Never Been Born free porn video

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"Man, it's about time; I thought you were going to be here a half-hour ago-" Eric stopped, mid-sentence, as his ex-girlfriend Kelly stood in the doorway. This was not who he expected. Eric took in the sight of her. More unexpected then her arrival, was her clothing. Kelly leaned against the door-frame with the afternoon daylight shining around her, displaying as much skin as could possibly be legal. A skimpy schoolgirl-themed costume barely contained her. "Eric, aren't you going to invite me in?" Eric fumbled for some words to offer in return and, failing that, wordlessly stepped to the side. Kelly brushed past Eric nonchalantly and turned to face him, her hands on her hips. Eric allowed himself a moment to take it all in. Kelly's blonde hair was tied up in twin ponytails. Streaks of black dye blazed trails through it. Her lips were a deep shade of red. The sleeves of her white dress-shirt were rolled up, and the tails were tied in a knot just under her cleavage. Her abdomen was exposed, toned and smooth. Her plaid, pleated skirt swayed a bit as a breeze swept through the entryway, teasing Eric with the briefest glimpse of white bikini briefs. Her sheer white stockings stretched from thigh to toe, wrapped snugly in a gloss-black pair of heels. "Well?" she asked, expectantly. Eric's eyebrows narrowed. His mouth opened, closed again. He really didn't know what to say. The last time they had been together was not a joyful affair, and if luck had been kind, Eric had never expected to see Kelly again. And yet here she was in his dining room, straight out of a wet dream. "Kelly, I... was expecting someone else. Dave and I, we made plans to see a movie," he offered weakly. Eric finally closed the front door. Turning, he blurted it out; "Why are you here?" Their break-up had been messy, as had been everything about their relationship. It was part of Kelly's personality. She was confident, and sexy, and wild in the bedroom. But she was also vindictive, and demanding, and bitchy. Hugely bitchy. More than once, Kelly had dumped him - on the spot - over small disagreements that Kelly blew way out of proportion. Eric would always be secretly relieved. But the next day usually found them back in Eric's room, "working out" their differences and screaming each other's names. Then there was Kelly's morbid fascination with the occult. Death, and witchcraft, and rituals. Kelly usually kept quiet about that part of her life, but Eric occasionally... found things, here and there. Books. Trinkets. Fur. Teeth. Occasionally, Kelly would get mad at a rude waitress or an incompetent salesperson and mutter casually, "I should put a curse on them tonight." It weirded Eric out immensely. It was a rollercoaster, and like any good rollercoaster that included intense sex, it had been fun for quite a while. Eventually, though, Eric couldn't handle her intensity anymore. He tried to break it off gently; to give her a little more courtesy than she had given to him during all their past "breakups." It was the first and only time Eric had ever been the one dumping her; he had braced himself for a total meltdown. Instead, her gaze had been as cold as ice. She had leaned in and hissed quietly into his ear, "You'll be sorry." As she walked away, her parting words had been yelled flippantly over her shoulder, "I'll make you wish you'd never been born!" Back in his dining room, Eric couldn't help but feel a bit guarded about her presence. There was absolutely no way he was getting sucked back into a relationship with her. But as she stood before him, it was also becoming harder to hide the erection growing steadily in his jeans. Was that outfit really necessary? Kelly cocked her hip to the side. "It's been a while, Eric. You don't seem happy to see me." Her lip puffed out into a mock pout and her eyes drifted down to his crotch. Eric crossed his hands in front of his jeans. Her pout quickly peeled skyward. "...Or are you?" She laughed lightly, her voice at once melodic and magnetic to Eric. "Kelly..." "Hush, Eric. I would think it's pretty obvious why I'm here." She caressed her sides with her hands, swiveling her hips. "It's been weeks since I've had a chance to satisfy my needs, and I've developed a bit of an itch. I want you to scratch it for me." Eric eyed her apprehensively. His hips twitched at the thought. "Look, I appreciate the gesture, but..." Kelly strode forward and brought one hand up to Eric's face, tracing a finger up along his cheek. "You obviously like what you see." Her other hand stretched down to caress the front of his jeans, tickling the back of his cock. Eric's eyes rolled up and his jaw stretched as he groaned softly. Kelly smiled knowingly. "Don't read more into this than what it is. Come on; let's just have a bit of fun. I got dressed up just for you." With a quick motion, she turned and - before he could protest - had pulled him by the wrist into his living room, yanking him past her and dumping him unceremoniously onto the couch. Eric fell flat, his back against the seat cushions. He didn't have the willpower to fight this; he didn't really want to. Kelly straddled him and between her skirted, spread legs, Eric could see her plain white panties were becoming translucent and sticking to her skin. Her excitement showed. She lifted her skirt so Eric could see as she ground her panties against his bulging jeans. She bent down and pressed her cherry lips against his mouth, feeding her tongue into it and sucking on him. Eric's mind was awash in the sensations of her soft skin and sweet perfume. He breathed deeply of her. Kelly wiggled back, unbuttoning Eric's jeans and pulling them down his legs. His cock sprang free, standing upright and begging for attention. It bobbed with every heartbeat. Kelly lowered her head towards it slowly, brushing back a rogue strand of hair and parting her lips as though she was about to take her first drink of water for days. Her lips pressed against the tip, allowing its thickness to slowly part them further. Her mouth slid tantalizingly down his length. Eric could feel her tongue rubbing the underside of his dick all the way down. Kelly managed to take about half of him in, before slowing and sliding back up. As she reached the top, she dropped down again, taking in an extra couple inches of length. The view from Eric's perspective was incredible. His head flopped backwards for a second as he relished in the feeling, but he loved to watch too much to look away for long. Eric could see Kelly's breasts clearly; they were pressed tightly together by her white shirt, and he could see all the way down her cleavage as they hung below her. Her shoulders rolled like a cat as she bobbed her head up and down on his shaft. Soon, her lips lifted away from the tip with a wet pop. "I told you you'd be sorry. Are you sorry now?" she whispered seductively as she pulled her panties to the side and inched her pussy closer to his pelvis. Eric said the only thing he could think of. "God yes. Absolutely." Kelly narrowed her eyes and smiled that maddening smile again, lifting her hips to hover just over the head of Eric's cock. She rubbed the folds of her pussy over the tip, biting her lower lip and closing her eyes. She held her breath for just a moment and finally plunged her dripping pussy down firmly to the base. Eric couldn't help it; he cried out happily. Kelly leaned forward and placed her hands on Eric's arms, holding him in place as she rode him. "Yeah, you're sorry now, aren't you? Ahh! My little Eric is - oh! sorry and needs to be punished." Eric moaned in agreement, not really listening. "Are you sorry for dumping me, baby? Do you wish you'd never been born?" Kelly teased him as she continued to slide up and down. "Yeahhhh..." Eric groaned. The taunting was a little weird, but Kelly's cunt felt tight and warm; he pushed those thoughts aside. Kelly brought her head down to his ear as she swiveled her hips. "Say it, sweetie. Tell me how you wish you'd never been born," she whispered. Eric had no idea what that even meant, but the dirty talk was still exciting, so he decided to humor her, between waves of pleasure. "I wish... ohhh... I wish I was never born. Just keep going." Kelly sat up again, squeezing her breasts together under her schoolgirl's shirt, and began to hump him earnestly. She rolled her head back a bit and began mumbling to herself, rubbing her breasts and squeezing them. Eric loved to see her playing with them. Kelly continued to mumble and moan with her eyes closed. The sensation was becoming overwhelming for Eric. It just felt so good. A feeling of disorientation washed over him, like all the blood had left his head and swept down to his groin. The room seemed to shift around him, almost like it was growing. Eric's shirt felt loose. His arms felt tired. Kelly seemed even more dominating than she used to; she seemed bigger from this perspective, towering over him and riding him. He reached up to place his hands on her hips, and was shocked to see the sleeves of his shirt hanging loosely from his arms. He had to outstretch his arms fully to reach her waist. "What the...!" Eric sputtered between gasps. Kelly opened her eyes and looked down at him, smiling again. "Oh, you look soo cute!" she exclaimed. "You're turning out perfectly!" She reached down and grabbed the bottom of his shirt, lifting it up over his head like a mother would to her child. Eric blinked with his shirt off, looking down at his body. His body hair was gone, and his arms and chest had lost their usual muscular definition. He looked like a young teenager. He felt frail. Even as he watched, his skin began to take on a thin layer of fat, like a child's. Kelly giggled in delight as she slid her pussy up and down his dick. "Oh my god, what are you doing?!" Eric tried to push Kelly off him, but she was much bigger than him now, and his muscles had all but disappeared. He was completely pinned by this vixen milking his cock. He struggled as he looked down at his dick; it didn't seem to be any different. It actually looked huge to him now, on his smaller body. Eric's shock at the transformation did nothing to reduce its hardness. Even as his body was shrinking and regressing, the pleasure clouded his fright of the situation. Eric could feel a pressure building in his balls. His protests faded into uncontrolled moans as he lost his ability to focus on anything else. Kelly noticed his change in behavior. "Ohh, baby. Are you ready? It looks like it's almost time." She quickened her pace, breathing heavily and yelping occasionally when her clit ground against his pelvis. "No," Eric groaned in his small voice, between gasps. His climax had reached its final climb. He could feel the orgasm stirring in his balls. He'd reached the point of no return and there was no way to get the now- gigantic Kelly off him. He looked up and could see Kelly's massive tits hanging over him. It only turned him on more. Finally, he cried out, his cock twitched and his balls lifted, and he began spraying seed directly into Kelly. Kelly could feel his cum flowing into her as she reached her own orgasm, twitching and screaming above him. Eric's cum continued flowing into her without any sign of stopping. Suddenly his transformation quickened, and he looked on in horror as his perspective drew closer and closer to Kelly's wet pussy. His cock twitched and sprayed, and Kelly's pussy hungrily drank it all. Kelly's stomach began to swell subtly. Her vagina grew larger and larger to Eric as he continued to shrink towards it. It filled his vision. Eric tried to scream, but what came out barely sounded like a squeak. Kelly's pussy opened further and consumed him, and all he could see was darkness. He was enveloped in her warmth. Kelly looked down at her swollen belly, caressing it lovingly. Below her was a wet mess of secretions, but she was still recovering from her orgasm, too exhausted to care. She could feel Eric inside her womb. She estimated she was about six months along. The doorbell rang, and Kelly finally stood. She pulled her panties back over her sopping crotch and strode to answer the door. Her tightly-swollen belly swayed back and forth as she walked. "Hello, Dave." David stared on in wonderment as his new girlfriend Kelly showed off her sexy pregnant belly. "Oh my god, it really worked? The spell regressed him?" Kelly pulled him inside. "Yes. But there's one more stage. I need your help for this part." She winked at him. Dave felt slightly guilty for helping Kelly trick his friend like this, but the way Kelly described it, he totally needed to be taught a lesson. Besides, Kelly told him the process was 'extremely pleasurable.' When it was all over, maybe Eric would even wind up thanking him for the experience. Hopefully. Back in the dining room, Kelly tugged on the knot that tied her shirt in the middle. Her shirt slipped open and she shrugged it off behind her. Magnificent tits hung suspended in front of her, perfectly shaped, and swollen from pregnancy. She reached down to her skirt, tugging it open and letting it slip down her legs. She pinched each side of her soaked, stretched panties and guided them to the floor. She stood and stepped out of the pile of clothing, wearing only a pair of thigh-high white stockings and black heels. David was rock solid as he quickly fumbled with his clothes, removing them and tossing them to the side. Kelly stepped over to the dining-room table, bending over it and lifting one knee up to the table as she pushed her ass out behind her. David quickly approached behind her, gripping her hips and sliding easily into her moist folds. Kelly squealed and laughed from the feeling of being filled again, her swollen belly pressed against the table. Dave pumped in and out of her like an animal, fucking her harder than he'd fucked anyone before. He could feel energy swirling inside her, around his dick. It felt like it was massaging him. Inside Kelly's womb, a formless Eric had no sense of what was happening in the outside world. Even though his world was hot and dark, he could feel things shifting again. His sense of being began to swirl like a funnel, as he was drawn down toward Kelly's pussy again. Something thrust in and out of her entrance as Eric swirled towards it. Kelly's swollen stomach began to recede again as she was fucked relentlessly. She could feel the changes inside her as she screamed out in ecstasy. The clock ticked back on her pregnancy, and soon her stomach was almost normal again - only a slight pudge remained above her pelvis. Dave felt the energy surging around his dick and permeating into the tip. He continued thrusting, the feelings only enhanced with every passing second. He could feel the energy entering him through the tip of his cock, travelling into his body and moving down to his balls. His testicles began to swell as Kelly's stomach was once again pulled taught and flat. She bucked her hips into him and his balls grew to the size of oranges. Finally they could swell no more and Kelly slowed her pace, pushing Dave off of her and turning to face him. "Is he... is he in me now?" Dave asked, filled with wonder. He rubbed and pulled his balls gently. He reveled in the full sensation they provided. "Yes he is. He's just a twinkle in your eye now. All that's left is to 'finish' the process." Kelly stepped up to Dave and wrapped her arms around his neck. "And he'll be back to normal?" "Impregnate me, and the whole reversal process should take about an hour. I'll re-birth him and he'll grow back into his normal form. He'll think twice before he messes with someone like me again." The prospect of it all kept Dave hard throughout the entire conversation. Now Kelly lifted her leg again, facing him, and wrapped her heel around his back, plunging her sopping pussy onto him again. Dave grabbed her hips and helped her glide up and down. They made wet slapping noises as their bodies met over and over. Dave groaned loudly. He could feel the energies moving again in his balls. The thought of his friend Eric as nothing more than a mess of semen brought him close to the edge. He groaned and grunted, trying to hold back his orgasm. Suddenly, something evil flashed in Kelly's eyes. She could see Dave nearing his climax and slammed her pussy down harder, waiting for just the right moment... Dave reached his plateau. He let out one final long groan and looked on in horror as Kelly suddenly lifted off of him and dropped to her knees. She gripped his shaft forcefully and jerked him twice, three times, opening her mouth like a porn star. Dave was helpless to stop it; he unloaded the entire contents of his balls onto her face. Globs of thick semen splashed onto her cheeks and tits; into her mouth and in her hair. Kelly leaned her head forward, taking David's cock into her mouth, swallowing more and more of his cum as it kept flowing. Dave's balls shrank, the tension in them slowly relaxing as Kelly gulped down all the fluid she could. Once she had sucked him dry, she looked up at him with the best doe-eyed look she could muster, tracing her finger through some of the extra cum around her nipples. Dave stood there - in utter shock - as he looked at the devil that had just destroyed his friend's existence. Kelly grinned wickedly as she licked more cum off her finger. Her lips parted with a loud, wet 'smack.' Dave collapsed to the ground, out cold. 'Guess that asshole got his wish,' she thought to herself. 'Maybe he should have chosen his words a bit differently around a witch.'

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It wasn't going away. It had come before, and it had always gone away before, but this time seemed different somehow. This time it was heavier, lingering longer, filling up more of the empty spaces around her life. It was seeping through all of the uncaulked cracks in her psyche and was running down the walls of her brain. The cloud had taken on an almost physical form around her. It sat on her eyelids and made them heavy. It rested upon her shoulders and forced her to slump. Although she...

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Guineveres Dirty Little Secret

The sky looked like somebody had taken a white pebble board, masked it off, put some ultramarine blue in a thin wash, then dropped some Payne's grey into it. The close foreground of the sky was a dark and angry mixture of blue and grey; almost black, fading into a soft grey at the tops of the trees in the distant. The hunter green trees bled into the sky, creating an image of incoming rain in the distance. About a third of the way up from the bottom of the painting, silver over red greyhound...

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Becky was born

Hello everybody, my name is Becky, this is the story of how I was born.I was 16 when I first started cross-dressing back in the seventies. I had been accosted by a man and masturbated him in the men’s washroom in the park. I still remember what he said about me. He said I looked so much like a girl even though I was a boy. After that happened, that statement stuck in my head. A little time after that, with that statement still floating around up in my head, I decided I would dress as a girl and...

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My life with Steph and her sister Chapter 2 A woman is born

Chapter 2 A woman is born I didn’t see Steph at all on Sunday nor did I phone her, in fact it was Monday lunchtime at work before I had a chance to see her. I felt a bit apprehensive because of what had happened on Saturday night, although she was fine when I left her I thought that given time to think about what I’d done she’d have second thoughts about us. I felt I should have at least phoned her on Sunday even though we both new we hadn’t planned to see or speak to each other until...

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Another Analslut is Born

Hi my name is Anna and today i’m gonna tell you the story of my first analsex experience. I was a Teenager and had lost my virginity a few weeks ago, I liked it much, but since then I had no sex with another man or the guy who took my virginity. Me and some friends of mine where on a party, I was a bit d***k and wanted realy to fuck… or at least suck a cock. Eventually I ended up with a guy in a room. After a few kisses it took of his pants and started too jerk his cock and it got realy...

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A Slut is Born

A Slut is Born There I was, one week before the end of high school. Going to college in the fall. Nice car, good f****y, friends. I had it all. So, what was I doing on my hands and knees in a video booth on the wrong side of town, dressed as a cheerleader with a cock in each hand, one in my ass and one buried in my throat? It had all started a few months ago. I was locked out of my house in the pouring rain, and I went over to our neighbor’s to see if I could hang out with him until my...

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How TV Ginger was born

How did I get into all this TV stuff in the first place?I had been into crossdressing from an early age and realised I was attracted to men when I first went to an all-boys school. I didn't have my first experience while crossdressed until later in my teens. It was frightening but began a lifelong desire to be used by hung men.My best friend at that time lived on the other side of town in a large 3 storey Victorian terraced house. His parents were regular churchgoers and considered pillars of...

1 year ago
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A Sissy is Born

sissy – lingerie – lipstick – male dom – male submissive – bra – panties – thigh-high stockings – cum slutI've been waiting for this day for a couple of weeks now. We've been exchanging e-mails, trying to come up with a plan that works for both of us. You placed an ad on Craigslist looking for a cock sucker. I answered it. One problem though, neither of us can host. Now I'm waiting for you at Viaduct Park in Bedford, OH.I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me back up a little. You didn't want just...

2 years ago
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A Slut is Born

A Slut is BornThere I was, one week before the end of high school. Going to college in the fall. Nice car, good family, friends. I had it all. So, what was I doing on my hands and knees in a video booth on the wrong side of town, dressed as a cheerleader with a cock in each hand, one in my ass and one buried in my throat?It had all started a few months ago. I was locked out of my house in the pouring rain, and I went over to our neighbor’s to see if I could hang out with him until my parents...

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The Day Jennifer Was Born

The day jennifer was born It all started when I broke up with my girlfriend. I was at the bar with my friend mike whom I have known for the past 15 years. After about our 5th beer, mike asked me hey could I do him a favor. Well I have never turned mike down for anything so I said sure. So we left the bar and headed to his lab at the university. We got inside and asked me to sit down in the chair. He went off into another part of the lab to get something. About 5 minutes later he...

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Another Analslut is Born

Hi my name is Anna and today i'm gonna tell you the story of my first analsex experience.I was a Teenager and had lost my virginity a few weeks ago, I liked it much, but since then I had no sex with another man or the guy who took my virginity. Me and some friends of mine where on a party, I was a bit drunk and wanted realy to fuck... or at least suck a cock. Eventually I ended up with a guy in a room. After a few kisses it took of his pants and started too jerk his cock and it got realy hard...

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Ms Americana The slut is born

Ms. Americana story this time. I?m still experimenting with different form of stories, plots etc, searching for the formula that fits me the most. If you have any thoughts, don?t be afraid to write at: [email protected]. Americana belongs to Mr. X Ms. Americana: A slut is born Ms. Americana almost finished her usual night patrol through the Delta City. She kicked some pimps and criminals, saved two innocent girls from rape and found a hideout of the famous bank robbers. It was fruitful...

2 years ago
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A Master is Born

A Master is BornPrologueThe year was 1968. I had just celebrated my 20th birthday. As a reward for scholastic excellence, my father arranged for me to accompany him to the West Coast on business. It began an adventure that would change my life forever... . .During each business day, my father's time was consumed with endless meetings, none of which held any interest for me at all. It was the evenings I lived for.Our host, a very wealthy businessman, invited us to his home located just off the...

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A sniffer is born

?A sniffer is born?(this is a story based on my first experience. All names have been changed, the rest is all but true even if i put some style writing to make it interesting)She was waiting for him to come. She thinks everything is prepared so she can really enjoy what was coming. She (let's call her Cindy) was a 17 years old, tall pretty girl with brown hair and a really nice ass. After finish prepare herself, she was wearing tight thin cotton pants without panties. She put on some music...

4 years ago
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Kinks Are Made Not Born

KINKS ARE MADE NOT BORN? by Lewis Chappelle Bradley Duncan Springstadt Milikan, III was the only child of his namesake and Mildred Milikan, one of the most influential and moneyed, yet unheralded, couple in the adultmovie business. His parents were private people and took extraordinary measures to protect their young son, including having him schooled by private tutors, coddled by hovering nannies, and protected by uniformed guards. His childhood playmates were also from well-to-do...

1 year ago
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A Star Is Born

Author’s Note: This is a short contribution to the 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover event. Thank you, Nora and Bebop for the invite. My thanks to the mythical swimsuit models of Sports Illustrated and to the many shapes, sizes, and colors of TaTa University, their input made this a much better story. Also a special nod to those that edited my story as well. Note: There’s no sex in this story, just a cheating wife. It certainly doesn’t break any new ground but hopefully, you’ll enjoy! “Lamar?” A...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Amanda LustChapter 13 A Star Is Born

Mark took Willow by the hand, "Come on and let's go exploring. This is a fantastic place." They wandered around outside and stood watching as one of the trout, then another leaped into the air to snap a bug. Suddenly a goldfish came up to do the same. It was almost full dark and the lights over the pool attracted every flying insect in the area. Willow looked around at their magical surroundings. "I never saw anything like this place before. I never believed they really existed except as...

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For The Manor Born

The day was muggy and hot, midsummer and the sun was beginning to show itself in the sky overhead. I was mucking out the stables and preparing the masters horses for a day of riding with his beautiful lady. It had become almost a tradition over the last few years since they were betrothed on the eve of Erastide . The whole county had come to pay their respects to m’Lady of Edenshire. The old master had really outdone himself with this marriage for not only had he married a beautiful lady of...

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At 28, my life was shit. Although having a good job in marketing, a great Southern Cal education, a sweet husband, pleasant home, on and on I was miserably unhappy. This is a time when most women my age begin reading self help books, trashy novels and join groups with letters for names. This feeling had become almost unbearable over the last six months. Telling myself I must snap out of these doldrums and telling the secretary I was leaving early due to an upset stomach. I headed home...

4 years ago
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Conquered and Reborn

Conquered and Reborn By Astrid Bassira There are some people that say I have had a lucky life, usually those who talk behind my back but I am a success because I also have talent and good looks. Some people say I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, wealthy family, the best schools and then Oxford University where I achieved enough to be able to take over the business from my ailing father. Steve Jones, my best friend, was my financial brain and business partner while I...

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A slut is born

This is my first story and I hope you like it. If I see positive responses I'll write some more. have fun ***************************************************************************************** “Amy wake up”. Three loud knocks on the door. “Amy are you in there”? The knoking continued. “time to go to class”. I hate waking up in a rush. “I'm up Jenny, I'm up, god can you be any louder”? I heard giggles from outside my bedroom door. “Today is my birthday so you have to...

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Keilys PlantChapter 4 The Newborn

More days passed. Connie, one of the younger girls, was mounting the large pod. She had a wide tentacle buried in her ass and an even wider one entrenched in her pussy. She was hopping frenetically as her head bounced freely over her shoulders. Both phalluses were vibrating inside of her body, providing her exhilarating pleasure. She was bucking up and down, then back and forward so strongly, that it seemed the poor girl was going to break apart. Suddenly, the huge cocoon below her collapsed...

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Broken Birds Part 19 Kat Reborn

Kat Reborn Alice and Kat spent many hours together after her meltdown. The women understood. Kat had finally broken through the scars of denial, pain and humiliation and now had to learn to deal with the hideous reality of what had been done to her. Michael could not swim with his stitches, so he spent time in his gym, practicing old skills. He was working on the heavy bag when Lynne came in. He was dressed in workout pants, and athletic shoes. He was naked above his waist and...

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Dawn reborn

DAWN REBORNDawn Carson sat at the neatly laid table at the back of the restaurant feeling worried, yet with some excitement. Why mixed emotions? Partly because she had never done anything like this before. Thirty-four years old, separated from her husband for nine months, and here she was waiting to meet a man she did not know, who could be bedding her by the end of the evening. And she had set it up herself.Her simple black cocktail dress with two narrow straps that left her tanned shoulders...

Group Sex
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Lilith Reborn

There have always been those who delve into the occult. That would be an understatement for the "Covenant of Lust," a group of Lilith worshipers from around the globe. This group has members from all social classes and walks of life, but all share one common trait: complete reverence for their "goddess." Today is a special day for the Covenant. Months of planning and organizing have led to this grand moment. Deep in an abandoned quarry in Pennsylvania, the Covenant's "Arch-demon" makes the...

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Ye Olde Body Shoppe Reborn

Here is a TG/AR story that I wrote. I'll admit that it isn't one of my best efforts, but hey, I'm working my way through severe writers' block. Besides, enough people on the list have bashed the usual subject matter of which I write, that it's put a chilling effect on it. I see that it's starting all over again, right on schedule, in response to a part of the Body Chemistry story. Ye Olde Body Shoppe: Reborn! by Raven My boss, Henri St. Pierre, was there when I got the bad news. ...

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Meredith Reborn

Meredith Reborn By Amanda McCree "Making that call en femme as Meredith was the best idea I ever had," Richard thought to himself. Richard Tucker was very pleased with himself, and he had good reason to be. All his work to pass as Meredith had paid off. The income from this one call would cover his overhead for the next two years. He was almost dizzy with the impact of the figures. He was practically set for life. Dressing as Meredith had made the difference. "Here's your...

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Remade and Reborn

Remade and Reborn by His Servant Chapter 1. Introduction Hi, my name is George. Well, it was George. No, I think it will always be George. Oh, that's right, you don't know me. I'll have to tell you a little bit about myself. It all began before I was born. You see mom and dad loved each other very much. They got married and did what, well you know, married people do. Oops, maybe that's a little too far back. I'll go ahead and fast forward a bit to a time about two or three...

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Majorette Reborn

Majorette: Reborn This is the continuation of the stories 'Majorette' (parts 1-3), and 'Marshals: Iris'. Foreword notes: I apologize most profusely for the myriad of character names in advance. Also, if it seems that characters of a given code name die, only to show up later, it's because other folks have taken up that name. Most notably, a secondary character 'Stellar'. Please note that I have marked chapters with flashback with bolded dates. Any chapter not starting with a date...

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For Friends and Family Nichola Reborn

For Friends and Family - Nichola is Reborn I lay there for a second luxuriating in the amazing orgasm Amy had just teased me to; I realised that I had achieved this orgasm without getting a complete erection, as my penis was constrained by my silicon vagina. Amy brought me out of my reverie kissing and fondling me, I turned to her and whispered, "Your turn now," kissing her and feeling those magnificent breasts of hers. She gave a gentle moan as her nipples got even harder as I...

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Wife reborn

Hi friends. My name is Anoushka (name changed) and I often read comments on this blog about various experiences written and shared by women and girls. I too had a life changing experience which I thought I should share with you friends. It is a long event but I will try to write it as short as possible. I am 41 years old and my hubby, Arvind is 42. We got married fifteen years back and have a son who is thirteen now. Ours was a love marriage. We were in the same stream and after a brief...

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