Let's Make A Bet free porn video

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Let's make a bet By: Phoebos Edited by Marie7342231 This is my second story. I am trying to apply new ideas and think outside of the box. Any comments, suggestions, or if you would like to reach me for any reason you can email me at [email protected] My sister and I have a very special ability. We can enforce the condition of a bet on each other no matter what it is. Don't ask me how we got this power. All I know is that the two of us are the only ones who seem to be able to do it. Ever since childhood we would use our powers to amuse ourselves. When we were young we did not completely understand what was going on, but we enjoyed our ability nevertheless. In our childhood our bets were silly. We would bet that one of us was better at a video game, or a card game, or bet on some random event. The loser would then be punished, never harmful but always amusing. Typically I would make my sister play in the mud or eat a worm. She, in turn, would make me play "house" with her or play with her dolls. No one was ever harmed and for some reason we were never able to hurt each other. We learned that out when in a fit of rage we said that the loser of a bet would become very sick. In those days we also realized that whatever the punishment was it would warp reality. If we bet that our names would change, for example, then everyone would act as if our names had always been what they were. It applied to everything we tried: favorite colors, favorite foods, and activities we enjoyed. Everything would change, and yet no one would act differently. As we aged our bets became more extravagant, partially because we learned how to abuse our power. We would start to bet that one of us would become taller or shorter than the other. Our bets often would include money. We discovered that we could not create wealth but we could transfer it between each other with ease. High School presented us with a whole new spectrum of bets; quite a few of them evil. The most evil thing I ever did to my sister was make her a lesbian. I won a bet over which of us got a better grade in a class. She kindly returned the favor though, she turned my girlfriend into my boyfriend. Eventually we would change each other back, but never before we felt the other person had suffered enough. Our bets started to come with time limits. This prevented either of us from doing something permanent and became an unwritten rule for the two of us. To be honest we were quite evil with each other when we were in High School. Maybe it was the hormones or maybe it was because we were just sick of each other. Whatever it was it caused us to become slightly demented. Eventually the two of us would graduate high school and go to the same college. One benefit of me being held back one year in elementary school (damn you math) was that the two of us were in the same grade now. Going to college together had its advantages. We were able to see each other constantly and that helped fend off any homesick feelings we might have. It also allowed us to continue our betting habits. With college came more changes in our bets. Instead of changing who we liked we would often bet that the loser had to write the other persons paper or do some form of homework that we hated to do. I thought that neither of us had any intentions to do anything drastic, and I was wrong. "Ungngngg" I growled as I started to wake up. I opened my eyes to see that my sister was sitting on the edge of the bed. "Morning sleepyhead." She said to me. "Morning. What are you doing in my room?" I asked her. Something seemed off though. For some reason my voice seemed slightly higher. "Oh you don't remember?" She said giggling slightly. "Well that is understandable, you were pretty drunk last night after all." "I was?" I asked. Maybe I did get drunk last night, but I couldn't remember a thing. I yawned and noticed that strangely I wasn't hung- over. "Oh yes, yes you were. Very drunk actually. So drunk that you don't remember it apparently, which means this should be amusing to watch." "What is?" I said as I sat up. I felt a weight on my chest shift. I looked down and screamed. "That is!" Sara laughed. I looked down in shock. My chest was huge! "What happened to me?!" I yelled at her. This time though, I was sure that my voice was higher. "Here, watch this." She said as she opened up her computer and clicked on a video. I was shocked at what I saw. ....................................................................... ........ "How do you feel Jake?" Sara asked me. "I feel....feel.....good." I said with my eyes half open and a big stupid grin on my face. ....................................................................... ............... I turned to Sara and demanded, "What the hell is this?!" "Just watch, everything will make sense in a moment." She said, attempting to calm me down. Annoyed, I shifted my attention back to the screen. ....................................................................... ...................... "What do you say we make a bet Jake?" Sara asked. "That sounds...fiiiiiiiiiiine Sara." I replied as I nearly fall over. "Well then, what should we bet on?" "Why don't we bet on you......you.....hahaha!!!" "I have an idea." Sara grinned as she came closer. "Why don't we bet on your ability to live as a girl?" "My what? Haha you are crazy, craaaaaaaaazzyyyyyyyyyyyy" "I am serious Jake. Here is my idea, we will bet if you can survive a week as a girl." "You know I could!" I started to become angry. "Being a girl is easy! You can....ca....just be pretty and get stuff!" "So you agree to the bet Jake?" She asked excitedly. "You bet I do! This is going to be cake!" "Oh really?" She said as her grin got even bigger. "How about we raise the stakes? Let's bet that you could not survive a week as your dream girl." ....................................................................... .. The video seemed to skip a little bit. ....................................................................... ...... "Fine!" I said. "What is the condition!" "The condition will be that you have to spend an entire week as my sister and roommate. During that week you will be your dream girl and you will have to live as a girl." "Works for me." I said as I threw my arms around the air wildly. "What is the punishment?!" "If anyone thinks you act like a guy you have to spend an entire year as my sister and roommate." She stated with an evil grin. "What if I win?" "If no one thinks you acted like a guy then I will do your homework for an entire year. Is it a deal?" "Of course it is! Bein' a girl is easy....." I stumbled around again. "Just you wait! You're going to have to.....do all my homework and stuff!" "Good!" She said as she clapped her hands together. "The deal starts at midnight, when you wake up you will be my sister and roommate. Now go and get some sleep sweetie." Sara patted me on the head. "Fine!" I said in one last burst of drunken anger. I stumbled out of the room. Sara walked over to the camera and winked before turning it off. .................................................................... "What the hell?!" I said to her. "Hey don't blame me for your own actions." "Why did you do this?!" I could feel a whole new range of emotions well up inside me. "Well, I guess for one I thought it might be interesting. Plus, I have always wanted a sister." She smiled at me. "But, a girl?!" I responded. "What about it?" "This, it's, just wrong. I can't be a girl." I said as I looked at my hands. They were so small, and the nails, the nails were painted sky blue and clearly well taken care of. "Yes you can, and actually, you have been before." "WHAT?!" I screamed at her. "You don't remember it because you were black out drunk when it happened. That's how I knew this would work, I bet you that you could not walk down the hallway as a girl. You took the offer and became a girl. I have to admit, even I was surprised it worked." "But........" Shock was overtaking my body. The revelation that I was a girl was shocking enough, but she had done this to me before? How could she be so mean? Sara sighed, "Don't worry, you will be fine. Today is a Saturday which means that you have an entire day with me alone in this room. During that day I will help you learn how to act like a girl. I don't want you to go out on your own, I'm not that evil." She said as she walked over to my bed and grabbed my hands. "Now why don't you get out of bed?" "I, I don't know if I can. Why should I trust you after you took advantage of me?" "Look, what happened happened. Now you can either stay in bed and lose your chance to learn how to be a girl, and then lose the bet. Or you can get out of bed and put on your big girl panties and suck it up." "But, I just, you turned me into a girl?" I was having a hard time finding my words. The shock of everything seemed to be overwhelming my ability to think straight. "Yes I did, and I'm sorry ok? I actually thought you might enjoy this." "Why would you ever think I would enjoy being a girl?!" "Oh come on, I've seen you looking at girls on campus. You practically trip when you see a few of them. Consider this a chance to get to see one of those hot girls up close. It might help you get laid." She said with a slight giggle. "Wait, something just occurred to me. The bet said I had to be my dream girl, what exactly does that mean?" A new wave of worry washed over me. "Oh you caught that did you? Did you notice that nice little bit of editing I did to the video?" "Well, kind of. It looked like the video jumped a little bit." "Smart girl! I'm glad you caught that. If you get out of bed and put on some clothes I will show you that part of the video. You really do want to see this, it is quite shocking what your dream girl is, and if you throw in your drunken stupor, it becomes something else all together." "Fine, I will get out of bed and get dressed. If only to learn exactly what I said last night." I said as my worrying grew. My sister didn't know it but I actually had a somewhat sexist idea of what a perfect girl was. This was going to be very, very bad for me. I swung my legs out of bed one at a time and noticed that my sister chuckled slightly. When I stood up I immediately noticed that I was much much shorter than I was as a guy. I actually had to look up slightly at my sister, who stood 5'6. I also felt the weight on my chest. For the first time I got a good look at the two huge mounds pushing up my clothes. My sister watched and laughed as I noticed their huge size. "They are DD if you want to know." She said laughing at my predicament. I noticed that my chest was much larger than my sisters. The changes did not stop at my chest though, I constantly had to fight back the blond hair that continued to fall into my field of vision. My legs looked more slender, more feminine. Starting at my now very feminine feet my legs curved their way up to my now much larger hips. I noticed my flat crotch and grabbed hoping to find something. "Oh yes my dear sister, it is gone." She said once again laughing. Only now was the full force of my predicament starting to hit me. I had indeed been transformed into a girl. And not just any girl, but a very sexy one. "Ok now put on the clothes I give you." My sister ordered. I started to undress when Sara turned to me and yelled, "Close the window first dummy!" "Oh," I could feel my face turning red. "I never worried if someone saw me naked before." "You will now, here put this on." She said as I finished stripping. When I was completely naked she handed me a pair of panties first. They were so small, so alien. I slid them up my slender legs and felt them grip my now much larger ass and flat crotch. Next she handed me a bra. "Uhhh, how exactly do I use this thing?" I said to her as I held the foreign object. "Come on, figure it out, it's not that hard." She said laughing slightly at my predicament. I put my arms through the straps and let it cup my chest. When I was finally able to put the clasps together I could feel the bra supporting my chest. When I looked down I saw ample cleavage as my chest had been pushed up slightly. Standing there in only a bra and panties made me feel good. I felt very sexy in those female undergarments. "Good now this." She said as she handed me a pair of jeans. "We are not going too extravagant today, just some normal female clothing." I had to struggle to get the jeans past my hips. They felt very tight against my body and I could feel them tightly pressing against my ass. Next I was given a top. I was able to put it on and I noticed that it was very tight. The top had a V cut that showed off my cleavage and it clung tightly to my slim waist. "Very good!" My sister said in a patronizing tone. "Now we can watch the video, I hope you enjoy this as much as I do." "I have a feeling that this is not going to be good." I told Sara. Again I saw the scene where I was drunk and we made the bet. .......................... "What is your perfect girl like Jake?" "Well, first off, she is sexy." I said to her. "Very seeeeeexy....and has curves!" "I want details Jake! Give me some details!" "Fiiiiiiiiine.....she has a great ass. You know the one, the one that doesn't stop and that guys love to look at, big enough to jiggle but not huge you know?" "Oh I know." Sara said as she let out a giggle. "And her hipsss..great hips......big and wide....to show off the curves of her body...because you know? Her legs, her legs have to be very feminine and petite. That way when they get to her hips and ass it makes a great figure. And don't forget her waist, it's a waist, and needs to be......waisty you know?" "I don't know Jake, why don't you explain it better?" "ffffffiiiiiiiiiiinnnne......it needs to be small, that way her small belly and waist help form a great curvy hourglass figure." "Ohhhh, so that's what you mean. That's good to know." "And her chest, it needs to be good. Like you know? One of those chests that you can see from a distance......and is like big and stuff! A good bouncy yet perky and firm chest!" "Like a DD?" "Yes! Like that! That way it's big and she should have big pink nipples that are very sensitive and stuff." "OK. And what about her crotch? Anything in particular you like?" "Oh yes, I like girls who are wet when they get turned on. It just seems.....hot and stuff you know? When girls get all wet and stuff..........it shows they are girly doesn't it? "Oh yes it does. What about her face?" "The face.......it's....a face! hahaha...." I said as I stumble around before I catch my balance. "It needs to be a very girly face.....with very girly cheeks.....and big lips...but not huge, just big enough to like, be sexy when there is makeup on them. Oh yea! Makeup! The girl needs to wear enough makeup to make her sexy....not so much that it's a ton you know? Just enough to outline her great eyes, which should be very pretty and green! That way her eye shadow can really show off her eyes." "That does sound good. Is there anything else about her looks?" "Uhh.....long blond hair! Yea that's it! Blond hair because it's sexy......and she likes earrings......and painted nails.......and uh uh, she likes, uh, likes to uhhhhh, wear sexy clothes? Yea that's it! She likes clothes that show off her body, that way she always looks sexy." "Ok I think I get the idea, what about how she acts and thinks?" Sara asked with an increased interest. "She should act very girly and stuff. Be girly enough that everyone knows she's really, well a girl. And she should walk sexy and act sexy to. Plus she should be willing to like.....you know? Have sex with me when I want it....yea....she should love sex and have a high libido." "REALLY?" Sara asked with a slight chuckle. "Yes! Because that's really hot. And she should be a bit of a klutz, a typical blond and stuff! One who makes simple little mistakes, and is like, a ditsy girl. Ditsy girls are HOT." "I'm sure they are. What else?" "Well she has to be like, kind of dull you know? Not the smartest knife in the drawer? Smart enough to survive but not brilliant, and not stupid either, maybe just makes ditsy mistakes from time to time. Maybe just below average? That way she can't like.....do some things without help....but she can like...be like...safe on her own?" "I get the picture Jake." "And she has to like....really like guys and stuff....and think about guys.....and like sex. I said that right? That she has to uhh....get really wet and stuff....and uhhhh.....love sex." "You did say that. Do you want to say more?" "Sure!!! Why not? She has to love sex...and be turned on by......all kinds of things, like hot guys and hot girls....but she shouldn't like to sleep with them....just look and feel hot looking at pretty girls....and get wet when she does and like.....love all sorts of sex acts." "She sounds fun." "She would be! Because she would love to go out and do things.....and be sexy when doing them.......right?" .................... "The video just rambles on like that for a while. You said some very interesting things." Sara said as she closed the computer. "What things?! I want to know!" I asked desperately. I saw what happened and knew I would pay for it. "You already know those things. Just think about it, you said that all those things were part of you dream girl, and now you are your dream girl." "What does that mean?" "Simple, everything you thought of before has impacted what you are now. You said you love girls who are very sexy, so you became one. You said that you enjoyed girls that dress in clothes that show off their figure, so you are doing that. If you don't believe me, try this. Think about sex, hot steamy sex." I did what she said. I saw myself naked playing with new chest waiting for my partner to come to me. And then I saw a man walk in naked and climb on top of me. "No......" I said in shock. "Oh yes my dear sister. You became your own sex crazed dream girl, and you made it so you can only have sex with guys." "This can't be happening." I said as tears started to form in my eyes. "Oh yes it can. This is as much your fault as mine. If you didn't think of your dream girl as some sort of sex object you wouldn't be in this predicament. You should be glad for one thing though, because you said all of those things you already have a head start on knowing how to act like a girl." "Why did I ever think those things....."I said as I looked down at my new body. I was trapped in the body of my dream girl, and I was trapped for a week. "Because you were a boy? Really I could not tell you, now why don't you let your body act on its own and you finish getting ready for the day, or whatever is left of it. It's already three in the afternoon." "What do you mean finish getting ready?" "Well, you don't think that you can just put your clothes on and be done do you? Because of what you said you have a lot more to do. You have your makeup and hair for starters." "I, I guess I do..."I said as I thought hard about what she was saying. Somehow she was right; I knew that I had to do those things. I was repulsed by the thought of going out of the house without doing my hair and makeup. I walked into the bathroom and saw that the countertop was covered in all types of hair products. Hair sprays, flat irons, curling irons, and more brushes and combs than I ever had when I was a guy. Instinctively I went to work on my hair. Eventually I would fix my hair to what I thought was suitable for my outfit. Then I went to work on my makeup. I started with some foundation and before I knew it I was applying all sorts of makeup to my face. When I'd finished I looked in the mirror and saw glossy lips and well defined eyes. My face was perfectly made-up. Not enough to be overbearing, but enough that people could notice that I took the time to look pretty. The surprising thing was that when I looked at myself I felt good. "You look good." My sister said to me when she saw the work I had done. "I can't believe I actually did that. I mean I couldn't even tell you the names of the things I used." "Oh I'm sure if you thought hard enough you would know what they were called." She was right. When I thought about it, I knew the names of everything I had just used. I walked over to Sara and felt the shifting masses on my body. My chest seemed to move on its own and my ass, that stupid thing swayed back and forth. I just knew that it would draw a lot of attention, but was that a bad thing? "So now what?" I asked. "Good question. It is already late in the day and you need dinner. Why don't we order some food and relax here tonight?" "I thought we were going to go out. That's why I spent all this time getting ready." My girl instincts seemed in control. I thought about it and fought the urge. After a deep breath the desire to go out was gone. "That is fine by me, the less I have to go out, the better." At least I can fight my inner-girl. This was gonna be tough. "Ok I'll call delivery. Why don't you go sit down on the couch and relax a little bit." Sara walked into the other room and I noticed how she looked. It was different than how a guy would look at a girl though, it was more envious than anything. I noticed how good her body looked and how her clothes matched well. "That is not very girly." Sara said as she came back and saw me sitting on the couch. I didn't really understand what she meant until I looked down and saw I was sitting with my legs spread wide and I was slouching. "Why am I not sitting like a normal girl?" I said as I closed my legs and sat up straighter. "To be honest I don't know. It seems like you can automatically do things that take skill like your hair and makeup, but you have trouble with the little habits that we girls learned growing up. This does make our bet a little more interesting though doesn't it? I mean, now you have to think about sitting like a girl and stuff like that." "I really am starting to hate this bet." "Awwww, cheer up! Think of this as some quality sister to sister bonding time." She laughed. "I don't want to be your sister." I growled at her. "Well for this week you are my sister, so get used to it." Anything she said after that was lost to me. All I could think about was how I was now a girl and how I would have to survive the week. Our food arrived and we ate in silence. Everything seemed like a blur and my mind just could not focus. Eventually we went to bed. "God this is embarrassing." I whispered to my sister as we entered the dining hall for breakfast. "Why's that? Because of your cute outfit?" "And because I am a girl......" "Who's fault is that?" Sara asked. She had a point though. It was my own fault for being in this body and in this outfit. That morning I had gotten up and taken a shower, which was an experience in itself. Sara let me pick out what I was going to wear for the day and I had decided to wear an outfit I would come to dread. I wore a very short skirt, which had a tendency to bounce a little high and show my panties, and a top that clung to my chest and showed off way too much cleavage, add in the panties and bra I could not be mistaken for anything but one sexy girl. The combination of everything I wore made me look like a total hottie and it felt good to be wearing them. Something deep down inside me was pleased with how I looked and how much attention I was getting. "What do you want to eat Jessica?" Sara asked me. During the morning she had shown me how all of my identification cards had changed to match my new body, and name. "I'm actually not too hungry." "Ok, let's just eat a fruit salad. You do have to watch your girly figure after all." She said with a wink. I was only into this thing a day and I was getting sick of all of her snide little comments. We put some food on our trays and went to a table to eat. I had to remember to be a girl in public so I took extra notice to make sure I crossed my legs and that I was sitting up straight. In all of my life I had never once eaten a meal with as many eyes on as I did that morning. It felt like no matter where I looked there was a guy looking right at me, well, at my chest at least. I was constantly looking up to see a guy looking at me. To be honest, as much as I hated it, it also made me feel pretty good. I even caught myself thinking that the boys were pretty cute a few times and wondered what a few of them would be like in bed. Those horrifying thoughts were always moving in and out of my mind, a constant battle between my male self and my growing female desires. "God that was annoying." I said as we got back to our room. "What all of the guys looking at you? Hey I did say you should not wear a skirt so short and that's the result." She said as she flipped up the back end of my skirt to reveal my matching pink panties. "Hey!" I said as I twirled around and pulled my skirt down. I could feel my face turning red. "Very nice color!" She said with a wink and walked off to her room. Even though I was now my dream girl I noticed how some things that I did as a guy I still enjoyed doing now. I actually spent most of my Sunday doing what I would typically do as a guy. I played some Halo on my Xbox, though I noticed that I was not as good as when I was a guy, I checked my emails, and I even had a Facebook. Facebook was something totally different though. I had hundreds of messages that I didn't remember writing. Some were casual, others disturbing, and there were countless messages from guy's wanting to hook up with me. Those frightened me the most, while at the same time felt good. It felt good to be appreciated so much and to have this attention. I caught myself a few times following the messages to see pictures of the guys. They did not look too bad and a few times I felt my body tighten up thinking about what it might like to be with them. Sara and I ate leftovers for lunch and dinner because I had pleaded with her to not make me go back outside. She said it was ok to stay in but that I might regret it later. Before I went to bed I checked on my cybernation account and to see if my alliance, the Blue Turtle Alliance, had done anything fun. I was again met with a surprise because I had become much more popular in the alliance, because I was a girl. Normally I was popular because I did a very unpopular job, recruiting. But now I was popular because of my gender, it was flattering and annoying all at the same time. Before I could actually sleep I had to take all of the makeup off of my face which took me quite a while. I changed into my pajamas, which unfortunately were just as sexy as everything else I was wearing. They were a pair of boys boxers that were very small and a shirt that really could not even be called a shirt because it stopped just under each of my boobs. Monday would bring an entire new set of challenges for me. My day had started the same as Sunday did. I woke up, took a shower, put on some very sexy clothes, and then did my hair and makeup. But this new problem was something I was not sure how to deal with. "You are going to be late for class Jessica!" Sara called to me from another room. Her classes were later in the day so I was able to get ready for class before she was. "I know, I just don't want to do this." I said back to her. When I had gathered all of my things together, I stood at the doorway fearing what would happen. I took a deep breath and took the biggest first steps in my life as I exited the safety of my room. Walking to class was less difficult than I had imagined it would be. Thankfully I had decided to wear something less revealing today. I wore a pair of shorts and a shirt that, again, showed off my cleavage and figure but not nearly as much as yesterday. The shorts were very short, it felt like there was no difference between my panties and the edge of the shorts. The thrill of wearing something so short sent shivers running through my body. Classes turned out to be much less painful for me than I had imagined. I did have to concentrate much harder to understand what was being said though. I reminded myself that was because I said I wanted my dream girl to not be too smart, another desire I was regretting. There also was the fact that I had to remember to sit like a girl and act as a girl throughout the day. I spent most of my classes fighting off thoughts of what I might do to the boys in my class if I was given the chance. My biggest challenge came when I had to use the bathroom between classes. I nearly forgot to go into the women's room but eventually found my way to what had been before forbidden territory. "How were classes today?" Sara asked when I got back to our room. "Interesting to say the least. I had to concentrate way too hard for these classes." "That's because you are not, as you said, the smartest knife in the drawer." She said laughing slightly. "Gee, thanks for reminding me." "Not a problem." She said sarcastically. A few hours later Sara said the two of us should go grab some dinner in the dining hall. Just what I wanted, another trip in public. We ate in a small corner booth so that we could be slightly hidden from everyone. Thankfully Sara did not really want to draw much attention to us for some odd reason. We got back to our room and spent the evening watching TV and chatting. It was really weird talking to my sister like I was. We were talking as if we had no secrets between us and if we had some sort of natural understanding of each other. "No, absolutely not." I said to my sister. Up until now my Tuesday had been much like Monday was. But now Sara was trying to get me to do something crazy. "Oh come on! You know it will be fun, besides, think of this as a way to learn what it's like!" "No, there is no way. I am not about to do that." "Alright I will make you a deal. We will make a bet over this." "What type of bet?" I said. My sister had peaked my interest because if there was any possible way of becoming a guy again faster I was going to take it. "I bet that you cannot do it. And if you are able to do it then you will change back into yourself on Thursday instead of Sunday. Deal?" "Ok, so let me get this right. I have to go with you down to the quad, in a bikini, and sunbathe with you for a few hours. If I pull it off then I can become a guy a few days earlier than if I can't. What if I cannot last those few hours?" "Hmmmm that's a good question." She said and paused in thought. "How about if you leave early for, any reason, then you will start your period tomorrow. Deal?" "Woah woah woah, period?" "Yea!" She proclaimed. "It seems like a fair trade." "Umm." I hesitated. Did I really want to run the risk of having a period? Being a girl was enough but a period? "Oh come on, you know it's a good deal. Take the bet." "Fine!" I said. "Good, now go put on a bikini. I'll grab a few beach towels from the closet." I walked into my room and went to a drawer that I knew had bathing suits in them. Once again I was about to enter a situation by my own free will, that I would hate. I went through the drawer and decided to go with a bikini that had white and blue stripes. Instinctively I put on the bikini and walked into the living room. "That is one sexy bikini. It shows off your great ass and chest perfectly." Sara said when she saw me. She had a point, this bikini was very skimpy in all the right places. There would not be a boy around who would not look at me while I was wearing this. The entire walk to the quad was horror. My chest bounced before, but without the support of a bra my chest bounced and swayed without control. The two of us laid down on the beach towels in a place where it was impossible for anyone to miss us. The entire time I laid there I noticed guys looking at me. Some would be relatively discreet about it and others were nearly tripping as they saw me. It was annoying, and at the same time slightly exciting. I felt like I had some sort of power over them like this. It was something completely new to me and it sent shivers through my body. Having all of these guys looking at me gave me a thrill that I never had experienced before. Only the realization of what was happening to me kept my male brain in control as my female side attempted to fight through and take over. "Ok, it's been two hours. Is that enough?" I asked Sara. "Yes it is. I have to admit, you really took it well." "Yeah well it's not something I ever want to do again. I wanted to run back to the room so many times but the thought of turning back into a guy was the only thing that kept me here." "Well you were a big girl," my sister chided, "so we can go back now." "Best news I have heard all day. I also won the bet right?" "Yes, you can become a guy a few days sooner." She said slightly sad. Even as we walked back to the room I could feel the eyes of every guy firmly glued to my chest and ass. The constant bouncing and swaying of both did not help keep attention away. Thankfully Sara would not torture me anymore that day. I would drift off to sleep and dream. Unfortunately for me my dreams were not what I had wanted. I dreamt that I was on a tropical island with my dream man. We were enjoying lounging on the beach together barely clothed. Then we went back to our hut and had amazing sex. The dream was one of the most vivid ones I have ever had and it felt very good. The dream burned into my mind because of the intense pleasure I felt with the man. My last day as a girl, thank God it is here. Even though it was my last day as a girl my sister took every opportunity to rub it in my face. "I have a question." She asked "What's that?" "Well, do you like having to sit to pee? Because I mean, you're a girl and all so you have to do it. Do you like it more than when you could just stand and let it fly?" "Oh shut up." I said. She was evil with her remarks. All I heard that morning were comments about me being a girl. "Don't forget to wipe." "Don't forget to put your bra on." "What's it like having to put on makeup?" "Do you like the boys looking at your tits and ass?" "How are those tits and ass?" "Screwed any boys lately?" All morning, and into the afternoon, that was all I heard from her. It really seemed like she was mad that I was going to turn back into her brother sooner than she wanted. As much as I did not like seeing her like this, I had to get back to my own body. That day went smooth for me. I spent most of the day in classes, but they seemed less chaotic. It was obvious I was getting used to being a girl and having guys look at me. Once again I did not help my cause because I decided to wear a pair of very tight tights and a shirt that showed off my belly. "Can you do something for me?" Sara asked after all of our classes were over. "What is it?" "Well, first off, I'm sorry for how mean I was this morning. I'm just sad that you are going to turn back into my brother tomorrow. It was nice having a sister for a few days and I really felt like we were closer this way." "Ok, so what do you want?" "Well, seeing as it's your last night as a girl, I was really hoping you would go to a party with me. I know of a really good one down the street and I don't want to go alone. Plus I want to have one last good memory of the two of us being sisters doing something fun." "I don't know. Why should I risk it when at this point I can stay at home and wake up tomorrow as a guy?" "That's why it's such a huge favor for you to do this to me. Listen, if you do this then when you turn back into a guy I will help you hook up with Catherin. Would that work?" "Hmmm." I paused. Sara knew that I had been trying to hook up with Catherine for a long time. She was smoking hot and we both enjoyed the same things. "Ok I will help you hook up with her and I will personally clean your entire dorm room for a month if you do this. Is that enough?" She pleaded. I could see that she really wanted this to happen. "Alright, it's a deal." I said. I knew I was going to be in for a very interesting night but something in my sisters eyes said I had to do this. It just did not feel right to turn her down. Maybe it was some sort of sibling love thing or maybe I was just being stupid, whatever it was I was now going to go to a party as a girl. "Yay! I love you so much!" She said as she ran over and gave me a huge hug. "OK OK, I get it." I said to her and pushed her back a little bit. "Now let's get ready." "Good girl!" She said sarcastically. Sara and I both went to our room and started going through our clothes for what to wear tonight. She eventually decided on a very sexy combination of a skirt and a tube top. I would eventually go with a very short and form fitting dress I chose. The dress required that I not wear a bra and I also had to change my bikini panties to a thong so that you could not see a panty line. We spent hours getting ready for the party. We walked down the street and got lots of looks from passing guys. When we got to the party, boys around the room took notice of our entrance. It did not take long before they started hitting on us. What seemed like a constant stream of boys hitting on us and us rejecting them lasted all night. The two of us were constantly given drinks by boys and before we knew it we were both slightly drunk. At one point I even noticed one of the guys who was talking to us had a rather large bulge in his pants. I knew what it was but for some reason I was curious about it. My sister and I had been talking to a couple of very attractive boys for a good half an hour before we decided we were drunk and needed to go home. I said goodbye to the hotties and stumbled down the street back to our dorm room. My sister apparently brought a guy back home with her but I didn't notice, or even care. We got home and I went and collapsed on my bed completely clothed from the night's events. As the haze started to clear from my mind I looked out our doorway and into the shower. I saw my sister taking a shower. What I saw next was something I did not expect, a good looking boy walking into my room. "Hi there." He said noticing that I was hung-over. "Hello." I said. I swung one leg out of bed and then the other and slouched against the wall. "Well, you don't see that every day." "See what?" I asked. "A girl swing her legs like that. I mean you pretty much flashed me your crotch. You basically got out of bed like a guy. Well I will see you around campus sometime." His words instantly cleared any haze from my mind. My sister was at the doorway and let the man pass as she entered my room. "Did he just?" I asked. "Oh yes, yes he did." "Then that means?" "Yes, I'm afraid so." "It can't be....." "Haha!" My sister let out a laugh. "Well now, it appears we are going to have a lot more time getting to be sisters." "No...." I said in pure shock. That one simple act of getting out of bed had sunk me. A single stupid act lost me the bet. "Oh yes my dear sister. Now you should get ready for class, you look like a mess." The pure shock overtook my body and I cried like I had never cried before. I was now faced with the undeniable fact that I was going to be my dream girl for an entire year. My mind was racing with the thoughts of what I was going to have to deal with. Just the idea of it all shook me. I was going to have to deal with boys looking at me for an entire year, with periods, with dressing like a girl, with having to just be a girl. I had only spent a few days as a girl but during that time I was constantly at war with my own body over its thoughts and feelings. There was also the one thing that I knew would eventually happen, sex. I had become my dream girl, and my dream girl had a very high libido. I was trapped, trapped as my dream girl for an entire year. How am I going to survive?

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The Bet

It all started with a bet. It was no secret between Stacy and I about my little kink. We had talked about it in the past, especially in bed after a long, hard session. No matter how much I tried, I kept coming back to the same fantasy. I wanted to watch. I know, I know it's weird, I was even a little weirded out by it, but there was no denying how much it turned me on or how much it turned her on...  Stacy was gorgeous. Young, hot, nice tits and the best ass on the planet. Despite all this she...

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A Bet Is A Bet

A BET IS A BET by Throne Darren and I had been pals since grade school. We had even remained buddies after he revealed his penchant for crossdressing. I wasn't thrilled about it, but he didn't dress that way when we were together, so it was acceptable. I had a good job in accounts analyzing. He had gotten into the costume department of a major movie studio. I'll admit that, because I'm such a movie buff, I was jealous of his opportunities to meet major stars. He never made a big...

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I was fast asleep in bed when my phone vibrated on my bedside table. I thought about ignoring it but noticed in my half sleep that I was the only one in the bed I share with my lovely wife. Leaning to my phone, I saw that my clock was saying 3:05 and that it was the middle of the night. My phone blinked ‘KELLY MESSAGE’ and wondered a: Why my wife would be texting me so late, and b: Where on earth was she at this time of the night. Fumbling the buttons, I opened the message and blinked to focus...

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Book Club Part Three The Bet

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Two older women who might be called cougars, make a bet that could be called perverted. Wendy bets her friend Linda that she can seduce Linda's son before Linda can. Linda tries to prove her wrong. (MF, inc)*** "You are fucking crazy!" I said in disbelief as I stared at my best friend Wendy through wide eyes."Well you've always known I was nuts Linda," she grinned back at me "but are you on or not?""Jezzus!" I blurted. "Let me get this straight, you're betting that you can seduce my son before...

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Ashley Part I The Bet

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Ashley Part I The Bet

Introduction    I have been an anonymous reader of stories on this site for a long time and have really wanted to try and be a contributor.   But I’m afraid my imagination isn’t as developed as many of the really good writers here.   So for the past few months I’m very writing a story that is pretty much autobiographical.   It probably isn’t as good or as adult as most entries here.   But it has the benefit of having taken place.   A couple of other notes…   First, since it...

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The Bet

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The Bet

The Bet Prologue The envelope was unexciting. At first glance, the plain white exterior looked like it might be from the bank, or a sales company. Most likely it was just a bill, demanding money as such things do. On a closer inspection, however, the multitude of stamps on the front would reveal that this envelope had flown across the Atlantic from England. It definitely wasn’t a bill. The young woman who picked it up from the mailbox casually flicked her hair out of her eyes as she glanced at...

1 year ago
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Im just Not Gay Ill take the Bet

"How about that guy?"My girlfriend was pointing at a guy walking up to the door of the rest area. I'd lost a bet, and she takes paying off bets very seriously. I'd bet her that she couldn't get me off by giving me a blowjob in less than 10 minutes. I was so sure I'd win. See...she'd given me lots of blowjobs. And don't get me wrong, they all felt great! But I'd never come from one unless I sort of 'helped'. That is, if I thought about certain extra-kinky fantasies, or if I talked dirty to her,...

3 years ago
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The Bet

The Bet By Cassandra Morgan Hers was the perfect face. The dancing eyes. The plump, but not obscene, lips. The way the bangs of her blonde hair danced on her forehead. The white teeth. The dimples. Above all else, that heart-capturing smile Lauren Howard stood in the living room of the Kempers, still as beautiful as the day we were married. When she was around, no one noticed the other women in the room. There was just Lauren. She was the star of the show, the one whose eyes you...

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Netzfund Wieso liegt Abou in Mamis Bett

[Netzfund] Wieso liegt Abou in Mami's BettbyAmelung©Abouadi John Obote, oder Abou, wie er stets nur genannt wurde, war während eines dreiwöchigen Namibia-Urlaubs unser liebenswerter, lustiger und immer gutgelaunter Barkeeper im jugendlichen Alter. Der smarte Afrikaner aus Windhuk sollte jedoch einige Wochen später unser bislang so geordnetes Familienleben vollständig auf den Kopf stellen...Anmerken sollte ich vielleicht noch, dass diese Reise nach Namibia unsere erste Fernreise war, die wir als...

2 years ago
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You Bet

“You’re an idiot,” Karen said, shaking her head and looking away from her husband. “How in the hell is going to a horse race a date night?” “It’ll be great!” Greg said excitedly. “You can get dressed up, they have good food, it’s just like going out to dinner but with something extra!” “Yeah, something extra. You gambling away all our money. Again.” It stung but was true; Greg loved to gamble but was quite bad at it. Poker, slots, sports, any time money could be wagered Greg was there to do...

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You Bet

YOU BET by Throne and C.C. Cecil's wife Bette came home in a state of amused agitation. She looked down at him from her superior height, over the hills of her watermelon boobs, and said, "Ceece, you won't believe what happened with Dara and me. She made this crazy dare and I took her up on it. And then I got her back with one of my own. Here's what's going on." He was more interested in the slim chance of going to bed with her. It had been way too long, at least since she had...

4 years ago
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The Bet

Jasmine becomes a slave part 1 Chapter 1 The betRacheal was going to the B&D party at Shelia’s that Monday night and was picking out her outfit.  She selected the black leather cat suit that hugged her body and while it covered her, it allowed everyone to know she had a hot body.  Shelia was a fellow Domme and was the area’s leading supplier of fetish gear, from clothes to dungeon items and all of her parties were events not to be missed as she loved to demonstrate new items on her slaves.  As...

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Lillians Bet

She's sitting at her favorite table by the front window, her back to the wall, so she has a clear view of the room. She is carefully nibbling an almond croissant with her coffee, reading a book. She is probably around thirty, but presents herself as older. She has quite a pretty face made dour by the absence of any make-up. Her hair is a nice medium brown with some natural red toning, pulled tightly back in a workday bun. Her only jewelry is a thin gold chain around a first-class neck. Her...

3 years ago
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Bikini Beach The Bet

Bikini Beach: The Bet By Julie Butch sat at the bar of his favorite club, looking around for any likely targets. He was a predator, although he didn't think of himself in that light. He stood 6'3" and weighed around 225. He thought of himself as being 'buff'. He worked out regularly because he liked the high he got off of the endorphins that the body produced during an extended workout. It was almost as good as sex. He never had any problems finding a sexual partner. One of...

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The Bet

At school, I was on the wrestling squad. I wasn’t exactly stocky, but well-built. Apart from wrestling, I also dabbled in martial arts and boxing. The latter was not my forte and didn’t come to me naturally, because my foot and hand speed were never quite up to scratch. But when it came to grappling, I was able to hold my own.I was also not the greatest student and settled for a trade after leaving high school. I chose the electrical route. Two years after school, I had completed my trade and I...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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A Bets a Bet

Kalie was already pissed at David, they had argued earlier in the day about coming out tonight. The two had been dating since their sophomore year of high school and had been nearly inseparable since. It was now the start of their second semester at college, they had gone to the same school in Colorado. The two were from Nebraska and the school had been a compromise, Kalie wanted to get out away from home but David wanted to be near his parents. Now they were a short drive away but at least...

1 year ago
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The Big Game Bet

I was bored, watching a bad porn movie on cable TV when the phone rang. "Hello." "Whatcha doing, playing with yourself again," my step-daughter Teresa asked me. "Funny," I answered. "Isn't that what you do most of the day?" Teresa was 20, a cute, top-heavy bottle-blonde with several piercings and tattoos and one of those tongue studs, and she worked as a repair dispatcher for the cable TV company. Thanks to her connections I got great service and the fastest Internet service possible, and at a...

1 year ago
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Sybian and Venus Racing ndash4 Couples and The Bet

Sybian and Venus Racing –4 Couples and The Bet.I fancy a chance of fucking any of my mate’s wives. All six are sexy in different ways. So after a drunken night out we boys all agreed to find a way to swap partners for a night…….. but how?I told my wife about our drunken agreement while I was in the bath the following day. Not to my surprise she said that she was up for it. She moves close to the bath and places my hand on her pussy and as I slip a finger in its obvious that she’s highly...

3 years ago
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My wife loses a bet

It all started as a simply little bet. It was one of those bets where we were both 100% sure that we were right. Sound familiar? First the bet was for $5, then she upped it to $20 and I upped it to $50. That’s when things got interesting. She said “I know you’re wrong but if you win, I’ll do anything you want me to do, but if I win, you have to do anything I want you to do - anything at all!”This did not intimidate me in the slightest as I was so sure I was right. “OK, I’ll take that bet.”Less...

2 years ago
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A Bets a Bet

Kalie was already pissed at David, they had argued earlier in the day about coming out tonight. The two had been dating since their sophomore year of high school and had been nearly inseparable since. It was now the start of their second semester at college, they had gone to the same school in Colorado. The two were from Nebraska and the school had been a compromise, Kalie wanted to get out away from home but David wanted to be near his parents. Now they were a short drive away but at least...

2 years ago
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Innocence and a Bet

Cherry was the perfect name for ripe innocence, at 18 and her last year in high school had taken a bet from several of the other girls. She had always done wild and crazy things and had always won every bet she had ever taken. Thinking this latest one would be no different! The bet was that she had to go to the Rusty Dyke a notorious lesbian bar that had a reputation for catering to the meanest Bull Dyke's that one could imagine. She was to act like she was a young lesbian bottom and kiss...

1 year ago
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Jessies Fantasy Chapter 1 Losing a Bet

Nearly everyone has a sexual fantasy that they would love to act on sometime in their life. Unfortunately for some, it never becomes reality. There are many different reasons, ranging from having fear or hesitation, to fantasizing about someone they can’t have, or the situation just never presents itself. This is a story of one such fantasy. Hope you enjoy! It was a Friday evening and I was on my way to meet my usual group of friends. The eight of us had been friends since high school, and we...


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