Amanda's Journey Into Domination Part 4 Thunder In The East free porn video

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Amanda's Journey Into Domination Part 4 Chapter 71 Jennifer and Emily arrive for breakfast, we are having fresh fruit and cottage cheese. Emily looks excited, nervous and tense all at once. I know she's got to have a thousand questions going through her head, so I ask her. "What are the rules? Am I going to have to eat my cum every time I orgasm?" "Ok darling, here's what I can tell you, everything else you'll learn from Mistress." "1. You must never cum without permission. If you get caught, you'll be locked in chastity." "2. Yes, you are required to clean up every drop of cum you produce. Even if it's not your own." "3. You will obey every command Susan, Jennifer, or I give you. Remember you will always follow Mistress Madison's orders above Jennifer's or mine." "4. You will never call Mistress, Susan. You must always call her Mistress at home, and Ms Madison in public...No exceptions. When we introduce you, use Ms Madison until told otherwise." "5. You will be introduced as Emily, do not try and correct her, or mention the name Ed, or Edward." "And one more thing, which is the most important...If Susan dismisses you, do not make a scene. We will provide transportation back to LA, and compensate you for your time." Jennifer chimes in, "remember, Emily, we have you dressed on video. If you're dismissed, don't even think about talking about your experience. " "It will prove to be a very expensive undertaking, and we have much deeper pockets than you, not to mention we'll destroy your career, understand?" I look at Jennifer with a raised brow, was the threat really necessary? Emily looks at Jen with fear in her eyes. "I promised Mistress Amanda I wouldn't talk, why did you just threaten me?" Jennifer looks him dead in the eye, and says, "Because Emily, this is a life changing opportunity! If Mistress accepts you, you'll live beyond your wildest dreams." "We're talking traveling the world, and cooking for the uber rich, and famous. That's a hard thing to walk away from, surely you understand how someone might get disgruntled and seek revenge." "Yeah, I can see your point, but still, there's no need for threats." "Emily, I have a list of the meals we would like you to prepare, why don't you go make a list of the ingredients you'll need to buy when we get back to Vegas... We're leaving in twenty minutes. Mistress, can we step outside?" We step outside and I light a cigarette. I turn to Jen and say, "Alright, why the hell did you threaten Emily? What do you know that I don't?" "Princess, sit down...SIT!" I sit, and feel my old foe, the frozen fist, return to squeeze my heart. "I spoke with Mistress this morning. She watched the video this morning...She's not happy." "What...Why?" "She feels he's just a fetish dresser, and won't adapt to living as a woman. She also think's he's too tall and too heavy." "But he's only an inch taller than you, and the same height as Mistress! You know I can whip him into shape! I don't understand." "Princess, it doesn't matter what I know, she has final say. We should have stuck to the original plan, and seduced her choice at home, under her guidance." "Be honest, would anyone even mistake Mistress for a guy in heels, or me for that matter?" "No Mistress," I reply with my eyes downcast. "So, what do we do? Do we just cut him loose here and now?" "No, she knows how much effort we've put into him. She'll grant him an interview, and allow him to cook for us." "Just prepare yourself for the probability of her dismissing him, ok?" I fight to hold back the tears, Jennifer hugs me, and kisses my hair. Chapter 72 I compose myself and we head back inside. Emily is walking toward us, holding my phone. "It's Deanna Frost." I take the phone and I agree to meet the band at Ruth's Chris at 11:00 I ring for a bellhop as Jennifer arranges for a Town Car to pick us up. I leave a $50 for the maid, and head downstairs to check out. As I head down, I phone our Pilot and have him prepare the Gulfstream G650 for a 1:00 departure. I meet Jennifer and a nervous Emily in the lobby, and we head out for lunch. "Are we really meeting the whole band? This is unbelievable! I can't wait to tell my friends!" "Emily, dear, are you going to tell them about your tits too?" Jennifer says snakily. Emily has a look of total shock, followed by one of utter despair. "That was mean, Jen." I tilt my head at the driver, before shooting a questioning look at her. She seems pissed about something, but now is not the time to talk. Chapter 73 We arrive at Ruth's and join the band, Emily is on cloud nine. Deanna says to me, "so bitch, I thought you were bringing the stud, wh...No fuckin way! Are you kiddin me?" "Deanna, meet Emily, she was bad yesterday and needed a lesson in humility." Hilarity ensues, with the band giving Emily all kinds of shit. "How kinky! I had no idea Amanda! You seem like such a prude." She lowers her voice and asks, "how did you manage it, and does it work?" I smile and hold up my pinky and wrap my soda straw wrapper around it. "Yes De, it works, just look at how red her face is." We shoot the shit for awhile before Deanna says, "you're coming to the show at Sam Boyd Stadium next month aren't you?" "Jen and I were planning on attending, why?" "Well, the band and I want to bring you onstage to thank you for everything you've done for us." "Ah, I don't think so, I appreciate the gesture, but it's not necessary. I couldn't walk out there in front of so many people!" "We won't take no for an answer! If I have to send the roadies out to kidnap you, I will..." "Come on Mandypoo, it'll be fun! All you have to do is come out, we'll thank you, play your favorite song, and that's it. What do you think, Jen?" Jennifer gets her "I'm reveling in your dismay," look and replies, "I think I can talk her into it." Chapter 74 "Good! Then it's settled. BTW, I hear you shred on a four string, is it true?" "Who told you that?" "It doesn't matter, so you any good?" "I dabble, that's it." "That's not what a little birdie told me yesterday." De says with a "cat who ate the canary look." "Well, your little bird, wouldn't know good music if it slapped her in the ass!" I say staring at Jennifer. "Jen, the truth, how good is Manda?" "Honestly, I don't really listen to rock, but Mandypoodles here once claimed she was better than Mike Anthony, but not as good as Steve Harris, or a Geddy Lee, whoever the hell they are." "Oh, really?" Sandra the Bassist chimes in. She looks at me and asks, "Billy Sheehan, Kim Deal, Bootsie Collins?" "No, maybe, wrong genre, I don't play funk." "You really think you're that good?" She continues with much skepticism. "Honestly, I haven't really thought that much about it. I was trying to .impress Jennifer" "Woah, easy there Kitten, put the claws away. We're all friends here, right Mandy?" "You know I hate when you call me Mandy, don't you, Annie?" "Yeah, I know, but you're so easy to tweak.!" Kayleigh the guitarist asks, "Emily, I gotta know what you did to have "Emily" accept this?" "I ah, I called Mis...Miss Amanda a liar." "Miss Amanda? Why do I get the impression there's more to this story?" Jennifer jumps in, "Emily here thought she was a better pool player, and lost a bet, nothing more." "Ok, but why is he in drag, and breast forms, really?" "I cross dress, and bet Amanda for a make over, Amanda upped the stakes, and I lost. But I'd gladly dress to meet you guys." "I think it's cool," Leslie the drummer chimes in. "I think it takes a lot of balls." Emily is blushing furiously at Leslie's comment. "Like I was saying, before I was interrupted, GIRLS! Amanda, we won't take no for an answer, we expect you up on stage with us in Vegas, got it?" "I'll make sure she's there, I promise." Jennifer say's with a wicked smile. God, she infuriates me sometimes! Emily asks for autographs, and Leslie jokes about signing her tits. She has a look in her eye that tells me that there's more to the joke than she's letting on. I'd have to say she's into Emily's cross dressing, because she flirts with her throughout the remainder of lunch. We finish our meal, and part company, we head to the jet and fly home to Vegas, I watch Leslie and Emily's lingering goodbye, and nudge Jennifer. Chapter 75 On the jet I have a chat with Emily, "Em, did you make a list of ingredients? We'll introduce you to Susan, give you a tour of the kitchen and I'll take you shopping." "Yeah, ok. Hey, thanks a lot for introducing me to the band, they were really cool about the...You know." "You're welcome, but you need to focus here, I need you to cook your ass off today. I expect three perfect dishes, ok?" "Yeah, sure, I'll take care of it." "Be sure that you do, I'm counting on you. Now stay here and go over the menu, I need to speak to Jennifer. " I walk to the back of the cabin where Jennifer is working on her laptop. "Mistress, can you spare a minute?" "Uh oh, I know that look, what's wrong Princess?" "I think I lost Emily." I tell her with a strained voice "Go on," "Ever since she met Leslie, she's acting distracted, and as if her thoughts are elsewhere." "Would you like me to remind her of her place?" "That's the thing, if she was accepted by Mistress, I believe I could deal with the issue..." "But since you're not confident Mistress will accept her..." "Exactly! If Mistress rejects Emily, I don't know what to do." "Well, for one thing, we do know you'll spend some quality time with the Boss if she's rejected." "Mistress, please," I plead, "I know I'm to be punished, I deserve it, but what should we do about Emily?" "If Mistress rejects her, I'll take care of it." "I should be the one..." "Amanda! I said I'll take care of it! Do not argue with me, understand?" "Yes Mistress," I finish forlornly. Chapter 76 We land in Vegas at 2:30 and Jennifer has a car waiting for us. We arrive at the estate at 3:30, and Emily whistles in appreciation. We drop our bags in the foyer, and I bring Emily to the kitchen to look around while Jen and I go see Mistress in the office. Susan greets us with a kiss, and we have a seat across from her at her desk. She's wearing a Vercase Side-Ruched Dress, nude stockings and a pair of Valentino Studded Bow Pumps. Her make up is Smokey Wine & Gold Glitter and Stare At Me lipstick... My God does she look phenomenal! (make up courtesy of brilliantbrnette81 on utube. lipstick Rimmel) "Amanda, how did you come to choose Emily, is it?" "Yes Mistress, when we did our preliminary interviews I though I spotted garter straps and a high cut panty line under Emily's clothes." "That was very observant of you." "Thank you Mistress, I thought that if she was a cross dresser, she would be easier to enslave." "When we went back for our second interview, I verified that she was wearing a bra under her Chef's coat, so I decided to start the seduction this weekend." "Jennifer, how far did you get with your choice?" "Mistress, I talked her out..." "Amanda, I'm speaking to Jennifer, be quiet and let her speak for herself!" "Yes Mistress." I say, dropping my head in shame. "Amanda pointed out to me that my selection has a very big ego, not to mention a very heavy beard." "I decided to help with her selection instead of pursuing mine for those reasons." "I see, so you didn't think between the three of us we would be dominant enough to enslave him?" Chapter 77 WTF, what's up with Susan today? After careful thought Jennifer says, "Mistress, I'm not questioning your power over men, or our training." "My choice was poor from the start, it was based purely on lust. Miguel really thinks he's the next super star Chef, and after giving it a lot of thought, didn't think his machismo would allow him to settle for a personal Chef position." Susan stares at us for a few minutes before saying, "Alright girls, we'll speak more about this later, let's not keep Emily waiting any longer, Amanda, please retrieve her and some wine." I head to the kitchen to find Emily rooting through the spice rack and taking notes. "Emily, it's time to meet Ms Madison, answer any questions she may ask, and follow every command. Make sure to curtsy when I introduce you." I grab a bottle of Pinot and open it to breath, and escort Emily to the office. I knock, and we enter upon command, Jennifer is standing behind Susan's right shoulder. Susan has remained seated. I bring Emily, who's a ball of tension, to the front of the desk, and say... Chapter 78 "Mistress, this is Emily, Emily, say hello to Ms Madison." Susan's look of cool appraisal changes to a warm smile as she say's, "Hello Emily, thank you for coming to our home to cook for us, my you look lovely today." Emily curtsy's and says, "ah, um ah, thank you for inviting me, Ms Madison, I hope you'll enjoy my cooking." I grab three glasses from the bar and pour the wine. Mistress gestures to the chair and Em has a seat. I hand a glass of wine to Susan, Jennifer, and Emily before stepping behind Susan's left shoulder. "You're not joining us Amanda?" "No, Mistress, I have to take Emily shopping for ingredients." "Very well... Emily my dear, do tell me a little about yourself." They converse covering Em's past and future aspirations. I can see the tension leaving Emily as Susan's cult of personality takes charge. I can tell that Emily is completely smitten and captivated by Mistress, hell she even has Jennifer and myself a little tongue tied today. "So Emily, did you find our kitchen to your liking?" "Very much so, Ms MmMadison, I love your Range, and Butlers pantry. I will have no problems cooking in there." "Very good dear, now if there's anything you'll need for this evening's service, tell Amanda, and she'll get it for you. Jennifer, please come with me." Mistress stands and Jennifer follows her out of the office. "Alrighty Emmy, let's go shopping." I say with false cheer. Chapter 79 "Ah Amanda..." "I stop, turn, and raise a brow at her. "Oops, my bad. Is Ms Madison always so intimidating? I was afraid to speak to her." "Knees, NOW!" She drops in alarm. "Who do you think you're speaking to? Oops? My BAD? Amanda? You are my SLAVE Emily! I expect you to respect your position at all times!" My voice rises a little too loud as I continue, "haven't we made things perfectly clear by now? Don't you realize this is our lifestyle, and not a fucking GAME?" "I I I'm sorry Amanda, but I'm scared right now." "YOU WILL CALL ME MIS..." "Amanda Renee, go upstairs to my suite, NOW! Emily, I'll have a word with you." I run upstairs, careful to hide the tears in my eyes, and wait for Mistress. Chapter 80 Susan steps into the office and sits behind her desk, Jennifer is with her. "Emily, thank you for coming but I'm afraid you're not the Chef we're looking for. Thank you for coming." "But you haven't even tried my cooking!" "Edward, I'm looking for more than a Chef, you should have realized that by now. I do not appreciate the disrespect you just showed Amanda." Susan pulls a check book out of her desk drawer. "Here is a check for $5000 for your time, Jennifer will remove the breast forms, and you can change into your male clothes unless you would rather fly home in drag." "She'll arrange a flight back to LA, either way, you're dismissed." Jennifer shoots Ed a look that screams, don't make a scene, and says, "Let's go Ed." Jennifer takes his arm and escorts him out of the office. "But..." "Save it for the car!" Jennifer leads Ed to our suite to remove the tits. He changes before heading to the garage, and they depart. Chapter 81 Susan enters her suite to find me standing in her sitting area, staring out into nothing. "Well Amanda, that was quite the scene, care to explain yourself?" I kneel at her feet and tearfully reply, "Oh Mistress, I was so wrong about him. I really thought he would be easy to enslave because of his cross dressing." "I'm afraid I'll have to punish you for your arrogance, you must learn form this error if you're ever to become a Mistress of my house." "I know Mistress. When would you like me to be downstairs?" "6:00 my love. Now come outside and tell me where you think you went wrong." I pour us a glass of wine and we step outside for a cigarette. Susan gestures for me to sit, and raises a brow in expectation. "Mistress, as we were interviewing the Chef's it dawned on me that the really good ones all had type A personalities. They were all cocky, and full of themselves." "Even the mediocre students had an attitude, and acted like Michelin owed them a star just for cooking." "I see, so why didn't you suggest to Jennifer you should scrap the plan, and think of a new one?" "Because we interviewed Ed. He wasn't like the rest, he didn't have the ego or the career expectations as the others." Chapter 82 "So, what happened?" "My plan was to seduce him into dressing, and get him to commit to serving us." "Where did it go wrong? After all there were two of you seducing him." "We had the usual objections, but I thought we finally overcame them. We have him on tape agreeing to serve us unconditionally." "But?..." "My first mistake was not realizing he was a fetish dresser. He was fine dressed as long as he was aroused and thought he'd get laid." "And?" "Well we ran into Deanna Frost and went out to lunch with the band this afternoon." "You see, last night I told Ed he would have to stay dressed all day as punishment for something he said." "It turns out Leslie, the drummer thought Ed was great, especially in drag, and it appears there's an attraction there." "I see, so Ed was distracted by this drummer girl?" "I ah well my methods may have something to do with it." Susan raises her brow expectantly. "Oh Mistress, I am so weak! Last night, after we spoke, I started having doubts about my dominance." "I let a few things slide that I should have clamped down on." Chapter 83 Susan looks on with interest, "please continue." "I should have held a tighter leash on him, but I hesitated after I thought he didn't meet your expectations, I am so sorry I've let you down, Mistress." I say tearfully. Susan stands and takes me in her arms and says softly. "Oh sweetheart, we all make mistakes, this was your first experience in enslaving a person." "Of course I forgive you, I must still punish you, but my love, you're still my very good girl, and I love you with all my heart." She kisses my forehead and then gives me a lingering kiss on my lips. I feel the love and tenderness poured into that kiss, and wish it would never end. "Thank you Mistress, I love you so much." "I love you too, my precious pet. Please stop crying, and we'll come up with a new plan." "Yes Mistress, by the way, you look incredible today, that dress and those shoes... Wow!" "Thank you love, Cindy and I had brunch with Nonnie Pelousy and her husband." "God, I wish Harrah's would fire her!" "Now now darling, leave her to me." "Yes Mistress." "Good girl, now go unpack, and prepare yourself for your punishment. We'll come up with a plan over dinner. How does Wing Li sound?" "Excellent, Mistress, thank you, for enslaving me." She smiles her million dollar smile and kisses me again. Chapter 84 I'm floating on cloud 9 as I head upstairs to unpack and shower. "Mistress still loves me!" I'm thinking as I sort through my laundry, "she forgives me!" I shower, then give myself a 6 liter enema, before I douche myself and get ready for my punishment. *Interlude* Jennifer & Ed "What the hell was that? Why did she dismiss me? What did I do wrong?" "You mean other than the disrespect you showed Amanda today?" "What disrespect, damn it?" "Are you serious? Ever since lunch you've called her Amanda. On the plane everything she told you went in one ear, and out the other." "I'm sorry! But don't you think that your restrictions are a little strict?" "Ed, you accepted our terms last night! Amanda gave you multiple opportunities to leave! I would have dismissed you on the balcony." "Don't give me the "I didn't understand," bullshit argument." "Yeah, but a slave? And making me go out dressed like a girl? You didn't find that strange?" "No Ed, I think she chose the appropriate punishment for you! I didn't hear you complaining at Shine, or at lunch today." "Now remember, not a word about what happened this weekend, to anyone." "If we hear you bad mouthed Amanda, or Ms Madison, not only will I release all the video we have of you, but I'll personally destroy any relationship you might start with Leslie." "Do you understand me, Ed?" "Yeah yeah, I heard this shit before. I'll remain quiet, you have my word. Just get me to the airport so I can get the fuck out of your life." They drive on in silence for ten minutes before Jennifer says, "Yanno Ed, I actually had fun last night. It was fun dancing with someone who likes to dance." "Yeah, last night was actually the best night of my life. I'm really sorry I couldn't cook for Ms Madison." "Me too, Ed, me too. Tell you what, when we get to the airport, I'll write you a check. Buy yourself a new set of tits, and have fun, ok?" "Why? Why would you do that?" "Because your a good guy, Ed. A terrible slave, but a good guy." Chapter 85 Jennifer arrives home at 5;30, she enters our suite to find me douching. "Cleansing for me? You shouldn't have!" She says with a grin. "Sorry cupcake, this ass is spoken for tonight. If you're lucky, I may allow you sloppy seconds." Jennifer wrestles me to the bed and straddles me. "Cupcake is it? If I'm lucky? You may allow me sloppy seconds?" Jennifer starts tickling my naked ribs making me squirm and squeal. I beg her to stop between fits of laughter. "Please Mistress Cupcake, I'm beggin you with all sincerity! Please stop torturing me, I'll spill the beans, I'll talk, just please stop." She grabs my wrists and forces them above my head. She leans down to within inches of my face, and whispers, "alright slave, spill it." She leans in and starts kissing my neck. "Oh Gawd Mistress, please don't make me cum, oohh damn I love you so much, please stop. I have to be downstairs by 6:00 for my punishment." She sits up and says, "she's punishing you...Tonight?" "Yes Mistress." "Then why are you in such a good mood?" "Because she loves us, and forgives me." "Uh oook Princess, I'll never understand you, but I'll be here if you need me later." I sit up and kiss her passionately, before saying, "thank you Mistress." She climbs off me and runs to see Susan before my punishment starts. I slip on a Kimono and head downstairs. I step into the dungeon, remove my Kimono, and kneel in the center of the room to await my Mistress. Chapter 86 Susan steps into the dungeon exactly at 6. She's wearing a Dark Garden Classic Victorian custom corset, Frederick's Flutter Leg Crotchless Panty, and Syren latex thigh high boots. The boots look like they've been painted on, as they hug every curve and muscle of her shapely legs. She's dressed to kill in all black I lower myself and press my forehead to the hardwood floor. "Well my pet, I see you're prepared for for your penance, what fun shall we have tonight?" Chapter 87 Susan bends at the waist and grabs a fistful of my hair and drags me to my feet. Mistress backhands my left cheekbone hard enough to turn my head, and causing her fist to yank on my hair. I keep my eyes down as she drags me to the cross. She binds me, spread eagle, facing the wall, before walking to the cabinet on the wall. She turns on the iPod plugged into the dock, and I recognize the song. It's Iron Maiden's Powerslave...Talk about irony! I sense her approach me from behind and she yanks on my hair, forcing my head back. She forces a penis gag in my mouth, strapping it tightly behind my head. "A good slave should be seen and not heard, isn't that so?" Susan whispers in my right ear. I nod even though i know the question was rhetorical. Susan starts rubbing and slapping my ass, and I know she's warming me up for her flogger. I'm wrong, she has two floggers. I feel the sting of criss crossing strokes across my shoulders as she finds her rhythm. The strikes fall up and down my back, across my ass, and down my legs, driving me deep into subspace. Susan seems to be lost in the moment because the flogging seems to last a long, long time. She finally stops after thirty minutes, my back, ass, and thighs are bright red and very tender. Chapter 88 Susan releases my bindings and forces me to turn 180 degrees before retying me to the cross facing her. This time she secures me at my waist, and upper thigh. She walks over to the bathroom and returns with a damp washcloth. She gently wipes my tear streaked face, and snot coated nose. Humming, she returns the floggers to the cabinet, and returns with nipple clamps, a cedar plank 5.5" long, and 3/4 of an inch wide, and some boot string. The plank is tapered on one end, and has a shallow trench carved down it's length. It has three small eye bolts protruding from each side. Susan stares into my glazed eyes as she cups my tits. "My you are such a lovely slave," she murmurs as she starts pinching my nipples. She lowers her lips and sucks on each nipple very hard, bringing them to full erection. Mistress clamps each nipple and tugs on the chain to make sure the clamps are secure. Susan steps back and appraises her work. She smiles and drops to her knees in front of me. She takes my flaccid cock in her mouth and brings me to hardness. Mistress is sucking my cock! She NEVER sucks cock! Susan slips and adjustable cock ring around my now erect cock and returns to blowing me. I start squirming in ecstasy, and Susan watches me carefully for signs of orgasm. I stare at her and start blinking rapidly after eight minutes. I feel my orgasm building and rattle my wrist restraints to let her know I'm about to cum. Chapter 89 Susan tugs on the adjustable cock ring tightening it, and trapping my load of cum in my erect penis. She smiles wickedly and say's "you're such a good girl for warning me." Susan starts humming again as she picks up the plank, and places it beneath my cock. She shoves the tapered edge into my scrotum, and quickly laces the boot string. Once she's done, the plank is secured to the underside of my cock, with the boot lace forming a diamond criss cross pattern across the top of my cock. My cock fits into the shallow trench perfectly, and the board ends at the base of my head, leaving it totally exposed. My cock quickly turns purple with all of the cum trapped in it. Susan looks very pleased with her work. "You have such a beautiful cock, my pet, I really should take advantage of it more often." Susan kisses the tip before pushing it down toward the floor. The tapered end digs into the skin of my scrotum, and pushes the base of my cock upwards. The effect is excruciating, as the plank applies pressure on my fluid loaded cock, and I feel pain deep in my bowels. I scream a silent scream through my gag, and squeeze my eyes shut tightly. Susan's smiling as she grabs a camera, and starts taking pictures of my bound cock. "Oh my pet, my design seems to work better than I expected. Does it hurt much?" I can only nod, with a four inch dildo shoved in my mouth. "Excellent, I must play with Jennifer soon." Susan stands, sets the camera down, and opens a drawer under the toy cabinet. Chapter 90 She returns with an 8" stainless sound. She kneels again, and sticks the sound in my urethra. She has the sound in about three inches, when I pass out from the pain. Susan snaps an Ammonia capsule under my nose, bringing me back from the darkness. I'm still bound to the cross, and notice she's removed the gag (which I bit 1/2 through) and the sound. She removes the nipple clamps, sending shooting pain throughout my tits. My body shivers in pain, but I'm somehow able to choke down the scream. Susan gently washes my face again and asks, "Amanda darling, are you hear with me?" I nod my head slowly, causing my tits to jiggle, sending more pain shooting through my nipples. "Talk to me, love, are you ok?" "Y...Yes Mistress, I'm ok." She kisses me tenderly, and stares into my eyes for a few minutes. I stare back dully, but see the love and compassion in her eyes. Chapter 91 Susan walks over to the security panel, and shuts the cameras off before returning to me. "Amanda, you must tell no one about what you experience next, understand my love?" "Yes Mistress, I swear." "Thank you, love, you may cum at anytime without permission, understand?" "Yes Mistress." Susan sinks to her knees and unties my cock. She removes the plank before setting it aside. I look down at her and watch in amazement as she swallows my cock again. She loosens the cock ring, with my cock still in her mouth, and quickly deep throats me. I close my eyes and cum. My cock throbs as it spurts wave after wave of cum down Susan's throat. She sucks me clean, and my cock goes limp before she releases me and stands up. I expect her to snow ball me, but she starts releasing me from my restraints. "Thank you, Mistress," I whisper with tear filled eyes. She smiles and caresses my face. I know deep in my heart I just experienced something very special, and a wave of emotion almost overwhelms me. Chapter 92 Susan walks me to the bathroom and warms up the shower for me. To my surprise she strips and joins me in the shower. I become extremely aroused by the sensation of her soapy fingers touching me from head to toe. I lather her up in return, and can see the arousal building in her as well. We rinse off and Susan takes me in her arms. She starts kissing me as her fingers play with my tits, and I see pure lust in her eyes. I return the kisses and let my fingers explore her body. I use my right hand to start rubbing her clit as I lick her nipples. Oh my God! What's going on here? She's treating me like a lover, not a slave! She has a softer side! She puts her hands on my shoulders and pushes me to my knees. "Lick me, my love," she commands and throws her head back as I start lapping up her juices. I quickly bring her to orgasm, and continue to bury my face in her exquisite pussy, and drink in her nectar. Susan turns the water off and orders me to lay down. I lay on my back and she quickly lowers herself onto my hard cock. Susan starts riding me hard, squeezing my tits, with her eyes closed. "Oh yes lover, just like that! Now harder, harder I said! Yes, like that...Ah ah oh oh oh yesssss!" I can feel her spasm over and over as she has multiple orgasms. "Cum with me, love! Cum in me now!" I blow my second load in ten minutes, unfuckinbelievable! Jen can't even get me off that quickly a second time. "Shall I clean my mess?" I ask softly as Susan stands up. She looks down at me blankly for a moment before she nods. Damn it! I think I just blew a wonderful moment with Susan. Fuck me! I roll to my knees and lick my cum out of her pussy as she turns the water back on. We finish our shower in silence, and I dry her off before wrapping her in a Kimono. I dry off, grab my Kimono and follow Susan outside for a cigarette. Chapter 93 Jennifer joins us and I watch Susan return to her affectionate but aloof dominant persona. It saddens me and a I wonder what it's like to be Susan Madison. Has she ever had a vanilla relationship? Has she ever dreamed of meeting the right guy, and being married? Or has her dominance always exerted itself upon every relationship? As much as I wonder what it would be like if Susan met her equal, I honestly wouldn't be able to submit to a man, were she to accept him. I know that seems silly, with all the blow jobs I've given to her friends, and our ladies while enslaved. But those were under her command, and perfectly justifiable, to me anyway. "Dinner will be her in forty minutes," Jennifer says before lighting up a cigarette. "Thank you darling. Now what shall we do about our situation? We can either try another cooking academy, or we can try something else." I say, "Well, based on our results so far, finding a trained Chef maybe a long, drawn out process. We could try another school..." Jennifer quickly chimes in, "or we could find the slave first, and send her to cooking school instead of beauty school." I wink and Jen in admiration and Susan say's, "hmm, that's one approach we didn't think of before. Very good, Sweetheart." Chapter 94 "Ok, where do we find him?" Susan asks, "do we try the life insurance lure again? It worked very well the last time." She winks at me, as I blush. "Mistress, her ego is inflated enough, must you inflate it further?" I stick my tongue out at a smiling Jennifer. "I'm gonna go throw some clothes on, I'll brb." I run upstairs and examine myself in the mirror, my cheek might bruise, but other than a bit of swelling, my clitty looks ok. I forgo a gaff and settle for a thong. I grab a pair of sweats, my Volbeat Tee, and a pair of Missoni PM04 Wedges. I head back down and find Jennifer in the office. "Mistress went up to dress, are you ok?" We both know better than to ask for details, so I nod, and step into her waiting arms. She examines my cheek and winces, "better get some ice on that, Princess." She runs to the kitchen and grabs a ice pack and dish towel. "Thanks, my love, yeah, I'm ok. So have you decided on a new plan?" "Not yet, we'll brainstorm over dinner." "Good, I've got an idea I wanna run past you." "Princess, are you sure? Didn't your last plan become epic fail?" "Laugh it up, bitch, maybe we should send you on a comedy tour." Susan is chuckling as she walk into the office. "I just love you two, when you're not insulting each other, you're fucking like horny teens." "Oh Mistress, we'll have to record our pillow talk for you, some of our best insults happen under the covers." "Oh my God, Jennifer! At least have the courtesy to act embarrassed when our Mistress calls us on our sexual depravity!" Susan is laughing so hard she has to wipe the tears out of her eyes. "God, it's good to have you girls home." Mistress says with her smile. These are my favorite moments, everything is perfect in my world. The doorbell rings and Jennifer fetches the food. She returns and says, "Oh Amanda, the driver needs a tip...He promises to rove you rong time." Which sets Susan off on another fit of laughter. We head to the kitchen and I grab the plates and silverware while Jennifer opens a bottle of Chardonnay. Chapter 95 As we're eating I say, "I was thinking, we're due to start visiting our Spa's in San Fran, Seattle, Chicago, and New York." "Why don't we attend a few local munches? Who knows, we might get lucky and find an unclaimed subbie." "That's an option," Mistress say's. "Jen, what do you think?" "Well, we would know they were submissive, but not all subs are slave material. But it's worth a shot if we can't come up with a better plan." "Should I start researching insurance agents?" Jennifer continues. "I don't like that idea. With the way the economy is going, I think you'll be hard pressed to find a young agent. Most of them will have been driven out of the business due to lack of commissions." ................................. At this point I'm drawing a blank on ideas here. Any input would be greatly appreciated dear readers

Same as Amanda's Journey into Domination Part 4 Thunder In The East Videos

3 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIChapter 18 Thunder

Miranda getting out of bed woke me up. When the shower started, I followed her into the bathroom. She’d just started to wash her hair when I stepped in behind her. “Let me,” I said. She had a shampoo-and-conditioner-in-one that smelled like strawberries. I put that away and got out my supplies. Someone needed to educate this poor girl. Mine smelled of ginger. Adrienne had turned me on to Paul Mitchell’s Awapuhi, or Wild Ginger, shampoo and conditioner. I used it during the winter months to...

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Amandas Journey into Domination Part 3 Jumping The Gun

Chapter 43 Ed practically sprints to the bathroom, and I turn to Jen She holds up her hand and says, "I need a drink." We enter the suite and I pour two glasses of wine. "Ok Love, WTF is going on? There's no fuckin way Mistress watched the video!" "There's a problem with the new Harrah's contract. Mistress and Cindy have been working on it all day." "It's that bitch Nonnie Pelousy again, isn't it?" "Yes, she's either shilling for another group, or holding out for...

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Amandas Discovery Part 2 Shopping

Shopping After his ordeal, Ted fell asleep for some time. A few moments after he awoke, he remembered the spanking and tentatively rubbed his behind. Cool, but tender. He noticed his cock and tucked it back in the panties. “Amanda?” he called. “In the living room.” “Just a sec.” Desperately thirsty, he took a big drink at the bathroom sink, then walked to the living room, wearing only the panties. Amanda, seated in an easy chair, smiled and held out her arm. They kissed, long and...

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The clouds hung low in the distance as Karen Parker rushed out the back door to bring in the laundry off the clothesline. The wind had picked up considerably in the last five minutes, and lightning was beginning to flash through the evening sky.As Karen began to remove her clothes from the clothesline, a bolt of lightning lit up the sky. Two seconds later a thunderclap caused her jump in fear."Damn storm," Karen snapped as she began to work faster. "I hope Benny gets here before that storm...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 36 Journey East

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Ealaín “Followed?” my charge gasped. “What’s going on, Master?” Nathalie asked. Her voice lacked the normal fear. Since the fight, she had shed a degree of her timidity. She had discovered her strength thanks to Rubyforged, her armor. “One of the Biomancer’s things has been following us,” Sven said. He knelt and nudged the dead creature with his knife. “For days. Since Az.” “Longer,” I said, shaking my head. “I remember hearing owls after we...

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Thunder Ch 03

The Thunder boomed overhead as Karen rode her Nephew's cock. Each crash of thunder caused the very pregnant woman to twitch with a mixture of desire and fear."Oh baby, your wonderful cock feels so good inside me," Karen moaned.Benny reached up and stroked her huge belly. He loved feeling her swollen stomach, knowing that his baby was growing inside his Aunt. "I can't wait until our Daughter is born so I can knock you up all over again."As Karen rode her lover's cock she gazed down into his...

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So what is Female Domination? The entire term seems to be a contradiction to our male dominated society. Female Domination (or FemDom as some refer to it) did not originate from dominant women or feminists. It was men who coined the phrase Female Domination to categorize their sexual and social desires to submit themselves to the female gender. So is Female Domination merely a sexual fantasy that some men harbor or is it a reflection of a societal evolution? Based on my years of study,...

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Incestuous Harem 14 Brothers Domination

Chapter Fourteen: Brother's Domination By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Melody Samuels The doorbell rang. A shiver ran through me, my nipples hardening in my shirt. Today would be awesome. Alicia burst from the breakfast table where Clint, Lee, and I waited. Beside Alicia, we were the last ones still home. Mom, Zoey, and Aunt Cheryl had already left while we waited for Pam and her car. A giddy rush shot through me. I had a girlfriend. I shared her with Clint, and that was so hot. She...

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Thunder And Lightening

Thunder And Lightening When you are camping in the woods for two weeks in just a tent, thunder and lightening take on a whole new meaning. My wife Julia and I had a pretty big tent with two rooms, each room was eight by twelve feet so there was plenty of room to spread out. At the last minute my wife invited her mother and her sister to come along with us. That meant that I had to pack more sleeping bags and take more food along. It also meant that my sex life had just taken a...

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Sharons Journey Part 9 Con te Partiro

Sharon's Journey Part IX - Con Te Partiro As Sharon sat in Julie's kitchen, gazing out the window, her attention was not on the park below but on the sky, a panorama of bright blue mostly shunted into the background by huge patches of thick clouds, the sides facing the sun fluffy and white while the mass away from it a brooding dark grey. Though November was not quite a week old, New York's November sky was apparent, bringing with it a brisk wind. "Wishing on a star?" Julie asked...

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Amandas Teasing A Special Kind Of Torture

It was both exciting and humiliating to him as he walked towards the large upstairs bathroom where Amanda was waiting for him. Thinking of turning back, the frustration kept him moving… slowly. He paused for a moment, before his nervous hand reached towards the doorknob. In Amanda’s house, there were some rules, and he knew how strictly she enforced them. One of them being, he was without question not allowed to masturbate himself. Any masturbation which was permitted would happen once per...

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Jasons TaleChapter 3 Commissioning Thunder

Filo was a self-starter, a man who would decide on his own what should be done, and then either go do it himself or get someone else to do it. Jono wasn’t. Jono was a fine officer if someone else was in charge, but he wasn’t executive material. Not that I should talk, I wasn’t either when I was back on Earth. It took coming here and realizing that no one else COULD take charge to get me to step up to the plate. Still, with me backing him up as owner and Captain, Jono got a crew together...

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discovering domination

Cindy met Lucy at her locker after school. ?Lucy, can you do me a favor?? Lucy closed her locker. ?Sure Cindy, what is it?? Cindy gave Lucy her house key. ?Can you drive over to my house and get my new tennis shoes? I forgot to bring them with me. They’re next to the dresser. I need them for cheerleader practice.? Lucy smiled. ?Sure Cindy.? Cindy hugged Lucy. ?Thanks.? Lucy thought about their friendship as she drove over to Cindy’s house. She’d been Cindy’s best friend for the last two...

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Best Thunder Storm Ever

It was a really hot day, the morning was unbelievibly humid and sticky. It was my first day off in two weeks and I very much deserved it. I had spent most of my day inside just relaxing walking around naked because it was so hot, when I got the idea of going for a swim. As soon I got out side I saw that a storm was coming and it was going to be one hell of a storm. The lightning had already started and you could hear little thunders in the distance. We all know the old saying "the water is...

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The Thunder Rolls

Hi everyone! This is my contribution to the 2010 Literotica Summer Lovin’ Contest. As the title indicates, it’s based (very loosely) on the song by Garth Brooks of the same title. It’s just a short little piece, but I hope you’ll take the time to read and vote. Thanks! ====== He knew he shouldn’t have gone. It invited nothing but trouble to his already rocky marriage, but he had to set things right. Running his hand over his face, he drove out of the small diner and prayed she’d understand...

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Departmental Storeil Pennai Usar Seithen

Hi friends vanakam, indru kama kathaiyil departmental storeil oru pennai paarthu pesi usar seithu ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Vimal, vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Naan paarka azhagaga irupen, tshirt aninthukondu irupen athanaal pengal epozhuthum ennai paarthu sight adipaargal. Ipadi thaan oru naal en nanban udan departmental storeku sendrom appozhuthu angu oru pen aval mulaiyaal ennai urasi vitu sendraal. Avla mulai perithaaga irunthathu, aval mulaiyaal ennai idikum pozhuthe...

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Domination Unleashed

Domination Unleashed By Jennifer White I was 33 years old when my life was changed forever. My name is Kayla, and I had been going out with Andrew for three years. It was more than just going out with; we were married in all but name (at least in *my* head). We lived together in a nice house in the suburbs. He had a good job as a project manager for a high-tech computer corporation, while I worked as a receptionist at a doctor's office. Between the two of us (mostly him), we...

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Amandas Investigative Report

This story is a tribute to Bared Affair and to Angie who gave so many people so many great articles and so many happy times: The format of each story in Bared Affair was a newspaper article style in depth report on a news item of interest to the spanking world and this is my version of ‘Bared Affair meets Lush’: The Article: 17 th May 2011 A new service is being offered by Surrogate Discipline Limited, based in Stretford in Sussex, UK. This is an investigative report by Amanda Jones . ...

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Amandas Third Report

The Article 17 th June 2011 A further report by Amanda Jones who has already shadowed a Surrogate from Surrogate Discipline Limited and has now spent a week shadowing a Surrogate from sister company Remote Discipline Limited. The main service provided by RDL is to Mothers who’s daughters have either left home and for instance gone to University or to another city for work and where whilst at home the daughter was subject to her mother’s discipline and the Mother, in particular, is concerned...

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Amandas Fantasy

Amanda hummed to herself as she pushed the door open and stepped into her dimly lit apartment. Tossing her backpack on the floor, she let the door swing shut behind her before sliding the deadbolt shut with a satisfying ‘clunk’.   The blinds were open enough to allow a sufficient amount of moonlight to shine through the lone meager window in her tiny one bedroom basement suite.   Reaching over, she flipped the light switch on, her brow furrowing in confusion as the room remained enshrouded in...

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Amandas Fourth Report

The Article 5th July 2011 Amanda Jones third article in her series on the disciplinarian service offered by SDL and RDL, this time shadowing RDL disciplinarian Ruth Atkins. Ruth Atkins is 29 years old, slim, smartly dressed in a blue skirt that stopped just above the knee, a white short sleeved blouse, and a jacket. Quite the business woman actually. “I trained as a school teacher and was a firm believer in corporal punishment which I discovered if used correctly produced well behaved and...

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Amandas Second Report

The Article:  27th May 2011 This is the second Investigative Article by Amanda Jones into the services offered by Surrogate Discipline Limited. Managing Director Mrs Jane Ford has given me access to members of staff at SDL whilst they discuss active cases. My day started at the 8.00 am Staff Meeting. There were seven members of staff as well as Mrs. Ford. They are the team leaders. I read the agenda which included an update by each team leader on the cases they are running, not case by case...

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Amandas Discovery

Amanda’s Discovery Ted sat up in the double bed, sipping an electrolyte drink, surprised at how much better he felt. The last attack, over an hour before, had been much less severe. By now, he was feeling back to normal. The program on TV bored him, so he turned it off. He showered and looked at himself in the mirror, shaved, and combed his black hair. Pulling on a pair of pants, he walked to the kitchen and made some toast. At the kitchen table, he saw mail stacked to one side. Evidently...

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amandas Fantasy

amanda's Fantasy Dearest Mistress, Please understand that I have hundreds of fantasies. But You specifically asked for a fantasy from me about You. So, due to U/us becoming so close as of late, this one will probably be one of the greatest fantasies that I have. Please bare with me cause this is likely to become extremely detailed. At least from my perspective it will be. And so it begins.... The day has finally arrived and I am here to finally meet my beloved Mistress for...

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My Niece Thunder Thighs

Donna was a very nice girl even though she was my niece. My brother was her father. Donna took after her mother with a pear shape body. She was kind of small up top and kind of big down below. Donna was not a small girl as she grew up and at sixteen she was about fully-grown. She was five feet six inches tall and weighted about one hundred and eighty-five pounds. It was all in her ass, hips, and thighs. Like I said Donna was a very nice girl. One day she came to my house and cried her...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XI 4 Domination 101

"So, do you think it worked?" Joey said as we walked out. "I think so. And if it didn't, she'll just have to live with it. I don't want to fight my urge to fuck like that again. I was considering even doing her ass." "And what an ass it was... " Joey said remembering. "You know something? I kind of hope she doesn't lose all that weight. She's so big... She's fucking erotic." "Yeah, me too. Listen, I'm going to sixth period. Do you want to keep an eye on Suzi's fun, or...

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The Thunder Rolls

I awoke to the loud crash of thunder, then a bright flash of lightning. I jumped out of bed and snapped my bedroom light on. At the age of eighteen I shouldn't be scared of a little thunder. But I was. I slipped my robe on, tied the attached rope around my naked waist. I silently made my way down the hall to my step brother's room. I tapped on the door lightly, then entered his room silently. I crawled in bed with him, shaking him slightly. "Oliver, wake up," I whispered. "Wake up." Oliver...

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The Art of Cuckold Diplomacy Ch 4 Domination Part 1

In front of me was, in my opinion, the sexiest, most delectable bottom I’d ever had the pleasure to spank. Not small by any means, but definitely soft and malleable, with buttocks that bounced beautifully as the palm of my hand connected. Voluptuous came to mind…The bottom, which was turning a lovely rosy red colour, belonged to Samantha, a sexy, smart, curvaceous “mature” woman, whose sexual innocence I found exciting and challenging. She had put her trust in me, and I was taking her on a...

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Thunder and Lightning The sound of running water, the trilling of birds in the trees and the sun peeking over the mountain were what woke me. As I lay there luxuriating in the freedom of the Idaho Rocky Mountains, I became aware of the smell of freshly brewed coffee and the crackle of a fire outside the tent. I groped the sleeping bag next to me looking for my lover to discover that she had already gotten up. I crawled from my warm bed and stepped out of the tent to greet the day. The chill on...

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Lightning and Thunder

“Fuck. This heat is unreal.” I think to myself. The sun has been relentless today, baking the dead calm air into miles high thunderheads. I can feel the air around me growing heavier with humidity. Electricity is building in the clouds west of the pool where I’m lifeguarding. Making eight dollars an hour, sitting in a lifeguard’s chair, yelling at punky kids and developing my future age spots and wrinkles. Leaving me to wonder if this summer is going to provide anything memorable. For the last...

Straight Sex
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Thunder Refuge

The leaves crunched under the hooves of my horse as we trudged through the dark spruces. My shotgun in one hand and the reins in the other, I watched all around me for signs of life. The branches still hung low from the past weight of the snow as if they were bowing to the cloud covered sun. It was about sunset, but the whole sky was a murky shade of grays and blacks. The wind was picking up and great claps of thunder could be heard in the distance. A great storm was on its way. There were no...

Love Stories
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 20

Sunday morning Jerry drove to City Hall with Bill and Jenny in the car. Restored cars lined the road on the side of the street on which the City Hall stood. The street was closed to allow people to walk around and look at the cars. It was hard to see the cars because of the crowds of people surrounding them. “Lots of people here,” said Jerry looking down the street. This was his first time to come to one of these events and he was rather impressed with the turnout. An officer stopped him...

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YelloweyeChapter 8 Echoing Thunder

Cole and Ashley had taken a four-wheeler to the upper pasture and returned upset. This had the potential to turn into another range war. The Forest Service had cancelled their lease. “Those fuckers can’t do that,” Ashley stormed. “We’ve leased that land for forty years. We’ve cared for it. Now they want us off so the cattle don’t interfere with the oil company. How many people do they think they’ll feed with oil?” “Doesn’t make a damn bit of difference,” Cole said. “Kids, we’re going to...

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My Sensual Journey Part One

MY SENSUAL JOURNEY - PART ONE By Katharine Sexkitten The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It's a clich?, but it's true. It's a clich? because it's true. And it's true even if you don't know you're on the journey. My first step was when I was ten years old. Someone gave my mother a pair of boots, for a present. I can't remember if it was her birthday or Christmas. She politely smiled and said thank you, and never wore them. They were a little too risqu? for her...

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Ex sisterinlaw dominationhumiliation

She didn’t waste any time once the pleasantries were done getting down to asking me what she called for, I was afraid she was going to ask for money but it was nothing like that at all. She said “So I was hanging out with my sister this weekend and she was telling me about the two of you and I just wanted to talk to you and find out your side of the story.” That took me aback but I replied with “Well, what did she tell you and what can I straighten you out about?” She laughed at that, and...

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Financial Domination

My mistress, Mistress Angela, has commanded me to write this account of how we met and how we live. I have been Mistress Angela's money slave and cuckold for three months now. She moved in with me a little over a month ago. I met Mistress Angela just over a year ago. She was working as a dancer at the Gold Club. My wife had died the year before, and I was looking for some fun. She sat down next to me and told me her name was Marie. I bought her a drink. As we talked, I found out she enjoyed...

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An Unforgotten Thunder Night With A Saint

Hi I m Rajesh. This is a true story of mine how I turned to a bottom gay. This girly feeling started from my adolescent boyhood at the age of 18.This happened long ago but it changed my life always having an urge of getting my tight asshole fucked by different strong irony top gay.Then I was 5’ 5” high with slim body weighing 45 kg and narrow waist and wiggling high hips and 32” soft chest exposing tiny male buds like undeveloped boobs., I was then reading in class IX in a city high school...

Gay Male
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Summer Thunder

It was Jan who heard it first. We were sitting outside my father’s store, the three of us, just sitting and nursing our sodas. Jan had a cola, and Sally a root beer, and I was rolling the taste of orange over my tongue. The liquid was fizzy and cold, which was good because this was summer and the air was hot. And there we were, the three of us, eighteen and watching the day go by, talking and gossiping and giggling. There was a little breeze to break the heat, not much but some, and it felt...

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Thunder and Lightning

A crate arrived at the home of Miss Tina. It was unusually large and heavy andhad to be carried by four men. When the men had left after she had given thema tip, she opened the lid and beheld quite a sight. Inside were two women tiedup in very uncomfortable positions. Their feet, which were dressed in ballerinaboots without any heels, were behind their heads and tied together there. Theirarms were in rubber gloves that ended in fingerless mittens and tied behindtheir back in reverse prayer, so...

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Erotic Journey With FatherInLaw 8211 Part 1

Hello, everyone. I have always wanted to share my experience on this platform. Finally, I am writing. I am a housewife from Bangalore. I used to work as a software engineer in a reputed MNC but I’ve left the job now. I don’t wish to reveal my name here. I am 28 years old and I got married 5 years back. Feels awkward to praise myself but I am a decent looking lady and many men admire my beauty. This incident happened two months back when I was returning to Bangalore with my Father In Law and my...

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Journey Into Cuckoldry Eager Eighteen Part 1

A loud splash coming from the pool broke my concentration. I looked up from my book, blinking as the bright sunshine fought its way through my sunglasses.I smiled; two teenage boys were skylarking in the clear, warm water, both showing-off, each trying to appear older, stronger and more grown-up than the other. It had been the same the previous day, and the day before that, and the reason was obvious; my lovely wife Alice was sunbathing topless on the patio again.A brief flush of pride passed...

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Journey to EdenChapter 10 Parting and Meeting

“Be careful, there is someone nearby.” Dann’s thought came to those who could hear it, even as he signaled the same message to those who could not. “Aard, look closely at the tree line to your left, at the single dead tree. Do you see anything strange about the bird perched there?” His protégé did as Dann instructed, and abruptly froze in concentration. “It is a decoy! It’s not real!” exclaimed Aard. “And now I see the hunter who waits near it, but I have never seen anyone like this before!”...

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Futas Wild Passion 15 Futas Incestuous Domination

Chapter Fifteen: Futa's Incestuous Domination By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! I charged at Ms. Petrov from her desk in the middle of the office to where she stood to whip my ass. The leather cuffs dangled from my left wrist. My ass burned from her whipping me. I was tired of it. Tired of submitting to her. My anger boiled through me and I didn't care about anything else. I thought I could handle some BDSM play. I truly did. But Ms....

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The Exhibit Part 5 Domination and Slavery conclusion

Part 5: Domination and Slavery (conclusion) Synopsis: At the inn in Her Realm, MzDominica demonstrated Her glass-covered sensory deprivation chamber, showing how the use of Her Voice as a subliminal soundtrack could be used to program slaves' minds to obey her, so very deeply. mistress Black, who owns a chain of spas, made a deal with Dominica, to use the "relaxation chambers" to expand her business, getting chambers at a discount, in exchange for using them to recruit more slaves for Dominica....

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Kerries Journey Chapter 14The Final stage Part 1 I Tell My Husband That Im Bisexual And More

I am writing this final chapter of my journey sitting on the balcony of our apartment that is halfway up the Peak in Hong Kong. Hong Kong spreads below. A soft warm tropical trade wind brings the smell of frangipani. I am relaxed and reflective. Tomorrow is my forty-third birthday.It is almost three years since, just after I turned forty, my sexual awakening—journey as I like to think of it—began in an incense laden room in Phuket, Thailand. Now, as my husband and I settle into Hong Kong, my...

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Journey With My 4 Darlings 8211 Part 3

Hope you enjoyed the part 1 and part 2 of my story.Thanks for your valuable feedback and comments. Those who missed it can read it in below link. Coming to me , I am a software engineer working in Hyderabad.I am 5.7″ tall with average body and with satisfying cock ;-) Girls/aunties from Hyderabad who want to have a private sex/sex relationship can mail me @ Please do not hesitate in reaching me …will keep your details private and confidential. Coming to the story: Part 3: Like this ,days...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 1

Hi, guys. It’s been a long time on ISS. I was away from the city. I hope you did like my other two stories(true incidents) which I had written. This is the next encounter I had with my aunt who was all alone and needed a little love for her. Her name is Bethesda and lived her whole life alone after her husband married another woman. I do have a lust for her and want her so badly. She is 45 years old and looks bomb. She got a good voluptuous body and looks like a brunette. As for me, I’m six...

3 years ago
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Beautiful Journey To Bountiful Love 8211 Part I

Soon after my graduation I got job in neighborhood village as asst. Engineer in a company, which was 1 hr. from my town by local bus. Though the company was providing accommodation in nearby town which was only 15 min from the company, I chose to up & down every day, so that I can stay with my parents. I used to leave from my home early in the morning and used to go by private mini bus initially as it was faster than govt. bus. The journey used to be boring as most of the stations between were...

3 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 6 Thunder on the Water

We took Thunder out as soon as the rudder was repaired. No one still had any idea how it had gotten smashed. I wasn’t there, so I’d probably never know, but everyone involved had gotten a good lesson in being slow and careful when moving a boat or ship near an immovable object like a quay. While Jono had gotten the crew and supplies together, I’d gotten the missile-launcher installed and its crew trained and ready. We were only carrying a dozen missiles, but they were all the same size,...

1 year ago
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Jennifers Journey Becoming the Perfect Wife Part 1

Jennifer's Journey: Becoming the Perfect Wife - Part 1 By Jennifer Madison Introduction This isn't one of those stories where a husband gets tricked into wearing his wife's panties only to learn that it secretly excites him. There's no magic or sorcery either. This is the true story of discovery of who I really am and about the lovely woman who guided me on this journey. Was this journey entirely voluntary or was I coerced? Had I known where this...

3 years ago
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The Aftermath Of The Public Bus Journey 8211 Part 2

Hey, As you people might have read my previous two experiences I’d get on with the story instead of boring you off. I started getting dressed after granting permission for a bit more fun. As i was pulling my panty up he stopped me and told me “I have a surprise for you”. He took out a rectangular object that looked like a pen drive but i was pretty sure that it wasn’t one. I asked him about. He told me “i took this from my brother’s grandson’s remote toy”. I still had no idea. He came close to...

4 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 9

Hello, readers welcome to this beautiful journey. Keep giving your valuable feedback. It feels good when I see the appreciation of my work. I believe that the journey is always beautiful than the destination so I am enjoying the journey and hope you also. I am male and the story is completely fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Next morning I woke up late due to the hangover. I was still feeling quite heavy. When I looked around I was surprised to see that Ayesha was not on her bed. We both...

1 year ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 12

Hello, readers welcome back to this beautiful journey. I know you all have enjoyed the journey so far and hope you will enjoy the erotic journey further. I am male and the sex story is fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Ayesha was really happy after the lesbian experience. Now we have merged the gap of the mother-daughter relationship. I was treating her like a friend and now we had become really good friends. I have realized that the physical relations enhance the bonding, the same had...

2 years ago
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Journey from Mangalore to Bangalore drinking mothe

Hi Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Bangalore now.. I am fair in colour, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8 inch dick. I was aware of the woman anatomy at that age by reading sex books and watching porn, but never had any chance to see a woman naked, but was longing to see a naked woman and masturbating myself thinking about it.This is an incident which happened when I had been to Mangalore to attend a marriage...

1 year ago
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Journey Into Cuckoldry Eager Eighteen Part 2

Half an hour later, I lay awake on the sofa in the darkness, unable to sleep, my heart and mind torn, suspended in the familiar agony somewhere between Cuckold Heaven and Alpha Male Hell.From behind the closed bedroom door came the dull but unmistakable sounds of my sweet, pretty wife being comprehensively and very willingly fucked for a second time. Her cries of ecstasy were muffled as if she was trying to suppress the noise, but I knew them well to know that she was receiving the fucking of a...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

3 years ago
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Thunder and Lightning

It was frustrating, I could sometimes see into people's minds, and sometimes I could plant things into their mind. It was very difficult and as yet I had no control, it would take plenty of practice if I was to get it right. As I was lying on my bed, I was thinking of my gift and how I could achieve some kind of control over it. The house was silent around me as I lay there, listening to the sound of a distant storm approaching. I could hear the sound of muffled thunder slowly getting louder...


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