Mona Lisa Life: December '63 (Oh, What A Night) free porn video

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(In 2005, Troy Xavier and I co-authored a story here called "Mona Lisa Life," about two TG fiction fans being transported from the early 21st century to the middle of the 20th century to assume the lives of two small-town young women, who were raising two young daughters. There were many generous reviews, and several requests for a sequel. Here's a long- delayed response to those requests.) Mona Lisa Life: December '63 (Oh, What a Night) By Heather St. Claire The wrapping paper and other debris burning in the fireplace of the bungalow provided both heat and a soft glow that lit the room on this magical night. It was Christmas, December 25, 1963. Claire and Melissa snuggled close to each other and took occasional sips from their wineglasses. They were both wearing long, warm nightgowns and fuzzy slippers. Their girls had been in bed for a couple of hours; as midnight approached, they were alone with each other and their thoughts. "Ten years. Can you believe it's been ten years?" asked Melissa. "It has gone by so quickly...too quickly," said Claire. "What I wouldn't give to live it all again." It had been a decade since Bob and Troy had been whisked back in time half a century and stepped into the lives of these two small-town women. Their fondest wish had come true, though in a time and place they couldn't have ever imagined. One minute, they had been men living in the early years of the 21st century; the next, they were inhabiting the lives of two women from the Eisenhower era. "Do you miss the modern world we left behind?" Melissa asked. "Not really," said Claire. "It's all a matter of perspective. We can't get instant pictures from our pocket telephones?who would believe such a thing could ever be possible? But I think there's some delicious mystery and anticipation that's going to be lost when we don't have to wait several days for our local photo shop to process our film." "I know I'm going to miss 30 cent a gallon gas when we reach the 21st century a second time," Melissa observed. "Who won't?" asked Claire. "Everyone who drives a car, male or female, is going to miss cheap gas. But there are going to be some things about being a woman in this era that I know I'm really going to be missing. Men always opening doors for me, getting up to offer me a seat on the bus, treating me like a lady." She had a dreamy, slightly faraway look in her eyes. Melissa, ever the realist, had to point out the flip slide. "Some would say it's a bit too much like being a bird in a gilded cage." "Sometimes cages are nice," Claire responded. "They can be comfortable. They can provide protection. Sometimes it's scary outside of the cage." She looked pensive suddenly. "Sometimes, it does get tiring, being treated as if you don't have a functioning brain. But you know men," she chuckled, her mood quickly brightening. "Well, whether we're birds or women, it's been an amazing adventure, and that's putting it mildly, said Melissa. "Do you think we've been better off or not, knowing what's coming in the world?" "Oh, I suppose it's a mixed blessing, like a lot of things. On the plus side, I am so glad I was able to reassure the girls so convincingly during that whole awful mess with Cuba last year." "They were so worried. But you told them not to worry, that nothing bad would happen. You were so serene, so sure of yourself, I think they knew it was something more than a mother's intuition." "Maybe they did." "But there's the flip side of future knowledge...knowing the bad things that are coming and you're powerless to stop." "Like last month." "Yes, like last month." There was a long moment of silence. Neither woman had to say more; they both knew they were talking about the killing of President Kennedy. It was especially painful for the two Catholic women because they had felt a special identification with JFK, the first Catholic president. For Claire, who had been just old enough to be aware of the assassination during her boyhood, it seemed especially cruel to have to live through it twice. The two women and their girls had spent the weekend together on the living room couch, watching the sad drama play itself out on their black-and- white television. Finally, on Monday, during the coverage of the funeral, Claire's grief became too much for her when she saw Jacqueline Kennedy in her black mourning dress and watched three-year-old John-John offer his brave farewell salute to his father. She had broken down and had had to spend the rest of the day in bed. Finally, Claire spoke. "But like we said, there's the good side of knowing what tomorrow will bring?or next month. I can't wait for the new year, when we finally get to hear Beatles music again. I suppose I could have tracked down imports, or the releases from Vee Jay, but you know how hard that is in a little place like this. And anyway, the moment is finally here. Ed Sullivan, here they come." Melissa was reflective. "The world's starting to change, for the better, and for worse. She looked thoughtfully at Claire's face, which was now framed by a short bob instead of the long curls she had worn for most of their decade together. "I never imagined you going for short hair," she said with a wry smile. Claire sighed. "I miss my long hair sometimes, too," she said. But ten years of those foul-smelling home perms...ten years of sleeping with curlers every night...I finally got tired of it." "But you're never going to give up your girdles, I bet." Claire smiled. "No, I'm a girdle gal forever, I think. I know that sounds contradictory, but we're a mass of contradictions, aren't we? Two small- town women who live in a little bungalow surrounded by a picket fence. Two small-town women who love traditional ways and values....two small-town women who used to be men, and are living as lesbians." She chuckled softly. "I suppose we are," Melissa agreed. "But I think our lives are going to be changing whether we're ready for it or not." Claire was silent for a long moment before exclaiming: "You know how mad I am at Betty Friedan for publishing that damn book." "The Feminine Mystique," Melissa said. Friedan's book, published earlier in 1963, would be seen in coming years as the defining moment in the launch of the women's movement. "I really don't have an issue with a lot of what she said, and a lot of what's to come," said Claire. "I think she's perfectly right to want young women to know they have choices. I'm just unhappy that she left the impression that those who embrace the traditional route?like me?are somehow lacking in vision, ambition, desire, or have short-changed the women of tomorrow. We've been pretty good role models for our own girls, I think. Me, the stay-at-home mom, and you the working woman. That's modeling a range of choices. Although it isn't fair that you've bumped up against the glass ceiling at work. Even though I don't think that term is going to be invented for a long time." Melissa nodded. "Yes, I really should be manager, not senior teller," she said. "I am running the place while Mr. Johnson goes to his Kiwanis meetings, plays golf, and naps at his desk when he thinks no one is looking." Claire smiled a wry smile. "You have the responsibility?but not the title." "Or the pay," Melissa quickly added. "Even though President Kennedy signed that pay equality bill earlier this year." Claire just shook her head. "It's going to take a lot more than a law, dear." Changing the subject, she declared: "We have been so blessed. We have each other, and we have the girls. And they're fantastic girls...well, young women now." "And they've been such a joy to us," Melissa agreed. "No real problems at all. I think the biggest fight we've ever had with them was last summer. All their friends were slathering themselves with baby oil and laying outdoors to get tans. They couldn't understand why we told them they couldn't do that. They thought we were crazy, babbling about wrinkles and skin cancer." "Oh well, teens have to have something to rebel against." Claire took a last sip from her wine glass and stood up to stir the dying embers of the fire. She looked at Melissa. "I hope you're not ready for bed just yet, love. I've got a big idea I want to run by you." Melissa tried to stop from rolling her eyes but couldn't help herself. She quickly forced a smile. "What is it, darling?" Claire put on an air of mock indignation. "Now darling, this is a good one! I hope you'll love it as much as I do. I think it's time we treated ourselves to a real family vacation next summer." Melissa nodded. "You know, that's not a bad idea. I think it's time. What did you have in mind?" "I think a big, cross country car trip. How about if we start by heading down to Los Angeles and seeing Disneyland. I'd love to get into the House of the Future! It was long gone by the time of my first visit." "House of the Future?" "It opened in 1957, and it's supposed to show what life will be like in the nineteen-eighties. It's going to be torn down in 1967. I think you and the girls will get a real kick out of it, but for different reasons. It's made entirely of plastic, and it's got all kinds of cool futuristic gadgets, like a microwave oven and a wall-mounted flat screen TV...although the TV doesn't actually work. The girls will be getting a more realistic glimpse of their future than they know." "Sounds like lots of fun." "And if we time it right, we can see the Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl! The concert's going to be in late August. We'll just have to be on top of it, because the tickets are going to sell out in 3 ? hours." "You think the girls will want to go?" Now Claire rolled her eyes and laughed. "Are you kidding me? Two teenaged American girls in 1964? There's no way possible they're NOT going to come down with a severe case of Beatlemania." "I suppose you're right." "Of course I am." Claire smiled a slightly too-self satisfied smile, but Melissa let it pass. "And if we really want to get ambitious, we can drive all the way across the country to the World's Fair in New York, or think about flying. It's really going to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Some really uplifting things, like a chance to see the Pieta, which we're never going to have again unless we make it to the Vatican." "I want to, someday." "So do I, but this is a lot closer. There's also going to be lots of kitsch, like Guy Lombardo." "You love Guy Lombardo." Claire smiled. "Yes, I do, and you do, too. You know he's part of our New Year's Eve tradition." Melissa nodded. "We've been careful about our money and our lifestyle. My salary and your Korean War widow's pension cover our basic needs nicely. The stocks I've been buying for us?A.T. and T., General Motors, U.S. Steel, I.B.M. and General Electric?are the solid rocks of the market and will be our security for the future. We won't be doing anything with our money that could attract attention until the late seventies, when I snap up a bunch of Microsoft stock." "Unless we follow my plan for 1969?you know, going to Las Vegas at the beginning of the year to lay a big bet on the Mets to win the World Series." Claire giggled. This time Melissa made no effort to hide the roll of her eyes. "I. Don't. Think. So," she said with exaggerated deliberateness. "But I think we can make this trip happen. The wagon will be perfect for it." That fall, the women had treated themselves to their first-ever new car, a 1964 Ford Country Squire Station Wagon. It had cost more than three thousand dollars?almost half of Melissa's annual salary. Claire had wanted to spend a few hundred more for a Mercury Colony Park wagon, but Melissa had said buying a Ford was a move less likely to draw attention. The months seemed to pass quickly. Before the family knew it, it was time to prepare for their trip. Melissa had been able to arrange to take the entire month of August off, giving them the time to drive to New York for the fair, before doubling back to Los Angeles, including Disneyland and the Beatles. The girls had loved the sights of New York?the Fair, the Statue of Liberty, the view from the top of the Empire State Building--but they were distracted the whole time by one thought. They were going to see the Beatles. Claire had been right; the girls had come down with as extreme a case of Beatlemania as could be imagined. They turned their bedroom into a shrine to the band, covering the walls with pictures clipped from magazines, and playing their copy of "Meet the Beatles" endlessly on their phonograph. They argued endlessly over who was the dreamiest (that was the word then, not sexiest) Beatle: fourteen-year-old Patricia adored John Lennon, while sixteen-year-old Rose swore her eternal love for Paul McCartney. "I'm going to marry Paul someday," Rose told her mother one day as she hurried to her room. Knowing that her daughter wasn't listening, Claire said softly. "Sorry, dear. You need to brush up your photography skills and get a high-powered lawyer father first." The night of August 23rd 1964 finally arrived. As they pulled into the parking lot, Claire took a glance at herself in the rear-view mirror and was momentarily started by what she saw. The short bob wrapped in a head scarf, the cat-eye glasses (she hadn't been able to get used to hard contacts when her eyes had started going bad?maybe she'd try again when soft contacts came on the market in a few years), the nubby yellow shift dress, the flats on her feet?yes, at thrity-five, she was the very picture of the 1964 middle-aged housewife and mother. Which was exactly what she was. And she loved it, though part of her still wanted to see herself as she had been right after her transformation more than a decade earlier. But the salesclerks had been calling her "ma'm" for few years now; it was nice to be able to recognize, accept, and embrace the reality of the present. Soon the foursome had located their seats and found themselves staring at the famous amphitheater. The crowd, not surprisingly, was already going wild. It was just about 9:30 p.m. when the four Beatles walked onstage. They surveyed the scene from their vantage point, and seemed to be reveling in the moment. John Lennon must have caught sight of the fans who had gone to unusual lengths to secure a view of the band. He called out: "Hello to you in the trees." Claire looked at her daughters, and at the thousands of other teen girls overrunning the historic venue. There were a scattering of other adults, and more than a few teenage boys as well, but it was clear that the girls were the dominant presence here. They were screaming and crying and dancing, even though the music hadn't started yet; she didn't remember whether some of them were going to faint, but it wouldn't have surprised her to see that happen. Even though Claire loved the Beatles, she was glad she wasn't going to lose control of herself the way these girls were. After all, she was a mature lady. Then a funny feeling overwhelmed her. It must have been something about the music, the time, the place and the surging waves of estrogen washing over it. Maybe it was the electricity of the opening chords of "Twist and Shout." Before she knew it, her mouth was open, and she was screaming too. And crying. And she didn't stop until the Beatles left the stage thirty- five minutes later. As they began walking toward the exit, Patricia looked squarely at Claire and said, "Really, Mother. Sometimes you are such an embarrassment!" Claire just smiled. She was happy to be the parent of two very typical teenagers. Her attention was suddenly distracted by the sight of a crowd surging toward a waiting limousine. "Ohh!" Rose cried. "Let's go over there! Maybe we can get their autographs." "No!" Claire cried. "Find the Dart! Find the Dodge Dart! That limo is a decoy!" Melissa and the girls looked at her strangely, but the truth quickly dawned on Melissa. Claire was an expert on Beatles history, including all the history that was yet to happen. "Trust your mother, girls!" she shouted. They all took off in search of a Dodge Dart. Claire was grateful for her decision to wear flats this evening. "There it is!" Melissa cried. Sure enough, it was a brand-new Dodge Dart sedan with the four Beatles inside. The women could see them clearly. The Beatles seemed to hear their screams; they all smiled and waved; Paul McCartney winked. But they were about ten feet away when the car started up and pulled off into the night. Rose wiped away a tear. "We were so close." Melissa said, "At least we got a good look at them up-close. That's more than most of this crowd can say." Both girls looked at Claire with more than a bit of suspicion. "Mother?" Patricia finally asked. "How do you know all these things? How can you possibly know?" Claire smiled and reached out to wrap her arms around the three women she loved more than anyone else on earth. "Come on girls," she said. "You should know about women's intuition by now." She chuckled. "I guess I've honed it a little more finely than most."

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Paul is silent as we get in the elevator to leave Mona’s apartment. Once we get in his car, he lets me have it!“I did not appreciate your hand on my cock, jerking me off into Mona’s mouth. I am not gay. No guy has ever touched me before!”I am flummoxed! What an asshole. He’s just had a great time with Mona and he’s barking at me for jerking him off. He says his wife won’t have sex with him anymore and his religion forbids him jerking off. From what he’s told me, I think it’s years since he...

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Mona Aunty Ki Chudai

Hi iss reader mai Dilnawaz meri age 28 yr hai.,mai ISS ki kahani roj padta hoo.khaskar aunty aur bhabhi ki.Yeh meri pahli story hai ummid hai aap logo ko pasand aayegi.mai U.P ke Lucknow sahar ka rahne wala hoo.Maine ISS par aunty ki kahaniya padi to soca mai apni kahani bhi app logo batana chahta hoo.story me koi galti ho to maaf kare.koi bhi aunty ya bhabhi mujhse dosti karna chahe to mujhe mail kare, ab main app logon ka jyada waqt naa lete huue story par aata hoo. Mere ghar mei mai meri...

3 years ago
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Mona ki payas bhujaai

Hi friends myself Rajiv gupta I m from Jaipur this is my second story I don’t know that ki aap logon ko ye story pasand aayegi ya nahi but its my real sex experience maine kuch stories padi mujhe laga mujhe bhi apani story aap sab ke sath share kerni chahiye agar aap logon ko meri story pasand aaye to mail jarur kijiye ga my mail id is to dosto aapka mai aur jadya bore nahi karugan chalo mai apani story start karta hu. Meri kaghni ki shurat kerne se phele mai aapko apene aur mona ke bare me...

2 years ago
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Naked Lisas StoryChapter 14 Rosanne Whips Lisa Again and Again

"LISA! Your face! What a mess. I never saw you that bad. I won't ask who won! Never mind! You couldn't have been expected to give your best, not with all you have on your mind right now. You'd better go to bed and stay there a week! I'll get the doctor to see to you. Get upstairs at once and prepare to be an invalid!" "Stop fussing, Samantha! I'm fine! In fact I'm on top of the world! And, despite what that other cow did to me, I still have my one hundred percent record and you...

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Paul picks me up at 2:00 P.M. We are going for coffee at the pizza place on Coventry. The lunch crowd is finished and we are the only customers. It’s my first time here but Paul has been here often. He likes the waitress. Her name is Mona.Mona is cute, about twenty-five, 5’8” and has a nice full figure. She is wearing a flowered dress and it shows off her tanned legs really well. When she bends over, I can see a tattoo running down, or up, her inner thigh. I wonder how high up it goes.As we...

Group Sex
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mona and i

---------------- by: mark period: late 2001 story type: true, incest (bro/sis) ----------------------------------------------------- before i proceed with the story, i must inform you, the reader, that i am not very good at story telling, this is a true account of what happened between my sister and i during 2001, the year we came closest to each other. due to certain reasons, i have not used original names, instead, i have used our original nicknames. my step sister mona...

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Paul picks me up at 2:00 P.M. We are going for coffee at the Pizza place on Coventry. The lunch crowd is finished and we are the only customers. It’s my first time here but Paul has been here often. He likes the waitress. Her name is Mona.Mona is cute, about 25, 5’8” and has a nice full figure. She is wearing a flowered dress and it shows off her tanned legs really well. When she bends over, I can see a tattoo running down, or up, her inner thigh. I wonder how high up it goes.As we visit, she...

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Naked Lisas StoryChapter 2 Lisa Punished

"Who started this" shouted a purple faced warder. Unfortunately, Lisa's father had not had anything to say about prison codes of honour, so when it came to answering this question, Lisa was on her own, without parental wisdom to guide her. And the silly girl spoke the truth, which is a commodity always best doled out in small measures! "She did, Ma'am. She kept pushing me and then she punched me!" "Well! You sure got the worst of it. But you'll be Ok. Go and get cleaned up! No need...

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Naked Lisas StoryChapter 8 Naked Lisa Shaved Lisa

Lisa Griffiths was in her one hundred and twentieth week of strict solitary confinement. After so long in this position she was finding it harder to get through the days and the effort of fighting down the horror was getting too much for her. Each day she woke up with a feeling of surprise that she should still be alive and in her right mind. Those first days of sheer horror might be two years in the past, but she continued to feel, each time her eyes opened to face yet another day of hopless...

2 years ago
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Mona Revisited

Paul is silent as we get in the elevator to leave Mona’s apartment. Once we get in his car, he is grinning from ear to ear.“Why the hell haven’t we jerked each other off before? That was so bloody hot!  We’ve known one another for twenty-five years or so and we've never done anything like that!““Paul, you’ve never even shown me your cock before. When we go to the washroom, you always hug the urinal so I can’t see a thing.““Well, I’m shy I guess. In gym class at school, the other guys were...

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Mona Was Fucked By Strangers At The Mall

Hello friends, I’m back with a new story of my wife Mona. For new readers my wife is sex crazed and loves to fuck total strangers and love flaunting her body curves. She has put on some weight now…. And God it’s in the very right places…. 36” 28” 34”. Before i start my wife would like to thank all the people who replied on the mail and still do sometimes she takes time to reply back so don’t get disheartened. So here’s Mona’s story in her own words…. It had just stopped raining and it was hot...

2 years ago
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Mona Aunt With Sexual Desire

Hey! Guys and girls. Specially aunties 30 love you all. Am Prashanth from Hyderabad. Basically, ill give service to women who are in need of personal desire in Hyderabad. The theme of writing this story is to find women who are in physical needs. But the story is true. I love matured women more then girls. I charge according to the girl or women for one night stand. Challo! Lets start my craziest and erotica real life incident which led me to cherish through out my life. Am Prashanth age:23...

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Mona Bhabhi Mast Gand Ki Chudai

Hi friends, my name is jay jani hai or mai llb kar raha hu. Meri age 24 year hai or mai gujrat ka rahne wala hu. Height 5ft 5” hai or looking handsome. Mere land ka size 6” hai. Yeh kahani aaj se 3 saal pahle ki hai jab main gujrat se delhi jar ha tha. To baat yeh hai ki main jab travels mai ticket bokking karva ne gaya to travels wala ne kaha ki sari seat booked hai par ek seat khali hai vo bhi double wali to maine kaha ki koi baat nahi dusri aap agar kisi ko dena chahte ho to de sakte ho....

5 years ago
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Mona Bhabhi Ki Chudai

By : Anurag_s6666 Hiii to all, mera naam Vicky hai, main Mumbai me rehta hu, meri ye story 2 saal pehle ki hai, mere pados me ek couple rehne aaye the, rohit aur mona, rohit ka business tha, wo bohot bahar tour pe jata tha 1 mahine ke liye, maine jab mona ko pehli baar nighty me dekh to dekhta hi reh gaya, wo slewless nighty me uska sharer bohot sexy dikh raha tha, Uske boobs ki size karib 34 ki hogi, aur baki 30 aur 36, main jab bhi uske samne aata to wo mujhe bus ek smile deti thi, ek din...

3 years ago
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An Adventure in the Life of Lisa CornellChapter 6 Lisas Audition Rowans Surprise

I was lying in bed diddling myself while I waited for the phone call that Jason Gumbleton promised to make as soon he pulled up in his car. Yes I was DIDDLING myself, you know, fingering my cunt, rubbing my thumb over my clit and allowing a couple of my fingers to slide inside, palm deep. Oh I'd been good and slept to get 'refreshed and reinvigorated' just like Jason had said, but I hadn't been able to sleep too long, I mean you know how it is, the thought of four cocks pulling a train on...

4 years ago
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Lisa And Karen Lisas Rude Awakening

April 2015.I met Rob completely by accident. We literally bumped into each other and in doing so, he accidentally spilt my glass of wine. He apologised immediately for his clumsiness and insisted on buying me another. His conduct and manners were impeccable, so I allowed this rather fit-looking gentleman to buy me a replacement drink. We got chatting. He was a year older than me and worked for a high street bank. He didn’t come across as the stereotype Jack-the-lad; he seemed studious and...

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Lisas Birthday night

One Friday evening shortly after Lisa's birthday her mother and dad were sitting in the living room after she went to her room to watch TV. When Lisa left the room her dad, Chuck put one of his adult movies in the VCR and began to watch it with Debbie, his wife. He began to get horny watching the sexual action on the screen, and started to play around with his wife, Debbie. Although she usually got very turned on by his caresses, tonight she wasn't feeling very well. She asked him to stop, and...

5 years ago
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My Life with Lisa

Some have asked me about Lisa, and I can assure you that she is fine. As a matter of fact, she seemed a bit flattered that others would ask about her. I got her permission to tell you about her and our relationship. She said 'What the hell, if your willing to tell them you wear pretty panties for me, than I don't mind if you tell them I wear diapers.' Wow! She also gave me permission to tell you a little about our sex life, so let me tell you about Lisa and I. Mother did her best to...

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Life of LisaChapter 2

My mind went back a year or so when I was twelve or thirteen. A visit I was never likely to forget. Two crewmembers came very close to raping me. I'd always wandered around the ship; I had the run of it, eventually ending up in the crew's quarters. There was nothing new about this; I knew most of the crew and enjoyed being with them and listening to their many stories. Like wise I'd listened to my father and uncles retell stories about their adventures at sea. Mind some I was not supposed...

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Miss December

Part I David watched from the window as the car pulled around the corner and out of sight. It was Friday evening, and now he’d have the house to himself for the whole weekend. He was looking forward to relaxing at home for a couple days before he had to go back to the real world on Monday. He decided to take a shower because he wanted to be nice and clean for what he was planning to do. He made sure to wash himself thoroughly. He admired his cock as he cleaned the long semi-erect shaft....

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Lisas night

Another good night out with friends and as the pub wasn't far from where we live this time me, Lisa and Gary were going back to ours. We got home and Gary asked to used the toilet. I told him where it was and off he went. When he'd left the room Lisa said are we going to enjoy ourselves tonight. I hope so I said. She smiled and said she would freshen up. Gary came back down and I said Lisa is up for a bit of fun tonight how about you. Gary said it would only be good manners if we both joined...

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My stepsister Lisa part 2 movie night

The morning after our first sexual encounter, Lisa went to visit her friend Hailey, who lived in the next town over. She stayed the night, hence we hadn’t talked very much apart from a goodbye when she left. Trying not to alert any of our family members, she tried to act normal. I could tell she didn’t know how to behave around me though. She seemed afraid to look me in the eye, but had a shy smile on her face anyways. It was starting to get dark when she returned, going straight to...

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Mona a past lover

One of my first stories written, this is a true story…. one of many fine memories… My encounter with Mona… I first met Mona in August, a few years ago… when I was riding a beat as a police officer. I was working 3rd shift, from 10:30 pm till 6:30 am. One evening around 1:00 am I was making my rounds and pulled into one of my all night 7/11 Stores. As I walked in and said hello to the clerk I saw her standing with her back to me. She was playing a video game against the window, opposite end from...

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Mona a past lover

One of my first stories written, this is a true story.... one of many fine memories...My encounter with Mona...I first met Mona in August, a few years ago... when I was riding a beat as a police officer. I was working 3rd shift, from 10:30 pm till 6:30 am. One evening around 1:00 am I was making my rounds and pulled into one of my all night 7/11 Stores.As I walked in and said hello to the clerk I saw her standing with her back to me. She was playing a video game against the window, opposite end...

Straight Sex
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Dazzled by December Lakeside Lover

Author’s Note: I apologize for the length of time between this chapter and the last, plus the title is different than what I wanted, but the original title idea wouldn’t fit. Life has a way of continuing when you don’t want it to interfere with writing, but it does, as it did with mine. For those new to the Dazzled series, December’s life followed the path of George Straight’s song, She Let Herself Go. Please enjoy this final chapter and leave a comment if you wish, as is my policy, only...

4 years ago
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Breaking in Lisa Bose on her Wedding Night

I had been dating/living with Lisa for about 8 months and we finally got married in August. After our reception party I told her i had an awsome suprise for her. Lisa fell asleep in my car while i drove to the suprise i got for us. A room at the Holiday Inn Black out in the county. I had new toys and an outfit for her when we got there. When we got to the Holiday Inn she half slept on my shoulder and I could tell she was really really drunk. I asked once we where in our room if she was alright...

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Lisa Does What She Has To Do Part 3

It was the morning after Lisa had made her decision that she would have sex with Ron, her 68-year-old landlord, in return for the rent. She came back to her flat, late afternoon, after spending the day at the university where she was a student. She was wondering when she would tell Ron the good news. However, five minutes after entering the flat there was a knock on the door. Her heart skipped as she knew it would be Ron (he lived in the lower half of the house so would have heard her come...

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Lisa Learns to Love

Lisa?s stomach was filled with butterflies Lisa?s stomach was filled with butterflies. She?d passed all the interviews and had finally landed the job. All that was left was to see the personnel manager to sort out some final details. She knocked on the door and entered the office. ?Ah, Miss Jones. Welcome to Amalgamated Holdings. I?m Christine Holmes.? The personnel officer, a smartly dressed woman in her early thirties, stood up and came round from behind her desk. ?Dr Andrews was...

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Lisas Night Out

Lisa's Night Out It all started because I opened my big mouth, actually. And by the time everything had reached an end, I found myself simply amazed at just how far some people will go in order to encounter new experiences.I'd just been hired by the new high school as a science teacher. Fresh out of college three months before, I spent the summer at my parent's beach house, not doing much and making sure my beer intake,...

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George And Lisa Discover 8216The Plan8217

George was huffing back home on his bicycle after an exciting and confusing afternoon with his girlfriend Lisa. As usual, George had spent a few hours at Lisa’s house after school. This had become a routine for them in the past several months. They would talk of the day’s events; who was doing what around the neighborhood or at school. Sometimes they would sit on the sofa, watching a movie or program on TV. Today was different. Today there was something else in the air. George could...

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Lisa Mum Me

"Hi mum," I said as I entered the living room."Hi Steve," my mum smiled. She was sitting on the sofa in the spacious living room, which was at the back of the single-storey house she and I lived. "How was school?" she asked."The usual, boring," I replied, dumping my schoolbag on the floor and kicking my trainers off. I didn't do too badly at school, and was an ace at sports, but like most fifteen-year-old boys I didn't exactly find it terribly thrilling. It was nice to be home.My mum, Helen,...

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I guess the first time I sucked a cock was when I was about ten. Thecock I sucked belonged to my friend, Ted who was two years older than me.Even at twelve years old Ted had a gigantic cock. Then it was a good sevenor eight inches long. Ted had just started to cum and that is the reasonthat I sucked him. We were in the woods and he was telling me that he hadjacked off and he came. We had jacked off together before and had talkedabout what most boys talk about, cumming or shooting off as we...

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Dr Tom and Lisa

                                                                Dr Tom and Lisa                                                                   Episode 1                                                              by roccodadom44    "Jesus Lisa everyone needs secrets" Tom moaned at his relentless wife. "Come on big boy open the vault or Ill close my snatch" half teased Lisa. The couple were coming to grips with the fact that they both adored torturing other humans. Dr Tom had helped several...

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