My Neighbour 2 free porn video

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So things carried on with Sara, Matt and I whenever my wife was out of town and we were all free. Although for the last six weeks there has been no chance and hardly even sight of each other. I feared the worst, that maybe they were done with me and moved on to someone or something else. But as my wife left for work, out of town on Thursday, I started to get my hopes up. By Friday night I was almost sick in anticipation waiting to see if there was any more to this. As I sat and waited watching TV some cars pulled up to the house next door. I just continued on fixed to the TV. Within no time at all there had to be about a dozen cars around the house. I finally made my way to the door to see if it was her parents or her having the party. As I looked out and seen her parents car was gone my heart almost leapt in excitement. I decided to make my way over to her house and maybe join in the party. As I enter the door I notice that the house is full of people. But what really catches my eye is that they're all women, besides Matt and me. "Oh look our entertainment has arrived ladies," Sara called out. All the girls just sort of snickered and looked me over. They went back to partying and drinking. As I went to the bar and got myself a drink. I walked around for a while making some small talk with some of the girls. As I stood and talked to a couple fine looking girls they finally took me by the hand and started to lead me off down the hall. "We're going to help you get ready," the blond said to me. "So we're going to start off in here first," finished the other. As they led me into the bathroom they closed the door behind us and almost immediately began to take off my clothes. As they did they introduced themselves as Erin and Tanya. But not being here to talk they just kept at the job at hand. Without even a moments hesitation they had me completely nude in front of them. The blond again led me into the shower. "We've got to help you out a bit here," Erin said as she turned and reached behind her to the counter top. As she turned back around she produced some shaving cream, some razors and a rather large bottle of Nair. As Erin handed Tanya the Nair, Erin then continued on to apply some of the shaving cream to my legs. Tanya also began to smear my body from the ears down with a generous amount of the Nair. Once she was satisfied with where she had rubbed the cream she too then grabbed a razor and began to help Erin as they shaved both my legs and trimmed around my genital area. All the while neither of them paid any attention to the raging hard on I had produced. "There, now lets get you rinsed off," Tanya said as she reached and turned on the water. I watched as all the cream from my ears down washed down the drain, as it took my body hair with it. When I finished rinsing and was completely free of hair i turned off the water and slid open the curtain. As I did I immediately felt the cool breeze hit my skin. But this time felt way different than it ever had before. As my bare body just sort of tingled it sent a chill down my spine. Erin and Tanya stood in front of me with some sort of powder, and without a word began to powder my entire body. "This will help your skin with all the hair we've just taken off it," Tanya said. They weren't long before they were done and began to lead me back out of the bathroom and down the hall into Sara's room. As we went inside again they turned and closed the door. Erin went around to the end of the bed and pulled out a large paper bag with my name on the side. Striking me as strange, Erin was already turning the bag upside down on the bed and emptying everything out. As a pile of frilly black and white lay before me I knew there was definitely a plan for me to be here tonight. They both began rummaging through the pile. As I just stood there they turned back around toward me. Both holding an opposite end of a black cup less corset. They began to wrap it around my mid section before both going around behind me and pushing and pulling me as they tightened up the strings. Once they had the corset as tight as they wanted they came back around to the front of me and observed my new figure. As my extra skin at my breasts were forced up out of the corset it almost made it look like I had cleavage already. Next Erin took a black with white frill trim bra from the pile and began to fasten it around my chest. While she did this Tanya went back to the pile and pulled out an enormous pair of silicon breasts. She held them in here hand as she applied some glue to the backs of them before approaching me and dropping them into the bra and adjusting them against my skin. Next Erin turned from the pile and held two black stockings in her hand. "Sit here for a sec so I can help you get these on," she said. As I sat there she slowly slid the stockings up my hairless legs. As she did it was almost as if it was sending small lightening bolts up to my dick. But still she just carried on and slid the second up as well. As she finished she took my hand and led me back up to my feet. As I did I was met with Tanya holding a black and white pair of frilly panties. As I looked into her hands I could see the panty had a zipper somewhat hidden on the front, and a hole in the rear. She just sort of smiled as she bent down and began to lead my legs into them, before lifting them up to my waist. While we were doing this Erin had fastened the stocking tops to the garters that were hanging off the corset, and had gotten a petticoat type skirt and began to fasten it around my waist. I could see my reflection in the mirror on the wall. I looked very much like a sluttish French maid. They both grabbed some makeup and went to work on my face. With both of them working at it, it took no time at all. Next they went back to the bed and grabbed a shoulder length dirty blond wig. They fussed with it a moment before raising it up to my head. They then sunk some pins in to hold it tight. Erin stayed and straightened the hair gave the odd tug to see that it was tight enough, as Tanya went back to the bed and grabbed the final items. She returned with a black and white pair of frilly stilettos and went to my feet and began to help my feet inside them. As she got them in, she reached around the ankle and fastened the straps. As she did this I was admiring how sexy I looked in the mirror. But I quickly snapped back to what she was doing when I heard two large clicks coming from below as I looked to see her putting two small locks on the back straps. She just looked up to me with a smile. "Don't want you running away," Erin joked. "Although by the looks of how much you like it I don't think that'll be a problem," she finished as she looked at my hard on that was straining against my panties. They both took me by the arms and again began to lead my back out to the party. As we entered the room there was a few whistles as the party had really calmed down and they were mostly all sitting and drinking, and talking almost waiting for me to come in. I was quickly informed that since I was a maid that I must be the one to wait on everyone. So as I took orders and mixed drinks I as back and forth to the bar. While I was out of the room mixing some more drinks I heard more whistles coming from the other room. When I had the drinks made I returned to see Matt dressed the same as I was. So we both went to work as maid's delivering drinks and taking orders. The women were starting to feel the effects of the booze as they were beginning to get a little louder. The odd women would thank us with a pat on the ass or a squeeze of the butt. It seemed like the drinks were going down quicker they began to get a little bolder. As I delivered another drink to a women she reached up under my petticoat type skirt and rubbed my ass. As she did this the women next to her that had just got a drink began to do the same at the front. They rubbed my hard on, balls and ass before taking they're hands back and returning to they're drinks. I continued on taking orders with much of the same thing happening. As I approached Sara with a drink she just looked at me with a devilish smile. She too ran her hand up my skirt and rubbed around. I looked over too see Matt was getting the same attention from Erin and Tanya. As she reached around to rub my ass she slipped a finger through the hole in the rear of the panties and began to massage my anus. With her other hand she reached around and began to smear a cold liquid on my hole before sliding a finger inside. I again looked to Matt as he must have been had the same happening to him and looked to the ceiling in pleasure. Sara then took her free hand and reached around behind her and grabbed something. Before I could see exactly what it was in her hand she had it up my skirt too. She pulled her fingers out before my bud was met with a cold metal type object. But as she still just looked up to me with that grin she pushed on the object until it began to slid inside. To my surprise, once she had the object inside of me she lowered her hands from my skirt. Whatever it was she just left it in my ass. I must have looked to her in almost panic. "Don't worry about it, it's just a little wireless egg," she assured me, with her devilish grin. All the girls around had almost stopped talking to watch the show with Matt and I. Next Sara began to strip off the skirt she had been reaching up underneath. Again I looked over to Matt, as his skirt was already on the ground. Erin and Tanya were now working at fastening a giant rubber dildo to his forehead. I turned back to Sara as she too had the same in her hands, and began to fasten it to me. Once she had it fastened she reached down and undid the zipper on the panties. My hard cock sprang for freedom. Sara then led me to the centre of the room where Erin and Tanya had already began leading Matt. They had me lay down on the floor on my back. As I did they then led Matt to straddle my face but facing my feet. They lowered him down to the floor before taking hold of the huge dildo attached to my forehead and guiding it to Matt's ass. As they did this the other's helped guide Matt's hard prick into my mouth as he lowered his head to mine. Once he had his mouth around my dick they took the long rubber dildo from his forehead and guided it into my ass. We both laid there for a moment before realizing we were almost locked there with the dildo's that were plugged into each other's asses. "And now the real show can start," Sara laughed, as she announced to the group of women. Matt and I both knew what they were after. We both began to suck on the cocks that were now in our mouths. As we did this and the rhythm began to pick up, our thrusting hips were moving the rubber dildo's back and forth in our ass. We laid there in the 69 position suck on each other while the dildo's did us from behind. With all the excitement we both didn't last very long. We both began to pick up speed and began thrusting our hips quicker. Matt was first to let out a moan as he began to shoot his hot salty load into my mouth. Hard at first to keep up to him but as his climax began to come to an end I gained pace and swallowed his hot goo. While doing this, I too lost it and began to shoot into his waiting mouth. He too kept right up to me by swallowing every drop as our audience began to cheer. With both our climax's finished he crawled off of me and lay beside in a spent out mess. We both lay there for a couple minutes getting back our breath. I begin to look around the room as the women around were beginning to touch and kiss the others. I reached and tucked my now spent dick back into the panties and did up the zipper. Matt looked to me as he did the same. Erin was sitting on the couch directly in front of me. She motioned her finger for me to come to her. I quickly glanced around the room to see most of the women were either diddling themselves or having some sort of fun with the woman next to them. So I slowly crawled over to Erin. As I got closer to her she began to peel off her shirt and hike up her skirt. When she did this I could see the massive rubber dong she had strapped to her. Knowing exactly what she was wanting, I lowered my head and began to take the dong into my mouth. I totally forgot about anyone else in the room as I slid my mouth up and down on her rubber cock. She was beginning to moan and rub her now excited nipples through her bra before finally just taking it right off. It was then that the rest of the people in the room came back into my mind. It was also when I could feel a warm pair of hands caressing my ass. Although I couldn't turn around to see who was behind me, I had a pretty good idea what they were going to do. Within seconds their hands stopped roaming my ass and concentrated on my anus. They gently played with it a short time before both hands disappeared. They weren't gone long before they returned. They had their finger right at the opening before slowly sliding it inside. I could feel the lube they must have put on, letting their finger slide right inside. They continued to work away with their finger, to lube up my hole. And I too kept on sucking on the waiting cock at my face. The person behind finally slid the finger out. But again in only a short amount of time they were right back and I could feel the head of they're rubber cock waiting at my hole. They applied some pressure and in seconds were deep inside me. With the cock still in my mouth, my moans were muffled. As both girls began to rock harder the cock in both ends plunged in and out. They kept at me for some time. But as the girls decided it was time to move on they both pulled out and went on to find some more fun. As I turned my head there was another woman motioning me to come over. As I crawled only a short distance to her she spread her legs and moved to the edge of the couch. As I got there and lowered my head down I seen she didn't have a dildo on. So I moved down to her waiting slit and began to work my tongue on it. While I did this, some hands again gripped hold of my ass before launching another dildo in my rear. Again I was being pounded from behind. But as the person behind began to pick up speed and the thrusts became harder I found my whole face being jammed into the wet slit in front of me. The person behind me must have been able to tell from the moans that were coming from the woman in front, and that she was enjoying it. So she kept on ploughing me in the rear. I then felt one hand release off my ass and make it's way up to my bra. She was a pro and had my bra undone in no time at all. She then helped to guided the straps of my shoulder before returning her hand to my ass and picking up the rhythm. I could now feel the giant globes that they had glued to my chest swinging under me. The girl behind again removed both hands and reached under me to cup my massive tits. She now grabbed hold of them and kept on speeding up. As the girl in front of me began to squeal, the one behind thrust in very hard. My face was slammed into the wet hole, while the woman reached down and held it there. Her screams were even wilder as her orgasm took over. I could feel her wetness all over my face as it began to pulsate before what seemed like another wave of fluid met my face. But as quick as she came to climax it ended. I looked up to her as she released her grip, and she only looked to me with a smile before moving on. I turned around to find Tanya behind me. She too looked at me with a grin. But she then led me over to the open floor. As she did this another girl approached with two dildo's like the one from my forehead earlier. When she was face to face with me, Tanya took one from her hand and they both went to work on fastening them on to me. Not really sure where the other one was going to go, I was quickly shown as they wrapped one round my forehead again, and the other around my chin. Once they had them on and secure they lowered me down to the floor. As I lay there on the floor they then both straddled my face. When they did this Tanya guided her strap on cock into the other girls waiting vag. And as they brought themselves closer to my face they both guided the dildo's that was strapped to my head, into they're asses. So as they both sat there a moment and adjusted a little, my face was directly beneath them. They slowly began to rock back and forth, plunging the strap on in and out of her slit as well as working the two dildo's into their asses. I stuck out my tongue and began to work away on the bodies above me. They continued on rocking back and forth above me beginning to moan. They quickened their pace just a little as I worked away underneath. Within just minutes they were to the point of panting and moaning as they both began to climax. With my tongue still working away they both pounded harder as my tongue and face could feel the wetness dripping from them. But just as the girls above finished I could hear Sara's voice. "Well seeing as they're both on the floor already, and we all know how much they like this, let's let them give us all a show." Sara said as the women above climbed off and I could then see here standing above me with the double ended dildo in hand. All the girls in the room more or less cheered out as I looked across to Matt. We both started moving toward each other before we were even told. When we were to the centre of the room and close together Sara walked over with the dildo. She crouched d she also reached to the front of us and let down t letting both of our suffocating hard on's She then walked back to the couch and got her spot for the show. Not wanting to disappoint Matt and I both began to rock on the double dong. Within seconds the dildo again began to come to life. So as it came to life we both began to pick up pace. The dildo again began to almost hum inside us. I could hear the girls in the room almost ewing and awing as we started to build up steam. Some comments were also coming from them about how sexy they thought it was and how both of our enormous tits were bouncing around. I never gave them much thought until then. Wanting to give them a good show I reached up and began to squeeze and fondle them as if they were my own. This made the girls go nuts. I looked down to Matt and seen he was starting to do the same. With all this going on and the dildo humming out of control I knew I couldn't hold out much longer. Matt must have sensed this, or he was at the same point I was. He began rocking even harder. I began to loose control. My hot streams of cum landed unto my massive tits. Next a little lower and with the next a little lower. My chest and stomach were covered in my own salty goo. I looked down to Matt as he too was in the same shape. But before either of us could get up Sara was already standing and walking to the door. "And now our guest of honour will take the two of them for one more ride," Sara announced, as she opened the door and let another woman in. "Hey everyone," she said. "Let's give these two something they'll never forget." She walked over to us as all the girls in the room cheered. She began to slide what little dress she had on off her shoulders. While she did this she gave almost a seductive dance to all the women around the room. Before she had the dress down to her waist, I noticed something hard under the front making a tent. Figuring it was just another woman with a strap on I shrugged it off as whatever and went back to enjoying the show. Matt and I were both still plugged with the dildo and by the looks of him and his hardening cock was enjoying the show as much as I was. She faced Sara, Tanya and Erin as she finally slid the dress completely off. The three on the couch just examined her body with approving smiles. She continued on dancing around but facing only the women. When she got to the end of the girls she finally began to make her way toward us. My mouth hit the floor. I couldn't believe it. The cock on the front of her was her own. Real flesh and meat, and hanging somewhat hard. I looked to Matt as he just looked back to me with a smile. I looked back to the woman in aww as she began to rub her hands over her body and down to her cock. The next thing that happened almost made me pass out. She crouched down and lifted her ball sack and began to spread open a pair of pussy lips. I couldn't believe it she had both sexes. My eyes must have almost fell out of my head. She just looked at us with a smile and continued on with her little show. While this was going on I also noticed Matt had began pumping back and forth with the double dildo again. "Well since these boys look like they're ready to go again. I think I'll take them for one hell of a ride," she said as she began to stand and walk over to us. She straddled over us and slowly began to lower herself down. She faced me with a smile as she did. She reached around and guided Matt's dick into her ass. She then took hold of mine and guided it into her slit. She then let herself down the rest of the way and took us both deep inside her. Within seconds Matt and her began rocking. I tried to sort out my mind to what I had just witnessed and what I was still witnessing. But with the two of them beginning to take control I just followed suit. The woman on top was almost jumping up and down on us in no time. Every time her body came down on us I could feel her huge hard cock bounce of my abdomen. Still just looking at me with a smile she began to squeeze and rub her tits. She then lowered her other hand from her tits and took hold of her hard cock. She was sitting on us with a dick in her ass and another in her vag as she squeezed her perfect pair of tits and stroked her healthy cock. It was almost too much for me. But she quickly began to moan as her head rolled back and her pace sped up. She rolled her head back as she was beginning to squeal with a lust filled smile. She just kept this look at me as she began to orgasm. I looked down to her cock as it began to erupt. The first shot got me right in the face. In some sort of shock or instinct I opened my mouth. The second shot went right in, and the third as well. The next just trailed off down my chest, as I was closing my mouth and tasting the salty goo as I was swallowing it down. The girls around the room cheered as they began to walk toward the three of us. The woman that was now spent on top of us climbed off and made her way out of the crowd. But before Matt or I moved there was another girl straddling us. She too lowered herself down onto us. This girl faced Matt, and had a huge strap on with balls and all fastened around her waist. She guided my cock into her ass and Matt's into her wet slit. She too began to bounce up and down on us. She did almost the same things as the woman before and she too reached down and began to stroke her cock as if it was her own. Within no time she was moaning as she brought herself to climax. But as she did she reached the second hand down to her rubber balls and began to give them a squeeze. A white creamy load began shooting out of the dick and all over Matt's face chest and stomach. Again the girls cheered as she pulled herself of us. Again another girl climbed over us and same thing but facing me. Again followed the same acts and blew her load all over me. This kept on for quite some time till we had gone through every girl in the room. Matt and I were both completely covered in what looked like cum. But instead of trying to get up we both just sort of laid there. That was until Sara made her way over to us and took hold of our cocks. One in each hand she began furiously jerking us both off. When we both began to moan as our load was starting to erupt, she bent our cocks over and aimed them at each other. Both of our loads got the other right in the face. Sara kept pumping as rest added to the other's pool of cum. We both just laid there spent and amazed on what had just gone on.

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White CaptiveChapter 5

Susan awoke to the sound of a squirrel running across the roof of the shack. At first she lay still, her blurted eyes looking toward the ceiling in con fused thought. Where was she? It didn't look like her ceiling at home, the powder blue one with the tiny white flowers sprinkled over it that seemed to bloom right there in the room when a bright sunny day came. No, she was somewhere else and there was a different odor. A strange one that she had never smelled before, like, like something...

1 year ago
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The Italian job 4

The Italian Job 4As I opened my bedroom door I met a sight that made my cock jump again, the maid was in the room but she was bent over cleaning the coffee table, with her back to the door, I could not help noticing I assure you that I could see straight up her dress, she was wearing a thong that had pulled up right into her crack with her vulva lips on each side of it framing it, I could not resist such an apparent invitation, I came behind her, she had not seen or heard me because she had got...

1 year ago
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By a Mountain Stream

In my travels I’ve had many interesting experiences least of which was my time travelling with Kay and Tiffany. I met Kay just by chance; she was 21 travelling on her own, I’d taken pity on her when I first met struggling to open a tin of baked beans, which was all she had to eat or for that matter was all she knew how to cook. I offered to share with her my meat and potatoes if she added her beans to the meal, she had agreed with an eagerness that would have embarrassed young Oliver twist....

Group Sex
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The GiftChapter 38

I sat and thought about how much to reveal to these people. John already knew I had some abilities, but did not know all that I could do. This Jeffery Milhouse, while apparently a paragon of virtue, was the likely cause of the attack on the house. "Ok, I will say this just once. Yes, I am responsible for the seeming disappearance of the attackers. The seven men are not hurt or dead. They are sort of, in a place of storage. I can bring them back, just as easily. We need to figure out who we...

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The One that Got Away

Remy isn’t the shy reserved young lady Mike knew from high school. She let him get away back then but she’ll make sure she doesn’t pass up the opportunity to show him the new her. She couldn’t believe it... after all these years. Mike was always the dream guy.. the one that got away back in high school. She had never forgot about him. When they reconnected at a kid’s birthday party it was obvious a lot of time had passed. In the years since high school they had each gone to college...

2 years ago
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Prize WinnerChapter 11

Meyer Residence French poetry and literature was the most vexing class Cindy had ever taken. Here she was, a senior and a 4.0 high school student, and she was paired off with a freshman that didn't even have a grade point average, yet. She knew she was in real trouble. The teacher had paired them because of her accent problem that she had never realized she had. At first she thought that wouldn't matter. She thought, who cares if the accent and pronunciation is a little different than...

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ZZ1 White1

(This story is pure fiction. none of it is nor ever will take place) Humm, where to begin. Well I guess I'll start with me. My name is Sean. I'll be 16 in a few weeks. Or at least I hope I will. So long as things go smoothly, my parents won't have killed me beforehand. But that’s getting a little ahead of myself. I live the "average white middle class family living in a average town" life. I play basketball, B-team. Never had the ambition, dedication, or coordination to make the...

4 years ago
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Babysitting Fun

Introduction: Julie missed the party to babysit, but didnt miss the fun… Graduation was just around the corner. I couldnt wait. Id spent the last two years planning on where I was going to college and couldnt wait to get away from under my parents thumb. It was Friday and I was planning on meeting up with some friends at a party. It was a come in uniform party and I was just putting on my little catholic school girl uniform when my mother came into my room. I forgot to tell you. I told Mrs....

3 years ago
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My wife gets shared with my neighbor

Two months ago, after years of living in a cramped apartment in a large, noisy city, I decided to move to the peace and quiet of the suburbs. I found a cute ranch-style house on Long Island and settled in, happy to be free of citylife and its attendant aggravations. Everyone was so nice, especially my next-door neighbors, Alex, a gregarious guy with charisma to spare, and his stunningly beautiful wife, Kim. They made me feel at home right from thestart, and last week their friendliness reached...

2 years ago
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A woman spies on her neighbors while gardening in her backyard

It was a beautiful late spring day and Lisa was in her backyard weeding the landscaping. Like all the homes in the subdivision she had a high privacy fence around the yard and Lisa was working on the fence line between her and her neighbors Tabby and Greg, a couple in their mid-thirties that had moved in over the winter. They were friendly but Lisa had not had too much interaction with them yet. Tabby and Greg were working in their backyard as well and Lisa could hear them over there discussing...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Cassidy Banks Fucking my Best Friends Hot Sister

On today’s BTRA episode, we pick up with our boy coming to see his best friend. He knocks on the door and is surprised that his hot sister Cassidy opens it wearing a little robe. This is girl is drop dead gorgeous. She has beautiful golden skin and mesmerizing light eyes. To top it all off she has an amazing, and I mean AMAZING body with big natural tits. she tells him he can sit and wait while she goes take a shower. The the poor guy really needs to take a piss and accidentally walks in on her...

1 year ago
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Invasion of Privacy

“An underwater fishing camera and innocent curiosity leads a horny teenager into a world of eavesdropping, and eventually to gay sex Larry is a classic example of the danger that technology can cause when it finds its way into the wrong hands. Especially when those hands belong to a 17-year old geek with no social life outside of the Internet and no sex life other then his right hand. There was nothing special about Larry that made him stand out among his peer group. If you asked Larry’s...

1 year ago
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Simran A crossdresser part 2

Well after my little adventure in the bathroom with my mom's panties, I went out for a couple of drinks with my friends. But, in spite of having company, the only thing that kept playing in my mind was the feel of those satin panties and how horny I had felt in them. All I could imagine was getting back to the house as soon as possible, before my parents returned, and having one more go at it. I returned around seven in the evening. Since my parents had a convenience store, I knew they wouldn't...

2 years ago
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Handy High School Helpers Pt 2

Vicky lifted her head and gave Steph, her older friend who she’d been sleeping with for several years now, a long passionate kiss. “Sorry I had to be so rough with you back there, sweetie, but there really wasn’t any other way to get you to do it.” Once she’d seduced Cal, a man twice her age and then some, then blackmailed Steph with the exposure of their own secret relationship, the last hurdle was to get her to join them, or more bluntly put, to get her to fuck her own uncle. Now, having...

3 years ago
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My Cousin Fuck Toy Loves Me

This started when I was in my c***dhood. I’m a guy who always was fond of science, nature, and adventures. When I was in my c***dhood both my cousin and I used to live in the same home town. Though we live in different cities now. She used to like me a lot I never understood why.I have asked her many times about why she liked me. She only said, “I don’t know.” Well, that’s enough for the intro. Let’s get to the story. When we were around 18 years of age we used to cuddle with each other’s...

1 year ago
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Expect Me When You See MeChapter 6

Now I was pissed. I stayed out of the way of the doctor and the nurses. When Renee came around, I was there looking at her. Her expression changed from one of wondering what had happened to one of abject horror as she remembered. “Easy, Mrs. O’Dell. You fainted. Please try to stay calm. I’m sorry that you have not been told about your condition. I’ve assured your husband that I will be taking care of that situation. But for now, I need to fill you in. I just explained things to your husband....

3 years ago
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For Womanhood

For Womanhood by Madquill She moved closer to her lover. "But he is so beautiful too," she whispered as she ran her phallus along the moist skin of her lover's sex. She pushed into to her lover slowly. "I want to penetrate your husband too." I had arrived at the Hotel on Fifth Avenue at 2pm and had a lot to do. The three storage cases had been brought up and I started to unpack the contents and check for any wrinkled garments. Most of the clothes that I'd had shipped in the...

3 years ago
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New Law No More Consent

This is a story about a country that is slowly losing its mind and in its descent the government decides to do away with the consent laws and introduce a new Free Use policy. Any woman over the age of consent automatically consents to sexual acts if someone asks them politely. For the most interesting stories we focus on the first few days after the law has passed and the first couple of interactions the women of the country have with this new law. All people in the story are adults, any...

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My Sisters Wingman

Growing up I was always close to my sister.  There were no secrets between us. That lasted until we hit high school. That is when Eve started to shy away from me. After graduation, there were no more late-night calls into the wee hours in the morning.  Gone, were the Sunday brunches we used to love.  It’s like she was purposely avoiding me, but I didn’t do anything wrong.  At least not that I know of. I was driving home from work on Friday when I passed a damsel in distress.  I pulled over to...

2 years ago
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City Life 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone. Thank you for your messages and encouraged by your response I’m going to continue my story about my experiences in Bengaluru. Please read the first part to get a hang of the story. Like I said in the first part, City Life – Part 1, I’m a 19-year-old village guy who had entered the city for my education. I was mistaken for a male escort by one of the cutest and gorgeous girl you can ever imagine, Deepika. Apparently, she’s a very rich girl. Let me continue the story where I had...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 34 Post Bowling Surprises

"That was incredible Brian, real fucking good." Sarah looked up at her boyfriend Robin Ottoman, at Mum who was dressed again after Vikki's mum had cleaned her up, Vikki and her mother, both of whom had covered up their breasts and finally at Madeleine who had also dressed before joining us after being 'cleaned up' by a volunteer from the audience. "Just think," she giggled, "I've got Brian Hacker cum in my pussy." She kissed Robin. "What do you think Rob? Should I get some tissue...

1 year ago
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FUCKEDThis was when i was still in schoolit was in eleven grade my favourite teacher MR.Y wanted me to go over to his house for some lessons.when i got there i knock at the door answer i knock again still no answer. the door was opening so i let my self in . I knew i was his favourite student and i knew that he wanted me but we could have sex at the school. So i knew that now would be the time so i wore no bra nor panties and i wore the smallest shirt and skirt i could find . as soon as i...

3 years ago
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Only Women Bleed Chapter1

Chapter 1 I guess you could say that I've always been a little bit different. When I was little, Mom always told me that I was unique; A different kind of little boy. And that I was destined for great things. I always believed her too. I wanted to live up to her expectations. I wanted to make her proud. But she never got to see me grow up. When I was eleven years old, she was diagnosed with cancer. By the time I turned twelve she was gone. That was when I started to grow my hair...

4 years ago
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Meeting JamesChapter 6

My eyes started to open as the fog began to lift. I looked around, confused by my surroundings, and I fought through the grogginess. It started to make sense now; I had fallen asleep. Slowly, the events of the afternoon started to play back in my mind. Our wonderful reunion sex, revealing my embarrassing childhood spankings, our fight, Oh, my God ... the spanking James gave me, and, even worse than that, we had anal sex. How mortifying, I thought. My first instinct was to try to find my...

2 years ago
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Forced by Demons Laura

I open my eyes feeling fuzzy and out of sorts. I have just had the strangest dream about a blind date. Moving to stretch, I meet resistance that immediately brings me into sharp focus. Adrenaline dumps into my system. My heart pounds and my breath comes in a ragged gasp as I realize that my hands are bound behind me where I can feel rough rope cutting into my skin. I kick my legs but only succeed in pulling the rope binding me tighter. I try to scream but my mouth is taped shut. I stare around...

2 years ago
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My Best Year So FarChapter 7

The next day I called my dad down in Loveland from the office. After they retired, he and my Uncle Dave (Margie's dad) moved there and bought a hardware store together. It wasn't anything big, just a little neighborhood shop but it gave them something to do and provided a nice little boost to their retirement income. It was Dad who picked up. "McMillan's." "Hey, Dad. It's Tom." "Hi, Son! How's it going up there?" "It's going well, Dad. How's Mom?" "Busy, as always. I wish...

3 years ago
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Roommate makes white guy her bitch with BBC

Every time my BF would come over to stay, he and my roommate would argue until one day she made him her bitch... Since I owed her for past 2 months of my rent, she asked me if she could do something and my rent would not be owed to her, so I accepted her challenge. My Name is Lisa, her name is Tina, and my BF name is Brad.All three of us are white, but Tina has been dating a Black man. she has always dated Black men since I became hew roommate, this was her 2nd in 3 years, but she said she had...

3 years ago
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Before School Starts

Classes were due to start in roughly two weeks. After years of studying, stressing, winning awards, and being a try hard, I simply wanted at least to relax. I just recovered from grueling wisdom teeth extraction as well, so my small vacation was riddled with pain and hunger. Finally, there was a chance at happiness in this short lived summer. There was a party tonight at Brittany’s mansion while her parents were away on business. After fifteen years of friendship, there’s not much we haven’t...

College Sex
1 year ago
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Dan And The Deadbeat

Dan and Vicki had only been married for 4 and a half years when they attended what would turn out to the most significant office party they ever experienced. This was before Dan made his fortune, and both of them were rich enough to retire young. He was already prospering, but the millions had not quite rolled in. Vicki was working at a medical office, where she did mostly boring, clerical work, when one of her co-workers caught her eye. His name was Larry, and he seemed to return the interest....

4 years ago
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Do you want to be owned

I can only nod. A tear of expectation rolls down my cheek. Your lips touch mine again and I readily accept your invitation to entwine our tongues. Salival sweetness once more touches my taste buds and euphoria takes me. My worldly existence holds no interest anymore whilst my hands once more wander your body. Following the ribs of your corset up, I recup your breasts so as to regain the feeling of joy. Sliding my hands around your chest and down to your buttocks, the same roundness has the same...

3 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex LifeChapter 14 Mister Independent

NOVEMBER 2003, SOPHOMORE YEAR "I'm sorry things didn't work out with you and DJ." Dawn squeezed my hand and patted my shoulder. It was Monday morning and we were sitting on a bench by Memorial Glade, just outside the Main Library. After spending the weekend hiding out inside the house with Dayna, Brandi, and Adrienne, I'd finally told Dawn the story while we had an hour to kill in between classes. She seemed a little disappointed that I hadn't talked with her sooner, but now wasn't...

2 years ago
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Well need to keep Training You

I sat, naked and slightly cold, in the dark closet where Madame would place me as punishment for disappointing her. I sat uncomfortably reflecting on my past mistakes, what I'd done to deserve this, and hoping Madame would return home so I'd have a chance to redeem myself in her eyes. Without anything to track the passage of time, I was unsure of exactly how long I remained there.Suddenly, a sound broke the oppressive silence. It was Madame coming home and opening the door. I listened eagerly...

1 year ago
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One Does Not Simply Review A Site Like This AV…when it’s as unique and wacky as this one.When reviewing, I wasn’t sure whether or not it was programmed by an amateur, horny yet driven 12-year-old or a particularly sophisticated but still limited AI. Some aspects of the site run well, while others are either broken or ugly as shit.In a certain sense, this site is a perfect representation of the phrase “welcome to the internet.” So, buckle up fuckers, this review is going to be a...

Asian Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Rebecca Do My Bidding CH5

This was going to require a little thought, but it would definitely lead to a lot of fun. I sat down in my chair and pulled open my desk drawer while I compiled the commands I was going to give them. “Rebecca,” I said as I pulled the two pool balls out of my desk drawer. “Hand these to my sister and ask her politely to stick these up your pussy.” Rebecca stretched out her hands and I placed the two pool balls in her palms. “Karen, you will do what Rebecca asks you to do while we are here...

2 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 52

After they were done eating. Or better said, when Sandra and Melinda were done, Sandra asked, "Dad, can we be excused." "Sure, honey." Both girls stood up and after Melinda had put her chair back at the other side of the table, she and Sandra went into the living room and went sitting on the sofa again. "How old are those two boys?" Melinda wanted to know. "You mean my nephews?" "Yes." "The oldest is sixteen, I think. And the other one is a year younger. But, I have to...

1 year ago
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All Because of April

"Would our paths cross if every great loss had turned out our gain? Would our paths cross if the pain it had cost us was paid in vain?" -Poi Dog Pondering; "Thanksgiving" Robert sat in the wrought-iron patio chair in the warming morning air wondering if there was any way he could possibly make today a good day. He lifted his coffee cup and considered before sipping. Tracy and Derek Zimmerman. Though he didn't know it then, meeting them had been an important moment in his life....

3 years ago
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Love and lies at the end of the world

Love, at the atomic level, is an electron. Whether an electron shared, given, or stolen, is not an issue, for these are human descriptors and electrons are not human. The chemical reactions that magically create the illusion of love within the human brain require the mass transfer of these virtually massless particles. Similarly, one may state that at a quantum level, love can spontaneously appear and disappear, pop impossibly into existence in a vacuum and then promptly and equally impossibly...

Love Stories
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Baby Sitting Bobby

Now that I am 30 and happily married to you Rick, I now have the confidence to tell u how I lost my virginity. It all started in a small town called Lake Forest in Ohio. . . I was 16 and I was still living with my fucking parents! Ive already told you about 10 times how big of assholes they are! Well enough about them, to earn some money for a car or a new handbag I baby sat. Amazingly I was the only baby sitter for a 3 block radius, so almost every night I was baby sitting babies...

3 years ago
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Wife gives in and loves it

Over the last few years our sex life has been slacking off. It was always the same routine sex and getting boring. It went from almost everyday to a couple times a week to once a week to two or three times a month. My wife said I wasn't interested in her anymore I said she just didn't enjoy sex like she used to. We lay in bed and talked about it several times times but it never improved. I started having sexual affairs with other women over the years. I told her we need to expand our...

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