttocks proved her dominance, and each imprint of her dainty hand upon his squirming bottom demonstrated her superiority. After having delivered the two dozen slaps across his ass with her palm, Daphne, ordering her subject to remain in place, took a paddle in hand, and delivered twice this number of strokes, hard and fast, to his quivering buttocks. The man would writhe and twist, moan and groan, and begin to plead for mercy by the time she neared the completion of this portion of his punishment, but Daphne was without mercy. She had no doubt that pain was a fire in his trembling bottom, that his cries of anguish were real, and that his pleas for mercy were sincere. However, she was just as convinced that, on a deeper level, he enjoyed the physical pain and suffering, just as he delighted in the emotional misery that his humiliation inspired. At heart, she was persuaded, all men were pussies. They wanted to be controlled, even beaten, by women. They wanted to be humiliated and shamed and reduced to quivering, whimpering crybabies. The paddle rose and fell in a blur, striking first one cheek and then the other, alternating back and forth so that neither buttock was favored (or spared), and his bottom became red where it was not pink and purple where it was not red. A few slight contusions added a satisfyingly rich, ripe purple to his ass, as if, among the strawberries and cherries, a few plump plums had been added to the mix. Halfway through the paddling, Daphne changed tactics, concentrating the impacts of the paddle's wooden blade upon the same cheek, as she delivered ten or twelve resounding blows to the same battered buttock. In the silence of the environment, the cracks of wood against muscle and flesh sounded like gunshots. Her "model" lurched and leaped, cajoled and begged, whined and whimpered, each of his cries and entreaties music to his punisher's ears. They did not elicit mercy from Daphne, though. Quite the contrary! She redoubled her efforts as she spanked his other ass cheek, striking the red-and-purple buttock with rapid, forceful blows that, at last, elicited not only sniffs, but sobs, from the unfortunate male who lay across her lap, his cock thick and stiff with undisguised arousal from the pummeling that his buttocks were receiving and, Daphne had no doubt, by the welter of conflicting emotions--passion, humiliation, shame, lust, helplessness, vulnerability, and adoration--that filled his mortified and anguished soul. "Get up!" she ordered. Quickly, her subject rose, and she saw what, a moment ago, she had been able only to feel: his cock was thick and rigid, his balls high and tight within the smooth pouch of his risen scrotum. On some level deeper than that of physical pain, he was enjoying his plight. She smiled at his erection, which was proof positive of his visceral and emotional enjoyment of his status as a mere thing subject to her will, to her authority, to her power. His cock, impressive as it was, was merely flesh, though, she thought; soon enough, he would feel a much firmer, more resolute, if artificial, version of his own manhood buggering his ass. First, though, he should taste the strap, she thought. "Kneel, facing the couch," she commanded. Sniffing and trying to control the flow of tears that threatened their release, he obeyed. "Bend forward," she demanded, "as far as you can." When he'd followed her directions, she seized his genitals, tugging them backward and down, so that both his cock and his balls hung between his massive, muscular thighs, like ornaments, the way she liked them. She exchanged her paddle for a razor strop. Raising the leather band high overhead, she brought it down, in a swift and merciless arc, across his enflamed buttocks, and her subject screamed as he tried to fling himself forward, half-turning as if he were intent upon avoiding more of the same. "Move again," she warned, "and a dozen strokes shall be added to the number you're already destined to receive." Destined? he thought. That was an odd word. He wasn't destined to receive any-- --the next lash of the strop obliterated his thought in a blinding flash of searing pain. He screamed again, but managed, through an extreme exercise of will, to refrain from twisting aside. The leather came at his bottom with a great whooshing sound behind it, stinging his ass anew, and the pain flashed through his beleaguered bottom as if it would consume him, instantly and completely. Again, the strop flashed forward and down, across his bottom, the cheeks of which were decorated now with a flurry of bruises which, Daphne thought, looked beautiful among the red and purple patches of his discolored backside. She struck him again and again, each rapid lash of the leather furrowing the cheeks of his ass. His buttocks, however, retained their resilience, even after a dozen of the cruel strokes, bouncing back to fullness so that the next vicious impact--and the next and the next--could again part the stinging flesh before it. After another dozen lashes, Daphne set the razor strop aside, admiring his bruised flesh, decorated with welts and angry red ridges. There were even a couple of lacerations, from which beads of blood seeped, to adorn his backside, as if they were rubies wrought of his anguish. "Back onto the carpet," she ordered, "on your elbows and knees, legs spread wide." He complied with her order, and she smiled at the sight of his battered and bruised buttocks, testaments, both, of her superior status, of her power and authority, of her dominance and control over him, her subject. Her cunt was a river. "For the next set of photographs," she announced, "I will require some special equipment. Remain where you are while I retrieve it." What was coming next? he wondered. A riding crop? A bamboo cane? A bullwhip? He never should have agreed to model for these photographs. He never should have signed the contract. A modeling career--hell, even a career in television or film--wasn't worth the pain and the humiliation he'd already endured, and, even if it was, he wasn't sure that he could handle any more punishment. His heart, like his cock and balls, however, disagreed with his brain. Just as Daphne believed, on a level much deeper than rationality, he found that he was excited by being dominated by a woman and that he actually enjoyed being humiliated and spanked and told what to do by a member of the supposedly weaker and gentler sex. It remained to be seen as to whether he would take pleasure in whatever additional cruelty Daphne had in store for him next, though, he thought. He felt queasy. There were butterflies in his stomach and, more tellingly, in his groin. His testicles seemed alive with buzzing activity within, and his scrotum seemed to crawl with invisible insects. It was trepidation, he realized, as his penis began to shrink and dwindle and his scrotum to loosen. He was afraid--afraid of a woman! Afraid, he realized, of what she might do to him next--no, not "might do," but would do. He'd had enough. He wouldn't endure any more punishment or torment. He wouldn't--but he would. He would keep his mouth shut, and he'd do as he was told, regardless of what was required of him, whether submission to a riding crop, a bamboo cane, or a bullwhip. If she wanted him to eat her pussy or suck her ass, he'd be more than happy to comply. If she wanted to sit on his face and smother him with her-- "I'm wearing a strap-on dildo, bitch," she informed him as she returned. "According to the manufacturer, it's eight inches of 'blistering pink. . . power on a belt,' a 'solid jelly,' artificial erection with a perfectly molded head, complete with vein-etched shaft and pendulous balls. It juts from my groin at just the right location and is held securely in place by a ring attached to the front of its leather harness, which straps between my legs and around my waist. I'm going to fuck you in the ass with my woman's cock until you can't take it anymore, bitch, and then I'm going to fuck you some more, harder and faster, without mercy.." Bitch! Again, she had used that word to describe him, to feminize him, to unman him verbally, just as she would feminize and unman him physically and sexually in a moment, reducing him to an androgynous creature who, despite his cock and balls and no matter how often or copiously he ejaculated semen filled with sperm, would forever after be as much a woman as he was a man, as much feminine as he was masculine. In part, he was horrified concerning the transformation that was about to take place, but he was also delighted--and, yes, aroused--by it as well. He found that he wanted this new status, this new existence, this new twilight, half-and-half life as a man who was also a woman. Something cold and clammy was rubbed between his buttocks and over--and into--his asshole, a lubricating cream or lotion, he guessed, and, inwardly, he cringed, knowing that she was preparing to penetrate him. He wondered whether she would also lubricate the shaft of the artificial penis before she entered him with it. Probably, she would, he thought, but he found that his uncertainty with regard to this matter upset him; it was disquieting. The sleek flesh of her firm outer thighs brushed past his inner thighs as she knelt behind him on the floor. There was a moment's pause, and then something cool and utterly smooth, something cylindrical and firm, slid between his bruised and battered buttocks, parting the red-and- purple cheeks as it advanced, its rounded tip pressing resolutely against the tiny, tight opening to his rectum. Involuntarily, his buttocks compressed, and she dealt him a viscous slap. "Don't fucking resist me, bitch!" she ordered. He relaxed his buttocks, and he felt the artificial cock force open his anus. It slid through the ring of muscle, inch after inch of its smooth cylindrical length penetrating him until, at last, all eight inches of the dildo having vanished within his rectum, he felt the cool, firm, fake, but realistic, testicles press against his perineum through the slightly wrinkled contours of their molded scrotum. She was in, all the way in, possessing him as a man took ownership of a woman he'd penetrated. It felt glorious he thought, to lose his masculinity to her, to surrender his manhood to her, to be conquered by a woman who used him as if he were a female who had been created but to be penetrated, to be occupied, and to be assaulted. "Fuck me!" he wanted to cry, but he knew better, sensing that he must remain silent, enduring what she administered without question, complaint, protest, or even exultation. She had reduced him to a mere object--or objects-- cock, balls, anus, rectum--to use and abuse as she saw fit, and objects did not praise or celebrate, any more than they criticized or condemned, the use or abuse to which they were put. Having been penetrated, his impaled anus began to flex, contracting violently about the invading dildo. His asshole fluttered frantically, as if in a desperate, but vain, effort to expel the trespassing "organ." He was mortified beyond simple shame; he felt as if his soul had been wrung out by Daphne's piercing of his buttocks with her artificial cock. He felt as if his manhood had been denied, even destroyed, by this simple act of phallic penetration. He mourned the loss of his virility, of his masculinity, of his maleness. At the same time, though, he welcomed this outrageous usurpation of his manliness, this feminization of his person, this unmanning of himself, for Daphne, in treating him as if he were a woman, had, in some real and enduring sense, actually accomplished this transformation of him, making him, if not fully a woman, something that was also less than a man. He was a new creature, somewhere between the two extremes of sex, a hermaphrodite, androgynous and genderless, a member of neither the masculine nor the feminine, but of the neuter, gender. The fluttering of his anus subsided as his body, like his mind, accepted his fate. The lubricant she'd applied to his ass and anus (and, he hoped, to her phallus) eased the way of the massive dildo, but its utterly smooth surface and its cylindrical shape also made penetration and intercourse fairly easy, he realized, as the dildo slid back, through his anus, before plunging home again, penetrating him anew as she drove the artificial cock deep into his rectum. His own cock was only six inches, erect; hers was eight! The way the dildo spread his anus to many times its actual--or, at least, its original--size also suggested that her prick was much thicker than his own fleshly penis. Even though her cock was artificial and his was real, the idea that her phallus was bigger than his penis embarrassed him, and he felt a flush of shame across his face at the thought that he was being buggered by a woman with a bigger cock--and bigger balls--than his own. The size differential made him feel less manly, even impotent. His cock, which had stiffened and swelled again when she'd first penetrated him, now began to soften and dwindle again, as he bemoaned his unmanliness before this phallic woman. As she continued to fuck him, however, thrusting ever faster and more forcefully into the depths of his bowels with the massive member secured to her groin, and he felt the insistent, quick push and pull of the phallus within his gaping anus, his cock stirred, twitched, lurched, swelled, and stood, regaining the full glory of its erection once more, and his balls seemed to shrink inside the tightening, rising pouch of his scrotum. He had learned, he supposed, to enjoy the disparity between his smaller and less robust organ and her larger, more powerful, if artificial, counterpart. To be denied, whether with regard to gender, sex, or genital superiority, was as exciting, in its own way--or maybe more exciting--than to experience success or fulfillment in these areas. To be rendered genderless and sexless, to be made into a psychological eunuch, was arousing and delightful. It was fun, even fulfilling, to be unmanned, especially by a woman. To give up dominance in favor of submission, power in exchange for powerlessness, and to become willingly weak rather than strong was a heady experience. No wonder his cock was stiffer than it had ever been before and his balls felt as if, any moment, they must explode! Again and again, each time he felt the smooth cylinder rush past the inward-curving cheeks of his buttocks' sleek cleavage and through his ravaged asshole, to plunge into his depths, and each time he felt his buttocks flattening before the leather harness that covered his ravisher's groin, he was reminded of his submissiveness, his passivity, his compliance, his acceptance of being penetrated, filled, and ravished. He was reminded of his having been unmanned by a woman and of his own acceptance, and, indeed, delight, in having been castrated sexually and emotionally. She slammed him again and again, mercilessly and savagely, cramming her blistering pink dildo up his ass. She would pause, occasionally, to grind her leather-girded loins into his backside, crushing flat the buoyant mounds of his derriere, to let him feel her presence more fully, before withdrawing her prick to ram him again, harder, faster, and deeper. Her pussy flowed an endless, copious stream of juices, inundating her thighs. The carpet below them was saturated with her fluids and with the dissolved lubricant with which she'd smeared both her target's ass and her own artificial cock. After her third orgasm, she finally pulled the massive member free of his impaled buttocks, telling him that he could get dressed and get out. When he'd pleaded to be allowed to return for another session, she'd curtly, and rather cruelly, replied, "I wouldn't waste any more film on you, bitch; you're not worth it." * * * Daphne loved men's asses; she just hated the men themselves who were attached to these magnificent assets, and she used her own beauty as a sexy young seductress and her own talents as a professional photographer to avenge herself--and her sisters--upon the boorish, crude, cruel, and heartless males of the species. Her father, who'd never done her mother the common courtesy of marrying her, had abandoned Daphne and her mother shortly after Daphne's birth. Neither of them had ever seen him again, although they'd learned, through a third party, that the son of a bitch had done the same thing to three other women and their daughters, leaving them without the love of a father or a husband, the girls to grow up, abandoned and rejected, in abject poverty. The bastard refused to pay child support or even to call his daughters on their birthdays or to remember them with presents at Christmas. Such conduct was cruel and unforgivable, and, even after her mother's death at an early age, Daphne made it a point to remember her father's callous, loveless, indifferent treatment of her and of the other girls and women whom he'd left behind, brokenhearted and discarded as if they were but so much trash. The men whom Daphne approached were handsome, and they had gorgeous bottoms that she would punish with her own hand, with a paddle, and with a razor strop. They had magnificent buttocks and tight anuses that she would penetrate and impale with a cock that was likely longer, thicker, and more rigid than their own, unmanning them so as to cripple them sexually and emotionally, the way that her father had crippled her, so that, as psychological eunuchs and genderless hermaphrodites, they might know the true power, strength, and superiority of a dominant woman who herself was both unloved and unloving. A splendidly handsome man with dark hair and dark eyes saw her ogling him--or his buttocks, which looked wonderful, she had to admit, if only to herself, inside the tight jeans he wore--and he smiled at her. He was sexy and virile, manly and robust, the way her mother had said her father had been, when she'd first set eyes on him, and just the way that Daphne herself liked her men, and she returned his smile, managing to drop her handkerchief on her way past him. "Miss?" he called, and when she turned, he'd held her hanky aloft. "You dropped this." She thanked him with a smile and a pat on the butt. He didn't complain. They never did.

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Trish has worked for me for several years. I hired her as part-time while she was still attending college. Then I moved her to a full-time secretary when my then secretary’s husband was transferred to another state. She has been a very loyal and hardworking employee. Over the years she has had her ups and downs in life, and she has frequently come to me for advice. Some of the times after giving her some advice she would say, “That sounds like something that Daddy would say!” And, of course, I...

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cuckold lifestyle 22

As you know by now if you have read any of my other stories I have a hot wife that knows what that pussy is for and she uses it. We met a new guy and his wife while doing some off roading a few months ago. His name is Terry and her name is Kelly , they are a young couple and she has some real nice legs. In fact thats why I first walked up and started talking to them was that she had on a pair of short shorts. We where at a popular rest stop in the woods where we go riding alot. Terry seems real...

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In The Warm Embrace Of My Motherinlaw

Hi, this is writing the story of a warm relationship between a son-in-law and his mother-in-law. Your comments and feedbacks are welcome. I am Hari and I and my wife are IT professionals who work in US. Our marriage happened some 2 years back in India and soon we left for US. It was my father who expedited my marriage at my age of 29 as he wanted me to get married before reaching 30. At the time of my alliance seeking, I was in the US city of Ohio. I met my wife in skype and our marriage was...

1 year ago
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Last Nights Class Part 2

Continuing where we left off.. Shauna, after being used like an extreme fuck toy (see Last Nights Class), went to shower and clean up the multiple loads that were shot in her and on her. I and Dave started tying up his wife Becky. We tied her the same way in which we did Shauna. The only difference is we knew what we were tying her up for, she was about to experience being a fuck toy. When we finally got her tied up and I was getting ready to place the anal hook into her tight ass to hold her...

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Having Two At Once

Having Two At Once It was a first that we had waited on a long time. Rock knew that I wanted and sometimes needed a cock in my mouth at all times during sex. So we set out to find a single guy that would fulfill that fantasy. It didn’t take long really to meet someone who had a cock. However it took a little longer to meet someone who had a very laid back, easy going, positive, personality to go with that cock. SG is what I call him for short. It stands for single guy. I think I might...

Group Sex
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Ssbbw ex girlfriends mom handjob

Ms Trisha was a bigger lady, an SSBBW. I never knew I was attracted or had the fetish I have for them until her.i dated her daughter for 2 years. Samantha was a smaller bbw big boobs42 DDDI used to always go to their house and swim and hang out. I remember her mom not being ashamed of her body around me. Matter of fact she acted like I wasn't even turned on by her. She NEVER wore a bra and almost went topless every time we went swimming. I would always just stare at her tits and her hugmungous...

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Its Not the Size That Counts Ch 0203

The next day, when Steven called me, I was nervous. I kept telling myself that I couldn’t keep dragging this relationship on, no matter how attracted to him I was. We’d both end up frustrated. Steven invited me over to his place that evening, he was going to cook for me. I almost chickened out and said no – I could just refuse to answer the phone ever again, couldn’t I? – but remembering my promise to J, I accepted. I was incredibly edgy that day at work, dropping things and confusing one...

4 years ago
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Just one of my fondest memories Edging

So, just wanted to say Hi (to anyone thats reads this!) Ive been on Xhamster for several years but never really posted anything. Ive had a very interesting and fun sex life over the years - and thought Id share some of my experiences/memories. This particular one here, is about the first time I had a major edge session (back then I'd never heard of edging or gooning! lol ) which led to hands down, one of my best orgasms in my life!A quick bit of back story. Ive always been pretty highly sexed,...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Kitana Lure Nympho Nurse Kitana Lure Takes BBC DP Plowing at the Clinic

It’s a Wednesday and that means that Nurse Kitana Lure is working with her favorite colleague Darrel. Kitana, being the nympho that she is, mostly loves Darrel because he’s got a massive black cock. So, when the two are alone, she wastes no time fucking him. After a quick fuck, Kitana has to get dressed quickly because she has a patient waiting to be seen in the other room. When she heads into the other room to see the patient, she realizes he’s got a BBC as well, and it doesn’t take long for...

2 years ago
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An Unknown Desire

His words had not given me pause to relax as I thought them through while taking my shower in preparation to go out this evening. He had been vague and would not answer my questions concerning our night out. I had followed his instructions and gone to shower when he seemed to become a bit perturbed with me. He had said he would lay out the clothes he wanted me to wear while I was showering. So what were we to do tonight, would we continue on with our game from the evening before or would he...

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Work From Home

Heather sipped her breakfast tea and looked out the window. She smiled as she heard her toaster pop the freshly crisped bread. She flipped on the televion and found the morning local weather report. The buxom blond smiled from her side of the tv saying "If you have any plans for any outdoor activity, with warm temperatures and a cloudless sky, today is tailor made for you."Heather smiled. "It's far too nice a day to spend in the office," she said to her tea. She found her mobile in the bottom...

3 years ago
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My Story part 2

I am in the bathroom hiding from my two best friends fearing that I just ruined everything. They were both willing participants in our escapades, but still in my mind it was all my fault. I am trying to compose myself but it is not happening until Amber knocks on the door, “Hey my parents are home. John is stalling them but you need to get dressed.” She hands me my clothes and I get dressed and splash water on my face. I walk to the living room and hear, “…he just didn’t react well to...

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Castaway ExplorerChapter 3

The cold floor woke me up. I had to pee really badly. After taking care of myself, I looked in the mirror again. My hair looked funny. On Haven, Swarta would have laughed at me, and then preened and fussed over me. I missed her so much. "Get a hold of yourself and tidy up," I thought. Washing my face and running wet hands through my hair started the first steps in recomposing my physical appearance. I put on a silk shirt and some loose pants. The door chimed and opened. Merritt walked in...

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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 10

It started like any other Saturday evening visit with my baseball coach Coach H (He's 58 and I am 18). He gave me a beer to drink while we watched a video of the coach having sex with his ex-wife. When I was sufficiently relaxed and horny Coach H asked if I would like to make video with him. Seeing how erotic the videos of him and his ex-wire were I said "Why not". Coach H lead me to another bedroom. In the center was the bed with several video cameras on tripods pointed at the center of the...

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Getting Mary Pregnant

Don Benigno is a rich industrialist and entrepreneur, owner of big enterprises, apparently a model example with great virtues. His only problem consists in often taking advantage of female employees, or  clerk’s wives, whenever possible. This is how José became an easy prey, a victim who had just married to gorgeous Mary, 20 yo.   Jose had just been hired as a major executive at this corporation, yet too young. On the other hand, Mary, his wife, was the owner of an elegant, dazzling body,...

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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 23

Between the effects of the pot and the bourbon, plus the lustful impression Link Morgan's huge cock had indelibly etched in her sensuous mind, Lydia Newell was experiencing her not unusual, quickly aroused salacity. Fiery sensations of lewd craving had begun to hotly tingle between her legs and at the base of her soft belly as she sat staring across the kitchen table at the lecherous, barrel-chested man whose mean eyes were obscenely reflecting her own lewd thoughts. "A-Are we thinking...

1 year ago
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How it Happened Chapter 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! CHAPTER 2 The next morning I woke up and fixed my father breakfast and told him I was going to run some errands. We barely looked at each other and hardly spoke and I just wanted to get away and avoid being near him for a while. Everything felt so weird and so complicated. I wondered how he felt about what happened. I wondered if he was mad at me or himself. I knew we would never talk about it, and I would never find out what he was thinking. So I just...

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A Summer With Amber Chapter 6

Introduction: The sleepover adn a special show for Nathan By the time I was exiting the bathroom, both girls were exiting the bedroom. I smiled at them both and they returned the smile but Amber quickly changed her expression to a questioning look. I continued to smile knowing I knew something they didnt. So, I said as they came closer. Are you ready for your sleepover? You betcha daddy, Amber said winking. Jessica nodded but didnt say anything. I was about to question them more when the door...

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Slime Invasion

Late one night at a hidden lab a scientist was just completing his latest experiment. He had created a sentient small and gooey slime creature that could squeeze through almost any opening or hole. His original idea was to have create a self thinking creature that could spy on enemies and gather intelligence. However, the only think that he could see the slime doing was squeezing in cracks and doing nothing. Having believed the experiment to be a failure he sealed the slime into a protective...

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An Experience With My Aunt

Hi this is rock(Name changed) and I am from chennai. This is a story about how I seduced and fucked my aunt. Before getting into the story let me explain about my darling (Raghavi name changed). She is a beautiful woman with perfect structure, every body parts of her will be in the correct place. She has 36-34-36 which she said me after I fucked her for the first time. My aunt home was 50 kms away from my home so I could not go there every time, instead I used to go there during my vacations....

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Not Quite Paradise Book One Paradise Lost

Chapter 2 Vacation, all I ever wanted Vacation, have to get away.. "Vacation meant to be spent alone." Lexey sang the way she always did, off-key. She had always loved this song. So playful and so philosophical at the same time. Over the last half century, no song had done to her what that one hit by the Go-Gos did. The open road was where she felt most at home. Lexey had crisscrossed every road in the United States at one time or another. The dreams that caused the sudden...

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A PostNOLA Treat

My Wife’s Best FriendThe first thing you should know is that I am married to the best woman on the planet. She loves me completely, just as I love her. We’ve been married for some six years and every minute has been great. Granted, I don’t get the amount of sex that I got in my single life, but to tell the truth, I’m fine with that. That’s a long story for another day. This is about something else entirely.My wife is a stunning woman. Beth is six feet tall with deep brown hair and...

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One Night of Passion

We had been staring at each other all night. The looks were driving me insane. He was tall, tanned and had the nicest smile I had ever seen. I was in my favourite bar with some of the ladies from work as we normally did on a Friday night, and I had seen him a few times but for some reason this one was different. The waitress brought over our drinks and placed them on the table. She handed me a napkin and told me that it was from the gentleman at the bar, Him. I looked at the napkin and it read...

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The New Hole

Introduction: This is a fantasy of ours. I hope you like it. The New Hole I have always considered myself a straight guy and am very attracted to girls and women of all ages. I am married to a sexy attractive woman and we are both 30. We have very similar likes and dislikes when it comes to sex and are both turned on by the same things almost all the time. My wife is a little over 5 feet tall and has a curvy build with huge tits and a nice round ass. We were surfing for porn on the internet...

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Pregnant MomChapter 6

"David, I have a meeting with the attorney today so I will be gone most of the afternoon," my mother said as she came into the den where I was watching a ball game. "Okay, Mom, anything you want me to do today?" "The sink in my bathroom is leaking. I don't know if you can fix it, but I would love for you to look at it." "Sure. Probably just needs a new washer." "Thanks. I'll fix dinner when I get home." Mom came over and leaned over to give me a goodbye kiss. I'm not sure if...

1 year ago
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Lap LessonsChapter 2

"I can't suck a man's penis!" wailed Leaf Campbell. "Yes, you can," said Crystal. "It's really very sexy, especially when they break and you feel all that hot, wonderful liquid spurting in your mouth. After you do it once, the flavor is great and the feel of their hard shafts jerking in wild spasms drives you out of your skull in happiness." "Ohhhhh, Crystal," moaned Leaf. Crystal sat on top of the soft girl's belly, doing Leaf's face makeup. Leaf thought that Crystal was the...

4 years ago
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My first time getting fucked

now just to be fair I must say I had been with a woman with something extra before.kissing,fondling,oral but never had I been fucked.this is that story.1993 I was living in St Petersburg,Fl and every weekend I would head up to Orlando,Fl and go to The Parliament House & resort off of OBT were My friend Tammy was a performer.on this night the house was Full of Beautiful women I am telling you breath taking.a few hr before the show I had been walking around and talking with the girls some...

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Abigails End

Abigail's End In the Presidential Palace, there is a dining room where only the most trustedand honoured of the dictator's guests are ever entertained. Here are the mostdecadent and opulent symbols of his power. Perhaps the most decadent and opulentsymbol of all is the white statue holding a finger-basin by the entrance. On the wall behind the statue, in an arc over its head, the inscription reads, "Tothe twin virtues of humility and obedience." It is a naked woman, and her namewas once...

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TemptationChapter 10

With Lisa's help, Yumi found her way back up to where Maddie and the others were. She explaining that she was exploring the caves, and fell down, causing her glasses to break. Neither her or Lisa actually mentioned what happened, and figured it was better if it stayed that way. After their time on the beach, while they waited for the bus, Yumi could hear the girls talking about something, but they were talking so softly that she couldn't hear them very well. After a few short minutes, Yumi...

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Czech the Mileage

Recently, Our BMW failed it’s MoT test. It was nothing serious but it made us realise that old cars don’t run forever. It was over fifteen years old and starting to show it’s age. We had bought it whilst my husband was still able to work and had more money and now we couldn’t afford to replace it with a new one. I still earn a good wage but not that much so we decided it was time to find something that would fit our budget. We had the little hatchback for everyday running around but I wanted...

3 years ago
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Fucking Gringa

I am a writer. Acuario is a tattoo artist. I am American. He is Mexican. We have an interesting relationship. Two creative personalities. Two very different cultures.If he pisses me off. I don’t yell. I don’t throw things. I challenge his authority. In front of his friends. This both angers and excites him.If I piss him off, he doesn’t talk. He fucks me. But he makes me wait. This both frustrates me and keeps me wanting more.It is my differences that he loves.  It is his differences that I...

Straight Sex
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Two for the Price of OneChapter 4

Jonnie hugged me and whispered, “I do get excited when we play like that, but the damn circular logic drives me crazy. I enjoyed feeling small and soft and all yours, but I swear we don’t need a fantasy to make us feel that. We can all have that in real life because we all want each other. That makes us all need each other, so we will have lots and lots of good sex for the rest of our lives. “When you feel us give ourselves to you and make love to you the best we can, because you love us the...

1 year ago
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Across Eternity Book 4 Chapter 7

Deeper and deeper, Noah delved into the sea of his memories, losing all sense of identity and time. Random moments from his experience in the multiverse flashed across his mind’s eye with crystal clarity, hypnotizing his senses with experiences of thousands of years in the past. Pleasure, pain, laughter, tears, exhilaration, fear, intoxication, love, loss, they washed over him, with moments stretching across centuries and lifetimes passing by in the blink of an eye. With what shred of...

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rich boys love 39

me and harvey walked over to the sofa and sat down and never let go of his hand doing this. Harvey still crying a little but had also calmed down alot said to me "your so beautiful and i love you with all my heart" me in the same emmtional state said "harvey i love you too so so much. how did you afford to get to italy?" "i spoke to your parents baby and they gave me the money to come and get you" there was a knock on the door and i answered it after drying my eyes it was my room...

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Ghostlover Ch 01

Jane occasionally read Literotica, and when she read ‘Ghostlover Ch. Zero’, a bell rang. ‘John, there is a real problem with this story!’ ‘Darling, it’s just a ghost story.’ ‘I’m afraid not. Can ghosts change their sizes, or the size of their body parts?’ ‘Ghosts are fictional beings. Authors can endow them with whatever characteristic they like.’ ‘John, a literary tradition may be as binding as a handbook of biology. There isn’t much leeway for the authors of a ghost story. Apparently,...

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I Love Being A Man

I Love Being a Man --------------- This is a story of a man, and his life's journey to complete himself. It's not written to be overly funny, but I injected some light hearted bits justifying the 'humor' tag I put on the story. We all see things differently, and this guy is no different. He is slightly traumatized early in life which cause him to take drastic steps later in life to make things right. I will be personally honest with you though. Even as the author, there is...

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Fucked my friends wife

This is a true story about a friend whose married, by the name sunil. Am a college student age 21 residing in chennai.we used to drink together many times after work and he used to go home drunk. One day he was much too high after a party and i took him to his home. His wife opened the door and all the effect of the alcohol i had drunk was gone in a second the moment i saw her. She was like an angel. Very smooth skin, big boobs, long hair and sexy smile. Since amit was fully out, i was holding...

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I Just Had to Know PART 3

Having just finished having my throat blasted with cum from Darlene's juicy white pussy, I was more than ready to soak my dick for a while in Brenda's puffy, white pussy. She lay in her back and opened her big creamy white thighs as wide as her legs would let her. Geraldine stopped fucking Cheryl long enough to give my dick a nice wet kiss and before guiding it into Brenda's throbbing pussy. OOOOOhhhh, it felt so soft and smooth. She was close built down there and her pussy felt like a...

1 year ago
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Mike the tutor

The phone rang. “Hello.” “Hi mike this is mom.” “Oh hey mom what’s up?” “I need a big favor form you. You sisters friend Kristin is falling way behind in her math class. Since you are so good at math I was hoping you could help her.” Not wanting to sound too eager. “You can’t find any one but me? What about Mrs. Cross the lady that helped missy” “She moved a few weeks ago and she was the only math tutor in town. The reason I thought of you was so you could make some extra money on...

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First time kind of

I was a soccer player in my highschool very fit decent looking white guy..I went to a religious based highschool. Boys wore ties and sport coats. Girls wore skirts and sweaters. I was a very shy guy, but I could talk a good game with girls when I tried. I always was interested in this chick In my history class(final class of the day). I would trying to flirt with this girl and finally I said "truthfully I wanna go on a date with you sometime" she replied with "truthfully you aren't my type." I...

2 years ago
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Playboy Back With New Experience In Hyderabad

Hi friends thanks for iss and all my readers. After long time I am back with new story which happened few days back in hyderabad with couple and one matured woman. This experience was really good experience in my life. One day I got mail from one couple they said they got my contact from one of there friend I s aid Okay and asked them what are they looking for they told me for good fun and relaxation I said okay they me that there friend told them how I fucked her and licked her and they want...

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I broke up with my girlfriend in early September and and went back "home" to my Dad's place. I hated it. Of course, I missed the endless fucking and the sex games I'd enjoyed with my girlfriend, with her dressed as a nurse or a maid. I also missed the girlie things like knickers and bras s**ttered around our bedroom, but above all I hated it because I'd never really got on with my Dad since I was a teen. In fact, I really disliked him. But I was desperate for a place to stay and so swallowed my...

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The Gym11 John and Jen

The Gym #1.1: John & Jen By DrLoVe This story is copyrighted and my expressed permission is required for reprints in any shape or form. **************** John Grisham flung himself from one street to another, running around the block twice in futile hopes to espy and intercept his fudge-colored nemesis. Running presented a seemingly insurmountable obstacle since his bulging thighs trembled and rubbed against each other chafing and heating up uncomfortably. People turned around...

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Oh so Hot

Oh so young and hot When I was younger I grew up in a mid size town that had 2 major colleges . I was in high school when my older sister left for college and my parents toke in Tammy as a border to off set the cost of my sisters education . Tammy was going to college to be a nurse and she was from a small town about 200 miles from our city . I knew from the first time I saw her that I would some day have a great life changing experience with her and I was hoping it would involve sex. I was...

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