- 3 years ago
- 28
- 0
The white van bumped and shifted around the twists and turns of the dirt road through the forest. The young man at the wheel knew it was just a short half mile off the main road, but having to drive more slowly always made it seem longer. And despite how many times he made the trip, the break in the trees and the subsequent blinding sunlight always caught him off guard. He squinted and raised his hand to block the light, and had to swerve to very nearly miss the pair of albino peacocks that liked to hang around the edge of the meadow. He ground to a halt, sighed and congratulated himself for not resorting to profanity.
What words will you speak into the space of pure awareness? Will they be cloaked in love? Or ignorance? — The Holy Father, Entreaty #30
When his eyes adjusted to the light and the peacocks had moved to the side of the roadway, he continued on toward a collection of buildings in the middle of the meadow, anchored by what looked a little like an enormous white circus tent. Even if the tent-like shape was meant to imply a kind of impermanence, it was, in reality, a much more practical and permanent thing; a colossal yurt of shining white fiberglass and concrete pylons, nested among a series of more traditional warehouse-style outbuildings. At the edge of the clearing on the right was a collection of tiny cabins- lodging for the laity- and on the far side of the Center was the crop-fields and the airstrip.
As he pulled closer, things seemed different somehow- far busier than he had seen in his six weeks as a member of the Family. White-robed Brothers and Sisters bustled here and there carrying folding tables and chairs from one of the warehouse buildings and back again. Others had arm-loads of pillows and lamps and rugs. One particularly attractive young woman with wildly unkempt red hair led a pair of the Holy Father’s favorite pet llamas from their enclosure near the fields to somewhere around the other side of the yurt. He put the van in park and craned his neck to try to see past the llamas to watch her walk away, praying for a ray of sunlight to catch her robe just right. But then he caught sight of a stern-faced bald man, white robe and yellow sash stretched tight over his enormous belly, walking determinedly in his direction, glaring directly at him.
Shit! The young man threw off his seat belt and stepped from the van.
“Well?” said the fat Brother. He was so wide that the young man couldn’t tell if his hands were on his hips or at his side.
“I’m sorry, Brother John! I’m sorry!” He headed for the back of the van. Brother John followed.
“You’re very late! Today of all days!”
“I’m sorry. One of the cheating shopkeepers tried to short us a couple of boxes.” He waved a crumpled-up invoice as proof of what he was saying. “I wouldn’t let him.” He hoped that his defense of the Family from the heathen townspeople might buy him some grace for being late. He threw open the door. “It’s all here.”
Brother John sighed without looking into the van. “Well, now I don’t have time to escort you today. I’m far too busy with all of this.” He looked the young man up and down. “Can I trust you to get these to where they belong?”
The young man had already pulled a collapsible dolly from the back of the van and was diligently stacking boxes on it. “Yes, of course, Brother John.”
Brother John handed him a small key. “Fine. Just be quick, and come find me when you’re done. Plenty to do today.” Brother John looked over the young man ‘s shoulder and caught two Brothers struggling to keep an enormous rolled-up rug on their shoulders. “You two! If you let that touch the dirt, I’ll see that you’re on field duty for a month!” He glanced back at the young man. “Praise be.”
“Praise be.” He did the customary little nod as Brother John waddled off to supervise the rug transportation. He slammed the van door and took a step toward the dolly, only to be caught back by a tug and a tearing sound. His robe was caught in the van door.
Without guidance, we cannot grow. Without growth, we cannot Ascend. — Blessed Precept #7
Inside the Center, things were even busier than outside. He weaved through crowds of Brothers and Sisters carrying bunches of cut flowers, arm-loads of candles, braziers, singing bowls, and cushions that reeked of stale incense. The air was thick with candle-smoke and the low buzz of whispered mantras and barked orders.
He almost spilled his dolly-load of boxes when a yellow-sashed Erudite carrying a large crystal punch bowl cut him off and headed towards the center Circle, past the outermost Green Circle, where other Initiates like the young man were practicing their Steps of Blessed Achievement; past the Red Circle, where a group of older women were smoothing and arranging the Sacred Scarves according to their Divine Colors in preparation for the Holy Father’s nightly Processional; past the smaller Orange Circle, where a number of Acolytes, made up mostly of comely young women and non-threatening men, argued politely over the most appropriate arrangement of pillows; past the even smaller Yellow Circle, where a number of Erudites like Brother John sat in seated meditation, offered quiet prayers of support to the rest of the Family; to the calm center, a white-painted circular platform that mirrored the circular skylight at the apex of the yurt. With a low bow, he placed the crystal punchbowl before Holy Father’s empty cushion.
Cosmic awakening is a path to the evolution of all being-ness. To embark on the Divine Rainbow Path is to become one with it. And one the universe. — Exhortation of the Holy Father, Ch. 3
Puzzled, the young man continued on his way, skirting around the outermost circle toward the far end of the yurt. There, he hesitated slightly at a hallway directly opposite the main entrance. Normally, he would never be allowed past this point without an escort, and even then, only rarely. This was the wing where Holy Father had his personal residence, along with certain members of the Yellow Circle, and it was closely guarded. But today seemed a day for unusual activity, so he tried to act like he knew what he was doing and headed for the metal door at the far end of the hallway. He unlocked it with Brother John’s key and stepped inside a fair-sized storage room, lined with stacks and shelves of boxes. The door closed with an almost-vacuum seal and he found himself taking a deep breath in the sudden silence from the hubbub outside. In here, it was cool and quiet and he could breathe.
He wheeled the dolly to an empty space near the back and made a new stack with the new boxes. His task was finished. He should replace the dolly and find Brother John, present himself for further tasks. But… He fished into the pocket of his robe and pulled out the crumpled invoice that he had flashed earlier. He studied the numbers and abbreviated descriptions, but couldn’t understand any of it. The tape on the top-most box of the new stack had gotten caught on something and peeled back, created a tiny gap. He thought for a moment, then slipped a finger in and tested the adhesive.
“What are you looking for?”
“Holy shit!’ The young man spun and clasped his hands over his mouth. He saw a small face peering up at him from behind a half-stack of boxes on the other side of the room.
“Sorry,” said the small face, either for startling him or making him swear or both. It belonged to a young woman with pretty blue eyes that went with her pleasantly round face and mousy blond, unkempt hair.
“What are you doing down there?” He could see that she was in a nook barely wider than she was behind a wall of boxes. If she’d stayed quiet, he would have never known she was there.
“Please don’t tell Brother John.” She wedged her elbows against the wall and stood up awkwardly. “I’m supposed to be doing inventory, and well, it’s just so peaceful in here. I like to come here sometimes.”
He smiled. He wasn’t going to be in trouble- at least, not as much trouble, and not from her. She was just as guilty. Besides, this was the first time he’d had a private conversation with a woman in more than six weeks and just her nearness- the scent of her hair and skin, the sound of her voice, the vague warmness of her presence- was enough to give him goosebumps and start his blood stirring. He thought he recognized her- her orange sash marked her as an Acolyte- but he didn’t know her name.
“So, what are you looking for?” she repeated, smiling back.
We are at the crossroad of intuition and illusion. Remove the barriers! The infinite is calling! — The Holy Father, Entreaty #72
The young man ran through a number of lies in his head, but decided none of them sounded official enough to be plausible. He had no reason to be looking for anything in there. So he said, simply, “Nutty Buddies.”
She giggled. “Nutty Buddies?”
“Yeah, you know, those wafer bars with peanut butter and chocolate.”
“Oh, I know what they are. But why are you looking for them? And how do you even know about them?”
“I do a lot of pickups in town, and one time, this shopkeeper saw my robe and said, ‘so, Holy Father needs his Nutty Buddies, does he?’” And now they’re the only thing I can think about. Well, almost the only thing…” He couldn’t stop his eyes from drifting downward over her robes, over the swell beneath her orange sash. He would have signed up for any amount of field work to catch just a glimpse of what was beneath her robe.
If she noticed his gaze, she didn’t say anything, but the corner of her mouth turned up slightly. “Behind you. Last stack, top box.”
“What, really?” he turned and pulled the box down to the ground, ready to tear into it. “Won’t you get in trouble?”
She scooped up a clipboard and a pen. “Oops! I meant to mark eight, but my hand made a seven.” Her eyes narrowed and sparkled at him.
“Wait, Holy Father has eight boxes of these?”
“Oh, no, he has twenty-eight. Well, twenty-seven, now.”
He tore open the first box and spilled out a number of individually wrapped chocolate-y bars on the floor. He offered one to her, but she shook her head. He pulled out a bar and took a huge bite. “Uuungh… Why can’t we have these?” he said, sputtering flakes of peanut-buttery wafer. “Seriously, so good.”
“Well, if you think that’s bad…” She went to a shelf at the far end of the closet and pulled away a white sheet to reveal rows and rows of expensive-looking liquor bottles.
“What!? I thought liquor was forbidden? ‘Do not be ruled by the intoxicant of attachment, something, something…’”
“’…Lest it cloud the deeper meaning of your most holy mission.’” She finished the exhortation for him. “Yeah, well, rules for thee, not for me, I guess.”
“I think I missed that Precept.”
“One of the secret ones. There’s a few, in case you haven’t noticed.” She leaned against the wall of boxes and slid down facing him. “Ah, fuckit. Gimme one.”
He smiled and threw her a pack of Nutty Buddies and tore into his second. He liked the candy, but he was beginning to like her more.
She bit into the wafer bar and nodded deeply, eyes closed. “Praise be, that’s good!”
“Told you. Praise be, indeed,” he smiled.
“You’re pretty new here, right?”
“Six weeks.”
“And how are you finding our little Family so far?”
He shrugged. “It’s good. Pretty good. I mean, it’s better than my last one, that’s for sure. A hundred and two precepts in that one! Chanting took forever!”
“Oh, you were part of another fellowship?”
“Well, this would be my fourth, actually.”
“Wow. Your spirit is really seeking, then.”
He nodded and took another bite. “What about you? Is this your first?”
“Second. I was part of another family for a few years. It was very different. Peaceful, you know? Way more unstructured.” She laughed, remembering. “We used to go out way before sunrise and just sit in fields, completely naked, for hours, just meditating.”
He perked up. “Wasn’t that chilly?”
“Very. But then the sun would come up and warm you and you’d open your eyes and see that everything was covered in dew. It was so beautiful. And we did it because we wanted to, you know? No one was forced.”
He couldn’t help but imagine her sitting nude, cross-legged, blissful smile on her lips, eyes closed, wild, blond hair lifted slightly by the slight breeze. He imagined lifting a single droplet of dew from the underside of her heavy breast with his tongue, and had to shift her robe over his crotch. “What happened? I mean, why’d you leave?”
“Oh, we got raided by the feds.”
“Oh. Oh! Wait, why? How old were you? It wasn’t…?”
“Huh? Oh! No! No, I was nineteen. It had something to do with guns, I think. Arms dealing.”
“Oh,” he laughed. “That’s a relief!” They both nodded and sat for a few minutes in silence, and he allowed himself another imaginary peek at her nude meditating body.
Yes, it is possible for us to eradicate the things which can harm us, but not without first understanding the desire of our own souls for unity. — from the Holy Father’s Published Private Letters, Collection II
“You know, I will say,” he wagged his Nutty Buddy at no one in particular. “I thought there’d be more sex. I mean, you hear people talk of a sex cult-”
She cut him off. “Whoa, hey, we don’t really care for that word.”
“Oh sorry,” he thought for a moment. “Intercourse Cult?”
“You’re terrible.” She said, through another bite. “How about ‘Intercourse Fellowship?’ You didn’t just join the Family for the um, intercourse, did you? I mean, you believe in the work of the Holy Father, right? The Nine Precepts? The Thirty-Two Blessed Affirmations?”
“Oh yeah, totally! I mean, I want all the other stuff, too- peace and love, and this Ascension thing sounds like it’s going to be pretty great. I just thought there’d be more, um, intercourse along the way, you know?”
“Well, I mean, there is some.”
“For you, maybe. I’ve seen you get chosen almost every night by Holy Father.”
“Yeah, well.”
“Yeah, well?”
“It’s not what it seems, okay?” She swallowed the rest of her Nutty Buddy and crumpled the wrapper. “I usually get chosen fifth or sixth, and, well… Holy Father rarely makes it past two or three.”
“You’re kidding me… You mean, you never-?”
“One time, I was chosen fourth. It was nerve-wracking.”
“What happened?”
“He fell asleep on top of number three.”
He couldn’t help but laugh. “But wait, what do the rest of you do while Holy Father is… intercoursing?”
“The rest of us stand in a circle around the bed reciting the Seventy-Two Holy Names.”
“Are you naked, at least?”
“No, there’s special robes. But they’re pretty see-through, I guess.”
“Unbelievable. So even the few Sisters chosen to have intercourse by the Holy Father himself… aren’t having sex. That’s… disheartening.”
“Well, it’s better than being chosen by the Erudites. They only get to choose one or two, but I hear they don’t fall asleep.”
Without sharing, one does not exist. It is only through the morphogenesis of true interconnection that we may Ascend. — Blessed Precept #9
Down the hall, a giant gong sounded loud and sonorous. Evening Meditations had begun. The Circles would be filled with Brothers and Sisters, ready to impart their hope for greater salvation to the universe and receive back the chosen wisdom from the Holy Father. They should have jumped up, brushed the peanut-butter crumbs from their robes, straightened their sashes, and hurried, shame-faced, to their seats in their respective Circles. But something kept them on the floor of the storage closet. It was as if the sounding of the gong had broken the very spell it was meant to invoke.
They didn’t look at each other as the chanting begun, the Cantor’s voice singing out loud and off-key, droning the opening verses of the Holy Recitations. The young woman’s lips quivered in habitual time with the chanting. The young man couldn’t help but want to kiss them, if only to teach them different ways to move, different words to say. The drums and the tambourines had joined in now, and the chant was in full throat. The second Canticle began. The Brothers and Sisters would be on their feet now, ready to begin their prescribed motions around their respective circles in alternating directions. The young woman rose to her knees out of habit. The young man rose to stop her. They looked at each other, and he thought he saw, for a flicker of a moment, something in her eyes; something that he had been looking for for a long time.
Their lips met, tender, awkward for a moment, before they pressed themselves hard together. Arms wrapped around each other, fists gripping hard at the folds of each other’s robes. He felt her body, tried to trace it with his hands, to work out what he had only been imagining moments ago.
“Wait, wait… no…” she pushed his chest away from hers, breathing hard.
He felt an instinctual pang of guilt rise up in the pit of his stomach, but it was swallowed up whole by a feeling of intense desire as she pulled her robe up to her knees, and then her hips, over her head and away from her hair. She stood, chest heaving, cheeks flushed, looking hungrily down at him. He took in every inch of her naked body. She let him look, before reaching a finger under his chin, and pulling his eyes back up toward hers. She smiled and then guided his head closer to her. He could feel a sense of warmth flood over his face as he came within inches of her. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips against hers. As her legs parted involuntarily, she laid her hands on his head to steady herself.
Outside, the chanting and ringing rose and fell, dissonant, mysterious, and pregnant with promised meaningfulness. Inside, his tongue worked in time with the chanting. His mind left his body. He was no longer in a storage closet, no longer in the Center. He was in a meadow at dawn, dancing naked with her and only her. Within moments, she climaxed, riding wave after wave as they pulsated upward through her spine, blasting through the top of her head. Her voice joined with the chanters outside, but in a language older than any on earth.
Gasping for air, he pushed backwards onto the floor. He gazed up at the transformed figure of the young woman, naked, flushed, a wispy strand of saliva trailing down from her cunt to her thigh. To him, she seemed to be actually glowing, and he thought he heard her voice in his head, telling him what he should do. He scrambled to his knees and pulled his robe up and over his head. He laid back on the cool linoleum and she took a single step to straddle him, her eyes never leaving his, lowered her body onto his. When he felt her slide down over him, swallowing him, he had to fight back tears and remind himself to breathe.
She rode him, squeezing his body tightly with her arms and legs. And he fucked her, arching his back to strain upward into her, feeling her tighten around him. He kissed her lips, kissed her neck as she rocked back on him, took her breast in his mouth and clung to her. Over and over, he thrust up and she plunged down, their moans growing louder and louder as they reached a frenzied, perfect synchronicity. A shudder ran down his spine and took control of his muscles, but he fought to keep the rhythm until he felt himself explode up into her as she clenched down on him, swallowing him up, taking him in completely. He looked up in her eyes as the spasms finally started to recede. He kissed her again and only stopped when they collapsed back down on the floor and he had run out of breath.
The sacred flow of Ascension is nearly upon us. Soon, there will be a blossoming of interconnectedness the likes of which the world has never seen. Will your soul be ready? — The Holy Father, Entreaty #108
She pulled her head up from his chest and smiled at him. She ran a fingertip down the side of his face and kissed him long and slow and sweet. “You taste like peanut butter.”
He smiled. “Maybe that’s what Ascension tastes like.”
She laughed softly and laid her head back down. “I think you’re probably right.”
They lay like that, him inside of her, her on top of him, listening to the closing chant from out in the Center. It was slow and hypnotic, meant to soothe. But it seemed to him like it had been going on for far longer than usual. Probably just a trick of the mind, he thought. They still had time, he reasoned. They could put their robes back on, straighten their sashes, slip quietly into the crowd of Brothers and Sisters, hope to go unnoticed until it was time for the drowsy crowd to file back to the cabins at the edge of the trees. Or, they could stay here, hide behind the boxes, wait for the dead of night, then kiss and head back to the dorms, claim illness. Or… his head shifted and crinkled an empty Nutty Buddy wrapper. And he knew.
“Hey, come with me,” he said, suddenly very serious.
She lifted her head. “What? Where?”
“Away. Anywhere. The meadow at dawn.”
“Huh? Why?”
“I need to get out- I need a new cult.”
She pushed up and he winced as he slipped out of her. “What are you talking about?”
“A new cult- two members- you and me.”
She sat up and backed up against the boxes. “You’re serious. Just… leave?”
“I have keys to a van right outside. We sneak out, now, while everybody’s occupied. We could be miles away by dawn.”
“Where would we go?”
“Doesn’t matter.” He was on his feet now, feeling his robe for the pocket with the van keys in it. “Look, I don’t have all the answers. I don’t know what ascension really is or how dancing or chanting is supposed to bring it about, but I’m pretty sure I just got a huge taste of it with you on a closet floor. And if that’s possible… well, I just want to find out what else is possible.” He pulled his robe over his head, but left his green sash on the floor. He reached down to her. “And I promise- I will always pick you first.”
She took his hand and smiled. “Okay.”
The plan was for him to go out first. He insisted; in case there was trouble, he wanted to try to deflect as much as possible onto himself. She would follow a few minutes after, in order to minimize the attention. If they could sneak out during the closing chant, before people had quieted for the final meditation, they stood a chance of making it around to the entrance undetected. He stepped out of the hallway into the center, and knew immediately that something was wrong. Instead of the closing chant, they were in the midst of the main chant again, and the brothers and sisters were moving, exhausted and nearing delirium, through their alternating circles again. Why? Something is going on. Something is different, he thought. Did it have anything to do with their absence? But he tried to shove those thoughts from his brain. This could be better for them. People were still stuck in their reveries, turning slowly in hypnotic circles, swaying in time with the music, generally not paying attention, making plenty of noise and masking any movement he made at the back. But then, through the oscillating brothers and sisters, he caught sight of the holy father. He sat in the center of the room, his posture typically calm and peaceful in the midst of the chaos swirling around him. He was looking directly at him and his eyes… they were cold and steely, faraway, angry, malicious.
And then he saw the crystal punch bowl set right in front of the holy father and something clicked. That was what was different. All the heightened activity, the extra chanting… Ascension was here. It was time.
He glanced back toward the hallway, but the young woman was nowhere in sight. The holy father motioned to brother John in the innermost circle. The young man turned and fled. He ran to the van, threw open the passenger door and got into the driver’s seat, key shaking in his hand. The chanting continued, but now holy father’s voice was saying something into a microphone that he couldn’t quite make out. Minutes went by. Where was she? Had she changed her mind, taken her seat among the other acolytes in the orange circle? Had she been caught by force, pushed to her seat before the holy father? Should he charge back in, fight his way to her. His hand went to the door handle.
And then she appeared in the doorway, hair wild in the light, orange sash nowhere to be seen, but her face full of concern and confusion. But then she saw him in the van and smiled suddenly. He smiled back and turned the key in the ignition. Praise be.
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BEST BUDDIES by Throne I was married to Mariel for only three months when I started to notice that something wasn't right. Our love life had dropped off to almost zero. Sex had always been great for me but her responses had dwindled since the honeymoon. I made an extra effort to look good for her. Tried a new hair product. Changed my regimen of skin cleansing and moisturizing. Got two new fitted shirts and a really nice pair of slim- leg jeans. I was getting desperate. Let me...
Bosom Buddies "Terry, how are you man?" the voice at the other end asked. "Nick?" the low voice on the other end asked. "Yo, man, where did you disappear to? You left the base so quickly nobody knew where you were. All the officers kept mum. Are you ok? I just got back and had to visit your mum to get your location. She didn't want to tell me where you were but I broke her down with charm. She said you had changed. Are you ok?" "I am fine, Nick. Mum is concerned and there have...
I was making a new start after breaking up with my boyfriend. I didn't mind that I had to work midnight's as I knew that all the newbies started there. Besides, moving into a new duplex was easier with my days. I was setting up my patio furniture when my new neighborEmily and her little two year old Emma appeared to ask if I need any help. Emily was wearing a white string bikini that highlighted her golden tan and displayed a perfect body that any girl would envy. Cute little Emma was wearing...
Aaron, a tall, clean cut looking soldier, had a plan. It was Thursday whenhe put it into play.The soldiers who shared the barracks were all similar, after all that wasthe goal of the Army. Haircuts, clean shaven, same clothing, do thingstogether from sleeping to marching, schooling to showering. They were all apart of each other.Aaron loved it. He had worried that his penis would give him away. Heworried his lingering glances would too. But his cock didn't rise and hislooks weren't noticed. He...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kyle and Claudia grew up together and to others they might seem like good friends. But sometimes friendship only goes one way. Kyle was one of those typical self-centered jerks, totally unaware of how much of a jerk he was. He was very tall and muscular, the better to bully other guys and his numerous girlfriends too. He was very good looking and charming when meeting a new...
Margo and I met shortly after her daughter became my neighbor. She would come to babysit her grandkids and we bumped into each other at the mailbox a few times. Some flirting took place and it was soon apparent to both of us that we would be fucking soon. I have a sort of steady girlfriend but we both have the freedom to indulge with other people and Margo is currently single. Neither one of us was looking for anything serious and it didn’t take too long before we were naked.I’m old school,...
FetishBanged by Hubby’s Fishing Buddies Hubby and I get up around 7:00 a.m. and eat breakfast. Witch he eats a bowl of cereal and I suck his cock like normal. I call this my energy load I tell him it gives me the protein and energy for the day. (He has ask me different times if my cum is the energy you need for the day why do you suck so many cocks throw out the day then, I’ve told him because I do not like being run down) Then he tells me he needs to run down to the store for a couple things. I...
(This story was originally published as a single, continuous narrative -- but I figured people might have fun playing around with other outcomes for the characters. Please feel free to contribute, thanks!) ******** I turned eighteen a month into my senior year of high school. Skinny, shy, good at math; I was last pick for the basketball team and last pick for the opposite sex. But by Christmas, I had gone from being terrified of girls to living the cliché as the official “sexually...
TeenAs me and Kate had become regular fuck buddies - especially anal - her adventurous side was beginning to rise again. She told me that she loved taking it in the ass but she had been yearning for a little more now. She had something else in mind, along with being ass fucked.One Saturday she had popped around my house for the usual casual fucking but this time she had some other ideas. As we were talking about our plans for today's fuck session she brought up the idea of choking.I was a little...
Banged by Hubby’s Fishing Buddies Hubby and I get up around 7:00 a.m. and eat breakfast. Witch he eats a bowl of cereal and I suck his cock like normal. I call this my energy load I tell him it gives me the protein and energy for the day. (He has ask me different times if my cum is the energy you need for the day why do you suck so many cocks throw out the day then, I’ve told him because I do not like being run down) Then he tells me he needs to run down to the store for a couple things. I...
Warm and wet greetings to all of you. This is my first story. For privacy reasons, all the female names are fictional. This is the story about me and my two fuck buddies who are also bisexual. I met them at the fitness center I go to workout. The yoga hall was one floor below the gym and one day, I saw them making love in a vacant room near the hall. They offered me money to keep it a secret but I had other intentions. It will be a trueful boast if I say the women who have been rammed by my...
Ski Buddies By Erica Wright Scott was my best friend and at 35 had been divorced 3 times. He knew what his problem was. Hell, we all knew it. He liked his sex nasty and kinky. Now we'd all like to think that there are beautiful women out there who can be `sluts in the bedroom and ladies in the living room.' Truth be told, there aren't many out there who can fulfill both needs. Scott would find cute girls who his parents loved but who were prisses in bed, or nasty sluts who he...
Hello to all the ISS readers, I am Rohan and I live in Bangalore. This is my first story in ISS. I have been following ISS for a long time, but never thought of sharing my story until now. This story is the one in which me and my classmate from college, Nisha, got into a sexual relationship in the final year of our graduation. This incident dates back to 2008 and extends upto 2012, when I was in the final year of my engineering. About me, I am an above-average looking man with an athletic build...
Study Buddies By Wolverine Ada stared across the table at the blonde chatting away on her cell phone. One of the blonde's oh-so-perfect hands held the phone up under her silky, blonde locks, while the other hand absently twirled strands of her hair playfully. Her eyes were sassy and her smile was absolutely perfect like she was forever amused by something, so much so that nothing could pop her perfect little bubble. The blonde giggled and she turned the page of the book sitting on...
Hello to all horny readers of ISS. Myself, Vinod from Hyderabad. I am working in an MNC and my current age is 28 years. The hottest part of the story started 6 years ago between me and my friend. This is not just a story about sex but friendship and love. I could not find exact category for this story so I am posting this in the category “Girl Friend” Well we are a close group of friends during our engineering days. The names are Pradeep, Silpa, Chaitanya and myself (Vinod). As soon as we...
Hi this is Jake age 25. This incident is the best in my life, it happened to me 2 years back when I was doing my MBA. I had come to Bangalore to do my post graduation and I got into a reputed college and during the induction day I saw a beautiful girl. Her name was Deepika. I just could not take my eyes off her. I can tell she is a perfect girl. Fair complexion, straight silky hair, not even a single mark on face, perfectly waxed body, perfect boobs and a round beautiful sexy ass. What else can...
During the summer after Jesse was assigned to this particular base, he had been away for two weeks, was back home for a few days, but was again assigned to a remote base for the following six days. He and Kathleen tried to make the most of his time at home those days, but it always seemed like it wasn’t enough. On their last evening together, he and Kathleen decided to go to dinner off base, and then stop at a local club for drinks and dancing before his transport left around midnight. When...
I set Joy up with three of my buddies and told them to do what they wanted, just make her feel good while I watched and waited for my turn when they were done. Joy, Carl, Jack & Ron entered the bedroom and Ron pulled off the gown off her body and pressed a kiss against the pulse at her neck. “You don't have to do anything. Just allow us to make you feel good.” They were naked, their cocks as hard as steel, Joy went on her knees and wrapped her mouth around Carl's shaft with her tongue licking...
Group SexMy Joanne is really one hot babe! Perfect 32B boobies and an incredible ass! Leading up to our first threesome was extremely arousing for me. When we had our second threesome, with a different one of my friends, was incredible. I got to thinking, what a turn on it would be for me, to see my hot wife naked infront of not just one, but two of my pals. I started slowly bringing it up to my JoJo. Please remember, in my first story, I told you all how Joanne told me about her dream of having sex...
Group SexI have known Bob since we were both young soldiers stationed in the Desert during the Gulf War. Despite what most people think, there were some scary engagements during that conflict and Bob was with me every step of the way. He has been my best friend ever since.Bob is turning the big 3-0 and he is not doing it very gracefully. He is going bald, he has been in a slump with women(he blames it on the baldness) and he is putting on some weight. He has been depressed and hasn't gone out much.I, on...
My fuck-buddy Rob has always been fascinated to hear about my time in prison. I told him early on in our hook-ups that life inside hadn't actually been that interesting – that it was mostly mind-splittingly dull and that the sex, such as it was, was brief and infrequent – but he keeps asking about it as if he thinks I'm holding back on telling him all the juicy bits."There must have been more to it than that, Edward," he'd insisted one of the first times we met up. Edward isn't my name, by the...
Gay MaleWhen I heard the college I got accepted to still had coed dorms, I was pumped. Not only because that meant I’d live close to some potentially hot girls, but also because hopefully I’d get to see them naked in the coed showers. I realize that the whole point of coed showers was to de-sexualize the human body, but to a guy fresh out of High School and with very little female experience under his belt (no pun intended) this was a dream come true. I did all my paperwork, got assigned my dorm and...
It was breakfast time when mom told me I would be going to aunty Kate’s house, that evening, I had plans with my school friends but she said I had to cancel them. Kate had moved to California shortly after I was born, and after fifteen years had only just moved back to New York, the first time I had ever met her was last week when mom and I met her for a coffee. I could quickly see the family resemblance, Kate, a year younger than mom, is the same size, at about five foot two, her petite body...
Hello everyone. My name is Akshita. I am a regular reader of Indiansexstories and enjoy the stories a lot. I have always been this horny girl and never miss a chance to service my pussy whenever an opportunity comes up. Today I want to narrate one of those personal sexcapade stories. Since it is my first attempt to write down an experience, I hope I can do it well. I am from Kolkata. After graduation, I got a job in the marketing sector which required lot of travel across the State. Most of...
The F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray Tales By Fidget Fuckbuddies: Glenda's Story Glen came over the first day of summer after graduating to play basketball and video games, like she always had while we were in high school. Her full name was Glenda, but nobody called her that. She had always been a tomboy, and we had grown up together, exploring the woods, playing sports, and getting into trouble. It never really occurred to me to think of her as a girl, even after both of us hit puberty; she always just...
Like I said, my job's not the best; the hours are crap and the pay's not brilliant, but it allows me to work out at the gym at an hour of the day when it's practically deserted. It's great – I walk in; have a flirtatious little chat with Demelza, the cute dark-haired woman behind the counter; work out at my own pace, and I'm done. On this particular day, there was only one other guy when I was there - a blond guy who looked to be in his 30's. Even though I'm bi, I don't...
I recommend reading ‘Memoirs of a Bisexual: Chapters 1-4’ to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. This story is based on true events. Fuck Buddy: n. A sex partner to whom you have no special attachment. A person you occasionally have sex with who is not your significant other. Chapter 5: It was about noon when Felecia came knocking on the door. She gave her signature 2 knocks, then walked right in. I just got back from an 8am class and was cleaning up the kitchen. ‘Hey,...
Friday, 17 January 2020 - the afternoon“Mmmm,” purred the elfin bottom boi.“Ahhhhh,” grunted the much larger man.The effeminate sissy was riding the biracial’s man’s eight-by-six rod. The guy clawed at the punk’s tender butt cheeks with both of his large, cracked hands. He squeezed and kneaded them. His short fingernails dug into the soft yet firm flesh. He slammed his powerful thighs into the younger slut’s backside.The sounds of intense lip smacking was likely audible two doors down. “Mmhmm,”...
I lay there with his arms around me as small droplets of precum dripped from my small shriveled penis onto my thighs. Cleanly shaven and my skin was as soft as a baby's butt. It was an erotic contrast to my own skin as I felt his course chest hair against my back and the semi-rigid cock of a real man pressing against my ass cheek. He asked me to wear my heels to bed as well, and I obliged. I could feel his whiskers on my shoulders as he nuzzled closer. He knew I wasn't the kind for cuddling or...
There's nothing like a rainy weekday afternoon for a good porn movie, and Gus had plenty of time on his hands, so he found a sleazy movie house, not too close to home.The rain was incessant as he dashed inside, baseball cap pulled low and collar up. He paid his way in and let his eyes adjust before trying to sit. He didn't want to trip on anyone.He was able to see in a minute, standing at the divider between the loge and balcony, and made his way up the stairs, looking for privacy, which was...
I recommend reading "Memoirs of a Bisexual: Chapters 1-4" to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. This story is based on true events. Fuck Buddy: n. A sex partner to whom you have no special attachment. A person you occasionally have sex with who is not your significant other. Chapter 5: It was about noon when Felecia came knocking on the door. She gave her signature 2 knocks, then walked right in. I just got back from an 8am class and was cleaning up the kitchen. "Hey,...
BisexualI’d worked with Tom for three years. He was hired the year after I was. We found a common interest in fishing early on and when the season rolled around we could usually be found on some stream, river or lake feeding our bait to intelligent trout. Often enough we would bring home enough of a catch to encourage us so we didn’t quit. My wife Wendy and Tom’s wife, Vanessa met at the first company get together after Tom hired on and became ‘fishing widows’ some weekends. They went shopping and to...
The bedroom was dark except for the dim light coming from my computer monitor. I sat naked reading the words on the screen as I viciously worked my cock with my free hand. It was a routine I had become familiar with over the last few years. My girlfriend Carol didn't know anything about the secret desires that could arouse me several times a day. Ever since college my masturbation routine had changed. In the good old days I used to masturbate to naked women in magazines and porn videos. But one...
GayOur school had just let out for summer break and my friend, Nich, and I were doing our usual summer routine. He would stay at my house for a week. We would go fish, drive around town, go out to eat, jog, throw football, etc. Normal 16 year old kids summer. Then I would stay at his house for the next week. I was getting really anxious to lose my "V-card" to someone but the end of summer. Nich had been telling me all summer long, "Get with her, she's hott!" But none of the...
Let me introduce myself, my name is Tom, and this is my introduction to sex in the 60s in a small town. My dad was killed in the Viet Nam War and Mom was left to raise me all alone. Mom and I were very close. We lived by ourselves, and she was a nurse at the local hospital, in the small town where we lived. Our house was located on the edge of town, surrounded by 50 acres of woods. By the time I was 13, I was a tall boy for my age; rather on the lean side with long thin fingers narrow...
Mere do jigri dost ne mom ki Chudai ki Hello dosto this is Tanmay Deshmane from Jaipur. I love this site and I also told about it to my other friends mere 2 dost bhut ache dost hai, hum teeno sath sath khumate ek hi school mai jate hum 3 no ne isi sal 12th class pass ki hai. Mere dosto ka name Sachin and Vishal hai hum teeno sath mai hi beth ker kai bar indiansexstories per sex stories padte the aur hum teeno ko hi aunty ke sath sex wali stories bhut achi lagati thi stories pad ker hum aas pass...
It started with a message on my voicemail. “Hi babe. Those damn fuckers. I just got out of the meeting and I’ve had it. I’m going home. See you tomorrow.” I had some trouble hearing the message because she’d called from her car and the cell phone wasn’t living up to its advertised crystal clarity. Her voice was also low; she sounded very dispirited. I was late getting back to my office after trying to wrestle another dose of reality down the throats of...
I have always wondered what it would be like to suck on a cock, but I live in a small community where everyone knows your business. It all happened one day while out fishing with my long time friend Kevin. We were out in his boat drinking beer and wishing we were catching fish. After some time of no action we went back to shore and to the local tittie bar for a few drinks and a game of pool, then we decided it was time to hit the water again. An hour had gone by since the tittie bar and I was...
You know how it is in dreams. How you aren’t always yourself. Well, last night I was Gordon Ramsay. I was about to give the Kitchen Nightmares treatment to a lady chef. I already had my shirt off as I strode into her large kitchen, resplendent with metres and metres of sparkling aluminium surfaces. There she was washing vegetables at the sink. All she was wearing was an apron. And she had the most gorgeous arse I’d ever seen, round and pert and gloriously pink. She had the figure of a...
Second attempt at erotica, feedback please? And I know how ridiculous the situation is, but in my world everyone’s horny 24/7. I slam the door to my shared dorm-room open, calling out hello to my roommate, Janice. She’s a sweet girl, albeit quite perverse sometimes, but a good friend. Long blonde hair with a blue streak in it, tall with long legs and C tits, pretty much my opposite. We’ve got a rather odd relationship, one night she heard me masturbating and asked it I would mind if we...
When Hans’ parents got divorced his mom and he moved to Basel, a city in the north of Switzerland. It was a very modest one-bedroom apartment and not only did they have to share a bathroom, but Hans had to sleep on a sleeper couch in the living room. It was all they could afford at that time and Hans uncomplaining as ever, did not mind the inconvenience. Hans had always been easy going due to his social awkwardness and contented to go with the flow.Hans was diminutive and rather unattractive....
Gay MaleI was a Marine in the Philippines when I was young. It was an amazing time to learn about sex and explore. The hot little babes where open minded and taught us a lot about sex. We were having sex every night and frequently with several girls each night. We were probably cumming 2 or 3 times a night for weeks on end. My previous experience with sex was very limited so this was a wonderful opportunity.Then, some dumb shit got stabbed and the base was locked down. We went from lots of sex to being...