- 5 years ago
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എന്റെ പേര് പറയുന്നില്ല, എന്റെ ഫാമിലി തമിഴ്നാട്ടില് നിന്ന് വന്നു കേരളത്തില് താമസിക്കുന്നു, ഇവിടെ ചെറിയ ജോലികളൊക്കെ ചെയ്യുന്നു, ഞാന് പ്ലസ് ടൂ കഴിഞ്ഞ ഒരു ജോലിയും ഇല്ലാതെ ഇരിക്കുകയായിരുന്നു,. അതിനാലാണ് പത്രത്തില് വന്ന ആകര്ഷ്കമായ ഒരു പരസ്യം ശ്രദ്ധിച്ചത്, ” പുക വലിക്കാത്ത,ആണ് കുട്ടികളെ സ്വകാര്യ ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രത്തിലേക്ക് ആവശ്യമുണ്ട് , ആഴ്ചയില് 5000 രൂപ പ്രതിഫലം,” യോഗ്യതകള് ഇല്ല.ഞാന് ഞെട്ടിപ്പോയി,ഉടനെ തന്നെ അപേക്ഷിചു , മറ്റാരും അയക്കഞ്ഞതുകൊണ്ടോ എന്തോ, എനിക്ക്,ജോയിന് ചെയ്യാന് ലെറ്റര് വന്നു.സെക്സ് സുന്ദരിമാരുടെയും,നെല്പ്പാ ടങ്ങളിലെ സായാഹ്ന രതിയുടെയും നാടായ പാലക്കാട് ജില്ലയും, കറുത്ത സുന്ദരിമാരുടെ കേന്ദ്രം കോയമ്പത്തൂര് അതിരിടുന്ന ഒരു സ്ഥലം,ഉയര്ന്നു നില്ക്കു ന്ന ഒരു കണ്ണാടി കെട്ടിടം.വാതിലില് തന്നെ എന്നെ കാത്തു LAB COAT ധരിച്ച ഒരു പെണ്കുതട്ടി നില്ക്കുദന്നുണ്ടായിരുന്നു, ശരീര വടിവ് എടുത്തു കാട്ടുന്ന ഇറുകിയ കോട്ട്, സ്ലിപോന്സ്ന പാദരക്ഷകള് തിളങ്ങുന്ന സ്വര്ണ പാദം.”മിസ്ടര് എ അല്ലെ”? അവള് ചോദിച്ചു. അവളുടെ ഒരു മണം,സ്വരം, ആ മാറിടത്തിന്റെ തിരനോട്ടം, ലിപ് ഗ്ലോസ് ചുണ്ട്.ഹോ ഞാന് പെട്ടന്ന് കമ്പിയായി, അവളുടെ സ്വീറ്റ് സ്വരം അതിനു ആക്കം കൂട്ടി ,
വെളുത്ത ഒരു സുന്ദരിയായിരുന്നു, അവള്, എന്റെ കറുമ്പന് കുന്ന അവള്ക്കാനയി ഉറച്ചു കട്ടിയായി നിന്നു ” അതെ മാദം” അവള് കുസൃതിയോടെ എന്നെ നോക്കി ചിരിച്ചു,”hallo, ഞാന് ചിപ്പി ജോസ് , ഇവിടെ ഒരു സയന്റിസ്റ്റ് ആണ്, എന്റെ കൂടെ വരൂ, ഒന്നും മനസ്ലാകാതെ ഞാന് ആ പെണ്ണിന്റെ പിന്നാലെ നടന്നു, ഒരു 25വയസു ,അധികം വണ്ണം ഇല്ല, മെലിഞ്ഞ വടിവൊത്ത സ്വര്ണൃ മേനി, തിളങ്ങുന്ന കറുത്ത മുടി,pink ചുണ്ടുകളിലെ ചിരി, ഹൂ ഈ ചിപ്പി എന്റെ കറുത്ത അണ്ടി എഴിഞ്ചു നീളം ആക്കി കഴിഞ്ഞു, ദൈവമേ ഇവിടുത പണിക്കിടക്ക് ഈ സുന്ദരി മാഡത്തെ ഒന്ന് മണപ്പിക്കാന് എങ്കിലും കിട്ടനേ, ഞാന് പ്രാര്ഥി്ച്ചു.പെട്ടന്ന്, ചിപ്പി മിസ്സ് നിന്നു, ഒരു ചെറിയ മുറിയിലേക്ക് അവള് വാതില് തുറന്നു കയറി, അവള് എന്നെയും അകത്തേക്ക് വിളിച്ചു, ” വരൂ”.ഞാന് അകത്തു ചെന്ന്,ഒരു കള്ളചിരിയോടെ, ചിപ്പി മാഡം വാതില് അടച്ചു, ” ഇരിക്ക്”, അവിടുള്ള ഒരു സ്ടൂളില് ഞാന് ഇരുന്നു,ചിപ്പി എന്റെ അടുത്തേക്ക് വന്നു നിന്ന്, ലാബ് കോടിന്റെ ഉള്ളെ സെക്സി ഷിഫോണ് സാരിയും, ഇറുകിയ ഷോട്ട് സ്ലീവ് ബ്ലൌസും, വിദേശ പെര്ഫുമിന്റെ മദ ഗന്ധവും,.
എന്റെ ഷട്ടിക്കുള്ളില് അണ്ടി ഒരു നനവ് പുറപ്പെടുവിച്ചു തുടങ്ങി,”ഞാന് പറഞ്ഞ പോലെ, എന്റെ പേര് ഡോക്ടര് ചിപ്പി ജോസ്, പുരുഷന് മാരില് പല ഭക്ഷണങ്ങള്,മരുന്നുകള് എന്നിവ, സെമെന്റെ രുചിയില് വരുത്തുന്ന മാറ്റത്തെ പറ്റിയാണ് എന്റെ റിസേര്ച്ി..” ആ പിങ്ക് ചുണ്ടുകളില് ഒരു സെക്സി ചിരി തിളങ്ങി,” അപ്പോള്, നീയാണ് ഇനി എന്റെ സ്പെസിമെന് സ്രോതസ്സ്,”എനിക്കൊന്നും പിടികിട്ടിയില്ല “അതായത് ഇനി എന്റെ പരീക്ഷണങ്ങള്ക്ക്ി വേണ്ടി മരുന്ന് നീ കഴിക്കണം, നിന്റെ ശുക്ലം ഞാന് ടെസ്റ്റ് അല്ലെങ്കില് ടേസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്തു നോക്കും, എന്താ?’എനിക്ക് വിശ്വസിക്കാന് ആയില്ല, ഈ ശാസ്ത്രജ്ഞ സുന്ദരി, എന്റെ പാല് കുടിച്ചു നോക്കുമെന്നോ,? എന്റെ കുണ്ണ ഇപ്പൊ പാല് പോകും എന്ന മട്ടില് വെട്ടിയാടുകയായിരുന്നു, ഞാന് തലയാട്ടി, ചിപ്പിയുടെ വെളുത്ത മുഖത് ചിരി വിടര്ന്നു ,”എന്നാല് ഇപ്പൊ ദാ ഈ ഗുളിക കഴിക്ക, പതിനഞ്ചു മിനിട്ടിനകം, നിന്റെ അണ്ടിയുടെ മാറ്റം കാണാം,”. ആ വെളുത്ത , വിദ്യാഭ്യാസമുള്ള സുന്ദരി “അണ്ടി” എന്നോകെ പറയും എന്ന് ഞാന് പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചില്ല,
അതുകൂടി കേട്ടപ്പോ, എന്റെ കണ്ട്രോള് പോകുന്ന പോലെ ആയി,”എന്നാല്, ആ ഡ്രസ് അഴിച്ചോളൂ, ഐ വാണ്ട് യു നേക്കഡ് , ആ ടാബിളില്,” ഓക്കേ? ഞാന് അനുസരിചു , ഉടുപ്പൂരി, അവള് കാട്ടിയ മേശയില് കിടന്നു, തൊണ്ണൂറു ഡിഗ്രിയില് എന്റെ ആണത്തമുള്ള കറുത്ത ലിംഗം എഴിഞ്ചു നീളത്തില് നിന്ന്,.. അത് കണ്ടപ്പോള്, ഡോക്ടര് ചിപ്പി ചെറുതായി ഒന്ന് ഞെട്ടി, ” ഹോ മാതാവേ, ഇത്ര വലുതോ? നല്ല ടാര് പോലെ കരുകരുത്തതും, കൊള്ളാല്ലോ , എന്ത് കണ്ടിട്ട ഇതിങ്ങനെ കംബിയടിച്ചത്? പറയൂ ” അവളുടെ കിളിനാദം, ” അതുപിന്നെ ഡോക്ടര് മാഡത്തിന്റെ മണവും ആ വടിവുമൊക്കെ,..” ” ആഹാ കറുമ്പന് പാണ്ടി കൊള്ളാല്ലോ, എനിക്ക് തോന്നി, എനിക്കിന്ന് പണിയാകും എന്ന് “, ചിപ്പി മാഡം ചിരിച്ചു,പെട്ടന്ന്, എന്റെ ലിങ്ങതില് എന്തോ വ്യത്യാസം തോന്നി, ചിപ്പി ഡോക്ടര് പറഞ്ഞു, ” മോനെ തമിഴ, ദാ ,കുന്നയില് ആ ഹെര്ബ് ഫലിച്ചു തുടങ്ങി, ” എന്റെ അണ്ടി വികസിച്ചു,ഒരു 9 INCH നീളം,ചിപ്പിഅടുത്തുവന്നു, ” നമുക്ക് നിന്റെ വിത്തിന്റെ ഗുണമേന്മ നോക്കിയാലോ”? ഞാന് എന്തെങ്കിലും പറയുന്നതിന് മുന്പേക, അവള്, റബ്ബര് ലാറ്റെക്സ് കൈയുറകള് ഇട്ടു, എന്റെ സാധനത്തില് പിടുത്തമിട്ടു,
അറബിക്കഥയിലെ, വെളുത്ത രാജകുമാരി കറുമ്പന് രാക്ഷസനു തോലിച്ചു കൊടുക്കുമ്പോലെ എനിക്ക് തോന്നി, GLOVE ഇടാതെ അല്ലെ നല്ലത്”? ഞാന് തലയാട്ടി,..ആ സ്വര്ണ വിരലുകള് മാജിക് നടത്തുകയായിരുന്നു, ആ സുഖം , വിവാഹ മോതിരവും,രണ്ട സ്വര്ണ് വളകള് അണിഞ്ഞ ആ കൈകള് എന്റെ ലിംഗം തോലിച്ചടിച്ചു കൊണ്ടിരുന്നു, ” ചിപ്പി മാഡം, എനിക്കിനി പിടിച്ചു നില്ക്കാൊനാവില്ല” ഞാന് അലറി.. അവളുടെ മുഖത് നാണമില്ലാത്ത ചിരിയും, രതിയുടെ വിയര്പ്് തുള്ളികളും മാത്രം, ലാബ് കോട്ട് ഊറി വെച്ചതിനാല്, ലോ കട്ട് ബ്ലൌസിന്റെ മുന്ഭാിഗത്ത് കൂടി കാണുന്ന ആ മുല വിടവ്, കക്ഷങ്ങളിലെ വിയര്പ്പ ടയാളങ്ങള്,പിന്നെ ആ മെഴുമെഴുത്ത ആലില വയറും,ഞാന് ചാടി എണിറ്റു,ചിപ്പി ഒന്ന് ഞെട്ടി, “MAADAM നിങ്ങളെ കണ്ടപ്പോള് മുതല് എനിക്ക് കഴപ്പ് സഹിക്കാന് വയ്യ, പ്ലീസ് ഞാന് കളിചോട്ടെ?” ഞെട്ടല് മാറി ആ മുഖം രതി ഭാവം നിറഞ്ഞു,
ഒന്നും ആലോചിക്കാതെ ഞാന് അവളുടെ ചിഫ്ഫോന് സാരിയുടെ മറ വലിച്ചഴിച്ചു, വടിവൊത്ത സ്വര്ണി മേനിയില് ഒട്ടിച്ചു വച്ചെന്ന പോലുള്ള ആ ലോ കട്ട് ബ്ലൌസ്,അതിനു പിന്നി ഒരു വല്ലികൊണ്ടുള്ള കെട്ടും, ആ വേഷത്തില് ചിപ്പി മാഡം തമന്നയെ തോല്പ്പി ക്കും എന്ന് തോന്നി, ആ മാദക സുന്ദരി ഡോക്ടറെ ഞാന് ആ റബര് കിടക്കയിലേക്ക് മലര്ത്തിേ, കഴുത്തില് ഒരു നൂല് സ്വര്ണിമാല ,അതവളുടെ സെക്സി മേനിയഴക് കൂട്ടി അവള് എന്നെ തടഞ്ഞു,” ഐ ഡോണ്ട് വാണ്ട് ടൂ ലോസ് യുവര് സൂപ്പര് സെമന്”” ” അതുകൊണ്ട്, ആ മേശയില് നിന്ന് ഒരു സാമ്പിള് ബോട്ടില് എടുക്കമോഡാ?” ഞാന് അത് എടുത്തു നല്കിള,”നമ്മള് തമ്മില് സെക്സ് പാടില്ലാത്തതാണ്, എന്നാലും എന്റെ പൂര് ഒലിക്കുന്നു, സൊ, ഗിവ് ഇറ്റ് എ ട്രൈ, ഫക്ക് മി .”ചിപ്പിയുടെ VIOLET പാവാട തുടവരെ ഉയര്ത്തി വെച്ച,ആ വെളുത്ത, മദജലത്തില് കുതിര്ന്ന പാന്റീസ് ഞാന് പോളിചെടുത്തു,
എന്നിട്ട്, എന്റെ ഒന്പതിഞ്ച് കരിവീട്ടി, ആ വെളുത്ത തുടുത്ത, വെടക് മണം പൊഴിയുന്ന, വടിച്ച പൂരിനുള്ളിലേക്ക്,കയറി, ഹോ.. എന്തൊരു സുഖം,” ഓ മൈ ഗോഡ്,. കര്ത്താിവേ.” ചിപ്പി ജോസ് എന്നാ ശാസ്ത്ര വേശ്യ പുളഞ്ഞു കൊണ്ട് ഞരങ്ങി,. അവള് സുഖത്തിന്റെ ലഹരിയില് ആയിരുന്നു, “മോനെ തമിളാ .അടിക്കെടാ, ഹോ എന്തൊരു സുഖം, നിന്റെ അണ്ടി എന്താ ഇരുമ്പോ? ഹാ, ഓ, മ്മ്മ്മ്മം,യാ.. എന്റെ കറുത്ത പേരും പാമ്പ് ആ വെളുത്ത , കൊഴുത്ത വെള്ളം ഒലിക്കുന്ന മാളത്തില് ഇഴഞ്ഞു കളിച്ചു, ചിപ്പി ഡോക്ടറിന്റെ ബ്ലൌസിന് ഉള്ളില്, മീഡിയം സൈസ് എങ്കിലും, ഉറച്ച മുല കല്ലിച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരുന്നു, ത്രസിച്ചു നിന്ന, ആ നിപില്സില് ഒന്നില് ഞാന്, ഒന്ന് ചുംബിച്ചു, വലിച്ചു കുടിച്ചു,… ആ മേനിയുടെ ഒരു മണം, വിയര്പ്പി ന്റെയും,വിദേശ പെര്ഫുമിന്റെയും,കാമ ഗന്ധം. അത്ര മതിയായിരുന്നു, അവള്ക്കു ,..” ഹോ എനിക്ക് വന്നു, വന്നു,മ്മ്മ്മ്മ്മ്മം,ഹൂ.., ചിപ്പിയുടെ മേനി ആകെ മുറുകി എന്നിട്ട് ശാന്തമായി, അവളുടെ മുഖത്തെ രസങ്ങള്….. , എനിക്കും പിടിച്ചു നില്ക്കാന് പറ്റുമോ? എന്റെ വിത്ത്, കൊഴുത്ത പുരുഷ തേന്, പുറത്തു വരുവായിരുന്നു,…” ഹോ.. ചിപ്പി മാഡം,…എനിക്ക്, എന്റെ,… എന്റെ ബീജം വരുന്നു,… “, മയക്കത്തില് എന്ന പോലെ കിടന്ന ആ സുന്ദരി പെട്ടന്ന്, തന്റെ, ലവ് ടണലില് നിന്നും എന്റെ ലിംഗം, പുറത്തെടുക്കാന്, എന്റെ വയറ്റില് ചവിട്ടി തള്ളി, വഴുവഴുത്ത യോനിയില് നിന്നും, അവളുടെ മദ ജലവും,
എന്റെ അണ്ടിയും പുറത്തു വന്നു, ഒരു വേശ്യയുടെ മെയ് വഴക്കത്തോടെ കിടക്കയില് നിന്നും, ഒഴികിയിറങ്ങിയ, ചിപ്പി, എടുത്തു വച്ചിരുന്ന സാമ്പിള് ബോട്ടിലില് എന്റെ അണ്ടി കയറ്റി, തോലിച്ചു, അവളുടെ വിരലുകളുടെ സ്പര്ശംന ഏറ്റ് ഞാന് പുളഞ്ഞു, എന്റെ ദം,പൊട്ടി, കൊഴുത്ത ബീജ പാല് കുതിച്ചു,കുപ്പി നിറഞ്ഞു, അവളുടെ വിരലുകളെ നനച്ചു, .. ബോധാമറ്റ് ഞാന് കിടക്കയില് വീണു, കര്തവ്യ ബോധത്തോടെ, ഡോക്ടര് ചിപ്പി ജോസ് ആ ബോട്ടില് ലേബല് ഇട്ട സൂക്ഷിച്ചു വചൂ,എന്റെ അരികില് വന്നു, കിതപ്പോടെ പറഞ്ഞു, ” അപ്പുറത്തെ ലാബില് സൌമ്യ മാഡം ഉണ്ട്, അവരോട ഈ സാമ്പിള് ശേഖരിച്ച രീതി പറയരുത്, കേട്ടോ”. ഞാന് തലയാട്ടി,..ആ സ്വര്ണി ശരീരത്തില് VIOLET ഷിഫോണ് സാരി പടരുന്നത് നോക്കി ഞാന് കിടന്നു, കിതപ്പ് മാറവേ, ചിപ്പി ഒന്ന് കൂടി പറഞ്ഞു,..” റസ്റ്റ് എടുത്തോളൂട്ടോ , അടുത്ത എക്സ്പെരിമെന്റ് ഉച്ച കഴിഞ്ഞിട്ടാണ്, ഡോക്ടര് ആന്സിാ വരും, സാമ്പിള് കൊടുക്കണം,ഞാന് അവളോട പറഞ്ഞേക്കാം.വെറുതെ കണ്ണടച്ച് കിടന്നു, ലോകത്തിലെ ഏറ്റവും ഭാഗ്യവാന് ഞാന് തന്നെ.
അടുത്ത ഭാഗത്തില്, ആന്സിക ഡോക്ടറുമായി വദന സുരഥം, അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള് അറിയിക്കുക….
Hi I’m John ( name changed)I am from the Southern part of India. My job is to offer consultations to people starting new businesses. I give them more ideas on their projects, do research for them and also help them with funding. Let’s get to business. About two months back there was a lady who wanted to start and business and came to me referred by another person. Her name is Shalini (changed). She called me on my mobile and wanted an appointment. She referred me friend’s name and I asked her...
I wanted to ice my dick and balls as soon as she left. I had been hard for so long in the morning I was afraid that even at my age I was going to get blue balls. But I still couldn't wait to see what the afternoon was going to bring. I was starting to get dressed for lunch and Cindy called up with my required style of dress. I was supposed to wear my light brown dockers, a polo, and my deck shoes; nothing else. I wondered what that was about, but only hoped that it wasn't too...
They don’t come as gorgeous as Lana Rhoades every day. A smoking hot brunette with eyes like blue fire – this dancer has moves only a body like that can make. Her legs are miles long and her sweet ass is perky. She’s got nice, big natural titties and everything ties together like a perfect, curvy package. Lucky Jules gets to stick his cock inside sweet, beautiful Lana. This Chi-town native made her living with her body and keeps up the momentum by fucking like a pro here....
Just then she heard the door open, her brother comes out with his fishing gear and wearing the smallest shorts she had seen him wear “Where are you going?” She asked him. “I thought I would take the boat out and do a little fishing, why do you want to go along?” ‘I don’t know, the way you are dressed, I thought maybe you were going after something else besides fish,” then she laughs. He looks at his sister and grins, “well you never know what you’ll find when you’re out...
Hey all you porn lovers out there, this is my first story so bare with me , but its true and if you like it,leave a rating and a comment,and if you don't like it,its nothing wrong with that enjoy.It was last summer a week after my 22nd birthday, I went back to my home town of L.A to meet up with my friends to celebrate my belated birthday, there was my best friend,who was practically my brother Mike, Carlos and Craig. The 3 of them planned a boys week in Vegas, we were gonna drive down to...
Arab Masters and MistressesBy Sonya EsperantoE-mail: [email protected]’s Note:The story is set in 2028AD. But the background of this story is that somewhere in 2016, the United States elected a very staunch Islamophobic right-wing Christian Republican figure to become its President, while Russia, the vast European countries, India and even China had elected equally staunch anti-Islamic leaders to solve what was perceived in their time period to be the...
Fay said it was hard to see because it was so dark back there. She said it was draped with painter's drop cloths. It looked as if it was not against the wall and there was space to hide behind it. She suggested we dance Hazel and Pam behind that for their teasing. Pam led us to her brother's table. Her brother was not there but he showed up fast when he saw the strange ladies. Pam made introductions. Fred was not more than 5'-6" tall. Glen, Ray and I were all over six foot. The music...
Johnny McNair was a rock star ... no, that's not true ... to his fans he was nothing less than a god! He had all the trappings: big house, nice cars, etc. He also had Karen, his wife of ten years. When they were first married, Karen used to tour with the band: all the other band members' wives and girlfriends did, too, and it was just like one big family! But over time some wives got pregnant, others tired either of the touring lifestyle or their relationships, so now it had reached the...
I'm a nasty dirty slut, and I don't care. I really really like getting fucked in my pussy. I constantly look at guys' crotches to imagine how big their dicks are. And I like a guy, who can get hard fast, keep it hard and likes group sex. One time, I purposely went to a park, where I had heard there was some hot sex starting about midnight. This park has lots of gay guys, female whores, and lonly guys looking to fuck some strange pussy. That's me. I like being a strange pussy. I took a small...
Hey xhamster readers if you are not familiar with my stories their all true, and if you have read my Indian Summer stories this is a still naughty one , just with a different girl.This story takes place 3 weeks ago.It was a nice summer day in the city, I was excited to wake up to a naked girl in my bed, that i met at a party the other night, I didn't kno her name but knew she was a great lay . After exchanging numbers and walked my new fuck buddy to her car, my roomate grinned at me and said...
Note : This story is completely fictional! The sun beat down really hot on the desert where my family was walking. My parents and brother and I were taking a walk in the Southern California desert with my Aunt Kathi and Uncle Marty this Saturday afternoon to spend some time together as a family. Since my family is very active, we had decided to walk the long desert trail out to the top of Garnet Mountain. While we were hiking I saw an animal dashing through the rocks and sage brush. Being an...
Incestit seems so weirdbecause i've never wanted to have sex with a manor have my wife cheat on me but i keep thinking about licking her clit while some big cock fucks her pussyand my my tongue keeps going lower, licking his big cock while he fucks my wife, my tongue in between his cock and her clit, my hands probably holding his balls, his cum leaking out of her pussy into my mouth.it hasnt always been like this. its never been like this.she's small and beautiful and faithful.i mean, that's what I...
[Sandy writes] Jack drove us to the hospital and we met John in the waiting area just before he went to be gowned. He and Jack hugged and I kissed and hugged him, telling him to tell Pam that we loved her. He asked us to watch for Pam's parents who were on their way but had further to come than we. He went in. Ten minutes later, Missus and Mister Harmon came in. I said, "Julie, Ned, they are in the delivery room. We're just waiting now." They hugged and kissed us both. We sat down to...
That's exactly what I said to them, as I held my rock hard cock in my hand. "Lube up," I said. All the girls lined up doggystyle on the couch, their various-sized asses staring me down. I decided to put my boxers back on as I got ready. I found that with my erection, it was an amazing sensation to grip my cock through the boxers and jerk it over the cloth, just a little. I'd jerk it again and and again, smooth strokes up and down, and every once and a while, I'd do little rapid...
Hi this is my first story in ISS. The story had been a real life one in my life when we were staying in Pune and had a farm house in Satara near Pune. We were staying in Pune since my birth and we were 4 people before my dad left to abroad for his extra work. We didn’t went due to our school engagements and other property dealing over here. So we stayed here only. After an year of papa’s departure we were all having our self jobs. Mom was having here job in one of the office near our house....
They say when I was born the fire exploded into a pillar up the chimney. That all the candles in the room melted into puddles. I do know that I have always felt fire or friction heat around me. As a child others were forbidden to play or even be around me. By the time I was five I could bring fire to me as if it was answering my call. I was tested by priests and a mage and both found no sign of evil or magic. My mother was the one to teach me control. I knew she was frightened and that she...
(The end of the day at the Oguni Clinic. Megumi is preparing to go home when she hears a banging at the door.) Megumi: What's that? Must be an emergency... (She opens the door to see Sanosuke, dripping with sweat.) Sanosuke: Hey. (He holds up his bloodied and bandaged right hand.) Sanosuke: I messed it up again. You want to check it out for me? Megumi (exploding): I don't have any medicine for stupidity! I told you that! Sanosuke: Ow! (A little later. Sanosuke's hand is now...
Kiley Jay was in need of a tutor to be able to pass her college exams. Her dad hired a good friend of his, Tony, to come and tutor her for the evening. However, Kiley had another thing in mind. Since the moment Tony arrived she was all over him. She began to blow him with her dad in the same room. Her dad was clueless to what was happening behind that counter, of course. When her father announced that he was heading to the store, this gave them the time they needed for a quick fuck session....
xmoviesforyouTHE BOSS’S DAUGHTERIt had been well over a year since Dave had seen his sister and his niece. He had been working really hard at his job and hadn’t made much time for hi family.Dave had decided to go spend a few days in Miami where his sister and her daughter Anita lived. It had been close to two years since his first encounter with his lovely niece. He had spent the last few days thinking about the sexy nineteen year old, and all the things he had plain to do to her sweet sexy body. Dave never...
In The Revenge Fuck sexy Jojo Kiss is talking herself into doing something very naughty. Jojo’s boyfriend has been cheating on her for weeks and she decides that it’s time she has a little fun on her own while her unfaithful boyfriend listens over the phone. Lucky for Jojo, she happened to have recently met star football player Isiah Maxwell, so it was perfect timing when he invited her over to hang out. It doesn’t take long for things to get heated, as Jojo takes Isiah’s big black cock into...
xmoviesforyouHer captors didn't confide in her, of course, but after a few days Ms. Americana had two things figured out: Flag Girl had escaped — or was dead. And Betty had been taken off the job. "Where's Nurse Dyke?" MA asked one morning, when Bohner arrived to take her down to the recreation room for another session in sexual degradation. "We've given her another assignment," Bohner replied. "I'm afraid she had gotten too emotionally involved with you. I can assure you I don't have that...
Well, we had worked ourselves out of another job, and this time it really felt good. There is nothing I hate worse than rape, and kidnapping is right behind that. Having stopped both made me feel very, very good! Well, Liz and I do like a little down time every once in a while, but this was getting ridiculous! We had been five weeks without a client, and we both were feeling very restive. Liz and I were about ready to walk up walls because of this enforced vacation. We both jumped for the...
I used my girls sparingly the rest of the week. The following Sunday, I had them come over for an early dinner. During dinner I allowed the teens to drink all the wine they wanted. The last glass of the evening contained more that wine. I had crushed a mild sedative and mixed it into each of the girls' wine. They were soon giggly from the buzz they had going. After dinner, I stood and spoke to them. "Girls, I want to ask you something. Have you noticed your mother has a "G" on her...
I was a year away from finishing High School when one afternoon a friend of my Dads came over from work to talk guy stuff and have some beers. Going back in the house, my Dad asked me to grab a couple more beers for them. No problem. But then, before I was out of earshot I heard Mr Johnson say “You know, that little girl of yours is turning into a real fine dickmagnet.” Well, that stopped me in my tracks so I paused on the inside of the door to listen. “Yea, she’s growing up real fast. I...
The wind howled though the cemetery on this brisk Halloween night. Gothic headstones and crypts created eerie shadows in the light of the full moon. Susan was shivering in her light sweater. Jack held her tightly trying to keep her warm as they walked though the graveyard on this haunted night. "Jack I'm freezing, can't we go back?" "Come on Susan, this is going to be fun, I mean haven't you always wanted to spend Halloween night in an old cemetery?" Susan just shook her head and...
I have always been attracted to couples and often on the prowl for them. Bars are a great place to meet a hot wife/couple looking for fun. This Saturday was no exception. As I sat at the bar drinking and waiting for the crowd to come in, around 9pm an attractive woman around mid 40's walks by and takes my breath away! She was followed by a man that I assumed to be her husband, about the same age. Both dressed well. I watched to see where they were going to sit and was suprised when after a...
This is a memorable incident which happened in my life after my wife had delivery and our son was 1 year old. We used to live in Bangalore at that time. It was January when my wife got the news that her grandmother was unwell and this had prompted her to leave urgently for her hometown in Haryana. It was all of a sudden so we decided I, our son and the maid would come a few days later as I had some business to take care of and couldn’t leave with her. The maid also took care of the baby, and so...
The Christmas party sucked and Melissa left to go home at eleven. She wished now she hadn’t even bothered to go. Last week she bought a new silk dress just for the occasion. It rocked, totally hot: clung to her figure like the skin of a snake, low cut with a short sexy hem. Guaranteed to knock what’s-his-name’s eyes out, except when she arrived at the party what’s-his-name had already hooked up with a skinny brunette with fake boobs. Jerk! Slut! Even though the dress got her quite a bit of...
The afternoon lessons carried on as normal, the only difference being the three naked girls kneeling besides their 'mistresses', they had got over the embarrassment of being undressed in the class. And were helping their owners with some of the problems, receiving hugs for their help, at one stage I watched as one of the girls get under the desk of her mistress and could make out her head moving away under there as she brought her mistress to a climax. There was an interruption during the...
- Hi Abbie!- Hi Flynn, she answered me with her hot lovely smile :)- Ok, so it's time for your weekly fitness session, hope you're excited!I actually knew she was because she was already in her sport's outfit when she opened the door... It was skin-tight, I loved it ;)We started the workouts with the warrior 3 pose and I maintained Abbie's pelvis to help her... It's started to make me really hard because let's be honest, this girl is so fucking hot!Suddenly she complained about a pain in her...
“So, we’re lovers now, si, my Prince? You and me ... lovers. I don’t know or care how many wives, lovers, concubines, whatever you have. You’re a devil ... the Prince of Darkness, the King of Hell. It makes perfect sense that you’d be freer to love and lust than any other being, not constrained by God, Christ, or anyone else. All I know is that I’ve waited for years to be claimed by my Prince ... I know that it sounds very romantic for a seemingly jaded old woman, but that’s how I saw...
“Elizabeth’s story: sibling love”Background: I am Elizabeth. Today, I am a happily married woman, age 27 with two small children. The story I am about to tell occurred almost exactly ten years ago, during my senior year in high school, within a year of my stepdad’s death in Afghanistan.Events occurred that I did not plan, and I am not necessarily proud of. My husband, whom I adore, knows about these events, and not only understands, but actually finds them stimulating and exciting. He asked me...
TabooStrange sex with strangers By:Ramya One afternoon, I was removing hairs of my legs and hands. I had wore short pink color skirt and strapless t-shirt. As I was alone, I feel more comfortable wearing such clothes. And, I had not out on panty and bra too. As cream got dissolved in my skin, I removed the hair, cleaned my hands and legs with cold water and was drying with napkin, a door bell rang. I knew my parents couldn’t be there as they had out of station and will only return at late night....
Faith is sitting in her living room, on the soft, warm rug, her back leaning on the sofa, a glass of white, semi sweet wine in her hand. Slow, gentle music is playing in the background. Her eyes are drawn to the bright flames licking the firewood, and she’s lost in her thoughts, seemingly forever. Sipping some wine she almost misses the refreshingly sour after-taste, when the doorbell rings. She jerks, nearly spilling some of that delicious wine, a frown forms on her pretty face. She isn’t...
Betty frowned a little when I told her all in good time. I got the feeling that her motor was already running and warmed up. I smiled up at her and leaned forward to take in her aroma. She leaned in and let my face touch the top of her beautiful cunt. I breathed in deep and then licked her slit from her taint to her clit slowly and deliberately. She groaned and leaned hard against my face. I took her by the hips and turned her around and sat her down across my lap and then kissed her deeply...
The Troop Club did indeed have some beer and smokes for the combat troops, but not enough to satisfy the thirst and nicotine cravings of all who entered its doors. The contributions from Belinda and from the supplies of three other hoarder/profiteers who were busted that night throughout Eden added enough party supplies to guarantee everyone a good time. Jeff stayed until well after midnight. He drank two bottles of Fruity and six bottles of beer. He smoked four bonghits of potent Agricorp...
My wife Ann and I have been married for just over ten years. We met just out of high school and got married. She is twenty-nine, five-foot-six, one hundred and twenty pounds with perky C cup tits. We moved to San Diego, CA a few years ago close to a Navy base. I work long hours on base as a financial advisor and my wife recently got a job working on base as a lifeguard at one of the swimming pools. Our son just turned five years old and started kindergarten last September so she told me she...
CuckoldBeautiful Blonde juicy chested shared wife Lindsay chats it up with her favorite black bull bbc lover Scotty, while she dolls her self up for her monthly hotwife session. She reminds Scotty she has a satisfied marriage but lucky for Lindsay her husband lets her get some extra hard black cock deep inside. With that Scotty leads her to the table for a sensual massage before Lindsay deep throats his hard cock. Lindsay gets on all fours perking her juicy big ass up and ready for him to slide in...
xmoviesforyouHello dosto mera naam lucky hai. Or mai delhi se hu body gym wali hai. Or rang gora stamina itna ki 18 se le kar 70 sal tak wali k muhu se uuuuufffff nikalva du to kisi ko mujhe se contact karna ho to mail me() chat, phone sex, talking, sex, jo marji kisi bhi age ki kahi bhi koi bhi place and don’t worry sab gupt rahe ga trust me ab story pe aate hai… Or ek baat iss story mai sab naam change hai…. Mai. Or dev bachchpan se dost the us ki shadi 1 sal pahle hi hui thi, ek din us ka call aaya yaar...
Hi to all ISS readers, here again abir, like to share my recent incident happened in chennai once again after a long back. Here comes the incident which is happened between me and my neighborhood elder sister ramya. Me and ramys use to be good brother and sister she she came to that home after her marriage. I am staying in a apartment type home where 15 homes in a row and me and ramya are neighbors. About ramya- ramya is typical south indian girl she was newly married and their parents...
IncestFirst Name = Male Name Last Name = Female Name The day is sunny and bright as you leave the airport terminal. You take a moment to sniff the air at the small regional airport, then proceed to the Hertz kiosk to pick up your rental. As you step up to the desk the attendant, a plump but pretty girl in her early twenties gives you a smile, "Hello, how may I help you today?" You smile right back at her, and hand her the print out receipt of your rental. She takes it as you dig into your wallet for...
RomanceHi guys, I hope you enjoyed previous episodes of ‘Traveling With Mom’. I am back with the continuation of the story. Here you are going to read the final episode of the series. If you are new to this story, please go through my previous episodes linked to this series. That night I enjoyed a lot watching my mom wearing only a panty beside me. Later we both went into a deep sleep. We don’t know when the power came back. In the morning, I woke up at 7:00 am. I saw my mom was still asleep beside...
Incest"Alright guys, hit the shower, and get some sl****p, remember games at 8:00 tomorrow. Now Bucks on three." The head coach of the varsity football team said. "1... 2... 3 ... BUCKS!!!" Yelled the whole football team. Then they made their way towards the locker room. I had watched the last half hour of their practice in a white tank top and black mini skirt along with a friend and her boyfriend. However we spent much more time talking than actually watching the practice. We continued our...
Since being old enough to realize there was a sky, I have been a star gazer. As a small boy, the heavenly lights enhanced my active imagination. The adventures that raced through my mind were as endless as the stars themselves. After reaching my teens my relationship with the stars became far more intimate. On clear summer nights I would frequently sneak out of the house and lie naked in the back yard. The black sky seemed to absorb my adolescent worries as the twinkling of a million distant...
GayWe woke up the next morning to find ourselves alone in the room, my mil was in the kitchen. The sheets were barely covering us, I immediately got up to bolt the door. My mil was passing by the hall right when I was about to shut the door fully naked, we both stopped dead in our tracks. She just gave a look at my organ and smirked. I immediately bolted the door, her smirk gave me an erection. I had a naked and sexy women lying in the bed. I resolved that problem quite well. My wife was working...
IncestRobert stood up and started to clear away the plates whilst Catherine moved back into the kitchen to finish off the cooking and start serving up.“Do you want a hand?” asked Alice.“No, no, you stay seated; it won’t take long to plate up, Robert will help. Besides which, you are our guest tonight,” replied CatherineCharles watched her arse as she turned and walked into the kitchen, moving behind the breakfast bar area. Catherine had been wrong when she thought nobody had seen her husband feel her...
NovelsI watch the sun fall behind the horizon; the burning star changing its hue of orange to almost tangerine. The clouds were darkening, obliterating the sun as the day gave way to the night; as darkness claims its throne. The inevitable change in nature, yet a cosmic power to preserve the balance in the fabrics of space and time.Standing on the grey porcelain tiles of our balcony, still, a prisoner to the distant memory, the image of our holy union at the chapel of St. Martha flashes before me....
Wife LoversI was 45 years old at this point and using public transportation. I worked the swing shift and got off work at midnight. One day while on the bus in the afternoon, I noticed a very large older woman. She was 60 years old, 5'2" with short grey hair, blue eyes and somewhat homely looking. She had a small female child on her lap and hugging and kissing the child. This turned me on and I decided I'd like this large woman to kiss on me. I was 6'3" tall at 185 lbs., hazel eyes and long brown hair and...
EroticIntroduction: This is about a girl and her neighbor, Joey, find what is buried in their hearts. Most people in their life have the good neighbor. My entire life I grew up next to a boy named Joey who was the same age as me. As children, we played with our toys, rode our bikes, and played in the sandbox as another child our age would do. When I was around twelve, my body started to change. I began growing breasts, my body began taking the womanly shape, and I became more attracted to boys. ...
Some people have to have nasty, expensive, awkward surgeries to become something between male and female. You're lucky. You were just born that way. A dynamite figure, sweet female voice, and a fully-operative shaft... not a bad combination, if you do say so yourself. And you do. Just not when anyone else is around. You stir from your bed, scratching your head a little. It seems like it's going to be a pretty good day... although you're seriously pent-up. It's been weeks since you last had any...
FetishWe saw to it that Amy got on her way ok. Now the worrying could start. I went to the dining room, and acted like it was MY house. I was so wound up, I could snap at any second. I did try my best to be civil, and not scare Lucille, but she had her own "mad" going on. "Lucille, if you will put the leftovers away in the way you want them, I'll start washing the dishes." "Sir, I can do all of this, go sit." "Honey, listen to me. I am about to lose it. Doing mundane things like this...
This fictional story is about the spanking of an eighteen-year-old female. Mr. Green's Farm (M/F) When I was eighteen years old, my parents left me at Mr. Green's farm for the summer while they vacationed in Europe. Mr. Green lived alone because his wife died about a year ago, so he welcomed female influence in his life again. My parents thought that my staying with him would help in cleaning and tidying up the place, and it would be good for me because it would take me away from the bad...
SpankingChinese New Year had been at the end of January in 1968. There had been an uprising in South Vietnam by the Viet Cong. They called it the “Tet Offensive”, and it was a colossal failure. They had too few personnel and weapons for the grand offensive that they envisioned, as they had counted on the civilian population rising up to join them along with major units of the South Vietnamese Army. That didn’t happen, and they were easily defeated by the South Vietnamese Army with the aid of some...
She was 16. Her dad was an alchoholic and her mother blew every cent she earned on meth. Most people looked at Ashley as a trailer park, white trash, whore. The fact was though that she was actually a good person. She was very shy and didnt have many friends. She was about 5'1" brown hair that came down to her shoulders, B-cup breasts and a cute face. Cute but no one would really call her hot. No one except Brian. Brian was 17 and almost the exact opposite of Ashley. He was outgoing,...
My boss and I were working very late to finish the proposal. It would be a huge contract for us, and although I was exhausted, it seemed important to her.I was her intern, getting work experience after graduating high school. I would proofread her copy, letting her know where I didn't understand something. She seemed grateful for my feedback.She gave a huge sigh and said, "Well, I think we've done all we can. I'll have another read in the morning before I submit it.""Let's hope we win!" I...
LesbianMy hotwife Payton Preslee and I are getting ready for a party, she has this adorable little pink bunny onesie on. She is excited, she hopes a hot couple we know will be there. She shows off her big tits & shakes her bunny tail for me. The night finally comes and it doesn’t take long for Payton to target a stud at the party, some guy named Danny Steele. We find a private room together and my wife starts touching this stranger. Danny turns her around and eats her pussy from behind, her...
xmoviesforyouBeing from a poor black family, after I finished college, I had to do four years in the Army to pay back what my ROTC scholarship didn't cover. . I was commissioned a second lieutenant and assigned as a platoon leader in an infantry company. I had married LaShonda while in college and I lucked out managing to get a small married-officer quarters on the base where I was stationed.Things were pretty tough and money was tight. One night our commanding officer, Colonel Rose, treatedall the junior...