Jennifer's Plaything 5: Payback's A Bitch free porn video

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*** AUTHOR'S NOTE: First of all, thank you for all the kind words of encouragement for my last two chapters of this story. It has been a wonderful experience to find such a supportive community as Fictionmania. Second: Yes, I realize that I skipped a couple chapters. I wanted to tell this story next and I didn't want to wait until the last two chapters were finished. Some day I will go back and fill in those holes......I mean those holes in the story. Enjoy! *** Jennifer's Plaything - Part Five: Payback's a Bitch (literally) By: Naughty Nicole [email protected] (A few weeks after the events of chapter 2...) Four short hours ago I had been sitting at home enjoying my Saturday in front of the TV. Those four hours had been the most eventful in my life. What had started out as a reluctantly accepted invitation to go shopping with my wife had ultimately led me to the absurd situation in which I found myself. I clipped on the other earring...the last touch on an outfit Jennifer had picked for me. "Um...I," I stammered. "Yes?" my wife asked. "I'm done." She pushed the stall door inward and she grinned uncontrollably at the sight of me as I walked out. It was ten o'clock on Saturday night, and I was standing in a public restroom in Franklin Park downtown. The thick locks of the wig's wavy brown hair fell around my face framing my carefully made-up features. My glossy crimson lips pouted beneath a pair of dark, smoky eyes with jet-black, mascara-glazed lashes. The tight, red turtleneck sweater hugged the curves of my slim-corseted waist and curving hips and stretched lewdly across the swell of my panty- stuffed C-cup bra. As I shifted my weight uncomfortably under her scrutiny I could feel the garters tighten across my pantied ass. My black skirt fell loosely to just below my knees revealing dark, seamed stockings and a pair of black, five-inch heels. Jennifer still looked amazing in the outfit she had picked out at the mall: a black button-front sweater, and a black skirt that hung off her athletic hips and ass to mid-thigh. Her strong, smooth, bare legs ended in black sandals with 4-inch heels, which was quite an accomplishment for her five-foot, two-inch frame, despite the fact that she made it look effortless. Her long golden hair fell loose around her shoulders. As she looked me over she fingered the key hanging around her neck that had locked the ankle straps of my shoes. "Hand me your clothes," she ordered. I gathered the wad of laundry off the floor and handed it to her. She dropped the clothes into one of the large shopping bags before gathering up her purse and the rest of the bags and giving me an amused look. "Well, I'm off. Have fun." "W-Woah wait, what?!" I was panicked. "I said, 'I'm off.' So...I guess at this point you have a few choices, Nick," I held my breath. "You can take off those embarrassing girly clothes...throw them all in the trash with the wig. This bathroom doesn't look like it has any soap...even if it did, your makeup wouldn't come off completely without a proper remover, and you're not going to get those shoes off without the key, or at least some tools. So with nothing else to wear, you'll be traipsing around naked in Franklin the middle of the a pair of 5 inch heels...with obvious traces of makeup covering your face." What was she doing? WHY was she doing this to me? I had gone along with her game all day, and THIS is how she was going to repay me? My stomach was tying into a hard knot that seemed to be rising up into my chest. "You're a 30 minute drive from home, so I don't recommend walking, but it would be interesting to see you trying to hail a taxi like that." "Jenn..." I pleaded. "or..." she continued, "You could just walk out of here dressed as you are. You look completely passable to me...quite yummy in fact, AND it's dark out. As long as you didn't do too much talking you could probably make it all the way home undiscovered and unmolested." My mouth was agape in disbelief. "I'll let you figure it out, Nick. I guess-" She stopped mid-sentence. We could both hear laughing. Jennifer held a finger to her lips to silence me, and we waited a few moments for them to pass, but they only got louder. They were headed towards the bathroom! They were going to come inside! Jennifer dropped the bags and quickly turned, pushing me back into the first stall. I managed to stay on my high-heeled feet despite the rough man-handling she gave me. "Jennifer, hold on..." I began to voice a protest as she shoved me across the stall's threshold. "Shut up," she cut me off. Then taking a moment to regain her composure she added, "and don't make a sound, Nikki, or I'll let them know you're in here, and I guarantee they'll find a use for a slut who can't keep her mouth shut." I reflexively shut my mouth with an audible click. Her words sunk in immediately, and chills ran through my body. My God...I knew she would never go through with such a threat, but the mere fact that she would even bluff such a thing in the middle of this tense situation left a lump in my throat and a hot swimmy feeling in my head. She slammed the stall door closed just as the restroom door to the outside swung open, and the bathroom immediately echoed with loud conversation: "...and so I was pullin' her damn panties down," an overly-loud voice bragged. "No shit?" a deeper quieter voice replied. "No shit, and that bitch was all like, 'Wait...I don't know if I'm ready for this,' so I told her to...uh..." The talking stopped abruptly. "Uh, lady," he continued, "I think you might be in the wrong restroom." "Oh, I don't know about that." I heard my wife's voice dripping with seductive undertones. What was she doing? Why didn't she get rid of these guys? I needed to see what was going on. The stall I was hiding in had walls that came down to about a foot off the ground except for the side wall towards the restroom door. Because of this, I didn't need to step up onto the toilet, thank endeavor especially tricky in my heels. The circular rotating deadbolt was missing on my door. Although this meant that I couldn't lock it, it also granted me a round peephole almost 2 inches across. Carefully kneeling at the door I could see the entire front half of the restroom thanks to the full length mirror between the sinks. Jennifer was leaning back with her skirt-covered ass against the edge of one of the porcelain fixtures. Two college age boys were standing at the entrance to the bathroom. One of them was a bit taller and lankier with a ball-cap on. His friend was olive skinned and broad shouldered. It took a moment for me to realize that these were the same two guys that gave me such a hard time in the mall. What were they doing here?! "Wait a minute," the cocky one said as he made the same realization only a moment later, "Aren't you that chick we saw in the mall...with the faggoty husband?" He chuckled and shared a slightly drunk glance with his friend. Jennifer didn't even blink. She met their eyes with a sexy confidence that I didn't know she could exude towards a couple of complete strangers...especially in the face of such a potentially unsafe situation. "Yes, boys...that was me," she said, "but my sissy husband has left me all alone. I've been abandoned here without a ride." She finished that last part with a barely perceptible "poor me" pout. My God, my sweet wife was working these two marks like a pro, but it wasn't over, and there was still a dangerous tension in the air. Her advance went unnoticed by the guy with the baseball cap. "Ha...I'd be happy to give you a ride, but I'm not sure if that's what you really want." He smirked stupidly at his friend holding out a hand to receive a high-five, as if his innuendo was too subtle for my poor lost housewife to pick up. Jennifer rolled her eyes with a sigh of exasperation. "I don't think you boys understand, so let me be crystal clear," Jennifer said coolly as she stood up from the sink running her hands up her body to caress her breasts through her sweater, "I'm in the men's room on purpose. I'm not lost...and if you boys will finish high-fiving each other for a second you might realize that you're about to get the chance to give me the cock I'm looking for." His bravado melted away in the same instant his smug smile vanished. He couldn't believe this was happening and faced with the reality of his vulgar jest coming true he was suddenly unsure how to proceed. "Th-the 'cock' you're...uh..." he stammered. "The cock I'm looking for," she finished. "I've been a faithful wife for my entire that sissy husband you already met, but now I want a stranger's cock in my mouth...I want someone to push me down on the floor of this bathroom, pull up my skirt, and shove themselves deep into my ass." She finished 'ass' with a subtle hiss. The lanky kid's mouth was hanging open. His friend stood behind him, looking on with a stoic expression. "Uh...Are you fucking with me, lady?" Jennifer answered by slowly shaking her head as she started unbuttoning her sweater from the top down. A smile crept across the kid's face, and, with the uncertainty of the situation behind him, his cocky swagger returned. "Oh, shit, Brian, this is like some 'Penthouse Letters' shit right here!" he grinned, looking back at Jennifer who had reached the bottom button and let the sweater fall apart giving a teasing glimpse of her pale white breasts cradled in red satin. The push-up bra lifted her perfect size-Cs up against the soft black sweater which slowly rose and fell with her breathing. The sight of her stripping for complete strangers caused my cock to twitch against my panties. No man except her doctor had seen her breasts...even in a all the years we'd been married, but she had unbuttoned her sweater without a moment's hesitation. It was almost as if her randy-housewife act was for real. It was just an act wasn't it? Her little show was having an effect on her other admirers too. For the second time in half a minute she had cut through the tall kid's joking guard and erased his grin as he leered lustily at her cleavage. What the hell was she thinking? She can't possibly think she's going to let these two idiots touch her, and, drunk as they were, this was a dangerous game she was playing. "What's your name, stud?" she asked the lanky one in the baseball hat. "Jason," he replied "Come here, Jason," she beckoned with an index finger. He took a few steps and reached out to paw at her breast before she backed away dodging his clumsy grope. "Nuh-uh, Jason," she warned, "I'm going to do the touching for now." He dropped his hand impatiently with an eye-roll before she stepped in close to him. She reached up and fanned out her fingers across his chest before sliding her palm down his stomach to grip the waist of his jeans above the buckle. She tugged on his belt biting her lower lip. "Take off your clothes," she commanded as she took a step back, "...all of them." With the smug smirk returning to his face, Jason looked back at Brian and chuckled a "hell yeah," before pulling his shirt up over his head; his hat fell to the floor. "Oooh, that's nice, Jason," she cooed, "Keep going." He slipped out of his sneakers and slid down his jeans and boxers before awkwardly stepping out of them, his half-erect penis swinging all the while. "Socks too, Jason," she said. "This floor's fuckin' filthy!" he countered with a scowl. She stepped closer to him and put her hands on his bare chest. Even with the heels, she was looking up at his almost six-foot height. I couldn't see her face but I knew exactly the doe-eyed expression she was making right now. "You expect me to get down on my hands and knees for you, don't you?" she asked, " You want me on all fours...right here on this filthy floor, my ass in the air waiting for your big cock to fill me up, right? You expect me to lay face-down in the piss and grime and beg for your dick in my ass but you won't even take off your socks?" Then she did something I will never forget. She slid one hand down between his legs and lifted his half-erect penis in her small soft hand. Whether or not she was playing these two for fools didn't change the fact: my wife had another man's cock in her hand. His socks were off in the blink of an eye, and when he stood again she spat on her hand and gripped his now hard dick in one hand and cupped his balls in the other. "That's a good boy," she said patronizingly as she began to slide her hand along his cock. "Oh, fuck yeah, you fucking slut," he sniggered, "work that big man- meat." "Oh, wow," she played along with the arrogant boy, once again giving him her most doey-eyed schoolgirl face, "You're sooo big." Her fist slid along his fully hard 4?-inch erection. "Mmmm, so much bigger than my husband's little sissy prick." The restrained mockery in her voice went right over Jason's head, but the words were meant for me, and they had the effect she intended. Her humiliating confession made my face flush hot in shame as my cock throbbed harder against its feminine trappings. "Hell yeah, baby," Jason boasted, "I'm gonna give that sweet, white, housewife ass of yours the deep-dicking your man never could." "I can hardly wait, baby," she encouraged, "It's been so long." Behind him she could see Jason's friend absent-mindedly rubbing his erection through his jeans. She addressed him while still stroking Jason: "And what is your name, big, dark, and silent?" "Brian," he replied quietly as he he stared at...oh, my. A grin spread across Jennifer's face as she realized he was staring at Jason's naked ass. Jennifer and Brian's eyes met and she gave him an extremely mischievous wink. "Well, Brian," she said, still smiling, "unfortunately for you, your friend Jason here is the only one that's going to be serviced by me tonight... "...but don't let that stop you from pulling that big cock out and enjoying yourself, sweetie." "HA! HA!," Jason guffawed, "you got punked, Bri. You go ahead and jerk- off while I go to town on this slut." At the word 'slut' Jennifer grimaced slightly, but Jason didn't notice and she didn't let it slow her hand on his shaft. Brian unzipped his fly and pulled out a thick erection. He had a slack- jawed, distant stare as his eyes locked onto his friend's ass and he began jerking himself off. The sight of Brian acting on what HAD to have been a secret crush was turning Jennifer on more than she thought it would, and I could tell she was quickly formulating a plan. "Oh, yeah, girl," Jason moaned as he reached up to put a hand on Jennifer's arm. "OH, FUCK!" he suddenly shrieked in pain. She had let go of his cock and was digging her nails into his scrotum. "Jesus Christ, take it easy, bitch," he scowled as he tried to pull her hand away. "Let go of my arm," she ordered icily. His hand was immediately off her, and she eased her grip. Then she started stroking him again. "Fuck, lady, you almost-" "Shut your mouth, Jason," she interrupted, "let's be straight with one another," she continued as she stroked him, "You want to fuck, and I promise you, there will be some serious fucking tonight, but first I want to have some fun. Now I like some weird, kinky stuff, and if you play along and let me have my turn, I'll let you have the night of your life." Jason was starting to succumb to my wife's expert handjob. "Mmmm ...H-hey, lady," he mumbled, " that's fine with-" "Rule one, Jason: shut your mouth unless I ask you to speak. Okay?" "Yeah...mmmm....okay." His breathing was becoming a little labored as she stroked faster. "Rule two," she continued, "no touching until I'm done having my fun, got it?" "Sure...uh...whatever," he moaned. She moved her body close to his, pressed up against his side, and she brought her lips to his ear and spoke in a gentle purr: "Good boy," she told him, "Close your eyes, sweetie." He did as she asked and she continued speaking into his ear with her heat grinding up against his leg: "I want you to just FEEL, my little Jaybird." As she spoke she traced her fingertips down the back of his neck. Then she spread her fingers out and slid her palm across the naked skin of his upper back and down over the curve of his ass. She squeezed a cheek gently then quickly moved her touch elsewhere before his homophobia broke the spell she was casting. "I don't want you to just feel THIS," she emphasized with a squeeze of his cock which elicited a moan from the back of his throat. "I want you to feel my touch with your... entire ...body." She stepped in front of him, still stroking, and ran her hand across his bare chest, down his stomach and cradled his balls in her soft palm. He groaned. "Look at me, baby." He drowsily opened a pair of lust-drunk eyes. "Pull my skirt up." He shuddered slightly at the sound of the words. He started to reach for her before she added: "If you touch me...if you touch anything but my skirt, we're done here." So, with great care, he pinched the hem of my wife's knee-length skirt and cautiously lifted the light, black material up her bare thighs. The smooth, pale skin of her strong legs met at a triangle of red, satin panties that hung from delicate straps arching high over her hips. Jason continued lifting the hem until it was pulling straight up and exposing her naked stomach. "Do you like my panties, honey?" she asked. He was looking down and he nodded. "I couldn't hear you, baby." He managed a hoarse, "-esss." "Look at my panties, baby...Just hold my skirt up; I want you to drink in a nice long look." She began to slowly rock her hips from side to side as she spoke. "Panties are special things, my sweet little Jaybird. They keep all my girl-secrets hidden away. Those special secrets stay hidden under my panties...and my panties stay safe under my little a treasure...waiting for someone to find them. In a way they're like a present waiting to be opened." "See my pretty panties, sweetie?" He stared dumbly. "My husband is the only person who has ever opened my present...the only person to know my hidden secrets," she told him. The mesmerizing, womanly curve of her hips pendulummed back and forth under her narrow waist. Jason was staring as if hypnotized by a metronome. "Do you want to open my present?" He nodded vaguely with a grunt. She let go of his balls and held up her skirt for him. Her other hand, around his shaft, had never varied from its slow and steady pumping. "I'll hold up my skirt for you, baby... " She stopped swaying. "Pull down my panties." The spectacle was leaving me reeling as I was bombarded by waves of light-headedness with each lusty act. As I crouched peeping through the stall door I slid my hand up my skirt between my knees and began to rub the hard bulge in the front of my pre-cum-dampened panties. With great care, Jason used his fingertips to get a hold of my wife's panties without touching the flesh of her hips. Pulling the hip straps out away from her body he began to slide them over the gentle curve of her ass and down her legs. She dropped her skirt around her knees and stopped stroking him so he could bend to pull the small red panties down. "All the way off, sweetie. I'll wait for you." He held them around her ankles as she stepped out one high-heeled foot at a time. "Hand them to me." She ordered, and he did. She moved behind him and reached around his waist to take his small, red, throbbing cock in her hand and then resumed the entrancing handjob. She pressed against him from behind with the full length of her body. Then, taking the panties, she held them flat against his chest with her other hand, and then started to gently stroke his skin with the smooth material. "Can you feel that, sweetie?" she asked, whispering in his ear from behind, "They're still warm from hiding my girl-secrets all day. In fact, these pretty little panties might still have a few secrets of their own." She slid the satin up his neck and over his chin, covering his face. "Breathe it in, baby, that's one-hundred percent pure, all- American, housewife pussy." He inhaled through his nose deeply and exhaled with a ragged sigh before sniffing again. "But, that's not all they can do..." she slid the panties back down his body until she was gripping them around his shaft. He started squirming, trapped between the pressure of her body behind him and the stroking panties in front. I knew the hook was set, and Jason had no clue. After a few more minutes of my wife's stroking, Jason stood there, naked in the middle of the mens room, his eyes closed, as he moaned with each caress of the panties around his cock. "They feel good, don't they, baby?" she whispered into his ear. "mnessss," he breathed. She squatted behind him and slid the panties down along the skin of his legs with one hand, while still stroking him with the other. She spread the panties on the floor at his feet and grabbed each of his ankles in turn guiding the toe into the waiting trap. Grabbing the back of the waistband off the floor she stood tugging the delicate garment up to just above his knees. She was grinding against his backside again, whispering into his ear, "Do you still like my panties, sweetie?" He nodded with his eyes closed, "Pull them up, baby." She eased away from his body to give him room as he stooped slightly to grab the petite straps. He slid the panties the rest of the way up his legs until the smooth red satin cradled his balls and stretched across his ass. His cock jutted obscenely over the front of the waistband. With her hand around his throbbing prick she guided him like a tiller over to the full-length urinals against the wall opposite the sinks. "Put your hands up here," she insisted, indicating the chrome pipe above the urinal in front of him. He reached up and took hold as she continued the corkscrewing caress of his shaft. "Brian, I need your help," she pointed at the shopping bag. "Bring me the black heels in the top of that bag." He did as she asked, stroking his dick as he brought the heels to her. "Put them on his feet for me. I can't reach down there without stopping this slut's milking. Jason's eyes opened slightly at her words, "Wuh...wait...w-what?" he breathed groggily. "Oh, Jason...don't make me stop now. I'm almost done getting my kicks...and then..." she let her words hang in the air. She pressed against him from behind again as she stroked his cock, putting her lips against his ear; I could just barely make out her hushed voice, "...and then I'll be yours. I want you to rip off my clothes. I want you to strip me like you're some kind of escaped convict and throw my naked body down on the floor. I want you to make me your bitch." She emphasized the word 'bitch' by thrusting her hips against his pantied ass. "I want you to make me feel the way a woman should feel...the way a woman is MEANT to feel. I want you to use me like a cheap whore and when you're done, I want you to leave me on the floor of the men's room, naked, abandoned, humiliated, and covered in your cum." Jason's eyes were closed again and Jennifer motioned her head at Brian. He bent and grabbed one of Jason's ankles, and bending Jason's knee, he lifted his bare foot behind him and started sliding it into the strappy black heel. Jennifer continued casting her spell, "I want you to force me to do things I've never done before...things I'm too scared to try unless someone makes me do it. I might struggle a little, but I'm sure you can hold me down." She was grinding her hips against his ass the whole time. With her free hand she started to trace circles around his left nipple. Brian had gotten the first shoe on and lowered Jason's foot to the floor with a click of heel against tile. When Brian lifted the other foot, Jason's ankle wobbled atop the 4 inch heel, but with his hands gripping the pipe over his head he managed to keep his balance as Brian got to work on the other shoe. Jennifer was now flicking and pinching Jason's nipple as her pelvic thrusts became more forceful, rocking Jason forward against the urinal. "I'm scared, Jason," she continued, "I'm scared of what you'll do to me. I know I talked about an ass-fucking, but it's one thing to talk, and another thing to actually go through with it. I've never even let a man touch me back there." Once both of Jason's heeled feet were on the floor, Jennifer slid her hand down the back of his panties and squeezed a cheek; her other hand continued stroking his cock. "What do you think it will be like for me? What will it be like to be taken like a bitch in heat?" she asked as she moved her hand between his legs and caressed the back of his balls with her fingers, " be touched there for the very first time?" Her fingertips glided back along his taint and up in between his ass cheeks "Will I cry out when you finally do it?" Jason let out a shuddering gasp as she lightly touched his tight, virgin hole. "What will it feel like to have your strong finger start to press against my most secret place?" Jason's leg muscles started to tense as she acted out the words she spoke. "How much pressure will it take to slip your fingertip into me? What will it feel like to have you force your way into my desperately clenching hole?" Jason sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth. "...and how much more pressure will it take to wiggle in an entire finger deep inside?" "Mmmaah," he groaned as she buried her thumb in him. "Maybe I won't resist after all," she said, "Maybe I'll like it. Maybe I'll arch my back and push my ass against you to get you deeper inside me." She waited a beat. "What do you think? Will that make it feel even better?" After another moment he pushed his ass back against her with long, low sigh: "Aaaaahhhh." She let go of his erection and he squirmed and whined like a tantrumming little girl. After a few seconds of this she began working her magic fingers in an all-too-familiar way. She was rubbing her thumb against the front of his insides as her fingers caressed behind his balls to press his prostate in small circles. It wasn't long before he was moaning again, his throbbing erection drooling a string of fluid onto the floor. With a look of disgust, she pulled the front of his panties up and over his little prick which uselessly tented the shiny material. With her other hand she ran her fingertips along Jason's spine, then, slipping the hand around his side, she found a nipple to lightly pinch. Jason began grinding against the hand in his panties. "That's it, sweetie. You just keep working that pretty little ass." He began to pant with each gyration. "You belong to me now, angel," she twisted his nipple and he squealed, then with the same hand she smacked his ass hard. He let out an involuntary yelp as his whole body jerked in surprise. "That's right slut...your ass is mine." She turned to see Brian back across the room again. He was watching and stroking his cock. "I need an extra hand again, Brian," she insisted. Cock in hand, he stood behind Jason where she indicated with a nod. She pulled her thumb out and Jason moaned a desperate, hungry moan. He was rocking his hips in a circular motion and started to make little begging whimpering noises: "Nnn, uhnnn, mmm." "Pull down his panties," she ordered in a hushed tone. Brian stopped stroking and placed his palms on the pale, cool flesh of the pantied ass in front of him. He hooked his thumbs into the skimpy spaghetti-straps arching over Jason's pale hips and slid the red satin down to mid-thigh. Jason's sticky, pink cock was hanging free again, a string of pre cum connecting the tip of his little member to the creamy puddle that had collected in the crotch of his now soaked panties. "That's a lot of cum in your panties, slut. You'd be amazed how much more I could still milk out of you like this." She turned her head to Brian who had one hand back on Jason's hip while he jerked with the other. "What do you think, Brian? How much does he have left in that tight little sack?" She told him, " it heavy?" Brian hesitantly slid the hand on Jason's hip down between his legs and cupped the package nestled there. Jason, completely entranced in his own pleasure, let a small sigh escape his lips at the gentle fondling. A devilish smile spread across Jennifer's face...This was going to work. This little homophobe had just unwittingly moaned at the caress of his best friend. Jennifer looked Brian in the eye and said, "Give this bitch what she's begging for." Brian spat in Jason's ass-crack and grabbed one hip again. With the other hand he guided the tip of his thick, dark cock between his friend's cheeks. Jason let out a satisfied groan as Brian nestled his head in his ass - glad to have something touching him back there again. Then Brian took a hold of both hips and pulled on them as he started pushing his cock in. "AH! AH! AH!," Jason gasped as the thick meat pillar spread his behind around the slow, relentless advance. Jason threw his hands against Brian's thighs to delay the inevitable, but Brian's strong arms didn't falter against Jason's meager resistance. Jason tottered forward on his heels in a vain escape, but Brian just stepped with him, trapping Jason against the cool, white porcelain. He had nowhere to go. Less than a minute later, Jason's ass was flush against Brian's lap. Jason was panting like he'd just run a wind-sprint. They both froze like this for another full minute as Jason's breathing slowed. Then Brian began to slowly grind his pelvis against the ass in front of him. It wasn't long until the grinding was reciprocated by Jason, and not long after that until the grinding had evolved into a steady thrusting. The bathroom echoed with meaty, lusty smacks; Jason was taking it all as he rocked and moaned. Balanced on the 4-inch heels, Jason pounded his ass back against his best friend's thrusting lap, his panties stretched between his wide-spread thighs. Brian took a fistful of Jason's hair and pulled his head back. Jason's face was turned up towards the ceiling, eyes closed, brows knotted, mouth hanging open in ecstasy. Jennifer stood by, beaming with a grin of pride and satisfaction. "That's it," she said to Brian, "make that bitch yours." She walked over to the sink and washed her hands before reaching into her purse and pulling out her cell phone. Then she crossed to Jason's discarded pile of clothes and dug the driver's license out of his wallet. She returned to Jason, leaning next to where his upper body was pressed against the wall. She held the phone up and began recording video. "Hey, Jason." She said, but he didn't respond. He was too out of it to hear her. She slapped him across the face. "Damn it, slut! Snap out of it!" His gaze was still a little glassed over, but he was at least making eye contact with her now. "There you are." She held up her phone again, framing his face on the screen. "I just wanted to get a little video of you doing...well...whatever it is that you seem to be doing." Jason's mouth was still hanging open with a rivulet of drool running out over his lower lip and hanging from his chin. "Let's start with the basics," she said as she brought up his drivers license into the corner of the screen next to his face. "This is Jason Green," she said cheerfully, like a game show host introducing a contestant. "Jason lives at 448 Tisdale Avenue, right here in Springfield." She apathetically dropped the license into the urinal. As she spoke, a look of nervous clarity began to dawn on Jason's face. "Here we are in the public men's room in Franklin Park," she said as she started to zoom out to capture the whole spectacle. Jason closed his mouth, sucking the drool off his lip and blinking his eyes rapidly as if struggling to wake from a dream. "ungh...W-wait...ungh," he whispered hoarsely between grunts. Jennifer continued: "...and as you can see, the little bitch is wearing a pair of deliciously slutty heels. He WAS wearing a pair of red satin panties, but his stud has pulled them down and bent him over so he can take the angry ass- fucking he's been enjoying for the last few minutes." During this section of monologue, Jason's expression of pleasure began to mix with fear...the fear of a trapped animal. "mmmf...don't...ungh...wait...Brian, please... " he began to whimper. "And how do we know Jason's been enjoying his best friend's deep- dicking?" she continued, "Don't take my word for it, look for yourself." She zoomed in on the throbbing pink erection jutting out from under his belly. The humiliation burned Jason's face a few shades deeper than his already pink, lusty complexion. He dropped his head to hide his face between his arms. "Oh, God," he gasped, with equal parts shame and desire. With each thrust Jason's veiny hard-on bounced cheerfully over the panties stretched between his thighs. A sticky whip of pre-cum swung wildly from the swollen purple tip as his best friend's thick, pistoning cock milked the fertile fluid out of him. "So, Jason..." Jennifer mocked, "What was it again you were going to do...something about my white, housewife ass? I believe you requested a deep-dicking, but I'm afraid your filthy little prick isn't going to be able to participate tonight. That is...except for swinging uselessly between your spread legs." Earlier, after the slap to the face, Jason had stopped pushing back against Brian, but even now in this moment of relative clarity, his body was beginning to involuntarily respond, and he was gradually starting up again despite his still-hidden, flushed face. "What's this, slut? Are you starting to enjoy it again?" The pace increased and his bare ass smacked against Brian's thighs. "I asked you a question, Jason." After a pause he mumbled an indiscernible response. She roughly yanked his head up by the hair. "Speak up, whore," she spat in a venomous tone. "Ungh...I s-said...ungh...that I...uhn...was...ungh...trying to...mmfh...get him finish." Jennifer's laughter suddenly echoed through the restroom, and Jason dropped his head again at the sound. "I hope you can appreciate the irony, Jason," she spoke through a smile. "You had all these plans to put me, a housewife, in my place, but it's YOU who are the perfect housewife. Look at you...slamming that ass back hard, doing your wifely duty, trying to please your 'finish' him as you put it. Only the very best of housewives serve their man so well as to fuck like a whore even when they don't feel in the mood." She looked down at his still swinging hard-on, "...but I think we both know you ARE in the mood, despite your best efforts to appear to be a prim and proper little homemaker. "Wait!" he suddenly pleaded, "Oh no...uhn...please...uhn..." Jason struggled to stay focused, but his eyes were starting to glaze over as the impending release built inside him. But even as his reality swirled around him a small part still resisted and he spoke between panting breaths: "Brian...uhn...wait..unh....stop...unh....gonna...uhn...make me...unh...cum...unh" Jason's legs tensed and he pressed up onto his toes so hard the narrow 4- inch heels of his sandals lifted off the tile floor. "Stop!...uhn...Brian...unh...please...unh...Brian...unh...oh, God...unh....oh, God...unh...OH, GOD...BRIAN!!" His erection began shuddering with the mad convulsions of pre-orgasmic contraction. Jason let out a shriek of protest and ecstasy as the head of his cock suddenly swelled like a ripe tomato before spewing a streak of white jism against the smooth porcelain of the urinal. "Oooh, what a good girl," Jennifer praised with derision. After that first, forceful spurt his penis began to hang between his legs, and he squirted four or five more times on the floor between the toes of his high-heels. "Oh, Briannn..." he whimpered huskily between his teeth. He had been completely emasculated...more completely than Jennifer ever would have thought possible, and it suddenly became hard to view Jason not as a "he"... but a "she." Not HIS panties, but HER panties...and in that moment exposed as SHE was and expressing HER pleasure openly with such sincerity...such wanton abandon... suddenly, and inexplicably, Jason looked strangely beautiful - balanced on her heels pleasuring her man. Safe across the bathroom in my hiding place even I could feel the power of Jason's transformation in that moment and my penis began to leak a steady stream of pre-cum, filling the tight confines of my own panties with the fluid as I watched the lurid scene continue. Brian was still pumping away and the bathroom echoed with the rhythmic smacking of stomach against ass. Each of Brian's thrusts was accompanied by what was now a much more subdued, tight-lipped squeak from Jason, whose shriveling pink penis was trailing a sticky string down into the red panties stretched between HER thighs. HER weak legs began to tremble, and a few moments later she dropped to her hands and knees, her head hanging low in post-euphoric humiliation. Brian was right on top of her, and his face was starting to contort into a beastly snarl as his fucking became more feverish. Jason's limp body wasn't pushing back enough for Brian's tastes, so he grabbed her by her hips and hefted his bitch out into the middle of the bathroom floor where she collapsed face-down. Brian was on Jason like an animal, mounting her upturned ass and forcing her flat against the tiles, her high-heeled legs sprawling out under the weight of her burly stud. Brian was in a savage place, beyond thought. He gathered his slut's wrists in one hand and stretched her arms up over her head. She squirmed to free her hands, but Brian was too strong. With his other hand he grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked her head back until she was almost impossibly looking up. The little bitch squirmed against her man's restraint but Brian was not having it. He was being driven... driven by a force of nature coursing through his blood... a primal force of nature that told him to drive deep into these fertile hips until his seed was sown - and by doing so to claim what was rightfully his by the laws of violent force. Then as Brian began shortening his strokes and grinding hard to the hilt, a surprising thing happened; a small glimpse of tile floor could be seen under the slut's hips as she lifted them slightly to meet the powerful weight of her stud. With each of Brian's thrusts Jason raised her hips more until I caught a glimpse of her growing erection rubbing against the cold, sticky floor. As she humped the floor her modest squeaks started to bloom into moans of delight, until finally her pleasure manifested in the name of her savage lover. "Mmmmm....Brian....mmmoh, God, Brian....oooh God Brian" she moaned. He grunted into the back of her neck at the sound of her moans, and her eyes closed, a smile spreading across her forcefully upturned face. "ooooh God.....oooooh Brian....mmm-hmmm...yeah....oh ye-OW BRIAN!!" Suddenly Brian buried his cock deep in his bitch's ass, the muscles of his legs tensed and frozen. He bit her on her upper back with a low rumbling groan. Jason ground his ass back in a circular motion as Brian filled the bitch with his hot load. Jason bit his lower lip and sighed through his teeth ..."yessssssss...." - the purr of the blissfully satisfied. "Perfect," Jennifer chuckled. Jason's smile faded, but the glazed look took a moment longer to snap out of. He turned his head and saw my wife still recording video on her phone. "You know, Jason...I thought I might be able to talk you into doing something a little embarrassing on video, but WOW. I really had no idea you had that in you." Brian had already let go of Jason's wrists and he writhed under his friend's weight to squirm out from under him, but Brian was in a near comatose state, and the dead weight was too much for him to move. Jennifer laughed again at the helpless display. "Oh it's not THAT easy, bitch. Your alpha-dog has you tied and's the only way to make sure you're impregnated properly." Jason redoubled his efforts and after a few fruitless moments he collapsed against the floor again, his friend's cock deep inside him...a load of hot ignorant sperm swimming up his ass in vain. Jennifer thumbed her phone to stop recording as Brian began to stir. I couldn't quite tell, but it looked like she was reviewing some of the footage she'd just taken. Brian pushed himself up off of the limp, defeated body beneath him, pulling his flaccid penis out of Jason's ass with a quiet 'plop.' He started collecting his clothes and getting dressed, completely ignoring his crossdressed friend lying face-down on the floor. Jason's face was buried in his hands; a thick, creamy surge was running out his hole and down the backside of his balls. Jennifer squated in front of him, still playing with her phone. "This is one of my favorite parts," she said as she turned the screen towards him. I couldn't see what was being played, but the small speakers filled the room with Jason's voice: "Mmmmm....Brian....mmmoh, God, Brian," followed by Brian's grunting orgasm and Jason's sigh of accomplishment: "yessssss...." "Jesus, Brian...I couldn't have scripted that any better. You're definitely going to be popular at the frat house after this gets on the internet," Suddenly, with a loud 'clack,' the deadbolt on the bathroom door unlocked from the outside. My breath caught as I froze, and everyone turned to see the door swing open. A large security guard pushed his way inside. "What the hell is going on in here?!" be continued?

Same as Jennifer's Plaything 5: Payback's a Bitch Videos

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PayBacks A Bitch

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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 1

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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 5

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She was happy, at or least she thought she was. She had a boyfriend that seemed to care about her, her career was on the rise, and she was stunning. Her name was Emily, a young petite Asian girl with a body that could make any man go wild. She had a firm, toned body with curves on her ass not normally seen on a Korean girl. Her breasts, though not large, we’re firm and snug nicely into a b-cup bra. On cold nights or when she was especially turned on, her perky nipples pierced the fabric...

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The Plaything

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Rashidha Chap11 Plaything Pt1 Family Visit

As I said in the previous chapter, I am my parent`s toy. I will do anything for them. Till now, there weren`t many interactions with other members of my family. Throughout the year we did go and see some relatives and they did come and visit us. When they would visit us, I would put on some clothes as our relationship is a secret. It was the holidays. It was the year 2013. I was still waiting for results so I was at home. My father`s brother who lives in South Africa along with his wife and son...

3 years ago
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Plaything for a Night part 1

I had been chatting with Sir for a long time online but had never met or even planned on meeting in real life. It was just fun chatting with him. Over the months we had shared gotten to know each other quite well, starting first with comments on naughty videos, and then chatting about fantasies. I had shared things with him that I had never shared with anyone. Although this was new to me, he had much more experience and patiently guided me to explore my submissive side. We discussed videos and...

1 year ago
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New Life As Blackmens Plaything Gay

It all started innocently enough one day while I was surfing the friend finding web site and had noticed that there was a large percentage of well endowed black members who were BI-sexual and were looking for women, couples and single guys to have sex with. I am married and have always been heterosexual but I find myself often fantasizing about sucking and being fucked by a well hung black man. I have never been with another man but have on occasion swallowed my own cum and found the taste...

3 years ago
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Arabian Plaything Chapter 19

FLASHBACK “You are being consigned to the Stables, Belle.” It was Madame Vesta who spoke ... and Belle shuddered at the hideous impact of the words. This was the fate most dreaded by all the slave-girls of Quireme. But it was never escaped by those who were fit and strong, tall and well-built. As Belle was. Very much so. She had an almost irrepressible urge to fling herself at Madame Vesta’s booted feet and beg and plead for escape. But, not only was she aware that it would be quite useless,...

4 years ago
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Arabian Plaything Chapter 14

BELLE, STILL FEELING the sharp sting of the weals raised by Miss Lirium, began to assimilate the information just given to her. Of course, she was quite familiar with such pain — and worse. It was simply part of the everyday existence of a slave-girl and had to be borne. Belle accepted it, not even feeling any resentment against the tall, striking-looking woman before whom she now knelt submissively, hands clasped at the back of her head. After all, it was no more than the duty of an Overseer...

2 years ago
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Hes My Plaything

True story, and my first. I had always fantasized about giving my first blowjob. There was something, I thought, so inexplicably sexy about pleasuring a lover with your mouth. And of course, after a month of exchanging teasing texts I wanted you. But first things first; descriptions. I am a slender young woman of average height, with red hair and dark blue eyes, like the skin of a blueberry. My skin is milky white and dusted with freckles that run from my impish nose, down my neck and over my...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Jennifers Plaything

Jennifer's Plaything By: Naughty Nicole [email protected] My name is Nick, I'm 29 years old, and I have what I expect most people would call a "normal" life. At least I thought I did. I came home from work on a typical weeknight expecting the usual routine of dinner and vegging out on the couch. I work as a network administrator in a technical support help desk and usually come home brain dead after eight hours of dealing with frustrating customers. I stopped by the...

2 years ago
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Jennifers Plaything 2 Shame and Betrayal in Apartment 214

Jennifer's Plaything - Part Two: Shame and Betrayal in Apartment 214 By: Naughty Nicole [email protected] (Two weeks later...) God, it's hot. I opened my mailbox: junk mail...nothing but junk mail. "Junk mail," a voice parroted my thoughts. I looked up...Heather. I glanced around. I could have sworn there was no one near the mailboxes when I walked up. She was wearing what I jokingly referred to as her 'housewife clothes:' a baggy sweatshirt with a wide neck and...

2 years ago
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Jennifers Plaything 7 Through the LookingGlass

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am continuing to tell this story piecemeal, so I've, once again, skipped ahead in the plot to tell the section of the story that I want to tell next. When we last left off, Nick was trapped in a public restroom stall, and a security guard had just barged in to find the aftermath of Jason, Brian, and Jennifer's "encounter." Well, without getting into any spoilers: Nick escaped with his dignity intact and Jennifer sent him off all alone with some cash for a cab-ride...

3 years ago
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Straight Man To Old Mans Plaything

Straight Man To Old Man's New Play Thing So let me start by giving you little background on myself m name is Sean I was a 23 year old guy from Ireland I had moved to England to work as a live in carer it was a job I enjoyed and it aloud me to travel all around the U.K. whilst also giving me plenty of free time I would usually work a month then get a week off to travel and relax. I was a quite person I mainly stuck to but usually got very sociable after a few drinks, I was just a normal...

4 years ago
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Sebastians plaything

Sebastian strutted up and down the huge wooden floored room muttering under his breath, Alexandra couldn't understand what he was muttering but she knew it wasn't good. Heavy foot- steps hit the floor; the riding crop beat a similar rhythm on his right booted leg. Suddenly he blurted out "you have tested my patience to long young girl" Alexandra tried to get some words out but Sebastian ignored her attempts to speak so she just laid there relaxing her limbs and leaving a little slack in her...

3 years ago
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My Mothers Plaything

My lover Sera and I are relaxing together after a satisfying fuck in the dorm room we share. Her strap-on cock rests on the end table, still glistening from a very intense workout. She smiles winsomely and murmurs, "Hey, Kris... tell me about your mother again." "What about her?" I play it coy, lifting an eyebrow. Sera scowls. "You know, girl. The things you guys do together." "Jesus," I laugh. "You can't get enough of hearing that, can you?" I glance at her breasts, still showing signs of the...

2 years ago
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Voodoo Brats Plaything

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? VOODOO ? BRAT?S PLAYTHING By  Sonya Esperanto? [email protected] Synopsis: Voodoo was a character from WildC.A.T.S. from DC/Wildstorm. This is not a story for profit. This is not for anyone below 18 too. (The concept of this storyline is what if Voodoo was not a member of WILDC.A.T.S. and that she existed in a world where Dark...

4 years ago
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The Orcs Plaything

The Orc's Plaything "Oooooooh mommy what is it?" "It's a… I mean she's a mix breed…. She is Human and….….youcan tell by…."I watched as the elven child scuttled behind the robes of her mother legs.As I moved on though the crowd, the whispered words followed my path as eyesbore into the deep shadow of the robe I wore.. Children at least were morehonest in their reaction. The adults thought they were so subtle in their horror "Sil….Sil….damn it… would you please wait upyou cantankerous...

2 years ago
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How I Became Masters Plaything

HOW I BECAME MASTER’S PLAYTHING By HAJIM It all started by accident. I was rushing out of Grace Bros without looking where I was going. I cannoned into a man so hard that I knocked him down. I instantly went to help him up. I said“Sir, I’m so sorry, Sir. I hope I haven’t hurt you. Please let me help you, Sir.’ He looked at me rather strangely but took my hand and got up. He looked rather shaken so I said, “Sir, let me buy you a cup of coffee as a small recompense for the damage I have done” He...

1 year ago
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Diapered Plaything

You always wondered how you ended up with your extremely beautiful wife, Julie. Until one fateful Saturday morning, she explains to you. “We have to talk sweetie. You see I don’t love you the same way, you love me. I am actually a lesbian, I know you are wondering why I married you then. Well first my family is a bunch of homophobic jerks. They threatened to disown me if I didn’t married soon enough. That is why I was in such hurry to marry. I chose you because you are kind of pitiful, I mean...

1 year ago
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Mens Plaything

“There’s no need to put panties on under that skirt. They’ll just get in everyone’s way.” My boyfriend Jason was impatient to get going to his friends house. There were at least 7 of his male co-workers waiting on us. This was going to be the first time this group would use me as their fuck-toy. All of them had ‘girlfriends’ that had been gang fucked by all of the men at some point during the last 6 months. Now it was my turn. Jason had started working as an investment banker with a new firm...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Payback is a Bitch

It all started when my wife and I were going to go to a wedding back in my old college town. My wife, April, attended college there with me and knew a lot of the locals. With the added company of our old college buddies, it was too much like old times to pass up. When April and I were packing for the trip I noticed she packed the dress that she knew I loved. It was a VERY tight fitting strapless dress that stopped about 2 inches from her knees. The material was so tight that she could not wear...

2 years ago
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Payback is a Bitch

It all started when my wife and I were going to go to a wedding back in my old college town. My wife, April, attended college there with me and knew a lot of the locals. With the added company of our old college buddies, it was too much like old times to pass up. When April and I were packing for the trip I noticed she packed the dress that she knew I loved. It was a VERY tight fitting strapless dress that stopped about 2 inches from her knees. The material was so tight that she could...


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