Programmed free porn video

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Programmed The last thing I remembered was I was attending my weekly hypnotherapy session to quit smoking, and now I'm looking out the window of a train and my wife is saying to me you better not panic or you'll be in real trouble, as I hear this I look down and to see my legs clad in nylons with a skirt above my knees, then she says I know your secret now after finding several cross dressing stories stored on your computer, So with the help of Lisa (my hypnotherapist and her friend) we started to program you with subliminal messages and commands so you will act and do what you are told. WE have been working on this for several months and it has been working well, so with a uttering a single key word you can be put into a trance or made to do whatever your told or dress however I desire, like in the outfit you have on now. Just so you know we are on a train to San Francisco, we have a hotel room waiting for us there where we will spend a few days before returning to our home in Chicago, and just to keep it safe and it interesting you have been programmed so that you will act feminine but aware of your surroundings and actions however you must be given the programmed word twice a day to keep the programmed thoughts going or you'll just end up reverting to yourself but as a guy in a dress, not knowing how to act or what to do and just plain looking silly I'm going to put you back into a Trans now "*******" something unintelligent was said to me. Again I awake with my wife next to me but this time we are in a compartment on the train. She says to me it is now 7 pm and the programmed word and commands have been given to you your good until tomorrow morning. I wanted to ask a question but can't seem to get it out. She looks into my eyes and says I know what you want to ask honey but just enjoy your adventure since you wrote it! I go into the bathroom look in the mirror and see that my face is all made up, my collar length hair has been highlighted and styled in a very feminine style, and my finger nails appeared to have had fake nails applied about ? of inch past my fingertips and are painted a deep red matching my toenails and the lipstick that's on my lips. Looking back in the mirror I see that I have two shades of pink eye shadow on my eyes, mascara on my lashes and eyeliner on my eye lids, there is foundation on my face and blush on my cheeks. I return to the compartment where I look myself over in a in a wall mounted mirror to see that I have high heeled sandals on, nude stockings, and I'm wearing an above the knee rounded neck white dress with pink flowers on it. I reach around behind me unzip the dress and step out of it to see that the stockings I'm wearing are pantyhose with white lace hi cut panties under them and a matching bra which contains prosthetic breasts that appear to be attached to my chest, I remove my shoes and pantyhose and hang the dress up, go to a pink suitcase open it and pull out a pink frilly night dress and put it on, it reaches just below my crotch, I return to the bathroom and start to wash my makeup off using some creams and soaps I find in a makeup bag in the bathroom. I have no though about doing this I just seem to do it like I have been doing it all my life, as my wife watches in amusement. After leaving the bathroom I return to the main part of the compartment, where I do a little exploring I find that the suitcase contains nothing but feminine articles of clothing nothing even close to male clothing in it, skirts, dresses, blouses, several items of lingerie including, panties, bras, girdles and several pairs of pantyhose and stockings in different colors and shades. After looking though it I figure these are apparently going to be my things for the next few days I got into bed and went to sleep. I awake the next morning and after a bout of panic I calm down and try to reassess what's happened to me the day before as I wandered around my compartment dressed in a night dress with a bra and panties on! Suddenly the door opens and my wife enters the compartment says good morning and asked me how my night was, I replied how you think! And where are my clothes? She said in your bag of course, I said no my male clothes? Suddenly she said something and I seemed to freeze unable to move or speak. My wife then said" listen closely this is your warning you will obey me or you'll be in some real trouble"" you will continue this adventure with or without my help and it will be a lot easier with my assistance verses without! Do you understand and just to make sure I've deiced that you will wear something uncomfortable for your trip from the train to our hotel" she then says something un-understandable to me. I turn and walk to the bathroom like a robot where I wash up shave brush my hair and start making up my face, foundation, eyeliner, eye shadow, blush and bright red lipstick. With my wife watching, (I'm amazed considering I've never used makeup before! or not that I know of) after finishing I walk back into the compartment where my wife has put out some clothes for me to wear, a pair of cotton panties, a high waist open bottom girdle, some hold up stockings a long line bra, followed by a white lacy ruffled blouse and below the knee length skirt. I begin removing my night dress panties and bra and then without even thinking I put on the new panties and long line bra, pull the girdle up and zip it up the side making it real tight on me, I sit down with some difficultly because of the girdle and put on the stocking s rolling them up and attaching them to the six garters on the girdle, put on the blouse, a pair of open toed pumps then I step into the skirt and pull it up and zip it up the back. While doing this I see my wife put on a tee shirt Jeans and sneakers. A few minute later I hear an announcement that the train is coming into San Francisco we pick up our suit cases, purses and makeup kits and we leave the compartment. My wife starts walking to the exit (the whole way I keep yelling in my head to stop! but I keep going) I notice that as I walk the girdle keeps my thighs together causing me to swing my hips when I walk, the skirt is real narrow and restricts my legs causing me to take short steps. Once at the exit I have to be helped off the train by a porter because of the restriction of the skirt, he smiles at me and tells me "have a nice day mum "and hops back onto the train and it pulls away . We set off walking to the hotel, me wiggling along with short steps trying to keep up with my wife thanks to the girdle and restrictive skirt; I also feel the pull of the garter on the stocking with every step of my high heeled feet. After what seems like a lifetime I wiggled into the hotel and up to the front desk with my wife where a young girl who watched us walk in asks"can I help you ladies?" My wife tells her we have a reservation and after looking it up she is handed key, a bell hop grabs our bags and were off to our room me falling behind wiggling and swaying all the way trying to keep up! Once in the room my wife turns to me and says having fun yet? I go to say no but my mouth says "yes "and she says good because now the real fun starts we are going shopping, "let's go" and the next thing I know I'm walking out the door behind her! We spent the day wandering the streets of the town walking everywhere, or at least my wife was walking I on the other hand just seemed to wiggled along, with the feeling that every set of eyes in town were watching me! We finally returned to our hotel for a quick dinner, renewal of the control word then back to our room. Once back in out room my wife said something unintelligible to me and I began to undress removing my shoes, blouse, skirt, long line bra, stockings and thank god the girdle, I slipped on a night dress and walked into the bathroom and once again take the creams and soaps out of a makeup kit and began washing my face. After that I return to the main room where I was asked do you understand who's in charge here or would another day in a hobble skirt and girdle be necessary, I quickly said "no" and went to bed. The next morning I awake to my wife putting on her shorts and a comfortable top and pair of sandals, she again says something unintelligible to me; I popped up out of bed walk to the bathroom shave, shower and sit down and started Appling makeup again! (I felt like I was just an observer watching myself do this!) I fixed my hair then returned to the bedroom where my clothes were laid out for me, this time it was a pink floral, bra, satiny high cut matching panties, white pantyhose, pink strappy high heeled sandals and a pink floral sundress. I find myself putting my arms though the straps of the bra pulling it on adjusting the cups around my breast forms them fastening it behind my back, next I pull the panties on then sit down, roll the pantyhose on one foot at a time, rolling them carefully up my legs and adjust the panty portion around my waist, I put the high heeled sandals on my feet and fasten the straps around my ankles; last I pull the sundress over my head and adjust it. (What have I done?)My wife hands me a purse and we walk out the door. As I walk I realize how light the dress feels and how the billowy above the knee skirt catches the breeze with every step I take, we go to breakfast where I'm given fruit, tea and juice while my wife eats eggs bacon and coffee. After breakfast we're off again this time to art galleries some small stores and a street fare, all I can think about is making sure the next breeze doesn't lift my skirt up. So far no one has seemed to read me but that's all that goes through my mind as I walk down the street with my skirt billowing in the breeze. We return to the hotel for diner and while walking back to the room my wife says something unintelligent to me and I suddenly stubble in the heels and have a hard time walking in them, I also feel the satin panties caressing my behind, the weight of the breast forms on my chest and the silky feeling of the pantyhose on my legs, when we reach the room I ask what did you say to me? She laughs and says I just wanted to remind you of my of the power of my commands and your programming, I just turned off your feminine programming letting you be a guy in a dress so you could see what could happen to you if you give me any problems, then she giggles, I rush into the room hoping no one saw me and feeling totally silly dressed as I was, I hear my wife say something unintelligent again, and I feel confident and at ease with myself and manor of dress . My daily programmed word is then given, and my wife looks at me smiles and says well the programming is still working! I then go though my new nightly routine of makeup removal and getting ready for bed. The next morning begins once again begins with an unintelligent word and I'm up and off to do my new morning routine of shaving, showering doing my hair and putting on makeup. After that I return to find my clothes for the day, this time it's sheer baby blue panties and bra with satin panels and lace trim, black pantyhose, an above the knee denim dress and a pink scarf, I step into the panties put on the bra adjusting the cups over my breasts forms then I sit down and pull the pantyhose up my legs, put a pair of high heeled sandals on my feet, stand up and put the denim dress on and button it up the front, then tie the scarf around my neck. My wife looks at me and says perfect lets go and once again we're off to breakfast and then shopping and art galleries. While shopping my wife takes me into a lingerie store and starts holding up various lingerie items for me to see, panties, bras, stockings then Teddies, as she is showing me a sheer yellow teddy with white lace trim a clerk comes over and asks if we need help, my wife answers right away saying that she (pointing to me) loves this teddy but would like it in pink, the clerk looks at me and say a "c" cup? Which is quickly answered by my wife yes a "40 C" the clerk walks away only to quickly returns with the item and holds it up for me to see, I look at it and realize that it's so sheer you can see though most of it, My wife turns and says let go and try it on she takes it from the clerk and hands it to me. Again I feel compelled to put it on and walk to the changing rooms and go into a small booth with my wife she has me take off my dress and bra and put the teddy on over my panties and pantyhose, she adjusts the straps and then points out the lace around the leg openings and across the butt saying how cute it is then she explains how the crotch snaps open for bathroom use and other reasons, all's I can think about is how sheer it is and that you can see though most of the garment other than the bra cups, I am told to take it off and redress. After stepping out of the changing room the clerk approaches and asks "well?" and my wife says it fits her perfectly, do you have it in any other colors? The clerk says it comes in White with pink trim, pale blue with dark blue trim, black with red lace trim and red with black lace trim. My wife says great she'll take the pink and white one and the red with black one, black with red and she'll need some stocking to go with those, whatever you think a gentleman would like to see her in! The clerk takes us over to where the stocking are and first shows us a pair of black stockings with which she says have three silicon bands in them at the top behind the three inch red lace trimmed top so they stay up without the need of a garter belt, and they also have a seem up the back and should look really sexy with the red and black teddy or black with red teddy. She next shows us a pair of white stocking again with silicon bands to keep them up plus a lace pattern though out the stocking, saying these would great with the pink teddy, my wife says fine we'll take them! After making the purchase we walk out the store and my wife leans over and whispers to me you'll look so sexy in those! A chill runs down my spine! We finally head back to the hotel for dinner and after giving me my programmed word I start my nightly routine before going to bed. I awake to the day I thought would never come the day we're to head home, I once again am given my command word and off to the bathroom to do my new morning routine of shave, shower, fix my hair and put on my makeup. After coming out of the bathroom I'm met by my wife who says, "what should we wear?" then she says "I know" and goes over to the bags from the lingerie store pulls out the red and black teddy and the black stockings and places them on the bed she go to the pink suitcase and pulls out a pair spike heeled pumps and places them on the bed next to the lingerie, I walk over step into the teddy sit down take the stockings and roll them on one at a time up my legs, only to be told by my wife to "straighten your seems" after doing that I put the pumps on and stand up. My wife says "now go look at yourself in the mirror" I walk over to the mirror and see myself standing there in a practically see though teddy with my stockings stopping just below the black laced leg opening of the teddy, I'm told to turn around which I do and see the black lace ruffles across the back of the teddy! (I'm trying not to look but can't help myself) my concentration is broken by my wife who says "you know that looks so sexy on you maybe you should wear just that home and nothing else" (in my head I am screaming "no" but nothing is coming out of my mouth) she the laughs and says "I guess maybe not we don't want you arrested" she then pulls a red blouse, black jacket and skirt out of the case and says put this on. After putting the skirt jacket and blouse on, I'm told "now you're all business on the outside and sexy on the inside". My wife puts on a pair of jeans some flats and a tee shirt and denim jacket and we're off for the train station. Walking to the train station I keep thinking about the sheerness of the teddy and how it leaves nothing to the imagination if my skirt blows up or if someone sees up my skirt I'm in big trouble, I am also very aware of the feel of stockings, trying discreetly to keep them up and the seams straight, as well as concentrating on walking in the spiked heels! Finally we're on the train and on the way home, as we're sitting in the observation car watching the scenery go by my wife says something unintelligible to me and I am suddenly fully aware of how I'm dressed and scared about it. My wife says you have been released from your programming for a little while so I can tell you something and let you squirm a bit, I have know about your cross dressing for a while and just ignored it until I read all the cross dressing stories you have saved and written. After reading them I spoke to Lisa and With her help and subliminal programming you are going to experience them all, because I have had fun and you took to the programming so well . I think we'll continue this. I looked at her and said "All the stories?" and she said "yes all" with a big grin on her face "in fact I think I'm going to enjoy having a maid! So you just sit there while and think about it and your future while I'll go get some drinks. She stood up and walked away leaving me sitting there contemplating my future and Hoping she would give at least give me the programmed word again before we got off the train. The end or is it?

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Getting out of the car, I kept my eyes on Lady Reynolds. She wore dark sunglasses and a trench coat. It was pleasant outside. I was sure that wouldn't last. "Lord Setton, I've been looking for you," she started. "How many are with you?" I asked. I could tell she was blinking at my blunt question, even with the glasses impeding my sight of her eyes. "How many Dragons are here Cicely?" She cleared her throat and croaked, "Two." "Get in the car and tell Sally I said to leave....

2 years ago
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The Houseguest

I was lying on the bed, rubbing my pussy as I felt the wetness between my legs. My ass was still stinging from the spanking he gave me. God, I wanted him so badly and he was in my house, just a few feet away. I could have rubbed myself to orgasm, but I wanted him to do it. I needed him to make me cum. Ok, let me explain what led up to my insatiable horniness. Detective Liu Chang took me down to the police station last week and called my parents to pick me up. When my parents arrived, he told...

3 years ago
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The Girl Whose Name I Cant be Forced to Remember

When I moved out on my own, I totally moved out on my own. Unlike your average twenty-something, I did not move in with friends, I just moved out on my own. I had a trailer of my own, with nobody else with which to share it. It took some getting used to, but I eventually grew to like not having anyone to mess with my things, or to tell me what I needed to be doing. Due to a deal with my sister, I still had someone once a week doing my laundry (while I wasn't home, but she was doing her...

1 year ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 98 Ena

Standing suddenly in the doorway of an unfamiliar octagonal room, Ryoko found herself again taking stock. Marveling at the subtle details which proclaimed this new vista unfolding before her as absolutely real. The sight of lavish draperies splashing iridescent color across dark hardwood walls, a lingering aroma she couldn't immediately identify cascaded pleasantly past her perceptions as Ena's voice softly began. "I was still quite young; the day my mother pulled me roughly into the room...

1 year ago
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Fantasy date part 2

I lay down on the bed and she went into the bathroom to freshen up. When she came out, she was wearing a silky red teddy. Her long dark blond hair was pulled up sexily, her eyes sparkled. She came over to the bed and kissed me gently on the lips, and started unbuttoning my shirt, kissing my flesh as it was slowly exposed. She worked her way down my body, kissing and nibbling, and when I was completely nude, she worked her way back up again. Kim was also getting very aroused, because I felt...

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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 26 Late summer 1984 Val and Joe

"This is a terrible connection," Val said. "Where are you?" "At the office," Joe said. "Shall I try again?" "Maybe I should call you back." "It's cheaper from here isn't it?" "Let me call you back, anyway." "Okay, good," Joe said, and hung up. She'd been dressing for dinner when he called, and she stood now in bra and panties in the master bedroom looking in the mirror at her bulging belly. Seven months along ... wow! I look like shit. Frowning with distaste at her...

1 year ago
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Bobby Gets Educated Part I

Even when I was very young, my body was already tuned to sexuality. I remember getting a boner when in the bathtub or shower with my little sister up until I was 10 years old. About that time, Mom decided that we probably shouldn't be bathing together anymore. Funny that Mom cared about this but blew-off worry about so many similar cases. In the bath, my sister would grab my pointing 2" penis, bend it down, and watch it spring back up. Even then, somebody else touching me was somehow electric....

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 39 Jenns Request

Helen lay panting on the chaise next to Dave. She was searching for an acceptable term she could use in the voice-overs on the TV tapes to describe what Dave and a few other men did to the women when they made love to them. What they did was to provide a stream of near back-to-back orgasms over a short time period that left the woman gasping for air and infatuated with the man and the addictive pleasure responses triggered in her body. Dave said, “Why don’t you just call it a ‘string of...

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The Lesson Plan Part Three Field Trip Episode Two

The Lesson Plan -- Part Three: Field Trip Chapter Two You walk up the driveway to Melanie's modest house, new, shiny heels clicking on the concrete. It's a different neighbourhood to yours: a little nicer, the gardens a little better, the cars more likely to be German than Korean. There's a large living room window and you glance in, looking for some signs that you're in the right place. You've never been to Melanie's house before, you're just going off the directions she gave you...

2 years ago
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UniversityChapter 23

Perth III We found Gino's and got a table for three. Sue arrived a few minutes later. "Hello, Gordy; no, you're certainly not 'Little Patrick' any more. How do you do? I'm Sue Carr." "Hi. You look just like you do on the telly ... just a bit prettier." "Ooh! A charmer." We ordered and Sue looked at me. "So, why did you want to talk to me? I don't need to be very clever to tell you've a reason." "Okay. But it's not a short story." "What's the headline?" "I want to...

1 year ago
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Now This Wont Hurt A BitChapter 30

Heather stood off to the side of the examination table, dressed again in the clothes she was wearing when she had arrived. She barely remembered taking them off, and remembered nothing of what had happened from there. Yet she felt a sense of euphoria, a gentle feeling of well-being through her entire body and mind. When Nyssa stepped in front of her, she smiled at her Mistress. Nyssa smiled in return and cupped one of Heather's cheeks. Heather closed her eyes and uttered a slow sigh of...

2 years ago
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My True Story About My Threesome Experience 8211 Part I

Hi friends, this is my 3rd story in this site, this is a awesome site which gives u the opportunity for letting our your true emotions.. This story might not be that interesting to many as i am telling the fact as it, some thing about me. I am a 38 year young guy from mumbai. This story happened around 10 years back but still fresh in my memory as this was the incident which broke my virginity. Well i am a tall guy with a good body, not muscular but healthy body with a good thick 7.5″ meat. I...

2 years ago
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Mystery Motel 17

Donald and Regina have been back from their honeymoon now for a couple of months when Regina has been waking up nauseated and hasn't been able to hold down food. Donald looked at Regina worried and said, "Honey, you are going to see the doctor." Donald went in called the doctor's office and within 2 minutes he came back into the bedroom. He said, "OK, honey get dressed I got you an appointment." She said, "Good grief but ok honey." She got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and...

3 years ago
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Halloween Tale Monsters Are Real

Thanks to Weirdo (John) for writing my Catgirl change. Halloween Tale: Monsters Are Real By Troy Monsters are real and I know it. How do I know it? Well that's easy. My friends and I are monsters. How did we get this way? It's a long story, but I'll tell you how it happened. There were six of us that night. Angel, Bill, Alec, John, Rena (who I always liked teasing about what I considered a girlish name), and myself had been told by our parents to go trick-or-treating for our...

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Death By Fucking Ch 01

I talked to her long before I physically met her. The first time I talked to her on the phone I hoped her voice was reflective of her looks. I saw a movie recently where a guy got off of the phone with a woman he had never met and said that she was ‘audibly blonde’. When I talked to Deirdre on the phone I thought she was audibly fuckable. I’ve never had that happen before. I made a simple business call, asked to talk to someone who had called my office requesting me while I was out. I was...

1 year ago
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Foursome Fantasy Fully Fulfilled

My friend has a great ski house in Vermont that barely gets used over the summer and she offered to let me use it for a long weekend. I convince Ron to take some time off and join me; we rarely get to spend nights away together and are both ridiculously excited to fuck each other’s brains out without interruptions!I arrive before him, set out some food, mix up some margaritas and slip into a little black lace piece. I see his truck pull up the driveway and start getting so wet with...

Group Sex
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a good accident

See ya later James later dude I put my ear buds in for the mile walk home, i stood on a corner and waited for the lights to change when it did I took two or three steps and thats all I remember but what Ive been told I was hit by a car doin 25 to 30 miles an hour and was tossed onto the cars hood and rolled in To the glass, all I know is two broken legs a hand full of bruised ribs and an broken arm are not fun. I had been in the hospital just shy of a week when I was released I didnt need...

3 years ago
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Demarcuss Birhtday Present Chapter 3 dinner with the neighbors

Recap: I was both surprised and flattered when my best friend and next door neighbor, Jen, confided to me that her husband, Demarcus, had a crush on me. However, I was taken aback when Jen suggested that I should be Demarcus's present for his fortieth birthday. I had never even considered such a thing. I told my husband, Tom, about this bizarre request. I expected Tom to be shocked, if not offended. However, he surprised me by making it clear that he found the idea titillating and intriguing....

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My Sexy Aunty Seena

His myself rahul . I am from kochi, kerala. I am 25 years and been a reader of this site since the my teens. This is my first story here and please feel free to comment. Like all teenage boys i too was eager about sex from a young age. Me and my friends used to watch porn films on sundays . These films made us so horny. I started to masturbate regularly. This happened when i was 18 years old. Now the heroine of the story is my aunt Seena, 32 who lives next door. Our houses were 200 metres apart...

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First thing you should know is that Mona has been a cheerleader since like 6th grade. I think she would have been a cheerleader from 1st grade if they had cheerleaders back then. Mona was born to be a cheerleader, spunky, happy, playful and most of all a total slut. I heard that she once gave a blowjob to two dicks at once…no, not dicks as in guys, as in two guys put their dicks together and she sucked both of them off. Mona is cool by default. One, she is rich. Well, her parents are rich. Two,...

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Amit Ne Chodi Meri Maa

Hi iss readers me karan ek bar phir chudaai ki kahani leke aaya hu umeed karta hu ki last story ke jaise hi aap ko ye story bhi pasand aayagai ye ek real story h. An me time waste na karte huea seedhe kahani pe aata hu ye kahani h meri maa aur mere dost amit ke beech hui chudaai ki . Meri mom shilpa ek housewife h wo dikhne me bahout sexy h unhe dekh ke kisi ka bhi lund khada ho jaye .Unki figure h 36-30-36 unki age 40 ha pr wo 30 ke lagbhag lagti unka colour bahout fair h me ek student hu...

3 years ago
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My Uncle JackChapter 9

So me and Jack went in to town he brought me loads of stuff (including some sexy lingerie. Which I couldn't wait to try on.) When we got home I rushed in to the bedroom and got changed in to a leather corset, frilly panties and stockings. I called Jack into the bedroom; I removed my panties and spread my legs nice and wide, As soon as Jack walked in his eyes nearly popped out his head. He watched me finger myself as I begged for his dick to fill my hole, and it wasn't long until he was on...

1 year ago
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My Sexual Odyssey Part 2 Becoming a Slut

A continuation of the journey described in part 1:After having had a few experiences, I became slightly more comfortable with my sexuality. I decided to branch out a bit, and see what life had to offer. I wondered whether there were any bars or clubs that I could go to to meet people who were looking for someone like me, so I went online and discovered, that yes, there were quite a few such places. It is so wonderful having the internet at times like these; I have no idea how I would have...

4 years ago
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A Sentimental HeartChapter 9

He couldn't quite believe it! She always seemed so demure and passive... Who would have thought that she would be such a... It had not taken Marcus very long to realise that whatever he asked, whatever he could dream up ... Miranda was game for a go! "I've always had this fantasy..." he murmured huskily and Miranda looked across at him eagerly, her eyes bright with anticipation. He wondered just how far she was willing to go, and hesitated for a moment so that he could soothe his...

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An auburn haired celtic siren

It's stupid o'clock in the morning and I'm sitting at the departures gate waiting for my flight to be called. I'm going to Frankfurt to look after some corporate VIP like the good techie I am. I'm so tired I am barely aware of the people around me moving in and out of my sight like they're walking through invisible fog. Then I see her.She's petite, with the slim figure of a woman in her twenties. Dressed standard business attire of airport staff everywhere. Heels, navy pencil skirt, white...

2 years ago
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Coffee Break

Zoë was working second shift at the coffee shop inside the local bookstore, and was excited to see Tristan come in that day. She hoped he was there mostly to see her. They had chatted a few times, and Zoë thought he was cute but didn’t know if he was into her. Tristan came in and saw Zoë making mocha for the only other customer in the coffee shop. He walked over to her and asked her to make him one as well. She smiled and said, “Sure thing.” Tristan asked her when she was going to go on...

Straight Sex
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Interracial neighbor fantasy

I am a happily married man in my 30s, but I confess to harbor an explicit fantasy about the neighbor across the street. I moved into the apartment across the street from the beautiful chocolate goddess I will call Sarah. The first thing that caught my eye about her was the fact that she drove a red moped. Every day, I would sit from porch and see her pull up, with her juicy, tones thighs straddling the the slightly too large seat. Sarah also has an credible ass, comparable to Lira Galore (look...

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how i became an ass sniffer

I arrived on campus that Saturday morning, wide eyed and ready for the world. Even though I was in the car with my parents, I felt like I was truly moving on, and ahead in my life. High school was just a distant memory at this point, and I couldn't be happier about that. Don't get me wrong, I look back on those years fondly, now. But, at the time, it was four years of awkwardness, thick glasses, and braces. I was always involved in sports, yet never the team superstar. I always did well in...

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Transformations ImmersionChapter 2

Because of Warren's vasectomy, Dottie had not worried about pregnancy for twenty years. In her mid forties, she was not yet menopausal, but her cycle had become very erratic and the doctor had not thought it worthwhile to put her on birth control to regulate it. The chance of pregnancy had occurred to her a few times on her weekends with Court, but had never occupied much of her attention. Since the last trip, she had noticed some morning problems, and had begun to fear the truth. When the...

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Shit. A wave of her perfume hit me as I opened the door. The evening’s summer breeze swished through her blonde hair, whipping it onto her gorgeous face. I found myself staring into those marvelous deep brown eyes of hers that I never wanted to see again… I finally found my voice. “Julia? Wh-what are you doing here? I thought I texted you-” “Emma, what’s wrong?” her voice, filled with worry, cut through my sentence. “What do you mean? I told you, I’m just feeling a bit sick today, so I don’t...


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