Tom Boy 3 free porn video

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Tom Boy By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 3 "Wake up honey," said his mother shaking him and kissing his cheek. "Mandy is waiting for you honey. Remember you have no school today but 8am film study sweetie." "I know," said a groggy Tommy. "I have another charity event today but at least this is for the football team." "Oh don't worry about that now just go down and don't keep Mandy waiting," said Trisha. "Good morning Tommy," Greeted Mandy. "So listen all I want you to do is sit back and this will be relaxing ok"? "Like I would have a choice?" whined Tommy already as Mandy shot him a look. "Tommy?" said Mandy rolling his eyes. "Please don't make all this stuff harder than it could be." "Sorry, no problem Mandy. I know I have to be on my best behavior," said Tommy. "Thank you," said Mandy smiling as she undid his pigtails. "It'll make the day go by some much easier for both of us if you just do that." Mandy placed a plastic cape around his neck now and led him over to a chair near the sink. She leaned it back and took the sprayer soaking his hair and began scrubbing it. When she finished she rung it out with her fingers and then worked at the counter next to him as he sat there sleepily. "So I just want to be sure you went to the bathroom before I start because you won't be able to get up for a while," said Mandy combing through his hair with her comb. "I did why?" said Tommy curious. "Just because I'll be doing a deep cleaning facial while you soak off those nails and getting you hair ready so you'll probably be sitting still for quite some time. Like close to an hour?" said Mandy explaining it a bit before teasing. "I know running water and soaking makes me have to pee all the time." "No I'm good. I went first thing," said Tommy chuckling. "Trust me I'm sore that I don't want to have to touch down there too often." "I know sweetie," said Mandy coating his face in a cr?me now. "I'll help you out down there later. Close your eyes Tommy and don't move your head ok? This will be relaxing and but you'll need to breathe through your mouth now for a bit." Mandy placed some fruiting smelling items over his eyes now before she took a few cotton balls stuffing them into his nose. He could hear her opening packages and moving things on the counter until he finally felt her massaging at his scalp. It was relaxing as she lifted his neck and gently rubbed at the back of his head before she finally leaned him just a touch forward and seemed to pile all his hair on top of his head. He now felt his fingers on his left hand being placed into a bowl of liquid before she followed repeating it on the right. "I think you like being pampered a bit," teased Mandy comforting him by rubbing his forearm gently. "Whatever you do, do not move. I'm going to jump in the shower and if any of this gets in your eyes it'll be ten times worse than yesterday!" "I'll stay with him while to get a break Mandy," said Trisha walking in. "He'll be fine." Trisha fixed herself breakfast as he sat there relaxing. He listened to the sounds of his mother making coffee and cleaning up until finally he heard the doorbell. "That must be Faith," said his mother getting the door. Tommy could hear the sounds of crumbling plastic and Faith's big mouth as finally she came into the kitchen. "God morning Tommy boy," said Faith lifting one of his hands and checking it. "Glad somebodies is enjoying the spa while I've been running ragged and working like a dog since the crack of dawn." "Hey Faith," said Mandy coming back in now. "How did you make out on the errands and with the sewing"? "Good considering I woke up half of our friends but everything is in good shape. How about you?" said Faith. "I think it's working pretty well considering we had no time to do a strand test. I'm thinking like four or five shades easily and if everything fits we'll be fine." "It'll fit," said Faith with confidence. "I made most of it from the costume stock we had and sewed a few things together. I'm shocked but I actually think the outfit is adorable. This is actually kind of fun considering I'm exhausted." "What are you girls talking about?" whined Tommy. "Why do I have a new outfit? You know I have film study and a mandatory charity with the football team today"? "We know all about it honey!" said Faith lifting his left foot. "Now shush and let us do our jobs." Faith now began inserting cotton between his toes as he felt her trimming them. She repeated this on his right now as he felt he knew she was now gently painting his toe nails. When she finished she removed his left hand from the liquid and laid it flat on a little folding table next to him. She squeezed his fingers into a rubber feeling device which held them perfectly separated and carefully polished them now. He heard the cling of the stove's timer now as Mandy returned leaning him back and rinsing his hair under the sink. She seemed to scrub over and over as he felt the warm and cold sensations of the water until finally she sat him up a bit ringing out his hair. As Faith was back to work on his toes now Mandy was brushed through his wet hair before finally switching on her blow dryer and brushing it away from his face. She pulled through it over and over behind his forehead for about five minutes now before her felt her winding a scruncie near the back of the crown. When she finished she paid attention drying all the hair on the back of his head now from behind as Faith removed the coverings from his eyes and peeling the mask from his face. "Damn, this shit works well," said Faith grabbing his face and moving it back and forth with her right hand. "You are so lucky to have great skin." "That's because he hasn't gotten his period yet," said Mandy teasing as she looked on. Tommy watched now as he saw Mandy take a hand full of pink foam rollers and walk behind him now. He felt her brushing through his damp hair and could hear the little snap of the clip as she secured them. He looked down now seeing his short regular nails had been polished in a pale pink as Faith took her little sponge to his face now. "I'm going to get dressed while those set for a few," said Mandy leaving as Faith just carefully blended on his face. She now took her little mascara wand on just touch his upper lids slightly and then took a powder puff across his face. When she finished she took a huge soft brush gently setting the powder before dipping it into some soft pink blush as she barely touched him with it brushing it on lightly. Mandy now returned dressed casually in jeans and a sweater as Faith went off to change now. She took her hairdryer hitting the curlers on the bad of his head over and over now until finally Faith reappeared as she was also casually dressed now. "It's weird not to see you two in cheer outfits," said Tommy checking them out. "But I guess I won't be that lucky." Faith and Mandy looked at each other giggling now as Mandy turned off the hair dryer looking at her watch and hearing the doorbell. "Saved by the bell on that one," chuckled Mandy. "Right on time," said Faith. "I'll get it." Tommy looked over now seeing Charles and Jamal staring at him as they were dressed in casual women's clothing. Jamal was dressed in a dark purple pants suit and jacket with black flats and Charles was dressed in a long multi-colored flowered skirt with a blue blazer and matching blue flats. They were both fully made up and had on short conservative wigs with Jamal in a dark bob and Charles in a short flip. "Wow, I guess we are not in cheerleader mode today," said Tommy almost laughing staring at his teammates as Mandy removed the cape from his neck "Thanks to you I guess not," said Charles giving him a look. "Ladies, please," said Faith interrupting. "Ok, time to get you ready Tommy. Now I'm sorry but shyness will no longer be part of the equation for you." Faith lifted the nightgown over his head as he stood there in his panties now. She took his arm and brought him into the living room as she opened the first garment bag. "Step in," said Faith nastily as he lifted his first leg. He lifted the second as he now saw himself in a long white double petticoat which ended ? of the way down his legs. "Lie down now," said Faith pointing to s sheet on the floor as he sat down. "All the way back and don't you dare give me a hard time." He nervously lay flat on his back now seeing Mandy come cover with a large blue cloth type bag. She knelt near his feet spreading his legs as he saw nothing but the ruffles of the petticoat as she now unzipped the bag. "Pay attention guys and Tommy trust me this will help take away any soreness," said Mandy. "Now don't worry about being shy as I've seen plenty of these." Mandy now pulled his panties down his legs as off as she then lifted his but slightly. He now felt something soft under his ass and her rubbing a cr?me all around his bare genital area. She then again lifted him a touch as he felt her softly touching each cheek before feeling tightness around his waist and a taping sound. "You got it fellas," said Mandy taking a wipe and removing some white cr?me from her fingers. "It's pretty easy. You just have to use it liberally." Tommy looked to his left now seeing a large tube of Balmex and container of baby powder as he started panicking. "Mandy, no way," whined Tommy. You didn't. Please tell me that's not what I feel." "Tommy behave like you promised," said Faith shoving a pacifier in his mouth. "Let's not start out the day with a tantrum. Now don't you dare spit that out!" Tommy's eyes were almost bulging out of his head now as he watched Faith stretch some white tights and kneel in front of him as he felt her roll them up his legs and snap the waist band. She then took some white pantaloons sliding them over the tights and tugging them snugly into place. When she finished, he watched her open a shoe box to his left and felt the little ankle strap across his foot as she finally stood up. "Stand him up ladies," said Faith looking at Jamal and Charles as they lifted him to his feet. "Let's finish dressing him." Immediately now he felt all the weight around his waist as he stood up looking down and seeing only the flaring petticoats. He watched as Mandy now carried over the large plastic bag on a hanger and knew it wasn't going to be good as she brought it behind him now. He sucked faster and faster nervously as they raised his arms and lowered his dress over his head. Faith knelt in front of him smoothing while he felt each button on his back as Mandy closed him in. "Be still and we'll be on schedule Tommy," said Mandy as she began removing the foam curlers from the back of his head. When she finished she took her fingers raking them gently through his hair before undoing the scruncie on top of his head and brushing that section over and over into her palm. She then secured it again this time tugging at it tightly in every direction before he felt some weight pull at it after hearing a little snap. "I hope you are calm now," said Faith pulling the pacifier from his mouth. "The faster you do what you are told the faster this will all be over." "Oh Tommy," said Trisha coming in now and hugging him. "It's no big deal but honestly you are beyond adorable. Mandy, I know you couldn't predict it but it's pretty close to the shade when he was little. Amazing! Ok ladies, I'm off to work so please don't cause any problems honey. Mommy loves you." "Ok, time to go everyone," said Mandy handing Jamal the large diaper back. "I'm going to drive you all to film study and you'll need to be a good little girl for Aunt Charlene and Aunt Jaime." "Are you kidding me? That's how I am to refer to them now?" said Tommy stunned. "Yes, honey but refer is a big word for you," said Faith teasing. "But yes. Come on now." Jamal reluctantly took Tommy by the hand as he dragged him towards the door. Tommy pulled away when he saw his reflection immediately grapping at his hair. "You died my hair," whined Tommy. "This is crazy and you put me in a diaper and this damn dress. I can't leave. No way I'll be the biggest joke ever in school." "Honey, don't be upset," said Mandy showing him the box. "You agreed to all this. All I did was return your hair color to what it might have been as a little girl. Your mother told me you were almost platinum as a baby. I couldn't get it that light in a morning but I was able to spend forty five minutes on it and get you down to this pretty little medium ash blonde." Tommy read the Nice"N Easy box and looked at the color chart in the back which showed his shade being transformed to a medium blonde shade 102. He looked again at his reflection feeling sick to his stomach seeing himself dressed in an outfit meant for a little girl. His hair had been pulled straight back tightly from his forehead and sat behind a large fuchsia bow framing the fountain style toddler like hairdo standing straight up on top of his head. At the back of his head, his hair had some nice body and was arranged in very loose waves which softly sat on the back of his dress. He was in a Tea length taffeta dress fully lined dress which flared out drastically beneath his waist. It was a white satin material with a round closed collar and puffy short sleeves with some delicate embroidery. At his waistline was a thick fuchsia sash which was tied in a large bow in the back above the ? length skirt flared out dramatically especially above the added petticoat. The dress itself had two layers of crinoline above the white taffeta skirt and contained a series of silk fuchsia roses attached throughout the top layer. At the very bottom the little elastic ruffles of the pantaloons peaked out above his white tights and little white shinny patent leather ankle strap shoes. "Enough admiring," said Charles tugging him out the door now. "No way can we be late." As they got outside Faith clicked open the left side door of a tan minivan. As it opened Jamal hopped in the back as Tommy was quickly stunned as Charles lifted him placing him in the booster seat and pulling on his seat belt. "I don't even fit in this," said Tommy whining as each side of his cheeks hung off the booster. Charles jumped in the other chair now as they Faith started the car as Mandy hopping in the other front seat. Tommy was almost crying as they drove off as Faith popped a cd of Barney into the radio. "Come on guys," whined Tommy. "Aunt Charlene. I think little Tommy needs to relax," said Faith. "Probably hungry. We didn't give him any breakfast." Charles now took a bottle from the diaper bag and stuck it into Tommy's mouth as he resisted. "Don't do it Tommy," said Charles. "You've already put all of us in a bad spot. Now hold it and just drink it. It's just milk but if you make me crazy I'll switch it to formula." Tommy sucked it down as they finally arrived at school. It was fairly deserted as he walked holding hands between Charles and Jamal and into film study. Everyone had some good laughs at all their expense as Tommy sat in a chair that they slightly elevated in the back of the room. Tyrone now came over and stuck another bottle in Tommy's mouth chuckling as there coach now entered the room. The coach just shook his head seeing them as he started the projector and conducted his business of teaching without acknowledging the situation. "Ok, guys ten minute break and then we continue," said their coach as he left the room. "Aunt Jamie," Yelled Tyrone looking at Jamal and tossing him something. "You feed the baby. You got ten minutes and you better finish in time before coach gets back." Jamal looked at his hands realizing he caught a plastic bib. He tied it around Tommy's neck and opening the diaper bag placing two small jars in front of Tommy. His eyes began bugging as he was afraid to say a word seeing the small spoon dip into the first jar and the entire team staring at him. "Open and don't say a fucking word," whispered Jamal as Tommy watched the spoon filled with a green substance approach his face. He had no choice but to open his mouth sensing the nasty taste as his entire team watched. It seemed like an eternity as Jamal rotated between the green spinach and the yellow squash flavored pastes until finally his mouth was wiped and he was finished. He was almost happy this time to have his next bottle in his mouth to wash away the flavor as their coach continued their lecture. About half an hour later Tommy got up quietly as Tyrone spun around and grabbed his arm. "Where are you going," said Tyrone whispering. "To the bathroom," said Tommy. "Sit down," said Tyrone pushing him back to his chair. "Seriously Tyrone. I have to go!" whined Tommy. "You're aunts will handle that later," said Tyrone grinning. "Now sit the fuck down." Tommy was shaking as he sat down holding it in as he now knew what Tyrone meant. He sat there quietly as Tyrone now brought over a bowl of water and dipped his right hand and stuck another bottle in his mouth making him hold it with his left. "Don't move that hand and drink this down or this day will get ten times worse," said Tyrone grinning. Tommy was shaking now trying to hold it in drinking until finally he heard the sprinklers click on outside and his bladder gave way as he felt the warmth in his diaper. He was totally disguised as he sat there unable to concentrate on the coaches words as the last ten minutes seemed like an eternity. "You still have to go?" said Tyrone spinning around when the lights flicked. "No," said Tommy ashamed seeing Jamal disgusted and Tyrone smiling. "Well then get a move on Aunt Jamie because you ladies have a busy day ahead of you," said Tyrone. Tommy felt gross weight between his legs as he stood up as they lead him to the trainer's table. Charles lifted him up onto to it as he couldn't be any more embarrassed feeling Jamal pull his pantaloons to his ankles followed by his tights as the entire team watched. He watched Jamal slip on a rubber glove and closed his eyes wishing himself away as he heard the distinct tape tearing sound of the two diaper tabs opening. He felt them lift him slightly and then a soft wipe on his ass and public area as Jamal cleaned him. He then felt the Balmax being spread all around his hairless crotch before feeling the tightness as they secured it and then pulled up his tights and pantaloons. "Good job Aunties," teased Tyrone as the players all left now. "Now move your asses or you'll miss the bus." Jamal and Charles again took him by each hand and headed to the bus stop. Tommy kept his head down trying to avoid eye contact as they got on the bus. After fifteen the bus pulled up at the mall as they all got off. "What are we doing here?" said Tommy looking at Jamal texting on his phone. "Just come on," said Jamal. "I have no advance notice. I just get a text and then we follow instructions." They now walked into Sears and brought him directly into the portrait studio. "Hello ladies," said a man Tommy immediately recognized. "You look a little different than the last time I saw you in math class Tommy." "Hey Lance," said Tommy shyly. "Ok, well I have to get started right away before my boss comes in so please cooperate," said Lance pulling a background into place. Lance then set up some blocks on the little elevated platform and tapped it for Tommy to hop up there. Nervously he climbed up there as Lance positioned him and snapped over and over with his remote control. Lance then crossed his legs and straightened his dress before placing a large white bonnet hat with a fuchsia sash on top of his head and snapping a few more. "You can change him here. I'm done but do it quickly," said Lance handing Jamal a piece of paper before pointing to a hanger and closing the curtain. "That's his dress that Faith had sent here. She said all you have to do is pull it over his head, button it, and take off the pantaloons." "Great," said Charles rolling his eyes as he began unbuttoning the back of the dress after removing it from the hanger. Within seconds now Charles dropped it over his head as Tommy immediately saw the sea of pink that surrounded him. "We don't have to change you again do we?" said Jamal looking at him. "No I'm fine," said Tommy snapping as he looked down at himself in a flaring pink dress. "Good, let's go then," said Jamal pulling him. They now dragged Tommy out of Sears and into the main corridor of the mall. He tried to avoid any eye contact as it was still only 10:30 but he could see plenty of mothers shopping with their young children. They seemed to walk all the way across the mall until Jamal finally stopped reading from his phone. "There she is," said Jamal seeing a girl from school behind the counter of a small jewelry stand. "Hey Sandra." "Well aren't you ladies looking wonderful today," said Sandra chuckling. "And this must be the little lady of the day. Hello Tommy." "Hi," said Tommy recognizing her from school but not knowing her. "Come on sweetie," said Sandra taking his hand and sitting him on a high backed stool type chair. "Don't be nervous I've got everything ready for you. I know it's a big day today." Tommy sat there wondering about that comment as his eyes widened seeing Sandra holding open a little gold chain and clipping it around his neck loosely. "Now it'll be just some little pinches honey?" said Sandra rubbing at his lobes. "No big deal ok." "Ok?" said Tommy looking across at Jamal and Charles. "It'll be quick and painless honey," said Sandra. Tommy felt her rub at his right ear again and suddenly he heard a pop feeling the pinch. "Ouch !" Screamed Tommy. "Easy!" "Tommy, come on honey," said the Sandra. "I thought you'd be tougher than that." Tommy now felt the same sensation on the left side as Sandra stood in front of him checking her work now. "These are very cute on you," said Sandra as she held up the mirror showing him. He turned his head side to side almost not believing what he saw as he had pink studs in each ear. He looked down a bit seeing that what she had placed around his neck was a little simple gold name plate which said Tammi on it now. It was different than the simple misprint in the newspaper where just an 'a' was substituted for the'o' as this time the "y" had been replaced with an "i" which also had a little heart in place of the dot above the small "I," He took a deep breath as they helped him from the chair and again headed across the mall. Jamal now read his texts as they stopped at Kiddie Cuts bringing him inside. "Hi we have an appointment to see Andrea," said Charles to the receptionist. "Sure just a minute please," said the receptionist. "Please, tell Tyrone to let me keep my long hair," whispered Tommy to Charles. "Shush," said Charles threating to shove the pacifier in his mouth. "I have no clue what they are doing. Just shut up and sit there or we'll stick this in again. I'm not saying a word to Andrea or that'll piss off Tyrone and the team." "You must be Tammi," said the haircutter lifting his name plate and looking at it. "Well you're not exactly like my regular customer here honey but I'm sure I can do something cute on you. Follow me honey." Tommy was starting to seethe inside as she took him by the hand before sitting him in her chair. She wrapped her cape around his neck and then removed the clip and scruncie from his hair. She circled him now spritzing his hair with water dampening it and before he knew it he was looking through his damn hair in front of his eyes at her. "So I heard you made a really cute Dorothy honey," said Andrea. "You have beautiful hair sweetie." "Thank you," said Tommy nervously as she took her comb removing any little tangles. "So let me see here," said Andrea sweeping his hair from his eyes and putting her fingers under her chin evaluating him. "What to do? What to do? I could do a lot with you. Mandy had told me you looked really cute in pigtails and adorable in curls. Looking at you I could see that but if I think you'd really look adorable in something short. Would you like that"? Tommy looked over at the Jamal and Charles staring at him as he knew he couldn't really answer and he was beyond nervous now. "I don't know," Answered Tommy almost pleading as she held his hair up in the back off his collar. "Sorry sweetie. I didn't want to scare you," said Andrea smiling. "You'd be adorable in a bob or I could see you with a Dorothy Hamill type cut but I'm going to keep it long ok"? "Thank you," said Tommy relieved as he watched in the mirror as she parted his hair down the middle and then clipped the front out of his eyes on top of his head. She now took the ends between her fingers clipping only slightly as she worked circling him. He watched as small sections fell to the floor and onto his cape as she did nothing more than even out the length all the way around his head as he felt some sense of relief. He could feel her parting his hair at the back of his head now as he watched in the mirror her working behind him. It was strange to see her brushing the left side into her palms as he could see the reflection of her creating a pigtail and then secured it high on the side of his head. She then moved to the right repeating the process as before he knew it two damp pigtails hung from well above his ears. She took her hairdryer now brushing through each one as he watched them sway in the hot air before she sprayed each pigtail with a lotion and ran through them with her fingers. He watched as she now took a thick curling iron from her vanity and was standing in front of him now blocking the mirror as he felt her wind it in on the right side. She hummed as it felt like an eternity before she seemed to very gently unwound it and spray his hair. She moved to the other side winding in the iron as he could see the guys watching as he tilted his head. "Sweetie don't move ok?" said Andrea. "I won't be much longer." Andrea now again very gently removed her curling iron and sprayed his hair on the right as he sat patiently. She now took a roll of pink ribbon from her apron and cut a number of lengths right in front of his eyes. She reached up as he knew she must be tying them around his pigtails and he felt her tugging at them and then adding a few pieces. She stepped back looking at her work and nodding as she appeared pleased before she took her comb from her pouch. She now removed the clip from on top of his head and brushed all the hair in front of his eyes. "Close your eyes sweetie until I tell you to open them," said Andrea as she brushed over and over through his hair. He now felt her fingers on his forehead and heard the scissors snipping away. Within moments he again felt her brushing on his forehead and felt the cold scissors on the bridge of his nose. "Open and look straight ahead for me please," said Andrea as he looked at her as she had stepped back checking her work. She stepped forward again switching her dryer on low and lifted the hair on his forehead as she hit it with the air. She switched it off now again brushing at his forehead as he looked down seeing long strands across his cape before she covered his eyes with her palm as he felt the sticky spray all over his head now. "You look so pretty don't you think," said Andrea stepping out of the way and pulling off his cape. "Have a great day sweetie." Tommy gulped seeing his reflection in the mirror as Andrea watched his reaction. He was getting teary seeing that his hair had been cut into to precise straight bangs covering his eyebrows with the rest arranged into high pigtails. As he moved his head, each pigtail swayed as they hung swinging in a singular sausage roll curl on each side of his head. Above each pigtail, he noticed how Andrea had taken the strips of ribbon and formed a large pink bow above a series of tight ribbon curls looking almost like something streaming from a present. When he got past his new hairdo he wondered now what was next seeing himself in all pink. As he stood climbing out of Andrea's chair, he got a perfect view of the princess style pink dress he was in. The dress was a short sleeve satin and chiffon mid-calf length A-line dress with a satin bodice featuring chiffon ruffled detail. It was trimmed with a tie back satin sash above full dirndl skirt with built-in flowing layers of pink crinoline and had large pink bow tied in the back. He stepped to the floor as Jamal came and took him by the hand as they now walked outside the mall. They walked together across the parking lot and across the street as he realized they were headed into Chuckie Cheese. When they stepped inside he immediately saw Mandy and Faith as they came over hugging him. "Oh you look so adorable," Exclaimed Mandy taking both of his hands. "Mom?" said Tommy stunned seeing her waiting at a table. "Aren't you supposed to be at work"? "I'm on my lunch hour honey," said Trisha tearing up when she saw him. "I couldn't miss this." "Miss what?" said Tommy as his eyes widened seeing Faith stretch the sting of a birthday drown over his head. "Very funny Faith!" whined Tommy. "It's not my birthday"? "I know," said Faith smiling as she pointed to a little table. "It's little Tammi's." "Come on?" whined Tommy sarcastically as everyone turned giving him a look. "Tammi!" scolded Mandy. "I mean thank you Faith" Said Tommy quickly realizing he had to be positive to avoid any issue as he followed them to the table. He sat there at the head of the table as a young servant brought over a cake and lit the candle. Within seconds everyone began singing happy birthday as Tommy gave his best fake smile and blew out the candles. He then took some pictures with some characters and with his mother as they all had some laughs eating their cake. "I love the rolled pigtails on her," said Faith making conversation. "Adorable!" "They bring back memories for me," said Trisha looking at him. "I remember that Tammi's sister used to love the Brady bunch when she was little. I used to do her hair just like that. I mean who would have known I see this again." "Oh I remember that now," said Mandy chuckling. "Tammi does look just like Cindy Brady now." "Only bigger," said Jamal teasing him. "And prettier," said Mandy nudging him. "And don't be jealous because Tammi's bangs are better than yours"? "When's the last time you changed her?" lectured Faith. "This morning after film study," said Charles getting nervous. "No worries," said Trisha. "Let me have the honor." "I'll help you Mrs. Watkins," said Mandy chiming in. "There's nothing to change mom," said Tommy getting upset. "Ok, dear but please don't hold it too long. It's not good for you honey," said Trisha. They now made Tommy get on a few rides that he could fit on riding the little Carousel and then a few bouncing token driven ponies. When they finished they brought him back to the table as he saw his mother holding out her hand. "Please honey," said his mother hugging him as he sat next to her now on a bench. "They told me someone has to do it so I'd rather it be me. Just for memories ok"? Trisha now took out a bottle and leaned him back holding him. He looked around and had no choice sucking on the bottle as quickly as he could so they could leave. "Thank you. Let's go now," said his mother taking him by the hand as everyone now walked across the street and back into the mall. They took him in Build a Bear as he now stuffed and dressed a bear in a pink tutu. They then sat in the middle near the fountains having ice cream as Tommy started fidgeting. "Mom, please," whined Tommy. "All the milk and this running water. Please let me go to the restroom." Charles shook his head looking at Tommy as he crossed his legs trying to control his bladder. "It's no problem honey," said Trisha touching his face. "Mommy doesn't mind." "Guys we have to stay on schedule," said Mandy looking at her watch. They got up walking now as Tommy was trying to not explode as they walked across the mall. Tommy looked up realizing he was headed back into the Sears Portrait studio again as he felt a nervous twitch in his body and suddenly felt the warm wet feeling as he stopped walking. "You ok Tammi?" said Mandy taking his hand as he gave her a look and she understood. "It's fine honey." This time the portrait studio was crowded as they sat down. Tommy was grossed out now as he sat there feeling wet for ten minutes until their friend form school called them all in. Immediately they posed him sitting with his bear next to some big fake presents in his party hat. They then changed the scenery as the photographer excused himself for a moment. The curtain now opened and some of the players stepped in with Tyrone looking at him. "So everyone has told me how cooperative little Tammi has been," said Tyrone lifting his chin and looking into his eyes as his little pigtails swung nervously. "Is that accurate Aunt Charlene"? "Yes cap," said Charles as Tyrone felt the big diaper under Tommy's dress. "She's been a good girl. No trouble." "I think we'll let her out the diaper stage then ladies," said Tyrone smiling. "Now you two go and change out of these ridiculous outfits and get ready for our football charity event. I'll leave Mandy and Faith in charge here to clean up little Tammi. Good day Mrs. Watkins and our apologies to have to put you through all this." Tyrone left the room as Trisha looked at Tommy grinning. "Let me get you out of this wet thing now before he changes his mind ok?" said Trisha. Tommy nodded as Trisha unbuttoned Tommy's dress and gently slipped it over his head as Faith hung it on the hanger. He laid back on the elevated platform as Mandy now removed his shoes and then his tights as his mother then opened his diaper. She smiled as she took a wipe cleaning his rear and private area as he was almost beyond being embarrassed now as she cleaned him. When she finished Faith slid a simple purple panty up his legs and he looked down seeing the Hello kitty logo across the front. She then took nude pair of tights and rolled them over his legs and tugged them on tightly as the photographer re-entered. "You ladies ready or you need another minute," said the photographer as Faith re-buckled his little white shoes. "No just two seconds," said Faith. "While you get the background ready I'll put on the outfit." Tommy was stunned as he thought they were finished as Mandy now held out a purple glitter covered body suit which he stepped into. His mother helped them straightened it on his body while Mandy was replacing his ribbons with some large purple flower clips. Faith now held out a large purple tutu which they now slid up his body. Mandy quickly touched his lashes with some mascara and then took a bright purple lip gloss to his lips before the photographer motioned for him to get on the stage. He positioned him in various dance type poses as he shook his head doing what they asked. Finally the photographer finished as Tommy came down off the stage. "Don't they have enough blackmail pictures?" said Tommy whining. "Is this one really necessary. I mean come on." The girls were all laughing which irritated him more as they helped him out of the tutu. "I can really get you in dance school if you'd rather that?" teased Faith. "I'm sure everyone would love to come to your recital." "Point made Faith," said Tommy even cracking a smile. "I guess it's better than the diaper." Faith now unfolded a little ruffled denim skirt and he stepped into it as they pulled it up his legs zippering it the back. "Ok, come on," said Mandy. "We've got to stay on schedule and meet the team later this afternoon. "Like this?" said Tommy a little surprised. "Yes, unless you want to walk around again like a little princess or even in the tutu," said Faith. "It's just basic girl's fashion honey," said his mother. "Relax." They all left the mall now and got in Faith's minivan. Tommy at least now could sit in a regular seat as they drove for ten minutes. They pulled up in a parking lot at small strip mall and then sat there while Mandy took a little towelette removing Tommy's lipstick and mascara. "I hate to see these go," said Mandy running her fingers through the sausage roll on his right side. "They were so pretty on him." "I know me two," said Trisha looking back at him as Mandy worked on his right pigtail. Mandy now clutched two black scruncies between her teeth as she seemed to work quickly yanking at his hair as he sat there patiently having little choice. "Mom, don't you have to go back to work?" said Tommy sitting nicely for Mandy. "Yes, I am after this," said his mother as she just tried to smile at him as he wondered what was next looking at Faith smirk at him. "My boss let me take a long lunch today." "Little Tammi is growing up before your very eyes," Cracked Faith as they watched. Tommy sat quietly dying to curse her out as Mandy now worked on the other pigtail. When she finished, she snapped the last scruncie as Faith came around and opened the door. His mother took him by the hand as they walked across the strip mall until Mandy pulled open the door of a uniform store. "Perfect timing Mandy," said the girl hugging Mandy as they came in. "Hi Faith." "Hey Kelly," said Faith. "Hi Tommy," said Kelly as he recognized her as one of the cheerleaders. "Wow I love his hair. The color is pretty on him Mandy and the bangs are really precious." "Thanks," said Mandy. "I just did the color and he had the rest done in the mall with Andrea. She had these cute pigtails rolls that I had to just take out. I hated to but it would have made him look to young now." "She's so good Andrea! I take my little niece there. At least with these now it'll look more natural for today. You know then you can add some accessorizes later and he can go right to practice without much fuss," said Kelly. "That was my thinking Kelly," said Mandy smiling. "So I just need a guardian signature Mrs. Watkins and I'll do the rest. I have his sizes ready and I'm going to double check a few things and you'll be out of here in a jiffy," said Kelly as she measured his waist and hips. "We don't get a lot of requests for these bigger sizes but there are some bigger girls you know so we do keep them stocked." She now bent down and removed his shoes checking his feet before handing Faith a blue polo type shirt and a package of tights. Start with this and I'll be right in. Trisha now went with Tommy and Mandy as they went into the large dressing room. They dropped off his skirt and then slipped off his body suit before removing his tights. He sat there in only his panties as Mandy slipped his right foot into his navy type tights and folded them over at his knees as his mother slipped a simple training bra over his arms. She then pulled the shirt over his head and then slipped his arms into the soft polo as Mandy did the other foot. "So, I really don' think the slacks will work but I definitely have a few rompers or a skort that should work fine," said Kelly as she came into the dressing room handing Mandy a shoe box. "I think the romper," said Trisha. "I think it's more natural." "Definitely," said Mandy as Tommy watched her place these navy blue type loafers on his feet and ties the laces. As she tied the second one Kelly returned handing his mother the rest of his outfit as before he knew it she dropped a plaid romper over his head. He began shaking seeing his knees beyond the little pleaded skirt knowing now what his next fate was. "But I'm supposed to be at the football charity even," whined Tommy. "It's mandatory!" "You will be," said Mandy. "You know that it's an event where players and kids from different private schools help out the older people at the nursing home. You're just not going to be dressed in your football jersey." "I have to use the rest room please," said Tommy storming out of the dressing room. "And I don't need any help now." "It's right there," said Kelly rolling her eyes at him as she pointed. "Sorry Kell, he's a bit of a drama queen," teased Faith standing there on the phone. Tommy slammed the door of the restroom and took a deep breath seeing himself in the mirror. He was now in a blue cotton polo type blouse with a rounded collar which was all buttoned up and had on a grey and navy pleated romper. His knees just peeked out about three inches from the hem of the skirt and his navy stocking type socks folded over just below his knees. All the bows and frills had been removed but his pigtails still remained and had been changed from being perfectly curled to simple French braids which still dangled positioned high on his head. "Come on," said Faith knocking. "We have no time for tantrums and we're on a schedule." Tommy unlocked and opened the door as Faith grabbed him instantly pulling him out. His mother smiled snapping a few quick shots as they left the store quickly heading back to the car. They drove about two miles and then Faith pulled over the minivan stepping out and opening Tommy's door as he stepped out. "I'll see you later," said Faith straightening his romper. "Sit and act like an appropriate young lady and we'll have no issues." "Wait, where are you going?" said Tommy frightened now. "You're not leaving me here like this are you"? "Honey, mommy will see you later after cheerleading practice," said Trisha rolling down the window. "Faith has to take me back to work now but I'm glad we got to spend the day together like this. I know it was hard on you and you felt some embarrassment but it was a special day and you really did and do look so beautiful honey. I'm not getting any younger and it gave me some really great memories. Have fun with this because you'll be back to your normal self before you know it." "We'll pick you up for cheerleading practice back at this bus stop later," said Faith yelling out. "Now just do what you are told to do and there won't be any issues." "Wait, please!" said Tommy. "I have no cell phone or money or id or anything. Plus I know I'm not supposed to be without a chaperone." "Oh, you won't be. All the players will be there to watch you and here comes your bus with your chaperone on it," said Faith waving good bye as she began pulling away. "Bye bye now."

Same as Tom Boy 3 Videos

2 years ago
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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 08

Dear Readers, If you haven’t already read Chapters 1-7 of this series, I suggest you do so. Otherwise, you’re going to miss out on a lot of detail. The series, ‘Tom & Sue John & Debbie’ is about sex, sports, and romance as the fictitious characters take the readers on a roller coaster ride with each chapter building on the previous chapter. The story plot centers on the adventures of two high school girls who are best friends, but come from different social and economic families. One is a star...

1 year ago
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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 07

Dear Readers, If you haven’t already read Chapters 1-6 of this series, I suggest you do so. Otherwise, you’re going to miss out on a lot of detail. I appreciate you votes and your comments. RCG * * * I drove as fast as I could to the apartment. Debbie was still holding John and sobbing, ‘I love you.’ John was still unconscious. I pulled into the complex and Tom said, ‘Park as close as you can to the door.’ I pulled up within a feet of the apartment’s front door in a ‘No Parking Fire...

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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 06

Dear readers, If you haven’t read Chapters 1-5, I suggest you do so before reading this chapter. You’ll miss out on a lot of previous action unless you start with Chapter 1. * * * * * Tom just grinned at John, ‘Sorry Bud—maybe some other time. We need to be alone tonight—it’s our Christmas and New Year’s Eve, and I don’t have a curfew!’ John and Debbie looked unhappy with Tom’s decision. I breathed a sigh of relief. The last thing I wanted was John watching me fuck Tom ‘cowgirl’ and...

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Tom Ch 01

Stetson pulled low, eyes wide in terror, young Tom Briscoe rode into town in a Yellow Cab. He would have preferred a horse but couldn’t find the hitching rail outside his terminal at JFK. After taking a look at all the traffic and the tall buildings holding up the clouds, he was pleased as a well-fed Texas Rat Snake that the cabbie agreed to take him on the journey to Madison for one hundred bucks. The kind cabbie turned into Madison and said, ‘This is it pal, your hundred has run out of...

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Tom Confesses

The blond next to him leaned over and whispered to Tom: “I still fuck, maybe later…..” Tom had been invited to attend a weekend night get together with two other couples in his apartment complex. He had become acquainted with the two couples when he moved into the complex after his divorce eighteen months previously. One couple was all male and the other all female. He like them both they were friendly had helped him get over his divorce and were totally non-threatening. Tonight they had...

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Tom Landsworthy USMC

Tom sat in the back seat of the car moodily as it wove its way down the dusty road, glancing over the shred of paper that he blamed for his current predicament. As a 18-year-old, he found the idea of being forced to stay at a summer camp while his parents were taking a long business trip to Europe ridiculous... but, his parents were relatively old-fashioned, and didn't think that anybody younger than 70 should be at home alone, it seemed. Plans had been for him to stay with...

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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 16

Chapter 16 SALLY SEDUCES TOM, SUE LEARNS THE STORY OF TOM & MARY ANN Thanks for reading my series, ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie!’ If you haven’t read Chapters 1-15, please do so before reading this chapter, otherwise, you’re going to miss a lot of the details as each chapter builds on the previous chapter. The series, ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie’ is a story about sports, sex and romance. The story plot centers on the adventures of two high school girls during their senior year and continuing...

2 years ago
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Tom Ch 04

An upset Melissa come running to find Tom who was just emerging from the women’s restroom with the company’s librarian. ‘Tom, Tom.’ ‘Melissa, calm down. Armageddon is not scheduled for today.’ ‘Tom, Tom. Mrs Stokes has arrived and is with the partners. You and I have been called to them.’ ‘Oh good. We can snare this one for you darling.’ ‘What?’ ‘You’ll do the work. I’m employed as the ideas guy. I’m not required to work.’ ‘Oh, I think I understand what you mean. Will we survive this?’ ...

3 years ago
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Tom Ch 02

Two weeks after arriving in New York, Tom moved into a studio apartment. His salary impressed him, being far more than what he thought he was worth. He relaxed when Jed told him he paid people what he thought they were worth and he was receiving excellent feedback about Tom from clients who were being charged huge money for advertising services. Tom was a real hit within Jed’s family and surprisingly after that punchy start, he and Carl were beginning to become real pals. And then Tom blew it,...

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Tom Tongues Trout Tasing Taint

“I have huge nipples.” Stated Trish, looking up from Tom’s tight testes. “There’s only one kind of regular brassiere I can wear that I like that covers my nipples well.” Trish said as she assessed the size of her areolas.” “Yes, you do have huge nipples,” replied Tom repositioning himself on the couch so his head was level with Trish’s breasts. Once again, Trish’s nipples were the center of the universe. Trish was a strange self centered sexually compulsive bitch. Tom...

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Tom Ch 06

CHAPTER 6 An irritated older guy was standing at reception waiting for a receptionist to appear when Tom entered the dingy offices of Benson, Michaels and Struthers PR. ‘May I help you sir?’ ‘Do you work here?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘I own Robinson’s Clearance House and had advertised heavily to promote the clearance of a line of five gallon ceramic pickling pots. We’d ordered 150 pots but they failed to arrive on time and this morning a container of 1500 was dumped outside our premises. It’s a complete...

3 years ago
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Tom and Morgan Growing Together Pt 2

I edited and rewrote some lines in this story. This story was written to see if there are genres that I can write that I have no experience in, and make it real enough for people to enjoy. I was surprised at how well people received my story. Thank you in advance for reading my work. Tom ((((((((((At the End of part 1))))))))))) When we last left Tom and Morgan, after the death of her mom and a drunken interaction with her Daddy, they were both having fantasies about each other. Morgan was...

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Tom Ch 05

Tom sat looking at the wedding invitation. Shona had met a divorcee businessman and they’d fallen for one another in a big way. Apparently the couple a long time and began the relationship with an interest in marriage and that had led to the inevitable. Tom had asked Marion who he’d been running with lately to accompany him but she was apologetic, saying she was actually married and her husband would arrive home at the end of new week. He called for Fiona at Briscoe Partners but she had left...

3 years ago
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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 04

If you haven’t read Chapters 1 through 3 yet, I suggest you read them first to pick up details not included in this chapter. * * * * The phone rang and Dad said, ‘Sue, its Tom.’ Suddenly I realized I was only dreaming—Christmas was still three weeks away! I answered and told Tom, ‘I just had the most horrible dream—I was pregnant and it was Christmas Day. Tom I’m really scared.’ Tom said, ‘Just relax—you’re not late! Look at the sports page—it’ll cheer you up!’ I asked, ‘What’s it...

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Tom meets Tori0

He mets a girl, Tori. Tori is a 18 black bombshell. Black hair. Green eyes. D chest, small waist and a bouncy butt. She takes Tom virginity and he is in love with her. They begin having sex on a regular basis. One night Tori tells Tom to come to her house, he arrives at midnight. As soon as he is inside she commands him to strip, excited by her aggressiveness Tom is naked in seconds. Tori tells him to turn around and put his hands behind his back. She handcuffs him, and blindfolds...

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Tom Our First Meeting

The true story of our first meeting with Tom, an on-line friend from Atlanta. The comical bit about "tit happens" actually happened and is a fond memory of that meet.Tom, Our First Meeting We’d been talking to Tom for sometime on an online contact site. Tom was from Atlanta and we lived in the UK and, even though we spent a lot of time in the States our paths had never crossed. There wasn’t a lot Tom didn’t know about us and he’d seen plenty of pictures of my wife fucking and sucking other...

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Tom Ch 07

CHAPTER 7 Lit by flickering candlelight in the restaurant, a trace of lipstick on his upper lip, Thom said, ‘Together at last.’ ‘Yes our missed lunch engagement because of the chemical spill and then me being sent to Austin for three days. I was beginning we weren’t destined to meet again. You can inspect the apartment when we finish up here and see if it meets your requirements. ‘Does it have a bed and a sturdy sofa?’ ‘Yes of course.’ ‘Then it meets my requirements.’ Jane finally worked...

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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 05

If you haven’t read Chapters 1 through 4 of this series, I suggest you start at the beginning. You’ll get more out of this story if you do. * * * * * * Sally asked, ‘Sue, did you and Tom use the ultra-thins every time you fucked this weekend?’ I said, ‘Yes. We both don’t want the worry ever again.’ Steve and John came back to the house so we quit our sister chat. John turned on the TV and the ESPN sports was on. He yelled, ‘They’re interviewing Coach Lewis at the Superdome.’ We all ran...

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Tom has fun in the woods

Our hero in this story is Tom, a thirty something ex soccer player, who now travels around the world picking up odd jobs for friends or people he has met over the years. He retired when he ruptured his Achilles tendon but he keeps himself in good shape. Oh, and he loves the ladies! Part 1 Tom has been asked by Maggie, a long term friend, to help out on a hen party adventure weekend at her country house hotel in the south of England. He arrives at around 5.30 pm at the end of a hot summers...

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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 03

If you haven’t read Chapters 1 and 2 yet, I suggest you read them first to pick up details not included in this chapter. *** We woke up finally around 11:00AM and while I cleaned up I noticed some cum around my pussy lips. I thought I’d cleaned everything up last night, but either I failed to or else some cum oozed out of my pussy during the night and onto my lips. I was beginning to get worried-Tom had not pulled out in time and it was my fertile time of the month! We checked out of the...

2 years ago
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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 09

Dear Readers, If you haven’t already read Chapters 1-8 of this series, Tom & Sue John & Debbie, I suggest you do so. Readers will follow the fictitious characters while they take the reader on a roller coaster ride filled with sex, sports, and romance. Each chapter builds on the previous chapter and without reading the previous chapters the reader will miss out on a lot of detail regarding the characters and the story plot. I hope you enjoy my series, ‘Tom & Sue John & Debbie.’ DISCLAIMER:...

1 year ago
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Tom has fun in the woods

IntroductionI have checked and double-checked this story for errors and typos but I have dyslexia so can’t always spot them. If you do spot any mistakes, I apologise, as I know they can be infuriating for some, and I do hope it doesn’t stop you enjoying the story. If you do spot any mistakes, leave a comment and I will correct them.PrologueOur hero in this story is Tom, a thirty something ex soccer player, who now travels around the world picking up odd jobs for friends or people he has met...

2 years ago
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Tom and Joyce The Early Years

Tom and Joyce ? The Early Days            As Tom watchedthe last of Watson Watson's ten-inch cock bury itself between the welted cheeksof his wife, Joyce, who was bound spread-eagle fashion to the bed, he thoughtabout the first time he had ever laid eyes on her. You talk about a mess. Thatwas Joyce.            He had beeninvited to a sorority pledge event to check out the new meat. Although no scholar,Tom was well known on campus thanks to his impressive cock and his naturaltalent for using...

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Tom And Jenny Decide It Is Time To Enjoy Themselves And Get What They Really Want

Tom knew that his relationship was going nowhere fast. It had got to the stage now, whereby he would come home after a hard day at the factory, say hello to his partner, Jane, and sometimes all he got was a grunt, never mind a passionate kiss.He was only thirty-six, for goodness sake, certainly not ready for the pipe and slippers and pottering around the garden routine. He had offered to help in the house but was told that his help was not bloody wanted. Sex, passion and anything like that went...

2 years ago
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Tom Welling Series Episode 9

Series: Tom Welling SeriesTitle: We Finally MeetSummary: Something incredible happens to me tonight right after I am done with work.Rating: NC-17Disclaimer: Only own the other character, which will remain nameless. That's right, no Jan! Now you can imagine YOURSELF in the story... if you're male. Feedback: Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes* Even if it shocked you, or it was totally ridiculous.Note: This will be very different from the other fics. I won't disclose any other name, and will write in...

4 years ago
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Tom Mom

Tom was 37 and was looking for a place to live. His wife had kicked him out of the house because of his porn addiction. She caught him several times on web sites reading stories looking at pictures and once she had caught him masturbating with a water melon on the kitchen table. Tom tried to explain he had read a story online about using a watermelon that was sun warm. His wife decided enough was enough. She did not think sex was that necessary or desirable. She divorced him and basically...

1 year ago
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Tom Welling Series Episode 6

Series: Tom Welling SeriesTitle: My sister's BoyfriendSummary: Something incredible happens with my sister's boyfriend when I stay over at my sister's. Rating: NC-17Disclaimer: Only own the other character, which will remain nameless. That's right, no Jan! Now you can imagine YOURSELF in the story... if you're male. Feedback: Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes* Even if it shocked you, or it was totally ridiculous.Note: This will be very different from the other fics. I won't disclose any other...

1 year ago
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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 01

DISCLAIMER: All characters appearing in the series, ‘TOM & SUE JOHN & DEBBIE,’ are fictitious, as they do not exist. Any resemblance to a real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental, and should not be construed to associate a real person, living or dead, with the scenes or events described within the series ‘Tom & Sue John & Debbie.’ I hope you enjoy my story Reverse Cowgirl. * * * As I lay in bed relaxing, Tom was downstairs watching the NBA playoff games and I noticed the date,...

2 years ago
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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 11

Thanks for reading my series, Tom & Sue & John & Debbie! If you haven’t read the previous Chapters, 1-10, please do so before reading this chapter. Otherwise, you’re going to miss a lot of the details as each chapter builds on the previous chapter. Chapter 10 gives the readers a ‘hint’ as to what will happen to the characters as they continue to take the readers on a roller coaster ride filled with sports, romance, and sex. I hope you enjoy the series and I appreciate your votes and comments. ...

1 year ago
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Tom Ch 03

A deal was struck. Tom would live with Shona and he’d work in the company’s weakest area — female apparel. She was already aware that Locus Thongs (Didn’t he mean Lotus Thongs? Shona had smiled) were currently the market leader. The two partners greeted Tom’s recruitment with sighs. ‘Shona occasionally comes in with a stray,’ Ben yawned. ‘Earn your salary and you can fuck her till she’d blue in the face for all I care.’ Tom grabbed Ben by the shirtfront and would have popped buttons had Ben...

3 years ago
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Tom Meets New Friends in the Sauna

If you are looking for well-written pros, them my stories are not for you. They are based on the things I have fantasised about throughout my life so are not meant to be realistic or factual. They are about good, hardcore sex, not romance and so are meant to be fanciful and raunchy; even ‘raw’. If it can happen in porn films it can happen in my stories so don’t read them and then leave smart arse comments about what teens do and don’t say or 10-inch cocks being ridiculous (Google Jonah...

1 year ago
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Tom and Morgan Growing Together Pt 1

I edited and rewrote some lines in this story. This story was written to see if there are genres that I can write that I have no experience in, and make it real enough for people to enjoy. I was surprised at how well people received my story. Thank you in advance for reading my work. Tom Tom and Morgan, Growing Together, chapter 1 A Father/Daughter Story... She was only sixteen years old when first she heard the word Cancer in her house. The house that she lived in with her mother and...

3 years ago
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Tom And Jenny Enjoy Their Second Day

Jenny and Tom woke up the next morning, both naked from the previous night's passionate lovemaking, with big smiles on their faces. As they moved closer together, Jennys size 36D tits pushed against Tom. When they were close together Jenny noticed that something was sticking in her that was hard. As she reached down to find out what it was, she felt it was Tom's cock."My God, you are so hard. Well, I can't have that, I am going to have to do something about it before we shower and go down for...

2 years ago
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Tom God

Nota: decidí cambiar los capítulos para que se más fácil de leer para el lector y para mí de organizar. Todos los personajes son mayor de 18 años. 100% ficticio. " ¡ QUE DIABLOS HAS DICHO! " " eso mismo, que tu eres hijo de el Dios del amor y el sexo Eros " ************************* Definitivamente el no esperaba que su día terminaría de ésa forma, es más parecía de lo más normal y aburrido para el. Tom Losers era un joven de 19 años que cursaban el primer año en la universidad, huérfano desde...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Tom Welling Series Episode 4

Series: Tom Welling SeriesTitle: Shooting the first episode of the new seasonSummary: Something incredible happens after finishing shooting the very first episode of the new season.Rating: NC-17Disclaimer: Only own the other character, which will remain nameless. That's right, no Jan! Now you can imagine YOURSELF in the story... if you're male. Feedback: Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes* Even if it shocked you, or it was totally ridiculous.Note: This will be very different from the other fics. I...

1 year ago
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Tom Lee and Rekkkaa

This is the story were I had sex with my for first time a threesome.The names are Tom and lee with me rekkkaa ok .It happened when we all decided to have sex knowing about each others willingness for have gaysex. Tom and Lee wanted have sex first as I was young among us they said i have no experience so they said me to watch them have sex with each other.Tom stood up and opened his legs and showeed his to Lee and smiled athim all of us were naked and horny Lee came behind tom stood behind him...

2 years ago
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Tom and the Dazzling Fiona Ch 01

He wanted them to marry but she was doubtful. This story is entirely fictional. Tom Cassavettes was sprawled in a canvas chair reading the book list of the university course he was about to attend. The afternoon sun was hot and the air was humid enough to be stirred with a spoon when his thoughts were disturbed by a shrill voice. He followed the sound and saw a disembodied head visible over a hedge way above then with eyes squinting in the strong light finally identified the speaker. It was...

3 years ago
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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 15

Thanks for reading my series, ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie!’ If you haven’t read Chapters 1-14, please do so before reading this chapter, otherwise, you’re going to miss a lot of the details as each chapter builds on the previous chapter. The series is a story about sports, sex, and romance. If you enjoy these activities, I hope you’ll enjoy the series. DISCLAIMER: All characters, appearing in the series ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie’ are fictitious, as they do not exist. Any resemblance to a real...

2 years ago
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Tom and Mary

Tom and MaryI was on vacation staying at a very nice hotel. I was lounging by the pool getting some sun and watching all the hot women. This one particular woman walked by and caught my eye because she was an older woman. Her hair was very short and totally grey. She was wearing a one piece bathing suit and she looked amazing in it. Her face was tanned and weathered and I figured her to be at least in her early sixties although her body looked much younger. I was watching her walk by and she...

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Tom getting better

It was a shock to Tom. He was a man who’d looked after himself and his family all his life. A loving husband and a devoted father. Life had dealt him a bitter blow when his wife, the mother of their daughter Karen, had left and Tom decided that he would just enjoy himself from then on. Karen was, by that time, married and off his hands so he could do as he pleased and with whom he pleased and there were many ladies who pleased him immensely. Not least of whom was Annie Davies, a woman of...

3 years ago
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Tom Our First Meeting

We’d been talking to Tom for sometime on an online contact site. Tom was from Atlanta and we lived in the UK and, even though we spent a lot of time in the States our paths had never crossed. There wasn’t a lot Tom didn’t know about us and he’d seen plenty of pictures of my wife fucking and sucking other guys. My wife and I were involved in the MFM side of the lifestyle, and I was hoping that when we finally met him, Tom would be added to the long line of guys we’d had fun with. Last year it...

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Tom and Lisa Invite a Friend Over

Lisa and Tom are a pretty wild couple. Although they plan to marry right after graduation, college hasn’t taught them a thing about being faithful. Don’t get the wrong idea, Lisa would never run around behind Tom’s back; she doesn’t have to! “Lisa, if you’re going to cheat on me at least let me get off by watching you!” Tom wasn’t kidding. Lisa had a feeling that he wasn’t just dropping hints either, he wanted to see her in action and soon! Lisa is a knock out! At 5’8” and 115 pounds, this...

2 years ago
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Tom and Silkie make love In the Dorm at WWU Belli

Tom and Silkie have been teasing each other for weeks about sex they are both so aroused by the story she told about her birthday, Now the teasing is a thing of the pastNo Anesthetic for Love@2014 Sylvia had been groping me a little before she finished telling me the birthday story. Now we were in her bed, in the soft April afternoon light, with no place that either of us had to be anytime soon: Silkie was still sittting across the room, fully clothed: "I can't believe that you didn't have your...

3 years ago
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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 02

If you haven’t read Chapter 1 yet, I suggest you read it first to pick up details not included in this chapter. The series, ‘Tom & Sue John & Debbie’ is about sex, sports, and romance as the fictitious characters take the readers on a roll coaster ride with each chapter building on the previous chapter. The story plot centers on the adventures of two HS senior girls who are best friends, but come from different social and economic families. One is a star basketball player from the poor side of...

3 years ago
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Tom Opened My Door

This is a true story concerning the beginnings of what lead to an itch in my brain that even now triggers sexual stimulus when the need arises. I am a thirty five year old well adjusted woman with just one kink - a secret fascination for canines! I am not sure when it happened in my childhood or which event started the ball rolling so to speak. My first encounter that made me realize that my loyal border collie had other feelings than just to be fed or patted happened when I was about 13. My...

2 years ago
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Tom takes control

It was summer so we had all day and most of the nights to just hang out. We sat in front of a school, walked to the stores or roamed in the woods nearby. Some nights we would get an older guy from our neighborhood to get us beer. We would go to the woods and have a fire and get drunk. Still, no action for us guys. Oh well, it was summer and we were having fun. One day Tom and I were in the woods with our bb guns just walking around shooting stuff. We came up to a fort that some older...

3 years ago
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Tom Stands Naked In The Queue

Tom's bare ass is right in front of me. I'm trying to stare at it without looking like I'm staring at it. The sound of the showers muffles the jovial conversation of the more confident guys up ahead, already getting clean while we are still queueing. We're all stood totally naked, flecked with mud, in an orderly line; as our coach ordered. As we're stood there, silent and covering up our crotches from our classmates, I have to concentrate on stopping my boner from popping out from between...

Gay Male
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When my long-term relationship ended I decided to move to a remote one-horse village. Business in the place consisted of one shop across the road from me on the main road, a pub about one hundred metres away on my right, and my gallery. There were also about forty homes scattered about and a population of no more than one hundred people living there. My decision to open the gallery was that the village was on a tourist route and also housed ten full-time artists. The artists only opened their...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Tom Welling Slash Series Episode 10A

Series: Tom Welling SeriesTitle: The BartenderSummary: Something incredible happens to me tonight when I go to the pub.Rating: NC-17Disclaimer: Only own the other character, which will remain nameless. That's right, no Jan! Now you can imagine YOURSELF in the story... if you're male. Feedback: Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes* Even if it shocked you, or it was totally ridiculous.Note: This will be very different from the other fics. I won't disclose any other name, and will write in...

1 year ago
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Tom the Teacher

Being a full-time student and working two jobs has it's downside, you haveno personal life. However, as the youngest for 4, I got the short end ofthe financial aid stick. I knew that I wanted to explore Education as aprofession, but being a gay man I was unsure o whether that would be a goodidea. It wasn't about me being unsure of whether I would be hot for astudent, it was about whether I could stand them. As I explored this optionwith my advisor, she suggested that I do a field day at a...

1 year ago
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Toms accident

“Comfortable, Dad?” Karen asked as her father eased himself as best he could with both arms and a leg in plaster and a a face that looked like it had gone ten rounds with Audley Harrison.“Yes, love,” Tom said. “Sorry to be dumped on you like this.”“It’s not a problem, Honestly! If I can’t look after my old dad in his hour of need, what kind of a daughter am I?”“A good one. You always have been. Especially when your mother went. I don’t know how I’d have coped.”Karen bent over and gave him...

2 years ago
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Tom Welling Slash Series Episode 2 Cockpitq

Series: Tom Welling SeriesTitle: CockpitSummary: Something incredible happens in the cockpit of Smallville Airlines.Rating: NC-17Disclaimer: Only own the other character, which will remain nameless. That's right, no Jan! Now you can imagine YOURSELF in the story... if you're male. Feedback: Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes* Even if it shocked you, or it was totally ridiculous.Note: This will be very different from the other fics. I won't disclose any other name, and will write in first-person....

1 year ago
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Toms Pillow

Tom's pillow part1    Margaret was on the last year of college.After she'd get her degree in Social studies, she'd return to her hometown and her family until a job opportunity arose.She was walking home from another class that day.The sun glistening on her skin and her long brown hair, same color as her eyes.It was another day waiting at the bus stop.She dressed casually whengoing to campus,usually blue jeans and a t-shirt with some bands name on it.She was one of those girls that didn't have...

2 years ago
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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 13

Thanks for reading my series, ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie’! If you haven’t read the previous Chapters, 1-12, please do so before reading this chapter, otherwise, you’re going to miss a lot of the details as each chapter builds on the previous chapter. The series, ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie’ is a story about sports, sex, and romance. The story plot centers on the adventures of two high school girls during their senior year in high school and continues through their freshman year in college. The...

3 years ago
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Tom Drops Off My Work

Tom was an old friend of mine. He has deep blue eyes and had bright blond, fluffy hair that darkened as we got older. He was beautiful, a Simpsons loving geek and my closest friend. As time went on my thoughts of him would involve a lot more nudity... And rubbing! The fuzzy, warm feeling in my chest and the tightening feeling in my pants helped me realise I wasn't straight. But he was. And I'd learn that this can put a strain on your friendships. You get over it and move on, but sometimes, the...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Tom Drops Off My Work

Tom was an old friend of mine. He has deep blue eyes and had bright blond, fluffy hair that darkened as we got older. He was beautiful, a Simpsons loving geek and my closest friend. As time went on my thoughts of him would involve a lot more nudity... And rubbing! The fuzzy, warm feeling in my chest and the tightening feeling in my pants helped me realise I wasn't straight. But he was. And I'd learn that this can put a strain on your friendships. You get over it and move on, but sometimes, the...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Tom Welling Series Episode 5

Series: Tom Welling SeriesTitle: When In RomeSummary: Something incredible happens when in Rome.Rating: NC-17Disclaimer: Only own the other character, which will remain nameless. That's right, no Jan! Now you can imagine YOURSELF in the story... if you're male. Feedback: Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes* Even if it shocked you, or it was totally ridiculous.Note: This will be very different from the other fics. I won't disclose any other name, and will write in first-person. How I hated them. If...

3 years ago
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Tom and Silkie Romance on the ferry Q

The blast of the boat horn stopped our conversation.The Washington State Ferries, particularly this one, on this day, were perhaps not the select place for a sexual liaison. I knew Silkie pretty well by now. She was not easily discouraged. "Are we gonna do this?"We roamed the ship. We would stop in the passages and little alcoves that we could find. Because of the weather, few people were leaving the large passenger area on deck 2 with the over-priced under-cooked food and the bad coffee. If...

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