Sleeping Part 2 free porn video

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The next week at work, all I could think about
was that night Larry had almost fucked my wife. He and
I never spoke about it, but occasionally we would ex-
change smiles, him flashing that grateful smile of his.

I had to admit, I had become obsessed with the
thought of seeing another man fuck Sandy, but there were
still those nagging feelings of uncertainty. Seeing
Larry m***** Sandy as he did that night really didn't
bother me, but would I be able to handle seeing another
man actually fucking her?

As the weekend drew closer, I could see the look
of anticipation grow in Larry's face. I knew he was
thinking, 'I wonder if he's gonna ask me over again?',
'Am I gonna get another chance at that gorgeous brunette
wife of his?'.

Friday finally came, and it wasn't until just
before quitting time that I invited Larry over again.
He was beside himself joy!

"Oohhhh, yeah...GREAT!!!! I'll bring the beer,
and a new fuck flick I got in the mail this week!", he
said excitedly.

"Ok. Be over about 9-ish," I replied.

I knew that Sandy would be getting sleepy about
then, and that Larry's presence would probably initiate
her going on to bed since she really didn't enjoy his
company all that much. I laughed to myself at that
thought. If she really knew what Larry was there for,
not really caring for him that much, she'd probably stay
up all night, at least till he left.

Then I did something that surprised even myself.

"Hey, Joe! What are you doing later tonight?",
I heard myself asking.

Joe was a fairly large black man. He stood
about six feet four inches and weighed in at about 200
lbs. He definitely wasn't a fat man, and had a large,
muscular frame.

"Ohhh... nothing much. What do ya have in
mind?" he asked.

"Well, Larry and I are gonna get together over
at my house tonight about 9 o'clock to have a couple of
beers... and whatever. I think he said something about
bringing over a fuck flick. Whatd'ya say?"

"all right man... but I might be a little bit
later than nine. I've got to run an errand for my Pop,
but it shouldn't take too long," he replied.

That's fine, see ya later on, then," I said,
thinking that it might be best if he DID come in after
Sandy went to bed, her being brought up in a fairly con-
servative southern home.

I turned to see the shock on Larry's face. But
it was a look of pleasant shock.

I smiled and winked as I walked past him to
leave, "See ya later, Larry!"

That night at dinner, I was preoccupied with the
thoughts of what was in store. I bought a bottle of
wine for supper, in hopes that Sandy would be well on
her way to a sound, good night's sleep before long. As
I expected, it wasn't long before Sandy was giggling
with the effects of the wine. An unexpected benefit,
however was the wine had a stimulating effect on her.

She began running her stockinged foot along my
upper thigh under the table. Later on the couch, and a
couple of glasses later, she sat facing me with one foot
on the floor and the other foot under her knee while we
watched TV. This caused her short skirt to ride up her
thighs, exposing the tops of her stockings and the gar-
ter snaps that held them. She opened her legs slightly
further, showing me the top of her panty clad crotch,
just as the doorbell rang.

"Awwww!" she protested as I got up to answer

"I wonder who that could be?", I said, acting as
if I didn't know it was really Larry.

As I opened the door, Larry came in with a paper
bag under his arm, and stood next to the door as I shut
it, looking at Sandy and issuing the usual small talk
greetings. As I turned to go back to the couch, I no-
ticed that Sandy had not yet moved from her former posi-
tion, as she sat facing us and playing with a strand of
her hair. She obviously was unaware that she was show-
ing so much to Larry as she sat there with a slight look
of disappointment. Larry stood there momentarily, as
they gazed at one another, her in deep thought, and him
in disbelief. Suddenly, she became aware of herself and
quickly turned around on the couch, adjusting her skirt.

"Have a seat, Larry. Here... let me take
this an put it in the fridge," I said, taking the bag
and walking into the kitchen.

As I was putting the beer away, I overheard
Larry saying to Sandy that he 'hoped that he wasn't
interrupting anything'.

"No... that's OK," I overheard her say, know-
ing full well that she was lying through her teeth to be
polite. "We were just sitting here watching some TV...
and thinking about hitting the sack."

I know she was trying to hint to Larry that now
was not a good time for him to be here. Little did she
know that there was more in store than she ever dreamed

"What are you up to tonight, Larry", I said as I
walked back into the room, handing him a beer.

"Oh... not much. Just thought I'd drop by to
see if you two were interested in a few hands of gin."

"Sounds good to me, what about you, hon?", I
said looking at Sandy.

The look on her face told me that she had re-
signed herself to the fact that Larry was going to be
here for a while.

"Well, if you guys don't mind... I think I'm
gonna call it an evening," she said, getting up off the

'Perfect!', I thought, everything was falling
into place.

"OK, hon. I'll be along in a little," I said,
smiling at Larry.

He quietly mouthed the words 'I will too!' after
she had passed him, heading towards the bedroom.

After Sandy had gone to bed, Larry and I sat
there staring blankly at the TV, neither of us saying a
word. The air was filled with expectation. About 10
o'clock, I heard Joe drive up into the driveway. I got
up to let him in before he rang the doorbell. I really
didn't think it would wake up Sandy... but I wasn't
taking any chances.

At first all we did was make small talk as Larry
popped his new flick into the VCR. Joe still hadn't been
let in on our little secret. I wasn't yet sure just how
I was gonna go about it. After about 15-20 minutes, I
noticed that Larry was getting a bit antsy. He kept
shifting around in his seat and glancing at me as if
expecting the signal to go anytime now.

"I'll be right back", I said, signaling Larry to
stay put for awhile.

I wanted to make sure everything was set for
what was about to happen. Quietly, I slipped down the
hall and into the bedroom. Sandy was laying on the bed
on her back in one of her sheerest babydoll nighties,
the cover bunched up around her waist. I guess the wine
had really taken it's toll on her, as she was really
sprawled out on the bed, her arms above her head on the
pillow and one leg tossed over the side of the bed under
the covers.

Sandy looked beautiful lying there with that
typical little pout she has when sleeping, her long
brunette hair spread out under her head on the pillow,
just touching her shoulders. Her breasts were readily
visible through the transparent material covering them
as they stuck almost straight up like two conical, pink
tipped mountains. It didn't look like I was going to
have to do much at all to get things ready.

Quietly, I slipped over to the bathroom door and
eased it open, letting the soft light shine into the
bedroom onto Sandy. Then I slipped back down the hall
to where Larry and Joe were still watching the movie.

"Joe, you want another beer?" I asked, hoping
that soon he would be ready to take a leak.

"Sure...., thanks!" he replied.

Larry followed me into the kitchen, and quickly
cornered me, "How are you gonna do this?"

"Well, I thought we'd let Joe go back first when
he has to take a leak. Then, you and I will slip back
and wait in the bedroom doorway to see what he does."

Larry grinned, and hurried back out into the
living room. We watched the movie for a while longer,
as we remarked about some of the scenes taking place.

It wasn't long before Joe had to go, "Hey, man,
where's your bathroom at?"

"Second door on your right," I said, trying to
keep the excitement in my voice from showing.

Joe walked down the hall, and as soon as I heard
the bathroom door shut, Larry and I were off for the
bedroom. Standing in the bedroom, Larry's gaze was
fixed on Sandy. Joe had neglected to shut the door
leading to the bedroom, probably because he didn't know
anyone would be in there. As I heard him finish up, I
could hear him fumbling with his zipper as he turned to
head back out. Suddenly, I heard him stop dead in his
tracks. He obviously had seen Sandy.

It seemed that he stood there for hours, as he
watched her laying there, her pert breasts rising up
from her chest, plainly visible through the thin fabric.

"Hol-leee Sheee-uuut!" I heard him exclaim in a

I could barely contain my laughter as I let out
a snicker. Joe heard this and poked his head around the
door-frame, looking straight at us. I quickly help my
finger up to my lips, shushing quietly, and motioned him
to come on in.

"Is that your wife?" he whispered quietly.

I nodded, taking him by the arm and leading him
over to the side of the bed. Larry followed me and
stood on my left as we looked at Sandy, now just inches

"What'cha think?" I whispered, smiling at Joe.

He gazed at Sandy for a few seconds then turned
to me, staring at me as he appraised my motives.

"She looks beautiful, man," he whispered back,
half smiling.

Gently, I reached down and grasped the edge of
the covers. I slowly began pulling them down, exposing
more of Sandy's firm, flat belly covered only by her
sheer nightie. I pulled the sheet down to a point be-
tween her navel and the beginning of her pubic mound,
exposing the lacy hem of her nightie. Then I took the
hem and very carefully eased it up her creamy white
torso, and over her pert white breasts. Her pink, shiny
nipples began to harden with the contact from a wisp of
air created by my hands moving her top over them. I
scooted over to my left a little to let Joe stand more
directly in front of Sandy's firm young breasts, to
which Larry slipped around to Joe's right, standing
right at Sandy's head. He wasted no time in unzipping
his pants and stroking his dick, as I motioned for Joe
to gently feel Sandy's tits.

The contrast of his huge black hands against the
firm white skin of Sandy's tits as he gently fondled
them was extremely exciting! His huge hands almost
completely covered her medium-sized tits when he cupped
them. He gently took a nipple between his thumb and
forefinger and squeezed it slightly, evoking a quiet
whimper from Sandy.

Meanwhile, Larry had rid himself of his pants,
and was steadily stroking himself directly over Sandy's
face, just inches from her pouting lips. He looked at me
as he squeezed out some precum, letting it ooze out of
the head of his dick and drip slowly down, coming to
rest directly on her lips. At first, she didn't move as
the precum lay glistening on her lower lip, but the
sensation of it against her lip caused her to lick it
off with her tongue.

Seeing this, Joe stood up and unzipped his
pants. As he pulled his pants and underwear down, one
of the largest, blackest dicks I have ever seen on a man
sprang free from its moorings. It must have been at
least twelve inches long, about three to three and a
half inches in diameter at the thickest point right be-
hind the head. The tip of his uncircumcised dick was
peeking out from the foreskin, and the shaft was slight-
ly curved upward from its dark, hairy base.

The thought of this massive black instrument
plunging into Sandy's sopping wet pussy thrilled some-
thing inside of me, but at the same time scared me. I
knew if he ever got it inside her, it would stretch her
to her limit if not tear her in half. And there was no
doubt in my mind, THAT thing inside her would wake her
up regardless of how sound asleep she was now.

He looked at me before bending down, bracing
himself with his hand on the other side of Sandy, and
sucking her right nipple into his mouth. He then hunched
his hips forward and began to rub the head of his huge
black dick all over her left breast. As he stroked him-
self, precum began to ooze out of its black head coating
Sandy's milky white breast and pink nipple as it poked,
prodded, and rubbed her tit.

Motioning for Larry to come down where I was, I
gently pulled the covers down further, momentarily stop-
ping just below the top of Sandy's sheer black lace
panties before pulling the covers completely free of her
all together. Her thin dark pubic patch was clearly
visible beneath the thin, lacy material. Larry reached
down and began to stroke her smooth white legs, working
his way upwards toward her crotch while all the time
stroking himself.

This got Joe's attention, as he stood up to
watch but continuing to rub his black dick and pre-spunk
on her firm white tits.

Larry's caresses finally reached the top of
Sandy's thigh, and gently he rubbed his fingers across
her lace covered pussy. As he began to move his fingers
up and down along her slit, her hips barely began to
move back and forth, the first move she had made since
we began other than licking her lips.

I already wanted more! Gently, I rolled Sandy
over slightly so that I could pull her panties down
first on her left side, then on her right. After getting
them down to about mid-thigh, I quickly slipped them off
of her.

Sandy was now completely naked in front of these
two horny men. The sight of this sleeping beauty lying
naked and open before Larry and Joe as they caressed,
prodded and explored her body already had me close to
the edge.

Larry had replaced Sandy's left leg to dangle
off of the bed, and had eagerly slipped between her
thighs to begin exploring her tight, thin haired
brunette cunt with his fingers. Cautiously at first,
he began to run his thumb lightly up an down her slit,
his face just inches away. Then he took her clit between
his thumb and index finger and lightly rolled it between
them. This caused Sandy to moan, drawing her legs up
until they met Larry's shoulders.

Joe was now rubbing the entire length of his
dick all over both of Sandy's firm tits, fondling them
with his hand, and looking at Larry working between her

When I looked back at Larry, he had boldly re-
placed his fingers with his tongue! Gently he placed
one of his fingers at the entrance to her hole, pausing
briefly to let her juices drain onto his fingers before
slowly plunging his finger inside her cunt. Sandy
gasped, her legs closing tightly around Larry's head.
Undeterred, Larry continued his assault with his tongue
and fingers on my wife's sweet pussy. Never before had
another man other than myself done this to her.

Quickly, I released my own cock from my pants
and began stroking myself, standing between Joe and
Larry as they worked on Sandy.

Suddenly, Joe stepped around and gently pulled
Larry back by his right shoulder. Larry looked up at
him momentarily, then down at his huge black dick, which
was pointing directly at Sandy's pussy. Larry backed off
as Joe stepped between her legs and began rubbing the
head of that monstrous bloated dick up and down her
tight slit. I could see the precum glistening on the
light covering of dark pubic hair that lined her moist

I froze, not knowing just what to do. I knew
that Joe was planning on fucking Sandy with his humon-
gous dick, that really didn't bother me. In fact, deep
down that is what I wanted and had planned for. But I
knew that Sandy would definitely wake up once that thing
was inside her.

What's more, I had just noticed that Sandy's
diaphragm was lying on the night-stand. Normally, she
would put her diaphragm in when she knew that we would
be doing something, even when she went to bed before I
did. But tonight, I guess she was just too tipsy to
remember. The thought of this black stud shooting his
cum deep into my wife's unprotected pussy triggered
something inside of me, however. I WANTED to see him
dump his load deep in her cunt! I could no longer con-
trol my urges to see this happen. I had already lost
control of this situation anyway.

After coating the head of his black dick with
her juices, Joe placed it right at the entrance of
Sandy's tight little cunt... and pushed.

Slowly, the huge black head began to disappear
between her pussy lips, her tightness resisting its
probing. Sandy's mouth opened as she gasped in slight
pain. If this hurts now with just the head sticking
inside her, I thought, what's she gonna do when he tries
to stick all of it in her?

But Joe was fairly gentle in his initial viola-
tion of her tight, hot cunt. As gentle as he could be in
his excited state. He moved back and forth in short
quick strokes, stretching her twat little by little and
plunging slightly deeper with each thrust.

Larry had moved back up to Sandy's head, playing
with her tits with one hand and jacking himself off with
the other over her face. All at once he bent over and
softly kissed her on her open mouth, slipping his tongue
just inside, while at the same time continuing his
manipulation on her tits and his dick. Sandy instinc-
tively pursed her lips slightly as his lips touched hers
enveloping his tongue. Quickly, Larry stood up and
placed the head of his dick against her lips, probing it
just inside Sandy's pursed lips. Seemingly playing out
some erotic dream, Sandy began sucking on just the head
of Larry's dick. I heard him moan, as slurping sounds
escaped between his dick and my wife's lips.

I returned my gaze to Joe's ministrations on
Sandy's tight cunt. He now had about three good inches
inside her pussy, the thickest part of his dick now al-
most inside her.

Suddenly, as if a barrier had been broken, the
thick bulge of his dick slipped past the tight entrance
of her hot hole and he began pumping away inside her
with earnest. He only had about two-thirds of his dick
inside her when all of a sudden... SHE WOKE UP!

At first, her eyes popped open then she gasped,
releasing Larry's dick from her lips as her pussy was
filled to it's limit. Everyone froze as her initial
disorientation dwindled and was replaced by her complete
awareness of what was going on. Her gaze shifted from
Larry's dick hovering just above her lips, to Joe whose
dick was still deep inside her tight pussy.

Joe was beyond stopping now, no matter what my
wife or I might think and he started to hump her as if
his life depended on it, he held her to the bed and
banged away at her. Suddenly, to my surprise, Sandy
wrapped her legs around Joe, digging her heels into his
ass and pulling him deeper inside of her as she hunched
up against him, grunting as his dick thrust deeper and
deeper all at once. He now had at least ten inches in-
side her previously unadulterated pussy, and with each
thrust he took more of her.

I began stroking myself even harder as I saw Joe
shove his dick completely inside of Sandy, her pussy
lips completely disappearing as his huge dick carried
them along with it. Each time he withdrew his dick, her
juices glistened heavily on his shaft as her pussy seem-
ed to be pulled inside out, clinging to the sides of his
dick slightly like the fingers of a glove as it's being
pulled off inverted.

Quite suddenly Sandy began to cum - HARD! Her
whole body tensed up as each subsequent wave of her
orgasm swept over her, each time yelling louder than the
first as her climax continued to grow stronger.

This brought about Joe's orgasm, as her pussy
clamped tightly around his huge dick. A low a****l growl
was heard deep from within him as he thrust forward
violently and began to cum deep inside Sandy's unpro-
tected pussy. Their moans and grunts mixed with each
other as their climax built up then subsided.

Huge gobs of cum dripped down the crack of
Sandy's ass as Joe began to withdraw his huge cock from
her now sloppy pussy. With Sandy still lying on her
back, Larry immediately jumped between her legs, rub-
bing his dick up and down her sloppy wet pussy lips, and
then slipping easily into her over-stretched twat. After
just a couple of strokes, he withdrew, and placed his
dickhead at the entrance to her virgin ass. Not even I
had been able to fuck her in the ass yet, and I wondered
if she would stop Larry.

She offered no resistance, however, as Larry's
dick disappeared between the soft folds of flesh sur-
rounding her asshole. She winced as his dick plunged in
almost halfway on the first stroke, but then as her
sphincter muscle relaxed, she began hunching against
Larry, lifting her legs high so he could get a better
rhythm going, taking him all the way inside her ass.

Larry's grunts began to get louder, as I strad-
dled Sandy's chest, squeezing her firm tits around my
throbbing dick as I began to fuck them. Sandy began to
lick the head of my dick each time it got close enough.

I was just about to dump my own load all over
Sandy's face when I heard Larry's grunts change to loud
moans as he emptied himself deep within my wife's virgin
ass. This was all it took for me as I too began to shoot
the first hot thick streams of cum between her tightly
squeezed tits. I thrust myself forward, plunging my
dick into Sandy's waiting mouth, where she began to
swallow the rest of my pent up seed.

Sandy continued to suck on my softening dick, as
I collapsed against the headboard. I turned my head a-
round to see Larry withdraw his dick from her ass with a
wet sounding "thhhupp!"

Larry spoke the first words, "Ohhhhh... man!
That was great!"

All I could do was sigh as I rolled off of Sandy
with a grin. Sandy smirked at me with a cute impish grin
as she laid there, cum dripping out of all three of her

"You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" she
said softly.

"I'm not the only one," I returned, "It seems
you're quite full of surprises yourself!"

The End

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Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

3 years ago
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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part1

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...

4 years ago
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bookworm woman encounter part1

I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...

2 years ago
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Sleeping Daughter 2 Backdoor Delight

Chapter Two: Backdoor Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The beep of my alarm clock dragged me out of drowsy sleep. I groaned, my hand lashing out, swiping across the counter, brushing my cell phone before I crashed into the side of the alarm clock's plastic case. My fingers trailed up it and found the button. “Crap,” I groaned. I hated Mondays. They were always the— Did last night really happen? I shot up in bed, my heart thudding in panic and looked at my wife. The covers...

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Katie Lusts Her Father PART2


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Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2

Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...

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My Boss Mr Paul Cooper Part2

My Boss, Mr. Paul Cooper: Part2I walked towards the couch to start my strip tease for Charles, Paul played a little slutty music in the background for Charles to have a good show. I got in the camera view and winked at charles and bent forward jiggling my boobs for him on cam.. "Hey there Charles, Why don't you screen this in your conference room, Only the strip tease part, on the projector and get a few of your members to join you in this show too? Then we'll give you a pvt screen of our...

4 years ago
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Hubbyrsquos fantasy turns into his nightmare Part2

Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...

3 years ago
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Sleeping Pills To Neighbour Tuition Teacher

Hi! Mera naam Suney hey ye ghtna tab ki hey jab mein 11th class me tha aur mera final exam tha mein aapko sabse pehle Renu ke bare mein batata hoon jiske saath maine sex kiya tha. Renu ka figure 34-28-36 hey, wo 32 saal ki hey, uski height 5’6 foot hey. Mein uski boobs ka diwana tha. Wo hamlog ke ghar se kuch hi dur rehti thi. Uske husband Kanpur me kaam krte hey aur hafte mein 1 ya 2 bar hi aate hey. Renu ke 2 bachche hey , dono hi school hostel mein rehte hein, wo har sat-sun ko ghar wapas...

1 year ago
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Sleeping with Anu Chachi Part IV

In the cold morning of Mahabaleshwar lying under a same blanket in the warm grip of my voluptuous sexy Anu chachi gave me an immediate hard on. Sharing of warmth of mine and Anu chachi’s naked bodies made the night sleep really pleasing. Further waking up next to my beautiful naked Anu chachi with her warm grip around me and her soft naked warm body engulfing my side, simply took me aloof from the entire world making me drown in the beauty and caressing womanhood of my mature voluptuous Anu...

2 years ago
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Sleeping Daughter 3 Nanny Cam Revelation

Chapter Three: Nanny Cam Revelation By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “She isn't even wearing panties tonight, the little slut,” my wife chortled in my ear. I reached up and adjusted the Bluetooth earpiece to make it more comfortable and stop pinching. “Ooh, this is almost as good as being there. She's ripe and ready for you. She's taken her medication and she's passed out.” My dick ached. Even after a month of fucking my eighteen-year-old daughter while she slept, I was still eager...

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Sleeping Booty 8211 A Twisted Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a beautiful little princess. Her name was Aludra, which, in the language of her people, meant “unwanted one”. Of course she didn’t know this, because all the servants in the palace DID want her. They loved her dearly. She was sweet and pretty and fun to be around, whereas her mother was a stone cold class A Bitch. The Queen was such a bitch that, after her husband, the King, knocked her up with Aludra, she poisoned him. “Imagine!” she...

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South of Bikini 4 Departures

With Clemson slipping away once again, Alex and company decide some 'R and R' might be good for morale, but is 1944 Hartford ready for the Empress and her entourage? How could a young girl, killed in 1942 Burma, possibly make one of Emily's hometown neighbor's life complete? Episode 5 "Departures" 1050hrs, Pearl Harbor, August 20th, 1944 "Cap, Admiral Demmit and Mrs. Scott just appeared on the bridge," Jack informed...

1 year ago
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Patchwork People XXVIII Departures

XXVIII. Departures. It was one of those mornings that seem unable to decide what it wants to be. Halfway to the airport, a fine rain blew up against the windshield of the pick-up. A few miles later, the sun unexpectedly broke out from a temporary gap in the impregnable line of gray clouds massed like battleships laying siege on the horizon It had finally been agreed that Phoebe would return to New Jersey and sign in to an outpatient rehab clinic. At the same time, she would take...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 25 Two Sudden Departures

One aspect of these sex sessions that Jessie Harper found herself noting and being really intrigued about was the way she always seemed to have a much better singing voice the next day at a choir practice or even at a church performance as a result. Somehow all the naked, sexual fun of the night before seemed to enhance her auditory awareness and her ability to find perfect pitch when she was about to perform. And it was one such sex session at the Terrence’s house the day before the final...

3 years ago
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Manufacturing a Partnership

Manufacturing a Partnership Part One By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers JUST BEFORE MIDNIGHT "Hey, you ok?" said Greg seeing Blake looking wiped as rummaged through the red pocketbook on the vanity. "I'm fine," shivered Blake as he stood staring at his reflection. "But I need a minute. This has all been just too much to handle!" He took a deep breath standing in front of the bathroom vanity clutching the ends with his hands quickly becoming mindful of his sharp long...

4 years ago
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Sleeping Husband

This completely true incident took place years back. It was a daring act and my friends, even those hardcore womanizers much senior, appreciate my act. But to tell you frankly, i did that only due to the courage given by alcohol.Those days i was drinking daily and alcohol always used to make me horny, horny almost always was my condition. Of course i was in mid thirties.I was married at that time but was separated from wife for sometime. I did not have the habit of visiting prostitutes and i...

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Sleeping with Beauty

I was late, of course. By the time I arrived at the court, I was greeted by an eerie silence, walking through rooms and rooms of people sitting, slouching, laying, all of them sleeping as if frozen in time. I slowly paced the long hallways, quiet rooms and courtyards, stripping off more and more layers of my gown until I was completely naked, enjoying the freedom, the feeling of a cool, light breeze on my breasts, safe in the knowledge that nobody could see me now as I set out to enact my...

2 years ago
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Sleeping Disorder

I got attracted to my Sister-in-law the moment i laid my eyes on her. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She's the only reason why I'm still single. I knew she liked me too because she kept glancing at my direction the day my brother brought her to our house 16 years ago. In the next few days, I made moves on her without my brother noticing. We had an affair. We had sex almost everyday until she got pregnant. Who's baby? We didn't confirm. It's either mine or my...

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Sleeping Fun

I can remember exactly when it first started even though I am now much older. My brother Mike was a newly minted teenager, full of life and adventurous. I was so much younger and sort of looked up to him. We lived in a small house because my Mom was on her own and worked nights a lot. Two bedrooms, one for her and one for us brothers. We slept in the same bed. We had some sitters and housekeepers off and on but my Mom always fired them if she thought they were taking advantage, so even at...

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Sleeping Beauties Chapter Five

Sleeping Beauties By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Felicity's Proposition Bethany Stills had been a delight. He first saw her when he was sitting in his car parked outside of a modern business complex where he had just met with several doctors to espouse to them of the latest advances in a blood thinner developed by Kent Pharmaceuticals. One of the businesses in the complex was a women's-only gym and Bethany Stills looked magnificent clad from toes to tits in body-hugging black...

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sleeping with Father In Law

My name is Deepti, a house-wife aged 24. I reside with my husband and our one c***d, at Chennai in India. We are a middle class South Indian family. My husband is a nice man and takes good care of my c***dren and myself. Though I have four c***dren with him, yet somehow, my private relations with my husband is not so fulfilling. That is because, unfortunately, my husband is a physically weak man. He is short, thin and very timid in nature. Though at least once a week, I do satisfy his husbandly...

4 years ago
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Sleeping Beautifully

This is unbelievable, I never thought anything like this happens in real life. My best friend is my computer and the Internet is my playground. The sex newsgroups feed my adolescent mind with vivid fantasies that are just out of reach in reality. If only I could take that first step to fulfill those dreams with the opposite sex. I never thought I would be living out one of those hot sex stories I ravenously read about on the net. I’m average looking not a girl’s wet-dream,...

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Sleeping Little Cousin Sister

Hello people… I’m back after a long time with a new experience that I had with my maternal cousin. Kindly read my previous stories as well. However, this experience is not linked to it at all. So now coming to the present experience, it took place 2 months back between me(Kartavya) and my maternal cousin Shruti. Talking about me, I’m an average looking guy, 5’8” tall, athletic built, wheatish complexion, and talking about Shruti, she’s about 5’5” tall, fair with a figure of 34-28-32 and she...

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sleeping Suck

Betsy puttered around the kitchen one early morning as her k**s slept. Robbie snored in the pull-out bed in the TV room, having stumbled home stone drunk at 5 a.m. and deep into an alcoholic slumber, something the 20-year-old was fond of doing. Anna, Betsy's gorgeous 19-year old blonde daughter, slept in her room down the hall."Hey, Mom, what's up," Anna said droopily as she walked into the kitchen wearing a tiny white teddy, her blonde hair pulled into a ponytail."Just cleaning up a bit,...

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Sleeping With Anu Chachi 8211 Part II

Hi friends this Sunny again 25 year old location: secret. I would love to continue sharing about what happened later between me and Anu Chachi after our first encounter. I woke up next morning around 8 AM. I looked towards my left those whether Anu Chachi is there but saw only Rinku who was still deep sleep. Anu Chachi had already left. She usually wakes up around 6 AM every morning just like my mother as they had a lot of morning chores to take care of. I sat in my bed and the last night...

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Sleeping with Anu Chachi Part IV

Melodious tunes of chirping birds woke me up from my peaceful sleep. A pleasant sleep which I got after my very first pleasurable fuck session. Smile came to my lips when I felt a warm soft arm wrap around my chest and warm naked voluptuous body of my beautiful Anu Chachi engulfing me from one side. That guest house room was still engulfed in the exuberant smell released from Anu chachi’s love juices and made that morning my best ever. In the cold morning of Mahabaleshwar lying under a same...

1 year ago
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Sleeping with my Sister

If you have read internet porn, then you're sure to have come across so many incest stories that it almost seems common place. But I think in reality there isn't all that much of it going on in families. If you took a moment to think about it you'd realize that having a relationship with a sibling could be very awkward. The story I'm about to tell you is true and yes, it is about incest. Actually it is about the first time I had sex and that "first time" was with my sister. This story...

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Sleeping With Anu Chachi Part III

Hi friends this is sunny again, thanks for your responses. My story with Anu Chachi advances as under, its more detailed so read with patience and fun : I woke up the next morning around 9 AM. I never woke up so late. Last night’s adventure kept me awake almost whole night. So waking up late was but obvious. I saw around my room, I was alone. My beautiful Anu Chachi and irritating Rinku had left. Smile came to my face and my heart raced with excitement as I sat on my bed recalling my last night...

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Sleeping Beauties Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven - Heads or Tales Penelope, Silvia and Bradley arrived at Ellen Wright's house to find the scene of crime team and medical examiner in attendance. They put on the Tyvek over-boots, hair coverings and latex gloves and entered the house being careful to tread only on the matting laid down by the CSI techs. Bob Tanner met them at the door to the bedroom. "It's more of the same but different if you know what I mean," he said by way of introduction. "Ellen Wright. Thirty...

2 years ago
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Sleeping sexy sis

Hi everybody I am Sonia back with another hot story this is my fave fantasy not real one this fantasy I always love to play whenever chat on net with my friends but none of them find it interesting I think as I am never ever able to complete this just send me message if u find it interesting and want to play this one on net….. Hi name is raja I am the youngest child of my family age 19yrs we r 3siblings in our family eldest is my bro his name is Jeetu, next is my sexxxyyy sis Sonia her age is...

4 years ago
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sleeping Guest Nina Part 1

sleeping Guest Nina - Part 1 I was a middle c***d growing up. I had a sister two years older than me, and one two years younger. They had girl friends sleep over all the time. That ended up giving me lots of chances to spy on their sleeping friends and often do a lot more than just look when I got into my late teens and twenties.One of my first opportunities and babe that would become a favorite target, was Nina. She was about 5’2”, blonde, 18, with a nice butt. It was one of her first nights...

3 years ago
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Sleeping with mom

It all started when I was still in high school. I had thought of a way to get around my curfew. I’d start sleepwalking, not for real, just as a way to cover not being in my room if mom or dad checked up on me. To set up this cover I would make it a point to sneak from my room to the guest bedroom or the living room two or three times a week. I even had an excuse for developing this behavior. Mom and Dad were having some sort of problem. I found out about this one night as I was going to the...

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Sleeping Aid

Sleeping AidBy: Londebaaz Chohan The fucking burden of marriage. Only if Mikhail had thought before. He was 26, young, handsome, sexy and damn horny with the healthy and strong equipment for sex with girls. Pussy was available left and right but something went wrong in his mind and he decided to choose for the only one cunt to fuck for the rest of his life and tied the marriage knot with Rosetta. Then the consequences started unfolding one by one and it only took 2 years and he was divorced....

1 year ago
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Sleeping Beauties Chapter Six

Sleeping Beauties By Michele Nylons Chapter Six - You didn't accidentally fuck her did you? After his fight with Penelope, Bradley Wilson had gone back to his hotel and had a fitful night's sleep. As directed, he put on his best Brooks Brothers navy-blue suit and crisp white shirt. He wore a blue silk tie and highly polished black shoes. He left the hotel at seven o'clock to make the eight o'clock interview. Even though he was dog-tired he looked good, his toned body filled...

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Sleeping Bag Frolic

I had never even touched a girl much less kissed one and here was the pretty little kid, naked as far as I could tell although I was trying not to touch her, here she was in my sleeping bag, kissing my belly and chest and then my neck and my mouth, her hands pawing everywhere. And sticking her tongue in me, wiggling it in my mouth. She pulled it out, leaned back, smiled in the moonlight and said, "Hi, Billy, aren't you glad to see me? Your cock sure is." And she stroked it with her...

4 years ago
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Sleeping With Anu Chachi

Hi friends my name is Sunny and this is my true story. I wish here to share the incident which change my relation with my chachi forever. For first to begin with I belong to a strict marwadi joint family where following orders of elders was the only thing which one should do. Beyond which we cannot think and cannot do anything of our own choice and wishes. There are nine family members comprising my grandparents, parents, chacha and chachi, their son, me and my elder sister and further three...

2 years ago
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My first encounterin a train compartment

My first a train compartment.It was almost exactly a year since my 'Changing Room' incident that was revealed in my previous story. I was a year older, but was I any wiser? I'd been working away from home for the whole of my summer holidays and it was time to return there, and then within days back to school. I was 16 and had been 'sort of apprenticed' to a foreman in charge of refurbishing shops for the last 6 weeks. The job wasn't really the type most schoolboys got in their...

3 years ago
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sleeping beauty sleeping bitch

I have very fond memories of summers at the lake with my aunt and uncle and all my cousins but the one I remember most was my last summer with themwe had found a secluded cove where we set up camp sleeping under the stars for a few hot nights by day we would swim and ski and I always had fun tossing myyoung girl cousins into the water sometimes they would sit on my shoulders allowing me the chance to hold onto there small firm bottoms letting my fingers slip under their suits.brushing there...

1 year ago
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Sleeping with mom

God, Kevin, your mom gave me a serious boner!” Lying on the upstairs carpet with her ear to the air vent, eavesdropping on the group of teen boys in her downstairs family room, Jackie Stuffer’s heart jumped when she heard Chuck say that. “Was he really talking about me?” She wondered. She was hoping to overhear one or more of the boys talk dirty, but she really wasn’t expecting a frank discussion about herself. Her hand moved down below her nightshirt to her panties, and she gently rubbed her...

3 years ago
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Sleeping in the girls room

This Thanksgiving was no different except that when it came time to go to bed I had a problem. I was the youngest boy and was kicked out of the boys’ room because all the space was taken. My mom said “Don’t worry about it, just go sleep with the girls, they have plenty of room.” Ordinarily this would not have bothered me, my dick stirred at the thought of it, but the other boys started making fun of me. My mom blew it off but my aunt could see that it really bothered me. She said “You can...

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Sleeping in the girls room

Introduction: This happened over an approximately 4 and one-half hour time period. It was several years ago, but is still vividly burnt into my mind. I wish I could recall more of our conversation but can not, just the highlights. I labeled this story as incest but do not really consider it as such since she was related by marriage. I do not know, but legally it may still be incest. I was just now eleven years old. I felt older but was for the most part still treated like a little kid. As I was...

2 years ago
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Sleeping DaughterChapter 3 Nanny Cam Revelation

“She isn’t even wearing panties tonight, the little slut,” my wife chortled in my ear. I reached up and adjusted the Bluetooth earpiece to make it more comfortable and stop pinching. “Ooh, this is almost as good as being there. She’s ripe and ready for you. She’s taken her medication and she’s passed out.” My dick ached. Even after a month of fucking my fourteen-year-old daughter while she slept, I was still eager to feel her hot, tight flesh wrapped about my cock. It was so wrong. So...

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