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My name is Kim, and this is the story of the sexual experience that changed my life.

It was my third week back home from college after my freshman year. I was three months away from being nineteen and liked being grown up. My mom was cool; she'd given up on trying to treat me like her little girl, the way she had in my senior year of high school, so we got along really well nowadays. Even better, my asshole dad was out of the picture. He'd left Mom for this widow with tons of money, and all we ever saw of him was his support checks.

All in all, it could have been a great summer but for one problem: my fourteen-year-old baby sister Cindy had grown into an obnoxious, whiny brat.

She'd been a pretty sweet kid growing up, but something about becoming a teenager had driven her nuts. To begin with, she was so goddamn needy -- always demanding attention, then having hissy fits when she didn't get it. It was absurdly easy to piss her off, too. She took offense at anything and everything, convinced the world was out to rain on her parade. I'd been a bit of a handful in my teen years, sure, but nothing like the drama queen Cindy had evolved into.

Even when she wasn't in a tizzy about something, Cindy was always hanging around, expecting me to keep her amused -- and I no longer had any way to escape her, except in the bathroom. See, my mom had always been into making jewelry, a skill she'd picked up from her dad back when she was a teenager, and while I was away at college she decided to try selling it to bring in extra income. So she started a mail-order business that she installed in Cindy's old room, and my sister moved into mine. Now that I was home, she and I had to share our personal space -- and being her roommate sucked, to say the least.

Worst of all, Cindy's constant presence put a real damper on my sex life.

I'd thought of myself as bisexual by the time I graduated high school, but a few months of college convinced me that I was a lesbian -- and a hot, sexy-as-hell lesbian at that! At my college there were a lot more girls than guys, and most of the females were at least open to the idea of experimenting. I was the proverbial kid in the candy store, fucking one girl after another. I never slept alone in my dorm room if I could help it, and if one of my lovers didn't want to spend the night, my roommate -- a math nerd, but kinda cute -- was always happy to get naked and share my bed.

I'd counted on being able to sneak girls into the house late at night, but having to share a room with Cindy put the kibosh on that but good. I could always go out and meet a girl somewhere else, but it was tricky -- we only had one car, and Mom needed it too much of the time. Even when I was able to go out, Cindy made a big fat deal about me having fun without her, hitting me with all kinds of nosy questions about what I was up to. It was exhausting, coming up with cover stories about why I needed the car and why Cindy couldn't tag along. Mom was being cool, but I wasn't sure that she wouldn't freak out if I told her I was gay, so I wanted to keep that a secret for the time being.

Hell, with Cindy constantly underfoot, it was hard for me to get enough privacy to masturbate! And on top of that I had to deal with her bitchy, irritating attitude all the time. It was too much, damn it. Something had to give.

So I ran the problem around and around in my mind for a few days ... and suddenly, out of the blue, I came up with the greatest idea ever -- a plan that, if successful, would not only fix Cindy's attitude, but make my summer a hell of a lot more exciting.

The next morning, I put on one of my casually slutty outfits -- a pair of denim shorts cut off just under my pussy and a tank top I'd made out of one of my old gym t-shirts from 8th grade by cutting the sleeves off and the collar out. I added a gold ankle bracelet my mom gave me a year or so ago. Dressed like that, I knew I could have at least a few girls looking twice as I sauntered past.

That day, though, it wasn't about heading over to the mall to shop and flirt with the cute girls there, much as I enjoyed that. No, this was the first phase of Operation Adjust Cindy's Attitude.

Phase Two began with me tracking down my baby sister. Not that it was hard to find her -- Cindy was in our room, sprawled in the middle of her bed in skimpy panties and an old faded t-shirt that was about four sizes too big for her. It was, in fact, my dad's old t-shirt, one that I'd worn for a nightie all through high school and that had disappeared right before I packed my stuff to go to college. She was thumbing through some stupid teen magazine with that bored pout of hers that never failed to irritate me. For the moment, however, my plan was to make nice.

"I'm going to the mall," I told her. "You can come if you want, but be ready to go in five minutes."

Her eyes narrowed, wondering why I was inviting her to join me when I usually used any excuse I could to ditch her. I knew, though, that she'd want to tag along too much to ask any questions.

"Sure!" she exclaimed. She tossed the magazine into the wall with a page-fluttering thud and scrambled to her feet, giving me a quick flash of her bare legs and panty-covered butt.

Annoying as my little sister was, I had to admit that she was already totally cute, sure to grow up into an absolute sex bomb.

I drank a Coke in the living room while counting off five minutes, then strolled into the garage. God, Cindy was already there.

"Are we goinnnng?" she shrilled, shifting from one sneakered foot to the other as she stood impatiently by the car.

"Yes, yes, yessssss!" I snapped at her, pretending to be annoyed, pulse quickening at the thought of the fun I planned to have soon when I turned the tables on my bratty sister ... my bratty, sexy little sister.

As soon as we got in the car, Cindy reached for the radio, which was set to the college station I like. I slapped her hand hard -- a sharp little CRACK sound echoing in the garage -- and said, "Put your seatbelt on." Cindy pouted, but sullenly tugged the shoulder harness down and fastened it across her waist. I buckled in too and started the car.

Three blocks away from the house, Cindy made a face at the Sonic Youth track that was playing. "This sucks," she declared, and reached for the radio again.

This time I slapped her face with a deft backhand that left a red mark on her cheek. The CRACK was louder this time.

Cindy was stunned. Neither of my parents ever hit us, not even spankings when we were little. She sat frozen, gaping at me, mouth wide open. I'd just wheeled the car onto the main drag when she finally got her voice back.

"YOU CAN'T HIT ME!" she screamed, in that fire alarm voice that always set my jaw on edge. "Y-you -- I'M TELLIN' MOM YOU DID THAT AN' YOU'RE GONNA GET -- mmmmppphh!"

That last came because I'd leaned over a few inches, which my lap belt allowed me to do because I'd fastened it loosely, and clapped my hand hard over Cindy's mouth. At that point, I executed a quick right hand turn, wrenching the car into the Jiffy Lube parking lot. Switching off the ignition, I shoved her away from me. At that point, she was too startled to make a peep.

"Now, listen up, you little shit," I told Cindy, keeping my voice low and even, "I got you out of the house so we could have a little chat about your behavior. You've been an absolute bitch to me and Mom, and you're driving us both nuts. I've had it up to here, and I'm not gonna tolerate this bullshit from you for one more day. Maybe Mom won't discipline you like you deserve, but I'll take a goddamn belt to your ass if you don't shape up. You hear me!?"

Cindy gave me a wounded look, her lower lip jutting out. "That's not fair," she whined. "You and Mom are always ganging up on me. You don't even try to understand how I feel about..."

"There you go again!" I snapped, cutting her off. "Nobody's ganging up on you, damn it. See, that's exactly what I'm talking about. You carry on like the whole world revolves around Cindy. If you don't get every single thing you want, exactly when you want it, you complain and whine and whine and complain until everyone around you is totally miserable -- especially Mom. Listen, I've had enough of your bratty behavior. Enough!" I smacked the back of her headrest, hard.

Cindy was gaping at me, eyes huge. "What ... what is it you want m-me to do?" she whispered, now looking seriously scared -- which was at least part of what I wanted. Now I had to calm her down before she started sniveling.

"Listen," I said, gently brushing her hair out of her eyes with the back of my hand. She flinched at first, then submitted, closing her eyes and pouting. "I'm not gonna be mean to you if you don't make me. I love you, even though you've been an utter pain in the ass ever since I got home." While I spoke, I started up the car again, exiting the parking lot. "I swear, sometimes you make me wish I was still back at school instead of on vacation."

That really struck home. Cindy sank down in her seat, looking miserable. "I'm -- I'm sorry if I've been that awful to you and Mom ... I didn't know I was, really. W-what can I do to be better?"

I took a deep breath. Here goes. "I'll make a deal with you. First, you can start hanging out with me more often. Second, I'm gonna teach you some stuff about makeup and hair, and help you pick out clothes, and teach you about how to behave like a real woman. But that's if you think you can pay attention and do like I tell you. And there's gotta be some serious attitude adjustment. No more temper tantrums, and a lot less griping and getting all bent out of shape about every little thing. If you get yourself together and try to act like a civilized human being, then we can be friends, you and me. Just like we used to be, okay? But if you keep being a little bitch, then I promise you this: I'll make your life a living hell. So ... what's it gonna be?" By then, I'd reached the entrance of the mall.

Cindy sniffled a few times, nibbled at her lower lip in a way that made her look eight years old, then finally said, softly, "I want us to be f-friends again."

"Good," I said, pulling into a dark corner of the mall's left-hand parking garage, where you could get a couple of hours of privacy if you wanted. I'd used it for a makeout spot many times myself, because nearly everyone else parked on the right-hand side. I switched off the ignition and turned back to my sister. "If you really mean that, then yeah, we can be friends. I'll teach you about grownup stuff you need to know ... things you can't go to Mom about. Understand?"

Cindy stared at me, then sniffled and blinked. "Teach me what? You mean, you want to teach me about, um, sex?" She was toying with her hair nervously. "Y-you think I'm ready for that... ?"

I smiled, casually placing a hand on her bare thigh. "Baby, you're ready to have sex with anyone you want. You are old enough now -- and it's the greatest!" Then I paused, my next remark very calculated. "Well ... I don't know, maybe you think sex is kinda gross..."

"Um, no, no," Cindy said, hastily, blushing a little and looking away. "I mean, I'm not a baby, I know about this stuff. It's just..." She looked up at me shyly. "I haven't done anything -- I mean, not much." She hesitated, then smiled. "So ... will you show me how to, to be sexy?"

I grinned, but only inwardly. I had her in the palm of my hand now...

"Hmmm," I said thoughtfully. "Well, I'll try, I guess." I gazed at her, tapping my teeth with my fingernail like I was thinking about what I might to teach her first. Of course, I knew exactly what I wanted. "Let's see. Do you know how to kiss?"

"Well ... kinda."

I reclined my car seat back as far as it would go. "Okay, sis ... come share my seat and show me how good you are at it."

Her eyes grew wide. "You want me to kiss you?!"

I shrugged and tried to look exasperated. "If you don't want to..."

"It ... it just seems a little weird," she mumbled, blushing hotly, though her eyes told me that she found the idea of kissing her big sister an intriguing one.

I started toying with her hair. "You don't have to only have sex with boys, you know," I whispered. "Fooling around with other girls can be even better."

She stared at me in disbelief. "Have you, um, had s-sex with other girls?"

I nodded, a wicked smile on my lips. "I have," I murmured, "and I loved it."

She rubbed her chin thoughtfully, then giggled. "Okay!" she squealed, squeezing into my seat next to me. It was a tight fit, but that only heightened the mood. I placed a hand on Cindy's cheek and drew her face to mine, my lips parting...

Two minutes later, Cindy broke away and sat back. "How was that? I mean, I've only practice kissed with Jane, but she thinks I'm pretty good..."

My heart was pounding like a jackhammer, my nipples were hard as bullets and my pussy a swamp, but I kept my voice cool. Damn, my little sister had one hot little mouth!

"That was ... pretty nice," I said. "You are a good kisser, babe -- but you could be even better." I opened my door. "Come on, let's get in the back, there's a little more room to stretch out. I want to show you some other stuff."

Cindy got into the back without any protest. In fact, she seemed downright eager. I lay back on the seat and pulled my little sister down on top of me with a growl of lust.

She came to me eagerly, her lips meeting mine again and her tongue immediately darting into my mouth. We both moaned as our kiss grew deep and passionate. I was on fire, more aroused than I'd been in weeks. So far, this crazy plan of mine had succeeded beyond my wildest hopes. I'd figured it would be about a week or so before Cindy would let me make out with her, much less take the initiative herself!

I slid my hands up under the oversized t-shirt she was wearing and undid her small bra. We continued to French kiss as my hands found her apple-sized breasts and fondled them. Her nipples quickly stiffened to the touch.

Cindy broke away, panting, then clumsily shrugged out of her t-shirt and bra. The car windows were tinted and we were in a deserted part of the mall, so I wasn't worried about being seen. Without a word I drew my sister back down to me, taking her left nipple into my mouth. Cindy moaned in surprised delight as I nibbled and sucked at the tip of one breast, then the other.

To my surprise, I felt her hands moving clumsily about the waistband of my denim cutoffs, seeking the button. I squirmed around to give her better access, and she had them unsnapped and halfway down my legs in a flash.

"I wanna see your pussy," she gasped, her voice loud in the close confines of the car.

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Sister And Her Friends 8211 Part 2

Hello ISS, I am a big fan of you. And hi readers, I Pravinvin from TN, staying in Bangalore. I am interested in female domination, slave to couples, cuckold things etc.And I am basically a submissive character. Here my sex story is based on these things. And sorry for the grammatical mistakes. This sex story is full fiction, I repeat this story is not real. But I badly need it to be real. And sorry everyone I changed my email id. New one is Please I suggest you to read my previous story to...

2 years ago
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Sisterly LoveChapter 19

On the train ride into the city there were two good-looking women in the same car as me. I gave them both a warm smile and must have also sent other, more silent vibes their way, for they both went out of their way to return the smile and brushed past me on several occasions before and after we arrived in the city. They seemed disappointed when I didn’t rise to their fairly obvious flirtations, but I did have more important matters on my mind. It was eleven AM when I arrived at Stephanie’s...

3 years ago
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Sister Friend Lover

I began lifting her nightie trying to get it over her head we broke from our kiss she slipped the flimsy gown over her head, l rolled Tina onto her back and kissed my way down to her tits, she had marvellous nipples, while sucking one nipple l squeezed and moulded her other tit, she pulled my head against her and gasped, my fingers were between her pussy lips gently massaging her clitoris, Tina started to sigh and forced herself onto my fingers. She had a firm grip of my now erect cock and...

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John sat on his porch, smoking a joint as he watched the young girls walk by. Friday meant the teenage disco down the road and a bit of idle purving. He reckoned they were all around sixteen or s*******n, and the parade of tight asses and young tits was better than watching the news. He wondered why girls didn’t dress like that when he was young, but then everyone thinks that.He was really waiting for his sister Anna, who was going to the disco and planned to change in his house. His parents...

4 years ago
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Stepsister Seduction Chapter 9 rewrite A wild threesome

Jenna watched her mom leave the room, not noticing how her mom was acting. She quickly sat up, looking at her stepbrother's fat member hanging there. "That means this is all ours now Anna," she exclaimed, wrapping her tiny hand around Tim's shaft. Tim watched his stepmom leave, wondering why she had just suddenly got up and left. It seemed to him that she must be having second thoughts about what she was doing now. Kelly walked back to her room, knowing she should have told Tim to...

4 years ago
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Sweet Lickings

"What was that?!" Anna said as there was a sudden sound of splintering wood and tearing metal from out in the pouring rain which surrounded "Sweet Licks" Ice-Cream Parlor in Paradise West Virginia where she was working the morning shift with her frenemy Jean. The two women, both 18 and finishing high-school, had been best friends from kindergarten till they turned 13, but for the past five years were alternately at daggers drawn and trying to patch things up, and neither of them would admit...

3 years ago
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Published by luvcuntlickingsluts Mommy4sharing a

Mommy4sharing and Dawn's in wild fuck orgy!!!Part of my inspiration for this story is a very sexy lady here on the site ... Mommy4sharing ... you really should check out her profile page ... For the story I'm going to call her "Heather" after a smocking hot thing I used to work with. So here's how my fantasy goes ....Dawn and I meet Heather and Gary here through "xham" and were very glad we did!!! Heather's this smoking hot thing with even bigger tits than Dawn and Gary's packing 12 1/2 thick...

2 years ago
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Published by luvcuntlickingsluts Two hot white b

Two hot white bi-girls sharing a BBC!!!I'd been having the wildest fantasies about getting to watch Birti and Mary sharing a massive cock while I watched and filmed ... the thought of that always made, and still makes me so horny ... So when it actually happened It drove me wild.. It was all I could do to keep from joining in right away but I knew I'd get my chance and wanted to watch for a while first. Birti's a hot sexy brunette about 5'3" tall. 38dds, 25, 36 with a beautiful bush and a cunt...

2 years ago
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Dawn her first ever BBC Published by luvcuntlickin

our friend, Tyrell giving Dawn her first ever BBCThis is a fantasy about how I would have liked things to have gone if Dawn was still with me. I like to think that she would have been very excited,hot and turned on getting her first black dick from my friend Tyrell from Xham. On several occasions Dawn and I talked about what it might be like for her to get her first black cock ... and I after meeting and talking with Tyrell I'm certain she would have loved getting fucked by him while I watched...

1 year ago
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Sunday, I had a few friends over for drinks and some football. Unfortunately, the football game was pretty lame, so we probably drank a little more than usual. My wife Amy was playing waitress, as usual, while chatting with her sister on the kitchen phone. No doubt she was having a glass or two of wine as well. That's the only way to make talking to her sister tolerable.At half time, Amy came in to see how we were doing. She brought more chips and salsa, took drink orders, and exchanged lewd...

1 year ago
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This is a sequel to Playtime & Perfect Timing. My sex life with Kate had gone from great to spectacular. We officially became a couple after our last encounter. Kate had been a virgin but that didn't last long at all. Kate treated sex like the sports she loved to play, and as always she was very keen to excel at it. Like her dedication to sports she knew it was all about practice, practice practice. After finding penetrative sex a little uncomfortable at first, she was constantly getting me...

1 year ago
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Bootlicking Sissy Husband

BOOTLICKING SISSY HUSBAND by Throne Long before she got married, Juno knew what kind of man she had to have. After dating a number of strong assertive types she ruled them out. Why get a spouse who wanted to be your superior? The average sorts were better, willing to compromise, yet still annoyingly ready to stand up for their own desires. What use did she have for someone who expected to be her equal? Then she dated a few that were physical and psychological weaklings, easy to...

3 years ago
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Sister brother kamasutra

Hi this is chandu from bang lore i am regular reader of the indian sex stories in the net and especially the incest story,this is the real story happening between my sister and me. My sister got married when i was studying the 10th class before her marriage i had not had any sexual feelings on her After one year of her marriage when she came to our house on the diwali occasion that time her personality was so sexy she started wearing BRA and her rumps become fat and with big and stiff breast by...

2 years ago
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Sister Catherines Nighmare CAW 13

Introduction: CAW 13 Entry – How horrifying Art Can Be. Sister Catherines Nighmare CAW 13 Entry. This was such an exciting time for Sister Catherine. She was a newly initiated member of the Sisters of The Divine Blood. She had always felt herself drawn to a life of worship and service. Her devoutly religious Roman Catholic parents had instilled in her a love of the Church at a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent young woman, she had been sheltered from many of the temptations of youth...

1 year ago
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sister never had it this way

           It was summer, school just got out.   I was the youngest in the family.   I was 18, my sister Monica 20, and then Evelyn 25.   Monica and I stayed home with mom, while Evelyn moved away for her career. We were brought up in a strict household.   Monica and I had just finished school and had the summer off.   We had been planning on going on a little trip with some friends.   We had told mom that we were going to visit some campuses for me to decide on where to...

3 years ago
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Sister Catherines Nighmare CAW 13

This was such an exciting time for Sister Catherine. She was a newly initiated member of the Sisters of The Divine Blood. She had always felt herself drawn to a life of worship and service. Her devoutly religious Roman Catholic parents had instilled in her a love of the Church at a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent young woman, she had been sheltered from many of the temptations of youth and this gave her a innocent quality others found endearing. She had been posted to the...

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Sister Ellen Marie

The evening before she was to begin her teaching career by taking over Sister Delores' eight grade class at Saint Agnes parochial school, Sister Ellen Marie examined the files of each of her students so she would be familiar with their backgrounds and be able to prepare her lesson plans to their abilities. After carefully reading each file she realized that there were a few very bright students, some that were middle of the road B and C students and then there was Shawn Miller who seemed...

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sister Aquinata A Nasty Bitch by loyalsock

Outside the door sister Aquinata carefully adjusted her nun's habit. It just would not do for a woman of her station in life to look careless – ever. The priest/monk in the deep sleep of sexual afterglow was her sixth far. "One never knows when one might meet her next victim, does one?" she thought to herself, subconsciously sneering.A little unsteady from such a hard fucking sister Aquinata walked down the open hotel corridor gazing at the moon slowly blinking past the stone...

3 years ago
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Sister the urinal

I waited in the car for my sister, wondering how I was going to get the smell of piss out of my car.An hour passed.I still waited.Two hours and the bar had closed 15 minutes ago.I couldn't believe her. My little sister, her first week at UT, her first night out on sixth street and she goes and pees her pants in front of everyone. Then she accidentally pees on my girlfriend, well my ex-girlfriend now thanks to Becky, my brat of a sister.I also couldn't believe what I had done. I spent the next...

3 years ago
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Sister is my flatmate and porn addict

My place may have been a mess but l’d rather put up with that then listen to my sister and Rik arguing, finally the builders finished. One evening l was watching a box set with a few Vodka’s when there was a knock at the door and who was standing there, but my sister Theresa with 2 suitcases, she calmly informed me that her and Rik had split, so l invited her in and showed Theresa to my spare room. When she came into the lounge l poured us both a vodka, Theresa joined me on the sofa and...

2 years ago
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Sister And Her Friends 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS, I am a big fan of you. And hi readers, I am Pravin from TN, staying in Bangalore. I am interested in female domination, slave to couples, cuckold things etc. and I am basically a submissive character. here my sex story is based on these things. And sorry for the grammatical mistakes. This story is full fiction, I repeat this story is not real. But I want to happen in my life. The sex story starts on 2007 my 12th annual leave. I am going to Bangalore for enjoying holidays and also...

1 year ago
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Sister Checks In

For some reason my parents had my sister and me far apart. I was now thirty-three and Abby was twenty-two. I guess you could say there was a mistake along the way. I also didn't see my sister very often. That was about to change. Abby called me recently and asked if she could visit. I thought it might be a good idea to get a little closer to my younger sister, so I told her to come and stay.My sister arrived at my door and gave me a big hug."I really missed you Tom," she said to me.I missed...

2 years ago
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Sister Comes To Stay

Hello Mridula is here to entertain you all. Here is a hot story of a horny brother who spices his sex life with his wife when his sister comes to stay. You may send your comments at I’ am Alok Verma, aged 25, height 5 feet 10 inches, fair complexioned muscular body with an eight inch cock. I am extremely horny. I’ve been married to my wife Shilpa for 3 months. My wife is excellent in bed, I mean she’s would do everything in bed as an excellent sex partner and she loves talking dirty when I ma...

1 year ago
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Sister became his wife

Hi, this is between me and my loving sister who is now my wife. We are from India. Many might think this story not only as i****t but also something very sick. But let me tell you that this is my real life story and I am not only living with it, rather enjoying every bit of it.Currently I am 28 and she is 26. We have been having sex since 4 years now. It was very difficult to achieve this. It took me years to make her fall in love with me. Today I am recounting all this, because we got married...

3 years ago
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sister Love

sister Love – Strap-on FantasyBy billy69boyEmma found herself smiling as she drove to the airport to pick up her little sister Amy. The two girls were very close, despite the disparity in their ages. They really missed each other, and now they were going to spend the entire summer together.Emma was proud of herself. At 20, she landed a good job, and she could afford her own place in the city. She was finally on her own; free to call her own shots. Funny thing, though, she was only away from her...

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sister Love Strapon Fantasy

sister Love – Strap-on FantasyBy billy69boyEmma found herself smiling as she drove to the airport to pick up her little sister Amy. The two girls were very close, despite the disparity in their ages. They really missed each other, and now they were going to spend the entire summer together.Emma was proud of herself. At 20, she landed a good job, and she could afford her own place in the city. She was finally on her own; free to call her own shots. Funny thing, though, she was only away...

4 years ago
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Sisterhood Part Two

The SecretKurt hadn't heard from Nicole for several weeks after their torrid night together. That was a good news, bad news situation. Although he hadn't gotten a message from her, apparently Nicole wasn't pregnant. He had been anxious about that possibility during the whole time he hadn't heard from her.Like most people in that town, Kurt was at the high school stadium to watch the Fourth of July fireworks. Everyone was there including Nicole. She spotted him and waved. He walked toward her...

3 years ago
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Sisterhood of Sin 21 Betrayed But By Whom

"Did we do anything wrong, Beth?" I'm standing naked in the basement of the new local Sapphire Club as Bethany and Marta, one of the members of her black team that helped with the rescue of Chelsea, are searching through my trunk, trenchcoat, mask, and even my hair to make sure no tracking devices were planted on me during the session. They find nothing and I dress in clothing that stayed in Bethany's care while I exposed myself to the students and burqa babes. "I don't think so. I think we...

3 years ago
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Sister Magdalene

It was quiet in the chapel. Serene. For some, the stillness, the lack of breathing, the rustle of clothing, would add to the serenity. In reality, it was just another indication that they were dying, and not just them, the entire church. Sister Magdalene looked up, the figure of Jesus Christ predominant behind the small altar. She knew every nook and cranny of the chapel, having cleaned it more times than she could recall. Twenty four years of her Twenty seven years, she had spent here in...

2 years ago
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Sister Wanted To Be Fucked By Brother8217s Friends

Hello, my name is Ajith. I have one younger sister. By looking at her bra, hanging in the bathroom, I came to know that her bra size is 38. Yes, my sister’s boobs were huge and firm and not sluggy. We both lived a normal brother-sister life. Even though I had incestual feelings towards her, I never tried anything with her. I just use to masturbate thinking about my little sister’s cleavage which she accidentally showed while sweeping the floor. Things went like that. One day my parents went for...


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