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Daniel's Nightmare IV By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of forced feminization. Please read prior chapters first. This may be downloaded for personal use only. All other use is prohibited unless approved by the author. Standard disclaimers apply. Comments are welcome at [email protected]. Daniel's Nightmare IV Daniel and Jacob sat huddled on the bed waiting to be either saved or abused. They just didn't know if help would arrive in time. Finally they heard the lock on the door clicking open. To Daniel's horror Samantha came in pushing an IV stand before her. Hanging from the stand were two large plastic containers filled with a milky fluid. "Grab hold of the bitch Jackie and make damn sure you have him tightly secured," she said. "I'm sooooo sorry Daniel but if I don't do what she says...she'll really hurt me," he said as he quickly embraced Daniel in a full nelson grip. Daniel struggled as hard as he could but could not break Jacob's grip. "Damn it! Let me the fuck go Jacob. Come on, together we can beat her," he shouted. "I....I can....can't chance it. I'm sorry Daniel," Jacob replied crying. "Yeah, perv, I promised him that I'd pump up his tits so much he'd never see his feet again. Now that he has hold of you, I'm gonna pump your breasts up to the size of soccer balls with this silicon gel. Hold him tight now Jackie," she said. Daniel leaned back as far as he could away from the needle as Sam bent over him. He was held too tight to wiggle away and squeezed his eyes shut as Sam grabbed his left breast. The prick of the needle never came. He felt her hand leave his breast then heard a loud thud. Opening his eyes, he saw Rodger leaning over him. "You alright kid?" he asked. "I...I think so," Daniel replied greatly relieved to see the big man standing over him. Looking around he saw Sam lying slumped over against the wall. The sheetrock had a big chunk knocked out of it where she hit it. "Are you alright Heather? Oh my, what has that crazy bitch done to you? Did we get here in time? Oh, gosh, you there, Jacqueline get away from my darling niece," Margaret screamed as she came into the room. Before Daniel could reply, Aunt Margaret swept him up in her arms and held him in a bear hug. "Dear me, I thought we might not get here in time," she said pushing him back so she could if he was hurt. "Auntie you got here just in time. Samantha was going to inject me with that silicon gel," he said pointing to the IV stand. "Well thank goodness we got here then. That stuff is dangerous but Dr. Richard's will be here shortly. I called her and told her to me us here," she said then turned to face a cowering Jacob. "And what have you got to say for yourself? Why didn't you try to stop her? You know she is absolutely crazy! So why didn't you help?" she demanded. "I....I...I couldn't....if I tried....she...she promised to...to use that stuff on...on me again.....Look...look at what she has already done to me. I couldn't let her do it again," he managed to say through his tears. "She did that to you using that stuff?" Margaret said in disbelief. "Ye...yeah, she...." Jacob tried but broke down in flowing tears. As they sat on the bed, Dr. Richards and three other people dressed in blue colored scrubs entered the room. She quickly took charge and had two of her assistants put Sam into a straight jacket after making sure she was just knocked unconscious. The other attendant she sent to find Emma. "Alright it looks like everyone is safe now. Would any of you care to explain to me exactly what has happened here?" the doctor demanded. When Daniel and Jacob described everything that had happened and what Sam had done to them, Dr. Richards was shocked. She quickly examined Daniel's nipples and while they were abnormally large, he was in no danger. Jacob on the other hand needed treatment as soon as possible to drain the silicon from his breasts before it could migrate and infiltrate his entire body. As they were finishing up, an assistant came into the room with Emma walking like a drunken sailor beside him. "Doctor I found her asleep. There were several bottles of sleeping medicine sitting on the kitchen counter but I don't know how much she was given," he said supporting Emma around the waist. The doctor injected her with a stimulant but it took some time before she was coherent. Finally, when everything had been explained to her, she agreed to sign Samantha into Dr. Richards' care and admit her to a psychiatric ward. She agreed that the doctor would treat Jacob and would begin legal proceedings to have Sam remitted to State custody. "You had us very worried darling. Now I am not one to tell you that I told you so but....I hoped you learned a very valuable lesion this evening. Perhaps now you will listen when I tell you something. I only have your best interests in mind," Margaret said as they rode back to the house. "Auntie, I...I had no choice. Sam said if I didn't show up, she would tell everyone in my dance class that I was really a boy. I'd have been totally humiliated if she had done that. What could I have done?" Daniel replied. "For one thing, you could have told me and I would have taken care of it without you putting yourself in danger like that. You should realize by now that once I set my mind to do something, it gets done. Now you have a busy day tomorrow and I want you to go straight to bed when we get home. You have a date with Peter, remember," she sternly said. "You're right Auntie. I should have known better but I don't feel like going out with Peter. I'll call him in the morning and cancel," he said. "You'll do no such thing Heather. You said you would go out with him and I expect you to honor your word. Granted you have had a rough night of it but that is no excuse to cancel your date. I know Peter is looking forward to it and it is your responsibility to make sure he has a good time. One of the things you must understand is that it is the woman's place to make sure her man is happy and content. It has been our responsibility since the dawn of time. The Good Book even tells us that we should honor and obey and I intend to see to it that you learn your responsibilities. Do you understand what I am saying?" She stated. "But Auntie, I'm not a girl. I'm just doing this for the summer," he said defensively. "That and cause you made me dress this way. It was bad enough when you dressed me like a friggin sissy and everybody laughed at me. At least now no one laughs at me and thinks I'm a real girl. I think I would die if my secret got out now," he thought as Roger drove up to the house. "We're home. It is very late and I am tired from worrying about you. We'll continue this conversation in the morning. Now, get your fanny up to your room and go to bed. Oh, don't forget to do your nightly cleansing ritual before you do. I don't want to see makeup stains all over your pillow," she ordered. Ooo Daniel was allowed to sleep in Saturday morning until almost noon. Finished with his morning toilet, he got dressed. He selected a lemon yellow panty with white floral lace insert covering the front and a matching satin bra for his lingerie. A yellow tee with bell short sleeves with a ruffle of white lace decorating the hem that left his navel exposed and a pair of brown pleated short-shorts soon followed. Yellow anklets and a pair of white Mary Jane's completed his dressing. He quickly brushed out his hair and put on mascara and bubble gum pink lipstick. As he rose from his vanity, he suddenly sat back down. "Oh my, what is happening to me? I just realized that I got dressed and put on my makeup just like any girl. I didn't even have to think about it. I shouldn't be doing this. I'm a boy and guys don't do this...at least not without having to really work at it. Oh man, this has to be some kind of elaborate nightmare. I sure wish I would wake up soon. I hate this," he thought. He was finishing up his breakfast of grapefruit and tea when Margaret came and sat down at the table. "Heather I think we need to finish our conversation from last night. There is something important you have to know. I talked to your Mother last night and she informed me that she and Paul are getting married. He has arranged for them to take a Mediterranean cruise for their honeymoon. They don't plan on being back in the States until the New Year. So you will be staying with me at least until then. I have made arrangements for you to attend the local school and will register you next week," she said. "Wha....what? I....I don't want to stay here and go to school. I want to go home and attend my old school with my buddies. I've been looking forward to that all summer. Please just let me go home. I'm old enough to take care of myself. Besides, it's my senior year and I want to graduate with all my buddies," he stated. "I'm sorry if your Mother's happiness has spoiled your return but you are staying here and you are going to the local school. It is for the best and I for one am looking forward to spending more time with you. You still have a lot to learn young lady. Now don't look so surprised. Do you honestly think you could go to school here as your old self? Everyone knows you as my niece Heather. How would it look if my nephew Daniel showed up from out of nowhere? However, if you like, I could send in my sissy nephew. At least that would be an awkward explanation of why you suddenly stopped wearing dresses and being my niece. Don't you think?" she replied with a smirk. "Oh no, you can't do that to me. Please Auntie, don't do that. I....I'm sorry. I'll do what you want. Please, it's hard enough pretending I'm a real girl but I....I can't....I can't be a sissy. Not with everyone thinking I'm a girl. It would be just too embarrassing and all the kids would make my life a living hell," he wailed. "Very well, now that is settled we can get on to more important things. First and foremost Heather, you have to start thinking of yourself as a female. You have the mannerisms and fashion sense but you don't really think of yourself as female. We must change that starting today. You need the right mental attitude to go undetected by your friends. Women are mild mannered, don't use cuss words, they are demur and obedient and most of all deferential to men. You will discover that if you are nice to your man then he will be nice to you. It is their place to make sure we ladies are well taken care of. It is the woman's place in this world to see to it that their men are happy and successful. You must accept that and prepare your life for that role. To help you understand all this, I want you to write five hundred times what I have written on this piece of paper. Once you have completed that, I want you to prepare for your date with Peter making sure that you dress and act the way Peter would find the most pleasure in. Do you understand me? Good, now go to your room and start writing. Take your time and be sure to write in a neat feminine script or I'll have you do it until I am satisfied," she said handing him a tablet and pen. Daniel stared at the piece of paper for ages before he started copying what Margaret had written. Everything written on the paper was totally wrong but he had no choice. "Hi, my name is Heather. I am a sophomore and sixteen years old. I love being a girly-girl and all things feminine. I love pretty dresses and wearing makeup. I especially like boys and hope to be a good wife someday." As he wrote, Daniel was distracted as his upper arm kept brushing against his right breast. The nipple was still sensitive from what Sam had done and he put down his pen for a moment. "How can I concentrate on writing this when my arm keeps brushing against my chest? The doctor said that these should be going away by now but they seem to actually be getting bigger. I have a hard time just seeing my feet anymore because of them. Maybe it was a good idea to stay here. I couldn't go back with these things on my chest. No one would know I have this thing glued to my crotch and could keep that secret but tits? I couldn't hide them. I don't like it but I guess I'm stuck like this until Mom gets back. Golly, I hope these things go away by then," he thought. As he finished writing Margaret came into his room. "Well darling I see you have completed your assignment. I'll be giving you another one tomorrow. Tomorrow I want you to write me an essay about all the things you like and admire about Peter. So pay close attention when you are with him tonight. I want to know what he wore, how he behaved, especially what he did that you thought was cute or adorable. I also want details of how you felt being with him like did he make you feel safe and wanted. You think about it while you get ready for your date. Now go on and take a nice bubble bath but first put your hair up in the hot rollers. Your curls need a little refreshing and you do want to look your best. I think Peter has a surprise for you tonight, so I'll pick something out for you to wear that should please him while you take your bath," she said. Margaret was as good as her word and selected his outfit for the night. A crimson satin bustier with black lace highlights, matching high cut nylon panties, white sheer hose with floral lace welts and small red satin bows for his lingerie. A translucent white polyester peasant blouse with billowing sleeves and a red light weight cotton pleated full skirt with three inch wide black patent leather belt with a gold buckle and a pair of four inch stiletto heeled strappy sandals were selected for his outer wear. For accessories, she had selected round onyx with small diamonds encircling the stone earrings, matching necklace, bracelet, cocktail ring and a black beaded clutch purse. She had him do his makeup in a dramatic evening style. He emphasized his eyes blending blue and lavender eye shadows and putting on thick black false eyelashes. A dusting of burgundy blusher to highlight his cheeks and a deep crimson lipstick overlaid with a generous coating of gloss to make his lips fuller and more desirable. She had him paint his nails in a matching crimson varnish. As his nails dried, she brushed his hair giving him a part down the middle. Margaret decided to add a bit of whimsy by putting his hair into two pony tails tying them off with long red satin ribbons. A liberal spraying of floral scented perfume and she pronounced him ready. "Auntie don't you think this is a bit much? I look kinda slutty in this dress and makeup. You can see the bustier right through this blouse. Don't you think I'm showing too much flesh up here?" he said as he pushed up at his chest and tried to pull the bodice of the blouse up. "No, I think you look absolutely scrumptious. If you were Peter wouldn't you like the way you look? I'm positive that when he sees you tonight he will lavish all his attention on you my dear. Remember women dress for other women to impress but we also dress to please our men. You don't want your Peter's eyes roaming at other women, you want his full attention. Tonight, I don't think you will have to worry about that happening," she replied with a smile. Ooo Peter arrived wearing a pair of tight jeans and navy polo shirt. His wide smile and sparkling eyes indicated that he liked what he saw when Daniel entered the room. "Wow Heather, you look beautiful," he said in greeting. "Well Heather, don't just stand there. Go on give him a kiss as a reward for the compliment," Margaret ordered. Reluctantly Daniel walked over to Peter and started to kiss him on the cheek but Peter turned and their lips met. Daniel was startled and for a moment let the kiss linger before stepping back blushing furiously. His Aunt stepped up and whispered, "That was nice dear but don't you think you should rub your lipstick off your beaux's face." Daniel reached out with his fingers and rubbed the red print off Peter's smiling face. Peter grabbed his hand, pulled him close and slid his arm around Daniel's waist. "We'd better go. Don't want to be late for the dance," he said. Daniel broke away from Peter's grip, saying that he had to fix his lipstick as an excuse. He gave his Aunt a meaningful look and she followed him out of the room. When they got to the bathroom, he turned to face her. "Auntie, I don't know how to dance. Not with a boy anyway. Why didn't you tell me that he was taking me to a dance?" he whined. "Don't be ridiculous darling. Of course you know how to dance. You take ballet and are very graceful. There's not much difference. You just let him take command and lead you around the dance floor. Now fix your lipstick and go out and have some fun. All you have to do is let him make all the decisions," she replied. As they walked out to the car Daniel was surprised not to see Peter's father behind the wheel. "Where's your Dad? Didn't he drive you here?" he asked. "That's the surprise, I got my license yesterday. It's just you and me tonight. Won't that be fun?" he said. The dance was at a local teen only club. It was crowded with teenagers and loud music was playing. It was fairly large with tables set off to one side and wooden dance floor off at the other side. The lights were bright except over the dance floor where they were dimmed. There was a long bar against one wall where they served soft drinks and snacks. Peter took Daniel's hand and led him over to a table. Seeing Peter and a new girl enter the club a bunch of teens walked over to where they sat. Before Daniel could really object, the girls pulled him from his seat and huddled around him talking all at once. As he was drawn into the circle of girls, several boys sat down at the table with Peter. Thanks to months of training from Miss Harris and the girlie magazines he had to read, Daniel was able to hold his own within the circle of girls. It was a little intimidating as the subjects of the conversation kept jumping around so fast but he kept up. With his old buddies he was use to finishing a topic before moving on to something else. Daniel didn't know how long he was talking to the girls when Peter finally pulled him away to dance. At first he was glad Peter had rescued him from the relentless questions. As Peter grasped him firmly around the waist and pulled him close, he had second thoughts. It was a slow dance and having to move backwards in high heels was a very new and daunting prospect. Having Peter so close, invading his personal space, was something else altogether. Daniel was filled with conflicting emotions but with little choice did his best to follow Peter's lead. As they slow danced in the crowded room, their bodies were pressed tightly together. It came as a shock when he realized that bump he was feeling pressed against him was Peter's cock. He tried to back his hips away from the contact but Peter held him tightly. Another first for Daniel was feeling Peter's hands gripping and rubbing his ass while they danced. Peter was leading him in slow swaying circles as they danced and Daniel had his arms around Peter's neck. When he realized that he had taken the feminine position that was another shock to his system. By the time the dance ended, Daniel was very confused and his emotions were on a roller coaster. On the one hand he was scared shitless and on the other felt safe in Peter's strong embrace. He knew that everything he was doing and wearing was wrong but he was trapped. He also wasn't aware of what mental changes were happening to him due to the prolonged use of female hormones either. His brain was awash in them and they were making him think differently. The aroma of Aqua Velva that Peter wore and his maleness were so different from what Daniel was and had been that Daniel couldn't help but feel fragile and over powered. The noise of the party echoed in his mind like a steady buzz as he tried to get hold of his conflicting thoughts. "I'm a guy and guys don't do what I'm doing. I don't have any choice but to act and behave just like a girl or my secret would get out. If that happened I would be dead meat. I couldn't stand the humiliation or physical abuse if that got out especially now that I have to stay here. It's either being Heather or some flaming sissy. Everyone accepts me as Heather but they'd never accept me as a sissy. Some choice Auntie Margaret gave me. I can understand being dressed like this but why is my body betraying me? I feel so weak and defenseless now. Why, if I was me and saw me looking like this, I'd have a raging hard on just like Peter but I haven't had an erection in like forever. Instead, when he presses up against me, I get all tingly inside. What is wrong with me and why am I acting so naturally as a girl?" he thought. His thoughts were interrupted as Peter sat down beside him and handed him a glass. "I brought you something to drink. It's a rum punch. One of the guys smuggled in a bottle of rum," he said with a smile. The drink was cold and sweet and Daniel drank it down quickly, his throat dry from worry. They sat there for awhile not talking as the music was so loud. Peter grabbed his hand and pulled him up from the chair to dance to a fast song. Daniel felt a little bit better dancing to a fast song as they were separated by a foot or two. As he swung his hips and arms to the beat, Daniel couldn't help but glance down at Peter's crotch. The bulge was still there and for some reason Daniel couldn't take his eyes off it. In his mind, he visualized that it was his dick and he was dancing with a beautiful girl then it flip flopped and he was the girl. He was the girl that longed to see exactly what caused that bulge. Was it as big as it seemed? Was it circumcised? What would it feel like in his hand or better yet what would it taste like? The images flashed through his mind in a second as he shuddered at the unbidden thoughts. As he continued to dance visions of what he and Jacob did flashed through his mind. Peter's looked so much bigger than Jacob's tiny dick. Would it be better than Jacob's? What would it feel like to have it embedded deep in his boy pussy? He shook his head trying to clear it of the strange visions. Again, he wondered why he was even thinking such thoughts. After that dance, Daniel found himself standing amongst the other girls waiting to use the bathroom. They were talking about the new school year, fashions, and the boys at the dance. He was feeling more comfortable around them and spoke more freely than he had at first. By the time he had finished with his business, he had the phone numbers of four of the girls. He had agreed to join them in a major shopping spree at the mall next Saturday. Later, he was surprised that he couldn't place a name with a face but could remember who was wearing what dress. As the dance continued, Peter became more affectionate and forceful. Daniel had to tell him more than once to pull his hands off his butt. Despite his reprimands, Peter's hands would fall south of Daniel's waist and he would steal kisses whenever he could. During one slow dance, Peter nibbled and kissed Daniel's neck and ear. Darting a tongue into Daniel's ear then nibbling at the lobe sent a hot shiver up Daniel's spine. Surprised at his reaction, Daniel pushed Peter back. "Stop it," was all Daniel could think of saying. "OMG! Now I'm reacting just like a girl," he thought. Peter just gave him a silly grin then leaning forward gave him a kiss right on the lips. Daniel felt Peter's tongue dart quickly between his lips and then withdraw. Stunned, he stood still as Peter broke the kiss. "Heather, I just couldn't help myself. You're the prettiest girl here. Besides, if those other guys don't see us making out they may get the idea in their thick skulls that we're not a couple and can cut in," he replied. As Peter drove Heather back home he asked her how she liked the dance. "Oh, I had a good time. I can't believe how friendly all those girls were. That girl, the one in the green dress," Daniel said. "That was Jill. We use to date last year," he responded. "Oh, you trying to make me jealous?" Daniel replied before he knew what he was saying. Realizing what he said, Daniel blushed and screamed in his head, "You idiot! Why did you say that! Now he is going to think I like him." "Yeah, maybe," he said as he turned off onto a side street. "Where are we going? This isn't the way to my house," Daniel asked getting nervous. "I know but wait till you see what I'm going to show you," he said with a broad smile. He made a few more turns and finally pulled to a stop at a dead end road. They were surrounded by tall trees on both sides and, shining under a bright moon, was a large lake. The moonshine was rippling across the lake bathing them in its warm glow. It was a clear night and the stars sparkled overhead. "Well, what do you think? Aint it pretty? This is called Promontory Point and the best place to see the lake at night," he said as he put the car into park and slid the car seat back. For a few moments Daniel sat without replying. His emotions were in a jumble as he was both afraid and pleased. He was afraid of being alone in a deserted place with Peter; yet, the beauty of it intrigued him. "Errr...Peter it is very pretty but it's getting really late and I do have a curfew. You need to take me home or Auntie will be upset with me," Daniel said softly" "Ahhh, we got time yet Heather. Come on sit back and enjoy the sight. A full moon doesn't happen everyday you know," he said sliding his arm around Daniel's shoulders. Daniel was feeling very uncomfortable and turned his head to tell Peter to please take him home. Instead their lips met and Peter pulled him into a tight embrace. Daniel wanted to resist but Peter was too strong. After what seemed like a long time, Daniel gave in and surrendered to the kiss. Sensing Heather's surrender, he pressed his advantage. Peter's tongue darted in and danced with Daniel's as his hand reached up and began to caress Daniel's left breast. Daniel didn't know what to do as the kiss became more passionate. While his mind said to run away, his body was responding to Peter's touch. Chills were running up and down his spine while a wonderful heat built up between his legs. He didn't understand what was happening or how the estrogens flowing within him were causing his body to respond. He let out a soft low moan as Peter's lips turned their attention to his earlobe, traced his tongue down the jaw line and softly nibbled at Daniel's neck. Daniel's eyes were squeezed shut as his body vibrated from Peter's touch. Time stood still as Peter's lips, tongue and hands sent new and indescribable sensations flooding into his brain. Daniel was so wrapped up in the new feelings that he did not realized Peter had pulled down his blouse exposing his red bustier and kissing his bared breast. As if in a dream, he moaned and panted as Peter kissed and licked the bared flesh. It wasn't until He felt his hand being pressed against the hot flesh of Peter's cock that reality burst him into awareness. "Pe...Peter....wha....what are you doing?" he gasped. "Come on baby, you got me so hot. Please, just stroke it a bit. Come on please," Peter whispered into his ear. Without thinking, Daniel's hand began squeezing and pulling on the hot flesh. He kept messaging it as Peter's lips found his once again. Their passion was fogging up the windows of the car and both were moaning when there came a loud tapping on the driver's side window. Just as the first loud tap resounded within the car, Peter groaned, went rigid and spewed his load all over Daniel's exposed thigh. During their make out session, Peter had pushed the red cotton skirt high up on Daniel's thigh. Daniel felt the hot wetness as it soaked the stocking welts and soft skin. At the same time understood what that loud tapping on the window was. Feeling the heat of his embarrassment as it flushed his face, Daniel scrambled to make himself presentable while Peter did the same. As the window rolled down, a flashlight bathed them with its glare. "What you kids up to this time of night?" a deep voice demanded. "No....nothing....nothing officer, we....we're just admiring the view," Peter managed. "Nothing huh? Well you better wipe all that lipstick off your face and then get that young lady on home before something does happen young man. Now get going and don't let me catch you up here again this time of night," the officer responded. "Yeah, sure officer. Right away sir," Peter said. Daniel had been embarrassed and humiliated many times before but never as much as he had been when the officer shined his flashlight on him. His lipstick smeared, his bare breast exposed through the thin blouse, his skirt bunched around his waist, his hand and exposed thigh covered in sperm. He was so humiliated that he cried as Peter drove him home. As Daniel sobbed, Peter was cussing out the officer that had interrupted what he had hoped a more eventful make out session. "That was so humiliating. OMG! What if he had arrested us? It was bad enough that he saw me like this but if we went to jail everyone would have known. I would never be able to live that down. Oh crap, he got his...his stuff all over my stocking an....and there's a wet spot on my dress. Oh shit, Auntie will notice for sure. Why can't I stop crying? I'm acting just like a damn girl and my mascara is running. I can't go in looking like this. I hope his visor has a mirror on it. Got to stop crying first before I can fix my makeup," Daniel thought as he blotted his stocking top with a tissue. As Daniel was trying to straighten up, Peter kept glancing at the sight sitting next to him. The bared thigh, a glimpse of red panties trimmed in black lace and the outline of breasts showing through the thin blouse. It was definitely making him hornier than he had ever been. Despite having just cum, he knew that he was going to have a major case of blue balls by the time he got home. It was almost midnight when Daniel shut the front door and leaned back against it. "Oh what a night," he sighed. "Heather is that you dear? Did you have a good time?" He heard his Auntie call. "Damn that's all I need right now is for Auntie to give me the third degree. I'll never hear the end of it if she sees this stain on my dress. Why did I have to wear this red dress? Red shows stains better than any other color. Maybe I can hide it with my purse and tell her I'm too tired to talk now," he thought as she walked into the foyer. Ooo Daniel didn't sleep well. His mind was banging away with wondering and disturbing thoughts. He had been with a bunch of people his own age for the first time since his arrival. The problem was that they all accepted and treated him as a girl. He had been intimidated at first but that feeling disappeared when the other girls accepted him as one of their own. They even asked him to go shopping with them. The boys were a bit creepy. He didn't like the way they kept looking at him. Initially, he thought they were on to him but now he knew that wasn't true. No, he realized that they were looking at him the same way he had looked at pretty girls--with carnal desire. He cringed at that thought; yet, at the same time, a tingle of pleasure went up his spine. The very idea that some boy wanted to fuck him was both frightening and satisfying. As that thought faded, another quickly popped into his brain. It was a vivid image of Peter's cock in his hand. He saw every vein, every contour of it in his mind's eye and, as if in slow motion, spew its milky fluid. Every drop every spurt was burned into his memory and he licked his lips in his sleep. He remembered how Peter was so demanding and commanding as they danced. The scent of Aqua Velva filled his dream. Its scent so strong and masculine so intoxicating that it left him breathless. He tossed in his sleep as he felt Peter's arms once again surround him as they danced. The pressure and command of those strong arms made him feel weak and oh so feminine. He wanted to melt into those arms, feel the intense heat of his very being oh so badly. That thought almost jerked him awake but he settled back into a troubled sleep. Visions of him playing football with his old friends and horsing around flashed through his mind. He could almost smell the sweat and musky aromas as his dream played out. Then, in the mist of his friends, Mary Jo's memory popped into his mind. Mary Jo, his secret love at the time, was back in his dreams. Only this time he did not have an erection. He was examining her clothing and telling her how precious her new dress looked. In that dream he was envious of how pretty she looked in the dress and wished he had one just like it. Again, he stirred in his sleep almost coming awake at that disturbing thought. Why was he envious of a stupid dress? Why did he feel so weak and submissive when there were boys around? Why did he get goose bumps just thinking about Peter's lovely cock? Why did he feel protected and secure while in his arms? Questions, so many unanswered questions rambled through his mind. When the alarm went off that morning, Daniel was exhausted. He went into the bathroom, dropped his peach colored ruffled panties and making sure his nightie was raised in the back, sat to do his business. He douched both openings as he had been taught and turned on the bath. As the smell of lilacs filled the room, he took off his nightie and hung it from the peg on the door. He carefully checked his legs and pits for any unwanted hair. When the tub was full of multicolored bubbles, he put on his shower cap and stepped into its warm waters. It wasn't until he walked back into his bedroom that Daniel realized what he had done. He didn't have to think about his morning toilet. It was now an ingrained habit. For a second, that bothered him but he shrugged his shoulders and went over to the vanity. He had to moisturize and put on his makeup before going down to breakfast. "Crap! I'm going to have to tell Auntie all about my date last night. I hope she didn't see that stain on my new dress. How am I going to explain that?" he thought as he sat. As he sat with moisturizer spread across his face, he dropped his negligee from his shoulders and stared at his bared chest. Two firm B cup sized breasts with one inch long and quarter inch thick dark brown nipples stared back at him. He reached up and brushed his fingers across his right nipple and felt a tingle. He wasn't sure if the tingle was from pleasure or if it was just sensitive to the touch. "Boys don't have breasts like this or nipples that are sensitive. Dr. Richards told me that they would be gone by the start of school. So why do they seem so much bigger? I have to get Auntie to take me back to see her. I don't want tits," he thought. As he walked over to the bureau naked except for the three inch heeled bedroom slippers, he spied his swaying ass in the mirror. It was plump, heart shaped and jiggled a bit when he walked. "Oh my, when did my ass get so big and plump? My waist seems to be a lot smaller too. With that artificial vagina stuck between my legs, I look just like a girl. I don't remember what my dick even looks like but I know it's hidden there somewhere," he mumbled as he slid a finger up into his slit. To his relief he could feel the slight bulge of his dick hidden inside the rubber sheath but it didn't react to his touch. He stuck another finger inside and began messaging the bulge but as he did so the vision of Peter sticking his dick into him flashed through his mind. He gasped at the thought and quickly removed his hand. "OMG what's happening to me?" he moaned as he sat on the edge of his bed and started crying. Daniel was sitting on the bed, elbows on his knees and his hands cupping his face sobbing when Margaret entered the room. "Darling, is something the matter? Why are you crying?" she said as she sat beside him. "Oh Auntie everything is so wrong. I'm....I'm not me anymore," he sobbed. "Of course you are Heather. You're the beautiful young lady you always should have been. Now, tell me, why are you crying so?" she asked as she put an arm around his shoulders and pulled him in close. Daniel broke down and told her about his big butt, growing tits and how his emotions were swinging all over the place. He even told her of his strange feelings for Peter and how he had been accepted by the girls at the party. Of course he didn't tell her that he gave Peter a hand job but pretty much vented all his worries and concerns. By the time he had talked and cried himself out, it was mid-morning. For some reason he felt much better after his crying jag and had a smile on his face. Auntie had assured him that he would see Dr. Richards first thing Monday morning and that everything would be alright. He almost believed her when she left to fix him something to eat. Margaret sat sipping coffee with a very satisfied smile on her face as she awaited Daniel in the kitchen. "Everything is going fantastically. Just like the twins said way back at the start. Humiliate him into wanting to become a girl, get him on hormones they'll do wonders to change his physic and mind, let him experience sex from the feminine perspective and above all take your time. Emma and her crazy daughter, Samantha, almost ruined it but all-in-all things were working out just fine. Soon, very soon now she would have the niece she always wanted," she thought. Ooo Monday morning Daniel sat waiting to be called into Dr. Richards' exam room. He was absently thumbing through a copy of Cosmo not really paying much attention to anything. He was thinking and worrying over what the Doctor would tell him. His name was called out twice before he realized it was time. He got up, smoothed out his skirt, slung his purse over his shoulder and followed the nurse into the room. His actions so feminine and natural, no one would have guessed that he was a boy in a dress. Over three months of intensive immersion in feminine mannerisms had their desired affect. He was completely nude except for the paper robe as the Doctor walked in. She immediately began a thorough examination. She manipulated his breasts, palpated his chest then had him lay back as she checked out his groin area. Finally, she had him sit up and drew several vials of blood. "Heather, you seem to be in perfect health. I didn't find any lumps or abnormalities in your breasts and the heart and lungs are just fine. So why did you want to see me so badly?" Dr. Richards asked. "Yo...you...you said these would go away by the start of school," he stuttered pointing to his chest. "Oh dear me, Heather I said no such thing. What I told you was that they would be just fine by the time school started and they are. You should be proud of your breasts. They are perfectly proportioned to your body and not a lot of girls could say that. As far as I can tell, your body has developed normally for a girl your age and...if I may say so...I very lovely body it is you have there. So what's the problem?" she stated. "The....the problem is that I'm not a girl! I'm a guy!" he said almost in a whisper. "Heather, you might have a bit extra between your legs but for all practical purposes you are a beautiful woman. I expect to see normal hormonal levels for a young woman when I get the blood tests back. Your body is just reacting to those hormones and behaving naturally. You need to accept the fact that you are what you were meant to be. In time, we can correct that small problem between your legs and you will be a complete woman. The only thing you won't be able to do is have children of your own. So I strongly suggest that you accept the fact that you are the young lady your body is telling you that you are and get on with your life," she replied. "Bu...but this isn't what I wanted," he sobbed. "Heather, there are a lot of things I want but can't have. You are no different. Now get over it and accept the fact that you are a young lady now and forever. There is no going back for you, so accept what you have been privileged to be given. Now, stop that sniveling and get dressed," the Doctor ordered. "This nightmare will never end. I'm stuck forever like this. Damn! Why me? I don't like it but I guess it could have been a lot worse. I could have been poor Jacob. At least I can live like a normal girl whatever that is. Oh man, I'm going to have to sit down to pee for the rest of my life," he thought as he got dressed. This is the end of the story but the start of a new beginning.

Same as Daniel's Nightmare IV Videos

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Martins Halloween Nightmare

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The Nightmare

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Worst Nightmare

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Helenas Nightmare

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The Stuff of Nightmares

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Love Stories
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My Perfect Weekend Turns Into My Nightmare

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My Perfect Weekend Turns Into My Nightmare

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Maliias Nightmare

Maliia's Nightmare By Maliia Kanaulahu From Maliia's Website at Maliia.com All Rights Reserved My name is Maliia. I am half-Polynesian and half-Caucasian. My story beginsat the start of my freshman year in college, and as an eighteen-year-old girlaway from home for the first time; I was both excited and nervous. Not beingfrom a wealthy family, I was like many college students in that I did not havea lot of extra money for frivolous expenditures. I was also really nervousabout who my roommate...

3 years ago
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Reunion Nightmare

Reunion Nightmare by Cindy Johnson [email protected] Free Audio MP3 version available Positive reviews welcome ?? Oh God, no. Please tell me she didn't just bring this up in front of the entire family, and my wife. My stupid, drunk sister spilled our family secret, and now everyone is looking at me giggling. It was our semi-annual family reunion. The entire family comes to Chicago to meet every two years from all over the country. We usually have over 50 people attend the...

2 years ago
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Recurring Nightmare

*Note: Don’t read this if you’re easily offended ... or if you have a weak stomach ... really, you probably just shouldn’t read this. The cabin is a good distance from the main road, perhaps six or seven miles. The tree line is dense enough to shield any would be prying eyes. Last night I narrowed my search down to a five mile radius within French Creek State Park. It’s quiet, isolated, and visibly guarded from any fire towers. Understandable why a hunter like him would choose such a location....

4 years ago
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A Wifes Mistake A Husbands Nightmare

Many of you have probably read my first story "A Husband's Mistake, A Wife's Nightmare." Well I never would have thought it was true myself, but it has been said there is a little truth in every story. Well, that story was written about a little truth in my own life. I had found my wife having an online affair, when I wrote that story I thought that was all it was, and that it was over. I was wrong and last week she took it to the next level. Although I was able to stop it before it went...

2 years ago
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Amandas Nightmare

This event shook me up so badly that I'm not to sure where to start. The story that you are about to read might have been true if it weren't for the nightmare. I came so close to doing what you are about to read. Anyway, here's the story. The computer was shining in her face like a giant light bulb. She had been trying for several weeks to find an interest in her new toy. So far nothing she found interested her very much. At first she looked at the site's that contained information on...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 140 Walking Nightmare

It was two more days before my brother finally returned. While we waited, Sigrun resumed caring for Faren, and Alim shut himself in the library. Alistair went out to meet with Conrad, who’d seen no sign of darkspawn on his patrols; he was worried, however, that Rolan and his patrol hadn’t made it to their last meeting. The patrol routes were planned such that each group met with one of the others once per day, and the former templar hadn’t been there in the morning when Oghren, Conrad, and...

1 year ago
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A Golfers Dream Book I The Dream BeginsChapter 20 The Dream Becomes a Nightmare

Dave was having a very strange dream about walking through his school naked when suddenly he was pushed against a locker. His back was to the locker but he couldn't see who was holding him there. He felt something on his soft prick - a hand was holding it while a tongue licked it. Dave suddenly felt a warm mouth encase his quickly growing hard-on. He put his hands to the head he imagined was there and was surprised to feel hair slide between his fingers. The background of the school...

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Of Fantasy and Nightmares

This comes directly from a nightmare of mine. I've suffered many of these over the years, causing me to get only maybe four hours of sleep each night at most. This is not a TG tale, though I suppose it could probably become one upon awakening. I have very sad and disturbed dreams like this unfortunately and have been prescribed drugs to counter these horrible nightmares but nothing seems to help so far. I present this to you now, to see what horrible dreams I am subjected to each day...

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A Montauk Nightmare

Sleep with one eye open Gripping your pillow tight Exit light Enter night Take my hand We’re off to Never Never-land Enter Sandman, Lyrics by James Hetfield JENNIFER Can’t ... breathe! I hurled myself upwards in bed, yanking in deep lungs full of air through my mouth. My sinuses and head felt twenty pounds heavier and pain was thundering through my skull. Strings of numbers raced through my consciousness, pushing away all attempts at rational thought. I clung to them, desperate for...

2 years ago
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Free Trader Marys DreamChapter 7 Alexs Replacement Seperation Nightmares

We were lucky, usually Geghast Station was one of those stations that at any one moment, there could be ten or more ships docked looking for a cargo, leading to sometimes someone taking a run that would barely break even, just to get off the dock and stop paying docking fees, but this time there was a pretty decent run taking us to the Morely System, which was a single jumpgate away. Even with the days to get to the jump gate, and the couple days in system once we arrived, it was going to...

2 years ago
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DanielSans S2K Story

DanielSan's S2K Story By DanielSan59 Late one Saturday Night Work, work, it's always damn work. If it wasn't work it was school. I never had any time to write anymore. I missed the Chalker Chat, and I had almost surely missed the hullabaloo over the 2000th story on Fictionmania. It had taken weeks of snatching a half-hour here and there, but I had finally finished my second story and posted it to the list. Maybe, just maybe, mine had been the one. I didn't really care, but it...

1 year ago
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Crossdressing Charlie Episode 8 Family and Nightmares

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 8 FAMILY AND NIGHTMARES His eyes opened quickly. The first thing that came into view was his bedroom door. His heart slowed down as he exhaled into his pillow. It was just a dream. He thought. Well of course it was! His eye's swirled about in their sockets like a startled animals as he rolled over onto his back and licked the inside of his mouth. That usual morning taste was in his mouth and he couldn't wait to get his hands on his toothbrush. He...

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