Neighbour free porn video

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We were just going out, and in the passing saw a man. Neighbour. Interesting,neighbour! Older gentleman, on the rough side, tinkering around his (I assume)car, wearing jeans and T-shirt. Nice salt-n-pepper hair sporting a neat haircut,50-ish I would say, but ? arms! Wow! We both just exhaled and simply said: ?Nice!? Big,muscular arms on the obviously nicely- maintained, hard body ? lots of arton that skin ? instant moisture.

Later that week, coming home from work, checking the mail, I saw him again. Onimpulse, I'm walking towards him both confidently and aggressively, with myhead held high, stepping just a bit carefully in the ?office only? stilettos.He sees me and gives me an inquiring look, waiting as I approach. A vixensmile on my face, my eyes green as they can get only when I'm up to no good,I stick my hand out.

?Hi! I'm fairly new here in the neighbourhood, thought to stop and introducemyself. Haven't seen you around before?. 

He gives me an appraising look. An amused smile tickles his eyes. Hishandshake is strong, but not painful. He isn't trying to show me he cancrush me, though he isn't sparing me either. The contact lasts a bit longerthan it should. His voice is low and warm.

?Hi, nice to meet you. Nice of you to come around ? Not everyone is ? this... friendly!? 

I respond with a low chuckle and an obvious apprising look, lingering on hisarms for a moment.

?I'm not always ? this friendly either. But I just had to ? I hope youdon't mind me saying; nice art, and ? nice arms?

He is standing there, our eyes meet and I know he is wondering if he shouldjust gracefully accept the complement, or ?

?You like!?? Finally comes out, something between question and statement.

Is he going to be brave? I'm not breaking eye contact, my eyes still smiling,my heart pounding. It has been a while since I played these games. Fuck,it feels so damn good. His low vibrating voice brings me closer to him.

?How much ? do you like??

?How ? hard do you want to know??

Pause. We're not smiling any more. The moment is frozen while Ifeel his heat moving towards me. My heart skipping a beat, I can almosthear his heartbeat. I can see it in his throat. I can smell him. Warm. Sharp. 

I smile and take a step back.

?We're in unit #77. My husband is home usually around 6. Why don't you stopby, some time? Say 7 - 7.30, for a beer. That would be nice!?

He smiles and nods.

?Thank you. I'll take you up on that one. Man can't turn down abeer, not in this heat! See you around.?

I nod, smile, give those bunched-up muscles one last glance, slowly turn aroundand stroll back home. No, I did not swing my hips more than usually. Well,maybe, just a bit!

Few days later, bloody heat! We're in the backyard, digesting supperand breathing through gills, what did the Gods have in mind when they designedthis place? I'm loosely wrapped in a light cotton ?sheet?, resemblinga mixed-breed between flower child and native of some exotic tropical island.I have a tall glass of ice water in my hand, running it over my exposed skinfrom time to time, while you doze off with a beer by your side.

The door-bell tears my attention away from the steamy vampire in my book,and I wonder where my child is ?. Do I have to get up? You give me sadpuppy eyes and with a sigh I get up, gathering the loose ends of my ?dress? aroundme. I open the door.

?Hi! I thought to take you up on that invite, unless this is bad timefor you??

He is grinning widely at my choice of clothing, while my cheeks get increasinglyhotter. I smile, a bit embarrassed, and step back opening the door invitingly.

?No, no ? it's not a bad time! Just ? hot! Please come in, straight through,we were in the backyard. Please, do come in.  I'll change intosomething ? more appropriate!?

Appraising my lack of clothing, he chuckles.

?Don't! I mean, don't change on my account. I like it. It looksgood on you, and it's obviously comfortable. Well as comfortable as onecan get right now.?

I feel myself blushing furiously, as I smile embarrassed, lowering my headand gaze not quite sure how to proceed. I walk towards the backyard, guidingour guest your way, calling for you. You stand up and extend your handto him in friendly welcome. I introduce you, and turn back to get beersand some snacks for him. As you get involved in amicable conversation,getting to know each other, discussing weather and jobs, I sit in the cornerwith my water, listening at the discussion and enjoying the view. Theevening passes fast in relaxed conversation. He is nice, intelligent,experienced, funny and enjoyable to spend time with. Long after our normalbedtime, we see him out with the promise of meeting again soon. You teaseme to the bedroom, making comments about my lustful looks and ?drooling? overanother man. We fuck. Quite satisfactory!

The rest of the week goes by, uneventful. The highlight is a kids' sleep-overon Friday night! Hee hee ? childless - what an event! But, on Friday? Wemake it home and despite my resolve to stay up, shortly after supper I feelunusually sleepy. You encourage me to go to bed and I drag myself up,decide to take a quick shower, then decide in favour of brushing teeth. Ahhhwhat a chore! I collapse on our bed. Blessed silence. Now if I couldjust have some wet dream ?A la carte? ? wishful thinking ? soft darkness embracesme.

I wake up ? I'm waking up ? fighting fog ? thick darkness ? something isn'tright ? this was not right? sleep ? not dream ? too many hands ? what!?

I feel my head hanging from the bed, smell man, thick cock forcing itselfin my throat. Trying to stop him. Trying to move my hands. Can't! Myhands are restrained. I feel leather handcuffs on them, locked to the spreader-barwhich is locked to my legs. My eyes are open now. The room is inthe soft light of the candles. I stare at the balls approaching my face,tight muscular thighs, under side of clenching arse. I feel someone eatingme up. Slow, deliberate licks and suckling on the clit. Too much!Too deep! I try to move away, ? but he is pushing, working his way into mythroat.

?Yes! Good! You are awake. Swallow! Swallow me! Easy ? takeit, c'mon, take it all the way! That's good, yes! Oh yes! That feels nice!Good girl! Keep swallowing?

I recognize the voice, now the smell hits me too. Him! My God! What? Itfeels so good! He tastes so right! Concentrate to swallow. Concentrateto breathe. Keep the stomach down. He is so deep! With small movementshe brings himself to the verge, to the brink. I can see his balls contracting,ready to deliver. But he just holds still.

?Yes! That's good, baby! Don't move! That's nice! I'll letyou breathe in a moment ? mmmmm? good??

He withdraws, grabbing his shaft tightly with his hand, squeezing the cleardroplet of pre-cum on my lips. As I gasp for air, I look at him; lookingupwards over his stomach, chest. He has that wicked grin on his face ?

You are between my legs, still working me, playing in my tender flesh. Ican't take my eyes off him. He moves slowly, lowering himself, cradlingmy head and his mouth meets mine in a long exploring kiss. 

He says, ?I was promised to have you any way I want!? and grins.

You get up, wiping your face with the back of your hand and smile. Youmove to the side of the bed as he walks around and mounts me. I can feelhis heat, his weight as he teases my soaking cunt with the tip of his hardmeat. I'm wide open, but can't move. I'm looking at his muscles bulgingand dancing as he moves above me.

?I need to touch you! Untie me!? I growl.

He looks at you and you nod. He reaches for the buckle on the cuff. Yougrin and say, ?No! Leave the cuffs on for her, just undo the clasp! Shelikes the leather!?

I suck in air, hearing you say it. It brings me to next level of high. Ilove you. I love you for knowing me!

My hands and feet free, I open myself to him. He's still hovering justbeyond the reach, and I grope for his arms. I'm drawn to the stone-hardflesh, I need to touch, feel, taste... He is immobile above me, in a curiouspush-up, waiting to see what I will do. All the restraint, all the reason hasleft me. There is only lust and the need for flesh! I pull myselfup, to be able to taste his skin, to trace the ink with my tongue. I closemy eyes as I inhale the scent from his hot skin, as I wrap my legs around hiswaist and rub my sleek wetness against his hard rod.

He lowers himself to his elbow, cradling my head in his hand, giving me fullaccess to his biceps. I rub my face in that living stone and attempt to sinkmy teeth into it. He sucks breath in sharply as I bite, and in the nextmoment impales me fully on his swollen member. At this fullness, my headflies backward and I reach behind me, knowing you are there, waiting, readyto feed me, to fill me on this end. Your familiar silky bulb slides intomy welcoming mouth, cutting my moans. 

I squeeze my hand between your legs and grab a hold of your silken balls,playing with them, having them slip and slide in the loose sack as I suck onyour hard meat. You are finding the rhythm, and soon both of you thrustat the same time, filling me simultaneously, pushing me higher and higher towardsthe peak. His hot mouth latches on my nipple and I get lost in the sensory-inputoverload. I am nothing but a tangle of nerve endings being played by twolifelines. I have never felt so alive!

As my tremors quiet, both of you stand at a halt, still in me, waiting forme to come down, to be ready for more. And that I am; ready for more. Needingmore! As if on a cue, both of you withdraw, simultaneously, and he slapsmy butt:

?Turn over, on all fours!?

I comply as you slide underneath me and pull my head down to your lap. Youhold your cock out of the way and direct my mouth to your sensitive balls. Iclose my eyes and start licking and suckling you as I know you like it, feelinghis hands playing on my tingling cunt. 

?You are so wet. You do like this, don't you?? he is cooing bent overme, close to my ear. He brings his slick hand to my face.

?Look at it! Look how wet you are!? hot whisper is tickling my face whilemy nose gets filled by a mix of our scents; my cum on his fingers and yourprecum on yours. I close my eyes and concentrate on the feeling of yourballs sliding in and out of my mouth, hearing you whimper and moan. 

He shifts behind me and buries his shaft to the hilt, meeting no resistancein my soaking slit. He pumps me slowly, sliding in and out, completely out,spreading my copious moisture all over, over himself, over my thighs, the crackof my arse. Without a warning, I feel new intrusion as he forces his fingerup my asshole. I try to raise, turn my head, protest, but you were readyand you hold my head down, buried in your crotch. 

There must be a nerve that goes straight from my back hole to my clit, becausewith every movement of his finger my clit throbs and twitches. I am tornbetween wanting to stop him and needing to surrender to his touch. Hevacates my ass and a moment later I feel cold lube sliding down my crack. Ishake my head ~ No!~ but you both ignore me. You allow me to lift my headjust enough to slide your bursting cock in my mouth, successfully silencingme, while he gently but persistently works his fingers in and out of me, hisshaft still buried deep in my soaking pussy.

?Nice. Relax ? That's good. I will get there one way or the other, so, relax,make it pleasurable for all of us, OK? You are so sweet, baby! Real sweet. Myoh my, that is one nice tight ass here! I am going to have so much funfucking it! I want to fill you up, I want to empty my balls deep, deep in you!?

My ass fights intrusion, clenching on his fingers, while I'm starting to chokeon your cock, fighting the shame suddenly rising in me. I don't know him!This stranger, so intimately exploring parts of me even you rarely get accessto. What is he thinking? What will you think? This cannot be good! But, deep,deep inside me, I know the answer. Right or wrong, that doesn't matternow. Too far gone! Too deep, too high!

His hands resting on my ass cheeks, he slowly pushes both of his thumbs inside,and stretches my sphincter. Momentarily pain shoots and I scream in outragearound your cock. Only gurgling comes out as you seize the moment to entermy wide- open throat. I would move away from him but have nowhere to go, mynose in your crotch, your shaft cutting my air.

He slides out of my pussy and I feel him entering my ass. You pull out,allowing me a gulp of much needed air, and I breathe, trying to get ahold ofmy body, my emotions, of me. I am perfectly still, praying that he staysthat way too, hoping that he will allow me to do this on my terms, at my pace. Andhe does. The wide head of his cock is sitting just past my pulsing sphincter,knowing there is another, strong and tight barrier.

?Shhh? It's OK baby. I can wait. Breathe through it.? His voice is kind andcalming, his hands caressing my hips. ?Push at me ? let me in ?? and I do. Istart rocking, pushing against him, opening myself. Pain lances through myinsides; I take a deep breath, he is big, and I push, and he slides in ? allthe way in. My ass clenching on the intruder, adjusting to the stretch.My cunt pulsing, dripping, grasping for something. 

He starts to move, slow sliding out, back in, out again ? Goosebumps all overmy skin. I'm slowly suckling on the tip of your cock, when he slams in me,reaching for my arms, pulling me up, back to his lap, pushing my legs wideopen with his knees.

?Get beneath her, she wants you inside too. Don't you baby?? he sayslicking my earlobe. The tremor passes over my body. My eyes shut I nod andyou slide between his legs, your hard-on pressing against my pelvis. Ihave never felt you this hard! You reach for me, your hands on my breasts,supporting me as he lifts us both and leads you to the entrance. As welower ourselves, you slide into my needing, throbbing hole and pull me lower,feeding my hard nipple to your hot mouth.

?Stay still? he says to both of us, as he starts pumping, slowly but increasinglyfaster and harder. My ass is clenching around him, my cunt is milking you atthe same time. I can feel you two rubbing each other through the thinmembrane separating you. His grip on my hips gets harder, it hurts so comforting! Youcrash my tits together sucking hard on both nipples at the same time. I ? ridethe wave!

Air is hot, it has become hard to breathe. You groan, he hisses! Ihold my breath and disappear - I am a part of you, connected to him, raw, boiling,clenching, pulsing, overflowing ?I feel you move and grunt, I feel him stiffeninside and I am flooded with hot juices. I exhale the scream, shivering ontop of you, exploding inside. I collapse, listening to the frantic beat deepin your chest, feeling my own heartbeat in my temples and his in my ass. 

As both of you grow soft I try to slip to the side, but he stops me, stillburied deep inside.

?I'm not done. There is one more thing I need to do.? I look atyou enquiringly and you pull me up to a kiss. You kiss me deep and tender,your hand clutched in my hair, holding me in loving embrace. He relaxesand I feel a hot stream filling my bowels. Screaming my passion into your mouth,I cum. Again.

~ The End ~

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Bobby and I hadn’t slept together while we camped with Gator. I’d told Gator everything I could think of, concerning Bobby, except that part of his abilities. I wanted somebody to know that Bobby Wilson was not the terrorist (or whatever) that the government claimed he was. I had not wanted Gator to know that I had lain with Bobby as a lover ... and that I planned to continue lying with him in that capacity when Gator went back to work. If he knew that, my credibility with Gator might be...

4 years ago
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Awesome Gay Threesome 8211 Part III

So after the sex and sleep, me and Steve got up at around 6, got freshened up and decided to go out for coffee and may be dinner. Steve was free till Monday, and I was sex starved to let him get away so easily. So we went out, had coffee, roamed around in humid Chennai, did window shopping. Steve went into health and glow outlet and bought some stuff. We ate some snacks. And Steve said, let’s get some wine and take it to room. I asked about dinner, he said we can have instant noodles and egg. I...

Gay Male
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Hey Neighbor II

The following week sped by, and on Saturday I found myself answering knock on my door in the early evening of what had been a particularly relaxing fall day. Looking through the peephole, I saw no one, just a sign being held in front of the glass: “Hey, Neighbor! I have an idea – want to know??? Open the door!!!” My heart raced as I fumbled with the deadbolt and flung open the door to find Ali smiling on the other side, wearing a great looking trench coat with a bag slung over her...

4 years ago
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How I Seduced My Little BrotherPart 2

How I seduced my little brother-Part 2 “Jesus!” Sohail breathed hoarsely. “Do you like my tits, my sweet little brother?”, I asked, smiling seductively as I cupped my firm boobs and offered them up to his hot gaze. “You bet, Sis! I’ve never seen such a perfect pair of boobs before.” “Thanks for the compliment, little brother,” I chuckled, moving closer so he could get a better look. “Here, feel how firm they are. I don’t usually need to wear a bra.” I grabbed Sohail’s hands hot, sweaty hands...

2 years ago
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The Lion and the Wolf

Summer’s dying embers had given their last and been replaced by a September mist that painted the landscape with a layer of frost. Maybe a return to school, to normality, would be my salvation. These were the thoughts that came, formed and then vanished like the blue wisps of breath escaping my lips in the chill autumn air, as I saw the lights of the school bus approaching. Guilt, however, is a cruel companion and, even as I boarded my ride to school, I could not hold back the visions of what...

First Time
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Many years ago my daddy married this attractive blonde woman named Samantha she was cute had money and was really nice to me so I went to stay at her house for the weekend best choice ever I was 12 I wanted nice things and to be around nice people and she seemed ok to me one thing I didn't count on was she was married before and as a 12 year old wide eyed trusting c***d I didn't think much of it until I meet him Markuss a 14 year old who pissed me off he poked me annoyed me yelled screamed and...

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Oh BoyChapter 22

It was an 'Oh Brother' morning in Baltimore, because it was dreary and raining. We hadn't listened to the forecast the night before, so I was surprised. I went out the room door after dressing in workout clothes and found a man sitting in a chair. I asked, "Are you a security escort for me, Matt Williams?" The man said he was, and I asked if he minded if I went to the hotel gym. He said he'd go with me and we went in search of the gym. I found out where the gym was and went to it...

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When I was 14 My Dad got remarried to another woman, He had been alone for four years since mom had up and left us. She had 4 other k**s, so I wouldn’t be lonely for company anymore, even if I was going to share a room now. I was the youngest of us all, so I usually was led into the stuff that go me in trouble, I was never a leader, more of a follower, so it was easy enough to get me to do stupid k** things. June was nice enough to me, I guess so that Dad would love her more, but that didn’t...

2 years ago
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Halloween Party1

I called my friend Bill. Bill is a friend of mine who I swapped blow jobs with several times. I also invited his roommate Phil. I called my landlord Sonny. Sonny is screaming gay and we also swapped blow jobs on several occasions. Lastly, I invited Bill’s younger brother John. John was about 20 at the time. John and sonny had fucked around together a few times in the past. Actually we all had had each other at one time or another. it was kind of a party group we had. An NSA fuck buddy...

1 year ago
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Siri Dahl 450 263000

Most people think that all porn stars are dumbasses, but that's not the case. There are many stars out there that are as bright as they are sexy. Perhaps it's not the norm, but porn stars don't deserve the stigma they receive.Eiffled EinsteinsI'm not saying there are Einsteins out there getting Eiffle Towered by a gaggle of midgets dressed like ninjas and cowboys. I'm just saying a bitch might have something clever to say every now and again.One such bitch is Siri Dahl. Siri was born in...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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PornMegaLoad Casca Akashova ManEating Husband Stealer

Casca Akashova is off to visit her sister, Daisy. A hottie who knows how to dress to impress, Casca wears a body-clinging tube dress that shows acres of cleavage and high heels…because a horny girl never knows whom she’ll want to seduce. Daisy’s husband Nicky Rebel is home alone watching a game show on TV when Casca knocks on the door. He wasn’t expecting anyone and no one’s phoned, so it’s a good thing he wasn’t jacking off to a SCORE DVD. When he...

2 years ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 91

My much-anticipated letter offering me a job at ICI arrived via Mum’s postal delivery service on Wednesday evening. So too did a great big hug from Mum, and the gift of two of Mrs Johnson’s best 2lb pork pies together with a small jar of Colman’s ready made mustard; with a pot of tea they made a great celebration supper when we finally finished work that night! Julie and I also celebrated privately once we got to bed; she insisted on doing all the work “to reward you”, and although I...

3 years ago
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The Wedding PhotographerChapter 2

My first full day away from the Job I spent installing some pull up bars in the bathroom. That little chore meant I didn’t have to take the footed cane with me to use the toilet, or to get in and out of the shower. Not only that it was safer as well. While I was at it, I installed new door locks in addition to the ones already on the doors. They were heavy duty bolts. I, frankly didn’t figure I owned anything worth protecting with extra security. I did think my life was worth protecting....

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FamilyStrokes Niki Snow A Taste Of The Holidays

Niki Snow and her loving family all fell asleep together in bed because they were so excited for xmas! The minute the sun rose Niki and her stepdad were ready for breakfast and presents but her mommy was being a grinch. All she wanted was more eggnog and sleep. This did not stop them from enjoying the holiday though. They ran down to the tree to take pictures and open presents. Mom was still being a childish scrooge. She made her way to the couch and eventually fell asleep, not being a part of...

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Beauty4K Niki Harris New familiars fuck to know each other

Niki Harris walks the streets of the city, hoping to take the best selfie, when she notices a handsome dude sitting on a bench. She walks up to him, starts a conversation, and even invites him to go to a place where it is warmer. He gladly agrees because Niki Harris is a beautiful cutie and he likes her from the start. So they go right to her flat to warm up and get to know each other better. Maybe the dude thought they would share a cup of tea and talk for hours, but Niki Harris has something...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 27 How Do You Solve a Problem Like Melanie

November 1978 I wasn’t totally sure about Jennifer’s plan, but I’d decided to go with it. Something about having a third, or fourth, person involved turned loose a wild side in Jennifer that made her a very different person. We had discussed it somewhat, but we would need to talk about it further, especially if she went through with her plan. I woke up early, as was my habit, swam, showered, and ate breakfast. I only saw Stephanie briefly as we passed in the hallway before she left for...

2 years ago
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Lanas brother Brian and their awakening ch1

Please, please, please comment and rate this story.I write because I want to hear how you like my fantasiesMy brother and I got our genes from different sides of the family tree. He is like Dad’s side, 6’2, 200 pounds of muscle, built like an Adonis and tans in one day. Me, I’m built like Mom and Granny. Barely five foot tall, I have D cup tits that Mom has insisted on keeping tighly holstered since they first started to grow at age 11. She would point to her mom, Granny and say, “If you...

3 years ago
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Roxy Chapter 1 I posed naked on the bed. Having forgotten to refresh my music, I listened to the same old shitty dance tunes through the laptop speakers. Despite the music grating on my ears, I smiled and hummed along with the bland lyrics. Legs spread, I rested my head in my hand while doing my best to appear interested. Pouting like the whore I was, I’d part my pussy lips to show off my healthy inner pinkness. Gazing into the laptop, I watched IrishRover5 wanking in front of his camera. My...

Straight Sex
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My Brother and I

I had always had a fondness for my brother. My feelings that I had towards him came naturally, and I didn’t know what to do with them. I knew my lust for my brother was morally wrong, even considered a sin. But knowing that didn’t stop all of my dirty fantasies I had about him, James. James was only a year older than me and we had always had a deep connection. He would pick me up and swirl me around in the air when he wasn’t studying. I noticed recently that when my brother would spin me in the...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 110

This time Laura's recovery period, both physically and mentally, was very long. Oddly enough, her asshole recovered first, back to normal in a day or two. Does this mean I'm getting used to being reamed? she wondered. Her pussy took longer, because of the whip and the harsh rope, but it too felt better in three days. At the end of a week, her breasts were still splotched with yellowing bruises, and her nipples burned and ached constantly. She held them, looked at them in the mirror, rubbed...

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Hailey Tries Anal

I sat at my desk doing homework and staring out my bedroom window hoping my boyfriend Mr. Chapman would get home soon. He’d been working a lot lately and as a result, we had seen little of each other. As a police officer, I knew his schedule was weird and I didn’t want to smother him or anything, but as his girlfriend, I worried about the late nights and wanted him to be safe and snuggling with me every night. Living with my parents threw a wrench in that particular fantasy, but I wanted it all...

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Brandi Fails At Being A Mother 8

Brandi Fails At Being A Mother. #8 In the previous story Brandi finds out that her son, she had put up for adoption, sixteen years prior, was at her home. We were on our way to California. I was very lucky to get a flight out of Tanzania, that morning at ten. I estimated, it was going to take twenty-three hours to get to our home in California. We had plenty of time for Brandi to explain what had Happened. I had booked a first class flight, there were only two seats on each side of the isle,...

3 years ago
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In the Lands of Aurora they say a person can attain vast fame or fortunes, they call it the land of great opportunity, and that even a pauper with only the clothes on their back could make a new life for themselves, if they are willing to risk their body trying to become a warrior, or their minds as they try and study in the many facets of the magic arts, finally if all else fails they could even risk their very souls with one of the many denizens of the land, as they trade promises of easy...

2 years ago
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Whatsapp fun

Last night, (Saturday) with me showing MrsC the stories I had put on here she changed, I thought I was in trouble for putting our fun into words but she liked it, we do not know where Tony is we didn't get his number (like fools) we the best friend fro the first one is still on the scene in a way, only because of the power of the internet we found him again, well MrsC started to ask questions about him when I said I had spoken to him, questions like how is he?, where is he now? Is he married"...

2 years ago
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EuroTeenErotica Angelika Grays 2 BBCs Convince Angelika Grays to Stay Home

Ukrainian bombshell Angelika Grays needs her oven fixed, but her asshole ex-boyfriend can’t be bothered to come over and help her. However, Angelika is in luck because her neighbors – two black guys with massive cocks – are willing to help her out for a small fee. Upon entering her home and examining the oven, Joss Lescaf quickly identifies the issue and fixes it. Angelika is ecstatic! After making a bit of small talk, Joss and his friend Darrel Deeps find out Angelika thinking of selling her...

4 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 65

Yeuhan fit in perfectly. He was a hard-core voyeur. He got hard watching me kiss the boys. Watching them walk around the house in slutwear or worse kept the boy dripping. Catching me, Greedy and the Angels in the atrium actually set him off. Plus, he did all the client paperwork. Within a week, Yeuhan began dressing like the rest of the idiots complete with the come-and-get it thongs. I was in absolute heaven. And people were beginning to notice. The first time I took Yeuhan to the club,...

3 years ago
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Beyond Dreamscape Part 1

Author's note to reader: This is a sequel to the multi- part, completed, story "Dreamscape". Knowledge of that story will make this a much more comfortable read. Beyond Dreamscape Part 1 by Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1: Magic, Malevolence and Malarkey He looked at the face of his watch glowing dimly in the darkness: quarter to eleven. The snoring told Arnie Williamson the man who slept above him was finally asleep. The former bus driver moved quietly off his bunk...

2 years ago
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Discovering A Secret Fetish

After discovering something online during a porn rabbit-hole experience, I decided I wanted to try it for myself. A few weeks previous I had been clicking through different videos and stumbled upon a video suggesting squirting, which I love. So I clicked it, ready to watch a fountain gush from a beautiful pussy while a woman screams her orgasm. What I got instead was a video of a woman relieving herself. My first instinct was to quickly find a new video. After all, it was improper. No one...

3 years ago
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New Game

Kat pulled into the driveway after a long day at work. She gathered up the groceries she'd picked up from the store on the way home and made her way to the house. She opened the door to find a kitchen chair sitting out of place in the entryway. Straight away she knew what this meant. On the upright of the chair was a note. She ignored it, walking straight past the chair and its contents, lugging the groceries to the kitchen. After settling in for a few moments. Kat returned to the chair sitting...


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