Sharon's Wednesday free porn video

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The bus ride home always felt so much longer on Wednesdays. It was the anticipation and the excitement that did it and Sharon was filled to the brim with both. At times she would wonder why she hadn't started to get bored of this yet, every Wednesday for over a year now, but if anything she was more and more pleased every time the school rang out on those extra short days in the middle of the week. Then she'd have a light skip in her step on the way to the bus stop, no matter what the weather might be. She tried to not look so obviously excited but it was hard to cover up the blushing and the flickering smile. Who was going to suspect anything of this character anyway? The bus slid in - finally - to the right stop and as always she was the only one to get off here. She sprinted the last few meters home and could not be eager enough to pry the door open and rush up to the bedroom on the second floor. The stairs banged as she ran up them but she steadied herself and calmed down just before she cautiously opened the door to her parents' bedroom. It was, naturally, empty and the lights were all turned off. She closed it again, flicked the light on and opened the drawer situated mere feet away from the bed her parents shared every night and had done for the past 18 years. She had all the time in the world and she cherished every second of the unearthing of her father's entire collection of underwear and socks. Looking down on this treasure trove of delights, she grew an insatiable appetite and began undoing her black shirt, before sitting down on the bed to remove her dark grey denim jeans and white underpants. She hunched over the drawer and took a good long look to consider her options for the day. A pair of tight black boxers were sitting on the top of the pile, with a strong stench of lemon, doubtlessly attained from mum's fabric softener. They had been an early favourite of hers but the newly washed quality didn't lend itself to her most pressing needs so she shuffled those aside. She was very careful to record each item's position before she dug deeper to make sure nothing went too out of place in case dad got suspicious. Not that she thought he might quiz her about this in particular, but it was best to keep any questions at bay at all. She noted the colours, fabrics and sizes as she carefully slid pair after pair to the side, each time remembering when the first time she had worn them or seen her father in them. The bright white jockeys were special in a way no other pair could be. That day she had first seen him in them, first noticed how his bulge stood out, almost inviting and aggressive at the same time. The smooth curve of his package was perfectly outlined by the brightness of his pants. She would come for the first time that night, thinking about that sight. How that must taste and smell, how good it must feel to hold it in her hands, stroking the firm yet slightly spongy contents through those amazing briefs. That was still her dream to this day but one she knew would never and should never be turned a reality. But the rational part of one's brain is not always on the job and dark, dirty thoughts can slip in and take hold of the most primal parts of a person's mind. Her dad was her dad but she could not bring herself to stop pining for what he carried between his legs. His smell and imaginary presence was nearly enough for her at the moment, though, and just feeling like the fabrics she carefully caressed with her young fingers had also touched him was a thought so exciting she sometimes felt light-headed. After some searching she soon struck gold; lying there was a used pair. Dad was no slob but he was not the cleanliest of types either and sometimes, rather than having to change pairs everyday he would sneak a used pair back into the drawer for use another day. This was the ticket for Sharon as she grabbed the pants and slowly lowered her head towards them, taking in every particle of scent from them while doing so. She could almost feel herself throbbing between her legs as the erotic scent of the light purple briefs filled her being. She pressed them against her face, practically rubbing the smell into her own soft skin, sniffing deeply every once in a while to get a powerful kick of pleasure. She fell backwards on to the bed with a bang and moaned loudly. Sitting up, she examined the pants further and noticed that she had only worn these once before, which was rare, and she remember loving them. These were extra tight and the colour was a washed out purple which she suspected her dad had not been too fond off. But he had worn them and she had laid eyes on him quickly. Just a glance when he walked from their bedroom to the bathroom and she had seen it all. The contour of his finely rounded butt, the cupping of his testicles as he strode past and that delicious bulge again. Seeing it sway in front of her, she had to keep herself from not looking to obviously directly at it. Like looking at sun, she had told herself. Like looking at the sun. Just a quick glance, maybe another quick one. Register it on your retina, record it for further use and then move on. The pants slid on in one quick motion but were much smaller than the pairs she usually tried on. They pressed against her hips so she could only imagine how tight they must feel on dad's. She admired herself in the mirror and placed a rolled up sock in her crotch area. Her legs were chubby and looked surprisingly a lot like dad's legs, but then again, he had an unusually feminine build for a grown man. Minutes passed as she kept admiring the ball that she imagined was his, rubbing it softly with sensitive fingers. She watched herself through all angles and felt her own nethers grow steadily more exciting. Her hand moved from the outside of the pants and migrated to the inside, finding her clit and she began rubbing whilst thinking. Her finger tip gliding slowly but firmly on her button as she closed her eyes and felt his smell on her face every time she took a deep breath. It was almost ecstasy and she forgot all about time and place. Her hearing blurred into a filter of noise so much that missed the ringing of the doorbell through the thick bedroom door. She completely blanked on the rustling of the keychain and not one note of the boots climbing the stairs registered in her whirlwind mind. But the footsteps towards the bedroom where inescapable, and so was the creak of the door as it opened. Sharon quickly sprung of the bed, her reflexes now in complete control of her panicked body. In the door stood her mum who took a second to flick the light back on before she noticed the scene before her. She yelped with a noise that spoke of both extreme shock and fear. It took a few seconds for her to register what she was seeing, but what she saw would not change as much as she told herself it must. Her daughter stood there, naked bar a pair of her husband's pants, loosely hanging off her middle region. Sharon saw her mum's mouth gape open for seconds and could find one single word to say, so she whimpered, confused and scared. Close to tears. Her mum put her bag down and brushed some hair out of her face, her eyes still glazed over in surprise, her face still locked in a gawping figure of disbelief. - What in the name of everything are you doing in here?! she exclaimed after almost a full minute of silence. - I don't know... whimpered Sharon, still on the verge of crying in fear and shame. - What is this, with your father's underwear? What the hell are you doing?! - I don't know, I just came in here and thought that... her words failed her completely. There was nothing to say that would better this situation. She let her sentence die out. - Are you doing some kind of fucking sex game in here? Did your brother put you up to this? - No, no, it's not like that at all, mum! She realised that this was the third time she had heard her mum swear and the first time it had been aimed at her. - You better come up with something good or I'll tear this house upside down for an answer! Sharon couldn't say a thing and started sobbing, hands cupped over her crotch, feeling more alone and alien than ever. Her whole life felt like it was swallowing her whole and she had no escape. Never would she leave this room and this situation, with her mum staring at her like the freak she probably was. No nightmare was ever this bad. - If you can't give me an answer... the words broke off as her mum abruptly set course to Sharon's room and viciously flung the door open. She began rooting under the bed, through the drawers, all the while screaming for Sharon to explain. Sharon cried and could never stop crying, not a word escaping her lips except a hurtful "No!" when her mum ripped drawer after drawer out. Finally the cluttering noise ceased as her mum found a photo. It was from a holiday, one they had taken about a year ago. They were stood by a pool, mum on the left, Sharon in the middle, her brother next to her and finally their dad to the right. Dad was joking about and tensed her muscles, making a funny face. The photo was slightly crumpled and one edge had begun to smear from the cramp-like grip it had been held in. Her dad's speedo was bright blue, like the sky reflecting in the water behind them. Sharon's mum sat on the floor, holding the photo and she too began crying. For minutes, it seemed. Neither knew what to do, but both painfully aware that nothing would ever be the same for their family. After several minutes her mum put the photo in the drawer and carefully slotted it back in to the desk it had been ripped from. - You know, your 16th birthday is coming up. I had something to tell you. Her mum wiped tears away with her sleeve and looked, curiously smiling, at Sharon. - It was something about the two of us that you should know but I didn't want to bog you down with it before you were mature enough. Clearly... She exhaled deeply. - Clearly, you're mature enough now. Sharon stood silent, still trying to find the words. - ...Okay? she mustered through her wet lips and blushing cheeks. - We're not like most people, you, me and your brother. We have abilities most people don't, which is... a curse sometimes. But most of the time, it's a blessing. She rose up and hugged her daughter, who, despite her confusion, fiercely returned the hug. But she could not help but wonder what her mum was talking about. Abilities? What on earth... Then she couldn't move. Not one centimetre of any limb on her body would budge an inch. Not her eyelids, not her mouth, not her fingers. She was frozen and her mum pulling herself away, smiling with tears still staining her cheeks. She looked at her. - I'm sorry you will never be able to use them, sweetie. Sharon was again filled with fear, but a more potent kind. She tried to pry her body into shape but could not budge and she soon felt herself changing. Being moulded by an unseen force into something else. Her mum swung her finger in front of her face and she could feel her whole body shrinking, her skin taking on a new texture. She looked down on herself and saw that she was moving closer to the ground, pressing into her abdomen. Her arms were similarly retracting into her shoulders and her torso was slimming down at an alarming rate. Soon she was as thin as a piece of paper and she realised that she was no longer breathing. Her legs had almost completely disappeared and she found herself looking right to the floor when she felt the stiffness reside and she could turn her head up. Her mother was now smiling again, but it was a different sort of smile this time. It was laced with pity but satisfaction and she bent down towards the now impossibly tiny figure Sharon had become and stroked her on her forehead. Sharon's vision blurred and soon her hearing followed, but they soon returned and felt radically different. In some odd way she could see all around her, smell much cleared and hear much more focused. But she could not feel any eyeballs, nor turn her head. She was staring up at the ceiling, but saw the floor too, as clear as day. - I will always love you, Sharon, but this is something I can't let happen. It's just not okay. I don't want either of us getting hurt, nor your father or your brother, so for now this has to be the best solution. I'm sure you'll enjoy it, in your own way. She picked up Sharon with two fingers and as she was swiftly lifted off the ground she saw the entire room around her. The mirror did not lie when it portrayed her as a pair of tight, white men's underpants, held between her mother's index finger and thumb. She felt a strong feeling in what used to be her stomach as her mother walked back to her bedroom and laid Sharon down on the sheets. - You're young. Kids run away sometimes. It'll hurt, but not as much as the truth. Someday I might change my mind. I hope I will. I'll miss you, sweetie. Mum straightened Sharon out and left the room, leaving Sharon to take in what had just happened. If she could have, she would have certainly fainted, but she was more awake and alert than ever. How did she live without a heart, see without eyes or survive without breathe? Every thought passed as quickly as it came, replacing another panicked question of her new situation. She saw the still open drawer and thought about what could have been if she had heard the door, or said something. If she hadn't been this way she wouldn't have ended up... this way. She thought about those briefs, boxers and speedos and thought if they were the same as her. If they could not move, but see, smell and hear like she could. Was that insane? How could it be madder than this, anyway? She laid there for hours, motionless, staring, pondering. A new life ahead of her, and she felt regret, shame and fear over what was to become of her now. She then heard the doorbell again. Max kissed his wife as she opened the door for him, before putting his bag down on the floor and kicking off his shoes. He was tired but very glad to be home after another long Wednesday. - How was your day, babe? he asked while ascending the stairs. - Oh lord, tiring as usual. But at least I got to leave work early so I got home and cleaned up a bit. - Oh, thank you so much. You're not so bad sometimes. he said with a smirk as his wife turned around and gave him a light slap on the shoulder. - Anyway, where are the kids? - Mark's off at some friend's house, they were watching some movies or something. I don't know about Sharon, though. But she's a grown girl, she'll phone us soon. Oh, by the way, I got you some new underwear if you need any. He looked at the white pair his wife held in front of him and grabbed them, excitedly. - Actually, I do! Thank you so much. he said with a kiss on her cheek. He was always running out of underwear, so this was perfect. - I need to get changed anyway - I'm desperate for a shower. Thanks again. Sharon felt a tingle all over her new body as her dad grabbed her and carried her into the bathroom. That sensation stuck around as he put her on top of a pile made up of the rest of his clothes. Every inch of his body was presented to her from the best possible view and she could not tear her sight away from it - even if she had wanted to. He leaned over to brush his teeth and his penis dangled under the sink, touching it slightly when he made a quick movement. His butt was framed by the stark halogen lighting and she felt her whole being shiver with pleasure when he got into the shower and started caressing every inch of himself. Sharon had no internal organs anymore so she wasn't sure how it happened, but the sensation was as impossible to ignore as it was to explain, but she came. Intensively and furiously, she felt like was locked in a spasm of pure sexual eruption as her dad stroked the length of his well-shaped penis, washing it carefully. The pleasure did not give way but felt constant, with every move he made and every new angle she gazed upon him from. It was more powerful than anything she had ever felt and she could not believe how strong and persistent it was. Motionless, she wanted to cry out, scream to him, allow him to feel her. One part of her wanted to make the intensity stop, it was getting too much, but nothing would cool her down. This continued uninterrupted until he exited the shower, wiped himself clean and grabbed Sharon by the nylon and began pulling her over him. The left leg first, then the right one. He slowly edged her over his smooth legs so she could feel every inch of their almost hairless glory. And then he pulled them over his groin, letting the elastic snap into place over his waist, his penis and balls being held in place by the soft fabric of his own offspring. He had no idea, but Sharon could have no other idea. She was pressed firmly against every millimetre of her dad's cock and testicles, butt and hips. The skin against her fabric, constantly pulsing from the blood coursing underneath, constantly moving and scraping against her soft body. The orgasm came back and impossibly it was more intense than last time. So much so that she felt like she couldn't think anymore, her whole being turning into a lust-filled entity, in a vacuum separated from the rest of the world. His bell end pressed against her, rubbed against her, as was his amazing balls. All she had dreamed of was realised and she could feel nothing else in the world apart from this. She knew she was essentially doomed, that this would probably never end. Passing thoughts about her life, her friends and what would become of her in the future were slipping through her riddled mind. Right now, that was unimportant as he sat down on the bed so she sank into his butt cheeks. She moaned inside her head. All in all, today worked out great. Should it be continued?

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I am running late to work, and I needed to get there early. I still have to get home and change. I stayed at Michelle’s last night and while it was worth every minute I know there will be hell to pay when I finally make it to work. I tear into my driveway running into my house stripping as I go. I need a shower before I go into work. I hurry into my shower and cant help but smile thinking about last night with Michelle. As the water beats down on me I remember the touch of her skin and the...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Ash Wednesday

Boost a personal trainer was at the grocery store one afternoon when he saw curvy white chick Ashley Roob in the aisle as he passed her, he was checking out her big white bottom as she pushed her cart through the aisle. ”damn that’s a big ass” he thought to himself. he went up to her and introduced himself he tried to talk to her but she didn’t seem interested in his attempted conversation with her, after a few minutes he decided to move on.Ashley’s hideous looking boyfriend Owen started having...

3 years ago
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An Average Wednesday

Before we move on maybe I should fill you in a bit about my family, because this next bit is where it gets good. Don’t worry… it's coming. My name is Lisa, and I am 18 years old. I live at home with my mom Rebecca and my brother Max. Max is 22 and became the man of the house after our dad passed away 5 years ago. Max took this pretty hard and took his new role very seriously. He felt a tremendous amount of pressure to provide for us and look out for us. He was very protective of his family...

3 years ago
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Every Wednesday

"Oh God!" she exclaimed, "here they come!" She waited for them every Wednesday, saving something until she heard the loud grinding sounds of the big truck. She watched from her window until the truck stopped in front of her house, around the wooded bend and isolated from the other homes. They watched for her, too, because she rarely let them down. Two black men jumped off the back of the monster truck and one rolled her garbage container towards the gaping mouth in the back of the truck....

4 years ago
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It was a Wednesday afternoon, the middle of August, in a rented country holiday house, miles from anywhere in the beautiful Cotswolds. Nine people were sat in the main lounge, all of them naked, and even the briefest of glances would have told any observer that most if not all of them had very recently had sex. There were four men and five women, of varying ages, ranging from the late forties to the late teens. A longer look would have told our observer that the four eldest, two men in their...

3 years ago
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Slut9Chapter 9 Wednesday

Wednesday, December 20th Dave left at five o'clock the next morning, just as usual, to get to work on the other side of town by six. He left Olivia sleeping in one of the two twin beds in the girls bedroom with instructions not to answer the phone or open the door for anyone. He didn't want to even think about how to explain her presence in his apartment. The two had gone back out the night before. Dave had driven them back to the car rental lot where he had rented the van. He had returned...

2 years ago
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Something BetterChapter 10 MondayWednesday

Elvira arrived at the Manse at ten o'clock on Monday morning. She was wearing a smart business suit and carrying her lap top. She parked the Mini Cooper behind the Honda in front of the gate to the house and marched briskly down the path. The garage door was still open and the garage was empty. So no naked ladies in wide brimmed hats, she thought as she knocked on the door. She was welcomed into the Manse by Jeremy. She introduced herself as Elvira Argent and was in turn introduced to...

1 year ago
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Jacob And Tiffany Naked in SchoolPart 3A Wednesday

Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, captain of the Flying Dutchman, 12:30am October 27th 2006. Scotty was finally content. He had discovered that sharing a bed with two passionate humans was not the best way to get an undisturbed night's sleep. His owner usually tossed and turned for about 20 minutes before he got comfortable. Scotty thought his owner acted much like a cat. Then he would curl up next to him and start purring contentedly. But not last night. Last night Scotty's owner...

3 years ago
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Alandra Naked in SchoolPart 3 Wednesday

I woke up early Wednesday morning, to find the batteries dead on the dildo. Oh well, that was no surprise. I couldn't remember if it was in me when I fell asleep or not - I doubt it - but it was on the floor when I woke.   I looked through my drawers, trying to find something to wear. Everything felt confining - a weight on my shoulders, a pull against my legs, and itch here or there - that sort of thing. So instead I just went out into the living room and sat down. The box to the...

4 years ago
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Card PartyChapter 27 Another Wednesday

Kyle was driving, and Andy was buckled into the center seat in the back. He put his arm around Patti and they snuggled. His hand slipped into her top to caress her breast. Patti kissed him briefly and began the wriggles and twists that removed her little bra. “Better?” she asked. “Lots,” Andy murmured and kissed her back. Patti shivered as he thumbed her nipple. Sally, riding shotgun, asked “Where are Henry and Donna? Don’t you usually hang out with them?” “They’re off with Rob and Eileen...

4 years ago
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Nikis New LifeChapter 19 Wild Wednesday

Wednesday morning. Niki groaned, her body feeling more than a little sore as she felt the hard floor beneath her. Patting one of the dogs, Milo she thought as she felt the soft hair of the Husky, she wondered what had awoken her. The house was still very quiet, and the light outside her window told her it was not yet dawn ... but dawn would come soon. Rolling over, trying to fall back asleep, she felt the pressure in her bladder and remembered she had not gone outside before bed. Muttering a...

4 years ago
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Home StudiesDay 28 Wednesday

Wednesday is clit-day. I’ve just decided. So, Anna’s tiny love-button is going to get its come-uppence today. The owner of said love-button is lying on her bed with her legs spread wide, very relaxed, despite having her wrists and ankles tied down to limit her movement. To get us in the mood, I press a vibrator to the little nub, until it is nice and swollen, ready for action. When I put it away, I also put a blindfold on my sister. I don’t want her to see what’s coming. I choose a strong...

2 years ago
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Chuck and Maggie Naked in SchoolPart 3 Wednesday

I got to school fairly early Wednesday morning. I went to the entrance, and Chuck was already there. "Hey, Braden," I said. "Well, good morning, Benson," he grinned at me. "You're mighty chipper this morning," I said. "I got a good night's sleep," he grinned at me. "Funny, so did I," I laughed. "Hey, listen. Is that offer you made to me yesterday morning still open?" He looked at me, puzzled, for a moment, and then smiled. "It sure is." "Good," was all I said. He...

4 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Opening WeekPart 3 Wednesday

Upon awakening, the first thing I sensed was nakedness, complete nakedness: no bedspread, no blanket, no sheet, no bedclothes. Just me, my ever-present erection and the air. The door was open for anyone who wanted to peek. Dignity at that point wasn't much of an option. Blithely and boldly I navigated the hallway and seized the bathroom before the twins or anyone else took it over. I tried my new pissing exercises for a few minutes, but achieved no real success. Instead, I began my shower...

2 years ago
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Frankie and Cassie Naked In SchoolPart 3 Wednesday

I got to school the next morning, and met up with Cass. Everything seemed fine, she was her normal self. We went to the entrance, got undressed, and went inside. That's when all hell broke loose. We walked in, and noticed people huddled in knots at various points along the corridor. We went to one of them, and took a look. People were looking at something that had been hung up on the walls. GodDAMMIT! Someone had gotten a camera. Somehow, they had taken a picture of Cassie-not all of...

1 year ago
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Bloody Wednesdays

Well the big day had finally arrived. Almost three months had passed since my sky-diving adventure and 'Those who know' had decided it was time for me to go home. They tried to give the impression that I was well down the path to recovery but I knew that my medical insurance was about all done and it would be hard to get anything from the outfit that had put me in hospital in the first place. I had received one visit from that bastard instructor but he left in a hurry when I managed to throw...

2 years ago
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Cruel Wednesdays

I couldn’t have not noticed her, I realize that in hindsight. The moment my eyes encountered her, though, the fascination acted like a switch to my young brain and disrupted all the circuits but the primal ones. You’d have noticed her too, had you been in my place. Among the sea of hectic tourists in their garish outfits, she was like an epiphany. Huge, dark eyes that appeared to look right into a different world, above high, exotic cheekbones and a finely chiseled nose drew my look like...

2 years ago
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Evening Classes on Wednesdays

The day that Vicky and I got married was the happiest day of my life. At the time I knew for a fact that she had never gone out with anyone else. We had always attended the same schools together, and as soon as she was allowed to date by her mother, I became her first and only boyfriend she ever had. She never had another boyfriend beside me, not because she was ugly or anything likes that, far from it, she was and still is one of the most beautiful girls in Hardrock. No, from the very first...

2 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 3 Another Wednesday

Toni went on vacation for a couple of weeks and came back with pictures that passed around the table. "Where is this, Toni?' Dana asked, looking up from the photograph. "That's Cabo San Lucas. Down at the end of Baja California. I go there often. There's not too many people and you get to see a lot of gray whales - they seem to hang out in the Gulf there.' "You speak Spanish?' Dana asked. "Yeah, some. Enough to get by when it comes to food and that stuff. Not to talk to the...

2 years ago
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Sharons Nude Weekend Friday Night

Sharon stood out the front of the large sandstone Rose Bay home and slowly unfolded the piece of paper in her hand. She checked the number against those written on the oil stained page that had been torn hastily from a notepad and handed to her three weeks earlier. With a wave over her shoulder the taxi driver pulled away, leaving her alone to begin the second stage of her burgeoning sexual development. The Sydney sunset reflected off the stain glass windows and although expecting to hear music...

3 years ago
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Sharon does the neighbours

“Bugger,” Sharon tilted her laptop backwards and checked underneath, half expecting to see its innards hanging out. “Piece of shit computer.”Marcus finished chopping the onions and through teary eyes checked out the computer.“What did it do?” he asked. “Did any message pop up?”“Nothing,” she said and forlornly pressed the power button. “And yes it’s fully charged.”She mashed at the keyboard before slamming down the lid and pushing it across the kitchen bench.“Why do they always shit themselves...

1 year ago
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Sharon Humiliated

Sharon got to the gym very late that night. In fact, it was closed. However being the "Queen of the Gym" had its advantages so she let herself in with her key. The owner, Steve, liked her very much and enjoyed having a world class female bodybuilder around. He thought it was good for business and most of the men at the gym loved having a "big girl" that could keep up with them and she often outclassed them. Sharon loved showing up the muscle studs and undoubtedly had the strongest legs of...

1 year ago
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Sharons night at The Gathering

Sharon flipped the phone onto her bed and turned to the hotel window. Two nights in Melbourne and apart from a few of her colleagues, she knew no one. Twelve stories below, the good people of the city shuffled home. Her phone beeped once more alerting her to a message from her husband Marcus.‘Go ahead’, the message read, ‘I told you to cut loose without me.’Sharon always loved playing with Marcus there, it gave her safety and security. ‘I sent you Mark’s contact details, call him,’Sharon...

4 years ago
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Sharon Gets Her Way

Francis threw open the door and said sternly to Daniel “it is unacceptable, you just forgot, so you are so going to get a spanking.”   Daniel looked up and immediately knew what she meant. Francis, his fiancé, asked him to take her library book back whilst she was at the shop. It was the last day so now she gets a fine and had made it clear, like very clear indeed, that she would put him across her lap if he forgot. Well, he did forget as he got engrossed in a game of cards with Francis’s...

2 years ago
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Sharon Does the Neighbours

"Bugger," Sharon tilted her laptop backwards and checked underneath, half expecting to see its innards hanging out. "Piece of shit computer." Marcus finished chopping the onions and through teary eyes checked out the computer. "What did it do?" he asked. "Did any message pop up?" "Nothing," she said and forlornly pressed the power button. "And yes it's fully charged." She mashed at the keyboard before slamming down the lid and pushing it across the kitchen bench. "Why do...

3 years ago
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Sharon our Mom gets trained 5

"You know what would be a great idea, we should invite the whole family to your next birthday. It's a long time since we had a real family party, would be great to see them again, don't you think" Phil asked. "Mmm" Sharon answered, her mouth full of Phil's cock. They were in their bedroom, they were watching a porn movie together and after having played with each other for a while, Phil ordered Tits to suck him off. She was naked, her big breasts pressing against Phil's stomach as she sucked...

3 years ago
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SHARON by Leigh DeSantaFe David Hausman sat in the bathtub in a soaking stupor, clouds of dissipating suds popping softly around his knees. His mind wandered out to the bedroom where he had laid out his clothes for the evening. He was fixated on the shiny new French maid's outfit with tulle petticoats that he received at his P.O. box two weeks before. It had remained virginal for those two tremulous weeks because of scheduling conflicts. His second wife, Sharon, though...

2 years ago
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Sharons Visit

For years Sharon had been on the receiving end of corporal punishment.She could never settle at school and very often found herself before the Head Nun or the visiting Abbot and having her bottom spanked. Now aged 40 she felt an urge to attend the Monastery of Repentance every now again to receive a spanking by way of chastisement and to help her cope with the day to day pressure in her life.She had been told that confession and spanking were very the****utic and she believed they were,having a...

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Sharon our Mom gets trained 4

After Karen joined the family, Sharon's sexual services were even more in demand than before. She really liked the young woman and Karen was only happy to use her every way she could think of.Sharon always had a submissive streak in her personality, but it was never explored in full before now. She was satisfied when someone took the decisions in her life, also of course in her sex life. When they were younger, Phil often dared her to try new things, things that she secretly dreamed of, but...

3 years ago
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Sharon and Marcia

Sharon and Marcia - by: Marcia Spencer It was the third time that Mark had seen her at Sears. She was striking, just slightly taller than the average young woman, with her hair cut in a short style. She wore more makeup than he liked, but it seemed consistent with a certain air of attentiveness, maybe even of strong-mindedness that seemed her most outstanding characteristic. Obviously, her normal duties were in the lingerie department. It was his third stop at the Mesquite,...

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