Her slice of sweet sex
- 3 years ago
- 26
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My morning run on the beach was wonderful. I loved to see the sky lighting up, but I couldn't see the sunrise as the beach faced the west. I wanted to make sure I was home to watch the sunset soon. I'll bet that's beautiful.
The girls wanted me to go with them to a shopping center after breakfast so they could get some clothes, but also so I could begin filling out my wardrobe. We enjoyed going through the stores to find just the right tops, shorts, and shirts for the girls. We went to "The Men's Warehouse" when it was time for me to shop, where they had a buy one, get two free deal, going on. The girls had me get six pair of slacks, three sport coats, and three suits. They loaded me up with dress shirts in white and colors, and dressy knit pullover shirts. Accessories were next, with ties and belts. I picked up a dozen pair of socks and then said to the girls, "I need to find some dress shoes now. Let's stop by Sears to see if they have any good stuff."
Sherry turned me around and pointed to a corner of the store that had shoes on display. I ended up with a 'buy one and get two free' on shoes too.
I had to try everything on to have it marked for alterations. The clothes would be done in two days, so the girls said they would come for them.
We drove around getting familiar with the area before going back to the beach. We had what was a big lunch to them, and a light one for me. I told the girls that we should lie down for an hour, and then I would go in early for some extra batting practice. They loved the idea and we actually napped after just one round of gentle lovemaking.
The trainer came to me when I was putting workout clothes on at my locker, and asked, "Have you had that bruise x-rayed lately? Your medical record says you are to have it x-rayed or have an MRI once a month."
"I haven't had it done in a couple of months, so make me an appointment with a clinic and I'll stop by to get it done."
"No need, Matt, come down the hall and we'll get you checked out. This is a first class facility, complete with me, a nurse, and a tech for the equipment."
We went to a room with the big MRI and x-ray equipment. A tech walked in and said, "What specific areas are you looking at, Dr. Morgan?"
Wow, a real doctor for a trainer.
"All of his left side. He was hit by a fastball and we want to make sure nothing decides to grow in the damaged tissue."
The procedure was fast and, of course, painless. They poured over the big computer screen looking for any problems and told me, "All clear. Go play ball and stay healthy."
The doc said, "Let's get Jenny to draw some blood and have Ken watch you pee in a cup. We have a couple of new tests to confirm you're not taking anything. You're going to have a lot of tests with the way you're pitching and hitting. The Commissioner's office is even requesting updates on your testing status."
The tech watched me pee in a cup, and the sweet very black nurse, Jenny, drew three vials of blood. I told her that next time she wanted blood to tell me and I would fast until I gave it. She told me, "Honey, you would have time to take something else to hide what you were taking in the first place if we did that. This way we get to surprise you and catch you before the league does."
My goal today was to get some time in with the pitching machine. I looked into the indoor batting cages to find no one there. I made the adjustment to the speed I wanted, filled the hopper, and selected a bat. They had a great ball return that funneled the balls to a conveyor that kept filling the hopper. The only balls it didn't get were ones that bounced back at me from the backstop.
I picked the balls up after an hour, and wandered out to the field. I decided to run the field for a couple of laps then go to the weight room. It was in the weight room when the other trainer came in and asked me about my weight training and what regimen I used. I explained my routine, he made a few suggestions, and then questioned me about my diet. He said what I was eating was about the only way for a guy like me to gain muscle weight without taking anything.
I had a protein shake and was drinking it while I worked out, and he told me that was good, too.
The staff was very friendly and helpful. The equipment manager offered me more workout clothes if I needed them. He said their laundry room and personnel were good about getting our uniforms and workout clothes washed. He also said that all of my personal items such as jocks and socks were marked with my initials and locker number. I asked for a couple of extra pair of socks for running on the beach. He brought me a half dozen pair of socks and two more pair of shoes. He said, "Change shoes every day and make sure you're using good shoes. Throw your old ones away unless they are fairly new. It's one way to keep your feet in good condition. Just throw your shoes in the washer if you get them soaked in salt water. We do that with your workout shoes here. You can't do that with your spikes though."
He handed me some foot and ankle elastic supports and told me, "Use these for running, especially on the beach. Wear them for games too if you feel a little tender in the ankle."
I went upstairs to the cafeteria and was surprised to receive a very large piece of meat, some broccoli, and some chic peas. All high protein stuff. I ate that and washed it down with some iced tea and another protein shake. There were three flavors of the shakes, so I didn't get tired of just one kind. I knew there were more flavors, but three would work here.
I put my uniform on after my meal, and walked the field. I became excited to know we would be playing ball very soon when I went back in and saw the other players dressing and doing their pre-game stuff. Joe hadn't posted the line up yet so I didn't know where I might play if at all.
'Loney told me, "Joe constantly changes the line up to flex the guys around to see who hits best in what position. He gives guys time off a lot, too. If he sees someone getting tired, he'll give the guy a night off about every week. The most popular is to get a Sunday off with Monday an off day. Most days off are Monday, an occasional Wednesday, and some Thursdays, so the day before and after are popular off days. You can bet you'll be on the field if you don't pitch on those days.
Joe came in and pinned the lineup card on the wall. There was a crowd that reminded you of being back in college waiting for the finals grades to be posted.
There was my name at DH. That would work although I would love to play a position. I had to convince the batting coach to let me throw some batting practice balls after I had had my practice swings and fielded grounders for a while.
I only threw about fifty balls and they were all cherries that were hit way out to the outfield or into the stands. Everyone but the pitchers and catchers went back into the clubhouse while the Orioles did their batting practice. I actually wanted to field some of the grounders they were hitting, but I knew better.
The game was sort of boring, as neither team wanted to hit the ball. I had a single and died on base. I had a double my second time up and advanced to third on a wild pitch, but died on base again. My third time up was with the score still nothing to nothing, with Longoria on first and Meyers following me, I was batting left and put the ball into the right field corner. Longoria made it to third and I was on second. Meyers came up and belted one over the head of the centerfielder to the wall. Another couple more inches and it would have been a home run. Longoria scored, I scored, and Meyers was on second. Loney drove him in with a long single to right center, so we had broken the stalemate.
We cycled through our relievers and finished the game four to one. I was four for five with a walk.
The girls said they were going straight home this time, and I would meet them there. I pigged out on the buffet they had in the clubhouse, but didn't drink any beer. I had a small glass of wine with some shrimp scampi and a little more with a chunk of prime rib that was delicious. These guys ate well.
The girls took me out to our patio when I got home, and showed me their additions. Our entire back of the patio was covered with bushes and palm trees in huge planters. It made our patio a private area that people couldn't see in. We couldn't see out either, of course, but the girls showed how the two groups of planters could be easily pushed to swing out from the middle on big wheels to give us a clear view of the gulf. They told me they had a landscape company build it for them and even had the permission from the condo association to pour the extra concrete for the planters to sit and roll on.
Mom was coming the next evening and was planning to stay until Monday, the day I would be leaving for the west coast. The girls were excited that she was coming, and they told me we had an appointment with the condo people in the morning.
I didn't know what we were doing when the condo office people showed up at our door. The girls said, "Come look. You don't have to immediately do anything, but come and look anyway. We went to the condo next door that was still unsold. It didn't make any sense to me, but some people don't want to be on the bottom floor. We would be flooded if there was a hurricane, but the building would still be there. The condo people had shown me all of the seals that were present so the place was close to being watertight, and water shouldn't get in. I knew that it was probably inevitable for the place to be flooded, but the builders knew how to do it right.
Anyway, the unit had not been built out like mine had. The idea was to let the buyer design what he wanted. This was a good chance to see the door and window seals that were built in. It all was impressive. Jeannie said, "If we were to rebuild the two places we could have a giant living room with a pool table and a piano for Sherry, and three more bedrooms with bathrooms. We could expand our kitchen with space for a breakfast bar, so that we don't always have to use the big table. Just think, we could have all our moms here at one time, and even invite some of our girlfriends down. You know some are still single. Maybe we could interest them in helping you train."
I laughed at that as my girls were a randy couple. "Okay, okay, how much would this cost? And won't this drive you crazy with all of the construction and dust?"
Sherry suggested, "Now is the time to do it. Jeannie and I could stay in the master bedroom and on the beach while you're gone half the time, or we could even go up north to visit. How about letting us get with an architect, and then you decide."
I knew this was going to be a done deal, so I sent the girls home and I talked to the condo people. The conversation was one-sided as I told them, "Get me the numbers and see what you can do for me, because I do not have unlimited funds as some may think. This probably is a good deal for us, but we're going to have a unit that no one would possibly look at to buy. Get the numbers together for my attorney, and I'll let him figure it out. Please help the girls find a quality construction company to make the place the showpiece they want."
The girls had some plans stretched out on the table when I went into our unit. They showed me several designs that all looked good to me. I liked the design that had both of the living rooms together, but reduced in size a little. The kitchen took up the bulk of the front area, with a bar separating it from the rest of the open living area.
Sherry put a cutout of a pool table on the plan, then Jeannie put a spinet piano on the wall in the same room. The girls began putting couches and chairs in various places, and then said to me, "And the entire place will be where you make love to us every minute of the off-season and every minute you can when you're playing.
We kissed until it degenerated into some heavy duty loving. The two girls loved on each other as much as I was able to love on them. They soaked their surroundings and I added to the fluid content with my huge injections.
I had to leave for the ballpark and the ladies were going to wait for Mom. They figured on getting there during the second or third inning.
I was going to play third today so Longoria could have a night off. Family guys enjoyed the extra time with their families, especially before a long road trip.
Most of the opposition batters were right-handed so I had a lot of action at third. I'm always in shock when I first see the distance it is across the diamond to first. It shouldn't shock me, because I often played third in high school. I saw the girls arrive during the second inning, but it seemed as if there was a crowd.
My first at bat was a disaster. I was thrown a ball so far outside I couldn't have touched it with the end of the bat, but it was called a strike. I didn't say anything, but the catcher even gave me the look. The look of 'we got away with something there'.
The next pitch bounced across the plate and I looked back at the ump to challenge him to call it a strike too. The third pitch was a change, but it carried and stayed up. I hit the ball so hard it hurt my hands. It also broke the bat that damn near impaled the pitcher. The ball was in the stands and fair as I finished trotting around the bases. At least we were ahead one nothing.
We stayed with them and didn't give up a run. I was hit on the shoulder by a high inside pitch during the third inning. The catcher complained that I was crowding the strike zone, but I had been way off the plate. Joe finally came out and told the ump, 'you have the video, use it. There's nothing to challenge except the other manager's mouth'.
The umpires huddled until they had the major league office confirm that I was hit and didn't lean into the pitch.
All of this, and I was still on first. Their pitcher never recovered and was hit for five runs before he was relieved that inning.
The rest of the game was about as bad. I was thrown a really sweet ball, and hit it straight to the shortstop who caught the fly and tossed to second to double up the runner. Now that doesn't help stats.
My last bat of the night was beautiful as we were up by six in the eighth and I was thrown a pitch so fat I was embarrassed to hit the ball. It went to the top row of the left field seats. That gave me two for six, with a walk, the fly out, and a ground out, along with two homers and being hit...
I took time to welcome my mom and introduced her to Joe. I told Mom and the girls that I would be home as soon as possible.
The buffet was enticing, but I showered and quickly changed. With the help of the staff, I was able to gather a bunch of food to take home. It looked like it was all for me as it was high protein foods. I walked out with a huge bag full of foam containers and a half dozen protein shakes.
The women mobbed me at home for no reason other than we were happy to be together. I spread the food out and let them devour a lot of it, and then I ate everything that was left. Mom asked, "Are you up to 190 yet?"
"No, Mom, I lost some weight, but I'm back up to 184. I'll get there one of these days."
I asked the girls, "Who were all those people you guys came in with? You only have those three seats right?"
Sherry looked a little embarrassed when she said, "Ah, we have six seats now and the other people were our mom's and a guy Jeannie's mom brought."
"Where are they now?"
"They are staying up the road at the Don CeSar, that pink hotel just off the bridge."
That was strange so I asked, "How come they're staying there? Couldn't we have put them up here? We could have given up our bed and even slept on the floor."
"Not a chance, Lover. Your mom knows we are a lusty bunch and she is used to us making noise. Besides, I think my mom and Sherry's mom are going to share my mom's friend."
That made sense, but my mom would have probably enjoyed sharing with them too.
The real deal was, the girls had me very primed and panting to get into them, but they whispered in stereo, "Go see if your mom needs to be tucked in. We'll be waiting for you and keeping each other ready for your return."
So that was the deal. They had this planned and just as I figured, Mom was under the covers nude, waiting to be ravished. I made love to my mother for a long while. The woman was so responsive and loving, but I missed the juices my lovers expelled.
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Hi ISS readers, here comes again a new but real story after a long gap, this time I will narrate in hindi and ur valuble comment is expected. Yeh kaha ni meri khala ki hai uska naam nargis hai aur uski umr 38 hai, dikhne mein bahut khoobsurat hai aur uski chuchiya bhi badi badi hai, 36dd size hai, uski sabse aachi features uski badi aur chaudi si gaand hai, aur jab who chalti hai to uski gaand laskare marte hai, Ab batata hu ki mera nazariya uske taraf se kaise change hua, who dihne se ekdum...
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The night was especially dark that night. The moon was hid by a blanket of clouds. It was only 6:30, but that time of year it always gets dark that early. I left the empty bar after a couple of drinks, but I didn’t want to go home. I wore skin tight jeans, a cute little tee, some cute tennis shoes, and a sexy underwear set. I took a little detour and found that Rod was having a fire. Rod’s house is in the middle of nowhere, he is surrounded by trees and fields. I crept slowly into his drive and...
The girl stood quietly in front of me. Her thigh length black satin stretch dress snugly showing of her large breasts, flat stomach and wide hips. The front zip was open three inches or so, more for comfort I thought than exposing her cleavage, which it did admirably. I looked up to her face after dragging my eyes from the exposed skin below, to her almost almond shaped face, her jaw flaring up from a strong chin, wide pouting pink lips, framing perfect white front teeth, dark brown molten...
Hi friends this is my first story here. Hope you all like it if you’re interested in us you can join us and please provide your important comments so I can submit more stories of our actions you can also get connected to me at Let me introduce myself I’m 26 years old Hindu male from Mumbai working in a reputed MNC, I have been married for 2 years to a very good looking, obedient and intelligent wife. She is Gaurangana 5.3, 64 kgs, 36 32 36 fair. After 1 years of good sex life with her I was...
Hi, this is steve again back here.. in this part I ll continue the story from my sisters narration.. please send your comments suggestions to ladies, widowed/divorced women may contact me at the same mail id for safe and secure romantic/sex chat or massage or sex.. SHIRLEYS NARRATION: As I was hugging him I was still sobbing, but I slowly noticed that his dick had begun to erect again after it had become small due to my slap.. My bro was 5′ 11 in height and as I was only 5′ 6 my head came up...
IncestMedway High Cafeteria 5:12 pm, Tuesday, March 6, 1979 “You said what to him at that point?” Samantha asked of Lynette in an unbelieving manner as she looked across the cafeteria table at Lynette, Elizabeth, Joanne and Cathy. Jennifer, Andi, and Heidi were all huddled on Sam’s side of the table as the eight girls swapped stories about their Saturday night activities before the start of Medway’s basketball semi-final playoff game against North Middlesex Secondary School from Parkhill. “She...
CLOAKED By Lana B. FORWORD This story is centered on a familiar and somewhat well-worn concept but one that I've always liked. So here's my spin on it. My thanks to the authors of similar stories from whom I've drawn inspiration. Enjoy. This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the author. PROLOGUE Augie Provenzino looked down the long table as the men entered the room and took their seats. They'd come to this meeting at his request to discuss a number of...
Part 1 This story was originally written some years ago by Pagan. I have tried to find him to thank him for writing such a fine piece but to no avail. If anyone knows where I can find Pagan, or if Pagan himself should read this , please contact me through this site (drivercolt (at) y a h o o (dot) com ) so I can thank you and get your permission for posting the story. I have made a few editorial changes to this story to suit my lustful tastes, and there was quite a bit of pedo content...
And it reminds me of last weekend when my boyfriend came over. He stayed over later than usual but I didn’t mind. It was about 4am when I got a little tired, so I went into my bedroom just to lay in my bed. My window was open during the downpour. Rain calms me down so naturally I started drifting off to sleep. I started to wake up when I heard my boyfriend come into the room. I tried to roll over so he could lie down next to me but he pounced on me instead. He knows my body very well and he...
Personnel Transfer by Roger Ball Chapter 1 "I report my return aboard, sir," I recited automatically to the Officer of the Deck (OOD) after having rendered a crisp salute to the colours astern. The OOD, QMC Stephen Frichett, returned my salute with a morose "Very well" and returned to his podium off to the side of the quarterdeck. I asked the Chief if the Skipper was aboard and he shook his head in the negative. I found his lack of bearing to be a bit unprofessional...hell, a lot...
Steve drove home in a trance. He lost his virginity. He wanted to stop the car and shout to the neighborhood. He had lost his virginity to one of his school's cheerleaders, Amanda. And now he had some power where he could make people feel things. He wondered about his new power, wondering what else he could do with it. He had a car full of cheerleaders who had orgasmed around him as he mentally twiddled their clits - surely that counted for something. He could probably even use it in...
A Child widow Live in Maid goes abroad The Sensuality & Submission In Part 6 you read But here she is, giving up her chastity and acted out of lust in the bed of a young man with the age only of her younger brother, and even submissively recognize him as her new lord and husband, UNTHINKABLE. This is an act of madness, Anu finally faces the fact that her actions would and will still be condemned in her village and she will be disowned and denounced of any honor as a woman. Dismayed, ...
The beat-up Jeep bounced along the deeply rutted dirt road, raising a cloud of dust behind it. After miles of empty country, passing only the occasional isolated village or solitary hut, the vehicle was entering the ramshackle outskirts of Kemo City, capitol of Mabuto. Passing a crowded roadside market, the truck drew stares from many of the locals, who rarely saw Westerners pass through the streets of their backwards nation. Mabuto was an African country in decline; its' traditional poverty...
When I got up in the morning I thought about my encounter the day before. How could such a simple phrase cause such a commotion? All he said at the beginning was, ‘Kisses the lady’s hand.’ It doesn't look like much but the effect on me was profound. I went through my normal daily routine of making sure hubby was awake, then preparing breakfast and getting dressed. The whole time I kept stealing glances at my phone where I had placed it to recharge overnight. Every time I walked past I was...
Love StoriesJeff met with Kei, Edi and Alesha on the updated design that they were working on for the new ski lodge, then stopped off in the living room to watch the late news before eventually winding up in his suite. After a shower where he "played" with Jennie and Melissa, he walked into a strangely quiet bedroom. Looking around, he began to wonder. "What?" he asked, then suddenly it hit him, "Where's Ann?" Arlene caught his eye. "We've looked for her, and she's not anywhere in the Retreat....
PART EIGHTEEN: PADDED "Baby Katie! Baby Katie!" naked Jenny is running around the room chanting. "Jenny, go get dressed," Emma orders. Jenny hurdles up the stairs. Her chanting goes on. I hear her singing those two words as she digs through her closet. "Emma..." I speak without knowing exactly what I want to say. I want this diaper off. I don't want to go around in a wet diaper. Do I? I want if off but do I want a fresh one on me? I wore a fresh one last night. It was......
Brenda woke up the next morning with a desperate thought. “Why did I do that?” her mind screamed at her as she got out of the bed, “I didn’t even bring a freaking toothbrush.” Her mind was focused on what happened, her unprecedented screw-up. “Wait until marriage,” Brenda’s mother had hammered into Brenda’s head, “Boy’s won’t respect you if you just hand it out like a slut.” Brenda had believed her mother and didn’t want to disappoint her memory, but last night had been so magical and...
The Fantasy got better (continued) She worked late all that week. I do not know where she gets the energy as I fucked her every night. I looked forward to licking my cum from her pussy and from her wet panties. They were wet every night and full of my cum. She told me next week was going to be her treat and no blindfolds were to be worn. Our play night had finally arrived. I was told to have a wank, shower, wash my ass, get the strap on out and lay it next to the bed. I could not wait. She...
The white van bumped and shifted around the twists and turns of the dirt road through the forest. The young man at the wheel knew it was just a short half mile off the main road, but having to drive more slowly always made it seem longer. And despite how many times he made the trip, the break in the trees and the subsequent blinding sunlight always caught him off guard. He squinted and raised his hand to block the light, and had to swerve to very nearly miss the pair of albino peacocks that...
HumorDressed in the underwear that she'd slept in, a white vest and a little pair of pink Disney panties with Minnie Mouse on, she looked as cute as ever. The panties were a size or two too small and cut a tight fit on her petite figure, especially snug around her bubbly little ass. You wouldn't believe to look at it from behind that she's the age she is. She ran up to me and I squatted down to her height so we could hug tightly, our bodies pressed snugly together. I held my little girl...
You stretch and yawn and fall out of bed. You know it's your birthday, but to be honest, you don't really celebrate it. You go out with friends, you get wasted and usually wake up in a very awkward situation. But as for real celebrations, your parents are the only ones who ever celebrate it. That means you'd better go and see them, you suppose. And sure enough, you get to their house and they're waiting for you, beaming with pride at their little boy finally becoming a man, etc. etc. However,...
DDF Real Estate Agent Jason Brown gets the deal of a lifetime when he’s selected as the listing agent for sexy American Maya Bijou’s parents’ house. The gorgeous Latina college girl has a thing for black men, and she can’t help but become overcome with lust for this chiseled piece of dark chocolate. Being that they’ve got the house to themselves, the two take full advantage and a home photoshoot turns into a steamy lingerie shoot. Mr. Brown’s long shaft gets...
xmoviesforyouEvolving World Justification Wind rushed past, her feet crunching under the dry leaves. Deep breathes filled her lungs, the air burning deep inside from the cold air. Everything above appeared to be barren. The dead leaves on the ground crackled with every step that she took. Heavier footfalls stomped behind her. Her long purple cloak wafted in the cool breeze. Normally she would have held it close to her body. In the futile attempt of keeping the cold out. But, that wasn't what...
We sat in Cole’s garage, smoking a giant blunt. Me, Sarah, Cole, Chris, Salem, Samm, and Tyler. We all sold drugs. Last year, We all worked at a coffee shop called, “the magic bean”. It was owned by a guy called Mr. J. As it turned out he was a big dealer. He sold pretty much everything from under the counter. After the police shut it down, he asked us to start selling for him. It was good. It was our last year of high school, but I thinks e all knew that we would continue selling...
She was told to dress sexy tonight. She complied as any good slave girl would do. She looked beautiful. When we go out she is required to wear clothing that can be adjusted throughout the night. I enjoy buttoning and unbuttoning her clothing as the mood strikes me. Tonight she was in a beautiful white blouse; a very thin bra appeared underneath that left little if nothing to the imagination. She had on her long chain which hung down the front of her blouse, a short black skirt, no panties, and...