Underneath The Surface: Friends With Benefits free porn video

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Underneath the Surface: Friends with Benefits ~by Taylor Ryan~ For Paolo They say the mind is the first thing to go, I think. I really didn't know if that related to my situation. I just knew I was losing it fast. I hardly even recognized my old name anymore. Every time I heard it spoken it was like hearing the name of some vague acquaintance in passing. My new name had become quite familiar to me. Emily even liked it when Mitch called me, what he referred to as, his pet name. I had simply become Elle; the small left foot of a pretty, petite girl I had once called my own. "I'm glad you decided to do this," Emily said, as she happily bounced into the kitchen. Inside what I could only call my mind, Emily's thoughts relayed to me in a disturbing feminine voice I had learned to call my own. "Support her. Land softly. Don't let her fall." These maddening thoughts of a foot, constantly being ordered to function for the owner to which it belonged, now overran my daily life. If I could call it a life... "I just think it's time to find new friends," Mitch said. "It's getting old hanging with potheads and playing video games all the time." He stepped up to Emily and put his arms around her waist. "You know Brandon hasn't even chosen his major yet." His chuckle, my old chuckle, fell down from above me. "I mean, it's been three years! What is he waiting for?" "Well I invited two of my best friends over tonight," Emily said. "I'm thinking of asking Jessica to be my maid of honor." She gave him a quick kiss. "You might like their boyfriends. Maybe one of them can be your best man?" "We'll see," Mitch said. "Why don't you finish getting ready? I'll take care of the food." "Really?" Emily kissed him again. "You really have changed for the better." I groaned inwardly. Of course he had changed. He used to be a foot, until I accidentally switched bodies with him. I truly wished Emily could see how evil the new Mitch was on the inside. I wished I could tell her how he had enjoyed my body so much, that he chose to keep it; without even bothering to ask me. She needed to know how he had trapped me in her foot, of all places, and that everyday she casually walked all over me. I just had no way to communicate any of it to her. My mind flooded with the thoughts of being a foot again, as Emily broke from the embrace and carried herself off to the bedroom. Rather I carried her, or at least half of her. For a long time I thought I could try to branch out; to speak to other parts of Emily's body. It always failed, ending in extreme frustration on my part. I had simply become stuck; powerless to stop the constant flow of near brainwashing thoughts from entering my mind. The worst times were when Mitch decided he wanted to "play" with me. Those times became more frequent once he confessed his lifelong love of feet. Though he always paid closer attention to me; her left foot. It started making me think that he didn't get along with her right foot. After all, they were complete opposites. They did, however, share common ground. It was then that I realized, after Mitch had taken me to a dark place with another one of his fantasies, that I had started to fill my increasingly jaded mind with foot puns. As the hours went by, I found it harder to listen to my own thoughts. Thoughts of being a foot, constantly in demand, seemed to overwhelm everything else I would try to think about. Sometimes I couldn't even get a moment to think about my situation. I think Mitch wanted it that way. He didn't want me to think about anything other than being a foot. He filled most of my time when Emily was asleep, as we could communicate then, with ridiculous banter. "Could you get the door?" Emily's voice had broken me out of the slight moment of solitude I managed to secure. I knew it wouldn't last long, as Emily had already jumped to her feet. "I got it," Mitch called back. A moment passed. I heard the front door open, and the soft mumbling of voices. "Em... I think you better take this one. Looks like a crisis." "Support her. Carry her quickly." The maddening voices returned, but the last command hung in my head. Probably because it wasn't a command at all. It was something else; something that for some reason gave a little insight into Emily's mind. "She's in duress." "Lori?" Emily sounded surprised. "What are you doing here?" Emily stepped around a chair, and now I could see the visitor. The name sounded familiar, but now I recognized her. Lori was Emily's niece. A junior now in high school, Lori had become the splitting image of Emily's sister. This actually made her look quite similar to Emily, or at least the Emily I met during that fateful spring break. Lori was the Emily of yesteryear, only with hair dyed flame red. "I'm sorry for just showing up here," Lori said, between sniffles. "I didn't want to go home." "Did something happen at home?" Emily asked, as I helped carry her over to Lori. "No," Lori said. "Nothing like that." She swiped at her cheek as she sat next to Emily on the couch. "It's Steve... My boyfriend." She sniffed. "We had a fight." "Mitch..." "I'll take care of everything," Mitch said, as if reading Emily's thoughts. "Why don't you talk in the bedroom?" "I don't wanna talk anymore," Lori said. "I'm tired of talking." She let out a long sigh. "I'm just... tired." "Why don't you sleep for a bit?" Emily said, patting Lori's hand. "You can use my bed." "No..." Lori shook her head. "It looks like you guys have a night planned." "I insist," Emily said. "We'll try to keep it down," Mitch said, bringing Lori a glass of water and a pill. "Here. This will help you sleep." "Thanks." Lori downed the pill, and then let herself be escorted off to the bedroom. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- I at least knew one of Emily's friends. Granted tonight was the first time I saw her face, but I knew her legs and voice well. Jessica always sat and talked with Emily in the break room at school. I still recalled Emily's nonchalant way of detailing our last sexual episode together. Jessica wasn't drop dead gorgeous, but she had a certain cuteness to her, with her short blonde hair and blue eyes. She was about Emily's size, and carried herself like a librarian. I guess it fit well with her career choice. "So I know Jessica is going into teaching," Mitch said, as he came around the couch with a glass of wine for the other female guest. "What is it you do Zoey?" Zoey crossed one leg over the other. Her bare legs glistened with a rich tan. With a well-manicured hand, she flipped her black curls of hair away from her face. Her eyes appeared as the ocean, with an obvious fake blue provided by contact lenses. Cautiously she eyed Mitch, and then a smile spread across her ruby lips. She was stunning. "Web design," Zoey responded, reaching out to take the glass of wine. "Mostly small local companies." "Have I seen any of your work?" Mitch asked. "Probably," Zoey said. "But I don't know what kind of websites you visit." She gave Mitch a sly wink. "Trust me," Emily said, reaching over to touch Zoey's knee. "You don't want to know." From my perspective, I could barely see Zoey. She had a pleasant voice and laugh, and the most beautiful feet I had ever seen. Being as low as I was all day, you got to see a lot of other peoples' feet. It was hard not to think about them after seeing them. Most of them were ugly, especially men's, like they hadn't thought to look at them in years; let alone take care of them. Zoey's feet, however, looked as if she spent hours every day making them look perfect. I noticed they made an impression on Mitch as well; as he couldn't stop glancing at them. I didn't know Zoey though. I had never met her, and never really listened hard I guess when Emily talked about her. Mitch obviously didn't know her either, or he wouldn't have asked what she did for a living. He seemed more interested in getting to know the women, than he did their boyfriends. When they asked for anything, Mitch would jump at the chance to wait on them. It seemed odd that he concerned himself with the two ladies, than with getting to know the guys. After all, he said he had wanted to meet new guy friends to be in the wedding. After about an hour of general chatting, Mitch broke away from the group. I watched him walk off to the bedroom. Most likely he was checking to see if Lori was okay. Nobody had really checked on her since the food and the drinks started getting passed around. To my surprise, he came back a mere minute later. His hands seemed to be wrapped around a rather particular item of immense trouble. "Who wants to have some fun?" Mitch asked, as he stood in the middle of the talking group. He held up a little black book, and all eyes in the room were drawn to it. "Noooo!" I screamed, knowing only Mitch would have a slight chance at hearing me. Recently our line of communication hadn't been as strong as it was before. "Group of friends I beseech thee come. Join me in some carefree fun. Like the dark, which comes with setting sun, yield to the pleasant slumber, which hath begun." "That wasn't in the book," I thought. Mitch spun to face me. "No, it wasn't." He smiled pleasantly. "I suppose you could say I learned a few new tricks." Wait. Mitch could hear me. That usually meant... I tried to take in the room from my vantage point. From what I could see, everyone at the party had fallen into a sound sleep. Usually the sleep spell in the book only worked on an individual. Mitch had learned a new one. That was one powerful spell. It frightened me to think how he had managed to wield such power. "What do you think Elle?" Mitch asked, as he casually went around the room collecting glasses and bottles from the sleeping group. "Neat trick, huh?" "What are you up to now?" I asked. "Oh, nothing bad," he said, grinning back at me. "You know me." "Unfortunately," I said. "This doesn't look good though." I knew I was powerless to stop anything he did anymore, but it didn't stop me from having a conscience about his deeds. "I assure you that I won't harm anyone," Mitch said, coming back into the room. "I'm simply new to this whole friend thing, and I can't relate well to humans." He smiled, as he carefully lifted the women's feet onto the coffee table. "You're not going to do what I think you're going to do..." "That's exactly what I'm planning," Mitch said. "I need friends I can relate to." He started to remove the shoes from the feet of both women. "I need other feet." "Mitch, those men have lives of their own," I said. "You can't just go around switching their spirits with feet." "I know," Mitch said. "It will only be temporary. I promise." "You promised me you'd help me get out of Emily's foot." "And I will," Mitch said. "I just need some time to work that all out." "Right," I said. "And the fact that you said it was permanent should have no bearing on me believing you, or not?" "Our switch is permanent," Mitch said. "I never said I couldn't switch you with someone else." "I want MY body back!" "Then have some patience," Mitch said. "In the meantime, enjoy the show!" He laughed as he seemed to dance around the living room. I had always thought the apartment was plenty big enough for Emily and me. Then her foot got a life of it's own and ruined it for me. To be honest, I hadn't trusted him since the start, but I foolishly fell for his trap. I didn't believe for one second that he would free me after the fact. In fact, he even made it a point to show his dominance as the new man in Emily's life. I wouldn't be able to count on him for anything other than disaster. "I'll just get you more comfortable," Mitch said, as he situated Emily to where her feet were on the arm of the chair. "I want you to be able to see it all." "I thought you said we wouldn't be able to talk after a while," I said. "What changed?" "I actually can't hear you anymore when Emily is awake," Mitch said, as he started to rearrange the men around the room. "She has to be asleep now for me to hear you." "There isn't a thing I could say here to make you change your mind, is there?" I asked. "Not a single thing," Mitch said. "Unless you have a twin brother who is dying to be a right foot?" After I refused to respond, Mitch chuckled a bit. "I didn't think so." He turned one last time to face me. "This may appear to be strange to you, but trust me when I say that my feelings for you and Emily have not changed." "Whatever you say." Mitch moved his focus to Jessica. I shuddered to think that this poor girl, ready to start her career as a teacher, would soon be thrust unwillingly into the world of magic. Her boyfriend, Rick, would unwittingly become a pawn in Mitch's twisted game of chess. In the meantime, I had come no closer to a checkmate move of my own on Mitch. I felt so powerless as Emily's foot. All I could do was watch, as Mitch gently took up Jessica's left foot in his hand. He studied it for a moment, as if sizing it up. Jessica had cute feet, but they weren't amazing. She seemed to take care of them, but did nothing to make them stand out. They were just simply plain, average feet. Mitch caressed her foot for a moment, and then held it in front of him like it was a lost treasure. Mitch moved his face closer to her foot. His lips were inches away from resting against her sole. At first I thought he was going to kiss it. However, he remained that distance, and closed his eyes. For a moment he sat in silence, but then he began to recite another spell. This too was one I'd never heard before. I started to wonder where he was getting them from. "Out of you, and into me," Mitch said. "May your stay be temporary." I sighed inwardly at that word. "Believe your spirit elsewhere may dwell, and I will keep you safe and well." I watched in curiosity as Mitch actually did kiss Jessica's foot. It was a respectful kiss, but a kiss nonetheless. Suddenly a bright light flashed between his lips and the sole of her foot. I heard a stifled sound not unlike distant thunder, and then it was over. The kiss was over, as well as the bright flash of light. Mitch carefully put Jessica's foot down, and then moved over to where Rick was sitting. "Out of me, and into you," Mitch said. "May this switch be true." His lips moved closer to Rick's lips. "Open up yourself to share, a life in which I may compare." With that, he pushed his lips against the lips of Rick. I had grown used to another man touching me, but this bothered me. Maybe it was the fact that this "man" had promised to be faithful to Emily, and yet here he was kissing a man, and another woman's foot. Again, a flash of light filled the dimly lit room. Another stifled clap of thunder sounded. For a moment there was silence, but then I heard a new voice in the room. "Hello?" It was Rick. "What the hell was that? What just happened?" "In due time," Mitch said, as he moved over to sit in front of Zoey. "I'll explain all in due time." "Rick?" I asked, still looking at his sleeping body in disbelief. "Am I..." Rick mumbled. "What the fuck! I'm in a foot!" "I need silence!" Mitch said loudly. "Be silent, or I will make you silent." He looked down at Jessica's foot. "I told you I will explain soon enough." Mitch gently reached toward Zoey's feet. Instead of bringing one up this time, he brought both of them up. He studied them for a moment as he did before with Jessica's foot. Then he closed his eyes, and brought his lips within kissing distance. Rick had grown silent. Either he took Mitch's threat to heart, or he was sitting and gawking in curiosity at what Mitch was doing. "Out of you, and into me," Mitch said again. "May your stay be temporary." His lips moved even closer to Zoey's feet. "Believe your spirit elsewhere may dwell, and I will keep you safe and well." This time Mitch slowly kissed one foot, and then the other. It was just as respectful as when he kissed Jessica's foot. The same bright light flashed between his lips and the soles of Zoey's feet. There seemed to be a slight variation this time. The flash grew brighter as it stretched to encompass both of her soles. The same thunder sound came, and then the room was back to normal once more. Mitch moved over close to Phil, Zoey's boyfriend. I watched as he prepared to partake in the same ritual. "Out of me, and into you," Mitch said. "May this switch be true. Open up yourself to share, a life in which I may compare." The moment the kiss started, an even brighter light filled the room. Mitch lingered with this kiss, longer than any before it. I assumed he had to move two spirits into Phil, as opposed to only one into Rick, but then again, I could never really explain this whole swapping thing. The flash eventually subsided with another sound akin to muffled thunder. Mitch jumped to the middle of the living room with an enormous smile on his face. He waited a moment, in pure enjoyment and blissful silence. "It worked!" "What the hell is going on?" Phil's voice came plowing into the room like a train. "Yeah," Rick chimed in. "What the hell is this?" "As you're both well aware now," Mitch said, "I've transferred your spirits into your girlfriends' feet." "Why the fuck would you do that?" Rick asked. "What the hell man?" Phil sounded as if he'd go into shock at any moment. "Feet? What kind of sick, twisted pervert are you?" "Wait..." Rick interjected. "Forget that. How the fuck did you do it to start with?" "Magic," I said. "I think it's best you start explaining yourself, Mitch." "Who are you?" Phil asked. "Me?" Mitch asked. "No," Phil said. "Who's the chick?" "Oh..." Mitch chuckled. "That would be me. Or rather it used to be me." He sat down on the coffee table between the women's feet. "You see, I'm not the real Mitch. A while back, Mitch accidentally switched places with me." He looked at me and smiled thoughtfully. "I used to be Emily's left foot." "Impossible," Phil said. "Feet aren't even living entities. How the hell could you switch places?" "It's a long story," Mitch said, "and one I particularly don't have time to explain right now." "It was a huge accident," I said. "Just leave it at that." "And now you're a chick?" Rick asked. "Another long story," Mitch said, with a chuckle. "I'd just like to point out that this is only temporary." "It better be really temporary," Phil said. "As in, switch us back now, temporary." "You will switch back in exactly twenty-four hours," Mitch said. "This is just an experience." He leaned back a little. "You see... I need friends more relatable to myself for the wedding. I'd rather have another foot standing beside me, than a so-called best man." "And what did this have to do with us?" Phil asked. "I'm probably not going to be around for the wedding," Rick said. "You say this is temporary. Well this whole thing with Jessica is temporary." "What?" Rick's former body suddenly became fully awake and aware. "What do you mean you're not staying with Jessica?" "Oh come on," the real Rick said. "It's been a long time coming. I didn't even plan to stay with her this long, but the sex is good." He paused. "Did I just talk to myself?" "You bastard!" the temporary Rick said. "How the hell are you two talking to each other?" Phil asked. "How are we talking at all?" "We can hear your thoughts," his former body said, coming out of it's slumber. "Okay," Mitch said. "This is getting out of hand here." He stood up in the midst of them. "I wanted to explain everything before you all woke up, but you're not giving me the chance." "Well start explaining," I said. "I'm really curious how you're going to charm your way out of this one." "The spell is temporary," Mitch said. "When you switch back, the real men will have no knowledge of what happened. Only the feet will remember, but they won't be able to communicate with anyone except me after that." "This is crazy," Phil said. "Downright fucked up, if you ask me," Rick said. "I only want to hear the experiences of the feet being men for a day," Mitch said. "I promise I took precautions to make this all temporary." He raised his hands to make sure they remained calm. "The magic will wear off in a day." "Magic?" Lori's groggy voice coming from the bedroom door made everyone jump. Nobody had heard her open the door. Mitch appeared shocked that she had even awakened. He climbed over Zoey's legs, her feet still resting on the coffee table, and stumbled over to the bedroom. As he sheltered her from seeing what was going on, he ushered her back through the bedroom door. She mumbled softly as the door shut behind her. "This isn't real is it?" Phil asked. "Please tell me this is a practical joke and I'm like hypnotized or something." "It's real," I said. "Unfortunately, it's very real." "Fuck me," Rick said. "I was going to wait, but after this, I'm getting the hell out of this relationship." "You can't," Rick's former self said. "Jessica loves you." The real Rick laughed inside of her foot. "And this is how her love is demonstrated? I get to be her foot and have her walk all over me for a day?" He made a sound not unlike someone spitting on the ground. "Fuck that! I'm out when I'm out." "But this isn't her fault," Rick's old body said. "I'm with you," Phil said. "Being trapped in feet... This is just all kinds of messed up." "At least maybe you'll get some idea of what kind of life I have," the imposter Phil said. "Having men drool all over you." "Don't even go there right now," the real Phil said. "Well think about it!" the imposter exclaimed. "You'll finally get to see what life is like in my shoes... literally." "Feet don't have lives," the real Phil said. "They're just... feet." "How could you say that?" the imposter Phil asked. "You know better than anyone what kind of life I have. You've been right there the whole time." "Feet don't have lives!" the real Phil said in a near shout. "Enough with that!" The two imposter men looked at each other. I noticed a shared expression of pain and grief between them. Suddenly they both gathered themselves from the couch, and retired into the kitchen. This left all of the feet alone in the room together. For several minutes I had to listen to Rick and Phil bellyache about being trapped as feet. At least they had a light at the end of the tunnel. I was simply stuck for good. "Gentlemen," Mitch said, returning to the room several minutes later. "Or should I say feet?" He chuckled. "Could you please rejoin me in the living room?" Mitch waited until they all returned. The new men preferred to stand. They were steadily getting accustomed to being men for the first time. This new spell was unlike what I had accidentally cast in the past. It took awhile for Mitch and I to get accustomed to our new bodies. However, this spell made it almost instantaneous. It scared me to think that Mitch could go out and possibly make an army of feet; or rather foot soldiers. I laughed inwardly at my horrible pun. "Elle... Please..." Mitch said, glancing over at me. "Oh, you heard that?" I asked. "I'm not as evil as you think I am," Mitch said. "Well that's good to know," I said. He put his finger over his lips to hush me. "Now that you've somewhat calmed yourselves," Mitch said. "I want to reiterate that this is only temporary. I just want to see if it's easier to relate to feet posing as men. Everything will return to normal tomorrow night." The two imposter men turned and gave each other a smile. "I'm actually wanting to go back to being Jessica's foot," the imposter Rick said. "I like being her foot." The imposter Phil scoffed at his remark. "You obviously don't have to put up with what I deal with," he said, as he looked at Zoey's feet. "My life is horrible." "Feet don't have lives..." the real Phil grumbled. "Guys..." Mitch said. "Please." He started gathering the lady's shoes, and handed them over to the men. "Could you please return these to their rightful places before the girls wake up?" He waited for the men to take the shoes. "Now I want you to use this experience to try and learn a little bit about each other. I want you to work with each other, as I've tried to work with Elle." "Who's Elle?" Rick asked. "That would be me," I said, with a sigh. "Elle, as in l for left foot." "Right..." Rick said. "Can we get out of here now? This whole place is giving me the creeps." "There's one more thing," Mitch said. "Once the ladies wake up, it may be difficult to hear what your counterparts are saying." He proceeded to hand them each a slip of paper. "This is a spell to cause your girlfriends to sleep. You'll be able to hear each other better when the new feet are left to their own thoughts." "I can vouch for that," I said. "A spell to knock the girls out?" the imposter Phil asked. "Don't get any ideas," Mitch said. "The magic I gave you both is temporary, and the women may build a resistance to the spell." He carefully eyed both of them. "I ask that you please use it sparingly, or you run the risk of our little experiment here being discovered." "Got you," the imposter Rick said. "How come we don't get spells?" the real Phil asked. "Yeah..." the real Rick chimed in. "This is an experience for the feet to be men," Mitch said. "Not the other way around. Keep in mind, you won't remember a thing after this. Now... I suggest gentlemen that you attend to your ladies." He looked around for a moment, and then gathered up the little black spell book. "I'll say good night. I have to check on Emily's niece." Once he said that, he muttered something, and all three women started to come out of their sleep. Emily gathered herself first. The other women started to mention how late it was, and how tired they had become. I supported and carried Emily around, as she said her farewells, and escorted the company out. Once they were gone, Emily collapsed on the couch. Mitch joined her after a moment, and I had to endure his touch as he gave Emily a long foot massage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Jessica and Rick "I just have to make a quick stop here," Rick said. "Do you need anything?" "Maybe a Diet Coke?" "Sure thing," Rick said with a smile. He would only have this body for twenty-four hours. He wanted to make the best of it, and he knew exactly what he wanted to experience tonight. Something about being in a man's body just felt like a fantasy to him. He didn't even know if he could handle it right. Hell, he didn't even know if he could get used to being called Rick in one day. There was no harm or penalty in trying though. Having not been in Rick's body for ten minutes, he discovered the guy wasn't even going to stick around for Jessica. It didn't sit well with him, but it was out of his hands. There really wasn't much of anything he could do, in the time he had, to stop it. Perhaps he could convince Rick later; when they talked again. It would be a long shot, but at least it would be a shot. Rick... he had to get used to being called Rick. He strolled through the aisles of the small drug store. It seemed so strange being a living, walking entity. There wasn't even a recollection of what life was like before it. Maybe Zoey's boyfriend was right. Maybe feet really had no life or soul. This, however... This felt real. "Can I help you sir?" An employee, an older gentleman, had come up to him. "You look lost." "Actually, I haven't been in here before," Rick said. "I'm kind of anticipating a special night with my lady friend." His hand combed through his thick blonde hair. "Could you point me towards the condoms?" he finished in a hushed voice. "Ah..." The man gave him a knowing look. "Aisle twelve. I think you'll find everything you need there." "Thanks," Rick said, and turned to look for the aisle numbers. "Hope you have a good night," the man said. He smiled as he strolled away. "Thanks again," Rick said, without looking back. He casually strolled over to where the man said. Aisle twelve; full of everything from protection to conception. One night was all he had. He had to make it a night to remember. Maybe if Rick saw how good his girlfriend was for him, he would decide to stay with her. Maybe if he saw the sex he'd be missing... After looking around for a bit, he finally settled on something. Grabbing a Diet Coke on the way to the checkout counter, he paid, and hurried out to his Jessica. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- The foot didn't like it; not one bit. Ever since they had left Emily and Mitch's apartment, the imposter in Rick's body had been enjoying this too much. He constantly flirted with Jessica, and it got even worse when they got home. His behavior had become the complete opposite of the real Rick's behavior. He couldn't believe Jessica fell for it. How could she not tell it wasn't the real Rick? "Oh you are just too much," Jessica said. "Seriously, take a break. You've been waiting on me hand and foot since we got home." "I'm just taking care of the woman I love," Rick said. The real Rick gagged, or at least he would have if he could gag as a foot. Not only had this imposter watched Jessica's favorite movie, but he had whipped up a bowl of fruit for them to snack on. He had jumped at every chance to serve her; refilling her drink, or even getting her tissues when she started bawling at the movie. The real Rick never did any of that, and he certainly wouldn't be giving a foot massage while they talked. He didn't know which was worse; the imposter being all lovey-dovey, or having his hands rubbing him all over. "I've just been thinking ever since dinner tonight," Rick said. "I mean, those two are getting married. They seem to be so in love, and yet I hardly take the effort to show you how much I care about you." "Well I think you're off to a good start," Jessica said, her voice becoming increasingly seductive. "Now why don't we go back to the bedroom, so I can show you how much I care about you?" Jessica's feet slid from the couch and softly hit the carpeted floor. The real Rick, still trapped in her foot, tried desperately to fight the commands in his head. "Support her. Flex. Carry her. Skip," all commands of being a foot, and he couldn't fight them. The rest of her seemed too headstrong in what she was doing to listen to his objections. That was assuming she even listened to him at all. No matter what he tried, he couldn't stop the inevitable from happening. Their clothes hit the floor before they hit the bed. Jessica had never been this excited, or ravenous about sex before. She usually took it slow, and approached it with a sort of timid nature. Now she seemed to be all over this imposter, and the real Rick was dealing with commands like; "Be sexy. Look cute." Although he had never shown any interest in her feet before, Jessica seemed to think every part of her needed to be sexy and cute. Try as he might, the real Rick couldn't take his mind off of their torrid sexual episode. The commands of being Jessica's foot kept bringing him back to reality. At some point, the imposter went down Jessica's entire body; planting kisses about every inch or so. His lips touched her foot, making the real Rick want to vomit, but his mind was simply filled with the command to enjoy it. He couldn't even escape being part of this affair. The imposter slowly kissed back up the other leg, causing Jessica to writhe in ecstasy. He pushed her further into a cloud of bliss by performing oral on her; something the real Rick would never do. He always considered it dirty, but he guessed a foot had no problem being around dirty things. After bringing Jessica to a few shuddering orgasms, the imposter kissed up to her navel. He slowly brought his hands up to join his lips near her bellybutton. "Grow within," Rick whispered. "Grow without. A single doubt. Both our lives devout." "What was that?" Jessica's voice came in pants somewhere near the top of the bed. "I said," Rick said, as he slowly kissed his way back up to look her in the eyes. "I've grown to understand, without a doubt, that it's you I can't live without." "Oh Rick..." The pair immediately became entangled. The real Rick actually felt it in Jessica's toes when the imposter entered her. Everything became a blur. Jessica's moans and whimpers mingled with the imposter's grunts. Thrust after thrust, the real Rick felt himself rising into the air above them. By the time he realized it was Jessica's foot rising in the air, the imposter gave several final thrusts. Without a command, Jessica's toes curled, and the real Rick road a lingering wave of pleasure with her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- "Hey." Rick's voice, his old voice, sounded distant, as if calling from across a canyon. "I thought we should talk a bit before Jessica wakes up." After what seemed like a hundred blinks, Rick's old body finally came into focus. The imposter was talking to him. "What do you want?" the real Rick asked. "I wanted to see how your first night went," the imposter said. "Did you enjoy being a foot?" It wasn't a dream after all. "Hell no!" the real Rick blurted out. "Who in the hell wants to be a foot?" "Well... me for one," the imposter said. "I won't lie. I enjoyed this body last night, but it just isn't me." "You're a fucking genius," the real Rick said. "It isn't you. It's me! And I can't wait until we switch back." "Well it wasn't me who switched us," the imposter said. "I really don't see why you're mad at me, or Jessica for that matter." He brought himself closer. "Why do you want to leave her?" "I'm just not into the relationship anymore," the real Rick said. "And I definitely don't plan on marrying her." "Don't you love her?" "That ship sailed a long time ago," the real Rick said. "She started putting her career first, and frankly I'm bored." "She only put her career first, because you've shown no interest in a long-term future," the imposter said. "You can't blame her for securing her own future." "Why the hell am I even listening to you?" the real Rick asked. "You're a damn foot! I swear I'm going to enjoy a little foot torture after we switch. Right before I ditch the bitch." He wished he could reach out and punch the imposter. If he could have a little more control, he'd use Jessica to kick him in the face. The imposter simply hung his head, and left the room. Silence filled the air for what seemed like days. Finally the imposter came back into the room. He carried a tray with breakfast and coffee. After setting it on the table next to the bed, he came over to Jessica's foot once more. "Since we have a whole day," the imposter said, "I figured I'd go enjoy being a man. Hopefully you'll enjoy your time alone with Jessica. Maybe hearing some of her private musings will change your mind about things." Before the real Rick could say anything, the imposter left the room again. The front door closed long before Jessica woke up. He had a bit of time to think, alone in his solitude. This unfortunate turn of events didn't change anything. Once they switched back, he would be through with this relationship. The imposter had already caused enough trouble by having sex with her, and claiming he loved her. That would all be for nothing soon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- All day long the real Rick tried to catch glimpses of a clock. I was only possible when Jessica propped her feet up, or was far enough away from the clock that he could see it from his perspective. Being a foot became increasingly boring to him. He grew angry at the constant demands and commands. There really wasn't a thing to do, but obey Jessica like she was some supreme overseer of his life. "How can anyone actually enjoy this?" he thought. "Especially with this bitch." He had grown tired of Jessica as well. In fact, he downright blamed her for everything that had transpired. If he had broken it off earlier, he wouldn't even be in this position. What pissed him off the most was having her think the relationship was something it was not. They never talked about being together long-term. He had no intention of getting married in his early twenties, and had always considered this relationship casual. The imposter had suggested he listen to Jessica's "musings" all day. He had better things to do. Not only that, but he really didn't care what Jessica wanted. He simply wanted out, and being trapped as her foot only enforced his need to escape. Sharing a bed was as close as he wanted to be to her. Actually being a part of her, crossed a line he wanted to erase from his memory entirely. All morning long he listened to her nagging commands to support her. As she showered, walked to get the mail, did light cleaning around the house; it was always "support her." He had grown tired of supporting her, thinking it would even be funny to let her trip and fall. He didn't even want to support her in life. No thought was given at all to anything meaningful coming out of this relationship. He did his best to tune her out all day. It had worked, and already the sky was darkening outside. Soon he would be back in his body, and all of this would be a side note to his life. The imposter had even returned around dinner time. He brought home takeout, and now the two of them sat on the couch; huddled together under a blanket. The prick had actually brought home a chick flick for them to watch together. Inside his mind, the real Rick was plotting. He thought about how funny it would be if they switched back during the movie. It would be poetic justice if he stood up during some mushy love scene, and claimed he was tired of all of this love crap. Right there and then, he would dump Jessica, and stomp her left foot before storming out the door. More and more, he thought about getting even with the foot as well as Jessica. They were bound to switch back any time now. "What the hell is taking so long?" he screamed in his mind. "Hey," the imposter said. "Keep it down. You'll wake Jessica up." "Typical," the real Rick asked. "She would fall asleep during a movie meant for her." He thought for a moment. "So we can talk now? How long until we switch back? I'm ready to get the hell out of here. The movie sucks, and the company's not much better." The imposter chuckled. "Any minute now." He lowered his wrist for the real Rick to see his watch. "Now you're just fucking with me," the real Rick said. "What's the real time?" "That is the real time," the imposter said. "It's almost midnight." "What the hell!" The real Rick wanted to go into a rage, but was stuck in the confines of Jessica's foot. "We switched around nine the other night. If that bastard lied to us, I'm going to kill him." "He didn't lie," the imposter said. "The rules changed." "What rules?" "All magic has rules," the imposter said. "Just like all things have rules that govern them." He picked up Jessica's feet, and placed them both in his lap. "The spell Mitch cast was temporary, unless something drastic changed in the lives of those involved." "What the hell changed?" the real Rick asked. "Neither one of us enjoy being switched, so that can't be it. And I still want to get the fuck out of Dodge." "No," the imposter said. "That's not it at all. I honestly don't enjoy being the man. I'd rather be the foot." He put his hand down on her left foot, an action that disgusted the real Rick. "Unfortunately, you couldn't be the man Jessica needs. So I had to improvise." "What did you do?" the real Rick asked. "What the fuck did you do?" "Oh this would be so much easier..." The imposter sighed as he looked down at Jessica's left foot. "Say no more. Say no less. Cease your objections. Nevermore digress." The imposter watched Jessica's left foot for a moment. He ran his hand over it gently, as if he were petting a cat. No part of it moved. It didn't cringe. The toes didn't wiggle. It sat there as peacefully as Jessica, who continued to sleep. He considered her for a moment, and then focused on her foot again. His voice grew softer. "As you're probably aware now," he said. "I cast a spell to make you silent." He sighed. "I didn't want to. I actually thought we could work this whole thing out, but you're too defiant. I abhor your language, and I don't think it's proper anymore for our environment." He continued to stroke Jessica's left foot. "It's probably reversible, but I didn't have time to study the entire spell book." Jessica stirred for a moment, but then went back to a peaceful sleep. The imposter continued to stroke her foot. He sat in silence for a moment, as if to weigh the consequences of his actions. Then his eyes fell upon her foot once again. He drew in a long breath. "You see the switch was temporary," he started to explain, "unless one of us started to enjoy being the other, or something changed who we are." He chuckled. "I knew you'd never enjoy being a foot, and I hardly had time to enjoy being a man. So I needed another way. I couldn't let you leave Jessica. She loves you so much." His eyes wandered over to her, as he continued to stroke her foot. "I knew when you said you'd leave her, that you'd never be the kind of man she needs. So I thought I would try. I know I won't be perfect at it, but I will at least stay devoted to her." A long moment of silence passed. The real Rick tried desperately to move Jessica's foot. He screamed in his thoughts, but the imposter paid no attention to him. Had he told the truth? Could he no longer communicate to the thing that stole his body? He continued to scream anyway; to try anything to stop this encroaching nightmare. "Strangely enough, it all came to me while I was looking at condoms last night," the imposter continued. "I saw pregnancy tests." He looked over at Jessica and smiled. "That's when it hit me. I couldn't change you in a day, but I could change her." He laughed to himself. "I was looking through the spell book while Mitch was out of the room. I actually remembered one of the spells. A short spell to induce pregnancy." He went back to stroking her left foot. "She's pregnant. If it hadn't worked, we'd be switched back now. But it worked! I'm going to be a father!" The real Rick felt like tearing things apart. He never wanted kids, and now this bastard imposter would be fathering one for him. His mind filled with obscenities, and he tried to hurl them at the imposter. Nothing worked to get the man's attention. There was simply no way to communicate his distaste for what had transpired. "I spent all day thinking about what it would be like to be a father," the imposter said. "And I guess it changed me inside too. I even applied for a job that will pay enough to where she never has to work." He looked down at Jessica's left foot. "I couldn't even change back if I tried now. She needs me, and she'll need you too. We'll both be supporting her in different ways. I'll be the supportive man she's always wanted, while you'll be supporting her quite literally. Every day of her pregnancy, as she strolls around barefoot at home, you'll be right there with her. Every step of the way." He brought her foot up to his lips, and kissed it gently. "And not just this one time. You see... I know Jessica always wanted a big family." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Zoey and Phil Feet don't have lives. How could Phil say such a thing? He was living with a woman who's feet basically paid the bills. The whole drive home had been one long conversation about how many foot fetish videos Zoey had to catch up on. The web design thing was merely side income, and a front for what she actually did. Her feet had practically become her life, and in essence were a life all to themselves. Saying that feet don't have lives was preposterous. It never seemed like a clean life either. Maybe it was true that feet had no souls, but now that Zoey's feet had a body of their own, they felt different. They felt something more. Perhaps what they felt was Phil's soul, but it was most likely a soul; a soul the feet could call their own. They could experience a different kind of life with it. Only at the moment, listening to all of the things Zoey was going to do with her feet for strangers, this soul felt dirty. "Why don't we just take in a movie tonight?" Phil asked, breaking his girlfriend's train of thought. "A movie?" Zoey's voice showed signs of exasperation. "Haven't you been listening to me? I have a ton of work to catch up on." "It can't wait a night?" "Honey, they pay in advance for these things." Zoey looked at Phil as if he were a total stranger. "I have to get them out as fast as possible, or they can ask for their deposit back." "I just feel bad," Phil said. "You'll be working all night, and I'll just be doing nothing." "Well play your little world of war game or whatever," Zoey said. "I'm sure you can find something to entertain yourself." "I could help you out with the videos," Phil said. "Maybe with the photo sets tomorrow," Zoey said. "Most of the videos are all solo requests though. I don't need you tonight." "You know, one of these days you're going to let it slip what you actually do for a living," Phil said with a chuckle. "If I do, I do," Zoey said. "I'm not ashamed of it. I mean, it's good money. I just don't know if I'd want my friends to start making requests." "Who knows? Maybe they already do." Phil smiled as he listened to Zoey's subtle laugh. At least, he would be Phil for a day. He felt like he had one day to convince the real Phil that he was wrong. Maybe it wasn't a great life to have, but the demand on Zoey's feet should be enough proof that they had lives. He just hoped that the real Phil would realize it, and be more sympathetic to what her feet had to deal with every day. Hopefully it would be enough to convince Zoey to get out of the business she was in. "I just think you could take a night off is all," Phil said. "We already took time out to go to Emily's engagement announcement party," Zoey said. "I just thought you and I could... you know?" "Sex?" Zoey asked in surprise. "Maybe if I didn't have a pile of requests filling my inbox." She shook her head. "Look... You got me into this, so you know the demands. It's a little late to start having second thoughts." "Have you ever thought about getting out of it?" "Maybe once we reach our goal," Zoey said. "You know I eventually want to stop doing this, but we're nowhere close to where we wanted to be. You know I'm still considered an amateur?" She sighed. "Close to a million subscribers, and still considered an amateur. You know why though. The industry doesn't consider a foot fetish site to be a real porn site." "You want to do real porn?" "I've thought about it," Zoey said, as she stared out the window. "And?" "And..." She looked at the house as we pulled into the driveway. "I've thought about it. That's all." "Will I see you tonight?" Phil asked, as he shut the car off. "I'll probably sleep in the guest room," she said. "I don't want to wake you." "You can wake me," Phil said. "I'd like you to sleep in our bed tonight." "I don't know Phil," Zoey said, as she opened the car door. "I really have a lot to catch up on." She slid her feet out of the car. "We'll see." The instant her feet hit the ground, the voices were back in the real Phil's head. They were like a constant river of demands flowing into his mind. Stupid as they were, he had no other option than to obey them. He did his part to help Zoey stand, to support her, and even the most nagging one of the night; to look pretty for her. She constantly wanted her feet to look pretty. Even when they could no longer be seen by anyone, she gave the command over and over to her feet. "Take one step," the voices would say. "Look pretty. Take another step. Look pretty. Work with the leg to go up a step. Look pretty." He didn't know what to think. Honestly, with Zoey's constant demands for her feet, he couldn't hardly think at all. He didn't know if she had always been like this, or if her introduction to the foot porn industry had caused it; if he had caused it. Simply put, Zoey was absolutely obsessive about her feet looking pretty. It didn't mean anything more than that to the real Phil though. He still held firmly to his belief that feet had no lives. In fact, he doubted the actual feet even heard this; that it was a mere coincidence of him being trapped in her feet. "Step over the threshold. Look pretty." "I'll be down here I guess," the imposter Phil said, breaking into Zoey's foot demands for a moment. "Look pretty as you walk away." "Well you know where I'll be," Zoey said, turning to go upstairs. "Don't stress yourself out," Phil said, casually turning to an empty living room. "Balance yourself. Look pretty." Maybe the demands were more prevalent because Phil had been put into both of Zoey's feet. The other guys were only switched with one foot. He had been put into two. Were these demands just duplicates, or was Zoey really this demanding of her feet? Either way it didn't matter. It couldn't matter. Feet had no lives after all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- The demands got worse once the camera started rolling. Up until then, they had been somewhat tolerable. He had even managed to sort of tune out the constant command to look pretty. Somehow he had managed to put it on a sort of autopilot. Now, however, as Zoey sashayed into the makeshift studio room, wearing only lingerie and stockings, the demands grew to almost overbearing. The commands started simple enough. "Look pretty. Flex. Show off those arches. Be sexy." The real Phil would have been into this if he wasn't trapped in the actual object of the show. He started to get into it though, but only a little bit. That's when the commands took a drastic turn. "Show your elegance. Be sensual. Get him aroused. Make his penis tremble. Show him you want his cum all over you." The real Phil had to do a double take. Before he knew it, he was actually performing what Zoey commanded. Phil was a foot fetishist. He knew what men wanted to see. Only he couldn't believe he was actually doing what men wanted to see. It felt wrong on so many levels. It felt like he, a straight man, was performing to get other men off. How could any... No! He wouldn't be suckered into that line of thinking that easily. Maybe Zoey's feet, her real feet, were being used as a sex object. That still didn't mean that feet had lives, and it definitely didn't mean they felt the same as a human would think. No matter where this video, or any part of Zoey's professional life took him, Phil would never be convinced that feet had lives of their own. "Make those men want to shoot their load all over you. On your soles, your toes. Make them want to rub their cocks between you. Be sexy." "Remember this not, and make not a peep." Wait. That wasn't Zoey's voice. "Forget every thought, come now and sleep." All of Zoey's demands ceased, and she slumped to the floor. "The body may rest, but shared spirits may stay. Awake for the moment, to hear what I say." It was the imposter Phil's voice that he heard. What he said seemed familiar, but only for a moment, until it became a vague memory. Through the sheer fabric of Zoey's black stockings, he could see the imposter. The one who stole his body now stood over him. He could feel the silky fabric of the stockings sliding down his body; or rather the feet he had been trapped in. Suddenly the image of a cock, Phil's own cock, became clear as day above him. "I don't know about you," the imposter said, "but all of that was really turning me on." "What the hell are you doing?" the real Phil asked in his mind. "She's going to be pissed when she wakes up." "Zoey's not going to remember a thing," the imposter said. "When she wakes up, it will be like she fell asleep while working." He reached over and stopped the camera. "It's happened before you know." He started messing with the recording. "I just need to edit that last little part out." "Either way, I'm glad that's over," the real Phil said. "I'm going to have nightmares about what was going on in my head that whole time." "Oh I know," the imposter said. "I mean, I come from a woman's feet, so I'm not wholly opposed to guys, but some of those thoughts..." "You hear those too?" "Of course I do," the imposter said. "You only got about thirty minutes of it, but can you imagine listening to that your whole life?" "Feet don't have lives!" the real Phil screamed in his thoughts. "Why do you insist on using that word?" "Why do you insist on denying that feet don't live, or feel?" "Because they don't," the real Phil said. "They're simply part of the whole. All you're feeling is what Zoey feels." "I see," the imposter said. "So feet have no lives?" "Right." "They can't feel?" "Exactly." "Then this will mean nothing to you," the imposter said, as he slowly adjusted himself over Zoey's feet. "Wait... What the hell are you doing?" "I'm going to show you what kind of life I have, being your girlfriend's feet," the imposter said. "I'm not like the others. I don't love, or even miss being where you're at. I hate the life of a foot, especially hers, and I'd like you to experience why. So that maybe someday you'll change your mind about how you look at us." "Can we at least discuss this?" "I don't think so," the imposter said. "You see, unlike you, I never get a choice in the matter. There's never been a discussion on my behalf. I've never had a vote, or a way to show my disgust with the way things are." His cock was growing stiff as he held it over Zoey's pristine feet. "Feel free to protest, but it won't do you any good. I'm going to show you just how terrible my life can be." "But feet don't have lives!" "Keep thinking that," the imposter said. "And keep thinking all of those little thoughts about being pretty and sexy for men, as I completely molest you with your own cock." It felt even worse than it sounded. At first the real Phil felt the imposter's hands wrap around his back. Only it wasn't his back, but instead it was the heels of Zoey's feet. He felt himself floating, being lifted toward his own cock. The head touched first, grazing against the bottom of Zoey's toes. It slid down her soles, like one giant cock sliding across Phil's entire body. He suddenly realized the action felt pleasurable. That made it worse. He didn't want this to happen, let alone enjoy it. Powerless to stop it, the real Phil simply had to endure the torturous ordeal. The head of his old cock rubbed back up his body. Anything that touched Zoey's feet, he could feel. He could feel the firm grip of his hands on her heels. He could feel his former body's heat, and his firm member grazing and sliding all over him. "Oh, be sexy," the imposter said in a heavy breath. "Make my penis happy. Make it feel so good." "Please stop." "Be my little sexy bitch tonight," the imposter said. "Make me cum all over you. You know you want it." He didn't want it. He didn't want any of this at all. The imposter in his old body was going to great lengths to demonstrate his point. He had to be strong though. There was no way he was going to admit that feet actually have lives, or that he should feel sorry for what Zoey did for a living. After all, she had a choice in the matter. She wasn't forced into it, and for her feet to think they deserved a say in it was beyond ridiculous. The real Phil started to rethink his position. There was too much negative spin on what was happening. In actuality, despite the imposter's words, Phil was really just pleasuring himself. He was technically bringing pleasure to his own cock, and it could be viewed as a twisted way of masturbation. Even if he were to cum, it would be like doing so on himself. He laughed inwardly at the imposter's futile attempts to change him. As the imposter's cock slid between his arches, he imagined he was the one doing the action with Zoey. When the imposter's balls slapped against her soles, he pictured the countless times he had driven into her so deeply. Even when the imposter's cock twitched, and started ejaculating all over the tops of her feet, he tried to relish in his own pleasure. Only by that time, the real Phil had discovered he had no way to receive his own pleasure. It was like he had been cut off from orgasms completely. "Ah," the imposter said in a long breath. "That was so good. You were so sexy for me." He produced a washcloth and started to clean himself off. "I don't suppose you've had a change of heart?" "Not on your life," the real Phil managed to think. He was still in shock over the fact that he couldn't find any pleasure. Perhaps it would only come when Zoey was awake. "I can't wait 'til we switch back. I'm going to return the favor a hundred fold." "Suit yourself," the imposter said. "I'll be back to clean Zoey up proper, but I'll let you sit in your shame for awhile." He picked up the camera, and walked toward the door. "I've got a bit of editing to do." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Zoey woke the next day to a nice cat-like stretch. Her nearly nude body sliding between slick satin sheets. Phil, on the other hand, woke to more nagging and constant demands to look pretty and flex when Zoey stretched her feet. He started to wonder if his girlfriend had gone brain dead some time in the last day. The commands continued, as Zoey carried herself back to the studio, and the final groggy remnants of the night before wore off. "Crap!" Zoey exclaimed. "I must've fallen asleep. I hardly got anything done." "No," Phil thought. "It was your bastard feet that put you to sleep with a spell." His thoughts were soon overtaken with demands to be pretty. Zoey sat down in front of her computer. Her feet shuffled, and her toes scrunched up against the carpet. Phil knew the routine. She would check her backlogs to see what she needed to make priority. Then she would peruse her email to check for any new requests. Eventually she would retire back to the kitchen for coffee, and after that, slowly get back to work. Her work had basically become her life at this point, but she apparently liked doing it now. "Holy shi..." Zoey slumped back in her chair. "Thirteen-thousand dollars?" Phil listened for a moment, as Zoey clicked her mouse feverishly. "Phil!?" "Support her! Look pretty." The commands hit before Zoey even scrambled to her feet. "Phil are you home?" Zoey shouted, as she ran out into the hallway. "Where the hell is he?" Zoey ran back into the studio. She scrambled to find her phone, nearly fumbled it as she picked it up to dial. Was something wrong? The real Phil, trapped in her feet, began to panic. Zoey hardly ever acted like this. Something had to be wrong. Had that imposter done something to her? Was the thirteen-thousand dollars some amount she had to pay a blackmailer? "Phil!" she said, nearly a scream into the phone. "Where are you?" Silence filled the air for a moment. "Oh, I didn't know you were going to hang out with Mitch today." Another pause. "Listen to this though. Some woman just sent in a request for her husband." Yet another pause. "No, that's not all. She posted a little over thirteen-thousand dollars for a rush order." And another pause. "He just wants me to hold my feet as I recite some poem. Can you believe... No. I don't think it's a setup... I don't really care. The poem is a little creepy, but for thirteen grand I'm going to do it!" A final long pause filled the room in silence. "I'll see you tonight then. We should celebrate once this goes through!" After a short exchange of goodbyes, Zoey tossed her phone onto the desk. She rushed around setting up the studio. The real Phil didn't know what to think of this. He never thought that the day he got stuck in his girlfriend's feet, would turn out to be her lucky day. Maybe he was her good luck charm? He laughed inwardly, until the nagging demands started. His hatred for being stuck as her feet could fester for a moment as he helped his girlfriend earn this huge chunk of money. Zoey rushed around, fixing her hair and makeup. She didn't even change clothes, or take a shower. All she had to do was sit in front of a camera and hold her feet. Phil didn't even mind the demands after awhile. This would be easy money, from some poor sap that had probably fallen in love with his girlfriend's feet. He honestly didn't know how anyone could be that in love with feet, that they would be willing to drop several thousand dollars on a video. Their loss, his and Zoey's gain, however. Before long the stage was set. Zoey quietly read over the poem the woman had sent. He felt the light feathery touch of his girlfriend's fingers, as she caressed her feet. Even the new demands to be sexy and pretty didn't seem to bother Phil at the moment. Zoey took a few deep breaths, and then reached over to turn on the camera. She focused it on her feet, and angled it to where her pretty face could be seen as well. Then she subtly cleared her throat, and began to read. Phil tried to make out the poem, but his mind was bombarded with the thought pattern of two feet on camera. He was constantly being told to look pretty and sexy. Even though this hadn't been a sexual request, he still received orders to make the man happy, and to bring pleasure to his penis. Maybe the poem was sexual in nature. When Zoey flexed her toes a few times, the order went straight to him. The entire time she read the poem, all he could hear were feet commands. He hated it, but her feet were finally starting to pay off. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- The sun had already set by the time the imposter came home. Zoey had nearly given up waiting on him. She somewhat lost the desire to work for the rest of the day, after that morning's generous payout. So she had waited on Phil, her boyfriend, to come home. She wanted to start the celebration early. She wanted to take in that movie. She wanted to wrap her legs around him afterwards. Only, after hours of waiting, she had somewhat given up on any of that happening tonight. "Zoey?" the imposter called as he shut the front door. "In the living room," Zoey said, her voice quiet and detached. "Why is it so dark in here?" "The candles burned out an hour ago," Zoey said, as she shuffled around on the couch. "Did I miss something important?" the imposter said, as he walked into the living room. "If I did, I'm sorry." "I just thought," Zoey started to say, but then paused for a moment. "After this morning, I thought you'd want to rush home." "I'm sorry. I got caught up in what I was doing. I just thought you'd be busy the rest of the day." "It's okay. I'm not mad," Zoey said. "Just a lack of communication." She sat up to face him. "Did you guys have fun?" "Mitch is a character," the imposter said. "We have a ton of things in common." "Like what?" "Well... I'll tell you," the imposter said. "But first... Remember this not, and make not a peep." Zoey look

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Hi, Guys and Girls, I have been a big fan of ISS for at least 3 years and this is my first sex story I’m publishing which is my real life incident which happened to me a few months back with my friend Archana at the escape cinemas in the express avenue at Chennai. So about me, I’m 21 years old guy from Chennai and I stay at Nungambakkam. I love to travel, watch movies and TV series and the best thing about me is I’m a professional state level swimmer, so I have a very good body which I’m really...

3 years ago
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Bikini Beach Friends with Benefits

Bikini Beach: Friends with Benefits By: Light Clark Synopsis: Andy seems like the kind of guy that has it all, rich parents, good looks, and smarts. However, in spite of all that, he leads a double life while hoping to find a special friend who might be willing to share in it. A heavy sigh slid out of my lips as I plunked down at one of the round, common area tables with my lunch tray in hand. It wasn't because of the low-quality, lukewarm meal. I wasn't picky. Nor was it...

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Underneath the Surface

Underneath the Surface ~by Taylor Ryan~ For Paolo There are things we dream about that seem to be so fantastical that nobody would dare think of them existing in the realm of possibilities. Take a unicorn for example. We know they really don't exist in the vastness of our planet, though myths have been created as if they did at one point in time. Yet, when we see one in a movie, projected in all of its computer graphics glory, our belief is suspended for that briefest of moments....

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BestFriends With Benefits

Hello my horny indian sex stories dot net readers, I’m Karan here, back with another recent experience of mine. The previous stories of mine have got great response especially from the ladies and I’ve had horny dripping sex chats with plenty of ladies since then. I’m Karan, 21 years old and I provide professional massage service also to ladies/girls in Ahmedabad. Interested Ladies can contact me at this mail id. Now coming back to the story,((((Have some patience readers, this a real story...

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Friends With Benefits

Friends With BenefitsBy: Londebaaz Chohan“But then why did you ask me to join you for a ride to Harrisburg all the way from Camden”. Dev asked his Egyptian friend, Mahmood. Mahmood only smiled and repeated that he never had a girlfriend in the State of Pennsylvania or particularly in Harrisburg. By now they had hit a rest stop on the highway and Mahmood pulled into it, got out of the car and left for the bathroom, asking Dev to wait there. It was unusually a long wait for anyone to hit the...

1 year ago
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Friends with benefits

Friends with benefitsChapter oneThis really sucked. I just spent three hours in that stupid bar, trying to find someone for a nice one-night-stand. And nothing – not one person I would even remotely consider. In three hours! How could that be? This wouldn’t do. It was four weeks almost to the day that I broke it off with Mira. And since then my love- and even worse my sex life had been non-existing. This had to end right now or I would die of blue balls within the day. So I drove the car down...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

2 years ago
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Fractured SoulsChapter 3 Southeast Fringe Benefits

Time to back up a little and explain a few things. You may wonder why I bothered to set up camp at Southeast State after spending an entire semester at Northwest State. I had seriously considered going back to Northwest since I was familiar with the people and campus and hadn’t really been all that impressed by Dr. Kinmon’s offer at Southeast. But Northwest State simply wasn’t ... convenient. It was four and a half hours away from home, and while Southeastern State wasn’t much better being...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIV 6 Southeast Fringe Benefits

Time to back up a little and explain a few things. You may wonder why I bothered to set up camp at Southeast State after spending an entire semester at Northwest State. I had seriously considered going back to Northwest since I was familiar with the people and campus, and hadn't really been all that impressed by Doctor Kinmon's offer at Southeast. But Northwest State simply wasn't... convenient. It was four and a half hours away from home, and while Southeastern State wasn't much better...

4 years ago
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Friends For Benefits

It was a hot Saturday as usual here in Visakhapatnam. I just returned from college in the evening tired and exhausted from all the hectic work in college. Went for a shower, did all that I usually do there, wrapped a towel and came out. My boobs were only half covered. Looking at myself the mirror, removed my towel exposing my curvy assets which were 34-28-32 . I ran my fingers over my boobs and gently brushed over my nipples sending a jolt inside me. I got dressed up and my mom came into the...

3 years ago
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Becoming Friends With Benefits

“Thanks again for coming.” I said as soon as we were alone in the hotel room.“It wasn’t that bad.” He said.“It’s also not your family.” I took out of my bag the bottle of wine that stole, snuck out of the cousin’s wedding reception, whatever you want to say. “Wine?”“Why not?”I found the two hotel provided glasses on the dresser and poured as each a too full glass. They weren’t wine glasses, but they would do. I handed him one and we gently clinked glasses. “Cheers.”We planned to go into town...

Straight Sex
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Becoming friends with benefits

This story involves one of the first friends I met, named Layla. We both met at a college orientation in a January and became good friends, despite many differences, as I am… This story involves one of the first friends I met, named Layla. We both met at a college orientation in a January and became good friends, despite many differences, as I am a staunch conservative type who voted for Bush (this was in January of 2005 when we met) and her a bleeding heart hippie liberal. We were...

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fun with the ex after all who said we couldnt just be friends with benefits

Introduction: a night of cards and movies with the ex ends up very exciting As the water ran down her body, Carolyn thought ahead to this evening. I wonder what will happen? I wonder if she misses me as just a friend or maybe more? I guess ill just have to wait and see. Ill play it cool, in case she is just wanting to be friends, but if more happens, im definitely not going to fight it. As Carolyn soaped her perky 34D chest her mind wandered to one of the last times her and Rachael had been...

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fun with the ex after all who said we couldnt just be friends with benefits

I wonder what will happen? I wonder if she misses me as just a friend or maybe more? I guess i'll just have to wait and see. I'll play it cool, in case she is just wanting to be friends, but if more happens, i'm definitely not going to fight it. As Carolyn soaped her perky 34D chest her mind wandered to one of the last times her and Rachael had been together before they broke up a few months earlier. They had been laying in bed watching some cheesy sci-fi horror flick when Rachael had...

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Girlfriend8217s Best Friend Seduced Me To Be Friends With Benefits

Hi all, I am Raj (Name changed for privacy). I stay in Navi Mumbai. I am Normal built 6’2″ height. wheatish complexion. My penis size is 6.5″. This story is about nidhi my GF’s best friend and how she seduced me to be in friends with benefit relation while my GF was on a world tour of four months. Lets me tell you about Nidhi. She is 5’9″ Slim with figure 32 28 32. Her figure was nice curvy and round ass as well as boobs. This story starts when my GF left for world tour for four months. Nidhi...

2 years ago
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College Mates Ended As Friends With Benefits

Hello, this is Rohit. This is my first story that I’m posting here. I’m working for a software firm and my job needs a lot of travel. This took place when I was new to Bangalore. I and one of my friends got a job in Bangalore (in a different organization) from the campus placements. Let me tell you about my friend. She has dusky skin. She is around 5 feet tall and has curves at the right places, 32D boobs, which anyone would notice. When she moved to Bangalore, she was given a hotel for the...

3 years ago
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How Two Friends Became Friends With Benefits

Hi dear readers. Hope you all are doing fine and are enjoying your time on ISS. I am Akash, 30 year old guy, currently staying in Pune. You can check my previous story by going through my author page. I have been reading all wonderful experiences on ISS from years and recently started sharing my experiences here. Any female who wants to spend some good time with me (No age limit), can contact me at Privacy is of my utmost priority as I do not want any problems for any of us. So I would expect...

4 years ago
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Becoming friends with benefits

This story involves one of the first friends I met, named Layla.  We both met at a college orientation in a January and became good friends, despite many differences, as I am a staunch conservative type who voted for Bush (this was in January of 2005 when we met) and her a bleeding heart hippie liberal.  We were students at Temple U, and I lived at home and she was moving into a dorm.  As this was January, the orientation sessions were a lot less crowded than a standard one (we'd started at...

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Friends with Benefits

I had to admit being at the same college as Jason had its perks. As a freshman I got invited to all the cool parties, simply because of Jason. Although we hooked up a few times, we had a mutual understanding. He did his thing and I did mine. If we happened to want to do our thing together, that was fine too. Jason had become my best friend, he was also my occasional fuck buddy. His senior year he decided to move off campus and get an apartment, after about two weeks of living alone he begged me...

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Friends With Benefits

Hi everyone, I had very recently learned about this website from a friend. There are so many experiences of my life that I would like to share but let me start with the one that happened recently and I can easily say that this is one of the best sex I have ever had. I will be submitting a lot more stories keep looking around for this username for more stories. Any story that I submit will be absolutely true, they are not a work of my fiction. To give everyone an overview of me. I am 5’11, 28...

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Friends With Benefits

Hi Friends, I am back again with my new true story about my college friend Meghna who used to study with me in BBA.She is 5,6″ tall beautiful girl from Shimla.She has big dark eyes and a beautiful long face always with a smile.Her hairs are long, curly and black and in college, she was 34-30-36, not an ideal figure but her assets used to make me skip a beat, I was so much fan of her fleshy thighs those look so appealing in her tight trousers or jeans.I never liked skinny girls, Meghna was curvy...

4 years ago
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Sex In Mysore With Friend With Benefits

I’m reading stories on ISS since a year and thought of writing down my story also which happened 5 months back. Let me introduce myself. My name is Rahul and I’m 5’7ft with an average build and 6 inches dick which can satisfy any unsatisfied female. Mail me on My friend and I were in 2 different colleges and it was the first few days of college. I knew her from past 4 years and we were best of friends. We used to have all types of talks including sexual talks and stuff. One day while we were...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

3 years ago
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Friends With Benefits

Hello folks… This is shiv here one of the reader of ISS like you all… After reading several stories here I thought to share my experience too… I’m here to narrate my 1st sexperience… The intro part is a bit lengthy so please bear it patiently… This story is about me and my dear friend… About me… I’m good looking guy… Height about 5.10 feet and to be frank a bit average built body… Born and brought up in delhi but for some reasons came to jaipur… And now about the angel of this story… Her name...

4 years ago
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Best Friends With Benefits

We met at work. When I first saw her, I thought, typical hot girl stuck up bitch. She was clearly the best looking girl in the plant and she surely knew it. It was my first day, I was by no means up to her speed on the line. I was surprised how kind and patient she was with me. She was nice to everyone and as it turned out, has no idea how gorgeous she is. I found out that she lives just around the corner from me so I offered to drive her home. She was very grateful for the ride and felt a...

3 years ago
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Best Friends With Benefits

We met at work. When I first saw her, I thought, typical hot girl stuck up bitch. She was clearly the best looking girl in the plant and she surely knew it. It was my first day, I was by no means up to her speed on the line. I was surprised how kind and patient she was with me. She was nice to everyone and as it turned out, has no idea how gorgeous she is. I found out that she lives just around the corner from me so I offered to drive her home. She was very grateful for the ride and felt a...

1 year ago
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Friends with benefits

I'd known Jason since we were in third grade. I knew he'd had a crush on me for a long time, but I thought of him as more of a brother through school. We were very good friends. I dated a lot through high school and into college. Jason had the occasional girlfriend, but really don't date much and when he did it didn't last long. When I broke up with my boyfriend in college, Jason and I hung out a lot. I got real comfortable around him and would even change my clothes in front of him without...

2 years ago
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Friends With Benefits

David A. has several lovers. They all fall under the category "friends with benefits." You might call David "polyamorous." David has been married twice and had long-term relationships in the past. At this period in his life, multiple lovers, or polyamory, is what he is comfortable with. He is good friends with all the women he sleeps with and there is no deception or jealousy on anyone's part.Currently, David has three lovers, all younger than himself. The first one, who is almost 20 years...

Straight Sex
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Friends With Benefits

I have been wanting to write for long but just got down to it. So please bear with me as I am a new writer and all comments are welcome. This is part true and part fantasy and goes slow so don’t expect a ‘wham bam thank you ma’am’ sex story. I had just got done with college, I was 22 and was waiting before I could start working. My neighbour’s daughter K (will call her K) was had just finished her school and was joining college, she was 18. We were good friends and K was excited to tell me that...

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Wifey makes friends with benefits

The wifey was looking to make some long term friends with benefits. Whoring around for one night stands gets to be a good deal of work. She wanted something that was easier to manage, get in get out move on. Tonight she was going out to meet someone for their first date. The met on xhamster's friends page. He was apparently a well hung black guy. Aren't they all according to their profile pics? I was to stay at home. She promised to text updates. We were both excited. We had been a cuck couple...

3 years ago
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Friends With Benefits

David A. has several lovers. They all fall under the category ‘friends with benefits.’ You might call David ‘polyamorous.’ David has been married twice and had long-term relationships in the past. At this period in his life, multiple lovers, or polyamory, is what he is comfortable with. He is good friends with all the women he sleeps with and there is no deception or jealousy on anyone’s part. Currently, David has three lovers, all younger than himself. The first one, who is almost 20 years...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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rother In-law With Benefitsby Mannydcamp ([email protected])***A cute story about a wife and young brother in-law that get way too close. (F/m-teen, exh, ped, rom, inc, 1st, adultery)***A special thanks to Brad who now attends the University of Minnesota for making this amazing evening come to life.My story I guess starts when I met my husband and his brother Brad. At the age of 12 Brad was 13 years our junior. During the two years my husband and I dated I got to know brad quite well. He...

2 years ago
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Strangers To Friends With Benefits

Hey this is Nik here age 24 this is a real life incident no friction work I am writing for the first time so please excuse me for the mistakes. This story is about a average guy and girl who are strangers and how they turn best fuck buddies. Guy is my Nik and girl is Anisha a pretty angel with lovely smile and smoking hot figure. Hope you guys girls and ladies would enjoy. It was month for March I was traveling back from noida to Nasik and lost my phone in journey. After getting back to Nasik I...

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Fringe Benefits

Driving into the driveway this house looked pretty promising. The ad was about a garage apartment and the house had a three car garage so it should be pretty large. Dan parked his car, got out and headed for the front door. Knocking on the door he was glancing around taking in the nicely manicured lawn and fantastic landscaping. The door swung open and Dan was struck a little speechless. Standing before him was one of the sexiest women he had ever seen. Dark auburn hair and green eyes. ...

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"I hope this apartment is nice" Dan thought. He had been looking at apartments all day and had seen some real shit holes. This apartment was a little more expensive than what he had planned, but it would be worth it. He had to start work on Monday and it was already Saturday. The new job he was starting in Flagstaff hadn't given him much notice, it was a great opportunity, but it was all such a rush.Driving into the driveway this house looked pretty promising. The ad was about a garage...

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Fringe Benefits

“I hope this apartment is nice” Khan thought. He had been looking at apartments all day and had seen some real shit holes. This apartment was a little more expensive than what he had planned, but it would be worth it. He had to start work on Monday and it was already Saturday. The new job he was starting in Flagstaff hadn’t given him much notice, it was a great opportunity, but it was all such a rush. Driving into the driveway this house looked pretty promising. The ad was about a garage...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Friends with Great benefits

Like I was telling you in my other story, I had met Randy. He was a young hunk that cruised the strip and ran his car fast to show off. We would hook up now and then and the sex was always amazing. He was living with his Mom at the time, mainly due to money situations. I had met her and we got along great, so it was nothing for me to stop by. He worked on my car for me at times. So for us to head out to the garage was nothing new either. I had a more than annoying friend named Terry who was...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Friends With Benefits

Hello everyone. I am 21 male from Ahmadabad doing my internship as a journalist with a reputed media company. I am a reader turned author. Yes, I have been reading stories on this site since so long but it is now, at this moment when I decided to not just read other’s experience but also share my own. :) So, let me give you a brief idea about how I look so that you can imagine well while reading the story. I am 5’11 athletic built body, dark shiny hairs, wheatish skin tone and brown eyes...

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Teaching Benefits

Teaching has great benefits that far outweigh the costs. I know that not everybody enjoys those benefits in the same way, but there is a thrill that comes when your students "get it." When that light bulb goes on over their head and you can see that what you've tried to share has been received, there is a sense of incredible happiness that floods your soul and lets you know that you have done well. Of course, there are other benefits, as well, that extend beyond the altruistic. When I...

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Friends with Benefits

Friends (with benefits) "Hang on... hang on, I'm coming..." I said cinching the towel around my waist, water dripping on the carpet. The knocking was incessant. This had better be an emergency. "What is it?" I asked, swinging the door open in annoyance, ready to punch whatever insurance salesman it was that thought it necessary to interrupt my shower. I immediately realized that the person on the other side of my threshold wasn't trying to sell me insurance at all. "Look," I...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

4 years ago
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Melanies Discipline Regime Unforeseen Benefits

The routine was well established. Claire operated the ‘Zero-tolerance-no-second-chance’ discipline regime, which Melanie readily accepted.Melanie was eighteen years old and had tricked her step-mum into changing grounding and time-out to an instant over-her-knee bare-bottom spanking with scolding before, during and afterwards. Melanie preferred the immediate, albeit painful, discipline to the arduous grounding which was normally up to seven days with the occasional longer period, and even a...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

1 year ago
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Pledging Tau Geta Delta Part 4 Friendly Benefits

Pledging Tau Geta Delta - Part 4 - Friendly Benefits By Farleven Waking up as a girl was always a bit disturbing. For a moment, I forgot why my chest was a jiggling and why my crotch was empty. The shock would shoot through me in that fog of my waking mind and send me reeling until my memories caught up with my instincts. This morning that process was short circuited when I felt my arm was wrapped around some guy's chest. The rest of the sensations flooded into me. My breasts were...

3 years ago
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Cook Becomes A Friend With Benefits

My wife had moved into a new job which required her to travel a fair bit, about 1-2 weeks out of town a month. We’d been married for 3 years and didnt have any kids yet. Thus such a travel heavy job was easy to manage. Usually her travel schedule would require her to visit her company’s Chennai and Bangalore offices and would either require her to spend a week at each office one after the other, or spend a week at either of the office. We had a good support system of maids (Melissa, the cook...

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Friends With Benefits

Jamie and Diane had worked together for nine years. There had always been a little sexual tension between them, but she was married and he had a girl friend, so it was more flirtatious fun than smoldering passion. Little did she know that was about to change... One day, they were standing around talking during a break in the action, and she told him how much her shoulders hurt. Jamie mentioned that he'd had some training as a healer and offered to see what he could do. Expecting some kind of...

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Friend with Painful Benefits

I met Sheryl about 10 years ago, when she married my older cousin Dan. I was impressed, because she was very attractive and seemed very together. It was surprising, because while Dan was a fine looking guy, he was pretty much a loser. This was her 2nd marriage. Sheryl was in her late 30's, had a pretty face and long dark blonde hair. The day I met her, she was wearing a red tank top which showed off her fit arms and shoulders. She wore tight black cotton pants which showed off her nice tight...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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A new friend with benefits

So I had been chatting with a guy online for almost a year. He was several years older than me and he was the ideal fuck buddy that I was hoping to find. I’m 5’10” weigh 175lbs, mostly smooth and I am a clean and horny bottom. I had only been with four different guys ever, two of those were long term fuck buddies. I had gotten used to having a nice cock coated with silicone lube sliding into my ass and shooting a warm load of sperm as deep as possible. My first fuck buddy was a corporate guy...

Gay Male
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Copyright ©2005. All rights reserved. Caveat lector. "What are you staring at?" she asked calmly, knowing full well what he was staring at. Startled, he tore his eyes away and looked toward her face. He could feel his eyes being pulled inexorably downward again and fought the urge with every ounce of willpower he could find, but it was not enough. When she had entered his office for her interview, he thought he heard some soft talking and a giggle from outside the door. He had an important...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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