Unexpected Consequences 6 free porn video

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Saturday morning began with me waking to a slight sensation in my left nipple and I sleepily scratched at it. The feeling moved to the right nipple and I brushed that one too. I heard a giggle and opened my eyes to see Claire up on one elbow in the act of scraping her fingernail over my left nipple again through my satin gown. I reached up and pulled her into my arms. We cuddled for a few minutes and murmured our love for each other. Mention of Sue was made and we both looked over to the line of bulging bags still leaning against the wall from where we'd left them. We decided to look over our new clothes but wanted to shower first. I rose to make coffee and Claire said she'd get showered while I did so. When I returned with our mugs, Claire was in her robe and I noticed a bag from the middle of the line was missing. I remembered Sue's gift to Claire and realised there was no chance of her telling me what was in the mystery bag. We sipped our drinks and I wondered where to start. My wife solved that by grabbing the nearest one and tipping its content onto the bed and out poured a mix of bras and panties. Amongst them my new panty-girdles were easily recognised and Claire gathered them together into a pile. Next she started looking at the bra labels and sorting them in two piles by size - hers and mine. She used the same method on the huge range of panties and, whilst she did so, set me to matching my bras and girdles by colour. I finished up with a dozen sets and another ten sexy panties in a range of styles in satin, nylon and lace in a range of colours whilst Claire had about a dozen sets. "Before we go any further, Honey, I need to make room for all these," I was told as she opened her underwear drawer and started dropping old or unwanted garments in a heap on the floor. "Go and get showered while I do so. I finished my coffee and did my ablutions, as always making sure to shave wherever needed and moisturise all over. I walked back into the bedroom naked and saw that the bed had been cleared of all her panties and the heap on the floor had grown. I selected a new white bra and panty that Claire suggested I try. I was about to rip off the tags when she stopped me. "No Honey! If it's clothing, women use the motto 'Try it before you buy it.' It's no good trying to return something that's the wrong size or style or you just don't like the way it looks if you've torn of the price tags and labels, is it?" I stood; suitably chastised but prepared to learn anything I could about womanhood and mumbled my apologies. I slid the panty on and tucked myself back - the fit was as perfect as the black pair Sue had originally selected for me. I clipped the bra around my waist and swivelled it before lifting it onto my chest and slipping my arms through the satin straps. Once my silicon forms were inserted, Claire adjusted the shoulder-straps to get the fit just right. She pronounced the size as perfect took her nail scissors from the dressing table and cut the plastic holding the size label. She scanned the bags against the wall and, finding what she was looking for, withdrew my new white corset. In daylight the satin shone brighter and it looked even more stunning than it had in the shop. I took a white corset-liner from Claire and stretched it over my hips to right under my bust. I clipped the busk into place and, before I could ask her, Claire stepped behind me to do up the lacing. Soon I was laced and knotted into its fantastic embrace and loving the feeling of how tight it was without being painful. Even being new, there was not the slight discomfort that the old one had at first in the waist. I looked in the mirror and loved the shape of the reflected body. Clair was looking at me and said, Sue really has made you beautiful corsets, Honey. I bet they fit you better than Jill's ever did - and better than that one fitted Jill I guess! You look stunning in it" I was running my fingers up and down the slick satin and feeling the soft pink lace when I saw a slight body-language change in Claire out of the corner of my eye. Her smile was now more of a smirk. "What?" I asked. "Nothing Honey, I was just thinking of all the womanly things you still have to learn about wearing your new clothes. But don't worry, you'll learn with practice" She said no more as she went back to trying on her own bras, adjusting them and removing labels before putting them into her drawer. I slipped my robe back on and sat at the dresser to do my make-up and was even successful first time with my mascara. Everything comes with practice, I thought. I was just finishing with a touch of blush when Claire placed the Styrofoam head and my new black wig beside me, saying "Let's see if Diane is as sexy a brunette as she is as a blonde." More than happy to oblige I took the wig and tugged it into place. As I combed a few stray hairs into place I loved my new look. I had already got used to seeing me as a blonde and this change made such a difference. I turned to face Claire and asked "You Like?" "Wow! Honey, you look so different! Just as beautiful though as that style is so you. Leave it on today so I can get used to it, please." And talking about beautiful, there was Claire in a red satin and black lace panty and bra set that was so incredibly sexy that my jaw sagged as I drank her in! She smiled in delight at my obvious lust "You like?" she copied, striking a glamour-model pose. "You look as stunning as always, Darling but right at this moment you look good enough to eat!" She giggled, watching me scan her sexy body, then did the amazing female deflection of conversation. "Talking of eating, I think we ought to get breakfast now." Decision made, she grabbed her own robe, slipped it on and exited the bedroom. Not having much choice, I stepped in to my heeled mules and followed. Weekend breakfasts, for us, are an institution. We jealously guard them as time together without the rush of the normal weekday. So, despite all the unpacked bags and exciting things to look and try, we relaxed and made a full meal of fruit and cereal then eggs, bacon and toast. As always during preparation, cooking and eating there was plenty of talking and touching and the wonderful intimacy of a sacred (to us) event. When we'd finally finished our last cup of coffee, I excused myself to go for a pee and Claire said she'd do the clearing up. Two minutes later I was back in the kitchen, feeling stupid and understanding Claire's earlier humour - and she made me spell it out!"Yes, Darling, I do have a lot to learn as a woman - like never to lace a corset on over a panty-girdle! Please will you unlace me so I can tug them down? Please hurry!" I'll grant that she never said 'I told you so' but if ever there was an unspoken phrase in the air it was right then! As soon as there was enough slack in the lacing I managed to drag the tight-fitting panty from under my corset and dash back to the bathroom. It was a very sheepish me that returned a few minutes later, asking to be re-laced. Again I admired her self-control because she said nothing........but said so much in her silence! At least I now knew panties go over corsets. Eventually Claire took my hand, with no mention of what had occurred and led me from the kitchen "Let's go see what else we bought!" I needed no encouragement and we went hand in hand to the bedroom. The first task was to make space for my new undies and Claire opened my underwear drawer and began tossing all my male briefs on the heap she had started with her own unwanted things. When she was finished there was one black pair of briefs left and these I was told were for emergencies! With her help all my bras and panties were soon in tidy piles. We made the bed together so we'd have more room to spread things out then Claire grabbed another bag and tipped it onto the bed. This time it was a mixture of dresses, skirts and blouses in a wide range of colours and loads of packs of stockings. I was shown which sizes were for each of us and we attacked the pile to sort out our own clothes. I loved the feeling of the wonderful soft fabrics and was also glad to see the two piles were about even. Claire opened her walk-in closet and, gathering up her new clothes began hanging them at one end of a rail. I thought I better also make space so opened my closet and shunted my suits and slacks along to one end but was stopped from hanging them up when Claire said, Don't put anything away yet, I want to see you try them on!" So with her avid help I took my robe off and slipped into the pink satin blouse she handed to me. Buttoning it up it still felt strange being other-handed but I was becoming used to it. This was paired with a black leather mini skirt which wasn't too short. The resulting look could have served as casual or smart and I loved it. I won't bore you with every item but suffice to say I now had a great range of day-wear which could be mixed and matched so many ways. A second and third bag also yielded more outfits for me and soon my dress rail held more Diane clothes that Dave items. My stack of stockings reposed alongside my reduced pairs of socks for many were dumped. Next up were nightwear and slips and I noticed there were two of everything in the former! I realised how my lovely, thoughtful wife had wanted us to share our nights together. The slips and chemises were all such delicate, sensuous items in all shades and colours of nylon, lace and satin. I lovingly folded each item and put them with my bras and panties. "So what are you going to wear today, Diane? It must be something pretty as we'll be having our guest for lunch." With a grin I walked back into my closet and riffled through all the new items. The pink satin blouse seemed to scream out to me and I paired it with white skirt and Claire nodded her approval. Tan stockings and a white nylon waist slip with thick, soft lace at the hem were soon clutched in my hands and I headed for the bed to change. I pirouetted for Claire when asked and she smiled her liking of my choice. I slipped on my white boots and she said, The boots go well but that outfit really needs white or pink sling-backs. I guess we are going shoe shopping tomorrow! In the meantime, I've bought you a little present." She stepped to her drawer and pulled out a small package and handed it to me. I unwrapped it and found to be Chanel perfume - my favourite on Claire but one she didn't like herself. We kissed and hugged before I dabbed my neck, cleavage and wrists. I felt it to be the finishing touch but I still had so much to learn: Claire found a couple of bangles and a pink-stoned necklace for me to wear that really finished off the look. I took a pink lipstick from my cosmetic selection and coated my lips before adding gloss. I selected a matching nail varnish, stuck on my nails and began coating them. Whilst I did so, Claire scanned her own new purchases and chose a pink skirt and white satin blouse! How clever to complement our looks. She dressed, adding pink sling-backs, and I told her how stunning she looked. She blushed. Grabbing one of the empty bags Claire filled it with her discarded underwear along with all the things of Dave's she said were not needed. I took it from her, along with the other empty ones and took it to the garage for later disposal. In the kitchen we prepared a few salads and cold cuts and I made sure the wine-cooler had a suitable selection before going to uncover the furniture on our back patio. Claire came through with iced teas after a few minutes and we settled into the intimacy of our lush and secluded garden. We chatted about numerous things, holding hands and enjoying each other. On the stroke of mid-day I heard the doorbell so rose to my feet to greet our guest. I opened the door and watched Carol's face change to one of wonder as she scanned me from head to foot. "Gosh, Diane! You look stunning again.........and I love the brunette look." "Carol, you are so good for my ego! Please come in." We hugged and I led her through to the patio where she hugged Claire. I rejoined them, bringing a glass for Carol and jug of iced tea and the two girls were already deep in conversation. Once I'd poured and sat down Carol turned to me and demanded "Your corsets - what are they like? Do they fit well?" Claire answered for me. "Why don't we have an early lunch then Diane can show you her new wardrobe?" Carol nodded and managed to get her excitement back under control. Later we went back up to our bedroom and we showed her all of my new outer clothes which she 'oohed and aahed' over. Claire said, with a feint grin on her face, "Take off your blouse and skirt now, Diane, and show Carol your new corset." I knew this new Claire well enough to know it was not a suggestion but a command. Even though I'd shown her my old corset and forms I know I blushed as I undressed in front of Carol, despite her smile of approval. When she saw the corset revealed she gasped "Oh! It's gorgeous, Diane! I love it. When I was young I bought a red satin corset and I always felt so sexy whenever I wore it. When I met my husband-to-be I was wearing it and he felt it. I think that was one of the things that cut so much ice between us and we were married six months later. I wore that one for my wedding and he bought me four others in the years we had together, he said I looked sexier in a corset than any other lingerie." Now she blushed then tried to cover it by adding "And I can see what he meant. You look stunning, Diane." When I showed her the black one Carol's chin dropped. She fondled and stroked it and said, None of mine were half a sexy as this. If they had been I'd never have survived the honeymoon!" Later, back on the patio with me dressed again, Carol looked at both of us and smiled. "You really are a fabulous couple and I'm pleased you are so happy...........but what are you going to do now that Diane is such an important part of your lives? She is so naturally right and a lovely person that you cannot pretend she doesn't exist when she cannot be around. "What I'm saying is that this is the real you, Diane, so why can't you be her all the time? I love you being her and love being around her. Working with her last weekend was so much fun. Hey! The others are all away for the first four days, next week - PLEASE will you work as Diane?" I knew the other partners were going to be out but also realised the risks. It had been fun on the weekend but there had been little chance of discovery. My need to be Diane also pushed me and the thought of it was very enticing. Eventually Claire said, We'll think about it, Carol. I know Diane would love to but I fear Dave is a fearful old stick-in- the-mud!" We all laughed at that but I did find a grain of truth there - I felt more vibrant, alive and willing to try new things as Diane. The afternoon drifted to a close and Carol got ready to leave, hugging us both and telling us what fun she'd had. I confessed that I loved our new relationship and counted her as one of my best friends and I was glad she shared our secret. This brought new hugs and there was a glint of wetness in Carol's eye. After a home-cooked dinner Claire and I chatted through all of what had been discussed with Carol and she asked "So why can't you just tell the other partners that you are going to live as a woman from now on - you are the senior partner that holds it all together, after all?" I explained that while that was theoretically possible, my customer-base and reputation was built as Dave and Diane could scarcely go skipping into boardrooms in her high-heels! "Why not?" she countered. "They want your knowledge and skills and council and it will be the same outcome whether from Dave or Diane?" Whilst nothing was decided either way I somehow ended up later that night tied to the bed, still in my new corset, being ridden by my super- horny wife. Sunday, indeed, saw us back at Cover Girl Shoes and spending some three hours and another small fortune. We finally returned home with an elated Claire having bought herself ten pairs of shoes and boots and twice as many for me! Mine, however only had one pair with one-inch heels and another with a three inch wedge. The rest were four inch stilettos or higher as all so sexy! She had insisted on getting me the black thigh-boots and now I knew of her fantasy, set out to fill it. That didn't work out too well for me as I also found myself wearing my new black corset and the single sleeve! Two things from Sue came into play as well: a steel and leather collar which she locked around my neck, and shiny steel nipple clamps which she attached with delight. At first the clamps were quite painful but soon the hurt faded. Claire had fun gently tugging on the chain that joined then and the arousal it caused was plain for her to see. That night I came almost violently as Claire rode me holding the nipple clamp chain almost like reins! But oh how it hurt when she removed them! I awoke on Monday to find Claire somewhat withdrawn which contrasted horribly with how open and sharing we had been for what seemed like forever. "What's the matter, Darling?" I asked for the second time, my first having been ignored completely. Her face giving nothing away, Claire looked at me coolly. "I'm just wondering if you've got the guts to dress as who you really are....................or whether ......................... No, it doesn't matter" She strode out of the bathroom as I entered the shower. For the first time since my 'discovery' I felt alone. It was as though every aspect of the incredible support I'd had from Claire had been suddenly stripped away. My mind tried to focus on my choices: Make Claire and Carol - and me? - happy and ruin my career or, Continue pretending, make all of us miserable but keep our income and lifestyle and live as we did just three weeks ago! As my mind ran away with those thoughts and their implications I sub- consciously washed, shampooed, dried and moisturised myself. I became aware of staring at my reflection in the mirror and wondering who was looking back - Dave in his natural state...........or Diane without her make- up? And I stared some more as I tried to lift my spirits from the depth of depression. I'd never suffered from indecisiveness but now my mind went back and forth to each extreme. Finally I made the choice. I went into the bedroom and dressed. A while later I strode into the kitchen where Claire had our breakfasts ready. She looked up and beamed - and my inner purgatory lifted when she said, Come and sit down, Diane!" I'd dressed in a yellow blouse and dark green skirt and her up and down glance told me I looked acceptable. Over breakfast she told me that Carol's thoughts had made it clear to her that we had to accept I was now truly Diane and I realised she was right. I also presented my analysis of having just two options and said I hated the thought of losing my career! "Let's just take each day as it happens, Honey!" were Claire's final words of advice as I picked up my handbag and briefcase and left the house. The drive to the office had me re-visiting my final choice many times so Carol's delight at seeing Diane could not have been more welcome. She hugged me and said how she'd prayed I'd do the right thing! I replied that I was only going to do it for three days and then it was back to Dave and her face fell. The office was not the place of happiness and joy that either of us had hoped it would be but we slogged through the proposals and reports without any further mention of the matter. We were side by side at my small conference table, huddled in thought over a print-out of some financial figures, trying to make sense of one client's problems, when a female voice said from my office door "Sorry to interrupt, Ladies, I was hoping to find Dave here - any ideas where he is?" My world came to a stand-still. Even before I spun round to stare at her, the voice told me this was Tanya Darlington, Group CEO of one of the world's big multi-nationals and a lady I'd met on several occasions. We both stared at her, completely at a loss for words. "I'm sorry," she said into the silence. "Dave saved my butt last week so I thought, as I was in town, I'd thank him in person and take him to lunch. Have I come at a wrong time?" Carol, in turning to look to me for a response, placed that responsibility squarely on my shoulders. I took a very deep breath, exhaled loudly and replied" Tanya, how good to see you but you've caught me at something of a very big disadvantage!" I stood up and walked towards her. "Dave?" she queried as the colour drained from her face. I've never been able to lie and always felt very uncomfortable with anything other than the truth and I think it is one of the reasons I've been so successful as people naturally trust what I have to say. "I'm afraid so, Tanya and you have caught me out big time! This is my P.A. Carol; we were not expecting to have any callers this week, so I'm sorry for the shock." You don't become a successful CEO unless you can take surprises in your stride yet I was amazed when Tanya's face broke into a smile. "You know, Dave, I've always wondered why I can relate to you so much better than all the other men I deal with. Now it is obvious why you have that empathy and patience usually found in women. " She turned to the still-stunned Carol and smiled "Excuse me manners, Carol, I'm pleased to meet you." Turning back to me she asked "Do you always dress like this for the office?" I sighed. "Come and sit down, Tanya, there is so much to tell. For a start I've only been dressing like this for three weeks but it has been such a time of discovery for my wife and I and even Carol, here." I paused and wondered what else to say when Tanya interrupted. "This sounds fascinating and I want to hear all about it so why don't we do so over lunch?" Carol excused herself as she said she needed to man the phones and, I think she was a little overawed at Tanya's presence. "You go ahead, Diane, and take as long as you want." "Diane, is it? It suits you. Come on, I know just the place to go." Now Tanya is a tall woman, fairly slim and well-preserved for her probable mid-fifties. She is very dynamic and after issuing that command, she turned on her Cuban heel and headed for the door. I grabbed my bag, smiled wanly at Carol and followed. Once in her Mercedes she smiled at me, saying "Don't look so nervous, Diane! Let's just go and have fun." I took great courage from those words and decided to make the best of a bad job and at least be cheerful. She drove to the top hotel in town telling me she'd arrived last night for a meeting with one of the subsidiaries just outside town. Business had gone well and she wasn't booked to fly out until tomorrow. Whilst she'd hoped to call on me she hadn't expected to have the time to do it during the day. The best restaurant at her hotel was famed for its cuisine and Tanya was greeted by name at the door. She asked for a quiet table in the corner and we were soon seated. Without asking me, she ordered two Gin and Tonics, adding that I looked like I needed it. Once we were alone she asked quietly how it had all come about but in such a friendly manner I decided to go for broke and tell her the whole truth. She laughed in delight at how Zoe had instigated thing and praised Claire's wisdom in accepting my needs. I told how it was her fault that Carol had learnt of my cross-dressing and how that had led to her wanting me to dress for the office this week. I told how Claire had insisted we use my bonus to get me a new wardrobe and even about Sue and her fabulous corsets and was surprised when she commented "Sue is very special. I gather you are wearing one of her corsets now because you have such a lovely figure." Starters, main course and desert all came and went as she listened to my story and asked some searching questions about my need to dress as a woman. I became convinced she knew far more about it than I would have expected. It was well after the meal as we relaxed with a brandy that I nearly choked on it when she said, My husband is also a cross-dresser and has been all his life. Sorry, did I shock you? He is a wonderful man but he hasn't got your courage to go out in public. There again, he could never look as convincing as you are, Diane. He dresses at home and I love his feminine nature so much. It makes him special and the man I love." With that she reached across and rested her hand on mine. It was such a womanly gesture of nurturing and I couldn't help but turn mine over and hold hers. With such experience I took the chance of relating what was the big problem for Claire and me: she wanted me to stay Diane all the time whilst I knew it wasn't possible. "And why not, Diane? Do you think I won't be making use of your special talents just because of how you dress? One of the things I had wanted to discuss with you was developing a uniform management structure and ethos in the group and how we could get maximum buy-in. You see, I intend putting a lot of work your way - If you want to stay independent, that's fine, but I still need your skills. "Yes, you've quite a reputation in the business world but you're only as famous as your last success. And if Diane is seen to be the high-flyer you'll soon get plenty of business from other companies too." I was on the verge of crying at how things had fallen into place yet fought hard to hold back the tears in front of this special person. Fortunately for my mascara I succeeded. Tanya realised how close I was and squeezed my hand and added "I want to meet Claire - can I do so tonight, please Diane?" I swallowed and pulled my mobile phone from my bag. Another swallow and I felt able to talk so I dialled my wife. She answered after one ring by saying "Is everything alright, Honey? Carol told me what happened and we've been so worried for you!" Her concern warmed me and I chuckled as I replied "Everything is great, Darling. Tanya wants to meet you tonight, how soon can you get home?" "I'm there already, Diane. When I heard I rushed home in case you needed me so bring Tanya through whenever you are ready. Where are you now?" I told her and, asking her to hold, queried Tanya if she would like to go with me now. Her happy nod was quite enthusiastic so I told Claire we'd be there in half an hour. Tanya called over the waiter with the bill and signed the chit. We both touched up our lipstick and made our way to the front where her car was waiting. In between giving directions I thanked Tanya for all her wisdom and understanding, adding that I had always enjoyed working with her as she listened to my advice but wanted proof of its soundness. Then she acted on it instead of trying to put her own spin on it. She told me that she did so because I was one of the few men who didn't act as though they knew better than her how to run the group on a daily basis! By the time we pulled into our driveway, Tanya and I were looking forward to working a lot more closely in future. As we drew to a stop the front door opened and a concerned Claire stepped towards us and smiled tentatively. I hugged her to me then made the introductions and ushered them into the house. In the restaurant I'd told Tanya of how Carol's concern had Claire in a flap so, with the door closed behind us she grabbed Claire by the shoulders, smiled and said, My husband is a life-long cross-dresser and I love him dearly too! And I want Diane to continue working with me." I watched my wife's chin sag as she took this in, then as she took a pace forward and threw her arm about Tanya. "How wonderful! I didn't know how Diane was going to cope with the future and I was picturing all sorts of nervous breakdowns! Oh Tanya, you have just made everything perfect. Diane, go and open that champagne - we are going to celebrate, Girlfriend!" Tanya and Claire hit it off straight away and all three of us relaxed in the snug, chatting and learning from each other. Claire was asked why she didn't throw a screaming fit when she first found out and she said that it was a shock but it also excited her somehow. Tanya nodded and said she remembered feeling the same, adding that they'd had an idyllic life as lovers, spouses and girlfriends for the last 25 years. Although Ben, her husband, didn't normally dress in public, they had often holidayed in friendly places world-wide where her dressed full time. It also came out that Tanya had met Sue almost 15 years ago and she had bought plenty of special things for Ben from her, including corsets. Having said that she looked directly at Claire and said, I gather you are also enjoying Diane's submissiveness?" She blushed then replied "Yes I am, although I'd never realised or released my dominant streak before. It has only been three weeks but I'm learning to follow my heart and my intuition and it hasn't let us down yet, has it Diane?" I merely smiled in response. "Good!" said Tanya. "Men are so wonderful at what they do but far, far better when guided by a wise woman. That is really why I had to meet you, Claire, in case you didn't know the power you must wield. It's not about force or about a battle of wills, nor is it right and wrong. You both must recognise how you fit together and what you give to each other. And don't think the dynamics are constant. Diane, there will be many times when Claire will need to lean on you just as you do on her. I cannot tell you both how important it is to tell each other how you feel and what you want. If you do you'll find love beyond anything you've ever thought possible." We both nodded in unison and I told Tanya that we were already finding this out for ourselves. The evening flew by in shared secrets, advice and I watched as we forged another friendship. At one stage Claire voiced my concern over how the other partners would react and Tanya the CEO came through loud and clear. "Just tell them, Diane and if they don't like it get rid of them immediately. If they just accept it, plan to get rid of them soon. If they accept it kindly then keep them. Surround yourself only with those you trust and who make you feel fulfilled. And be the boss!" Her smile did nothing to hide the steel inside. Then she softened and added "That P.A. of yours, Carol? What special loyalty there is from her - make sure you look after her." I nodded and said I already had plans to let her loose on lower-level consulting and was rewarded by praise. "Good girl! Bring her through on our next set of problems and we'll see what she can do. Talking of that, why not come through to head office on Monday so we can sort out the groundwork. That way I can introduce Diane to the new CEO that is taking over from Mahon. You'll need to guide his implementation of your changes, anyway." I happily agreed and was overjoyed at the way things had turned around. I was even looking forward to meeting the other partners on Friday, now. Tanya left at ten and we hugged and kissed and I thanked her for just being so wise. She was lost for words for a moment before hugging Claire and saying any time she wanted advice or someone to talk things over with to call. I thought that especially sweet and told her so. "Don't let on to any of my CEO's that I'm just a big softy!" she warned. After waving goodbye we went back into the lounge and I reached for the phone. When Carol answered I thanked her profusely for telling Claire and gave her an outline that Tanya wanted Diane to continue with Dave's work. Even Claire heard the happy shriek from the phone. I thanked her for all her loyalty and asked her to contact the other partners to schedule a meeting for nine on Friday - but not to disclose the subject matter which would be Diane and we heard another shriek. I bid her goodnight then Claire took the phone to also thank Carol. She added that it all seemed to be working out fine, especially as "I hear you are going up in the world, too?" She added that Diane thought she had great potential, then said her goodnight. We collapsed in each other's arms, exhausted. I kissed her and thanked her for hinting promotion to Carol. After that loyal display she deserved something to dream about. We chatted some more and were both so elated - well, I was until Claire went to get the hormone cream and the single-sleeve! Much later, with sleep on its way, I realised how everything had worked out perfectly and I earnestly thanked my deity. I idly hoped things would work out so well for our neighbours. I kissed the nape of Claire's neck and rested my hand over her satin clad breast. "Mmmmm," she approved. "And now there is nothing in the way of getting you your own breasts..............and we're getting your ears pierced tomorrow, Honey." I fell asleep dreaming all good things.

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Glimpses of Consequences

GLIMPSES OF CONSEQUENCESBy DrBill"HOWA we going to start?" The ritual joke having been followed by the ritual groans, the Housewives of Worthington Acres came to order. The group had evolved from informal visits for coffee and complaining to a neighborhood organization of sorts. While the meetings still tended to be primarily boast and bitch sessions, they also traded useful information and occasionally took on neighborhood improvement projects and the like. But they did not try to pretend that...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Consequences

Hello all! I just wanted to welcome you all to the story and hope you enjoy your stay! This will be a story that will branch out in many different directions and will have multiple answers for each path. Bear in mind that this will take a little while to really get rolling and also keep in mind this story can have some dark and twisty paths as well as light hearted and funny ones too. Expect tags to be added as the story unfolds. Hang with it as the story builds as right now there are a few...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Consequences

Jake walked into the laundromat an hour later than usual. Balancing two baskets of clothes, he paused to get detergent from the dispenser. he was digging for quarters in his jeans when both baskets toppled from his other arm sending clothes all over the floor. Cursing, he bent and scooped his dirty clothes back into their baskets with violent little jerks. A sock had slid just beyond his reach under the seats along the wall, next to rounded, curvy legs with golden skin and an occasional sun...

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Consequences by dilsonI awoke to the sound of my wife, Beth’s, alarm at 6am. It was the middle of winter and the all night sounds of the forty mile per hour gusts of wind beating on the front of the house had provided little rest.Less than an hour later, Beth kissed me goodbye and left for work.I enjoyed the comfort of a warm bed a bit longer, and then dressed to get an early start on the newspaper.This morning would be the first opportunity I’d had in weeks to surf some porn and I was looking...

4 years ago
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A student gets caught cheating on her test. "There she goes again, looking at her neighbor's paper! She is so obvious. She has to be the worst cheater ever. Now she is looking at me and acting nervous. If she looks at her neighbor again, I am taking her exam away," Joe thought to himself as he sat at his desk, pretending to grade the previous period's final exam. Hailey, the student in question, was sitting a mere three rows back and her nervous eyes kept darting to, and then staring at, her...

3 years ago
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Choices and Consequences

Inspired by a dream, and dedicated to my love Marianne! Choices & Consequences By Apple Lee was in trouble, and he knew it. Worse than knowing he was in trouble was the knowledge that it was his own fault. It had started a couple of years ago, when his father had met, fallen in love with, and soon married, the much younger Laura. In fact, to the then-eleven Lee, she had seemed more like the age of a sister than a parent, only nineteen to his dad's fifty-odd years. Maybe it was...

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The Consequences

The ConsequencesI looked down to see my cock standing straight out in the summer sun. It was as hard as it could be. I just was so turned on. I didn’t know what was turning me on more. Was it the fact that I was stark naked in front of several strangers in broad daylight or was it from looking at Julie’s incredibly sexy naked body standing next to me?That old familiar excited thrill was stirring deep in my gut. It was that special tingle that exhibitionists feel when they are naked in places...

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The Consequences

The Consequences by anyport I blame my father for all my problems. He gave me some fatherly advice when I was young, and I've always heeded it, the advice? 'No matter how much you're in debt, always pay your gambling debts immediately.' Innocent enough advice, you may think, and under normal circumstances, very sound. Unfortunately, it has become so ingrained in me, that I would never, under any circumstance, avoid payment of a gambling debt. As you'll learn, this became my...

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PickUp Line Unintended Consequences

Permission is granted for Fictionmania, StorySite, Nifty, Bev's Balcony, and any other FREE site to archive and web publish this story, intact and with the attribution to Ellie Dauber (below) so long as the site remains free. I do not consider so-called adult-check systems to be free, and thus, such sites do not have permission to host this story. Published with the gratefully acknowledged permission of Ellie Dauber, whose wonderful story, Pick-up Line, copyright 2000, is the...

3 years ago
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State of ChaosChapter 19 Unintended Consequences

Savannah, Georgia January 1986 The band completed what was sure to be their last two club dates for quite some time. The last was a very lucrative hotel gig on New Years Eve. To tide over the other members of the band Tony and Tina had copied parts of the recording contracts they had initially been offered and agreed to advance the rest of the band against album sales while they were in the recording studio. For everyone else involved come January second Tony simply put them on the...

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Unintended Consequences

The Ordeal UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES PrologueMohammed Al-Utaibi was having a very bad day, not that day or night meant much to him anymore.? He still had headaches from the explosion that had killed most of men with whom he had worked.? His concept of time had vanished in the weeks since the Special Forces unit had put a hood over his face and taken him from Baghdad to Camp Anaconda to Balad Air Force Base, and from there to an underground cell at an undisclosed location.? Though...

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Unexpected Sexperience With Unexpected Woman

Hello dear readers… Hope you are ready to be aroused by my new unexpected yet wonderful experience. Not delaying any more… here I start my experience :) I am a male bdw ;) and I am staying with my friends in a house. As many guys have that anxiety about woman and their hidden treasures, I was also curious about them and always wanted to have some fun with woman but never got a chance. So… why am I writing this post? It’s because every one is given a fair chance, I also got mine and that too in...

2 years ago
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Daydream Believer Consequences

Whew! What a time with this one. The characters seemed to never shut up! Based upon reader input this is final installment of the Daydream Believer line. Or is it? What do you, the readers think? Should I end it as is or go out with a bang? Yep, here is where you can comment. All constructive comments are welcome. If you need anything more feel free write me on the feedback line. Dedicated to: HDK, Patricia51, The Troubadour, and all the folks who have given me positive feedback on my meager...

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Pennys Promiscuity 12 Cruel Consequences

I stood at the window, still wearing my over-tight gym clothes, watching my husband Pete’s Porsche pass out of the driveway, turn right and disappear towards the hospital where he worked. The large wooden gates swung slowly but firmly closed behind him; a menacing metaphor for the way my future looked right then.Insisting that we needed time apart to consider our relationship, my husband of over twenty years had just walked out, leaving me to my guilty thoughts, alone.The nightmare had begun,...

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There will be consequences

I guess I had it coming to me. My wife had warned me that there would be consequences, and I had failed to listen. We have a really open relationship, but there are some things that she won't tolerate. I understand that, but I also like to play with fire.It was a Tuesday night, and we both had meetings that were going to run late into the night. I suspected that my wife would be having another woman eat her pussy, rather than close the Henderson account, but I didn't want to say anything. ...

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Glimpses of Consequences

GLIMPSES OF CONSEQUENCES By DrBill "HOWA we going to start?" The ritual joke having been followed by the ritual groans, the Housewives of Worthington Acres came to order. The group had evolved from informal visits for coffee and complaining to a neighborhood organization of sorts. While the meetings still tended to be primarily boast and bitch sessions, they also traded useful information and occasionally took on neighborhood improvement projects and the like. But they did not try...

1 year ago
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Caught with Consequences

Copyright, Emanon_Pen, 2005. All Rights Reserved. The stories on this website are works of fiction. Any characters resemblance to persons living or dead is purely and entirely coincidental. Any actions taken by the characters or the portrait of such actions never occurred and if they mimic any form of reality, it is purely and entirely coincidental. These stories contain explicit descriptions of sexual activity and may be perceived by some as being pornographic. If you feel that...

3 years ago
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Consequences. By Tanya H. When chance and workload allowed I would excuse myself from the office at lunchtimes and enjoy a short walk into town for a sandwich and cup of tea. If I had made my fitness commitments the previous week I'd even allow myself a cake. That particular day spring carried the promise of summer, the sun was shining, it was pleasantly warm and I had left my jacket across the back of my chair. Through trial and error I had found the cafe where I could get...

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Consequences                      David Dexter couldn’t concentrate on the columns of figures that were filling his computer screen. He found his eyes being drawn repeatedly to the photograph of his slim and very attractive wife that sat on one corner of his desk. He swallowed anxiously and glanced at his watch. What on earth had he done? When he’d left home three hours earlier Diana had been nervously pacing back and forth in their lounge. She was still wearing her night gown and her face was...

2 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 17 Consequences

JUNE 2001, JUNIOR YEAR "Oh, THAT's what that question was asking?" "Wait, what do you MEAN there was a question 5b?" "Ah hell, my parents are gonna kill me when that report card comes out." "Fuck it. I don't care anymore. When are you heading over to Elaine's place?" School was out. The past was past, and anything short of hacking the database or sneaking into the records office wouldn't change your test scores. So by four in the afternoon, Elaine Fukuhara and 35 of her...

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Unexpected Visitor3

Chapter 1 It was after ten o'clock on a gloomy January night. There was a cold rain falling, and it was being driven by a stiff wind. It was a good night to stay in. I was sitting in front of my computer about to finish my data entry assignments for the night. I thought I would read a porn story or two after that. The only light I had on in the house was the one on my desk. Suddenly, I was startled by a knock on my door. Being naturally suspicious of such unexpected visitors at...

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Consequencesb7 2NN If you are a minor go elsewhere now! If you are offended byhomosexuality, sexual torture, scat or snuff or of a generally squeamishnature, go elsewhere now. This is not for you. Prologue As I shoot my load into the absolutely gorgeous woman beneathme, a voice somewhere in the back of my mind tells me that this iswrong. She's my best friend's wife and this is not how you treat yourbest friend. But Sheila is beautiful and we've been attracted to eachother for ages. The spark...

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Youngsville Part 9 Consequences

I opened the door to my cottage and took out the bundle of cash I had been given by Mr. Wayland. I rolled away the carpet on the floor and opened the hatch down to my personal safe. It was brand new that Mr. Wayland had given me as a present after I had finished the nursery. He claimed that he was forced to give me a place to protect my valuables and money that I had earned. I enjoyed the loud slam it made when I closed it shut. I sure did not want to get my toe stuck in-between the 2 inch...

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Unexpected Titty

Reddit Unexpected Titty, aka r/UnexpectedTitty! Sometimes, we are lucky enough to be present during something unexpectedly hot, and that is basically what r/unexpectedtitty/ is all about. I think the name of the subreddit pretty much says it all, and you can expect a lot of unexpected titties or so to speak. With just a bit browsing, I am sure that you will get the gist of what r/unexpectedtitty/ is all about.Now, keep in mind that Reddit.com is a free website, and there are loads of NSFW...

Reddit NSFW List
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Unexpected Desire

To understand how totally unexpected the event of several months ago was, knowing my history, well my sexual history, is helpful. I am a twenty-four year old lesbian. Well, at least I was a lesbian, but now I'm probably bi. The change in sexual orientation is what this story is about. I learned I was attracted to girls when I first turned sixteen and began exploring the secret world of sex in high school. Earlier, I didn't think much about the subject, and it wasn't a topic at home. Some of...

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Unexpected Night With My Best Friend

Hey this is Dhruv. This is my first sex experience which I want to share with u guys. This experience and situation was completely unexpected. Its with my best friend Tina. Tina and me are best friends from childhood.. but one unexpected night got us together physically too.. Coming to info about me I am a boy age 21, and I am studying.. and good looking. My best friend Tina is my childhood friend. Both of us played together, shared everything..but never had such feelings of getting physical....

3 years ago
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Unexpected Restroom Lust 8211 Part 2 8211 The Fuck Part

Hi this is Arjun again for ISS. This is my second story for ISS. To get to know a little about myself and to know what happened before this story PLS check out the previous story “Unexpected Restroom lust”. The previous story had a few spelling mistakes and I think this will too :P. Pls bear with me. This story is a continuation of my first sexperience with my college mate JananiPriya, that too in our college restroom. Weird place to have sex isn’t it. So, with no time to waste; ill start the...

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Unexpected Sex Experience With Lustful Neighbor

Hi friends… Gary from Calcutta. Thanks to ISS for publishing all my previous stories and the wonderful responses from the readers. I have been blessed amazingly in matters of love and sex, especially in last 3 years after coming to Calcutta. For those who are reading my escapade for the first time, I am a 34 year old guy with lots of sex drive. I love to keep myself fit by regularly gymming, and various sports. And being a part of a high end residential society, get many chances to interact...

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Unexpected Sex With School Friend

Hi this is Rohi, I am gonna share with you a story of me and my School friend I use to live in a rented house in Mumbai alone. My daily chores include of morning office evening making dinner and sleep.one day I was bored of going office so decided to skip by giving reason of not well. It was raining heavily outside suddenly I called my school friend Priyanka who was working in nearby area and told her to visit at my place as I was alone and bored . She came within an hour fully drenched in...

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Unexpected Fun After A Ball Party

Hi, this is my first story at ISS. I have been a regular reader of sex stories over here and at last thought to pen down my real experiences. This is my first experience which I am writing here. I am not a descriptive writer so Please forgive me for my mistakes. Fair comments will encourage me to further share my other experiences in a better way. You can send your feedback on my mail address at I m raj at present 32 years of age, highly educated,well mannered, suave and articulate . I stand...

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Unexpected Mommy Parts 1 2 and 3

Unexpected Mommy - Part 1 By Trish5160 My name is Alex. I'm 14 and out of three boys born in my family, I was the youngest and like the runt in a litter of kitties. I am either blessed or cursed with gynecomastia, depending on your perspective. Gynecomastia is unexplained breast development in guys. No one really knows why this condition exists or what triggers it. There are a lot of theories, one being an imbalance of hormones at birth. A boy like me who's body has produced...

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I have always loved reading. I read all sorts of books, both fact and fiction. I like travel books, history books, biographies, mysteries, murders, in fact all sorts of reading material. My very favourite are short stories with a twist in the tale: Those clever stories that have an unexpected ending. A favourite author is Jack Finney whose tales are often about shifts in time. The titles of his various books on Amazon give the clue to his obsession with time - “Time and Time Again,” “About...

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Unexpected Surprise on a Road Trip and Pleasure Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I was going home after a long day’s work and didn’t feel like driving in the crappy weather. It was raining cats and dogs, anything was hardly visible and roads were flooded. In that weather, I found a girl looking for lift. I had to stop and I watched her as she slowly walked towards my car. She stood at the window hesitating. I assured her I am not some kind of psycho. She smiled and slowly got in. I turned on the blower, she was dripping wet. I started the car and slowly drove around. I...

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Warning: As well as the usual transvestite themes this story contains graphic descriptions of both hetero' and homosexual sex. It also deals with incest; so be warned. If you don't want to read this sort of stuff, you know where the OFF button is! Consequences. By Belle Gordon. Chapter One My decline into immorality and depravity began the morning I was summoned into the Headmaster's office. With only another week till the end of the school year, my class was not doing...

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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 6 Surprising Consequences

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Six: Surprising Consequences By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Sam Davies I was buzzing as Dad rolled off of me. I felt so open now. I wasn't a virgin any longer, and it was amazing. My awesome, sexy dad deflowered me. His cum leaked out of me. I could feel him in me, brimming in me. He was finally mine. Mom was out of town. I had Saturday and Sunday to make him all mine. To steal him utterly from...

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‘You,’ Jason said sternly to his wife, ‘asked me to do this. Go get the brush.’ ‘Wait, let’s talk about this,’ Megan replied. ‘We did. I didn’t want to do this. But you convinced me that it’s what you want.’ ‘Yes, but this isn’t what it looks like.’ ‘No? You didn’t say last week, I need consequences. I want you to spank me for real, if I smoke, and use the brush if I buy any?’ Jason picked up a pack of cigarettes off of the kitchen table. ‘I did. But these aren’t mine,’ Megan said as she...

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"Amy, Amy, Amy," I sighed. "How many times have we been in this same position now?""Many times, Master." Amy Richards knelt on the floor in front of me as I sat in my recliner in the living room of my home. Amy was my submissive, and I her Master. However, her submission was still a difficult concept for her to put into practice. Her heart was in it, but her mind and will still needed a little convincing!"Yes, we have. For various reasons, I'll grant you. You seem to always find new ways to get...

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There was a woman already at reception when he came into the hotel. Even though it was only a short walk from his car, the blizzard was so intense snow was caked to the front of his coat."I understand that you've had a relapse," said the therapist. “You appeared to be doing so well, and repairing your relationship with your husband.”“Yes, it was a week ago. With a stranger. Remember the blizzard…”“A stranger. It’s not just sex with someone other than your husband. Strangers can be dangerous. We...

Quickie Sex
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Exposure and Consequences

By suelove58 © Sep 2019I suppose this actually started 3 or 4 weeks ago. The Saturday of that weekend I had worked in my garden most of the afternoon. Afterwards I had a nice long soak in the bath to ease my aching muscles.I settled on the sofa after my bath, removed my robe and started rubbing body lotion into my skin. My skin was glowing with the lotion and my gentle rubbing. I was feeling nicely relaxed.I suddenly realised that it was dark outside, my living room lights were on and the...

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I stood in front of you uneasily. Shifting weight from one heeled leg to the other. Hands at my side. Not looking you in the eye.I had made a reasonable attempt to look nice for you. The maid outfit was fairly cute, I guess. The shortness of the skirt showing off my stockinged legs. The tightness of the top accentuating my little titties. It was the blonde, shoulder-length hair, straight and fringed. And my makeup was smooth and subtle. My lips pink and inviting.But more than cuteness was...

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Swap Consequences

***With the persistence of her husband and a friend, a reluctant wife is finally persuaded to join a swap group. All goes well at first, then events take an unexpected turn. (MF, reluc, wife, voy, swing)***"Why don't you just ask her?" Dave said,."I'm pretty sure she wouldn't go for it.""I had the same problem when I approached Jean. Her first reaction was no way. She wasn't about to become involved in group activities. But I got her thinking about it-the idea was planted, and one day she asked...

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"You," Jason said sternly to his wife, "asked me to do this. Go get the brush." "Wait, let's talk about this," Megan replied. "We did. I didn't want to do this. But you convinced me that it's what you want." "Yes, but this isn't what it looks like." "No? You didn't say last week, I need consequences. I want you to spank me for real, if I smoke, and use the brush if I buy any?" Jason picked up a pack of cigarettes off of the kitchen table. "I did. But these aren't mine," Megan said as she placed...

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Kelly Girl 25 Floop or Consequences

Kelly Girl 25: "Floop or Consequences" Down the hall from Barbie and Kelly, in the boys' part of the house, Richard and Pete dozed in front of the big TV in the children's lounge. Richard woke up from a very vivid dream and stared at the screen for several minutes, not really seeing the infomercial that had replaced the Australian Rules Football he and Pete had been watching. "Pete," he said. "Uh," his older brother grunted. Richard turned off the pitch for the ultimate kitchen...

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Caught With Consequences

Caught With Consequences by CC Sondra My wife was sitting across from me with that cat that caught the canary smile on her face. It was a hot summer night, and we were out at the local Dairy Queen, enjoying some iced cream, as well as each other's company. We were sitting inside, where it was nice and cool, and I had just received a compliment on how "pretty my toes looked." Even though you'd think I would be used to the smiles, giggles, and remarks by now, I know I blushed a...

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Unintentional Consequences

UNINTENTIONAL CONSEQUENCES by CutePatti (2/2018) As I walked into the bathroom to take my evening shower I noticed that my daughter's cute pink mary jane shoes and a pair of her white frilly anklet socks were laying on the small dressing bench. The socks had each been separately placed just inside each shoe's opening with great care, certainly not the usual way she would have normally removed and discarded them by flipping the shoes off in 2 different directions and then pulling off...

1 year ago
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Unintended Consequences

    Amy glanced across the room and gave a little shy smile before averting her eyes from the four men who were watching her. She knew that they had taken an interest in her, and the excitement of it all caused her to take in a deep breath that pushed her large breasts tightly against the thin silky material of her blouse. Wearing no bra, Amy was well aware that her nipples were clearly visible against the harsh lights in this corner of the club. Her short flared skirt did little to hide her...

Wife Lovers
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Cheating has consequences

Ruth and Stella had known each other since school. Ruth had been the bridesmaid at Stella and Mark’s wedding. Both Ruth and Stella were 28yo with Mark a year older. Ruth never married, in fact she didn’t even date. She never seen interested in any of the men in town although many had tried. She got the reputation of being a bitch. Maybe that is why she allowed Mark to seduce her. Maybe to prove that she really wasn’t a bitch. Sunday morning Ruth tried to think of why she could go to lunch....

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 9 Harem Masters Naughty Consequences

Chapter Nine: Harem Master's Naughty Consequences By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...

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Neglect your wife and suffer the consequences

Neglect your wife and suffer the consequences or reap the rewards depending on how kinky you are.James pulled out of the drive, swinging the car around onto the street. He looked back at his home just as the roller door was about to contact the paving.It was Saturday, and James would spend another weekend in the office. It's funny how things work out, he thought to himself. James and Joanne were lucky. Nearly three years ago, before the 2008' global financial crash. James had made a daring and...

3 years ago
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"You," Jason said sternly to his wife, "asked me to do this. Go get the brush." "Wait, let's talk about this," Megan replied. "We did. I didn't want to do this. But you convinced me that it's what you want." "Yes, but this isn't what it looks like." "No? You didn't say last week, I need consequences. I want you to spank me for real, if I smoke, and use the brush if I buy any?" Jason picked up a pack of cigarettes off of the kitchen table. "I did. But these aren't mine,"...

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The tickets went unused and the hotel suite stayed empty. Phone calls went straight to voice-mail. My wife, our two kids and my parents did not attend my unit’s redeployment ceremony at Fort Stewart, Georgia. Fifteen months in Iraq, seven months since I last saw them on my mid-deployment leave. I talked to them over a week ago from Kuwait confirming their attendance and my love. My wife had mentioned ‘payback’ before hanging up. Now, nothing. Have to think about this. Put on a happy face....

2 years ago
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The Law of Unintended Consequences

According to Konrad J. Friedman, the law of unintended consequences is the proposition that every undertaking, however well-intentioned, is generally accompanied by unforeseen repercussions that can overshadow the principal endeavor. Last weekend, without telling my wife, Jennifer, that I was doing this, I undertook to save her some aggravation from the noises caused by my various vehicles back-up beepers. We live in a brick Federalist house more than big enough for our needs, behind which is...

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Chapter 1 During our wedding reception, my new bride and I had a bit too much to drink. After the reception, Jen and I piled into our rented limo and headed off to the Inn where we were staying. Our friend Ralph also got into the limo, since he was staying at the same Inn. Jen's pretty with blond hair. She's petite with long shapely legs, a flat stomach, a tight shapely ass, and small but perfectly shaped tits with perky nipples. While Jen and I were going out, we often fantasized about...

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The HandymanChapter 2 Consequences

Ralph Morrow had been almost 35 when he married Allison's mother. He was the product of a very strict non-conformist religious, and temperance upbringing, and he was by any standard, a very autocratic and domineering husband. When Allison was born, he was delighted, although, he had really wanted a son, but he attempted to bring her up in the same way as he had been brought up, with the same strict code of conduct, and religious beliefs He strictly regulated her friendships in her teens,...

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