Fucking Horny Lovely Nurse free porn video

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Some years ago I worked in a Managerial position in a central teaching hospital. I knew a number of Indian and Sri Lankan nurses and nursing sisters. One Sister, Sammi, I called her, who was a good friend, had been attending a party with me one evening. Afterwards we had gone back to the house she shared with a group of nurses.

We were sitting talking in the living room not too long after midnight when, unknown to me, the door behind me had slid quietly open, and a voice, in a little sleepy girl-like like voice said, “There’s a mouse in my room.” She’d been so quiet that I was quite startled.

She was in the doorway leaning against the wall and holding the door between her legs and so halving her. Her right bare skinny leg was on display, covered to high thigh by the old army khaki shirt she was wearing as a nightshirt. I did my best not to stare as I got up and, being ‘the Man,’ I went to her room to hunt down this creature and rescue her.

I found nothing and was still on my knees and had just finished looking under the wardrobe when I turned to where I imaged she’d be. ‘Sorry, but I can’t find anything,’ was all I said as I found myself face to face with her half, in and half out of her bed. She was sitting in the bed, but with the same uncovered creamy leg exposed and her foot on the floor; the bedclothes were pulled up over to her stomach and covering her groin and left leg.

The sight of her simply ‘stopped me,’ for a few moments, it was as if I couldn’t speak. Then I heard myself say, “Sorry not to find your mouse, but give me a call if you notice it again.” I planned on chatting to Sammi for a while longer.

Back in the living room I told Sammi I thought that she’d imagined her mouse, and then asked her to tell me the name of this flatmate? ‘Anisa’ was her name, a third year student nurse, which surprised me! She looked so young. Being a 3rd year student meant she had to be over 18! Anyway, she was little over 5 feet tall with long raven-like blue-black hair, big eyes and something of an odd shaped hooked nose, but with the most amazing eyes!

Trhis girl, this young-woman, I was confused by. She was such an odd assortment of ‘bits’ of a girl / woman – and bloody attractive – I was confused – mainly because, looking at her, it was so difficult to put an age to her. An added element was the army shirt she had been wearing.

It was, on her, very appealing – because, I guess, it was the contrast of it’s masculine association as an opposite to her femininity. When I did speak to her in her bedroom, when she replied, it was not only so soft I couldn’t hear what she said, but she wouldn’t look at me! The whole time she had her chin tucked down and her eyes looked anywhere but at me.

It was strange, it was weird. This 18 year old student nurse was so fascinating to a 48 year old man. A few days later, on a very hot day, I returned to their house to see Sammi, but was let in by Anisa who was in her nurses uniform (the regulation light ‘denim blue’ colour; it flared a little from the hips – which I found very attractive).

She spoke to me but still refused to look at me, and explained the Sammi had been ‘called in’ and so was on duty – and would I like something to drink? I accepted a drink and went into the living room to wait for her to bring it to me. She didn’t bring it to me, and after some minutes, I went looking for her and the drink!

I found her in her room with two dinks on her bedside table while she stood in front of her large mirror looking at herself in her uniform which she was adjusting and turning this way and that to look at herself. Still not looking she asked in that little voice, “D-Do you, do you like. It is new?”
The uniform fastened all the way to the neck with hidden buttons, to which was attached a separate white collar.

She hadn’t a collar, but she had the top two buttons unfastened and was alternately closing the gap at the top, then opening it …which I found very irritating. “Yes,” I said, “the uniform suites you. It looks sexy too…” and in the mirror, I saw her eyes for the first time looked at me …just for a moment. The annoying thing was that I could not read anything in them.

This, all of that sort-of ‘teasing’ by her was beginning to aggravate me. So I walked to the foot of the bed and sat on it, right behind her. She was still in front of the mirror and I waited for a few moments for her to say or do something. But she just stood there, looking at herself. I’m over 6 feet tall, so when I stood up behind her, I towered over her and looked down at her face in the mirror where she stood, completely motionless.

Then, without thinking about what I was doing, I simply put my hands onto her shoulders, and when she didn’t move, I let my hands slide down the front of her uniform and over her breasts – which I then cupped and held.

The only thing that happened was that she took a deep breath and slightly leaned back against me. So I ‘squeezed’ her breasts through the material and ran my thumbs over where I thought her nipples ought to be. As she made no objections, I released and repeated my actions, only much firmer, then after a few seconds I squeezed.

She gasped and her head fell back against my chest and I felt her legs sag a little as she relaxed against me with closed eyes. Still standing, I lowered my right arm to her waist and held her firmly against me while I let my left hand explore her chest over the top of her uniform. Her mouth opened and she began to breath very deeply, sucking in long breaths.

I realised ‘Clearly, she is getting a great deal from this, and wants more.’ After some minutes of this, I took ahold of her jaw, held it and twisted her head, turning her open mouthed face towards mine as I bent to kiss her. She didn’t close her mouth until I inserted my tongue, and then she was like a baby, clamping her lips onto its mothers nipple!

‘The signs’ I was receiving seemed all positive, so my hands found her breasts again and mauled them in response to her kissing, and then I was all but tearing open her uniform top and closing my hands over her laced over flesh.

I sat on the bed and had her stand between my knees where I forced her uniform down her arms so that she was ‘bound’ by her arms still in the sleeves of her uniform. Now her eyes were on me, like magnets as she watched my face and my hands which had ceased all roaming and touching.

There were now questions in her eyes as to ‘Why had I stopped?’ and there was the hope there too, hope that I’d continue. What had stopped me, what had changed was her nipples. Under my fingers I had found that she had very responsive nipples, ones they swelled and grew. And I was surprised by them and wanted to see them, to taste them, and I wanted to find out just what they could do to her.

Under her uniform she wore no bra, just the lace cupped silk slip, which had now slipped from her shoulders, but was hung-up by those nipples of hers. I ran my palms over the material covered nipples and rotated them. She shuddered and her eyes closed. She simply stood there with her head, now slightly to one side as i continued with my rotations, then tugging and twisting her nipples.

I hooked my finger into the valley between her breasts and tugged the slip free and it fell, again, she shuddered and sucked in air. I did nothing for some moments and her eyes opened and I saw that look of disappointment in them, followed by a one of pleading! With her eyes she was asking something of me and I realised that I had her hooked, like a fish.

This time, when my thumbs brushed across her nipples, her mouth opened and her head rolled backwards and around. Then when I squeezed the nipples, she stood up on her toes and her mouth closed to look as if she was going to whistle, before she began biting on her bottom lip.
This was wonderful to me, she was like playing a musical instrument.

Her body, you would describe maybe, as ‘skinny,’ and although her breasts were not ‘large’ they were both proportionate to her size, proudly standing and very beautifully shaped too. I could get both of her breasts so that they were squeezed together and could be covered by one hand, and I did this so that I’d have my other hand free to stick it up her dress.

I did it and found that not only was she wearing ‘stockings,’ but that between her legs she was very wet. The material covering her crotch was very warm and very wet. When I first touched her there, between her legs, she gave a gasp, and it was accompanied by a look of relief in which she tried to hide a smile. And when she opened her eyes, she looked both pleased and shy at the same time.

“I think I know what you want,” I told her. Again, she said nothing, but the shy look on her face said something like, ‘try me and see; please!’ I pulled her uniform off of her arms and then down over those delightful bony hips, and the slip just slid its own way down without any help, leaving her standing in white lace panties and a matching belt that held up her black (uniform) stockings.

I eased the panties down her legs and shoved my free hand sideways between her legs, then pulled it back with my thumb in the air so that it slid along her crotch and slotted into her cunt. Her eyes shot open and she again went up onto her toes.

With one hand I played with, mauled, stroked, pinched, pulled and twisted her nipples before wiping saliva onto them from my tongue, then kissing them. It was at that point she went crazy.
She moved up onto her toes and began going up and down on my hand, fucking herself on my thumb. Her head was thrown back and she was alternately biting her lip, licking her lip and pursing them lips as if to whistle!

Suddenly she began getting faster and one hand reached down to her crotch where she began fingering her clitoris while the other hand reached for my shoulder to steady herself. As she was approaching her climax, I heard myself softly tell her, “I don’t think I’ll let you cum yet, nurse. I think I’ll make you wait.” Her eyes flew open and glared at me for a moment before going into a silent ‘pleading’ for me to let her.

And because I said nothing further and didn’t take my hand away, she seemed to race the final distance with her breath “Whooshing” and calling drawn-out “Aaahs” and then humming as she again bit her bottom lip as she finally came. I had to put out my other hand to her hip, to steady her, as she was in danger of falling over. She had her eyes squeezed tightly shut and although rocking a little on her feet in time with her heartbeat, her legs had sagged a little.

I waited until she opened her eyes and made her step out of the pool of uniform around her feet, then propelled her to the dressing table where I had her lean against it. I gave her my thumb to smell and then suck clean. She was a bit reluctant to do it, but I made her whilst I played with a nipple, pinching and rolling it softly and then hard. I found out that she responded best when I did things to her with either with firmness, or a hardness or with threats!

The first time she gave her face to my cock, I got carried away and thrust her face down onto my cock so that it went into her throat and she gagged a little, but she went right back to that position when she recovered a moment or two later!

She could suck on me and go on sucking, AND producing liters of saliva, for what seemed like hours. She would be panting, withdraw me from her mouth, take two or three breaths, and then plunge it back in. At times, it was as if she was all but brushing her teeth with my stiff cock.
She loved to watch my large ‘white’ hands on her ‘brown’ tits, covering them, pushing them together, maipulating and mauling them; and of course, ‘playing her nipples’ – until she came.

Fucking her, she loved it best from behind because she loved it when I pulled her hair, it made her back arch and thrusting her breasts forwards. She also loved it when laying on her back she could lean up and see my cock going in and out of her dark-pink hole. Fucking her from behind, she also got high when I called her dirty names. Simply just calling her ‘a whore’ made her wet, and her hearing me telling her that ‘I was going to loan her out to be used by other men as a spunk bag,’ would all but have her orgasming.

When she was a ‘bad girl,’ I would use a soft suede belt on her. It had ‘strips’ at either end that you used to tie it, and when I folded the belt in the middle and used those 16 strips to lash her. She went into a mode of ‘base desire’ at that point and could stand a lot of punishment. Clearly, was turned on by this and wanted more!

I made her shave her cunt, where I would whip her, I whipped her breasts, her back so thatr the ends lashed the sides of her breasts, and I whipped her arse. I had her display herself so the whip ends would touch her anus, cunt and those other virgin places between her legs.

Occasionally I’d have her stand with her hands above her head, then throwing a towel over her head so she couldn’t see as I whipped her. Although she squealed, she always had a look of both a certain satisfaction and determination in her eyes afterwards.

I would leave marks on her body, but rarely anything that didn’t fade after 24 hours; though I think that secretly she would have liked them to last much, much longer. She was easy to buy clothes for, being such a small size, but it was a problem to try and find the right sort of clothing for her. Stockings and the right shoes were also a problem. Underwear or lingerie was easier. I must have spent an interesting amount of money on these.

We had been to a party on the outskirts of London one late summers evening. I was in an irritated mood and as were driving back, I accused her of flirting, this she denied, but I took no notice. Having made up my mind I pulled the car over into a car park of a rugby ground that was in part, still lit by the overhead lights.

I parked in the shadows and had her get out of the car and strip to her shoes, then holding onto the top of the rear open doorway, I used the sued belt and beat her arse and between her legs. I made her count out loud the six lashings I gave her, then felt up between her legs. She didn’t surprise me by being wet.

She stood on the step of the same doorway and I fucked her from behind, fiercly at first; ‘humping’ her would be more accurate. Then I a mood come over me and I was stroking her back while still up inside of her. I bit her neck gently, and ears. I licked and stroked the marks I’d made on her tits and gentle pulled and tugged her hair.

Then in the final moments, I took her hips in my hands and lifted her from the step and held her in the air with my hands and fucked her until I fountained my cum into her, with her making ‘screeching’ noises in her throat. For the finale, and to exercise her, I made her ‘walk’ across the rugby pitch, still naked, and then back to the car. I had no idea whether their security video cameras were working.

It might have just been for that reason or that I refused to let her dress for the remainder of the journey into town. But riding in the car naked may have kept her sexual suspense and state of arousal heightened! Anyway, she in such a heightened state of arousal that she ‘made love to me’ once, on arrival at my place, then ‘fucked me’ twice, coming three times on the last two occasions.

We fell asleep with her still impaled on my cock astride me, whilst her head was against my right shoulder and her right hand on my neck. Somehow, all this time later, it’s still difficult for me to reconcile this small – woman – with my knowledge of her as such an initially shy but powerfully sexual, needy and slut-like nurse, with such an appetite. Comment me on I am from mumbai

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A Naughty Nurse

 After I finished my schooling, I had an opportunity to take a gap year, so I backpacked around the world. During my journeys, I met many people and experienced life in many ways. It was a most rewarding experience.When I returned home, I settled down and decided to pursue my ambition to become a nurse. I studied and graduated and found work in a large hospital close to my home.I worked in the Emergency Department (ED) for almost a year before requesting a move to the wards. Initially, I loved...

3 years ago
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Hot Risky Unprotected Sex And The Cumslut Nurse

Introduction: This is my second story. Part 1: Is absolutely 100% true down to every word of dialog (as I remember it.) Other than minor descriptive embellishments, its true. It was just a really hot erotic experience that still turns me on when I think about it. Part 2: Is fiction. Its inspired by a real event and a real woman (a hot nurse.) But what I did with that nurse was a fantasy I had after meeting her. I know its a bit odd to mix non-fiction and fiction, but the stories are related...

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Carry On Nurse

I’ve spent the last thirty days in this hospital and it’s costing my insurance company a fortune. After twenty years without a claim for anything I figure I got it coming, so fuck ‘em. During the day I plug my computer in, log into the wireless internet and work, just like I would if I were out and at home, so it’s not like I’m actually slacking. It’s more like I’m working from a really expensive hotel room with only mediocre food. It’s the side benefit that keeps me here. I would have been out...

2 years ago
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The Naughty Nurse

Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve always had this thing about nurses, I swear I’m going to marry one someday, or in the very least buy my wife a nurses uniform and accessories to dress up in. There is something about the white uniform, I even like the old fashioned hat, but the stocking thing gets me going and it just makes my hard. Anyway as Luck would have it I’ve been hanging around with some new friends, and don’t you know it, one of them is a nurse, in fact she’s a teaching nurse at a local...

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Visiting nurse

Jim is a friend of mine. He told me about an encounter with a nurse a couple of years ago. That night nurse was... well, go ahead and read.Long story short, Jim was 48 years of age and alone in a physical rehab center, nearly 500 miles from his home. He had been rock climbing, had a piece of slate break loose. When the safety rope caught him he broke a forearm and badly dislocated his other shoulder, both of which required surgery just an hour after they got him down to the parking lot.That had...

1 year ago
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Mandy The Head Nurse

Had a call from MrJ who told me he was not feeling very well ,had a high temperature, a stiffness that ached and needed sorting out and could the on call nurse visit to make him feel better.Well nurse Mandy to the rescue. I got my uniform on PVC White nurses outfir, hat, and oh yes some sexy stockings. I was feeling a little warm myself so decided not to wear any underwear so I did not get too flushed if you know what i mean. I arrived at MrJ's house and was met by a man who did look a little...

4 years ago
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The Royal Wet Nurse

The Royal Wet Nurse By Celeste Ann Taylor Being the youngest child can suck big time, especially when your name is Frederick. My oldest brother is the heir to the kingdom and my sister's married to the heir to the neighbouring kingdom, so I'm left on my own; the forgotten spare that no one wants. Most of my days are spent just wandering the castle being shepherded politely away from anything that's remotely interesting. I spend a lot of time reading, I get lost in the tales...

1 year ago
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Student Nurse

Prologue: While camping alone in northwestern Montana, Ben accidentally brushed his penis on the leaves of a poison huckleberry bush when he went out of his tent to urinate during the night. Poison huckleberry causes intense itching but no visible rash, and it is not transmissible from one person to another. By daybreak he was in intense discomfort and could hardly refrain from scratching his penis so hard that he nearly made it raw. He quickly drove to a nearby hospital he had passed the...

2 years ago
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My Sister The Nurse

I grew up in a rural suburb of a major city on the east coast.  Ours was a normal family by most accounts.  We lived in a small rambler at the edge of our development.  Our family was friendly with all of our neighbors.  My sister and I were the only children of a loving couple.  We are fraternal twins, but unlike many twins, we weren't very close.  All through our childhood, my sister and I were indifferent to each other.  We didn't fight or hate. We just got along.  Like I said, normal.Our...

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I jumped at the chance when my agent asked me if I wanted to be Miss July in a 2013 calendar. It was going to be naughty rather than full on erotic and each month would feature a model in some sort of uniform. I was given the choice between police woman or nurse. I quite liked the idea of police woman but I thought my voluptuous figure was more suited to the latter. I’ve actually fantasised about being a naughty nurse on more than one occasion so I plumped for that option. I’m not sure if it...

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I jumped at the chance when my agent asked me if I wanted to be Miss July in a 2013 calendar. It was going to be naughty rather than full on erotic and each month would feature a model in some sort of uniform. I was given the choice between police woman or nurse. I quite liked the idea of police woman but I thought my voluptuous figure was more suited to the latter. I’ve actually fantasised about being a naughty nurse on more than one occasion so I plumped for that option. I’m not sure if it...

Oral Sex
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The Nurse

Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity Categories Bondage Femdom Castration Forced Transgendering Synopsis Janet and John were happily married until the day she discovered.... This is a nasty story, don't read it if you are sensitive or if you are under 18. The Nurse By Janet Baker I am a surgical nurse. I don't cut mens' testes off but I know how. I do sew up scrota after the surgeon has done his or her work and my stitching is very elegant. Of course...

1 year ago
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The Nurse

Keywords     Use of Sex Toys High Heels ChastityCategories    Bondage  Femdom Castration Forced TransgenderingSynopsis        Janet and John were happily married  until the day she discovered....This is a nasty story, don't read it if you are sensitive or if you are under 18.                        The NurseBy Janet BakerI am a surgical nurse. I don't cut mens' testes off but I know how. I do sew up scrota after the surgeon has done his or her work and my stitching is very elegant. Of course I...

4 years ago
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The Angry Nurse

I work in a small country hospital as a chef or I guess a cook as is all I am required to be to fill this position. I used to work in the city and did the restaurant circuit for a few years and had a great time. Met some awesome people, made some awesome cash and yes had some awesome sex. I even rubbed shoulders with some celebrities on the odd occasion, well to tell the absolute truth I cooked for them is all. Despite all the fringe benefits I started to get restless in my work. I could cook...

2 years ago
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Prostate Massage Part 1 the nurse

Most men are used to having their prostate examined by a doctor as part of their physical exam and I am no exception. However, since my job required a prostate exam as part of their annual physical, I would have to say that I’ve had more than the average male. This is a short story of how one of those exams changed my curiosity of anal sex into a strong desire. Two years ago, my wife accompanied me to one of my visits with the urologist and on that visit, he gave me the exam in front of my...

3 years ago
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My Naughty Nurse

I was in the Hospital for a few days when I was Eighteen or so for an appendectomy, I was 5'9" tall, about 130 pounds, medium brown hair, fuzzy mustache, and Hazel eyes, I have a little grin sort of like Elvis did yea I was cute LOL ! I was to have surgery that next morning first thing, I was given sleeping pills to help me relax and get a good night sleep, But somewhere around, must have been dawn, I woke up and had the shock of my life. There was this nurse in my room....

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Personal Professionals Vol 5 The Head Nurse

"Ough..." I groaned. I wasn't sure where I was, but I knew I was thirsty and uncomfortable. I opened my eyes slowly, wincing at the bright fluorescent lights above me. I was laying in a stiff, uncomfortable white bed with what appeared to be an IV coming out of my arm. That's when it all came back to me. The accident. Another accident. My whole body was aching, especially my head. I tried lifting my non-IV'ed arm, only to find it in a cast. Wincing against the sting of the IV, I gingerly...

Straight Sex
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Nursing the Nurse

I think I'm a fairly normal teenager. My fifteenth birthday was last week and I knew I had a healthy outlook on girls. While I was still untried sexually, my girlfriends were momma thumb and her four sisters; it wasn't because I wasn't willing. I set rather high standards and mostly because I wanted large boobs. Sure I could have my pick of several girls in school with big boobs but I didn't want fat. In other words big boobs had to be complimented by the girl having a body that fit and...

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Fucked Nurse

Hi, I am Ajay, 25 year old IT professional working in indore. I am a native of Bhopal. I want to share with the ISS readers an incident that happened very recently to me. I visit indore once in two weeks. I always come by train from indore. Last Saturday I reached Bhopal Central very early in the morning, around 4.20 A.M. From there to my home, I have to take another electric train. I bought the ticket for that and entered the Park station (which is very near to the Central station). I saw the...

4 years ago
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Nicki The Naughty Nurse

"I hope that Matron doesn't notice that I'm late again," fretted Nicki as she hurried down the hospital corridor, the rubber soles of her shoes squeaking on the polished linoleum. "Nicki! In my office, this minute!" barked the voice she was dreading to hear. "What time of the day do you call this, Missie?" asked Matron Sloan, with a glare that pinned Nicki to the spot much like a lepidopterist crucifying a butterfly. "The morning?" Nicki tried, a little optimistically. "It is exactly 9.05...

2 years ago
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Introduction: My head nurse shares her marital problems and more with me after she finds out about a sexual encounter I had with a patient, one which left me masturbating every day to the memory HEAD NURSE I own a fairly active Family medical practice in Portland and have worked for 9 years building it up with accolades from most of my patients. Part of my success is from my excellent staff of women who seem to cater to every need of the clientele. My best asset is my Head Nurse, Lynn, who...

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A sensual dark skinned nurse

The Surgeon checked out all the stuff I had given him and he finally told me I needed a pretty little surgery.I got scared and told my sweet Ana about my fears; but she said she had a meeting with other doctors and everybody said it was something easy, with no risk at all…So, one week later, the surgery was left behind in my memory; but some pain was still saying it had not been just “a pretty little one”…I should spend three more days at the hospital; so the doctor could check out my condition...

1 year ago
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Naughty School Nurse

Naughty School NurseBy billy69boyNicole came into my office as soon as the bell rang to begin the school day. She seemed to be quite distraught, and she was walking rather stiffly. Her eyes looked red and puffy, like she had been crying."Good morning Nicole, what can I do for you?" I started out, as I got up and closed my office door, sensing her acute upsetment. As soon as I turned toward her, she burst out crying. I gave her the tissue box, and gestured for her to sit down, but she shook...

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Double Blast Fun 8211 Part 2 Fucking MILF Home Nurse

In the previous part, you’ve read how I came across a widowed milf home nurse. When she saw me watching porn and came to know that my wife doesn’t like to have sex, she offered me to fuck her. Then I started kissing the milf home nurse, caressing and squeezing her boobs and ass. I was still caressing and squeezing her ass cheeks all over since they were so big. Now, let’s see what happened next. Laxmi: Are you going to keep squeezing my ass, or remove the panty and start playing with my...

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Dengue Opened New World Of Sex With Horny Nurses

Hi, this is Hrishi from Guwahati back with another story. I work as an executive in an IT company. I travel a lot across northeastern India for work-related purposes and also visits Kolkata occasionally. To know more about me, kindly check out Now, let’s start the story. After working for several years in my home city, I decided to go outside the northeast and try my luck. So, I applied for a few positions on Naukri, which matched with my profile. Within a couple of days, I got a call from...

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The Good Nurse

Alex was working at the hospital on a Tuesday morning when he got a text from his girlfriend, Angela- Hey Alex, I think we should call it What do you mean? Its not working out for us Alex’s heart sank- Like, break up? He waited for Angela’s answer with bated breath- No, it’s not real! Yeah, sorry... Alex tried to think of a response, but his mind was blank, his eyes still glued to the screen. “Hey Alex, quit sexting your girl and help me move the patient in two-oh-five” came an...

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Traci My Night Nurse

I was hospitalized for a week not too long ago. My sexy wife would come in to see me and stay all day. The nurses would have to ask her to leave to get rid of her. The first evening after things settled down my wife sucked my cock to satisfy my needs. I really appreciated it. That second evening though a very cute blonde nurse came in to check on me. Her name was Traci. She was about five feet six inches tall and about a hundred and twenty pounds. She was the girl next type. You know the...

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Rhonda the Night Nurse

Author’s note: I served in the relative peace of Korea instead of in the little understood US action in Viet Nam, and therefore ask the brave men and women of my generation who fought, cried, and bled there to forgive the inaccuracies in my depictions. I salute your sacrifice, and hope you may enjoy this story in spite of my errors. * * * * * As the Huey dropped quickly down to the bomb crater, we un-assed the bird and scrambled for the relative safety of the crater edge. While the rest of...

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Blackmailed Nurse

Blackmailed Nurse Dr. Benjamin Carter had beensuspicious of Angie for several weeks now. Angie Smithson was a nurse whonormally worked the night shift, and he suspected she was stealing drugs.The problem was proving it. Dr. Carter's wife, Doris, was very interestedwhen he told her about it over dinner. Doris Carter had been a topnotch investigative reporter for the local newspaper when they met. She gaveit all up for Ben. Nobody else knew the truth about her relationship withBen, because...

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