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EPISODE 2 CHAPTER 4 She was impressed how quickly I managed to prepare the 'impromptu' lunch which consisted of smoked salmon, a green salad with my own special vinaigrette, German pumpernickel bread and more white wine, this time a German gew?rztraminer. I still had my apron on when I served the food which provoked her reaction. "Where on earth you found this very utilitarian and yet feminine apron Jenny, look at this ruffle around it, I don't remember seeing it before; did you bring it with you?" she asked with genuine surprise in her voice. "No Linda," I said in a worried voice, "I found it in the maid's apartment, there is a drawer full of them. I am sorry, probably it was indiscreet of me to start opening drawers in a room that is not mine." "No worries sweetie," she said briskly, "I haven't told you yet but those are going to be your living quarters from now on, so you have every right to start exploring your premises." I was going to stay in the maid's quarters after all; the mere though sent thrilling jolts across my spine. I am going to be a maid really and truly; the term 'general factotum' is simply an intellectual term for the job. More flutter in my stomach. Linda noticed an obvious blushing in my face because she asked worryingly, "Is something wrong sweetie? All of a sudden you seem agitated; I hope you are not upset you are going to reside in the housekeeper's premises." "No, not at all Linda, in fact I like the apartment it is ever so cosy and the bathroom is quite luxurious. My current apartment is much humbler than this one as you probably recall." She relaxed and added, "Come along then, remove your apron and join me for lunch, whatever you prepared looks very inviting." Lunch was fun. With the help of wine we continued chatting amicably with Linda. In fact she started becoming more open talking about her as if she needed someone to confess. "I should tell you a few things about myself sweetie," She said suddenly, her eyes slightly out of focus. "You see Jenny dear I am still in search of my sexuality, I am not certain if I am Arthur or Martha as an Australian friend used to say; if I am gay or straight or even bisexual." I was stunned by her abrupt openness. So far she was asking the questions and suddenly she wanted to confess. "Is that a problem for you Linda?" I asked with genuine interest. "It could become a problem if I am not careful enough. I come from a very conservative family and I have to keep appearances. My parents already are hinting about getting married soon and they keep suggesting possible eligible bachelors but I simply say I am not mentally prepared for that step yet." Another sip of her wine and another unfocused look, "My mother asked me the other day why I hide my boyfriends from her and I simply answered that there is no one at the moment." "But we live in the 21st century and homophobia is a bit pass?, isn't it?" I said rather strongly. "Not among certain circles my dear Jenny, not among conservative minds like my parents. They never say it openly, they are too smart for that, but deep down they are as homophobic as any Iranian mullah or fundamental Christian. In particular my father." I felt rather uneasy with her revelations. Why she tells me all that. And she just hired me, an emerging trannie, as her cross dressed general factotum! She saw or felt my uneasiness and gave me a reassuring smile. "I know that I probably worried you sweetie with my conservative parents etc, but I didn't take the decision of employing you in a light hearted manner, I think that I have answers to all your concerns." "I like girlie boys and you clearly are one of them. I feel already very relaxed with the Jenny persona; you are going to be a roaring success and I mean it," she added emphatically. "But," she continued and her voice was dry as the wine we were drinking, "We are going to make two persons out of you, the formal uniformed maid for people they don't know your true identity, like my parents and their acolytes when they are visiting and the more informal general factotum when among real friends." She looked at me for a reaction and she must have got it from my expression since in her last sentence she managed to answer the question I wanted to ask from the very beginning, 'Am I going to be a uniformed maid?' And Linda just said it; it was a condition of the job! But somehow I was still cautious to reveal to Linda my true submissive nature and my love for maids' uniforms. Her voice brought me back to reality in a shocking way, "I know the reason you lost your job in the hotel as an assistant manager, I asked my lawyer Jennifer Kent to run a check on you and she just sent me a message to my mobile, after all I want to know who really is the person I am about to employ, my daddy explained to me how important it is to check the past of all employees." She stopped to look at me her eyes narrowing in pleasure. She was clearly enjoying that. I just felt the blood drain from my face. I should have expected it; an important person like Linda Burton would and should really check my past before she was going to let me stay as an employee in her own personal space. She raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Don't panic dear Jenny; that piece of information Jennifer Kent gave me might facilitate and accelerate the whole process of your transformation and adaptation to your new conditions. In a way it makes my decisions concerning you easier, I know now that I deal with a submissive cross dresser who loves to parade around in a maid's uniform. So we both know where we stand Jenny don't we?" Her grin as she finished the sentence was naked delight. All I managed to say was, "I am truly sorry I didn't tell you everything from the very beginning, that would be the correct thing to do, but I was worried you might reject me," I said in a humble voice and I continued, "Now you know everything about me Miss, I have no other skeletons in my closet." I tried to finish my sentence with a sense of humour that was noticed by Linda. "Consider the case closed Jenny," she said briskly, "Now back to practical matters. Let's continue planning your working weekend, don't forget you are still on a trial period I haven't seen yet your cleaning skills and your knowledge about laundry and ironing. So you can clean the table and tidy up the kitchen and then report back to me with some fresh coffee." I was dismissed like a servant already. I stood up and started putting on a tray the used plates and glassed. As I was about to go back to the kitchen Linda added, "And to clear another issue because I can see you are a bit confused how to address me I can tell you this. When we are alone you will address me 'Miss Linda' or simply 'Miss', but in the presence of other people I am always Miss Burton for you." She stopped and added her eyes narrowing again in pleasure, "And in those rare moments of privacy that might arise in the future, don't count on them though, I might be simply Linda for you." I blushed all over as she said that and with a 'Yes Miss' I retreated to the kitchen with my tray. She came in the kitchen a few minutes later as I was doing the dishes wearing my new found apron. "I just had this idea Jenny," again the Cheshire cat smile, "since you are so fond of housekeeping uniforms, after you finish here and before you serve the coffee go to your premises and pick a housekeeping dress of the many Jasmine was using, I don't think there will be a size problem, Jasmine was a big girl quite unusual for a Filipino and you are a small girlie boy so you will fit in one of them, you will find them all in the closet, make sure that you pick a clean one and then add to the outfit a half white apron, that will do the trick." I could feel my heart beat a fast steady thud beneath my ribs and excitement vibrated through me like an electrical charge, all symptoms of a sexual arousal which I tried to hide desperately by pushing my body towards the sink pretending I was busily doing the washing up. Of course I knew already all the dresses Jasmine was using, I checked them all before as I was inspecting the premises. I knew already which one I was going to wear, a cotton light blue stripy one. Trying to hide my emotional state I said in my pretend husky female voice, "That would be great Miss, I would love to try on one of the housekeeping dresses, after all I have to get used wearing them." She suddenly approached me form the back and took me by surprise as she put her hand in front of my apron feeling my erection. Her lips grazed my cheek and her warm breath tickled my ear as she said, "I thought so, you are excited by the mere thought of wearing a maid's uniform, that's my girl!" And she went back to the day room without any further comment. CHAPTER 5 I was feeling like a different person as I was carrying the tray with coffee half an hour later, dressed for the first time in my life as a legitimate maid. I had made a cup for me as well though I wasn't certain anymore if I should be taking liberties of that kind. I was a domestic employee and I was about to serve coffee to my employer. Linda was very warm again as I entered the room after I remembered to knock at the door. "Ah Jenny, there you are, let me look at you as you hold the tray," she said with a tight professional smile. She was about to appraise the new help after all. "Yes, you look fine; you will do nicely as my new general factotum or maid for all works to be more specific. You are simply and practically dressed, not anything tartly or slutty in your appearance, average looks, great legs, but we have to do something about your hair quite urgently, you can't do housework with a wig on, you are going to Wendy's on Monday for hair extensions and other modifications. I better make an appointment today." "Wendy's?" I asked with surprise in my voice. "Yes, she is my beautician and confidante about fashion matters. I am not such an elegant person myself, you must have noticed that, so occasionally I ask Wendy for advice about my looks and clothes, she is a wonderful person and friend, she will transform you beautifully," she said enthusiastically then she added, "You better give me that cup of coffee it will be stone cold in a moment." I served the coffee and then asked timidly, "Can I have my cup of coffee with you here Miss?" "Yes, of course sweetie, when we are the two of us you can be more informal though gradually as you will be more influenced 'by the servant's etiquette' as I call it, you will feel more uncomfortable sharing a cup of coffee with me, but now let's have our coffee together and then I'll take you around the house for the housekeeper's tour; all you have seen so far are the kitchen and it's surroundings. I'll show you where everything is and how I'll expect you to work." I sat at the edge of the chair, being conscious for the first time of my uniform and how unnatural it looked to sit down and have a coffee with my employer. Linda was right, I soon wouldn't be able to do that with or without 'etiquette', the uniform was a strong 'know my place' reminder. I was stunned with the immensity of the house when Linda took me around. In the upper floor they were four bedrooms all having their en suite bathrooms. The master bedroom, was twice the size of the other three, had a luxurious bathroom dominated by a sunken Jacuzzi and a walk in closet the size of a normal room. In the ground floor there was a huge living room very handsomely decorated, a dining room with an immense table to fit twelve people and of course the spaces I already knew, kitchen, day room, servants quarters, laundry and ironing room. I was very conscious of what I was wearing when she took me out in the back garden. It was windy and I tried to keep my dress down but my little white apron was freely flowing something that amused Linda who was wearing a sporty track suit outfit. A medium size swimming pool with four lanes and a little house, probably changing facilities and toilet was at one end of the immaculate garden. At the other end under a wonderful shady pergola there was a round table, chairs and a barbecue corner. I was impressed! Really and truly a beautiful house. How on earth I was going to maintain all that? I was about to ask Linda but as usually she guessed my thoughts and said, "Don't panic Jenny dear, you will able to manage the house quite well; you will be cleaning on a rotating basis and according to the use of various spaces. You don't have to clean on a daily basis the unused rooms and bathrooms or even the living and dining area. Your job will be to do carefully my bedroom and bathroom with a change of sheets and towels twice a week; I find it excessive to change sheets and towels on a daily basis, not environmentally correct." She motioned to me to go back in, the wind was quite strong. She went back to the day room, I could tell this was her favourite room and asked me to sit down again. "Of course I want the kitchen in a spick and span mode at all times and I mean it" She said in a firm voice and continued, "This is the space I am very particular about. Every time you cook or use it for any other reason you must clean behind you instantly, I can get very upset if I walk in a messy kitchen, am I clear on that Jenny?" That voice was quite bossy, I could feel a considerable change of tone there; the kitchen for some reason unknown to me was her focal point. "Yes Miss you are very clear and I take your suggestion very seriously Ma'am." My tone of voice was obviously so full of owe that Linda's attitude changed again, "I am sorry sweetie if I frightened you before but I have some bad experiences from my previous maids. I am afraid I took after my mother in that aspect; she is a kitchen aficionado herself. The only difference is that she knows how to cook and she uses her own kitchen on a regular basis with the skivvies cleaning after her of course. In my case I never cook so I leave all kitchen activity to you dear Jenny. In fact I hope I can rely on your cooking abilities when I entertain, I hate to use caterers." She worried me again. I knew how to cook and I could prepare some quite intricate dishes but I must admit I never had an experience of preparing a whole dinner party without any assistance. She sensed again my uneasiness; my face expression must have been quite obvious because she added before I had the chance to an answer, "Of course I am talking about a dinner for four, max six people, after that you will certainly get assistance from outside." Relief in my face expression and a more easy answer this time, "Yes Miss, I can cope comfortably with four or six people that will be fine." And then I added, "And of course you have such a wonderfully equipped kitchen that I am looking forward to explore. I hope you have brochures for all this equipment and fittings, I intend to do my home work quite seriously." Linda was very pleased now, I could tell from her tone of voice, "That's my girl! I knew that I hired a jewel in my house, I sincerely hope dear Jenny that you will not disappoint me." She passed again a dual message, 'I am happy that I hired you because you seem good, but don't you dare to disappoint me!' That was the message she was sending me. It was the carrot and stick method or simply Linda had a split personality? Too early to say, I guess time would clarify all that. CHAPTER 6 I spent all Sunday cleaning and getting acquainted with the house except for a brief period that I had to prepare a light meal for Linda and her lawyer friend Jennifer Kent who was expected for lunch at one o'clock. Under Linda's instructions I was dressed more formally clearly to impress Jennifer. Linda found a dove grey cotton dress that fitted perfectly and a full white apron with straps crossing in the back and attached to buttons in the apron strings. I had flat white canvas shoes with little sockets barely visible and a white ribbon around my real hair which I managed to fix with my little experience to a more feminine bob. "This is the correct morning uniform for a live in maid according to my mother and I agree with her. Nothing fancy in this outfit, clearly a comfortable ensemble for a domestic worker," she said casually and then added, "Remember Jennifer Lopez playing the hotel maid in the film 'Maid in Manhattan?'? The grey dress she was wearing is similar to the one you have on, so your dream to dress as a hotel maid is finally fulfilled." Her last remark left me speechless, Linda was unique in creating constant little thrills for me, she was able to read me like an open book. I thanked her for her consideration but I slightly complained that I looked silly with my not very nice hair and how I would be able to appear in front of her guest like that. She dismissed my worries in a rather condescending manner. "Jennifer knows about you, in fact she is the one who discovered your liking for maids' uniforms so you shouldn't worry how you look. You are simply a male maid for her about to be transformed. In fact I prefer her to see how you really look as a girlie boy, then she will be able to help with her suggestions when you go to Wendy's for your transformation, I rely on her opinion she is good like that, I am certain you will adore her." I was quite apprehensive and very much aware of my appearance when I rushed to get the door just minutes before one. I was about to meet Jennifer Kent, the first guest coming to the house where I was employed as a live in maid! The whole idea was quite surreal and hard to conceive. In the past few hours I was in a virtual reality mode. I opened the door and came face to face with a very pretty woman. I moved to the side to let her in and said in a low hesitant voice, "Please, do come in Miss." She gave a low whistle when she saw me and said cheerfully, "Hello Jenny, I am Jennifer Kent, you do look like a traditional Burton family maid in that uniform." "Thank you Miss," I answered awkwardly and before I could say anything else Linda appeared followed by Jay and Jasper. Jennifer hugged and kissed Linda quite warmly, I could instantly sense that those two had a special relationship, some sort of hidden eroticism was in the air, I could feel it. But the cats demanded attention and Jennifer started caressing and talking to them. In the meantime I was standing in an awkward manner by the entrance, hands folded in front of my apron, not knowing what to do. Should I withdraw discreetly to the kitchen, should I ask Jennifer if she wanted a drink, or should I try to be part of the conversation? Linda solved my 'problem' because she turned to me and said briskly, "Two glasses of white wine please for Jennifer and I and then you can finalise the lunch preparations; we will eat in about half an hour." That's it; I was dismissed and sent to the kitchen to fetch the drinks. For the first time since I arrived in this house about twenty four hours ago I felt like a true servant. My submissive genes were having a party inside my body! The lunch was quite informal but I wasn't asked to sit with them, I had to eat my salad in the kitchen. Only when I served them coffee Linda asked me to join them in the day room with my cup of coffee. "Come in sweetie, take a seat," Linda said to me amicably and continued, "By the way lunch was excellent, light and tasty, you obviously have a flair for cooking." She paused for a sip of her coffee and then added, "Jennifer and I were talking about you and we formed a plan of action, do you want to hear it?" "I would love to hear it Miss," I said cautiously feeling like a Guiney pig in the hands of two mad scientists. Jennifer took the lead and started talking. "Jenny dear, Linda outlined to me the verbal agreement you had with her yesterday and your consent to become her live in 'general factotum' as she loves calling you. I am the one who is going to handle the formalities of that agreement both legal and aesthetic." And I want those formalities to be over in two weeks time. I want my general factotum to be fully operational at the end of this period." Linda added humourously. "You make me feel like some sort of machine," I said spontaneously in my contralto voice acknowledging her funny remark. Both ladies laughed but Jennifer brought me back to reality, "I expect you will sort out your apartment and tell your friends in the next couple of days that you change course in your life. You can use any excuse you see fit, like that you found a good job in another part of the country or abroad, this is your call. You follow so far?" "I already thought of that," I answered hastily, "my landlord will be happy to see the back of me, incidentally I'll need some money, an advance probably, to pay him off." "That can be arranged, Jennifer will look to that tomorrow," Linda said briskly. "I'll also tell my two friends, the ones who didn't turn up on Friday and they gave me the chance to meet you Linda," I said looking at her, forgetting temporarily how I should address her properly. "If they only knew how my whole life is about to change so dramatically!" I said more to myself than to the two of them. "Why don't you tell them the truth," Linda said provocatively. "I couldn't do that Miss Linda," I said with emphasis in my voice, "I would be terribly ashamed to tell them." "You shouldn't really be ashamed," Jennifer said, "there is nothing shameful in what you do. I know it is not conventional but all you really do is let your other side, probably your 'real side' to come out to light." Linda frowned as she spoke again a bit impatiently this time, "Come on you two, we are not debating philosophically here, we try to organise Jenny's next steps." "I am sorry Miss," I said, "it's all too knew to me." "Right," Jennifer said, "Tuesday you are going to Wendy's for a serious makeover. You have to become a more realistic Jenny; you have to pass comfortably as a female for your own sake as well. By Wednesday I'll have all the necessary documents for you to sign. You will have to appear in front of a Commissioner of Oaths for the official change of name, and then I'll organise your new social security number." "Monday two weeks from tomorrow, I want Jenny to be here in her morning uniform working formally for me, and then I'll ask my parents for an afternoon tea. Do you thing she can be ready and properly coached by then?" Linda asked looking at Jennifer She already turned me to a 'she' and that turned me on once more. I never was a 'she' before but I had to be one from now on. "She will definitely be ready by then," Jennifer also adopter the 'she' form, as she answered to Linda, then she turned to me and added, "I trust you are going to be a very willing pupil. Can I rely on you for that Jenny?" I was again in deep water, in a few sentences they organised my new status. So be it I said to myself and I answered more eagerly than they expected, "Yes Miss Linda, Miss Jennifer; I will be a good pupil, I want to take advantage of the unique opportunity you two offer me to fulfill a lifetime dream." CHAPTER 7 Tuesday morning Jennifer picked me with her car from Linda's mansion for my appointment with Wendy. The day was quite warm and I was dressed very simply, just a cotton summer dress, a light cardigan and sandals. Light makeup and my own hair again fixed in an amateurish way. I knew I looked quite androgynous but both Linda and Jennifer insisted that I shouldn't mind about that, Wendy was fully informed about me, I had nothing to worry about. I told Jennifer that I gave up my apartment yesterday; I picked all my stuff and brought it to Linda's house. Linda very kindly gave me a small utility van that the gardener uses so I was able to bring everything to my new premises. She was amused when I mentioned to her that under Linda's strict instructions and supervision I carried all my male clothes to one of the guest rooms upstairs where she locked them in a cupboard. I was allowed to keep a unisex track suit in case I had to appear in an emergency in male clothes. She clearly wanted to distant me from anything male. I also mentioned that I had a goodbye drink with my two pals in the pub where I met Linda on Friday. I told them that I found a good offer for a job abroad and I was leaving in the next couple of days. "So you are a free bird from now on Jenny, no commitments or other obligations anymore?" "That's correct Miss," I said hesitantly and added, "though I have to keep in contact with my parents and sister who are quite far from here, so this is not my immediate concern." "I am glad to hear that sweetie: just relax and let yourself free to enjoy your imminent transformation, we are nearly there." Jennifer said jovially. We arrived in front of a classy building in one of the best parts of the city and Linda parked in a private parking underneath. We took the lift to the 2nd floor and entered a luxurious reception area with a large semi-circular desk and the obligatory pretty girl sitting behind it. "Can I help you?" She asked with a smile as I was trying to hide myself behind Jennifer. "We're here to see Ms Wendy, she's expecting us," Jennifer said and continued, "We are going upstairs and you can let her know we are here." The girl looked bewildered but Jennifer's tone had removed any suggestion that she could question her. I dutifully followed Jennifer as she went a level up and entered a private room at the back of the building. She clearly knew her way around. A few minutes later a short, slightly plumb blond haired woman bustled into the room and smiled, "Hello, hello sorry to keep you waiting. Jennifer dear, a pleasure to see you again." She turned to me and introduced herself, "Hello I am Wendy, the owner of this little place." She gave a sharp laugh as if she had made a joke. "I am Jenny," I said hesitantly with a bashful smile. "I know all about you dear," both Linda and Jennifer briefed me about what has to be done." She turned to Jennifer adding, "And I am assuming we don't want anything ... permanent done today?" I couldn't escape noticing the emphasis on the word 'today'. Jennifer said, "You can definitely assume that Wendy." And seeing my slightly anxious expression she added, "Don't worry Jenny dear, Linda wants you to look proper but nothing irreversible is going to be done for the time being." Then she concluded, "I better go, I have millions of things to do, I'll be back in about three hours, is that OK Wendy? Will be Jenny ready to go by then?" Wendy said that three hours would be fine, then turned to me and said with a twinkle in her eye, "Now dear, would you like to step into my parlour?" Without waiting for my answer she took me by the hand and led me into another room which was spacious and had a hair dressing type chair to one side facing a mirrored wall. All the usual sort of equipment seemed to be there; hairdressing, make up and other things I didn't recognize. Lisa swung the chair around and gestured for me to sit in it. She pulled a stool over and sat opposite me. "Linda told me that you are about to be employed as her new live in maid/secretary, in fact she used a word I can't recall, it was quite foreign sounded to me.' "Yes," I said smiling, "She calls me her general factotum." There was something in Wendy's style that made me feel comfortable, I could trust this woman, I could probably confide to her as well. "That's right," Wendy said, "I remember now, the word is Latin for 'maid of all works'; Linda is such an eccentric." She chuckled as she concluded, "Mind you, if I had her money I would be a great eccentric as well." We both laughed happily, we were pals already and then she got serious again and said, "You have potential dear, soft facial features, small hands, very little body hair, I would call it feminine fuzz, all in all a nice figure for a successful makeover." She picked the phone to talk to the receptionist and ask for some coffee for both of us then said in a casual manner, "Could you please undress down to your panties? I want you to remove everything including your bra and breast forms." I was puzzled and a bit uncomfortable but I did remove my loose fitting dress, breast forms and bra. Wendy noticed by breast forms. "They are of excellent quality, you must have spent quite a bit of money for those dear." She said as she went to a cupboard to retrieve some piece of clothing. She came back and said enthusiastically, "Now let's give you some curves." She held up what I instantly recognized as a corset. She wrapped it around my torso and began to lace it up at the back. "Now, let's just tighten this a little," she said as she yanked on the laces. "Gosh!" I exclaimed as the breath was forcibly expelled from my lungs. She chuckled. "Not used to wearing a corset, are you?" "You could say that," I said in a weak voice trying to catch my breath. "I always thought that I was slim enough to be able to dress in my feminine clothes without that sort of restriction." I added with an effort. "Better late than never dear." She lifted my breast forms and slipped them into the cups of the corset. After some adjustments she stood back and nodded, "Looking good." Then as if she remembered something she took a bottle from the top next to the chair I was sitting saying at the same time, "I almost forgot, Linda asked me that I should glue them on, you have to get used carrying them around, since your centre of gravity will change slightly." She chuckled as she finished her sentence. Within minutes I had my breast forms glued firmly to my body. "The solvent to remove them will be given to Linda via Jennifer, so in order to remove them you have to get permission from your employer," Wendy added before I could even ask the question. I was looking in the mirror in front of me my new very curvy shape when Wendy held up a black dress. "Consider this as your first LBD," she said with a flourish. "What's that?" I asked puzzled. "Your little black dress darling," Wendy said gingerly as she helped me to slip it on and get it over my breasts. It was figure hugging and due to the corset it hung closely to my new narrow waist and the hips that I suddenly seemed to have sprouted. She checked my shoe size and went off to find something suitable. She came back bearing a pair of black shoes. "I'm guessing you probably aren't up for high heels, so a good pair of flat court shoes will do, don't you think?" I was in no position to argue so I slipped my feet into the shoes and they seemed to fit well and were actually quite comfortable. "Look at your outfit in the mirror," she said gently. I turned in the mirrored wall and looked at my figure. "Scary," I said in a low voice. "Why's that?" Wendy asked. I shrugged. "From the neck down, I look like... I look like a woman." She nodded. "You do my dear, you do. It looks well doesn't it?" Spontaneously I tried to pull the dress down and Wendy burst into a fit of giggles. "What's wrong?" I asked, my voice sounding a bit petulant. She shook her head. "Nothing darling, it's just trying to pull your dress down made you look so feminine." I blushed and looked at the floor a bit embarrassed. "When I am through with you will look real, not a grotesque sissy girl, you do want that don't you? I gather that Linda is going to expose you to the real world as a true female maid." "Yes I do want to look real," I said eagerly "I wouldn't be able to cope with the embarrassment of an exposure; I am too coward for that. "Before we proceed to the next stage of your makeover I'll tell you a story about the LBD which you wear at the moment." She had a sip of her coffee and continued, "Some years back I spent a whole year in Paris doing an advanced course in cosmetology. I don't know if you have been to Paris, of course it is a fantastic city, but it is also the centre of fashion and good taste in particular in women's haute couture." "I have been to Paris as a student, but of course I was not familiar with the fashion world. But because I always had a keen interest in women's clothes I remember spending endless hours flannelling and window shopping in front of the various expensive boutiques. I also found a shop specializing in very chic up market domestic uniforms." I said intrigued about her story. Wendy smiled at me and continued, "I tell you this little story because I know your keen interest in domestic uniforms and how eager you are to wear one. So to continue with my story, I became friendly with a very chic lady who was running a small 'atelier de couture' something like an expensive seamstress workshop where rich ladies were going to order their custom made clothes. One day..." The phone started ringing and she stopped to pick it up, she spoke briefly to her receptionist to confirm an appointment and looked at me in a mischievous manner. "Go on, I am totally intrigued by your story," I said feeling very conscious of the tight dress I had on and my new boobs protruding prominently as I was sitting in what I would call a feminine mode, knees together, legs in an angle." "I was there one day when a young bourgeois lady came in to try a black dress she had ordered. The lady was very beautiful and the dress looked great on her. Suddenly she turned to my friend and said a phrase in French I never could forget; she said, 'Il y a deux fa?ons de porter une robe noire... avec un collier de perles ou un tablier blanc'. Do you understand any French Jenny?" "I'm afraid not Ma'am, I never progressed in school above the 'bonjour, bonsoir', phase," I said, "but please do tell me what it means." "What this lady said dear Jenny in an exact translation is, 'There are two ways of wearing a black dress, either with a necklace of pearls or with a white apron.' Do you get the meaning of it.?" "Of course I do, the black dress makes the lady but the maid as well." I said excitedly as if I solved a difficult math problem. "More than that," Wendy added, "It can turn a lady to a maid with one simple movement. So listen how the story finishes. To prove her point that particular elegant lady asked the seamstress to give her a small white apron which she firmly tied around her slim waist. It was like magic, she was transformed especially because she changed her arrogant attitude as well. She became more servile, a smile in her face ready to accommodate. We both felt it; we could start ordering this person around." She chuckled as she finished her sentence and added, "But between you and me dear Jenny, this lady was a bit of a masochist/fetishist. She enjoyed playing that role and she deliberately provoked this incident. Like you for instance. For your own personal needs, sexual, intellectual, psychological, whatever, you are ready to change from male to female from a professional man to a simple female domestic." She made me feel uncomfortable because she spoke the truth. I was deliberately and happily changing myself from an alpha male to a beta female if this can be a politically correct term. Wendy felt my uneasiness because she said cheerfully, "I am certain you are going to be happy in your new position, you want it and Linda is a very nice person, she will be an excellent employer for you and if you stay close to her you might solve your life's problem." "Thank you for your encouraging words," I said truthfully but Wendy was moving ahead already. "Right! We still have lots of work; let me tell you what happens next. I'll call in one of my hairdressers to take care of your hair, not extensions today, just to wash it and style it, you have lovely thick hair. Then another beautician will take care of your eyebrows, you nails and a third person will pierce your ears so you can wear a pair of golden studs. I think that will be all for today, you will be able to go back home much more convincing. Then I will need you here a few more times to sort out your hair extensions and have some deportment lessons, how to walk to sit to curtsey, to put make up on and lots of other little things of a working woman's life, in particular a woman that will be involved with manual work like you." I was overwhelmed of what I just heard, all that work to be done just to become a lowly factotum. And all that money Linda was willing to pay on my behalf. She must have liked me a lot to go that far with me. "And of course, last but not least," I heard Wendy's voice, "You must practice your new voice, I'll get a vocal specialist for you, it's not that hard as you think, it is all practice and determination." "I am astonished of the amount of work you are going to do for me," I said half jokingly, "I never expected all that drastic intervention." "And nothing permanent or irreversible my dear," Wendy added, "I follow Linda's and Jennifer's instructions. But that doesn't mean that you can get away with sloppiness, you must try hard to be a presentable and functional female general factotum in two weeks time." To be continued...

Same as General Factotum 2 Videos

1 year ago
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General SidChapter 14

The next day a very unhappy Sid finished interrogating the Colonel that had been captured in the raid five days earlier. The information that he had gotten from the man didn't represent good news. The Colonel had been leading five groups of a hundred men each. Each group followed the previous group by thirty minutes. He hadn't left Hunter to face a second group of a hundred, but a second, third, fourth, and fifth group of a hundred. It was too late to help Hunter, but he hoped the young man...

4 years ago
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General SidChapter 19

The sickly sweet smell of burning flesh hung in the air and drifted down the road to the west. For two days, the enemy had marched into the wind smelling what they knew to be burning bodies. They didn't know who had died or how many. The result of the assault on their noses, a constant reminder that they were marching into a deadly situation, was disheartening. When the forces arrived at the citadel, their moral plummeted upon seeing Sid's army. Five thousand men of Sid's army were...

1 year ago
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General SidChapter 17

At the sound of a knock on his door, Sid frowned and sat up in the bed. Exhausted from all of the activity before the battle for the citadel, the battle itself, and taking control after the battle, all Sid wanted to do was get a half hour nap. Looking over at the door, he said, "Come in." Fred opened the door and said, "I'm sorry to disturb you, Sid, but I thought you would want to know about this. There is a woman here to see you." "A woman?" Sid asked wearily. He was tired of women...

3 years ago
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General SidChapter 15

Sucking on her index finger, Laura watched Sid working with the men. They were practicing a new tactic for dealing with men marching four abreast. She thought he cut such a dashing figure riding his horse with a lance leveled at the targets. Watching him made her wet between the legs. When he would pause and wave to her, she thought her heart would explode. Although Sid had been busy leading the army, he had given Laura more of his time than she had expected under the circumstances. When he...

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General SidChapter 22

Considering the size of Sid's army and the technology of Chaos, it was amazing that it hadn't turned into a horde that swept across the countryside in a disorganized manner. For every soldier that saw battle, there were four support people who made it possible for the soldier to fight. Drovers, cooks, butchers, armorers, smiths, carters, and carpenters made up a force far larger than soldiers. Like soldiers, each needed food, water, camp goods, and rest. A substantial number of wagons were...

4 years ago
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General SidChapter 27

Sid looked over at the man leading a full battalion of men and asked, "Sneak, what's going on here?" "Getting ready for a big battle," Sneak answered flashing a huge smile at his General. The previous day he had learned that Sid was in the area when one of his scouts reported the army moving into the area. He had dispatched a patrol to lead Sid to them, but had been pretty sure that Sid would be too late to help them in this particular engagement. Five minutes earlier he had been given...

2 years ago
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The Continent of Menoross has been at war for nearly twenty years. The four largest nations in this world all have reasons for war, as well as the means to wage it. These nations are; Remis: A land of organized legions of well trained and well armed soldiers, who fight with unity and tactics. The women of this nation are renowned for being gorgeous and intelligent. Thorin: A northern land of snowbound mountains and hardy warriors, who fight with ferocity and great individual strength. The women...

2 years ago
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General Store Aunty 8211 Part II

Hi friend. I’m 22 year old from Hyderabad. If any aunties or girl interested in sex or sex chat please mail me on , I’m receiving mails from all over the world but except Hyderabad’s not sending mails. So friend’s please forget me if any mistakes and grammar. Like in my all stories there are no names and no identity because I don’t want to disturb any life. So without boring you more come to the point. I daily use to smoke at one shop. One a 33 years old woman is the storekeeper. Let me tell...

3 years ago
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General Chens White Torture Slave

1General Chen?s White Torture SlaveOneTina almost purred with pleasure. She was utterly comfortable at the large yachts stern as she lay on a soft mat, feeling the light ocean breeze and the warm sunlight on her nearly naked body. The ship was making minimal speed and gently rocking up and down on the waves. The warmth and soft motions of the deck made Tina doze off several times, as she was sun bathing for the better part of the afternoon. Every so often, when she was awake, she would open her...

1 year ago
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General SidChapter 18

The planning meeting had just ended when fifty mounted men rode up to the citadel on horses that were nearly exhausted. After a short exchange with the guards at the gate, the riders were directed to where Sid was staying. They rode through the streets at high speed rather than the sedate pace that would be normal. The leader jumped off his horse and ran into the building searching for Sid. He burst into the room and, spotting Sid, said, "There are fifteen thousand enemy troops headed this...

2 years ago
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General Election 2010

As there was a general election due we’d had all the usual paperwork rubbish through the letter box, and as usual I’d ripped them up and thrown them away. This particular Saturday afternoon I was in the house on my own, the wife was at work, and I was settling down to enjoy an afternoon here on xhamster. Then there was a knock at the door, ‘fuck me’ I thought as I went to answer it. As I opened it there stood a man, around 35 years old, dressed smart but casual, he was representing one of the...

3 years ago
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General Train Ka Safar

Dotson sbse pehle m apne baare m btaa du.Mera name yash hai.Age 25 hai’and colour ekdum fair n height 5.11 foot hai and 6 inch lund ka size hai’ to ab m sida story par aata hu Baat aaj se 4 month pehle ki hai, jab m train m safar kr raha tha ye safar night ka hota h n m delhi se hometown ja raha tha .Lagbag 500km ka safar h jisme puri night lg jaati hai’..Jab train new delhi pahuchi to bahut jyada bhid thi aap andaza lga skte h ki general k dbbe m kitni bhid hoti h’ to jaise taise krke dbbe m...

2 years ago
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General SidChapter 20

The second citadel fell without much of a fight. Sid's army had surrounded it and knocked the walls into rubble with the large trebuchets. His army grew by another four thousand freed slaves. He was in control of more than half of the slave territory that he was supposed to conquer. Farms south of the citadel were deserted as the owners fled out of fear. A number of slave owners had left their slaves behind with a handful of overseers. On hearing that Sid's army was approaching, many of...

3 years ago
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General SidChapter 21

Sid, accompanied by Fred, entered the citadel riding beside Lord Drake. A brigade of his troops followed behind them. Side could see that the slaves were working beside the other residents of the city to restore the damage caused during the fighting. Looking over at Lord Drake, he asked, "What about the slaves?" "There aren't any slaves in Drake Citadel. They were free the moment they entered my walls. It's just that it took us some time to make that ideal a reality," Lord Drake said....

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General SidChapter 24

Sid and Mandy rode up to the top of a hill overlooking the area below the fortification. Connor was seated on his horse waiting for Sid while watching the activity below. He knew that if the enemy had built another fortification on this hill, that the entire area would have been much more difficult to successfully attack. Looking at the thousands of men surrounding the fort, Mandy nearly fell out of her saddle. In a shocked voice, she asked, "Are they all your men?" "Yes," Sid...

2 years ago
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General SidChapter 33

Sid entered the former slaver headquarters surprised at the activity that surrounded the place. Rather than tearing it down because it was a symbol of oppression, it had been converted into the town council building. The sign over the entrance proclaimed both roles by displaying a Crown positioned over a Citadel. The upper floor from which the slaver general had watched Sid's forces defeat the slaver army had been converted to a royal office. The remaining floors were dedicated to managing...

3 years ago
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General SidChapter 6

The great hall was filled with young men, young women, and veteran warriors. They were celebrating their last night at the citadel with a large feast. Row after row of tables were piled with roasted chickens, bread, green beans, and other foods that would be rare once they left on their adventure. It might be a while before they missed those foods, but they would miss them before the adventure was over. Looking at all of the young man and women gathered together, Sid couldn't help but feel...

2 years ago
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General SidChapter 32

Alice watched Sid constantly throughout the day. Seldom was she more than a dozen paces away from him. Even when he went to the latrine, Alice was nearby hoping to catch a glimpse of his package. The delay between being rescued and returning to Crossroads was driving her crazy. She was ready to reward Sid for her rescue now. The noises that emerged from her tent at night announced to the world what was on her mind. For Sid, the situation wasn't much better. Alice was not only watching from...

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general store

Well, on this particular day, when he was about to show up, my dad told me I had to lock up the store because he had to go home and get the house ready for my older sister’s 19th birthday party. I didn’t think about it until JR got there that I even remembered he was coming. He showed up wearing his normal baggy jeans and T-shirt. I didn’t know why, but he seemed to look really sexy that day. Maybe it was because I was alone with him. I didn’t think much more about until he started to linger...

2 years ago
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General Tso me

It's been a long day. Started off badly with oversleeping my alarm. I missed my bus. Extra money I had to spend on a cab. I was late for work. Again. Received a call from my on again off again boyfriend. More off lately now that I think about. Maybe I shouldn't be mad that he's found his soul mate and is getting married. But who does that leave me to fuck? I think I'll treat myself to chinese at the new place I keep hearing about. As I walk in the door I can't help noticing the guy behind the...

3 years ago
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General Hospital Gang 1

Carly reluctantly walked over and knelt in front of me. I pulled my pants off and pulled her face to my cock. “Jocelyn , come over here and learn how from your Momma.” She stood nearby and watched with her big eyes as her mom took my cock in her mouth. I reached over and stroked her young ass. It felt so smooth. I reached between her legs and slowly rubbed her labia. She felt warm. Carly was going deeper on my cock with each stroke and gently played with my balls. “See how your momma...

4 years ago
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General Hospital Gang 2

I got behind Nell on the couch and shoved my cock all the way into her pussy. Carly held her head in place as she tried screaming. Carly just smiled. I fucked Nell hard a few minutes and shoved my thumb up her ass. She screamed again with her mouth full of pussy. I pulled out of her pussy and lined up with her ass. I could hear her saying no, no, no into Carly's pussy. I shoved my cock slowly and steady up her raw poop chute. Jocelyn decided to rub Nells clit to help her out. She...

2 years ago
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General SidChapter 2

Time passed and, before Sid knew it, his shift in the library was over. He returned to his house, showered, shaved, and dressed in preparation for his dinner with Cynthia. Knowing that he would be accompanying a woman to a public place, he chose to wear dress pants, a light blue shirt, and a sports coat. The restaurant wasn't formal enough to demand that he wear a suit. As it was, he'd probably be the most formally dressed person at the place. Exiting the house, he looked over his pickup...

1 year ago
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General SidChapter 4

Sid stepped through the portal into a small wood paneled room in Chaos. The hole in the wall that allowed him to retrieve his storage box was in the normal space. He put his finger in it and waited for his storage box to appear. Every time he did that, his mind flashed on an image of inserting his finger in a hole attached to an attractive young woman. This time it was no different. There was a slight noise and the box was on the table. He opened it and examined the small collection of...

3 years ago
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General SidChapter 5

It only took three days on the road for Sid and Barson to work out a division of camp duties that each found acceptable. Their days started early with a cold breakfast. The cold breakfast allowed them to hit the trail only minutes after sunrise. After four hours of riding, they would break for a short lunch. After lunch, they'd ride until an hour before sunset while taking turns napping in the saddle. After Sid gathered wood and started a fire, Barson prepared a hot meal. While the dinner...

1 year ago
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General SidChapter 7

Sid sat on his horse watching the distant farmhouse from a tree covered hill that was behind the house. The farmhouse had been one of the largest of the houses in the area. Next to the farmhouse were a barn and a couple of outbuildings. One of the outbuildings was obviously a smoke house for curing meat. The darkened walls spoke of years' worth of preserving meat. Another building looked to be a timber mill. Next to it was a building that looked as if it was used to cure the cut...

2 years ago
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General SidChapter 8

There was a minor roar of drunken laughter from where the freed slaves were celebrating their new found freedom. They had been shocked when Sid had delivered watered wine and beer for them to drink as part of their festivities. Barson was seated next to Sid drinking a mug of watered wine. Curious, Barson said, "It sounds like they are barely watering the wine. From my experience, that is a sure recipe for disaster." "They needed it," Sid answered while nudging a log in the fire so that...

2 years ago
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General SidChapter 11

Sid sat down on the bench of a table that stood in front of the fireplace. They had just arrived at Weavertown and had selected the Inn to serve as a meeting place. Although Masterson wanted to sleep in the Inn, Sid said that they would sleep in their tents like the men. He was soon joined by Olaf and Barson. The two young men were smiling as if they had some great secret that they were just dying to tell. He asked, "And what mischief are you two planning?" Barson laughed at the...

3 years ago
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General SidChapter 12

For three months, Sid's forces harassed the enemy army with lightning raids. Each individual raid was not all that effective in whittling down the enemy, but the cumulative effect was devastating. The slavers sent out re-enforcements who occupied fixed emplacements. Sid responded by resuming raids on individual farms and liberating slaves. The slavers would send troops to investigate each raid. Sid made sure that they were cut down in ambushes staged by the spearmen with their bows. Looking...

2 years ago
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General SidChapter 13

Putting his hands on the saddle horn, Sid leaned forward and looked down the road as if searching for something. He could hear the sounds of a column of men on horseback with the shuffle of men marching behind them. Turning his head to look at Gregor, Sid said, "They are coming." "I can hear them," Gregor said looking around. He asked, "Shouldn't we get into the woods before they come around the bend in the road?" "No, we'll wait for them here," Sid said with a wink of his...

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General SidChapter 16

Masterson, Peterson, Connor, Albert, Barson, and Olaf were gathered in the command tent waiting for Sid. They were about to embark on their first siege of a citadel. It was a massive undertaking. For the first time, they were facing stone walls that were eight feet thick and twenty feet tall. "Those bastards fired at us when we went to parley," Sid said upon entering the tent. He was furious and stopped by the table to pour a glass of watered wine. His horse had taken an arrow. He'd still...

3 years ago
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General SidChapter 25

Shouting so that his voice would carry, Dracos said, "Keep your positions, men. Don't follow them." Watching the last of the enemy retreat down the valley, Dracos stepped back and wiped his forehead with the sleeve of his left arm. Rather than ridding his forehead of sweat, he had just smeared more blood across it. He blinked his eyes hoping to clear them of the sweat that had dripped into them. Much to his relief, his men did not purse the retreating enemy. Exhausted beyond belief, he...

3 years ago
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General SidChapter 26

There was a chill in the autumn air that night. Sid, Fred, Gregor, Dracos, Sebeson, Connor, and Barson were seated around the campfire; each staring into the fire. The smoke from the fire would occasionally blow in Barson's direction and his eyes kept tearing up. It was time to discuss the events of the day and to plan for the future. Gregor said, "Thanks for your warning about Jameson." "What happened there?" Sid asked. "Jameson wasn't going to attack until he knew which way the...

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General SidChapter 31

The procession into the Drake Citadel was a stately occasion. There were drummers pounding out a dignified cadence. The victorious men marched in formation moving in sync with the drums. There were banners flying at the front and end of the column. Rather than ride at the front or rear, Dracos had chosen to ride in the center. Unwilling to take credit for all of their accomplishments, Dracos had chosen to be surrounded by the men with whom he had fought. Watching from the battlement over the...

4 years ago
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General SidChapter 34

The ugly man stepped out from the dark surroundings of the woods to stand beside Sid. In a soft voice, the man said, "You wanted to see me." "That's right, Badger," Sid replied. He knew that Badger was not a man to make small talk so it was necessary for him to continue the conversation. He asked, "What are your plans now that the war is over?" Badger shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'll probably become a hunter. Why?" "I had a slightly different idea in mind for you," Sid...

2 years ago
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General SidChapter 38

Sid climbed out of the healing chamber feeling refreshed. He looked at Sally Caretaker and swept her into his arms. Nuzzling her neck, he said in a soft voice, "I missed you so much. We've been separated for two and a half years." "I missed you too," Sally said although a lot less time had passed for her. She almost felt guilty for having rushed him into the healing chamber on his arrival. His kisses on her neck were making her knees weak. "Trying to satisfy all four Damsels at once...

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General SidChapter 39

Mary turned out to be a very enthusiastic lover. She was ready for sex at the drop of a hat and, while preferring Sid as a partner, was just as likely to turn to Sally for a little action. It was obvious that she was just as happy making love with a woman as a man. Based on her attitude towards sex alone, she was the wet dream of every adolescent boy. When she had come out after a month's stay and announced that she was pregnant, Sid was sad to see her go. He didn't have much time to dwell...

1 year ago
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General SidChapter 40

Alice dashed into the room and announced, "I'm pregnant!" Sid and Sally looked over at her. Sid realized that he was about to lose another lover. Sally smiled at the good news and said, "Congratulations." "Yes, congratulations," Sid said remembering his manners. It hurt to think about another child of his out there that he wouldn't have a part in parenting. It still seemed wrong to him somehow. "I've got to go now. Thank you, Sid. You're an amazing man," Alice said looking down...

3 years ago
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Generals Daughter

What kind of bad guy or girl will you seek to finally have fun? The idea is to piss off your parent or parents of power. The usual stereotype is a girl with a father in the U.S. military. Will you be part of the stereotype or be someone or something new? Generally, this is a female's tale, however, if you wish , you can take it from a Male's perspective or even a Hermaphrodite's perspective. Just be sure that it makes sense. For reference, there are stories out there such as Lois Lane from the...

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blackmailed wife part 6

Andrea sits on Paul laps,her back against his chest,i tie up her arms above and behind her head then i tell Paul to do whatever he want with her.He slide both hands under her short skirt fondling very roughly up and down,then grab the inner thighs,wring them and pull the tender flash.After that he keeps open the big lips with his left hand and slap the exposed pussy with the right until Andrea cry loudly.He lower his pants and fucks her while he torment her tits and clit but his attention is...

2 years ago
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GSP Chapter 1213 The Obliterator

G.S.P. Chapter 12 The Obliterator * * * The evening had grown very late and turned into night when Fang arrived downtown. Fang paused her step to access her new found magical abilities. Magical powers she had got after a sexual ritual with a werewolf that humans would call a shaman. Her own kind named his profession a forerunner, and after the ritual Fang was also one of these. A fighter tasked with finding enemies of the werewolves and defeat them before they could hurt the packs. Fang...

3 years ago
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Unfaithful Slut

Unfaithful slutIt was coming up to our tenth wedding anniversary and my husband and I had discussed various ways of celebrating the event. Restaurant with friends, House party with friends, and the list was endless.As we were in the middle of a glorious summer, we both decided that we would have a Barbeque party and we could give it a theme to make it a little more fun. The idea would be to hold the event late afternoon right through to late evening as the temperatures dropped and would provide...

4 years ago
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Hot Phone Sex2 Corrected

Hot Phone Sex By: SARTHAK AGRAWAL Hi.I m sarthak 23, male single from U.P. I regret the inconcenience to the readers as i have wrote wrong mobile number in my previous story HOt Phone sex. This is my true story about phone sex between me and one of my phone friend. Her name was Riya. Once upon I have dialed a mobile number wrongly and I heared a sweet voice of a girl. She told me that I hv dialed this number wrongly.After that I offered the phone friendship to her and she accepted it. During...

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A Tubby Tale

Well children, I guess this is as good a time as any to tell you the entire truth. Maybe I should say children, grandchildren and a very few great grandchildren. Just let me sit back here and get comfortable, we still have some time. It was a little over forty years ago that my husband and I moved into this neighborhood. We had only been married a few years at the time. I was twenty five and my husband was twenty six. Next door was an older man, he was almost forty. We thought that was pretty...

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My Lust Helped Me To Have Sex 8211 Part 2

Hello friends mera nam Rohan aur email ID Mere story ks part 1 intro tha. Part 2 me mane kaise usse chooda iske bareme he. Meri story ka part 1 please page. Ab story continue karta Hu. Vo apni security me bohot mahir thi. Fir jaise hi vo darvaja band karke vo palati, seriously me usko dekhte hi s rah gaya. Usne silk material ka gaon pink colour ka sleevless gaon pahna tha. Pink colour ka gaon uski gori skin pe bohot jach raha tha. Vo ek pari ki tarah dikh rahi this. Us gaon ka gala thoda deep...

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Imagine So Far into Woods

To a woman, a **** fantasy is "Somebody really, really wants me." To a man, a **** fantasy is "Didn't even have to buy her dinner!" What follows is a fantasy world. If you find yourself confusing fantasy with reality, even occasionally, please do not read the story. We walk along a path, holding hands, and talking. Engrossed in conversation, you don't realize that we have walked far into woods. So far, so alone, that no one could possibly hear us... We come to a clearing. You're surprised to...

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Nicolas demise

She was an utter bitch and spread rmours about people she ound a threat, now the tables have turned and she is the slave to her two victims and passed around like a commom whore amongst her family. First Sandra, Then her older brother then her father then her little brother. What will she do when nothing is in her...

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Caring for JulieChapter 3

The next morning, Friday, I was up at 0530 hrs as usual. Having missed two days of PT, first from the rain and then Julie, I was ready for a good workout. I went down to the weight room and got started. About 0630, I gave it up and headed upstairs for a quick shower. Julie was sitting in the bed — crying. "Where were you?" she moaned. "I woke up, you were gone, and I couldn't find you. I thought you had left me, like my real daddy did," and she hiccuped. "Sweetie, Sweetie, I was just...

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We both sat naked next to each other, my cock standing stiff and erect, Nathan's laying flaccid and sticky against his thigh. He slid on his boxers and looked over at my boner. "Did that turn you on?" he asked. I was suddenly terrified. I didn't want him to think I enjoyed it, I only sucked his dick because I lost a bet. It wasn't gay, it was just a bet. But I did enjoy it. And my erection was proof of that. I grabbed my shorts and began to put them on, until he said something else that stopped...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Sex With Horny Indian Sex Stories Reader In Chennai

Hai guys this is Ladesh(name changed) from Chennai.I am a good-looking guy of height 5’11 and weight 75 kg with gym toned body.I am 21 yrs old studying in a reputed university. Please forgive me for grammatical errors. Let me come to the sex story. After posting my previous sex stories about my friend’s sister and making her pregnant because her husband is infertile, I got a mail from girl angel (name changed) she send text saying hi and I replied back hi. The next day she send me a mail...

1 year ago
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My father in law

My name is Swati and after reading the story of another housewife I am encouraged to share my experience. I think almost 70% of housewives are unfaithful to their husbands on some pretext or the other and mostly thsese things happen during noon since that is the time when the boredom really sets i.Well I am tall and dark with a well shaped body, my breasts are slightly oversized after the birth of my son and actually I am dissatisfied because my hubby travells a lot and we stay in a small town...

2 years ago
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Spanking My WifeChapter 2 Wife Spanked at Work Too

“We need to schedule some time together with Robert (the owner of the company Sherri works for) to discuss punishments for your behavior at work as well as discussing a dress standard for you at the office.” I stated it as a matter of fact rather than a question. “That might be interesting, I’ve always thought that he was a bit of a dirty old man.” Sherri didn’t seem to be protesting at all. She logged in to her work email and scheduled an appointment with Robert. Monday morning we met with...

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iXXX Creampie

Holy fucking shit, guys. I think we’ve hit the creampie motherload here. And I’m not saying that in the sense that only mothers are going to be receiving loads here either. I mean, that’s part of it, but there are also hot teens, college chicks, and even mature babes taking cum shots to the pussy. If you love watching babes get filled with the hottest cum, then you’re going to love seeing this website that I have for you today. Now, it’s a site where you can find all kinds of porn content, in...

Creampie Porn Sites
3 years ago
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A Life Long Journey Part 9

A Life Long Journey, Part 9 This is the story of my journey into the life of womanhood. It is the result of my own memories and the stories told to me by Momma and other relatives about my growing up. Some of this may not be accurate as my memories of certain events might be colored by my feelings or my age at the time. Still I have tried to be honest about them. Graduation was approaching. The closer it got, the more depressed I became. Amy, even though she never meant to be,...

2 years ago
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Sex Lessons For My Innocent Cousin Aruhi 8211 Part 2

Hey lovely readers. Greywolf here and I am back again to finish the sexiest and erotic story that I started in the previous part. Please note that to completely understand and enjoy this story you must read the previous story first and YES IT REALLY HAPPENED TO ME *NO FICTION*. This story will have plenty of details so it could be a bit longer but it won’t take away any fun. I assure that. So as we have ended with the shitty formalities lets heads towards the story. So, in the climax of the...

1 year ago
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From my first to my last

I've had several experiences with guy friends at various stages throughout my life, everything below is true, everyone involved was consenting and knew exactly what they were doing. My earliest encounter with the same sex was at quite a young age. I spent almost every waking hour with my best friend Alex and neighbour Mark. We would do everything together and eventually discovered what our dicks are actually meant for. I must have been about 1 2 when we watched our first porno together at...

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The Bad Girl

It’s late as I sit waiting, a bit impatiently, wearing my short black dress, heels and a pair of my sexiest underwear as you had requested before leaving for work. My mind has been working all evening trying to figure out exactly what you have in mind for tonight. I thought I heard you pull up outside and I anxiously wait for you to come inside. But I hear a knock on the door instead. It is well after midnight – who could possibly be at the door at this time of night? I go to the door, still...

2 years ago
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A Linda Christmas

Chapter One I got home from work last Wednesday and the light was flashing on the machine. Probably someone who wanted to know when I was going to make my overdue payment. The voice was hesitant, but that Chicago accent was definitely Linda’s. She wanted to know if I was cousin Pete, said she didn’t want to go into anything on the machine, but if it was me, she needed me to call her as soon as possible. She was in a motel in Anaheim, 35 miles south of me. I called, the number she left was for...

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