Tuck's American Roadtrip! California Surfer free porn video

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Tallahassee, Florida
Prissy’s father, J. Howard Barrington, III, sometimes called “The King of Tallahassee,” was frantically dialing the phone in his study. He had to do something drastic and get it done right away. He was worried sick about his daughter, Prissy, who refused to eat, and would not leave her old bedroom at his house. Barrington had called his doctor to come over to his house earlier to check on Prissy and the doctor was in Prissy’s room trying to get her to let him insert an IV drip into her to stave off dehydration.

Barrington heard the phone ringing on the other end. Prissy’s best friend, Arlene, stood beside him looking frantic as he waited for an answer.

Just over 400 miles south in Miami, young mob attorney, John Grabo, is laying naked and cuddled in bed with the lifelong girl of his dreams. He has two cell phones placed on the night stand next to his bed. The red phone rings. His girlfriend, Stephanie, already knew that only two of John’s very special and very dangerous clients knew the number to that red cell phone.

John sits up quickly and grabs the red phone and answers, “Hello!”

“Grabo!” shouts a very frantic voice coming over the phone.

“Mr. Barrington,” answers John. “What can I do for you?”

“Grabo I need your help right now! You have to locate someone for me and bring them back to Tallahassee as soon as possible,” shouted Barrington, as a tearful Arlene watched.

“I stupidly manipulated my daughter into breaking of her wedding,” said Barrington over the phone. “Damn I didn’t know she was this fucking much in love with the guy.”

“He took off and hasn’t been seen since, within the hour she went nuts screaming she had made a huge mistake! She’s a goddamned mess, won’t leave her bedroom, won’t eat or drink, hell I’ve got my fucking physician in their trying to get an IV in her arm right now to keep her from getting dehydrated, “Barrington added frantically.

“What was it it about the guy that you didn’t like?” asked John Grabo.

“Fuck he’s okay, he’s just a goofy redneck loan officer at the bank, I just thought she could do better,” answered Barrington. ”His name is Bradley Tucker Grayson, goes by Tuck,” said Barrington, “I’ll have my guy email you all the information we got on him.” He was last seen driving west on Interstate 10,” he added

“Money is no concern, spend whatever it takes to get this guy back here to Tallahassee,” shouts Barrington. “I am depending on you Grabo!”

Upon hanging up the phone, John Grabo leans over and says to Stephanie, “I have a priority job and it will pay serious money.”

John immediately dialed the number of his investigator, Reggie Tharpe. Before Reggie could even say hello, John said, “It’s Grabo, I have a big job for you and you’ll need help from Uncle Gino and his boys.”

J. Howard Barrington, III, looked at sexy Arlene and said, “Damn Arlene you sure did your job in this matter. It’s not your fault it turned out like this. The money will be in your account later today just as I promised. But right now what I need is something to calm my fucking nerves down.”

Arlene quit her sobbing and asked, “Would you like a blow job Mr. Barrington?”

“I certainly would my pretty,” answered Barrington, “now go lock the door and come back.”

Arlene did as he instructed and came back to his chair dropping to her knees in front of Barrington’s chair. Arlene unzipped his pants and pulled his flaccid cock out and begun caressing it with her hand. Right away Barrington’s cock began to respond to Arlene’s soft touch and soon she had him at a full erection.

Arlene then slid her lips down over the head of Barrington’s cock. Her long tongue wrapped itself around the base of his erect penis and she began to lick up and down the full length of his hard shaft. Once his cock was really wet from her mouth Arlene swallowed his cock whole, letting it slide down into her throat, demonstrating a skill she had perfected on college fraternity boys just a few years before.

Barrington’s eyes rolled back in his head as he enjoyed this momentary pleasure. Arlene continued to deepthroat his cock and then eased it out and started licking it all over again while gently but quickly stroking it at the base. Soon Barrington felt an orgasm build and he moaned out, “I’m going to cum.”

Arlene pushed her mouth deeper over his cock and let him fill her mouth with his cum and promptly swallowed it all. She then smiled at him and asked, “Was it good Mr. Barrington?”

“Oh yes my dear, it always is,” replied Barrington.


Arizona and New Mexico
The next day in Arizona, Tuck had just pulled back onto the highway after helping video that porno tryst with Paul and the two amateur porn girls. Tuck aimed his car southeast in the direction of Interstate 10. He was heading for Los Angeles, California.

Meanwhile back in Albuquerque, New Mexico, private investigators Chuck and Tony sit in an old van keeping a house across the street under surveillance as a car pulls into the driveway. A very well dressed attractive blond gets out and walks into the house.

“Damn Tony that’s her alright, you should have seen that whole thing,” said Chuck. “That blonde banged that asshole’s brains out and I was squatted there hiding in the closet, it was fucking crazy man, crazy.”

“She is a mighty fine sexy looking woman,” answered Tony as his cell phone rang.

“Tony here,” he answered.

“Uncle Gino!” Tony exclaimed upon answering, and then began to digest Uncle Gino’s orders.

Tony put his hand over the phone and whispered to Chuck, “Uncle Gino is pulling us off this job to go find some fucker named Bradley Tucker Grayson, he goes by Tuck.”

“Who?” shouted a shocked Chuck.

“Grayson, calls himself Tuck,“ answered Tony.

“Tony you fucking dumbass!” Chuck exclaimed, “Tuck Grayson is the guy that spent the night here last night and banged the twins, I thought you were going to jerk off listening to all that.”

Tony in shock handed the phone to Chuck.

“Uncle Gino, a Tuck Grayson, from Tallahassee spent the night in this house last night,” exclaimed a very excited Chuck into the phone. “We’ve been running background on everyone that goes in and out just like you asked.”

“What?” exclaimed Uncle Gino,“you are telling me that our new subject spent the night last night at another subject’s house from another case?”

“Yea Uncle Gino, that’s right,” answered Chuck.

“Damn this is freaky!” exclaimed Uncle Gino. “Do you have any idea where this Grayson guy was going?”

“According to audio surveillance he said he was going to drive through Arizona south until he got to Interstate 10,” answered Chuck. “I believe he mentioned Los Angeles.”

Tony with an earpiece in one ear was listening to the surveillance tapes from the night before. He soon looked at Chuck and nodded yes.

“Yea Uncle Gino it’s LA alright,” said Chuck.

“Then find his ass and do it quickly!” shouted Uncle Gino just before he hung up.

“Have we got anyone in Arizona right now?” Chuck asked Tony.

“No operatives, but that porno guy is over there videoing amateur pornstar auditions,” answered Tony.

“I’ll call him right now," said Chuck as he pulled up Paul’s information on his laptop, ”he’s the closest guy we got over there,”

Tony the pornographer was just pulling his car onto the highway as his cell phone rang. “Paul here,” he answered.

“Paul, this is Chuck, you know from security, working for Uncle Gino and Carlo Perez,” said Chuck.

“Yea Chuck, what can I do for you?” asked Paul.

“We need to locate a guy from Florida driving south through Arizona and wondered if you’d be available to help us find him?” asked Chuck.

“Of course, anytime,” answered Paul. “Florida you say?”

“Yea a guy named Grayson from Tallahassee,” said Chuck, “Bradley Grayson and uses the name Tuck.”

“Shit man I just have been talking to a guy calls himself Tuck,” screamed Paul, ”his car had Florida plates, Leon County on them, hell, that’s Tallahassee isn’t?”

“BULLSHIT!” screamed Chuck.

“No for real man, I think I can still see his car,” answered Paul.

“Follow him!” shouted Chuck. “You got any GPS on you?”

“You know I do,” answered Paul.

“Follow him and hook him up first chance you get,” said Chuck.


Southern California
Tuck drove for a several hours before pulling over for gas in San Bernadino. He stopped at a convenience store and filled his gas tank before going inside to get a soda, chips and candy bars for the road. When he came back out Tuck noticed the words “wash me” had just been written in finger tip on the trunk of his dusty car.

“Damn kids,” grumbled Tuck as he got back in the car.

He continued his drive west on Interstate 10. Eventually he started seeing the signs stating how much further it was to Los Angeles and before long he finally saw the gray silhouetted cityscape against a very hazy bluish gray sky. “The infamous LA smog,” Tuck said out loud to himself.

Tuck was amazed at the confusing weave of interstate highways but paid close attention to the signs in order to not get lost and stay on Interstate 10. Finally though, once into Los Angeles he started to look for signs that would direct him to the coast, the beach in particular. Tuck followed the signs winding through the enormous maze that was the mass of urban sprawl of Los Angeles until he finally came to a beach.

Tuck had grown up seeing the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico but this was his first look at the Pacific Ocean and he was very excited to see it. There was not many people at all on the beach and this surprised Tuck since it was such a nice sunny day. He got out of his car and strolled down onto the sand, amazed that the humidity that permeates the air of the Florida beaches was not present there.

Tuck noticed a girl surfing by herself and was quite mesmerized by the great skill she demonstrated on the waves. For several minutes he watched before he walked back to his car. There he finally picked up his cell phone and turned it on. Once Tuck decided to check his voice mail he was shocked to hear how many messages had been left for him.

He was sitting in the driver’s seat with the car door open listening to a despondent message from Prissy when he heard a voice. It surprised him and he jerked quickly.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you,” said a very attractive petite black girl carrying a surf board.

Tuck saw that it was the girl that he had been watching surf. “Oh no problem,” said Tuck.

She stopped by his open door and said, “You watched me for a long time.”

“Yes I did,” said Tuck. “Sorry, I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable, I was just enjoying watching your surfing skills.”

“You are not from California are you,” the surfer girl asked. “Your accent, is it southern?”

“Why yes, I’m from Florida,” answered Tuck.

“Well normally I don’t talk to strangers but there is something different about you,” the sexy surfer girl said.

“You can call me Tuck,” Tuck then said to her.

“You can call me Sandra,” said the surfer girl.

Within minutes Tuck found himself taking a stroll along the edge of the surf with the very attractive surfer girl he had just met, making flirty small talk. He thought she looked very sexy in her little lime green bikini standing out against her very tone and smooth mocha skin. Her smile was wide and very inviting. Her sexy black hair was long and separated into long crinkly strands. They talked for several minutes before they ended up back at his car where she had left her surf board.

“Oh my!” Sandra exclaimed, “I almost forgot about my surf board.”

“See what you’ve done to me,” She laughed.

She picked up her surf board and Tuck walked with her over to her car parked about 5o yards away. It was a Honda Element and she opened the side doors to put her surf board in. Then Sandra looked around to make sure no one was watching.

Sandra looked at Tuck as she stood between the two open doors. “Something about surfing always makes me feel kind of frisky,” she said. Then Sandra lowered the top to her bikini, exposing two average sized but absolutely perfectly shaped firm brown breasts with large puffy nipples.

Tuck immediately felt a twinge of movement in his pants. He was pleasantly speechless.

“Let Sandra welcome you to California, Tuck from Florida,” Sandra said seductively.

Tuck looked at her sexy inviting thick lips and immediately stepped in and kissed her. Sandra then took Tuck’s hands and placed them on her firm breasts as they continued to kiss passionately. Soon Tuck could feel Sandra unbuttoning his shirt and run her hands all over his chest. She then took his hand and pulled him into the Element and closed the side doors.

Sandra and Tuck tore into each other in a rather desperate and ravishing fashion tossing clothes all over the vehicle. Sandra pushed Tuck onto his back in the floorboard and mounted his face like a gymnast on a pommel horse. Tuck’s tongue worked furiously licking, sucking, and flicking at her wet juicy pink pussy lips. Her tasty twat elevated his already rocketing level of arousal.

“Oh God, Right there! Right there! Right there!” Sandra screamed in a shrill pitch as she kept grinding her sweaty rotating chocolate torso into Tuck’s creamy pale face.

Tuck concentrated his tongue on the spot where he had been when Sandra began her scream and soon her shaky quivering body lifted off his face as her hands pressed hard on his chest lifting herself into the air. “Oooooh Oooooooh,” her quivering voice moaned out deeply.

“Oh my Florida man you went and gave me an orgasm,” Sandra was finally able to say.

She sat back and gave Tuck one of the deepest most seductive looks with her eyes he had ever seen. “I am going to suck your white dick like it’s never been sucked before!” Sandra proclaimed boldly. She then leapt onto him, taking his pulsating erection deep into her mouth.

A popping suction noise exploded from her mouth as she pulled her mouth back off of him. Then Tuck watched in amazement as one of the longest most erotic tongues he had ever seen unfolded out of Sandra’s mouth and began slowly licking from top to bottom the length of his swollen shaft. His mind soon went numb as he felt her demonstrate amazing skill with her tongue.

Sandra then buried her face into his scrotum beneath his tight nutsack and as her face slowly came upwards her tongue slid and vibrated over his testicles until she again was working it around his very happy penis. Again she deepthroated him with absolute ease.

Tuck felt an orgasm beginning inside and was shocked that Sandra realized it as soon as he did and her hands clamped down hard on the base of his cock. That took him completely surprise and right away he realized that she had abated his orgasm, giving him several more minutes of precious sexual delight.

Sandra then climbed on top of Tuck and using her hand to hold his cock still, she then slowly slid her wet pussy down onto him until her pussy had totally swallowed his cock. She felt amazing to him. Tuck could feel her vaginal muscles clamping and loosening up as she began to take him in and out. Just then she began to lick his ear erotically, which Tuck found to be most stimulating.

Faster and faster Sandra began bobbing up and down on Tuck. He could feel her Honda Element moving with the rhythmic pounding of their bodies. The vehicle squeaked as it rocked form side to side.

Sandra reached behind her and felt around until she had Tuck’s nuts cupped in her hand. She then began softly stroking them all while she continued fucking him wildly. The additional stimulation of his testicles was more than Tuck could stand and again he could feel an orgasm about to explode.

“I am going to cum!” exclaimed Tuck.

“Go ahead babe,” said Sandra. “Don’t hold back.”

She then pulled herself off of him and bent over on him taking his juicy penis into her mouth. Tuck’s orgasm then launched itself, springing from his loins with great force. He watched as Sandra caught all of it inside her mouth until he had finally subsided. Then her tongue ran across her lips exposing some of the milky white cum on her gorgeous thick juicy chocolate lips as she smiled.

“Mmmmmm baby,” Sandra said. “Welcome to LA.” Then she laughed and nudged Tuck to let her snuggle at his side. He placed his arm around her as she inched tighter against him.

They lay quietly for several minutes before Sandra sat up and started searching through her vehicle. She finally found some paper and a pen then tore off just a small corner of the paper. She wrote her name and phone number on it and slid it into Tuck’s pants pocket as they lay crumpled on the floor of the Element.

“I hope you call me,” Sandra said.

“Yea, sure I will,” answered Tuck.

“Well I have to go,” said Sandra, as she started putting her clothes on. “I have to work tonight.”

“Where do you work?” Tuck asked as he was pulling his clothes together.

“I’m a stunt woman,” answered Sandra. “And we are filming some action scenes tonight for a movie.”

Sandra then kissed Tuck on the lips and opened the side doors of her Honda Element.

Tuck got out an Sandra said, “Bye baby,” as she climbed into the front seat.

“Bye,” said Tuck as he was closing the doors for her.

He stood there zipping his pants up and tucking in his shirt as he watched her drive away in her vehicle.

Tuck then turned to walk to his car. Immediately he was astonished to see two men in dark suits and one man in chinos and a Hawaiian shirt, all of them wearing dark sun glasses, standing by his car looking at him.

Very nervously Tuck walked up to them but stopped several feet away.


In Arizona several hours before.
Paul the pornographer sped down the highway until he finally saw Tuck’s car ahead of him. He stayed several car lengths back so as not to arouse any suspicion to Tuck that he was being followed.

“I’ve got him in sight,” Paul said over his cell phone to Chuck.

“Great, I feel sure he is going to LA, so stay behind him and call me right away if he changes course,” said Chuck. “We are going to charter a private plane for LA.”

Right away Chuck dialed his Uncle Gino back in Florida.

“Yea,” Uncle Gino said as he answered his phone.

“Uncle Gino it’s Chuck!” exclaimed Chuck over the cell phone.

“I know already, get on with it,” Uncle Gino said impatiently.

“We’ve got that porno dude, Paul, following Grayson down the highway as we speak,” Chuck said.

“Fucking great work!” exclaimed Uncle Gino. “What’s next?”

“We are catching a charter plane to LA,” answered Chuck.

“Okay,” said Uncle Gino, “someone is already on a flight out there to join you.”

“Who’s that Uncle Gino,” Chuck asked.

“That lawyer’s P.I., Reggie Tharpe,” answered Uncle Gino.

“Oh yea, that dude is awesome!” exclaimed Chuck.

“Well keep your panties on and don’t get so damned excited,” said Uncle Gino gruffly. “Tharpe will be in charge when gets there, make sure someone has Grayson in sight at all times and I’ll let you know when to pick up Tharpe at LAX.”


Paul was still following Tuck west as they pulled onto interstate 10. He kept changing music and slapping his own face to keep himself awake on the boring drive. His incessant yawning was driving himself crazy.

They were passing the San Bernadino exits when Tuck got off the interstate and pulled into a convenience store and stopped at a gas pump. Paul pulled into a gas pump on another aisle, figuring he had better refuel also. Paul put on his sunglasses and a baseball cap and kept his face turned away as he eyed Tuck pumping his gas.

He then watched as Tuck went into the store. Paul knew this was the perfect opportunity to install the GPS tracking device. He walked over and placed it up under the back driver’s side wheel well of Tuck’s car. Then he had the bright idea to do something else that might make Tuck’s car easier to spot should it get lost and he needed to find it again. Paul then used his finger to write “Wash Me” really large on the very dusty trunk of Tuck’s car. He then quickly retreated back to his own car and watched as Tuck came back to his car.

After Tuck pulled back onto the road, Paul followed discreetly several car lengths behind.

Paul was really worn out as they hit the confusing mass that is the Los Angeles highway system. He dialed Chuck’s cell phone number.

“Chuck here,” answered Chuck.

“Man we’re driving into LA now, where are you guys?” asked Paul.

“We’re at LAX right now picking up that Reggie Tharpe dude,” answered Chuck. “Keep following Grayson and call us back in a few minutes with your location.”


A beach at Los Angeles a couple of hours later.
Reggie Tharpe, Chuck, Cousin Tony, and Paul the pornographer are all sitting crowded in a silver van with dark tinted windows. They are all squeezed together watching impatiently as a metallic green Honda Element rocks back and forth across the parking lot.

“Uncle Gino,” said Chuck into his cell phone. “We’ve got Grayson in our sights, kind of.”

“What the fuck do you mean, kind of?” shouts a grumpy Uncle Gino into the phone.

“Well he’s in a Honda Element humping some really hot black surfer chick,” said Chuck.

“WHAT?” yelled Uncle Gino.

“Yea sir Uncle Gino, she or he or one of ‘em must have said something pretty slick to the other one, cause they are in that car just going at it,” answered Chuck.

“Damn this one fucked up weird world!” yelled Uncle Gino into the phone, "people just fuck strangers at the drop of a hat."

“When he finishes getting his knob polished, just convince his ass to come back with you all on the first flight you can get to Tallahassee,” added Uncle Gino.

“You got it Uncle Gino,” answered Chuck confidently.

Several minutes later there was a sigh of relief in the crowded van as the Honda they were watching quit rocking. They all piled out except Paul the pornographer, who stayed in the van. Reggie, Chuck and Tony walked over to Tuck’s car and stopped there as they watched the side doors to the Honda Element open.

Tuck got out putting his clothes on and soon the girl pulled out in sped off in the Honda. Tuck looked over and saw them and was obviously startled as he cautiously approached them.

“Can I do something for you gentleman?” asked Tuck.

“Bradley Tucker Grayson?” asked Reggie Tharpe, who was wearing a Hawaiian shirt.

“Who the fuck are you guys?” Tuck asked nervously.

“We are here on behalf of Prissy,” answered Tharpe.

Tuck felt a tinge of guilt or something. He had no idea why.

“Yea, I’m Grayson,” answered Tuck.

“Just do us a favor and listen to all these messages,” said Reggie as he motioned to Chuck.

Chuck then pulled Tuck’s cell phone out of his pants pocket and tossed it to Tuck.

Tuck dialed his voice mail box, like he had started to do earlier. Tuck listened and listened to message after message of Prissy crying, apologizing and pleading. There was even a couple of messages from his best friend Bimbo asking him to check in and at least listen to what Prissy had to say.

With each message Tuck’s heart felt more compassion for Prissy. He had been so angry, but he had been and still was in love with her. Tuck’s shoulders finally sank and he turned off the voice mail. His arm dropped in surrender holding the phone to his side.

Seeing that, Reggie Tharpe asked, “Will you at least go back with us to Tallahassee and talk with her?”

“Yea, I will,” answered Tuck.

An obviously relieved Chuck and Tony both heaved a heavy sigh of relief.

“Okay, we can make a flight within the hour if we get started now,” said Reggie.

“What about my car?” asked Tuck.

Reggie looked at Chuck and Tony and saw Chuck discreetly nod toward Tony.

“Tony will drive it back to Tallahassee,” said Reggie.

Tony threw his arms up in disgust and grumbled, “Always Tony, do this Tony, do that Tony, why does Tony always get the shit jobs?”

Tuck handed his car keys to Tony and then followed Tharpe and Chuck to the van. Then stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Paul the pornographer hop out to open the door for them.

“I’ll explain it on the way to LAX,” Paul said to Tuck as they all got in then van.

To be continued in “Tuck’s American Roadtrip! The Return.”

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The onshore wind blew the curtains aside and the breeze coming of the Benguela current was cool enough to make Paula’s nipples pucker. Late afternoon sun bouncing off the ocean coloured her naked body gold. Her breasts were firm and faced straight up when she laid on her back, the tan lines of a small bikini, visible. The white of her panties contrasted with the brown of her legs and belly. Sun streaked hair tumbled over the pillow and her eyes blinked against the shaft of sunlight that crept...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Sucked off a surfer

I am white, 50yrs old, working in sales in Southern California. I dropped off a vendor at the Orange county airport at noon, and had to wait in the area for my next account call that wasn’t until 4:00pm. I went on to a webpage that tells of cruisy places and saw one listed at a State Beach near where I had camped once before. So I headed back south and got off the freeway in San Clemente and went down the hill to the state beach parking lot. There were several cars in the parking lot, but after...

2 years ago
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Meeting the golden surfer

I had been chatting it up online with this really hot guy.He's a little older than me, but oh so sexy! Blonde hair and blue eyes, and all the bad boy tattoos!But, hes not a bad boy, he's from the island of Hawaii.Raised with manners and a calm nature.He ended up being my knight in shinging armour. After chatting a few more days off and on, he wanted me to text him. So, we exchanged numbers and shortly thereafter, my phone was ringing. It was him. He was headed out to a local bar and wanted to...

3 years ago
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Brothers roadtrip pt 2

“I see you’re awake!” Eric grinned at me. His hairy chest was still wet from his shower and the towel around his waist didn’t do a great job at covering him up, as I could still see a pretty clear outline of his cock. “I pulled one out before my shower too, so you’re not alone” He continued. I laughed, “Yeah, that's why the room reeked of cum” teasing him. He took off his towel and threw it at me in an attempt to shut me up. I used his towel to wipe up my cum and cover myself up....

2 years ago
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Brothers roadtrip part 1

I sat up in my bed and opened the curtains to the window above my bed, the sun had already gone up and lit up my room. I sat in my bed looking out the window for a while, everything outside was covered in dew and a light fog painted the horizon. I threw a quick look at the my floor, it was scattered with bags and clothes. I never knew what to bring on trips, packing and unpacking my bags at least five times before feeling satisfied with what i brought with me, how ever, i always brought too...

3 years ago
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Aunt Megan Part two Roadtrip

We drove for an hour or so chatting about all manner of things but nothing important. The day had cleared up after starting out overcast and the sun coming through the windscreen was getting hotter. We pulled off the highway and into a service station where we topped up on fuel then parked the car. We went inside the cafe to get coffee. It was a relief to get out of the car as it was really getting hot. The airconditioning wasn't working and add to that a massive V8 in an older black car and...

4 years ago
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Roadtrip with Uncle Brian

Kim sat in the passenger seat and watched the cars whizzing past. Her uncle was driving her home from her art show. For the first time since she’d finished art school she was invited to an exposition, to show some work. Her uncle had helped her transport her paintings and he stayed with her all day, supporting her, stimulating her to talk to people and even helping her sell one of her paintings. ‘Thanks again.’ She said. ‘No problem, sweety.’ Brian said. She looked at him...

1 year ago
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The wonderful roadtrip home

“Honey, eat some turkey.” Megan said to her daughter. Lisa had a habit of eating lighter snack foods that would leave her with complaints of hunger as soon as the feast was safely tucked away. “I already had a little,” Lisa replied. “How about a sandwich?” David quickly countered. “You need to eat something other than just grapes.” “But I’m not really hungry,” she whined. “Well you won’t get to play Frisbee until you’ve had something more than...

3 years ago
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The Roadtrip

We were on day three of our road trip, making the long drive from New York to Austin for SXSW. We were both excited for the event, but to be honest, the drive was starting to get a little boring. Endless highway stretching on and on in front of us. We’d already previewed the tracks of all the bands we planned to see when we got there. We’d made a list of all the BBQ places we planned to hit as well. What’s worse is that we spent the previous two nights crashed at friends’ houses along the way...

2 years ago
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Roadtrip with Jaimie

We decided to take a road trip together at the end of the summer. Knowing that we couldn't keep a long distance relationship, we had one last bittersweet, week-long fling together. We were a few days into the trip, on our 8th hour on the road and she decided to take the wheel for a few hours since I had been driving most the day and the days before. I drifted in and out of sleep for a few minutes, occassional stirred by the GPS giving the periodic instruction. We had been quiet for a while,...

4 years ago
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Coeds european roadtrip horror part3

When he was finished he wiped his arms free of grime and sweat. Picking up a bucket of tepid water he drenched his body. Even with hood and his strength they had kicked and wriggled. The shouts and yelps had been deafening in the confined space. But without vision none could direct their resistance or escape or know what was happ ening as they listened to the other beg and moan. Diora had being in the position the longest as he knew she was the most resistant. Her body ached her mind...

2 years ago
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Coeds european roadtrip horror part2

Now held under his bizarre funeral parlour the "undertaker" begins to bit-by-bit break down their resistance to his evil plans. ***** From her locked bent forward position it was difficult for Keeley to lift her head to look straight ahead. The stocks bit into her shoulders; her tiny wrists snapped through even smaller gaps in the scissor wood beams. Her mouth was dripping saliva from the edge of her lips as she slurped on the big neon ball gag. The feeling was disgusting, this shy...

1 year ago
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Coeds European Roadtrip Horror Part1

Diora turned on the wipers again and they uselessly screeched against the hot dry screen. "It's making it worse not better," muttered her friend as the young red head tried to clear her view from hours of dust. They'd left Warsaw earlier that week and only a month into their European expedition had realised that a road trip had it limitations. "Did you measure how far Moscow is from Warsaw?" Asked the less opinionated girl in the back seat. Diora gave a chuckle "well it...

4 years ago
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The Roadtrip

Here’s a little something I came up with while I was on my way home from a trip to Texas. All characters are at least 18 years of age. “No! Your parents will see us!” She pleaded as I ran my hand up her thigh, dangerously close to her silk-covered pussy. “It’ll be fine, baby. The middle seat will give us plenty of cover. They won’t even know what’s going on back here unless you give it away,” I replied, running my pinky over the flimsy material that covered her pussy. “Baby, no…” she...

2 years ago
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Roadtrip Part 1

His name is Draigen. He’s the one who guides me sexually to each and every climax. He speaks to me when I shut down the computer. His voice is like silk chocolate, warm and inviting. I feel his gaze as it travels down my body, it gently caresses me, causing goose bumps to rise. I shiver and his smile grows. From his pocket he pulls out my collar, and I kneel automatically in front of him, so he can clasp it around my neck. I hear the familiar click and his hands linger on my shoulders a few...

1 year ago
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Orgasmic Roadtrip

The excitement any new homeowner feels when they buy their first rung on the property ladder is almost indescribable. When the months of searching the property market, followed by the stressful shenanigans of estate agents and mortgage advisers, while negotiating endless amounts of legal red tape, ends with a front door key, there is huge relief. I was there. Five months of uninterrupted frustration and costs to purchase a property, but finally, I had my own home. I had bought the flat, just...

4 years ago
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You are John Doe. You have become bored with your life and your job. You seek adventure and excitement. Your uncle Jim dies unexpectedly. He was always kind to you and told you to get out into the world. He had always been a free spirit. He told you stories about the days of his youth of travelling around drinking, fighting and fucking moving on to the next town and doing it all again. He always said you inherited his sense of adventure and probably his big dick too. In his will he leaves you...

4 years ago
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Roadtrip blowjob

It had been a long week. I was heading to my mother’s alone this time for the first time in years. I normally head down with my wife. We had not had sex in years and I have to sneak behind her back to even jack off. I loaded the car for the 6/7 hour drive and said my goodbyes. I hit the road and loaded up my two favorite aps… Squirt.org and adam4adam.com. Even though it had been years since my last cock, I was looking forward to the opportunity to at least tease a bit. I have seen them...

3 years ago
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Moms Roadtrip

nother good day. The sun was shining brightly. Not a cloud in the sky, and very warm. So why was I so unhappy? A few reasons, actually. One being quite obvious. My husband of twenty-four years ran off with another woman. That didn't help. I'm suffering from empty nest syndrome as well. No, not both my c***dren have left. My oldest is in-between his sophomore and Junior year at college. But this summer he took an internship in Denver. That left me and my other c***d Carla here all alone in our...

1 year ago
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Roadtrip fun

I was recently taking a business related road trip between two cities in the US. It was about a 6 hour drive so I asked my girlfriend to come with me, knowing that we sometimes fool around on the road which makes things much funner. About an hour into the drive, my girlfriend and I started talking about a specific topic that we usually disagree on and things took a turn for the worse and we fought for about an hour. This disappointed me very much because with that fight any chance of me getting...

1 year ago
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Porn Star Roadtrip with OHGirl Velvet and Denise

I spent the week finishing my work demands and packing my things for the road. I’d be staying at a hotel with my mom and grandma as we traveled and that included while we were in LA, my hometown. My boyfriend, Ryan, and I had a great round of sex before I stopped to visit my dad and siblings to let him know about my new gig. He had kept up with me via texting, so he knew the story, but it had been a while since I had been home. I spent the evening visiting and then drove back into the city to...

1 year ago
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Roadtrip with my sister

Vacations; they were supposed to be fun and relaxing in theory. And they usually were once we got wherever we were going, but dad never seemed to understand the idea of having fun along the way. It was all about getting where we were going on schedule and we could relax once we arrived.This year was a bit different than any previous holiday with my family. Instead of being stuck in the backseat with my sister while the landscape rolled past for hours on end, we had taken two vehicles and Kylie...

1 year ago
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Roadtrip Part 1

His name is Draigen. He’s the one who guides me sexually to each and every climax. He speaks to me when I shut down the computer. His voice is like silk chocolate; warm and inviting. I feel his gaze as it travels down my body; it gently caresses me, causing goose bumps to rise. I shiver and his smile grows. From his pocket he pulls out my collar, and I kneel automatically in front of him, so he can clasp it around my neck. I hear the familiar click and his hands linger on my shoulders a few...

3 years ago
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I suggest to John that we go on a road trip to where ever. I go into our bedroom and pack a bag, just in case we decide to stay somewhere. I had bought a new butt plug and had inserted it deep into my tight ass. John comes in to add something to the bag and doesn't tell me what it is. He grabbed the clothes that was laying next to the bag and tells me to hurry it up. I yelled out telling him I will be ready in a couple of minutes.I finished putting on my mini skirt, a white button down shirt...

2 years ago
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OHGIRL Philly Roadtrip

I returned to work and to seeing my clients when I got back from Jamaica, but after about 3 or 4 weeks of very rarely seeing Mikey, I began spending more of my free time with Shawn again. He decided to take me on a vacation of his own and we drove in my car to the neighborhood in which he was raised, Philadelphia. His family still lived in the d**g infested part of town and we spent most of our time lying around the ramshackle housing project in which his cousin Jeffrey lived. Jeffrey was the...

3 years ago
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The Roadtrip

Here's a little something I came up with while I was on my way home from a trip to Texas. All characters are at least 18 years of age. “No! Your parents will see us!” She pleaded as I ran my hand up her thigh, dangerously close to her silk-covered pussy. “It’ll be fine, baby. The middle seat will give us plenty of cover. They won’t even know what’s going on back here unless you give it away,” I replied, running my pinky over the flimsy material that covered her pussy. “Baby, no…” she warned,...

3 years ago
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Suhana Safar The Roadtrip

I have always had a crush towards my cousin sis, B, who is 19 years of age as of now. She’s very cute, just like a doll, stands at 5 feet, and a bit chubby. We are just 6 years apart in age, and we always have had a very good relationship, just like friends. I have tried many times to seduce her, but she never encourages me, so I never try too hard, just because that I don’t want her to force anything to her. She’s really very close to my heart. Last year B finished her high school, and got...

3 years ago
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Tinder Tragedy 8211 Part 2 On A Roadtrip To Nepal

This is an experience from my friend Karan. He had been on a road trip to Nepal for some soul-searching adventures. The below story is presented from his POV. Hi readers, this is Karan Mehta, a traveler, and explorer. I like to call myself a sexplorer. I visit different places and try to hook up with the local ladies. This gives me the local taste and also fulfills my burning desires. I am always traveling on a budget. So hooking up with the locals gives me a free space to stay with food and...

1 year ago
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Tinder Tragedy 8211 Part 2 On A Roadtrip To Nepal

This is an experience from my friend Karan. He had been on a road trip to Nepal for some soul-searching adventures. The below story is presented from his POV. Hi readers, this is Karan Mehta, a traveler, and explorer. I like to call myself a sexplorer. I visit different places and try to hook up with the local ladies. This gives me the local taste and also fulfills my burning desires. I am always traveling on a budget. So hooking up with the locals gives me a free space to stay with food and...

4 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 2

“Are you listening to me!” she was a tad peeved. She had been going on and on and on about ... who knows what? ... background chatter in the universe ... legal shit ... Lawyers! “No,” I said, “I’m busy.” “You’re driving! How busy can that be?” I knew how to shut her up, “If you must know ... I’m talking to the voices in my head.” If she could get any farther away she would be outside hanging on to the mirror ... or not. “Look, you guys can handle Karen ... can’t you?”

3 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 3

I thumped the side of my head, “Steel trap ... my mind is a steel trap.” “Cease and desist ... What house?” “Karen built a shack on my land?” “How did that happen?” A different voice,

1 year ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 4

If I were a car, and I had brakes, and the contact points between shoe and drum were worn to metal to metal ... my shoes would have screeched to a stop. As it was my lower body stopped but my head bent forward and banged the half open bathroom door ... the wench had left it open. This was no emergency ... she had a purpose and an intent and planned for it. WHACK “OW!” THUD

2 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 5

Not that connecting with the police was expedient. No. This was a country CLUB ... Members and their Guests ONLY ... exceptions must be cleared by the council. The cops objected when the ambulance was waved through but they ... the minions of the law ... were kept out while the council sorted. It was soon handled. Wendy, decently dressed, picked up the phone and explained. If explained is the correct word. Another 911 dispatcher might not have been so understanding ... but this one was a...

3 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 6

Wanna talk about a wake up call? This was NOT your standard buzz or ring ring. It soon the nurse said the words. Wendy peeked around the door. God ... she’s cute. Beautiful even. Sigh. “I want to know what you had to do with this,” I said ... and it wasn’t a question. “Who? Me?” Wendy said. “Who, you what? I wasn’t talking to you ... I was talking to You Know Who.” “I do? ... I do,” she said. “Butt out Wendy ... I’m talking to them,” I said. It was an...

2 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 7

Just so you know, I’m as red blooded and testosterone driven as any not quite 30 year old man ... and thirty is coming so ... I guess I need to prove something ... I don’t know what it is ... but as soon as I know, I’ll let you know ... probably by the HOWL! I played nice ... they said my concussion was cured and let me out. The centerfold was there to pick me up and take me to her crib. Her daddy wanted to shake my hand. I wished I’d driven another way that day. Heroes don’t know they are...

3 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 8

“How about a Ninety Day Free Trial?” I asked. “If it doesn’t work out...” “You keep out of this!” Her dad said, “I didn’t say nothing.” Hmm. Wendy was in shock. “No!” she said. “It’s all or nothing.” “That’s easy,” I shook Dad’s hand, “‘Bye.” I knew I couldn’t stay in Denver. I didn’t want the girls. They didn’t want me ... not the way I wanted ... and I missed home. Did I ever tell you about Lewistown’s airport? Aviation Magazine has this to say about the...

3 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 9

“So what do I do?” “Give up?” I could see the capital A in my head. “Where should I go?” “Ranchester?” “NO!” A chuckle or a giggle in ones brain tickles. The belly laugh almost ran me off the road. I gassed up, ran my list ... filed for SHR (Sheridan County Airport), chatted...

3 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 10

Since 1919, Sheridan has provided space for aviation ... Aviation Field, a grass strip, became Municipal Field and that became Sheridan County Airport, a full service commercial venture. In 1980, it was a going concern. Flights to Gillette, Casper, Cheyenne and Denver carried passengers daily. Handley Page British-made Century lll turbo-prop aircraft operated by Sheridan based Air U.S. departed Sheridan County regularly. Flights featured a snack, Jolly Ranchers candy from a bulk box and...

1 year ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 11

Yes! Her! And she SAW me! Shit fuzzy and fall back in it! Through the double pane glass ... even over the throb of the turbo prop on the other side of the plane, I heard her screech. “David!” Wendy said, “You came!” She took off running, burst through the door ... and knocked me flat on my back... “How did you know I was coming?” The kisses were spaced between the words so unless you knew what she was going to say before she said it ... it wasn’t going to make a bit of sense. I...

2 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 12

I knew about the trailer. I understood the need for the ugly green General Steel building. Did she have to go Avocado? The damn thing looks like a huge 1970’s refrigerator. Pulling down the driveway, ... nice drive ... pea gravel ... feels rolled and compacted ... when did she do this? Wendy going nuts over the tipis in the yard ... and that’s another thing ... plural tipis? Anyway ... the house on the north side of the drive looked nice. Glancing across the pasture, I noticed the fence ......

3 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 13

Not that the sheriff stayed behind. He walked along with us. Wendy was anxious ... fidgeting ... antsy. The beat from the Avocado was catchy and had Wendy’s hips rolling. The sheriff was definitely paying too close attention to the sack of cats in her slacks. Wendy does NOT wear jeans. Summa Cum Laude Law School graduates who passed the bar on the first try do not wear jeans ... or so she said. It’s okay ... linen clings ... jeans mold ... no matter ... it’s all fine ass. “Sheriff ... your...

3 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 14

“That’s what she said,” I said. “Smart girl,” he said, enigmatically. Enigmatic, I thought. “You keep out of this,” I said. “As long as you keep it together, I plan to,” said the sheriff. Karen said, “I’m standing right here, guys.” “I’m just setting boundaries,” said the sheriff. “Whose boundaries?” asked Wendy. “Hairy’s limits.” “And?” said Wendy. “Unless and until you have decided you were out of bounds tricking him like you did, you’re...

3 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 15

The dirty rat left me. When practice was over and the place was clearing out ... the sheriff LEFT me. Things might have not been quite so bad but the women stayed ... all five of ‘em ... and Sally. Bobby and Tommy made arrangements to meet Karen and Sally at Seven o’clock to set up at the Oasis Lounge in the Holiday Inn Thursday. They played Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday nights until close. Tuesdays and Wednesdays off. Wednesdays were new stuff practice. Although once a...

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