Tuck’s American Roadtrip! The Return. free porn video

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LAX (Los Angeles International Airport)

Tuck was standing several feet from the airline ticket counter arguing over who is the best quarterback in the NFL with Chuck, while Reggie Tharpe wearing his embarrassingly tacky bright Hawaiian shirt, negotiated with the ticket agent lady. It was obvious Reggie was having a hard time understanding the lady’s foreign accent.

Finally, they noticed the ticket lady pass Reggie their three boarding passes. “That Reggie has no patience with foreigners,” proclaimed Chuck, and they both laughed.

Reggie walked up to them in a hurry. “Look guys,” Reggie exclaimed in his thick Bronx accent, “we got to hurry, this flight leaves in less than 10 minutes!”

At that Reggie took off toward the concourse at a really fast walk. “We gotta make a stop over in New Orleans to take on some more passengers,” shouted Reggie, “they just don’t have any direct flights into Tallahassee.”

As the guys arrived at the gate they saw that the flight crew was just wrapping things up and about to close the gate. “Hey wait, we’re on this flight!” shouted Reggie, as they all broke into an all out jog for the gate.”

One flight attendant rolled her eyes and said, “Let’s see those passes.”

Reggie handed them to her. She took a quick glance over the three boarding passes and motioned without saying a word somewhat impatiently for them to board.

“Gee! great customer service,” mumbled Chuck in a facetious tone.

They boarded the plane anxiously looking for their seats until they arrived at the very back of the plane by the restrooms. They were all three disappointed in their seating arrangements, but still they all squeezed into their seats.

Tuck looked out the window and let out a low groan when he saw the jet engine just outside the window. Then he grumbled, “Fuck! A DC-9 and we’re sitting right by the engine.”

Tuck realized that he was sitting in the back of this noisy DC-9 with the nephew of Uncle Gino, who ran a security and private investigation service known to do much work for organized crime and with Reggie Tharpe, the investigator for Miami’s best mob attorney. It was going to be a long, uneasy, and very loud flight to New Orleans.


Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport.

Tuck was hoping they could get off the plane after landing at New Orleans. However, the pilot announced over the intercom for everyone to stay on board as they were taking on new passengers and would be taking off within thirty minutes.

Tuck decided to step back into the restroom and relieve himself before the new passengers came on. Just as he finished in the washroom and was taking his seat he saw the wave of new passengers making their way to their seats. It was then that a familiar head of blonde hair caught Tuck’s eye. He froze in shock!

Tuck focused his eyes sharply and realized that it was Trixie, the blonde diner waitress he had encountered the first evening after Prissy dumped him at the church before their scheduled wedding. Tuck slumped heavily into his seat. He did not know what his next move should be. He was returning to Tallahassee to possibly save his engagement and relationship with Prissy, whom he realized that he still loved. He thought that this sure would be an awkward time to have a conversation with the girl he had spent the night having great wild sex with on what would have been his wedding night.

Tuck decided it would be best to avoid Trixie, so he slumped even further down into his seat and grabbed an airline catalog to hide his face behind. He was very curious though as to why Trixie was on her way to Tallahassee.

It was another very loud flight made worse by extreme turbulence. But at least it was much shorter in time.


Tallahassee Regional Airport (Tallahassee, Florida)

Tuck was very relieved to be at the end of the line as the passengers were exiting the plane because that would give Trixie plenty of time to be well ahead of him so she would not see him. He did plan on being very discreet because the Tallahassee airport is not very big.

Finally, Tuck, Reggie and Chuck exited the plane, the last passengers to get off. As they walked into the main concourse lobby Tuck’s stress level shot up immensely. Not too far away was his ex-fiance, Prissy, with her father, J. Howard Barrington, III, Florida’s most prominent political lobbyist and possibly the most powerful man in the state. To Tuck’s further horror, Prissy was embraced in a tearful hug with Trixie, the diner waitress from New Orleans. Tuck could not believe his eyes.

“We have to go the other way!” exclaimed Tuck as he stopped suddenly and turned his back.

“Well, your fiancé is just over there,” answered a bewildered Reggie Tharpe, “don’t you want to go talk with her?”

“Not right now!” answered Tuck.

“Bradley!” Tuck’s name being shouted in a loud distinctive shrill by Prissy sent a surge of adrenaline through Tuck’s body. He had been discovered.

Tuck slowly turned. He saw the very bewildered expressions on both Reggie and Chuck’s faces.

Just then Prissy slammed into him wrapping her arms around him in an embrace that almost flung them both to the ground.

“Bradley!” Prissy screamed, ”oh forgive me! forgive me!”

She was crying, teas pouring from her eyes. “I was such a fool, such an idiot!” Prissy exclaimed. “Bradley you really must forgive me, I love you!”

Tuck felt like he was in the middle of a weird dream. All eyes in the terminal were on them and he was engulfed in paranoia.

He finally used his arms to push Prissy back just far enough where he could look into her face. “It’s okay Prissy,” Tuck said reassuringly, “we are going to talk about it, okay?”

“Okay,” she said as she nodded her head affirmatively.

By this time Barrington and Trixie had arrived just next to them. Barrington took a handkerchief out of his suit pocket and handed it to Prissy, who immediately began to dry her eyes.

As soon as she had regained her composure, Prissy gestured to Trixie. “You remember I told you about my sister that you’ve never met,” said Prissy. “This is Trish.”

Tuck had avoided looking at Trish up to this point but now he had no choice.

Tuck looked at Trish and saw the expression on her face was probably as horrific as the one on his. Trixie’s eyes looked like they could pop out of her head. Her mouth was drawn tight and she seemed stiff as a board.

“Hi I am Bradley,” said Tuck as he extended his hand and forced a fake smile on his face. “My friends call me Tuck,” he added before he could stop himself. He thought to himself that she already knew that and it probably exasperated the situation further.

Trixie forcing a fake smile of her own answered, “I’m Trish and my friends call me Trixie.”

Barrington rolled his eyes and tossed his head back in obvious disapproval of his rebellious daughter Trish’s nickname.

Tuck turned to Prissy and said, “We really must talk — alone!”

“Okay,” answered Prissy. “Umm but I rode over here with daddy.”

“We’ll take a cab back to my place,” answered Tuck.

“Charles,” said Barrington to his limousine driver, who had been standing back taking in all the conversations, “would you get Trish’s bags and meet us at the limo?”

“Of course sir,” answered Charles, the limo driver.


Tuck’s apartment.

As Tuck and Prissy walked in the door, Prissy grabbed Tuck and started kissing him all over the face and professed her love for him, “I love you Bradley! I love you more than anything in the world!”

Tuck took her by the shoulders and sat her on his sofa as he sat next to her.

“First of all, if we’re going to get back together and make this work,” said Tuck authoritatively, “you must quit calling me Bradley, from now on call me Tuck, like all of my other friends.”

“Okay,” answered Prissy in almost a little girl voice, “I promise to start calling you Tuck.”

Then before Tuck could get another word out Prissy was kissing him again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and started kissing him very passionately, much more so than she usually had. Tuck felt Prissy’s wet warm tongue slide into his mouth. Tuck also felt his cock stir.

As Prissy was kissing on Tuck’s neck she noticed the rise in his trousers. Prissy began to rub Tuck’s stiffening cock and whispered in his ear, “Poor Mr. Penis hasn’t got to visit Prissy’s Pussy Pie all week, I bet Mr. Penis is ready for some fun and attention.”

Tuck swallowed hard, remembering all of the sex action he had encountered the last few days on the road. Finally he was able to say, “Yes Mr. Penis needs to visit Miss Pussy Pie.”

Prissy snickered and said in a little girl style voice, “Miss Pussy Pie has missed Mr. Penis.”

She then roughly unbuckled Tuck’s belt and unzipped his pants, then Prissy pushed Tuck down on the sofa and pulled at his shirt hard, ripping the buttons off and sending them flying across the room. She then began growling like a tiger as she began to kiss and nibble at Tuck’s chest.

Tuck was surprised at Prissy’s sexual aggressiveness, which was much more enthusiastic than usual. Prissy grabbed Tuck’s trousers and undershorts, jerking them down his legs and throwing them across the room. She looked at him as if she would devour every inch of him. Tuck had never seen Prissy sexually aggressive like this before. She pounced upon him, grabbing his cock and began licking it. Her tongue ran from the tip to the bottom in long warm wet stroke as she began giving Tuck the wettest, juiciest blow job he had ever received from her.

Prissy had Tuck moaning and groaning as never before. He felt his body go limp from the pleasure but his dick stayed firmly erect. His cock throbbed with pleasurable tingling sensations plummeting throughout, spreading the sensation deep into his scrotum. Tuck felt the onset of climax and exclaimed, “Prissy I am going to cum!”

“Give it to me!” Prissy answered, and swallowed his cock nearly whole. Her fingers tickled his scrotum and nuts. Tuck couldn’t take anymore and his cock exploded into orgasm. Prissy who had never swallowed his cum before, certainly did this time. She engulfed Tuck’s semen and then licked his cock slowly as his penis slowly deflated.

But Prissy was not finished dealing out surprises to Tuck. She mounted Tuck’s face and demanded, “I want you to taste Miss Pussy Pie and make her cum!”

Tuck could not get a word out as Prissy’s wet juicy cunt had enveloped his mouth. He began to lick and finger her, discovering her pussy to be much wetter than usual. He licked and sucked her pussy, sucking her clit and sliding his fingers inside her as best he could with her torso mounted upon his face. Prissy’s body swerved back and forth on him and he continued to give her the best fellatio he could deliver.

Just as Tuck’s tongue felt like it could not move anymore Prissy exploded into orgasm. Tuck felt her thighs clench tightly around his head, her fingernails dug into his forehead and she screamed out, “Oh god! I’m cumming!”

After her nearly violent orgasm, Prissy dismounted Tuck’s face and sat next to him on the sofa. She saw that Tuck’s cock was again at full mast. “Give me one minute and I’ll take care of that,” Prissy said as she smiled and looked at Tuck.

She caught her breath and then grabbed Tuck’s legs back onto the sofa. Prissy then mounted Tuck again, this time squatting above his torso and slowly sliding down onto him taking his erect prick into her sloshy wet pussy.

Prissy began to ride him sliding back and forth. She screamed, “I’m going to ride you like a race horse!”

Tuck could not believe his eyes. It usually took much cajoling to get her to fuck him cowgirl style and now she was doing it without his asking and with overwhelming enthusiasm. For a few minutes Tuck thought Prissy might break the springs in his sofa as she was so wild and physical. The sofa did seem to withstand the rough sex and Tuck finally achieved another orgasm, filling Prissy’s pussy with his cum.

After they caught their breath Prissy said that they should go over to her parent’s house so they could make the new wedding arrangements. Prissy asked, “Is the day after tomorrow good?”

“Sure,” answered Tuck without really even formulating a real thought. He was still in shock over Prissy’s sexual aggression.

Then Tuck found his cell phone and called his best friend Bimbo Bryson and asked him to swing by and pick them up in his car.


The Barrington Mansion (on a large horse farm estate just outside Tallahassee)

Tuck sat sipping Barrington's cognac with his buddy Bimbo in one of the spacious dens, while Prissy, her sister Trixie, her mother and her father, Barrington, planned a very quick wedding to be held in the huge live oak filled backyard in the gazebo by the pond.

Tuck thought he kept noticing Prissy’s sister Trixie glancing over at his buddy Bimbo. But in a few minutes she stepped over and whispered to Tuck to meet her in the kitchen and she discreetly left the room. Tuck waited a couple of minutes before he got up and made his way into the kitchen.

“Tuck!” exclaimed Trixie. She then looked to see that he was alone.

She walked up close to him and whispered, “We can never ever let Prissy or anyone know what happened in New Orleans.”

“It would kill her and be an overall disaster,” she said.

“I totally agree,” answered Tuck. “It must never come out.”

“Promise,” said Trixie.

“I promise!” answered Tuck. “And you Trish?”

“Oh yes, me too!” said Trixie. “And uh, make it Trixie, please just call me Trixie, I’m not into all this snobbery bullshit.”

“You got it Trixie,” answered Tuck.

Just then Bimbo walked into the kitchen and startled them.

“Hey, what’s up you two?” Bimbo asked.

“Just what do you do for a living Bimbo?” asked Trixie boldly.

“Me,” said Bimbo, “why I’m the property maintenance manager at the dog track.”

“Fuck! I love dog racing!” exclaimed Trixie.

“I better get back,” interrupted Tuck and he went back into the den to check on the wedding plans.

Meanwhile, Mr. Barrington stood up and called for his butler, “Thurston!”

Almost as if by magic, Thurston appeared in the doorway.

“Sir!” answered Thurston.

“Go to my study and get Wilson Chambers on the phone and I’ll be right there,” ordered Barrington.

Tuck perked up to see what was going on, since Wilson Chambers was the president and CEO for the bank both he and Prissy worked for. But just then Barrington excused himself and left the room.

“Thank you Thurston,” said Barrington upon entering his study and took the telephone from Thurston's hand.

“Wilson how are you?” Barrington said into the phone.

“I’m doing very well, Howard,” answered Wilson Chambers, “and you?”

“Great!” said Barrington, “Well I’ve got more good news for you.”

“That regional vice president position you need to fill,” said Barrington. “I have your man, my almost son-in-law Bradley Grayson.”

“Tuck?” asked a startled Wilson Chambers, “But I thought...”

“I couldn’t get rid of him,” answered Barrington, “so I might as well have him in a position more befitting my family.”

“Well Howard, if you say so,” answered Wilson Chambers.

“Wilson you can tell him about his promotion yourself as a wedding present to him day after tomorrow here at my house,” said Barrington.

“I’ll bring my wife,” said Chambers.

Barrington hung up the phone and strolled back down the hall toward the den where Prissy and her mother were ironing out wedding details. As he passed the guest bedroom where his daughter Trixie was staying he heard noises. He stopped to listen at the door and realized that he heard sex noises. Barrington shook his head and rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath, “Where did I go wrong with these girls?” At that he walked on to the den.

Bimbo and Trixie were naked on her bed. Bimbo on his knees behind her humping back and forth quickly as he pushed his cock in and out of her pussy from behind. Trixie’s ass was poked up high in order to receive Bimbo’s rather enormous prick. Her head was buried into her pillow as she tried to muffle her own screams of ecstasy. Trixie had never received a cock this big in her life. She could barely think as Bimbo plowed her wet dripping cunt from behind. But she did think to herself that she had rarely seen a cock that huge and thick even in porno movies.

Bimbo had his hands planted firmly on Trixie’s waist as he continued to thrust his hard cock into her. He thought to himself that Trixie reminded him of his high school English teacher that used to have him come over to her house for extra study, only he never learned any English, just spent all of the time satisfying her sexual needs. Then he thought to himself that maybe it was his Sunday School teacher from church that Trixie reminded him of. He remembered being convinced that she was a nymphomaniac. Bimbo wondered how many women he had fucked since he lost his virginity to the lady next door when he was just sixteen. He had once tried to remember but always lost count at around 90 to 100.

Bimbo did think that Trixie was one very sexy blonde. As he continued pushing in and out of her very wet but tight pussy, he even thought she might actually make a great girlfriend. Then he reached down and grabbed a handful of her thick blonde hair and jerked her head back. Trixie let out a very low gratifying moan, almost a growl. He could feel how amazingly wet her cunt was. Juices were gushing all over his torso and down the front of his thighs. He could feel the wetness as it cooled on his low hanging testicles.

Trixie had already had two orgasms and knew she was about to have another. She had never before reached an orgasm this fast from just being fucked. Earlier she had been most impressed by Bimbo’s oral skills when he had licked her to an orgasm to begin with. Trixie thought that it sure would be great to hook a guy that was this awesome in bed. She then felt her next orgasm hit her like a ton of bricks. Her thighs muscles tightened and she let out a scream.

“OH FUCK!” screamed Trixie.

Bimbo realized that Trixie was having another orgasm and thought that it was time for him to allow himself to cum also. He closed his eyes and concentrated. As he continued to pump Trixie’s wet cunt he soon felt he was on the verge of cumming. Sure enough within seconds he felt the orgasm rattle his insides. His cum shot deep into Trixie’s vaginal cavern and he let out a loud sigh. Bimbo pumped just a few more strokes until his pecker was completely drained before he pulled out.

Bimbo rolled over onto his back drained of energy. Trixie rolled over laying her chin on his chest. “Wow!” she said, “that was quite an experience.”

“You felt great,” said Bimbo.

“It was you that felt great,” Trixie responded. She did realize though that she was going to have a sore cervix for the next few days.

“Are you hungry?” asked Bimbo, who had worked up quite an appetite.

“Yes I am,” answered Trixie.

“I know a great 24-hour diner that has the best bacon cheeseburgers and hashbrowns in north Florida,” said Bimbo.

“That sound s perfect,“ answered Trixie, “Can we get some cold beers afterward and go for a ride?”

“Sure we can,” answered Bimbo, “Do you like to throw the empty beer bottles at road signs?”

“Oh God, I love to do that!” Trixie answered enthusiastically. Then she thought to herself that she really did like this guy.

Tuck had fallen asleep in one of the big easy chairs in the den while Prissy and her mother finalized their wedding plans and wrote them down. Barrington assured them that the next morning all of the arrangements would be made. At that they all woke up Tuck and Prissy escorted him to his guest bedroom before she retired to her own bedroom. Mrs. Barrington made her way to the master bedroom to get ready for bed.

Barrington called out for Thurston as he strolled down the hallway toward his study.

“Sir.” Thurston answered as he appeared immediately.

“Thurston, I will be in my study for awhile and do not want to be disturbed.

“Of course sir,” answered Thurston.

Barrington entered his study and poured himself a cognac at his wet bar, picked a Cuban cigar out of the humidor and sat in his favorite chair. He kicked off his shoes and put his feet upon the ottoman as he took a sip of cognac.

Upstairs in the master bedroom Mrs. Barrington sat at on the edge of her bed slipping into her night gown. She heard a soft knock at the bedroom door and she went to the door and opened it.

“Madame,” said Thurston, “Mr. Barrington will be in his study for awhile and asked not to be disturbed.”

Mrs. Barrington’s hand then felt of Thurston’s cock which she discovered was already hard within his trousers. She lowered the top of her nightie exposing her rather large firm perfect breasts for Thurston to see. He looked hungrily at them, a fine example of the work done by Miami’s best and most expensive cosmetic surgeon.

”Let’s not waste any time Thurston,” said Mrs. Barrington, “Let’s hurry to your room for your nightly spanking.”

“Of course Madame,” answered Thurston.

Meanwhile in his study Barrington pulled his very special cell phone out of his smoking jacket. Barrington always used to getting whatever he wanted was feeling quite depressed. His mind wondered over the events of the last few days as favorite daughter was still going to marry that former orange picker and he had been forced to help arrange that. His rebellious daughter had returned home and had hooked up with that orange picker’s redneck friend. This had all happened despite his best efforts and he knew he would have to just live with it. Barrington needed to fill that special void in his life that could only be filled when he was able to manipulate and control people. He held the phone up to where he could see the numbers on it and pressed one number on the speed dial.

In Miami, John Grabo, the city’s most up and coming young mob attorney, is sitting at his office desk working late into the night ironing out the details that gave legitimacy to his client, Carlo Perez’s vast criminal empire. As always he had two cell phones with him. He heard the special ring on the red cell phone and picked it up immediately.

“Hello Mr. Barrington,” Grabo answered, “What can I do for you this evening?”

“Grabo,” said Barrington, “I want to schedule a meeting for Wednesday in Miami.”

“Of course.” answered John Grabo.

“Call Carlo Perez and Uncle Gino,” ordered Barrington, “Book us all a suite at the Hilton Bentley and have Uncle Gino bring all of that video and audio surveillance we’ve been working on the past year.”

“The state government will be in session next month and I have a few projects to take care of,” said Barrington thinking of all the great fun he would have extorting the state’s most important politicians.

“Oh, one more thing Grabo,” said Barrington.

“What’s that Mr. Barrington?” inquired Grabo.

“That really hot brunette with the big tits that stars in that new spy show that's filmed in Miami,” said Barrington, “you know the one that is up for an Emmy.”

“Yes I do,” answered Grabo.

“Perez owns her contract does he not?” asked Barrington.

“Absolutely!” answered John Grabo, “I wrote it.”

“Great!” said Barrington, “After our meeting I’d like to have her for the evening — you can arrange that can’t you?”

After a slight pause Grabo answered, “Yes, yes I can Mr. Barrington.”

“Great!” replied Barrington and he switched off the phone.

Barrington took a sip of cognac and lit his cigar. He felt like a complete man again.

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“Honey, eat some turkey.” Megan said to her daughter. Lisa had a habit of eating lighter snack foods that would leave her with complaints of hunger as soon as the feast was safely tucked away. “I already had a little,” Lisa replied. “How about a sandwich?” David quickly countered. “You need to eat something other than just grapes.” “But I’m not really hungry,” she whined. “Well you won’t get to play Frisbee until you’ve had something more than...

3 years ago
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The Roadtrip

We were on day three of our road trip, making the long drive from New York to Austin for SXSW. We were both excited for the event, but to be honest, the drive was starting to get a little boring. Endless highway stretching on and on in front of us. We’d already previewed the tracks of all the bands we planned to see when we got there. We’d made a list of all the BBQ places we planned to hit as well. What’s worse is that we spent the previous two nights crashed at friends’ houses along the way...

3 years ago
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The Roadtrip

Here's a little something I came up with while I was on my way home from a trip to Texas. All characters are at least 18 years of age. “No! Your parents will see us!” She pleaded as I ran my hand up her thigh, dangerously close to her silk-covered pussy. “It’ll be fine, baby. The middle seat will give us plenty of cover. They won’t even know what’s going on back here unless you give it away,” I replied, running my pinky over the flimsy material that covered her pussy. “Baby, no…” she warned,...

3 years ago
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Suhana Safar The Roadtrip

I have always had a crush towards my cousin sis, B, who is 19 years of age as of now. She’s very cute, just like a doll, stands at 5 feet, and a bit chubby. We are just 6 years apart in age, and we always have had a very good relationship, just like friends. I have tried many times to seduce her, but she never encourages me, so I never try too hard, just because that I don’t want her to force anything to her. She’s really very close to my heart. Last year B finished her high school, and got...

4 years ago
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The Roadtrip

Here’s a little something I came up with while I was on my way home from a trip to Texas. All characters are at least 18 years of age. “No! Your parents will see us!” She pleaded as I ran my hand up her thigh, dangerously close to her silk-covered pussy. “It’ll be fine, baby. The middle seat will give us plenty of cover. They won’t even know what’s going on back here unless you give it away,” I replied, running my pinky over the flimsy material that covered her pussy. “Baby, no…” she...

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Aunt Megan Part two Roadtrip

We drove for an hour or so chatting about all manner of things but nothing important. The day had cleared up after starting out overcast and the sun coming through the windscreen was getting hotter. We pulled off the highway and into a service station where we topped up on fuel then parked the car. We went inside the cafe to get coffee. It was a relief to get out of the car as it was really getting hot. The airconditioning wasn't working and add to that a massive V8 in an older black car and...

4 years ago
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Roadtrip with Uncle Brian

Kim sat in the passenger seat and watched the cars whizzing past. Her uncle was driving her home from her art show. For the first time since she’d finished art school she was invited to an exposition, to show some work. Her uncle had helped her transport her paintings and he stayed with her all day, supporting her, stimulating her to talk to people and even helping her sell one of her paintings. ‘Thanks again.’ She said. ‘No problem, sweety.’ Brian said. She looked at him...

2 years ago
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Roadtrip with Jaimie

We decided to take a road trip together at the end of the summer. Knowing that we couldn't keep a long distance relationship, we had one last bittersweet, week-long fling together. We were a few days into the trip, on our 8th hour on the road and she decided to take the wheel for a few hours since I had been driving most the day and the days before. I drifted in and out of sleep for a few minutes, occassional stirred by the GPS giving the periodic instruction. We had been quiet for a while,...

4 years ago
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Coeds european roadtrip horror part3

When he was finished he wiped his arms free of grime and sweat. Picking up a bucket of tepid water he drenched his body. Even with hood and his strength they had kicked and wriggled. The shouts and yelps had been deafening in the confined space. But without vision none could direct their resistance or escape or know what was happ ening as they listened to the other beg and moan. Diora had being in the position the longest as he knew she was the most resistant. Her body ached her mind...

2 years ago
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Coeds european roadtrip horror part2

Now held under his bizarre funeral parlour the "undertaker" begins to bit-by-bit break down their resistance to his evil plans. ***** From her locked bent forward position it was difficult for Keeley to lift her head to look straight ahead. The stocks bit into her shoulders; her tiny wrists snapped through even smaller gaps in the scissor wood beams. Her mouth was dripping saliva from the edge of her lips as she slurped on the big neon ball gag. The feeling was disgusting, this shy...

1 year ago
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Coeds European Roadtrip Horror Part1

Diora turned on the wipers again and they uselessly screeched against the hot dry screen. "It's making it worse not better," muttered her friend as the young red head tried to clear her view from hours of dust. They'd left Warsaw earlier that week and only a month into their European expedition had realised that a road trip had it limitations. "Did you measure how far Moscow is from Warsaw?" Asked the less opinionated girl in the back seat. Diora gave a chuckle "well it...

2 years ago
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Roadtrip Part 1

His name is Draigen. He’s the one who guides me sexually to each and every climax. He speaks to me when I shut down the computer. His voice is like silk chocolate, warm and inviting. I feel his gaze as it travels down my body, it gently caresses me, causing goose bumps to rise. I shiver and his smile grows. From his pocket he pulls out my collar, and I kneel automatically in front of him, so he can clasp it around my neck. I hear the familiar click and his hands linger on my shoulders a few...

1 year ago
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Orgasmic Roadtrip

The excitement any new homeowner feels when they buy their first rung on the property ladder is almost indescribable. When the months of searching the property market, followed by the stressful shenanigans of estate agents and mortgage advisers, while negotiating endless amounts of legal red tape, ends with a front door key, there is huge relief. I was there. Five months of uninterrupted frustration and costs to purchase a property, but finally, I had my own home. I had bought the flat, just...

4 years ago
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You are John Doe. You have become bored with your life and your job. You seek adventure and excitement. Your uncle Jim dies unexpectedly. He was always kind to you and told you to get out into the world. He had always been a free spirit. He told you stories about the days of his youth of travelling around drinking, fighting and fucking moving on to the next town and doing it all again. He always said you inherited his sense of adventure and probably his big dick too. In his will he leaves you...

4 years ago
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Roadtrip blowjob

It had been a long week. I was heading to my mother’s alone this time for the first time in years. I normally head down with my wife. We had not had sex in years and I have to sneak behind her back to even jack off. I loaded the car for the 6/7 hour drive and said my goodbyes. I hit the road and loaded up my two favorite aps… Squirt.org and adam4adam.com. Even though it had been years since my last cock, I was looking forward to the opportunity to at least tease a bit. I have seen them...

3 years ago
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Moms Roadtrip

nother good day. The sun was shining brightly. Not a cloud in the sky, and very warm. So why was I so unhappy? A few reasons, actually. One being quite obvious. My husband of twenty-four years ran off with another woman. That didn't help. I'm suffering from empty nest syndrome as well. No, not both my c***dren have left. My oldest is in-between his sophomore and Junior year at college. But this summer he took an internship in Denver. That left me and my other c***d Carla here all alone in our...

1 year ago
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Roadtrip fun

I was recently taking a business related road trip between two cities in the US. It was about a 6 hour drive so I asked my girlfriend to come with me, knowing that we sometimes fool around on the road which makes things much funner. About an hour into the drive, my girlfriend and I started talking about a specific topic that we usually disagree on and things took a turn for the worse and we fought for about an hour. This disappointed me very much because with that fight any chance of me getting...

1 year ago
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Porn Star Roadtrip with OHGirl Velvet and Denise

I spent the week finishing my work demands and packing my things for the road. I’d be staying at a hotel with my mom and grandma as we traveled and that included while we were in LA, my hometown. My boyfriend, Ryan, and I had a great round of sex before I stopped to visit my dad and siblings to let him know about my new gig. He had kept up with me via texting, so he knew the story, but it had been a while since I had been home. I spent the evening visiting and then drove back into the city to...

1 year ago
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Roadtrip with my sister

Vacations; they were supposed to be fun and relaxing in theory. And they usually were once we got wherever we were going, but dad never seemed to understand the idea of having fun along the way. It was all about getting where we were going on schedule and we could relax once we arrived.This year was a bit different than any previous holiday with my family. Instead of being stuck in the backseat with my sister while the landscape rolled past for hours on end, we had taken two vehicles and Kylie...

1 year ago
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Roadtrip Part 1

His name is Draigen. He’s the one who guides me sexually to each and every climax. He speaks to me when I shut down the computer. His voice is like silk chocolate; warm and inviting. I feel his gaze as it travels down my body; it gently caresses me, causing goose bumps to rise. I shiver and his smile grows. From his pocket he pulls out my collar, and I kneel automatically in front of him, so he can clasp it around my neck. I hear the familiar click and his hands linger on my shoulders a few...

3 years ago
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I suggest to John that we go on a road trip to where ever. I go into our bedroom and pack a bag, just in case we decide to stay somewhere. I had bought a new butt plug and had inserted it deep into my tight ass. John comes in to add something to the bag and doesn't tell me what it is. He grabbed the clothes that was laying next to the bag and tells me to hurry it up. I yelled out telling him I will be ready in a couple of minutes.I finished putting on my mini skirt, a white button down shirt...

2 years ago
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OHGIRL Philly Roadtrip

I returned to work and to seeing my clients when I got back from Jamaica, but after about 3 or 4 weeks of very rarely seeing Mikey, I began spending more of my free time with Shawn again. He decided to take me on a vacation of his own and we drove in my car to the neighborhood in which he was raised, Philadelphia. His family still lived in the d**g infested part of town and we spent most of our time lying around the ramshackle housing project in which his cousin Jeffrey lived. Jeffrey was the...

3 years ago
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Tinder Tragedy 8211 Part 2 On A Roadtrip To Nepal

This is an experience from my friend Karan. He had been on a road trip to Nepal for some soul-searching adventures. The below story is presented from his POV. Hi readers, this is Karan Mehta, a traveler, and explorer. I like to call myself a sexplorer. I visit different places and try to hook up with the local ladies. This gives me the local taste and also fulfills my burning desires. I am always traveling on a budget. So hooking up with the locals gives me a free space to stay with food and...

1 year ago
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Tinder Tragedy 8211 Part 2 On A Roadtrip To Nepal

This is an experience from my friend Karan. He had been on a road trip to Nepal for some soul-searching adventures. The below story is presented from his POV. Hi readers, this is Karan Mehta, a traveler, and explorer. I like to call myself a sexplorer. I visit different places and try to hook up with the local ladies. This gives me the local taste and also fulfills my burning desires. I am always traveling on a budget. So hooking up with the locals gives me a free space to stay with food and...

4 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 2

“Are you listening to me!” she was a tad peeved. She had been going on and on and on about ... who knows what? ... background chatter in the universe ... legal shit ... Lawyers! “No,” I said, “I’m busy.” “You’re driving! How busy can that be?” I knew how to shut her up, “If you must know ... I’m talking to the voices in my head.” If she could get any farther away she would be outside hanging on to the mirror ... or not. “Look, you guys can handle Karen ... can’t you?”

3 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 3

I thumped the side of my head, “Steel trap ... my mind is a steel trap.” “Cease and desist ... What house?” “Karen built a shack on my land?” “How did that happen?” A different voice,

1 year ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 4

If I were a car, and I had brakes, and the contact points between shoe and drum were worn to metal to metal ... my shoes would have screeched to a stop. As it was my lower body stopped but my head bent forward and banged the half open bathroom door ... the wench had left it open. This was no emergency ... she had a purpose and an intent and planned for it. WHACK “OW!” THUD

2 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 5

Not that connecting with the police was expedient. No. This was a country CLUB ... Members and their Guests ONLY ... exceptions must be cleared by the council. The cops objected when the ambulance was waved through but they ... the minions of the law ... were kept out while the council sorted. It was soon handled. Wendy, decently dressed, picked up the phone and explained. If explained is the correct word. Another 911 dispatcher might not have been so understanding ... but this one was a...

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Hairy RoadtripChapter 6

Wanna talk about a wake up call? This was NOT your standard buzz or ring ring. It soon the nurse said the words. Wendy peeked around the door. God ... she’s cute. Beautiful even. Sigh. “I want to know what you had to do with this,” I said ... and it wasn’t a question. “Who? Me?” Wendy said. “Who, you what? I wasn’t talking to you ... I was talking to You Know Who.” “I do? ... I do,” she said. “Butt out Wendy ... I’m talking to them,” I said. It was an...

2 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 7

Just so you know, I’m as red blooded and testosterone driven as any not quite 30 year old man ... and thirty is coming so ... I guess I need to prove something ... I don’t know what it is ... but as soon as I know, I’ll let you know ... probably by the HOWL! I played nice ... they said my concussion was cured and let me out. The centerfold was there to pick me up and take me to her crib. Her daddy wanted to shake my hand. I wished I’d driven another way that day. Heroes don’t know they are...

3 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 8

“How about a Ninety Day Free Trial?” I asked. “If it doesn’t work out...” “You keep out of this!” Her dad said, “I didn’t say nothing.” Hmm. Wendy was in shock. “No!” she said. “It’s all or nothing.” “That’s easy,” I shook Dad’s hand, “‘Bye.” I knew I couldn’t stay in Denver. I didn’t want the girls. They didn’t want me ... not the way I wanted ... and I missed home. Did I ever tell you about Lewistown’s airport? Aviation Magazine has this to say about the...

3 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 9

“So what do I do?” “Give up?” I could see the capital A in my head. “Where should I go?” “Ranchester?” “NO!” A chuckle or a giggle in ones brain tickles. The belly laugh almost ran me off the road. I gassed up, ran my list ... filed for SHR (Sheridan County Airport), chatted...

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Hairy RoadtripChapter 10

Since 1919, Sheridan has provided space for aviation ... Aviation Field, a grass strip, became Municipal Field and that became Sheridan County Airport, a full service commercial venture. In 1980, it was a going concern. Flights to Gillette, Casper, Cheyenne and Denver carried passengers daily. Handley Page British-made Century lll turbo-prop aircraft operated by Sheridan based Air U.S. departed Sheridan County regularly. Flights featured a snack, Jolly Ranchers candy from a bulk box and...

1 year ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 11

Yes! Her! And she SAW me! Shit fuzzy and fall back in it! Through the double pane glass ... even over the throb of the turbo prop on the other side of the plane, I heard her screech. “David!” Wendy said, “You came!” She took off running, burst through the door ... and knocked me flat on my back... “How did you know I was coming?” The kisses were spaced between the words so unless you knew what she was going to say before she said it ... it wasn’t going to make a bit of sense. I...

2 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 12

I knew about the trailer. I understood the need for the ugly green General Steel building. Did she have to go Avocado? The damn thing looks like a huge 1970’s refrigerator. Pulling down the driveway, ... nice drive ... pea gravel ... feels rolled and compacted ... when did she do this? Wendy going nuts over the tipis in the yard ... and that’s another thing ... plural tipis? Anyway ... the house on the north side of the drive looked nice. Glancing across the pasture, I noticed the fence ......

3 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 13

Not that the sheriff stayed behind. He walked along with us. Wendy was anxious ... fidgeting ... antsy. The beat from the Avocado was catchy and had Wendy’s hips rolling. The sheriff was definitely paying too close attention to the sack of cats in her slacks. Wendy does NOT wear jeans. Summa Cum Laude Law School graduates who passed the bar on the first try do not wear jeans ... or so she said. It’s okay ... linen clings ... jeans mold ... no matter ... it’s all fine ass. “Sheriff ... your...

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Hairy RoadtripChapter 14

“That’s what she said,” I said. “Smart girl,” he said, enigmatically. Enigmatic, I thought. “You keep out of this,” I said. “As long as you keep it together, I plan to,” said the sheriff. Karen said, “I’m standing right here, guys.” “I’m just setting boundaries,” said the sheriff. “Whose boundaries?” asked Wendy. “Hairy’s limits.” “And?” said Wendy. “Unless and until you have decided you were out of bounds tricking him like you did, you’re...

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Hairy RoadtripChapter 15

The dirty rat left me. When practice was over and the place was clearing out ... the sheriff LEFT me. Things might have not been quite so bad but the women stayed ... all five of ‘em ... and Sally. Bobby and Tommy made arrangements to meet Karen and Sally at Seven o’clock to set up at the Oasis Lounge in the Holiday Inn Thursday. They played Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday nights until close. Tuesdays and Wednesdays off. Wednesdays were new stuff practice. Although once a...

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Hairy RoadtripChapter 17

Thank God ... in 1980 Gibson guitars were in a slump on popularity. Changes in ownership brought on a decline in quality, workmanship and materials. Because of that I bought a 1952 Goldtop Les Paul from Johnny for 250 bucks, with the hardshell case and three sets of strings ... half the price of a brand new model. John senior was happy, Johnny was mostly pleased ... I was ecstatic. The puppy was pretty happy too. Now, I had to figure out how to play the damn thing. I’d been nylon strings and...

3 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 18

The men started bidding ... as a lot and as individuals. The women were NOT pleased. Finally Karen, as the “local” started to grin, chuckle and got in on the bidding. This turn of events shocked the guys. Then I started to laugh. I ALMOST considered complaining about the high prices for used merchandise ... and we all know where THAT would lead ... sleeping in the bunkhouse with the smelly cats. Once was enough ... a surfeit of skunks was two too many. I kept my mouth shut. From the looks...

2 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 19

So ... we danced. First I danced Roz out to the Townwagon, opened the wayback double doors, picked her up and stuffed her in. I let her find her own way to the seating ... but I made sure she was seated before I went back to the restaurant and picked the next size. “One Two Three, One Two Three, One Two Three,” I counted aloud and waltzed Rachel out to the Dodge. In the back and shut the door. Next, I hummed The Beerbarrel Polka in Amy’s ear and polka-ed out. I picked her and said, “Open...

2 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 20

I’ll tell you another thing ... when someone comes home from a night on the town ... or playing in the band until 3am in the morning ... don’t be throwing open the bunkhouse door and flashing on the lights ... the skunks don’t like it. And another thing ... a 4am shower under tomato juice might remove skunk spray ... but V8 don’t. Not at all. And another thing ... the Sheridan Walmart does NOT have a 24 hour schedule. They open at 9 ... like civilized folks. And while we’re at it ... the...

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