Chelsie's Dilemma - Part 1 free porn video

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May 5 th , 2011

The end of the semester is fast approaching and I couldn’t be any more excited. Not only will I be done with class, but summer time will be upon us and that means I’ll get to work on my glorious tan, lounge around doing nothing…and…that fucking thing called work…

It’s not entirely bad though. It’s a steady job I’ve held for the past two years and I’ve been fortunate to work for a very lenient boss who let me take some time off near the end of the semester to ‘focus’ on my studies. Really, I just wanted fuck around and then maybe get some studying done. I’ve lost count the number of times my hand has been in my cunt.

Speaking of which…

Maybe I’ll get lucky and find some poor bastard that’ll find interest in me and give me what I want – more like what I need… am I really admitting this right now? Maybe that one guy who has been frequenting the café lately will fill my current void… That’s if I can quit being a rambling idiot long enough to seem like I know what the fuck I’m talking about every time I open my mouth…

Okay, okay, I’ll do something productive other than just rambling away like I am right now.


He had been watching her from afar, taking in her beauty, as he casually sat back in his seat and began sipping on the tea he had ordered with his lunch. He wasn’t sure if she had ever noticed him while she always hustled around the small café, but occasionally he would catch her eye, even for a brief second, before she quickly diverted her attention elsewhere.

He knew she saw him looking at her, trying to express his interest in the beautiful waitress, but how many other guys had tried to catch her attention the same way? Some of the guys – and even other women – made it painfully obvious they had an interest in her. Others had even used the same approach as his, but would he stand out from the rest? Surely she’s immune to the attention by now.

Chelsie’s shift began sooner than planned because her lovely co-worker, Bethany Sharp, couldn’t make it into work. Something about studying for finals since it’s her senior year in high school. She chuckled to herself as the memories from her own high school days came flooding back and how stressed she had thought she was at the time. That stress level was nothing compared to what she was feeling now. Sometimes she wished she could go back and do it all again, but she quickly pushed those thoughts to the side before clocking in.

The café wasn’t terribly busy but there were still enough people in there to keep her from getting her own studies done. It wasn’t exactly frustrating – more like annoying – because she had her own finals to prepare for. Passing her finals meant freedom for the summer, and what single girl wouldn’t love that?

Chelsie began doing her job, ‘striving’ to keep each customer happy. She enjoyed what she did, but she only saw this job as being temporary until the right one came along, even though she had been there for awhile – not that she wouldn’t put any effort into the job, but she didn’t have any plans to make a career out of it.

Oh shit…there he is…

Her stomach dropped when she saw Him walk in the café. He usually comes in once or twice a week and, usually, he’s alone. She finds him very attractive but he hasn’t really spoken to her except for the one time she waited on him. She won’t serve him anymore because she became a rambling idiot in his presence.

“Really, Chelsie?” Shelby, another co-worker, asked after Chelsie asked her to take his table.

“Yes, baby doll. You know I can’t function around him…” she trailed off as she quickly looked away from him as he looked towards her, pretty much catching her looking his way.

“You’re so cute,” Shelby said before strutting off towards his table.

One of these days I’ll have the courage to approach him and actually be coherent when talking to him. Hmmm, I do wonder why he comes in so often.

Chelsie stayed just out of his sight while he ordered. There was something about him that made her freeze up, but she couldn’t quite figure it out. None of the girls were like that around him, and that was the most frustrating part about it all. She was supposed to be the confident one of the bunch, the one without any problems when it came to the opposite sex, but yet here she was completely losing it with a guy she could’ve had in her bed several times by now.

She watched him, as discretely as possible, through the duration of his lunch, while trying to get her own work done. She went through each of her tables, making sure everyone was taken care of, as she tried to ignore his presence that seemed to be growing stronger and stronger in the back of her mind. She could’ve sworn she could feel his gaze on her body as she moved from table to table, either gathering up the used dishes or taking care of a customer’ needs.

A devilish grin slowly crept over her face after she found a very safe vantage point to simply stare at him. She followed his eyes as he scanned the area, perhaps looking for her? That, she wasn’t too sure of, but she knew how she’d react if he happened to notice where she was and where she was looking. The grin turned to excitement – well, maybe it was closer to nervousness…maybe both – as she realized she could possibly play with his head and, just maybe, open up the door for something more than this little game of whatever-the-fuck-you-want-to-call-it. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out into the open, staring directly at him, before catching his eye and giving him a coy smile.


She looked away before she could see his reaction. Luckily for her, table 3 had already packed up and left, leaving her with a decent tip that made her feel better about the way things may go from there on out.

Maybe this will cause something to happen in my favor…

She began clearing the table, placing the dishes inside the bin, before ‘accidently’ dropping a fork to the floor. The naughty grin came over her face, again, before she slowly bent at the waist to retrieve the fork. She could feel his piercing gaze as she slowly stood back up, purposely making sure her ass was pointing in his direction. She could feel her panties dampening as she walked to the back area with dishes in tow, not returning to the front until after he had left.

Shelby slowly sauntered towards Chelsie, the smile growing bigger and bigger as they approached each other.

“Oh, so his name is Shane,” Shelby said, wrapping her arms around Chelsie’s lower back, pulling them together in a tight embrace. Chelsie wrapped her arms around her friend’s neck, imitating two lovers’ coming together. Yet nothing ever happened between the two of them.

“Oh? How do you know that?” asked Chelsie, her interesting spiking.

“I read it on his credit card. Assuming it wasn’t stolen or anything,” Shelby laughed out, slowly letting her friend go before taking a step back.

“Ha, who knows…”


“Maybe I should just nut up and talk to her…” Shane blurted out, randomly, as he and his friend Derek sat waiting for the green light.

“Huh?” Derek shot back, looking oddly over at his best friend. “Talk to who?”

Green light.

“I don’t know what her name is. I see her a couple times a week, but I can never seem to grab her attention long enough to string enough words together to make some sort of an impression.”

“Where do you see her at?”

“She works in one of those little restaurants down on 3 rd street. I can’t remember the name of the damn place…” He tried to think hard for the name of the small café, but to no avail.

“Ponderosa? Or the Outlaw?”

“I think it was Ponderosa…I can’t quite remember…”

“Oh okay. Both have some pretty hot chicks working there. I really don’t blame you for not remembering where you had lunch at today,” Derek laughed out before looking over at his friend. “Hot I presume?”

“Really, dude? Would we even be having this conversation had she not been at least serviceable?” Shane shot back, taking his eyes off the road for a few seconds.

“Ha, well I’ve seen you try to pick up worse when you drink. That’s why I asked. Dude! Pay attention!” He yelled, causing Shane to quickly go back to the road, but not without a friendly hit to the arm.

“We don’t talk about those nights. Apparently alcohol makes my decisions for me, and we’ve all seen how some of those life choices have panned out…”

“Yeah, not so well, my friend…but really, if she’s hot, like you say, then you should go for it. Fuck it, what you got to lose?”

Shane simply shrugged his shoulders while they drove down the road. She seemed to cloud his mind more often than he was comfortable with. He’s had his fair share of infatuations with certain women before, but this was almost at a completely different level. He could still picture the way she moved while he would discretely watch her in the café – her hips swaying from side to side, giving off a distinguishable elegance that only she possessed. He could hear her laughter coming from behind the counter and had often wondered what could’ve made her laugh like that.

As the days and weeks passed by, the more she seemed to fill his thoughts. He couldn’t do his simple daily tasks without some sort of reminder of the blonde beauty that began to haunt his dreams at night. And it was usually subtle reminders that seemed to catch his attention and totally throw a wrench in whatever he was trying to accomplish.

Yet he still was not able to approach her to strike up some sort of conversation. Either she would completely avoid his area of the café, or she wouldn’t linger in any one area for too long. It was almost as if she were a little nervous to be in his presence, but why? With her looks she could take home any guy she wanted, so there was really no need to continue her antics. Unless it was her game of cat and mouse. And, in that case, he was ready to do whatever it took to land the pretty girl…or even bed her…


“Hurry the fuck up, bitch!” Shelby yelled through the bathroom door, clutching her purse, feeling rather impatient, as she waited on Chelsie to finish getting ready.

“Suck it, whore! I’ll be out in a few minutes…” she yelled back as she finished applying the last of her mascara.

“I can’t suck anything until your slow ass gets out of the fucking bathroom.”

Chelsie silently laughed to herself, knowing that, more than likely, Shelby was going to be sucking someone’s cock tonight. Letting that girl out in the wild usually ended like that if she wasn’t carefully watched, but Chelsie wasn’t exactly concerned about looking after her friend like that. If she wanted to have her fun, who was she to stop her? Besides, she was in a little mood for some lovin’ herself.

“Why does that not surprise me?” She asked, shaking her head, before giving herself one last inspection in the mirror, admiring the way she looked. Even she was impressed with the way she was able to make a simple outfit look good. Tonight’s gonna be a good night…

She opened the door to see Shelby standing there in one of her more…slutty dresses. It didn’t really surprise her to see her friend dressed that way, but it pretty much confirmed her intentions for the night. Chelsie looked her friend up and down before shaking her head and walking down the hallway towards her room to retrieve a pair of shoes.

Shrugging her shoulders, watching Chelsie walk down the hallway, “you know how much I love the dick.”

“Touché…” Chelsie couldn’t believe they were even discussing that at the moment. “Where do you want to go, anyways?”

“I don’t know. We’ll figure it out as we go…”


Figure it out as we go…yeah, great fucking call, Shelby!

Chelsie was fuming, pissed, and ready to kill her friend. Her idea of ‘figuring it out as we go’ happened to consist of wandering off with the first attractive guy that showed her any attention. She stared in disbelief as Shelby and this random guy disappeared behind a closed door. She knew she wouldn’t be seeing Shelby again that night, so she figured she may as well have her own fun since she was ditched like that.

She found an empty seat at the bar, quickly taking it before anyone else had the opportunity to sit down there. She knew she shouldn’t really be pissed at Shelby for ditching her, but they had planned to have a night out together. She didn’t think her friend would be gone just like that, leaving her to fend for herself in the sea of testosterone that was the club they happened to be in.

She began scanning the faces of the strangers that surrounded her, looking for any sign of someone, anyone that she may know. It’s not that she was uneasy sitting by herself, it’s just that she was already bored. Boredom would lead to drinking. Drinking would lead to excessive drinking. And excessive drinking would lead to leaving with some guy she didn’t know AT ALL, and she wasn’t exactly game for that. She could call her ex boyfriend, but that would mean conceding defeat to the game they currently had going.

After the break up, her and her ex would occasionally meet up for meaningless sex, to more or less keep their numbers down. But the more sex they had, the more her feelings for him came back. She knew she couldn’t allow it to keep going if they weren’t going to get back together. That would just be too painful and she really wasn’t the type of girl to sit in self pity.

“I bet you can’t go more than a month without calling me for sex again. In fact, I know you can’t do it.”

The subtle dare that was certain to make her fold within a couple weeks. But he underestimated her will power. She knew she could do it; he was just a temporary bridge until she found someone else. This was three months ago.

She decided to finally order a drink and see if that might help her relax. She received her drink before beginning to consume it, sitting all by herself…


No, that can’t be…can it? Why is…no, that can’t be…

Curiosity rising, he pried himself from the chair he was sitting in before going to the bar. He happened to see her looking around and, when she looked his way, he was floored to see her sitting by herself. But he wasn’t for certain if that was her or not. When she looked his way again, he recognized her eyes – oh those eyes – before it hit him exactly who she was.

“I’m trying to make sense as to why a girl as pretty as yourself is sitting at the bar, of this place, all by yourself…” he said, trying his best to shake the nerves that had somehow risen from the time he left his chair, to when he finally spoke to her outside of the café.

She froze. The voice was all too familiar, but it couldn’t possibly be Him, could it? She quickly glanced in the mirror behind the bar and was relieved to know it was Shane. What were the chances of them meeting up in this place?

Turning her head to look at him, “you remember Shelby, right? You know, the girl who waited on you this morning?” She shifted in her chair to get a better look at him.

“Yeah, of course…” he replied, raising his eyebrow as more of her body was presented to his gaze.

“Well, that fucking whore decided to leave with some guy and leave me here,” she said, obviously fuming over what happened with her friend.

“So that makes her a…whore…?” he asked, still a little confused as to why she didn’t have any other friends around to accompany her.

“Dude, you have no idea what she’s like. The dirtier and rougher the debauchery, the more she’s gonna love it…hell, she even took part in a foursome – and she was the only girl involved!”

“Wow…what a whore…” He shook his head, feeling a little grossed out by her promiscuous behavior. He really wasn’t into the slutty type of girls, just the kind he knew wouldn’t just give it up to him without making him work for it.

“Um, to say the least…” Now she was just pissed off. She downed the rest of her drink before slamming the empty glass on the counter, alerting everyone within a five foot radius of her and Shane.

“I need a Miller Lite and whatever she’s drinking,” Shane said to the bartender.

“Oh, I’ll just have a Cosmo…” she looked over at Shane as he paid for the drinks and took his beer. She watched the way he brought the bottle to his lips to let the cold beer flow into his mouth and down his throat. She became more and more attracted to him as she continued to simply watch him.

“Come sit with me. I’ll keep you company since your friend didn’t want to,” he said to her, followed by a smile that made her heart skip a beat.

“I don’t see any harm in that.” She returned the smile before following him back to where he was sitting.

“So why do you always avoid me when I come into the café?” He questioned her as they took a seat at an empty table.

“Can you keep a secret?” She looked at him with a mocking stern face.

“Sure can,” he replied, returning the same look.

“Well, you see, I’m attracted to losers…” she trailed off, trying to gauge his reaction before she continued, “I had a feeling you fit that persona, so I kept my distance.” She tried to keep a straight face, but lost it when he started shaking his head and laughing.

“I knew it! Damn, why didn’t I make myself not look so loserish?!” He laughed as he caught her eye and held the gaze.

“That was cheesy, I know,” she continued to laugh, holding the eye contact.

“Nah, it was cute,” he winked, causing her face to turn red.

“No, but really, I didn’t come around you because I didn’t know what to say and didn’t wanna sound like an idiot…”

“Oh,” he laughed, “I don’t think I would’ve fared much better.” He continued smiling at her.

“So far so good, right?” She began feeling somewhat nervous, not sure if she would be able to hold up her end of the conversation.

“Maybe. Just as long as you don’t fall apart on me,” he joked before playfully tickling her leg just above her knee, causing her to jump and laugh before playfully hitting him back.

“Jerk,” she joked back.

“So…tell me a bit about yourself.”

You want to know about…me?

She began delving into her personal life for the guy she’s had a lot of intrigue in. She told him everything: from past relationships to her favorite color, her celebrity crush to her childhood home, all the pets she ever had to her college major. She went on and on, feeling more comfortable around Shane while he took in everything she had to say. He was rather easy to talk to and that further cemented her attraction towards him.

“You know, in the midst of your story telling,” he interrupted her, “you never did tell me what your name is…”

“I thought you already knew it! I figured you would’ve over heard one of the girls say my name or something…”

“Either I missed it when someone said your name, or I didn’t know who they were talking about…” He knew her name is Chelsie, but he didn’t want her to think he was only paying attention to just her and freak her out.

“Oh, well my name is Chelsie,” she said with a smile, “your name is Shane, right?”

“How did you know that?” He raised his eyebrow in slight confusion, know that he didn’t tell anyone there what his name is.

“Shelby…she’s also a bit of a stalker. She happened to see it on your credit card and told me after you left…”

“Ah, yeah, that would make sense. It’s not like my name is on the card or anything,” he laughed, giving her a reassuring smile in which she happily returned.

Things were really clicking between the two. He easily made her laugh with his sense of humor and correctly timed tickles to either her legs or sides. The more they talked and played, the closer they got to one another. Before long, he ended up with his arm around her, leaning back in his chair, as she leaned into him. He felt confident in the situation and hoped he may have correctly played his cards to get her home and through to morning...hopefully even longer. But…he wasn’t exactly ready to make the attempt to fuck her. He wanted to wait things out and see if there’s something more than a physical attraction between them.

Chelsie was all but ready to take him home and let him have his way with her. Their playfulness had caused quite the mess in her southern regions and she definitely needed that to be taken care of one way or another. Now, was he going to take care of it, or was she going to have to do it herself?


May 8 th , 2011

Sorry I haven’t been around in a couple days to write to you. I have been busy with work, school and fantasies. School has been whooping my ass lately. The damn finals are quickly approaching and I’ve been trying to cram as much studying in as I possibly can. FML…why did I decide to go to college? It’s caused nothing but stress and taken time away from doing what I really want: lounge by the pool, work on my tan and maybe let some fool fuck me…okay, I don’t think that would ever happen. But I know if I really wanted to, any of the guys who have looked my way could’ve already been inside me. I’m not gonna stoop to Shelby’s level, no matter how horny I get. That’s why I play with myself ALL THE TIME. Hmm, but after what happened tonight…

Her thoughts drifted towards the night she spent with Shane. Even though he left almost an hour ago, she could still feel him, taste him, as she began to lie back. She softly closed her eyes as her hands began caressing her body. She could still feel him upon her, the way his hands moved over her breasts and down her belly. His teasing sensations were still upon her thighs and even down to her ankles.

A soft moan escaped her lips as she began teasing the rock hard nubs that jutted out from her heaving breasts. Her nimble fingers slowly encircled each nipple, sending a rippling effect from her breasts down to her moistening, tingling pussy. She gave her nipples a tug at the same time, causing her to jerk and writhe while her moans increased. She wanted his mouth to be on her nipples, to be licking, biting and sucking on them just the way she liked.

Her right hand trailed down her stomach, leaving her left at her breast, before reaching her aching, protruding clit. She slowly circled her aching love button while continuing to play with her nipple. The sensation and connection was almost too much for her to bear, but she continued her self inflicting teasing upon her own body. Her moans rose in pitch and tempo, making her realize just how quickly she might cum from the subtle touching.

“Oohhh, fuck…” she moaned out when she allowed her finger to apply more pressure to her clit.

She began rubbing harder and faster on her clit while simultaneously pinching and pulling on her nipple with more force. She felt the familiar tightening in her stomach, her breathing becoming more labored, as if being on the verge of an orgasm, before pulling her hand away from her pussy to linger close to the edge of bliss. She wasn’t ready to cum yet, but still was marveling in the feeling of knowing how quick she will cum when she graciously lets herself fall over that edge. But the real question: how hard was she going to cum?

Her finger dipped into her wet pussy, easily slipping past the open pedals of her box, before sliding it over her spot. Her mouth formed an ‘O’ as her soft finger continuously grazed the rough patch at the top of her walls. She knew it wasn’t going to last long as she applied more pressure to the wonderful spot, her other hand going to manipulate her aching, throbbing clit. She suddenly added a second finger, rubbing and fucking herself harder and faster, images of Shane on top of her pounding away at her tight, little pussy.

Her moans turned to screams, her breathing became more intense, and her fingers were as busy as ever, when finally the end was near. She felt the orgasm was just within reach when her phone went off, completely breaking her concentration and sending her orgasm back into the depths of her ready and soaked pussy. She angrily grabbed her phone before reading the text.

Holy shit…I’ve never been fucked by that many guys at once.

“What. The. FUCK?!” she screamed out, pissed and beyond frustrated that her slutty friend completely ruined what she was doing all because of a fucking gang bang. She tossed her phone on the floor before angrily rolling over and falling asleep. She didn’t even cum.


May 9 th , 2011

Shelby is a whore. A FUCKING whore! A whore, whore, whore, whore… She completely fucked up my thoughts of Shane. He didn’t fuck me, so I resorted to fingering myself to get off before going to sleep. But no. That fucking bitch had to tell me all about her fucking gang bang and how sore she was going to be afterwards. I. Do. Not. Fucking. Care!

Whatever, I’m gonna call Shane and either sweet talk him, or bribe him into fucking me.

Talk to you later. And hopefully with some good news.


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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Four

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Four The Shopping Expedition By Suzie Q Haff I awoke to the sound of a gurgling brook, chirping birds, and Jana calling me gently in the distance. She was bent kneeling over me. Her long hair was tickling my nose on purpose. Jana gently shaking me: "Darla dear... Wake up already!" I started to stir and she kissed me gently. "Good morning Little Sis." She tugs the leash. "I love you and now you are mine." How could I forget? "I have everything I need to...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Nine

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Nine My First Pinky Thursday By Suzie Q Haff I awoke to Jana shaking me desperately and telling me we over slept. I sat straight up removing the ear phones and could now hear what she was saying. Jana: "Move it Darla! Its six forty five already." She had already gotten coffee. Darla: "Wow! What a short night." Jana: "Well I think we are safe if we skip our bath today. Let's just wash up and get on...

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Prisoners Dilemma Curiosity Killed the Cat

Prisoner's Dilemma Curiosity Killed the Cat Professor Ripley's research division of Lockman University's college of biotechnology had a peculiar reputation. All of the students knew that there was good money to be made volunteering for biotechnical research. The department was always looking for warm bodies, and he paid well for the use of them, but volunteering for Ripley's experiments usually left his volunteers with a slightly different warm body than the one they started with. ...

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Prisoners Dilemma FAQ

Okay, I can't call it a FAQ because to qualify for the acronym, people had to have asked questions frequently, and they haven't yet. Still, I suppose a few people will have questions about the setting, so here are answers to questions I believe might occur to you. The Location 1. Where is the universe set? Is it in America? The Prisoner's Dilemma experiment was built at fictional Lockman University. It doesn't exist in any specific location and I'd like to keep it that way. If in...

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Prisoners Dilemma Separate the Men From the Boys

Note to readers: This is set in the same story universe as "Prisoner's Dilemma: Curiosity Killed the Cat," which contains some background information. Prisoner's Dilemma Separate the Men From the Boys The biotechnical research department at Lockman University had made its breakthrough invention in 2002. Its inventor, Professor Ripley, called it the biomorphic reorganizer. The university department literature called it the Biomass Redistribution Platform. The students...

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Cousins Dilemma

Cousins' Dilemma: by DebWeb Certain elements of this fantasy story are inspired from minute memories of my childhood. Yes I did have a close friendship with Julie my cousin. We were soul mates for the first six years of life. The incident where she demanded I wear the dress is factual and to this day I regret not being able to summon the courage to say yes. That was a defining day between me and Julie's friendship. She cut off most all verbal communication between us. I was...

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Little Sisters DilemmaChapter 4

Joanne and I watched Sarah's car disappearing through the trees of Palisade Lake campgrounds as it took her back to the city, leaving the two of us to enjoy our week of isolation. The whole day had been one of discovery, not only of ourselves, but also of a part of us that we never suspected might exist. What had started out that day as a bit of exhibitionism had turned out to be something more intimate, more perverse, and more exciting than any of us would have guessed. We had all...

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Chelsie Meets Her Mistress

Chelsie Meets Her Mistress (based on a true story) by Mistress Lisa Chapter 1 Mistress Lisa sat in the hotel lobby, staring at a large screen TV, but not really seeing it. Her mind was on the man she was supposed to be meeting. He had served her online for over a year, but they had never met before. She was a touch nervous...something she DEFINITELY wasn't used to. She reached in her pocket to touch the pair of panties she had brought for her favorite cyber slave. "This is going to...

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Wifes Dilemma chapter 3

By aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Wednesday again, Esther visited Ralph and C.J. Yes, she enjoyed their cocks as they fucked her into total ecstasy. Many loads of cum in her pussy and ass, plus appetizers for her stomach. She was careful to watch the time and regretted when 3 pm ended her enjoyment. She talked with Ralph and told him her plan. She wanted him to be free Friday night. She was...

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Futa Naked In School 07 The Naked Futa Problem 1 Randis Naked Futa Dilemma

Chapter One: Randi's Naked Futa Dilemma By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Randi Bjork Week, Monday Everyone was staring at me. Groping me. I trembled as I moved through the halls, resisting the urges to cover my naked tits. I was selected for the Program. Me. I knew the odds. Two girls a week, and only a fifty-fifty chance they'd select a junior as one of them made me hope I'd get through this year and next without getting selected. But I was. “Wow, I did not realize how big your tits...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirls Dilemma

A Day in Gotham – 3 – Batgirl’s Dilemma Chapter 1 – Good Dream, Bad Dream? She woke up with a start, instantly awake and scanning her surroundings urgently. What had happened!? Her heart was racing, but her breathing quickly returned to normal as her brain registered the air of normality in the bedroom. The early morning Gotham City sunlight was streaming through the curtains and already it felt pleasantly warm as her home city prepared itself for another baking hot mid-Summer day. She...

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The Futa Fairy Futa Teachers Naughty Wish Chapter 1 Ms Marcies Student Dilemma

Chapter One: Ms. Marcie's Student Dilemma By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Every day was torture when I walked into the hallowed halls of Washington College, the school where I taught at. Everywhere I looked, the girls strutted down the halls, so youthful, so sexy in their tight jeans, their tighter tops, their short skirts, their leggings that molded to nubile flesh. My heart raced, my pussy so hot in my panties and pantyhose, my nipples hard in my blouse. So many beauties. The...

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Modern Mage A Hunters Dilemma

Gabriel Roarke had been a Hunter for over a decade, ever since he recovered after his family was attacked by a Vampire. To be more precise after that creature had killed his parents and then turned his sisters forcing Roarke to kill them if he wanted to live. He had spent six months in a hospital recovering from physical injuries he’d received from surviving that night and cleaning up the mess so that he didn’t go to jail for murder. He didn’t tell the police or the doctors, nurses and...

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The Dilemma

Jock couldn’t sleep. That night with Erin - Holy shit!  His entire five-foot eleven-inch frame felt like it was still intertwined with Erin’s tight, lithe body.  He couldn’t get her out of his mind to save his life.  When you’ve just had a fuck session with a mesmerizing, forty-something woman who seemed to be completely into you, what now?  Could he really have fallen for her this quickly, this unexpectedly?  At fifty-five years of age, with thirty hard, tough years working the San Francisco...

Love Stories
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A MORAL DILEMMA PART 2 To get with the flow of this story (Plus other flows) you should read part 1 first. I hope you enjoy? After my gorgeous 16 year old niece Kim standing stark naked in front of me, and after sucking on my very hard 9 inch cock practically begging me to take her to her to my bed and to teach her all about sex, and shove my big hard cock inside her taking her virginity what could I say? After not having any sex for 2 years apart from self induced orgasms whilst fantasising...

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I arrived in Dallas mid morning on Monday and went straight to the hotel to change into business attire.   It was not quite lunch time, so I caught a cab to the office.   This was one of my favorite units to audit because the CFO was very yummy.   He was tall, built like an NFL linebacker, always tan and had a gorgeous smile.   It was also apparent that he was attracted to me.   I announced myself at the front desk and the receptionist called the Controller to let her know I was here.  ...

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Tease and Workplace Dilemma

The Tease and The Workplace Dilemma I want you to know that I enjoy thinking of you, reading my stories. I enjoy the power that my seductive language has over you. You are drawn in by the words as they unravel on the screen in front of you. There are no sexy photos, yet your libido is ignited in ways beyond the visual. You have to match my description of our seduction, though you don’t think we have ever met, with your imagination of how it would be.. The first glance as I walk past your...

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IHNC 65 Lisas Dilemma

Introduction: Lisa Cohan gets an unwanted proposition. IHNC 6.5 Lisas Dilemma (Mf, teen, nc, preg, softcore) (This chapter is from the viewpoint of Lisa Cohan, a schoolmate of Beckys who joined in her SATs tutoring her High School Math teacher was giving her.) OMG! I wish I could get out of here! No sooner did Mr. Font drop me off than my hag of a Vietnamese mother began yelling at me in her inside voice: Broken English Banshee Wail. WERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BE! Studying for my SATs, I...

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His Best Friends Daughter Part IIIHis Dilemma

His Best Friend’s Daughter: Part III- His Dilemma Well, when we last left John and the ever so teasing and flirtatious Gabby (the sexy sixteen-year-old daughter of his best friend Patrick) who had been teasing and flirting with him for weeks had finally seduced John in the guesthouse of her family’s villa in Majorca. Seduced him not once, but twice! Gabby had not only bedded John that night after the club and dancing, but John had awoken in the early Spanish sunlight to a young inexperienced...

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Head Girls Dilemma

Head Girl Joanne’s dilemmaPauline Margaret Manson had taught at my school for twelve years. She had always seemed to me to be fair and kind to her students, but Miss held a deep secret that had started as a rumour when we were lower down the school and had become a rather loud whisper around school. Pauline had a target to administer corporal punishment to all her students by the end of the school year. So far that year, each one of her twenty A-Level History students had been placed in after...

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Joggers Dilemma

Deciding to become healthier had interesting consequences for me. By the age of twenty-eight, I had put on a few extra pounds and when an acquaintance of mine paid tribute to my enlarging hipline at the pub one evening, I decided that action needed to be taken. I made a decision to start jogging in the hills behind my home. There was an enjoyable path that meandered through that area and day by day, I began to extend the distance of my runs. This exercise coupled with a healthier eating plan...

Gay Male
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Dougs Dilemma

Doug's Dilemma, by MaxMonThere was a slight shiver in her voice, as Tammy asked herself aloud, "Why am I doing this?" After a brief pause, she continued, " Doug, you are scaring me! I can't walk down stairs blindfolded... I need to see the steps!" "Come on, Hon. I have your arm, so you're not going to fall." Her husband's attempt at reassurance came across with a shallow breach, as if those high heals on the sandy concrete stairs were, indeed, of great concern to him. "Let me get in front of...

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Dans Dilemma

Well this is my first time writing a story like this. So I hope that I can keep the story true to the Spells R' Us story line. Remember this is my first time so please be patient. Comments about this story can be made on the fictionmania hyperboard. I would prefer at this time to remain anonymous at this time. Dan's Dilemma "You know if we put a wig on you, you'd pass for a girl." "Ha, ha, that's funny Steve." "Hey Dan, you' re so short when you sit on a curb your feet...

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Mindys Dilemma

Mindy's Dilemma By Bashful The webmaster spent most of his morning on the Internet, chatting with friends. Not his usual Saturday morning routine but he had decided to try it once. He wasn't sure if he would ever do it again but it was a better experience than he had expected. Now he had chores to perform. First the dishwasher had to be replaced. That took him only an hour and a badly scraped set of knuckles. He then set to work on the server farm. He intended to split his...

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Davids Dilemma

David's Dilemma By Bashful ########### Author's Note: Once again I offer special thanks to Janice Dreamer, the Princess of Author's Notes, for her insightful assistance in preparing this story for publication. ############ Patty felt like screaming. She held tight to the headboard with both hands and squirmed in ecstasy. David's talented lips and tongue were driving her mad. She climaxed with a squeal and allowed her body to go limp. Best of all, that was just the...

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High School Dilemma

High School Dilemma: Part One By Lauren Westley I should have known better. It was such a stupid thing and it didn't even work out. Here I was graduating from High School. I had just turned eighteen and it was the last week of school. How could I have done it? Why did I take the chance? Kelly was probably the prettiest girl in school. Her hair was long and blond. Not much different then mine. Actually we were both about 5' 5" and weighed around 120 pounds. But, Kelly was Joe's...

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High School Dilemma

High School Dilemma Part One By Lauren Westley I should have known better. It was such a stupid thing and it didn't even work out. Here I was graduating from High School. I had just turned eighteen and it was the last week of school. How could I have done it? Why did I take the chance? Kelly was probably the prettiest girl in school. Her hair was long and blond. Not much different then mine. Actually we were both about 5' 5"...

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Estate Agents Dilemma

Estate Agent's Dilemma By Sylvia Who? 1) My 'Initiation' Robert Hart is my name and seven years ago I went into business as an estate agent in the village of Shere on the South Coast of England, employing two part time ladies, and operating from a former village post office store. Attached to which I have a self contained bachelor pad which suits my present needs. Three years ago an interloper set up in competition with me just a few doors away, strangely enough run by...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Two

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Two The Trip Home By Suzie Q Haff I awoke to feel Aunty gently shaking me. The sensual feeling of the satin sheets against my nylons and baby doll PJ's that started driving me wild and making me shiver returned. Darla: "Do girls ever get used to the slippery, arousing feel of nylon and satin or the taste and feel of lipstick?" Aunty giggles: "Never! Furthermore, any female that would give up those spoils just isn't much of a female. Long nails force a...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Three

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Three Jana's New Sissy Toy By Suzie Q Haff Jana shaking me in her high pitched voice: "So are you like dead or what? Come on sleeping beauty, rise and shine!" She rolled me over on my stomach and planted a really hard whack on my butt that made a deafening smack and stung for ten minutes. Darla complaining in Darren's voice: "Damn! That was not necessary! I was getting up." Jana: "I have been...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Five

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Five Dad Comes Home By Suzie Q Haff Jana's alarm clock went off at seven thirty. She got up and cut it off getting back under the covers and snuggled up with me. A few minutes later she bit my ear waking me up. Then the phone rang and she picked it up off the dresser while I took those vinyl surgical gloves off. Jana: "Perkins.... Oh morning Dad! Uh, huh. Morning Mother. No she is getting her beauty rest." With that I sat up on the edge of the...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Six

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Six Darla Does Mother Proud By Suzie Q Haff I was awakened before dawn by Jana sliding in to my bed and cuddling up to me. I glanced at the clock on my stereo and it said 4:30 AM. She held me close but gently. She kissed my shoulder several times and drifted off to sleep. I fell asleep again listening to that woodpecker. Mom came in at eight AM and woke us. Alexis was in her robe shaking us: "Well what do we have here, sisters at arms?" Jana yawns: "I...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Seven

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Seven Just Another Day At School By Suzie Q Haff Jana had snuggled with me under the covers all night and started kissing to wake me up. The screen saver on my computer read six AM. When I wouldn't get up she pinched my ass so hard I cringed and yelped. I arose pulling the gloves off dropping them in the waste basket. We soaked in the tub for what was becoming our regular fifteen minutes then we shaved and...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Eight

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Eight Wednesday, Hump Day By Suzie Q Haff I woke up to hear Jana's voice coming from her computer saying: "Six bells dear, time to rise and shine." Jana kissed my ear and sat up complaining about not getting her beauty rest because she had to help me. I hugged her and she smiled at me for several seconds. The amethyst felt heavy around my neck as I stood and realized last night was not a dream. I smiled as...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Ten

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Ten Friday's Picnic By Suzie Q Haff I awoke and Mother still had my back nestled to her as I snuggled deeper into her loving arms. Her leg was draped over mine and when I tried to move she gently held me fast. She gently removed the ear phones and caressed my ear so delicately I shivered. Mother's gentle, breath kissed my neck as her feminine fragrance and soft, silky, warm, delicate, body snuggled me into it. As she continued to gently nibble and tenderly...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter 11

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Eleven Mother and the Mall By Suzie Q Haff I awoke to sound of gentle rain that made me want to be lazy and stay in bed. Mother snuck in during the early hours and had my back nestled to her. I had been savoring every second of her warm, caring, sleeping embrace. The pitter, patter of the rain in the ear plugs had blocked the truth from reaching me ears. The enjoyment of her arms wrapped around me and her leg over mine while totally engulfed in her motherly...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter 12

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Twelve Mother's Little Test By Suzie Q Haff I woke up briefly and tried to change positions several times during the night only to have Mother regain her Anaconda like hug on me snuggling me against her silky, soft, warm body. Mother relinquished her hold to go to the john resuming her loving hold on me when she returned. Jana softly: "My turn!" she got up and went to the bathroom. "Next." Mother was kissing my ear when she returned and let go so I could...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter 13

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Thirteen Test Day Uno By Suzie Q Haff As I awoke with Jana's most gentle shaking, the sounds of the cheering crowd gave way to children giggling and a squeaky swing. I looked around the room removing my earphones and the morning sun was shining brightly through my bedroom windows. Jana sat up and put her arm around me and I turned to kiss her cheek. Darla warmly: "Good morning Queen Sister" Jana: "Whew! I am like so really glad that was just a dream!...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter 14

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Fourteen Another Testy School Day By Suzie Q Haff I awoke to hear little bell chords and other gentle fairy sounds in my ears and realized it was the disk. Jana turned me to face her and took the earphones out. Jana gently kissing me: "I," Kiss, "Love," Kiss, "you. I do not want to get up. I would rather stay here and kiss you into oblivion!" Darla: "Yea well, I have an English paper for a final and you have to go make the ladies of our little community...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter 15

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Fifteen Jana Goes Over The Top By Suzie Q Haff I was awakened by Mother gently caressing my ear and the back of my neck. My sleep had been so restful and peaceful that I felt totally recharged. We laid there for several minutes with Mother engulfing me in her love until Mother gently sat up on the edge of the bed. Mother stretched and yawned: "Baby Boy, we must get up and get a move on! I am going to jump in the shower and you need to go get ready for your...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter 16

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Sixteen Visiting Queen Mother Trudicia By Suzie Q Haff I was awakened when Jana's computer started the radio software and she groaned and got up to turn the volume down. I sat up on the edge of the bed and she disappeared for several minutes after donning her pink, silky Kimono. She returned and started to collect her uniform and undies to get ready for work. Jana kissed me: "Start our bath and I will go get...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter 17

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Seventeen Princess Darla is Born By Suzie Q Haff Out of the darkness of sleep I could hear Kenny G's music playing softly in my ears and there I was at Perfection standing front and center. To my left was Queen Jean who was seconded by Jana and to my right was Mother. On the far left was the Council of Elders and on the far right was the Royal Guard standing at attention. I was facing the audience made up of...

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And your enemies closest Aka Erics Dilemma

ERIC'S DILEMMA BY TOXIS The music kept the beat. The girls on the stage shimmied as best they might in their stilted heels. Oddly, the audience was filled with women, not men, and the dancers showed none of the exhibitionism linked with topless dancers. The bulge in their g-strings looked a little too full. Alexis wondered what that meant. The back of Club MALES was dark, some booths filled with shadowy...

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