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BOOKCRAFT by Geneva Elmer, a reclusive and unsuccesful aspiring author, is tricked by his sister Audrey into using a magic spell to become a woman called Marielle. She manages to turn her life around and find success. The time is the 1950's. Audrey Over the years it became more difficult to keep my resentment to myself, but I flatter myself that I have a lot of patience, thin as it might eventually wear. It was only after a year or so that I decided to do something about the matter. You see, as I watched my brother Elmer lying around, dabbling in his feeble attempts at authorship, I felt my irritation gradually build to resentment over the two years or so since our widowed mother died. I lived with him in the family house, where he had become more and more of a recluse. Fortunately for him, we were comfortably off, with money left by our parents, and its investment gave us a comfortable life- style so there was no pressure for us to go out and actually work. However, being more go- ahead than him, I had taken a job as a personnel manager in a small factory on the outskirts of town. I was also dating a guy, Steve, and it looked as if we were heading to a more permanent relationship. Elmer, on the other hand, fancying his talents as an author, usually plugged away at writing novels, at least when he wasn't moping around the house. It annoyed me that I was working hard, while he did almost nothing. Most of our mutual acquaintances were less than impressed by his authorship efforts and referred to him as a lay-about, a dilettante if they were kinder. Despite his various attempts, he was still totally unpublished. He had tried detective stuff. Rejected! Humor? Rejected! Popular history? Rejected! Personal Interactions? Rejected! Acquaintances laughed about his attempts and failures behind his back. I didn't tell him what people thought of him, at first hoping he would himself realize it, but he still kept plugging away at his so-called stories. I had read parts of one and it had less appeal than watching grass grow, and I am not a gardener. I am not quite sure when this started in my mind, but to set the stage, as it were, for his latest attempt at a story he had tried a story involving interaction and intrigue between men and women characters. One editor's comments informed him he had absolutely no idea how women thought! No doubt that was true. Recluses don't get to interact much with people. He got into quite funk at this, yet another rejection, and I was surprised when he actually discussed it with me. After a long conversation he decided that maybe the editor was right and, like most men, he really did not know the female mind. It had made him begin to wonder a lot more about his own ignorance and the relationships between men and women. So the light was beginning to dawn! I remember his words. "Men, of course, interact with women all the time, unless they are in some secluded monastic order, or some prison, I suppose. We are raised by women, we are attracted to women, we live with, make love to and marry women. We conceive and raise children with women." He gave a sheepish grin at that point. "I suppose I am generalizing a bit." How right he was! He had not formed any stable relationship with a woman, never mind getting married. In fact he probably had no experience at all of interacting with women, other than me. I almost felt sorry for him. Anyway, to get to my story, I had gone out with him at some dinner party. You may think that strange, but my boyfriend Steve was in Europe for an extended business trip. So, definitely as a poor substitute, I dragged a reluctant Elmer along instead. The dinner conversation was going well, until somehow the old topic came up of 'who had it better', men or women. The general consensus, once the jokes and posturing were out of the way, was that we could never really find out. Neither men nor women would never be able to fully empathize with each other because of the differences in their bodies, minds and so their attitudes, behaviors and the expectations of society. Even the different clothes that their physical shapes required could produce a different mindset. That was when Elmer put his foot in it. Maybe he had drunk too much. "You know," he said, "I bet that if a man found himself in a woman's body, his mind would adapt to his new body, then, with just a little practice he could easily behave as a woman, and no one would be any the wiser! Same with a woman," he added hastily. Of course, most hooted his suggestion down. If they noticed me cringing in the background they did not remark on it. Most thought that it would be a traumatic experience. I saw him shrug sheepishly and laugh it off, but out the corner of my eye I saw a woman in a green dress give a half smile at me. Somebody had told me her name was Carol. I smiled back at her, apologetically of course, but I didn't think much more about her. When we were back home, over a glass of wine before we turned in, somehow the topic resurfaced. "I disagree with what you said." I said. "I think the enormous conditioning and expectations we get while we are growing up keep reinforcing our male and female attitudes and behavior. It would be almost impossible to change them, unless you are that way inclined already, you know, gays. I know I am happy as a woman. Sure. I wish I could change some things, but in general I'm happy with the way things are. What about you?" "Well, I'm sure happy as a man," he said quickly. There must have been something about his tone that caught my interest and when I looked at him sharply, he flushed. I had a sudden idea. "Are you?" I said softly. "You know, dear brother, I wonder about you." Maybe it was the earlier discussion, maybe it was the wine loosening his tongue, but it was as if the dam was broken and he started talking about himself. As children we had always had been confident in telling each other our thoughts, although as an adult I preferred to keep my thoughts more to myself. He started to explain, taking it slowly, deliberately looking away from me so that I could not see what was in his eyes and he might be too embarrassed to carry on. He stumbled over the words at first. "I'm not sure how to explain this. Sure, I like girls, and I'm certainly not attracted to men, but there is something more about girls. They have pretty bodies. They keep fresh and clean more so than men. They wear perfumes. They get to decorate themselves more, you know, with makeup and cosmetics. The way they dress can be more flamboyant. They are allowed to dress in pretty clothes and show off their figures. Then there are those sleek garments that they use to shape their figures. I sometimes wonder how it would be to be a woman and experience all of these things." He looked at me hastily. I was beginning to get an idea how this could work for me, but I had to work on it so I tried to put a little concern in my expression. "Yes, I've seen the way you look at me and my clothes. The way you just phrased that too, I get the feeling you are slightly envious. Or a bit more than a little?" I gave him a sly smile. "But, appearances aside, would you really want to wear dresses and skirts? Sure, they look pretty and graceful, but they are nowhere near as practical as pants. How about the underwear, a girdle, for instance? You may think they look sleek and sexy, but you know, they are tight. That's downright unpleasant on warm humid days. Same with my bra, I like the way it supports my breasts and helps my shape, but sometimes it can be confining as well." I watched him. He was blushing a bit, but he was more than a little interested. "But you wear these undergarments," he said. I detected a slight nervous stutter. As an inkling of an idea came to mind I had to keep on to draw him in. "Well, maybe what I said was a bit negative." I spoke slowly so that he would get the full effect of what I was saying. "I know that most times when I am nicely freshly bra'd and girdled, and with sheer fine stockings, wearing heels and so on, in a pretty dress swishing around me, perfumed and made up, and with a new hairdo, I feel on top of the earth, glad to be a woman and knowing that men will appreciate my appearance. But, I'm a woman. Those are the experiences that women have, the clothes they wear. It's a kind of rite of passage too. The experience of a girl, putting on her first bra, girdle or nylon stockings, tells her she is a woman." I had his rapt attention. I had him hooked. I could see my description of the feelings of my underwear made him shiver inside. "I wondered about that too," he stammered "I envy women because of the more colorful clothing they can wear, and that they are able to beautify themselves. They can be charming and flirtatious, or demure and reserved as the occasion demands. They have beautiful alluring bodies. I wonder what it would be like to slide on those so female, sleek body-hugging garments, and fix stockings to them, to wear lacy slips and skirts or dresses. Men don't have the same chance." So he had admitted it! It was time to step it up a bit. I had an idea. "You interested in how a girdle or bra feels?" "No! Well yes. Uh, I don't know, I uh." He was getting tongue tied and embarrassed. I had sown the seed, but it was time to take a rest. I would let the ideas tumble in his mind and see what came out. "Let's leave it for tonight," I said. "You can think about it tonight or tomorrow." Next day at work the conversation continually intruded on my thoughts and at lunch break I took a walk in the park to think about the next steps. Eventually I did a little shopping. That night I decided not to say anything right away about our conversation. Elmer did not mention it either and I wondered if he had forgotten it or suppressed it. Later that evening, when we were about to go to bed and were having a nightcap, I asked about his day. He told me that he had been unsettled. "You know, I tossed and turned that night, thinking about our conversation, and guilty about my confession, then when I got up you had gone to work. I even sat down at my typewriter and tried to work on a story, but the thoughts of what we were talking about last night made it difficult to concentrate." So he had not forgotten. "So, what do you think about it now?" I asked, trying to put some empathy in my voice, as a loving sister should. It was time to tempt him. "I've been thinking, since you are interested, maybe I can help you. I'm slightly embarrassed too, but I want to see where this goes. Let me think about it." I rose and pretended to yawn. "All right, see you in the morning." I could see he was puzzled by my comments, but I went to bed and this time I slept uneasily, planning my next steps. I woke him up about seven am. I was already dressed except for my shoes, nothing unusual about that, as I was usually in for work by eight. "All right, go and have a shower. I have something for you," I said. When he stepped out of the shower I was waiting for him in his room. On his bed I had laid a white bra and girdle, with a package of tan nylon stockings. "What's this?" he muttered, his voice quavering. I took his hands in mine. "All right, Elmer, here is a trial, if you want to call it that, a test for you, maybe so I can help you. You wanted to know how women's underwear felt, so try this stuff. You can wear it all day and then when I get back we can talk about it." "Stop kidding me!" he protested. "You know I can't wear this stuff! It's women's!" I spoke, as if comforting a child. "That's all right. No one will know. No one need see you. Come on, give it a try! Now, I know you will be shy, but take off your dressing gown and put these on." I didn't want to see his dangling anatomy so I tossed him the jockey shorts he had laid on the bed. "Better put on your own underwear first." I picked up the girdle. I grinned as I pointed to it. "Oh yes, this is the front." I turned it partly inside out. "To put it on, you turn it partly inside out like this, then step into it, pull it up to about the crotch level, and unroll it up over your hips. I'm sure you'll want to do that in private. Come on!" I handed it to him. He was speechless, probably too embarrassed to protest. I pointed to the bathroom and, quietly, without another protest, he went as I pointed. He forgot to close the door completely. I watched as he took off his dressing gown, put on his own underwear then trembling, stared at the girdle for a minute, no doubt wondering if he dared continue. Finally, taking a deep breath, he put one foot in it, then the other and started to pull it up his legs. I dared to start breathing again. The fly had entered the web! It was easy until the girdle reached his thighs and he had to ease it up an inch at a time. He would be finding what women meant by wriggling into a girdle. Finally it was at crotch level and, remembering what I had said, he unrolled it over his hips and up to his waist. I heard the elastic snap. "How is it going?" I called. I heard him take another deep breath, then he shuffled out. Right away I had to hold my hand over my mouth to suppress a titter. Before he could turn to go right back into the bathroom I took his arm. "Sorry! It was just the surprise." I tried to keep a poker face. At last he would be feeling how women felt in their clothes. It would be very strange, to say the least, maybe even uncomfortable. "How is it?" I asked, trying to put concern in my voice. "I feel the pressure on my hips and rear and at my waist and these dangling garters on my thighs, they all feel very strange." His penis had swelled in its confines. So this business turned him on! That would help my plans. "Well, you know, you are a man, with a man's body, and these garments are designed for women, obviously. But I still want you to try them. That's one of the things you wanted to experience, wasn't it? What you should do is wear it all day so you can better get an idea of what it feels like, but first, let's get some nylons on you as well. They will add to the effect and you'll need them to keep the girdle from riding up." I pointed to his hips. "I've given you one of my girdles, one of the older ones. I don't want my new stuff wrecked. My stockings would be nowhere as long as you need either, so I bought you a pair of longer ones yesterday." I took out a tan colored stocking from the cellophane package, stretched it and bunched it up in a roll. "Point your foot!" I slid the stocking over his toes, then his foot, then his ankle, and drew it up his leg to the knee, smoothing it as I did so. I grunted with the effort of pulling it high enough. "It's only just long enough. Now stand up and I'll hook it to your garters." I was used to fastening my own stockings, of course, but I fumbled a bit with his and it took me about a minute before I had it secured to his stretched garters. The tension was immediately visible on the girdle and the stocking top. "Now you can try the other leg. Roll up the stocking first. Point your toes and slide the stocking up. Careful how you pull it or it's likely to rip!" He did so and slipped it over his other leg. Blushing, he fastened it to the front garter, but fumbled with the back one. That took him several tries before he finally got the stocking top locked in the metal loop. That made even more of a tension. His lower half was now encased in tautly stretched women's undergarments. I had to suppress my glee. Things were falling into place. I saw him frown at the tension. "Yes," I said, "the garters and stockings are almost stretched to their limits. Anytime you bend you'd better do it carefully or your nylons may rip." I really should have tried to find even longer stockings. If they laddered he might just decide to pull the outfit off. I took up the next garment. "I got you a bra too. I made a guess at your size, but for the proper effect you need something to fill out the cups. After all, if you want to experience a bra, it should poke out as if you had a bust, and the cups should feel the same. I filled these little bags with rice. They may be a bit heavier than real breasts, but they will have to do. Hold out your arms!" He did so and I slid the bra up his arms and the straps over his shoulders, finally hooking it up at his back. I took a small cloth bag of rice and pushed it into the one bra cup then repeated with the other, pressing the bags until they took the shape of the cups without too many wrinkles. As he stood back I saw he felt the weight on his chest and the extra tension on the shoulder straps immediately. By his expression he was not happy with the result but I had to be tactful keep him trusting me. "Well, things are all in place but it's not quite right. It doesn't help that the girdle is over your male underwear. But it's you that wanted to try it. I'm sure that later in the day you will need to pee, so you'll have to take it off then. For that, just unhook the garters, roll it down, and put it back on again as I showed you." "Thanks Sis." His gratitude was pathetic. He had no idea. I checked my watch. "Almost time for me to get on the road, so I'll leave you to it. I'll be back late afternoon. I suggest you don't go out! At least dressed like that. I'd like you to get the effect of wearing a dress also but that will be difficult. I don't have anything that would really fit you, but I have a wrap around skirt. It has cord tie so you can use that." I ran into my room and got the skirt. "Here put this on, and one of your own tighter sweaters on top." He looked down and I saw the look of dismay on his face. The lumpy filled cups of the bra were projecting out of his hairy chest. He just looked ridiculous, and I saw him wriggle a bit at the unaccustomed tension round his chest, and on his shoulders. I gave the straps and cups another adjustment. "You'll find it's like a harness at first. It will be confining, but most women like the reassurance of their bras." I looked at my watch. "All right, I'd better get going. So, see you when I get back." I left him to it. I thought about him all that day. It was part of my plan to destroy his credibility. With luck I might even be able to get him committed to some psychiatric facility, but I might have to come up with another plan. The more I pondered over it the likelihood would be that he would not stick with his outfit for very long. But just to encourage him, I went to a store and made another purchase. I was pleasantly surprised when I walked in the door that night. He was still in the outfit. "So you didn't change out of these clothes? How do they feel? So how did you get on?" "Well, as you suggested, I wore that skirt. It felt strange enough, but the tightness of the girdle underneath was even stranger. And then there is the surprise of looking down and seeing two bulges on my chest. When I walked around I felt the skirt was loose, and I feel exposed. And then when I sat down the tautness on my hips felt very strange, oh yes, and the enormous pull of the rear garters," "Yes, I guess they were close to their limit. How did you get on with other stuff?" "Oh, I sat around for a bit, just feeling the sensation of all of the clothing but I finally I got hungry and got myself something to eat. I made some toast and coffee. Then when I sat down at the table again I felt the tension again." He blushed. "My hand kept straying to my thighs, feeling the garters' hard ridges, the tension of the garter straps and the taut compressed feeling on my hips and belly. "However, you can see I stuck with it all of that day. Of course, I had to use the washroom at one time so I did as you had told me. It was no easier than the first time, and I had to fumble a lot with the back garters. They were pretty well stretched. It's like nothing I have ever experienced before." "Well, it is! So now you have an idea of how women might experience their clothes. Of course, the longer you wear anything the more you get used to it and don't notice it. Do you want to take them off now?" "No, I'll stick with it until bed time." "So what about tomorrow?" He hesitated. "I'll decide that then." "All right, just to give you another experience. I got you this." I unwrapped a package and held it up to him. He gaped at it. I had bought him a woman's nightgown. "I saw it on sale and I couldn't resist. Feel it." I tossed it to him. It was a slippery nylon material. He hesitated. "I'll put it on at bed time." "No, I want you to put it on now, you can wear your dressing gown on top if you are shy. Go on!" I put a challenge in my voice. He pulled off his women's clothing and yanked the nightgown over his head. Its hem was round his ankles, I had chosen the longest one they had in the store. "Interesting," I observed. "Again, it's for a woman. At least it doesn't look as strange on you as the bra and girdle. Oh yes, if you were a woman you should wash your underwear out every night. It saves them from damage by perspiration, but it was an old girdle. You've stretched it at the waist anyway." He slept in the nightdress that night, but I was disappointed that in the morning I saw him dressed in his male clothes. "Had enough?" I asked. He gave a sheepish smile. "Well, it's just that I realized I looked stupid. I'm a man, not even pretending to be a woman, just dressed in ill-fitting women's clothing. It's an experience, but obviously not like the real thing." "You know, dear brother, I think you're saying you'd like to be in a woman's body if you could." "I suppose that's one way of saying it, but I know that's impossible. And look at my body! I 'm obviously male. It would take massive surgery to give me even a rough attempt at a woman's shape. I'm too tall, I have the wrong proportions, my eyebrows are too heavy, and that's apart from the obvious differences at my crotch." "You could wish for the good fairy," I laughed. "But you know, if you were a woman, would you then get a charge out of wearing women's clothing? It would be what would be expected by others, what you would expect. There would be no guilty thrill about it." He flushed. "It's not a guilty thrill. It's, uh, curiosity!" I left for work, a bit frustrated and annoyed. If he gave up wearing women's clothing it would be a step back. I wanted him to like women's clothes. Then I would have hold over him. Maybe I could get a psychiatric evaluation. But then I had an incredible stroke of luck. I had decided to go out for lunch and was sitting alone, picking at my salad, thinking about the problem, when I became aware a woman was standing bedside me, carrying a lunch tray. "Excuse me," she said." It's Audrey, isn't it?" I recognized her. "Oh yes! Hi Carol! I met you at the party two weeks ago. That was a good party! How are things?" "Oh very well. Mind if I join you?" "No, not at all." We got talking, first about the party and the people there then she looked at me with a serious expression on his face." How is your brother?" "Fine," I said, non-committally. "You know, I was interested in Elmer's comments about a man finding himself in a woman's body and his reactions." "Well, yes, but he was hooted down." "Does he believe these things he said?" Her expression and manner made me want to trust her. "I think he does.' I said. I did not want to let out any family secrets until I had made my plans and I was ready, but something must have shown in my face. She looked at me quizzically. "Something you want to tell me?" She seemed very easy to talk to so I took a deep breath and told her all that had happened, my brother's fascination with women' clothing, even to wishing he were a woman. I did not like giving out family secrets to a stranger, but, on the other hand, it might help my attempts to undermine his credibility. Her reaction surprised me. "Poor guy," she said. "You know, maybe I can help." She began to tell me an incredible story. ........ At home that night, as we sat down dinner, "You remember that party we were at, when we were discussing the role of men and women?" I asked. He had to think back. "Yes, that's what started all this." "Well, I was out for lunch and I met one of the women who was there. Her name's Carol. I don't know if you will remember her, but she was wearing a green dress that night. She's kind of dark complexioned, black hair, green eyes, olive skinned. She asked about you." "Oh yes, I remember the woman. I remember she gave me a smile but I was not really interested. I hadn't thought any more about her." "She asked if you had thought more about male and female relationships." "Oh yes?" "We got to talking. And you know, I think you should meet her." "I'd prefer not. You know I am uncomfortable with company." "Oh, come on! Carol is very nice." He shrugged. "All right, if you want, have her over for coffee or a drink sometime." Carol's visit was arranged for the next week. We heard the doorbell and I let her in. "Hi, Carol, nice to see you again," he said politely, and shook her hand. Carol gave him a pleasant smile. She was wearing a black coat and when Elmer took it from her to hang it up I saw she was nicely groomed and smartly dressed in a slim light green dress, and at her neck a dark green silk scarf that matched her eyes. She wore tan stockings and black, medium heeled shoes. When she sat down she showed pretty knees. We all chatted a bit over drinks then Carol made a comment that just floored him, as I thought it would. "I was interested in your comments that time at the party. It looked as if you had thought about it. Then your sister told me you had tried her clothing to see how it felt." I thought Elmer would have a fit. He turned to face me, his face red with anger-or was it embarrassment? "That was personal," he spat out. "You had no right to discuss my personal life with anyone! How could you? I've had enough of this!" He jumped up to leave, but I held onto his arm. "Please, Elmer, I am sorry you are offended, but please stay and listen. We both want to help you. Listen to what she has to say and if you don't like it you can leave." Carol looked at him with her pleading eyes. "It's maybe for your own good. Yes, why don't you listen to what I have to say before you kick me out." He was only slightly mollified, but he swallowed his drink in one gulp and poured himself another, heavy on the Scotch and light on the soda. He sat down and scowled at her and then me. He took another large swig of his drink. Carol leaned over and took his hand in her own. "You see, maybe I can help you. My background is Gypsy. My mother came from Romania and has a book that maybe can help." "A Romanian Gypsy? They are experts in psychology?" he sneered. "No, it's a book of ancient magic spells. One of them can make a man into a woman." He jumped up with an incredulous look. "This is ridiculous! Magic? There is no such thing. You asked me to listen and now you are joking with me. Pull the other leg." he shook his foot. Carol smiled faintly. "What would you say if that leg could be in a sheer smooth nylon stocking, in an elegant woman's high heeled shoe, and under a smart dress and pretty lingerie?" I could see the thought jolted him. "But there is no such thing as magic. Is there?" Carol spoke slowly. "As I said, my mother is a Gypsy. She has an old book that my grandmother brought from Europe some years back. She uses it for some medical remedies, but in it there are four strange spells. The one that might interest you has words that if read, or heard, will change all men within hearing to women. Women who hear it become prettier. "There are other spells too. One will reverse that. And just to be fair, there is a spell that will make a woman into a man, yes, a good looking man, and a reverse spell for that." "You say a Gypsy book? Where on earth did she get it?" "It's been in the family for generations. No one knows where it started. The words of the spell too are strange. They are not any European language we know, nor Gypsy languages." "What rubbish! You know that they work? You have seen them used?" His tone was somewhere between the skepticism and sarcasm. I had been just as skeptical when Carol had told me about the book and its effects. I did not blame him. "It's not rubbish. I have good evidence that they do." He looked at her levelly. "Such a book would be dangerous, even if it was genuine." She nodded. "I know. And risky!" "Then why would you offer the spell to me? What's in it for you?" "Maybe curiosity and a wish to help you. Yes, you are right. Such a book would go against any logic. But look at me." "So what?" he snapped. "You see, I was a boy once. But I felt the same as you. I was dissatisfied and as I grew older I got more and more unhappy. My mother eventually took pity on me when I was a teenager and changed me. Very much for the better too! At that party I recognized your internal struggles and I want to help you. Do you want me to?" I saw he was taken aback with the revelation and the opportunity being offered, if it was genuine. He sat down heavily. His life could be suddenly changed. "You were a male?" His tone was incredulous. When Carol had told me about it I was initially as flabbergasted. Carol nodded. "I assure you it's true." He was floored. "Can I think about it?" he asked. "Yes, certainly," Carol said. ............ I had been rather hoping he would go for the idea right way, even though it would be an enormous step for him. Maybe I would have to work on him on the next days or weeks until he consented. It was two weeks later before he got talking about it. "Audrey, you know Carol's offer? Well, the idea and its probable effects on my life have filled my brain all the time since she visited. It would be an enormous change in my life, but I think that it is something that I have to do. No, to be!" He shrugged. "I could rationalize it as being given the opportunity to experience a totally new facet of human life, but really, on looking back, it's just that I want to be a woman and wear women's clothing." "Whatever you want, Elmer." Inwardly I was exhilarated. Another plan had come to mind, an even better one. Still, it was yet another week of agonizing before he had finally made up my mind, but I saw that with the decision that he was more at peace with himself. Eventually he called up Carol and told her his decision. "So what did she say?" "She said that she thought I was wise. She also said it was a good thing I had thought a lot about such a major step before I took it. She is now going to contact her mother and let her know. I should be hearing from her." I resisted the temptation to smile. Instead I gave a grave nod of approval. "You are doing the right thing." It was yet another week before we heard from Carol's mother, who was called Cornelia Schmidt. We arranged for her to come to our house. When she arrived she put him through a lot of questions. I suppose an interrogation might have been a better word, but eventually she seemed satisfied. She explained the procedure carefully. "Well, I will be able to do it next week." She checked a diary in her purse. "Say on Tuesday and Wednesday." She stared at him. "Get your affairs in order," she grimaced. "Just in case. Some men have died, but you look healthy enough. Get the clothes you want to wear as a woman when you wake up. Oh yes, don't have anything to eat that day. Water is okay. "Audrey? You are happy with this decision?" "I support him in what he wants." I dared not give the real reason. When she left, Elmer was in a daze. His life was going to change. Cornelia had mentioned clothes so I got some together, but then I realized his body shape and size would have changed after the effect of the spell. I mentioned it to him. "Well, you will be in no fit state to go out immediately after you are changed so I will take your measurements and then get you some clothing." Tuesday morning, he could barely sit for fidgeting. Obviously he was nervous. So was I. Then we saw Cornelia drive up. I saw him take a deep breath as she got out. Somehow Cornelia looked a bit more forbidding than Carol had and I only shook her hand. "Please come in!" I said. "Elmer, you have made an enormous decision," said Cornelia "I hope it goes well for you." Then she gave him an almost hostile look. "So you have not changed your mind?" He shook his head. "Then hang up your coat here, and come through to the living room, "I said. I looked at Elmer. "You don't want to have a drink to steady your nerves? Or some coffee?" "I'm all right," he said, but his hands were trembling. Cornelia gave me a hard smile. "Yes, but I would like a drink! You have some whisky? All right, let's get started, but first, are you sure this is really what you want?" she asked him. "Yes," he said. "I am sure." "I will ask you again," she said slowly. "Think about it carefully! What you want to do is an immensely serious undertaking and I assure you that you have no idea of the difficulties you will have. You may think you do, but it will be a hard and long road ahead of you." He was getting annoyed. No wonder! After long agonizing he had made his decision and wanted to get on with the process. "I am sure," he replied. "I have thought about this a long time. I have to do this. I have discussed it with Carol, and with Audrey. I have watched the women I know. I have studied how they behave. I have prepared myself mentally." Cornelia snorted and tossed her shoulder length gray hair, exposing exotic dangling earrings. "I very much doubt if you know what is ahead of you. You know only a small fraction of it. You will have to abandon all of your friends. You will not be able to trust many with your secret. In fact you definitely should not. I would deny helping you anyway. If it gets out you would be harassed by all the media and all sorts of quacks, you name it. There will be a long period of adjustment, to your new body, its female rhythms and cycles, your behavior in society, to men and to other women. If you decided to have children it would be nine months, each time of watching your body gradually bulging to grotesque proportions, feeling heavy and awkward, your breasts swelling and drooping, then the pains of your labor, followed by years of sleeplessness, exhaustion, and even drudgery and heartache as you raise children." He gulped and his face grew pale. Obviously he had not thought about these, but he shook his head. "If that happens I will accept it." "It 's not about having a pretty body and dressing in beautiful clothes, and then being entertained and pampered by men." She almost spat the words. "You will be more emotional. That is an old clich? but it is true. Your body will be uncomfortable at times. You will have monthly periods, with bleeding, so you need pads or tampons. You've heard of these, I hope? You will be expected to dress more carefully, and to pay much more attention to your appearance than men have to. That will take up more of your time. Smart clothing and footwear, especially fashionable styles, can be uncomfortable. "When your mind adjusts to your new body you will probably find yourself attracted to men, but sometimes the most unsuitable men. As an attractive woman men will be attracted to you. Some could treat you abominably. You will find that you have to be more assertive, or just plain lucky, to get the same respect that men do. You would be beautiful, certainly, but that does not mean you would be taken seriously. You might be looked upon just as a plaything. Your beauty could be a blessing, or a curse, depending on yourself, and even just plain luck. "I know," he said. "You are right. I had not though much about the whole business, other than a new body and the clothing I would need. I hadn't given much thought either to what effects my new body would have on others. I certainly don't feel any attraction to men just now, but I know that I could be letting myself in for a lot of attention from them." I almost groaned inside. Was he chickening out at the last minute? But he shook his head. "But even with that, I have made up my mind. No, I have decided. Get on with it!" Cornelia stared at him. "I see you are determined. All right. I will do as you wish." Her face and voice softened. "I can give you some help and advice when the change is done. You will need it. But you know, I was born a woman and I would not want to have to change. I cannot imagine what it is like to be in a male body. I like my female body, my role in life. I like men, one especially, my husband. I like it that I have a body that excites him. I know the effect he has on me. I like that I can become excited with his caresses and kisses and that I can welcome him in me. I feel privileged that I was able to bear his children and nurture them. I liked feeling them nurse at my breasts. I hope that these feelings will be in store for you. "I spoke very harshly to you because I wanted you to be really sure and determined. What I said is true, but I hope that the good things will much outweigh the bad for you . My own daughter Carol, I tried to change her mind, telling her about difficulties, but she persuaded me. I am glad she did as she is now a happier person. I hope you will be. "Then, we will get on with it. I mentioned that the spell is severe. It needs a strong body, and it is better with young men." She was suddenly brusque and looked him up and down. "I think you fit the requirements. Now, I want you to undress. You do not have to, but I will be better able to wash the sweat from you during your change and when you are unconscious, in case of any problems. Not that there have ever been any." She grimaced. "Not that I would know what to do if there were problems. I also like to be able to watch the changes. All right, where do you want to be? I suggest your own bedroom." I saw Elmer swallowing hard, to relieve the nervous feeling in his throat, no doubt. I was on edge too, in case he chickened out so I took his clammy hand to lead him into his room, Cornelia behind us. His room was minimally furnished, a polished wooden floor, with a rug on it, a simple bed covered only with a mattress, blankets and a sheet. Another folded blanket sat at its foot. A low table sat bedside it and a dressing gown hung on a stand. His typewriter was in a table in the corner under a large shelf filled with books. His clothes were in a closet. He usually let his clothes and writing stuff lie around but I had made him tidy up. "You have used the spell before?" he asked. "Yes, about five times in all, and it worked each time." "And were the men satisfied at the end?' "Four were. One not so, I made a serious mistake there. He, and then she, had identity and emotional problems before and after. I should have been more careful. But I think you will be fine." She motioned to the low table. "Undress and you can lay your clothes on the table. Audrey, has he some women's clothes ready?" "Yes, they're in a drawer, but the measurements and sizing, I have no way of knowing them." "Yes, you are right, and I've no idea either what your sizes and measurements will be, Elmer. So, after you are on your feet you will need to have Audrey go out and buy new clothes for you, underwear especially, stuff that fits you properly." Elmer nodded. "Yeah, I know. I had discussed it with Audrey. I'm sure glad she will be here to help me afterwards. She will do any shopping for me." "Then why don't you undress and put on that dressing gown." She pointed to his trousers and sweater. I stood aside and watched him undress. He looked very self-conscious, as well as very nervous. There was no screen for him to undress behind. Even when he hesitatingly removed his underwear Cornelia did not bat an eyelid but simply held the dressing gown out for him. She pointed to the bed. "Sit on your bed here. You haven't eaten today? I have never seen it happen, but I wouldn't like you throwing up in the shivering phase." He shook his head. Probably he couldn't have eaten anyway with his nervousness. I know I could not. "Oh, Elmer," said Cornelia. "Have you decided on a name, a female name?" "Oh, I hadn't thought about it." "Well, can you suggest something, maybe like your male name. How about Elmira?" That was not in my plans. I wanted the new name to have no connection with the previous one. "Oh, that's a bit awkward," I said. "How about something different. I saw Marielle in a story. How about that?" "Marielle? Marielle?" Elmer sounded it out. "Yes, I like that." "It sounds very feminine, the 'elle' part," I encouraged. "Marielle, Marielle." He was still sounding out the name then he gave a small smile. "Then we can begin." Cornelia opened her fancily embroidered bag and lifted out a small book with a yellow hide cover. "You can feel privileged. This will be the first time I have used this new copy of the book." She opened it, and turned to a page near the end. "Audrey, I should have mentioned that you'll feel an effect too. You may shiver a bit, and your skin feel prickly, maybe feverish, but in an hour or so you will be feeling fine and your appearance will have changed. Most women become prettier, both their faces and figures. So, I imagine you will not object to that, will you? "Elmer, you will shiver, slightly at first, becoming violent and then you will fall unconscious. In fact you will be out for about a day and a half. When you wake up you will feel terrible, but that will pass quickly and you will have turned into a pretty girl. "You both ready?" she asked and when he nodded she began to read. We both listened carefully as she sounded out the words of the spell. The sounds were strange, like no language I had ever heard. It only took a minute and she laid it down. I had a feeling of anticlimax. Elmer and I looked at each other. "Has it not worked?" he asked. Cornelia nodded. "Oh, I am sure it will. It just takes several minutes to start. As I said, this is a new copy. The old one was getting quite disreputable. The spells are written in what I believe is an ancient language. It is unlike anything I have ever heard. My original copy had descriptions of the spells. These were written in German, old German, and in Gothic script. I don't think that is needed, but I copied it in case. What is really important is the covering of the book. It needs human skin." She looked at me for my reaction, no doubt. I just shuddered. "Where on earth did you get human skin?" "Better you do not know! How do you feel now?" Just then, I felt slightly cold. Goose bumps rose on my skin and I gave a small shiver. I wondered if it was the idea of human skin. But she had noticed it and gave a small nod. "I see that it is beginning to work. It starts with shivering. "Elmer? How about you? " "I don't know." But as soon as he said he gave a shiver. His hands were shaking with nerves then he gave another shiver, even stronger this time, and Cornelia smiled. "It is always a relief that any new copy of the book works too." She placed the book back in its bag. Elmer's teeth began chattering and he looked terrible. He took a series of violent trembles and cramps that made him hunch up. I felt slightly shivery and itchy. Cornelia took Elmer's shoulders. "Better lie back." At that, his eyes closed and he sagged into unconsciousness. "How are you, Audrey?" "I've felt better." "Yes, it's the changes working on you." She peered at me. "Yes. I can see some changes already. Have a look at yourself, Audrey." She held up a mirror. I gave a slight gasp. My face was subtly rearranging as I looked at it. Perhaps my nose looked smaller and my cheekbones were more prominent. Certainly my lips seemed fuller and my skin softer and clearer. I looked at my body. My bust seemed higher and there was a growing gap at the waistband of my skirt. I gave her a big smile. "So the spell works!" "Yes, but have a look at your brother." He had stopped shivering, but over the next two hours a series of ripples rapidly ran over his body, so that his skin almost shimmered, and each minute I saw his body shrinking. His face, like mine, was rearranging, but much more drastically. His shoulders were narrowing, same with his waist, while the hips were actually widening. His penis began shrinking, the scrotum too, until it was just a pad then the skin split and slowly rearranged into a woman's cleft, with the complex folds and ridges underneath. In another hour swellings had begun on his chest, first the nipples, then the surrounding areolas, and finally the underlying flesh, swelling into two women's breasts. Finally what was below me was not a man, but a woman. I was absolutely in awe. I felt drained. "How long until he, I mean she wakes up?" Cornelia felt the figure's brow. "About thirty hours or so from now. She is almost in a coma. After all, these are severe changes. How do you feel yourself? You look prettier." The fever or prickliness had left me. I felt much better. "I'm all right now." Cornelia had said 'she', referring to my former brother. I shuddered. Cornelia felt the figure's brow. "Well, all we have to do now is wait. I will look after her if you want to do something else. There is nothing for you to do but wait." I needed to lie down. I felt exhausted. I mentioned it to Cornelia and she waved me to my bedroom. Some hours later, I suppose, I peeked into Marielle's bedroom. Cornelia was there, just sitting, knitting and reading a book. "How is she?" I asked. "Oh, all going as it should. I think I can go off home now. I will be back tomorrow evening." That night, naked before a full length mirror, I examined myself. I was delighted. I thought I had been reasonably pretty before, but now I was really attractive. There was one disadvantage. I would have to get out for some new clothes. My skirt was too loose at the waist and my blouse was just a bit stretched. Still, the effect would be wonderful. My breasts were perky, hardy needing a bra. I had a call from Cornelia the next evening. "I think Marielle should be beginning to wake up tomorrow morning. I'll be over about eight or so." When she arrived she looked me up and down. "Well yes, it has worked well on you. You happy?" "Of course!" "So how does Marielle look?" "Still no sign of her waking up." We looked down at the figure on the bed and I shook my head in slow amazement. Marielle was a woman definitely, but far from beautiful. Her features were red and blotchy. Elmer had shaved before the spell, but there was a dark shadow on Marielle's face. Her chest just looked bizarre. The female breasts looked as if they could be pretty, but, nestled in male chest hair, the effect was grotesque. Her hair was too short and just looked greasy. Her crotch hair was in a man's pattern. "The male hair will fall out," Cornelia said, as if reading my thoughts. Just then the figure below us gave an almost inaudible groan and arched her back. "Yes, she's coming to." Cornelia gave her a shake, but Marielle stirred only slightly and settled back into sleep. Cornelia shook her again gently." Audrey, can you get a basin with some water and a cloth, and a glass of water?" I returned with some water in a bowl and a cloth. Gently Cornelia washed Marielle's face. "See," she said. "The beard is stripping off." On the washcloth were little ends of dark hair. She took a glass of water and after moistening the dried lips, dripped a little into the half open mouth. Marielle coughed briefly but she licked the water and Cornelia let her sip some more. In a minute she fell back into sleep. She woke again an hour later. This time she gave a groan and Cornelia again washed her face with cool water. She put a hand at the back of Marielle's head, lifting it. The eyes flickered open, blinking at the light. She licked her dry swollen lips and when she was offered a drink she took it, although some spilled down her chin. She tried to speak. It came out as a croak, yet higher pitched than her previous voice. She peered up at Cornelia and myself. "Did..... it.... work?" she gasped. "Yes, the spell has worked well," Cornelia said. "Severe as usual, of course, but you will be a beautiful woman. "How do you feel?" "Terrible," Marielle croaked. "I feel shaky and my eyes feel full of grit. I am sore all over." "That's normal. Have another drink. Can you sit up? Are you up to seeing how you look?" I almost wanted to help her as she struggled to raise the upper half of her body. Cornelia placed a cushion at the small of her back. "My chest feels funny," she muttered and as she looked down she gasped at the two female breasts. She went to touch them, then hesitated when she noticed her arm and hand. The arm was rounder and smoother, and the hand much narrower. On it were long slim fingers. It was the same with the other arm. She shivered as Cornelia forced her to touch her breasts. She was fortunate. They looked soft, smooth and nicely shaped. She suddenly noticed the hairs on and between them. "Look," she wailed. "I am hairy!" Cornelia shook her head. "Don't be worried! That is temporary. They will fall out, same with all of the male hair on your legs and arms, your face and lips. Even the pattern of the pubic hair will change. It will only take a day or so. I don't know if you have noticed either, but your skin has reddish patches. That is normal. These will disappear in a day." She looked carefully at Marielle's face. "You still look tired. Here, have a drink of water. You should relieve yourself and have another sleep and then I will introduce you to your new body." But she was becoming more awake and she struggled to get up. "All right," said Cornelia. "Here, Audrey, lift off the rest of the blankets. If you want I can help you up and you can use this bedpan, or do you want to try the bathroom?" Marielle blushed. "The bathroom," she gasped. She was determined, but she swayed so much that I had to help her and guide her over to the toilet. "All right, sit down and I will give you some privacy." Before I could leave her to it she slumped down and released a dark stream into the bowl. She sat hunched in pain with a sudden cramp until I came to help her and lead her back to bed. In a minute she was fast asleep again. "What now?" I asked Cornelia. "We wait a bit. She is still weak. So, Audrey, what do you think of all this?" I put tenderness into my voice. "I am sorry to be losing a brother, but if this is what he wanted, I am glad to help him. Also, I am pleased with the changes on my own body." "I imagine you are! Marielle will need a lot of support from you in the beginning." Cornelia gave her another hour before she shook Marielle's shoulder. "Time to wake again. I think it is time you got acquainted with your new body." Marielle groaned as I helped her sit up in the bed. She was naked and tried to cover her new breasts, but Cornelia gently took her hands away. "You have seen your breasts already. So have I. Get used to them. Feel them and pinch the nipples lightly." She did so, awe on her face as she marveled at the texture. I saw the slight grimace on her face as she felt the sensitivity of the nipples and areolas. "Look further down," Cornelia suggested. Marielle looked past her breasts, past her slim waist and then at her crotch. She would have known there would be a change but still, her mouth fell open and she gasped. "There's nothing," she whispered. Of all the stupid comments! Didn't she know what she had let herself in for? "Well, there is something. Look at the mound there," said Cornelia. "Just a minute!" Cornelia pulled at the pubic hair. It stripped off with hardly any resistance and Marielle was left with a small patch in a woman's pattern. "Have a look now!" But Marielle hesitated, her hands trembling. "It's called the mons veneris," Cornelia said, as if reading Marielle's mind. "Now, open your legs, and see what else you have," she commanded. As she did so I saw her new crotch. Even I was amazed. What she had were a perfectly formed woman's nether lips. Cornelia handed her a small mirror. "Here, have a look. That will make it easier. You will still be stiff, and bending will be hard." She gasped. "It's all gone!" Stupid bitch, I thought. Cornelia was exasperated. "Well, yes, of course! What did you expect? However, your testicles aren't really gone. They have now retracted into your body. They are now changed into ovaries, and safely placed inside you. Your penis? That has become that small nub here." Cornelia touched it and Marielle jumped. "Feel it yourself. It is just as sensitive, but now all the feeling you had in your penis is concentrated in that tiny area. Now feel further down and look at the rest. These ridges, they are your labia." I watched as Marielle felt at the moist opening and its delicate rim. "Will I have periods?" she asked. "Of course! I mentioned that. You will become a woman of your age so, what are you? In your early twenties? This means you have a few decades of monthly periods ahead of you, that is, unless you stay continually pregnant!" Cornelia gave a wicked smile. "However, you will not get a period immediately. It will be some weeks until you have one, but remember, you can now get pregnant." I decided to take part, playing the loving sister. "Have a look at your face now, Marielle. You will be pleased, I think." She looked in the mirror I held up for her. The blotchiness on her face had faded, but it was still drawn and grubby. It still had a look of Elmer's face, but it was a woman's pretty face, with high arched eyebrows, a small straight nose, full, slightly pouting lips and a small but determined chin. Her ears were small and prettily shaped. She felt at her neck, now obviously longer, smoother, and its line unbroken by any adamsapple. She shook her head slowly, a slow smile forming on her lips. "Yes, you are right, I am pretty." I did not know whether to feel satisfaction at the results. It was a first step in her new life, one that I was going to use to my advantage, but, I have to admit, I was slightly jealous of her new beauty. I was beautiful too, I reminded myself. "So are you feeling well enough to sit up? What about something to eat and drink?" asked Cornelia Maybe Marielle's appetite was stimulated seeing the success of her change and she nodded. "Yes, I actually feel a bit hungry." I brought out some orange juice and Danish pastries. I downed mine quickly, but Marielle took a little longer. After, Cornelia examined her carefully, looking into her ears and eyes, testing her limbs and even pinching her breasts. "Yes, you look perkier. I think it is time for you to get up and look at the rest of your body, and look at your new body in the full mirror. I think you will be pleased." Marielle got up onto unsteady legs and, playing the sympathetic sister, I supported her and held her as she walked around. She was rapidly getting her strength back and was obviously beginning to feel much better and soon walking around by herself, although awkwardly. "How is it?" I asked. She made a face. "For some reason I feel unbalanced. Maybe it's getting used to my new anatomy. My hips feel large and awkward, the breasts too, although they seem to be quite firm and don't sway much." "All right, now have a look at yourself". I pushed her to the long mirror. She was totally nude and gasped at the sight. She had seen her new female face but now it was matched to an entirely female body. She had lost weight and height, and the proportions had changed too. Her breasts were round perky globes on her chest, and, just a hand's breadth or so below, she had a slim waist, emphasized by the dramatic flare of her hips and full buttocks. Her legs were long and slim. "How do you feel?" I asked, acting the tender loving sister. "Much better now." I studied her, looking her up and down. "It has certainly made you pretty. Many women will be jealous of you." That part leaped out before I could stop myself. "Are you?" I put a gentle smile on my face. "No, not at all. I am just glad for you. How was the spell?" She described what she had experienced, her panic as she began to shiver, then the deep aches as she woke up. Occasionally Cornelia made some comment too. "So, the first thing, I think, if you are feeling stronger, is to get you dressed. Audrey, you have some things ready?" I opened the drawer and showed the contents to Cornelia. I had bought two pairs of panties, some socks, a sweater, a skirt and a coat. Cornelia picked through them. "Yes, these should do. But of course you will need much more. I see you didn't get stockings or a bra. Nor shoes!" I gave a slight shrug. "No, I didn't know what size she would be. We discussed that." I looked at Marielle. "All right then, I suppose you'd better stand up so I can get your measurements and go out and get you some things. Take off your dressing gown!" For some reason Marielle began trembling. "What's the matter?" I asked. "No one will think anything strange of you. You are now just another woman, with short hair maybe, but an attractive one. You have made a great decision. All right, stand straight." I measured her carefully, under her bust and on it, then her waist and hips, jotting the measurements down on a piece of paper, folded it and put it in my purse. "That should do. I'm going to get you a bra, a light girdle and some stockings for now. All right, see you later." I hesitated. "Oh, you all right with having to wear a girdle?" I saw her ill concealed blush. "Ah yes, that is one reason for the change isn't it, to wear women's foundations?" "Well, I am a woman now," she snapped. "Of course I'll have to wear them." She gave a slight shiver. "That's not the spell," said Cornelia. "It's just you are cold. Put on this nightdress and this robe, or better, you should have a shower or a bath." I returned an hour or so later. "I got all of these in the same place. Maybe I would have had better selection if I had shopped around, but these are basics and you can have the fun, if that is the word, of shopping for yourself later. "You ready?" I asked. "If so, you'd better take off that nightdress. You had a bath?" She nodded. "Then you will be nice and dainty. Let me check you out. I see your male chest hair has mostly fallen out." Cornelia pulled one or two stragglers from her chest. Marielle did not even flinch. "Yes, your arms and legs look good too. If this is how you will be you shouldn't have to wax or shave your legs much either in the future. Lucky you! Audrey, you should help her do her hair and tidy up her face." "All right, everything here seems under control so I think I can get back home now," said Cornelia. "I think my job is done here." She bustled around to fold her own clothes into her case. She put the little book carefully into a cloth bag, and then into a box, and finally stowed that in her case too. "Look," she embraced Marielle, "you have chosen a difficult road, but I wish you the best luck. If this does not work out, you can contact me and I can reverse the spell. But somehow I don't think that will be necessary." "Cornelia, I can't thank you enough," Marielle said. "You have given me a new life." "Then good luck to you. Bye!" Cornelia embraced her and then embraced me. She went out the door then without another word or looking back, she left. For some reason Marielle began trembling. Maybe it was seeing Cornelia departing, with the book that had caused such a change in her life. She was on her own. I had to pretend I was the concerned sister. "What's the matter?" I asked. "No one will think anything strange of you. You are now just another woman. Maybe your hair's a bit short, but you are an attractive one. You've made a great decision. Okay," I said. "Put on this dressing gown first while I fix you up. I think I'll do something about your hair first. You will have to get used to doing it yourself, and as you let it grow it will take more of your time." I opened a small case and pulled out a comb and brush and set to doing her hair, grunting whenever the comb caught on some snags, but in a few minutes I was satisfied. "I've just combed it straight back for now. That will be one of your first jobs, to get out to a hairdresser. You can get your ears pierced at the same time." I pulled out some small boxes from a bag. These had some cosmetics in them. "Now, a little attention to your face. Before I show you how to put on makeup, let me see your eyes." I turned her head this way and that. "Your eyebrows are still a bit thick. I'll have to do some pruning. This will sting a little." A good thing I had warned her. It took me about fifteen minutes of pinching and pulling until I was satisfied that she had feminine looking eyebrows. I examined her face in the light while she wiped a tear from her eye. "Sorry, but it needed done." I was irritated with all I was doing for her, but I had to pretend I was supportive of her. The next thing was to get her into women's clothes. "All right, you can take off the dressing gown. Put on these panties for now." I had got her some plain cotton panties. She blushed as she slid them on. "They feel soft, and they are snug against me down there." I lifted one of her arms. "All right, another bit of grooming. Your underarms! You'll now have to shave them! Here, I got you some gel and this razor. Try it. It won't be much different from shaving your face. Be careful you don't nick yourself!" I inspected her when she was done. "Good, now put on some antiperspirant. This is a woman's one." She did as I said and looked at me. "All right, what next?" I opened a packet and shook out the garment. "Getting you dressed. I got you a bra that should be more your size. Hold out your arms." Obediently she did so and I slid the bra straps onto her arms and over her shoulders. "I got you one that fastens in the back. That's the usual style. It will be awkward at first and you'll probably fumble a bit with the hooks, but in a day or so you won't even think about it. Some women fasten them in front then slide them round their backs, but that way's not recommended. I'll do you up this time." I hooked her up. "Now let's adjust your straps." The fittings were at the top of the cups and I adjusted them so that the bra held her better. "How's that?" "I feel contained, slightly restricted, but it's not unpleasant." "Good thing," I snorted. "It will now be with you the rest of your life, unless you run off to some South Sea island where women don't wear bras. That's an okay fit, but it's not quite right. A professional will do better for you." I was irritated with having to take so much care with her, but I had to keep her to trusting me. I opened a packet and pulled out the other garment. "I got you a simple pull-on girdle. This one will do until you get into something more controlling. That's what you wanted, wasn't it?" I handed it to her, watching her face. "Just step into it and pull it up, like you did before, then do up your stockings. It's very light and flexible so your panties could go over the top. It's more convenient that way. On the other hand, maybe put them on underneath. You'll need to take it off when you are fitted for a new one, and maybe you don't want to be standing in the altogether!" She pulled the garment up to her hips and posed in front of the mirror. "Oh, that looks much better than the one I had before. It feels much better too. It's so sleek and feminine looking." "Well, you now have a woman's hips." I was pleased with the way she was taking it. "I got you a new pair of stockings. So let's get them on you too as you'll need stockings when you get fitted for a girdle." I opened the packet, stretched one stocking and bunched it into a ring. "Sit down here," I said. I slipped it ove

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Tammy and Josh Part 1

Josh knocked on Tammy’s door. Moments later, Tammy opened up the door and seeing Josh, let him into the house. Tammy was Josh’s next door neighbor and she had been a friend of his family for over ten years. Tammy was single, having divorced her husband soon after they married. She was 30 years old and very attractive. Josh’s parents had used her to baby-sit him as he grew up, and he loved her very much. She was like a big sister to him. Well, sort of. Josh was eighteen now. He was in the...

Straight Sex
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Moti Aunty 42 Saal Ki

Hi my name is Farhan 23 boy from Pakistan my email adress is Islamabad ye jo story main liknay ja raha hon ye bilkul sachi story hain mera naam Farhan hain rang gora lun bohat lamba aur mota aik dam white aur balls be aik dam red ab story ki taraf ata hon ye baat uss waqt ki hain jab main 18 saal ka ta main ne matrick pass kiya ta main bohat he tez ta padai me main ne bohat achay numbers se Matrick pass kiya ta hamare mohalay main aik aunty te uss ka naam seema ta wo takreeban 42 saal ki tee...

2 years ago
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My First Sex With My Friend8217s Sister

Hello friends parth is here I am a good looking guy and little bit shy but have many sexual desires unside me toward girls aging 18 to. 30 . Now talking about the story this is incident which occurred in january 2015. I was returning from my college in evening and coming home by stairs my home was in 3rd floor and the a beautiful girl live in fourth floor. She was coming down and at the same time I was going up . She asked how are you parth and from where are you coming. I said I am fine and...

3 years ago
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My Journey Book 1 CollarsChapter 10

That afternoon, the girls packed me and a couple of bags that I wasn’t allowed to see into Lana’s car and dragged me off on an adventure I wasn’t allowed to be in on ‘til we got there. I was surprised when we pulled up to Revere Beach on the Atlantic ocean. “What are we doing here?” I asked, surprised. “The weather is fantastic and the water’s probably cold enough to count as icing your leg,” Lana explained as Becky passed her something from the bags in the backseat. “You were bummed out...

2 years ago
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Gaon Me Bua Ki Ladki Ko Choda

Hi friends, this is Adi, I am 26 age young avg fit boy from pune, if any girl aunty wants secret relationship I ‘m always ready… Lets start the indian sex story , ye 4 year pahle ki story hai jab mai graduation me tha chuttiyo me gaon gaya tha. Mere bua k pass,, bua ki ek ladki hai jiski umr karib 26 year hogi us time, mai bahot khush tha ki rakhi didi se milunga wo pahle se hi kamaal ki ladki thi approx 32,30,34, aur ustime mai bhi kafi kuch sex k bare me jaan chuka tha to like ki muze wo...

3 years ago
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Vacation TwoChapter 47

Monday morning showed the excitement that the crew had for going to work. Everyone was smiling and talking about a new day and everything that was going to be happening. Tiny said that some big shots from Onan were coming in, so I might want to come into the shop to meet with them. He said they were leasing the Gulfstream to get here, so we needed to be appreciative of the charter business anyway. He was laughing. Before everyone took off for their workplaces, Debbie said she wanted to talk...

3 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias Purse of Pennies

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...

2 years ago
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Rebuilding Faith Ch 11

Afraid to touch her, Bill slumped in the chair beside Faith’s bed for nearly an hour. She looked fragile — face swollen, wearing an oxygen mask, and lying so still he had to watch closely to see her chest rise and fall. Doctor Grady explained that her physical injuries, although initially disfiguring, were actually minor and in a few weeks would fade away. The smoke seemed to have irritated only her upper respiratory system. The arterial blood gas analysis was negative. A chest x-ray was...

2 years ago
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SarahChapter 2

Exploring Each of us took a turn at the wheel of the boat. It stood before a wide bench inside at the front of the cabin. I was standing at the large wheel doing my turn steering up the lake. Sarah was sunning on the deck at the very front of the boat. Jeff and Steve were sitting on the deck drinking beer and laughing uproarishly at each other's stories, and I'm sure gazing with pleasure over the well oiled and tanned body lying before them. The sun was baking them and each had taken his...

1 year ago
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The Taboo Family Files Chapter 10

"Shit, I wonder what this is about, my hands are shaking. She just said we needed to talk," I muttered, walking down the hall. "Damn, it seems like Ted's door is shut every single time I see it," I said as I passed it.I strolled another ten feet and I arrived at her door.I took a deep breath and knocked on it. "Nadine, may I come in?"I heard nothing back, so I just opened it. "Nadine?" I asked, sneaking in there. "Why are you crying, angel?" I whispered, shutting the door.I came right to her...

4 years ago
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Raped TeacherChapter 8

"Jesus!" Erica said softly. "I would've never thought Adele had it in her." Erica was feeling a little warm after Rebus' story. Rebus was good with words and Erica could see the action going on in her mind's eye. She closed her legs tightly together. Rebus noticed it and laughed. "What's the matter, baby? You getting a little warm. His huge hand came up and cupped her titty. His fingers found her nipple and massaged it to hardness. "I can tell you liked my story," he said....

3 years ago
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Flower Girl

Flower Girl By Caitlin Rose Author's Note: "Flower Girl is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. It is a copywrited work of Caitlin Rose. It may be archived at any site provided that the site does not charge a fee for access and that the story is not edited or abridged. This work contains no sexual content, but it does contain cross dressing. If you're offended, don't read...

3 years ago
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Two Sleeping Aunts

Im young but I've always had fantasies on women older than me, married woman, milfs, etc. This really happened some years ago. I was staying at my grandmother place that night after a party and everyone was drunk, when it was about time to sleep I told my aunt I did not know where I should sleep and she proposed me to sleep on the same bed with her and another aunt since we are very friendly with each other. They were both between 27 to 30 years and i was like 19 at that time. I accepted to...

1 year ago
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DTtS Kara

Foreword The girls come from many places. I really don't care, actually. But once they are with me, they move with me, wherever I decide to go. I move often, never staying too long anywhere. The girls, once they find me, are mine... until, of course, I've had enough of them. Then I discard them without even looking back. I figure, let the bitches figure out how to put their pathetic little lives back together in a strange place. Serves each one of them right. Their mommies should have...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 112 Wrath

"Nagi?" Some time later when at last she was alone the voice had come again. Having fed and bathed, just as Nagi was preparing to settle down in one of the well appointed staterooms. "Your back!" She whispered excitedly. Having begun to think she had somehow imagined the whole earlier affair. "Well of course." He replied obviously amused. "Did I not say we would talk later?" She remembered blushing, smiling having forgotten that detail in all the excitement. "I wanted to say...

2 years ago
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A Mysterious Murder Part 4

Please read the previous parts to know what happened previously. Hi ISSians…. Hope all are good… couples having sex… real life taboo people having secret relations… and mostly the people who are single using their best buddy( their hands ) to satisfy their needs… After the steamy group sex, he headed back to home and had a good night sleep. 2 days later he got CCTV installed to have a close look at them and wanted to find the MO. He came to the house and called everyone out and announced that...

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Die was wre WennApp


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He has made me the town slut

We live in a very very small town, and now I am the town slut. This is the story of how my obsession with one mans cock turned me into the town slut. I had been sneaking over to see Phillip every chance I could after he had fucked me and let me suck him. I couldn't get enough of his cock. I tried to see him at least once a week. I would usually blow him, but sometimes he would have the time to fuck me good and hard. I get off work hours before my wife and Phillips wife works later so this...

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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 5

"I want him out," Tabitha told Sarah with crossed arms. "He is just simply not appropriate to live with us." "Yeah, I know," Sarah snapped and then apologised as she shook her head. "I'm sorry, I know. I tried talking to my Dad. Told him, Adam living with us was as appropriate as bacon sandwiches at the Middle East peace talks but he just said we will have to make do." Tabitha sighed. "But he is a racist. And he is so intolerant. And I daren't tell him our secret, can you imagine...

3 years ago
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The Other Woman

The Other Woman Carmenica DiazI don’t mind being the other woman. It has certain benefits and none of the irritating male problems that come with marriage. I should know, I’ve been married three times! I know, I know, sometimes I am too romantic for my own good but I think I have finally cured myself of dreaming that futile and pathetic dream of the perfect marriage. The truth is, men become so mundane, so bloody boring once they’re married! The romance goes, the courtesy vanishes, not to...

1 year ago
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XXXPawn Victoria Banxxx SexTrade for a Laptop

Sometimes I take a day off, so I let my other coworkers run the XXX PAWN SHOP when I’m not around. Of course, this means that they have to make sure that people that come in shouldn’t think that they can pull a fast one on them because I’m not around to catch it. So when of course, this hot brunette walked into the XXX PAWN SHOP carrying a box full of phone cases (they were out of date from 2 years back), Victoria tried swindle us and asked to get them at a top dollar return or trade it in for...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Georgia Jones Milana May Public Indecency

Officer Jones (Georgia Jones) is on her lunch break. When she gets a call regarding indecent exposure, she yells at dispatch telling them that she’s on break. Can’t they just give this one to the rookie?! Dispatch informs her that she’s the closest available officer and that the rookie is busy with another call. She shakes her head, tells them she’s on it and asks that the coordinates be sent to her. She puts her foot on the gas and drives there as fast as she can. Maybe...

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I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....

2 years ago
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Shonas Summer Holiday Ch 04

Chapter 4 – The Babysitter Shona stretched out on the bed, her naked body silhouetted by the light streaming through the window. Geoff had already left for work, leaving the two women together in bed. Jane slid over to her friend, slipping her arm over Shona’s side. Jane leaned to Shona, kissing her gently on the lips. Shona smiled, pulling Jane closer to her. Kissing more passionately, Shona’s thoughts drifted to last night. It was the first night that she had been totally with Geoff, her...

3 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 21

Max pulled up to the Sheriff's house and gritted his teeth. The place smacked of trailer park elegance. All Sheriff Warner needed was a giant felt Elvis welcoming visitors and it would be perfect. The house, a custom job, was a gaudy combination of Swiss Château, hunting lodge and Mediterranean excess. Parked out front were several vehicles. In addition to the Yellow Hummer, there was a golf cart with chrome wheels, a classic Ford Mustang, and several four wheel drive trucks from the mining...

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My Dad On Rainy Night

Hi friends this is not true story I have written this just for the joy reading .hope you enjoy it .gals or aunties from Bangalore can contact me on my mail Privacy is guranteed. All comments are welcomed. I was blessed, or maybe cursed, to be one of those really pretty little girls. Long blonde, natural curly hair. Blue eyes, etc. This story happens just after my eighteenth birthday. I guess I should describe myself to you first. I am 5″2″, 99 pounds. My measurements are 32-20-32 B-cup. Very...

4 years ago
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Studland beach dogging

the year 2000 was a pretty good year for my dogging adventures.I'd been told about a place called Studland beach and seeing as I was working not that far away I decided that I'd take a look one day after work.It took me a lot longer than I expected to drive there, and once there I had no idea that you had to walk for quite a bit. Nor had I expected there to be so many people. Studland is a very popular place.It might have been that I was there on the wrong day, or at the wrong part of the...

1 year ago
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Banging a Thai MILF part 2

Previously, I had met Anna, a twenty year old bar girl in Phuket. I had slept with her a few times.I had met Anna's mother, Noy, at their apartment. When Anna went out to the market with her baby son, Noy had come on strong, and I ended up getting sucked and fucked by this gorgeous Thai MILF.The next day I had said I was going to take Anna to the cinema, but not before secretly arranging to see Noy again sometime the next day.I took Anna shopping in the end, as there was nothing on at the...

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Kevin Butler

Wednesday morning It was a warm early Wednesday morning in March, with the temperature in the mid-60's. The all night mini-mart on Gulf Blvd. on South Padre Island, Texas was very quiet and 18-year-old Kevin Butler who worked the 11PM-7AM shift was reading 'USA Today'. At about 3AM the quiet was suddenly shattered by a commotion at the front door of the store. When Kevin looked up he could not believe what he was seeing. Three beautiful black women wearing only bikinis and high heels rushed...

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Prison Time part 1

“OK bitch you need to suck me up. Get it?? Make me hard and suck me off.”“I don't know how to do that,” I whimpered, “You guys just fuck my face.” Since that 1st night, a week ago, they'd beat me up and said if I let them use my face the wouldn't that take the ass. So They would head fuck me at will“Yeah well your gonna be our bitch you need to do this.” He slapped me lightly on the head.I lifted his meat, he was big, about 8” soft, big around as a large banna, uncut. I skinned him back....

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Fender bender 2

I screamed please !!!!!NO!!!!!but we need the cops out here to file a report for the insurance companies ,you do have insurance don’t you???That is when he recognized the car.Hey this is Curt car I seen him working on it from time to time ,They are out on vacation. No wonder you do not want the police, you are driving a stolen car..I did not steal it I borrowed it . Please can I just go home ? “Where do you live young lady?? Without thinking I gave him my address,that is when he shone a flash...

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The Nuclear Nude

This story has adult themes and sexual situations. Adults only please. Copyright 1999 Elaine Blankenship. May be archived on Fictionmania, Sapphire's Place, AtEROS and TSA. All rights reserved. Member NACU. ================================ The Nuclear Nude by Lainie Lee Barris Newcombe had always wanted to be a superhero. Except when he considered being a supervillain, instead. The problem was, just how does one acquire super powers? When he was a young teenager, Barris...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 40 Not Out Of The Woods

December 30, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Sunday, after church, Clarissa, Elizaveta and I went to Tasha’s apartment to spend the afternoon with her and Nik. Tasha and Elizaveta prepared dinner together, and had a quiet conversation in Russian, while Nik, Clarissa, and I talked. From their body language, I got the impression that «бабушка» Natalya was giving Matushka Elizaveta advice. My first thought was that I should be very afraid, but that thought was fleeting, and I realized that if there was...

1 year ago
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Executive Incest Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! "I, Howard Constantine Mathis, do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." With those words, Howard C. Mathis, a former accountant, went from being a recently divorced Vice President to assuming the highest office in the land. Just ten years before, he had run for Governor of New Jersey, and was...

2 years ago
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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 12

Friday 6th November 1970 I phoned for a taxi and waited outside the pub. At first as I waited I seethed. How dare she ruin our little celebration. Nothing from her for six months and then she muscles in on our party. Of course I immediately realised this was stupid. Penny no more knew of our booking than we knew of hers, and come to think of it, we probably destroyed her evening more comprehensively than she did ours. There was a fleeting naughty feeling of satisfaction at that before I...

3 years ago
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Ill Make it a Date

I'll Make it a Date By Roustam (Preface: This is purely a fantasy, but one that I would gladly have had come true. It's also my first attempt at writing for an audience larger than one, so I hope the readers will respond with any sort of criticism. I will happily -- and quickly -- add more to the story if you like it. The opening chapters may be a little slow, but I want to build up the romance between the main characters before the tg and erotic...

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Muslim Slut and her Driving Instructor

Humdia got into the Toyota Corlla, with her head wrap tighlty around her head. Her hair was dishevled as usual, and her pretty face was slightly covered with acne. Her driving Insructor, for 3 weeks now, looked down at his clipboard and filled out the paper work, not looking at the girl. She knew she was safe with him; he would never try anything on her. She was a young Muslim girl in America and her parents signed her up for driving classes with this young american man, but she knew that he...

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My Honeymoon Vacation

Hi, This is Vijay from Chennai. Recently married to Radhika. She’s from Bangalore. Ours is arranged marriage. But we had enough time to get to know about each other before the marriage. She’s kinda exhibitionists and loves to try adventurous things. Her stats are 34-30-32. So after marriage, we have planned to go to Maldives for our honeymoon. So we were all set and reached Maldives. Once we reached the resort, we refreshed and went to have some site seeing. She was wearing a mini shorts and a...

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The Rise of Family Fielding

After many requests from readers, I have taken the time to prepare this chronology of family Fielding. I have made every effort to list the stories in a semblance of the correct order. You may find some stories listed before or after ones posted previous to them because of the time in which the story occurred. I have tried to show the relationship of Fieldings in each story. I know some of the characters (specifically in Rewards of Virtue) do not show the full relationship. They come from a...

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Wendy has been feeling much more confident of late. The more Wendy focuses on keeping herself fit and looking good the more attention she has been receiving from young men especially. Wendy has settled into a routine where she has a shower each morning, making sure that she is clean shaven and welcoming for any chance encounters that might present themselves. Wendy has developed a wish list on a website where her admirers can send her gifts. It is a thrill for her, being the object of their...

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Clarice and Elaine

Clarice and Elaine Janet Stickney A sequel to The Bomber As a member of the State Department's Joint Liaison Group, I had read about the exploits of Clarice during and after WWII, and was fascinated by her accomplishments and bravery. As a minor member of the group, I had a lot of time to read, and had researched her file many times. First crashing, then, afterwards, finding a way to...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 68

Linda was sitting on a couch with Evie when Dave walked over and knelt before Linda. "It seems there is something else that Evie and I would like to give you, too." He held a small black box toward Linda. "Will you marry us?" Dave quietly asked. "Oh, my gosh," Linda squealed, her hand shaking as she slowly reached for the box that obviously contained a ring. Starting to open it, she glanced at Evie. "Go ahead," Evie coaxed. Linda opened the box and gasped. As she stared at the...

4 years ago
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Taking A Shower With Grandma Part 1

"Instead of laying around on your ass getting drunk and sleeping all night, why not do something fucking helpful. Your Mom and I are going shopping, we're going to drop you off your Grandmothers home so you can help her." I stared at my Dad which made him even more mad, "Get your ass off the bed NOW, we leave in 15." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Help your Grandma with shopping, okay hun?" My Mom said as we were driving to...

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Penis Cream

The maddening itch grew worse each day, and Peter was finally driven to seek relief. He had put it off for as long as he could, fearing the inevitable embarrassment and humiliation associated with revealing his problem, but at last he could stand it no more. He entered the d**g store shyly and looked around for the elderly pharmacist who ran the store. The place was empty except for a young woman in a white coat behind the counter. “Hi, can I help you?” she asked. “I, uh, need...

3 years ago
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Mom Narrates How I Fucked Her

Hello All,Below is my mom Rina narrating her sexual escapades with me on our behalf…Hope you enjoy can get in touch with me on [email protected] this happened a year ago. My name is Rina and I am 46 and my son 26 now. It never is supposed to happen but it just happened. To be frank, I am a sex-craving woman. I always wanted sex and more of it often. I am married to my husband for 26 years now and I can say we were hot on bed a lot of those years. My husband is still hot even...

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Sexy MotherinLaw

Melanie was not your typical 42 year old married woman. Yes, she had a husband of over 20 years and she had three grown c***dren. But Melanie was something else that very few people realized or observed out in public -- Melanie was a very attractive and very sexy woman, and she had a very active and nearly insatiable desire for sex and sexual attenion from men. It didn't matter whether it was her husband who was attending to her needs; Melanie craved the sexual pleasures that men could give her...

4 years ago
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I Dominus Part 1

Heather stopped towel drying her hair, when her best friend Jessica removed the towel around her body and opened her locker. They had just finished their workout at the upscale fitness club they had joined eleven months ago. Heather stared in silence at the fading bruises on Jessica’s breasts. When Jessica noticed the look of concern on Heather’s face, she chuckled and said, “I know that look, Heather. And no, there is nothing you should be worried about.” “Are you sure, Jess? You know you...

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Pirates Heart Ch 07

Catherine sat in her cabin staring at her breakfast. Porridge again. She never wanted to see another bowl of porridge as long as she lived. She had reluctantly lifted the spoon to her lips when Burnham walked into her room. She glanced up at him and then turned her attention back to her breakfast. ‘Good morning, Miss Veleslav,’ he said, staring at her legs. She ignored him and took a mouthful of porridge. ‘Are you enjoying that breakfast?’ he asked his voice taking on an angry edge. ‘If you...

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The Punishment1

I have blond hair and hazel eyes. I am skinny and kind of tall. I am 5'6 and weigh 110 pounds. I am popular, especially with the boys. I love wearing short skirts and short tops. I wear them everywhere. I can see how my family looks at me with all the dirty looks, but I don't care. When I wear these clothes it gets the boys to really look at me and wish they were with me. It makes them crazy and hard. I love it. I am a naughty girl. My brother is 5'9 and muscular. He has blond hair...

1 year ago
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Radhike The ayurvedic oil massage

It was sometime back that I won a free oil massage at the Kerala Ayurvedic Centre and I was all eager for an oil therapy massage. I was always fascinated with dark black south indian girls. The very thought of seeing them, their aromatic flavour discharged from their erotic body, their way of dressing especially wearing those erotic half-clad saris. Their tight blouses, their erotic oily hair, used to always give an arousal to my pink bald cock. I am a regular shaver and make it a point that...

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Sharing my room

Introduction: This is a true story of what happened when my parents put my older visiting step-cousin in my room. When I was 18, and JUST out of high school, my stepdads nephew, Clay, dropped by our house for a visit. He was recently out of the military and did not want to move back in with his mother and father who lived in a VERY rural area in Arkansas. Not that my family lived in a much bigger area, but at least there were a few beer joints and burger places to frequent. During his visit, my...

1 year ago
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Foreigner Ke Sath Sex

Hi dosto mera naam Renuka hai. Umar 34 saal hai mai regular story reader hoon. Maine bohat sari story padhi hai kafi achhi bhi lagi. Kafi dino se mai soch rahi thi ki mai bhi apni kahani likhu par dar rahi thi kaise likhu lekin aaj himmat ho gayi aur likh rahi hoon. Ye kahani 2 saal pahle ki hai. Mai ek widow hoon mere pati ki death 2.5 saal pahle huyi thi. Meri do ladkiya hai ek 10 aur ek 7 saal ki. Jab unki death huyi to mai housewife thi ghar ka sara bojh unpar tha unki achanak death ne ghar...

2 years ago
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Sword Saint Book Two IncompleteChapter 5 Itrsquos nice to be wanted

Chandra woke me in the morning with tea and some food. Thankfully, she hadn’t let me sleep in this morning. I wanted to talk to Sergeant Robin and leave him with a get out of jail free card before we left. “Will you bring me my backpack please?” She nodded and left me to my morning ablutions before breakfast. Chandra brought my pack to me while I ate. I opened it and retrieved a ballpoint pen and a notepad. Chandra had seen both of them before and I explained their usages, not that I let...

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SisterInLaw Taking Advantage Of Me When Wife Was Sleeping

This is Raj, from andhra pradesh I m 28 years self employed. This is real incident happened between me and my sil when she visited us. Her name is jyoti (name not changed) and she is married too recently. Though I never had any bad intention towards her but was not sure if she had something cooking inside her panties for me ;) After my engagement I used to visit my in-laws, there I have seen this sex bomb jyoti as usual she was more closer to me when I visited her place with all formalities of...

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Rendezvous With Heartbroken Friend Isha In Movie Hall

Hello guys, my name is Aashish Kalyan. I am from Thane, Maharashtra. I am 20 years old with a 6-inches tool. I am 6 ft 3 inches tall with an average built. Now, about the heroine of this story, Isha (name changed). She is 5’9 with a very well-toned body, and because she is a dancer her assets are well-maintained as well. Her stats are 34-28-30. She has milky, white skin and her wavy hair suit her really well. The story is a bit long guys, but I assure you it’s worth your...

1 year ago
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Me Dad And a surprised brother

Warning: This is a work of complete fiction (I wish it wasn’t but it is) and contains explicit acts of hardcore gay (M/M) incest. If this is illegal in your country or you are underage I ask that you please not read on. Thank you. Hi let me introduce myself my name is Ray and I am a very happy 16 year old. Even though my mom left us when I was three I am still a basically normal teenager, I am 5'9 155 pounds very muscular brown hair and green eyes and circumcised . I Have a loving father named...


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