The Strawberry Patch Book 3 - Life On The SavannahChapter 31: Looking Under The Hood free porn video

Erin woke to the sound of knocking on our bedroom door before looking at the clock and seeing that it was nine in the morning.
“Oh my God! The kids and babies will be starving!”
Erin flew out of the bed and opened the door to find a smiling Dara Kowalski.
“Good morning Erin Step-Mom! Trent and I have fed the girls and with the help of Penelope, Paula, Margaret, Genevieve, and Erin Lynn, we’ve also fed the babies and changed their diapers. You should have seen Trent’s face when the diaper wind hit him. I may have to work on him extra hard when it comes time to make babies! When you guys want to come down we have a lot of bacon and waffles left over.”
Erin took her stepdaughter in her arms and gave her a big wet kiss on the lips.
“Thank you Dara. I was kind of panicked.” Erin said.
“No problem, but don’t kiss me like that! I’m an engaged woman!”
“Sorry.” Erin said with a big smile.
“But maybe, we can include my husband after I’m married!” Dara gave Erin a wicked smile of her own and turned to head down the stairs.
Erin closed the door and, scratching under her massive breasts, returned to the big double king-sized bed where Blossom had passed out, or fallen asleep from exhaustion, last night while Erin was pounding her with the big double dildo that was Paul’s Christmas gift to them.
At some point during the night, Erin had pulled the one end of the toy out of herself and gotten up to go to the bathroom. But when she came back to bed, she just cuddled with Blossom, falling back to sleep and leaving the big toy inside her pregnant little wife.
She returned to bed, moving close to her Latina wife’s furry, dark pussy, and slowly began to pull the big double ended dildo out of Blossom. She moved slowly, watching her little wife’s bright pink, inner labia clinging to it as they seemed to want to hold the big toy inside her.
“Ooooooooh!” Blossom moaned.
“Sorry, Baby. Does that hurt?” Erin whispered in her wife’s ear.
“Tender.” Blossom mumbled.
“I’m sorry. Should I kiss it and make it better?”
“Yes.” Blossom said sleepily as she pouted.
Erin lifted Blossom’s top leg and did a long, slow, wet lick from her dark brown rosebud ending with a tongue flick to her hooded clit while finally removing the big toy from her wife. Blossom let out a squeal, waking up Lynn and Paul.
“Sorry.” Blossom said.
“Hungry.” I moaned as I stretched, my morning wood waving at the ceiling.
“What time is it?” Lynn asked still half asleep.
“It’s just after nine o clock.” Erin answered.
It was Lynn’s turn to shoot straight up, moving so fast that she almost threw me on the floor.
“The kids and babies will be starving!” She said loudly.
“Calm down Lover. Dara took care of it. The kids and babies have been fed and taken care of. Dara and Trent have waffles and bacon waiting for us.”
“Food.” I moaned.
“Pee.” Blossom said.
“Shower.” Lynn commanded.
“PEE!” Blossom said loudly.
“Come on, Baby, you little baby.” Erin said as she pulled her little wife towards the bathroom.
I followed them with my eyes, noticing that Blossom was walking a little funny. I remembered that she and Erin were still going at it when Lynn and I had finally exhausted ourselves and had fallen asleep. I stood and when Lynn stood, before she could grab my morning wood and lead me to the shower, I reached between her legs and took a handful of bright curly red hair and, for a change, I led HER to the shower.
She walked with her hips thrust forward and her arms swinging side to side behind her like some goofy old time cartoon character. Blossom was sitting on the toilet as Erin started the shower. I led Lynn under the warm rainfall and turned to take her into my arms.
“It’s good to know that after this many years of marriage that we can still do that to each other.” I said.
“It’s like a self-sustaining thing. The more we do it, the more we will be able to do it. How does your butt feel?”
“Reamed. I think you bruised my prostate!” I complained.
“Poor hubby. I think you bruised my poor clitty.” Lynn said as she rubbed between her legs.
“All you need is a little TLC.” I said.
“So, get soaped up and get started.”
A short time after I began to wash Lynn’s body, I heard the toilet flush and our big and small wives walked into the shower. Blossom sat on the bench and leaned against the wall; she barely had her eyes open.
“Double dildo ... worst present ever ... tired ... tender.” Blossom was still mumbling.
Erin realized that she really had abused her little wife’s body and began to gently wash Blossom’s hair and massage her scalp. The little Latina groaned from the pleasure and leaned against her blonde wife’s belly before kissing Erin’s pussy, then whispering into it.
“Good morning, babies. I’m sorry I kept you up so late, and I hope we didn’t jiggle you around too much. I love you.”
“Thank you Baby!” Erin said as she dropped in front of the seat her little wife was sitting on and placed her face between Blossom’s legs and spreading out her large labia, exposing the hot pink flesh inside.
“Good morning baby. I love your mother so much. I’m sorry if I was too rough last night. I just love your mom so very much. I’ll see you this afternoon.”
“This afternoon?” Lynn said.
“Yes. You, Erin and Blossom have your ultrasounds today.” I answered.
“Oh shit. Paul wash out my pussy. I don’t want any surprises leaking out for Jim.”
“Lynn, we have several hours before we need to be at Jim’s office. You’ll be fine by then, but I would love to get your pussy clean.”
“Never mind, you’ll just get me all sopping wet again.” Lynn almost sounded exasperated, almost.
I got down on my knees and spread open Lynn’s pussy.
“Good morning my little loves. Your mother and I are going to get a look at you today. I can’t wait. I love you very much.”
“Oh! Thank you Lover. It feels like they enjoyed that.” Lynn rubbed her belly.
We dried each other and went downstairs for breakfast. Dara had a huge stack of waffles and another of bacon waiting for us. I poured a huge glass of OJ, while all of my wives took coffee. While we ate, Erin got up to get more coffee and as she walked past me, I stopped her and kissed her soft pillowy left butt cheek. There was a giggle.
“Daddy kissed Erin Mom on the butt!” Margaret said cheerfully.
“Yes, he did. Margaret Erin, do you know why he did that?” Erin asked her daughter.
“Because he is the Daddy.”
“Yes, but why else?”
“Because he loves you a lot.”
“Yes, he does, and I love him so very much. When people are in love, they are always touching and kissing. You know how Daddy and the moms act.”
“It’s funny.” The little blonde declared.
“Love is like that. How do Grandma and Grandpa act?” Blossom asked.
“They are always kissing.” Paula answered this time.
“And your big sister Dara and Trent?” Erin asked.
“They kiss and she touches his penis and he touches her ‘gina.” Penelope chimed in with her observation.
“Remind me to talk to them about that.” Lynn said to me with a sly smile.
It was a cold morning and the snow only missed Christmas by one day. I opened the front door to allow a cold breeze to blow into the house and walking out onto the porch, I and then my wives took stock of the scene before us. The new trees in the yard looked even more beautiful with their white coats. The RV was also covered in white, but the words on the side were still easy to see.
We walked back inside, feeling very Christmasy and content and were almost to the kitchen when we heard the scream of a child out back. I took off running, noticing that there were no children in the house. Getting to the back door, I ran out onto the deck, coming to a dead stop, my trailing wives all crashing into me.
There in the yard, screaming at the top of their lungs, with glee, were the five oldest O’Dell girls making naked snow angels.
“Girls!” A shocked Lynn called to them
“Mother, this is really cold!” Genevieve called back.
“Margaret Erin get your fuzzy butt in this house right now! And bring your sisters with you.”
Margaret jumped up and was immediately followed by Paula, Penelope, Genevieve and Erin Lynn. The five naked little girl tore into the house and hugged their mothers, transferring the winter snow’s cold to Erin and Lynn’s naked bodies. Both moms let out a gasp of surprise as their girls giggled at them.
If I had not laughed out loud at that point, I think everything would have been just fine. However, I did laugh ... loudly ... and before I knew it, I was dragged outside and into the snow by three wives and soon one of the epic naked O’Dell family snowball fights broke out. It took about six snowballs before the little girls figured what was going, and then it just turned into a general conflagration of snowballs flying from, and towards, everyone.
It all finally wore down when Blossom grabbed her tiny breasts and screamed “Milkshakes” as she shook her tiny, barely swollen breasts with the biggest, almost black, erect, frozen nipples I had ever had the pleasure to enjoy. Erin ran over to her and wrapped her up, lifting her so Blossom’s nipple was at Erin’s mouth height. Erin latched on and took a few draws before she dropped her tiny wife and ran towards the door.
“The babies are gonna love frozen milk shakes!” Erin announced.
“Oh yeah!” Lynn followed.
“Wait for me!” Blossom took up the rear.
“Daddy!” The words barely reached my ears before five snowballs hit me in the back and the butt. I roared like a monster, threw my arms up in the air and screamed.
“Frozen tickle monster!”
I chased the girls around the snowy back yard for a few minutes and after I caught Genevieve, I picked her up, threw her over my shoulder, and headed for the kitchen door.
“Hot chocolate!” I yelled, the girls followed as I dropped Genevieve to my chest and hugged her. She cuddled against my chest in return. Once everyone had a warm mug of our favorite drink, we all gathered in the family room with the almost too big babies cuddled up in their mom’s nursing slings, except for William, who was being bottle fed by Dara.
“Trent can we please have a ton of babies? I want to lactate forever, just like my Erin Step-mom.”
“I don’t know, Dara. I’ll do the best I can, but I don’t think that I’m able to shoot the kind of magic bullets that Paul does. I mean Erin is in for, what four babies this time?”
“I heard that!” Erin said before the two kissed and Dara stroked Trent’s penis, reminding Lynn of what she had thought of earlier.
“Hey, you two. The girls have noticed you playing with each other. We try to keep the touching loving but with as little sex as possible.”
“Sorry Mom. It’s mostly my fault. Trent will touch my arm and my hands automatically go for his dick. I’ll do better.” Dara said looking sadly at Trent dick.
“Thank you Dara. Sorry Trent.”
“I think Dara will still have plenty of time to play with it. Hell, I can’t imagine anything that would stop her.” Trent laughed right through the hard punch in the shoulder.
After breakfast and clean up, Margaret and Penelope took out the new Scrabble games and we picked teams and played two side-by-side games until Lynn looked up at the clock above the fireplace and made a loud announcement.
“Hey gang. Time to get dressed to go to Doctor Jim’s office. Let’s go!”
“I’ll put the games away, girls. Go ahead.” Dara said.
The girls took off running to the stairs and up to their rooms. Trent and Dara gathered the tiles and put the games back in their boxes. As soon as the girls were out of sight, Dara dropped to her knees and took Trent’s penis into her mouth. Trent looked at us and shrugged.
“I don’t know what she see in it. She just can’t seem to keep her hands or mouth off of it.”
“Well she better figure out that she can’t get knocked up with your dick in her mouth or her dream of a ton of babies is not going to happen.” Erin said with a chuckle.
Dara pulled Trent’s erection out of her mouth with a loud pop and looked at Erin.
“I got that part all figured out. I just love the feeling of it in my mouth. It is soft and hard and warm, and I can feel his heartbeat with my tongue. He tastes great and besides he likes the way my tongue plays with the knob.” Dara took Trent back into her mouth after she spoke.
“That’s true. She does wonderful things with the whole thing, but what she does to the end is magic.” Trent said as he rolled his head back and shot a load into Dara’s mouth.

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