Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 19C
- 4 years ago
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The Troop Club did indeed have some beer and smokes for the combat troops, but not enough to satisfy the thirst and nicotine cravings of all who entered its doors. The contributions from Belinda and from the supplies of three other hoarder/profiteers who were busted that night throughout Eden added enough party supplies to guarantee everyone a good time.
Jeff stayed until well after midnight. He drank two bottles of Fruity and six bottles of beer. He smoked four bonghits of potent Agricorp greenbud and more than a pack of cigarettes. He forgot all about Belinda his wife and Belinda his competition for Xenia. He forgot all about the death he had witnessed out in the field, the fear, the horror, the misery, the blinding fatigue and weariness. He listened to music and even tried his hand at dancing when one of the women invited him out onto the floor.
Alas, the male to female ratio was somewhere in the vicinity of six to one, even with the waitresses and bartenders thrown in. Though he was a combat veteran and worthy of the attention of any single female, so was every other male in the place since only those who had been out on the line were allowed into the club on this night. The only offer of sexual congress extended to him was from Xenia, who found him around 2300 when he was working on his last Fruity and his last bonghit.
She was, if anything, even more intoxicated than he. "How's the resolve?" she asked him, looking at him greedily.
"It's been hit with eighties, sixties, and twenties and has crumbled considerably," he replied, getting an erection just looking at her.
"Really?" she asked, reaching out to stroke his arm.
He sighed. "But its still holding," he said. "You won't take it down."
She pouted and said, "we'll see."
They saw. Just over an hour later they left the club and rode the MarsTrans to her apartment. His resolve was protected by the fact that he passed out on her couch before she had a chance to make her move. She cursed a few times in frustration and then sat in the recliner next to him to plot her next move. While she was doing so she passed out as well.
Lon, Lisa, and the rest of the special forces squad spent the bulk of the next day right back on the hills they'd first climbed during the first day of the WestHem landings. For more than eight hours they watched the final loading of the remaining APCs and tanks and artillery pieces and anti-air vehicles. They watched engineers and MPs and other troops walking around in the open, facilitating the process of all this loading. They watched thousands of combat troops — the battered survivors of the bloody campaign — sitting in groups of ten and twenty, prime targets for mortar attack or for sniper attack. But there were no mortars to call down, no snipers to send their lethal bullets flying. There was only Lon and his team on this hill, a few other teams on a few other hills, and their mission was to observe only.
"Well, we observed the shit out of them, didn't we?" Lon asked angrily as the last soldier entered the last landing craft and the last door was sealed shut. The landscape was now empty of all human activity.
"Orders are orders, Lon," Lisa told him, her M-24 curled unfired against her shoulder, her anti-tank laser sitting next to her. "I'm sure General Jackson has a reason for calling a cease-fire."
"I'm sure he does too," Lon said. "I just think it's a stupid reason. You'd think a military genius would know that you never let up on an enemy until they surrender. Those assholes didn't surrender. They're just pulling back to regroup. We could have knocked off another couple thousand of them on their march back. We could have knocked out another hundred APCs. Now we're going to face all that armor again in a couple of weeks."
"Unless we decide not to come back out here," said Horishito, who was nearly as bitter about Jackson's decision as Lon was.
Lisa looked over at him in alarm. "What the fuck are you talking about, Hoary?" she asked him. "You ain't thinking about quitting, are you?"
Horishito shrugged. "I did my part out here," he said. "I hear that a lot of the combat troops are calling it a war now that we've been hamstrung in how we fight it."
This was indeed a prevalent rumor back at the base. The word was the many of the ACR troops and the special forces soldiers — those who had borne the brunt of the recent battles, who had seen the deaths and mayhem that war caused firsthand — had decided they had risked their lives quite enough in this endeavor, that they had done their part. Since there was no such thing as a period of enlistment in the MPG they were free to quit at any time. And, since most of them had been pulled off the line in response to the recent pullback of WestHem troops, the word was that many were taking that option, especially in light of General Jackson's increasingly unpopular cease-fire order.
"You can't quit now," Lisa told him. "We beat those fuckers back! Mars is still free because of us. If everyone gives up now just because of the losses than it will all be for nothing!"
"You don't need to yell, Lisa," Lon said sourly.
"Somebody needs to fucking yell," she said. "Do you hear what Hoary is talking about here? Do you just want to let them come walking into Eden when they land the next time?"
"We should've been allowed to hit them all the way back," Horishito said. "Jackson broke the faith with us! He let them escape in numbers that can overwhelm us if they concentrate on a single city. He's the one that let our people die for nothing."
"They didn't die for nothing!" Lisa cried. "They died so we can be sitting here on this hill watching them blast off into space with their fucking tails between their legs!"
"But they're coming back, Wong," Horishito said. "Don't you understand that? We haven't won anything! They're gonna come back and take Eden, or New Pittsburgh, or maybe Proctor, but they're gonna come back and they're gonna throw everything they got at our forces!"
"All the more reason why we need to stay and fight them," she said. "We've gone too far to quit now!"
"I'm not saying everyone should quit," Horishito said. "Just me. I've done my part. If someone else wants to get in on this fight for Queen Laura, then let them have it. I'll personally hand them my SAW."
"Lon," Lisa pleaded, "say something here. You're our sergeant. What are you gonna do? Are you quitting too?"
There was silence on the net for the longest time. No one disturbed it. Finally, Lon spoke.
"I'm staying for now," he said.
"You'll be killed for nothing then," Horishito told him.
"No," he said. "I won't. I disagree with General Jackson's decision with every sperm cell in my sacred sack. I think he made a horrible mistake, a mistake that may very well cost us this war, but I'm holding judgement on that for the time being."
"What the fuck you mean holding judgement?" Horishito asked. "We'll be sent out to the slaughter!"
"I won't lead my people out to a slaughter," Lon said. "I will absolutely refuse to do that. The MPG code demands that I refuse any order that will get my people needlessly killed."
"You're contradicting yourself," Horishito accused.
"No," he said. "I'm not. I swore an oath to uphold my orders if they make sense, if they don't recklessly endanger the troops under my command. When the WestHems come back down I'll evaluate the information we have. If there's too many of them, if there's not enough of us to make a difference, then I'll refuse to take you guys out to battle them. That's all there is to it. Until we get to that point, however, I'm staying. Hoary, you want to quit, I'll process your resignation without any ill feelings, but I'm staying."
Horishito didn't answer this, either in the affirmative or the negative. Neither did anyone else. But all absorbed Lon's vow and took comfort from it.
For the next two hours they stayed there, watching the landing craft sit on the Martian surface, growing bored, restless, and longing for the safety of their base and the promised beer, cigarette, alcohol, and bonghit party they'd been promised. Their conversation was sparse and that which did occur remained confined to non-controversial subjects. Finally, the moment they had been waiting for occurred.
"There's heat showing from the thrusters on the landing craft," Lisa reported as engine after engine lit up blue in the infrared.
"Yep," Lon said. "They're getting ready to launch. Jeffy, be sure to get video of it. Command wants to put the shots on MarsGroup."
"Right," Jefferson said.
It took nearly another hour before the first ship lifted off. It was at the front of the formation, one of the armor carriers. The blue of the engine outlets flared bright white. Smoke and dust billowed up from underneath. A dull roar reached their ears, becoming louder as the craft rose awkwardly into the sky. When it reached two thousand meters above ground level it turned, orienting itself to a westerly heading — a heading that kept it away from Eden. It's main engine in the rear lit up and the craft streaked upward. Before it even had a chance to disappear from sight, the next landing craft — the one that had been directly behind it, rose into the air to start its own launch sequence.
In all it took forty-five minutes to launch all of the landing craft. They streaked upward one by one and disappeared, leaving nothing but a few smashed pieces of armor and patches of fused Martian sand to mark where they'd been.
The ground combat troops were not the only ones to benefit from the benevolence of the Eden Police Department and the fledgling Martian government in regards to alcohol and tobacco. The flight crews and all the maintenance technicians who worked on the aircraft they flew had been gifted with a bounty of thirty-six cases of beer, nineteen cases of Fruity, and sixty-three cartons of cigarettes to supply their after-action party. It took place in the aircraft maintenance hanger just adjacent to the airlocks. By order of Major Frank Jorgenson, every member of the attack squadron was ordered to stand down all tasks for the next twenty-four hours. No planes would be worked on or flown, not even to change a tire or to check fluid levels.
"Party hard, people," he'd ordered as he'd taken the first ceremonial sip from a Fruity bottle and followed it up with a huge bonghit from an electric injector bong. "You've all earned it."
They took his orders to heart. By sunset that night every last member of the squadron was intoxicated to some degree and the mood — while a bit darkened by General Jackson's unpopular order and by the knowledge that the WestHems would be back — was quite jovial. MarsGroup was playing on all the video screens, including the huge main screen in the center of the room that was usually reserved for flight status and maintenance status of the individual aircraft and their respective crew and current flight assignments. When the first shots came in of the WestHem landing craft blasting off the Martian surface, heading back up into orbit, the cheer that erupted was deafening.
"That is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life," Brian Haggerty proclaimed as he saw the shot replayed for the third time. "It's better than eighteen year old pussy!"
"Fuckin' aye," replied Matt Mendez, who was sitting next to him and swilling down his seventh beer of the night. "And we helped send those motherfuckers back up there. You and me and that fuckin' AT cannon on the belly of number 06-423."
"I'll smoke to that!" Brian said, giving his sis a quick high five and then sucking up the better part of two bonghits at once.
They were sitting near the center of the room, splayed across the forks of an electric bomb-carrying cart that was currently empty of bombs. Both of them had women sitting next to them — Brian a systems operator for one of his fellow pilots and Matt a fuel transfer technician who worked in the sector responsible for their aircraft. Both were thinking that their prospects for some intimate companionship after the party were looking pretty good, although Matt was feeling a bit self-conscious since the woman he was with was six years older than him and had never been vermin or been with vermin. Still, she seemed receptive to every advance he'd thrown so far and was looking at him in a way that was damn close to worshipful.
"General Jackson and Governor Whiting," proclaimed the MarsGroup reporter narrating the story, "are both viewing the departure of the WestHem landing groups as a triumph of Martian military might and ingenuity over a superior power, as a battle won in this struggle for independence. And indeed that is what it seems on the surface. Still, many Martians — particularly those in the MPG who helped facilitate this victory — are having grave reservations over the cease-fire order issued by General Jackson. It is felt, almost to a person, that this failure to carry home the attacks so brilliantly fomented since the WestHem landings may have some rankin' consequences if and when the marines return to the surface."
There followed a serious of interviews with New Pittsburgh area troops — most from the 3rd and 6th ACR — regarding their feelings about the cease-fire. Most of the interviewees expressed a deep admiration for General Jackson but puzzlement, even anger, over what was considered a grave mistake.
"It's like victory was in our grasp and shit," said one young tank driver. "And now he's like choking at the vital moment."
"It's like he thinks it's over and shit," said another ACR member, this one an AT gunner. "Them motherfuckers is gonna come back at us."
"It's seditious for them to air this shit," said Brian, shaking his head in consternation. "I mean, what they're saying is true, but they shouldn't be putting it out for everyone to see. We're at war here! They're giving aid to the fuckin' enemy!"
"I must disagree," said Matt's prospect for the night. Her name, interestingly enough, was Surrender.
"What?" he asked, glaring at her.
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‘Hello,’ came Veronica’s slightly tired voice through the intercom of the apartment building. ‘Hey you,’ said Harry, shuffling on the spot in the cold. ‘Harry?’ she asked. ‘What are you doing here?’ ‘Surprised?’ he asked. ‘No, it’s just…’ she said. ‘How did you find me?’ ‘I have your address on file,’ he said. ‘Is that okay?’ ‘Oh, sure…’ she said. ‘What’s up?’ ‘Not much,’ he said. ‘Say, can you let me in? It’s cold out here.’ ‘Oh, yeah,’ she said hurriedly, and the buzz sounded out....
Hi All This is true story which happened in Delhi in winters. It took some planning and guts to fuck my aunt. Well i just want to let you know that i am guy who has been born and brought in Delhi. I wont reveal my name here. However I am 5’11 with a heavy built and sexoholic person. For me its not sex, its making love. Well the story to fuck my widow aunt started years back. I was in the planning for last 2 years to fuck her. Let me tell you something about her.She is a widow lady almost aged...
IncestI'm sorry it has taken me so long to produce out a new chapter. I had to stop writing for a while due to some family issues, which are now, thankfully, settled. Thank you to all of you who have emailed me asking how thing are going. I really appreciated those messages. I hope you haven't gone off the story in the meantime. Cockatoo Part 38 Nikkie Silk Nin was chattering away in the tuk-tuk back to our hotel, but I didn't feel like talking much. I was too exhausted from what...
Please read the previous parts to get the sequence flowing. I got Malini to convince her 18 year-old daughter to come over and enjoy along with her mother. Nirmala was initially apprehensive. But Malini is so addicted to sex with me that it took no more than a couple of months of carefully rehearsed drama and build up to convince her virgin daughter that I was the best for her. It happened on the first day of December 2001. The previous day Malini had informed me that Nirmala would join us the...
Hi my dear iss readers…. Its me Raja back with my new sex experience with kiruthika….. First of all i want to describe about her…. She is a new mam for me, got married but her has gone for abroad……. She is like the tamil actress Kushbhu(in chinnathambi film)….. I got excited at the first sight itself… i wait for the correct time…… She is abt 26 yrs and 160 cm height…… Had a bit big boobs of 36dd whereas preethi had 33dd……. Kiru has a balanced buttocks and good looking in color….. So i asked...
Sunday morning I waited outside our local church. I hadn’t gone to Mass. I was already a non-believer but hadn’t made it known to family or friends other than my Navy buddies. The 10:30 Mass ended at around 11:45 and I waved to Loretta before seeing Grace with what had to be her mother and father. Loretta signaled that I should stay where I was and I did, knowing that once their parents headed off to wherever they were going after Church, the girls would join me. I had already scouted out...
he screamed like a bitch I was like Brent what the fuck why the fuck would you fuck me in front of Mamma mother fucker dumb ass nigga then that's when he was like I was horny AF fuck plus I couldn't help it I was like nigga the fuck is going threw you head mane what ever so that when I just walk out the house then that when Brent texted me then he was like I'm sorry I was like mane fuck it I'm about to go to my bitch house so she can eat me out cause I ain't bout to let you do it he was...
This happened in 1989 /1990 when we lived in a common tenancy house. I have already written an earlier account about it under the title “NICE TIME WITH A NEIGHBOR WOMEN” which appears in this very site. I have referred to my sexual happiness with my neighbor lady Soundarya there. I had also said that she left that house when her husband was transferred to another place. In their portion which is next to us, a new tenant came. His name was Parthasarathy and his family comprised of himself, his...
Hi, main Anwar 32 saal ka apke saamne lekar aaya hun ‘Anwar Ki Dastaan’ ka agla bhaag. Kahani shuru karne se pehle main mere bhai aur uske sasural walon ka intro kara deta hun. Mere judwa bhai (Munawar -32), meri bhabhi (Shabana – 23), saas (mubina – 42) aur do saaliyan (Sameena – 20, aur Shahina – 19) aur do saale (Saleem – 21, aur Aleem – 22) in sab log ke saath main bhi rehne laga. Mujhe umeed hai ki meri kahaniyaan padhke aap sab log zarur comments aur mail karenge. Chalo ab dastaan shuru...
A NANNY FEMTASTIC! Chapter 7 After that first dinner Bradley and Felicity retired to their bedroom. And even though they were in a separate wing of the sprawling villa I could hear them making love! I thought of what Felicity felt as a transsexual woman having had a vagina created out of what was her penis. To feel Bradley rigid penis inside her. I wondered how nice it would be to put on a skimpy pair of knickers or a g-string and feel it flat against your own vagina. The thoughts turned me on...
CrossdressingHairy Good lord, back in class again. Although I’d never stopped learning now I was getting educated. There is a difference. Learning usually happens because I survived. Survival is generally accompanied by sweat, blood and tears ... sometimes feces and urine feature prominently. “I Told you so,” is frequently heard. I hate that part. Educated has instructors and books. Books seldom cause blood ... except a paper cut or two. I never was very good at math and flying has math. At least...
Hi friend mo na rajeev , mo ghara bhubaneswar jaydev bihar re but mun pune, maharashtra re ruhe e kahani pura real story jahaki mo khudi bisayare. Mun story bisayare kahiba agaru ama dui jananka introduction karauchi apana mananka agare. Mo na raheev age 30 years married. Au ebe time mo story ra heroine mo khudi ta bisayare kichhi. Mo khudi na sangeeta age 34 size 32-28-34 married and having 1 children, pua age -8. Semane bi ethi pune re ruhanti kalyani nagar re. Mun bi mo wife saha pune...
My wife, Tina, and I were going on a little vacation. It was first time off I could get from my new job. Watching her walk out to the car reminded me what a sexy brunette I had married. We were going to get away to the city for 4 days, since we lived in the country. I also could not go too far from home, in case there was an emergency at work. On the third night, we got a little carried away. This story is about what happened on that night.The first two nights were fairly normal for one of our...
During the following few years things remained the same - and at the same time, everything started to change. The trade with Birgit flourished and she insisted that I spend those few days with her as a part of the deal. Somehow the women who took part in those trade missions found that more humorous than I did. Well, the truth was that now, when I knew that both Bellcauniel and Fainauriel were okay with it, I did enjoy those trips myself without any problems with my conscience. Those trips to...
Hi to all ISS readers from your very own Rahul from Bangalore. Thanks to all of you people for the overwhelming responses I am getting for my first story “LOVE TO LUST WITH NEELAM BHABHI”. Because of your responses only I am here again and narrating my other incident which happened just 2 days back with a housewife here in Bangalore. Let me reintroduce myself, I am Rahul age 23, 5’10’’, unmarried, good looking slim guy having a dick of length 6’ and thickness 2’ from Bangalore. This incident...
“Did I hear that right?” Andrea asked, as she walked into the kitchen where Cary and I had been talking about the previous night’s activities. “Did you say you didn’t love me?” I shook my head. I was trapped. There was no correct answer. So I looked at the stunning blonde who eased into a chair across the table from me. Her hair was tousled. Devoid of makeup, her face still displayed the stunning features that could melt resistance with a glance of her sparkling blue eyes. She wore only a...
Drivas had almost withdrawn feeling the strength of Sam. She was at the highest level that could be obtained and he was still far ahead of her. Best not anger him she thought. [Anger?] She heard Sam’s thought interject. [No it’s more like piss me off to the extreme. You really don’t want to do that, not now.] [All I want is to end hostilities with you Sam. I... ] Drivas started. [You, I have no qualms with Drivas. Neither do I, with you Thellus, though I will defend myself. As I am sure...
This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is a bestial story. This is a story around a mother, Olivia (Liv) and her daughter, Patricia (Pat). Olivia is 49 and Patricia is 22, the youngest of three children. Olivia has dark...
Hi, Dear ISS reader’s aap sab ka bahoot bahoot thanks mujhe response dene ke liye. I am really thankful for all my fans those encouraged me to write again. Umeed he ki Aap sabne “My Sweet Neighbour Bhabhi Kalpna ka 1st aur 2nd part zaroor padha hoga aur agar kisi ne nahi pada to final part ka pura maza lene ke liye please first aur 2nd part zaroor padh le. Ab mein final part par aata hoon us raat ko Bhabhi ki 3 baar chudai karne ke baad unhe bahoot maza aaya. Bhabhi ne khud ko puri tarah se...
Tess' opening round Friday was just so-so. She finished the day one over and found herself back in the pack. One of the Tour's several talented Korean women was tearing up the Beaver Meadow course, and when we went back to the RV that night, Tess was a discouraging six strokes behind the leader, with a crowd of competitors ahead of her. The bus was hot inside because we didn't leave the air on all day while we were gone; but the atmosphere inside was frigid all the same. Kim had shot...