Boutique free porn video

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My wife had been working at this ladies boutique in Houston for
about a year. She knew of my many feminine fetishes and the
major affect that they had on me. On several occasions, when she
wanted me to do something special for her she would put on a fur
and lightly stroke it across my face several times saying "That's it,
soft. So soft. You're getting lost. You're getting weaker and
weaker, aren't you?" She would continue talking in this manner to
me until I was so weakened and passive from being so turned on
that I would do just about anything for her.

Diane used this and many of my other fetishes on me this way to
control me, and to manipulate me for her pleasure. And always it
was pleasurable to me as well.

Well, one day she calls me from the store. She says that the store is
staying open late for an inventory and that I should come to pick
her up at 10:00p. I said fine, that I would be there then. She told
me to not be late. She stressed that, and got off the phone laughing.

When I got to the store the windows, all across the front of the
store had been covered with dark paper, with the word "inventory"
on the front of them. I went to the center of the doors and gently
pulled them apart. As I opened the doors I found no one around. I
looked to the right and the left. I called out, "Diane?" There was
no answer. I then stepped inside the doors and pulled them shut.
As I did I heard a loud "click". I went back to them and tried to
open them again. They had locked on me. I was now locked inside
the store.

I thought that I would try and find someone. So I began walking
towards the back of the store. On my way there I passed the fur
section. There, laid out, hanging on the front of the rack, quite
conspicuously, was this calf length silver fox fur with bell sleeves
and an oversized shawl collar. I couldn't resist. I had to feel it. As
I began to walk up to it I could hear some voices coming from the
back of the store. Just as I approached the fur, the store manager,
Charlene, came out of nowhere.

"It's really sexy? Isn't it?" I could smell her perfume. It was so
overpowering that I began to get lost in it. I could only summon a
nod. Then, before I knew what she was doing, "Here! Feel it on
your face! Nice, soft .. so soft! Yes, that's it! Get lost. Lost!

She was caressing my face with the fur. I was falling under her
spell. [I didn't know it until later, but Charlene was a domme]. I
was reeling, and my c was getting so hard that I thought that I
would pass out. I could refuse her nothing!

Then, lightly touching my face with the fur, "Come with me." She
then led me back to a room in the back part of the store. On the
way back to the room we passed three other girls (Diane was
among them),standing by the register. There were all sorts of
giggles and laughter, and some remarks at me being lost and under
Charlene's spell. I was greatly embarrassed, but at the same time
turned on even more than I was before. I became even more lost
under Charlene's spell.

Getting to the door of the room, Charlene took out a small key
from her pocket in the hot pink satin jumpsuit that she was
wearing and opened the door. Inside was a large room completely
walled with mirrors. "Come in", she said, leading me by the nose
with the fur, caressing my face.

After I was inside, Charlene then closed and locked the door from
the inside. She began laughing at me, as she came closer and closer
with the fur. Over and around my face she rubbed the fur, telling
me how lost, weak and passive I was getting. I was getting harder
and harder. I was becoming weaker and weaker. I was truly under
her spell. Then, she opened my pants and took our my c. She then
began to caress my c with the fur. Over and over! I was so hard
that I was going to explode. She then took out a c ring and put it
on me. Laughing some more she then told me that I really wanted
to put the coat on, didn't I? I was so lost and hot. I said but only
girls wear ladies furs don't they? She said "That's exactly why you
DO want to wear it, don't you?" She was still caressing my c. I was
shaking all over. I said yes.

She then told me to take off all of my clothes, every stitch, and put
them by the door. I obeyed. She then laughed again and began
slipping the coat over my shoulders. "You know that once you put
this on you are going to be a lot more feminine don't you?" I said
yes. "You also know that once you become more feminine that
there will be NO going back?" I again said yes. She laughed again
and called me her little slave. She put the coat on and pulled the
shawl collar up around my face so that it was buried in the fur.

"There now! (laughing) Now you look pretty and feminine!"
Walking up to me and teasing my c with the fur she said, "Now we
have to figure out a name to call you by. I know! Melissa. That's
what we'll call you. We'll call you Melissa! You want to be called
Melissa don't you?" With her still teasing my c, I said, with my
whole body shaking, yes.

"Good. Now Melissa, I am going to go and get a few things. You
are to stay here. You may not take off the fur. You can play with
yourself, but you may not take off the fur, or the c ring.
Understand?" I was her slave. I said yes, Mistress. She then said
"Good." Then, taking all of my clothes (emptying the pockets out
on the floor) she unlocked the door. She left it open slightly while
she threw my clothes into the trash. The girls could just barely see
into the room. Again there were laughs, giggles and remarks. I was
so embarrassed that my head was spinning. I was in a trance. My c
was so hard that I thought that I was going to explode. Then
Charlene came back to the door, closed it and locked me inside the
room. And there I was, trapped, and her slave .. A girl. I was lost!

About 30 minutes went by during which time I found my mind
becoming weaker and weaker from all that had happened. I played
with myself and looked into the mirrors at me. I actually began to
see feminine traits to myself as I stood there. The sounds of the
girls outside the room just turned me on all the more. There was a
lot of laughter, talking and and more laughter. Finally, Charlene
came back in carrying a number of items. My c was still hard as a
rock and I was still lost under her spell. Seeing her again, with my
being naked in only the fur made my c swell even larger.

Charlene then came towards me and took off the fur. She then
began cutting off my sideburns, and plucking my eye brows telling
me that we needed to make my face just a bit softer.

Laughing at me she then began to put make up on me, including
lip gloss. Then She sprayed me all over with the same heavy
perfume that she was wearing saying "now that you look like a
woman, you must smell like one too. Besides, this perfume will help
keep you under control." She laughed again.

She then lifted a black satin bra and put it on me, lightly teasing
my breasts and laughing some more. Then some black satin
crotchless panties. After getting them on me she played with my c
for a moment. "So soft. Yes, nice and soft. Lost! That's it. Just
get lost in it all." I was her willing slave. I just stood there,
shaking with my whole body her willing tool. The she put on me a pair of
black nylon crotchless pantyhose. My c was sticking straight out in
between my legs. I was hard as a rock and so lost that I didn't
know where I was anymore. She then pulled out a beige camisole
and tap pants. Putting them on me, she teased me over and over
with the soft satin of the tap pants. She made me model what I
had on for her. "Why Melissa! You look lovely! Oh yes! You just
look wonderful! Now, let's finish shall we?" I could only nod.

She then pulled out a pink silk poet's blouse with lace inserts on
the sleeves and buttoned it on me leaving it unbuttoned just
enough so that my camisole could be seen.

Next came the black satin pants. Pulling them on over my legs I
thought that I was in a different country. I knew that I was going
to be Charlene's slave forever. My c was sticking up and almost
straight out, pushing the pants out. Charlene played with my c
through the pants saying "That's right, nice and hard. Ready to
serve! Melissa, you ARE turning out nicely." She laughed again
and put on some paten leather low heals on me. Then she pulled
the fur and put it back on me with the collar up so that it would
bury my face in it. Laughing, she then put on some earrings on me
and a gold chain around my neck.

She turned me to the mirror and made me look at myself. "Well,
Melissa? How do you look?" I replied that I looked feminine.
"Well, certainly you do. You're a girl, what did you expect? So
feminine. That's right. You look so pretty." Then she went to the
door. "I've got to get just a couple more things, Melissa." She said
as she opened the door. Now just stay here, and (laughing) stay
clean and nice." She went out, closing the door behind her and
locking it again.

And there I was, trapped, lost, feminine, and her slave. As I looked
into the mirror, I truly did not see a man standing there. I saw a
woman. From being teased, seduced, hypnotized and lost I only
saw the image of a woman. As I began to walk around the room I
noticed myself walking more and more like a woman. There was
nothing left of me that was masculine.

For another 20 minutes, or so, I was left there to look at myself.
During that time I became more and more feminine. I became
Melissa. Suddenly I could hear voices outside the door. My c got
harder and harder! The door opened and there were four women
standing there. There was Charlene, Diane and two others.
Charlene went over and stood by the wall with Diane. The two
other girls came over to me and began teasing my face with the fur.
"So nice! Yes, Melissa, you look just wonderful! Don't you feel soft
and pretty?" They were caressing my face with the fur, and
touching my c through my pants and laughing. I was falling deeper
and deeper into a trance.

Charlene said, "But wait. We still have the collar." I looked over at
her with excited fear in my eyes. She took out a black satin collar
with a single ring in it. Coming over to me she placed it around my
neck. "There! Now we can put you on a leash!" And she and the
girls laughed all the more.

Then Charlene turned to Diane. "Well, Di. Now we have a slave,
don't we?" Diane, laughed in agreement. (What I had not learned
until later was that Charlene had worked her magic on Diane and
gotten Diane under her spell. Diane came over and connected a
very slender silver metal leash to my collar. "Come, Melissa." And
she led me out to the register with the girls following and laughing.

At the register, One of the girls asked me for my charge card. I
took it out. As she drew up the bill she said, "Well, Melissa, you'll
have to get a new charge card won't you honey?" And she laughed.
Then turning back to me, "Just sign it here darling." She said point
to a line at the bottom of the form. I didn't even look at it. I was
so lost in trance that I just signed it. Then the girl came close to
my face. I could smell her perfume mixing with mine. The smell
was so intoxicating that I almost fell to my knees. "Melissa? You
do have something to sleep in tonight? Don't you?" My who body
shaking, I said no. My voice now no longer able to talk in the
deeper tones that I used to. I was using a higher voice. A woman's
voice. I said no, I guess that I don't.

"Well, honey. Come with me." She motioned to Diane who gladly
took off my leash. The girl lead me by the hand back to the
negligee section of the store. The other girls joined us there. She
pulled out this long wispy satin and chiffon negligee. Holding it up
to me to size it, "Diane? What do you think? I think it brings out
her eyes don't you?" Diane loved it and said that she thought that
it would be wonderful for me to sleep in. "Fine. Then it's settled.
This one for sure. But wait? What about those nights when you
want to feel just a little bit sexier, Melissa?" And she gently rubbed
my c through my pants. I nodded. She then pulled out three very
erotic nighties. Two had bits of lace around the bodice, and the
third was all satin. She held them up to me and said, "Yes. Now
these will definitely make you feel sexy dear!" Laughing, she said
"Now what else?" She looked around the store.

I was led around the store picking up everything from hair remover,
to a very nice black felt hat and some black leather gloves. Finally,
some minutes later. "Melissa, I think that's about all you'll need for
now. But I am sure you are going to come back to see me real soon
aren't you?" She was rubbing my pants where my c was, at the
same time she was caressing my face with the fur. In a lady's voice I
said 'yes maaaaam'. "Good, I'll expect to you see you here more often,
darling." And she laughed again, with the other girls joining in.

As we walked back to the register I could hear Charlene tell Diane
and the other girl, "It's so nice to take a man and turn him into a
woman. sigh I wish I could do that with every man who walked in
here." And she laughed. At the register I again was instructed to
sign the charge slip, again without reading it. And I obeyed. Diane
then put the leash back on me, and thanked Charlene for the
wonderful job that she did with me. She then led me to the front of
the store. Unlocking the door, she then led me out into the mall.

With each step that I took I became more and more feminine. I was
embarrassed with the passing of every second. I wondered if anyone
would notice me. People did notice me. But, from what I could
feel, they were noticing a girl and how nicely dressed she was. I
never got the impression that they thought that I was a man. Then
it hit me. They were noticing the leash!

My excitement ran higher and higher, I became more and more submissive, and feminine. I walked like a girl and talked like a girl. I was a girl. I was Melissa.

Finally getting to the car, I was instructed to get in on the
passenger's side. I obeyed. Diane then drove the two of us home.
Upon arriving home, Diane said that she wanted me to show her
how much I had learned about being a woman, and submissive. She
wanted me to please her. Taking off my coat, hat and gloves, I got
down on my knees in front of Diane.Please Mistress, may I please
you You may, Melissa, came the answer". I lifted up her skirt
and began kissing her crotch over and over. I continued this for the
next hour. I brought her to orgasm several times during that
period. Diane was completely satisfied.

Finally, she said, "That's fine, Melissa. Now I want you to start
dinner for me." I got up off my knees and obeyed. I cooked the
dinner putting on Diane's pink silk apon to do it.

Later that night, Diane had me shave my legs, arms, and all body
hair (including my crotch). Then she had me put on the long pink
negligee and please her again in bed. I was her willing slave girl.

The next day I had to go to work. Diane made me wear womens
clothes under my clothes going to work, just to remind me of who I
was. And I did this. However, this is where the story changes
somewhat. Over the next period of about a week, Diane lost her
interest in having me feminine. I think that she was having trouble
being in charge of me or something. Gradually the cross dressing
went away. I pleaded with her several months later to allow me to
go back to it. She refused saying that she didn't like it (for some
reason). And later that year our marriage broke up. It is my feeling
that if Diane had kept me as a woman and her slave that our
marriage would not only have survived, but would have flourished
as well.

Ever since that one encounter, I have searched for a domme fem
who could transform me back into Melissa and keep me there, as
her willing slave girl. But I have not found her yet. I shall keep
looking however. One day I just might be lucky enough to find a
lady who understands the tremendous benefit to having their
boyfriend/husband turned into their girl slave. I shall keep looking.

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Dileep Enjoying With Hot Twins

Hi guys. We are Archana & Arathi again. The twins. This sexstory is a detailed description of how we enjoyed with the hottest guy in the whole world that is Dileep. This story includes some of the best moments in forms of scenes. SCENE 1: AT HIS HOME It was a rainy morning. Cold weather. We 3 came to College. Once we met at college before the 1st period could start, we bunked, sat in his expensive car. Went to his home. Once we reached his flat. We sandwiched Dileep in between us. He was...

1 year ago
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Agnes Sweet Dreams

Agnes slipped into her bed tired from the events of the day. She had spent the last couple of hours halfheartedly teasing her boyfriend Michael and his cousin Daniel. Somehow the three of them ended up on the subject of a threesome and discussed what they would do with her and what she would do to them. She enjoyed every minute of the conversation; watching the reactions of the two relatives as she told them every dirty thing she would do to them. She thought back to the conversation imagining...

1 year ago
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Here He Cums Again

She heard her bedroom door open and pretended to be asleep. But that never worked. The big man climbed into her bed and put his hands under her nightie as usual, seeking her breasts. She tried to ignore the good feelings as he began tweaking her nipples. Damn them, they’re hard. Her uncle had been visiting for a week. He caught her fucking her boyfriend on the second day and used that as leverage to visit her bed every night since. She liked sex a lot but wanted it to be HER choice, of...

4 years ago
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Game Of Incest 8211 Part 2 Mission Accomplished

Hi! Thanks for your response and feedback. I am writing this story especially because of my readers who continuously asking for my stories. Let’s get into the story. Please go through the previous part, if any new readers are there. After losing my virginity with Ruchi I am eager to have sex with my sister, waiting for my chance. One day my parents went to the marriage. I think it’s my time, I made a plan and asked Ruchi to come home. She came to my home. I handed over my hard disk filled with...

2 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 28

Mark drove back to Bulford Manor on Sunday afternoon. Despite a loving kiss from Serena and an admonition to be a big brave boy he remained apprehensive of his meeting with Victoria. He did not have to wait long. He had hardly let himself into his flat when there was a loud knock on the door. "Hello, Mark. You are summoned to supper." "Come in, Victoria. Please." She did so without a word closing the door behind her. Mark bit his lip, tongue-tied for a moment. "I'm so sorry,...

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The Gadget

"The Gadget" by Cj Wenhurst "I've got it." John said, putting the last dab of solder on a small printed circuit card. A small stubby antenna was attached to the end of what appeared as a modified bulky remote control of some sort. Jim sat back in his small makeshift lab with soldering iron in hand as the small trail of smoke from his last connection twirled up and around the soft florescent shop light. His chair creaked lightly on it's wheels as he leaned back and admired...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS11E04 Lilian Cheese 54 from Cardiff

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of terraced two-story homes – brown/grey stone fronted, with white brick surrounds to doors and windows ... Tracking along, looking down streets toward a raised motorway in the background ... And coming to rest on one particularly unremarkable street... The only thing that makes this street any better than any of the others is the presence of our host – blonde and busty, in figure hugging jeans and a t-shirt tight enough we can see she’s not...

3 years ago
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Badi Behen Ko Chodha

Hello friends, I am Alvin from mumbai. I am back to continue my chudai story “badi behen ko seduce kiya”. Agar kisi ne meri peheli story nahi padi hain toh please jaake phele vo story pad le kyuki ye story uska next part hain. Please give me feedback and please do comment. My email id is I would love to hear from you. I love making friends. Jaise ki maine kaha ki ye story next part hain. Ye incident mere aur mere badi behen shushma k bich ki hain. Unki age ab 29 ki hain aur meri age 21 hain....

2 years ago
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It hadn't gone well, Darla thought, as she leafed through an old magazine. She shifted position, took her shoes off, and curled her feet up comfortably beneath her on the couch. Across the room, Michael was still typing away. They'd been working together quite well on the book, and then he'd had one of his sudden fits of inspiration and had shooed her away, irritably, because he didn't want her "looking over his shoulder." As if he hadn't looked over mine enough, she thought. And leaned on it...

4 years ago
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The princesses Shame

As she fled as quickly as she could threw the forest she could hear the men yelling behind her and crashing through brush close on her heel. Each of her steps more difficult then her presuers do to her attire. She was with the royal party on a caravan en route to a formal event. The princess looked simply ravishing tonight. Wearing her best white dress falling down to her calves and hugging her body tightly. A beautiful set of jewelry and her pinned up and perfect. Of course no...

1 year ago
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Moving my whores to the city

For the next six months I used Rachel as a source of much needed entertainment and to be honest I grew very fond of Rachel as I believe she did me. But I knew deep down that once my whores contracts at Donald's expired this coming Friday id be jacking my job and upping sticks with my whores to the middle of the city centre for a new start and to experience new things. Money wasn’t a problem anymore as my whores had worked wonders and had easily accumulated a multiple six fi My whores were...

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MonstersOfCock Riley Star Tiny Blonde Takes on a Monster Cock

Riley Star happened to be alone at her parent’s house when the roofer came in to drop off a quote. She didn’t think much of it until she noticed his large shoes. This made her ask him if he had a big cock. She then proceeded to drag him inside the house, where she pulled his pants down and reviewed his monstrous cock. She struggled to wrap her lips around his huge cock. Soon after, Riley shoved his cock deep in her pussy. Her tiny little pussy got stretched in several different position before...

4 years ago
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Gayathri The Sex Bomb

Hello ISS readers, I’m Rudra 19 years old from Kerala. You can contact me at ”” Girls or aunties near Kerala or Bangalore who wants some fun can contact me at “” This story is about how I had sex with my neighbour Gayathri. She is my neighbour is 23 years old with beautiful face and assets of 30,26,32. She was a sex bomb, she lives with her parents near my house. She was not a typical mallu girl she used to wear modern dress tight t-shirts and all. I use to masturbate thinking about her almost...

3 years ago
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Getting wild at a friends house Day 2

They woke up. I was till tied up to the coffe table with a banana inside my ass. I slept some hours, always having nightmares. The first one to wake up was Dani. He came near me , laugh , spited, and said " Good Morning Bitch" James did next , came near me and spited on me too, they all did it. Then after waking up, they untied me and took off the banana out of my ass. "Lick It" they said, i did so. "Now go make breakfast bitch, i want cereals"- i got up and went to make cereals....

2 years ago
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Stephenie McMahon fuck police officer

Stephanie is driving from Monday night Raw when she gets pull over by two policeman, Officer Barnes and Randal. "Hello. Say Steph you know that you was speeding", said Officer Randal. "Come on. You guys know who I am right", Stephanie asks. Both of the policeman look at each other and Officer Barnes says, "Yes you are Stephanie. Fucking slut; now if you show us your big fucking tits we will let you go." Steph face turns red. "Come Steph we wouldn't tell anyone about this. It’ll be our secret",...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend Becomes Mother In Law

Hi Smita, I am Manish from Kirkee and you are Mundwa right very close to me so can meet anytime whenever you wish. To complete sending my sex saga, which started, when I was 18 years of age i.e. 12 years ago from the date I am writing this to you. Studied in All Saints and did my graduation from Poona College and have two elder sisters and the only son to a rich father so always a spoilt brat. When I was in school kissed my first girl when I was just 18 her name was Rashmi and we were always...

1 year ago
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The New Girl2

I laid back down on my bed and sighed, shutting my eyes. Suddenly I heard someone say, "Hi." It was the new girl from next door. I opened my eyes and looked at her and mumbled, "H-hi there." She sat down next to me on my bed smiled and said, "So was that you?" I nodded my head yes and noticed that her very short shorts where unzipped and I could see her pink panties. When she saw me looking she unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them down. I was hard and the bulge in my shorts...

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Incest in Sicily

Donna broke out in a thick sweat from the exertion, but after a few paces she didn"t notice it in the least, because she felt her son"s growing erection against her chest wall, cradling him in her arms as she was. The boy seemed hardly to notice himself, and quite casually squirmed in her hands and reached a small hand into his bathing suit and straightened himself out. A few paces farther along she paused to catch her breath in the shade of a giant olive tree. The boy"s erection had grown...

2 years ago
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Sex with patient

This is a real story. I am a doctor by profession. This happened in 1998, when I was unmarried. I had completed my MD and was in private practice. I saw two young saree clad beautiful women in a rickshaw, who passed by my clinic. They seemed to be educated and working. It was august 1998. I did not know why my eyes were looking for them next day at the same time. I was too busy in my work, but still my eyes searched for them. That day there was only one woman in rickshaw. The second woman came...

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Dragons and Coal CindersChapter 5

Alfred and I almost made it to my room undetected before the staff noticed we had given them the slip. Ivy moved out of my darkened room into our path with her head down, deep in thought. She ran into my grip and I guided her back into the room with Alfred stepping inside with us. He lit the gaslight and closed the door. Ivy's eyes were wide and round when she realized we were in our uniforms. I put my pointer finger to her lips and my other arm around her waist. She took the hint and her...

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EvilAngel Scarlet Chase Forest Nymph Craves Cock

This scene premieres exclusively on! Gorgeous Scarlet Chase is a forest nymph cavorting barefoot and nearly naked in a nature area — the braided blonde beauty wears only diaphanous sprite’s wings and an inserted butt plug, with gold body glitter on her face, areolae and butt. Among trees and grass, she shows her big boobs, hot ass and the wisp of pussy hair above her shaved, pierced labia. Scarlet crawls to her man Elic Chase, making eye contact with his POV camera and...

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The Business Trip Part 1

I work for a small web design company in northern Connecticut. We acquired a rather large account with a lawn care company in Virginia, and my boss asked me to go with him to present the design we had created, since I was the only other male at the company. My boss told me he didn’t want any of the women to think he was hitting on them. Never having been asked to go on a business trip for this company before, I jumped at the chance to travel a bit even if it was for work! Dan, my boss, told me...

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It is the way. She says it's bad for her, but she immediately says she likes it in the ass, otherwise she did not. I have to make them wear a catsuit on the net and seeing the body would give her a lot. One evening he spoke to me in detail and said "break my ass, I'm your bitch", gladly, since I had taken a long journey to spend that night with her and then find myself in the morning again at 135 km. away for work; she does not remember telling me that, but she is jealous and feels inside "my...

2 years ago
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Amazing friday

I'm a 24 year old student that really doesn't know what to do with his life at his point. What I do know is that I love jerking off to my mom, and I want so bad to fuck her like the whore she is. I have a girlfriend who is a cute little 21 year old latina. She is one of those white latinas and has red hair and nice little pink nipples on her A cup chest.Anyways, back to my mom. She is divorced and has been pretty much a fuck buddy for all of her guy friends who pretty much use her for one...

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Scavenger I stepped through the broken glass of the front door of my store, and flicked on a flashlight. I wasnt sure what I was looking for, but here I was, looking anyway .... The place was a wreck, whether from looting or an outbreak, I wasn't sure. Still, I had nothing else to do with myself but try and see what I could find here. I had managed to sleep through the apocalypse. Now, I had to somehow stay alive until order was restored.... The best I could learn, the outbreak...

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Politics Makes Great Bedfellows

Life is good. I’m not making tons of money or creating the most challenging projects, and that is okay, but my marriage is good, although the sex is marital sex. That means I have sex, but it isn’t wild and dangerous, passionate, frequent enough, nor do we do it with as much experimentation or variety as I want. But we still do it, and there is lot’s of it. We have read Open Marriage and talked about some of the possibilities of bringing another person into our sex life. I wonder a lot about...

Straight Sex
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LeAnns Babies

LeAnn Samson a 28yrs 5'7" fireball of a woman meets the man of her dreams and after only six weeks they get married. Hubby Hank is very well off and they find a big house in the best part of town, LeAnn says now all I want is k**s to fill it up. Hank is a good lover but after two years and fucking almost non-stop no k**s yet. A very upset LeAnn goes and gets checked but learns she is fine. At her wits end she is sitting at a coffee shop in town dropping her spoon and this guy picks it up for...

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Breaking FreeChapter 4 At the studio

The following morning we were both up early, after a quiet breakfast we headed into the city. As Jessie drove us to the studio she kept glancing sideways at me, finally I turned to her. "What?" "Nothing" "Come on Jessie, something's bothering you, so what is it" "It's it's nothing Bobby" "If it's about us then just say it, if it's me then please tell me. Are you regretting what's happened between us? If you are then tell me, if you want me to leave then I guess I will, I...

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To Be Frank Ch 07

The usual disclaimer – this is (mainly!) fiction, the characters’ names are disguised, and it’s better to start reading about Frank at Chapter One. Thanks to all of you who’ve provided feedback and suggestions, all of which have been gratefully received, even if I’ve not replied personally (sorry!) * Tim and I enjoyed many adventures over the next few months but all that came to a close very suddenly. 4 April will forever remain etched in my mind as the day I lost Tim forever. He was keen on...

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Free Spirited 02My Birthday 1997

After Easter the next big event in my life was ANZAC Day 1997; it was also my 15th birthday. Leanne had spoken to Jason about my special request for the day; the guys were all very eager to take part. My request was to be fully stuffed with cock in my pussy, ass and mouth simultaneously. To prepare for this I had to become acquainted with oral; and learn to suck cock. So I had 4 weeks to practice; which I did during lunch time breaks at school. I can’t remember if it was every lunch...

4 years ago
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Storm Part 2

As the tall man reached Belinda, he looked up briefly, and his dark eyes met her gaze. Water ran from the brim of his hat but his face was dry. He was rugged, Italian looking like her master Belinda thought.  “Turn around,” he said in a deep commanding voice, and he pulled a length of black cloth from the pocket of his coat as he spoke. She spun around on her heels as the thunder rolled and lightening flashed again. She faced the wall, and then there was darkness as the man pulled the cloth...

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a first for both of us

this was a few years ago now, back when i was still married. her mom, the k**s's grandmother, was in town. our internet was down and i needed to look something up so we drove to the library, my k**s and i and the grandma. it wasn't going to take me long so she stayed in the car with the k**s while i ran in and did it real quick. while inside i met a young lady. she was sitting at the computer next to the one i hopped on. i must have started the conversation for some reason or another, but as we...

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Berrys Embarassment

Berry woke up, just like every day, to the sound of her alarm on the phone. She took it, turned it off, and look at the hour. It was exactly one hour before her first lesson at school. She got up from the bed, and still in her loosy grey pyjama went to the bathroom next door, where she took a fast shower, and brushed her teeth. After she returned to her room in just a towel, she opened her drawer and picked up underwear for today. She pulled up her simple, white panties onto her pelvis, and put...

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