My Down Fall With Texting. Part 4.. free porn video

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My down fall with texting- Part 4... The weekend at the Golf Club, Jessica get's called in to do an extra Saturday waitress shift and meets up with Gary. By Jessica Kingston I woke up and could hear the light early morning light traffic passing the front of the house, I felt warm, I could feel the body heat from Lucy, I was comfortable and had no wish to get up, especially under my present circumstances, in my mind I re-called the previous couple of days; hoping they were a dream, but I could feel my long hair on the pillow, and as I breathed I could feel my breasts moving, I looked at my painted finger nails, in all, it reminded me I was now Jessica. Lucy was still fast asleep with her back towards me. I rolled over and put my arms around her body, Lucy my new found lesbian lover was nice, I did like her, and felt confident in her company, I wanted to make her happy so I squeezed and gave her a nice cuddle. "This is sooooo nice" she responded lazily waking up, slowly, teasingly I pulled her hair back from over her ears and nibbled her ear with my teeth, the phantom hard on I had, was unbelievable. I heard John get up and start getting ready I quickly rolled over and went back to my side of the bed, the last thing I wanted was him to come into the bedroom and see Lucy and I cuddled up together. Today was Saturday and I knew John my new daddy was going to play golf, Janet my new mummy was up and about as I heard her talking to John. The Saturday and Sunday routine was that Janet would normally dropped John off at the Golf Club and as she didn't play golf herself, she would stay at the Club for awhile, have a coffee and a catch up with "Golf gossip" from the other members. It wasn't long before the house was quiet and I could hear the car reversing out of the drive. The Golf club had a Steward and Stewardess, Peter the steward would join John for the early morning game of golf, while his wife Lynne, who as the stewardess was responsible for looking after the catering. Weekends were always busy, so Lynne would be cooking mainly breakfast meals for the early bird male golfers, which I used to be one before the body swop. On Saturdays, a girl called Haley who was a member's daughter would work the Saturday shift as a waitress serving the tables in the restaurant and do the washing up. Peter around lunch time, after his game of golf would open the bar; Lynne would now start cooking and be serving lunches, as the day went on into the afternoon, till around 5pm she would normally prepare and serve mainly cold or hot sandwiches. The restaurant and kitchen were on the second floor of the Golf Club house, with the Committee rooms; also on the second floor were there living accommodation. The bar was on the ground floor, most members in the afternoon would order sandwiches and eat them in the downstairs bar area, so Haley would have walk down the 2 flights of stairs and return after serving, on busy days the old Jessica once told me it was hard work walking up and down those stairs. Sundays.... Was Jessica's shift. Lucy now fully awake and she rolled towards me and gave me a kiss just as I was getting into the mood for some sexual fun with her; we heard the car reversing into the drive. "Sounds like your mum has come back home, I best get up and get dressed" Lucy said getting out of bed and going to the bathroom. I was sooo disappointed at Jane coming home early; I cursed the old Jessica for being mean to me as I was so frustrated with the phantom hard on I had and knew I couldn't relieve myself. My sexual thoughts were soon gone as Janet came into the bedroom little did I know what was in store for me, boy, I was going to find out for sure, then the bombshell was dropped on me. "Come on Sleepy head it is time you was up and showered as you have an extra shift to do today at the Golf Club because Lynne is short staffed, Haley has a cold and can't work today so get ready for work and I will drop Lucy off on the way" Horror struck me all of a sudden as I watched Janet go into my wardrobe and hung a freshly ironed white long sleeve blouse and a Black skirt onto the back of my bedroom door. All the times I had seen Jessica working at the Golf Club wearing the skirt and blouse, I would fantasies to my self that I was wearing the outfit and being her. Now it was no fantasy, I was going to wear the outfit for real and be a waitress. "Jessica move!!!" I got the message and knew there was no getting out of me doing an extra shift, so reluctantly I got up, put on my now favourite spongy slippers, dressing gown, and went into the bathroom just as Lucy was coming out. "I heard your mum tell you about the extra shift at the Golf club, did you read up on what you have to do as a waitress? Lucy whispered while holding my hand. "Yes... I have read the portfolio that the old Jessica kindly left me, so I know what I have to do, but Lucy!!! I don't want to go, all my golf mates are there" I replied. Lucy smiled and came closer to me and as she kiss my lips, I responding to her approach, I pulled her back into the bathroom and shut the door, we kissed long and hard, both our breast pushed into each other, god I was so horny, it was nice, we broke our kiss, Lucy gave me an encouragement smile as to get a move on. "You'll be ok and you will survive, anyway I like the new Jessica, now your hair is not to curly this morning, to keep your hair dry put a shower cap on as dry hair won't take as long to straighten, oh and don't forget after putting on your makeup, remember hairspray, jewellery and perfume" Lucy said going back into the bedroom. While I showered I thought of Lucy and the day we had together yesterday, it was fun and deep down I did enjoy the day with her. Soon I was showered, dried myself and picked up my damp panties into the wash basket, they were damp from the frustration I had. When I returned to the bedroom Lucy was dressed in her jeans and T shirt and applying her makeup, which was going to be a daily thing for me, as I remembered I wasn't allowed out of the house without full makeup on, my nails always had to have nail varnish on, I checked my hands and they were still immaculately painted blood red. "You best get your skates on and get dressed, remember you have your hair and makeup to do, and you better put on a white bra since you will be wearing a light coloured blouse Lucy said grinning. "Lucy please don't tease me this isn't funny" I said putting on deodorant under my armpits which smelt so famine then went through the process of getting some panties, a white bra out of my underwear draw, I put on the pink lace-trimmed panties; with white frills on the edges then I picked up the white bra, looked at how it fastened in back, and noticed the tag: "Girls teen bra" I looked at the foam-shaped cups, and the girlie pink little bow at the end of the straps. I slipped my arms through the straps, and managed to latch it behind my back, and placed my breast into the cups. Again my face was turning red as I looked in the wardrobe mirror at myself in Jessica's bra and panties. I remembered that Jessica had worn these panties on one of our affair dates and I had great pleasure of sliding them to one side before we made love. I went and sat at the dressing table and remembering my makeup lessons from Lucy, firstly I started to put on the foundation, rubbing it gently into my face, then using the black eye liner pencil I carefully lined my upper and lower eye lids, applied a little blue eye shadow, face powder, which made the foundation look flawless, applied the first coat of mascara, little rouge to my cheeks. Then I started the pain staking process of straightening my hair with hot hair tongs, another of the old Jessica's instructions I had to do, hair complete, and then I put in some silver dangly earnings, 2nd coat of mascara. The face looking back at me was mine with a made up face of Jessica. I slipped on a pink watch and added a few silver bangles onto my other wrist. Managed to spray my hair without getting any into my eyes. A little perfume to neck and wrists, now I even smelt sexy. "Can you remember what colour nylons Jessica used to have to wear when working at the Golf Club?" Lucy asked looking in my tights and stockings draw. I knew that when Jess worked at the Golf Club as a waitress and wore the black skirt and blouse she had on maybe tan or light coloured nylons, I used to wonder when I saw her walking about if she was wearing tights or stockings. "A light colour or Tan" I replied as I started to outline my lips with a pink pencil. "Stockings or tights though" Lucy asked smiling. Lucy there is no way I'm wearing stockings, not at the Golf Club with all those men I'll wear tights if I have to," I answered. Janet came into the bedroom and she realised Lucy was looking for some Tan coloured nylons for me. "I don't think there are any tights in that colour in your nylon draw" Lucy said. Janet went into my wardrobe and picked out some white court shoes and inside were some light coloured tights. "Jessica!!! How many times have I told you to always put your nylons in the wash after you have worn them, now these are the only pair you have to wear today?" I realised the old Jessica must have worn them last Sunday while she did her shift, and she cleverly had not washed them and left them in her shoes knowing I would be wearing them after our body swop. "Why can't I wear some other colour, I can't see the bleeding big deal is as to what colour I wear" I shouted, getting frustrated and deep down, I just didn't want to work at the Club. Janet threw the tights over to me. "You know the dress rules for waitresses, now put them on young lady and in future hold your tongue I will not tolerate your temper, I will deal with you later." Somehow, what I had said, and shouting at Janet was not a very good idea, I could see the expression on Lucy's face, as I had pushed my luck and I had made a big mistake. My fate was starting to be sealed, I was going to have to wear them, I sat on the bed, bunch up the nylons knowing Janet and Lucy were watching me, it was operation "put your nylons on girly time" which I did, bunching up the tights and slowly pulling them over my painted toes, up my legs, over my pink panties and to my waist. Then rubbing my hands from the ankles upwards to ensure there were no snags. Lucy smiled with approval. The thought about having to wear tights all day made me shudder. I slipped the size 6 skirt of the hanger and stepped into it, fastened the button and zipped up the zip at the back, sealing the skirt into my slim waist, I was glad the skirt was just above my knees and not short, next I put on the blouse, fastening the many buttons at the front, leaving it hanging out over my skirt. I could see Janet getting frustrated as she wanted me to hurry up, but I knew I had to finish off my makeup, as I was putting on my pink lipstick, I noticed the high heels that Janet had earlier got out of my wordrobe, "Mum, I think I will wear some shoes with a smaller heel today" "Oh no your not young lady, you know you have only just bought them" Janet replied Janet added now talking to Lucy. "I did say to her at the time when she bought them that they were far too high to work in, but she insisted they were comfy and wanted to wear them" I rolled my eyes, as Janet handed me the white court type shoes, with a little ankle strap that went into a silver coloured buckle, I reluctantly put them on, cringing as I noticing the slim 5inch heels. "Jessica!!! Down stairs in 2 minutes" Janet shouted. I just nodded a "Yes" and gave a little smile back to her, as she left the bedroom; the inside of my stomach was doing summersaults. Lucy kindly came over and knelt down in front of me and put each of the slim ankle straps around my ankle then into the silver buckles and fastened them, she teasingly started rubbing her hands on my nylon legs looking up at me, smiling and pulling her tongue out. "Please don't tease me Lucy" I said as I stood up, god the heels were high. Lucy smiled and carried on caressing my calf's then up under my skirt to my thighs, teasing me, I looked at the bottom of the dressing table, and Lucy followed my look as we both knew the ropes we had bought yesterday were hidden there. "You just wait until Friday Lucy my dear, maybe I shall tie you up" I said lifting her up with my finger under her chin. "Oh, yes please, I must admit to you, last night before I went to sleep I was so turned on thinking about you tied up and helpless, and I wondered what it would be like" She replied as Our lips touched each other, "you will find out" I said as we kissed. "JESSICA" Mum shouted from downstairs "Yea... Yea... Yea... Keep your hair on mummy poo's I'm coming" I sarcastically replied breaking from our kiss. The frustration inside my whole body was getting to me as I put on a black jacket, Lucy reminded me about putting extra makeup in my handbag, which I did and I remembered to put in my mobile phone as well. soon we were in the car on our way to Lucy's house, I was sat in the front; Lucy from the rear lent forward "I'll see you on Monday at the park gates if you like" "Why what's happening Monday?" I replied. "Jessica. I worry about you sometimes with your memory, you have school Monday" Janet said. I was dreading working all weekend at the Golf Club and now I was kindly reminded I had school on Monday. "Sorry, I was miles away, yes Lucy I will meet you on Monday" I said as we pulled up outside Lucy's house. I watched my friend Lucy get out. "See you at 8am Monday Jessica, bye Janet" Lucy said waving as she walked into her house. "Bye Lucy" Janet and I said together. As Janet was driving "I heard your sarcastic comments from upstairs earlier young lady and I will not stand for it," With my eyes and head down, playing with the hem of my skirt, my nylon legs together to one side, I remembered while I was not in company I had to call Janet Mummy. "I'm so sorry Mummy, I was thinking most of the night about doing my "A" levels and I didn't sleep very well". I replied. " That is a poor excuse for your behaviour, you will be sorry young lady, and please tell me why all of a sudden you don't like your new shoes which you only bought the week before last and paying a lot of money for them" "Well they get a little uncomfortable after awhile, that's why I wanted to wear a lower heel" I replied. "You had no problems last Sunday, You was happy wearing them, I'm not seeing you waste good money so you will wear them today and tomorrow, is that understood?" I looked down at my nylon legs encased in the white high heels. "Yes Mummy" I replied knowing the old Jessica had set me up yet again. Soon we were nearing the Golf club, as we drove into the car park and stopped, I saw my car parked, and at the back was my old self getting his golf clubs out. "Oh there's Gary over there" Janet said waving to him and added looking at me "You have missed a bit of lipstick from your lips" "Oh have I" I replied looking at Gary, so I nervously went into my handbag and opened my compact mirror, and started to re-apply my pink lipstick, Gary had come over and was watching me through the passenger window, I could't believe I was applying lip stick and my former self watching me, after I had finished, I was just sat there, frozen and not wanting to get out of the car. "Come on sleepy head, get out, I have house chores to do back home" I reluctantly open the door conscious of Gary watching me and grinning as I kept my legs together and swung them onto the floor, the shoes felt like lead weights as Gary was smiling watching every move I made I got out of the car and was now stood next to him. "Oh wow you look nice today Jessica, and as usual you smell nice, why are you here today though? you normally work Sundays? It seemed strange to hear my old voice talking to me. "Haley is poorly so I'm having to do an extra shift" I replied hearing my own voice, of Jessica's. "Why are you late playing golf Gary" Janet asked leaning over from the driver's side. I could still see him looking me over. "Oh... Jane and I went into town last night to night club got drunk, so we had a lie in this morning, must admit I did enjoy going out." What did you all do last night then?" "Jessica had Lucy stay over so we went out for tea, John and I after, just watched television as usual, Jess and Lucy had a some girly chat time together upstairs" Janet replied "Oh Jess does girly chat mean girls talk about makeup, clothes and BOYS" Gary asked me still smiling. I Didn't answer I had to get away from his sarcastic talk and started walking towards the Club house, I heard Gary say good bye to Janet as I also could hear my heels clicking on the hard floor, the cool breeze blowing up my skirt as I walked, I could'nt walk away fast enough as the height of the heels would'nt let me, Gary soon caught me up and came along side me, walking at my pace, I tried walking quicker, to escape from him. "How do you find walking in my magnificent heels I bought the other week?" "They are uncomfortable and hard to walk in" I replied. "The best way to learn at first is to walk slowly with mincing girly steps, but don't worry in time you will get used to wearing my heels, do you find that the heels make your calves feel tight, and have you noticed how shapely and feminine your legs have become". God I thought how much worse can this get "Please don't make this worse than it is" I replied as we walked into the golf club house, Gary just smiled at me, just we were passing the games room, Gary opened the door and grab my arm pushed me in, and closed the door behind him, and locked it, in away I was glad of the privacy, as I wanted to talk to him. "Please I beg you can we swop back, I'm not liking this at all" I said looking up at him, even with heels on I was just a little smaller than Gary. "You keep asking to swop back, now don't be silly you know the swop is set for 9months, must admit I did love watching you put your lipstick on, remember won't you, to keep your face made up to a high standard at all times, and that's awesome news, two days of waitressing for you." "I wish now that I never agreed to do your "A" levels" "Well you are going to do them as you are stuck as Jessica, now let's have a proper look at you, Em... yes the makeup, hair is very good, I like the jewellery you are wearing and how do the shoes and tights feel? "You set me up didn't you?, you know the shoes are too high for working here and you also left the tights in them on purpose, knowing mum would be angry" "I'm glad you are starting to see what I used to have to put up with mum and dad, and yes you are sooo right I did set you up, just to let you know last Sunday while I was working, around lunch time my ankles started aching, my calf's muscles were going to explode, but I carried on, knowing you would be wearing them, and yes I did leave the tights for you in the shoes, I see mum must have made you wear them. I'm glad she did because while you are upstairs today washing the dishes, just think to your self, I wore those tights LAST, without being washed." He said laughing, I just felt defeated. "I did't have much choice did I and why are you so mean to me, I do not like it at all, and want to be my old self"" I said leaning with my bum on the pool table. "Oh come on, who are you kidding, when Jane told me about your dressing habits while she was at work and she even showed me your fantasies stories on your computer, about being forced to dress as a girl, go out in heels and be tied up, the swop must be a dream come true for you, I just know now that in away you had groomed me into liking you, I even thought I loved you, even I trusted you, but sometimes while you tied me up I felt like your sex slave, that is why I am mean to you." "They were only fantasies stories that I had wrote, I did not want it to be real, and did and still truly love you, please believe me" With his hand on my cheek "Well believe it, because it is soooo real from now on, plus I don't believe you, anyway it's too late, so you best behave and be a good ME. I bet deep down in your pathetic male brain you still have, that you love being fully dressed and being a proper girl? "He lent forward and tried to kiss me. I pulled back "What you doing, I'm not going to kiss you, I maybe in your body, buy not really you 100%, remember I still have my male brain?" "Listen Jessica, the affair we were having before the swop is to carry on unless you want Jane to find out, I'm sure she will love changing you into a baby, just think you will look nice in a pram with a little pink girls blanket covering you, but underneath you will be strapped in with baby rains, a dummy gag secured in your mouth" He replied and went to kiss me again. I knew I had no choice, our lips were sealed I found his tongue exploring my mouth, his hands were on my bum and he pulled me forward, squeezing me into him, I could'nt move back, I could feel his stiff cock through my jacket, we broke the kiss, he pulled up my skirt "Please. Please don't" I was scared. "Its ok don't worry, I'm just inspecting you and making sure you keep to my dress standards, now just keep both your hands on your skirt and keep it held up, I want to inspect your legs for unwanted hairs and I want to see what panties you have on" He stepped back and admired my pink panties, all I could do was hold my skirt up, ashamed and embarrassed I could feel him caress my legs, I was turned on, and he knew it as he put his fingers to my now wet panties and slowly started rubbing me. "I know it feels nice for you at first then it hurts, I bet you get frustrated knowing you can't bring your self off, you have properly guessed for your self that when Jane gave me the contract note I added the condition that you could'nt orgasm unless you were tied up with no escape, was very clever of me don't you think?." "It was mean" I replied putting my skirt back down. Gary walked over to the table tennis table and picking up a tennis bat then sat down on a stool with his legs together and stretched out, he beckoned me to come over to him, witch I did not knowing what was going to happen. " When I spoke to Your Daddy the other night, and he told me about the spanking you had, which I used to have regular, I just thought how nice it sounded so for all the bad things you have done to me, you are going to get regular spankings off me, now no arguments, over my knees please" he said. "Oh no please I beg you...Please... Please don't spank me" "Now, do as I say, come here" He grabbed my arm and quickly had me over his knees, I had my hands on the floor and through his legs I could see my white heels, I tried struggling as I felt my skirt being pulled up "Keep still, or you will get 5 extra spanks, I kept still as I felt my tights and panties being taken down. "These last two days since our body swop I have realised you used me for your pleasure and this spanking is for all the times you tied me up and left me" "I'm sorry" I replied as heard the swish sound of the bat coming down onto my bare bottom, defeated again; the tears were rolling down my face. "Where is the bunny vibrator, you know the one you used to use with me" he asked. I did'nt answer, but as the bat came down again and slapped my now sore bum. "It's in the brown suit case in the attic" I replied, crying. After the spanking he then let me stand up and beckoned me to pull my panties and tights back up, as I straightened my skirt. My bum was so sore; I was humiliated at being spanked by my former self. I watched him open the games room door and look out into the corridor, I was glad to get out of the room and in the corridor it was quiet as we both came out. "You know Jessica I'm going to love playing golf knowing that you will be working upstairs, now you best go into ladies and re-apply your makeup" He said smiling and wiping the pink lipstick of his lips from the kiss we had. I went into the ladies toilets and looked into the mirror, I could see the dried tears on my face, I thought I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me, yet again I re-applied my makeup. I rubbed my sore bum, feeling the outline of my panties through my skirt, it was no use, my bum would be sore all day. As I was going upstairs, my feet were starting to hurt already "Oh wow just look at that bum wiggle" I turned around it was my mate Mike. "Come on Jessica I'll help you up the steps" he said with his hand on my sore bum pushing me gently upstairs. I had seen many male golfers who knew Jessica touch her, not sexually, but in funny nice way, the old Jessica loved it. "I'm fine thank you" I replied hurrying away from him. "Hiya, Jessica and thanks for coming in today, I let you get on, and we'll have a catch up girly chat later when we have caught up with clearing and washing up. Lynne said beckoning me to take my jacket off. I knew from reading the portfolio that I had to hang my jacket and hand bag up behind the kitchen door and put on the white waist frilly waitress piny which I did, I looked at the mountain of dishes to wash, I gave a little sign to my self as I filled the large sink with water, rolled up my blouse sleeves, put the pink rubber gloves on and started the washing up with great (not) pleasure of watching all my mates out of the window playing golf. My mobile phone bleeped, it was from Gary "I was thinking last night, I bet every time I worked in the Club House on Sundays, I noticed sometimes you always had that look on your face, I now know, and believe you were fantasising to your self about being me, dressed in a skirt, heels and nylons, wearing makeup, having nice hair, feeling the earrings dangle as you walk about being a good waitress, well I am soooo happy, as from now on it is not a fantasy for you, but the reality, enjoy your day.. I will...Xxx" I knew she was right, while getting ready for golf on Sunday mornings as I put my male socks on I used to think to myself what Jessica was doing, how she was getting ready, putting her nylons on. I wished at the time I was her, but now I didn't dare admit it, I couldn't, I knew it would make things worse for me, Lucy had said to me, if I did every thing Jane my wife and the old Jessica had in store for me I would be ok, now that I had Lucy as a Lesbian lover, I didn't want to mess things up and end up as a baby as I was being threatened with. I was silly and should have deleted the fantasy stories I had written on the computer, especially the one where I went back in time to my child minder Aunt Mae and lived as a 12 year old boy and was punished for wearing one of Jenny's dresses. I was going to reply to Gary, but Lynne came into the kitchen. "JESSICA, what have I told you about texting, now put your phone away and finish the washing up, the tables in the dinning room need clearing and the carpets need hovering, then set the tables for lunches" Now I wanted to cry. It must have taken me an hour or so to washed the mountain of dishes, because in between washing up I had to keep an eye out for members coming into the restaurant area and take their orders, then when the meals were ready I had to take them out, walking out with plates of food in my hands wasn't easy in the heels I had on, plus seeing all my old golf mates didn't help. By lunch time my feet were really aching, I thought about talking the heels off and walking about in my nylons, but I knew I would get into trouble, Golf members love complaining. As I served the tables, I had to put up comments from male members, who I knew, "Oh Jessica you look nice today" "Jessica, have you a boyfriend?" "Jessica you have a nice bum" It was endless comments, which I just smiled at, what choice did I have, so I carried on with my work. Peter had finished his game of golf and was opening the bar down stairs, "Hiya sexy Jess" he shouted from downstairs seeing me, now hearing his loud voice I knew this was when the fun starts with me walking up and down them flipping stairs with sandwiches, as bad luck had it, the first was from my Daddy, John he wanted a sausage sandwich, god my feet were killing me as I walked down those stairs, sausage sandwich in hand. John was sat with mates who he had played golf with, they all commented how pretty I was, and John should be proud of me. John looked at me, "She can be a pain sometimes, but I suppose that is what 17 year old girls are like these days" "Discipline John is the answer" one of his mates said. "Oh Jessica has discipline, Don't you?" John replied looking at me. I smiled as best as my lipsticks lips could under the circumstances, and remembering the spanking I had of him, what else I could do, or say I just nodded a yes of approval and walked away aware of the rear of my skirt swaying as I walk away from them. I wanted to go on to the car park and let all their car tires down, just to get my own back. Late on in the afternoon, I was sat in the restaurant with Lynne having break, I took of my heels, and rubbed my sore feet as they felt as though they were on fire. Lynne laughed at me" I told you last week they would hurt you, but you insisted to carry on wearing them" Then from behind me I heard my old voice "Hiya girls how's things?" Gary asked us and sat down opposite me he had come upstairs and caught me sat down with my shoes off. I was glad Lynne was near me, I knew he was restricted to talk directly to me. Hiya Gary, we our fine thank you, being a busy day as usual, what can we get you to eat?" "Can I have a salad sandwich please, but I'll have it down stairs later when Jessica has had her break" Lynne got up and went into the kitchen; she came back with my handbag. "I can hear your phone bleeping silently away in your handbag, you must have a text" She said returning to the kitchen, "I opened my bag and took out my phone it was from Lucy asking me how I was getting on. "Who's the text from? Gary asked looking at my phone. "Oh it's from Lucy just asking how I was" Lynne went back into the kitchen, now I was alone with Gary at the table in the corner there were other members finishing off there meals "How did it go with Lucy yesterday, did you enjoy your girly day with her?" Gary asked leaning over and picking my shoes up, I felt overpowered in his company, I just felt like a little girl, remembering the spanking I had off him. "Well not really, she did give me makeup lessons and how to straighten my hair as you had asked her to do, we went for a walk, she told me what to do as "YOU" and what not to do." "Well so far I am impressed with you, so in all as Jessica, did you enjoy your girly day with her and did Lucy tell you she was a lesbian" "What choice did I have, learn to be YOU or be turned into baby and yes she did, she also told me that you did'nt want her touching your body" "Did she, you know I would hate it if another girl has toughed my old body?" "She told me that you had given strict instructions not to touch, so don't worry your body is safe from her as she values your friendship, she is only helping me out while you have a holiday from your parents" Aww, that's sweet of Lucy, when you see her again give her my thanks will you" Phew, what a good lie I had told him, I knew I had got away with Gary not knowing that Luvy and I were now secret Lesbian lovers. "Are your feet sore" He asked holding one of my shoes Yes they are hurting and you properly know they are" I replied. I was pleased with my lie to him about Lucy and me. "Lift up your legs and put them on my lap, don't worry the table clothe over the table is nearly to the floor and will hide them" I just looked at him in shock. "Listen, you may as well except that I will be part of your new life from now on, it may be an idea to get used to being told what to do". I put my hands under my bum and lifted my legs and rested them on his lap. I could feel his hands caressing my feet he looked down at my painted toes. "Well done, your painted toes look nice, now every night before you go to bed I want you to take of the nail varnish from both your hands and toes, re-paint them in a different colour" "Not every night surely" I asked. I did enjoy the caressing of my calves. "Yes every night from now on, normally during school days you will be tucked up in bed around 9.30 pm so around 9 pm I want you to put on fresh panties, one of my nighties, and after you have re-paint your finger and toe nails, text me which panties and nighty you have on, also what colour you have chosen for your nails." "Why do you want me to do that for?" " Because I want you to, at 9.30pm while I am out or watching television I will know what you are wearing and what colour nail varnish you have on, it will bring a smile to my face as I want you in my power ." He said squeezing my calves. "I have made your sandwich Gary, I have left it in the kitchen, Jessica will bring it down when you are ready, and I'm just going down stairs to see Peter" Lynne said. "Thanks Lynne" Gary replied. I tried getting up but Gary held my legs we were totally alone now, I could feel Gary hold my ankles with one hand and doing something else with his other. Then I felt his cock in between the soles of my feet, he had taken a Club tie out of his pocket and started tieing my ankles together, I could feel my feet tied around his hard on, he pulled the nylons at the toes and tied them together, my feet now were totally tied around his cock, he started slowly lifting my ankles, I realised I was giving him a foot masturbation. "Now open your hand bag and do your makeup, and put lipstick on, slowly and sexually. I could'nt believe what was happening his forceful hands kept my feet in place, I opened my handbag and started applying lipstick slowly outlining the outer edges at first I could see Gary getting excited. "So Jessica what will you be doing every night" "I will be doing my nails as instructed". I replied opening my mouth and apply generous amounts of lipstick. I knew he could do anything to me; he was getting excited at having the power over me. He put his hands on the table. "Don't stop" I just moved my tied ankles up and down I felt him twitch and shudder, I knew he had cum, he just smiled at me. I still could'nt lift my tied ankles off his lap, I felt him untie the toes and ankles then with a stroking motion pushing the snag out of my nylons back up my legs then put my shoes back onto each foot, fastening the buckles, and gently lifted my legs off his lap onto the floor. I looked down at my nylon ankles, thinking there would be male cum all over them, there was'nt. As I stood up, I realised the soles of my feet in the shoe were wet with something, I could sense and feel a squelching sensation as I walked back into the kitchen. Gary had cum in my shoes. Gary walked back down stairs, after instructing me to keep the shoes on. I felt ashamed and venerable to Gary, and knew I was in for a rough ride; well at least I had Lucy in my life. Eventually I mustered up strength and went downstairs with his sandwich, the Club house bar area was now full, and I could feel the dampness in my shoes, as I walked over to Gary and gave him his sandwich. "Oh Thank you Jessica, me and the lads were just saying, maybe if put lubrication in he sole of your shoes, you would walk faster" He said grinning like a big kid, the crowd Gary was with burst into laughter at his joke. I wanted to hit him, but I was a girl and a lot smaller than him, as all eyes were on me while they laughed, then I heard "Oh how sweet you look today Jessica" I looked and saw my wife Jane sat down smiling. I rolled my eyes, she laughed at my discomfort. That's all I needed was my wife seeing me. As she was with a crowd of Ladies she did'nt get much of a chance to talk to me, I knew at some point our paths would cross and I would get teased and tormented from her. Around 5pm thank god, Mummy had come down to pick me up, I was so relieved to see her, she sat down in the bar area, I had my jacket on and was ready for home and away from the golf Club I was ready to leave, Lynne came down and started talking to her, I had to sit there and wait, I was dying to take the shoes off, I could see the Junior boy members from across the bar area looking at me watching every move I made, Peter came and joined us and sat next to me putting his hand on my nylon knees. I love girls wearing Nylons" He teased. Peter stop teasing Jessica" Lynne replied. Peter was a big guy who was loud when he talked, a very good family man, my former self used to like a good few drinks with him and we would have a good laugh. "Our we out this Thursday?" he asked As he was sat there, I thought of the many Thursday evenings whereas Lynne and Peter had an complete day off from there Golf Club duties, Janet, John, Jane, and Gary the old me would go out for an evening meal together. I used to look forward to them as Jessica and I used to secretly "Play Footsies under the table" "Well I will let you know, I'll see what John wants to do" Janet replied. I thought from now on I needed an excuse to stay in; there was no way I was going out with them all, especially having my old self playing footsies under the table with me. "You look shattered Jessica" Janet said looking me. "It's been busy day Janet, and Jessica has walked some miles today up and down those stairs, even in them shoes" Lynne replied. "Well she did insist in buying them, and wear them SHE will; oh Jess I've bought you some more Tan coloured tights for you, but don't forget those you have on must go in the wash this time" Thanks mum and yes I will, can we go home please, I'm tired" I asked seeing Peter get his 2nd glass of beer and I was sooo jealous, as I wanted a beer myself. "Oh come on then, last week you did'nt want to go home, you are a funny girl sometimes with your moods" Soon we were in the car on our way home, I was sooo glad. I got into the house, and I took the shoes off my feet were so relieved to be free of them; it was nice walking up the stairs in my nylon feet. I ran a bath, undressed and remembered to put my nylons in the wash, I could not believe what I had done with Gary as I noticed the dried white cum stains on the soles. I took off the makeup and soon I was laid there soaking my tired lower body. It was now around 7pm, I was tired; I wanted to go to bed and sleep for ever; I had eaten at the Golf Club so I wanted to stay in my now girly prison bedroom and watch television. "Your dad is going out with Gary to watch a football match at the local bar, so I thought you and I can have a girly night" Janet said walking into my bedroom and sitting down on the stool near the dressing table. I was'nt in the mood for a girly night, I thought as I put on some white panties. "Oh by the way Jane gave me a nighty of her's which she said was too small for her." Janet said handing me a wrapped package, I opened it and took out the silky nighty which I had bought Jane as a Christmas present but it was too small for her, I promised her I would swop it, but I had forgot, now I had the great pleasure of wearing it, I put the pink nighty over my head and put my slim arms through the spaghetti straps, it fitted nicely around my breast and hung just above my knees. "I'll text Jane later and tell her it fits you nicely" Jane said clipping my hair back from my face then started applying a thick white cream to my face, which soon dried, it was a girls white face mask, Janet handed me the tub of cream, and I saw Janet close her eyes I knew what I had to do so I put some on my fingers I rubbed some onto Janet's face. Janet had me sit down on the stool and she started applying rollers into my hair, I felt the tightness in my hair as each roller was put in. She knelt down and removed the nail varnish from my toes, and re-painted them a light pink colour and did the same with my hands. I just sat there like a dummy feeling the silkiness of the nighty I had on. Then it was my turn to take off and re-varnish Janet's nails, as I was knelt down, feeling the tightness of the mask on my face I could'nt believe I was painting my best mate's wife's toes. Janet went into the bathroom. I looked at the clock it was 9.30pm so I texted Gary. "White panties, a pink nighty which Jane gave mum today and pink nails" "Good girl" I noticed hung on my wardrobe Janet had got out another freshly iron blouse and had also iron my black skirt, in readiness for me, tomorrow. I saw 4 packets of tan coloured tights, on my dresser which I neatly put away. Jane called me from down stairs, as I walked into the kitchen she had a slipper in her hand. "Hands and head on the table young lady, I have'nt forgot about your behaviour this morning with you and your back chat." "Please Mummy I beg you, don't spank me" I pleaded as I reluctantly put my hands and head on the kitchen table, legs together my bum was now raised, I felt her lift the nighty up, thankfully she left my panties on and then started spanking me with the slipper, I could'nt believe I was getting spanked again. I closed my eyes with each smack, it hurt. My bum now was red and very, very sore, Mummy ushered me into the corner, where again I had my head down, knowing I was'nt allowed to move a muscle. I felt ashamed and humiliated. Looking down at my freshly painted toes and seeing the tear drops, drop from my eyes onto the carpet then I heard the front door open and voices coming into the kitchen it was Dad, Gary and Jane. This is all I needed me stood in a corner, my hair in rollers, a face mask and wearing my wife's nighty I closed my eyes and just wanted to disappear...........

Same as My down fall with texting. Part 4.. Videos

1 year ago
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My down fall with texting part 7

My down fall with texting- Part 7... End of the Sunday evening. By Jessica Kingston Sorry for the delay, I will start by having a re-cap on the story so far...... Gary 50 years old, married to Jane who is younger, aged 45, Gary is a closet dresser and dressed on fem since he was a child wearing his mum's clothes, but deep down hated the idea of dressing and used to call it "The problem of wanting on occasions to wear female clothes". Jane knew Gary on his days off, or...

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My down fall with texting Part 2

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My down fall with texting part 6

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My down fall with texting Part 3

Thank you so much for your comments... Re-cap of the story so far. Part 1 tells of Gary age 50, married to Jane, both keen golfers and how through playing golf they met a couple called John and Janet, Gary after a awhile starts a secret affair with there 17 year old daughter who is called Jessica, Gary was to do a University course in Management, and Jessica was in her final year at school and studying for her "A" levels. As a laugh Gary and Jessica talked about exchanging bodies if...

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My down fall with texting Chapter 10

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My down fall with texting part 5

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Casual Texting Leads To Fucking My Sister8217s Brains Out

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Anita texting me up

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The Consequence of Texting While Driving

Felicia pushed one button after the other on her car radio in search of the right song to listen to. It was late. Exhausted after a long day of work, she was relieved to finally be on her way home. Before she had been able to settle on a song, a muffled musical chirp emanated from her purse on the seat beside her, signaling that a text message had just been received by her cell phone. Without taking her eyes off the road she reached into her purse and retrieved her cell. She quickly glanced...

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The Consequence of Texting While Driving

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Texting SethChapter 1

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Office Texting 3

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Fallonrsquos Ballet Lesson

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Texting SethChapter 2

Noah headed from the parking lot to the hospital lobby at a fast trot. "Which way is room 327?" he asked a volunteer at the information desk. "Orange elevator.' He walked toward the elevator, past the hospital gift shop. Noah turned around, stepped into the shop and purchased a vase containing an arrangement of flowers. He rode the elevator to the third floor and found room 327. He stopped in the doorway. A young woman lay, half reclining on the hospital bed, gazing at the clouds out...

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Drying my hair in the bathroom, I heard my familiar Rammstein ringtone announcing I'd received a Whatsapp message. Wondering whether I should take a look, or wait until I finished getting ready, I continued waving the hair dryer around my head, feeling the super-heated air wafting through my luxurious locks."Not bad," I muttered to myself while critically studying my reflection in the mirror. "No, not bad at all," which was the best I could expect, considering the hectic week I’d just had."...

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The Consequence of Texting While Driving

Felicia pushed one button after the other on her car radio in search of the right song to listen to. It was late. Exhausted after a long day of work, she was relieved to finally be on her way home. Before she had been able to settle on a song, a muffled musical chirp emanated from her purse on the seat beside her, signaling that a text message had just been received by her cell phone. Without taking her eyes off the road she reached into her purse and retrieved her cell. She quickly glanced...

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Office Texting

How are things going in the office?I look at your text again.  I’ve written and erased a reply probably a dozen times.  I’m so touched that you remembered my birthday and reached out.  I’m a little giddy that you remembered my birthday even after leaving the office.  I keep trying out replies.  The new guy is such an asshole.  No, too bitchy.The new guy sucks compared to you.   Too kiss assI wish you were still my boss. Too formal I want you back here so bad.  Too needyI wish you were still my...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Lockdown Four Vignettes

LOCKDOWN Four Vignettes A walk Peter was bored. Lockdown had been in place for four weeks now, and he was sick of it. At first sight, you might think, he was better off than many. His work for a nature conservancy allowed him to get out of the house for fieldwork, and he lived in an attractive Welsh village, lodging in an old farmhouse a short distance from the high street. But his social life had come to a full stop. The social life in question was not conducted in the...

1 year ago
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The Fallon Hotel

The stagecoach came to a bumpy stop in front of the Wells Fargo and Co. Express building in Columbia, California. Winnifred, or Winnie as she was known to her friends, looked out at the brickwork building and sighed. For the last seven months she had been tossed around on a ship, as well as fucked by the ship’s captain, until she landed in San Francisco. The faded green dress she was wearing was the only dress that survived the long ordeal. Her only other dress had become damaged beyond repair...

2 years ago
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The Fallon Hotel

The stagecoach came to a bumpy stop in front of the Wells Fargo and Co. Express building in Columbia, California. Winnifred, or Winnie as she was known to her friends, looked out at the brickwork building and sighed. For the last seven months she had been tossed around on a ship, as well as fucked by the ship's captain, until she landed in San Francisco. The faded green dress she was wearing was the only dress that survived the long ordeal. Her only other dress had become damaged beyond...

3 years ago
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Lockdown with my SIL

Hello everyone. Please do not proceed if you want to experience sex from the first line. I believe that the sequence of events that result in two people having sex is the most erotic if described in the right way. A brief intro about my family. Dad, Mom, Me and my elder brother. Dad is a businessman and used to travel a lot. Mom is a homemaker. My brother works in an IT firm. I followed in his footsteps and ended up in an IT job. We are from the southern part of India. My brother moved to...

3 years ago
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

3 years ago
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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

3 years ago
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The Family Taboo 8211 Part 6 Fucking In The Waterfalls

Coming to the story in the last part I fucked my mom in the bathroom. Now my sex adventures continued in grandma’s house with my mom. After a fuck in the bathroom, I am still in the mood and I need to fuck, but I don’t know how. So I started to cook up a plan. My grandma’s house is in a forest area and it has a small waterfall nearby where nobody comes. So I asked everyone shall we go to the waterfalls. Every one said no because Grandma was ill. I pleaded with my mom at least you come with me...

1 year ago
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Waterfall Falling

This is part of the larger pain peace that I have. Could put that up in the future, but liked this bit, if I can remember what I had : Also want to write to follow-up to this, but not know what to call it? * The cool air broke as I came from the trees, the morning air was thick as I had underestimated what the time would be from the house, but I am in no rush. The Trees have given way to rich soft rolling grass of the plain. Here is where I wondered years before while we were camping, and...

3 years ago
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Jack and mum were on the first week of lockdown, the coronavirus was affecting everyone's lives. Mum was an Accountant with her own firm; all her staff were working from home apart from the receptionist, who was still working from the office. She was the contact for everyone who was handing in files; once she had them, she would arrange delivery of them to the staff member that was handling the audit. Once they had it, all the files were available on the secure Cloud that the firm used. Mum,...

2 years ago
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Fallout XXX

War...War never changes. These words are the motto of the post-apocalyptic series fallout, which argues that nuclear Armageddon won't end humanity, but will add another bloody chapter in humanity's history. however, like any species, for it to survive it must reproduce and go onward from there. These will explore those areas of the game that most of the series will not show. These stories will allow you to chose what happens in the Five canonical fallout games: Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3,...

1 year ago
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Lockdown Sex Story Tinder Hookup To Bed

Hello Old Friends! Your favorite writer (I guess) is back with another of her sex episode of a Tinder hookup that will leave you wanting more. I thank you all wholeheartedly for appreciating so much. It is because of you guys that I keep coming back to this platform to share more stories. For those who are new to my sex escapades, let me tell you a bit about myself. I am Chahat Khanna, 5’7″ tall, fair-complexioned, and have big eyes, always looking out for hot sex partners. I have been blessed...

1 year ago
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Office Texting 2 Scheduling

Me too. You still owe me a present for my birthday.I know it’s probably a bit suggestive and might raise your wife’s eyebrow if she read it, but it’s not that bad. And it’s definitely not as bad as me telling you that I just came so hard wishing you were fucking me, or sending you a picture of the lingerie I’m wearing, or the curve of my ass in this pencil skirt. When I think of it that way, your wife should fucking thank me for behaving so well. Not that it’s by choice. If given the chance to...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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Office Texting 4 Moment Of Truth

Thankfully, you don’t make me wait much longer. I hear the knock and I take a deep breath. I stand up from the couch and head for the front door. I glance at my reflection in the mirror in the entryway. I stand up straight, admiring the shape I’ve kept myself in and determined to erase any thoughts that this afternoon’s discovery had anything to do with me. I’m going to prove to myself that I’m every bit as sexy as I’ve always been, and the cheating was just him enjoying the attention of some...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Office Texting 5 The Dam Breaks

Now it’s time to turn it up. We’re cozy, laughing, relaxed. I think it’s time for the moment of truth. I grab a bite with a large chunk of frosting dangling from it and lift it to my mouth. Then I ‘accidentally’ let the frosting drop down my open top. I pretend not to notice, enjoying watching your eyes tracing down, staring at my cleavage. It’s fun watching you squirm, but not as fun as I hope it will be when you make your move.I see the change in your eyes when you decide to make your move....

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Office Texting 6 Role Reversal

I moan and tug on your hair as you lick slowly up my slit again and again. It feels so good, and right before I start getting used to this pattern you twist your head and change it up. I can feel my hips gyrating, rocking back and forth as you taste me. This is what I needed for my birthday... feeling wanted, sexy, and of course feeling all this pleasure.“Oh, Brian. Yes, baby, just like that,” I moan. I pull tighter but it’s clear that if I move you, it’s going to be because you let me. You...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Office Texting 8 The shower

I never turned back to see if you were following. Whether you threw your clothes on and ran or followed me to the bathroom, either way I was going to need a shower. As I turn the water on to heat up though I happily feel your hands sliding over my skin and wrapping around me. Your strength pulls me back against you as you cup my breasts and slide your hand between my legs. I can feel one hand smearing your sticky cum all over my tits, while the other sends shivers through my body as it touches...

Office Sex

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