Unexpected Consequences 2 free porn video

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"We need to talk," said Claire on Saturday morning. A week ago those words would have caused the same consternation as any husband would feel at that edict from his wife. However, since the bottom seemingly dropped out of my world last week, Claire and I had developed a love and trust which was without bounds so the words held no fear for me. We had gone shopping last weekend and bought several outfits for me along with lots of undies - both sensual and 'practical' at Claire's insistence. A couple of nightwear items had been added as well as hose and a pair of heels. Sunday had resulted in a fashion show with me changing clothes according to Claire's whim and I had loved the chance to dress up in the limited clothes we had bought. As soon as we were in from work in the weekday evenings Claire insisted I bathed and changed into feminine wear for the evening. After our meal, which we prepared and cleared together, Claire would get me walking, sitting, moving and doing anything under her tutelage to ensure every action was done in a feminine manner. Her criticisms were made with love and a true desire to teach me to behave as any woman would in whatever circumstances. I thought I knew how to walk in heels - and was quite pleased with myself that I still could - but my efforts were woefully short of Claire's standards. By Friday, though, she seemed much more pleased with how I handled myself. Our nights were another matter. Once we changed for bed and snuggled up in our soft, sensual nightwear, we could not keep our hands off each other. It was worse - no, I mean far, far better - than on our honeymoon because we made passionate love every night and not once was it a rushed 'quickie.' It was so natural to take our time building each other's excitement and desire. Whoever was in charge at the moment ensured the other had the wildest, longest and most satisfying orgasm before we started again for mutual pleasure. We fell in love with each other all over again and both understood - yes, me too! - that we were the yin to each other's yang; we made each other complete and whole. So it was a very satisfied and loving couple who awoke that Saturday morning and held each other tightly and with words and looks and touches confirmed their love for each other. Nor was I in the least embarrassed any more to be wearing a long silky gown which matched Claire's but for the colour. As we kissed lightly and lay back still holding hands she said "We need to talk" in her direct yet open way. "And what would you like to discuss, my Darling Soul-Mate?" I responded, my voice barely above a whisper, matching hers. It seemed so right in the soft morning light glowing through the still-closed curtains. "How have you enjoyed your first week of being a girl?" she asked. I began to laugh and bubble over with all the wonderful things we had done when she interrupted, quietly but forcefully. "What I really meant was has it fulfilled your needs or is there anything missing in what we've done?" "Darling Claire, what you have given me, what you have done with me, what you have allowed me to do this last week is beyond anything I have ever dreamed possible. It has been the most exciting and satisfying time of my whole life. I cannot thank you enough for everything you have given - but I will throw the question back at you. What else can I do to make things even better for you?" Now it was her turn to laugh. She turned her head so that our faces were mere inches apart. "I cannot put into words how exciting it has been to dress you as a girl, to teach you how to act and behave and watch you grow in confidence and feel your inner peace, my beautiful husband. To know I was letting you live life as it should be, not hidden away as it was, felt so good because we no longer had anything hidden from each other. It has also kept me turned on so much more than I have ever felt. I know I should be worn out with all the loving and orgasms you've given me but I don't; I just want more and more" she told me with a growing smile on her lovely lips and a glow in her eyes. In response to her words I moved my free hand to gently stroke her thigh beneath the soft lavender satin of her gown. I was surprised when she covered my hand with hers and stopped my movement. "You took the words from my mouth, Darling man - or should I say my darling girl? That is just one of the many things I want to talk about: how secure are you in your masculinity?" She shushed me as I went to respond. Clair thought some more, obviously struggling to express her thoughts. "This last week I have tried very hard to let us both explore your inner self without causing you any embarrassment. You men and your fragile egos are quite pitiful in many ways but that is not a criticism! It is just hard for women to understand you at times.......... because you, who I have got so much closer to this week, will not talk about what you really need or want. I know you have been excited dressing in sexy, satiny, girly things - and also in the less sexy cottons and stuff we girls wear for comfort" Again I went to speak but was interrupted by "Don't try to deny it - just accept it, darling. Remember, just a week ago you didn't feel safe enough to tell me about this. If Zoe hadn't seen you we wouldn't have had the wonders that have occurred in the last seven days!" She was so right and I began to reflect on the true meaning of her words and her and my needs. There was no denying the 'chalk and cheese' of our feelings and love from last week to now. "So," Claire continued after a few moments thought. "Using your own words, what else can I do to make things even better for you? "The reason I ask is that I've been doing a lot of research on cross- dressing during the week -thank goodness it has been the quiet time of the year at work - and it seems that cross-dressing rarely manifests on its own. It is usually accompanied by some expressions of masochism. I don't think you are gay or bisexual but if you are we need to understand what that means and needs" Her hand squeezed mine hard to prevent my protests, adding quickly "No judgements, darling! I do not want any more secrets between us. You have to be totally honest with me and I promise you the same." She leaned up and over to kiss me reassuringly then pulled back to look down into my eyes, a soft warm smile on her face. "I love you so much, Claire. This week has been heaven for me so I don't think it could get any better," I murmured, sure I was speaking from the heart. "Really?" asked Claire in mocking disbelief. The smile grew on her lips and spread to her eyes as she asked "Wouldn't you like it if we went shopping to buy you a beautiful satin corset and I brought you home and laced you tightly into it? And how about if we brought some really high heeled shoes or boots and I made you wear them for the whole day? How about if I tied your hands behind you so you couldn't remove your corset or heels, would you like that?" Whilst I honestly hadn't thought of what she was describing, Claire's words created thrilling images which resulted in an immediate erection pressing into her thigh as it lay across me. I gaped at both the vision and my reaction to which Claire chuckled happily. "You see? So my wonderful cross-dressing husband is a masochist too, and according to form! Now what we have to explore is what you really want............but even more so, what you truly NEED," she added with emphasis. Claire moved to the side of me but still leaning over me, kissed me once more which showed her love and concern. She smiled and laid her hand gently on my erection but kept it flat and still. "So let's explore what we have found out already: it seems you'd like to be forced to wear particular clothes and you probably would like bondage too. What I need to know is how much you need them, how intense do you want the experience to be?" I pondered these thoughts then tried to be totally honest in reply. "My wonderful Claire, I feel like I'm on a rowboat out on the ocean without any oars. I hadn't thought of being forced into clothes or tied up but the images you created were incredibly exciting. Now you've planted the seeds they are growing like Jack's beanstalk! "Imagining you lacing me tight into a corset, unable to do anything about it; being trapped into ultra-high heels; being tied up and helpless to prevent you doing anything you want - they are all incredible images that are intensely exciting. As for how much I want them..................................I love and trust you absolutely so I can say, as I don't know even what I want myself: I am yours to experiment with and I beg you please to try whatever you want, whatever you feel comfortable with that we might enjoy." My erection was uncomfortably hard and I knew Claire could feel my excitement so I continued without fear as her hand had not moved and her smile had grown with my words. "I love you so much and I have never been so aroused in my life, Claire. I'm feeling quite a bit afraid of what I have just said but I know I want it and know that I can only experience the ultimate with and through you, my love. I really am scared but I trust you without question. I also want to say I don't want anyone else in our love-life, I love and need just you. "However, this has all been about me. You haven't answered and I asked first," I tried to add some humour without result. "What can I do to make all this even better for you my wonderful wife?" Laying down by my side, her head on my shoulder and her hand still resting lightly on my groin, Claire sighed deeply then kissed me lightly on my cheek. Long silent moments ticked by before she answered. "I've been asking myself virtually the same questions all week - why am I so excited by having my husband dressed as a woman; why do I get so turned on when I am in charge of our love-making; why do I get dripping wet when I hold you down on the bed then sink down onto your face and make you suck me; why is it so exhilarating holding your wrists to the bed as I sink onto your rock-hard dick then play with your nipples and massage your breasts through your sexy nightie? "Why do I get weak-kneed at work when I think that in a few hours I'll be getting you dressed in a bra and panties and skirts and heels? Should the thought of having you in dresses and make-up and us going out shopping or for a meal make me unbearably wet so I have to use a pad in my knickers? "I cannot answer those questions for myself and I had given up trying. Now you have told me how you feel and are willing to let me explore your masochistic side I think it must be because I have a hidden dominant personality that maybe should be released to see where it will take us. I don't know what made me say about putting you in corsets and heels and bondage - I don't know where it came from - but I'm so glad I did because I was instantly as wet as you were hard. I think we will just have to follow our instincts and see what is right for both of us. "There were so many other questions that I was going to ask you if you proved to have a masochistic streak but I've forgotten most of them. The only ones I remember: does the thought of rubber or leather clothing excite you?" she whispered into my ear. I juggled the question in my mind and answered, "I'm not sure. Everything at this moment seems intensely erotic and I'm having trouble sorting though any of my feelings. As long at the clothing was feminine I'm sure it would be thrilling to dress in it for you. Besides, if you ordered me to dress in sackcloth and ashes I think I'd be unable to refuse................ so I have to say the thought of you being dominant and forcing me to do anything is almost making me come and if you don't move your hand from my dick right now that just could happen!" Claire's sultry laughter sent shivers throughout my body and I watched, as if in a dream as she sat up, yanked up the front of my nightie to uncover my hips, and then straddled me as she pulled the satin up her own body. Without using her hand as a guide she slid her very wet lips across the head of my rigid dick then sank down fast, impaling herself completely. Both of us would have exploded if she had moved at all at that moment. Instead she stayed at full penetration and gazed down into my eyes and let us both get ourselves back in control. A couple of minutes passed before we silently shared the knowledge that we had both backed off from the edge. Claire reached forward and placed both hands on my chest, a forefinger gently outlining and caressing each of my nipples through the pink satin. Still locking eyes with me, a loving smile glowing down at me she told me in a soft voice but with a hint of steel behind it, "You realise, my submissive girly-boy toy, that I will decide whether to make you grow breasts or perhaps get you implants. Just imagine how it would feel to have me playing with your full breasts and sucking on your nipples to make them rigid with lust" Instantly I was scared at her words but also right back at the edge of losing it. Fortunately Claire did not move despite the involuntary buck of my hips beneath her. More time went past giving me chance to get under control again. In the same voice Claire said "Stretch out your arms above you. Now imagine how submissive you'd feel strapped tightly to the bed, unable to move or prevent me doing anything I want with your helpless body." She was playing me like a fish for I groaned and bucked my hips again, aware of the twitch of my hardness inside her velvet wetness. Claire giggled with delight but remained still. "How would it feel if we had spent the day as girlfriends - no, as lesbian lovers? If I had dressed you in a tight corset, done your make- up to perfection, dressed you prettily in a sexy skirt and blouse and heels? If we'd been out shopping together and no-one knew our secret? If we'd come back home and I'd stripped off your skirt and blouse then tied you to the bed with strong leather straps? Image how you'd feel if I locked your head into a tght leather hood so you couldn't see or talk? Close your eyes and feel it. You'd be totally under my control and completely at my mercy, totally helpless. Imagine that is you right now and I have mounted your bound body and you know I'm going to fuck you as hard as I can. How would that make you feel, my beautiful, helpless slave-girl?" I could take no more! I screamed as my whole body erupted into the most powerful climax I had ever felt. Wave after wave of excruciating pleasure pulsed through me with each and every contraction that spurted endless jets of cum into my motionless lover above me. I was incapable of moving my arms, as if they were really bound tight, nor open my eyes as though I were hooded, yet I was aware of another scream joining with mine and knew it was Claire. I felt the strong milking contractions of her orgasming pussy as it tried to suck me even deeper into her luscious body. Our mutual orgasms seemed to combine, to feed off each other to create a self-generating force that totally drained both of us. How much time passed before I felt Claire collapse on my chest I do not know. My mind slowly surfaced through what felt to be molasses flavoured with love. Gradually I became aware of my body and was able to move it, although with a lot of effort. I wrapped my arms around Claire and held her tightly to me, our bodies feeling as one. Moments later I was able to stroke her lustrous hair as it cascaded alongside my face and whisper my love for this incredible woman. I became aware, suddenly, that she was quietly crying and asked what was wrong. My concern broke through Claire's lethargy as she raised her head to gaze down into my eyes. Hers were sparkling with love that shone through her tears - and I have never seen such a wondrous sight or her looking more beautiful. "Oh, you gorgeous person," she murmured through the receding sobs. She sniffed, giggled, then added "I have never felt anything like that nor did I know it was possible to cum so hard. I know you felt it too because you have never been so hard or so big or cum so much. I didn't think either of us would stop and we'd go mad together! Just hold me please, I'm so happy." And I did. I cuddled her and caressed her, our bodies still joined by my softening penis which never went limp enough to withdraw from her tight pussy. I murmured words of love and tried to tell her how incredible it had been for me too. We were both at total peace and completely relaxed. We both may have fallen asleep. Claire stirred after an unknown time and kissed my lips very softly. "Wake up, Honey. Darling, wake up." Her words filtered eventually through to my consciousness and I managed a smile of serene satisfaction. "Come on, Lover. Wake up," she insisted and I managed to surface and open my eyes to gaze up into hers. "You have never looked so beautiful, Claire," I told her. "I love you more than I ever thought possible. Thank you." My heart actually hurt with the waves of love I felt for this wonderful woman who had made me feel whole, complete. My wife melted as she understood my words and she kissed me again, softly and with both our lips closed. "That may be, you sexy little submissive but this is your Mistress demanding you get up." Despite being totally drained, the loving smile on Claire's face and her words caused me to twitch and she laughed at my reaction. "You really do love me taking charge, don't you, Darling. Maybe I'll have to turn you into my love-slave, a sexy little slave-girl who will do everything she is commanded to do," she pondered while I continued to twitch beneath her. She chuckled again and said in a very sexy voice "Oh, yes. That is what you will become. But in the meantime you will get up now because I need a shower and some food!" With that she lifted from my body, grabbed my hand and dragged me into a sitting position. I grinned stupidly at her, trying to dismiss the images she had created from my mind. I watched as she lazily walked into the bathroom, mesmerised by the liquid movement of her hips beneath the lavender satin. I forced myself to get out of bed, stretched then lifted the pink satin from my body and followed the love of my life. We showered and did all the morning essentials, including the moisturiser treatments to face and bodies. I think both of us were scared to touch the other because we both knew that would be all that was needed to start another round of love-making when we really needed food. Eventually we managed to put on robes and make it to the kitchen. With the coffee brewing the mood lightened and I started making scrambled eggs in the special way Claire loved whilst she prepared the toast and the table. Finally we sat to eat, but still with hardly a word. It was once I had poured our second cups of coffee that Claire started talking. "It seems we have had another leap forward, Honey - an epiphany I suppose. I hadn't considered that I might be dominant in nature but you opening up on you submissive feelings sure created a whirlwind that I am ready to reap! No, don't go getting embarrassed! Forget that male ego of yours, it doesn't go with a pink satin robe or your hairless body," she said with a smile that took off the edge. "These feelings you have are needs not choices, Honey. They are part of what makes us who we are. And, because who we are creates our love for each other, do you really think there is anything to get defensive about?" She watched me and waited for my response. "I hadn't thought of it in those terms, Darling, but you are so right. Please forgive me, I am still stuck in the 'this isn't what a man should do' mode and I'm having trouble getting through it. Lord knows, I have never felt so wonderful or so free of guilt yet I still have problems letting go. To know that I am...................................................................submissive," I actually whispered the word! "To my fantastic wife doesn't make my male conscience to feel good at all." I would have said more but Claire stopped me. "Just say in a normal way what you are to me," she told me sternly. I realised what she meant, gathered up my strength, emotionally 'girded my loins' and said in slightly cracked tones but fairly evenly "I am submissive to you............I am your submissive." "Again," she ordered firmly and I repeated it, louder this time. Twice more she commanded me to say those words and when I had it somehow was no longer the terrible thing it had seemed before it was dragged into the light. I knew nothing had really changed between us - we were the same two people in love - yet the understanding of our position gave a subtle shift in unknown ways. I looked at Claire in a whole new light and the loving glow in her eyes told me she also felt a change. She reached across the table and took my hand in hers. With a loving smile she said "It is Saturday morning...........late! It will be almost lunchtime before you have cleared up here and we have dressed and are ready for the day. However, once we are, let me tell you what is going to happen." I heard the confident tone of her voice and also realised I wasn't being asked, I was being told what to do! A shiver went down my spine as a matching thrill rose within me. "I am going to dress you as I want, Honey. You are going to wear a bra, panties, stockings and chemise under your jeans and a shirt. Then we are going shopping. We are going to find you a corset or two. They will be the right size because we are going to try them on you." "But...." was as far as I got. "Don't argue! They are expensive enough as it is so buying the wrong ones is out of the question. Once we have those we are going to get you some proper high heels. They will be higher than the 3-inch ones you have been wearing this week. They will also fit properly because you will try them on as well. Now, before you get all panicky, understand that you will probably be embarrassed at times. I'm not worried because I think your masochism might actually enjoy a little humiliation but I won't do anything which isn't necessary, do you understand?" It took all my courage to swallow the huge lump of fear in my throat and nod my head. "Good," she continued. "Also understand that these will be people who do not know you, are unlikely to ever meet you again, and simply put, don't give a hoot what you wear as long as they benefit from the sale. Is that clear too?" Again I nodded. "And the same applies if anyone should glimpse your bra or stockings. Just trust me and you will be fine - can you do that, for me?" I looked into her loving face; it carried the smile that always won me over. This time was no exception and despite my fear I smiled back at her. Almost without volition, my words poured out. "Darling, I will do whatever you want me to do. I confess I am shit-scared but also incredibly excited. Either way I trust you totally and place myself completely in your hands." Claire surprised me by dropping her chin, absolutely agog for a moment. "Wow!"She said, recovering, "That was easier than I expected! I thought I'd have a hard time getting you out of the door. Thank you for your trust - I will never hurt you. Well, never more than you need, want or is necessary," she added with a chuckle yet her eyes didn't halt the love that flowed between us. At that moment I knew I'd follow her to the ends of the Earth and do whatever she wanted of me. "I also plan on getting you your own cosmetics, because you are going to learn how to do your own make-up," I was told in the same loving tones. "You could use some more sexy undies and sleepwear too. I see no reason why you cannot wear panties to work from now on so I'm going to throw away your boring briefs and boxers." I couldn't help my involuntary shiver that things were happening at a pace which was now beyond my control; maybe it was also tinged with the thrill that here was Claire telling me what was going to happen whether I liked it or not. To say I was a bit confused would be like saying the sea is a bit damp. Her next word surprised me and made me realise just how much she was prepared to do for us. Claire was openly telling me of her own fears and insecurity: "I'm a little bit out on a limb too, Dave. I know you honestly don't know what you want or your limits. Equally I don't know mine. I'm studying this as fast as I can read and find out but I'm also bound to make mistakes. I'm going to be trying things to see if it is right for either of us but if something is wrong for you it is also wrong for me and vice versa. Some things I'll have to try before we know if we like it or not. For us to make this work - for it to be the best it can -remember, please, that I cannot read your mind. I want your promise that you will be totally honest with me and if I ask you a question you will give me a truthful answer. I will let you know when I want such an answer and it must be what you feel is absolutely true, not what you think will please me, what you think you ought to say or what you think I want the answer to be. Will you give me that promise?" I had no hesitation in answering. "My wonderful Claire, nobody could ask for a more loving spouse nor a more willing and incredible lover. I promise you I will never make the same mistake as I did by withholding anything from you and I will also be totally honest when you ask me to be. There may be times - but not serious ones - when I'll fib or tease you but if you ask me to be honest I will no matter what. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love and commitment to us and I promise to love and try to give you as much as you have given me. I love you without any reservation whatsoever, Darling." She hugged me and we both had tears in our eyes with the closeness we felt. Slightly embarrassed, to my surprise, Claire swatted my butt and told me to get on with clearing up the kitchen, added a kiss to my cheek and turned on her heel to go to the bedroom. I did all I could to make everything tidy, vowing to myself right there to help my wife with all that needed to be done in any house, for I knew I had become a bit lazy in those chores. I started that commitment by gathering up the washing and setting off a load in the machine. Eventually I made my way to the bedroom to find Claire dressed in jeans and jumper and sitting at her make-up table applying mascara. As she finished she told me to strip and put on the clothes she had laid out for me on the bed. Happily I did so - until I remembered I'd be wearing these outside the house. First came the black lace garter belt which was soon clipped around my waist, followed by the matching bra. We had bought D-cup bras last week, I hoped Claire didn't expect me to stuff the cups with the silk scarves - which had replaced the socks I had previously used - we had used all week. I sat on the bed and drew on the dark tan stockings, loving the silky feel against my hairless legs. That had been a real eye-opener: once I'd been told to shave my legs the feel of stockings was so sensual and intimate. I revelled again in the soft grip of my stockings and the gentle tightness of the bra around my chest. Next came the black lace and satin panties that stroked up my legs over the silky stockings. Pulling them over my hips and settling my equipment in place caused the first stage of tumescence as usual. Finally I raised my arms to slip the black satin chemise over my head and slide it down my body to groin level. The delicate lacework on the top of the bust was over almost transparent panels of very fine nylon. I felt very sensuous and sexy in this outfit and loved the feeling of luxury on my body. Once I was done Claire had me sit at the dressing table and moisturised my face again. She added an almost clear lipstick of natural colour and told me to brush my hair. She let me put on a dark grey jersey over a pair of tight jeans. Lastly came a pair of casual boat shoes and when I said you could glimpse my stockings, I was told that was just how she wanted me to be and feel: slightly vulnerable. I already knew better than to argue and received a smile of approval. Then I realised that the unfilled bra cups were still enough to gently push out my top and, being jersey, would mould to my body when I moved my arms forward to show my bra and straps across my back. I looked in the mirror, tried the move and was sure they could be seen. Claire watched this with an innocent smile and didn't say a word and, wisely, neither did I. Instead she spritzed herself with perfume, a Paco Raban which suited her so well. Claire drove us to the Mall which, mid-month, wasn't as busy as it might have been. We sauntered inside and I soon realised that people were far too busy worrying about their shopping or their own problems to even notice me, let alone what I might be wearing. That gave me something of a perverse pleasure and boosted my confidence, particularly as I felt safe with Claire, and I began to push out my chest a bit while we did a whirlwind tour of two clothing stores without buying anything. I was surprised when Claire led me back to the car. She drove a few miles before pulling up to a strip mall in a less fancy part of the city. Through the windscreen I saw our target venue, 'Dreams Beneath' a mid-sized lingerie shop. Claire smiled at me, removed the key from the car and said "I know they have some of what we want because I phoned them in the week. Come on, Honey, let's go spend some money!" Amid shivers of dread I forced myself out of the car and joined Clair in front of it. She took my hand and paced towards the door, opened it and pulled me quickly inside of this holy of holies of womanhood. My first impression was the myriad of pastel and bright colours to be seen in all directions. Seemingly endless racks held intimate garments in a massive range of sizes, colours, descriptions and styles. I knew I was out of my depth and grabbed Claire's arm as a lifeline. My only saviour was my prayer was answered: the shop was empty. Claire moved slowly to the left, still holding my hand whilst I followed on wooden legs, towards a rack of what turned out to be panty-girdles, those 'control garments' I remembered from my Mother's wash-line. "These might be a good idea for you, Dave! They will certainly stop you showing such a bulge in your panties," Claire told me, riffling her hand along the edge of them as they hung from the rack. Her fingers stopped at a black version which looked quite pretty with a satin front panel decorated with lace and bow ribbon. I looked longingly at the lovely creation, imagining its sensuous hug. I nearly jumped out of my skin when a voice behind us asked in a brash but friendly manner "Can I help you with anything?" We turned to find a shortish, slightly plump woman with a big questioning smile. She was wearing a smock that had various pins in it, scissors partially hanging out the front pocket and a tape measure hanging around her neck. "I'm Sue, I own the store," she added into the silence. "You're welcome to look around and if you need any help just call. I'll be in my workroom in the corner over there." She pointed with her head towards her left, smiled at both of us then started to move off. "Actually, Sue," said Claire, brightly. "We could use some help, please. I'm Claire and this is Dave. "I phoned you on Thursday.................. about my husband here. We want to get a quality, control corset for him." Claire's hand squeezed mine, whether in reassurance or to stop me bolting I did not know. My heart sunk at these words. How could she blurt it out like that? I felt my face glow bright red. But instead of the mocking laughter I was expecting, Sue turned her head and looked me up and down. "Well you are nice and slim! Maybe we'll find what you are looking for in the rack over there," and she pointed to the far side if the room. With that she set off, leading the way. Claire, an innocent smile on her lips, ensured we followed right behind Sue. The rack concerned must have held well over a hundred corsets in a wide range of colours but predominantly black and white. There were long and short, simple and fancy, decorative and heavily boned, zipped and laced - I had never considered that one garment could have so many variations. "So what size are we looking for?" Sue looked questioningly back and forth at us. Claire hesitatingly said "Well, he has a 30 inch waist and a 38 bra fits him quite well................does that help?" "Obviously you've never bought a corset before," said Sue with a friendly chuckle. "There is nothing to beat getting it right the first time and that we can only do by measuring chest, waist and hips. Then we need to choose a style that matches the length of the body. Now, Dave, we can let your wife measure you if you like but I'd prefer to do it myself. I make many of the corsets I sell so I know what I'm doing to ensure you to get a corset that'll last. Will you come over to my workshop where we can do it?" Seeing my hesitation and embarrassment her voice dropped and she said confidentially "By the way, I have several men customers for all sorts of garments as well as corsets." Claire wasn't prepared to prevaricate for she paced off, pulling me behind her, Sue keeping up then leading the way. "This is just what we need, Dave. Professional help -so stop messing about and let's see where we get to," my wife told me, brooking no argument. Sue led us into her work area and pulled a curtain across behind us. "OK," she said in a brisk voice. "Please take off your top and jeans, Dave and let me get some measurements," was almost an order as she fished around on her desk until she found the measuring chart she wanted. Even before I hesitantly reached for the hem of my jersey, Claire undid my belt buckle. I took a deep breath and exhaled, gritting my teeth to expose my cross-dressing to another woman yet realising that with Claire by my side I shouldn't come to any harm. Quickly I grasped the hem and raised my jersey over my head. I couldn't help glancing at Sue for the expected sneer or put-down. Instead she merely inspected my exposed body with a critical eye. I undid my jeans and stepped out of them and, like my top, they were whisked away by Claire. "I'd like you to take off your slip too please, Dave," said Sue so without further hesitation I raised the chemise and lifted the slippery satin clear of my head. Sue smiled at Claire and asked "Did Dave choose the gorgeous matching lingerie or did you?" Clair smiled and answered "I did for today but Dave chose the set when we shopped last week." She smiled reassurance at me and I realised I was in a place of safety so my fears slowly faded. Sue got busy with her tape and filled in sizes on her form, then walked around me, analysing my form. "OK, first choice," stated Sue. "Do you want something that will be pretty and easy to wear or do you want a proper foundation garment which will give a shapely feminine outline?" I was nonplussed for a moment, especially as the question was directed to Claire rather than me. "I'm not sure what Dave wants but I think he could do with some serious figure training, because if he knows his body looks and passes as feminine he will gain the confidence to dress as a woman, as we both want." "Wow!" Said Sue, obviously taken aback. She looked at me and said "You are one lucky person, Dave! I get quite a few men customers but not one yet who has such total support from his wife. Are you happy to go along with her choice?" "How could I not? It has only been a week since Claire found out about my cross-dressing and yet she has made all my dreams come true and even more. I hang on her every word and will try anything she wants for us for I had never realised life could be so wonderful." I replied to Sue but my eyes strayed to Claire who was biting her lip gently as she listened to my words. "Wow, again!" Said Sue. "You really are a very lucky couple and so very much in love. I think I have a stock corset close to your size, Dave, let me see if I can find it so you can see and feel what I have in mind." With that she ducked through the curtain. Claire smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the lips "I was hoping we would find the right place but this is even better than I expected. Sue is lovely, isn't she?" "She is unbelievably nice," I replied. "I hope she has got a corset in my size." "Well, yes I have," said a smiling Sue as she returned through the curtain, holding a black corset. She saw me look at it and added "I even have the colour to match your lingerie. Take off your garter belt and we can try it on you for size." She began to loosen the back lacing of the corset. I unclipped my stockings and Claire undid the hooks at the back and put the garter belt on the work table next to her. Sue reached around me with the corset and clipped the top hook of the busk. "Now, hold the bottom edges of the corset and clip the rest of the busk into place, Dave," she told me and watched as I guided all six clips into their respective holes, then she wriggled the corset back and forth and slightly upwards until she had it positioned as she wanted it on my torso. "There. Now I'll lace it up for you but remember we don't lace it too tight to start with. We let the corset adjust to your shape for a couple of days then begin to tighten it further." By now she was behind me and drawing in the lacing at the bottom of the corset and working her way up to the waist. Then she did the same from the top of the corset back downwards while Claire carefully watched everything she did and I delighted in the sensuous hug as the black satin began to grip my body. Sue had Claire take the two growing loops of lace at my waist and pull out the slack as she repeated her tightening from bottom to waist and top to waist. This time the hug increased to a very firm embrace letting me feel the restriction imposed by the steel boning and the strong inner layers of the corset. With a final tug, Sue crossed the loops of lace and tied them into a knot behind me. At Sue's suggestion I fastened the front suspenders to my stockings which, fortunately, hadn't slipped down my thighs. I tried to reach the back ones but couldn't twist enough at the waist to manage. Claire realised my problem and, with a chuckle, did them up for me. I then saw an extra pair at the sides so I clipped those to my stockings as well and delighted in the tug on the suspenders. "Turn around slowly so I can check the fit," asked Sue and I did so. "Hmm............not too bad a fit for a stock garment but if you want proper corsets I recommend you let me make them to your exact measurements. It really does make such a difference. So what do you think, Claire, has it shaped him as you wanted?" "Even better! I watched as you tightened the lacing and couldn't believe how his waist was pulled in. It looks fantastic." "Please understand that a custom corset will look even better. And, don't think me critical but he needs a better-fitting bra. You see, a young man generally has wider shoulders than a girl his age. However as we women age many put on weight and the sizes get closer. The bra he's wearing is very pretty but it's made to fit a young girl. Let me show you the difference." Again she went under the curtain. Returning moments later she held up a black satin and lace bra and started removing it from its hanger. "Take your bra off, Dave, and try this one," she commanded. "You will see that the cups are a little fuller and give better coverage. The shoulder straps are slightly wider for comfort and the cups are just a bit wider apart to make the breasts sit naturally on the chest. Also the under-bust band is as little deeper," Sue told us as she helped me on with it and even did up the three hooks behind me. I had to agree that, even for a new garment, this bra was more comfortable particularly when Sue had adjusted the length of the shoulder straps. As I settled the bra around me Sue stepped over to a large cupboard against the wall. The open door revealed several stacks of pink cardboard boxes which Sue pondered until she found what she was looking for. Placing the chosen pink box beside me she removed the lid and lifted out a soft silicon breast form and slipped it inside my left bra cup. Its partner was soon placed inside the other cup with just the upper flanges slightly visible as they peeked out of the bra. "Oh my goodness," squeaked Claire. "That looks just perfect, Sue!" I looked down on the perfect bust, loving the weight that these realistic forms added to my chest. I couldn't help but cup and feel them and, despite their still-cool touch, they felt amazingly real. "I guess you approve of your firm, full breasts," said Sue with a chuckle and I realised she was staring at my crotch. The wonderful feelings had started an erection and Claire joined in the fun. Thankfully Sue disappeared through the curtain once more, to return in under a minute with the exact same panty-girdle we had looked at when we entered the shop. "You better put this on, Dave. I believe the technique is to tuck yourself down low and backwards," she advised, handing me the lira and satin panty. While she turned to Claire and began asking if she wanted her to make a couple of corsets for me and they discussed colours and styles, I struggled to get my legs through the girdle and wriggle the tight panty up my thighs because the corset really limited how I bent. Once near the tops of my legs it became easier and I stretched it into place, reaching inside my panties to push my manhood down as suggested. "Go look in the mirror," suggested Claire once I was done and in my stockinged feet I hurried over to do just that. I stood in amazement, drinking in every tiny detail of the incredible differences. The shiny satin of the beautiful firm corset hugged my body from hips to just under my bust, highlighting my squeezed-in waist. The matching girdle flattened my bulge and looked so good against the white of my thighs above the stocking tops. From the top of the corset my new bra continued the theme with its satin under-cups and sexy black lace tops. I loved everything the mirror reflected back to me for, if I stood just right, my head was blocked by the frame and I gazed at the perfectly feminine body that was mine. I stroked my hands sensuously up over my hips and tiny waist, taking in the stiff metal boning, then moving up to caress my breast - MY breasts! I turned this way and that to study the image intently. "I don't think we'll be able to take the bra or the forms off her now," I heard Claire say to Sue and realised they were watching the show I had unintentionally put on. Embarrassed, I muttered that I was just checking the fit of all these wonderful new things. I realised how silly that sounded then went for the truth: "Thank you Claire - and you too, Sue. You have made my dreams come true. I never realised or even hoped my body could look this good. Thank you both so much." They both beamed smiles back at me and I felt incredibly happy and excited. "However," I continued as reality began to re-emerge, "I know breast forms are very expensive, can we afford them, Claire?" Sue answered for her. "While you were enjoying your new look, Dave, Claire told be you have a bonus at the end of the month. She has asked me to make two custom corsets for you and they will be ready in two weeks - the end of the month. Claire says she will pay me for the bra and girdle now, and then settle everything else when you collect the corsets. So you might as well keep and enjoy the breast forms in the meantime." My big grin must have given away my excitement for they both chuckled. I looked down over Sue's shoulder at the bill she had written out for all the items and was surprised. "But Sue, those prices are extremely cheap! With those bargains how come the shop isn't flooded with customers?" "My Policy," she replied "is to keep customers for life. You two are happy that you have found me, we have an empathy between us, so you will come back here whenever you want more things. I bet Claire will also be buying lots of her own clothes right here, too. So, rather than be greedy and make big profits on few sales, I try to keep my regular customers with top quality and fair prices. As for other customers, you should have seen them here this morning! You timed it right by coming at lunchtime when it is quiet and I have free time. It will get a bit busier this afternoon, too." I couldn't help myself as Sue had suddenly become a friend and I hugged her tightly and thanked her again. Claire leaned over and joined the hug. Sue wiped a tear from her eyes and said "She needs a wig! What hair colour will suit her best - I think a very light brown, even a dirty blonde would suit her colouring, what about you, Claire." "I think you are right, Sue. Maybe shoulder-length or even a classic bob would match her face-shape." "I agree! What about you, Dave? Fancy yourself as a sultry blonde?" The grin that hadn't been too far from my face returned with a vengeance. "I'll take that for a yes," laughed Sue. "Let me see what I have in stock," and she ducked through the curtain again. "Great!" Exclaimed Claire. "I hadn't thought of a wig as yet. We must grow your own hair, though, in the meantime." Sue returned with three Styrofoam heads each bearing a different wig but all in the same dirty blonde shade. She ushered me backwards into a chair as she stood the heads on her worktable. "Give me a hand, here Claire, will you?" "Of course," answered Claire, taking a brush from her bag and moving my hair away from my face. Claire took the first wig and placed it on my head, pulling into place then fluffing the shoulder-length hair with her fingers. They both stood back to look critically at me then faced each other and said together as though it had been rehearsed "Nope!" The wig was removed and replaced by the second, also shoulder-length but with wavy hair rather than straight this time. Again the inspection and Claire voiced "That is much better. It softens her face and looks much more natural." "She will look even better with make-up but I think you are right about the style," concurred Sue. I don't think either of them realised they had referred to me in the feminine. Before I could ask to look in the mirror, Sue lifted this wig away and put the third on me, this being the page-boy style of bob. The ends of the hair just reached the base of my neck. "Wow!" Said Claire. "Doesn't she look cute? Just look at that elfin face." "Oh YES! That is the look for her. The other one would be fine for evenings but this one is so easy to brush into place and care for. Imagine some hoop earrings peeping out from under. You look lovely, Dave.................wait! We can't keep calling such a sexy looking girl by a man's name. What's your girly name?" I looked at Claire just as she looked at me. Sue was right but we just hadn't discussed it. A smile grew on my wife's lovely face as she voiced her thoughts "I like Diane, it seems to go with the look, unless you have a better choice?" She asked me. I shook my head because I liked the sound of Diane. The smile grew bigger on Claire's face and in her eyes and she told me "Go look in the mirror, Diane." I needed no second chance and leapt from the chair to gaze once more at my reflection. I was truly stunned. I know the sexy body in lingerie set it off so well, but just looking at my head it was so different. The curving sweep of the wig surrounded my face so perfectly, seeming to narrow it quite a lot. Imagining the dash of colour from lipstick and eye-shadow drew me into a dream-world. I became aware of Claire calling my new name and I turned to face her. "When you have finished admiring yourself I want you to try something else." "What else can there be, my Darling? You have done so much and I cannot thank you both enough." Claire smiled and said "I want you to put your jersey and jeans back on so we can see how the casual look suits you." That sounded fun despite covering my gorgeous new lingerie so I took my chemise from Claire and slipped it over my head and watched as it settled perfectly over my new breast-shape. The jeans were next and apart from the corset making it difficult to insert my legs they were soon over my hips. However I had to tighten my belt such a lot to remove the bagginess from my new slender waist. Finally I stretched the neck of the jersey over my new hair, slid my arms into the sleeves and drew it down to my hips. I slid my feet into my shoes and returned to the mirror and was just as surprised. For despite the men's jeans and the unisex jersey I really looked like a girl merely casually dressed. Claire reached around me and took my chin to turn my face towards her. Her other hand came up to coat my lips in a mid-pink gloss. Looking back in the mirror I saw the image was complete. I grasped Claire's hand and squeezed. "Thank you!" was all I could manage. "Do you see a girl who can pass in public?" She asked. "Oh yes," I gushed. "I never thought I could actually look feminine let alone be this pretty." "Then know that you look great with a lovely figure so get ready for the looks that will be coming your way!" She turned to Sue to say "Thanks for everything, our new friend! I'm looking forward already to seeing you in two weeks time. And you were right: I'm not letting my new girlfriend have all the fun wearing outrageous undies, I'll be getting some too! Can you recommend a shoe shop for this girl of mine?" Just as Sue was about to answer, a bell rang to announce the shop's door had opened and we heard the ongoing chat of two women entering. "I must go, ladies. We'll add the wig to the bill when I next see you," and she turned towards the curtain. "Come on, girlfriend!" said Claire grasping my hand and leading me through the curtain Sue held aside for us."We've got lots more shopping to do!" She took the business cards that Sue handed to her. As I saw the two middle-aged customers sauntering along the racks, reality returned. Although I was wearing the same outer clothes I had arrived in, my out-thrust breasts and curvy waist as well as my lovely hair and lipsticked mouth all screamed 'Woman!' Claire's firm grip and relentless pull gave me no choice but to follow her out the shop and over to our car where I thankfully got into the passenger seat as fast as I could but the corset made sure it was in a ladylike fashion. As my wife started the engine I asked "It has been incredible fun, Darling but can we go home now, please?" Claire was having none of it. She turned off the engine and turned to face me. "Oh no, girlfriend! We have made sure you look like a lady and shown you that you do. Now I have got you out and about we are going to continue. Next up are those high heels I promised you. So, if you can't fight it you better just relax and enjoy it - just like you did with Sue," she said with that smile - the one I knew brooked no argument. She glanced down at the business cards she was still holding then held one up for me to see. "Good old Sue," she chuckled."Next call is 'Cover Girl Shoes.'" She drove the six or so blocks and found our way to another small group of shops. This time we had to park away from the shop we wanted as more cars showed more shoppers. I had been mulling over her words whilst she drove and realised how right she was. I could get away with my appearance so to hell with it. I'm going to do it, I told myself. As I emerged from the car my resolve quivered a bit but, standing tall, I smiled at Claire and started walking towards the shop. "Very good, Honey," Claire told me. "But walk slower and take shorter steps! We are girls on a fun bit of shopping, not out on a mission to get everything over and done as quickly as possible. You have so much to learn - but I'm going to teach you." Finally we reached the open door of the shop and stepped inside. It wasn't a big store but seemed crammed with stock of women's shoes, boots and sandals. There were maybe a dozen customers - mostly women - scattered about the shop and about four assistants, all young girls, moving between them and the stock room at the rear. I followed Claire as she walked slowly up the left-hand aisle, casually examining the displays on either side of us. We continued up and down two inner aisles then finally the right hand one until she had obviously got her bearings and knew what was for sale - obviously these were shopping techniques I knew nothing about! She took a short-cut to the second aisle and headed for a range of high heeled court shoes. The display held a sample shoe with boxes beneath holding different sizes and Claire was scanning along the samples and asking me if I saw anything I particularly liked. Just then one of the assistants asked "How are you ladies doing? Need any help?" "Yes, please" said Claire. "Will you measure my girlfriend's feet so we can be sure to choose the right sizes?" "No problem, that is what we are here for," replied Elsa, according to her name badge. The pretty blonde teen led us to the back of the store and asked me to sit. I slipped off my boat shoes and placed my foot on the scale and Elsa moved the two bars about until she had my foot framed to give my size. She checked the other foot and said they were fine, but I should choose the wider range in my size, which would be indicated on the boxes. Claire gave our thanks and we returned to the shoes we had been viewing. "That wasn't difficult, was it?" She pointed to a red court shoe with a stiletto heel that must have been five inches high and asked "Think you can handle those beauties?" I nodded as I had been watching how things were done; people were taking the boxes out and trying the shoes in the aisles and either keeping the box or putting it back. Some were making use of the occasional chair whilst others made do standing. Claire found my size and width and placed both shoes on the carpeted floor. I stepped into them, using the rack as a support. The heels felt fantastic and so sexy despite their frightening height. The fit was perfect and I plucked up courage to take a couple of steps. It always amazed me how light women's shoes are, so unlike the heavy stuff of male footwear. Practicing in heels had helped considerably and I felt I managed quite well. I walked a few steps then turned and walked back, Claire smiling encouragingly as she watched my progress. "Very good, Diane!" she added quietly. "Those we are having. Let's go choose some boots." Back in my own ones, we crossed to the other side of the shop where we stopped in front of a huge range of sexy boots. There were ankle boots and knee boots and over-knee boots and even thigh boots in all colours and finishes and varying heel types. "Choose one," invited my wife and so I scanned the range. Suddenly my stomach gave a twitch, or maybe it was something a bit lower. I saw a white knee boot of patent leather with a four and a half inch stiletto heel and lacing right up the front. It looked so sexy to me and I told Claire my feelings. She laughed quietly but I beat her to rifle through the boxes for my size. I was so disappointed to not find what I wanted. Claire waved over an assistant, surprisingly Elsa again and asked "Do you have any more stock of these? Her size is not there." Elsa smiled and said she'd check in the stockroom and warned it would take a few minutes before striding off through a door at the back. While we waited Claire pointed to a black patent thigh boot with lacing and heels that must have been at least seven inches plus a platform of an inch. "Maybe I'll get you to wear those in the bedroom and bed - just imagine how sexy you'd feel in just those and your corset!" she told me with a wicked grin. I looked hurriedly around but no-one was within earshot, thank goodness! "Don't start that, darling Claire," I responded in a whisper. "This panty girdle is only so strong!" which brought such a delightful throaty chuckle from my wife - it actually raised the hairs on the back of my neck. It made me realise that this was really turning her on and she wasn't just doing it all for me. Elsa returned, thankfully with a box in her hands and, with a smile that would have melted snow, said "Come over here and you can see if they feel right." She led the way to a vacant chair and I sat down. She opened the large box and handed me one of the boots, took the other herself and began threading the laces through the four holes nearest the pointed toe. Seeing what she was doing I did the same, finishing long after she did and becoming aware of my male hands and slightly unkempt nails. If Elsa noticed anything she didn't comment. Now I realised a problem: did I put the boots over or under my jeans? Fortunately Claire lived up to her promise and told me to "Roll up your jeans, Honey, as you'd better not take them off in public!" That was for sure! Then came problem number two: The tight and heavily boned corset limited my bending so much that I could hardly reach the hem of my jeans, even flexing my leg as much as possible. Elsa looked a little puzzled but didn't comment as I slowly managed to roll them up to my knees. She bent down and held the boot open for me to slide my foot in, then criss-crossing the laces through the hooks, did it up for me. The second followed and they felt a really great fit, gripping my legs all the way to my knees. Then I needed to stand to try them out. Again Claire came to my assistance and offered her hand to help me. Once upright I took a few steps and found the heels a doddle after the five inch ones. The boots felt just perfect and I walked about much more than necessary, loving their reflection in the numerous floor-mirrors. My wife read my mind again and said "Seems you've made a sale there, Elsa! I think she will want to wear them for the rest of the day! We'll take these too," she added handing the red shoe box to Elsa. "Ring them up if you would, please." I gratefully noticed that Claire gathered my male shoes and dropped them in the bag into which Sue had put my garter belt. Whilst I struggled to roll down my jeans over the beautiful boots, Claire followed Elsa to the tills where she paid for our purchases. I met her at the door, smiled and waved at Elsa as she moved off - and wondered if she had thought it strange that I hadn't said a word! Once we stepped outside the shop, from carpet to concrete, the incredibly sexy staccato sound that only stiletto heels can make accompanied us to our car. I felt incredibly sexy perched atop those heels and wished I was wearing a skirt or dress that would show the sensuous sway I'm sure was now in my hips. Claire had let me walk a little in front of her and her sultry voice confirmed my thoughts. "You flirty little slut! You're loving every minute of this, aren't you?" I smiled back at her. "You cannot imagine how excited and totally turned on I am, darling. These boots are heavenly and make me feel so feminine. You are making all my fantasies seem like pale dreams to this amazing reality! How can I ever thank you?" Claire stopped and her eyes glazed for moment as she looked into some unknown distance. Then she looked right into my eyes and said "By coming with me to get some good cosmetics, choosing a new dress and then joining me in an intimate meal at a special restaurant as my very special girlfriend, that's how! And afterwards, when we get home together, we are going to fuck each other's brains out!" Her smile seemed sweet but the slightly rosy tint to her face told me just how horny she really was. I decided to do exactly as she said................but promised myself to keep her as turned on as I possibly could and drive her wild tonight. I sat through the make-up session with a girl she had found to be good at one of the specialist drug stores. Tammy quickly realised I was male. Claire told her I was her husband and we were trying out different kinky things! This caught the young girl's imagination and, entering the spirit of this so-called game, went all out to do my make-up for a perfect evening look. This included plucking my eyebrows, false eyelashes, thick liner and mascara, numerous cosmetics and even a manicure with acrylic nails. I have to be honest and say that once I was over the initial hurdles, I loved every minute of the pampered make-over. The pile of cosmetics and the bill were a shock - thank goodness the credit card payment wasn't due until after my hefty bonus! Having seen the superb job Tammy had done for my make-over made me feel I could get away with anything any woman could -I was so happy I didn't want the day to end and told Claire so. The new dress was found in one of the main mall stores and fitted me first time. Getting my jeans and jersey off to try it on in the cramped changing room without spoiling my make-up or hair was an experience! As I had been the whole day I really appreciated Claire's help and support to make everything just right. It was a totally different me to the one who had entered the same mall only hours earlier; then I was a nervous bundle of confusion but now I strutted atop my sexy boots, held my head high and thrust out my new impressive bust! And later accompanying my beautiful wife, who had pulled out all the stops to look fantastic in a dark blue satin and lace number, I in a cap-sleeved red chiffon and lace dress over my corseted figure and new sexy red heels, had dined in intimate luxury. We were happy to load that credit card for one of the most sensuous and special evenings we had ever spent. We talked and shared and whispered as only lover can. A bottle of wine ensured I had no inhibitions and Claire remarked that I had been completely reborn! That is how I felt. Afterwards? Yes, Claire fucked my brains out after she had removed just my new dress and tied my hands to the head-rail of the bed. She pressed her pussy to my face and reached five orgasms as I did everything I could to thank this incredible woman who was now my demanding wife. She sucked me to an urgent climax but teased me back to erection by describing all the events of the day through her eyes. Then she rode me, impaled fully, her hands caressing my new full breasts and told me how she was going to keep her new girlfriend dressed as sensuously as she could. Our mutual orgasm seemed to blow off the tops of both our heads and I'm sure our screams must have reached any of our neighbours who had their windows open! Then to cap off a mind-blowing day, Claire dismounted and pressed her pussy once more to my face and demanded I suck and lick her clean. She leaned forward and took my slowly hardening cock into her mouth to suck once again. I still am amazed that we both reached a final climax! Neither of us had the strength for anything more so, after untying me, we collapsed in each other's arms, murmuring our love. We drifted off to sleep like that, me still in my corset at the beginning of the serious figure-training Claire had promised - and I loved it!

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Choices and Consequences

Inspired by a dream, and dedicated to my love Marianne! Choices & Consequences By Apple Lee was in trouble, and he knew it. Worse than knowing he was in trouble was the knowledge that it was his own fault. It had started a couple of years ago, when his father had met, fallen in love with, and soon married, the much younger Laura. In fact, to the then-eleven Lee, she had seemed more like the age of a sister than a parent, only nineteen to his dad's fifty-odd years. Maybe it was...

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The Consequences

The ConsequencesI looked down to see my cock standing straight out in the summer sun. It was as hard as it could be. I just was so turned on. I didn’t know what was turning me on more. Was it the fact that I was stark naked in front of several strangers in broad daylight or was it from looking at Julie’s incredibly sexy naked body standing next to me?That old familiar excited thrill was stirring deep in my gut. It was that special tingle that exhibitionists feel when they are naked in places...

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The Consequences

The Consequences by anyport I blame my father for all my problems. He gave me some fatherly advice when I was young, and I've always heeded it, the advice? 'No matter how much you're in debt, always pay your gambling debts immediately.' Innocent enough advice, you may think, and under normal circumstances, very sound. Unfortunately, it has become so ingrained in me, that I would never, under any circumstance, avoid payment of a gambling debt. As you'll learn, this became my...

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PickUp Line Unintended Consequences

Permission is granted for Fictionmania, StorySite, Nifty, Bev's Balcony, and any other FREE site to archive and web publish this story, intact and with the attribution to Ellie Dauber (below) so long as the site remains free. I do not consider so-called adult-check systems to be free, and thus, such sites do not have permission to host this story. Published with the gratefully acknowledged permission of Ellie Dauber, whose wonderful story, Pick-up Line, copyright 2000, is the...

3 years ago
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State of ChaosChapter 19 Unintended Consequences

Savannah, Georgia January 1986 The band completed what was sure to be their last two club dates for quite some time. The last was a very lucrative hotel gig on New Years Eve. To tide over the other members of the band Tony and Tina had copied parts of the recording contracts they had initially been offered and agreed to advance the rest of the band against album sales while they were in the recording studio. For everyone else involved come January second Tony simply put them on the...

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Unintended Consequences

The Ordeal UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES PrologueMohammed Al-Utaibi was having a very bad day, not that day or night meant much to him anymore.? He still had headaches from the explosion that had killed most of men with whom he had worked.? His concept of time had vanished in the weeks since the Special Forces unit had put a hood over his face and taken him from Baghdad to Camp Anaconda to Balad Air Force Base, and from there to an underground cell at an undisclosed location.? Though...

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Unexpected Sexperience With Unexpected Woman

Hello dear readers… Hope you are ready to be aroused by my new unexpected yet wonderful experience. Not delaying any more… here I start my experience :) I am a male bdw ;) and I am staying with my friends in a house. As many guys have that anxiety about woman and their hidden treasures, I was also curious about them and always wanted to have some fun with woman but never got a chance. So… why am I writing this post? It’s because every one is given a fair chance, I also got mine and that too in...

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Daydream Believer Consequences

Whew! What a time with this one. The characters seemed to never shut up! Based upon reader input this is final installment of the Daydream Believer line. Or is it? What do you, the readers think? Should I end it as is or go out with a bang? Yep, here is where you can comment. All constructive comments are welcome. If you need anything more feel free write me on the feedback line. Dedicated to: HDK, Patricia51, The Troubadour, and all the folks who have given me positive feedback on my meager...

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Pennys Promiscuity 12 Cruel Consequences

I stood at the window, still wearing my over-tight gym clothes, watching my husband Pete’s Porsche pass out of the driveway, turn right and disappear towards the hospital where he worked. The large wooden gates swung slowly but firmly closed behind him; a menacing metaphor for the way my future looked right then.Insisting that we needed time apart to consider our relationship, my husband of over twenty years had just walked out, leaving me to my guilty thoughts, alone.The nightmare had begun,...

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There will be consequences

I guess I had it coming to me. My wife had warned me that there would be consequences, and I had failed to listen. We have a really open relationship, but there are some things that she won't tolerate. I understand that, but I also like to play with fire.It was a Tuesday night, and we both had meetings that were going to run late into the night. I suspected that my wife would be having another woman eat her pussy, rather than close the Henderson account, but I didn't want to say anything. ...

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Glimpses of Consequences

GLIMPSES OF CONSEQUENCES By DrBill "HOWA we going to start?" The ritual joke having been followed by the ritual groans, the Housewives of Worthington Acres came to order. The group had evolved from informal visits for coffee and complaining to a neighborhood organization of sorts. While the meetings still tended to be primarily boast and bitch sessions, they also traded useful information and occasionally took on neighborhood improvement projects and the like. But they did not try...

1 year ago
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Caught with Consequences

Copyright, Emanon_Pen, 2005. All Rights Reserved. The stories on this website are works of fiction. Any characters resemblance to persons living or dead is purely and entirely coincidental. Any actions taken by the characters or the portrait of such actions never occurred and if they mimic any form of reality, it is purely and entirely coincidental. These stories contain explicit descriptions of sexual activity and may be perceived by some as being pornographic. If you feel that...

3 years ago
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Consequences. By Tanya H. When chance and workload allowed I would excuse myself from the office at lunchtimes and enjoy a short walk into town for a sandwich and cup of tea. If I had made my fitness commitments the previous week I'd even allow myself a cake. That particular day spring carried the promise of summer, the sun was shining, it was pleasantly warm and I had left my jacket across the back of my chair. Through trial and error I had found the cafe where I could get...

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Consequences                      David Dexter couldn’t concentrate on the columns of figures that were filling his computer screen. He found his eyes being drawn repeatedly to the photograph of his slim and very attractive wife that sat on one corner of his desk. He swallowed anxiously and glanced at his watch. What on earth had he done? When he’d left home three hours earlier Diana had been nervously pacing back and forth in their lounge. She was still wearing her night gown and her face was...

2 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 17 Consequences

JUNE 2001, JUNIOR YEAR "Oh, THAT's what that question was asking?" "Wait, what do you MEAN there was a question 5b?" "Ah hell, my parents are gonna kill me when that report card comes out." "Fuck it. I don't care anymore. When are you heading over to Elaine's place?" School was out. The past was past, and anything short of hacking the database or sneaking into the records office wouldn't change your test scores. So by four in the afternoon, Elaine Fukuhara and 35 of her...

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Unexpected Visitor3

Chapter 1 It was after ten o'clock on a gloomy January night. There was a cold rain falling, and it was being driven by a stiff wind. It was a good night to stay in. I was sitting in front of my computer about to finish my data entry assignments for the night. I thought I would read a porn story or two after that. The only light I had on in the house was the one on my desk. Suddenly, I was startled by a knock on my door. Being naturally suspicious of such unexpected visitors at...

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Consequencesb7 2NN If you are a minor go elsewhere now! If you are offended byhomosexuality, sexual torture, scat or snuff or of a generally squeamishnature, go elsewhere now. This is not for you. Prologue As I shoot my load into the absolutely gorgeous woman beneathme, a voice somewhere in the back of my mind tells me that this iswrong. She's my best friend's wife and this is not how you treat yourbest friend. But Sheila is beautiful and we've been attracted to eachother for ages. The spark...

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Youngsville Part 9 Consequences

I opened the door to my cottage and took out the bundle of cash I had been given by Mr. Wayland. I rolled away the carpet on the floor and opened the hatch down to my personal safe. It was brand new that Mr. Wayland had given me as a present after I had finished the nursery. He claimed that he was forced to give me a place to protect my valuables and money that I had earned. I enjoyed the loud slam it made when I closed it shut. I sure did not want to get my toe stuck in-between the 2 inch...

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Unexpected Titty

Reddit Unexpected Titty, aka r/UnexpectedTitty! Sometimes, we are lucky enough to be present during something unexpectedly hot, and that is basically what r/unexpectedtitty/ is all about. I think the name of the subreddit pretty much says it all, and you can expect a lot of unexpected titties or so to speak. With just a bit browsing, I am sure that you will get the gist of what r/unexpectedtitty/ is all about.Now, keep in mind that Reddit.com is a free website, and there are loads of NSFW...

Reddit NSFW List
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Unexpected Desire

To understand how totally unexpected the event of several months ago was, knowing my history, well my sexual history, is helpful. I am a twenty-four year old lesbian. Well, at least I was a lesbian, but now I'm probably bi. The change in sexual orientation is what this story is about. I learned I was attracted to girls when I first turned sixteen and began exploring the secret world of sex in high school. Earlier, I didn't think much about the subject, and it wasn't a topic at home. Some of...

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Unexpected Night With My Best Friend

Hey this is Dhruv. This is my first sex experience which I want to share with u guys. This experience and situation was completely unexpected. Its with my best friend Tina. Tina and me are best friends from childhood.. but one unexpected night got us together physically too.. Coming to info about me I am a boy age 21, and I am studying.. and good looking. My best friend Tina is my childhood friend. Both of us played together, shared everything..but never had such feelings of getting physical....

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Unexpected Restroom Lust 8211 Part 2 8211 The Fuck Part

Hi this is Arjun again for ISS. This is my second story for ISS. To get to know a little about myself and to know what happened before this story PLS check out the previous story “Unexpected Restroom lust”. The previous story had a few spelling mistakes and I think this will too :P. Pls bear with me. This story is a continuation of my first sexperience with my college mate JananiPriya, that too in our college restroom. Weird place to have sex isn’t it. So, with no time to waste; ill start the...

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Unexpected Sex Experience With Lustful Neighbor

Hi friends… Gary from Calcutta. Thanks to ISS for publishing all my previous stories and the wonderful responses from the readers. I have been blessed amazingly in matters of love and sex, especially in last 3 years after coming to Calcutta. For those who are reading my escapade for the first time, I am a 34 year old guy with lots of sex drive. I love to keep myself fit by regularly gymming, and various sports. And being a part of a high end residential society, get many chances to interact...

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Unexpected Sex With School Friend

Hi this is Rohi, I am gonna share with you a story of me and my School friend I use to live in a rented house in Mumbai alone. My daily chores include of morning office evening making dinner and sleep.one day I was bored of going office so decided to skip by giving reason of not well. It was raining heavily outside suddenly I called my school friend Priyanka who was working in nearby area and told her to visit at my place as I was alone and bored . She came within an hour fully drenched in...

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Unexpected Fun After A Ball Party

Hi, this is my first story at ISS. I have been a regular reader of sex stories over here and at last thought to pen down my real experiences. This is my first experience which I am writing here. I am not a descriptive writer so Please forgive me for my mistakes. Fair comments will encourage me to further share my other experiences in a better way. You can send your feedback on my mail address at I m raj at present 32 years of age, highly educated,well mannered, suave and articulate . I stand...

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Unexpected Mommy Parts 1 2 and 3

Unexpected Mommy - Part 1 By Trish5160 My name is Alex. I'm 14 and out of three boys born in my family, I was the youngest and like the runt in a litter of kitties. I am either blessed or cursed with gynecomastia, depending on your perspective. Gynecomastia is unexplained breast development in guys. No one really knows why this condition exists or what triggers it. There are a lot of theories, one being an imbalance of hormones at birth. A boy like me who's body has produced...

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I have always loved reading. I read all sorts of books, both fact and fiction. I like travel books, history books, biographies, mysteries, murders, in fact all sorts of reading material. My very favourite are short stories with a twist in the tale: Those clever stories that have an unexpected ending. A favourite author is Jack Finney whose tales are often about shifts in time. The titles of his various books on Amazon give the clue to his obsession with time - “Time and Time Again,” “About...

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Unexpected Surprise on a Road Trip and Pleasure Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I was going home after a long day’s work and didn’t feel like driving in the crappy weather. It was raining cats and dogs, anything was hardly visible and roads were flooded. In that weather, I found a girl looking for lift. I had to stop and I watched her as she slowly walked towards my car. She stood at the window hesitating. I assured her I am not some kind of psycho. She smiled and slowly got in. I turned on the blower, she was dripping wet. I started the car and slowly drove around. I...

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Warning: As well as the usual transvestite themes this story contains graphic descriptions of both hetero' and homosexual sex. It also deals with incest; so be warned. If you don't want to read this sort of stuff, you know where the OFF button is! Consequences. By Belle Gordon. Chapter One My decline into immorality and depravity began the morning I was summoned into the Headmaster's office. With only another week till the end of the school year, my class was not doing...

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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 6 Surprising Consequences

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Six: Surprising Consequences By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Sam Davies I was buzzing as Dad rolled off of me. I felt so open now. I wasn't a virgin any longer, and it was amazing. My awesome, sexy dad deflowered me. His cum leaked out of me. I could feel him in me, brimming in me. He was finally mine. Mom was out of town. I had Saturday and Sunday to make him all mine. To steal him utterly from...

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‘You,’ Jason said sternly to his wife, ‘asked me to do this. Go get the brush.’ ‘Wait, let’s talk about this,’ Megan replied. ‘We did. I didn’t want to do this. But you convinced me that it’s what you want.’ ‘Yes, but this isn’t what it looks like.’ ‘No? You didn’t say last week, I need consequences. I want you to spank me for real, if I smoke, and use the brush if I buy any?’ Jason picked up a pack of cigarettes off of the kitchen table. ‘I did. But these aren’t mine,’ Megan said as she...

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"Amy, Amy, Amy," I sighed. "How many times have we been in this same position now?""Many times, Master." Amy Richards knelt on the floor in front of me as I sat in my recliner in the living room of my home. Amy was my submissive, and I her Master. However, her submission was still a difficult concept for her to put into practice. Her heart was in it, but her mind and will still needed a little convincing!"Yes, we have. For various reasons, I'll grant you. You seem to always find new ways to get...

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There was a woman already at reception when he came into the hotel. Even though it was only a short walk from his car, the blizzard was so intense snow was caked to the front of his coat."I understand that you've had a relapse," said the therapist. “You appeared to be doing so well, and repairing your relationship with your husband.”“Yes, it was a week ago. With a stranger. Remember the blizzard…”“A stranger. It’s not just sex with someone other than your husband. Strangers can be dangerous. We...

Quickie Sex
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Exposure and Consequences

By suelove58 © Sep 2019I suppose this actually started 3 or 4 weeks ago. The Saturday of that weekend I had worked in my garden most of the afternoon. Afterwards I had a nice long soak in the bath to ease my aching muscles.I settled on the sofa after my bath, removed my robe and started rubbing body lotion into my skin. My skin was glowing with the lotion and my gentle rubbing. I was feeling nicely relaxed.I suddenly realised that it was dark outside, my living room lights were on and the...

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I stood in front of you uneasily. Shifting weight from one heeled leg to the other. Hands at my side. Not looking you in the eye.I had made a reasonable attempt to look nice for you. The maid outfit was fairly cute, I guess. The shortness of the skirt showing off my stockinged legs. The tightness of the top accentuating my little titties. It was the blonde, shoulder-length hair, straight and fringed. And my makeup was smooth and subtle. My lips pink and inviting.But more than cuteness was...

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Swap Consequences

***With the persistence of her husband and a friend, a reluctant wife is finally persuaded to join a swap group. All goes well at first, then events take an unexpected turn. (MF, reluc, wife, voy, swing)***"Why don't you just ask her?" Dave said,."I'm pretty sure she wouldn't go for it.""I had the same problem when I approached Jean. Her first reaction was no way. She wasn't about to become involved in group activities. But I got her thinking about it-the idea was planted, and one day she asked...

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"You," Jason said sternly to his wife, "asked me to do this. Go get the brush." "Wait, let's talk about this," Megan replied. "We did. I didn't want to do this. But you convinced me that it's what you want." "Yes, but this isn't what it looks like." "No? You didn't say last week, I need consequences. I want you to spank me for real, if I smoke, and use the brush if I buy any?" Jason picked up a pack of cigarettes off of the kitchen table. "I did. But these aren't mine," Megan said as she placed...

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Kelly Girl 25 Floop or Consequences

Kelly Girl 25: "Floop or Consequences" Down the hall from Barbie and Kelly, in the boys' part of the house, Richard and Pete dozed in front of the big TV in the children's lounge. Richard woke up from a very vivid dream and stared at the screen for several minutes, not really seeing the infomercial that had replaced the Australian Rules Football he and Pete had been watching. "Pete," he said. "Uh," his older brother grunted. Richard turned off the pitch for the ultimate kitchen...

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Caught With Consequences

Caught With Consequences by CC Sondra My wife was sitting across from me with that cat that caught the canary smile on her face. It was a hot summer night, and we were out at the local Dairy Queen, enjoying some iced cream, as well as each other's company. We were sitting inside, where it was nice and cool, and I had just received a compliment on how "pretty my toes looked." Even though you'd think I would be used to the smiles, giggles, and remarks by now, I know I blushed a...

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Unintentional Consequences

UNINTENTIONAL CONSEQUENCES by CutePatti (2/2018) As I walked into the bathroom to take my evening shower I noticed that my daughter's cute pink mary jane shoes and a pair of her white frilly anklet socks were laying on the small dressing bench. The socks had each been separately placed just inside each shoe's opening with great care, certainly not the usual way she would have normally removed and discarded them by flipping the shoes off in 2 different directions and then pulling off...

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Unintended Consequences

    Amy glanced across the room and gave a little shy smile before averting her eyes from the four men who were watching her. She knew that they had taken an interest in her, and the excitement of it all caused her to take in a deep breath that pushed her large breasts tightly against the thin silky material of her blouse. Wearing no bra, Amy was well aware that her nipples were clearly visible against the harsh lights in this corner of the club. Her short flared skirt did little to hide her...

Wife Lovers
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Cheating has consequences

Ruth and Stella had known each other since school. Ruth had been the bridesmaid at Stella and Mark’s wedding. Both Ruth and Stella were 28yo with Mark a year older. Ruth never married, in fact she didn’t even date. She never seen interested in any of the men in town although many had tried. She got the reputation of being a bitch. Maybe that is why she allowed Mark to seduce her. Maybe to prove that she really wasn’t a bitch. Sunday morning Ruth tried to think of why she could go to lunch....

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 9 Harem Masters Naughty Consequences

Chapter Nine: Harem Master's Naughty Consequences By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...

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Neglect your wife and suffer the consequences

Neglect your wife and suffer the consequences or reap the rewards depending on how kinky you are.James pulled out of the drive, swinging the car around onto the street. He looked back at his home just as the roller door was about to contact the paving.It was Saturday, and James would spend another weekend in the office. It's funny how things work out, he thought to himself. James and Joanne were lucky. Nearly three years ago, before the 2008' global financial crash. James had made a daring and...

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"You," Jason said sternly to his wife, "asked me to do this. Go get the brush." "Wait, let's talk about this," Megan replied. "We did. I didn't want to do this. But you convinced me that it's what you want." "Yes, but this isn't what it looks like." "No? You didn't say last week, I need consequences. I want you to spank me for real, if I smoke, and use the brush if I buy any?" Jason picked up a pack of cigarettes off of the kitchen table. "I did. But these aren't mine,"...

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The tickets went unused and the hotel suite stayed empty. Phone calls went straight to voice-mail. My wife, our two kids and my parents did not attend my unit’s redeployment ceremony at Fort Stewart, Georgia. Fifteen months in Iraq, seven months since I last saw them on my mid-deployment leave. I talked to them over a week ago from Kuwait confirming their attendance and my love. My wife had mentioned ‘payback’ before hanging up. Now, nothing. Have to think about this. Put on a happy face....

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The Law of Unintended Consequences

According to Konrad J. Friedman, the law of unintended consequences is the proposition that every undertaking, however well-intentioned, is generally accompanied by unforeseen repercussions that can overshadow the principal endeavor. Last weekend, without telling my wife, Jennifer, that I was doing this, I undertook to save her some aggravation from the noises caused by my various vehicles back-up beepers. We live in a brick Federalist house more than big enough for our needs, behind which is...

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Chapter 1 During our wedding reception, my new bride and I had a bit too much to drink. After the reception, Jen and I piled into our rented limo and headed off to the Inn where we were staying. Our friend Ralph also got into the limo, since he was staying at the same Inn. Jen's pretty with blond hair. She's petite with long shapely legs, a flat stomach, a tight shapely ass, and small but perfectly shaped tits with perky nipples. While Jen and I were going out, we often fantasized about...

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The HandymanChapter 2 Consequences

Ralph Morrow had been almost 35 when he married Allison's mother. He was the product of a very strict non-conformist religious, and temperance upbringing, and he was by any standard, a very autocratic and domineering husband. When Allison was born, he was delighted, although, he had really wanted a son, but he attempted to bring her up in the same way as he had been brought up, with the same strict code of conduct, and religious beliefs He strictly regulated her friendships in her teens,...

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