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Heaven and Life stood looking out the huge window in their hotel room as Heaven sipped the cocktail and Life cleaned his guns. He looked at Heaven then looked at the time.

“We should get going.” Heaven said.Life slung the gun around his shoulder as Heaven grabbed her coat. They heard commotion outside as Life smiled Heaven turned towards the door.

“Too late.” Life said as the door was kicked down Life tossed the gun at Heaven she reloaded it and took aim. Life pulled out his swords and took off running. Heaven shot at a rate of 100 bullets per second without missing a shot. Life on the other hand preferred a more hands on fight. Life swung left then spun right. He kicked a solider into Heaven’s line of bullets as his brains splatters all over Life. Life shot Heaven a glare then continued. Heaven ran out of bullets she she reached up her leg to pull out a sterile needle she turned it on her finger as it morphed into a bazooka. Heaven took aim and shot. Life heard the deep rumble he saw the bazooka coming at him he jumped up arching his back barely missing it. He slid to a stop as Heaven walked up beside him. Both drenched in blood as Life sighed and took off walking into the hallway.

They stepped over dead, burnt bodies as they make their way to the car. Heaven started the mustang Life looked at her the glance wasn’t happy nor angry. She sped away from the parking lot

Nine hours earlier

Heaven sat with the computer on her lap as she was drinking her morning cup of orange juice. Life sat in the corner of the room where the sun didn’t touch him. He was cleaning out guns and fulling the chamber back up. Heaven stood up as he laptop fell out to the floor as she dropped her orange juice. Life looked up at her.

“We’ve been... Black Listed.” Heaven said as Life moved fast. The Black list was were an anonymous person put a hit man on assassins.

“How bad is it?” Life said as he shoved Heavens stuff in a bag.

“They have our exact latitude and longitude that is how serious it is.” Heaven was wearing her panties and a bra. Life tossed her a gun as he grabbed the box with new passports and I.D’s. Life grabbed a duffel bag and grabbed clothes from the closet and stuffed them in. He grabbed his swards and a mirror. Heaven climbed down the stairs with only rain boots on. They got in the garage as Heaven pulled out of the house. Life threw a match at the garage the house went up in flames.

“Change places with me.” Life said as Heaven scooted in his lap as he slid smoothly into the drivers seat. Life took off speeding this time.They had a long journey.

It was late in the afternoon as Life was driving and Heaven was in the passenger seat.

“Hey, i’m hungry life.” Life nodded and took a sharp left pulling into a restaurants parking lot.

“If were going in here we need to change our clothes.” Heaven agreed and started to strip her clothes off and reached in the back to grab more suitable clothes for the occasion. life did the same. Heaven chose a black casual dress. It was knee length with spaghetti straps. Life on the other hand... was a little more extravagant the Heaven would have liked.

“Where are you going?!” Heaven exclaimed as Life wiped the last of blood from his cheek with a handkerchief.

“What?” Life looked at her eyebrows pinched.

“What’s wrong with it?” Life asked as Heaven did a head to toe assessment. He was in victorian boots, Pinstriped pants, a victorian shirt with a vest,and a knee length red coat.

“Everything! What about being low key? I swear sometimes your the reason we get found.” Heaven began to walk away as Life silently followed.

“What do you want to eat?” Life asked curious to know more about the human appetite after all he was far from human himself. Heaven looked at Life who smiled.

“Why don’t you find out for your self and eat something?”

“I’d rather die.”

“You are dead.”

“Ouch, that stung my immortal soul.”

“Shut up.” Heaven said as a smirk played upon her lips. The waiter came over and took Heaven’s drink order as she looked at Life.

“What?” He asked.

“How long are planning to keep this up?”

“Keep what up?”

“Not eating or drinking blood.”

“After I took you in I said I would never sin again.” Life had raised Heaven from the time she was 17 using the cover of a priest to give her a secure home life. She find out at that age of 18 that on some level she was like Life, Un-human,but he never said what she was.

“You are growing weaker everyday.”

“Then let my blood run dry and rot away.”

“I am no longer a little girl, I kill just like you do.” Life's eyes gave a flicker of pain as he sighed and forced himself to look her in the eye.

“What do you want me to do go a massacre to quench a thirst that I have held for almost 40 years?”


“Then you are selfish and I though I would have thought you better.”

“But instead you made a killer.”

“Touché.” Life said as he looked away and gave a sigh.

the food arrived just as heaven was about to add another comment about how he should eat, after all he raised her while her parents abandoned her.
she remembered when she had first met life, many years ago

She was only seven when her parents decided to put her in the black market to pay off a debt. Heaven was put in a cage life a animal and kept there as she watched other kids her age disappear along with her brother. That was the day she felt the soul die. He was apart of the same clan that ha preformed the horrid acts that no words could describe. Heaven was the last one in the cage, left alone. He own brother stabbed in front of her eyes.

“What do you think your doing?!” A voice yelled as Heaven watched a figure push past the curtains. He turned to look around as he saw Heaven. She stopped breathing as Life looked at her. He knelt by the cage as he opened it. He grabbed Heaven she kicked and fought back but it was useless he was too strong. She closed her eyes and cried she realized that he wasn’t holding her anymore. He held a sword as blood dripped off of it. She looked around him to see dead body on the floor. Life grabbed her arm and pulled her along. Heaven followed silently as Life finally got tired of dragging her and picked her up. She found him strangely kind. He jumped out of the window as Heaven held onto Life. She heard the roar and crackling of fire behind her. Heaven sat in the high grass as she watched the man who just rescued her. The light from the fire flickered off of his face then she blacked out.

Heaven came put of her memory as she looked at Life who was stared out the window.She sighed and touched his hand. She felt love for him but also deep hate because she may or may not have been living with the man who killed her brother.

he also took her in moments after doing so she still wondered to this day... why? Why did he take her in? Why her of all people?

Life’s eyes flickered to hers reviling the sorrow and regret that lingered in them.

“You know I hate when you invade my personal thoughts.”

“You’ll get over it.”

“Why do you alway have to push your boundaries.”

“Because for a mutual understanding boundaries must be broken...even if you wish to forget them.” Life looked away again. Heaven looked at the food which no longer held any appeal. She stood and walked away from the table. Life got the food to go and payed the bill. Heaven sat in the passenger seat of the car. Life’s walk was slow and arrogant. He slid in the car dropping the food in her lap.

“Go to hell.” Heaven spat as Life looked at her.

“Almost there.” Life stared the car and sped away from the restaurant into the pitch black night.

Chapter 2: The Mutual Understanding

Life sat down on the beside Heaven as she woke up and looked at him.

“I did’t kill your brother.” Life whispered.

“You where in my thoughts?! ....what did you just say.”

“I said I didn’t kill your brother.” Life said this time his voice strained. Heaven sat up this time she pulled out her gun and pointed it at Life who broke into a smile.

“Alway’s with the guns, Heaven.” Life said as he looked at her.

“What did you do with him?”

“I don’t know what happened to your brother I wasn’t there when they killed him. I was assigned to assassinate any and all people in the house.” Life said as he turned back around. They had found a small apartment with an upstairs loft with a rail. This is where Life usually slept but Heaven fell asleep in Life’s bed. Heaven lowered her gun but stared at his back.

“Why are you telling me now?”

“Because of this.” Life turned around as he gently touched her left shoulder blade with his fingertips. Heaven let out a shiver as she gave a moan of pleasure.

“What is that?” Heaven asked as Life withdrew his hand.

“That was a mark you’ve had it since you were a kid. Its the royal mark of Succubus.” Life said as he let out a sigh.

“Listen Heaven... Your mark is very dangerous. When it appears it mean that your sex drive is very high...”

“God, no not the sex talk.” Heaven said as she crawled out from under the covers. She looked at Life who looked at her. His eyes were piercing and dark but behind them was something else something Heaven had never seen in them before. Heaven pressed herself against the wall and felt the heat spread throughout her body. She knew what that look was and she couldn’t help but to give into it. She grabbed him and kissed him as she climbed into his lap. The kiss was rough passion that seemed to overflow. She knotted her hand in his hair as her tongue began exploring new areas of his mouth. He roughly gripped her side of her thighs.

“Wait!” Life had managed to pry Heaven off of him. He looked like he was controlling himself. Eyes wild with excitement and a glint of lust that seemed more seductive then anything.

“What’s wrong?” Heaven asked as she looked at him.His eyes flashed to her’s they weren’t their usual violet instead they were a very light purple that almost seemed to glow. He opened his mouth to say something then leaned in and kissed her stomach. His lips were soft to the feel of her stomach the gesture was strangely intimate and pleasurable. His hand were gentle against her skin he reached up and with one puled her bra was gone. Her nipples were like ripe fruit hard and pink. Heaven grabbed Life’s shoulders and pushed his down. She gripped his shirt and torn it open. She marveled at his perfect abs and pale skin. His nipples were not unlike hers they were pink and perfect. She bent down and sucked on his nipple then bit down really hard. Life arched his back and grabbed onto her back.

Heaven slid down his body as she unzipped his pants zipper with her teeth his cock sprung out of his pants. She looked at all nine inches of his throbbing erection. She ran her tongue up the length of it She took Life in her mouth as she managed to get most of his length in. Not only was Life long but he was thick as well. Her hands dug into his thighs drawing blood she pulled him out of her mouth. He pulled her up so that she was situated over his lap.She mounted Life wrapping his hands on her hips placing her in the perfect position. Heaven moaned out of pain and pleasure
“You’re too big!” Heaven said as she and threw her head back they started to move in harmony. Life grabbed her back and pulled her upper body to his lips, he began to suck and nibble on her nipples. Heaven put her hands around his head enjoying it.She gave moans of pleasure gripping a fist full of his hair she pulled his head back kissed him passionately. Starting slow with pecks, slowly sticking her tongue into his mouth.She pulled away and fell back arching herself into Life. He grabbed her legs and turned her over so she all fours. He pulled all the way out and gave a powerful thrust forward slamming all the way. Heaven gave a breathless moan of pleasure. Life’s thrust were hard and fast as she clung onto the covers. Her toes were clutched down as she moaned uncontrollably.

“I’m cumming!” Heaven said as Life thrust grown more powerful. He drew is hand back and slapped Heaven hard on the ass as she gave a pant of surprise.

“I won’t allow you to come so quickly.”Life lifted his leg up as he pulled Heaven hips back to him. He began thrusting again as his balls slapped against her ass.

“More!Faster!Oh,yes!” Heaven words were incoherent and breathless. Life began to move faster His hands clamped onto her

Chapter 3: The Morning After Sex

Heaven sighed as she felt sore but a good kind of sore.She laid in bed looking at the ceiling recounting the night’s events.She turned her head to look at Life’s sleeping face.She remembered letting him do whatever but past that was a blur.

“You bastard,”Heaven murmured.

“Again with the names...but,and forgive me for saying,is it not to early for regret,” Life said as he let his body up slowly into a sitting position. He grabbed the sides of Heaven’s face as he brought his face close to hers.

“It really is too early to be regretting and far too late for you to be sorry...so tell me how do you really feel...or do I have to dig into your head again?” Life said as Heaven glared at him and blushed. Life let her go as he got up in one swift motion. He stretched and then turned to her.

“Come.” Life said as he held his hand out for her. She took it as he effortlessly pulled her across the bed and into his arms. He held her under her arms. Heaven looked at him as he carried her to the bathroom. It was inevitable that they were going to shower together. She squirmed in his arms.

“What do you not want to take a shower perhaps you want to spend the day wrapped in the sweat and sex?” He slipped his finger from the nape of her neck down her spine. Heaven pressed her body into his. He pushed her bangs back reveling her forehead as he set her down.

“I’ll be taking my leave now.” Life turned to leave.

“Why did you carry me in here?”

“Your leaking.” Life said as she looked down to see cum running down her leg.

“Plus I take it you body is still somewhat numb and sore and for that I apologize...but I do not apologize for the action itself.” Life waved as he walked out of the bathroom. Heaven started the shower as she stepped into the warm spray of the water. She began to wash as she began to smile. She leaned against the wall then sunk down to the floor of the shower. Life was right her legs felt like noodles,her hips and inner thigh ached as if she had been riding a horse all day.Heaven felt happy by the idea that her body ached because of him. It wasn’t pain but a pleasant soreness. She let the warm spray massage her body. Heaven came out of the shower as she peaked in the room Life was no where to be found. Heaven stepped out of the bathroom into bedroom.

“What a lovely view.” Unfamiliar voice said as Heaven turned to see a man dressed in army clothes. She grabbed the bed sheet in an attempt to cover her body.

“Life!” Heaven said as pulling out her gun from under the nightstand and pointed it at the stranger.

“oh, no deary, you cannot call your little boyfriend, he had and unfortunate accident with a bullet to his brain.” he said.

“bullshit. Where is he?!” heaven said.

“sure, think whatever you like, he’s not coming back.” Heaven wrapped the sheet around herself tighter. Suddenly a gunshot filled the air. Heaven turned around to see a man behind with a gun. Heaven jumped back pointing her gun at him. He was tall, long pale honey blond hair and piercing green eyes.

“Life!” The man said as he walked past heaven and down the stairs.Heaven followed. Life laid in the middle of the floor blood coming from his head.

“I know you can hear me.” The man said as Life let out a sigh and sat up.

“Angelo.” Life said as the girl looked at Heaven then back at Life.

“I though I told you to lay low.”

“I did.” Life said as Heaven looked at the two of them.

“Is anyone going to explain whats going on here? Heaven asked as both men looked at her.

“Its a long story.” Angelo and Life said in unison.


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Upon reaching the back of the dressing rooms, the young man with shaved hair was disgusted when he saw his friend drool and with a prominent bulge in his pants, lost in his world. "What the hell Motohama!?" the boy in the photography club demanded an answer for such a disgusting sight. "..." The raven haired boy did not answer, attentive to what he could see through the hole. "The bastard!" Matsuda thought with an eyebrow on his forehead, baffled to see the other pervert not even...

3 years ago
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Chapman Associates Ch 04

The mayor’s wife’s daughter. It was a Friday when her cell buzzed as she sat at the kitchen counter in her condo. Sam was away for a the day for a doctor’s check up and to visit her parents who were not happy about her current situation. Tess could never decide whether they were more upset with their oldest daughter about be an unwed mother or the fact that she was living a lesbian life style. Tess smiled. If they knew their daughter ate pussy for a living they would both have instant...

1 year ago
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Out of the Cold

They say no two snowflakes are alike, that each is unique. But as the wind whipped flakes into a blizzard-fueled frenzy, each felt like the same sharp-edged blade, ripping through the air to slice into my skin. I huddled further into my oversized coat, shivering as cold air slithered under its edges. Massachusetts winters are not for the faint of heart, and here in the western part of the state, weather is compounded by lake effect from upper New York. I hurried across the yard, eager to...

3 years ago
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Lake District Holiday part 6

“So,” said Jen, “What are we going to do?” Mike was driving, with Jen sitting next to him. Lisa and I were either side of Saul. “Well,” I replied, “Let’s start with you two telling us how you got back.” “Bitch,” said Jen under her breath. “Did I tie you to anything? No, I did not. Were you alone? No you were not. Were you suffering the hangover to end all hangovers? No, you were not.” I counted these items out on my fingers. Mike turned to Jen, “She’ll be telling you to count your blessings in...

4 years ago
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Sex Tale With A Sex Goddess 8211 Part ll

Chandu again… This is a continuation of the last incident \\\”sex tale with a sex goddess\\\” pls read it before for a good experience..   My heart started beating fast and as planned i went and pushed the door suddenly and (i was ready with the answer if she asks why i came to her bathroom..) she got shocked seeing me their and i was also in a deep shock seeing her fingering her shaved puffed pussy and i started saying sorry and to my surprise she told me its ok i only wanted some help...

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Preface I want to state beforehand that this work is a fantasy based on facts mixed with my, shall we say, fertile imagination. I do know a young lady similar to the one I describe in this tale, and have thought of her many times. However, the intimate events detailed in this story have never happened, if they had, I certainly wouldn’t be telling you about them. That would be ‘ungentlemanly.’ Part One I first met Danielle when I was her supervisor at a small diner outside Philadelphia,...

2 years ago
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Queen of Harvest Moon Part 2b Rickys Halloween Surprise

Queen of Harvest Moon Part 2B By Angel The town of Harvest Moon was a very rich and connected town. In actuality, Harvest Moon belonged to a corporation and that corporation was footing the bill, as it were. Taxes in Harvest Moon were almost nil. Even the state tax was subsidized by the corporation, so all who lived in Harvest Moon kept most of what they earned. If you did your research you would find that the entire town's populace could be categorized in four parts: 1)...

3 years ago
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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 44

Tom and Cal were both nervous and excited at the same time, talking to the preacher about marrying them the next day. Early McClain looked up as he heard a knock at the back of the school building where he had his study. He opened the door and there stood the half-breed Indian that had given the church the money to buy books and a piano as well as school books for his wife to teach from. “Tom won’t you come on in.” Tom introduced Cal to Early McClain and they told him what they were there...

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Material Girl0

The stupid bitch buzzes on the intercom, she's here to collect the rest of her clothes. I should have burnt them all and sent her a cheque. Seeing her will only result in bad actions. Little back dresses and see through tops, always putting on a show for everyone yet never fucking me, no wonder i had to kick her to the curb. it had been 3 weeks since i saw her last, she stands about 5'10", dark brown hair that comes half way down her back that bends into a nice firm round arse. Full...

4 years ago
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Way of LifeChapter 3

[Monday, May 1, 1730] Melony opened the front door and was surprised to see no one. She stuck her head out to look up and down the sidewalk, but saw no one about who could have knocked on her front door. Then the woman noticed a piece of paper sticking out of her mailbox. She took it and closed the door behind her. Harold yelled from the dining room, "Who was it Mel?" Melony opened the folder paper and read the first few words then and realized her own body was betraying her. Her long...

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Zach Dark Desires

The boy was spreadeagled against the wall. Padded metal cuffs at his wrists, and upper arms, screwed directly into the white tiled wall, held them tightly above his head. More cuffs at his ankles, held him flat, stretched against the cold white ceramic. His head hung limply, tilted slightly to one side, chin resting on his chest. His youthfully handsome face looked almost angelic as he appeared to sleep peacefully, his defined chest and taut flat stomach expanding and contracting with each...

3 years ago
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Fallen Earth Caught in the Hospital

“That must be it,” Adela murmured as she paused to look at the twisted cross hanging loose from a concrete wall spider-webbed with vine-filled cracks. The young ranger was tall and slender, with an ample chest and long blonde hair that she wore pulled back in a ponytail. She wore a pair of loose-fitting black leather pants designed to survive several days of traveling, and a brief halter that provided just enough modesty in the sweltering southern heat. Her only equipment was the sword slung...

2 years ago
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Lucky Seven Of Nine

All rights reserved. Paramount owns the Star Trek and Voyager concepts and the authors own what remains of the rest of the story. Not to be posted or sold without permission of the authors. LUCKY SEVEN OF NINE By Eric and Caleb Jones PART ONE - ADJUSTMENTS Tom Paris looked appreciatively at the lush curves and blond beauty of Seven of Nine. An explosive gasp of air escaped his lungs as Seven turned sideways to read a data display. The best bosom aboard Voyager gently bounced...

1 year ago
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Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS"I dunno, some of the dresses are short, and the others are also skimpy, and jeez it exposes so much of me," you said."Look, we're in Vegas, and frankly, I think most people don't give a rat’s ass, except the wives and girlfriends of guys that start to stare at you," I replied. "Dress A (https://tinyurl.com/y9qnfpbm), you'd be making a statement. I should point out that Dress A does come in black, which does make it a bit more formal. Dress B (https://tinyurl.com/y3b275aa), on the...

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Melting the ice

Julie Yi was my Sales Director at a medical equipment company where I was recently employed. At 46, she was a few years older than I was but I couldn't help but notice her when she walked through the department. She had long hair that was as black as a raven that she always wore pinned up into a bun. Her eyes were sexy petite almonds that sparkled when the light hit them just right. She had the body of a much younger woman and that tight little ass of hers made me want to get to know her in...

1 year ago
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In a World Where All the Women Want Me Help

Yuri Althaus was your typical teenager with way too much time on his hands and more money than he knew what to do with. Honestly, this was not where he thought he would be when he was 19 but here he was, at the age of 19, and in a position that just had him in a state of boredom. His family was filthy, stinking rich, and had been that way since the time of his great grandfather, at least. Unlike most rich brats, Yuri was spoiled but didn’t really act like it, granted he got almost everything he...

1 year ago
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Dear Penthouse

My wife Cali works at small town store where a lot of local residents frequent. A young k** named Ryan comes in a lot and engages in small talk with Cali almost everyday. Ryan came in one Friday and was telling Cali he just turned 18 and was looking for odd jobs so he could buy a car. She told him there was nothing at the store but, if he was interested in doing some yard work he could come over to the house and earn some extra cash. I agreed to the idea, and Friday Cali could pick him up and...

3 years ago
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The Best Threesome

The afternoon when I received a call to reach Ranaji’s farmhouse I was waiting for it. I was dressed in my best see thru black saree and sleeveless blouse that accentuated my firm a bit heavy breasts and the saree was wrapped so tight that the shape of my buttocks was inviting too. I had shaved my thighs and arms today itself and even my chut. Now I was getting ready to go to Ranaji and get thoroughly fucked by him. The driver was giving me lusty glances as he drove me to Ranaji’s farmhouse and...

2 years ago
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Short and to the point

As Carol got dressed, I noticed she was wearing no panties. I questioned her and she said "I thought you liked my hairy pussy." "Of course I do, and I bet Mike will too." I replied.  She smiled and kissed me on my cheek. Carol put on a red blouse and a short yellow skirt. She asked me how she looked.  I said you look fantastic and I'm sure Mike will like the outfit. She began to brush her long blonde hair and during her strokes she asked if seeing a woman's naked pussy really turned guy's on....

Love Stories
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Simply SaraChapter 31

The night was long and busy, full of loving and lust. Sara and Bev kept all three men busy until they all began to fall asleep. And as they slept, there was stirring and grasping and now and then, someone would move to find another warm, wet place to put their hands or their cocks. Sara came several times during the night, once because she and Bev were loving each other. She heard one of the men gasp in orgasm when she was sure no one was fucking either her or Bev, but she never mentioned...

3 years ago
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Three CompanionsChapter 2

When she sleepwalked, it was almost impossible to get her out of her trance-like sleep. The best thing to do on those occasions was to guide her back to her bed and let her sleep. During the year preceding my father's death, she no longer got out of bed while sleeping, but she still continue to be an extremely sound sleeper. Therefore, as she slept next to me during the cold winter nights, and with my mother working a night shift in an ammunition factory, I had plenty of time, as well as...

4 years ago
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A Daughter Has Her Way

A Daughter Has Her Way by: crossvestite Players: Amy-18 Steve-(Amy's daddy) 36 Andy-(Amy's twin brother) 18 Lucas-(Amy's boyfriend) 18 Cheryl-(Lucas's Sister) 15 Story synopsis: A young girl discovers that her daddy is a closet crossdresser. And along the way she discovers a lot about herself. She has plans for her daddy as well as her brother and boyfriend. Many adventures in store for everyone. --------------------- NOTE: This is a story I recently wrote in many short...

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Daddy I Cant Sleep

Chloe leaned against the doorframe and gazed into the darkened room. Her father was reading in bed. The light from his tablet was providing enough illumination to give her an excellent view. The covers were in his lap, leaving his naked body exposed from the waist up.Her eyes wander down from his handsome face to his muscular chest and on down to his washboard abdomen. She didn’t stop at her Daddy’s waist and peered hard at his lap, trying to see the dick that had brought her to his door this...

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ScarredChapter 4

Next day, I spent the morning doing some odd jobs around the house. Rampaging through my things, a lot of memories came back, happy and sad. It was midday when my aunt came around, finding me in the garden taking care of the fruit trees. Living on a farm for seven years, you learn to enjoy the tranquillity. “I see you have become handy with a hoe.” My aunt called out from the veranda. “The trees needed some watering from this heat,” I called back. Putting her hand up to block the sun from...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates The Experiment

(Author's Note: This one first appeared on femur's wonderful site at tgcomics.com earlier this year. It was inspired by his lovingly modified romance comic covers, specifically af.020) ALTERED FATES: THE EXPERIMENT By BobH (c) 2004 Sunday, June 25th: Just saw Jan off at Penn Station. She's spending a week visiting with her best friend, Gail. Wish me and Gail got along - I'd like to have spent some time in the Hamptons - but she doesn't think I'm good enough for Jan. She'd...

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Three Square MealsChapter 43 They explore the Maliri space station and uncover secrets

“I don’t recall seeing Irillith around here before.” John mused, addressing Ceraden, who sat behind his desk, drumming his fingers on the glossy surface with irritation. “No, thank heavens. She’s a ‘guest’, and I only have to put up with her for another week, then it’ll be glorious peace and quiet once again,” Ceraden replied wistfully. Ceraden looked over the desk, and tsked with annoyance at the mess the shattered device had made on the floor. A few second later a pair of cleaning robots...

2 years ago
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Saved By A Goddess Gifts

This story takes place immediately following the events found in the story Saved By A Goddess. It is highly recommended you read it before starting this one. Saved By A Goddess, Gifts By: StefB Edited by Sylvan Goddess and LorasPa (Thank you both so very much) My mind was racing as I walked outside to enjoy the peace and quiet offered by the massive front porch of the rural cabin my wife I were temporarily sharing. I looked over the quiet lodge while sipping a cup...

3 years ago
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For his pleasure she cums Part 2

 Saturday Evening She lifts her leg from the water, stroking it gently with her forefingers, feeling the softness of her skin. Before the "play-weekend" started, she made sure she shaved her legs including the tender bits that mattered, she wanted nothing to get in the way of her and her pleasure - and off course her husband. She knows how hot it gets him when he touches her legs and they are smooth as silk. It's been about an hour since she got into the bath, and after filling up twice with...

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GloryHole Kenzie Taylor 01022017

Warning to all the fellahs out there: DO NOT LET YOUR LADY GET BORED! I mean in the bedroom, guys…cause when they’re bored, they seek out other ways of pleasuring themselves. Take Kenzie Taylor, for example. She hasn’t had sex in forever, and the last time she remembers even banging, it was missionary with the lights off. And he came too fast. So Kenzie’s on a hunt, and her trophy is going to be the BBC! She wanders into an adult bookstore, simply to purchase a dirty...


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