Sirinya free porn video

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Bob "Oh my God, what are you looking at, Bob!?" yelled Mary, gazing over Bob's shoulder at the computer.. "Oh get over it, it's not a big deal." said Bob, who hadn't heard her sneak in. "It's just a beauty contest. This is the bikini part of it. See the one on the right? I think she's going to win." "It IS a big deal. Where are those girls from?" "Thailand, I think.." "I swear to God, if I catch you one more time... Do you know how those girls are abused and exploited, Bob? Do you even care? Is that the kind of girl you want, some abused girl who's dragged from her village to wear a bikini?" "Stop being such a drama queen! I'm pretty sure no one puts a gun to their heads, Mary. No one makes them go to these. Look at that one, the tall one on the right with the red bikini. See how she's smiling? She's happy! Look how happy she is." "I don't know. I bet they're miserable inside. And I wish you would never look at those girls again, because it degrades you and me and all those girls, treating them like playthings. You know if I weren't here, I bet you'd be one of those creepy guys putting up personal ads: 'Well- to-do American man seeks beautiful Thai woman for companionship and love.' Those guys are such idiots - all they want is sex and all the girls want is money!" Bob had had enough, so he went off to sleep in the guest room. ... Mary slowly walked into the bookstore. Tons of books, literally, falling all over the place. It was the local emporium of Thai culture, and there was a man here who had strange powers (or so it was rumored), great powers. Supposedly, he was a Buddhist monk, but nobody knew for sure. And nobody could say his name, so they called him the Magic Man. "Hey, is the Magic Man here?" she said hopefully. "Yeah, in the back." She found him in his office staring intently at the computer. Without looking at her or even moving a muscle, he said, "What's up?" "Hello, sir. Good day to you. My name is Mary Smith and I want to tell you about a grave disrespect to your culture that my husband commits." The Magic Man raised one eyebrow curiously. "He looks at pictures of half-naked girls on the internet. Regularly." "That is a grave offense." He didn't bat an eyelash, but she could tell he was being sarcastic. "No, seriously, he looks at Thai girls. In bikinis. He objectifies your women! And I have to get him to stop. Some way. If there is only some way for him to know how painful and awful it is to be one of those girls, to step into their shoes for a short time..." She paused expectantly. "You want me to turn him into one of those girls?" he said. "Just temporarily. To teach him a lesson." "Fine," the man said. "It'll be $50." He opened a drawer and took out a red pill. "If he takes this, he'll look like one of those girls by the next morning." He opened another drawer and took out a blue pill. "If he takes this, he'll be back to himself. But he has to take it within one week, or he's stuck." "Why?" "Who knows? I don't make the rules." He pointed vaguely towards the heavens. "Good to do business with you." He waved her out dismissively and turned his gaze back to his computer. Out of curiosity, Mary leaned to see what he was staring at raptly, and saw he was watching the same bikini contest her husband had been watching. "Oh for God's sake," she muttered under her breath. "Men!" Bob and Mary were going to the beach next week, and she decided that this would be the perfect time to give him the pill. They drove to the hotel, and ate some supper. They were lying in bed, about to go to sleep. "Have a vitamin. It's good for you. You're looking wan." "Alright." Bob absent-mindedly popped the vitamin, looked startled for a second, and then felt very drowsy. "Man, I slept on the plane, but I am exhausted." He closed his eyes for a second, and when his eyes opened again, Mary could see his blue eyes had changed to black. "I think after you get some beauty sleep, you'll feel like a whole new person." Mary chuckled to herself appreciatively at her wit. Bob thought Mary had been acting weird the last few days, but whatever. He was tired. He would worry about it in the morning. Mary had a hard time getting to bed that night. She tossed and turned, and looked at her husband in the moonlight, sleeping peacefully. Was his body getting thinner and more feminine? She thought so. Was his hair getting longer and darker? Almost definitely. She woke up excitedly in the morning, with the first rays of the sun just entering the room. It worked! The girl next to her was fast asleep, her long black hair partly covering her face, her breasts noticeable through Bob's old T-shirt. "Bob." The girl didn't move. "Hey Bob!" The girl turned over and went back to sleep. "Bob, wake up! Let's go to the beach!" The girl rubbed her eyes, and stared at Mary. Mary had no attraction to girls, but even she could tell this girl was a knockout. Her long black hair flowed down her back. Her wideset, almond-shaped black eyes stared at her wordlessly. She had a cute button nose, high cheekbones, and luscious, kissable lips. Her husband had become a beautiful Asian girl. Her husband would fit right in in one of those horrid bikini contests. The girl said "Geeeez, Mary. Sleep in, it's a vacation." As soon as the girl said this, she grabbed her throat and coughed. "Man, I'm losing my voice" she said. She took a look at her hand. "What's wrong with me?" she began to sound desperate. "That's not my hand!" She looked down at her legs, smooth and brown. She sat up with a start, and ran to the bathroom. To her satisfaction, Mary heard a little feminine scream. Then she heard riotous laughter. 'Bob' walked back into the room laughing. "What a weird dream! You're right, Mary, I need to stop watching those swimsuit contests." The girl who Bob had become laid down, closed her eyes, and tried to get back to sleep. Mary smiled and said, "It's not a dream, Bob." The girl opened her eyes for a second, said, "Yes it is," then closed them again. Mary pinched her. The girl shrieked and looked reproachfully at Mary. "What's the matter with you? What are you talking about? This is real? Did you do this to me?" "Yes I did, Bob. You needed to learn a lesson. You need to learn what it's like to be objectified, to be sexualized, to be degraded. You need to walk in someone else's high heels." The girl closed her eyes for a few minutes, slowly beginning to realize that this was not a dream, and said "How do I get my body back?" "I'll decide when you're ready." Bob was furious at two things. First, that he now had a vagina. The second thing was even more irritating, though. He knew what Mary wanted to hear as soon as he saw the smug look on her face. She wanted to hear him beg to bring his male body back. She wanted him to tearfully apologize for being such a piggish male and grovel at her feet, regretting all the things he had done. She wanted sniveling, but she wasn't going to get it. He was going to wipe that smug look off her face. He was going to blow this off. He'd been through worse. "I have just one question for you, Mary." "Yes?" "When's breakfast?" "What? I mean, I don't know. Probably till 10 - it's only 7:30." "Well I'm hungry, but I need to take a shower first. Do you mind if I go first?" "I guess not." Bob walked into the bath, and took his clothes off. He stared at the mirror. His pert, sizable breasts bobbed up and down as he walked. His skin was smooth, hairless and brown. His legs were long and thin. He had become a very attractive young woman. It was useless to think of himself as a "him" anymore, he was definitely a "she" now. As she sat in the bath, wondering what to do, some ideas began to form. Some wicked, vengeful ideas. She felt her new equipment, and let out an involuntary moan when she hit a sensitive spot. Over the next half- hour, she learned more about female anatomy and physiology than she had in the last 10 years. Her ideas began to germinate and sprout in her head, and by the end of her bath, were fully formed. She dried off, rooted through Mary's suitcase, and found a pink bikini to put on. She put on matching pink lipstick and smiled in the mirror. She turned and walked out of the bathroom, smiling as she saw Mary's stunned face. "How does it look? You're always complaining that your swimsuit makes you look fat, it doesn't make me look fat, does it?" "Uh, no, Bob, it doesn't." "I wish that you wouldn't call me Bob anymore. You're now married to a girl named Sirinya Kanaknateesawat, a beautiful girl from a small village in Thailand. And you need to hurry, because we're going to miss breakfast." Sirinya grinned, showing her lovely white teeth. Mary felt momentarily depressed. Bob would learn. This was just like him blow things off, to pretend not to care, to pretend that he wasn't affected at all. Well, he would learn but good this time around. She tried to get Bob/Sirinya to wear more than a bikini to breakfast, but Sirinya would have none of it. It was an outdoor brunch after all, and she said she didn't need to be formal. Sirinya seemed to radiate more energy and sexiness as men stared at her at the breakfast table. She flirted with the waiter at the table, and got a free breakfast out of it. They had planned on going paddle boarding, and Sirinya said she still wanted to go. The problem when they got there was that Sirinya could no longer lift the board - she had lost most of her upper body strength in the transformation. Mary smirked. Sirinya, resourcefully, said "Sir, Sir" to the well-built built young man at the counter, and bounced up and down enticingly. "Can you pleeeeease help me for just one second. This board seems to be made of lead, oh my God! Can you just help me get it in the ocean." The young man was more than happy to leave a long line of people waiting, and ignore the sign that said "You must carry your own boards, no exceptions" and carried it for her to the ocean. "You know," she said to Mary, as they were bobbing in the ocean. "I don't need big muscles to lift things anymore. I'll just get whatever man is around to do it." Mary fumed. That night, Sirinya said she wanted to go dancing. Mary shook her head. "I bet all the clubs are full. And only certain people can get in - you know how it is. Let's just go back to the motel. I'm tired." "I bet I can get us in." Sirinya stopped to talk to the doorman. "Hey, Mr. Man, I heard the club is full, but my girlfriend and I are soooooo hot to trot and we would LOOOVE to get in tonight." "Of course, ladies" he said. He wondered what the hot girl in the bikini was doing hanging around the grumpy looking woman, but it wasn't really his business. Mary had several shots of vodka as she watched Sirinya dance with various men. Finally, she couldn't take it, and dragged her stupid, hot, bikini-wearing husband by the elbow out of the club and had her drive them home. That night, Mary was drunk. Very drunk and depressed. It wasn't working at all like she had hoped. They laid down in bed together, and Mary casting a wary eye, said not to get too close. Sirinya embraced her, her breasts pushed up against her, and said, "What's the matter? Are you scared of being around pretty girls in bed? Are you afraid you'll awaken something inside you?" "No, of course not. I'm very comfortable with homosexuals. They're lovely people. I'm just not one of them. Get your tits away from me." "Well, you're not racist are you? You're not afraid to share a bed with a person from Thailand?" "Bob, you're not Thai." "Yes I am! The blood of the Kanaknateesawats runs through my veins, and I can feel my ancestors becoming angered. Their blood is starting to boil. Don't insult my honored dead relations, Mary. They'll haunt you." "Knock it off, Bob" "Sirinya" "Fine, Serena, Sninirina, whatever your name is, go to sleep" she said drunkenly and fell half-asleep Sirinya kissed Mary on the lips, and felt the drunken Mary half-kissing back. She rolled on top of her and kissed her harder. Mary definitely kissed back this time. Sirinya slid down under the sheets, sucked her nipples, and then put her head between Mary's legs and used her tongue and her new firsthand knowledge of female anatomy to try to lift Mary's spirits. She could feel Mary's body tightening at first at the unfamiliar sensation, then relaxing, then starting to rhythmically bounce, then suddenly arch her back and let out a moan. After Mary had relaxed again, and started to fall asleep, Sirinya repeated the process. And then again. The next morning, Mary woke up with a splitting headache. She squinted into the sun, and then saw her husband in a white bra and panties stirring a pot of coffee. "I made a pot of coffee for us, lover." Sirinya said brightly. "You're not my lover" said Mary irritatedly. "You sure were last night." In a cold sweat, Mary realized that she may have drunkenly, accidentally had sex with someone who wasn't technically of the opposite sex any more. "Boy, you Americans are wild in bed." said Sirinya. " I had no idea, just from looking at you, that you would be so passionate around other women." "In my inebriated state, Bob, I thought you still had your male body. Of course, I still have feelings for that man, not you. I am not wild. I was drunk." "You thought I was Bob? You never called me 'Sugar Tits' when I was Bob. I didn't remember you ever asking to feel my 'Sweet little pussy' when I was a man, either." "First off, I would never say that. Plus, I was drunk. Give me the coffee." Mary sobered up, and looked at Sirinya. She was quite an attractive young lady, Mary had to admit. If Mary were oriented that way (which she definitely was not), she would be bedazzled at the sight. She looked at Sirinya's brown cleavage, showing tantalizingly above her white push-up bra. The two women went shopping that day. Sirinya bought several more bikinis, a purse, and some sexy lingerie. As a nod to propriety, she bought a floral print dress to wear, but it didn't hide her charms too much. Mary refused alcohol at the dinner that night. She was not going to have a repeat of the night before. She was proudly heterosexual, and she was going to stay that way. Mary wiped off her makeup and put on her frumpiest T-shirt and shorts. Sirinya put on bright lipstick and her new sexy lingerie, a pink thong and a peek-a-boo bra. Mary tried not to look, but she could see Sirinya's dark nipples poking into the fabric of her bra, and it began to make her think uncomfortable thoughts. She could feel a tingle in her groin area that she was concerned about. "Just one little kiss" said Sirinya teasingly. "I can never ever fall asleep without a goodnight kiss." Mary sighed and said that was fine, just one kiss though. The kiss lingered, and Sirinya felt Mary's hips begin to sway. Hips don't lie, Sirinya thought. Mary wrapped her legs around her, and Sirinya peeled Mary's clothes off until she was naked. "Do what you did last night" Mary panted. Sirinya was more than happy to oblige, and heard the moans and felt the shaking begin soon. They lay in bed holding hands for a couple minutes, then Mary took the initiative this time, and slid her hands around Sirinya, taking her bra off, and then sliding her panties off. The two naked women kissed passionately, and had sex until they fell asleep from exhaustion. Mary again woke up to find Sirinya making coffee. This time, Mary had no excuse. She wasn't drunk. She remembered everything vividly. She was still naked underneath the sheets. She looked at Sirinya with different eyes this morning - she was a damn sexy woman. She hungrily looked up and down her lithe brown body, wearing a purple bikini, a delicate, luminous, heavenly body. Who wouldn't want to have sex with her? Look at her! Sirinya was like a present that she could unwrap several times a day, and every time, Mary would get something unexpected and wonderful. "I need something to wake me up, Sirinya!" "Coffee?" "No, something more ... intimate." The two women began going at it again, but Mary fell asleep afterwards this time. She began to dream, and she saw nothing, but heard voices, whispering excitedly. "Have you heard about Mary?" one voice said. "No, what about her?" the other voice said. "I heard she dumped her husband." "Oh my God, really?" "Yeah, and she's dating someone from Thailand." "No WAY!" "Yeah, but here's the scandalous part. This someone from Thailand is a lingerie model - Mary's sleeping with a woman!" "Oh my God, I had no idea she was secretly a lesbian. Of all people! She was always so respectable! I can't believe she was on the down low! Poor Bob, how is he doing?" "No one knows. Nobody's heard from him. Maybe she killed him, who knows?" Mary woke up in a cold sweat from her nightmare, and looked at the girl lying next to her, calmly reading the sports page. "Bob, you have to take the blue pill! This can't go on." "I think....not yet. I haven't learned my lesson." "No! You're turning me into a homosexual, Bob!" "Maybe you always were. Maybe it was just latent. Maybe you secretly turned me into a beautiful Asian woman because you've always been attracted to them. No one's putting a gun to your head and making you have sex with a woman. On the other hand, maybe it is me - every time you see my hot little body in a bikini, you have an orgasm right after. It's a 'conditioned response.' Maybe I am slowly turning you into a lesbian, who knows? Or maybe, the pill worked its magic on you and me both. I have no idea. But the point is, I haven't learned any lessons at all yet. Every since you turned me into a beautiful woman, I've had mindblowing sex, men treat me like a queen, I get all kinds of stuff for free, and I'm living in paradise. I'm learning the wrong lessons, actually." Mary threw on some clothes, ran for the drawer, and pulled out the blue pill and handed it to Sirinya. "Just take it. Take it now, before this goes any farther." Sirinya took it in her hand, then threw it in her purse. "Maybe later. I don't have many boy outfits to wear and I just can't imagine I'd look as good in this bikini if I were Bob Smith." Sirinya fell asleep early that night, from the exhaustion of being up most of the night the last two nights. When she woke up, the room was dark, but she could see a computer light flickering. She silently got up, and sneaked over to where Mary was sitting. She glanced at the screen - there were only three bikini girls left in the swimsuit contest, and Mary was watching single-mindedly, her whole body oscillating silently back and forth. Sirinya suddenly said loudly, "IS THE RED BIKINI GIRL GOING TO WIN??" Mary jumped two feet off her chair. "Oh yeah, maybe, who knows." Mary quickly turned the monitor off. "Just browsing, you know, and I happened to come across this." "Oh yeah? I thought you didn't like those contests. I thought they were degrading." "Well, I'm just...just...doing some research." "With your pants unzipped?" said Sirinya with a laugh. "Are they unzipped? I guess they are. Whoops! Silly me." And Mary zipped her pants back up and climbed back into bed. She had been rudely interrupted while she was still horny. "Hey Sirinya," she said quietly and nervously. "I was just wondering something. I mean, not that you have to do this or anything. But I was just curious, do you know how to do a striptease? Because that seems like awful good exercise and good stretching - like yoga! - and I was wondering if you know how to do that. Like, not in a degrading way." Sirinya, of course, had never done it, but she had watched enough girls over the years she thought she could. First, she slowly took off her pants, then her shirt. She was left with just a bra and G-string panties on. She said, "I might need some incentive to go any further." Mary reached for her billfold automatically and put a $20 into her G- string. Sirinya pulled off her bra and became bare-chested, her breasts bobbing rhythmically with her movement. "Would you like a private lap dance, ma'am?" she said. "Would I!" said Mary. Mary managed to finish the striptease for Sirinya, then took her own clothes off, leaving two sweaty, horny, writhing naked girls kissing. The two women held each other tightly into the night, and it felt like their bodies were becoming as one. The next several days passed in a blur, the girls falling more in love every day. The time had come to go back home. The two women were walking along the beach, holding hands. "What do you think? Do you want me to take the blue pill?" said Sirinya. "Well of course you should, Bob. It doesn't make any sense for you to stay a girl. I mean, what will you do? What will we do? You probably can't keep your job if you stay like this. And I hate for you to lose your manhood forever. What will your friends think? Will you tell them? What about your family? They're going to want to kill me! No, you should go back to being Bob." Sirinya took the blue pill out of her purse, and nervously held it in her hand. Mary continued. "I'll miss you, though. I'll miss your girlish laugh. I'll miss the feel of your lips and the taste of your lipstick. I'll miss staring at your beautiful brown breasts." She laughed. "I'll miss your tight little ass in a bikini." She looked embarrassed - she couldn't believe she was saying those things. "I love you, Sirinya" Sirinya took a deep breath, hesitated, then threw the blue pill as far as she could into the ocean. She'd just thrown away 'Bob Smith' forever. Sirinya was real now and 'Bob Smith' was just a fictional concept. This wasn't just pretend anymore, or playtime, or a weekend getaway. This new female body, this new identity, was going to be hers for the rest of her life. She and Mary were going to be two women in love forever. No going back now. Sirinya's dark eyes sparkled as she looked into Mary's eyes. "When's the wedding?" "What wedding?" "Our wedding!" "We're already married, we don't need a wedding." "No, you and Bob were married. We aren't married, Mary and Sirinya aren't married." Mary laughed. "We can't get married, you're a girl! Look I've figured it out. We'll get you an apartment a couple blocks away. You can live there, but you can come to our house at 9 or 10 every night, I'll leave the door unlocked, and we can sleep together..." 'What?" Sirinya was horrified. She had just thrown away her manhood, her marriage, her career, just so she could be someone's backdoor girl? NO way. "Of course we can get married! It's legal now!!" Her eyes hardened. "If we're not married, you aren't getting any. Ever. I will not be degraded like that. I am not your little Thai mistress you can treat like dirt. I did not come from a village all the way across the ocean to be treated like this. You Americans think you can buy and sell us..." 'For crying out loud, Bob, you're American, you didn't come from a village at all. You're from St. Louis. Stop being such a drama queen! I'm sorry, maybe someday we can live together openly, but not now. I don't want people talking about me like that." Mary rolled her eyes. For God's sake! Women! "Well then, goodbye, Mary. I bet there are literally millions of American men who would be more than happy to treat me like a princess. I don't have to be treated like dirt. I'm not your plaything!" 'Fine" "Fine!" The two sat in stony silence on the way home, and when they got home, Mary helped Sirinya pack a few things, and moved her into an apartment. Sirinya was determined that she didn't need Mary, she didn't need anyone, she was going to make it on her own. She had her looks, her feminine wiles, she would be fine. ... Three months later, Sirinya was sitting in her apartment. She got a text on her phone, which said - "Sirinya, can you please talk to me? I miss you. Mary." She texted back. "Not sure. When do you want to talk?" "Can I come over tonight?" "Whatever. This isn't just a booty call, is it?" "Of course not." Mary showed up at her door, looking beautiful. She had done her hair and make-up, and looked like the girl she had married 10 years ago. "How's it been going?" said Sirinya coolly. "Great. Okay, honestly, not that good. I've missed you. I saw you in the February swimsuit contest. You were robbed! You looked beautiful, way prettier than the girl who won. I got a copy of your model portfolio, too - I keep it by my bedside all the time. I thought the bio was hysterical "Sirinya Kanaknateesawat hails from two hours outside of Bangkok, from a village called Snipirithorn. She was just a poor village girl with 7 brothers and sisters, discovered by a photographer while carrying water from the well. She currently resides in Los Angeles, pursuing a career in acting and modeling." "Yeah," said Sirinya. "That was mostly my agent. By the way, have you been dating anybody?" Mary said "For a short time. I met someone on the internet. I put in a personal ad, and I met this girl from Bangkok. But I don't think she was interested in me at all - all she wanted was money. How about you?" Sirinya sighed. "I met a rich businessman named Brad. You'd be surprised at how many responses an ad like "Thai fashion model interested in safe, fun relationship with financially secure American man" gets. Anyway, I picked the best-sounding one, and he was handsome alright. He treated me like a queen on our first two dates, and I went back to his place the next date, because I thought I was in love. We had sex.." At this, Mary could feel jealousy bubbling up inside her. " and then I fell asleep. When I woke up, he was trying to tie me up. He started calling me horrible names, and he was just terrifying and sadistic. I thought he was going to kill me!" Mary looked horrified. "What did you do?" "I Maced him. Then I took his wallet and his pants. Men are such assholes." "I know, right? Who needs them? Thank God you're okay!" Mary sighed. "Be careful. I just want to wrap my arms around you and keep you safe." She paused. "I've had our lawyer draw up our divorce papers. I just need 'Bob' to sign them. I'm using my maiden name again - I'm back to being Mary Sims. I told everyone I still loved you but it just wasn't working out, and you, I mean Bob, stayed out by the beach." She added hesitantly, "I think we really had something. I mean, back when you were Bob, but even more so now that you're Sirinya. And I promise I won't ever call you Bob, and I'll always treat you like a princess. Do you think there's any way we can get back together?" "Same rules as before. I don't want to be your shameful secret, I want to be your wife." "I know your rules." Mary grinned. "I have something else I want to ask you." Mary got down on one knee, and said "Sirinya, my beautiful queen, will you marry me?" Sirinya, with a tear in her eye, said "of course" and kissed her. Mary slid the elaborate diamond ring on her finger, and said, "I love you." The wedding announcement said this: Mary Sims and Sirinya Kanaknateesawat are proud to invite you to a celebration of their holy wedding vows. The brides are to unite as one on June 12, 2013 at James Park. The wedding will be presided over by Srini "Magic Man" Thanvasut, and will be a traditional Buddhist ceremony. The Sims-Kanaknateesawats request no gifts, but would simply be honored with your presence.

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This happened a few months ago when my parents were out of town. Me and my elder sister were alone at home. This night she called two best friends home for a nightstay. Scine our house was 1bHK sleeping arrangements were decided as my sister and her friends will sleep down on floor over a mattress and I could enjoy the bed, one her friend was not comfortable sleeping on floor so she asked me if I minded sharing half bed with her, now she was tall, fair, ultimately beautlful, she had an ass to...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Vanessa Moon A St Patricks Rub For Good Luck

Vanessa Moon walks in to where her stepbrother Juan Loco is hanging out. She asks if he made the Varsity team and then declares that she did and she’s good luck. She tells Juan that if he does something for her, she’ll rub her good luck off on him. Later, Juan is busy folding Vanessa’s laundry when she comes back to talk more about his bad luck and how bad it makes her luck. To make herself look better, Vanessa announces that she thinks it’s time that she helped Juan get...

1 year ago
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The Burdens of Others

I feel compelled to start with a warning. If you've read my stuff before, you've probably noticed the frequent apologies for long wait times between chapters due to medical school. I haven't actually used much of that experience in my writing up until this story. It is also based on my time volunteering in a field hospital (though not one as extreme as this one). As such please be aware that this story will touch on some pretty tragic and traumatic topics that will not be comfortable for all...

4 years ago
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Jessica and Grandpa Pt2

Chapter 2 – Jessica Next day at school, my mind raced. I had decided to stay over again this evening, asking my mom to drop off some clother for me, during the day, by phone. It would only be the 2nd time I’d stayed over at my grandparents this week, so was nothing unusual, though it wasn’t often I’d stay over two nights in a row. I knew Grandma would be out visiting friends when I got back in from school, as she always was on a Friday afternoon, which of course meant I would have some time...

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The Boy Who Lived Down The StreetPart Nine

Introduction: Ok, so I asked for your opinion on how to finsh this part to whether tell you what she says or to have them have sex but no answered so if you dont like the end of this part then Im sorry. And thank again for all the nice comments you guys left me, and thier is one more part to this story and then thats it I wont continue it because I already have another story I want to start putting up here. Hope you enjoy this part (: Rileys senior year has seemed to go by fast, yet slow...

2 years ago
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The Merchant of ChaosChapter 43

Lord Duric climbed to the top of the ridge, surrounded by the soldiers of his guard contingent as the sun rose over the morning mists. They looked warily at him as he approached the edge, their gaze darting about warily seeking any possible threats. One of his regiment commanders came to his side. The commander shaded his eyes and extended an arm. "There, my Lord." Duric turned his head and nodded. Past forest and plains, the spires of the Imperial Palace rose in the distance, just on the...

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A Cautious ManChapter 13

Marion and Bill dated regularly over the next three months. Whatever Bill would suggest, Marion would happily agree to. She was determined to demonstrate her devotion to him and by that third month, she expected him to propose. As the month came and went though, she became frustrated once again as he continued to act as if they were just close friends. She had restrained herself in their intimate times, as she knew he was unused to the wilder side of sex, and wasn't comfortable with it. Now...

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Be Careful What You Wish For Have you ever wished that you were irresistible to women? Be careful what you wish for. I am living proof of that. I am a research biologist. Or should I say, I was a research biologist. Now I am a hermit, living alone in this isolated cabin. Every week an airplane flies over and drops my supplies off. I have luxuries that no other hermits have had, for my company does all it can to make sure my existence is as pleasant as possible. After all, I do own a major...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 335

Before I went out to start plowing I asked the girls to call the Bay Bridge Transit Authority to see if the bridge was open. I was finished pushing when Jake, Jason and Dad drove in to put the final touches on my job. Mom, Lisa and Mindy made a bee line for the house to see how Jenny was doing. I wondered the same thing myself; I had been pushing snow for almost an hour. Where the snow was untouched it was to my waist and still snowing. I had one heck of a pile in the back and side...

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Peeping tom neighbor boy

We sat and talked. Josh said that he had not seen David, at least not this time. He had seen him watching several times before and it gave my husband a thrill and made it more exciting for him to be putting on a show for our young neighbor. I was pissed and I called him a fucking asshole but I also felt a tingle in my pussy as I thought about it. I went over and pulled our curtains closed. A couple nights later, after I got over being mad at Josh, we were in bed and Josh was paying...

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Cathy DouglasChapter 19

The three girls realised that Cathy had missed all the action, they went to the room, but she was gone. A side door was open. Sharon contacted the Communications room and a local alert was issued for information about Cathy. Several guards reported that Cathy had been seen walking around the base, but she was in her thinking mode and so they didn't disturb her... "But where is she now?" Charlotte asked and the girls started looking for her. Everywhere they searched people reported that...

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Pantyhose sex on a sunday

I sat daydreaming looking at my wife dressed in a short skirt and blackheels with sheer nude hose. Hanes silk reflections barely there! She always dressed so nice for Thanksgiving. Listening to a relative drone on about his doings I thought back to last Sunday morning. I had just come back from taking the kids to Sunday school, she was dressed and ironing her clothes for the upcoming work week. She came around the corner in a sexy black skirt and matching heels with Hanes silk reflections...

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Towards a Surrender

Towards a Surrender By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. The following story is the first of four parts of a tale that explores the theme of transformation. It is thematically similar others that I have submitted but has a larger narrative arc. I hope you enjoy reading the first portion, Act One & Two I continue to work on better editing and someone has been most helpful. Thank you for your comments Towards a...

2 years ago
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A Lifelong Love Of Lingerie

At the time I was sixteen, my mother was divorced and living with me, and she still worked and was gone until late in the afternoon on some days, so I would have the house to myself. I did not have access to porn until later, but there was Cosmopolitan magazine and other magazines which had the sorts of ads and stories that intrigued me, underwear ads, tampon ads - they all did the trick. I am still very turned on by the picture from the little pamphlet that came inside a box of tampons showing...

1 year ago
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Pool Time

Note : This story is completely fictional! I expected to be home alone and was taking advantage of the opportunity by sunning and swimming in the nude. I was sitting on the pool steps when my son James came home early and found me nude in the pool cooling off from the summer heat. I heard the pool gate open and turned to see James walking toward me naked. I was shocked and didn’t try to cover myself. As he walked toward me my eyes took in his body, especially the cock hanging from his groin. He...

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Poker 2

Den ganzen Sonntag dachte ich dar?ber nach, was ich nur machen sollte. Mir fiel nichts ein. Am Abend ging ich zum dritten Mal mit dem Teddy schlafen. Ich hatte mich schon richtig daran gew?hnt. Aber irgendwie schien es mir nicht richtig, nur in der Unterhose zu schlafen. Ich zog einen Pyjama an. Mit klopfenden Herzen ging ich am n?chsten Tag zum Bus. Ich musste dem Fahrer meine Monatskarte zeigen. Mit gro?en Augen sah er mich an. Das gab mir einen guten Vorgeschmack auf das B?ro. Ich ar...

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Demons force to incest1

It's not so bad, just shift around a bit. Find something interesting maybe. A rotten piece of rat is what these shit worth for. Probably left to get rid of this irreversible stench for all I know. Said Daniel. Both were exhausted to there height from constant moving but everyone have already unpacked their last box all that left was the attic. Take what you want and throw the rest. Meanwhile their uncle was having some medical problems because of which they were about to leave for an hour...

3 years ago
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Hells brothel part 7

Her tongue was extremely skilled and she had dutifully cleaned my cock after I fucked Natasha long and hard in her asshole. The lazy cunt was curled up on the cold floor unconscious with my cum leaking out of her sore ass and a barrage of vicious welts beautifully marking her body. She was always a better fuck when she was shaking in pain. I would beat her again when she woke up as punishment for fainting but for the mean time I pushed the pleasing thought of torturing Natasha to the back of...

1 year ago
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Best Friends Turns Out To Be The Most Exciting Partner In Bed

Hello Everyone. I’m Ahmed from Chennai. I’ve been reaching a lot of stories here recently and thought it’s time for me to share one of experience. I don’t think taking about me makes any sense here yet I’m 27 slim to athletic body 5’7h and good looking. I share one of my many experience. It’s a bit long but I am not sure how it cut it down. feel free to share your comments on This incident happened a few years back. I was working international banking based MNC company where most of the shifts...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 4 Shobha Ka Bank Loan Approval

Hello friends, aasha karta hoon ki aap sab besabri se meri kahani ka intezaar kar rahe hai. Is besabri ke liye dhanyawaad. Aaj ki kahana aap sabki favourite Shobha ki hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padne se pahle season 1 se padna shuru kare. Taaki aapko sabhi characters ko pehchaan le. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id Seoaon II – PART 4: Shobha Ka Bank Loan Approval Narrated by Shobha. Hello dosto,...

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Lucy of Little Hope

lucy of little-hope.chapter 1.By j.If only anyone would care to notice, the sublime picture-of-girlish-perfection that is thirteen year Lucy Green would seem utterly inappropriate for the tiny decrepit bedroom where she now sits.With blonde hair as yellow and shining as a summer cornfield, so neatly arranged into a pair of ribbon adorned bunches, the beautiful nymph-like girl glows, despite the barest of illumination. Just a flickering 20 watt bulb hangs above her, from the now-rusty ceiling of...

4 years ago
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The Fairy Godmother Device Cinderellas Slippers 3

The Fairy Godmother Device: Cinderella's Slippers Part III By Dee Dee Perri CHAPTER 1 The young woman's figure was nearly hidden by the cascade of golden-red hair that fell across her shoulders and down her chest and back. However as she moved, proud, pointed breasts intermittently peeked through the silky mantle exposing soft, pink nipples to the cool ocean breeze that surged through the open patio door. And as she approached the bed that dominated the room, her lush...

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The Feminisation of Michael Chapter 4

The Feminisation of Michael. Chapter 4 Sue had replenished my wardrobe again with new work clothes and had taken the secretary theme to heart! The skirt suits had been replaced with pencil skirts and pencil dresses. The blouses had been supplemented further with lace and ruffle fronted blouses. There were also several ribbed tight fitting cardigans in black, red and various pastel shades. I put on a black lace, slightly padded bra and matching panties along with suspender belt, as I now...

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trib me pls

Tribbing when done right is the love and affection two wet pussylips and hard clits when meet shows each other. Grinding into each other to the level of overwhelming and not to mention amazing orgasm. When you get it right you won't wanna stop not ever. This is the same action that causes me to always wanna fuck my bestfriend...I went by my friend's house couple weeks after our first thrilling pussy encounter. She had invited me over for dinner and when it comes to food it's difficult for me to...

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Dost Ku Bhai Se Chudwayi

Hello friends mera Naam Geeta mai Mumbai se, aj mai mera story share karungi. Do you know why? because maine jabse ye story padti hoon bahut excite hoti hoon, first I thanks to all the story writers, mujhe pata nahi ye story kitna sach, kitna jhoot, jaise hi main panda shuru karti mera ungli apne aap meri chut mein chali jati, kitne bar meri chut pani chodti iska tho hadhi nahi hota.. meri chut toh khuli reh jati isi tara mera story padke apkii chut bhi pani chode aur lund bhi pani chode, mujhe...

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Sweet Candy

by BrettJ © 2009 The attractive young woman’s real name was Candace Morrell, but because of her half-Brazilian heritage and sensual skin tone, everyone had called her “Candy” since she was little and the name had stuck. It suited her, because the petite, 5’2” beauty was as sweet as candy and possessed a sexy, 34C-25-33 figure, with gorgeous brown eyes, chestnut, wavy hair, and a remarkable butt that jiggled nicely when she walked. Candy could be easily described as a “feast for the...

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French Maid Forever

French Maid Forever Debra Phil didn't think it was such a big deal. Not really. OK, he probably should not have cheated on his wife, Cindy. Again. With his personal assistant. But he had. And Cindy had caught him. Now she was livid. She was waiving the separate property agreement he had signed the last time this had happened. If she demanded a divorce, and with the pictures she had she would get one. She would own the house, the company and all of the investments. He...

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Fantasia Part 2 Chapter 3

Fantasia Part 2 - CHAPTER 3 The Queen spoke directly to Missy. Emma sat by the console monitoring and typing. Relax. Send a wave of relaxation through your body from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. Go deeper in trance, honey, go deeper. That's a good girl. Shape your girl. Feel the white hot light on your body and the cool blue light on your clitty shaping you, rounding you, feminizing you. Excite your clit, girl. Your clitty is highly aroused. You feel it...

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My Life as a BoyToy The End

Veronica stared at me for what seemed an eternity. Finally she looked away, her gaze fixed somewhere beyond the large garden bath window. Surely there was some hole in the ground I could crawl into and hide I thought. ‘Don’t worry about it Howdy.’ she finally said, breaking the long, deafening silence, ‘I figured sooner or later, you would falter. All men lie and cheat. I just hoped that my man wouldn’t, that’s all.’ ‘B-b-b-but, I can explai …’ I stammered. Soapy bath water splashed everywhere...

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River Ch 02

Several weeks after the Danny Disaster, when all tears had finally dried up and I was nearly my good old self again, I still hadn’t stopped thinking about doing something different to try to find a loving, long lasting relationship. I just didn’t know how to go about it. So I decided to put all relationship thoughts out of my head and just keep on going with work and the occasional outing with my closest friends. Working with kids has always brought me so much joy and going to work is never a...

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Second ChanceChapter 25

Mr. Bell and Colleen dealt calmly with the details, only asking me what I wanted from time to time, to keep things moving. I didn't fully understand the way a Federal judge could grease the skids until I watched Colleen blow right past the local police, and state attorney. Every time things bogged down in the slightest, Colleen would mention the name Judge Cleveland Jones, and the delays would disappear like smoke in a whirl wind. Mr. Bell kept things away from me that might hurt. His...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 36

Fred, in street clothes, was sitting in his room, fuming. The young nurse hesitantly came in, having already run afoul of the big man's temper. "Sir, I've told the doctor that you refused the CAT scan and the MRI, and wouldn't let them take blood..." "I'm not mad at you, Nurse. I know you're just following orders, but we all know that he's just trying to figure out why I heal so quickly. Those tests don't have a thing to do with a cut across my chest. Now get the paperwork...

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Maggie May Jackstraw

It's funny how small things can change your perspective. In my case, it was a single ray of sunshine coming through a gap in the tattered curtains that didn't quite cover the window to the apartment. It was a bright early autumn morning, around 8, maybe 8:30, one of those days that makes California truly golden. First, it caught my eye, waking me up from a restless sleep, then it hit Maggie's face just right. She was still zonked out, lying on her back, her naked breasts heaving slightly...

2 years ago
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Mutual Benefits Chapter Four

“What do you want from Taylor?”It wasn’t a question I was expecting. I stared at Crystal for a second before sighing. “Look, Morgan already gave me the whole spiel, so I’d appreciate it if we could-”“Oh, I know,” Crystal replied firmly, folding her arms in front of her chest. “She told me when she did. But now if I ever bring you up even in passing, she just looks at the floor and says nothing.”That was a lot to process. “How many times is your friend group bringing me up…?” I began.Crystal...

First Time
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Summer Sleepwalking Surprise

When Jesse finally arrived at Grandma's he was tired ... damn tired. He had been riding in the car in the summer heat all the way to the coast, then on a ferry, then on ANOTHER ferry, and then he finally arrived at Grandma's manufactured house on some crappy dumb island he didn't even remember the name of, it's that boring. While his Mom and Dad caught up with his Grandma and Grandpa in the living room, he took his suitcase to his usual bedroom, only to find the bed unmade and girl clothes...

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Gang Bang

Tina stood before the mirror and admired her reflection. What she saw was a sensual, sexy woman. Her dark hair framed her face. Gold dangling earrings added sparkling highlights and directed one's attention downward to her incredible breasts.Her tits were soft hemispheres of erotic perfection, sized like very large g****fruits. A lacy black half bra served to present each breast both visually and erotically. The bra lifted and compressed her breasts forming a deep cleavage and forcing her...

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A Cheating Husband is Cucked Into Getting His Wife Back

Rick was a forty year old husband who was sitting on top of the world. He had everything a man could ever want, including a beautiful wife named Kelly. Kelly was a year younger than Rick and they had been together since their college days. She was truly spectacular looking, along with being a mom of two. She worked part-time along with doing charitable work for several organizations. She was truly a terrific person in many ways. Rick had been assigned a big project at work and had been...

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Its Always Been You

Best wishes and God’s blessings to all. Thank you all for the votes on ‘The Light of Dawn’ which allowed me to win the monthly contest, I just hope it’s not the last time. MoogPlayer P.S. Don’t forget to vote….. ~~~~~~ Hi, my name is Mark Albertson, and I’m forty five years old. I stand six feet tall, weigh a hundred and ninety pounds, and I have dark brown, almost black hair and sky blue eyes. At the time of what I’m about to tell you happened, I was barely thirty- two years old, an...

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I Have a Dream

This is Julie...In college I'm studying Philosophy and Religious Studies. But for as long as I can remember I've always been fascinated by United States history and politics too. So it wasn't so surprising that the other day, as I was lounging nude on my garden chair, I began pondering about how we can have a better country and world.The inspiring words of Robert F. Kennedy came to me:“There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were, and ask...

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A Summer to Remember Would You Believe it

I was her Big Brother, Dear Abby and Father Confessor. Her Shoulder to lean or cry on and the one person whom she trusted, here. Trusted in all things, in all ways, beyond all others she knew here. I was her semi-constant companion, her guide, her drinking buddy and her friend. I knew more about her, understood her better, than any other she had ever known. In short... I was too close for her to consider a romantic relationship with. She loved me and couldn't imagine her life here without me,...

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BrotherInLawChapter 2

"Please, Mr. Bondman, please! You can't... you just can't!" Ginny wriggled helplessly as he held her pinned tightly to the cushions, squatting victoriously over her writhing young body, his immense balls brushing her flat, smooth belly, his thick knob of a cock beginning to swell and harden as it dangled from beneath the roll of obscene fat that circled his hairy abdomen. "C'mon, honey, stop playing hard to get," leered Marty, gripping his hardening prick in his right hand. "You and...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 34 Friendship Needs No Words

June, 1983, Göteborg, Sweden The SAS DC-9 from Heathrow rolled out on the runway at Landvetter, bringing me back to Sweden for the second year in a row, and the third time overall. When the plane had taxied to the ramp and parked, the doors were opened and I grabbed my carry-on bag and headed off the plane and into the terminal. I found the baggage claim and after a short wait, collected my bags. I switched my brain into ‘Swedish’ mode and prepared to speak little or no English for several...

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Rubber Sissy Panties Part 2

Rubber Sissy Panties Part II Clark woke up at work. He was dressed in the same clothes as in the previous day, shaven and the clothes were clean and ironed to perfection. He looked at the clock on his computer, and it was 7am, way earlier than anyone else would be hanging around. He raised himself off his chair and walked to the W/C, ready to relieve his full bladder. Not noticing his own behavior, he lowers his pants and sits down on the toilet, and points his sissy clitty...

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Black Mans White Pussyboy

I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at therental application he had filled out just a minute earlier. From the datelisted as his birth date, he was 22 years old, three years younger than I.I watched him, explaining about the living room area and kitchen, as...

4 years ago
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Cirece McDonalds Farm

A lady walks out of the farm house wearing only knee high black rubber boots and overalls. The overalls fit her form quite well. Her ample firm breasts push out the top of the overalls to the breaking point. One can almost see her nipples in the fabric. As you stand next to her you can clearly see she wears nothing else under her overalls. She looks like she is between late teens early twenties. Her long wavey honey blonde hair flows down to her firm round ass. She has deep green eyes...

2 years ago
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A Walk in the Park

It's beautiful night out as we walk through the park together arm in arm. We have just finished having a great evening out together including dinner, wine, and a stunning lady sitting across the table from me. As we are walking home together I can't help but admirer your sexy body and how amazing you look tonight in that short skirt. My mind drifts to seeing your wet pussy under that skirt and how I wish I could just take you right here in now. The sound of your voice pulls me back to reality...

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Son8217s Amnesia And Mom8217s 8216Care8217 8211 Part 4

This is the fourth part of the story between mom and son. I compare my mom with actress Poonam Bajwa. So think of someone when you read this story. In this, I am going to say about the sex adventure when dad was at home I and mom started fucking last night. On the next day, we both woke up naked had quick sex. Dad came back home after a business trip. I was acting like a child as mom suggested. Dad: How is our son, honey? Po: He still doesn’t remember. But I am encouraging things to do by...

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Cameraman Tom Darlene

Cameraman Tom & DarleneNote: There is a “son” version of this titled “Cameraman Tom & Daniel”Several years ago I was trolling through some P2P files and found my friend!My friend, Stephen (Steve) lives right next door. He is divorced like me. He has a daughter, Darlene, who visits on some weekends. Steve is a big handsome guy who never seems to date. I always wondered why. Steve and Darlene appeared to be homebodies; I never saw them in the park or riding bikes, the normal family...

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