The Holiday That Changes Us (Part 1) free porn video

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? stano come una piccola decisione possa portare a grandi "cambiamenti". Tutto ? iniziato qualche mese fa. Ero in un centro commerciale con mia moglie e dopo aver pagato la spesa, la cassiera ci ha dato una cartolina per un concorso a premi. Il primo premio era un viaggio su un'isola nell'Oceano Pacifico in un resort esclusivo. Visto che non avevamo particolarmente fretta, compilammo la cartolina con i nostri dati e la imbucammo senza sperarci troppo. Alcuni giorni passarono e ricevetti una telefonata che avrebbe cambiato la nostra vita. "Pronto", dall'altra parte del telefono una voce di donna "Salve, la chiamo per comunicarle che ha vinto un favoloso viaggio per due persone nell'esclusivo resort "Kula Mala Bay". L? per l? rimasi sorpreso, pensavo alle solite offerte fasulle, che promettevano premi favolosi, ma in cambio di acquisti di oggetti costosi, inutili e orribili "Cosa dobbiamo fare in cambio del viaggio" dissi con voce scettica "Assolutamente niente" mi rispose sorprendendomi la donna "? stato estratto come vincitore del concorso a premi" Immediatamente il ricordo della cartolina mi torn? alla mente e rendendomi conto che forse, veramente, avevo vinto uno strepitoso viaggio mi sentii il cuore a mille e rimasi un momento senza parole "? ancora in linea" Subito mi ripresi e prontamente risposi "Si, si, eccomi" "Bene, ricever? entro qualche giorno i biglietti per lei e sua moglie, il viaggio ? all-inclusive e comprende volo aereo e sistemazione nel resort senza nessun costo aggiuntivo, ancora complimenti, le auguro buona giornata" Detto questo interruppe la telefonata. Io ancora un po' scosso andai immediatamente da mia moglie per dargli la grande notizia, lei inizialmente non cap?, ma piano piano realizz? e incominciammo a urlare e a festeggiare per tutta la serata. Dopo alcuni giorni arrivarono veramente i biglietti e scoprimmo che il viaggio era offerto da una casa farmaceutica che si faceva pubblicit? nel centro commerciale e che dovevamo partire da l? a 10 giorni, prendere o lasciare. Fortunatamente i nostri lavori non erano molto restrittivi in fatto di ferie e senza troppi problemi riuscimmo a prenderci le due settimane di ferie richieste. D? l? in poi f? una corsa contro il tempo per vaccinazioni, visti e bagagli. Finalmente arriv? il giorno della partenza, ci svegliammo presto e andammo a prendere il volo intercontinentale, destinazione Oceano Pacifico! Mia moglie soffre i voli aerei e quindi uno cos? lungo fu una vera sofferenza per lei, ma visto cosa ci aspettava al nostro arrivo, tutti gli "sforzi" sarebbero stati ripagati. Insieme ai biglietti ci era arrivato anche un libricino che spiegava la nostra sistemazione e il servizio. "Kula Mala Bay Resort" sorgeva su una piccola isola tropicale nel bel mezzo dell'Oceano Pacifico, pi? precisamente nei pressi (alcune centinaia di chilometri) dalle isole Tonga. L'isola era un atollo di una decina di chilometri di diametro, con al centro la classica laguna, la barriera corallina, la foresta tropicale, insomma tutto quello che deve esserci in un posto meraviglioso come questo. Il resort era sulla costa ovest dell'isola e comprendeva alcune villette per gli ospiti, dotate di tutti i confort e una zona comune centrale dove sorgevano la Spa, i ristoranti ecc... . La cosa particolarissima di questa struttura ? che era totalmente automatizzata, la pulizia, la cucina, le informazioni agli ospiti, erano totalmente gestite da apparecchiature robotiche automatizzate di ultimissima generazione, tutto per garantire un'esperienza "alla Robinson Crusoe, ma nel lusso" cos? recitava il volantino. Durante il viaggio mi lessi per l'ennesima volta tutte le informazioni utili sulla nostra destinazione, ed ero particolarmente felice della possibilit? di fare snorkeling e sub nella barriera corallina a pochi metri da riva. Dopo qualche ora di volo mi addormentai e mi svegliai in prossimit? dell'arrivo. Anche mia moglie dorm? quasi tutto il viaggio e visto che eravamo quasi arrivati distese un po' i nervi, messi a dura prova dalle numerose ore di volo. Facemmo scalo ad Hong Kong e successivamente arrivammo nella capitale delle Tonga. D? l? un piccolo idrovolante ci port? finalmente alla nostra destinazione. La cosa che notammo in questa ultima parte di viaggio fu che io e mia moglie eravamo gli unici sull'aereo oltre al pilota, ma non demmo troppa importanza alla cosa. Alla fine di quest'ultima ora di volo finalmente arrivammo a destinazione. Il pilota ci aiut? a scendere e a scaricare le nostre valigie, ci augur? buona permanenza e riparti poco dopo. Quello che ci trovammo davanti fu oltre alle nostre aspettative. Un luogo paradisiaco con un mare calmissimo e azzurro incorniciato da palme e spiaggia bianchissima. Il resort si amalgamava benissimo nella vegetazione, rendendola ancora pi? spettacolare grazie alle migliaia di fiori dai mille colori che spuntavano ad ogni angolo. Dopo questo primo sguardo d'insieme, che ci lasci? a bocca aperta, notammo una piccola pedana in fondo al molo con sopra di esso uno schermo incastonato in una roccia. Quando ci avvicinammo con le nostre valigie lo schermo si accese e apparve una scritta che ci invitava a inserire i nostri biglietti in una fessura sottostante e ad appoggiare le nostre valigie sulla pedana. In men che non si dica le valigie vennero inghiottite letteralmente dalla pedana e immediatamente un messaggio sullo schermo ci inform? che le avremmo ritrovate in camera. Un po' sorpresi ci dirigemmo verso il resort seguendo un sentiero tracciato prima sulla spiaggia e poi nel palmeto, continuammo a non incontrare nessuno. Delle indicazioni olografiche lungo la strada ci indicarono la nostra stanza, l? trovammo le valigie e andammo subito a dormire, stanchissimi per il lungo viaggio. Non potevamo sapere che da l? in poi fatti strani e bizzarri modificarono per sempre le nostre vite. Per farvi capire meglio tutto quello che accadde vi trascriver? il mio diario che ho tenuto durante tutta la permanenza sull'isola, ma prima mi descriver? e descriver? anche mia moglie per poi capire meglio tutto quello che successe in seguito. Ero alto circa 183 centimetri, occhi azzurri e capelli biondi, la mia corporatura era abbastanza atletica e pesavo circa 75 kg, mia moglie invece era alta circa 173 cm, occhi castani e capelli rossi, un fisico morbido che comprendeva una bella coppa C di reggiseno. Giorno 1 Ci siamo svegliati abbastanza tardi questa mattina e ci siamo subito immersi nell'esplorazione dell'isola. Il resort ? stupendo, in una grande sala abbiamo trovato una colazione stupefacente, di cui abbiamo subito approfittato. Subito dopo abbiamo cercato di incontrare gli altri ospiti sull'isola, ma a quanto pare siamo soli, questo ? un fatto inaspettato, ma allo stesso tempo emozionante, l'isola ? tutta per noi! Visto che indossavamo il costume, io un paio di boxer con fiori hawaiani, mentre mia moglie un bel bikini azzurro, ci siamo diretti verso la spiaggia, l? abbiamo trovato un chiosco dal quale potevamo servirci liberamente di cocktail e dolci che sbucavano magicamente da una macchina solamente selezionandone uno da una lista. Abbiamo passato quasi tutta la giornata a prendere il sole e a fare dei bagni in questo meraviglioso mare. Avendo entrambi la carnagione chiara, nonostante avessimo messo la crema solare, pensavamo di scottarci, invece siamo gi? un bel po' abbronzati! Dopo la giornata a spiaggia siamo tornati nella nostra stanza per farci una doccia. Sar? l'aria del posto, o l'esserci rilassati, che sotto la doccia abbiamo cominciato a stuzzicarci. Io ho cominciato a succhiarle i capezzoli, due stupendi e turgidi capezzoli grossi come fagioli. Lei ha opposto una minima resistenza, ma poi si ? abbassata e ha incominciato a leccarmelo e succhiarmelo come era da un bel po' di tempo che non faceva, lentamente lo ingoiava tutto per poi tornare indietro e giocarci con la lingua. Ormai presi dalla frenesia abbiamo incominciato a masturbarci vicendevolmente, finch? non siamo venuti entrambi. Adoro questo posto! Dopo la "doccia" siamo andati al ristorante, sempre guidati da ologrammi informativi, l? abbiamo trovato una cena a base di pesce strepitosa servita su un tavolo per due, a lume di candela. ? la prima volta che ho mangiato l'aragosta e devo dire che ? ottima. Dopo cena abbiamo passeggiato sulla spiaggia al chiaro di luna, ora siamo tornati in camera e mia moglie mi sta aspettando nel letto...non poteva iniziare meglio di cos?! Giorno 2 La notte scorsa ? stata stupefacente, lo abbiamo fatto tre volte, con una passione ed energia incredibili, lei non era mai sazia e io non riuscivo a smettere di avercelo duro, bastava il solo contatto con lei per farlo balzare sull'attenti. Questa mattina dopo la doccia ho notato una cosa strana, io che sono un tipo molto peloso, ho trovato tutti i miei peli pi? diradati e corti, magari sar? colpa del troppo sole di eri? Oggi ci siamo recati alla SPA. Abbiamo iniziato con una sauna per poi andare in una stanza dove ci attendevano due lettini da massaggio. Questo posto non finisce di stupirmi. Una volta sdraiati sui lettini alcuni arti meccanici rivestiti di una gomma speciale hanno incominciato a massaggiarci tutto il corpo e ci sapevano fare nonostante fossero macchine. Una volta finito il massaggio abbiamo fatto un'altra sessione di sauna. Dopo la sauna ci siamo immersi nella vasca dei fanghi termali, Essere immersi in questo fango ti fa provare l'assenza di gravit?, una bellissima sensazione. All'uscita della vasca dei fanghi ci siamo puliti con una doccia. Mia moglie mi ha chiesto se mi ero per caso depilato, ed in effetti mi erano veramente rimasti pi? pochissimi peli sul petto e quelli rimasti sul resto del corpo erano notevolmente pi? corti e sottili. Gli ho risposto che sar? il sole, il mare, la sauna e i fanghi che li avranno indeboliti. Al pomeriggio ci siamo recati al mare in una spiaggetta leggermente pi? distante dal resort. Visto che non c'era nessun altro sull'isola mia moglie ha deciso di stare in topless. Questo mi ha eccitato all'inverosimile e dopo alcuni minuti in cui cercavo di trattenermi, le sono saltato addosso. Abbiamo fatto sesso sulla spiaggia per un'ora, ogni suo tocco era stupendo, questa perdita di peli aveva reso la mia pelle molto pi? sensibile e lo strusciarsi del suo corpo contro il mio, il sentire le sue tette che premevano contro il mio petto, la sua lingua sul mio collo, mi dava un'energia inesauribile nel penetrarla. Una volta finito siamo andati a farci un bagno tutti nudi e una volta usciti, guardandoci vicendevolmente ci siamo accorti che i nostri fisici erano decisamente pi? definiti. Si incominciano a vedere su entrambi gli addominali abbastanza scolpiti e anche il suo culo mi sembra molto pi? sodo e alto che in precedenza, lei ha detto altrettanto del mio. La SPA ha fatto veramente miracoli. Giorno 3 Oggi siamo pieni di energia, dopo un'altra notte di sesso sfrenato ci sentiamo benissimo. Nella doccia questa mattina mi sono caduti gli ultimi peli dal petto, sulle braccia e sulle gambe ne rimangono pi? pochi e sottili, anche i peli pubici si sono notevolmente accorciati e ridotti, rimanendo un piccolo cespuglietto sopra il pene. In compenso il mio fisico e sempre pi? definito, ora "la tartaruga" si vede benissimo sulla mia pancia e molto del grasso corporeo si ? volatilizzato, penso di avere perso 5 o 6 chili da quando siamo arrivati qui. Anche la tonalit? della mia pelle si ? un po' scurita come d'altronde anche quella di mia moglie, pure lei ? in grande forma. Alla nostra partenza diciamo che non era grassa, ma la vita sedentaria e il mangiare sempre di corsa le avevano fatto mettere su qualche chilo di troppo. Ora invece era in forma smagliante. Le era venuto inoltre un culo da far invidia a una pallavolista. Oggi abbiamo pensato di esplorare l'interno dell'isola, per uscire io mi sono messo un costume a slip, mentre mia moglie, avendo ripreso fiducia del suo fisico, si ? messo un bikini con un tanga e un reggiseno piccolissimo. La foresta interna dell'isola ? bellissima, ricca di fiori e ruscelli. Dopo 40 minuti di cammino abbiamo trovato un laghetto di acqua limpidissima con una piccola cascatella. Senza pensarci due volte ci siamo subito tuffati. L'acqua era super rinfrescante e il posto incantevole. Dopo qualche minuto di bagno, siamo usciti e ci siamo sdraiati sul prato che sorgeva intorno al laghetto a prendere un po' di sole. Abbiamo deciso di prendere il sole nudi, cos? una volta tolto il costume mi sono accorto di non avere pi? nessun tipo di pelo al di sotto del collo. Mia moglie ? rimasta subito intrigata nel vedere il mio pene e le mie palle libere dall'usuale foresta di peli e si ? messa subito e leccarmelo con avidit?, questa volta non sono riuscito a resistere molto e sono venuto quasi subito, spruzzando una quantit? notevole di seme sulla sua faccia, mi sono sentito veramente svuotato. Dopo esserci puliti abbiamo continuato l'escursione fino a raggiungere la laguna interna. Se pensavamo che il mare dell'isola fosse stupendo, non avevamo ancora visto la laguna. Un'acqua turchese, spiaggia bianchissima e una moltitudine di pesci colorati che si vedevano anche stando fuori dall'acqua. Ci siamo baciati di fronte a questa meraviglia, ma la nostra classica inclinazione della testa era cambiata, in genere io piegavo leggermente la testa verso il basso, mentre ora eravamo quasi alla stessa altezza. O lei era cresciuta, o io mi ero abbassato. Incomincia a passarmi per la testa che qualcosa qui ci stia cambiando, oppure ? solo la mia immaginazione?

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Long Holiday

Copyright Oggbashan September 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.************************************************* Long HolidayAs it was Monday morning, I got up early, washed, shaved, put on a business suit and sat down for a quick breakfast. I put the...

2 years ago
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Bob Sue and Anitas holiday romance 3

Although this could be read as a standalone story, it may be easier if you read the previous chapters. I am happy to receive comments and PMs. I welcome constructive criticism. Thanks to Mfan and others for helping proof read ------------------------- Two nights running Bob had returned to his wife Sue late, she being bedridden with a migraine in their holiday apartment. So far Bob had successfully managed to convince her that he befriended some lads on a stag weekend that got him into a...

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Holiday adventures a new beginning

HomeDartmoor, in the winter as rugged and rough as the thorny gorse bushes that thrive on the hillsides, in the summer as beautiful as the woodland that nestles along the banks of streams that trickle into the rivers.It is my home of choice outside the bustling city of Exeter, where I’ve worked for the past 10 years. My job is a high salaried, its high-profile stressful working for the city council. Big budgets, hiring and firing people all the daily problems all add to the stress, but I love...

1 year ago
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On Holiday with My Mother in Law

My wife has persuaded me to take her 73-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime. We head back home to pick the caravan up that my wife is...

3 years ago
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Sophies Summer Holiday

Today the girl sat at the seat in front of Julia, who watched as the routine continued – the girl shuffled the skirt of her school uniform up an inch or two, so that she displayed just a little more black nylon-encased leg, and ran her fingers through the long dark ringlets of her hair, tousling and teasing them into what she obviously hoped was a more street-wise and sexy look. Julia smiled to herself, all the girl’s actions reminded her so much of herself as a schoolgirl twenty years...

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Sophies Summer Holiday

Introduction: This is my entry for the second writers competition on the forum. I apologise for the length as its nearly 20,000 words, but Im quite pleased with it, and I hope you take the time to read it. Thank you x The bus lurched to a halt at the stop. From her seat, Julia looked on as the petite pretty young girl impatiently waved goodbye to her mother at the stop, and got on board. As ever, the daily routine took place the girl paid the driver for her fare, and marched down the aisle, sat...

3 years ago
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Holiday Fun Pt 3

HOLIDAY FUN 3Not read parts 1 & 2 yet? You need to ?Holiday Fun part 1 Fun Part 2 next morning we were woken to the buzzing of Deb’s phone somewhere in the room. Deb jumped out of bed naked and started searching for her purse, her ass pointed in my direction as she bent over to pick her purse up from the floor, her tight puckered ass looking fantastic and her...

2 years ago
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First Wife Claire Has Holiday Fun With Locals

My very naughty fiancée had turned into a very prudish mother, but she was still beautiful and had kept superbly fit. She had long, dark, shiny hair, a porcelain complexion, and red lips. Although naturally athletic, she had worked out a lot, and the slim flat tummy and round arse were all good, but mostly, her big tits always looked and felt fantastic – it was like she had not had children.To my knowledge, she was faithful to me for nine years, but we went on a family holiday to Tunisia and...

Wife Lovers
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Holiday in Barbados

Many years ago, after the k**s had got to an age where they could be looked after by grandparents, the wife and I organised a holiday for the 2 of us to Barbados. It was the first in 12 years on our own, and we overspent, with a beachfront villa with private pool, constant alcohol top-ups, etc. etcThe direct flight was before business class had flat beds but the wide comfy leather seats were good enough for a daytime flight. The flight attendants made sure booze flowed, the excitement and the...

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Bikini Beach The Nerds Holiday Queen

This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. Cast of Characters: Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee, and Robert's best friend and roommate. Robert and Brandon grew up together. Brandon is a computer genius, but is very awkward around girls. Robert - Not quite...

2 years ago
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The Exhibitionist Girls Solo Holiday Part 3

by Vanessa Evans Part 3 I woke when it was still dark outside and I got to my feet and went out onto the balcony. I was suddenly wide awake when I saw a group of young men walking towards the hotel. I quickly went into my room and got the plastic water bottle and went back outside and started to pretend to drink whilst making the bottle crackle. It worked and first one, then all of them looked up and saw the naked girl with her legs wide open. One of then shouted, “Hey beautiful, wanna...

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The Holiday Gift

1The Holiday Gift.        As she settled into the backseat of the cab for her ride home, after sharing some after work Christmas Eve drinks with some of her female coworkers, Danielle felt a touch of anxiety.  This was a distinctly rare occurrence for this usually very self assured young woman.  But this would be the first Christmas Eve that she would be spending with Reed, since they had moved in together ten months earlier, and she didn’t quite know how to react.  After a surprising number of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

4 years ago
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Holiday in Africa

I was so happy to finally go on holiday again. It was already a few years ago. My husband, John, was always so busy that he only took one week off a year and he travelled so much professionally that he preferred to spend his free time at home. I understood that of course, but the other way around I was mostly at home taking care of our daughter Sarah and I craved a holiday that pulled me out of the daily grind. However, this time John had to go to Bulagandra for a week for his work and we had...

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Mr Coxs Holiday

Author’s Note. This story is dedicated to ChrisM. Thank you for your generosity. I sat at my desk looking out over the London skyline. It was July and the rain was pouring down. I sighed and drank my tea. I was a coffee man but after three months in England, I had been hooked on the tea. It wasn’t my office I was sitting in but one that was provided to me by the company who had contracted my services. I’m a marketing consultant and travel the world helping start-up companies to find...

3 years ago
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Part 7 Matric holiday Fuck a MILF

Waking up Tuesday morning Mark said he felt as if he was starting to get the flu but nevertheless he was still keen to go have as much fun as possible as it was the final 4 days before I headed back to Johannesburg on Saturday with my parents. After a hot shower we got dressed and went to the main house for a good breakfast. After breakfast we made our way to the beach front for the day. We could see the matric holiday was ending as most of the youngsters had started heading back home and the...

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Jamies Holiday Panties

"You'll never guess what I found in the dryer this morning," Mother greeted me at the door. I was just coming in from school and was quite surprised at the question. I thought quickly, remembering that I'd done a load of laundry the night before. I didn't think I'd left anything in the dryer. God, I hoped not! "It's just the cutest Victoria's Secret signature cotton collection holiday panty, dear." She held it out opening it so the whole panty was fully visible. Not like a woman would...

3 years ago
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Mother on Holiday True part 1

Recently my mother and I went away for a week, Just for a Break. We Booked a Cravan at a Holiday Park in Essex UK. We drove down on the Saturday Morning and caught the usual holiday Traffic. We were on a busy Road when all the traffic came to a halt. We Found out later there had been an accident. We had been sat Stationary for about Thirty Minuets, When Mother became Restless and was moving about on her seat. When I asked what was wrong she Said "I wish i hadn't had those two cups of Coffee...

4 years ago
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Alex and Vicki ComeHither Holiday Party

A few weeks ago Vicki and I received an invitation to a ‘Come-Hither Holiday Party’. Paige, a counselor who used to work with my wife, and her significant other, Amanda, were hosting the party. A day after we received our invite, Vicki spoke with Paige and learned that it’s actually Amanda’s ‘sexy lingerie and sex-toy party’ with a holiday theme. Out of respect to my lovely wife, I agreed to accompany her to this ‘what should be a fun’ party – plus I really like Paige. Paige is a very pretty...

3 years ago
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A Fun Holiday Party

It’s Saturday evening and we’re getting ready to head over to a friend’s house for a holiday party. As you’re getting ready, I ask you to wear the red sweater that I like so much. You smile and say, “You just want me to wear it because it’s so tight and low cut.” With a wink, I respond, “No, of course not, that’s not the reason. It’s a holiday party and red is festive.” After coming up behind you and nibbling on your ear, you hear, “Well, it is pretty hot too.” We finish up getting ready and...

Straight Sex
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Building An Appetite For Holiday Sex

I had surprised myself, finding out how easily I could pick up a holidaymaker without even trying too hard. I wasn't expecting Alan to get in touch again. We had swapped phone numbers, but he was, after all, on a lads' holiday.But, just two days later, I got the call. He wanted to see me again, but there was a problem with using their holiday villa because one of his mates was ill in bed. I told him that there was no problem coming over to our place and that I would pick him up if he wanted...

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Holiday Fun

Holiday Fun By SONIA email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) If this is not the type of story you like then please don't just slag it off - it may not be your scene but I enjoy writing them and some others enjoy reading them!!!! Chapter 1 - A Bad Start to a Holiday The PA announced, "Last call for flight BA430 to Paris." "Come on, Sue, hurry up!" I said to my wife as we rushed towards the check in desk. We were going to a Gite in France for a...

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Bright Sparks Childrens HomeChapter 5 The Extension Starts and They Go on a Holiday

The next morning Mandy was woken by the feeling of Dennis’ cock sliding in and out of her vagina. At first she panicked but less than a second later she relaxed and enjoyed her first fuck of the day. When they were in the shower together Mandy asked Dennis if he’d wake her like that every day. “On the days that I wake up first I will, but if you wake up first you have to wake me with your mouth if I’m soft and climb on and ride me if I’m hard.” “Of course I will.” The highlight of the...

4 years ago
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Holiday Hell Part 1

Holiday hell - part 1. Day one. The flight had been uneventful, we'd landed in Spain, picked up the rental car and even managed to find the villa we'd hired without getting lost. It was looking like being a great holiday. As with all our holidays, my wife had made the bookings. The villa was remote, about two kilometres from the closest neighbour and five from the nearest town, but Caroline knew that at the time she made the booking. In fact its remoteness had meant it was a little...

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Another holiday alone

The first thing she noticed when she arrived at the hotel, was how incredibly handsome all the waiters were! Not an unattractive one in sight! This could only make for a happy holiday she was thinking!!She was a very experienced lone traveller and had been holidaying alone now for years. Nearly every holiday routine was the same. Find herself a nice quiet hotel, beautiful location and secret secluded part of the beach.She would rise early, take a long cool shower, attend to her personal...

Straight Sex
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The HolidayMany years ago when we were k**s my Grandmother used to take one of us on holiday with her, we had to wait till we were 13 or over so i was 5th in line to go. The holiday was in a caravan at a seaside resort. The van belonged to my uncle he bought it so my Grandma could have a holiday as she was not to good at getting around. On the holiday with us was also my aunt both my uncle and my aunt were single my uncle had a few flings with the ladies but never married the same with my aunt...

1 year ago
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The HolidayMany years ago when we were k**s my Grandmother used to take one of us on holiday with her, we had to wait till we were 13 or over so i was 5th in line to go. The holiday was in a caravan at a seaside resort. The van belonged to my uncle he bought it so my Grandma could have a holiday as she was not to good at getting around. On the holiday with us was also my aunt both my uncle and my aunt were single my uncle had a few flings with the ladies but never married the same with my aunt...

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Family Holiday to Turkey Amys holiday

She’d been to a hotel close to the one we were staying at (i’d planted the seed of where to go with my parents) and had given me the number of a guy she’d kept in contact with who was local. She didn’t give me a lot of information but couldn’t stop smiling and her only comment was “be careful what you wish for”! I pushed her for more but she refused and said I’d have a holiday to remember. I took his number and wrote several messages that I deleted and didn’t send. Did I really want this? I...

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On Holiday

I have known Allison ever since we were very young and we're close; more like sisters than best friends. Allison's older sister was not going on the family summer holiday last year because she had plans with some friends for a skiing trip to the Alps. Therefore, Allison's mum asked if I would like to accompany them on holiday to Spain. Before we went, Allison helped me choose a new bikini, a black and white mini Shorty that went up in my bum just a little. Allison said it looked sexy so I...

2 years ago
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Part 1 Matric holiday in Plet

December holidays before Christmas my parents and myself went down to Plettenberg bay for 2 weeks from the 6th December to the 23 December. It was my matric holiday even tho they were with. My stepsister didn't come with as she joined a friend and went down to Durban for a few days. We stayed by my aunt who had a lovely 4 bedroom house with a 2 bedroom cottage. She had two c***dren Hailey my 15 year old girl cousin and Mark my 17 year old male cus. It was set out that Mark and I were going to...

4 years ago
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Happy Holiday ndash Part 2

We had been in the holiday resort on a Spanish island for several days, as a sixteen year old I was hormone ridden. A ten day holiday with my Mom and sister, as Dad had to pull out at the last minute. The only female close to my age was Becky my sister, who was a little more than a year older than me. I spent the first couple of days of the holiday with a hard on, fantasising about a German woman I had seen by the pool. Things went a bit unexpectedly and I ended up having sex with Becky.The two...

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Life changing holiday

Some years ago when I was around my mid 30's, married with a couple of k**s. My family and I were on holiday in Cyprus. We had a ground floor 3 bedroom apartment on a quiet part of the complex. It was just off peak season so the place wasn't too busy. The apartment had a patio overlooking large grassed area dotted with small shrubs and trees where people would sit during the day to sunbathe. This area had a path running round the perimeter and it ran past the patios of the apartments.One...

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Holiday Away From The Care Home Spanked Again

Dale and Sandra weren’t even aware that they had upset Ella and the others so much. It had been a nice sunny afternoon and all the college girls were sitting in a corner of the swimming pool patio listening to Miss Mason explain about the project they were going to be doing. Dale and Sandra commented to each other how lovely the girls looked in their skimpy vest tops and very tight cotton shorts and joked about going across their bare thighs for another spanking. Of course, the memory of last...

3 years ago
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Long Holiday

Copyright Oggbashan September 2014 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* Long Holiday As it was Monday morning, I got up early, washed, shaved, put on a business suit and sat down for a quick breakfast. I put the coffee...

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