Tom And Joyce - The Early Years free porn video

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Tom and Joyce ? The Early Days

           As Tom watchedthe last of Watson Watson's ten-inch cock bury itself between the welted cheeksof his wife, Joyce, who was bound spread-eagle fashion to the bed, he thoughtabout the first time he had ever laid eyes on her. You talk about a mess. Thatwas Joyce.

           He had beeninvited to a sorority pledge event to check out the new meat. Although no scholar,Tom was well known on campus thanks to his impressive cock and his naturaltalent for using it. He'd gone down to the basement to get rid of some beerwhen he saw Joyce. The girl was naked and tightly tied to a block of wood withher head hanging over the edge. Two enormous vibrators were churning away insideher cunt and asshole. Her mouth was wedged open with a fixture liberated fromthe dental department. Three guests stood around the mousy brunette, directingtheir streams of piss into her open mouth. Tom elbowed his way into the circleand directed his used beer into the girl's eyes, which were taped open. Itwas almost impossible for the pledge to avoid the stinging stream he playedover her face. He even managed to shoot some up her nostrils, forcing her togag. When he was done, Tom zipped up and went about his business, leaving thegirl to the tender mercies of the line of guys waiting to use her as a urinal.

           The nextday Tom got a call from one of the pledge mistresses who asked him to meetwith her to discuss a problem that they were having with a pledge. It turnedout to be Joyce, who just happened to be the daughter of retired general NailsNorton, one of the most famous graduates of the college. To add to the problem,her mother was a former member of the very sorority that she was attemptingto join. In fact Mrs. Norton had been the sorority's sergeant at arms as wellas its pledge mistress during her senior year. A legend in her own right, theformer Gwen Goodbody made no bones about the fact that she went both ways andhad bedded down with all of the attractive, lesbian sorority girls, and nearlyhalf the male faculty, in many cases their wives as well. It was even rumoredthat Gwen had been the secret sex slave-lover of the Dean of Women.

 ? Joyce's not smart enough to be a nerd, and she's not pretty or well-builtenough to be a sorority playgirl. We've got a full quota of pledges that wereally want; some of them even go both ways, another thing that Joyce doesn'tdo. What we need is someone to take her off our hands so to speak.?  Tomscratched his head and grunted. ? Why not just kick her ass out onto the streetand hope she goes away? ?

 ? No can do, her dad is too well connected and mom would raise holyhell. We need some way to make her leave voluntarily,? said the girl. Tom'sface lit up and he slapped his knee. ? I've got it! Turn her into the sororityfuck pig. Volunteer her for every keg party on campus. Put her phone numberon every men's room wall in town, and make sure she answers every call.  Tellher its part of her initiation. If she doesn't obey, you have grounds for notpledging her.?

 The pledge mistress' face broke into a huge smile. ?Tom, you may havesaved my ass and as a reward you are going to get as much of it as you canhandle for the next two weeks.? Tom grinned and grunted happily. ? I'll beexpecting you and that hot little freshman friend of yours over at my placetonight for a nice threesome. I hear the little sweetie goes both ways, andI want to make sure of that personally.?

In theory it was a good idea, but in practice Joyce's execution left a greatdeal to be desired. In essence, Joyce was a rotten fuck. Couple that with hersmall tits that already had some sag in them, her broad and less than firmass, the ring of flab that circled her midsection and the fact that she didn'tknow what function a razor provided for a girl, and you did not have a sightthat excited most men. Add to that her mousy brown hair that was cut short,her lack of makeup and the plastic frame glasses she peered out at the worldthrough, and she did not make a pretty picture. Even the sorority lesbianswouldn't do anything with her unless they were absolutely desperate. Once moreit was Tom to the rescue.

He took over Joyce's career as the campus punchboard in exchange for the servicesof a sorority nerd for his grades and a playgirl for his personal needs. Onething Tom was able to figure out about Joyce; this mousy girl was perfectlysubmissive. She bowed down to authority, possibly the result of being broughtup by a strong willed woman and a military disciplinarian for a father. Onceshe was convinced that Tom was the boss, she'd do his bidding, no matter whatit was. He got the pledge mistress to ask Joyce's mother to tell her that Tomwas to be obeyed as if he were her father. When that happened, he had Joycejust where he wanted her. As they say, the rest was history.

 He made the frat guys an offer they could not refuse, Joyce would befree and almost anything went provided they dragged what was left of her assback to the sorority house whenever they got through with her. The only requirementwas that she had to be able to physically attend her classes if she was entertainingduring the week at private frat parties. To broaden her sexual horizons, healso arranged for Joyce to provide the entertainment at the weekly VFW postmeeting, the bi-weekly UWL (United World Lesbians) celebration, and the monthlymeeting of the local senior citizens social club. It turned out those old folksreally knew how to party. More than once he had to get Joyce to the schoolinfirmary after a meeting with the seniors because she had been used so hardthat she didn't know who she was.

Tom supervised a complete makeover for Joyce, giving the girl a tramp-slutlook that matched the pros that trolled for cock down town. She got contacts,a new do including streaked hair, learned to pile on the lipstick and makeupand most importantly got a new wardrobe. The new Joyce wore pushup bras, andtight bikini panties. Her tops were sheer to show off the black lace that cuppedher sagging tits. She wore white capris that were a size too small, revealingthe bikini panty line to all who weren't staring at her bare stomach whichwas always marked with lipstick announcing such information as which fraternitykeg party she would be attending, how many men she had serviced at the lastone, and the total number of times she had been fucked since becoming the sororityfuck pig. To complete her outfit she wore fuck-me pumps with lace anklets.

 Except for the frats every other organization had to pay Tom an agent'sfee. Since Joyce was not getting anything for her considerable expenditureof energy, the groups could hardly complain about paying Tom for his trouble.Strange as it may seem, Joyce developed into a cult favorite on campus. Thefrats vied with each other to see who could do the most damage to her. To keepeverything on the up and up they took to taping the action as she was mercilesslyfucked to a frazzle and subjected to all manner of punishments and humiliationsfor her tramp-like behavior.  Tom made an arrangement with a private companyto export these tapes to the Far East where they proved to be best sellers.Joyce received a number of offers to come to Japan so that she could be gangbangedand humiliated by experts. Tom started thinking about making a tour duringthe summer. Not only would he profit handsomely, probably he could get lotsof Japanese pussy as well. The future looked bright.

One thing that Joyce proved to be very good at was getting pregnant. The sheernumber of spurting cocks she was handling overwhelmed the birth control pillsshe took. Ever the idea man, Tom turned that to his advantage.  Firsthe made arrangements with the school's medical department to use Joyce as asubject when the med students were taught to perform abortions. This revolutionaryapproach to campus medicine made him even more famous. During a typical yeardozens of young ladies were usually in need of this costly, time-consumingprocedure. Now thanks to Joyce's example they could avail themselves of studentpractitioners for next to nothing and remain on campus as well.

 Then he used her condition to create even greater rivalries betweenthe frats. He found out that the actual date of conception could be accuratelyknown. This information came from one of the randy senior citizens who wasan expert in fertility. Armed with this knowledge, once Joyce became pregnant,usually an every other month occurrence, he had her draw an arrow pointingtoward her belly and the words ? Alpha-Phi-Gamma (or whatever fraternity wasresponsible) Bastard on Board ?. This caused a sensation on campus. Tom thenarranged to have the rest of the frat houses take turns trying to unfuck Joyce.For this contest he charged a one hundred dollar fee and had Joyce strictlysupervised while she was gangbanged by the biggest, baddest studs on campus.When the word got out, the townies wanted a piece of the action as well. Itreally got insane when the senior citizens' club, the UWL and the VFW alsodemanded to be included. When the faculty fielded a team, Tom knew that hisship had come in.

It got even better when one bastard to be somehow resisted the merciless assaultsJoyce's cunt absorbed over the next few weeks. She now wore the words ?StillAlive and Kicking? in lipstick on her stomach for all to see every morningwhen she attended classes. Her tally of sex partners and total number of fuckswas now listed in smaller print lower down on her belly.

 Tom decreed that she restrict access to her cunt, but continue to buildher reputation as the campus champion fuck pig by providing more anal sex.To make sure that no one bothered the pumpkin seed she'd swallowed, he hadJoyce wear a custom made chastity belt designed and built by the school's engineeringdepartment. To express his appreciation he let the entire design and productionteam fuck Joyce's asshole during one of her free nights.

 He had hundreds of sweatshirts made up either supporting or insultingJoyce for being the trampy slut he had created. They sold like hotcakes. Heeven got a company to make a cheap version of her chastity belt and sold themfor big bucks. That item got so popular that he actually franchised it to dozensof other schools. Tim was raking in the bucks like he couldn't believe.

With the help of a few of the sorority nerds Tom started to put out a weeklyversion of Joyce's Journal, providing all the intimate details of the campuspunchboard's sex life. Each installment featured pictures of Joyce having sexwith all sorts of people; frat boys, senior citizens, lesbians of all ages,as well as interviews with studs who'd fucked her, lesbians who had punishedher for giving their sex a bad name, faculty members who either called forher expulsion or rehabilitation and students expressing their thoughts on whatshould be done about Joyce.  This became a huge moneymaker and soon wasbeing circulated throughout the nation's campuses. Joyce got so famous thata number of the girlie magazines tried to get her to pose nude for them. Joycewas made an honorary member of dozens of swing clubs, all of whom volunteeredto have her as the guest fuck pig whenever she was available. Tom had createda monster.

Joyce's status with the sorority members was raised significantly as her fameand stomach began to grow. She took a number of lovers from seniors to frosh,mostly nerds.  Often she would sleep with a pair of sorority sisters,wearing only a pair of handcuffs, servicing one while the other in turn servicedher, then reversing the roles as the night wore on. She indulged her masochisticstreak as well, especially enjoying being punished and humiliated by the nerdsin the sorority. Joyce claimed that she never took a douche or enema that shedidn't enjoy, and the nerds delighted in attempting to make her recant herstatement.

One night a chance comment made by one of the sorority nerds who had a thingfor Joyce and used a custom designed dildo on her asshole every chance shegot, triggered off another idea in Tom's wildly gyrating brain. The nerd hadmentioned that Joyce was beginning to thin down because of all the fuckingshe was getting. She said it was too bad that instead of tightening up Joyce'sbody, it just made her saggier. A light went off in Tom's head. This time itwas the department of Physiology who rose to the occasion.  A specialproject was formed, staffed by the brightest students and professors, to reconstructJoyce's body. The thought of undergoing the kind of procedures they were consideringdid not make Joyce happy, but that was her problem.

 So here she was, just turned nineteen three months ago, now pregnant,and in a variety of lesbian relationships. Add to that Joyce was in dangerof failing all of her courses despite the fact that she was having sex regularlywith most of the teaching assistants plus one professor and his wife. Finallyher career as the campus punchboard, flaunting her promiscuity by tallyingall the men that had fucked her to date, many thousands, as well as a closeestimate of the number of times she had been fucked, many more thousands, hadtotally ruined whatever reputation she originally had. Now Joyce was aboutto undergo an experimental procedure that would cause her to suffer prolongedperiods of pain.

 It was enough to make a young girl want to run home to mother, exceptin Joyce's case that meant also running home to father. The prospect of hangingnaked from a beam in the cellar while the General removed the skin from largeareas of her unprotected body with a variety of implements ranging from hisstudded belt to that nasty whippy bamboo cane she knew all too well, made hershiver with dread.

Tom insisted that they significantly enhance the floppy pancakes that passedfor her breasts, now too large for a 35A-cup bra, but too small for a B-cup.? Iwant you to pump those puppies up to at least a 40DD.? Tom kept demanding.The professors argued that Joyce didn't have enough skin to allow her breaststo be expanded to beyond 38C. Then a graduate student claimed that by usinga radical procedure to first increase the size of her breasts to 38C and thenusing hormones to greatly increase her ability to lactate, a set of 38DDs wasvery possible.

 The only problem, and it was a big one, was that Joyce had to be pregnantduring the lactation phase of the procedure. She estimated that it would takeat least two months before she would be able to begin the hormone injections,and it would take at least another two months to complete full development.At this point it would be possible to abort Joyce without causing any changein her enhanced breasts. Unfortunately Joyce was already two months gone. Performingan abortion almost into the third trimester was a daunting task. There wasalso another problem; her stomach, thighs, hips and even her ass would havealso begun to change, undoing any efforts to reshape the rest of her body.

? No problem? Tom exclaimed. ?We let the medical people abort Joyce now. ThenI'll have her knocked up just before the hormone treatments start. By the timeshe's a 38DD Joyce will only have been pregnant for a couple of months. Thenwe give her another abortion and she's ready to go.?  Once more Joycewas in debt to Tom, who was looking better and better to her. Tom seemed tobe the only guy who wasn't interested in fucking her. For this Joyce was verygrateful. Unfortunately the poor cow thought that was because he was developingsome respect for her. The real reason couldn't be further from her naive belief.

After a quick visit to the Medical Department, Joyce was ready to be reshaped.The process involved first suctioning all the fat from the region to be changed,then replacing it with micro-beads of silicone, which could easily be contouredby means of high frequency radiation. Each section could be shaped in threedays, the only side effect being severe bruising caused by the bead injectionsand subsequent contouring. To Tom, this was a very small price to pay for Joyce'snew body. He also suggested that more than one area of her body be reshapedin each procedure in order to save time. ? What's a little pain compared tothe hot new body she's going to have when this is all done? I'll bet I canget double the price for her services once this is done.? Tom said in urgingthem to consider this approach.

Tom made sure that Joyce continued to entertain the ?troops?, as he describedthose who used her body. He had his friends in the Engineering Department designand build a breast protector for her. Naturally they had to test the finishedproduct and after gangbanging Joyce for an entire evening they pronounced thedesign to be a success. A much more complicated design was developed to protectJoyce's stomach, thighs, hips and ass, while still leaving her best featuresavailable for use.

The poor girl was in constant pain from the continuous reshaping process.  Tosave money they were now operating on her with only a local anesthetic, dependingon the straps to keep her stationary while the fat was sucked from her bodyand replaced with silicone beads. Joyce was taking more than a dozen aspirinsa day in an attempt to block the continuous pain that wracked her body. Ittook a little more than six weeks for them to complete her breast reconstruction.She was now a quarter inch shy of being a 38C. She was also the possessor ofa set of very sore black and blue breasts, a condition that would take a monthto disappear.

 In a week they would know if the sperm-rich semen that had been drenchingJoyce's ovaries for the last three weeks had produced the desired effect. Nearlyforty guys had teamed up on this project, refraining from ejaculating for aweek to build up their sperm count. These volunteers had supplemented the steadypounding her cunt had been getting at the twice-weekly keg parties, variousclub meetings and student-teacher conferences she attended. Even the UWL womenhad gotten into the spirit, collecting sperm from various sources and usinga turkey baster to inseminate Joyce with tens of millions of little swimmers.

If Tom knew what the lesbians at the sorority house were doing to Joyce behindhis back, he would have had apoplexy. The more militant dykes were bound anddetermined to prevent Joyce from becoming pregnant. This was fine with her,and so she kept quiet about what she was enduring every night. They douchedher with triple strength spermicidal solution, using a series of diaphragmsto hold the fiery liquid within the entire length of her vagina. Her uteruswas aspirated nightly with a powerful high-speed pump. Joyce took double dosesof the most powerful birth control pill that the Medical Department stocked.She also took birth control injections along with male hormones. The lattercaused some consternation with the team working on reshaping her body. Theycould not understand why her newly formed breasts were shrinking and her pubichair was returning despite the painful electrolysis procedures she had enduredto prevent just such an occurrence. Finally a time-release spermicide was implantedwithin her uterus as a last line of defense against the army of wiggling spermthat blindly headed upstream inside her well-fucked cunt.

Despite all the efforts of the militant sorority lesbians Joyce became pregnant.Not only was she knocked up, she was carrying a yet to be accurately determinednumber of fetuses. It is said that a number of lesbians went straight whennews of Jill's miraculous pregnancy was announced. It is also a fact that withinweeks, as news of her triumph over the gods of sterility circulated, womencame from thousands of miles away to rub Joyce's belly in hopes of conceiving.Naturally Tom was quick to take full advantage of this new money making capabilitythat Joyce possessed. It is also whispered that Tom was mainly responsiblefor this miracle, having planted a mole within the ranks of the militant lesbians.This double agent was said to have compromised almost all the efforts thatwere made to prevent Joyce from conceiving.

In point of fact, all's well that ends well. Joyce got her new body and wentback to work as the campus punchboard, a legend in her own right. Tom continuedto manage her career. With the passage of time a closeness developed betweenthem resulting in a union that continues to this day despite a few jogs inthe path to true happiness. These jogs will be the subject of future installmentsif the muse kicks the author in the slats often enough to get his attention.

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SEVEN ASIAN BLOWJOBS IN SEVEN DAYSVOTE FOR THE BESTPLEASE SEE:- INTRO AND DAY ONE – MEI- DAY TWO – EMI- DAY THREE – YUZMIN- DAY FOUR – YONG-JAEDAY FIVE – JOYCEJoyce looked like a calm, normal Asian girl. After the last three days, I was looking forward to normalcy. My body ached, and my nose hurt like hell. The man in the suit had brought a doctor over from the mainland the night before, but I had to take some painkillers and other stuff to reduce the swelling. Joyce had a pleasing bit of...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 15 Joyce Louisa Abbadelli

January, 1985, Milford, Ohio Joyce arrived at 3:00pm as expected, and spoke briefly with Bethany to find out how she was doing. After the short conversation, I grabbed my coat and hat and we went out to Joyce’s car. “What’s the plan?” I asked. “I thought I’d cook dinner for you, like I used to.” “I guess we’re going to your house, then?” She laughed and held out her hand to give me something. It was a key. A key I recognized from years ago. I laughed. “That’s perfect!” I said. “I think...

2 years ago
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Joyce and Me at the Cape Prelude

Joyce was a pretty girl not beautiful like her sister who was 7 years older. She had a brother who is the same age as I am. Joyce is 17 years old soon to be 18. She is 6 feet 4 inches tall. She has 34-19-32 measurements with an AA cup. To say she was thin is putting it mildly. She was skinny. She was a master at having sex. She could/would do anything that involved sex. She was not a nymphomaniac but loved sex. Her older sister Kathryn (Kate) was considered a slut. She was beautiful and had...

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Joyce and Me at the Cape Prelude

Joyce was a pretty girl not beautiful like her sister who was 7 years older. She had a brother who is the same age as I am. Joyce is 17 years old soon to be 18. She is 6 feet 4 inches tall. She has 34-19-32 measurements with an AA cup. To say she was thin is putting it mildly. She was skinny. She was a master at having sex. She could/would do anything that involved sex. She was not a nymphomaniac but loved sex. Her older sister Kathryn (Kate) was considered a slut. She was beautiful and had...

First Time
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And a HalfChapter 6 Joyce

The next day Claire and her boss were back in the office. I was hoping to get a few minutes alone with Claire to ask her about Honeybee but I was beaten to the punch when I was summoned to her boss’s office. Claire gave me a knowing smirk as I passed her desk. “Come in and close the door,” said Joyce Brunt, waving me towards a chair. Joyce was the Office Manager. In terms of pay and place on the greasy pole, her position was relatively moderate. But in terms of influence, she was on a par...

3 years ago
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The Hitchhiker Joyce

My wife Joyce was a virgin when we married and I might as well have been one considering how little sexual experience I had. The novelty of sex itself kept us pretty occupied for the first couple of years. Most of our experimenting was along the lines of position changes - going from missionary to doggie style was a big thing for us. Thanksgiving dinner at my brother's house changed all that for us. Thanksgiving dinner was a rotating family affair. One year my sister had the family over, then...

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The continuing tales of Joyce my second wife

It took a couple of weeks for us to get together with Terry, work schedules made it difficult. But it gave Joyce and I a chance to talk more about it, what she wanted and what I wanted to do also. She had never had two men at the same time before and every time we talked about it, she would ask a bunch of questions. Like who was going to do what and what was she supposed to do. When I told her that I wanted to stick my cock up her ass while Terry fucked her pussy she got a bit nervous, she had...

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Joyce Dickinson part 4

Robbie awoke to the same noise that disturbed his close neighbour. A whirring and whooping sound that seemed to be coming from right over the house signalled to people who knew, that a helicopter was in the proximity. There was the choice of two explanations for this. One, the police were looking for someone or something, and two, Air Sea Rescue. Probably the formed, thought Robbie,,at this time on a Saturday night Sunday morning. Joice heard the same noise and needed a pee. She also had a...

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Joyce Dickinson part 9

Joyce woke up at 0630 on Monday morning not feeling very well. Her mouth felt like she'd eaten a bag of peanuts and her head was full of hand grenades. She turned over and met the gaze of the Pearson who had contributed to her bodily state. "Morning gorgeous, you ready""For what?""Your funny!.... Sex of've shagged me all night. Your fucking insatiable""How many times?" "One less than mum so far""Oh....whys my mouth feel so....salty.""You've swallowed my cum..... twice""Really!......

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Moments in a LifeChapter 5 Joyce

Friday night has been traditionally spent going out with the guys and over the course of the evening discussing what the plans were for the weekend. After one beer at the local watering hole it was decided to go over Pete's house to play some cards. Bob Lacy had no interest in playing cards but he would go and watch the card game and after a while head for home. There was a varsity basketball game tomorrow which was against what was called a "fish" team. That's a team which is put on the...

3 years ago
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Follow UpChapter 3 Joyce

Bob Lacy hadn't followed up with Joyce because he felt a little guilty about the date he had with her. None of his friends knew that Bob had dated her. Whenever her name was brought up in a conversation, it was always mentioned that she was Mark's girl. Bob knew Mark pretty well and he didn't want to get involved in breaking up that relationship by him going out with Joyce. Joyce had shown that she was a good lover, but there were a lot of good lovers out there. Joyce had been insistent...

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Joyce has a lesbian encounter

Through all that Jennifer has stayed a true and steady friend. So even though we met in school and could easily have drifted apart, we just stayed close. I always think of her when I see a funny meme, or I get a random fact stuck in my head. At thirty four my circle of friends has significantly shrunk. Especially after my divorces. My ex apparently bad mouthed me all over town and my so called friends look down their noses at me now when I see them. Anyhow, It’s Saturday and I get up and...

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Joyce has a lesbian encounter

It’s Saturday! I thought to myself as I awoke to the sun shining into my window through slightly cracked blinds. Saturday is the day I always spend with my best friend Jennifer. We have been friends for years and stayed friends through my teenage pregnancy as well as two subsequent divorces. Through all that Jennifer has stayed a true and steady friend. So even though we met in school and could easily have drifted apart, we just stayed close. I always think of her when I see a funny meme, or I...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 8 Joyce

June 1978 Saturday morning was tough because of the previous night’s dream. I took a long shower and ate breakfast. I tried to talk to Mom at breakfast but she was still not speaking to me. Something had to give. I’d go to church again the following day as a ‘peace offering’. Maybe that would help. Dad drove me to the deli because Joyce would be picking me up there for our date. Work was better because we were catering a Knights of Columbus lunch. That meant that I spent time doing things...

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Joyce and Marianna

I pushed my nervous lover onto the bed. She didn't like initiating, so I always took the lead, which of course I didn't mind. Joyce had her arms close to her chest, defensively, staring up at me with her innocent doe eyes. Her face was flushed from our make-out session a moment ago when I suggested we take it to my room. My red lipstick dotted her face.God, I wanted her.I reached a hand up her shirt, forcing her arms away, stroking her over her bra. She looked away, shyly, closing her...

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I own Joyce Chapter 3 Orgy at the Hampton Motel

Chapter 1 Preparation Chang was sitting on the sofa , getting blown by his petite black haired 50 year old Chinese mother Kitty , as he watched his dumbass cuckold stepdad Wilbur prepare the bar for guests who would be arriving soon. He jammed his prick tdown his cumsluts throat. Wilbur was dressed like a butler & would serve drinks and dinner only to the other couples , he was not allowed to participate , he had insured that when he had hypnotized him two years back . Wilbur could only...

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 29 Joyce

February 1978 On Saturday, following my Friday date with Kellie, I went to work as usual. Once again I used the time to think. This time I was trying to figure out how I could meet Kellie and not have to hide or rush or anything like that. I didn’t have a good solution. Even if I could drive, that wouldn’t help much. The back seat of a car just didn’t hold any attraction for me. Except for with Mary, I’d always done it in a bed. I was keeping busy around the deli but there were no customers...

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My second wife Joyce

Joyce and I were together from 1980 til 1992.. When we got together she looked like she could pass for much younger, she was only four foot nine, and a very cute face with 36 B cup titties. She enjoyed showing off the fact that you could put a pencil under her tit and it would fall out because her tits were so firm. A fact that she proved to most of my friends very early on. She enjoyed going to bars and partying, loved dancing. On weekends we would go to the bars with some friends of mine....

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Joyce Dickinson part 9

Robbie opened the front door to his temporary residence and dragged his bag in. The house alarm starting beeping, reminding him that Joyce was the most organised person he know. He fished the piece of paper from his pocket, that Joyce had given him, bearing the alarm code and switched if off, He noticed it was the year of his own birth., and stored that information for use at a later date. He left his bag in the hallway and went for a poach about his new home for the next fortnight. He had...

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Joyce And Me

The other day as I was driving home from work I happened to tune in to a local radio talk station and they were carrying the Don and Mike Show from station WJFK somewhere back east. The show was in the middle of a feature they call "Things You Did That Your Mother Doesn't Know About." Listeners are encouraged to call in to the show and relate and episode from their past that their mother never found out about. Don and Mike then pick the story that they find most interesting and arrange an...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Fun time with Big Bush Joyce

After our night out we where both desperate to spend time together. Every chance at work we would sneak off and play. Plenty of kissing and touching but always a chance of being seen. We had to somehow arrange some time together.Out of the blue my wife had to work away for a few days, this was the bit of luck we needed. I booked a day off without telling her and Joyce did the same but her husband thought she was working. I arranged to collect her at the time she would be walking to work. I...

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At the age of twelve Joyce had C tits. When she was f******n she was already a D cup. At sixteen she was DD cup and every one was wondering how big her tits would get. She was a tiny girl with huge tits. She had a brother that was really taking a notice of the tits on his sister. One day they were alone in the house and when she stepped out of the shower he was standing there waiting for her. She yelled at him "What are you doing here? Can't you see I am naked?" He told her as he grabbed her...

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SalamanderChapter 6 A Helping Hand Joyce

I was sitting in the waiting room when I saw Mort return from her appointment. She was a strange young thing, but not unsurprisingly so, given her recent history. She seemed uncomfortable with the world around her, and was always very jumpy. She seemed very ill at ease with hybrids. Not having grown up around them probably played a big part in that. She was also uncomfortable in her own skin, her movements clumsy, due to her change. Still, even given the fundamentalist brainwashing she had...

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Joyce and Jennifer part two

I hadn’t talked to Jennifer in a week. She had called me several times and sent a few messages to see if I was okay but I was too confused and worried to answer. I knew she was off work on the weekends so I drove straight to her home. Jennifer’s car was in the drive as I pulled up. I got out and went to knock on the door. “Hi Joyce” Jennifer’s voice was quite and a little hesitant as she opened the door. “Hey” was all I said in return. She moved aside to let me in and I walked into the...

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Joyce goes to the University

Joyce goes to the University To say I was intimidated by my arrival at the University of Arizona would be the largest of understatements. I was terrified. I had just graduated from a high school that contained less than a thousand students in it’s entirety to a school that boasted fifty thousand students across several large campuses. I was at the main campus and I was suddenly reduced from being one of the most dated of girls to a person that was for all practical purposes, simply invisible. ...

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Tom Landsworthy USMC

Tom sat in the back seat of the car moodily as it wove its way down the dusty road, glancing over the shred of paper that he blamed for his current predicament. As a 18-year-old, he found the idea of being forced to stay at a summer camp while his parents were taking a long business trip to Europe ridiculous... but, his parents were relatively old-fashioned, and didn't think that anybody younger than 70 should be at home alone, it seemed. Plans had been for him to stay with...

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This story recounts my first experience dressing entirely in female attire in the presence of others and the events that such a totally overwhelming occurrence led to, or does it? While I have taken some license for the sake of readability and entertainment, it is essentially an account as it happened, or maybe it isn't! The simple fact is that the basis of this story is absolutely true as are some, maybe many parts of it, but certainly not all of it. I had and still have a vivid...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Kathali Piranthanaal Andru Kanjai Parisaaga Koduthen

Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai pirantha naal andru avaluku parisaaga sunni kanjai kodutha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Praveen vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval vayathu 19  thaan aagugirathu aanalum intha vayatilum miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Naan muthal muthalil avalai chuditharil paarthen, aval palli padikum pozhuthu avaluku mulai perithaaga irukathathu pola irukum. Naan appozhuthu suma sight adipen, aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya...

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Joyce and Me at the Cape Part 1

It is Friday morning 7:00 am. I drive up to Joyce’s house in my friend’s 1959 Ford Galaxie 500 Sunliner. It is a hardtop convertible. I put the top down for two reasons, it is a warm day and Joyce loves the wind in her hair as we drive. Her long blond hair always looks beautiful blowing in the wind or spread around my lap as she gives me a blowjob. Joyce is waiting outside for me excited to be going on this weekend. It is all she can talk about. To her friends she tells them it is four days...

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Joyce And Debbie Joyce And John

I first met Debbie during year one at the university. We shared some classes and lived in the same accommodation block, but weren’t close, just acquaintances. We lost touch in year two because I moved off-campus into a small flat that I rented with Maria, another classmate. This flat-share worked well and continued into my third year. However, during the spring semester, love or lust must have been in the air; Maria decided to shack up with her boyfriend. I would probably have done the same had...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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