Goodbye Master Stokes - Chapter 2: Childhood's End free porn video

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CHAPTER 2: CHILDHOOD'S END Morning assemblies at Newburn Grammar School were acts of worship. Weddings, christenings and funerals apart, they formed the sum total of my contact with the Almighty. In common with the overwhelming majority of my fellow pupils, I came from a family who considered themselves staunch Anglicans but didn't hold their creed in such high regard as to actually attend services at the parish church. They therefore got the best of both worlds, paradise in the next one for doing bugger all in this. My personal philosophy could be boiled down to a single sentence. I believed in God because it was too much bother not to. Today, the last of the half-term, the service began with O Jesus I Have Promised. This was followed by the headmaster's lesson. Skelty Boulton had a simple and infallible system: on the first Monday of every autumn term he would hobble up to the lectern in the centre of the stage, turn to the first chapter of Genesis and read it; next day he would read the second chapter, and continue in this manner until July, by which time he'd be in the middle of Joshua. What happened after Moses gave unto the tribe of Levi not any inheritance we were left to discover for ourselves. It was after Isaac had given up the ghost, and his sons Esau and Jacob had buried him, that the introduction to the closing hymn presented Plug with the opportunity to start whispering into Gash's ear. They were too far along the row for me to hear what, if anything, was said in reply. He who would valiant be, 'gainst all disaster "I'm tellin' yer, it's true." Let him in constancy follow the master "I'll bet yer any money." There's no discouragement... "He can't come back. They won't let 'im." ...shall make him once relent "Me mam knows 'is mam. Has done for ages." His first avowed intent... "Summat else an' all. He's not the only one." be a pilgrim. Was he talking about Pansy? I wondered as we filed out of the lobby. I knew that Mrs Graydon and Mrs Porter were acquainted - and Pansy hadn't been in registration. The obvious thing to do was go up to Plug and ask him. But something held me back. Maybe I couldn't face finding out that what he'd said yesterday about the television programme was the truth. Or worse, that he might have heard of a drug called Testranol... He's not the only one. Once again I chided myself for being paranoid. Pansy was off school because his parents had decided that with us breaking up today it wasn't worth sending him back. Case solved. At the end of double Physics I made my way to the west wing, climbed the stairs to the top corridor and joined the queue outside the masters' room at the head of which stood Oscar, perusing each set of lines he was handed with the meticulous attention to detail of a Victorian counting- house clerk before giving its author leave to depart. Briggsy and Kendo, whose efforts had evidently been found wanting, waited a short distance from the door; cowering between them was a thin, weasel-faced figure who looked ready to wet himself. "Yer fuckin' dead, Rafferty," Briggsy snarled at him. "Aye, yer a goner," added Kendo. Oscar's face could have felled forests. "If either of you miserable wretches dares to utter one more word," he roared, "I shall go to great lengths to ensure that he arrives at his next lesson wishing he had never left the warmth and comfort of his mother's womb." He collected the rest of our lines, then went into the masters' room. I had little doubt as to the implement he would be brandishing when he returned. Rafferty pointed a trembling finger at me. "Blame Stokesy!" he snivelled. "It's 'is fault. He told us what to write." "Hang on," I said, holding up my hands. "All I did was help him with some of the spelling." Briggsy eyed me suspiciously. "You told 'im to write it?" "Write what?" "Yer fuckin' know what," said Kendo. "No I don't," I protested. "Rafferty, have you still got that scrap of paper?" He dug inside his pockets, pulling out a gobstopper wrapped in a handkerchief so grubby I wouldn't have been surprised to see a cloud of flies spring from it. Finally he found what he was looking for. I bent forward to read what he'd scribbled down. Sed fuck it inter ear fuck it inrepairable tempus "It's 'fugit', you daft cunt," I yelled at him. "Did you write that out six hundred times and never once think how unlikely it was that Oscar would give us lines with the word 'fuck' in them?" He didn't answer. Briggsy and Kendo remained tight-lipped too. Oscar, who was of course standing right behind me, merely tapped his cane against the palm of his hand. "I'm disappointed, Stokes. I'd hoped someone of your intelligence might have had the common sense to associate with less disreputable company." Which is why I walked back along the corridor with sore buttocks to add to Kendo's invitation to meet him on the field after dinner so that any differences between us could be ironed out in the time-honoured Newburn manner. And these were supposed to be the happiest days of your life. * I had no intention of keeping my appointment with Kendo. If it had been Briggsy I'd have taken what was coming to me. He fought fairly, and knew when to stop. Kendo didn't. If his opponent went down he wouldn't think twice about kicking him in the stomach, the chest or even the head. I valued my self-respect as much as anyone, but I wasn't prepared to go to hospital for it. When the dinner bell sounded I made straight for the path that descended to the burn. I was now a truant, since pupils who ate school meals were forbidden to leave the premises - and with Maths on the timetable that afternoon I'd stay one. How I was going to explain this sudden deterioration in my health to my form teacher the Monday after next was a problem I'd postpone until I could steal a sheet of mum's writing paper from the pad she kept in the sideboard drawer. A more pressing issue was how to pass the four and a half hours before it was safe for me to walk through my front door. I needed to formulate a plan of action quickly; spots of rain were beginning to fall, and the air had that muggy quality that suggested a heavy and prolonged downpour. Although getting drenched and catching a bad cold might have been seen by some as poetic justice, I had other plans for the week's holiday than coughing and spluttering. The solution came to me as I was crossing the footbridge. I could keep dry and at the same time put my mind at rest concerning Pansy just by calling at his house. Mrs Porter had never struck me as the type who'd be straight on the phone to mum; after I told her my story there was every chance she'd rustle up the meal my grumbling belly was already starting to miss. Pansy lived on Grantham Avenue, so I didn't have to deviate more than a quarter of a mile from my usual route home in order to reach it. The detour took me closer to West Park, and into an area of tree-lined groves and crescents that looked more prosperous than they were. I picked up my pace as the rain grew more persistent, regretting too late my decision not to put on my anorak before I left this morning. The Porter residence was part of a late nineteenth-century pebbledashed terrace set back from the road by small front lawns bordered with mouldering brickwork and ragged privet hedges. The path leading to the door was cracked and uneven, allowing me to scrape away the leaf mulch from the soles of my shoes; with my big toe poking out of my left sock the last thing I needed was to be asked to remove them. I nearly didn't ring the bell. I couldn't escape the feeling that by entering this house I risked bringing to an end the world I'd always known. But I reasoned that really bad news normally took you unawares; if you expected the worst, it probably wouldn't happen. I lifted my finger and pushed. It was Pansy himself who came to the door. He wasn't more than a couple of inches taller than me, though he had broader shoulders and a fairly strong chin. His mop of frizzy nutbrown hair was as disobedient as always; if he hadn't been fully clothed I'd have assumed he'd just climbed out of bed. "Well well well," he said, "look who it isn't." "Er, hiya," was all I could manage in response. "Let you out a bit early, haven't they?" "I'm knocking off. Kendo's after me." "Ooh..." he said, pursing his lips. "What have you done to upset that great lump?" "It's to do with the lines we got from Oscar after he came in when you, know." He glanced from side to side, as if he feared that the entire Kennedy clan might be about to descend on the house demanding he surrender the bedraggled fugitive forthwith or suffer the most calamitous of consequences. "You'd better come in," he said. "I've got something to tell you." I was shown into a spacious, high-ceilinged but cosily furnished sitting room warmed by a blazing coal fire. While I settled on the sofa Pansy took the chair nearest the hearth, crossing one chunky thigh over the other and folding his arms in his lap. I offered up a silent prayer that all he wanted to get off his chest was a preference for his own sex. But if God was listening, He gave no indication of it. "I've begun menstruating," Pansy announced. "That means I'm having periods." I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. Slowly I became aware of a tingling sensation in my forehead and cheeks. They started to feel very cold. "You believe me!" he grinned, and for a second or two I clung to the hope that this was just an elaborate practical joke at my expense. I let go when his smile vanished. "I wasn't sure if you would. I thought I'd have to work much harder to convince you." "It's what Plug said..." I muttered, the words barely coherent even to me. "Oh him! I might've guessed." He sighed and ran a hand through his untidy hair. "It doesn't matter. I'm not going back there." " that because...?" "I'm female. On the inside, anyway. I've got ovaries, fallopian tubes, a vagina, the lot. I managed to hide it until yesterday. Won't be able to now. The hormones set off the correction process, you see. Before long I'll have started to turn into a real girl." I was astonished that he could be so blas? about it. On any list of life-changing experiences, this had to occupy the top spot. "Plug mentioned something about pills," I said. "I have to undergo a course of treatment to speed things up. If that's not successful I'll need surgery. Minor stuff. Local anaesthetic, they said. But it shouldn't come to that." "Surgery?" I gulped. "Anaesthetic?" "Yes, I do seem to be taking it all very calmly, don't I? The thing is, I've known this would happen for well over a year. Mam and dad wanted to give me plenty of time to get used to the idea." "But how did they find out?" "It was after I failed the medical for Lanehead. The doctor wrote to them suggesting an immediate visit to our GP." That didn't help. I'd been all set to enjoy a week in the Lake District studying glaciated landforms, then my parents had suddenly decided they wanted to go on holiday. As a result I was in Devon when the medicals were held. "And what did he say?" "To me? Nothing. But he told mam and dad that instead of a penis I had a grossly enlarged clitoris. The urinary tract had become attached to it, so I passed water like a normal boy. Apparently it all went back to when mam was pregnant with me. Too many androgens, I think they're called, in her system." I didn't know what a clitoris or androgens were, but now wasn't the right time to ask him to cure me of my ignorance. "Weren't you upset when they broke the news?" "I was at first, obviously. Then I realised I wasn't some kind of freak, I just had a condition that would eventually be put right." "I meant about becoming a girl." "That didn't bother me in the slightest. Why would it? You must have noticed which side of my toast I like buttered." He winked at me, then sat forward. "Actually I'm getting quite excited now the waiting's almost over. I had a look at the settlement last night and--" "Settlement?" "With the drug company. The case didn't go to court because they paid extra to keep mam and dad from selling the story to the papers. They won't be able to hush it up for ever, though. Too many families have been affected. There's already been a documentary about it, but the people who made the programme weren't allowed to name the product for legal reasons." This was the moment of truth. If I didn't say something now I might never find the courage to bring up the subject again. I had to grasp the nettle. I had to know. "It was called Testranol, wasn't it?" "Plug does seem to be well informed, doesn't he?" laughed Pansy. "Yes, it was developed to prevent miscarriages. Mam had one about eighteen months before she fell pregnant with me, so she took it to be on the safe side." I stared at the fireplace. I felt as if I was looking directly into the flames of Hell. The urge to leap up and run out of the house was almost overwhelming. If I left now I could pretend that I hadn't come here, that the words I'd just heard had never been spoken. But I stayed put. If fate had dealt me these cards, no amount of juvenile self-deception was going to improve my hand. "I didn't get it from him," I said. "My mother had four miscarriages before I was born. She took Testranol too." Pansy's eyes lit up. He was literally on the edge of his seat. "So that's why you've had a face like fourpence ever since I mentioned my period! You're worried that you might start having them! I don't know if I should say this 'cause it'll spoil the fun - but no, not every foetus suffered from virilisation. The figure's around one in six. There's still hundreds of us, mind." I sighed with unabashed relief. I had a five-in-six chance of growing into a healthy adult male, odds I'd have committed high treason for less than a minute ago. "How will I be able to tell?" I asked. "Easy. If your tackle's the same as every other boy's then you've nothing to worry about." I wasn't quite sure which aspects of my genitals he was referring to - their size, their shape or the way they hung - but I decided not to pursue the matter any further. I'd quit while I was ahead, even if it might be months before I knew I was completely in the clear. "That's all right then," I laughed. "No problems in that department." "I'll bear that in mind," smirked Pansy, and to my lasting shame I reddened. "You'll see Benny Hill have a number one hit first," I said. * I was soaked to the skin well before I reached Ashleigh Close. I hardly noticed; my limited capacity for performing mental calculations had nevertheless informed me that out of every hundred Testranol babies, eighty-three had been born with perfectly normal gonads. What were the chances that two of the unlucky ones would live so close to each other they'd attended the same primary school? But I didn't allow myself to become too complacent. The only penis I was familiar with was my own - and I couldn't very well go round to Plug's or Gash's that evening and ask them to whip it out for me so I had something to use as a yardstick. He's not the only one. When I got home I found that the front door was locked. I never took a key with me; mum was always back from the shop by a quarter to four at the latest. I trotted through the covered alleyway that led to the garden gate. That was bolted shut as well. Swearing loudly, I threw down my haversack and called on every erg of energy my biceps could produce to hoist my body high enough to scramble over it, bending my legs at the knee to lessen the impact as I dropped to the concrete patio. I had no luck with the kitchen door either, but I'd spotted that the spare bedroom's window was slightly ajar. Since it was a casement and opened outwards, I reckoned I'd be able to force my arm through the gap, flick the stay off its fixing, push the pane aside and climb through. First I needed to get onto the kitchen roof. With the aid of a dustbin, a protruding door latch and a recklessness that arose from a vision of myself sitting cross-legged in the alley for the next hour and a half, I managed to clamber up there. Not bad for a girl, I thought as I felt my lips curl in a sarcastic smile. It required a good deal of fiddling, and my wrist smarted where I'd scraped it against the edge of the frame, but I finally had the window fully open. I perched my backside on the sill, swivelled and propelled my feet forward as I jumped down so I wouldn't land on the plastic bags piled beneath me. Job done. I was out of the rain; I could now concentrate on making up the excuse I'd give mum when she walked in. Then I spied the object inside the polythene wrapper I must have dislodged from one of the carriers in spite of my best efforts to avoid them. A plain white cotton bra. That was odd. I'd supposed the bags were filled with Christmas presents, bought early so as to beat the rush. But who would think a bra was a suitable gift for anyone? I bent down to see what else they contained. My rummaging uncovered more lingerie, several pairs of tights, a vanity case, a manicure kit, a purse and a shoulder bag, as well as an assortment of creams, lotions, scented soaps and other toiletries. Including a box bearing the logo FEMCARE. Below it was printed: Soft natural materials for comfort and dryness. Strong, knitted loops for extra security. High quality absorbency for full protection. They were sanitary towels. Attached to the box with sticky tape was a leaflet, published by Durham Education Committee and entitled YOUR FIRST PERIOD. Having your first menstrual period can be both exciting and scary. It's a new chapter in your life that will last for decades. Some girls have tell-tale symptoms before the onset of their first period whereas others don't. I didn't have to look at the mirror fastened to the far wall to know that my face had gone as white as the paper surrounding it. Your first menstrual period will most likely arrive between the ages of 9 and 16... Leg or back aches and a slight headache may also occur... Breast tenderness may be experienced... Hormonal changes, which occur when your body is preparing for a period, can cause feelings of sadness, anger and tension... You haven't had any aches or pains lately? No tenderness anywhere? You don't feel tense or angry or bad-tempered? Aunt Rachel might have been reading from this very sheet. There was but one conclusion to draw: these items were all intended for me. I tried to persuade myself that my parents were only erring on the side of caution. Perhaps they'd watched the documentary and panicked. How else could they have known what the potential side effects were? It was after I failed the medical for Lanehead. A medical I hadn't attended because I was on holiday. A medical I hadn't seen the point of having because just weeks before Dr Campbell had given a clean bill of health following the bladder infection I'd contracted... Suddenly I was angry. Murderously angry. They'd known for more than a year - and they hadn't said a word. How could they have kept this from me? Did they believe I was too weak to deal with it? Was their opinion of me really that low? What did they think my reaction would be when the truth eventually trickled from my crotch? Or had they simply crossed their fingers in the hope that my reproductive system might never reveal its bloody secret? I stormed out of the room and sat at the top of the stairs, my thoughts focused only on the confrontation I was determined to provoke the instant mum came through the door. We've been meaning to tell you, Peter. Something along those lines, I figured she'd answer. It was what she said when I found out that gran wasn't going to get better. She'd soon learn that it wouldn't cut very much mustard this afternoon. But was I in danger of jumping the gun? Dr Campbell had been the family GP since before Jeanette was born. He must have known that mum was taking Testranol. What if he'd read about it in the Lancet or some other journal and had considered it his duty to warn her there was a one-in-six chance that their son was really their daughter? If your tackle's the same as every other boy's then you've nothing to worry about. There was one place, and one place alone, where I'd be able to confirm that I was anatomically male. I got to my feet and went off in search of my anorak. * Newburn's central library occupied the lower floor of a dingy red-brick building on Durham Road, between the town hall and the police station. The reference section was on the left of the unlit entrance hall, its shelves, cabinets, drawers and microfiche screens monitored by a stout, greying matron wearing a long-sleeved mauve dress and a pair of thick- rimmed spectacles. I could tell at once that the sight of a teenage boy, his hair plastered to his forehead and the bottoms of his trousers dripping water onto the floor, didn't exactly have her overflowing with unrestrained delight. "Aren't you supposed to be at school?" she challenged me. "Early finish," I lied. "Half-term and all that." She gave me a probing stare, one I was in no frame of mind to be intimidated by. If she hadn't lowered her eyes first, we might still have been facing one another down when the cleaners arrived. "So what can I do for you?" she enquired. "I need to find a book on the human body. It's for a project we're doing on the er, on the blood and circulation and things." "Well there's a Gray's over in the corner by the Britannicas. It'll probably be a bit advanced for someone your age..." "I just want to look at the drawings." That brought forth an even more mistrustful expression. I wondered what she'd say if I told her the first word I'd be hunting for in the index was 'penis'. Fortunately the room was almost empty, so I had no trouble finding a table where I could leaf through the gargantuan tome I'd been directed towards without having to shield it from prying eyes. It was in a chapter called 'Splanchnology' that I located a sketch of the organ in question. The evidence remained circumstantial; although my cock was both shorter and lacking in girth compared to the one on the page, and my bollock pouch nowhere near as large, that might have been because I was a late developer. But my heart knew otherwise. It had assessed the situation more rationally than my brain, and now it presented its findings. They were clear and unambiguous. My parents wouldn't have shelled out for all that stuff unless they were certain I'd need it. A mist of pure rage clouded my vision. I wanted to score out every line of that diagram, with my fingernails if I couldn't lay my hands on a knife. I wanted to hurl the book through the nearest window, then go on the rampage until the bobbies came to lock me up. I wanted to shout and scream. I wanted to injure someone. I wanted the world to share my agony. I did none of those things. A chapter of my life had ended. A new one had still to be written. This time the person holding the pen would be me. I returned the copy of Gray's Anatomy to its shelf. With a polite nod to the library assistant, I walked back into the entrance hall. Only much later did I realise that I was taking my very first steps as an adult.

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The Master of O Chapter 1

Introduction: The following is a six chapter parody of the classic tale The Wizard of Oz - only a more risque and erotic version that comes from my twisted mind and my usual kinkiness! In this not for prime-time TV version, many of the beloved characters are there, but what happens to them is not what you may remember from the original fairy tale! I do hope you enjoy MY version of this story!Dorothy Jenkins looked out the window of her small bedroom at the farmhand working on the fence outside...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Master PC Cumming in Cymru Chapter 02

“What? Oh…morning dad…” Dylan said, yawning. “It’s half 5 in the evening actually,” his father Gareth said. “You’ve not been in bed all day, have you?” “No, I was…” Dylan then remembered what he’d done. He shot up in bed, realising he was still naked under the covers, and his eyes darted to his laptop, which was still on his bedside table. The screen was off and it wasn’t making any noise. “What’s wrong?” Gareth asked. “Um…nothing,” Dylan replied. “I unwrapped my presents and messed with...

3 years ago
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EMails To My MasterChapter 4

TO - Master FROM - Night Nurse i am pleased that you enjoyed my latest report. As to your punishment, it has been carried out; my nipples (and the area round them) are still a little sore as are my pussy lips. My mirror is adorned as you instructed and it will remain that way for a week. i am working hard on the story; about five pages have been written so far and i hope to have more done overnight if it remains quiet. It is a shame that no comments have yet been received at the Group. i...

2 years ago
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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 2

SUMMER CAMP Rebecca looked at her image critically in the full length mirror. She had to concur that the tailored scoutmaster uniform with the camouflage skirt and the bandana like top was decidedly hot. She could feel her nipples harden and her slit was primed and ready for some Boy Scout/Girl Scout Jamboree time with lots of after dark “getting acquainted” Camaraderie. She was wearing the official Girl Scout underwear because it was more comfortable for female crotches and her merit...

1 year ago
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Ambers office life with her Master Tuesday Chapter 2

Introduction: Everything written is fiction, created by my dirty mind. This series will have 5 chapters, each for the day of the week about how Ambers life is spend in office with her Master (Lucas). Tuesday! God, Master left me so raw and exhausted on Monday, I slept so well I didnt wake up on time&hellip, and now Im running so late to work. Today, a message came with my dress code of the day. A schoolgirls uniform. I already had all the clothes, my cupboard filled with all the clothes any...

2 years ago
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Your Master Requires Your Attendance

Your Master Requires Your Attendance In the Elevator She wouldn't tolerate it any more, Laura told herself as the penthouse elevatordoors closed. Frank could be so stubborn and infuriating at times, but thiswas too much. She loved him more than life itself and would do anything forhim, but he had to respect her need for her own space and time. Tonight ithad come to a head, first his smug declaration that she would attend the partywith him, then his refusal to let her stay home after she had...

1 year ago
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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 6

Boy Scout Troup 369 Scoutmaster Rebecca Johnson decided it would be a good move to allow her oversexed daughter Edwina take over the special tutoring lessons for young Raymond to pass the swimming merit badge to qualify for advancement to Eagle Scout. There was only one other candidate for Eagle Scout now in the troop and that was a cute sixteen year old blonde called Honey Longleg. It was amusing because she was not in the least bit tall and was the shortest scout in the troop despite being...

4 years ago
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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 14

Rebecca had reached a point in her new Scoutmaster role where she considered all the scouts to be genderless in her eyes. In her efforts at inward self-inspection, she determined it was probably because she was always a bit bi-sexual even when she was in high school and was just as happy having a happy ending with one of the teenaged cheerleaders as she was with giving up her cherry to a football jock. She saw it in her boy and girl twins Edward and Edwina with their ability to take on...

4 years ago
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Master PC Cumming in Cymru Chapter 07

Dylan was woken the next morning by orgasmic cries of ecstasy, which seemed to be coming from his father’s room. The voice sounded like Caroline, so presumably Gareth was enjoying his new secretary, and she was enjoying constant cumming from her god’s orgasmic touch. Dylan groaned, and rolled over in bed. “Is everything alright, Dylan?” Dylan opened his eyes, and looked at his phone on his bedside table, where the UI was smiling back at him. “I didn’t turn you on,” he said. “You didn’t...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Master Chapter 2 Rerun

“Oh god………” I asked in a squeaky voice. I couldn't believe my eyes. There she was laying next to me caressing my chest and stomach. My cock was not even paying attention to what my brain was trying to tell it. It was rock hard and ready for more. “Hmm baby, seems like someone is happy to see me. Think I can get some more of that lovely cream from the source?” she asked as she started kissing her way down my chest and stomach. When she reached my cock head she kissed it and...

2 years ago
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The True MasterChapter 3 Process Hang

Jan 16 2016: Opening my eyes I was treated to the same dream I had woken to every morning for the past week. Kate was in my lap, her mouth around my cock slowly moving up and down brining me out of my sleep. Looking up to see that I was awake I saw a mischievous glint in her eyes and she quickened her pace. I remained still and let her work acutely aware that only one of her hands was at my cock the other between her own legs. The act of giving head was almost enough...

1 year ago
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The True MasterChapter 7 Cache Clearing

February 16 2016: Walking down the stairs into the lab that the Master had set up I found him on the floor near next to the three dentist like chairs the he had set up on the opposite side of the large room from his computer, which now consisted of more than a dozen monitors and from what I could tell at least seven or eight different computers all of them showing different things. Hearing my approach the Master moved away from the chair and dusting himself off stood...

3 years ago
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The True MasterChapter 8 Break

February 19 2016: I looked up at the Master as he slept. Like the night before, I had ended up on top of him, with him buried inside of me as he slept. It seemed to calm him down enough that he actually got some sleep. His arms, which usually crushed whomever he held in his sleep to his chest, were relaxed and resting on my ass. Moving my head to the side I glanced over at Tracy and Helen. The two were tangled in one another even as they pressed up against the...

2 years ago
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The True MasterChapter 10

~~ I would like to thank my editor, Spirit02 whom helped to clean up my writing and make it all the more presentable.~ February 21 2016: The doorknob began to turn and I jumped behind the nearest cabinet of computers. I heard a slight creak as the door opened and I had to force myself to continue breathing at a normal rate. I heard someone stepping into the room but I stayed still. "What's going on?" asked Marcus in my ear. I ignored him and...

4 years ago
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EMails To My MasterChapter 8

Master, Here's another story by that author you like. This one's called "Eggs for Breakfast"; enjoy. NNN TO - Master FROM - Night Nurse Another short tale from soul_jewel for you to enjoy while you wait for my to finish writing something. This one is call 'Ice' NNN TO - Master FROM - Night Nurse Master, For your enjoyment, i enclose Chapter 2 of 'My Cumuppance'. NNN TO - Night Nurse FROM - Master Thanks for the story. I have printed it off and will read it sitting in garden...

4 years ago
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Growing Up A MasterChapter 36 Another Year Ends

A few months after taking Suzy, I approached her about her position in the JGs. Since she became a JG, the others had been looking after her, though she needed it less and less. Her position in the JGs had helped her in school, her role with me had helped her deal with decisions, and her work with her therapist had helped her with life. Nevertheless, Suzy had continued helping out the JGs in various ways. She assisted with parties, she went shopping with them, and sometimes she offered...

2 years ago
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The True MasterChapter 11

February 25 2016: "What do you mean you found Beth?!" asked Tracy. I pulled up the schematic on the computer, "I found out where the Company bases its operations in the City. She's apparently being used as the test subject for the newest variant of Doll, her and a dozen other people." "Test subject!?" said Tracy her voice rising to such a level that I winced. "If it makes you feel better all of this stuff is experimental!" I said. Tracy turned to glare...

3 years ago
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The True MasterChapter 6 Upgrade

Jan 28 2016: Slowing the car I inched it forward until we were just past the tree line and the building was in full view. Turning in my seat to face Kate I smiled. "What do you think?" I asked. "It's nice?" She said as if unsure exactly what to say. "A little big." "Well I got the money so why not? Only cost about 750K. It's got fast internet and I can fit a few servers in the basement, and with the solar panels on the roof we won't light up like a...

2 years ago
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I pushed open my bedroom door and a crowd of girls rushed me. “Master!” they all yelled in impatience. “Sorry, girls, sorry, I had to get our last member.” Neija, clinging to my arm, gave a sheepish smile. “Sorry.” We stepped into the bedroom, to find that the entire floor was covered in beds. Lean a few on the walls and we’d have a giant padded cell. “Ok, girls, are you all ready to play tonight?” “Yeah!” the cheered. “Momo wants to go first!” my cat demanded. “No, me!” shouted...

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The Harem Master Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Though Kashish hadn’t exactly moved into my place, for all intents and purposes she spent most of her time at here. She had every right to. She was my girlfriend, of course. She had a bit of girlish charm to her. Every morning, she used to make me breakfast, though I insisted I would do it myself. I made my heart’s content with doing the dishes. The afternoon was the time we left for our classes in my car and came back to the same. Like a good girlfriend, she obediently complied with...

3 years ago
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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 9 Jim Wrestles with His Conscience

(Author’s Note: Not a whole lot of sex in this chapter.) Jim stepped through the door and closed it. He was alone. He felt an emptiness and an overwhelming sense of ennui. He should have been elated. He’d just experienced something that he’d always dreamed of doing. It had been wonderful; wonderful until the end. When he’d been laying there on the floor, next to Samantha and Dave, and they’d been showing the love they had for each other, he’d suddenly been faced with the reality of how he’d...

2 years ago
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The True MasterChapter 5 Rehash

Jan 25 2016: I scanned through the data as it streamed in, Kent hadn't used the tablet again to reprogram his Dolls until morning which was only a few hours after we left his club. I was nursing a cup of strong coffee and an energy drink in my attempt to remain awake. My hands were shaking slightly from the lack of sleep and what was probably and unhealthy amount of caffeine and whatever else was in the drinks but at the moment I didn't care. The data streaming in...

2 years ago
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Briannas MasterChapter 3 More Training

Brianna woke the next day disoriented. She couldn’t move her hands. Where was she? Then the horror of the previous day came back to her. She had been sold, sold! And the horrid man who had bought her had humiliated her and then fucked her! And to her shame, it had been the best fuck of her life! She had never experienced such pleasure before! At the end, she had even begged him to fuck her! And he had filled her pussy full with his cum! He may have already fucked a baby into her the way that...

1 year ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 66 A Peachy Keen Ending

The Peachy Keen books wound up being an annuity going and coming. While I turned out enough stories to make a hundred movies, the Walters had a knack for picking out the most entertaining stories – the better to make blockbusters. And they made so much money, they did not even bother breaking out the lawyers when an obscure porn studio began doing “parodies” of each movie, loaded with every conceivable porn cliché – except scatology. I did not want my characters – or my actors – shitting on...

3 years ago
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The True MasterChapter 2 System Check

Jan 9 2016: The Rich Boy Kent glanced down at his Rolex and then at the elevator floor indicator as they moved up through the building to his penthouse. "Should be here now." He said to his friends. They all chuckled. "I get the first go at her, the rest of you can mess with the old one for now." Said Kent. There were grumblings but no one could really complain. "What did ya get this time?" asked Carl. "Black model, figured she'd go nice with Slut." Said Kent. "The contrast...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday Master Chapter 1

My birthday was coming up in a couple days. Pet knew it, but didn't say anything - unbeknownst to me, her plans were already in the works! My birthday fell on a Friday this year, so I went to work that day like any other, none the wiser to the schemes that were brewing in my pet's mischievous mind! That morning, pet went downstairs to make breakfast as usual. I still had no clue as to what she had up her sleeve, but shortly after we finished breakfast, I was to find out! "Hurry home tonight,...

4 years ago
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Master MasterChapter 14

Jenny gasped and panted as I pierced her, sheathing my manhood deep within her slender form. She was pressed against the shower wall, her long ears hanging down over her face from the weight of the water. Her parted lips drew me in and I joined them with mine. My hand slipped down her smooth thigh and I lifted her leg, granting me an angle with more room to maneuver. Her moans came in tandem with my thrusts, her body welcoming my cock as our tongues danced. She wrapped her arms around me and...

4 years ago
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Master MasterChapter 16

Happy Easter, everybody! I’d just like to thank all of you for making it to the end and giving me your thoughts! Enjoy the finale of ‘Master! Master!’ I pushed open my bedroom door and a crowd of girls rushed me. “Master!” they all yelled in impatience. “Sorry, girls, sorry, I had to get our last member.” Neija, clinging to my arm, gave a sheepish smile. “Sorry.” We stepped into the bedroom, to find that the entire floor was covered in beds. Lean a few on the walls and we’d have a giant...

2 years ago
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My Son Becomes My Master Chapter 2

I could not believe what I was hearing. My own son was talking about having sex with me! I was so shocked, I couldn't even formulate a reply, I just stared at him, tears running down my face as I tried to comprehend the situation."I can see you are thinking about it Mom and I know you are a bit shocked at this sudden turn of events, but look at it like this: I know what you want what you need. I have a "manual" that describes in great detail what you have been missing in your life. And I want...

1 year ago
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My Son Becomes My Master Chapter 2

I could not believe what I was hearing. My own son was talking about having sex with me! I was so shocked, I couldn't even formulate a reply, I just stared at him, tears running down my face as I tried to comprehend the situation."I can see you are thinking about it Mom and I know you are a bit shocked at this sudden turn of events, but look at it like this: I know what you want what you need. I have a "manual" that describes in great detail what you have been missing in your life. And I want...

2 years ago
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The Master of O Chapter 6

Dorothy may have been confused about her sexual identity, not aware of the fact that she was bisexual, but there was no doubt that she enjoyed the amount of sex she was now getting! Since meeting Mistress Mombi, Dorothy had never had so much sex in her life!No longer did she have to satisfy her own needs and desires, she was getting them met and then some. Mistress was keeping Dorothy's near nymphomaniac sexual urges and needs met easily, and the young girl was delighting in every moment of...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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The True MasterChapter 9 Analysis

February 19 2016: The True Slave I rushed down the hall of the clinic and burst through the doorway into the waiting room. The Master glanced up at the sound of the doors, and seeing the distress on my face, he quickly stood and walked towards me. I felt tears pricking at my eyes and trepidation over what I had to tell him. "The Doctor saw," The Master's eyes hardened and he opened his arms. Running forward I let myself fall into him; I was safe here, nothing could hurt me in his arms...

4 years ago
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The Master DownstairsChapter 16

- Kristen - As Master and I went our separate ways to work, I kept thinking about the night before. It's one of the things I've always done, worry at something that bothered me until I figured it out. Jeremy had said something which made me feel uncomfortable, and with him, I've learned to pay attention to everything. It was halfway through the day when I realized what it was that had been bothering me. He had reminded Master that he had to use the phrase "needed" in order to get...

2 years ago
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Master MasterChapter 6

Chloe whimpered as I used my penis to play whack-a-mole, though there was only one mole and it was her cervix. We were in the missionary position, her small body almost invisible under me. She had her face buried in my chest, letting me smell her hair and nibble on her ears. I had emptied my tank last night, so I decided to top her off before breakfast. She gave her signature squeal, letting me know I could release everything. I pulled out of her, watching my semen dribble out of her pussy....

3 years ago
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Chapter 24 Master Ds New Class Second Attempt

Master D- When I first met Danny when he was selling drugs to take care of his mother who was sick. As it turns out the boy is a straight killer when other dealers got out of line he made them pay so he has blood on his hands. I know he knows how to fuck because I have seen him in action, so he will be a good fit for us. I go over what he will be making a week and although its less than what he was making on the street he is still interested in being trained he knows that the streets get hot...

2 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 37 Behind The Gates

The winding driveway that led up to the roundabout afforded Althea a chance to see a good deal of the grounds. The first thing she noticed once inside the gates was a guard shack large enough for two men and their weapons. She hoped she didn’t shudder too obviously. She also noticed a huge atrium between the house and the pristine blue lake. It contained, obvious to her, a championship sized swimming pool and a separate out-building looked to hold a steaming hot tub. There was a massive...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 63 Itrsquos My Master PC Party

I tried to have something for everyone. Nicky was essentially crowned my queen, her mother her (and my) attendant. A number of folks were given the offer to stay with me or go back to their lives, with mixed results. Kay, she of the butterscotch pussy, was now able to self-fellate herself and enjoy her unique taste any time she had an urge. As much as I love butterscotch, there was a certain Homecoming Queen who loved it (her) even more. Her mom, Judith, and Dennie Gallagher, the “gold...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 5

Rebecca was at a loss for words when she walked into the last tent in the line and found young Raymond James face down in his bunk sobbing like he had just lost both his parent in an airplane crash. She knew that wasn’t even a remote possibility because the James family was one of those “never go out” families and were the only family in the neighborhood to never light up their porch for Halloween. Of course, that wasn’t a reason to take a dim view of their social skills, it was just...

1 year ago
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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 13

Summer camp was drawing to a close. It had been a memorable summer with lots of private little unsuspected tingles that made Rebecca start to feel like a teenager once again. She had made quite a few new friends in the younger crowd of seventeen and eighteen year old category and she was looking forward to some interesting sleepovers at her home for her twin’s sex education needs and exercises in social interaction that was not texting or looking at some silly screen like a trained...

2 years ago
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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 16

Rebecca was slightly depressed because she had suffered some redness on her backside from the oversexed male scoutmasters who pestered her to drop her drawers for them because she was female and definitely not of jailbait age. Of course, her attitude and her appearance were misleading, and she reveled in the attention she received because she looked like one of the underage female scouts and not a scoutmaster in her own right. A couple of the good old boys got carried away by the sight of...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday Master Chapter 2

"Good morning girls!" I said, waking up between my two beautiful submissives. "How did you two sleep?" "Morning Master! We slept wonderfully!" pet said. "Mmm, hmm," kitty replied in agreement. "Good, I'm glad, because after breakfast I want to play some more! So it's good that you two are well rested!" I said with a wicked grin. Kitty blushed while pet smiled her sparkling sexy smile that told me she was all for it. We went downstairs, and pet with kitty's help, fixed us all a good breakfast....


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