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Danni's Story By Heather St. Claire It's now been one week since the surrogates were disabled, perhaps for good. I know the world is just starting to sort out the impacts. Some people have been able to go on to with their lives without too much disruption, but I suspect they are a fortunate few. I am one of the others. I have to face up to some pretty fundamental questions about who I really am. My name is Daniel Haynes. I'm a 27-year-old teacher at a local elementary school. Until a week ago, my students and colleagues knew me as Danni Haynes, the name I went by when using my female surrogate. I was born in 2027, so I really don't have too many memories of the world before surrogates. By the time I was 10 years old or so, it seemed like just about every adult I knew had one, even my parents, who were of the liberal, eco-friendly persuasion that was least open toward the idea. But my dad was embarrassed by his male pattern baldness and my mom, wonderful woman that she is, was never a hottie; I think they both welcomed the opportunity to interact with the world through idealized versions of themselves. Mom is a teacher, my older sister is a teacher, and my dad taught for a time before going back to school to get his law degree. No, it's not what you think?he didn't turn into a corporate suit, he spends his days representing environmental interests. So it probably won't surprise you to learn that when it came time for me to choose a career, I decided to become a teacher. I enrolled in the teacher education program at the local branch of the state university. I loved my college years, but I looked forward to getting on with my life and career. My student teaching assignment couldn't come soon enough. Even though most men teach at the middle school level or above, I had always had my heart set on a job at the primary level. There's something about engaging the youngest minds that I find particularly challenging and rewarding. I know that it's work of lasting value. Did you know that one state projects its future prison population based on third grade reading scores? I got an assignment in an upscale suburban elementary school. I had a great master teacher to work with, and the entire building staff was very supportive. I was almost at the end of my assignment, thinking about where I would be sending my resume, when I had a life-changing meeting with the principal. Bonnie was an imposing looking woman of about 50, to judge from her surrogate. She told me that I had earned an outstanding overall rating for my work. "Danny, you will be a credit to this profession," she said. "But do you want to know the one thing you can do to double your chances of finding a job?" "Of course," I said. "Purchase a female surrogate." "You're kidding." "I am absolutely serious. Why do you think there isn't one male on the faculty here? Parents are more comfortable entrusting their youngest ones to female teachers. That means school districts are more comfortable with hiring female teachers. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I am telling you what reality is." I shook my head. "Amazing," I said. "Almost 100 years into the modern civil rights era, women's liberation, all of that...we're still dealing with anachronistic prejudices." "Welcome to the real world," she said dryly. "A mother looks at a female teacher with her child and sees another nurturer. She looks at a male teacher and sees a potential pedophile. You're talking about a century of enlightenment?maybe?against thousands of years of instinctual conditioning." I told her, without much conviction that I would think about it. When I got together with my parents and sister for dinner the following Saturday night, I broached the idea to them. I expected them to dismiss it as nonsense. Instead, they liked it. "I've always thought we all contain both a male and a female essence," my mother said. "This will give you an opportunity to develop and embrace the feminine within you." I stared at her, a little incredulously. I was used to her being on the touchy-feely side, but suddenly she was talking like a New Age guru. My father, as ever, was the practical one. "Anything that can help you get a job in this economic climate is a plus, in my book." As for my sister Abby, she was elated. "I always wanted a sister," she bubbled. "Now I finally get one. I'll help you pick her out and buy a wardrobe. This is going to be so much fun!" I sighed deeply. "O-K," I said. "I know when I'm outnumbered." I agreed that I would go surrie shopping with Abby once I made it through the whirlwind of activities around graduation and getting moved back home temporarily while I began my job search. I tried to put it out of my mind until then, because frankly, I was still having difficulty wrapping my brain around it, despite the fact that everyone thought it was such a great idea. I never thought of myself as a macho guy by any means. I wasn't into bodybuilding, extreme sports, or bragging about my sexual conquests to my friends....not that I had many sexual conquests to brag about. I had shared my bed with a grand total of two women to this point in my life. If anything, I was a bit on the shy and sensitive side, but I resolutely thought of myself as male, so interacting with the world through a female surrogate was going to take some adjustment. When the big day came, Abby was at the front door of our parents' house ten minutes early. "I wasn't expecting you until ten," I said. "I haven't finished doing my nails yet." "Very funny, sister, very funny," she said. "Now let's get serious and get going." Humor had been my last defense. I knew the time had come to face my new, feminine future. Within fifteen minutes, we found ourselves in a Virtual Self showroom. When I found myself slightly tongue-tied in describing what I wanted; fortunately, Abby stepped in. We were soon looking over a selection of female surrogates. I stopped in front of one that appeared to be close to my own height?five feet, eleven inches tall, and had a lean, athletic build. "How about this one?" I asked. "Great if you want to be a female marathoner," she said. "But maybe not quite right for what you've got in mind." She had taken me by the arm and guided me toward another surrie. This one was no more than five-two, and she definitely had womanly curves. She had a sweet looking, heart shaped face and shoulder-length light brown hair. "I think you might have better luck with something like this." "She's so short." "Better to relate to the kids on their level. Besides, if you ever want to be taller, you can just put on a pair of stilettos." I gulped. "You're talking about high heels?" "Of course I'm talking about high heels!" she said, sounding a little exasperated. "Did you think you were going to spend all your time in flats? Danny, either get with the program, or forget about this!" "Ease up, sis, will you? Remember this wasn't my idea in the first place." She put her hand on my shoulder, and then pulled me toward her for a hug. "Look, I know this is a stretch for you, but it's really the best way to get to where you want to be in life. Haven't you dreamed of being a teacher since you were in first grade?" "Well, yes, but?" "No buts, Missy! Let's get you in the stem chair and have you take her for a spin." Moments later, against my better judgment, I found myself settling into the chair and putting on the headset that would link me with the surrogate. Once the hookup was complete, I opened my eyes, and saw the world for the first time as a female. I was used to being a few inches taller than Abby; now I realized I was looking up at her. "This is strange," I said, in a girlish voice. "Really strange." "Try her out," the saleswoman urged. "Why don't you two go for a walk?" With Abby's encouragement, we headed outside. It was a pleasant early summer day. We walked across the street to a mini-park and sat down on a bench. As I started to sit, Abby stopped me to remind me to smooth out my skirt first. I sat with my legs together; Abby showed me how to cross them. "More ladylike," she said. "I am never going to get the hang of this," I said with a sigh. "Sure you are, sister, sure you are," she said. "I think she's just perfect for you. Why don't you get her?" I signed the paperwork, taking advantage of Virtual Self's easy financing plan, and made arrangements to have my new surrie delivered to the house a couple of hours later. "I can't wait to take you shopping!" Abby said with delight. As we climbed aboard the subway, I found myself wondering how I was going to pay for all of this. With student loans, a new surrogate and the need to get a proper wardrobe for her, I knew I had to find a job, and fast. Over the following weeks, I spend most of my time on Daniel, as I had named my male surrogate (to distinguish him from my new alter-ego, Danni). I went biking and hiking with my friends, worked on job applications, or just hung out at the local Starbucks. But I did link up to Danni whenever I went on an interview. As I spent more time on her, I found myself getting more comfortable with female behaviors and mannerisms. By the time of my sixth interview, I was beginning to think I could pull this off. I found myself sitting in front of the human resources director for a district in a suburb about ten miles south of the city. This was a poorer, more industrial community, but the schools had a growing reputation for innovation and excellence. He seemed charmed by the fact that I was willing to go to the trouble of getting a female surrogate in order to relate better to my future students. "Future students?" I asked. "Does that mean--?" "Yes, Danni," he said. "You're hired. You'll report to work the beginning of August." Mom and Abby helped me sort out everything I would need to do to be ready for my maiden (appropriate term, eh?) teaching assignment. I rounded up a couple of friends and got settled into the apartment I rented a few blocks from the school. When I arrived at my new workplace for the first time, I found myself sorting through a mass of emotions?I was excited. I was scared. Scared not only of how the students would accept me, but my future colleagues as well. Even in this era when so many people were not who they appeared to the world as, I knew there were those who didn't like the cross-gender use of surrogates. On day one, I found myself with worries I had never had to cope with before, at least not quite like this?wear my hair up or down? How dressy or casual to be? Abby had warned me to allow an extra hour to get ready on this day. At first, I thought that was a little nutty, but I discovered that she was sharing the true wisdom of an older sister. Shorts, a peasant top, and little makeup, since it's just a day to start unpacking and settling in? A workday dress and full makeup to impress my new colleagues? I finally settled on off-white capris, a matching linen jacket and an embellished top. I put my hair up. Funny how I used a scrunchie to hold my ponytail...I hadn't even known what they were called a few weeks earlier. All the while, I couldn't help but thinking how much simpler it would have been with Daniel...dockers, a polo, comb my hair and ready to go. I was lucky in one aspect. The women at the school welcomed me with open arms from the start. I think Deanna Roberts had a lot to do with it. She was the principal, and my future lover. A statuesque redhead, who, appeared to be in her mid- to late thirties. "I want to know that I asked that you be assigned to this school," she told me on our first meeting. "I admire the hell out of what you're doing." I had been assigned to one of the second-grade classrooms. Another second grade teacher, Olivia Evans, had been assigned as my mentor. She was outgoing and had a great sense of humor. We really became close as the school year progressed...best girlfriends, you might say. In fact, she insisted on calling me "girlfriend" most of the time. All too soon the time of preparation was over and I had to face a class of my own for the very first time. It was love at first sight on my part, and I hope the feeling was mutual. To seven year olds, the world is still a wonder their curiosity really moves into overdrive at this age. They are developing social and artistic skills at a new level. I realized before too many days had passed that I was not just their teacher, I was a surrogate parent, and as much as I fought the idea at first, I realized I was their mother away from home. Who else was going to wash their scraped knee when they fell on the playground and dry their tears? For the first few weeks of that first year, I was still living a double life. I was Danni during the school day and Daniel at night and on weekends. That was the way I always assumed it would be. But life has a funny way of taking you in a different direction sometimes. My twenty-third birthday arrived in late October. The day before, Olivia told me to wear something suitable for a night out on the town to work the next day, as the staff was going to take me out to celebrate. It was important for me to be ready to go right after school, she said, as they had a full evening planned. "But I need time to go home and switch to Daniel." "No, no girlfriend," she said. "You need to come as you are. It would defeat the whole idea. It's going to be a girl's night out." "What are you talking about?" "You'll see." I decided to go along with whatever they were planning. It was easier than arguing. The next day I wore a black dress and flats. I brought along heels, larger earrings, and a bling-y necklace for our "girl's night out." I soon found out they meant what they said. Our first stop was Macy's, where they put bought a sequined dress and a pair of four-inch stilettos for me. I was used to 2 ? inch heels by now, so it took a bit of adjustment to get used to walking in these. They insisted I keep the dress and heels on for the rest of the evening. Our next stop was the Victoria's Secret in the same mall. My gift there was an assortment of push-up bras, sexy nightgowns and teddies. "What do I need all this stuff for?" I weakly protested. Deanna smiled at me, and then winked as she said, "You never know." Our caravan continued to a Chippendale's. I buried my face in my hands. "You have got to be kidding," I said weakly. Olivia put her arm across my shoulder. "Come on girlfriend, aren't you having fun?" I had to admit that this was kind of fun. "But it's also a little embarrassing." "Oh come on," she said. "You're loving this and you know it. And we are too." With that, she reached into a bag she had at her feet, and pulled out a tiara with the words "Birthday girl" spelled out in rhinestones. I smiled. "Please tell me you're not going to make me stuff cash in their crotches." "We won't make you, I promise," she said. Funny thing was, about an hour and half a dozen mimosas later, I found myself with a fistful of dollars and beckoning the dancers over to me. My entourage whooped and cheered as I pushed one "tip" after another into the dancers' waistbands. In between, I opened my presents, which included a pink t-shirt that read "Bad Girls go to Chippendales" and a couple of virbrators. I opened the elaborate birthday card they had all signed. On the front it said: "Girlfriend! Time to take your birthday quiz!" Inside were questions like this: "Why do men become smarter during sex? Because they're plugged into a genius" and "Why did God make men first? You need a rough draft before the final copy" and "Why did God put men on earth? Because vibrators can't mow the lawn." I read the last one aloud while holding aloft one of my gifts. "Who's going to show me how to use this thing?" I asked. Deanna smiled at me and winked. I felt a chill up my spine when she did that. Eventually, it was time to bring the revelry to a close and get some sleep. I had had fun "playing" girl for a night, but that's all I thought it was, a night of playacting. After all, wasn't this what the era of surrogates was all about? The ability to experience life as someone else? But things continued to shift my life in a new direction. The next week, Deanna asked me if I would join her for dinner after work. She said she liked to talk to new teachers about their professional development in a setting outside of the school; she thought it made it easier for both parties to relax and open up. I agreed, but was a bit surprised when she added: "Oh, please come as Danni. I'm used to dealing with that way, and she's your professional 'face.'" Her reasoning made sense, so I agreed. We had dinner at a steakhouse I liked. It still seemed strange to me sometimes to be eating with a surrogate; but isn't dining as much a social and sensory experience as anything else in this day and age? I surprised myself by ordering a chicken Caesar salad instead of my usual sirloin. Deanna had a T-bone. "Why not?" She said. "It's not going to cause me to gain weight or drive up my cholesterol." I hadn't been too worried about my evaluation, and Deanna soon confirmed that my instincts were accurate. She had been observing my classroom regularly, and she gave me high marks for creativity, engagement, and dealing with difficult students. I had my share in that first class (and every one since); those with attention deficit issues, hyperactivity, slow learners, ones from homes in turmoil. I almost didn't realize that the conversation had segued from a discussion of work to our personal lives. Deanna got me to give her the story of my life up til' then. She seemed to be particularly interested in my relationship with my mother and sister, and how I was adapting to living through a female surrogate. I learned that she was ten years older than me, had been divorced for five years, and had no children. By the time we had finished dinner and dessert, I found myself accepting her invitation to her place for a nightcap. The feminine intuition I was starting to develop told me where things were headed, but either I didn't want to admit it to myself, or I was excited about it. Maybe a bit of both. Deanna didn't waste much time after she had poured our drinks. As she handed me mine, her hand lightly brushed across the top of mine. "Danni," she said, "I'm not going to play around any longer. I find you very attractive. I consider myself to be bisexual, and I think that's part of the appeal. With you, I get the best of both worlds in one package." She closed her eyes, parted her lips, and leaned forward to kiss me. I happily returned the kiss. As I said earlier, I had limited experience with women to this point, but this was virgin territory in more ways than one. I had known the feeling of a woman's breasts against my chest; but the sensation of my own breasts pressed against hers was something new...and something very pleasant. We spent several minutes just kissing before Deanna's hand came to rest on my leg and started massaging it. "Have you ever been pleasured as a woman before? Even by yourself?" I admitted that I hadn't. The vibrator I had received for my birthday still sat in a dresser drawer at home, unused (though I had gone as far as putting batteries in it.) "Well, then," she said, "Get ready for a treat." She led me by the hand to her bedroom. Over the next several hours, the wonders of the female orgasm were unlocked for me. Deanna was the best kind of teacher; patient, gentle, and very hands-on. The next morning, after a quick charge, I sat down for breakfast with Deanna. I was wearing one of her robes, which was a couple of sizes too big for me, but she told me it made me look cute, kind of like one of my students playing dress up with her mother's clothes. I thought I had learned to be ready for anything at this point, but have to admit I gasped when she asked me to move in with her. "Already?" I asked. "Why not?" she replied. "I know what I want, and I think you do too." "What about the school district...rules on fraternization and all that?" "Oh, don't worry about that, love. I'm resigning." "You're what?" "I'm taking a job with the folks who made all this possible, in a way. I'm going to be the workforce training and development officer for the regional office of Virtual Self. It will be nice to be actually teaching again, even if it's adults. That's one of the things I don't like about this profession...it steers the best teachers away from the classroom. Don't ever let them do that to you. You were born to be in the classroom. Oh, and the fact that they're tripling my salary doesn't hurt either. So what do you say, Danni?" "Okay," I said with a smile. "You've got yourself a girlfriend." She suddenly looked serious. "By the way, I hope you weren't planning on bringing your male surrogate here. Even though I know you're male, I prefer not to have my illusions contradicted too directly." She also laid down the law: "You will never see my flesh-and-blood self. I don't expect you to understand; you will just have to accept that I have my reasons." The next few weeks were a whirlwind. Moving out of my brand new apartment and into Danni's place wasn't that big of a project; I hadn't even finished unpacking all of my stuff. Explaining my new relationship to my family was a bit more of a challenge. They knew something was up when I asked to see them as Danni; after an initial visit right after I bought her, I had still been coming to them as Danni. I asked Abby to be there; I wanted them to all hear the news at once. Mom had tea and scones for us. After some pleasant small talk, I got to the point. To say they were surprised would be putting it mildly. "Does this mean you'll be living as a female full time now?" my dad asked. "Pretty much," I said. "In fact, I wanted to know if I could store Daniel and most of my male clothing here for the time being." Mom just shook her head and said, "Whatever makes you happy, dear." When I said this meant I would be coming for Thanksgiving and Christmas as Danni, Abby got a glint in her eye and a slightly wicked smile. "Ohhh! No more flopping down in front of the television and watching football all day! We've got another set of hands in the kitchen now!" I smiled and nodded, "That's fine with me. You know I'm not much of a sports fan anyway. And I told Deanna I wanted to learn to cook." When Thanksgiving arrived, I had to admit I felt a little sorry for my dad and Abby's boyfriend Steve, and a little jealous at the same time. The two males were outnumbered by the females, four to two. But maybe they did get the better end of the deal...waited on hand and foot, no cooking or cleanup duties. "Hey!" I finally said after bringing dad another beer. "This is the twenty-fifties, not the nineteen fifties, right?" Abby just smiled at me and said, "Welcome to womanhood, sis." There were moments like that throughout the day. Over dinner, mom got me talking about the students in my class. I love every one of my students, but I think that first class will always be special to me. I guess I got pretty animated and emotional in talking about their personalities and their progress. Deanna smiled in a very knowing way as I was talking. When I had finished, I looked at her and said, "What?" She said: "You sounded just like a young mother taking about her own children." That gave me something to ponder. As Deanna and I settled into making a home together, we found ourselves in perfect synch on almost everything?tastes in decorating, music, food; how we wanted to spend our free time; what kind of sex games gave us both the most pleasure. It was almost frightening how perfectly in synch we found ourselves. Even our disputes didn't rise to the level of arguments. One day she brought home a brochure for a pole dancing class. "It's exercise, darling," she said. I had always found the idea of exercise with a surrogate to be a little bit puzzling. I could see taking a bike trip to enjoy the sights sounds and smells along the way, but what did you gain in a gym or studio workout? "And pole dancing? Am I not bringing home my share of the household budget? Do I need to look at moonlighting?" I was a bit, well, catty in my reaction to her idea. I didn't want to listen to anything she had to say about empowerment or self-expression. But Deanna is very good about getting her way. She did something she rarely does: she cried. So of course, I gave in. And of course, we both loved the class. The last five years have gone by so quickly, and they've been a time of such bliss. I've continued to grow as a teacher; Deanna has advanced in her career to the point where Virtual Self has her flying all over the country doing staff trainings. I miss her when we're apart, but it's made the reunions all the sweeter. At least, that's how it was until last week, when the plug was abruptly pulled on the surrogates. It's taken days to sort out what happened and why?what drove Dr. Canter to destroy his creations. I am sure he was in great pain over the loss of his son. I hope he doesn't know about all the accidental deaths and suicides that have resulted from his individual grief. Deanna and I have both been at home since that day. We were so close to the end of the school year, our district cancelled remaining classes, so I haven't had to face a classroom as a male?yet. But who knows what's going to happen? The media and blogosphere have been going crazy with rumors. The surrogates will be back on line in an hour, a week, a month, a year, tomorrow, never. You might think I'd have an inside track on information from Deanna, but the messages she sends tells me she isn't getting anything definitive from her managers. I wish I could hold her, I wish I could tell her everything's going to be OK. But she refuses to emerge from her room. I find myself wondering who is really behind the door, and what has she chosen to hide from me for the past five years? I tell her nothing matters; I still love her, but am only met by silence. The silence causes me to focus back on myself, and it's an uncomfortable exercise. Who am I, really? The woman who has gone out into the world for the past five years, or the man who sits in a stem chair directing her? Five years ago, if you had told me I would be living and working as a woman full-time within a matter of months, I would told you such a thing wasn't possible. But it happened, and I find myself wondering how and why. I realize I am passive by nature, but there must have been a strong element of desire that carried me along this path. Will I find a road back to the life that's been so right for me? Although precious little seems clear at the moment, I know that some way, somehow, the answer must be yes.

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Nickerlover; My sister and IMy younger sister and I only 13 months apart in age,I was the elder.right from a very early age we would play in those days what we called mothers and fathers and would bath together our parents didn't ever notice that we would play with each others sexy parts and at that early age we new nothing at all about sex. but as we both got a bit older in our later teens we got to play with each other and feelings were starting to become better when we were touching each...

2 years ago
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Turok the Tormentor story1

TUROK THE TORMENTOR By: ROBO Turok sat upon his throne over looking his domain. He was the supreme Demon in the Universe and had no equal. He had defeated and destroyed all whom had opposed him. Ever since he had destroyed Satan his life had become boring and dull. He had conquered everyone and everything and now had nothing to occupy his time leaving him with a dismal boring life for eternity. "Bring me an advisor......NOW!!!" he roared. A man came running up "Yes Sir, your...

1 year ago
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Turok the Tormentor story2

TUROK THE TORMENTOR 2 By: ROBO Bruno was sitting in his Limousine with his maul Tiffany watching the drug deal go down. His father Franko Costintino had finally trusted him with an important task in his drug-dealing cartel. The Asian Gang was purchasing one million dollars worth of Heroin for distribution, after this Bruno would finally prove to his father that he could take over as head of the cartel. Bruno was 21, short black hair, and a muscular build and he was wearing a suit....

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Turok the Tormentor story3

TUROK THE TORMENTOR 3 By: ROBO Turok emerged from the portal into a vacant downtown alley. He did not bother to shift out of the visual plane as there was no body around. He was looking for another victim but he wanted a special someone but did not know who he was looking for. As he walked down the alley he heard "Hey, Buddy have you got some spare change?" John was an old bum who was covered in garbage resting when he had seen Turok's boots. He asked for the change and saw...

3 years ago
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Two lsquomomsrsquo tell this true story2

My son Ken was 18 now, and soon got his own apt. and a room mate….Jen. Lynn and I still have visits from them and we stop by their place. Our husbands who had lost interest in sex, got use to Lynn and I, (Julie), spending the night together a lot. My husband and I have a guest house and Lynn I used that to have our ‘sleep over’s in. Her husband was always gone hunting or fishing and was never there on weekends. Our story telling continued and we kept going further with our mutual masturbation....

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My warstory

This story is purely fictional, and if you are under 18 years of age, you are to stop now. My warstory This story begins just before the war. I was a shy, slim boy at almost 18 years, living in a forsterhome for parentless boys, and I wanted to do my part. I had alway been a strange boy, feminine, slim, with something that might look like tits. I was focus for a lot of attension from some boys and teachers, they liked my apperance. Basicly I wanted to get away. So I joint up for...

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The Rescue of DBStory

Copyright© 2002-2004 by DB. The doorbell rang unexpectedly. I was surfing the web to see if Elf Sternberg (http://www.drizzle.com/~elf/) had posted anything new on his latest AI (what I generally call robot) storyline. Although he recently, publicly referred to my writing as "abusively shallow", he also admits that it has affected him enough to provoke him into writing stores in response, so a lot of good has come from this in unexpected ways. Besides, having Elf as a critic is an...

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When I was about eight, I loved to climb poles and ropes. I discovered that I got this extreme feeling of overwhelming pleasure in my pubic area when I climbed them. Then, I discovered I could duplicate that pleasure with my hand on my pecker. When I was nine, my mother found me jacking off in my bedroom and told me that it was a sin and I would go straight to Hell. She also said that I would go blind if I continued. I thought about it for a time but then decided I would continue until I needed...

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For years, since I was around sixteen, I had the knack of convincing girls, and then women, that I could be trusted not to ever repeat what was revealed to me. This information gathering proved to be very useful over the years. I learned that the female gender needs to vent, and be listened to, their questions answered, but they don't want any advice, so I used this to my advantage. Once the word got passed around that I was a trusted soul with a lot of valuable information and a great...

4 years ago
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I went home, got married and started a family, one every year until we reached six. This was enough for me. My wife originally wanted a dozen but she settled for half a dozen. I had a good job and got promoted quickly, mainly because my personality made me learn everything I could about the company. In eight years, I made it into management in charge of the company's production planning responsibilities. Throughout my working career, I liked to flirt, talk dirty, touch provocatively, and...

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Stiffkey BluesChapter 4 Storyboard

Madeleine Roth, posting under the name of Fatima, was putting the last touches to her daily blog. Eastern Promise, the web site she ran with a number of her friends, took up most of her spare time. She and Krista Collins had founded the site almost three years earlier as way of publishing their fantasies of life in the east, veiled and enslaved as part of some potentate's harem. Over the years they had created a series of stories. They, in turn, had attracted other, like-minded, authors and...

2 years ago
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HouseChapter 5 Storyhour

Evidently, I didn't miss storyhour. Jason was just finishing his breakfast in the hotel dining room. I took a vacant seat at the far end of the counter, by the restaurant front door. One of the "J's" dropped a cup in front of me and filled it. She added a spoon, a small stainless pitcher of real cream and a glass pour jar of sugar, rubbed my head and hurried away. I wonder which one that was? For a town totally isolated by tropical storm flooding, there were sure a lot of people having...

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TG Storytime

TGStorytime! I had this crazy dream where I found a remote control that let me alter the very fabric of time and space. I could have used it to rob banks, bang several of my favorite pornstars at the same time, or really do whatever I wanted. All I wanted to do, though, was turn my penis into a vagina and grow rabbit ears and a fluffy tail. That could mean I’ve been reading too much TGStorytime, a user-contributed library of transgender fiction.TGStorytime.com was established in 2011 by Joe...

Sex Stories Sites
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Hey, this is just the starting point of hopefully a bunch of crazy and erotic stories. Feel free to just skip this part and start by choosing a story path of your liking, wether it might be for reading or adding chapters. We would also like to encourage you to add your own stories, if you like. No matter how short or long, how explicit or tame. We could just end the introduction here, but we'd like to remind you that all characters that take part in any sexual action are grown ups, 18 years or...

1 year ago
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Husband Turned on by Storytime

She then said, “It was Storytime night and that always ends with us having smoking hot sex”. Curious to what that meant I asked, “What is Storytime?” She said, “OMG it is so hot. John loves it when I tell him a sex story from my past or tell him a sex fantasy while I lay next to him and play with his dick. It is such great foreplay and it has really improved our sex life. We both get so horny. You should try it sometime”. This story is about how I discovered a kinky way to turn my husband on.

1 year ago
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Danni Archer Gangbang 2

Ms. Sturm walked Danni to the front door and when it was opened, stripped her of the trench coat, pushed her inside gently but firmly before leaving. It was a woman who caught her, Danni could tell but she realized that it was not Mrs. Beaker as she had hoped; she quickly forgot about her disappointment because the woman took a moment to push her back against the wall and plant a warm wet kiss on her mouth, the woman also caressed Danni's breasts, tugging lightly on her erect nipple with her...

3 years ago
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Dannys Favourite Summer

Danny`s Favorite Summer Originally based on My favourite summer by Tiffany B. further developed and rewritten by Florentine. This story is fiction. Danny McCallum lived the life of a normal eleven-year-old boy until the summer before entering Junior High. He was small (just about 4`8") for his age, with a frail appearance and quite shy. He basically kept to himself, wasn't very athletic and did not really enjoy sports. He was more into movies and video games. His mommy was a big...

3 years ago
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Danny Part 6

DANNY Part Six by Roberta J. Cabot This is a story about Daniel, a guy with a unique talent and an even more unique problem: A great singing voice and the looks of his gorgeous sister, and how he and his family and friends deal with life with him having breasts. And now, it is coming close to that moment, when he has to choose the path his life would go - between being a girl or remaining a guy. Danny finds it a little more...

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Danny Part 4

DANNY Part Four by Roberta J. Cabot This is a story about Daniel, a guy with a unique talent and an even more unique problem: A great singing voice and the looks of his gorgeous sister. And about how he and his buds handle his problems with the school bully when he dresses up as a girl in the annual Halloween costume contest, how he and his family deal with his having breasts, and how he deals with getting turned on by his...

2 years ago
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Danny Part 5

DANNY Part Five by Roberta J. Cabot This is a story about Daniel, a guy with a unique talent and an even more unique problem: A great singing voice and the looks of his gorgeous sister, and how he and his family and friends deal with life with him having breasts. And now, it is coming close to that moment, when he has to choose the path his life would go - between being a girl or remaining a guy. Things are finally coming to...

2 years ago
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Danni Archer with Rose and Samantha

Danni leaned in and gave Rose a quick wet kiss and then rushed over to Samantha's embrace; both women fought to stick their tongues in each other's mouths. Samantha easily won the battle because she was more ruthless and willing to play dirty; she distracted Danni by plunging her hand down under Danni's sweatpants and panties to insert two of her fingers into Danni's moist pussy. Danni moaned and yielded her mouth over to Samantha when she did this. The two young women continued to...

4 years ago
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Danni Archer Gangbang

Danni was wearing her coat, a slightly loose pair of sweat pants and a larger than normal t-shirt that Ms. Sturm had requested for her to wear. She wore no underwear under the clothes. She had changed from her work clothes to this outfit in the washroom of the café; she had her clothes in a small backpack. Ms. Sturm had explained that this outfit was perfect for removing in a moving vehicle. Danni was to arrive nude at the swinger's party. Ms. Sturm would put a trench coat around the...

3 years ago
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Danni Archer with Evelyn and Mary

"Hi, Danni. I'm Evelyn and I'm happy to meet you. Theodore, the dear boy, has told us a little about you but I'm betting that no one has told you much about us, have they? I bet you're more than a little worried right now about what may happen. Don't be. We're all new friends right now, feeling each other out, getting to know each other. It's like the first day of school, when you go back and meet the new people you are going to spend the new year with" said the brown haired...

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“Are you flirting with me?” I was trying to watch TV but my sister was acting coy and playful, trying to get my attention. “No, why would I flirt with my brother?” “Maybe cause I’m hot and sexy and you want to commit vile acts on my body?” Danni scrunched her face in a display of disgust “I don’t even do vile acts on my own body, yours repulses me completely.” I looked away from the TV and studied her face. “What the hell, you’ve got make-up on? When did you do that? Is it moms?” I...

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Danny has fun with Mom and Older Sister

By Docker5000 Wendy Sylvester just stared at the ceiling and tried to think about anything but what was happening to her at the moment. Her husband Robert was laid on top of her and he was pumping away into her pussy. Robert was grunting like a pig as his fat belly slapped against her. When he thrusted deep into her. Only every now and again when he got his rhythm right, did he caused her to moan out a little bit. She was only getting a little bit of pleasure out of this. But to...

3 years ago
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Danny Comes to Stay Part 1

As we undressed for bed, Alex said to me, "I feel kind of sorry for Danny.""Sorry for him?  You're kidding me!"It was hard to believe he would feel anything but mistrust for my ex.  He hadn't been keen on Danny visiting us, and sure as hell hadn't been comfortable with him staying over with us for the night."No I do," he insisted.  "Being holed up in that tiny Cornish village without any cute guys to help him pass the time.""It was his choice to take the job down there," I reminded him.  Danny...

Gay Male
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Danny becomes a fag

Danny felt very lucky he landed a part-time job at one of the hospitals in the city next to where he lived. It was the summer before his junior year in high school and for the remainder of the summer he would work a full 40 hours a week. It meant wearing a uniform and changing into it and out of it, coming and leaving the hospital.Danny was tall, but slim – 5’ 10” and weighed about 140 pounds at this stage of his adolescence. He had some dates with a couple of girls and nothing evolved beyond...

2 years ago
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Danni Part 2

I just about skipped home. I'd never felt so exhilarated in my life. Danni had always been my best friend. Now she was teetering on the brink of being my lover. My mind was filled with the unspoken joy of holding hands with her, the kisses we had shared and the touch of her hands over my back. It had all felt incredible and I couldn't wait until I saw her again. I went to bed smiling and soon fell into a deep, contented sleep. I woke early the next morning, an hour before I really needed to. I...

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Danny Comes To Stay Part 2

Perhaps it's not surprising that my husband had lost his hard-on while he was watching my ex hungrily rimming my splayed hole."Just gonna get him nice and slippy," Danny had said before plunging his face into my butt crack and giving me the most intense and satisfying rimjob I'd had in five years.As my old flame was slobbering and slurping away at my backside, surfacing intermittently to gasp for air, Alex asked, "How is it, Matt?  Any good?"It was a difficult question to answer: not because I...

Gay Male
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Danny Ch 01

It was the summer between Amber’s freshman and sophomore year of college and her family decided that this year they would go on a summer cruise to the Bahamas instead of a winter cruise. Amber was very much looking forward to this vacation. It was a chance to get away from her hectic college life and to learn more about her. Never did she imagine that she would meet the love of my life. On the second day of the cruise she was playing Need for Speed: Underground in the arcade, when he walked...

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Danny Ch 03

‘So, Danny tell me about this girl Nathan was telling me about?’ Nancy Sinclair asked her son at the breakfast table. ‘Ha ha, well mom what do you want to know?’ Danny said blushing. ‘What is her name? What is she like? Have you met her family yet? When will I get to meet her?…You know the usual!’ Nancy said excitedly. ‘Ok, first, her name is Amber Barnett, she is 19, No, I haven’t met her family yet, but we know of them…’ Danny said. ‘Oh, we do? How?’ Nancy interrupted. ‘They are the...

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Danny and Son

I have to admit that of all the weird kinky things that my g/f Elaine has talked me into this was one of the most recent ones and won’t soon be forgotten as a distant memory.We had found a newer park to go hang out and take pictures at. This was a conservation area that has been around a long time, but recently had an overhaul with proper paths, benches and tables laid out around with gardens and such. There must be a history of sex there as in the woods there are signs requesting that patrons...

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Danny and the Dildo

Have I told you that Danny boy has the sweetest young teenage ass I ever did molest? And I have fucked a lot of teen boy ass. But Danny?s is special. The pale smooth globes, the deep crack, the beautiful rosebud. So perfect, and a boy that young?well, he feels every humiliating inch fucking balls deep into him. I just love to fucking ruin that boy's hot little ass, and I have been working toward that goal. To totally ruin the ass! ass I ever did molest? And I have fucked a lot of teen...

3 years ago
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Danni the Door DollyJordans Surprise part 2

Pulling the car into the secluded private driveway of the small hotel Danni felt much more relaxed, the drive here had been event free,the conversation was dominated by Jordan asking questions and Danni's flustered replies seemed to amuse her. Danni was feeling a little foolish for imagining that someone like Jordan would be interested in her but having her sitting next to her, breathing in the smell off her was getting her so hot that as soon as she got back to Julie's she knew she was going...

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Danny Ch 04

‘Does this mean were officially going out?’ Amber asked Danny. ‘It most certainly does, beautiful’ Danny replied. Amber and Danny had spent the last hour making out on Danny’s bed and both were tired and still a little more than drunk. ‘Do you want to stay the night?’ Danny asked. ‘Yes, I would love that, but first where is your computer? I can’t wait to change my facebook status!’ Amber said excitedly jumping off the bed and looking around. ‘I didn’t bring it, were on vacation!’ Danny...

4 years ago
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Danny becomes Danni Part 3

Madelyn was in her early 50's but she looked far younger. Her petite tailored hairstyle...expert in California cosmetics...and fashion very elegant. When Danni arrived at her Boutique...Danni shook Madelyn's hand...the eye contact and warmth in their smiles became evident that this was going to be an enjoyable experience for both. Madelyn would be measuring Danni for clothing her breastforms, undegarnments..etc. Madelyn was her own finishing school for for as she put it..."young men...

2 years ago
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Danni Archer and Theodore

"Oh well, we will just have to make do" said Ms. Sturm. "Did you masturbate?" "No. You told me I wasn't allowed to." "Just checking" Ms. Sturm said giving Danni a pleased smile. "So you are going to be juicy. Theodore will appreciate that. Any questions?" "Are you going to be staying?" "No. Are you afraid that something you don't expect might happen?" Ms. Sturm asked with a small frown in Danni's direction. No, not really. I was just trying to determine the...

1 year ago
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Danny becomes Danni Part 4

Madelyn introduced Danni to Madison. Madison came out to his mother Madelyn about his crossdressing...and learned through other sources how dominate. Madison..in a latex one piece...stilletto heels would teach Danni the easy way....or the hard way via a riding crop. Madison had platnimum blonde with dark red lips.....6 ft tall...and a mind that was nasty.. "Short steps...short steps.."bellows Madison...who stopped for tn moment... "Bend over...." Madison ordered..as Danni...

3 years ago
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Danny Ch 02

‘I can’t believe I said I would go out with him!’ Amber said while changing her clothes for her and Danny’s date. ‘Well he’s cute and I think he likes you and so does Nathan.’ Rose said. ‘You have been talking to Nathan about me and Danny, when? We only just left them a few hours ago! Give the boy time to miss you!’ Amber asked. ‘No way! We have been texting each other this entire time.’ Rose replied. ‘Oh my gosh, this modern technology!’ Amber said. ‘Yep, it’s a dream come true.’ Rose...

2 years ago
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Dannys late night visit

Let me tell you about the character's in Danny's late night visit: First I am Tim, I am 35 now but when this happened I was 24, 5'9", 160 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes & 8" cut. My friend Chuck was 23, 5'9" 160 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes & 9" cut.He is now 34, divorced with three k**s. Danny was 15 years old, 5'10", 130 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, smooth hairless hard body (into karate), cute firm bubble butt & a 9.5" cut dick that curves to the left. He is now 26,...

3 years ago
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Danny Misbehaves and Must be Taught a Lesson

Danny’s mom had still not picked Danny up a few weeks later, and my wife was getting more impatient with her. Danny, now working full time, had let things slide around the house. My wife detests clutter and this was causing more problems at home. “You cannot clutter up the rest of the house just because you have a job now,” my wife yelled. “You are not my mother, you cannot make me clean house,” Danny shouted back. “You are ONLY a guest here girl, you are abusing that privilege,” my wife...

1 year ago
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Danny Misbehaves and Must be Taught a Lesson

Danny’s mom had still not picked Danny up a few weeks later, and my wife was getting more impatient with her. Danny, now working full time, had let things slide around the house. My wife detests clutter and this was causing more problems at home. “You cannot clutter up the rest of the house just because you have a job now,” my wife yelled. “You are not my mother, you cannot make me clean house,” Danny shouted back. “You are ONLY a guest here girl, you are abusing that privilege,” my wife...

4 years ago
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Danni the Door DollyJordans Surprise part 1 A

Danni fidgeted with the collar of her shirt and wondered once again how she'd let herself be talked into this,her plans for a weekend of clubbing and partying in London had fell apart when Julie had answered the door to her flat wrapped in a blanket looking like death warmed up. "Oh Danni I'm sorry I tried ringing you to cancel but couldn't get an answer" Julie explained through coughs and sniffles as they sat on her couch drinking tea. "It's ok babe" said Danni "It's not your fault I should...

4 years ago
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Danny becomes Danni

Danny hugs his aunt...with a kiss..and the long trip was on it's way. He never got to see his aunt much as she lived alone 900 miles away. Danny was an only kid who was quiet and shy. He didn't have a girlfriend and never had a talk about sex at the age of 17. What he didn't know was that he was to get an education in life. He found her sequin hand bag...He was askex by Aunt Lynn to get some change for the tolls. As he got it...he found a long black black sequin purse he took out....

2 years ago
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danny phantom series 2 by jay rich

As Ember’s hair begins to flare up into flames, Tucker thinks quickly, trying to find a way out of this situation. “WAIT! You don’t want to kill you’re biggest fan, do you?” Ember begins to loosen her grip, as she looks at Tucker strangely. “You’re…my biggest fan?” “Yeah, you Rock…out loud!” Tucker says, trying to appeal to her vanity side. “That’s why I was onstage singing one of your songs.” Ember’s a little wary of believing him. “So why do you hang with the Snow-Haired Pinhead?” “Uh…so I...

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danny phantom ghost boy series 2 jayrich

Danny & Tucker start struggling, trying to get free. But it’s to no use. A fiendish grin graces Desiree’s face, as she tosses the boys aside as if they were nothing. They land in a nearby tree, looking roughed up. Danny looks over at Tucker. “Tucker, you alright?” Tucker peeks his head out through the branches and answers Danny. “Yeah…yeah, I’m alright.” “Good. Remind me to Kill you later!” Their argument is interrupted by a bright light. They look over to see Desiree glowing, ready to fire a...

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