S.H.E.M.A.L.E. Starz - Part 1 free porn video

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Part 1: Serena Starz Sora was at a crossroads in his life. He had two paths to consider; on one hand, he was a senior in high school and simply wanted to party it up with his friends, enjoy his last year in his hometown; on the other hand, Sora was realizing that life after high school was going to be difficult and require a serious approach. He was going to need to figure out where he was going to go to college (if he was at all), find some way to pay for tuition or necessities if he took a gap year, and he needed a place to live. Although all these thoughts were stressful, he always remembered that most of his friends had the same issues to deal with, and they were there to support him if need be. Sora smiled at the thought of his friends. He could always count on them. They had all grown up together in the same neighborhood and had remained close from the first time they met in grade school. Their little group, "The Seven Stars," as they called themselves, was composed of Hal, Emilio, Mel, Albert, Lars, and Lance. Hal was always the quiet, polite one of the group and was probably the closest to Sora in the group. Emilio was the athlete of the group and could be a little too bold for Sora's tastes, but overall he was a good guy. Mel was the ladies' man of the group, a smooth-talker with the ability to talk his way out of anything. Albert was the youngest of the group, only a junior in high school. He was extremely cocky and a bit of a dick, but he was Lars' best friend, so Sora had to tolerate him. Lars was also a junior, and the younger brother of Lance. He was probably the nicest guy Sora had ever met, which was ironic, considering that Albert was his best friend. The last guy in the group was Lance, the "leader" of the group. Although he refused to acknowledge this role in the group, everyone respected his word. He was a well-rounded guy: good looking, fairly athletic, and had a commanding aura that seemed to emanate from his calm persona. Sora was really proud to be connected to Lance, as everyone in school could tell that he was going places in life. Sora also aspired to do something great with his life. He wasn't sure what that something was yet, but he knew that eventually it would come to him. He, Hal, Emilio, Mel, and Lance were all graduating that year and all decided that they were going to get jobs. Emilio, who was always itching to prove his superiority, had suggested that all five of them should pool in $100, and the person who gets the best job the fastest will get the money. All five of them eventually agreed and decided to use Albert and Lars as judges if there was a disagreement between the five of them on who had gotten the best job. That, of course, had been three weeks ago, and Sora still could find no job offers. Even worse, Mel had hinted that he had sweet-talked his way into an interview with a high- powered company, a job that surely would secure him the $500 from the pool. What's a guy to do? Sora muttered as he wandered around downtown, walking home from a failed interview. That's the third time this week I've been turned down after applying for a job. At this rate, I won't find a job during the summer, let alone in time to win the money in the pool. He glumly stared at the ground, bemoaning his predicament, when suddenly he saw on the ground a flyer. Slowly, he bent down to pick it up, and began to read it: HELP DESPERATELY NEEDED: Male performer willing to dance and/or sing Needed to work weekends and some weekdays $10 dollars per hour plus tips Please contact Paul Ru at 2713 Queen Street ASAP This is probably an advertisement for male stirppers, thought Sora. But hey, I'm desperate for money, I'm not a horrible dancer or singer, and its only a block a way. I guess I'll check it out... Sora walked over to the address and found a large building. He entered into the large room and was surprised to see a lot of unopened boxes scattered around. "Hello?" he called out. "Is this the residence of Paul Ru?" A noise could be heard in a back room and a few seconds later a small man stepped out to meet Sora. "Hello," he smiled warmly. "I'm Paul Ru. What can I do for you?" "Well, I saw this advertisement on the ground," said Sora, handing him the flyer, "and I think I'd like to apply for the job." Mr. Ru began to size Sora up, examining his body and looking into his eyes for some mysterious reason. "How old are you, Mr...?" "Sora. And I'm eighteen." "Perfect!" Mr. Ru's eyes shined with delight. "I thought you were a little too young to apply, but I guess not! So then, Sora, is it? Sora, I am so glad you came here. I just got into town and wanted to start my own business, but it started out so slow. I only have four employees, plus myself, and thought I was going to have to shut down because of the lack of staffing. But now you've come along and bring me hope that I can attract from the younger generations!" "So I've got the job?" "Sort of," Mr. Ru smiled sadly. "See, although adding you to the staff is helpful, I still don't have enough people to start. So I have a favor to ask you: do you think you can get five more guys to come in here and sign up? If so, I will have a job to give you; in fact, I'll make you vice president of the club! But if you can't get five guys, there won't be a club for you to have a job in. So can you do it?" Could I do this? thought Sora. I don't know...it would be hard to convince one guy, let alone five. But if I don't say yes, I'll have no job, and there will be no way that I can win the pool money. "I think I can do it," smiled Sora. "Perfect!" exclaimed Mr. Ru. "I'll make you vice president of the club right now, although you'll still have to work for the club like the rest of our employees." "Alright," Sora said. "But what exactly is it that I'll be doing. Am I performing onstage? Am I singing something? The flyer wasn't very specific." "Oh yes," Mr. Ru replied. "I can have my stage director explain everything to you. Tiffany, can you come out here please?" Sora stood gawking as behind the curtain came Tiffany, the boyfriend of Emilio. "Tiffany?" he gasped. "You work here?" Tiffany smiled. "You're one to talk. I never took you as the club type, Sora. So do you want the full tour and explanation or not?" "I guess I do," Sora said, and began to follow Tiffany into the back room. "Oh, wait just one moment!" called Mr. Ru. "Sora, I need you to sign this documents acknowledging that you are a full-fledged employee of the club, for tax purposes an such." "Sure, no problem," Sora answered, signing his name on the dotted line. "Alright then, let's get a move on," Tiffany called and walked into the back room. Sora followed quickly after, not wanting to miss a detail of explanation. "So this is the entrance to the stage from the back," she pointed out to Sora. "Here are the dressing rooms. So far our girls are Alotta, Bambi, Stephanie, and me. We all get our own seperate rooms. I think Mr. Ru will set you up in the empty one on the right; you can store you belongings and earnings here. But the communal room is where you'll be spending most of time, as it functions as the lounge, the costume closet, and the group mirror where we can help each other get ready. Come on, let me show you." Tiffany opened the door to the communal room, and Sora was shocked with what he saw. The entire back wall of the room was covered in wigs. Long wigs, short wigs, curly wigs, wavy wigs, blonde wigs, brunette wigs, black wigs, red wigs, blue wigs; every kind of wig that he could possible was on that wall. Not only that, but in the corner of the room there were all kinds of dresses and costumes, the largest collection of feminine attire that Sora had ever seen. "Wow," he joked, still shocked at the collection before him. "Mr. Ru must be desperate to give the appearence that there are more than four girls performing here. Do you four dress up in multiple wigs and outfits, like you have multiple personas or something?" "No, not really. We all only use one wig and one persona. The collection of wigs is for the newcomers who get to choose their new persona, like you." "What do you mean, 'like me'? These are all female wigs and clothes; they couldn't be for me!" "Yeah, actually, they are. This is a drag club, silly. Didn't Mr. Ru tell you that?" Sora stood there dumbstruck. I signed up to be a perfomer at a drag club? No, this isn't possible! "Heh, heh, funny joke Tiffany. If this is a drag club, why are you here?" "Because I'm a guy, Mr. Know-It-All. Genitalia and everything." This was simply too much for Sora. Tiffany is a man?!?!? This isn't a strip club; its a drag club?!?!? And I signed up for a year?!?!? Oh my god... "Hey Sora, you there? Wake up..." Sora opened his eyes and saw Tiffany standing over him. "You're awake," she smiled, relieved. "You passed out for a while there. I guess that all this information was a little too much to absorb at once. Sorry." Sora got up from the ground and pinched himself. "Nope, not a dream," he observed with a wince of pain. "I'm sorry this you had to learn everything this way, but its the truth," Tiffany said sympathetically. "You were going to find out anyways when I would have gotten you dressed up for the first time." "So all the girls here...they're really guys?" "Yup. One hundred percent shemales or drag queens." "Whoa...I never would have thought...what about Mr. Ru?" "Used to be a drag queen himself back in the day. He still performs occasionally, but now he's content to help us improve our art and make us the best queens that we can be." Sora shook his head. "Wow, I've really gotten myself into a mess this time. How am I going to tell the guys about this? There's no way I can tell them what kind of job I got- they'd disown me." "Don't tell them everything. I won't tell if you don't tell them about my little secret. Just tell them that you got a high ranking position managing a club; they'll be extremely jealous of you!" "I suppose that is a good idea," said Sora, smiling at Tiffany. "Thanks." "No problem. That's what girlfriends are for." Sora winced at the comment. "Oh, I'm sorry, Sora, but you've got to get used to it. We are going to create your drag queen persona tonight, so you've got to get over the reality that when you are working here, you aren't Sora: you are...well, we can decide your stage name later. Let's get to work on your makeover." Tiffany led Sora over to the wall of wigs. "First, let's select your wig. I'll let you pick one out, but give this some serious thought: this wig will define your entire persona, so I'd rather you'd be happy with your choice than miserable with something I am forced to pick for you." Sora, resigned to the fact that he was going to have to do this, carefully scoured the wall. Finally, he pointed to a long, wavy blond wig with yellow tips. "That one." "Excellent choice!" beamed Tiffany. "I actually was thinking that that wig would look perfect on you with your fair complexion. Sit down in the chair over there and we'll try it on you!" Sora did as he was told and shivered as he felt the soft locks cascade down over his shoulders as the wig was secured on his head. "Perfect," Tiffany said. "Now, Sora, in the future you will be expected to do your own makeup, and although I will teach you, right now I am going to do the makeup for you so you can be surprised by your look. Alright?" He nodded his approval and Tiffany went off like a shot, starting by adding foundation and blush. Although Sora couldn't see what Tiffany was doing, she could tell that she was using a lot of makeup, as his eyelids felt much heavier as she added eye shadow and his lips tastes strongly of lip gloss after Tiffany was finished spreading the creamy stuff over his lips. It kind of hurt to have his eyebrows tweezed and shaped and it was really strange to see the long false eyelashes fluttering in front of his vision when he blinked, but he still had no idea how he looked. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to Sora, Tiffany announced that she was completed. "Now, Sora," she said, handing him a camera. "I am going to turn you around and show you the new you. It is a custom in this club for a new girl in drag for the first time to take a picture of herself so that the picture can be used in advertising and posters and what not. So find a sexy pose, and snap away girlfriend!" With that last piece of information, Tiffany spun Sora around to face the mirror. What he saw absolutely shocked him. There was absolutely zero trace of his maleness anywhere; all that he saw in the mirror was a stunning, heavily made-up blonde with a camera in her hand. He stood up in shock, getting closer to the mirror to get a better look. Sora had thinly arched eyebrows that hovered above beautiful eyes accented by thick, feathery eyelashes. His eyelids were painted to perfection with mutliple shades of lavander, while his lips looked plump and inviting thanks to a stunning shade of pink lipstick, lip gloss, and the shocked little 'O' that his lips were forming. Slowly, but surely, he realized that he was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Even better, he could control this beautiful woman. He made he strike numerous poses, each one more sexy and provocative than the next. "Well, it looks like you're really getting into the persona," chuckled Tiffany as she watched her creation dance with herself in the mirror. "Have you decide on what name you want to give this persona?" The woman in front of the mirror turned around flashed a dazzling smile. "Call me Serena. Serena Starz." "Alright, Serena, now that you have taken your picture and seem more than satisfied with the makeup job, let's pick out a dress for you," Tiffany said, leading her new student over to the closet. After about 15 minutes of rummaging through the racks in the closet, Serena called out, "I've found it!" and raced off to her dressing room to change. Although Tiffany was a little worried that Serena chose something without consulting her first, it was her turn to be completely shocked at Serena's new appearance. Serena stepped out of the room in a stunning rainbow colored dress and matching rainbow heels. The shimmering dress perfectly matched her yellow tips and blond hair while additionally bringing out the pink in her lipstick and eyeshadow. Tiffany could practically see the femininity shining out from Serena in her new outfit. "Serena, you look fantastic!" she exclaimed. "I'm so glad that you begun to accept the new persona you have to take for this job!" Serena smiled gratefully for the compliment. "I have you to thank for it. You see, I've never been really good at anything. I was never that smart, nor that big, nor that strong. I've been average at everything I do. But when I saw my image in the mirror after you dressed me up, I knew I could be something special as a drag queen. So I am going to work as hard as I can to be the most beautiful drag queen around and make sure that this club stays afloat. I will be doing something great in my life: I will be Serena Starz, the greatest drag queen at the most successful club in town.

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Shemale Shilpi banged my pussy

I am Nargis. I am an in a kindergarten school in Hyderabad. I am 32, age, beautiful, fair, married with no kids, and blessed with a 36d-30-38 figure. Life at my school was a fixed daily routine, boring. The majority of teachers were mature. They were always busy in areas in which I had no interest. I started working here 3 years back. My friendship started with a new trainee teacher Shilpi, who recently joined here after her graduation. She was a bubbly girl, and soon, we became friends. We...

4 years ago
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Shemales An Appreciation

Androgyne, futari, girly man, he-she, intersexed, hermaphrodite, kathoey, ladyboy, newhalf, shemale, tranny, transgender, transsexual--there are lots of names for chicks with dicks--maybe too many. As whenever such a case presents itself, it is helpful--no, mandatory--that one define one's terms. As used in this essay, "shemale" is reserved for pre-operative transsexuals who have decided that breasts have made them womanly enough and that they will forego sex-reassignment surgery, opting...

4 years ago
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Shemale Mistress borrows my Submissive Wife For a

I received a call from a friend of our's a Michelle a shemale Mistress asking if my sub wife could be available for a weekend party. I asked my wife last night if she wanted to be lent out ? She said it would be fine. I called Michelle and said she would be ok. Michelle said she would text me instructions. A day later I received a text of instructions have wife completely shaved pussy, ass and head . Have her dressed as follows cuffs on ankles and wrists. Butt plug and garters and heels and 6"...

3 years ago
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Shemale Funpark

You go to a Funpark in Miami, Florida where you are supposed to meet your Friends. You really like them and drove all the way out here just for them. Right as you enter the Funpark to get to the meeting point, your Friends call you in a groupchat. They tell you that their Car broke down a long time ago but their Phones had no Battery and they were in the middle of nowhere. They could only call you now to tell you that they sadly can’t come to the Funpark. They say that you have to go on the...

2 years ago
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Shemales An Appreciation

Shemales: An Appreciation By Cal Y. Pygia Androgyne, futari, girly man, he-she, intersexed, hermaphrodite, kathoey, ladyboy, newhalf, shemale, tranny, transgender, transsexual--there are lots of names for chicks with dicks--maybe too many. As whenever such a case presents itself, it is helpful--no, mandatory--that one define one's terms. As used in this essay, "shemale" is reserved for pre-operative transsexuals who have decided that breasts have made them womanly enough and that...

4 years ago
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Shemale Park Shame

Park Shemale Shame Hi All, Now I’m as straight as the next man, I’ve got a cute little blonde girl with a great arse who I love to ride, lick and tit feel, but, well, here’s a cautionary tale. This is a warning for you fellas who sometimes find yourselves looking at pictures of pretty shemales, in all their frillies, on the internet when you just wanna have that added pervy kick so as to cum. Right, the other day I was walking home from the pub after a couple of after work drinks with...

3 years ago
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Shemale Assassin

Sarah was lining up a shot with her bow, preparing to take down the deer she had been stalking for ten minutes when there was a loud cry from the North-East of her hunting blind. The cry startled the deer, causing it to flee from the noise that permeated the forest."There goes a few meals." Sarah sighed with frustration.Within seconds of shouldering her bow, Sarah noticed that the cry was actually a call for help and she made her way through the trees towards the screaming woman that was making...

4 years ago
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Shemale massage

It has been one of those long and stressful weeks. I’m in desperate need of relaxation and relief so I head over to an Asian massage parlor for a typical happy ending massage.The girl who usually massages me isn’t available so another girl is suggested which I accept. I think to myself that she can’t be much different than my usual so I don’t care much. I just need a massage badly.She comes out of the back from another massage and introduces herself as Jessica. I smirk a bit knowing there is no...

1 year ago
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Shemale Gangbanged

Hi........readers.......i am a shemale whose presence looks like an angel.......Due to my physical appearance....boobs,ass....whatever boys use to look at is as soft as cream.My story starts with a mistress ....who fucked me twice....but without any payment...So it was a summer and i called him to pay me....he told sure u come to my home .....i will pay you.I thought why he agreed so easily.....but any how i thought what he can do ......maximum he will again fuck my ass and suck my boob snot...

1 year ago
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Reddit Shemales, aka r/Shemales! Reviewing Reddit subs has become a real drag these days because there’s a sub for every single fetish, niche and sexual preference you can think of – and about a million that you’ve never heard of before. That’s why I’m always glad to get the chance to review something that is a bit outside of my comfort zone. There’s a ton of smut that I’m personally not a fan of, but I’m an equal opportunity porn god, so I really enjoy covering other people’s smut. Sometimes...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Shemale Fun

You are a good-looking man in your mid-twenties. You are 5'10, 170 lbs., and in good shape, with some muscle definition. You have always considered yourself a man's man, but lately you have developed a curiosity about women with...something more. When you fantasize, you sometimes find yourself imagining a cock between the girl's legs. Pretty soon, that's the only way you really get off during masturbation. You can't take it anymore. Even if you end up being only interested in biological...

3 years ago
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Shemale im Urlaub

Als Hans sich entscheidet alleine in den den Urlaub zufahren, fällt seine Wahl auf Amsterdam. Er hat sich im voraus erkundigt und sich besonders über das Nachtleben und den Rotlichtbezirk informiert. Hans hat schon länger Fantasien mit Transen und ist gespannt was der Urlaub mit sich bringt. In Amsterdam angekommen verbringt er den Tag als klassischer Tourist. Zwischendurch besucht er immer Mal wieder einen der vielen kleinen Sexshops und stöbert durch die Dildos, Dessous und Magazine wobei er...

2 years ago
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Shemale flip flop

OMg isn't this meme hilarious, my girlfriend asks me over whatsapp and I'm already like fuck I need to take a bong rip and play cocky games with my tranny friend. So I smoke the bong and put my phone on silent so she will stop writing me while I'm at work. I show up clean and punctual for her at her house. She looks good with her big tits hanging out and I shower. She lets me get comfortable on the bed then she comes in and seduces me.She has me naked in a second. Sucking as kissing on my big...

4 years ago
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Shemale beauty cloths ripped off on stage

The venue had very talented c***dren performing and Spanky was the final act. Earlier in the day Spanky was furious with his overbearing mother, so he decide to throw the performance. Gathering 25 neighborhood 25 c***dren together, he orchestrated all his friend’s to be at the performance and give him “the works.” The plan was to have them loudly hurl insults and pelt him with rock hard peas. Sure he thought, I will fix her once and for all, I will not just fail but I be so embarrassing and...

1 year ago
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Now it was my time to see the lovely Emiko. She firstly removed her dress and stood resplendent before me in bra, panties, stockings and suspenders. She turned her back on me and I unclipped her brassiere letting it fall to the floor. Now she teased me by taking off her stockings and suspenders leaving the panties to last. I fully expected the Japanese ladies in 1964 to be natural and covered in thick pubic hair as few females bothered to shave their lady gardens back then. Okay eating a bald...

3 years ago
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Shemale experience

Fooled around with a shemale a few years ago and probably the best thing I ever did. I was very nervous at first because I hadn't sucked a cock for a very very long time. What if I didn't remember how to do a good job? What if I couldn't suck a cock properly? I had seen lots of cock sucking porn but I wasn't sure if I was up to the job.I was taught to start with getting on my knees keeping my knees and legs far apart to allow my ass to open up nice and wide. This was such a sexy position to be...

2 years ago
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Shemale cummed in my mouth

Rachel was not new to the shemale world. She made the transition years before I met her. We met each other through mutual friends. We had hung out quite a few times. It was always with a group of friends, never just the two of us. I considered us pretty good friends at this point in time. I was open with Rachel from day one. She new I liked being dressed as a slut and fucked by women with strapons. I never dressed as a women outside of sex other than wearing womens panties all the time. For the...

2 years ago
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Lately i've been going to this one adult video arcade in Oakland, and it is full of action. The reason I began going there was because it is located on the upper floor of a strip club. To get in you have to go through the lobby of the club, and up the stairs. The Strip club is on the ground floor, and it is raunchy, to say the least! It is definitely a no frills place! I mean, they hire anyone - so long as she's female - who walks in the door and applies. The girls are of every race and looks;...

2 years ago
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Shemale school ENG

Shemale schoolActually, I did not even have this thought. I read stories that guys go crazy, they want to be girls and all that. Not my story. I did not want to, I did not think, I did not intend to. Guev - called pidarasami, and dreamed of girls with big tits.But everything turned out somehow wrong. It all started at school.One time after the lesson of physical education, I stayed a little in the locker room. Everyone left, but I just started changing clothes. I just undressed how our local...

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Shemale before emails

1996, Old enough to get the fuck out if the sleepy little Scottish village I was brought up in and take part in the clubscene born in 88. Myself and 3 friends had boarded a flight to Ibiza.we hit it hard the first night and the second. On the third I flaked out in the hotel as my mates headed bk to San Antonio for more treats, lights and beats. They were all arrested for swimming in the fountains on the main drag. When. Police arrived one of them got a lucky punch on the polis man's jaw. Then...

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Shemale Mom

It was a sunny day when I got home from School, My Mother asked me how my day was to which I replied that it was okay, she seemed pleased with my answer, then she said we'd have to have a talk after dinner, I went up stairs and laid down and started thinking about how I was bullied in school again, was it my fault I had a slight built and girls while nice did nothing for me.After eating dinner I helped my was the dishes then we went into the living room to watch The Bachelor, she kept...

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Shemale Cam Girl Sample

Sample from "The Shemale Cam Girl" available on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00R0BADB8).“Yes,” she pushed him down onto the couch. “Look, if you are going to suck my cock you are going to have to get better at it. I don’t just let anyone suck my cock, you know,” she shook her head and laughed. “I mean, you saw it? That’s not the kind of cock you just let anyone suck on and Joel, hon, that was not a very good blowjob.”“I’m sorry,” he hung his head, not sure how to respond.“No, it’s okay,”...

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Shemale Public Bondage Fantasy

It was a chilly evening, I had arranged to meet him in the city centre. I was wearing a rather skimpy black dress, black lingerie and red high heels. It was my first time dressed in public like this. He was an average looking man, he shook my hand and kissed my cheek, and asked if I was ready. I affirmed, and then he led me to the park in the city. I noticed he had a small bag with him. He opened it and took out several pieces of rope. 'You know what we agreed', he said. 'Yes, I understand,' I...

1 year ago
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shemale looking for black

I was at the bar for the night. relaxing, putting down a couple drinks. I had started talking to another guy at the bar. we had a lot in common. after a good couple of laughs, a woman came up and joined in. we were suprised, she was really hot! we sat around for a cpl minutes, talking and laughing. as the bar was closing, me and my buddy needed to find cabs to get home. the woman offered to give us a lift, and we saw no problem, and agreed. on our way back, she said she wanted to drink more,...

1 year ago
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shemale adventure

I was at the bar for the night. relaxing, putting down a couple drinks. I had started talking to another guy at the bar. we had a lot in common. after a good couple of laughs, a woman came up and joined in. we were suprised, she was really hot! we sat around for a cpl minutes, talking and laughing. as the bar was closing, me and my buddy needed to find cabs to get home. the woman offered to give us a lift, and we saw no problem, and agreed. on our way back, she said she wanted to drink more,...

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Shemale Next Door Pt I

(Note: This is an excerpt from "The Shemale Next Door" on sale on Amazon now)It was a warm Saturday afternoon, one of the first really hot days near the end of spring and right before the beginning of summer and Ken was waking up late like he always did on the weekends and found the trashcan in their house completely full. He sighed to himself and was going to call to Roger to take care of it until he remembered that Roger had gone away for a week to visit his family and that he had left this...

4 years ago
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shemale experience Fantasy wish it was true

So here I am sitting at the sherries accross from my hotel.Eyeing a good looking blond girl, she looks about 21, nice little bubble butt,hips and D tittys,very pretty. she catch's me looking at her and give's me a wink, I make it a point to chat her up(while being intoxicated by her strange happy attraction)I end up talking her into coming back to my hotel for a swim,after of course I get her a bikini at the store down the street. we end up back at the room and we talk and begin to make out,she...

3 years ago
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Shemale on wheels tour

Being a sexy naughty city girl like myself…I get allot of attention from the boys. I always enjoy getting the attention of the small town boys that are not used to seeing a sexy bitch like me roll though town. They jerk off to girls like me online all the time. But having me right in front of them sometimes makes them overwhelmed and easy targets and my prey… lol.For me, I love sex. I enjoy the attention of men and I love being used by a man. But the biggest turn on for me is finding some dumb...

2 years ago
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Shemale A Man

Hello Friend I am 22 yrs guy with 7”3” cock. .The story which I am going to narrate might be u think that it’s a fake story but it’s a real incident of my life which is hard to believe. It’s a man & shemale story who met by chance & this turn into sexual experience. Now I am going to narrate this story in Hindi. If u like this then email me on Baat june month ki hai.Muje shimla janna pada meeting ke sisle mein or uske bad 10 days ka off be mila tha. Maine apna bag pack kiya or bus se kalka tak...

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