Do I Just Rob, Or Do More? free porn video

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It's quitting time for you. Just another Friday afternoon. You are looking forward to the weekend; the kids are going to grammas tonight and maybe you can convince her to keep them one more night and then you can have the place to yourself; just you and your b/f! You get in you car and don't notice the black truck that was driving by but has stopped now. You start up your car, turn on the music and air, and drive home oblivious to your surroundings.

I watch as you drive off and think, hmmm, VERY well dressed, nice car, hmmm, she probably has a few bucks, or at least some good stuff I could use!! I turn and follow you. Not too close, but close enough to keep you in view.

You drive and drive listening to the music and finally get home. You hop out of your car and walk inside. It's been a long week! All you want right now is a drink and a bath! But first, you have to take the kids to an over-nighter at grammas. You don't notice the black truck parked just down the street!

I watched as you got out of your car. Nice long legs, but still could tell about the panties - I thought I caught a glimpse of black, but couldn't be sure. I could wait.

The drink and bath would have to wait. It was late. You gathered the kids and get their stuff ready. It was 7 by the time you get them in the car. The black truck is gone.

Knowing where you live, I drive away, waiting for the cloak of darkness. I've robbed a few places; yours seems like no difference. But why you I think? What made me pick you? I can't bring myself to thinking it, but deep down I know!

You dropped the kids off and stayed and visited a bit too long. It's getting late; it's been a loooong week. It's dark by the time you get home. You drive right by the black truck, but pay no notice of it. You go in your house, kick off your shoes and mix yourself a drink, a TALL one. You take a few sips then go into your bedroom. "Bath time" you think to yourself. You undo the buttons of your pink blouse and let it fall off your shoulders. You undo the button of your skirt and unzip the zipper; the skirt drops to the floor too. You stand in front of the mirror admiring your body and thinking of the stories that guy has been sending you.

How lucky can a guy be? You almost saw me when you entered your house and now, standing by your bedroom window, watching you, I am treated to a strip show like NO other!! A gorgeous woman slipping sensuously out of her VERY sexy clothes and standing before me in a VERY nice black bra straining to keep those breasts in check and a very tiny, INCREDIBLY sexy black g-string that hides only the most private of your private parts. My cock is as hard as it has ever been. "I'll be taking your stuff pretty lady", I think to myself, "but maybe more too!" With your back to me, you undo your bra and let fall to the floor. You then peel your g-string off and bend over to pull it past your knees and drop to the floor. I see that beautiful brown ass hole of yours and my hand instinctively goes to my cock. "Turn around", I whisper to myself, "turn around!" Almost like you could hear me, you turn and I can see you standing naked before me. You examine yourself in the mirror; you touch and squeeze your breasts - the nipples go hard. You run your hands over your body and stretch. Your hand touches your pussy; it seems to linger there longer than anywhere else. "Are you horny", I whisper to you. Of course you cannot hear me, but instead bring the other hand to your pussy and play. I'm stroking my cock in tune with you rubbing your pussy. Suddenly you stop. You take another long drink and finish it off. You leave the bedroom.

"Geez, I have a great body", you think to yourself as you admire yourself in the mirror. After finally getting out of your clothes, you think about what b/f would do if he were there right now. You know what you'd WANT him to do, and as you think that, your fingers have found your pussy and your breasts. You feel the wetness between your legs and the hardness of your nipples; "I am ONE SEXY WOMAN", you think to yourself. You finish off your drink; it went down WAY too easy! Naked, you walk out of your bedroom and mix yourself another drink; a little more rum, a little less Pepsi this time. Drink in hand, you walk to the bathroom and start running the water. "This is going to feel nice", you think and you sip on your drink. As the water fills, you examine your breasts in the mirror again. You hold them and touch the nipples. They go hard! "Guys like that", you think to yourself with a smirk. You take another long sip from your drink. You can just start to feel the warming affect the rum is having on you. The rum seems to be warming you all over, but especially your pussy - you like rum! "Did I lock the door when I came in?" you think to yourself. "Wouldn't want that neighbour guy that's always hitting on me to come waltzing in here", you smile to yourself. You finish off the drink and go to the door. You lock it and then pour yourself one more drink for the bath; a little more of that warming rum and a bit of Pepsi, then back to the tub. You test the water and slip in; it feels soooooooooo good as the water touches and caresses every part of your body it touches. Drink in hand you get in; the water envelopes you, your breasts float on the water; you take a sip, and then lay back and relax and let the water drain all the weekly tension from your body.

What luck, I don't have to jimmy the lock or anything. She's forgotten to lock the door! I slip in. I hear water running and smile. I start looking around the place; a lot of nice stuff!! I start picking out the small most expensive looking things. "Hmmm, no phone! That's convenient", I think. I see your cell phone lying on the table; "you won't be needing this", as I add it to my loot. Suddenly I hear you walking toward the door. I quickly hide. I hear you lock the door and walk back to the bathroom. I hear the water stop; I wait a few minutes then proceed to gather the things I've taken. I quickly take them to my truck. I come back in and get the TV and stereo; the remote drops to the floor!!

You hear a thump; it startles you a bit. "Anyone there?" Then you realize how silly that was; the kids are at grammas, and the b/f is at home - he would have yelled out if he had come over. You dismiss it and go back to the hot bath water. You've been wanting sex all day; knowing that you won't be getting any till tomorrow is upsetting, but your fingers can fix that. You spread your legs and run your hands over your breasts and down further to your pussy. You play with the outer lips and then the inner lips. You take a sip of rum and then slip a finger inside yourself. Slowly you move the finger in and out; the other hand comes down and softly massages your clit. Oblivious to anything that going on in your house, the rum, the water and your fingers have whisked you away to a place where you can enjoy yourself.

I pick up the remote and head outside. I've taken all the stuff of yours I want; I'm at the crossroads now! Do I take what I REALLY want? I stand there thinking for only a second; the bulge in my pants decides for me. I re-enter your house and lock the door. I find your bedroom; your clothes are still on the floor. I pick them up; you smell as good as you look. I see the black bra that hide those magnificent breasts from me and kick it across the room. That's when I see you "panties". There is nothing much there! I pick them up; they are still wet. I taste them; mmmmmm. I KNOW I've made the right decision. I look around the room. I find your lingerie drawer. I pull out a few pairs of nylons; I also find some pretty pink panties, "I'll need these, too", I think to myself. Now, my heart beating hard, I just have to wait. I stand behind the door. I can see down the hallway. I hear muffled sounds coming from the bathroom. I dismiss them as you washing yourself. I stand, waiting, in the dark, my hands clenching your lingerie, my aids to help me take something I REALLY want!!

You've made yourself cum. The combination of rum and cumming has made you light headed. You quickly wash and rinse off. The smell of your sex permeates the bathroom. The mirror is all steamed up. You get out of the tub and dry off. You slip on the nightee that conveniently hangs on the hook in the bathroom. It is VERY soft and sensual; it makes you feel even sexier. You think about calling up your b/f and having him come over. You fingers have only added to the lust you're feeling. You go to find your cell phone. You look everywhere, but the phone is on where to be found. “Fuck it!”, you think, “his loss!” as you walk toward your bedroom.

I see you coming down the hall; with the lights out in the room I can see you through the crack in the door. You enter the room.

You enter your bedroom. “Hmm, the lights are out; that’s strange! I thought I had ….”, as you think this to yourself, you are suddenly grabbed and pushed and shoved toward your bed.

I grab you and push you toward the bed. You fall face first onto the bed. Before you know what is going on, I take one nylon and quickly bind your wrists behind your back. I take another of your black nylons and wrap and tie it around your eyes! You go to scream; I tie another nylon around your mouth. You struggle as I carefully get off you and pick you up. You try to kick, but I dodge your foot and then I put you on the bed. With your legs flailing, I get on top of you to stop your thrashing around. I take one ankle and tie a hose around it and then around the bedpost.

“What the fuck is going on; where has this prick come from”, you think as I man handle you on the bed. You feel one leg being tie and pulled away from your body! Then the other leg is pulled away from your body at an almost 90 degree angle. “This asshole is tying me down; I have to get away!” You struggle with what strength you have left to throw me off you.

I just finish tying your other leg when you push me off you. You try to sit up, but with your arms tied behind you, you cannot. Quickly realizing this, I stand to catch my breath.

You’ve thrown the pig off, but you cannot move very much. You thrash about as best you can; not willing to accept the situation you have found yourself into. And to make matters worse, contrary to what your mind is thinking, your pussy is telling another story; you feel yourself getting wet.

I stand up and look at my prize (almost). You lie there in your red nightee JUST barely covering what will soon be mine. As you thrash about, the nightee slowly inches higher. “Yes, keep struggling my beauty!”

Upon hearing that, you realize what is happening. Not only are you excited, you realize your attacker is excited AND your nightee must be covering very little. You stop immediately, but it’s too late!!

“Mmmmmmmm, bald!! Nice!!”

“SHIT”, you think to yourself, “why do I have to be soooo horny, and at this most inopportune time!” You cannot see, but know that soon, very soon, this thug will know you cock; you’re head says this cannot happen, but the rest of you needs it to happen.

I’ve caught my breath. Just a bit more, and you’ll HAVE to succumb to me. I carefully pull you up and cut the nylon binding your wrists. You try and wrestle me away. You are strong, but I have the advantage. You quickly tier. I take your right hand and tie one end of a nylon around it and then to the bedpost. I get off you to move to the other side of the bed to get the other arm.

He’s been to strong for you – even in that brief moment of freedom, he was able to control you; you HATE being controlled. Exhausted, you feel your right arm tied; then he is gone!!! “My last chance”, you think and turn to try and untie the nylon around your right wrist.

I smile as I see you trying to free yourself. “I LOVE a girl with spunk”, I say as I smile watching you. Just when I think YOU think you have a chance of getting free, I grab your left arm.

You groan as I take your left arm. You last chance for freedom is gone. You cannot struggle anymore, at least not for now ……….. and you’re not sure you want to anymore.

The struggling has brought the nightee up to just above your waist. After tying your last appendage and now have you spread eagle before me, I stand up to admire you. You are more beautiful than I had imagined. You skin looks so soft, your legs so nice! I look at your shaved pussy and see just a tiny drop of your wetness. I take the knife and cut the nightee at the bottom. I then take it in my two hands and slowly tear it up your body, over your breasts and to the neck. With a jerk, I tear it there and throw the material to the side. You breasts are now exposed!!

You hear the tearing and feel the jerk. You hate this, but WANT it more. You know you are naked before him. You thrash your head back and forth in a feeble act of defiance. Suddenly he starts to touch you; everywhere but just lightly at first - everywhere, anywhere, he wants, he touches you, his fingers running gently over your skin. You feel the gentle breeze of your open window on your bare skin! Your nipples are hard from his touch, but now are made even harder with the breeze! Your legs are tingly, as are your arms! He continues to lightly touch you anywhere, gently exploring everywhere as your exposed nakedness starts to glow. He moves closer now - you know he wants you; you know he is going to take you; you know this and you know you want him! He touches and now starts kissing you everywhere - IF you could have resisted, it is too late now! Your body is giving away the fact you want this to happen, that you want him – you know HE knows this! He continues to kiss and touch and feel your body!

I pause to take a drink of your drink. “Should I?’, I think to myself. I pull out my knife, “scream and you won’t like what happens!” I tell you as I cut the nylon gag and the bindings that hold your arms. I offer you a drink too.

You drink it down, a big gulp, wanting more, but not rum!! He has you lie back as he continues to kiss you - your hands are pinned behind you - your breasts heaving, your nipples extremely hard from all the attention he has been paying them. He kisses your belly, he continues down your body - he kisses your right thigh and down your leg - he kisses to your toes and starts his way back up your inner leg.

As I gets to your knee, I see your desire, your want, for him is glistening in the moonlight coming in through the open window!

His lips, his tongue, brush over your outer lips - you rise to meet his lips, but it is too late - he has continued to kiss up over your venus mound and higher. You can feel his hand following behind his kisses though – It is on your left inner thigh just inches from where his lips where just at! He has now moved up and is kissing and sucking on your painfully aroused nipples - his hand moves closer; you try and spread your legs even wider than they already are- his hand is almost touching your wetness; you rise to meet his hand trying to ensure you will get some relief from the desire.

“Not this time”, I think to myself as my hand just brushes over your love spot, my fingers just graze your "lips"! I steal a bit of your dew as it attaches itself to my fingertips

His hand starts sliding down around your right inner thigh, down to your knee and back up but now he has forced your legs further apart. Quickly, you feel yourself pulled down the bed a bit and your knees are up in the air!

His hand is now kneading the back of your thigh on their way to your butt. In the mean time, after kissing your nipples and breasts and neck and arms and chin and lips and cheeks and neck and breasts and nipples, he is now kissing your soft belly all over, slowly working is way down, down to where your desire is hottest, but has not yet even been touched. Sometime during this sexual act, he himself has become naked and for the first time you can feel his skin against yours - his chest rubs against your hard nipples his nipples touch yours! You feel his breath - it's hot, but cool on your spread, exposed wetness! As his breath gets closer and you can almost feel his tongue and lips on your totally exposed womanhood, you suddenly feel just how excited he is! A drop of "him" lands on your cheek and a short time later another lands on your lower lip just as his tongue touches your womanly outer lips!

I have straddled you, my cock just inches from your mouth. My arms have moved between your legs pushing apart your thighs even more. Both hands are squeezing and pulling and rolling your ass cheeks; one in each hand.

His strong hands, which where kneading your bum, now move to pull those outer lips open - as his tongue touches your inner lips, his "head" touches your partially open lips. His tongue goes deeper as his "head" slips between your opening lips. He continues going deeper both with his tongue and now his fingers are probing too, but also his manhood is slipping deeper into your mouth - 2 then 4 then 6 fingers are entering you! "He" is almost to your throat - his tongue is coated in your wetness and now he has moved up just a bit and found "her" - she was hiding at first, but now has come out from hiding;

Your clit is red and swollen and begging to be kissed! My tongue touches "her" and then my lips envelop "her". I start sucking on her, softly, drawing her out of her sheath even farther and as she is drawn out, my tongue is making ever so slight contact with her - it is flicking her and rubbing her just as she would be rubbed by my pubic bone if "he" was in you! My fingers are pistoning in and out of you, coated in your "excitement". You are groaning but they are muffled as my cock is pistoning in and out of your mouth and hitting the top of your throat - he is still not in all the way and the thought of him sliding down your throat adds to your desire. You don't want it to stop because it feels toooooo good what my tongue and fingers are doing between your legs! The combination of my tongue flicking your clit and my lips sucking on her and "me" going in and out of your mouth, are too much for you! You shudder and then go stiff as you cum all over my fingers!! I stop sucking on her and flicking and rubbing my tongue over her. My fingers too have slowed their incessant ramming inside of you. I pull my cock out of your mouth and give you a chance to catch your breath. With your eyes closed and sweat on your forehead, you lie there spread-eagle. I get up and look down on you - your breasts still heaving your legs still spread wide and she is glistening in your own wetness and I can still see your clit pulsating ever so slightly. Without warning, I quickly move between your legs and slam my swollen hard cock into your open wetness - he slides in all the way as your eyes open in surprise!! II cut the nylon holding your legs apart. I pull your legs apart even more and enter you to the hilt - my hands grab your waist and I drive him deeper into you. Now my pubic bone IS rubbing against her - she has not had time to hide. My hips gyrate in and out and around and around -you have not had time to recover from just cumming. You feel the "excitement" building again! I grind and drive myself into you - you cum again!!! I pull him out - I am not ready to cum yet.


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The Adventures of Rob Ch 04

Chapter Four Rob and the Next Door Neighbor, Revisited It was Saturday morning the third week end of summer and Rob was lying in bed and stroking his ever hard dick. He was thinking about several things, all related to sex of course! In Rob’s mind he pictured Mrs. Zamora down on her knees in front of him. She had her mouth on the end of his dick and was slowly sucking him into her throat. As he moved his hand back and forth he imagined it was her mouth giving him pleasure. Rob got so intent on...

1 year ago
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My friend Rob and my wife Fucking

It has been three months since that day I let my friend Rob fuck my wife Linda. I think they been chatting with each other on Skype. Linda be in her room, writing, and I would go to bed and fall asleep. One night, I woke up to use the bathroom. I walked by Linda’s room, her door was closed. I pee’d and started to head back to the bedroom. I heard Linda talking to someone, I looked at the time, it was like 1:30am. I know it wasn’t any of her family, they should be in bed. I heard moaning coming...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Rob Ch 10

Chapter Ten: Mrs. Jones’s Video Leads to a Four Way It is the first Wednesday of winter break and Rob is home from school. He is feeling the need to release his sexual tensions (Like almost always.). While Rob is stroking his erection, he looks out the window towards Mrs. Zamora’s house. Rob sees her coming toward his house and it looks like she is carrying a video cassette. He remembers Thanksgiving weekend when he and Bill fucked his mom and he had noticed that his mother had the video...

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Mark and Rob

A little information about them, they are both very old and working for my family before i was even born. They both are fat and have a hairy body. Driver is named mark and the manager is Rob. They both are best buds. They are both in their 50s. When my family is travelling they both take care of me. We also have a cook but he is not part of this story since he just cooks and leave. Now they both take care of me alot, and i believe they never wanted to lay eyes on me until this one incident....

2 years ago
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Rob Joe Women of the Church Ch 02

Ch 2 Sex in the Fitting Room This story picks up the activities of two rich young men who have found ways to maximize on the sexual needs of the women of the congregation. Following the pastor around town leads them to sexually deprived women. The most deprived are the pastor’s wife and her twin sister. Read Ch 1 to meet Helen (Pastor’s wife) and Margaret (Her twin sister). We join Rob and Joe as they leave an afternoon of sex with the twins. ………………………………………….. As Rob and Joe meet each...

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Rob and Jane Part 3 Public Relations

After Rob and Jane’s wild weekend antics it was back to normal on Monday morning and back to the nine to five slog. That didn’t stop them exchanging raunchy texts and emails throughout the week. Jane loved the thrill of sitting at her desk, pretending to concentrate on a file, while reading all the naughty things Rob was promising to do to her. Their excitement and libidos had been building all week and by Thursday it all got too much. They decided to meet. They met for drinks after work and...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of Rob Ch 07

Chapter Seven: One For The Road Rob had this last Saturday, before he went back to school for the fall semester, free. He went out in the backyard to do a little gardening. So far today things were great! The sky was clear and the sun was shinning and it was very hot. And the best part, he had gotten laid already! And what a fuck it was, he had fucked his mother in the ass! Rob knew that there would be more of that in the future! His thoughts were making him horny again! “I wonder if Mrs....

2 years ago
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Rob and Jane Part 3 Public Relations

After Rob and Jane's wild weekend antics it was back to normal on Monday morning and back to the nine to five slog. That didn't stop them exchanging raunchy texts and emails throughout the week. Jane loved the thrill of sitting at her desk, pretending to concentrate on a file, while reading all the naughty things Rob was promising to do to her. Their excitement and libidos had been building all week and by Thursday it all got too much. They decided to meet. They met for drinks after work and...

Quickie Sex
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The First Encounter Rob and Jane Part 1

As Jane pulled her tight black dress up over her firm bare bum she shivered with excitement at the thought of the night to come. She always had a good night when she went out with her two friends Nicole and Susan. Pulling the dress over her firm breasts the material brushed her bare, erect nipples. She loved the thrill of not wearing underwear on a night out.As she walked into the bar heads turned as her curvaceous hips and long legs were the only thing to distract from her generous smile and...

Quickie Sex
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Rob and GailChapter 2

I lost myself in work and fortunately there was so much of it that I never had a free moment to spend thinking about Gail. I hadn't been home five minutes when the phone rang and caller ID showed that it was Gail. I didn't take the call or any of the four others that came after it before unplugging the phone and going to bed. I skipped gym the next morning for the same reason I had skipped the day before and instead went for my run in the morning rather than in the evening after work as...

4 years ago
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The Shower Rob and Jane Part 4

After their wild, public and frenzied sex in the car outside Rob and Jane rushed half clothed into the house. They were both moist and sticky from their adventures and Rob had plans on how he was going to clean Jane up. He took her hand and lead her up the stairs. His home was spacious and clean with a distinct bachelor, masculine sense. He drew Jane close when they reached the top of the stairs and lowered his head to kiss her. His hands roved over her narrow sides and moved up to brush her...

2 years ago
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The Shower Rob and Jane Part 4

After their wild, public and frenzied sex in the car outside Rob and Jane rushed half clothed into the house. They were both moist and sticky from their adventures and Rob had plans on how he was going to clean Jane up. He took her hand and lead her up the stairs. His home was spacious and clean with a distinct bachelor, masculine sense. He drew Jane close when they reached the top of the stairs and lowered his head to kiss her. His hands roved over her narrow sides and moved up to brush her...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Rob And Gina

Once upon a time I loved my wife and I thought she loved me. I thought we had a good marriage, but time changes all things and our relationship was no exception. I met Gina by accident - literally - when she ran into the back of my car while I was sitting at a stoplight. It wasn't her fault; she was rear ended and pushed into me. When we got out of our cars to check out the damage I paid more interest to her than I did the damage to my car. Visually speaking, she was my ideal woman. Tall at...

2 years ago
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Rob Jenkins Part IIIChapter 14

Rob knew the hospital's legend for lab results highlighted was red: panic and yellow: abnormal. He saw from the display he was in serious trouble. Dr. Angell returned the page and called Dr. Kournikova. She answered and said, "Rob Jenkins is in my lab. His rbc is 3.0, his wbc is 2200, his platelet count is 754, his absolute retic count is 579.4, his blast count is 12 and his creatinine is 6.4. I suggest an immediate bone marrow biopsy, and then a PET scan. I've admitted him overnight to...

1 year ago
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rob and azmat 1

The 39 year old, British technician, Mr Robert Taylor, sat alone sipping tea in the lounge of the Sheraton hotel Karachi.He had finished early for the day and sat watching people, especially the women, go by in the hotel lobby.Rob had been surprised at first by how more liberal Pakistan seemed. The women did not walk around in black sheets or veils as he expected. The majority seemed content to be in a loose trouser and shirt suit known as Shalwar Kamiz. It had not taken Rob long to see that...

1 year ago
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Rob Jodi and Pete a hot threesome chapter 1

Rob and Jodi satisfy their needs while her husband, Pete, watches and eventually joins the fun... The following is a work-related sexual adventure. Jodi and I knew each other from working together, years ago. We weren't particularly tight but liked to talk...go to lunch...gossip. It was left that way because we were both married and had too much in common...always seemed to be a little attraction floating through our relationship. I ran into her at a conference and decided to drop her a line...

4 years ago
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Rob and the Kiss of Death

She used the key I'd given her to let herself in. I wasn't expecting her so I was sitting on the couch reading James Lee Burke's latest, "The Glass Rainbow." I put the book down and gave her an appreciative look. She was drop dead gorgeous and the sexiest looking woman I had ever laid eyes on. She was the kind of woman that a star had on his arm at the Academy Awards or some MTV award show. She was the kind of woman you saw with super stars, famous athletes or some extremely rich bachelor....

2 years ago
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Rob Joe Women of the Church Ch 04

The party is about to start. Rob and Joe have the pastor’s yard looking great with the fountain and oversized fishpond being the central focus with flowers and shrubs bringing the yard alive. Several benches have been placed around the yard to give different views. One bench at the back of the property looks out over the city and is secluded from view of the rest of the yard. Helen and Margaret have plans for that bench tonight. Helen and Margaret are dressed identical for the party. They take...

1 year ago
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Rob and Mickey

I saw her when she walked in from the parking lot and nothing had changed. My heart still did flip flops and my blood started racing. I was surprised to see her alone and then I thought he had probably dropped her off close to the group and then went to park the car. I knew she would be there and I knew how I would react to seeing her and that is the main reason that it took my twin brother Rich so long to talk me into coming. For some reason that I didn't understand he attached great...

1 year ago
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Laura Matt and Rob

Hi there. My name's Matt and this is story of the crazy day I bumped into my old girlfriend and ended up in bed with her and her new boyfriend - a night I still can't believe actually happened! I first met Laura when I was in my very first semester at university. I had come back for Christmas and had gone out with my old friends, the first time we had been together for months. Anyway one of the girls who I didn't actually know that well decided to bring her younger sister out that night -...

4 years ago
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robs wife

I liked to be dominated. I like when men take control and tell me what to do. My husband discovered this after a few years of marriage, and things haven't been the same since. Lately, though, things my have gotten a little out of control. It seems that my husband, Rob, had been discussing domination with a few of his friends at work. He had, after a couple of beers at the local bar, told them about our secret sexual practices. He told them that I liked being a love slave, and would do anything...

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Robs Wife

I liked to be dominated. I like when men take control and tell me what to do. My husband discovered this after a few years of marriage, and things haven't been the same since. Lately, though, things my have gotten a little out of control.It seems that my husband, Rob, had been discussing domination with a few of his friends at work. He had, after a couple of beers at the local bar, told them about our secret sexual practices. He told them that I liked being a love slave, and would do anything...

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Rob Joe Women of the Church Ch 01

This will be the first in a series about two college roommates who have many different sexual opportunities with women by attending and being active in church. The stories will share the interesting lives of the women they pursue As in life one contact leads to another. This will be my first submission in a couple of years. Many enjoyed the Pastor Sarah series I wrote in 2003. I hope you enjoy this series Joe and Rob were roommates in a prestigious university with all the benefits of rich...

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Rob and EllenChapter 3

I was sitting in a booth eating breakfast when Dixie sat down opposite me. "How we doing Rob?" "Day to day Dixie, day to day." "You about ready to give me another shot at you?" I looked at her and remembered what we once had and my dick started to harden. "Why not?" I thought. It has been months and I certainly didn't owe Ellen any degree of faithfulness. "What do you have in mind?" "Bob Thomas and the Highway Travelers are at the Stagecoach. How about Mexican for dinner and...

4 years ago
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Rob and Jane Part 2 The next morning

Rob and Jane Part 2 The next morning...Jane woke from a peaceful sleep. She felt a heavy arm draped over her stomach, a hand lightly brushing her navel as she breathed in and out. She smiled remembering last night's encounter. Sighing she rolled from her side to her back and turned her face to the man beside her. He began to stir and slowly opened his eyes. With a broad grin on his face Rob breathed 'Good Morning Miss, I take it you slept OK?' 'I sure did' she replied and they both began to...

Quickie Sex
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Rob Jenkins Part IIIChapter 12

I knew I had upset Pris. I wanted to say something to comfort her, but I was afraid I would make her feel worse. I didn't want to engage the autopilot, leave the pilot seat, and go back to her. It was too dangerous and she seemed to want to avoid me. The Barin Signal Group tested very sophisticated communications equipment including some classified Army equipment. They had installed some special radar and communications equipment on my Aero Commander. I rarely used the special...

3 years ago
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Rob and EllenChapter 2

I watched him walk out to the garage and was glad that he would never know the truth of my night with Stu. The truth would just kill him. The truth was that Stu had given me the best sex of my life. It had been so good that I wasn't sure that I wouldn't have run away with him if he had asked. I really do love Rob and I'm sorry now that Stu and I played. I told the truth about the guilt I was carrying, but deep in my heart I know that I had kind of lied when I said 'never again.' It would...

2 years ago
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Rob and Aggie

I met Agnes in the ninth grade, started dating her and we were pretty much an established couple from the tenth grade on. We had no problems all the way through high school and – cliché of all clichés – we exchanged our virginities the night of the senior prom. Once we discovered sex we were at it every chance we got. We had been talking about getting married since the eleventh grade and we had decided that we would wait until we finished college before tying the knot. College changed Aggie....

1 year ago
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Seducing Rob

Rob came home from school a little earlier than expected this afternoon. I guess it was just too beautiful a day for him to spend another hour studying frogs in biology. I had my closet door open and was using the full length mirror inside the closet to check out one of my new swim suits. When he walked by my room, I was looking over my shoulder at my ass in the mirror which caused me to stick out my ass in the most provocative way. From the door to my room, Rob had the greatest view....

3 years ago
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Rob Harry Sueleen and Mellissa

Harry had been my best friend for so long that it was hard for me to sometimes remember how far back we went. I'm pretty sure that it was around the second grade, but it might have been the first. He lived three doors down from me and we started walking to school together in the morning and then home again after school. We played together after school and on the weekends and as we grew older the bonds became tighter. When we were thirteen the Ellsworth brothers took his bike and I went with...

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Robs stay with Auntie Serena

I’m 18 years old and I really can look after myself but my mum insisted I went and stayed with some neighbours while she was away for a few days.Mind you I didn’t mind as it was with Auntie Serena and Uncle Mark. They weren’t really my aunt and uncle but as they were the same age as my parents I was bought up to call them auntie and uncle.You see Serena was very attractive, and had gorgeous kissable lips and always wore a deep red lipstick. Whenever she spoke to me I found myself looking at her...

4 years ago
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Poor Rob

There were times when it sucked to be me and in the last three years those times had been too damned frequent. As I sat at the bar in my favorite night spot and nursed my beer I did have to admit to myself that I brought a lot of those times down on me on my own. I seemed to have the world's best AND worst taste in women. Best because I always seemed to come up with the great looking ones; the ones with personality to spare and who were fun loving and a joy to be with and who usually grabbed...

2 years ago
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Maeve and Rob Chapter 2

It was hard to put Maeve out of my mind. Her scent was still on the bed. I washed the pillow covers, but her scent still lingered on the pillows themselves. Likewise the mattress. I kept finding things of hers that got left behind. A hairpin here, the button from a blouse there, a lipstick that had somehow rolled under the couch. Maeve called me two or three times a day and I finally had to get an unlisted number for the home phone and a new cell phone number. She called me at work, but I...

3 years ago
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Brenda and Rob

by bodaciousbob © I reached behind me and undid the straps of my bikini top and let the strings fall to my sides as I lay face down on the chaise. It was the middle of summer and I was determined to have the bitchingnest tan before I returned to school. The tiny bikini top was not offering up much shade but I removed it in any case and settled down comfortably with my breasts squeezed out on the sides of my body. I reached down and arranged my bottoms so that my butt was also only partially...

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