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Girlish By Karen Singer Steve is a college freshman who just wanted a normal life. His new roommate however had other ideas for him. She decided to make him as absolutely girlish as she possibly could. Written in 2005, this was the third story I ever finished and by far my most controversial. It's also one of my personal favorites. Like my other early stories, I'm presenting it here in its entirety so you can enjoy all of it. I marked a couple of sections in this story for their violent content, and one in particular. If you have any problem with that, then I strongly suggest you skip over them. Please remember that this is nothing more than a work of fiction. It's not real, it never was real. None of the characters are even based on real people. It's all nothing but a simple crafting from my mind, so please treat it that way. So I now invite you to print this out in whatever fashion works the best for you... curl up in a nice comfortable chair... and step into the shoes of someone who is about to have an incredible experience. I truly hope you enjoy - "Girlish." Chapter 1 The University was nestled in the hills just outside of the city. After driving for almost eight hours, I was filled with pride and excitement as soon as I spotted the campus wall that told me I had finally arrived. I was thrilled to finally be going here. It had been a longtime dream and now, I had finally arrived. It almost didn't happen. My SAT scores were only barely high enough to qualify and I had originally gotten a letter that told me I was qualified and accepted, but no space was available for me. The letter also told me I had been put on a waiting list in case a space opened up. Then, right around the beginning of August, a new letter came telling me a space was available if I wanted it. Did I want it? You bet! Of course there were some minor problems. There were no dorm rooms available for one thing. But I had made a trip out here two weeks ago to do some looking around and the campus housing office had pointed me to Mrs. Whitaker's rental house. She has several old Victorian style homes that she renovated and turned into rental places for the students. Fortunately, she had one bed available in a house that was only a few blocks away from the campus. The house has four bedrooms and each bedroom has two beds and two desks. When she rents a room, she puts either two boys or two girls in the same room. But as she told me after I paid my deposit, what happens after we move in is none of her business and she was not my mother. As long as we paid our rent and didn't wreck the place, she didn't care or even want to know what happened there. According to her, I would be sharing the back upstairs room with a football player named Bruce. As I drove up to the house I saw three other students sitting on the wide front porch talking. I saw them all look my way as soon as I turned into the driveway and drove to the parking area in back. As I was pulling one of my suitcases out of the trunk, all three of them came out the back door to meet me; two drop-dead gorgeous girls and one huge guy. "Hi, I'm Bruce," the guy said to me as he held out his hand. "Hey Bruce, I'm Steve," I said as I set my suitcase down and shook his hand. He was really, really big. I estimated close to 300 pounds and way over 6 feet tall. "This is Melissa and Jill," he indicated as he introduced the two girls to me. "Hi Melissa. Hi Jill," I said to them. Melissa had long blond hair and bright blue eyes. Jill had long dark hair and brown eyes. All three of them looked very athletic. It sure was nice to be greeted by such friendly people. I looked back at Bruce and said, "I guess we're going to be roommates." "Not exactly," he replied. "There's been a slight change of plan. I'm rooming with Melissa. You're going to be rooming with Jill." I'm sure the look of shock on my face showed just how hard it was for me to come to grips with that concept as I looked back and forth between Bruce and Jill. I saw a definite look of amusement on Jill's face as I finally got out a, "But..." and that's all I could say. Bruce just said rather matter-of-factly, "Like it or lump it. That's the way it's going to be. If you don't like it, go find someplace else to live." I was still having a bit of trouble sorting this all out, but I realized that there was no other place for me to go. As I looked again at Jill, I summoned up my courage and said to her, "I'll be very glad to share a room with you." And the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was true. "Good," said Bruce with a note of satisfaction in his voice. "Let me help you with your stuff. It's the least I can do." Then a second later, as he was grabbing a box out of my trunk, he looked down at me and said, "Boy, you sure are a scrawny one, aren't you." Then he turned and carried the big box into the house. I've always known I was small, but I guess since most of my family was also on the short side, I considered myself normal. I just knew there were lots of taller people in the world. Melissa and Jill each grabbed a small bag from my trunk and we headed into the house and up the stairs. "Our room is back here," Jill said as she led me to the room that I had originally been planning to stay in. At least that much hadn't changed. The room had two twin size beds, two desks, and two wooden locker/closets in it. Much like a dorm room I supposed. "I got back yesterday," Jill said as she put my bag on the only unmade bed in the room. "I absolutely couldn't wait to get away from home again. How about you?" she asked. "Ever lived away from home before?" "Not really," I answered as I set my suitcase down and looked around the room. "I made a trip out here to find a place to stay two weeks ago, but otherwise, this will be my first time." "You'll love it," she said to me. "There's a lot you'll have to get used to, but otherwise, it's a lot better than living with your parents." I liked living with my mother. My father had died a long time ago, and our entire family had been really close ever since. "I'm looking forward to it," was all I replied to that. "Put your stuff away later," she suggested. "Come on down and visit for a while so we can all get to know each other." "Fine by me," I replied as I finished checking out the room. It looked like she had taken all the furniture on the left side of the room, which left me everything on the right side. I certainly had no problem with that. I just wasn't sure how rooming with a girl was going to work out. On the other hand, she did seem to be really friendly. As we walked out through the front door and onto the porch, Bruce reached down into a cooler and threw me a beer. "Catch," he said as he threw it at me. I was a bit surprised, but I caught it cleanly. He smiled as he held up his own beer and said, "Welcome to college life." "Thanks," I replied as I held up my unopened beer can. I had only tried a few sips of beer once before and I knew I wasn't fond of it. My family wasn't really the drinking type, but I guess I didn't want him to know that so I just opened the can and took a big swig - awful! We spent quite a while talking out there and I learned (over and over again) that Bruce was an athletic major and was on the football team. Melissa was a cheerleader and Jill used to be one. But while Melissa was also majoring in athletics, Jill was majoring in economics. The other four members of the house were also back on campus but were just out. Aaron was an engineering student and supposedly into some strange stuff, exactly what they didn't say. Mark was into computer science like me and actually liked to help everyone out with their computer problems, although half the time nobody could understand what he was talking about. Brenda and Sharon were both enrolled in the pre med program and spent a lot of their time at the hospital. When I finished my beer, Bruce threw me another one. He was on his third since I sat there I noticed. I also noticed that my head was not as firmly attached to my shoulders as it usually was, but I opened the can and took a swig anyway - just to be polite. I still didn't like it. "God you're scrawny," Bruce said, looking at me again. It's very embarrassing to be told that over and over again. "Look at the size of his wrists," he pointed out. I'll bet they're not any bigger than either of you girls." "Let's see," said Jill as she walked over and held her wrist next to mine. "I think mine is actually bigger than his is," she giggled. Her wrist was definitely a bit thicker than mine was. "How do you find watches to fit such a tiny wrist?" she asked. This was definitely getting embarrassing. "Well, I usually have to have a lot of links taken out of the band and there are a lot of styles that I just can't wear. The one I have on now is really a bit looser than I would like it to be." "Let me see your watch," Jill said as she grabbed my left arm and pulled the stretch band off of my hand. She put it on her own arm and said, "It fits perfectly on me. I like it. Here, try my watch on." With that, she took her own watch off her arm and fastened the clasp around my wrist. It actually fit me perfectly. "We should switch watches," she said. "My watch fits you better and I like your watch better. It's easier to read." Before I could say another word, Bruce asked, "Just how tall are you?" Why did he have to keep harping on how small I am? "I'm a full 5 foot 5 inches," I told him. "Stand up." Melissa said. "Jill, stand back to back with him." Both Bruce and Melissa came over to examine our respective heights. "It's true, he's a little bit shorter than Jill is," Melissa said. Bruce leaned down and put his face right in front of mine and said, "Not much of a man, are you!" I think the beer was definitely getting to him. "Uh..." I started nervously, trying to find something to say. "You ought to be wearing dresses like a girl," he said directly to me again and emphasized his point by poking his finger into my chest and almost knocking me down before he went back to his chair. I didn't think I was going to like him when he got even more drunk. Melissa and Jill both started to giggle. "That's a great idea," Jill said. Then it looked like a light bulb had gone off over her head. "Come on Mel," she said as she grabbed my arm and started pulling me toward the door. "I've got just the thing for him." I wasn't exactly sure what was going on, but I also didn't seem to have any choice in the matter as I was pulled into the house by both girls. Somewhere in the back of my mind I had a suspicion that it was probably going to be embarrassing. As we headed for our room upstairs, Melissa said she needed to use the bathroom and headed for one upstairs at the front of the house. "That's a good idea," I said more to myself than to anyone else. Jill obviously heard it because she just said, "Use the one next to our room. We usually let the front two rooms use the one up there and Brenda, Sharon and us can use the one back here." "Works for me," I said as I went in to finally relieve myself. I had a bit of a problem locking the door, and finally had to just pee and hope nobody would come in. When I finished, I walked into our room and saw Melissa was already there looking into Jill's closet. "How do you lock the bathroom door?" I asked. "Oh, it's broken," Jill replied. "It hasn't worked since before I came here. It's never really been a problem though. Now take your clothes off," she told me as she reached into her closet to pull something out. "Huh? What for?" I asked. "So we can try this dress on you," she said exasperatedly like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I'm not going to wear a dress," I said to them in horror as things finally clicked into place. I can be so dumb at times. "Yes you are," said Melissa matter-of-factly. "Now get undressed," Jill said again to me. "But I don't want to," I replied, looking for a way out of it. "I really don't care what you want or don't want," Jill said. "If I tell you to do it, then you're going to do it. And the sooner you realize that fact, the happier we'll both be. Now are you going to take your clothes off, or do we have to take them off you?" "I can't!" was all I could say. "You get his pants and I'll get his shirt," Melissa said. And with that, they both pushed me back on the bed and began stripping my clothes off. No matter what I said or did, I soon found myself stripped down to just my jockey underpants. I was very embarrassed. "Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Melissa said teasingly as she pulled me to my feet. "Here, put these on," Jill said as she handed me a pair of her pantyhose. "But..." I started, looking for something to say. "Stevie," Jill said, coming over and looking me straight in the eyes. "Just sit down on that bed and put them on. Don't tell us what you don't want to do because we don't care. Just do it!" She didn't seem to be leaving me any room to do anything else, so I sat down on the bed. "Roll them up like this before you put them on," she said as she showed me how to do it. It took some struggling, but I finally got them on. I'm sure my face was very red as I stood up and pulled them into place. "That's better," she said finally. "You can keep that pair and get me a new pair tomorrow. I don't want to wear them again after they've been on your hairy legs. Now, let me slip this on you," she said as she pulled a bra over my arms and fastened it behind me. "Get a couple of pairs of my socks," she said to Melissa. Melissa dug into one of the drawers in Jill's closet and came back with two pairs of her gym socks which she then stuffed into the cups of my bra. "Much better," Jill said with some satisfaction. "Now, put this on." She handed me the dress she had gotten out of her closet. The dress was a yellow cotton print with tiny red flowers all over it. The back zipper was already unzipped so I bent down and stepped into it and pulled it into place. "Good enough," she said as I was pulling it over my shoulders. I could tell that Melissa was trying hard to stifle her laughter. Jill zipped me up in back, then grabbed the wide ribbon that was sewn into the waist, pulled it very tight and tied it in back. I felt stupid as they both looked at me. The material was very soft against my skin and when I looked down I noticed that there was a lot of distance between the bottom of the skirt and my knees. I had never worn a dress before and it felt really weird. "I think he needs a little make up," Melissa said. "Definitely," Jill replied. And with that she sat me down at her desk and opened her top drawer exposing a huge collection of jars and other items. "Now just hold still for a few minutes," she said as she began pulling stuff out of the drawer and putting this and that and who knows what else on my face. She finished it all off with some pink lipstick. All the makeup she put on me had a slight odor to it, and the taste and feel of the lipstick on my lips was really strange. I kept licking my lips and pressing them together again to try to get used to it. "I think he likes it," Melissa said as she watched me. "We'll have to get him some," Jill answered teasingly. "Uh, that's quite alright," I said to them. "It's just feels really strange on my lips." "How about his shoes?" Melissa asked. "Let's see if mine will fit him," Jill answered, going over to her closet. "Here, try these on," she said, handing me a pair of tan sandals with small chunky heels. I generally wear a men's size 8 shoe, and when I tried to put Jill's shoes on, they were very tight and my heel hung over the back a little bit, but I managed to get them buckled without too many problems. "They're a bit small on you, but I think you can make do with them for today," she said. "Now let's go down and show you off." "Do I have to?" I asked, grabbing at straws. "Stevie..." Jill started to say exasperatedly. Then she stopped and stared at me as she thought for a moment. Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she said, "Stephanie! I think I'm going to call you Stephanie, from now on!" "Oh, I like it," said Melissa with a huge grin. "Now go downstairs Stephanie and don't even think about asking if you have to again," Jill said as she pushed me out into the hall. The pantyhose on my legs felt cold and hot and electric, all at the same time. The dress brushing against my legs seemed to tickle as I walked. The bra around my chest felt very restricting and uncomfortable. It all felt very weird. And I felt very stupid. As we once again headed out onto the front porch, I noticed that there was another guy out there talking to Bruce. "Hey guys," Jill said as we walked out. "I'd like you to meet Stephanie." What could I do, I was the center of attention. So I struck a pose throwing out my hip and holding up an arm with my wrist bent and said jokingly, "Hi everyone," in as girlish a voice as I could muster, trying to be funny. Bruce and the other guy just smiled at my antic. "How's he look now?" Jill asked Bruce. "Much better!" Bruce declared, sounding somehow satisfied. "Someone like him ought to be dressing like that all the time." "Stephanie, this is Mark," Melissa said, introducing me to the other guy. Mark was tall and lanky. He looked like he would have been a good basketball player. "Hi, Stephanie," he said jokingly. Then is whole face seemed to change as he shrugged off how I looked and began telling us about the new server he just got and about his plans to put a wireless network in the house so we can all access the internet faster and save money. They were right, this guy was very passionate about his computers. Since I was planning to major in computer science myself, I figured I really needed to get to be friends with him. At some point, we ordered a couple of pizzas to go with the beer. When they arrived, Bruce and Mark paid for them and the rest of us told them we would kick in a few dollars later since our money was upstairs. I saw the delivery guy keep glancing at me. I was tempted to wave at him, but in the end, I just sat in my chair trying to be as unnoticeable as possible. I doubt I was very successful. A few minutes after the pizza arrived, another guy came walking up the sidewalk. He definitely caught my attention. His short hair was bleached blond and was spiked up in the front. He was wearing mostly black leather, and as he got closer, I noticed that he had a lot of piercings. He had one in his eyebrow and each ear had at least four. "Hey Aaron," Bruce called out to him as he approached the steps. "Good to see you again, my man!" "Bruce the Bruise!" said Aaron as he got to the top of the steps and slapped his hand into Bruce's. Then his eye's caught me and he just starred, studying me. I couldn't tell a thing about what he was thinking as he looked at me. Talk about a poker face! "Aaron," said Jill after a few seconds, "this is Stephanie, my new roommate." Did she have to introduce me like that? "Aaahhh..." he practically purred without ever taking his eyes off of me. "Nice to meet you Stephanie," he said to me at last. I nearly jumped out of my skin when he said it. Not only because of the way he said it to me, but because I noticed that his tongue was pierced too. How could he stand that and how could he talk with that thing in his mouth? We all sat out there talking about life and school and whatever until it started to get too cool. Then we moved into the living room. A little while later, two girls came in from the back. I could only assume that they were Sharon and Brenda. "Hey, everyone," said the larger of the two girls. She was a little on the plump side but seemed to be very friendly. The other girl was smaller and plain and didn't say anything. "Hi Sharon," said Melissa as she ran over to her and gave each of them small hug. "Girls, this is Stephanie," she said, turning around and pointing at me. I was really getting tired of that, but what could I do? "Oh boy!" said Sharon, "what have we got here? Mel, what on earth have you all been up to?" "Just a little bit of good old fashioned fun with the freshman," Melissa answered. Then she turned to me and introduced the new girls. "Steph, this is Sharon," she said, pointing at the larger girl, "and this is Brenda," she said as she pointing at the smaller one. "Hi," I said to them both as I got up out of my chair and went over to meet them. For some unknown reason, getting up seemed like the proper thing to do. "Turn around Honey," Sharon said to me as I got closer. "I want to see how that dress looks all the way around." So I played the game and spun around so she could see it all. "Not bad," she said as I finished. "Nice to meet you Stephanie." Then she came over and gave me a small hug. Brenda just stood there with her eyes wide open and staring. She hadn't yet said a word since she got there. Instead of hugging me or saying anything, she just raised a hand and gave me a little wave, mouthing the word "Hi." I had two first impressions of Brenda, very cute - in an understated sort of way, and very shy. "I don't mean to be a party pooper," Sharon said, "but I really need to get my stuff unpacked. See you later." And with that she headed upstairs followed by Brenda who still kept staring at me for as long as she could. A little while later, I was sitting in one of the big over-stuffed chairs listening as Mark was telling me how he would "teach me the biz" as he called it, when I suddenly heard a small voice from behind me say "Stephanie..." When I turned, there was Brenda holding a leftover piece of pizza in her hand. She came up close to me and whispered, "Put your legs together." My face turned beet red as I realized I had been sitting there listening to Mark with my legs spread wide open. I slapped them together real quick as Brenda walked off giggling. That was enough for me and I finally said to everyone that I needed to get my stuff unpacked too and figure out what to do with everything. "Okay," said Jill. "It's probably a good idea. Let me know if you need help with anything. Do you know where the lockers are in the basement?" "Yes," I replied, "Mrs. Whitaker showed them to me. See you later." And with that, I finally went upstairs to get out of that dress! As I got to the top of the stairs, I heard my cell phone ringing. "Oh shit!" I screamed to myself. "I didn't call Mom!" I ran to the room and dug my cell phone out from the pile of clothes on the floor just as fast as I could. Mom berated me a bit for not calling her earlier but she understood that I needed to meet and spend some time with my new friends. As I was telling her how nice everybody was, I was thinking to myself, "How can I tell her that I've just spent most of my time here dressed like a girl, and that I've just been introduced to most of the people in this house as Stephanie." The answer was simple. I didn't tell her. One thing about my mother, she likes to talk - especially on the phone. As soon as I finished telling her how nice everyone seemed to be, she started in telling me about the latest gossip she heard from her sister. As I sat on the bed and listened, I started working with one hand on trying to get those darn shoes off. They were killing my toes. I had just managed to get one shoe off and was starting on the second, when Jill entered the room. She just looked at me and smiled, then went to her closet and got something out of it. Then I just sat and stared dumbfounded at her as she removed her shirt right in front of me. I could hear Mom still talking in the background, but I have no idea what she was saying. Then Jill turned toward me with a mischievous grin on her face and removed her bra, exposing her breasts totally to me. She rubbed them a bit then picked up the oversized t-shirt she had just gotten out, pulled it over her head and pulled it down. She then reached up under the shirt, undid her jeans, let them fall to the floor and stepped out of them. Somehow, it was the most amazing and sensuous thing I had ever seen. After picking up her clothes, she smiled at me again and walked out of the room. All the while, Mom kept talking, never noticing that for once I wasn't paying any attention at all. INTERLUDE As Jill walked out of the room, she had a huge grin on her face from just thinking about the look on Steve's face. She wasn't usually the type to tease like that, but she just couldn't resist. She walked down the hall and stopped in front of an open door. She saw Aaron and Mark inside. Mark, as usual, was seated in front of his computer and Aaron was searching through a stack of CDs. "Hi Aaron," she said as she walked in and sat down his bed. As usual, just being around him made her feel slightly giddy. "So what's new?" asked Aaron as he sat down in his desk chair across from her. "How's Stan?" "Stan? That jerk! We had a great time all summer, then just one week before we were supposed to leave to come back here, he tells me he's going to another school, clear across the country! He didn't even give me any warning. I'll kill him if I ever see him again!" "Too bad," said Aaron. "I know you really liked him. So what's up with Tinker-Bell?" "You mean Steve?" "Is that his real name? You only told us it was Stephanie." Jill laughed. "We were just having a bit of fun with the new freshman that's all. He's so small that Bruce figured he should wear a dress like a girl. Too bad it has to end though. It was fun and I rather enjoyed seeing him like that." "Why does it have to end? You could keep him that way." "What do you mean?" "Make him wear dresses all the time. Dominate him." "Aaron, you must be crazy. I can't do that. I'm not into all the crazy stuff that you are." Aaron continued to just looking at her. "It would be fun though," Jill finally admitted with a giggle. "But I wouldn't know where to start or how to go about it." "I know someone you can talk to about that. I'll call her for you. In the meantime, I suggest you find some way to keep Stephanie, if that's what you're going to call 'her,' under your thumb - so to speak." "How?" "If I know you, you'll think of something. Just start slow and take your time with this. You don't want to scare him off completely. And you know you'll have to be firm with him - all the time." Jill contemplated that for a moment, then said giggling once again, "I wonder just how girlish I can make him?" "I don't know," Aaron replied. "I have a feeling that that's probably up to you. By the way, I have something down in the basement that may help." "What?" asked Jill, curious about it. "Well, one of the best ways to control a guy is to control their cock. If he can't get hard, then eventually he'll do almost anything for relief. I have a little device that I used on one of my 'friends' a while back that totally prevented him from playing with himself. It locks on to his cock and he can't get it, or himself, off. And, it's mostly invisible under his clothes so he can wear it all the time." "You're kidding?" Jill said, amazed. "But how would we get it on him?" "We'll have to put it on him, whether he likes it or not. I can help with that." "Oh," said Jill, suddenly thinking of something, "I can also give him the excuse that since we're rooming together that I don't want to take any chances of him trying to take advantage of me." Then she laughed, "Can you imagine a little squirt like him taking advantage of me?" "Not really," laughed Aaron. "But that's a great idea. Tell you what, you go check on him, while I call my friend for you. Then I'll find my little toy down in the basement and bring it to your room. And I think maybe I should also bring a little rope to keep his hands out of the way and make him realize he's not going to have a choice in the matter." "Great," said Jill, suddenly excited. Her eyes sparkled as she turned just before leaving the room and said, "Thanks Aaron, this is going to be fun!" Chapter 2 I had finally gotten off the phone with Mom shortly after I got Jill's second shoe off. As I was struggling with the zipper in the back of the dress, Jill walked in again and said, "Here, let me help you." Then she stopped. "Wait a minute," she said, "what are you going to put on after you take this off?" "I have a new pair of pajamas in my suitcase," I told her. "I don't usually wear them to bed, but I thought they might be a good idea for here. Looks like I was right." "Let me see them," she said. So I pulled one of my suitcases up on the bed and dug through it and pulled out the pajamas, still in their package. "Yuck!" she said. "You're not going to wear those!" "What's wrong with them?" I asked. "They're awful!" she said. "Here, wait a minute. I've got something better." Then she dug into one of her drawers and pulled out a nightgown with small flowers all over it. The nightshirt she was wearing wasn't nearly as feminine looking as this one. "I can't wear that" I said. "Yes you most certainly can!" she told me. Then she turned me around and unzipped the dress, pulled it off me and unfastened the bra for me since I was having trouble doing it myself. I was soon left standing there in just my underpants again. Then she pulled the nightshirt over my head and left me to put my arms through it while she hung up her dress. I guess I was doomed to spend the rest of the night dressed like a girl too. "Aren't you going to unpack your stuff?" she asked since I was just standing there like I didn't know what to do with myself. "Oh, good idea," was all I could think to reply. "When you're done, just put that package of pajamas back in your suitcase before you take it all downstairs to storage. I really don't want to see you wearing them - ever!" I was just about finished putting everything away when Aaron knocked lightly on the door and then just walked in carrying a piece of rope and a plastic zip lock bag. I was very embarrassed to be seen standing there in that nightgown, especially when he smiled at me. He threw the zip lock bag full of what looked like little plastic pieces on Jill's desk and told Jill that she could expect a call from his friend sometime tomorrow morning. "That's great!" Jill said excitedly. "I see that you've got Stephanie well in hand already," he said. "Let's see if we can help you with that other problem now." Did everyone really have to keep calling me Stephanie? I didn't say anything about it though. I was wearing a rather feminine nightgown after all. Maybe the name did fit - for the time being anyway. "Great," said Jill. "How do you want to go about doing this?" she asked, getting up off her bed. Aaron turned to me and said, "Hold out your hands." "Huh? What for?" I asked. "We're going to do a little magic," he said to me. I don't know why (yes I do - it's because I'm stupid sometimes), but I held my hands out to him. He slipped a loop he had made in the rope over my wrists and tightened it, then without warning, he suddenly pulled my arms up high over my head and propelled me backwards up against the half open door. He pulled the rope over the top of the door then said, "Up on your tip toes," while he pulled harder on the rope, pulling me to my toes. He spent a moment on the other side of the door then walked around to my side and pushed me backward until the door was closed. I was stuck hanging there standing on my toes with my arms stretched as high as they could go. "What's going on?" I asked, suddenly very confused and a bit frightened. "Let me down!" "In a few minutes," he told me. Then he went over to the desk and grabbed the zip lock bag. "Hold his nightgown up," he said to Jill. And with that, I suddenly found my underwear exposed again as Jill raised the nightshirt up out of their way. Aaron came over to me again and said as he was looking at my underpants, "Doesn't really look like there's much to bother with down there, does it." And then with one quick move, he yanked my underpants down to the floor. "Hey!" I yelled. "Looks like I was right," he said, ignoring my protests. I couldn't see what he was doing, but I felt him playing around with my cock and it felt like he was attaching whatever was in the bag around my cock and balls. "Watch closely," he told Jill as he showed her exactly what he was doing. Then he finally finished by saying, "Then you just put this lock on here and you're done. He can't get it off." "Amazing!" said Jill. "He really can't get it off?" "Nope," said Aaron. "What do you mean, I can't get it off?" I asked. "What did you put on me?" "Just a little device to make sure that you won't be causing Jill here any distress," Aaron told me. "I wouldn't do anything like that!" I said. "And now, we know for sure that you won't," Aaron said to me. "And I'm sure that Jill will sleep a lot easier for it." Then he pulled my underpants back up into position. "See," he said to Jill. "You can hardly tell it's there." "No," Jill said. "I've certainly seen bigger packages in a man's underwear. But, in his case, it's actually making him look like he's got a lot more than what's really there. I'll tell you what I really wish though, I wish there was someway that we could make his whole thing disappear altogether, so that there's no bulge in his underwear at all. Make him look more feminine there." "Hmm," said Aaron "an interesting idea. I like a challenge. Let me see what I can come up with." "Take that thing off me!" I said angrily. "And let me down!" "Oh, we're certainly going to let you down now," Aaron said, "but that device is staying on you. Jill here now has the keys and it will be up to her to decide when that thing comes off of you." Then he moved right up to my face and said, "So if you ever want any relief, if you know what I'm talking about, then I strongly suggest you do whatever she tells you to do." Then he turned to Jill and said, "Let me know if you have any trouble." And with that, he slowly opened the door, pushing me forward on my tip toes as he did it. He untied the rope from the other side and pulled it back over the top to the inside letting my arms down. I was so relieved to get that pressure off. As he pulled the loop off of my hands, he said to me, "Oh one other thing, you can probably manage to pee standing up if you really try, but you'll find it much easier to sit down to pee from now on." Jill started laughing delightedly. Then with a smile, Aaron said "Ciao," and walked out. "What did he put on me?" I asked angrily as I pulled up my nightgown and pulled down my underpants to take a look. I didn't care how I was exposing myself at that point. My cock was encased in some kind of plastic cage. There was a plastic ring that went behind my balls and over my cock that the cage was attached to. I pulled every which way I could on the darn thing, but I couldn't get it off. "Please unlock me," I asked Jill finally. "I don't want to wear this thing. I promise I won't ever even try to touch you. I'm not that kind of person." Jill had been watching me delightedly the whole time. "I know you're not, but that thing is staying on you. So if you know what's good for you, then I suggest you do whatever I tell you to. It's that simple. Now, let's take your stuff downstairs. I'll help you." Reluctantly, I pulled my underpants back up and picked up two of my now very light bags while Jill picked up two smaller ones and I followed her down to the storage lockers in the basement. I felt very ashamed walking through the house in that nightgown, especially now with that device locked on me underneath. Fortunately, the only other person we saw along the way was Brenda who just stared at me. I'm fairly sure she was doing her best not to laugh. A little while later I learned that it was definitely much easier to pee sitting down. I could manage it standing up, but I still had to pull my underpants completely down and then I would have to stand way over the toilet. Sitting down was really the only practical way to manage it. In bed that night, I also learned that it wasn't really comfortable to sleep on my stomach anymore. The hard plastic dug into me and hurt. I woke up in the middle of the night in a bit of pain. My cock had started to get hard and was being stopped by that device which didn't let it expand enough. It didn't take much before I had shrunk back down to being comfortable again. I would have to watch myself very carefully. I was used to masturbating every day either in bed at night or in the bathroom and I knew that eventually I was going to have a problem. I'd just have to see how things sorted themselves out. It was a long night. The next morning, Jill "insisted" that I wear her pantyhose again as I got dressed for my first day of classes. At least no one could see the pantyhose since they were hidden under my socks and pants. I was concerned about that device showing through my pants, but Jill assured me that it couldn't be see at all. "In fact, you look more normal now," was how she put it. INTERLUDE As Jill came out of her first morning class for the day, her cell phone rang. "Hello?" she said. "Jill, this is Aaron's friend. He asked me to call you." "Oh, wonderful!" said Jill excitedly. "Are you free for lunch today?" "Sure, I don't have any classes between 11:30 and 2:30." "Then meet me at my office at 12:30. Go to the Curriculum Advisor's Office and ask for Ms. Carter. I'll tell them to expect you." "Great! I'll see you then." The first day of classes was usually a wash and boring for Jill and her first class had been no different, but now things were definitely looking up. "The Curriculum Advisor's Office?" she thought to herself. That was interesting. She could hardly wait. At 12:25 she was there introducing herself to the student worker at the front desk. "Yes, she's expecting you," the worker told her. "You can go right back. It's the third office on the left." "Geez," Jill thought to herself as she walked to the back office, "she actually is a school advisor. I hope I'm not going to get into trouble for this." The door was open when she got there and she saw a middle aged woman seated at the desk inside. Before she could knock, the woman looked up, smiled at her and said, "Are you Jill? Come on in and have a seat. I'm just finishing up some paperwork. Oh, and please close the door." As Jill sat down, she saw that Ms. Carter was a very attractive woman, probably in her early forties. Ms. Carter finished the papers she was working on, threw them into a basket on the corner of her desk and looked up smiling. "Hi Jill, I'm Ms. Carter, as you know by now. I'm very happy to meet you. Aaron has told me a lot about you." "It's nice to meet you too," said Jill. "Before we talk about any... other things... that we can get into more over lunch, I took the liberty of pulling your file. I see that your previous advisor was Mr. Wilson." "That's correct," said Jill wondering where this was going. "Since Mr. Wilson is no longer with us, would you mind if I had you transferred to my list?" "Not at all," said Jill, surprised. "Good, that way it will be easier if I need to help out and I can keep a closer eye on your situation. Just so you know, I've also taken the liberty of assigning Stephen to my list too." "Oh, okay," Jill said, wondering where all this was going. "Now, Aaron told me a little bit on the phone last night, but I want to hear it straight from you. What is it you're trying to do?" "Well, I've been thinking about it all last night, and really, what I'd love to do is to make Steve as absolutely girlish as possible. I know it sounds silly, but if you could have seen him in my dress yesterday, and if you just knew a little bit of what I felt when I forced him to wear it... well, wow! It's like I can't get enough of it." "I see," said Ms. Carter, "and just for the record, I think I do have some idea of what you're feeling. By the way, Aaron told me he was going to put a cock restraint on Steve last night. How did that go?" "Oh my God!" said Jill, "it was great! You should have seen it. He can't get the thing off. And this morning when I asked him to wear my pantyhose to class, he just did it. I could tell he wasn't happy about it at all, but he didn't say a word. He just put them on." "Ah, so you've got him wearing something feminine under his clothes to class already." "Yeah, I figured that no one could see it so it shouldn't be any trouble for him." "That's true." Ms. Carter just looked at Jill for a moment then said, "Now, if I agree to let you do this... and if I agree to help you... then there's some things that you will absolutely have to agree to. Is that understood?" "Yes," said Jill tentatively. She was a bit confused by the sudden change in direction. "Now, for one thing, Steve was a late acceptance. Not that we don't think he can't handle the school work, but some of his scores were not quite as high as we would have liked, particularly his writing and math skills. You on the other hand have outstanding grades from your communications and math classes. So I expect you to make sure that his grades don't ever suffer. I don't want to ever see less than a B in his classes. Is that understood?" "Sure," said Jill, somewhat surprised. "I'll be more than glad to help him." "Okay. Next... this is not something that he asked for or even wants and school life is about a whole lot more than just learning stuff from books. I want him to have a good social life. No ifs ands or buts! And don't worry, I know that not everyone will want to be around him, that's normal, but he absolutely must have a good relationship with at least some of the other students. I intend to keep a very close eye on him and I want to see him happy, despite what you're going to do to him. If I see any indication that he's being totally ostracized from everyone then I can guarantee that I'll not only put a stop to this, but I'll come down on you like a ton of bricks. Understood?" "Yeah, sure," said Jill. "I guess that's only fair." "Good," said Ms. Carter. "Now that we understand each other, are you hungry?" "Yeah, starving," said Jill, surprised again by another change in attitude and direction. "Good, how about the Burger Barn. I'm buying." "Great! I love that place." As soon as they got into Ms. Carter's car, Jill noticed another personality shift take place. Suddenly, Ms. Carter was no longer business like and totally opened up and became quite chatty. "I just love turning men into pretty feminine playthings," she said gaily as she drove out of the parking lot. "I've been doing it since I was in college, and don't ask me how long ago that was!" The rest of the trip, Jill spent listening to a little bit of her history and experience which Jill soon realized was a lot. The Burger Barn was a good 15 minute drive from the campus and by the time they got there the main lunch crowd was beginning to thin out. "Do you mind sitting out on the patio today?" Ms. Carter asked. "It's a nice day and we can talk easier there." "No," said Jill, "that's fine." As soon as they had been seated and had placed their orders, Ms. Carter looked at her watch, then took out her cell phone and made a call. "You know who this is. What's your status? Good! I'm at the Burger Barn seated on the patio outside. Find me! Ten minutes!" Then she hung up. "I have a number of people that I take care of professionally, so to speak, and that was one of my newer ones. He's in his car and not far away, so I've just given him ten minutes to find me for a diaper check." "A diaper check?" asked Jill, totally astonished and wondering if she had heard right. "Of sorts, with some of my subs, I punish them by putting them into diapers for a week. The only problem is that once I get them into diapers, they find it usually takes a whole lot more than a week to get out of them." "What do you mean?" asked Jill. "Well, I have a lot of rules and I'm very strict about enforcing them. I keep tabs on every one of my subs so that I usually always know where they are and what they're doing. And sometimes I either show up unannounced or more often, as you just saw, I call them and make them come to me. All I have to do is rub my hand over their bottom and I know if they're wearing a diaper or not and if it's wet. "And I know that you're dying to hear some of the rest of my rules for them so basically it goes like this. They initially get put into diapers for one week. During that time, they have to label in permanent marker every diaper they wear with the date and the time they put it on. Then whenever they change themselves, they have to mark the time they took it off then fold the diaper so that the information can be seen. All their diapers have to be saved for me in a plastic bag until I can inspect them. I allow them time for a shower or bath, but otherwise, the times on the diapers all have to match up. I require that they have at least 5 diapers every day. At least one of those diapers must have a bowel movement in it and every single diaper must be pee soaked enough for my satisfaction. I don't want to see any dry or even barely wet diapers. I like to see them soaked. For every day that there's no messy bowel movement, they earn another 5 days in diapers. For every diaper that I don't think is wet enough, they earn another 3 days. Usually, during the first time I look over their diaper collection, they earn themselves about another two weeks stuck in diapers. They quickly figure out after that that if they ever want to get out of diapers again, they can't relieve themselves anywhere but in their diapers and they have to get used to them being really wet. "Then just for fun, or in case I think they need some extra punishment, I pick a day - usually on a weekend, and increase their required number of diapers for that day up to seven or eight. Let me tell you, in order for them to meet my requirements for that day, the only thing they can think about for that 24 hours is finding ways to keep wetting their diapers, over and over again. "By the time their diaper punishment is finally over with, every one of them is ecstatically happy to throw away all of their ugly male underpants and replace them with pretty panties - which they are then happy to wear permanently. "The person that should be here shortly is now in his third week of this and is coming along very nicely. He's learned that he has to do whatever I tell him to do, no matter what that may be." "Wow," said Jill, "but is all that really necessary? I mean, I'm sure that the diaper thing works great, but Steve has to room with me, and I'm not really interested in having that kind of mess and especially the smell around all the time." "Of course not!" answered Ms. Carter. "That's just something I do with some of my subs. What's really most important is for you to get Steve to do the things that you want him to do. You say that you want to feminize him, then that's the direction you need to be heading, and I think that you're off to a really good start. The biggest piece of advice that I can give you at this point is that you have to be strict, but fair with him. Reward him for doing something right, but also punish him for doing anything at all wrong. Don't be afraid to use your imagination. And you might want to go slow with what you're doing to him. You don't want him to be so scared he drops out of school. "If I may be so bold, may I offer some suggestions for you to think about?" "Please do," said Jill, "that's the biggest thing I need right now." "Well then, I suggest you get yourself a notebook with a calendar in it to keep track of things - such as what his punishments are and when they're supposed to be over. You might want to also keep track of a budget in there for Steve too. You're going to have to get him some new things and you don't want to abuse his money situation too much. Also, keep in it kind of a diary of your thoughts and ideas as things progress, not just what you did for each day, but also your ideas and wants for the future. By the way, you might want to have Steve keep a diary too, one that you can read, that expresses his thoughts about everything too. Don't punish him for his thoughts, but let him know that he can be free to express his real feelings there. That way you can track any mental progress toward where you want him to be. "One thing that came to mind for me earlier is that you've already got Steve into pantyhose. Make him get more, and make him start to learn about different brands so he can develop his own sense of what type he likes. Also, in these situations, subs are usually started out in panties first so you may want to consider them as your next clothing item to tackle. "And finally, since you've already taken a big step and gotten a cock restraint on him, you need to use that to your advantage. Set up a weekly relief session for him. If he's been good, then he gets to masturbate, if not, then he has to go another week. But when he does get to relieve himself, make it under your terms, not his. If he doesn't like it, then that's tough. It should always be under your conditions. "You could also possibly have him write an essay before each relief session. If the essay isn't up to your standards, then he has to keep working on it till it is. He doesn't get any relief until it suits you. Possible topics might be things like: 'Why I Like To Wear Girls Clothes,' 'Why I Hate Boys Clothes,' 'Why I Want To Be A Girl,' 'Why I Hate Pants.' You get the picture. Mix the ideas up all the time, but make sure they're always pointed toward your goals for him. The idea is that over time, he will gradually convince himself that these are things he really wants too." Just then, a young man hurried up to the table. Before he could even say hi, Ms. Carter saw him and said to him in a very no nonsense voice, "There you are. It took you long enough. Come over here." The man didn't say a word, but looking very embarrassed, he stood close to Ms. Carter and allowed her to run her hand over his pants, front and back, to feel the diaper underneath. "Good enough," she said at last. "Now get out of here." "Thank you, Mistress," he said giving her a small polite bow. Then he turned and hurried away. Jill was astonished, but also let out a small laugh. "That was absolutely precious." "Yeah, he's still embarrassed about it in public, which is something I like, but he's learned to trust me and to do as he's told." At that point their lunch finally came and they spent the rest of their time together discussing details for Steve. Chapter 3 I distinctly remember standing out in the hallway late in the afternoon of my first day of classes. I was talking with two girls and one other guy from the class about making time to get together for study sessions. As we were talking, someone came up behind me and said, "Hi Stephanie. How were your classes today?" I know I instantly turned beet red as I turned and saw Jill standing there with a huge smile on her face. I didn't even get a chance to answer her before one of the girls I was talking to said, "Stephanie?" "Oh sure," answered Jill. "He didn't tell you? That's the name he prefers to be called by." "Jill," I said, "please... that's not right." I didn't get a chance to say any more because Jill just forged ahead. "Besides," she went on to the other kids, "look, he likes to wear pantyhose like a girl too." And with that, she quickly pulled up my pants leg exposing the pantyhose underneath. One of the girls in front of me let out a small scream of astonishment, the other one just laughed. I think the guy was too surprised to say anything - fortunately. "Oh, I never imagined," said the girl who screamed. "So it's Stephanie then?" asked the other girl. "Of course it is," said Jill. "I know he seems shy about it, but you might want to pass the word." Then with a smile she walked away. I was totally mortified and didn't know what to say. I just wanted to get out of there fast. Fortunately, I did have an excuse. I had received a note from my last professor telling me that I was wanted in the Curriculum Advisor's Office that afternoon. "I have to get to an appointment," I said to them and just hurried away. I know it was the wrong way to handle that, but I was too embarrassed to do anything else. Later that afternoon, when I finally got back to our room, Jill was there waiting for me. "So how was your day today?" she asked. She seemed to be positively beaming. "It was really going well until you embarrassed me like that this afternoon. Did you have to do that?" "Yes I did. Now don't get comfortable, we need to make a quick trip to the store. I told you that I wanted you to replace the pantyhose I gave you yesterday and this is as good a time as any." We got into Jill's car and she drove all the way out to Wal-Mart. On the way, she chatted really nicely with me about my classes and also a little bit about my family and my financial situation. I remember it as being a fairly pleasant trip. Once we got into the store, she led me straight into the women's department and over to the racks of pantyhose. "Now, these are what I gave you to wear," she said pulling a package out of the rack. "While we're here, I want you to get yourself two more pair, and make sure they're different brands and colors." "Why?" I asked. "Because like it or not, you're going to be wearing them," she said rather firmly. I had a feeling that there wasn't going to be much arguing about it. So I just looked through the rack as quickly as I could while she walked away to look at something else. I felt very stupid and foolish looking for pantyhose. I quickly picked out two pairs that I recognized as being popular brands and made sure that the colors weren't the same. I showed them to Jill and she approved of them and handed me the pair she had pulled out for herself. Then we went over toward the school supplies where she picked out a large notebook and then another smaller one that had a really pink feminine cover on it. Jill paid for the notebooks, and I paid for the pantyhose. I was embarrassed, but the cashier just smiled at me as I handed her the money. Jill decided to stop at McDonalds on the way home so she wouldn't have to worry about dinner later. As soon as we got home again, Jill made me put on one of her skirts and a pretty top to go with it. When I begged her to please not make me wear her shoes because they hurt my feet so badly, she seemed to have no problem with that so I just stayed in my stocking feet. She also didn't put any makeup on me again which I was grateful for. I didn't really have a lot of homework to do, but there was a lot of reading I needed to get started on so both of us spent the next few hours working on schoolwork. Eventually, I finished my reading and started to get bored. I wanted to go downstairs to watch TV, but not dressed the way I was, so finally I just interrupted Jill and asked her if I could change into my own clothes so I could watch some TV. "Why?" she said to me. "You're dressed perfectly fine the way you are. If you want to watch TV downstairs, just go, you don't need my permission to do it. But that skirt and top stay on!" I didn't really want to leave the room dressed like I was, so I sat back on my bed again and looked at some of my school books a little more. Eventually, I just thought to myself, "The heck with it! Everybody else saw me in a dress yesterday, if they don't like it, tough. It's not like I have much of a choice here." So I screwed up my courage and went downstairs to sit in the living room and watch TV. When I got to the living room, the only people in it were Bruce and Melissa who were sitting together on the couch. "Uh oh," I thought to myself as I walked in. They both smiled when they saw me and Melissa said, "I love your outfit." I really wanted to just tell her to shut up, but I kept my mouth shut and sat myself down in one of the overstuffed chairs as far away from them as I could get. Fortunately, they didn't say anything else to me and we all just watched the movie that was on. A little while later, Jill came in and sat down too but she didn't say anything. When the movie ended, Jill and I both got up to get ready for bed. Jill suggested that I take my shower first which I gratefully accepted. She also told me that while I was in there, I better shave my legs too. She didn't want to see any more ugly hair under my pantyhose. I was not too happy about that order, but what could I do? Shaving my legs took a long time and by the time I was finally finished, Sharon was knocking at the door demanding that I hurry it up. I think she was about to yell at me when I finally opened the door, but as soon as she saw me in my nightgown, she just stepped back and stared wide-eyed at me. I just walked right past her. Back in the room, Jill sat me down on my bed and said she wanted to talk. "Oh no," I thought to myself, "more bad news." "I think it's only fair that I tell you what's going on," she started. "Good," I said to her, totally interested. Maybe now I could find out when this big joke would end. "From the moment I started dressing you up yesterday, I felt a huge surge of power that I just can't seem to get enough of. It seems that I absolutely love seeing you dressed up like a girl. So whether you like it or not, and believe me, I really don't care if you don't like it... in fact, I think that's some of the fun of it... I'm going to start making you as girlish as I possibly can." "Huh?" I said. "But I don't want to be girlish and I don't want any of this!" "Like I said, that's part of the fun for me." I was about to start arguing again, but she raised a finger and stopped me. "And, in return, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure you do as well as you possibly can in all your courses. I'm really good with communications and math and between Mark and Aaron they can help you with everything else." "But it's still not right!" I said, getting a bit angry. "I don't want to do this. It's not fair!" She just looked at me and said, "Life isn't fair, so get used to it." "For how long?" I asked still very angry. "How long? There's no time limit on this. I intend to work on you to make you look, act, and think as absolutely girlishly as possible. This is for the total foreseeable future as far as I'm concerned. And by the way, in case you ever decide to get ugly about any of this, I'm more than sure that both Aaron and Bruce will be happy to step in and help me out, if you know what I mean. So if you don't want to tangle with those two, then I suggest you do everything I say. Understand?" "Yeah... and no!" I replied. I was disheartened and confused. This was certainly not a direction I had ever planned for my life. But I really didn't have a clear way out of it. I had nowhere else to go if I wanted to remain at school. "But what about everyone else?" I asked. "What are they going to think? And what about school, I don't want to get thrown out?" "First of all," she said, "the school has a very open-minded policy towards such things so there's no problem there. And as far as everybody else, well they're just going to have to learn to deal with you as you're going to be. I know it's not going to be easy for you, but you'll learn to deal with it. I'm going to make sure of that. In fact, I'll bet things will get much easier for you the more you progress." "It's still not fair," I said dejectedly. She smiled at me, "Like I said, life isn't fair." Then she picked up the pink notebook from her desk and handed it to me. "Here," she said, "this is for you. From now on, I want you to keep a diary every night of exactly what you've done and how you feel about everything. And I want you to be absolutely honest in everything you write in there. Don't worry about being punished for anything you might write that you think I won't be happy about. I want you to feel like this is one place where you can always express your absolute real opinions about everything and anything. Okay?" "Okay," I said, taking the notebook from her. I really wasn't happy about any of this. What was I going to do? "Now, while I'm in the shower, why don't you get started on your first diary entry?" As Jill headed for the bathroom I picked up a pen and laid across my bed to start writing. Keep a diary? What for? What a waste of time. Well, if she wanted to know exactly what I thought about everything, then fine! As I started writing about my day, I decided I'd let her know, in no uncertain terms, exactly what I thought about everything. I was as graphic as I possibly could get in explaining my dislike for the way she had treated me and for what she was planning to do to me. Afterwards, as I lay back on my bed reading, I felt better. Somehow, just writing all that down and getting it off my chest made me feel a bit better. When Jill came back, she asked me if I had finished and I told her I had. I was disappointed that she didn't even look at what I had written. Instead, we spent about an hour talking nicely together about school, family, and life in general. It was "sort of" a pleasant time. The next day, I wore a new pair of pantyhose under my pants. I didn't like the way they felt against my skin as well as the pair I had gotten from Jill and I told her so. "That's one of the reasons why I wanted you to get some different types," she said, "so you can learn what kinds you like best." I had a break between my first and second classes that day so I went into one of the campus snack shacks to sit and study for a while. As I was sitting there, one of the girls I had been talking to in the hallway the day before came over. "Hi Stephanie," she said as she sat down uninvited. I was a bit surprised, but I was also kind of glad for someone to talk to. "Hi," I said back to her, not wanting to push the Stephanie bit. "Are you wearing pantyhose again today?" she asked with an amused look on her face. "Yeah," I said, "but it's not like I want to." She looked a bit confused at that, and asked, "What do you mean?" "Remember that girl yesterday that told you my name is Stephanie?" "Yeah, sure, how could I forget?" "Well, unfortunately, I have to room with her. And she's taken it into her head that she's going to force me to become as absolutely girlish as possible in every way she can think of. Which by the way, is not something I want at all! It's just that I can't seem to find a way out of it." She just stared at me for a few seconds. "That's unbelievable," was all she could say. "I have no idea what else she has planned for me, but for now, I have to wear pantyhose all the time, and she also seems to be keeping me in skirts or dresses whenever I'm at home. It's very embarrassing." "I'll bet it is," she said kindly. "By the way, my name is Courtney. I don't think I got a chance to tell you that yesterday." "My name is actually Steve," I told her. "Well, maybe if your roommate is going to be trying to make you more girlish, I had better get used to calling you Stephanie instead," she said. "Besides, I'm really bad with names, and obviously, I've already got you pegged as Stephanie. Do you mind?" What could I say except, "No, that's alright." She was being so darn nice about it all. We sat and talked for quite a while abou

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Domestication began with the first contact with the human, this was the stance of the pack as it was the stance of the leader. The leader had no name. None of them had names. They did not understand the concept of language, and many of them if given the opportunity would defer, and flea to be with the others safe and serene in the community of the pack. Smith shuddered to think he’d once been like them. Afraid. Now he spent most of his time among the humans, moving with them, laughing with...

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Der Entjungferer

Der Magen des 60 Jahre alten Schwarzen Dienstmädchens, Alam Jackson drehte sich die ganze Nacht , entweder weil sie sich über einen jener gewöhnlichen Jakes Jungen zu viele Sorgen machte, die ihr scheußliches hartes Fleisch in die 18 jährige Cloe stecken wollten, oder weil sie schlechtes Schweinefleisch gegessen hatte, während sie das Essen für Frau Winstons Donnerstagsabend Party vorbereitet hatte. Sie war besonders beunruhigt, dass der 28 Jahre alte Jack, der jüngste des Clans von Jake, den...

4 years ago
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Twisted Pink

This story takes place in the same world as my story Twisted. Twisted Pink "Go long," I called to my friend Cody as I threw a football as hard as I could. Cody ran down the length of the long yard beside my house, missing the ball and earning a few good-natured insults. "What's the matter?" I teased him. "Wash your hands with butter again?" "No Mark, you just need to learn how to throw better," Cody called back with a broad grin. Cody and I were best friends, having known each...

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part 12 Mom Time

Tyler,"Are you wearing a thong." Me,"Yeah, how do you know." Tyler,"I could see it. And all the other guys could too. You can't be showing everyone like that." Me,"I am sorry, I didn't know you could see it." Tyler,"I didn't know you wore thongs." Me,"I just started, do you like it." Tyler,"yeah." Me,"Ever seen one?" Tyler,"Mmmmm uhhhhh." Me,"I will show you." We ran off into one of the far areas of school that no one went to, and I pulled my pants down with my...

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LouisaChapter 10

Carmina sat on the center part of the large sectional couch, hunched over, rocking herself forward and back. Arms bent around her chest, fearful of her daughter's safety. "Why did I let this happen," repeatedly zipped through her brain. She realized she didn't have many options, but she felt terribly, having been forced into letting the Larch's sons have their way with her daughter. After crying to herself for hours, her tears had left her. All that was left was a few random dry...

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When My Fantasy Came True

I have heard that a man fantasizes about sex nearly 285 times a day, which is once about very four minutes. Wow, that is a lot of sex, isn't it? That gives me a lot of solace as I fantasize a lot about sex and having sex with different partners in different positions, from my not-so-good-looking-but-having-a-great-body colleague to my over-friendly and buxom 30-year-old neighbor. I also fantasize about my aunt, my wife, my mother-in-law and so many others. These fantasies have really helped us...

1 year ago
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All In The Family

When Daddy came home from work one beautiful spring day, Mom greeted him with a kiss, and immediately unzipped his fly, pulled out his cock, and sucked him until he came in her mouth.  "Now, that's the first time you've done that in a long time!  I loved it!""I was just thinking, Daddy.  You and Steph get along great.  You love fucking her, she loves fucking you, you and I like fucking each other.  You get to fuck twice as often as Steph and I do because we have to share you.  Want to try...

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A Second Dick to Share

A few weeks ago we brought a guy home because it was my girl’s biggest to watch me suck on a big hard cock. So far it was one of the hottest nights ever. We are looking for a guy who would like to join us for some fun. Come over have a few drinks and relax on the couch. I'll get down between your legs and pull your dick out its hiding spot. Lay back as I take your nice anxious cock all the way in my mouth. After watching me slide your dick down my throat for a few minutes my girl will probably...

2 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 55

Mark saw Victoria off to work the following morning and went straight to the office. Alison had beaten him to it and welcomed him warmly. He asked her whether the general had anything urgent to deal with. "No," she said. "Why?" "I want to borrow his office for half an hour." "What on earth for?" Mark told her the story of the Summer Ball. She was utterly appalled. "I want to be able to discuss it with Colonel Wilson where we won't be disturbed." "What's going to...

3 years ago
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Size matters

Does size matter? I used to say it didn't, but in some circumstances it now does. I'm constantly being asked this question, both by random quickie hookups and from my couple of long term bitchholes, both of which love my biggest of strapons. Is it their size obsession with what goes in their slutholes that fascinates them with what I want in me? Maybe, but even before I was the man in one of these relationships, he was always worried I wanted more than he offered, despite my joy of his larger...

2 years ago
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Virtual Reality Dragon Quest 4Chapter 2

I woke up the next day, still sticky and weak. Nara's spells proved quite potent, and I was able to get a rise twice more. I didn't even remember pulling from her the final time, before I collapsed into an exhausted slumber. Nara awoke a short time later, rolling over and kissing me. "Good Morning." "Probably closer to afternoon," I chuckled. Nara's eyes opened wide. "Oh — oh dear. I have two important people scheduled for readings today. I must go, before I miss them." "I'll...

2 years ago
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She Just Doesnt Want It Part 2

She Just Doesn’t Want It Part 2 bad_mike ©2010. All rights reserved. This is part two of a continuing story. The reader may find it helpful to read the initial story first. Chris laid there on the bed, her breathing slowly dropping back down from the training zone to the fat burning zone. Her breasts were still heaving beautifully, nipples as hard as rocks. She was the perfect picture of sensuality. Here hands remained tied to the bedpost, she was still blindfolded and a vibe was still lodged...

2 years ago
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Angela and Bruiser 3

It was getting beyond a joke! My dog was getting all the boning he could handle and there was I, miles from home, phone in one hand and cock in the other! It was going to have to change, I was going to get this job done and get home as soon as I could. I worked my arse off but still didn’t manage to get ahead with my work, or even catch up, having left early to install the additional cameras. Whilst working away I thought about what I had seen. The Wicked Witch getting “Dogged”, I had it...

3 years ago
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MrHottie And The Wedding

The sound of my phone is going off; it feels like its right in my ear. ‘Who the hell is calling me so damn early?!’ I growl to myself, as I roll over, not even looking at the screen and answer. “Who’s dead, or dying? This best be important.” “Good morning to you to, Sunshine.” I hear him chuckle, I can almost see his smile. I bolt right up and look at the time. Its 8:30 in the morning and Mr. Hottie is giving me a wake-up call. I can’t help but smile. “Well, good morning to you, Harris.”...

Quickie Sex
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The Escapist

Her lips cried no, but her body writhed with carnal passion. Her cries fell on deaf ears, but the language her body spoke was one her incestuous family knew well. Her body began to quiver against her will. She was cumming, and cumming hard. As her uncle, brother, and father filled her every orifice with their cum, and as her stepmother, aunt, and twin sisters watched with lustful stares, she was filled with so much shame, guilt, and hatred that it felt as though her soul was breaking into...

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Ryder Fox

I met Trevor, my husband, after work a Grand Central. Trevor was a banker and normally worked late. I usually left the ad agencywhere I worked much earlier and took the five fifteen train to get home in time to make dinner – like a dutiful wife. But this summer Friday, Trevor was taking the early train with me. He’d made reservations at a rustic inn and we were going to dine and spend the night there together. It was just after five and the platform was packed with commuters as well as...

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Dominated for Cuckold

This is a story about Samantha, a young white woman in her late 20’s, and her new husband Eric. Samantha has jet black hair that goes roughly half way down her back, blazing green eyes, and a very petite figure (think 32-22-32). Eric is a white man also in his late 20’s and has light brown hair and blue eyes, and is pretty athletic. Samantha also has a twin, Annabella, who looks just like her except Annabella’s eyes are blue. This is their ninth story. Other stories featuring them include...

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Our first date

Disclaimer: Ialways write my stories as if I am talking directly to you. More specifically,I write them as if I were holding you and whispering the story in yourear. Grammar and format be damned! This is how I like to write.

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MommysGirl Cherie Deville Kenna James Caught With My Remote

Kenna James is back from college and her mom, Cherie DeVille, couldn’t be happier. Once they greet each other, Kenna lets her mom get dressed and promises to see her at dinner later that day. What Cherie doesn’t know is that Kenna pulled a quick switcheroo and replaced her panties with a pair that has a built-in vibrator that Kenna can control from her phone. When they sit down to eat, she can’t help but prank her mother by turning it on. Cherie tries to carry on a normal...

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Crossdressed In Best Friendrsquos Momrsquos Clothes Part

I got back to Peter's apartment, but no sign of Roxy. I sat down in the sofa, And there on the table in front of me was a folded note with 2 joints pre-rolled. I picked up the note and unfolded it. I read it...‘I’m sorry. Working late. But I have been thinking of you all day. I really enjoyed sucking that tiny clitty yesterday. I bought you a small present, it's in the bedroom. I'll be home around 22:00. Cya’I lit a joint and walked into the bedroom. The bed was neatly done with all light pink...

3 years ago
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Ruth and Charley

Ruth invited Charley and I over for dinner the next weekend, and I was sort ofdisappointed he was coming - I wanted her to myself. I had thought about ourexperience all week and must have jacked off at least 10 times thinking aboutit. Usually while sniffing the panties she'd left behind, imagining her bigass in the air with my cock pumping in and out of it.Charley rode with me, and surprized me twice on the way over. First that Ruthwas rich - her husband had been the CEO of a major local...

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office 1

Tommys my wife had done it again. She had a nasty habit of calling him at work on his desk phone preventing him from working. She knew while in his cubicle, no private calls were allowed, but she still persisted with he calls making him angry. “Everything ok, you sounded angry on the phone. “ Looking over his shoulder, he found it was pat, the departments office manager. “Just the wife bugging me again.” “So trouble at home then.” “Yes you could say that, but ill sort it eventually.” “Why...

1 year ago
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AssParade Rose Monroe Big Ass Realtor Fucked by Tenant

Our boy Bruno is moving out of his new place. The only thing thing left is the final inspection. As he is finishing packing, Rose enters to let him know she will be performing the inspection. This girl is fucking hot! One can see that she has an amazing body under those office clothes. And those glasses and professional hairstyle adds even more to her sexiness. She is all business as she begins surveying the apartment. As she bends over to check on a closet doorknob, her short skirt rises...

2 years ago
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Me and My Best Friend Part 20

After dinner, we went up as usual and as we walked into the greenhouses, Dylan walked towards the pet section, he started spreading the dog beds out around the area. I asked him what he was doing, he replied "what did i tell you last night?" I started to panic on the inside, asking myself is this what i wanted, i stood there like a statue. Dylan started to strip off and asked if i was ok because i wasn't responding, before i could reply he was kissing me with is half naked body wrapped...

1 year ago
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Santa Likes Femboys

Did you know Santa Clause is real....and he likes femboys??!I It happened last Christmas Eve. I fell asleep listening to the snow fall just outside my window. I was comfy under my layers of warm blankets I clutched tightly, in the black lace panties and red lingerie night dress or nighty I wear to bed. A loud thud on the roof above me startled me awake and I heard the jingles of bells and the sounds of an a****l sneezing. A few seconds later I heard what sounded like someone walking around in...

2 years ago
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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 29

Supper was still half an hour or so away when we reached camp. I decided to look around on the travois just to make sure my director's chair type campstool hadn't come along for the ride somehow. Damn my lazy ass for not doing it sooner. There the orange thing was. Obviously no one had a clue what it was since it had been set aside by others who'd been looking for something else. I grabbed it and went to my rock's location, unfolding the stool when I got there and parking my big...

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The Wall and GoatChapter 10

Paul dropped us off exactly between our two houses, right on the border line, and it was with some trepidation that I got out of the back of the truck. I had held Maxie's hand the whole drive towards home and he squeezed back. I loved to touch him, but as we got out of the truck and stood facing our houses, the prospect of my mum seeing him holding my hand scared me. I wanted to run to the end of the earth, and then maybe jump off. I let go of Maxie and then wished I hadn't. He turned to...

4 years ago
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Postcards Ch 04

Author’s Note: This section contains an attempted mugging, with the possibility of of rape. This passage is non-erotic. If violence distresses you, use caution. Chapter 4 Depart: 9:15 a.m. Thu., May. 31, 2014 Kwajalein, Marshall Islands (KWA) Arrive: 6:42 p.m. Wed., May. 30, 2014, -1 day Honolulu, HI (HNL) Flight Time:6 hr 35 mn Travel Time:7 hr 27 mn 1 Stop. Time on the ground is 52 minutes. Distance: 2,446 miles Flight: UA1655 Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 Fare Class: United Economy (Q)...

3 years ago
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Krystal Kleer

How little we really know when we are “young, dumb, and full of cum”. I was a horny sixteen-year-old boy when a German exchange student came to spend her first year of college with us. It was my mother’s idea, figuring it would be help with the housework. Dad always went along with Mom’s ideas for the home. None of us expected someone so gorgeous. Blond, dark eyes, with face, shape, and aura like she could be an erotic model. When we met Krystal at the airport there were raised eyebrows on our...

2 years ago
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Growing TogetherChapter 13

"That's easy," Tanisha said. "I'm getting pretty tired of worrying about what's behind that door. I mean, I know it's not likely to be very good whatever it is, but the knowledge that it could be opened at any time by my brother when I'm least ready just makes things so uncertain. We've built up some pretty good defenses in case something should happen, but who knows what will happen if it does?" "Let me ask this," Joy replied thoughtfully. "It's been, what, going on five...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Two

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Two The Trip Home By Suzie Q Haff I awoke to feel Aunty gently shaking me. The sensual feeling of the satin sheets against my nylons and baby doll PJ's that started driving me wild and making me shiver returned. Darla: "Do girls ever get used to the slippery, arousing feel of nylon and satin or the taste and feel of lipstick?" Aunty giggles: "Never! Furthermore, any female that would give up those spoils just isn't much of a female. Long nails force a...

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Silent VigilChapter 5 Sleuthing

“Did you find what you were looking for in that locked room?” Spencer asked as Ethan handed the heavy key ring back to him. The old man doddered into the office behind the main desk, returning the keys to their place on the wooden board, Ethan following after him. “I satisfied my curiosity,” he replied, a lie of omission. He wasn’t sure if anyone would understand what he had been through in that suite, it was better to keep his mouth shut for the time being. It was quite a leap to go from...

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Die Beckers waren eine ganz normale Familie, die in einer ganz normalen Kleinstadt wohnte. Georg Becker, ein kaufmännischer Angestellter, war Anfang vierzig und stolz auf das, was er in seinem bisherigen Leben erreicht hatte. Vor fünf Jahren hatte er ein kleines Häuschen gekauft und dieses mit viel Fleiß und Ausdauer in ein behagliches Nest verwandelt, in dem sich Frau und Kinder wohlfühlten. Stolz war Georg auch auf seine Familie. Seine Frau Petra, vier Jahre jünger als er, entsprach jenem Typ...

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My Brother My LoverChapter 15

The loud ringing of the telephone woke Callie up the next morning. She laid there naked asleep with her brother and reached over him to answer the phone. Nathan moved around stretching his arms over his head. "Hello?" Callie answered quietly. "Callie, sweetie, I just wanted to let you know your car is in the shop now. They are still checking it out and seeing what the problem is." Callie heard her father announce in a loud voice. "Oh any idea of how much it's gonna cost yet?" "No...

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My first bi experience after boot camp

I had just graduated from boot, and was headed to my A School.But first I took some leave to go back home, and hang out with some friends and my family. My buddy Hoss picked me up from the airport, and since my folks were at work, and weren't expecting me, Hoss took me back to his apartment for a couple drinks. We get there, and to my surprise his high school sweetheart Annie was there, 3 months pregnant. Annie was a lil pixie of a girl, long dark hair, tight fit body except the tiny babybump...

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Innocent Sins Ch 05

Not even a week after her divorce from Jake was final, dozens of beautiful red roses began arriving at Heather’s office. At first no note was attached to the arrangements, and Heather harbored a secret hope that perhaps Jake had changed his mind and was trying to tell her he wanted to start over, to give her another chance. Remembering the videotape he had sent her showing him make love to another woman, Heather wasn’t certain how she felt about that idea anymore. Yes, she still loved Jake....

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2 December 2006Chapter 10

“Pete, it’s time to go,” his assistant coach interrupted. “Be right there.” “Aww, already?!” Abby whined. “We play our next game at home, then on the road for seven days and play the last game in Bellville. See you then,” Pete explained. Abby went to him and gave her brother a big kiss and hug, “I know you may not like Brad and me dating, but he’s my boyfriend now, and you’re not going to stop me from being in love with him.” “Now you’re in love with him?” Pete looked past her head at...

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EvilAngel Alexis Tae POV Anal Gaping A2M BJ

Slender, Black stunner Alexis Tae teases in tight lingerie, smiling seductively as she reveals the butt plug wedged in her asshole. The brazen beauty strips and spreads for the Jonni Darkko’s POV camera, ultimately finding herself on her knees before the XXX director. Alexis chokes and slobbers as she sucks his cock, holding a glass below to collect her nasty throat slop. Jonni bends her over and sodomizes her, Alexis moaning through intense anal reaming. Jonni alternates plunging her...

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Changes in Paradise Part 10 Readjustments Reprisals and Revelations

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. You really ought to read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 9", if you haven't already. Those narrative threads must be held in memory or many parts of what follows...

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Started small

The day before this all started, I was mowing the yard and cut off one of the pop-up sprinkler heads that had stuck up. I told my husband about it that night and he said it was my problem to fix because I should have been paying better attention when I was mowing. “Besides” he said, “I’m going fishing with the guys tomorrow morning and we won’t be back for 2 days. I’m sure you can replace it because you’ve helped me do it before.” It was already warm at 8:00 the next morning so I put on...

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Wolf Creek Ch 16

Sun Li was masterful throughout that night and for the next two nights Ada spent in the Genting Highlands. And in succeeding months, he proved that he was inventive and capable of surprises as well. Their greatest challenge was in finding opportunity and location to carry on their affair. But somehow they managed through the next three years. If Stanfield suspected anything—if he noticed that Ada had taken on a special glow when he returned from Washington or that she had turned to painting...

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New Years Eve

Ok, so here goes.It is New Year’s Eve 2014 and I’ve just been dumped by my boyfriend which now means I’m all alone. I call you but it goes straight to voice mail that’s when I remember you said you were going out with friends for the night. I leave you a tear filled message wishing you a happy new year and that you are a good friend to me. I hang up my phone and curl up on the couch crying. I fall asleep with the TV on and a half a bottle of wine drunk.A little while later I hear the door open...

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Pauls RedemptionChapter 11

"What I need is a dirty woman." Paul was talking to no one in particular and no one was really listening to him. Paul was sitting in the house with Alice, Suzi, Arthur, Anna, Steve, and some girl named Linda. The others knew to ignore him but Annahad to ask, "What do you mean a dirty woman?" "She could be a dirty girl, but it is more an outlook on life than anything else. She needs to enjoy sex." "You need a whore?" Paul wondered how old Anna really was. Arthur said 18, but if she...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Chudai Shidhiyo Par

Sabhi khde lund walo ko namaskar or chut waliyo ko khade lund ka salaam. Mera name raj yadav h. Mai alwar ke pass 1 gaon se hu lekin filhal delhi me rahta hu. Meri height 6 feet h and lund ka size average h. Mai 6 years se iss par kahani padh rha hu. Mai ab tak 9 ladkiyo and bhabhiyo ko chod chuka. Ye meri first story h agar koi galti ho to maaf karna. Aap mujhe apni rai par bhej sakte h. Ab mai kahani par aata hu. Ye kahani meri or mere tau ke ladke ki wife(bhabi) ke bare me h. Unka name...

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Went Camping with my Mother

It was the middle of the school summer holidays and I was bored, I even went through my mothers underwear drawer last week finding her sexy knickers and bras. I went as far as trying on a pair of her knickers, getting so turned on thinking that my balls were where her pussy rubbed that I came in them.My mother had three days off from work and she suggested we go camping for a couple of nights, just the two of us. My father is a truck driver and is never at home during the week so it didn’t...

4 years ago
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The Brown Blogger Rides Again

“Ja, Frau Miller, I am now in the England to visit my most promising online students. My colleague Herr Overwurst is here to observe and attend.” “Please do come in, Professor. I hope you have found my work satisfactory and that I am on track to pass your wonderful course.” “You are my most promising student, your love for the scheisse and ze piss is most gratifying. Never have I seen such gluttony, such passion for the poop!” “Thank you, Professor Bütternberg, I am truly honoured by your...

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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex LifeChapter 20

FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1991 More punctual than ever, Lexie pulled the Hunter minivan down our long driveway. As the van pulled closer, I noticed Mitch was not in his usual place in the passenger bucket seat. Mandy Prentice was in his place. This was odd, but nothing was ever ordinary when Lexie was involved. As the van pulled up and I hopped in, I noticed all three girls were rocking their sunglasses. Mandy had identical aviators to both Lexie and my gorgeous girlfriend. “Ladies,” I smiled as I...

1 year ago
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To Bi or Not to Bi Part 2

From: [email protected]: [email protected]: Telling all: Who to?My dearest Rene,After your last mail and the follow-up text, letting you into my secrets may read disappointingly dry and barren. So, before I set to it, I want to tell you how much your snatch-shot delighted me. After twenty-one years, you, my ‘shy’(???) Rene, have still the sexiest, delectably kissable, and so, so fuckable pussy! God, how I envy you.To change the subject – or do I – I hope you are looking forward...

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Teen Diaries 6 Catfished into sex

My name is Denise. I’m sixteen with black hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin. About six months ago, I accepted a friend request on Facebook from a guy named Deacon McSwayne. He was seventeen, 6’2, blonde, and very buff. I thought he was so attractive that I accepted his request and started talking to him through messenger. We had a lot in common and the conversation quickly turned sexual, ending in us trading pics. I sent him images of me fully naked showing everything and close ups of my...

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TJ MorgChapter 24

Bill Sorenson attended the dinner and brought everyone up to date on Ivy. Sally told them of events in the fleet; Milligan was heading for Plans in First Space Lord, Strathlawn was to replace Milligan on completion of his shuttle pilot training as Rear Admiral, Bonder was for "Monarch" and Percy Gantry escaped the Admiralty to have "Naseby". TJ and Morg reported on events on "Tulip" (somewhat adjusted for the audience but no one hearing it was fooled) and TJ regaled them with the story...

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All for Charity Part 3 of 4

All for Charity (Part 3) -- Charity Awakens Susie moves back home and Charlie prepares to volunteer Charlie The moment he finished, Charlie couldn't believe what he had done. Yes, he had another fight with Connie on the phone. Honestly, he thought, she says she wants to be with me and I want her, but she makes everything so hard. She is jealous of everything, domineering and never, ever thinks she's wrong. I'm on pins and needles with her all the time. Is this really where I...

1 year ago
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At The Car Wash

The Wednesday following Christmas was to be a busy day for me; after wrapping-up the remainder of the gifts for my forty-nine year-old sister and my nieces. I was to drive some one hundred and fifty miles or so into the countryside to visit them. We enjoyed ourselves immensely throughout the day and when it came time for my return, I decided to fuel-up and run the car through the carwash before returning home. Jacquee, my sister, mentioned she needed some milk from the convenience store where I...

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Tom takes control

It was summer so we had all day and most of the nights to just hang out. We sat in front of a school, walked to the stores or roamed in the woods nearby. Some nights we would get an older guy from our neighborhood to get us beer. We would go to the woods and have a fire and get drunk. Still, no action for us guys. Oh well, it was summer and we were having fun. One day Tom and I were in the woods with our bb guns just walking around shooting stuff. We came up to a fort that some older...

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Shadi me chudayi

Aap sab ladke khub louda hila rahe ho our sab ladkiya bur me ungali dal rahi ho story pad ke.. To chalo mai bhi apni life ki ek real story batata hu.. Par karam hai tumhe tumhare choot ki.. Call ya mail jarur karna.. Mail Ye baat hai koi 3 saal purani.. Mai apne friend ke bhai ki barat me nagpur gaya tha.. Ab aap to jante hi hai shadi ki raat har ladka-ladki kya chahti hai.. Choot our lund.. Bus yahi mai bhi chahta tha.. Chuki mai ladke walo ki taraf se aaya tha to vaise bhi thodi chhoot thi....

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess7e4 Aiman Ali 31

We open on a photo of a geek sitting infront of a computer, looking into camera. Then fade through to a stunning bit of fantasy artwork – a large, muscle-bound and windswept hero – with the same face as the geek. Then fade to another photo, a greasy haired kid trying to look tough. Fading through to a hero with Brad Pitt ‘Fight Club’ type body, and Brad Pitt ‘A River Runs Through It’ type hair blowing in the wind. A woman’s voice, well spoken, light and friendly, with a slight...

4 years ago
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Tory DaughterChapter 34

"Mr. Wells," Anne said, snuggling closer and kissing his nearly hairless chest, their mutual passion thoroughly spent, "I think we ought to go down and get some breakfast. Sun's pretty high." "Really? And here I thought you were enjoying yourself." He stretched and squinted at the bright sunlight, raking back her lustrous hair with both hands and kissing her open-mouthed as their legs tangled. "If you insist." He tried to ignore his excited amazement and found he could not. "Um,"...

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