1-in-3 Chance free porn video

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Right after high school, I started attending a religious college, with the ultimate goal of becoming a youth pastor. Two years in, I lost my faith, dropped out, and moved back home with my parents.

Losing my faith didn’t mean I had any experience with the ways of the world, though. At the age of 20, I had never had any drugs or alcohol, and had never been past second base with a girl. This lack of experience or prospects, especially romantically and sexually, put me in a pretty dark place. All my high school friends had moved away, gone to college, or even shunned me for my apostasy. My parents didn’t really seem too happy with me either, and would never shy away from the chance to remind me that I was “backslidden” and needed to “get back into church and follow my calling”. It never caught on. Still, I tried as best as I could to keep the peace with them. I wasn’t a Christian any more, but I also didn’t just flip into militant atheist asshole either. I was only working part time, so I did as much as I could to help my parents, and it’s not like I had a social life either.

My 21st birthday came and went with little fanfare. My parents were staunch teetotalers, so the only alcohol I had was in secret, and for the very first time, I got drunk, alone in my bedroom. I cried myself to sleep, wishing I had a girlfriend, or any close friends at all. Eventually, I decided enough was enough, and that I wanted to get laid, even if I had to turn to a professional. I knew that I didn’t want to just cruise down to the nearest corner and pick up a hooker; it needed to be more private than that, as silly as it sounds. I asked around online, and was recommended a place about an hour and a half away; A little “massage parlor” called “Silver Crescent Massage”. I thought and planned for months, biding my time and waiting for the perfect opportunity to come, when I could slip away from the watch of my nosy and overbearing parents to pay a visit to Silver Crescent.

Finally, the opportunity presented itself. My Mom told me that my cousin Caroline, who lived in the very same city where Silver Crescent was located, needed help moving into her new apartment. I hadn’t seen or spoken to Caroline in years, since her Aunt had gone off the deep end and cut ties with our side of the family, but we had been close as kids, and I was the nearest family member with a truck and the time, so I was tasked with the job. Of course, I was more than happy to accept, and so the countdown began. On the day of, I left my parents’ house a full two hours earlier than I needed to, and found my way to this fabled house of ill repute. I eventually found it, neatly tucked into a strip mall close to the “bad side” of town, and parked my truck well away from it, hoping that anyone watching me would just assume I was going to one of the few other open establishments in the strip.

The place was rather unassuming from the outside, with a cheaply made, unlit sign hung over its fascia, reading SILVER CRESCENT MASSAGE in silver, peeling, capital letters against a sun-faded, but still dark blue background. The front windows and door were darkly tinted, making it all but impossible to see anything from the outside, save for a flickering neon “Open” sign. A makeshift sign, crafted from scotch tape, printer paper, and magic markers, listed the place’s hours of operation with brisk informality; “Open noon to midnight, every day except Monday.”

I passed in front of the door several times, building up the courage to go in, pacing like a lunatic while trying to make it look like my actions were motivated and confident. Finally, after shooting a quick, paranoid glance over each shoulder, I grabbed the handle of the door and pulled it open, rushing inside.

The interior of the business was much nicer than I would’ve expected from the outside, with a set of two large, comfortable looking chairs in a small waiting area across from a stylish, modern desk, behind which sat a nicely-dressed, middle-aged woman, all contained within a 4 well-decorated, teal colored walls. The woman behind the desk was eyeing me over the top of pink framed, horn-rimmed glasses. “Hi! Welcome!” she said in an accent I couldn’t quite place. “I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to come in!” Her voice was friendly, but there was a slight edge of annoyance to it. I felt myself blush. “S-sorry,” I stuttered awkwardly, “I’m just nervous.”

“Nervous?!” she asked, seemingly incredulous. “Why would you be nervous? It’s just a massage parlor, Mr….” She paused, waiting for my name.

“Uhh...Phillips,” I lied instinctively, but was unable to tell if she caught on to the obviousness of it.

“Well, Mr Philips,” she continued in an almost patronizing tone, “Would you like to see a massage therapist today? We have openings available.”

“Y-yes,” I said nervously, then gulped hard.

“Great!” she said, “when would you like to have your massage?”

I looked at the wall behind her, glimpsing the various framed licenses and documentation mixed in with the decorations, along with the thick curtain of colored beads hanging down over a doorway that led down a long corridor with several doors off of it.

“Mr. Philips?” she asked again, slightly agitated this time “When would you like your massage?”

I snapped to attention and looked down at her. “Uhh, now?” I said with pathetic uncertainty. “Can I do it right now?”

“Sure,” she said proudly, “Ryan is just finishing up with a client. It’ll be a few minutes.”

“Ah. Ryan?” I asked, confused by the masculine name.

“Yes,” she said with a smile, “He’s very good. Deep tissue.” She made a kneading motion in the air with her hands, then continued; “Have a seat, it’ll only take a moment.”

I stepped backwards and sat down on one of the comfy-looking chairs, pleased to find that it was indeed comfortable, but baffled as to whether I was going about things the right way. Was Ryan just a code name for something? Was I even in the right place? I looked up at the wall to my right and saw a photo framed there. In it, a square-jawed middle-aged man with short, dark hair and bulging muscles smiled for the camera. “Massage Therapist of the Month” read the small plaque underneath the photo, followed by the name “Ryan”. The picture seemed to have been taken in this very room, with the same decorations and teal-colored walls behind “Ryan” as were behind me now. I was beginning to have serious doubts about whether I really wanted to go through with this massage. What if it wasn’t the kind of “massage” I had been looking for. What if it was, and Ryan was the administrator of said “massage”.

I stood up to approach the desk, preparing to cancel my impromptu appointment, when I saw the beaded curtain part. A middle-aged woman with heavy bags under her eyes strode into the room, followed by Ryan himself, who was wearing the same white polo as in the photo on the wall. “Alright, Miss Hamilton,” he said in a deep, friendly voice, “Have a good day. And remember what I said about those insoles. They’ll go a long way with helping your back pain.”

“Thank you so much, Ryan,” Miss Hamilton replied, “You always do a wonderful job.”

“It’s my pleasure” Ryan said, and smiled warmly.

The woman reached into the handbag hanging from her shoulder and pulled out a credit card, then turned to pay the woman at desk. I was staring in disbelief when my thoughts were interrupted by a loud voice, causing me to jump. “Mr. Philips?” Ryan was standing beside me, extending an outstretched hand to offer a handshake. “Uhhh,” was all I could muster.

The door opened and Miss Hamilton stepped out.

“I’m Ryan, I’ll be your massage therapist today,” he said, smiling and offering his hand to me again.

“Uhh, hi,” I replied, my mind reeling as I shook his hand limply, “I think there might have been a mistake.”

“I’m sorry? A mistake?” Ryan seemed as puzzled as I was.

I stood up and pushed past Ryan, approaching the desk. I lowered my voice and whispered to the woman behind it, trying my best to be polite and inconspicuous.

“Sorry, but i-is this the only massage therapist you have?”

“Yes, Ryan is here Thursday through Saturday,” she said without missing a beat, “Martin is only here on Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Why? Is everything okay?”

“Martin?” I turned back to look at Ryan, who was watching me with a blank expression.

I lowered my voice again, this time to a whisper.

“I-I’m really sorry to ask this, but don’t you have any, you know, f-females? Female massage therapists?”

The woman raised a single eyebrow, giving me an unmistakable “Are you kidding me?” expression. At that moment, my memory suddenly snapped into place. I had forgotten all about the code word I was supposed to use. The one given to me online.

I whispered again, barely audible; “I-I wanted the lower body massage special.”

“What was that, Mr. Philips?” her voice came out loud and abrupt, causing me to jump.

“The...lower body massage? Special?” I swallowed, then wiped cold, nervous sweat away from my brow on the back of my sleeve.

“Lower body massage special?” she asked, drawing the words out as she leaned back in her chair.

I looked over my shoulder at Ryan, watching as he walked out of the room, parting the beaded curtain.

“Y-yes,” I answered shakily as I turned back to face the woman, slightly relieved that Ryan had left the room.

She drew in a deep breath and stared me down, as if she were evaluating me.

“You a cop?” she asked sharply.


“How old are you?”


“Got your ID?”

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet, then thumbed my drivers’ license out of it with shaking hands and passed it to her.

“Mr Philips, eh?” she asked sarcastically, catching my obvious lie from before. I blushed.

“Two-fifty” she said as she handed me back my ID, “Cash up front. Plus tip after.”

“Okay” I was feeling slightly less nervous now, if only because I was finally certain I had come to the right place. I felt like an idiot for almost forgetting the “code word”, though. I reached into my wallet and pulled out five of the six 50 dollar bills I had set aside in preparation for this outing and handed them over.

The woman thumbed them carefully, feeling their texture for authenticity as she glared at me, then holding them up to the light coming in from the window.

“Alright,” she said finally, with a slight chuckle “Lower body special.”

She opened the bottom drawer of the desk and slid the money into a lockbox there, then pulled out a black leatherbound notebook. She flipped it open to the first page and rotated it around to me. On it was a spread of several surprisingly well-composed photos, each showing a different girl, all wearing lingerie or otherwise scantily clad, posing seductively for the camera, with their eyes blurred out as a result of some photo manipulation. A small, handwritten label under each photo gave the name of the pictured girl.

“Which one do you like?” She pointed at 3 of the photos on the page “Only these girls are here right now.”

I looked down at the photos, evaluating each of them as best as I could. The names below read Kelly, Riley, and Ashley; Kelly was busty and blonde. She looked like a pin-up with thick, curly hair, lacey black lingerie, and beautiful red lips. Riley was more down-to-earth looking, with her dark brown hair worn in a messy bun a loose, oversized, unbuttoned shirt hanging from her smooth, olive-skinned shoulders, and a set of glasses that gave her a bookish appearance. Last but not least was Ashley, who was the wildest-looking of the bunch, with a large, colorful tattoo across her ample chest and hair dyed bright pink. My own anxiety, combined with genuine surprise at how beautiful all three girls looked, made the choice difficult. They each had their own appeal.

The woman eyed me, waiting for a response.

“Well, uhhh,” My voice trailed off.

“What?” she asked, “Nothing you like? I’ll have more girls in a couple hours. Porsha and Natalie’ll be here.”

She pointed at two more photos on the page; One of a tall, mocha-skinned woman and the other of a thin redhead.

“No, no. It’s not that,” I said “I just didn’t expect them to all be so...beautiful.”

“Look, Mr Philips,” she said sarcastically, “I know you were probably expecting some rundown joint with worn-out old asian women giving you a happy ending, but that’s not the kind of business I run. I only hire local girls. Girls that wanna be here and that enjoy the work they do. I’ve got morals and standards. Whoever you pick, I’m sure you’ll have a good time.”

I swallowed nervously.

“No, sorry. Just...surprise me, I guess.”

“Surprise you?”


She rolled her eyes at me and closed the book before putting it back in the drawer.

She reached into another drawer, this time withdrawing a set of keys. She stepped towards the front door and locked it, then turned and walked through the beaded curtain.

“Follow me,” she said, and motioned with her hand.

I walked down the hall after her, passing a few rooms along the way, all of which featured a heavy curtain hung over their doorway. The first room’s curtain was pulled back, giving me a view of the room within, which bore a brown leather-clad massage table in its center and a large, comfortable chair like the ones in the waiting area against one wall. Ryan was sitting cross-legged in the chair, his eyes looking downward at an iPad he was holding on his lap, a bored expression on his face. He didn’t look up or acknowledge me as we passed by.

Finally, we came to the last two doors in the hallway, which were the only ones with actual doors instead of empty archways draped in beads. The woman grabbed the handle of the door on the right and inserted a key into it before twisting it open. The room within was larger than I had expected, though it was laid out much differently than the others. The left wall of the room was not part of the rooms original construction, and appeared to be made of one of those large, floor-to-ceiling room dividers you might find in an office building. I could hear the faint sounds of what I assumed was a TV on the other side of it. I reckoned this had once been one big room, which had since been divided into two, with the other half of it only accessible from the other door in the hallway. The massage table wasn’t in the center of the room, but it’s head was against the room divider. The table itself was also quite different; It was longer, sturdier looking, and covered in black leather. It also had a heavy curtain hanging down from it’s edge, all the way around it, concealing its legs. In the center of the table was a circle cut into the leather.

The woman motioned me into the room, and I walked in. She reached into a large cabinet on the right side of the room, pulled out a white cotton towel, handed it to me, then turned to a switch on the wall of the room and dimmed the lights.

“Alright, Mr. Philips,” she said, “I’m gonna go out. Strip down completely naked and lay face-up on the table, and use the towel to cover up, okay?”

“Wait,” I said, “I-is there a bathroom I could use real quick?”

“Sure,” she said, and motioned me back out into the hall, “It’s the first door.”

She pointed to another door down the hallway that I hadn’t noticed before, with a unisex restroom sign stuck on the wall beside it.

“Thanks,” I said, and strolled briskly towards the bathroom. As I walked away, I could’ve sworn she muttered something about “goddamn virgins” under her breath.

Once in the bathroom, I set the next phase of my plan in motion. I didn’t want my first sexual encounter to be over in 30 seconds, so I wanted to do a little pre-gaming. I quickly dropped my pants and stood in front of the sink, whipping my phone out and unlocking it.

I made double sure my phone’s volume was all the way down and opened the video I had downloaded earlier, hoping it wouldn’t take me too long to get off, considering how nervous I was.

Fortunately, I was able to cum pretty quickly, and before long I had managed to blow a nice load into the sink, picturing it instead falling across Faye Reagan’s freckled face and open mouth, as shown on the video I was watching. I quickly cleaned myself up, took a piss, and headed back to the room that had been opened for me, hoping it wouldn’t be too obvious what I had done. All in all, it had taken about 5 minutes. The woman was still waiting, leaned against the doorway, staring down at her phone.

“Feel better?” she asked as I approached.

I let out a quick, embarrassed “Yep” as I walked past her into the room.

“I’ll be back in 5, Mr. Philips,” she said with a smile, and closed the door behind her.

Having just done my business in the restroom, my head was in a newfound place of confidence and clarity. I undressed quickly, wasting no time, and laid down on the table as I had been instructed, draping the towel over myself. As I laid there on my back, I began to wonder which girl I would be getting, and fantasized a little bit about each, recalling their photos. I had already forgotten their names, but their pictures stuck in my mind. I truly didn’t know which I would have preferred, and would’ve been happy to “experience” any of them. Slowly, my erection began to grow again as I thought about the blonde pin-up girl’s ruby red lips around my cock, the tan-skinned brunette’s skin pressed against mine, or shooting my load across the pink-haired one’s chest tattoo. Every scenario had its own appeal. I began to wonder how much it would’ve cost to have all three at once, if that was even possible. Maybe next time.

Finally, the door opened again, and the woman returned to the room. “Are you ready, Mr. Philips?” Her voice was different now; softer and more sultry, and without a hint of irony or sarcasm as it had before. It was as if she were a different person.

“I’m ready,” I said confidently, unashamed of the half-mast erection I was already sporting underneath the towel.

The woman didn’t reply, but instead approached the cabinet she had produced the towel from before. She opened the other side of it this time, and pressed a button on the face of a small stereo that was housed within. Slow, droning, synth-filled music began to play softly. She reached into a small drawer within the cabinet and pulled out a large, brown candle, lighting it with a match after she placed it on a small side table. Almost immediately, the room started to smell like tobacco and cedar. Lastly, she grabbed a small, ornate bottle made of purple tinted glass. I assumed it contained some kind of massage oil. She poured a few drops of it into her hands, then began to speak, giving me instructions as she rubbed them together.

“I’m going to start you off with a normal massage to relax you, okay?”

She didn’t wait for me to answer, but continued as she began to rub my upper chest.

“Once my girl gives me the signal that she is ready, I will ask you if you’re ready for your lower body massage. If you are, I’ll turn away so you can roll over. The hole in the table will be open, and you can insert yourself through it. I’ll massage your back and shoulders a bit longer, then leave the room. Once you’re finished, You’ll have a few minutes to clean up, though there probably won’t be much left to clean.”

The implication of her last sentence made my cock twitch beneath the towel.

This, of course, may all sound a bit unusual to you, as the reader. You see, just as The Woman said, Silver Crescent wasn’t an ordinary “happy ending” massage parlor. They did, of course, offer that kind of service. But they also offered something new, different, and admittedly, perhaps a bit niche. Instead of getting a handjob or blowjob from the “massage therapist”, you can get it from another girl, one who awaits you under the massage table, which isn’t really a massage table at all, but a piece of fetish gear called a milking table. You never actually have any face-to-face contact with the girl who gets you off. It’s essentially a horizontally mounted glory hole. A “milking table” encounter was something I had always fantasized about, ever since I stumbled across the niche online. Once I found out that the Silver Crescent offered a milking table option, it seemed like the perfect fit for me, especially as a nervous first timer. Of course, there was always the possibility that the person under the table wasn’t who you thought they were, but Silver Crescent had a good reputation for giving people what they expected. Besides, there was no reason that the same girls who “serviced” their customers above the table, in full sight, wouldn’t also be willing to do so under the table. I was willing to risk it, in any case.

The woman’s hands were clearly very gifted, and within a few minutes, I found myself quite relaxed, nearly to the point of drifting off to sleep. She never went anywhere near my dick, but anticipation, as well as the admittedly erotic sensations of this woman’s hands on me had still brought me to a full erection, even in my state of relaxation. Suddenly, I heard a faint chime go off in the next room, and felt the circle of leather that was underneath my lower back fall away, leaving a draft of cool air in its place.

“Are you ready, Mr. Philips?” the woman asked as she massaged my lower legs and ankles.

I blinked my eyes open, rubbing the tiredness out of them.

“Y-yeah,” I said, and suddenly felt all of my nervousness rushing back to me, “I’m ready.”

She didn’t say a word, but turned to face the wall. I rolled over, doing the best I could to keep myself covered with the towel. I looked down through the hole at an angle as I turned, unable to see anything in the faint light below. I adjusted quickly, aligning myself over the hole so that I could let my delicate bits dangle through. Once I was comfortably in position, I reached behind me and adjusted the towel, making sure I was still covered. The woman turned back around and applied more oil to her hands before returning to start massaging my shoulders.

For a few minutes, I began to wonder if anything was ever going to happen beneath the table. As my dick and balls hung through, a good two minutes had passed, and I still hadn’t been touched, causing my erection to slowly fade away. The woman continued to massage my shoulders, then moved down towards my back. Suddenly, I felt the brush of soft skin against my shaft, and delicate fingers wrapped around it. Slowly, gently, the hand of my unseen and mysterious companion below began to slide up and down my shaft. The hand withdrew for but a moment, then returned, this time with its palms covered in a warm, sticky substance that I assumed must have been saliva. Very quickly, I reached maximum hardness again, and the hand began to pull with more intentional, precise motions, in a slow and erotic rhythym. The woman was still massaging me, and had worked her way down my back, and the feeling of two sets of hands attending to me gave quite a thrill. The hand under the table was soon joined by its mate, this one reaching up to gently massage my balls, a sensation I had never experienced before. Before long, the first hand was jerking me off in long, smooth motions from tip to base. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any better, I felt a new and even more wonderful sensation as a set of wet lips wrapped around the tip of my cock and began to softly suck as the hands continued to work my shaft and balls. Whoever was under the table, whether it was the blonde pin-up, the bookish brunette, or the manic pixie dreamgirl, I didn’t care. In any case, they seemed to know what they were doing, and how to do it well.

She alternated playfully for a few moments, switching between licking my shaft as she gripped its base tightly and sucking on its tip as she stroked it. Eventually, though, she stopped alternating, and had moved on to sucking me fully, taking more of my cock into her mouth with each motion. Instinctively, I wanted to thrust, but in this position, I couldn’t. It was part of what made the idea of this so erotic. I had no control at all, and my pleasure and the manner in which I received it was decided solely by the one under the table. I realized that the woman had stopped massaging me and left the room, and I was now alone. I felt a bit more uninhibited, and let out a low moan as my hidden attendant deepthroated me, jerking the base of my cock off with short, quick motions as she cupped my balls. Faintly, I could hear the *gluck-gluck-gluck* sound of my cock being deepthroated from under the table, and my orgasm drew near. The girl underneath continued to suck, but had switched to a shallower thrust now, sucking and licking the tip of my cock hungrily while she jerked its shaft rapidly. At long last, I knew I was about to burst, and just as I began to cross over the edge, the girl below somehow knew too. At the very moment my orgasm came, she took my cock deep into her mouth, sucking hard and deep, allowing me to pour hot, thick ropes of cum down her throat. I moaned uncontrollably as I came, and gave a few feeble, futile thrusts against the table.

The girl held me there in her throat for a few moments, and I felt her swallow my cum as she slowly milked the last few drops of it from my dick into her mouth. I could hear her faintly moaning with satisfaction beneath me, and I could feel the gentle buzz of her vocalizations on my cock. Feigned or not, it felt fantastic. Once it was over, she gave me a few brief, gentle tugs, then planted a soft-lipped, parting kiss on the tip of my rod.

I laid still for a bit, recovering my breath, before I finally arose from the table. The moment I did, the plug appeared within the leather circle that my dick had been hanging through. I got up, cleaned myself off. As the woman had said, there wasn’t much to clean. My hostess had sucked me dry. I looked at my watch and checked the time, making certain that I had not missed my rendezvous with my cousin, pleased to see that I was just under my self-imposed time limit. I was satisfied, and though I guess technically I was still a virgin, this encounter had given me the confidence that I needed to know I would be able to perform when the time came. And I had gotten away with it, too.

I had just finished dressing myself when the door slowly opened. “Mr Philips,” the woman said from the other side, “Are you decent?

“Yes, I am,” I said, and she stepped into the room.

“Good. Did you enjoy yourself?”

“Yeah, I did. It was great.” I reached into my wallet and pulled out the last $50 bill I had saved, then placed it in the woman’s hand.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Philips,” she said happily as she slid the bill into her pocket. “We hope to see you again.” We walked out of the room to the front of the store, passing Ryan, who was in his room massaging a client as we walked by. “Have a nice day,” the woman said as I opened the door and walked out.

I cranked my truck and pulled out my phone. I had just enough time to make it to my cousin’s house. I smiled at myself, pleased that I had pulled off my plan pretty well, in spite of the way it seemed to be going wrong at first, and no one had seen me. I sent my cousin a text letting her know I would be there soon, then hit the road. I drove to the address my mother had given me for my cousin’s apartment, but then I realized she hadn’t given me an apartment number. I pulled out my phone once more and dialed my mom. No answer. I decided to try my cousin instead.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Hey, Caroline?”

“Yeah, this is her.”

“Hey, its me, your cousin. Jason. Listen, I went to the address my mom gave me but I’m not sure if its the right place.”

“Oh, where are you?”

“Sandpiper Apartments?”

“No, yeah. You’re in the right place.”

“What apartment are you in?”


“What’s your apartment number? I’m here with the truck.”

“Oh, I’m not there right now. Sorry, I’m still on my way home from work. I’ll be there in like, 2 minutes.”

“Oh, okay.”

“It’s 902D, though.”

“Okay, I’ll just wait outside.”

“Okay, cool. See you in a sec.”

Finally, 10 long minutes later, I saw a car with darkly tinted windows pull up and park beside me. I assumed at first that it must be Caroline, but I was surprised when I saw a familiar form emerged from it, one I had only seen in a photo. She was wearing a tank top, revealing a large, intricate, colorful tattoo across big, perky, breasts. Her face was lovely as well, and I vaguely recognized it from the photo even without the blurry filter, framed by now faded pink hair. I felt myself blush as she made eye contact with me. Of course, there was only a 1-in-3 chance that this was the girl I had been…“serviced” by, but it was still a possibility that I might be looking into the eyes of someone who had just unknowingly given me a blowjob, and swallowed my jizz. It felt a bit surreal. I found myself both puzzled and nervous as this girl walked over to my driver’s side door, smiling, and spoke to me. I wondered if she had followed me from Silver Crescent. Of course, there’s no way she would’ve done that. She hadn’t even seen my face, nor had I seen hers. Why would she be talking to me? Finally, she reached the window of my truck. I rolled it down reluctantly.

“Jason?”, she said as she smiled expectantly. “It’s me, Caroline. It's been a few years, eh?" I could tell by her voice that she was being sincere. She had no idea that I had just been at her...place of employment. I wondered if it had been years.

There was a 1-in-3 chance that it hadn't.


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Down on the Farm Part 1

I own and operate a 200 acre Pick-your-own farm near the metro area. I grow Christmas trees, apples and pumpkins. I’ve tried veggies in the past but found they were too labor intensive during June which was a busy time for the other crops. Last year during pumpkin season, a pleasant middle aged woman approached me and asked if I’d considered growing veggies as she would like to have a place to come and pick fresh from quantity. I explained my time constraints during the month of June and if...

4 years ago
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My First Time With Joseph

Hi friends!! My name is Anupreet and I am from Mohali, Punjab. I am 36 years old, married with 1 kid. The incident which I am going to share with you happened about 14 years ago when I was pursuing Masters in English at Panjab University Chandigarh. We stayed in Mohali and my family consisted of my parents and a younger brother who was pursuing a course in engineering from Chandigarh itself. My parents were working in government jobs. We had our own 2 storied house in Mohali. I was an average...

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fun night

I have been swinging with my husband Conrad for several years and we both love the extra dimension it gives to our marriage. There have been a couple of little difficulties along the way but we both enjoy involving others in our sexlife as much now as we did when we started. We like to swap with other couples at a club we use in the Midlands and have attended a few swinging parties. It really turns both of us on particularly when I am with other men with definitely the favourite for both of us...

1 year ago
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Raped in prison

Introduction: Valkyrie is in a gaol trying to ding cylsas nadir when the prisoners escape and have their way with her As valkyrie was pulled out of the ventilation ducts she screamed with a terrible gut wrenching fear. She was going to die. They finished pulling and she landed on her ass, the tall bulking men standing in front of her, grinning at their triumph. What should we do with her? One man asked we should kill her! This got some cheers. No, we should use her as a hostage to get out of...

2 years ago
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POW Prisoner Of The WidowsChapter 8

I acted as if I hadn't heard her when Basheera talked about me marrying and deflowering her daughter. I mean what the hell was I going to say? "Sure, Sheba, I'd love to poke you daughter." Or, "I don't think so, Basheera, I was just fooling when I said I'd do anything for your family." I don't know what conclusions Basheera reached, because she kissed me again, and then threw me another curve. "Neeko, why do you not like Tahani?" Where was she getting this stuff? "I like...

1 year ago
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Cook Became My Meal

Soon after my first sexual encouter with padma my maid in Chennai, my work life began at bangalore. I found a small apartment, where I stayed alone and closeby to my work place. Worklife was tough and busy and for nearly 6 months and I had no time to indulge anything apart work. I was getting sexually frustrated and homesick at the time thinking of the days I used to bang padma. Also the hotel food was beginning to bore me, so I decided to hire a cook for the weekend’s atleast. I told the...

2 years ago
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Awesome Fuck On The Bus With A Stranger 8211 Part 1

Hello readers, this is my first story so please forgive me for any mistakes. I have been a regular reader of ISS for almost a year now. Finally, I had a wonderful experience which I think is worth sharing here. Myself Vishal (name changed). I am 25 years old 5ft 11 tall with fat 7” dick with muscular body. (not super buffed not athletic either). Enough of me, the angel of the story is a lady. I didn’t get a chance to get her name. So we will call her Vivedha. She was very short of 4.7- 4.9 ft...

2 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 31

Ed caught up with me before First Period in Graphic Arts. Ed greeted me with a huge smile. "I've decided. I want to go to Florida to be a Gator." "The Gators? Don't they run that gimmick offense?" I asked. "No. It's not a gimmick. They are pass first, run second. They do a lot of work with a single back and three or four receivers. They run a more sophisticated version of the spread offense that we run." "I didn't realize that." "You should check these guys out. They could be...

1 year ago
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The Long Hot Summer The Awakening

Purely Erotic Fiction. THE LONG HOT SUMMER – The Awakening Chapter 1 Well, as all things seem to go in life, new opportunities and experiences present themselves at unexpected times, and in unbelievable places. My story begins when I was a few days away from my eighteenth birthday. I was a bit of a shy guy, a studious “straight A” student, a good athlete, lettering in a number of sports, and really naïve about sex. I had offers from a number of very good universities, so life was good....

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The Ranchers Daughter3Chapter 15

Roland and Wayne have done some more thinking about the war wagon and have decided to keep the basic design, but to change the armor to steel plate mounted on a wooden frame. There was some concern about the ability of the wood to stop modern bullets and a potential problem with fire. The engine appeared powerful enough to handle this extra weight in further tests, so the decision was made to switch. Also, a decision was made to switch from conventional narrow, large diameter wheels to much...

4 years ago
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Its Not Prostitution Ch 06

Angel’s meeting is not what she expected. Abbie pulls into the parking lot of Java Joes, a tiny coffee shop in one of the shittiest areas of downtown. I’m surprised it hasn’t gone out of business by now and I sit for several moments trying to figure out how it hasn’t, more to just distract my mind than because I actually care anything about this shithole. Abbie turns to face me from the driver’s seat, giving me that half concerned, half angry look of hers, wishing I would tell her what the...

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The Christmas Wish

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- The Christmas Wish By AngelJedi (Megan Campbell) (Released: December 24, 2020) My mom was screaming - again. It was like the third time today or something. She clearly wasn't enjoying Christmas break as much as I was. Thankfully, she wasn't screaming at me...this time....

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Discovering Mom8217s Sexcapades

Hai, this is Agil, I’m a big fan of ISS. I love to read the cheating moms and wives stories. Also I love the incest and gangbangs. I appreciate all the writers in here for giving us the ultimate pleasures of our dreams. They are the inspiration to the new writers like me. I’m not a good writer, actually this is my first try. I hope all ISS readers will forgive my mistakes. Now about the story. This is a fiction story that made up through my imagination. You can understand while reading it. Ok...

1 year ago
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How My Crossdressing Began

Let me find where to start. That may sound like a simple parameter but for a few reasons, it's less clear. I recall as a c***d being magnetized to the colour sales junk mail delivered to the house weekly. Pictures of women in underwear fascinated me and I even collected a few of my favorite cut outs. I even recall making a paper bra to try on. That didn't go too well I don't think. My next step was peeking at my mums underwear drawers for things that looked like the ones in the pamphlets....

4 years ago
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Still bicuriousReady for biserious

Between my bad luck and the fact I'm being picky, I'm still waiting to feel a warm and hard cock slip past my lips and hit my tongue. Still waiting to feel a throbbing cock rubbing my asshole and then slowly easing into me. I dream of a well trimmed smooth looking cock. Im tired of bi-curious..I am now bi-serious!! Ive been curious for waayy too long. I've only had 3 opportunities to enjoy a cum swapping fiesta. The 1st guy wanted me bad. I got picky and couldn't do it though. He was just too...

2 years ago
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Neat Freak vs the Slob

Neat Freak vs. the Slob By Tennis Guy Let's get this straight - I am not a neat freak, but I'm not a slob either. I wish I could say that about my wife, but I can't. She is just simply a slob. Not in a grotesque sense - she is just very messy around the house. In our bedroom, her clothes are always laying around on the floor. In the bathroom, we always have pantyhose, bras, and panties hanging around as they dry - plus she constantly leaves her lipstick and makeup stuff laying out...

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This Most Unusual Sister Ch 03b Interlude

***** Edited by AsylumSeeker, a true joy to work with. Thank you again, for helping this dreamer bring life to these words. This is a simple kiss, told in precisely 750 words. It is an interlude, as the relationship (already more unusual than either can imagine) between these two young women changes and their feelings for each other deepen into previously unimaginable areas. This interlude occurs between chapters 3 and 4 of This Most Unusual Sister. Very soon, we’ll be meeting more members...

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For Miss Mandie

You walk in and see me bent over the bed. His cock, steadily sliding in and out of my ass. You can see a string of precum dripping from me steadily and you walk over."Enjoying yourselves?"I moan and you wipe your finger across the tip of my dick, making more ooze out."Does his cock feel good in your ass?"As I open my mouth to say yes, you stick your finger in, rubbing my juices on my tongue. Tou turn to him and ask if he's planning on cumming in my ass. "No. I want to get fucked too" is the...

1 year ago
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Sex with cousin8217s sister in law

Hi I am Hemant here, I am 28 yrs, 5’9″ inches male with a good physique & a very strong sex drive & I have a 7″ inches rock hard cock to please & satisfy any female craving for sex just like I do. I love oral sex and lot of foreplay. I like ladies who r a little more than handful and mouthful with big boobs and big butts. Though initially I was hesitant to pen my story, but after reading other stories. This story is about my MINI, my wife’s elder cousin sister. This happened about two years...

3 years ago
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Dungeoneering HaremChapter 17

Elinore searches through Liana’s belongings, looking for something as Liana struggles to play with herself. Bonny stares, blushing as she moves closer with a curious look on her face. “What am I supposed to be looking for?” Elinore asks. “Um, she’s not talking, she’s just rubbing herself,” Bonny says. “Long and hard,” Liana says. “Long and hard?” Bonny asks. Elinore reaches into the bag, pulling out a long dildo and staring at it. “I think this is it.” “A dildo?” Liana reaches out for...

1 year ago
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AWH Sweet Revenge

Chapter One "Coming Home" You see it all started last Friday when our bosses had thrown us one of those few bones that the Corporate Demi-Gods in their infinite charity bestow once in a while upon their lowly minions. They had decided to be magnanimous and let us off two hours early for the upcoming Christmas Holidays. While she drove us home, home being a house I had inherited from my grandmother and was sharing with Kelly, her low-life boyfriend Billy and my now ex-girlfriend Sherry,...

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The Art Of Escape

The Art of Escape Re-visited By Tyjord [email protected] all my readers: Please note that although my stories do not contain any references to the permanent harm or death of characters, the scenarios presented are very extreme and would result in great physical harm or death if any of them were attempted in real life. My stories are fiction, and all the events depicted should be read with a willing suspension of disbelief. Even if the events portrayed were possible, they should not be...

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Party Time

Leaving the liquor store with my gift bag in hand I walked towards my car, eagerly anticipating the night ahead. My pants were clean, my nails were trimmed and I was hoping that the night would work out well.Two weeks before I had been invited to a party through a friend of mine. The hostess was a former client of my friends', a striking forty-two year woman who ran her own design firm. She had been invited to parties of ours in the past and the few times she showed she always owned the room...

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Amandas ChoiceChapter 18

The day was to be robbed of its sunset. Just as the sun began to drop towards the ocean, a line of long, low clouds drifted in from the horizon, growing steadily thicker as they encroached towards the shore. Faint shafts of showery rain appeared under them as they slid over the waters. As the failing afternoon light darkened her bedchamber, Yanna was forced to reach over and flick on the lamp in order to complete her little experiment. The light illuminated the pouch of sleeping powder...

2 years ago
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Rashidha Chap7 Teasing a Slut

My dad is a very mischievous man. In order to spice up our daily routine, he started to tease me. He already teased my mom; why not me? He teased my mom in many ways. For example; In bed; he would put his head in between her big tits and shake them; while she was cooking; He would caress her back and her ass; during their bath; yeah sometimes they take baths together and sometimes I join in as well. But till then I wasn`t being teased by my dad yet. A mere slap on the ass wasn`t teasing for his...

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I love her caresses on my cheek. Kira's slender fingers trailing over my face and mouth, down along the soft sensitive skin of my neck. Then to my breasts, gently massaging and teasing at the same time, each stroke designed to please me.I push Kira down on the bed. She looks so cute and edible in her tank top and red tartan mini skirt. I kiss her tenderly, sliding my tongue into her mouth and kissing her deeply. Hungrily we explore each others mouths with our tongues. It feels so good.I caress...

4 years ago
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How Did This All HappenChapter 3

I knew Victoria's Secrets stores were in a lot of cities; I was a little surprised that they were in Kansas City. I don't know why, I just was. We went inside and the two women working there greeted Harriet as we walked in. They both addressed her as Mrs. Gamble. Harriet said, "Get us black, red, pink and white Allison baby dolls and I want the matching crotch-less panties as well." Looking at me she asked, "What size are you? An eight?" I said, "No, I'm a six." The blonde said to...

3 years ago
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Cyber Sex

Kat kissed her beautiful son goodbye and waved him off for a night at grandma’s. Peace at last she thought as she closed the front door behind her and slumped down onto the warm sofa. A quick flick through the channels showed that there was nothing but crap on the telly again so she decided to go and run a very deep, very warm and soapy bath. As she slipped through the bubbles on the surface, the warm water caressed her body, The warm glow of tea lights flickered and danced on the walls....

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Me And Servant Rajan Fucked Mom Part II

Hi everyone, this is Aakash Sinha again after, I loved the response you gave me to my previous story, And feel free to contact me at Now getting back to where we left, I wanted to fuck mom badly, there were several options for me. I could have straightaway hit on her. Or made Rajan to convience her. But I chose the safest way. I talked to Rajan about it. Me: I have made a plan. Rajan: You want me to talk to her? Me: No, that could backfire. Rajan: Then? Me: I want you to fuck mom in her...

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Sods LawChapter 11

Thursday 22nd August 1985 Life went on for another three weeks. I got round to advertising for a tenant to fill Harry’s place without much hope of many replies, but was surprised when Annette Furlong applied. She was a medical student and came from a fairly wealthy family. The residents were impressed with her and she moved in on the 1st of September. It was Thursday 22nd August that Fred eventually got back to me. I had to buy him dinner! He said it was very difficult and involved some...

1 year ago
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Sheila Bhabhi Part 1

Hi readers , this is steve Austin , back here after a long long time. I know that a lot of readers were urging me to release my new stories from a long time. But unfortunately due to my hectic and timeless work , I have not been able to pen down my next of the long series . for those of you who don’t know me , can read my series, Shirley – my lovely sister. Today , I m back to narrate a short story filled with varied emotions. As usual , I don’t recommend readers who are insulted by incest...

2 years ago
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The Neighbour

I sat there astonished at the development of this young man. Not long ago was he small and scruffy. But now, he was an adult, having turned 18 not two weeks ago. His stride was confident. The sun lit up his tanned face and dark hair hanging over his forehead. I could only see him for a man. A man I so dearly desired.James, eighteen, was tall, tanned and strong. His black hair was fashioned into a classic cut which reminded me of my husband. From time to time, during the hot Melbourne Summer, I...

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4th of july with mom

It was hot outside, really hot. It was the 4th of July and Mom and I were relaxing in the pool. We had decided that this year we would just stay home and enjoy our vacation week, hanging out in the pool and watching movies. No work, no schedules, and since we were staying home, no crowds or traffic to contend with. Lying there on the pool float I was thinking how this was just about perfect. The only thing better would be if I had a girlfriend to hang out with instead of my Mom.It had been a...

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No library

Mr.T and I have recently attended a black time event out of town at a casino resort.The two of us looked good Damn good him in his tux me in a gown . The event was a two night three day event one night he took me the second night he took his sister. Him and I spent the day to gather did some shopping ,some gambling we won some took it back to the room ,so I would have more to play while he was gone. As we are sitting there talking he smiles sorry we could not find a library last night.Looking...

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A good head on someones shoulders Part 1 Statistically Impossible

Statistically Impossible Imposable is a term used when people are unable to get a particular result and give up. But odds can and are defied this is a story of such. ---------------------------------------- Mark un-Plugged the headphones from the armrest as the flight attendant came to him to collect them. Only thirty minuets till he would be back home from spring break. The fasten seat belt sign lit up as the plane experienced minor turbulence a few minuets later and it had...

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Ahriman The Evolution of a Serial Killer 3

Introduction: Part 3 Please read parts 1-2 to understand the story, especially before voting. I looked down at Mother as she sucked me off. Her hot mouth on my penis felt amazing, even as I wanted to scream in agony from the whip marks on my back and butt. Mother had cleaned them with rubbing alcohol again, and they sent pulses of pain through my body just as pulses of pleasure flew through me from the wet warmth around my penis. Then the pleasure stopped, but the pain increased as Mother...

3 years ago
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Right Under Your NoseChapter 27

"I can't believe my mom said that!" I said as Anna buckled herself in. "No shit! I figured we had a week or two before she hit us up." Anna was smiling hugely. The rest of the party had gone well, embarrassing, but well. After lot of good natured ribbing, everybody settled down to just hang out and have a good time. But as nice as it was, I couldn't wait to get home. I love my friends and family, but I still felt as if this thing with Anna was too new, too fragile and I wanted to to...

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Timestop The Class Test

DISCLAIMERS I'm just trying to help with these disclaimers! I don’t want to spring things on anyone. My writing is SUPPOSED to be gross and wrong, which is what makes it so thrilling to write! You SHOULD feel icky reading it! I try to creep myself out as I write, getting into the mindset of a perverted VILLAIN. I do not condone any of the things I write about! All characters are 18+. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to events, locales, or persons living or dead is purely...

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Perfect WishesChapter 6 A Minor Oversight

My life went on like this for several years. By now I had all my credit cards paid off and was well on my way to paying off the mortgage in less than half the time originally planned. Craig was doing well in college, majoring in engineering and Tim was now a straight A senior in high school. Both were confident and did well with the girls, a fact that would have me worried about paternity suites if I hadn't made sure they steadfastly believed in condoms. With my powers I didn't have to...

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The Rape Run

The Rape Run Written by Olga AnastasiaThe Runners:Melena de Santo – The Colonel Ja-alixxe – The Bounty Hunter Aireela – The Amazon Elionara – The Dancer Palonae – The Princess (Princess Palonae Noonian Aurora Tonova) Tasha Castelaine – The Career Woman Jasmeena – Daughter of the Sands Cara Haston – The Model Leesha – The Born Slave Oorla – The Actress The Hunters:Salarin – The Sadist Leshan – The Runt Cronorgan – The Master Lotho-etsarra –The Libido Jackran-ad-aktar – The Alien1 - GeneralI am...

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My first threesome

Okay, so things were getting a little dull in the bedroom, I rember it was a Sunday in November a few years ago, Duggs was sitting in the dinning room reading the Sunday papers. Thinking he was not taking any notice of me I said, "what are you getting me for Christmas", his reply came as "honey, what would you like", still with his head in the news papers I thought, I'll see if you are listening to me. So with baited breath I said "I'd like a threesome with you and your friend Martin", a moment...

3 years ago
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SINFULL Lena Denson, 45yo, white female, 5’06, 135lbs, 34Bx27x37, brown eyes, and short, spiky hair was bored was ready to go home after being at work less than an hour. She worked the graveyard shift, and since it was a Tuesday night, she was sure that the hours were going to move as quickly as the hot dog rollers that were sweating juices from weenies at that very moment not two feet from her. She was working with Tawny Hobbs, 28yo black female, 5’02, 160lbs, 38Dx38x48, with brown eyes, and...

4 years ago
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Meri Pados Ki Ladki

Hello mera Naam Ashfan hai me mumbai ke kurla me reheta ho meri umer is waqt 21 saal ka jawan ladka ho meri height 5 feet 6 inches hai mere lund ki size 8 inch ka hai kafi mota bhi hai me appko apni real khani bataraha ho yeh khani mere padoos me rhene wali rameeza ki hai rameeza umar 18 saal ki sexy ladki hai kafi khobsurat bhi hai me usme kafi passan karta tha hum aksar majak masti kra karthe the jaise yha wha ki bate ke school me koi uska boyfreinds hai vo Hamesa kheti ke mera koi...

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An Ordinary Mans Life Ch 39

This chapter was kindly edited. Great job. Thank you Mike. ***** It took almost a month after the sex party before Dan, Jack and Peter finally came to the conclusion Todd had no intention of breaking the rules of their friendship. Todd saw them visibly relaxing and their observation what he was doing waned. They had realized Kate and Megan kept him sexually more than satisfied. However, they were still aware that their girlfriends occasionally looked at him with hunger in their eyes. Todd...

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Intrusive DelightsChapter 41 Brief Encounter

The day after this puzzling meal, the Emir arranged that she should meet Ernesto in the harem, apparently by chance. Looking fearfully around they spoke in whispers. "It is rumoured that the Emir is going to have me made infertile," whispered Rubina, "and I am to be sold as a field slave." "He had me castrated," said her husband, "and I am to serve here in the harem." "Castrated?" asked Rubina, all the colour draining from her face as she remembered the previous day's...

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A teen girl worships my cock

My story begins as I was traveling for business. I arrived at my location and was to be stuck in a hotel for two weeks. My wife made sure we planned our times so neither got too lonely... The second night in this area I went to a fast food joint to get some unhealthy food. I was waiting on by a petite little thing who's name tag read "Elizabeth". Elizabeth was about 5 feet tall, maybe weighing 110 lbs with small but pert breasts and her tight black pants hugged a very sexy ass, perfectly...

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The SetupChapter 1

About every other year my wife and I would take our son to Orlando for vacation. Normally we would fly, but this year I needed to stop in Atlanta to meet with some clients for a day, or at least that was the official story. When I pulled into the motel parking lot that evening, they had no clue it was all part of a much more devious plan. After a long drive, we quickly checked in and spent the rest of the evening by the pool. The pool area wasn't overly crowded. It wasn't until we got back...

1 year ago
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Gift From The FutureChapter 3

Roy lay in bed and thought about what had just happened. He was still not 100% convinced that he didn't dream this. He knew that no one would believe him if he tried to tell them about tonight. Maybe it was a dream. There was no woman from a spaceship here. He got out of bed and stretched. He decided to get a glass of milk and try to get back to sleep and see what tomorrow would bring. As he started to leave his bed something on the other side of the room appeared. It looked like a pile of...

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Swap Week Chapter 8

Swap Week: Chapter 8 By RogerGirl Nicole woke up early again to get ready for her last day of work. Waking up early was one thing she wouldn't miss when she returned to her normal life as Nick. She went through her morning routine and also packed a bag with a new swimsuit for the pool party, a pair of short shorts, a pair of flip flops, some stuff she would be wearing with her dress at the dance, and something she would be wearing for Nathan after the dance. She went to the kitchen...

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The Legal ProfessionChapter 3

In the morning I packed my bag, putting my laptop and Hunt's Memoirs inside, had breakfast, and paid my bill, saying that I'd move my vehicle after lunch. I then waited for Ted to show up. Tom looked tired when we arrived. "I've been up late, on the sat phone. To my surprise, nearly everyone agrees with you about Abbott's reaction. The UN is on the back burner." "Glad to hear that. OK, I need to know your 'demands.' I know we're not considering a Palestinian 'right of return, '...

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Double Date Two Sisters

Leanne was pissed off. She had come home from college for a week only to be saddled with watching over her 15-year-old sister all the time. Her parents had decided that since she was back, even temporarily, they could count on her to watch Wendy while they went off on some "date nights", which they had complained that they just didn't get to do anymore since Leanne had moved out.That was all well and good, but she wanted some date nights too! She hadn't seen her boyfriend Russ in months!Her...

3 years ago
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Give and Take Ch 01

It wasn’t the first time that week that Riley was bored. He lolled about in his chair at his workspace, looking around for something to get on with. Time was ticking by so slowly. For a Thursday it was dragging, and even though a lot of work had to get done, the unit was up to a full team — where the term ‘many hands make light work’ would be appropriate. He was well aware that the boss wasn’t around, and that had been the case for the past thirty minutes that afternoon. Every so often he’d...

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